#then why does he get the support? why does he get go be told that no its fine your a child?
5sospenguinqueen · 2 days
Pocket Money Pt 2 | Lance Stroll x Reader
Summary: After some time apart, you and Lance realise your love and future mean more than fans' hateful comments
Warnings: Swearing. Sexual innuendos? Hateful fans
Female reader. All pics found on Pinterest.
F1 Masterlist
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astonmartinf1 just posted
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astonmartinf1 fighting for points in imola. lance brings it home in P9, securing valuable points for the team #imolagp
estebanocon great race, mate
user1 lance stroll domination might bore some people
lance_stroll the car felt good this weekend. let’s keep it up, team
user2 just me or was lance looking a little happier this weekend than he has recently? 
YourUserName wonderful race result
liked by lance_stroll
→ user3 the first social media appearance we’ve had from y/n in weeks and it was in support of lance?!?! what does this mean
user5 does this mean they’re still together?
→ user6 nah he definitely dumped her ass and now she’s just trying to get him back
user7 y/n commented and lance liked it! please tell me they’re back together. most underrated but cutest couple on the grid
user8 @ YourUserName talk about trying too hard. he broke up with you, sweetie. let it go
user9 i know they’re more private but i need them to confirm they’re still together so i can sleep easy
astonmartinf1 @ YourUserName fancy paying us a visit in canada?
liked by YourUserName 
user10 talk about desperate for attention from someone who won’t give it to you @ YourUserName
user11 not a bunch of you switching up like you weren’t calling for her head on a pike
→ user12 literally, you guys are probably the reason they broke up but now you’re acting like it’s not what you wanted, and the end of the world
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astonmartinf1 just posted
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liked by YourUserName, lance_stroll and others
astonmartinf1 all ready for race day tagged: lance_stroll, fernandoalo_official, YourUserName
user13 congrats on p7 lance! 
user14 omg lance looked so happy this weekend and i bet it was because y/n was there
fernandoalo_official y/n looks far better in lance’s helmet
→ YourUserName should put me in his seat next time
→ astonmartinf1 deal
→ lance_stroll my father will hear about this
→ YourUserName okay draco malfoy
chloestroll okay but i think i just fell in love with those eyes
→ scottyjames31 why are you never this publicly obsessed with me
→ chloestroll because you’re not y/n
→ danielricciardo she is the moment
BestFriend do NOT put her in the car. girly barely passed her driving test the second time
→ YourUserName you can shade me in our messages but publicly, you’re supposed to support me
→ lance_stroll you told me you did pass the first time
→ YourUserName no, i told you i tried really hard. and you claim to listen to me
→ lance_stroll i do! 
→ YourUserName it’s okay. i’m still proud of you
→ lance_stroll and i’ll still let you behind the wheel so long as the drive is less than 10 minutes
user16 is this confirmation that they’re back together!!
→ user17 it has to be. not only is she in the paddock but she’s on an official post AND lance commented in response to her
user18 so you’re still trying to tell me she’s NOT a fame whore? she vanishes from social media after being found out as a gold digger to come back on an f1 page
→ user19 honestly, she’s disgusting. like she was caught and now she’s trying to worm her way back in
→ User9 seriously, what is your issue? lance looked happier this race than he has in weeks, and he scored some points. there’s obviously only one reason for that
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user1 agreed with @ daddynando. when you search her business, she is literally like second face you see after the ceo. she worked hard and deserves to flaunt it
→ user2 honestly. everyone talks about her being with lance for his money like she’s not loaded herself, and earnt it
→ user3 lance stroll wins for #1 wag because he’s always been so supportive of her and proud 
→ user4 excuse me but where were you people when they were still together and she was being sent a barrage of hate, causing tension between the two of them months before their wedding
user5 funny how many of you have switched your opinion since finding out y/n is in charge of running a pretty wealthy company, and has enough money to keep herself comfortable without lance
user6 i also really miss y/n and lance. they were a more lowkey couple but he was always caught in the background of driver clips staring at her
→ user7 he literally looked at her like she hung the moon
→ user8 i won’t believe in love until they get back together 
→ user9 @ user8 you’re such a hypocrite. you literally have rts from two months ago of hateful tweets about her
user10 i’m so happy other people are finally being supportive of lance and y/n
user11 the way the two of them used to gush about starting a family and growing old together but the internet had to make her feel horrible about being in love 
user12 not that i’m not happy to see all this support for y/nance. i’m just wondering where you were when she was getting death threats?
user13 omg guys, lance just posted! 
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user1 aston martin reposted this as well
→ user2 so did f1
→ user3 and mclaren, redbull and mercedes
→ user4 and danny ric, charles leclerc and a whole bunch of the grid
→ user5 they really said, we’re fed up with all of you
user6 i still can’t believe people were actually sending this poor woman death threats.
user7 people who have actually met her in the paddock say she’s the nicest person ever so idk why all you keyboard warriors thought you knew better
user8 the grid really said “not our y/n”
user9 anyone else feel like that last sentence was a bit of a threat? 
→ user10 it’s because aston martin’s legal team located one of the women who was sending the most threats and served her 
→ user11 no way! how do you know this
→ user12 my partner works within the team but there’s also a small article about it on the F1 website 
→ user13 i love that the official F1 website put this out there though because it serves as a warning to others
user14 it’s really sad that this has happened but i like that y/n is willing to be totally transparent about this in order to hopefully convince people not to repeat this behaviour towards other wags 
user15 finally! it took him long enough
→ user16 agreed
→ user17 okay but he literally starts it by saying y/n didn’t want him to say anything
→ user18 doesn’t matter, he shouldn’t have let it get this bad considering he wanted to have babies with her 
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YourUserName just posted
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liked by lance_stroll, danielricciardo and others
YourUserName here’s what you missed on glee 
user1 omg welcome back. we’ve missed you 
user2 excuse me but all the lance pictures. my favourite f1 couple are back together! 
lance_stroll my pretty girl 💚 but why did you have to post the ice-cream pic?
→ YourUserName but i also posted that hot pic with the chain 🤤
→ lance_stroll i thought we talked about that emoji
→ danielricciardo don’t try and change her
user3 woof woof (i can’t tell which of them i want to sleep with more)
user4 the height difference between the two of them
user5 okay but the black shirt and the chain. i’m starting to see what miss y/n sees him in
YourBrother dude, i do not need to see your underwear on this app. please do not post what are clearly post-sex pics
→ YourUserName they were not! we did that the night before. this was me begging him not to leave for a meeting and get back in bed. he declined :( 
→ BestFriend how dare he! 
→ lance_stroll it was an important meeting! 
→ BestFriend and she’s an important person! 
estebanocon at least lance will stop moping now
→ lance_stroll i think i was allowed to mope! the love of my life was sad and in another country 
→ user6 ladies, get a man who simps over you like lance stroll  
chloestroll um, why am i not included in this photo dump? do i mean nothing to you?
→ lance_stroll how many times do i have to tell you that you’re not her favourite stroll
→ YourUserName it’s actually lawrence 
user7 do you know what i like seeing more than happy y/n and lance? no hate comments on y/n’s post. our queen is being respected and loved as she should be 
user8 excuse me, are those wedding pics in the background
→ YourUserName oops
lance_stroll just posted
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liked by alex_albon, fernandoalo_official and others
lance_stroll 💚🤍
astonmartinf1 everybody stay calm! We are totally normal about this! 
→ user1 admin is all of us 
astonmartinf1 a huge congratulations to the newlyweds but we’re still disappointed that you didn’t have an aston martin themed wedding :( 
→ YourUserName we had an aston martin as our wedding car?
→ astonmartinf1 keep talking
→ user2 not admin acting like they didn't know this prior to y/n spilling on her recent post
YourUserName i love you, my darling husband
→ lance_stroll i love you more, my breathtaking wife. thank you for marrying me
→ user4 mom and dad 😭
→ user5 get someone who THANKS you for marrying them
danielricciardo what a beautiful day, mate. and what a gorgeous bride 
→ YourUserName no amount of compliments will make me forgive you 
→ danielricciardo i didn’t mean to! i was drunk
→ YourUserName you still kissed my husband
→ lance_stroll you promised you wouldn’t tell the internet! 
→ YourUserName i lied!
→ landonorris this marriage is off to a great start. nice work, ricciardo 
estebanocon beautiful day. beautiful couple
chloestroll have i stopped crying? not really. my baby brother and perfect sister-in-law
→ YourUserName i’m so lucky to call you my sister-in-law. although i think you’d do better as my wife ;)
→ chloestroll there’s still time
→ lance_stroll stop
→ scottyjames31 agreed
user6 i don’t understand how anyone could deny that these two truly love each other. the way they look at each other 
scottyjames31 whilst i would gladly relive this day, i’m glad it’s over so that chloe can stop asking me to pick between two identical shades of white
→ chloestroll they were different! 
landonorris could you go be ridiculously in love somewhere else?
→ lance_stroll this is my instagram?
user7 omg they still got married on their original date
YourBrother nonna says it’s time for babies now
→ lance_stroll i’m trying my best
→ danielricciardo don’t tell the internet that you’re raw dogging every night
→ YourUserName that’s it. you’re blocked
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YourUserName just posted
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liked by lance_stroll, georgerussell63 and others
YourUserName say hi to baby stroll
lance_stroll my amazing family 🥰 y/n, you have given me the best gift by being my wife, and then by being my partner in parenting. i love you 
→ YourUserName why do you insist on making me cry, my heart. i love you and our family more than anything
user8 excuse me but where was the pregnancy announcement!
chloestroll baby and the bear
→ YourUserName baby stroll loves his bobo bear more than anything 
→ chloestroll what can i say, i’m the ultimate gift giver
→ lance_stroll you gave me an old vogue magazine for my birthday last year 
→ chloestroll yes but for your 18th, i got you a hot date who eventually turned into the love of your life so i think i’m off the hook until the end of days 
→ YourUserName i only agreed to it because i thought i would be YOUR hot date @ chloestroll 
→ lance_stroll i have feelings 
user10 we get their wedding and then we get nothing until they announce a whole ass baby 
scottyjames31 am i still banned from the stroll household?
→ lance_stroll idk will you stop bringing red bull baby stuff into my house
→ scottyjames31 but then how will he show that he’s uncle scotty’s #1 supporter
→ danielricciardo and uncle danny’s 
→ lance_stroll because he’s his dad’s #1 supporter 
→ danielricciardo @ scottyjames31 this is uncle erasure 
user11 when lance told us y/n wasn’t at races for the past 5 months because she was swamped at work, what he really meant was she was hiding a baby bump from us
user12 i knew her showing up in a different team hoodie every race was more than just a running joke! 
→ landonorris she wore those because she loves mclaren! she loves us! 
→ YourUserName debatable
→ landonorris i thought being a mum was supposed to make you nicer
→ YourUserName it did but you’re not my child 
user13 i know this is gross but from doing the math, he got her pregnant on their honeymoon
→ user14 faster than he is on track 
astonmartinf1 project stroll in the making 
user15 um, mr stroll, we weren’t familiar with your game. those back muscles
→ YourUserName they’re what got me pregnant 
→ user16 um, hello mrs stroll. PR might be after you now 
→ astonmartinf1 she’s off the hook for now. we’re kind of hoping for them to make a grid’s worth of babies
→ user17 lawrence stroll ghost wrote this 
→ lance_stroll sounds like we need to get started on baby #2, sweetheart 
→ YourUserName only if you push this one out 
→ lance_stroll deal
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Hands up if you were shocked by Lance’s contract announcement today 😂 Never saw that coming
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bombuni · 2 days
the post-show high
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summary: Jongho spots you in the crowd once and can’t let go of you. Unfortunately, so does Yeosang. Good thing they don’t mind sharing. (Or Seonghwa and Hongjoong are terrible wingmen, but they get the job done.) genre/pairing: lead singer!jongho x reader x bassist!yeosang, smut, band au, ft. drummer!mingi, guitarist!hongjoong & seonghwa’s there for vibes wc: 4.8k (i have issues when it comes to jongsang) warnings: SMUT MDNI, threesome, cursing, mentions of drinking, mean!dom!jongho, soft!dom!yeosang, sub!fem!reader, fingering champions jongsang, box munching king jongho, name-calling (jongho loves sluts), edging, creampies, spit kink, degradation, finger sucking, sloppy seconds, sort of cum-eating, aftercare, idk why it gets so soft at the end bom note: i had this thought and i said ‘i must bring chino moreno jongho to life’ jongsang stans pls fw my vision. also here’s a playlist i made! i think the music they’d make in this au is very much deftones style. lmk if i missed anything for the warnings!
It’s hot.
You don’t mind supporting Hongjoong and Mingi in their musical escapades, but it’s crowded. When they’d told you they were in a band, you half-expected them to be playing in a low-down unknown bar with 2 patrons. You hadn’t expected to be crowded by fans, all (not) patiently waiting for the set to start. Seonghwa stood beside you, pouting every time he was shoved into. He looked out of place, elegant and prince-like in a sea of punk-rockers wearing crust pants and in yesterday’s makeup.
He seems at ease, though. Having been to multiple of Hongjoong’s shows at this point, he’s become accustomed to the intense pits, the broken noses, and the lingering stench of weed. The multitudes of drinks he’s been having seem to help too. You stand by and watch as his cheeks get redder and redder throughout the night.
He points his drink at you while he speaks, “You know, Hongjoong wants to set you up with the singer, Jongho. Said he seems like your type,”
You scoff at that, “No way! The last guy he tried to set me up with ended up being a total weirdo,”
Seonghwa rolls his eyes, “A foot fetish isn’t the weirdest thing out there. Besides, Yunho’s actually pretty cool,” he raises his brows at you, but continues when he sees you’re not changing your mind, “Fine. Go with my option. I wanted to set you up with their bassist. You like nice guys, right?”
The lights dim, giving you an easy out to Seonghwa’s terrible match-making ideas, “The fact you think I’m ever trusting you or Hongjoong again is laughable.”
Seonghwa can’t respond as the band steps on stage, a rush of excitement flowing through you when you see Hongjoong and Mingi in their spots. They both wave at you in the front row, Hongjoong’s smile growing extra wide when he sees Seonghwa. The bassist smiles at the crowd, his pink cheeks shining in the light. You wonder how such a cherub-looking guy ended up in a hard band like this. Though, his black tank top revealing his muscular form makes your head spin from how different his body is from his innocent-looking face.
Hongjoong seems at home on the stage, “How we doing tonight?” His hype seems to work as the crowd cheers loudly and unapologetically, “Thanks to KQ bar for having us. I’m Hongjoong, that’s Yeosang, our bassist, and we got Mingi on drums. Seems like we’re missing someone, though,”
Mingi’s voice rumbles through the microphone, “Bring Jongho out!”
The crowd seems to squish you impossibly more, their screams nearly drowning your own thoughts. Rightfully so, as the lead singer walks out with a confidence that you envy. His leather pants shine under the stage lights, and he seems to bask in the attention he gets. His smirk grows with every step he takes towards the main stage. You feel he’s cocky, and you hate that you like it.
“Hello, KQ,” He seems to command the room, silence enveloping the crowd when he speaks, “I’m glad you could make it tonight-“
Jongho scans the crowd, but he seems to pause at the sight of you. He still wears the smug look, ego wafting in the room and getting under your skin. It’s a smaller venue and you’re somewhat close, so it’s easy to tell that he’s staring at you and no one else.
He points directly at you, finger seemingly digging into your soul, “Let’s have fun tonight.”
With that, the set starts. Mingi’s drums burst through your chest, the slow start to their first song hypnotizes you. The sound of the bass is what draws you in, and you look towards Yeosang, who’s putting his entire heart into the sound. His fingers are delicate and pretty, the complete opposite to most bass players you’ve seen. They strum expertly, long digits reaching to find the right note every time. You figure they could reach anywhere.
He must feel your eyes on him. Yeosang looks up with a focused, stoic look plastered on his face as he watches the scenery. As he looks around you lock eyes with him, a shy smile growing on his face when he realizes you aren’t looking away. It seems to fuel his performance when he goes back to looking down at his bass.
The music is intense, Hongjoong and Mingi clearly pouring their passion into it. You know them and expected this fervor, but it surprises you when it comes from Jongho and Yeosang too. Jongho’s voice sends chills down your spine with every high note sung. It reaches out to you, pulling the passion and feeling from you and taking that energy for his own growth. Watching him is watching art being made.
The set ends, and the 4 sweaty men on stage bow and thank the crowd. You feel Jongho’s eyes on you again, that same soul-marking finger calling your attention to wink at you before he walks off the stage. Yeosang seems to call your attention too, a subtle wave landing your way before he too disappears behind the curtain.
As the lights flicker back on, Seonghwa turns to you with a sparkle in his eye, “That was amazing! We need to go buy them drinks,”
You shrug, imposing nonchalance even though your face is turning red at the thought of meeting face to face with them after that, “Sure, sounds good.”
Seonghwa raises a brow before laughing at your reluctance, “Don’t think I didn’t see that by the way. Yeosang was totally into you,”
You scoff and turn to walk towards the bar, “Shut up, Seonghwa.”
Seonghwa harrumphs, but follows behind you. It’s easy to spot Hongjoong’s blonde head of hair among the sea of people, “Joongie, stop hogging all the talent,”
He turns laughing at you, his warm arms wrapping around you, “Can’t stop, won’t stop, baby,”
“Hongjoong! That was your best performance yet. But can we talk about how Yeosang was totally eye-fucking Y/N the entire time?” Seonghwa’s somewhat tipsy, you conclude.
Hongjoong leans on the bar, “Uh…no. I’m still betting on Jongho and her. You know he was asking about you?”
You roll your eyes at their insistence, “You just finished a set, why're you worried about my love life?”
Hongjoong rolls his eyes at you as he’s given a tray of drinks, handing some off to you and Seonghwa before walking ahead, “Come on, Jongho wants to meet you.”
He leads you towards the backstage. Hongjoong opens a door marked with a flimsy sheet of notebook paper, their band name written in purple marker. You hear Jongho’s voice before anything else. It’s embedded in your brain at this point. As you walk further in, his large frame and slicked back hair intimidates you. You fear you’ve fallen for him already. With his hands in his leather jacket, he greets you with a lazy smirk. You can feel the stardom radiating off of him. It lets you know that whatever arrogance he has is completely warranted.
Before you can even say anything, Hongjoong makes a dumb excuse about forgetting something that requires him, Seonghwa, and Mingi. They leave quickly, knowing your protests would come faster.
You sigh inwardly to yourself, but Jongho seems all too pleased to be alone with you, “How ‘bout a drink?”
He sits on the battered leather couch, legs spread and waiting for you to sit next to him. He raises a brow when you sit on the seat opposite him before handing you a shot glass, “Hongjoong said you’re looking for a date,” His voice is quieter, softer now. There’s certainly a step down from his stage presence to the Jongho you’re talking to now. Maybe you were just being harsh in the assumption he’d be a pompous asshole earlier. You don’t let yourself soften, though.
You snort, “Well, Hongjoong doesn’t know what he’s talking about,”
Jongho downs his glass in a flash, turning to you with a charming smirk that makes you want to kiss it off his face, “So it’s off the table?”
He says this like it’s an easy, everyday question. His poignant flirting sends a blush to your cheeks that glows under the dim lightbulb of the broken down room. Jongho thinks it’s the cutest thing he’s ever seen. You down your shot and he’s ready to up the ante on the flirting before Yeosang appears, wiping a towel over his sweaty face and greeting you with a soft smile that sends butterflies down your tummy.
“Yeosang, this is-“
“Y/N, right? Seonghwa told me about you. How’d you like the show?”
God, you did not expect a voice like that, to come out of a face like that. His brown hair sticks to his forehead and his pale skin glows under the light, those same fingers you were admiring on stage are much more daunting close-up. They distract you as he taps on the arm of the seat across you, almost tauntingly.
“Oh-um, it was great. You guys seem to really enjoy what you do,”
They stare at you with half-lidded gazes, like they’re chewing on your words in their heads and analyzing you as a person. You’d believe they hate you, if it weren’t for the teasing, venemous grins they wore on their faces. They’ve been around groupies long enough to recognize them, and you might not be one of them, but God, Jongho wants to train you until you only remember their names.
Jongho doesn’t take his eyes off you, but he addresses Yeosang, “Y/N was just telling me about how much she loves the band,”
Yeosang leans his head on the palm of his hand, his biceps popping in the lighting, “Hmm, do you?”
You scoff to try to shake off their gazes, reaching for another glass, “You guys believe Hongjoong way too much,”
Jongho grins at you like a predator, “I heard it from Mingi,”
Yeosang’s smile is teasing, “I heard it from Seonghwa,”
You’re outnumbered, so you don’t even bother saying anything about the teasing. The overflowing chatter outside and booming music drowns out any thoughts you attempt to have. You fear they can somehow hear your beating heart, like they’re zeroing in on you and preparing to eat you alive. Yeosang’s hands tap against the chair again, your eyes flying to study the way they flex.
Jongho pipes up again, “You seem to like Yeosang’s hands a lot. You know, he’ll play whatever song you like.”
Yeosang stretches his fingers, watching the way your blush grows and the way your grasp tightens against the glass in your hand, “I’ll do whatever you want,”
Yeosang stands from his seat and moves to stand in front of you. It forces your eyes upwards, his body heat and proximity turning your entire body into jelly. Suddenly, Jongho speaks up and his soft voice is the worst vice you’ve faced yet, “Why don’t you let us give you a private show? Hmm?” His head tilts softly, the smug smile on his face as he leans back into the couch filling you with annoyance and desire.
You nod softly, mind a haze and heat pooling inside you. Yeosang reaches his hand up to your chin, pulling your mouth open with his thumb before pushing it between your lips. He watches with rapt interest as your tongue swirls around his digit, lips fighting to pull all of the sweat clean off his hand. The sound turns them on more than ever, the feeling of your saliva coating his fingers fueling the fire in his gut. He removes his thumb, playing with your lips as you leave tiny kisses over his fingers before he inserts his forefingers. You work on them again, saliva strings building between his hand and your mouth every time he pulls away.
“You’re nasty, baby,” Jongho’s smug voice pipes up.
Once Yeosang deems his hand wet enough he sits down next to you, slowly trailing his hand down your tummy and into your jeans. It’s a tight fit, but Jongho reaches over to unbutton your pants for him. As soon as he does, Yeosang’s hand slips into your panties and finds your clit, rubbing gentle circles over it and groaning at the wetness that grows underneath his fingers.
Jongho seems content with watching you break. You writhe underneath Yeosang’s fingers as he expertly finds just the right spot and abuses it. You feel dirty with the wet spot that continues to grow on your pants, quiet moans filling the room alongside Yeosang’s panting breaths. Your hand grasps Yeosang’s when he runs his fingers along your folds, spreading your wetness against your skin and moaning at the feeling of you so turned on. He takes his hand out of your pants, the shine of your slick glistening in his eyes. He brings his forefingers to his lips, running his tongue along the length of them before he sucks them clean. He makes sure to be lewd about it, licking every single drop of your juices and smiling at you with your slick on his lips.
“Hmm, you liked that didn’t you?” Jongho hums as he stands to you, pulling your pants off in one swift motion. He kneels in front of you, running his palm over your wet panties. His large hand is different from Yeosang’s delicate fingers. He has a domineering touch that doesn’t stop as he holds your thighs over his shoulders, pulling your panties down. His hands send tingles of pleasure down your spine when he kneads your skin, taking his time to feel and memorize every inch of you.
Jongho’s fingers run through your slit, smearing the wetness that drips out of you. He teases you, watching as your impatience grows while his fingers stray from where you want them most. Suddenly, his lips are on you. He devours you like you’re the first meal he’s had in days, a man starved of the fruit between your legs. His tongue slips inside you and over you, tracing every inch of you and leaving a path of pleasure. He ravishes you while Yeosang watches beside you, his hands making quick work of your shirt.
They seem to have developed a system. They’re far too comfortable with sharing. The thought doesn’t really form in your head as Jongho keeps marking you with his mouth, small kisses landing anywhere he can reach. He smirks at you when a whine slips from your lips when he spreads your thighs further, a glob of spit flowing from his pouty lips and onto you. He hisses at the sight, the shine of your pussy filling his gut with desire. His lips latch back onto your clit, his forefingers making their way inside you. He curls them ever so slightly, fucking you over and over again as his tongue flicks your button. Jongho’s already figured out how you work, destroying you with a smile and a glint in his eyes from below.
Yeosang giggles when he sees you aren’t wearing a bra, “You got a nice rack.”
You admit if anyone else spoke those words to you, you would’ve found it demeaning. But the way Yeosang’s soft voice compliments you sends a new wave of flames over your body.
Jongho grins and removes his lips from you, “Knew you were a fucking slut,”
You shake your head, but Jongho’s got you pegged. The feeling of having two men’s attention on you at once is exhilarating. It has you on cloud nine. Jongho raises the speed of his fingers, the squelch of your pussy sounding out into the room. Yeosang’s hands fondle your tits, his thumb brushing over your nipple and bringing a sigh out of you.
He sends butterfly kisses down your jawline, “Hmm, she’s a nice slut, though. The prettiest one I’ve seen,”
He’s too angelic. Everything about him is elegant and graceful, even the way he touches you. His low tone vibrates through your body, clashing with the harsh way Jongho keeps fucking you. He dominates the lower part of you, as if his hands have found their home. The juxtaposition between them sends your system into overdrive.
“You wanna cum?” You nod frantically, “Use your words, slut.”
“P-please, Jongho…”
Yeosang coos, “Even the way she begs is cute,”
Your legs are shaking at this point and Jongho’s cock is leaking in his pants, weeping to be let out. Still, he lives to torture, “You can’t cum without my permission,” Your leg muscles clamp up, pouring all of your energy into not letting your orgasm slip out of you. Jongho notices your strain, “Look at you. What a good fucking slut you are.”
His fingers slip out of you and you whine at the loss, Yeosang’s gentle fingers playing with your nipples is simply not enough friction. Jongho stands, pulling you up with him, “If you can take Yeosang’s cock, I’ll let you cum on mine. Deal?”
You don't even understand what you’re agreeing to, but you follow Jongho’s orders. You feel Yeosang stand behind you, his arms wrapping around your torso and walking you until you’re in front of the coffee table in the middle of the room. He bends you over it, your knees knocking onto the soft carpet underneath. You don’t think about how long ago it must’ve last been cleaned. You just think about Jongho sitting cross legged on the couch in front of you, his hand resting on his hard cock in his pants. He’s eyeing you like a piece of meat as Yeosang leans over your back, his nose nuzzling against your hair. His long fingers run over the expanse of your back, the cold feeling sending shivers down your spine.
He leans back and spreads your ass, groaning at the sight of you dripping. You hear the sound of his belt buckle dropping and your nerves rise before a soothing hand drops onto your hips, massaging your skin. His voice rings right into your ear, “Don’t worry, angel. I’m not as mean as Jongho,” Said man scoffs, the slightest hint of a blush noticeable under the light. Before you can say anything, Yeosang’s cock teases your entrance, playing with your pussy with his tip. The feeling makes you whine, already edging into dangerous territory.
Yeosang slides in entirely, his long cock reaching the deepest parts of you. Your entire body goes numb as he gently thrusts, bouts of pleasure rising through every part of your body. He’s whining pathetically, trying not to lose his mind and keep control at the feeling of your pussy squeezing him, “S-she’s so tight, Jongho, shit.”
Jongho’s fidgeting in his seat, palming himself like there’s no tomorrow and attempting to hide how weak he is already, “How tight, Yeosang?”
Yeosang steadies himself on your hips, the speed of his thrusts increasing. He’s like a desperate puppy trying to get his rocks off, his sweaty shirt on your back as he leans his head on your shoulder. He’s lost himself to the pleasure. He moans into your ear, his heavy breaths a performance made just for you.
“This is the best pussy I’ve had. Right, angel? You’re being good for me?” he pants out.
You moan at the praise, “Y-yes, Yeosang, all for you,”
Jongho’s restless now. Watching the way the table shakes from Yeosang’s thrusts and the way you take it so well has him anxious to get inside of you. His cock strains in his pants, but he’ll wait until Yeosang’s had his fill. Yeosang’s balls slap against your ass, the lewd sounds of his cock ramming in and out of you filling Jongho’s ears. You feel yourself dripping down your thighs as Yeosang’s hand comes down to your clit. That seems to reignite you, an unbeatable wave of pleasure flooding over you. As Yeosang rubs circles on you, you clench down on him. He moans at the tightness, his hips and hand stuttering against you.
Jongho senses your struggling, “Remember what I said, slut,” your thighs tremble, “Or are you too cock-dumb right now?”
You shake your head but quickly fix your mistake, “N-no, Jongho,”
Your voice shakes against Yeosang’s hips pistoning into you, all rhythm lost as he chases his high. He’s practically breathing for you now, his arms wrapped around your chest while his head rests on yours. He exerts all of his power, which is quite a lot surprisingly, into making you feel every inch of his cock. Jongho’s eyes bore into yours as he watches you unravel, your glistening skin and teary eyes making his cock jump.
Just to make your torture worse, he leans into your face. His thumb pries open your lips, inviting itself into your mouth and taking control of you, “You’re the best cock-slut I’ve seen. Taking Yeosang so well. Is he making you feel good?”
His voice is silky and entrancing and you can’t help but give an honest answer, “S-so good, Jongho. Can I cum? Please?”
His sick smirk grows, “Nope.”
A desperate whine drips from your lips, the burning desire bursting through to Yeosang’s cock as you squeeze him again. This time, a myriad of beautifully pathetic whines fall from Yeosang’s lips as he’s drained by you. He stills deep inside you, letting himself fill you and mark you as his property. He watches it drip down your thighs, the pearlescent liquid falling in droplets as you tremble.
Yeosang catches you before you can fall onto the table, “I think she’s broken,”
He carries you, again with surprising ease, onto Jongho’s lap. You lay limp against him, the leather of his jacket waking you slightly as he wraps his arms around you, “Already? I haven’t even fucked you yet,”
You nod your head, “I-I can take it, I wanna cum, Jongho,”
He laughs at you, head tipping and revealing the kissable dot on his neck, “See? You’re a fucking slut, baby,” his arms wrap tighter around you, one of his hands coming down to your clit and rubbing lazily, “Don’t you worry. I’ll take care of you,”
Yeosang sits next to you, sitting and watching the way your pussy tries to keep his cum inside. Jongho’s fingers stuff it back in, catching any that’s still stuck on your thighs and putting it back where it belongs. He brings his hand up to your lips, your mouth opening automatically and accepting what he gives. Your tongue swirls to clean every inch of his hand, licking the sweat and cum off of his skin. Jongho lets out a shaky breath behind you.
Yeosang feels his cock standing again, the sight of you so easily submitting to Jongho getting him ready to go all over again, “Fuck, I need to feel that pussy again.”
Jongho unzips his pants underneath you. You feel his cock at your entrance as he slides it in between your folds, wanting to torture you even more. He’s smaller than Yeosang but much, much thicker. Yeosang’s cum lets you take Jongho’s cock much easier, the stretch from before easing him in. You moan at the feeling, the fullness overtaking your senses.
Jongho leans back and stables himself on the floor. His voice is powerful against you, the sound of it alone making you shake in anticipation, “I’m gonna fill you up with my cum, and then you can cum all over me. Understand?”
He doesn’t even let you answer before starting a wicked rhythm. He claps against you with no mercy, his grip on your hips holding you steady on his lap. It’s delicious, the way he bounces you up and down on his cock and thrusts up into you at the same time. Jongho growls as your cream and Yeosang’s cum makes a mess of the both of you. Yeosang watches your tits bounce. The stench of sex fills the room and depravity fills his senses.
The power of Jongho’s thrusts almost has you toppling over. He’s ravenous with the way he fucks you, thick cock ramming into you over and over from below. Jongho fucking loves the feeling of having you broken atop him, having you at your most vulnerable and sensitive right under his fingertips. He squeezes your hips, groaning when you squeeze back.
His head drops to the couch, letting you drop and feel every inch and vein of his cock. The stretch of him is painfully delicious. Yeosang takes this moment of pause to snake a hand to your clit, causing you to jolt when he begins rubbing circles.
“Y-yeosang…” you plead as you feel a tsunami of pleasure coming closer and closer to falling atop you.
He kisses along your neck, the ticklish sensation sending you into overdrive. Along with Jongho’s cock filling you and taking over your very being, you feel like you’re fighting a losing battle. You’re determined to follow Jongho’s rules, though.
Yeosang chuckles into your neck, “Just let her cum, Jongho,”
“Yeah, baby? Do you need to cum?” He asks flatly, slamming you down harshly onto his cock again.
“P-please, I need to cum so b-bad…”
You feel like you’re about to burst and you’re sure Jongho can feel it too. He doesn’t care, laughing as you continue to writhe and moan against Yeosang’s fingers, “I told you I’m gonna fill this pussy with my cum first, okay? Stop being so fucking cock-dumb already,”
He leans back further into the couch, bringing your back to his chest as he gathers his last bit of force to fuck up into you. He hangs off the edge of the couch slightly, but that’s not even a thought in his head as he continues to ram himself into you unforgivingly. Yeosang continues to tease and probe your bud, an evil smile forming on his face the longer he watches you unravel atop Jongho’s rabid hips.
Jongho hisses when he feels you tighten. Your hole is too fucking good, draining him for all he has. He gives one last powerful thrust before releasing his load inside of you, his balls tightening up against you as he jolts and spasms underneath you. His cock twitches inside of you and with the feeling of him finally filling you and Yeosang’s relentless fingers, you come undone. The pleasure that’s been building this entire time finally releases like a broken dam. It washes over you, unabated even after all this time. You feel every single one of your nerves explode inside you, your body seizing up against Jongho’s as your pussy tightens impossibly more to take all Jongho has to give.
Yeosang sighs against you, “Oh, angel, you take us so well,”
Just knowing that you have Yeosang’s and Jongho’s cum flowing inside you has your entire body tingling. It sends you into an even higher tier of gratification, your orgasm prolonging every time Jongho spurts another shot of cum into you.
Jongho’s voice is strained as he speaks, “Fuck, look what a fucking dirty cum-slut you are.”
It’s hard to get off of cloud nine once you’ve reached it. You can distantly hear their soft voices in the back of your head, vastly different from their tones before. You feel the leather couch underneath your back, their cum dripping out of you, and Yeosang’s hand gently running through your hair.
He tries to lure you fully awake, but that doesn’t happen until Jongho brings a warm towel to clean you. Your teary eyes squint under the light and you’re surprised at how weak you feel. Your body feels like jelly as Jongho hands Yeosang a towel to clean up the sweat on your upper body.
You’re not entirely sure what’s happening, but a blur of emotions is still flowing through you, “Hey…you don’t have to…” you sleepily let out.
They don’t say anything in return so neither do you. Jongho slips your panties back on, Yeosang pulling you softly upwards to put your shirt back on. You feel surprisingly cared for after getting your brains fucked out. You hadn’t expected it from two guys who probably do this every night.
They sit with you as you gather your bearings. Jongho traces patterns onto your legs, mindlessly staring at you. It sends a different kind of heat to your body. The kind that has you shrinking into yourself, blushing and hiding your face in your hands. You pretend it’s from sleepiness, but Jongho knows better. Yeosang hums beside your head, still running his hands through your hair delicately.
You feel more alive after a while, finally gathering the energy to sit up, “This doesn’t mean I’m your groupie now, by the way,”
“You would’ve been my favorite,” Jongho grins.
Yeosang pouts, “I don’t think Hongjoong would approve,” You both raise a brow at him, “What? He has the power to kick me out of the band, I have to be careful.”
Jongho laughs aloud as you giggle alongside him. You sort of feel at home with them, and not just because they rearranged your guts. They touch you softly, in ways that say they know everything about you. You’d rather not fall into that hole. Right now, you lay content in the moment in between them in this dingy room with their hands on you.
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ihopeiexplode · 1 day
“I got my hopes up! :(”
. What if streamerboyfriend! Sukuna started dating you during your modeling career?
. A/N: I gave up half way and felt lazy and I also didn't know what the title should be
. Og post
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. Streamer!Sukuna:
who found out about you by accident, you were running away from a bunch of paparazzi only to accidentally bump into Sukuna!! Before he could curse you out he saw the hoard of people after you and took the hint you were probably someone famous,
. Streamer!Sukuna:
who might've gained a tiny crush on you!! I mean who wouldn't right?
. Streamer!Sukuna :
who told his stream about his encounter with you thinking nothing much of it until the whole chat box flooded with people being shocked,
. Background character (1): "no way?? As in THE y/n l/n??
. Background character (2): "I'm all for supporting you but I doubt you could even have a chance.🙏🙏"
. Background character (3): "Real honestly!!!"
. Background character (4): "I'm right here but ok!"
. Streamer!Sukuna:
Who was surprised you actually knew him when you happened to DM him on a Friday night
. "Helloo your Sukuna aren't you?"
. "yeah what about it"
. "Nothing I just thought u looked familiar when I bumped into you last week"
. "Is that all??"
. "Uhh yes??..."
. "ok bye
. Streamer!Sukuna
Who acts like he hates you but when he really doesn't... Whenever the topic of you gets brought up during one of his streams his face would immediately go red with a noticeable scowl while doing so
He doesn't like you.
. Streamer!Sukuna
Who coincidentally just happened to be everywhere you are!!!
Does he stalk your Instagram? Yes
Does he read twitter updates about where you're going? Yes
Does he read anything that has something to do with you? Yes
Does he look like a weird obsessed stalker? Yes!!
But so you fall in love with him because he seems like your knight and shining armour? Also a yes!! (by this I meant that he's coincidentally always there when paparazzis are!! And plus he does a way better job helping you during a paparazzi ambush instead of your dumb lazy sloppy bodyguards)
. Streamer!Sukuna
Who's surprised that you actually accepted his dumb little confession, he meant to do it as a joke at first, and plus why would you accept it anyway? Out of all the confessions, love letters, and gifts you get from other guys, you choose him?
. "This might sound stupid but uhm, I like you..."
. "Wait really? I like you too!!"
. "???"
Over text too...
. Streamerboyfriend!Sukuna
Who hates when you get those "put your boyfriend on a leash" comments whenever he acts too aggressive
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[⛩️] @: Likes & Reblogs R appreciated! ^^
Permanent Taglist: @megumisfave
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firewasabeast · 15 hours
Since you watch lone star too, you saw the whole kidnapping thing in ls 4x04. If 911 did something like that, how would it play out? Who would even get kidnapped? I mean, it's different that being held hostage like in ls 2x08 (in the empty restaurant) or 911 5x06 (in the ambulance itself).
4x04 is one of my favorite episodes and my most rewatched one! I just think Rafael is an incredible actor, and should lone star get cancelled I would fully support him moving to LA and Carlos teaming up with Athena to fight crime (TK can come too).
But getting to your actual question, my buck loving heart would love to see him be the one in peril. He suspects something after a call in a mostly abandoned neighborhood and goes back after work just to have a look around. Bobby’s gone back to a scene before, and that’s why buck feels like he could do it too.
Cue the drama. Cue the kidnapping.
He was supposed to meet tommy after work and he told him he’d be a little late but didn’t say he wasn’t coming at all so now tommy is worried. They’re not at the phase of having each other on find my friend or anything like that, and buck’s not answering so he calls maddie. She hasn’t heard from him but he doesn’t want to worry her so he ends up saying “oh, just got a text! traffic, of course!”
He picks up eddie, then he calls bobby, who tells athena, and the four of them go on the search of a lifetime looking for buck. They call Josh at dispatch and have him ping buck’s phone (and tell him to NOT tell maddie!!!). he does what he can, gets a last known location, but not an exact.
Maddie’s suspicious of course. she talks to chim who talks to hen who calls bobby and when bobby fills her in she tells him about the call at that creepy subdivision that buck wouldn’t stop talking about afterward.
All this while buck is going through it with the kidnappers.
Tommy is on edge. He’s snappy and scared and cuts through every piece of red tape that stands in Athena’s way. Doesn’t care if he can’t legally enter a house, Athena will have to arrest him to stop him. Goes into full interrogation mode with people who may have seen something. Bobby has to hold tommy back once, but eddie just takes over for him.
Athena, Bobby, Eddie, and Tommy find Buck just in time. At the hospital, bobby tells buck the way tommy reacted- that could only be love. The deepest, craziest, most heartfelt love. Bobby knows buck loves tommy too. He should tell him that. Life’s too short not to. The episode ends with tommy coming into the room. Bobby walks out but looks back at them through the observation window as tommy runs his fingers through bucks hair and gives him a kiss on the temple. We don’t hear the I love you’s, but we see buck say something that can only be “I love you” by the way tommy looks at him, then tommy smiles and we see him say it back. They kiss gently as tommy holds onto buck like he’s made of the most precious gold.
The end.
(Sorry wtf did this turn into my bad yall am I gonna have to write this now??)
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rendomski · 3 days
Crosshair and Hunter are very good bros
They are, and I don't even need to die on this hill, season 3 backs me up solidly.
But back in season 1, one can only imagine Crosshair's pain when he comes back to his senses. I support the most popular opinion that Crosshair's chip was removed after his injury on Bracca. So, he wakes up and realises that he has been under brutal mind control since the order was issued. He was forced to do atrocious things for the Empire and, most painful for him, to gun for his brothers. And he also realises that his brothers, knowing that he was not in control of his actions, abandoned him and didn't try to get him back or even contact him. Betrayed him and almost killed during their encounter on Bracca. A whole separate essay can be written speculating why Crosshair chose to throw in his lot with the Empire after he got his chip out. But even after choosing the Empire, he wants to get his brothers back, convincing himself that this is the best option for them all. He's hurt and angry, but he wants to forgive them and take care of them, as he sees it. Because Crosshair is a good bro.
However, if we go back to his brothers and to Hunter first and foremost, for during this period the squad follows his lead unconditionally, paradoxically, Hunter is a very good bro, too.
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Gif credits @werentloyaltome
First of all, many fans tend to assume that Hunter understands the impact of chips as fully as they do. And I don’t see how Hunter could have had this understanding until Bracca.
He was told several times that Crosshair's actions were influenced by the chip, true. And with hindsight, the influence was undeniable. Crosshair's aggression, his insistence on following the orders. Oh, boy, it is painful to watch how Crosshair himself grimaces every time his brothers ask him, “Since when?”; he gets so confused. But, grudgingly though, he obeyed Hunter, he fought alongside his brothers, he trusted them as always—the way he doesn't flinch when, in the midst of their argument, Hunter pulls out his blaster and shoots down the spy probe.
So, Crosshair was very lucid and making his choices the last time Hunter saw him—before Crosshair was escorted away from the cell (need I remind Hunter's reaction then?). And then Crosshair comes back, heading a squad of stormtroopers, trying to order his brothers around, shooting Wrecker, and fully intent to go after everyone else. While I feel very sorry for Crosshair, from Hunter's point of view, it must have looked like a betrayal, plain and simple.
And here Hunter presents himself as a very good and loving bro. I can't imagine myself not being furious at my brother or at any person who used to be close to me but who would act towards me and my family like Crosshair did. And Hunter, while obviously hurt and avoiding talking about Crosshair, still voices his emotions as ‘angry at myself’, first and foremost. Still listens to all the arguments and debates about the chips. True, Hunter cuts them short, but he is responsible for setting their priorities. Basic survival first, risky future plans later.
Here's, actually, the second argument why I'm more or less sure Hunter does not understand the full extent of chips’ influence until Wrecker's chip activates. Taking into account his cautious nature, he and Echo, too, would be beside themselves with alarm if Hunter did understand the danger. And Hunter acts as if he totally relies on Tech’s seemingly casual remark, like, yeah, we know about the chips, but they don't work in us, nothing to worry about.
So, to sum up: Hunter has no idea that Crosshair’s chip was modified to strip him of the remains of his free will and that Crosshair wasn't in control of his actions.
Tech and Omega, not Hunter, are the only two persons in the Batch who know more or less about the chips, their function and the potential force of influence. Hunter doesn't take Omega's words for face value yet. As for Tech, I have two versions of why he doesn’t push the subject of the chips more insistently. One possibility is that Tech thinks it is obvious. Another—and which I like better—is that he, with all his calm logic, doesn't see the point in freaking Hunter out while they can do nothing about it anyway. He just makes constructing the scanner his top priority. It fits well with the canon(?) fact that Tech is the second oldest in the Batch; he just silently (well, as silently as he manages) takes on his share of responsibilities.
Following this line of reasoning, the Hunter and the rest of the Batch run into Crosshair mere hours after all of them finally understand the full, overwhelming nature of mind control induced by the chip. But Crosshair afterwards assumes Hunter knew it all along but still didn't come back for him. Oh, the elegant confusion, worthy of a classic tragedy! The writing in season 1 was so good!
I see passionate Crosshair's fans blaming Hunter even for leaving Crosshair to die on Bracca. Somehow forgetting that Hunter left Bracca injured, barely conscious, and having no idea how their counteraction against Crosshair's attempt to kill them backfired (literally) on Crosshair himself.
The only occasion when I’m really mad at Hunter is their encounter on Ryloth. Hunter has not even considered retrieving Crosshair here as an option, seeing him only as a danger. Here, Hunter can't even be justified by his trademark cautiousness, since soon after he agrees to go along with helping Hera, choosing to help a stranger instead of giving a chance to his brother.
I get the counterarguments, Crosshair is not an easy target to be simply retrieved. Still, they all have received the same training and could give it some thought at least. I can think of the arguments explaining Hunter's choice, I know similar situations when you misplace your responsibilities and hurt people close to you. Still, understanding does not take the blame off Hunter's poor, tired head. And when Hunter meets Crosshair next time, it’s a little too late for Crosshair just to accept his offer to come back.
Both pay their price in the end: Crosshair going through his trials and tribulations, and Hunter losing their brother in an attempt to get their family reunited.
Again, I see fans on both sides arguing that their conflict was resolved too easily, with not enough tears, regrets, and apologies. All things considered, yes, they may have ended up estranged and bitter in the end. But I was so ecstatic to see them sort things out and reconcile without inflated emotional drama.
Because Crosshair and Hunter are simply very good bros.
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Now .listen to me Luna I will haunt your dreams if you don't do a part two of "Things I Wish I Got To Say" Where we get redeemed ,and after some time Alastor also gets into heaven which why we meet again .
If that doesn't happen then I advise you to lock your doors because my heart is in pieces.
(I fucking love your writing)
The Things I Wanted To Say
Alastor X Reader
(You guys ask, and I must produce, lol. Here is a happier ending to my previous post, The Things I Wish I Got to Say. Thank you for all the love and support.)
You were like any other demon in hell. You were cold and calculating, standoffish and stubborn. It was cute, but I wouldn’t tell you that to your face. I knew you had your set ways in life, and I had mine. I never thought the day would come when I would never see that familiar smile again. Something so cherished in my time by your side that I refused to forget even in my new life.
I thought surely Charlie's magical ideas would never be actual or possible. However, her smile and joy were so contagious that I returned to that hotel countless times to help her achieve her dreams. See, when I died the first time, I was being attacked; in my defense from the attacker, I killed them, and I was cast to hell. It's an odd thing to be considered a sinner, but I wouldn’t change it for the world, especially since I got to see you all those days.
What hurt the most when I left hell wasn’t the sword to my chest or the ringing in my ears. It was knowing I would never see that smile again. That was the worst part of it all, honestly. I got so used to the sound of your static, the buzz of your voice, the joy hanging off your arms.
I still remember when you taught me how to dance. I was horrible at it, I know, but you made me feel like I was the best at it all the same. You made me feel the best at a lot of things, from dancing to cooking. You even let me write scripts for you a time or two. 
I still laugh when I remember how I told you ‘I Know’ when you confessed your love for me. Would you believe me if I told you I was just scared you were lying to me? Yet when you held me close after saying it, you washed all those worries away. I was fortunate to be there with you.
I sometimes still wish I listened to you that night when you begged me to run away. Maybe had I listened, I would still be by your side or have seen your smile. Yet I didn’t. Would you like to know why, my love? Because the thought of you dying without me was too heartbreaking to handle. I couldn’t imagine a life without you, yet here I was, making you live without me.
When I arrived in heaven with Pentious, everyone was shocked. These two angels were there, Emily and Sera. One sure looked more happy than the others. However, Pentious and I fought to make Charlie's dream a reality here in Heaven, too…I know she saw me up here when she visited last. Did she tell you I was alive and well?
Do you care I am alive and well?
I wish to see you again, my love…maybe one day, you will be redeemed as well.
To: My Radio Demon
From: Your Doe
A loud banging was heard at my door. I rushed to cover up my desk, and as I made my way to the door, I straightened myself out, whipping my eyes from the tears I let out. Charlie had brought me the letter that Alastor had written in my absence, and I felt compelled to respond even if he would never read it. Opening the door, I see the young Seriphem Emily standing before me with a bright smile. “OH, Y/N, YOU NEED TO COME WITH ME QUICK!” 
I laughed. She was always so happy when a new batch of hotel residents was redeemed. She always wanted Pentious or me to be there so we could help them adjust to this new life. “Em, please I…I have had a long day…How about you ask Pentious to go instead.” Though I hated to see her frown, she nodded in sad agreement. I closed the door and returned to my desk, looking at the two letters next to each other. When would Charlie be back to give this to him? Would he even read it? Does he hate me for dying? 
As thoughts swam through my head, I recounted the years since my arrival here in Heaven. Looking at all my new photos of my time and journey here, I wondered if my old room in Hell still had those photos from my time there. Charlie said Alastor wouldn’t let a soul into my room once I was gone. 
It took a lot of arguing and convincing to get the angels on Charlie's side even after we appeared here in Heaven. Yet I couldn’t be more proud of the progress all of us have made. Smiling, I let more tears fall. I missed you so much. As I let the dam of emotions release, I heard another knock at my door.
I hoped it wasn’t Emily, though I have always been kind; I knew my current temper would rival my old self in Hell. “EMILY GO AWAY I CAN’T GO OUT NOW!” 
I had so much sorrow and pleading in my voice that I hoped she understood. Yet the knocking continued, only growing more frantic. I sighed, not even bothering to clear my desk as I made my way to the door. Em had often seen me cry over Alastor, so why would this time be any different? 
As I opened the door, time seemed to freeze, to stop dead still. I couldn’t believe my eyes. A new wave of tears and emotions overran my being, and before I knew it, I was jumping into Alastors' arms.
“Hello, dear, long time no see. Did you miss me?” He spoke so clearly, with no static or radio edge. It was odd at first, but it made no difference; the man I loved was standing before me here right now. “Alastor! You are here! How? What?” As I spoke, I pulled away and saw he no longer sported the Red and Black of his typical look. No, he looked ethereal, angelic. Alastor had been redeemed, The Alastor, overlord, and soul owner was redeemed. “Well, my darling, it took a lot of work and quite a few freeing of souls to make this happen.” He smiled, but not the strained, forced smile; it was a regular, normal smile. I felt so at peace; my Alastor was back.
“Oh, Al, you did all of this for me?” He nodded his head, pulling me back into him once more. This time, over his shoulder, I could see a smiling Charlie, Pentious, and Em at our reunion. Pulling me back to face him, I yanked him into the room and closed the door. “Al, we have so much to catch up on; there is no time to waste.” A warm chuckle left his chest as he held me once more. We had all the time in the world now, safe from hell, contracts, and everything that wasn’t our pure, happy love.
I finally have the chance to tell him all The Things I Wanted To Say…
(aha, did I trick you guys there for a moment, thinking it was just another letter. hehe)
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allastoredeer · 10 hours
Do we think Mimzy knew Alastor was a serial killer when they were both alive? I know she called him a heartless son of a bitch but she also said he's a total sweetie underneath all that, two very different statements, like could it be that she knew Al as a sweetheart when he was alive and then learned about the darker side of him and why he's there when they reunited in hell?
I headcanon that Mimzy did know Alastor was a serial killer when they were alive, and that not only did she know, she even helped him on several occasions.
I also headcanon that her reliance on Alastor taking care of all her problems started when they were alive too. I imagine them as being really close friends who helped each other a lot at first, especially in hard times, but after Alastor offered to "get rid" of someone who was making her life hell, she started using him as a way to get rid of anyone who had a problem with her or inconvenienced her.
She got into more and more trouble because Alastor always got her out of it--be it through murder of a lot of smooth talking--which is where the habit first developed. Since they're now in Hell, well, Alastor doesn't have to rely to use smooth-talking anymore, he can just outright kill them. Problem solved. So much easier.
In the show, Mimzy told Alastor that he "loved taking care of her," and I actually believe it. I think Alastor does like taking care of the people he cares about, and he will go to any extent to make sure they're taken care of, which is why he never told her no or let her reap the consequences of her own actions.
Their friendship started out sweet and sincere, but overtime it became toxic. Like Husk said, Mimzy only shows up when she's in trouble, meaning she doesn't ever visit Alastor unless she needs something from him (which is so interesting, because in the same episode Charlie mentioned that Lucifer only called her if he wanted something or needed her to do something--which is exactly like Alastor's relationship with Mimzy. These two relationships are parallels of each other. And, by the end of the episode, both of these relationships had changed for the better - with Alastor setting a boundary and telling Mimzy to leave because she brought trouble to a place he doesn't want trouble, and with Charlie reconnecting with her dad and Lucifer supporting her dream and getting her the meeting with Heaven).
Back to the original subject, Mimzy's both dependent on Alastor and his power and she exploits it for her own gain. What's worse is that Alastor knows this. He knows she only ever visits when she needs him to clean up her mess, but he does it without question or hesitation anyway.
Another headcanon: even though Alastor knows she's using him to clean up her messes, he still happily does it because he doesn't see it as a bad thing. She's his oldest friend and she's in trouble (even if she was the cause of it). He's an Overlord, he has all of this power, why wouldn't he use it to get rid of a few demons? He can do it so easily, it's hardly even a chore. It doesn't matter how much trouble Mimzy gets into, because dealing with the problem is as easy as a snap of his fingers. Of course, she would come to him, she knows he can handle it. She knows he has to power to intimidate any gang lord, tear apart any loan shark, or annihilate any demon who's giving her too much of a hard time to handle on her own.
They both continue this cycle of toxicity because neither of them see's it as toxic. It's what they've been doing since they were alive. It's natural for them. It's normal. It's become such an integrated part of their relationship, that it doesn't even register as bad.
I hope we see more of Mimzy in the future and learn more about Alastor's backstory. I have so many thoughts.
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phoen1xr0se · 23 hours
I do not agree with this, but I recently saw someone on tumblr say that the only queer coding in the good omens book was aziraphale being called a slur, and that neil gaiman's books featured gay charactera being pedophiles.
I havent read all of his books, so I dont have any idea about the last statement, only coraline and good omens and I am reading the graveyard book right now, but what do you think about this sentiment? Is there any truth in said statement?
Have a lovely day!
(Those ppl really sounded awful, im a good omens fan I dont know how that post found its way on my dash, but ppl were in the tags questioning why he hadnt been shot yet and they actually said they wanted him to kill himself. Horrid ppl rlly)
If the source of those accusations are the kind of people suggesting anybody go kill themselves, I'd wager their thoughts are largely worth ignoring.
Neil Gaiman is a kind and empathetic human who has canonically queer characters in many of his works, as does Sir Terry Pratchett, the co-author of Good Omens.
Good Omens the book, in its entirety, is an allegory for 'love is love' at the same time as poking holes at the religious institutions that claim otherwise. The queerness is subtextual, yes, but that's literature for you - the greatest works of art are never the ones that shove the point in your face, but ones that deliver truth wrapped in beautiful lies. It is a sad fact of life that some minds cannot grasp beneath the surface, but here is an article that might help those people get a better understanding of the subtext:
But that can also be summarised very nicely and accurately here:
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I would hazard a guess that the people who said those things about Neil are probably deeply unhappy, angry people looking through a narrow and shallow lens.
(The paedophile thing is, I think, referencing a character that appears in one episode of the Sandman TV series -- possibly the comics, too, I haven't read all of them -- and yep it is an uncomfortable scene but there are so many other queer characters that are positively represented in so many of his works, and plenty of straight/cis characters that do awful things in that same episode, so... *shrugs* I really don't see their point.)
I haven't read everything Neil has written (although I am working on it!), and I am not fortunate enough to know him personally, but we have interacted a handful of times on here, and in my experience he has always been inclusive, considerate and supportive of the queer community. He spoke kind words to me when I was worried about my nonbinary kiddo's safety with the Tories trying to ban gender affirming language in school, and said he was so glad when I told him that Good Omens had healed mine and my dad's relationship and brought us closer after years of rifts due to my sexuality (update: my dad now wears a Pride pin). When I was at my lowest and my life was falling apart and I sent him a message just thanking him for giving me something to hang on to, and again, he sent the loveliest message of hope and kindness.
I'm not going to tag him here because I wouldn't want him to see the things that were said, but if anyone has any doubts about the man just go to his Tumblr. Take twenty minutes to scroll and see for yourself.
I know I, and many others here, are very grateful to Neil, not just for his representation of queer characters, but his unwavering support and advocacy here and in the real world. He is a light.
Stop trying to put it out.
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stabbyfoxandrew · 2 days
Introducing #14!
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Current name: Aerie Fay (yes this is my name too and I'm aware this is cringe sowwy)(we will be referring to him as Fay, Farris, or 14 to keep it from being too confusing!) Past names: Aaron Farris in college. And many more! Age: 23 (when he joins the Foxes) Height: 5'6"  Gender: male Sexuality: gay/demisexual Position: Striker/Goalie (also bottom lol) Number: 14
(more under the cut. it got... long)
Played striker through middle school. Started playing goalie in high school. So, he can handle both but is a better goalie than striker.
He has younger twin siblings. One boy, one girl. He hasn't seen them in years. And does not want to. (They know what they did. :/)
One day during his senior year, his best friend tried to kiss him and he blurted out that he was gay. She got pissed and outed him to his parents, who did not take it well. When they eventually kicked him out, he moved in with his boyfriend's family.
They met at one of Fay's games. Marcus had come to watch his younger cousin play and they bumped into each other. Marcus kept coming and would cheer for his cousin and Fay. Since his family didn't support him, it meant a lot.
Eventually after a game, Marcus asked him out and Fay was really flattered, so he said yes.
The bad thing was... Marcus was 21 when they met. Fay was almost 17. (He thought he was 'mature for his age' and didn't see the gap as a problem. It was.)
Unfortunately (?), one night while the two of them were sitting on swings in a park, Marcus was shot and killed in a drive-by. Fay was also hit, but survived.
Waking up in the hospital and being told his boyfriend was dead took a huge toll.
He didn't believe them. He demanded them to take him to Marcus. And when they couldn't/wouldn't, he sort of lost it. He attacked a couple nurses, breaking one's nose and spraining one's wrist.
After that, he was promptly sedated and moved to the psych ward for a bit. He does not like to talk about it.
The Ravens:
Fay was nearly recruited to the Ravens. And he was so excited. It was his dream. He was so set on it that Marcus's nickname for him was 'little bird'.
But he was in the hospital when he was supposed to go audition for the team. By the time he was healed, Tetsuji wouldn't allow him to. (So he dodged a huge bullet there. Like. We can all agree to that. Right?)(Well, he's about to run into a different one. :()
The Wildcats:
Having lost his boyfriend and his dream, Fay was understandably devastated. But Marcus' parents liked him. They helped him change his name to Aaron Farris, because he didn't want to be connected to his parents anymore.
And then he accepted a scholarship to UK, his second choice school. (UK= University of Kentucky, btw.)
Everything is fun and great and wonderful. Except for one thing. The captain is weirdly touchy with him. Especially after he turns eighteen.
It keeps getting worse and worse. Luckily, a couple of his teammates/friends notice that Captain Creep (senior starting striker, Collin Scott, #38) has been creeping on him and try to run interference.
Their coach thinks he's making it up. That he wants to be a starting striker and is trying to get Collin kicked off the team about it. (14 was playing goalie so that made no since. But the coach was Collin's uncle, so...)
Eventually, Farris gets injured during a match. Fucks his knee straight up. He has to stay off the court for a couple months. But at least Collin is graduating! That means he won't have to deal with that anymore-
Wait. Collin has decided to stick around for a fifth year. Shit.
Farris decides he can't play for UK anymore. He drops and loses his scholarship. And then he doesn't know what to do.
The Butlers:
But Marcus' parents are mafia. Farris had no idea. That's why Marcus was killed, it was one of his father's rivals sending a message.
He offers Farris a job.
So, with a freshly-healed knee and a new identity, he starts to do low level mob work. Kill someone here, deliver something there, don't ask questions. (Never ask questions.)
He ends up traveling the country and working for a dozen different bosses, doing a lot of terrible shit. Making friends and enemies and money.
Uh. Oopsie. This got super long and we're still not at the part where he joins the Foxes yet. TwT I'm going to cut it off here anyway and if anyone is interested, I will definitely be down to tell you more! <3 Also if you have any questions about 14, please send me an ask. I will be so happy to ramble about him! :3
Tagging: @joanofexys and @ordei <3
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lance-space-mommy · 2 days
I’ll Pass
Midoriya was a gem at UA High. No one really knew anything about the mysterious beauty that was best friends with Hatsume in the support department. Still, that never stopped people from blindly pursuing the teen. People were so ashamed when Midoriya rejected them that no one ever told their friends when they planned on confessing.
Countless people have been spotted slipping notes and talking with Midoriya in a quiet area. For some reason, it’s like an unspoken rule that being rejected by Midoriya is so humiliating that if anyone knew about it, it could send a person into a coma.
Class 1-A eventually caught drift of the mysterious beauty who was in the support department. Fortunately for them, they were given an opportunity to approach him without looking too weird. Aizawa, too lazy to deal with it himself, told his students to head to the department to discuss any modifications they needed for their hero costumes. For once, none of the students complained about his laziness.
“Oh, I’m so excited,” beamed Uraraka, happy to finally meet the boy who has the attention of the school.
“Me too. I think this will be a wonderful experience to get closer to the support department,” agreed Iida, unaware Uraraka was talking about meeting Midoriya.
Kirishima waved his hand with a smile. “I just want to meet this dude everyone seems to have a crush on!”
“Agreed dude! I feel like everyone in this school has tried to shoot their shot at Midoriya!” supported Kaminari, throwing his arms to the sky.
Mina looked over at Kirishima and Kaminari with an excited grin. “I bet he’s super sweet! That would explain why I haven’t heard anything bad about him!”
Uraraka nodded vigorously, clasping her hands behind her back. “It would be great to make another friend. I just hope he doesn’t blow us up like Hatsume does,” shivered Uraraka at all the memories of Hatsume’s gadgets exploding when she was around.
Bakugo rolled his eyes at his classmates. At the end of the day, they were a bunch of overly friendly idiots. Still, he was a bit curious to see Midoriya. Since he started UA High, he’d constantly heard about Midoriya, but never saw him
A part of Bakugo was left wondering how Midoriya felt. It must have been a jarring experience to go from being the laughingstock of Aldera Junior High to being the unachievable jewel of UA High. He knew that if he had been in Midoriya’s shoes, he’d kill anyone who asked him out. They were here to become heroes, not worry about pointless things like dating.
Taking the lead, Iida walked into the room. Hatsume happened to have a crush on Iida, so he was the best person to enter first. It seemed that Uraraka had already sacrificed Iida even if he hadn’t been willing.
“Iida!” cheered Hatsume, rushing over.
“Hello, Hatsume. I’m assuming Eraserhead has told you about us coming,” greeted Iida, bowing his head as he stepped in to let his classmates also enter.
Hatsume nodded with a bright grin. “Yeah, I got all hands on deck for class 1-A.”
Midoriya made his way over with a clipboard to where the class was waiting. “Mei, I finished up the blueprints to match your detailing.”
Hatsume grabbed the clipboard eagerly, flipping the pages. “Amazing work Izuku!” Seeming to realize that Midoriya hadn’t really interacted with the hero students in person, she started introductions. “Iida, have you met Midoriya yet?”
Iida was stunned, staring at Midoriya. He completely understood why everyone asked him out. Midoriya was gorgeous despite being arguably plain.
Short, but fluffy green curls with a mixture of black covered his head. His bangs were short and he had strips of hair by his cheeks that curled oh so perfectly. His eyelashes were long and helped shape his big round eyes. His cheeks were coated in freckles with four dark ones in the middle of both cheeks.
“No, I haven’t. It’s a pleasure to meet you Midoriya. I appreciate you putting up with us all year,” thanked Iida, bowing his head to show utmost respect. After all, the only reason they could be heroes is because of those in the support department.
Midoriya smiled charmingly at Iida before waving his hand. “No need to thank me. You hero students deserve the best gear so it’s our fault if it can’t handle the amount of work you’re required to put in.”
Iida grinned, feeling a bit relieved to hear they weren’t being blamed for damaging their gear. They were often reprimanded by their teachers for being reckless even though damage to their costumes should be expected. Nonetheless, Iida commented, “I never thought of it that way.”
“Well, start thinking of it that way now! It’s wonderful meeting you, Iida. I hope you see you around here more often,” chuckled Midoriya, happy to meet someone who wasn’t just interested in dating him. Besides, it was clear he liked Hatsume so he had nothing to worry about.
After introductions were carried out, Kirishima and Bakugo were assigned to Midoriya to gear repairs and upgrades. Uraraka and Mina shook their fist to the sky and cursed Kirishima and Bakugo. How come the good things in life never happened to them?
As Midoriya guided them to his workstation, they finally were able to get a good look at Midoriya. To the surprise of both Bakugo and Kirishima, Midoriya was muscular.
They assumed he was matching Hatume as he was wearing a black tank top. It showed off his developed arms and the outline of his abs could be seen because of the tight fabric. Anything lower was hidden by the baggy uniform. Midoriya had an All Might charm clipped onto one of the belt loops on his waist.
A pretty, red headband was tied loosely around Midoriya’s neck. Bakugo assumed it was to cover his nose and mouth when messing with the equipment. Kirishima on the other hand believed it was purely cosmetic. Midoriya seemed like the type of person to want to work in style.
Wanting to break the ice, Kirishima decided to use the only piece of information he knew about Midoriya. “Is it true you get asked out at least once a day?”
Not missing a beat, Midoriya smiled as he answered, “Not really, no,” as he pulled out his files on class 1-A’s hero suits.
“Wait, guys don’t ask you out?” asked Kirishima with wide eyes, feeling a bit betrayed by everyone who told him about the rumor. It wasn’t that he thought Midoriya was a disappointment after being told he wasn’t heavily sought after, but it seemed that everyone was in on a joke Midoriya wasn’t a part of.
A couple of seconds of painful silence passed. Midoriya licked his finger to begin flipping through the pages before smirking. Slowly raising his head to look at Kirishima, Midoriya clarified, “They do, I just don’t go.
The way those words effortlessly came out of Midoriya’s mouth with such confidence was perfect. Kirishima felt his face heat up and he quickly covered his face with both hands. “You are way too cool.”
While Kirishima was having the time of his life, Bakugo was watching in silence. It was nice to watch Midoriya being his true self without having to worry about being ridiculed. Besides, this was Midoriya’s territory and Bakugo refused to make the same mistake as he did in the past.
Choosing to keep his head down and mouth shut, Bakugo hoped Midoriya would continue to talk casually with Kirishima. He took it upon himself to distance himself from Midoriya, not wanting to bother him any more than he most likely already was.
“Thank you,” chuckled Midoriya as he found the sections about Bakugo and Kirishima in his files. What Midoriya was not about to tell the duo was that he’d already had this conversation a dozen times with all the people who tried flirting with him.
It was quiet for a moment. Kirishima was curious about who Midoriya was as a person, and it seemed that he had one question that would help him know what Midoriya valued. “Is there a reason why you haven’t accepted anyone's confession?”
Midoriya shrugged, putting the book down to look at Kirishima. “Not really. At first, I just wasn’t interested in the people that confessed and I wasn’t ready for a relationship. Now… I can’t trust that the person confessing wants to be with me or if they just want to see if they’ll be the lucky one who is picked.”
Sorrow overcame Kirishima, and he could not stop the frown from spreading on his face. He didn’t realize just how much this situation sucked for Midoriya. It never crossed his mind how Midoriya couldn’t trust that anyone truly loved him because asking out the mysterious support student became a trend.
“That sucks dude,” sighed Kirishima, rubbing his face.
Bakugo rolled his eyes. “Of course, all those stupid extras think it’s funny to play with someone’s feelings.”
“For real! It’s a shame,” agreed Kirishima, not noticing how Midoriya’s head shot up in Bakugo’s direction.
“You really shouldn’t call everyone extras, Kacchan. It leaves a bad impression,” teased Midoriya as he focused all his attention on Bakugo.
“Fuck that shit. I swear this entire school has always been testing our class’s patience, so I have no sympathy to spare. Now they’re treating you as a trophy which is fucking gross,” hissed Bakugo, crossing his arms as he let his overprotective side show shamelessly.
Midoriya let his smug grin slowly soften into a shy smile. He enjoyed having people stand up for him. While he enjoys the attention it brings him, he wishes the attention wasn’t simply objectifying him. He was more than a pretty face and a thing to win.
Kirishima’s jaw dropped. “Bakugo? You know Midoriya?”
Bakugo looked away from Midoriya and scoffed, “I’ve known this nerd since we were little brats.”
“Yeah, we just fell out of touch in middle school,” recalled Midoriya, trying to keep Bakugo from being a target of unwanted attention.
“That’s awesome! If you’ve survived knowing Bakugo this long, feel free to hang out with our class!” cheered Kirishima, ignoring the hissing of Bakugo’s quirk.
Midoriya was glowing as he accepted the offer. “That would be amazing! You all were awesome at the Sports Festival.”
As Midoriya turned all his attention to the suits, Bakugo felt comfortable enough to ask, “So, you still do all that analysis in your notebook?”
“Yeah!” answered Midoriya quickly, not bothering to look up from his stack of papers.
“Join one of our quirk training classes. You’ll be taking notes for the next week,” offered Bakugo, knowing his peers would appreciate a description of their quirk and ways to utilize and improve it.
Not only did Bakugo and Kirishima leave that room with the best model of their hero costume yet, but they also left with a new ally. They achieved becoming friends with the UA heartthrob and confirmed that he was a stunning and smart person.
It was safe to say class 1-A took Midoriya under their wing after he started hanging out with them. It also became a secret bet to see who Midoriya would end up dating. The highest bets were between Kirishima, Bakugo, and Todoroki.
Everyone lost. Midoriya ended up remaining single his entire time at UA High. He knew he was perfect and didn’t need anyone to prove it.
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sieglinde-freud · 6 days
you know ive never had robin s support a spotpass character. maybe i’ll marry gangrel
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lupins-hehim-pussy · 15 days
I think I accidentally made Wriothesley AuDHD. fuck
#ingital#did you know there's a bit in ingital i cut out where he tells Neuvillette they have to go get their kids tested. it's cut out of the carol#and vautrin scene. because I wanted to recontextualise carole's canon story as like about her social ostracisation because she's#a weird little girl with a very strong sense of justice (autistic like her dad lol). and I wanted it to just be a family moment where#wriothesley just very casually suggests getting their kids tested to see if they need additional support. and its just because i wanted it#to be seen as a very normal. even slightly positive moment (carole you're just like your papa!). because . you dont often see an autism#diagnosis as a Normal thing. much less a silly fun thing. and Ingital is silly fun the fic#the thing is. I specifically sat down and told myself. I'm gonna write a neurotypical man because not every single guy in my fic has to be#neurodivergent. when I write wriothesley it's usually more about trauma cptsd and high functioning depression anyway.#but I am autistic. even my trauma/depression/mentally ill experience is viewed through autistic lens. which is why im like#I should learn how to write a neurotypical man right. this is so dire. because what if i CANT. GOD#severe trauma does things to your neurotype anyway so he's Not Neurotypical but GODDDDDDDDDDD I made the fucking. disorganised#basement dwelling tech nerd gag in the latest chapter. and I FORGOT THAT THAT'S TIPPING INTO AUDHD TROPES/STEREOTYPES.#I know this had potential to go into audhd territory from Day 1 when I decided he fucking dwells on stack exchange#but i told myself. well. just because he's a nerd and highly intelligent doesn't mean he's audhd. right. because if he still#has relatively normal sensory experiences (outside of ptsd/other mental illness symptoms) and is still within normal range of organisation#then he's not audhd. because the difference between audhd disorganisation/dysregulation and similar symptoms in depression/other illnesses#IS THAT HE'S STILL GONNA BE DISORGANISED WHEN HE'S NOT DEPRESSED!!!!!!! And he's not depressed in his little basement enclosure.#that . level of happy chaos. is exactly how he naturally operates when he's allowed to do what he wants. I fucking made him audhd AGAIN#and he even has his own extremely strange way of naming files.
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tethrras · 7 days
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how i feel knowing i've spent the last 6 months convincing myself that he likes me even though it could not be clearer to me now that he absolutely does not
#i'm not even upset i'm more just annoyed i've spent so much time and energy on#being nice to him and supporting him and getting into his interests and hanging out w him#and not only does he not like me but he can't even treat me nicely#like he's actively hostile and aggressive with me#who else remember when he said he loves me ridiculously. who else remember when he told me#a list of all the reasons he used to have a crush on me without me asking#who remember when he used to walk across rooms past everyone else to come talk to me#and once did it about 10 times in a rehearsal#fuck my life. i can't believe this is where this has gone lmao#it's like. i don't think he's a bad person and i do think he loves me and cares about me#he would not spend... 11 hours at my house if he did not#but he does not behave in a way that makes me feel loved and cared for and i think that matters#if it was my choice i would probably choose not to be friends with him anymore#but at this point he has told me so much and sees our relationship as so intimate and vulnerable#that i don't think i can end the friendship without deeply upsetting him#lol. this is why i need to go missing but like consensually#i need to go somewhere for a year and live my best life and not have to worry about#being guilty about ghosting people or not talking to them. lol#okay. well whatever i'm quite upset and bummed out and don't know what to do#but tbh it's worth putting up w him being mean to me to get his lore bc i love studying him like a bug.#so yenno what i have nothing to complain about actually#maia.txt
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madd-nix · 1 year
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This Pride month, I've been feeling more Wrath than anything else. Let's all shut the queerphobes up and drown them in our anger - show them what a bunch of queers can do! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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rogersstevie · 3 months
one thing about me is even if i hated the book i just read i will still be defending the main character while all the goodreads reviewers go on about how whiny and selfish she is
#hi do you not understand she was 18 and did not get to figure out her own identity before becoming the wife of a grown man#do you not understand how postpartum works lol like she did a bad thing leaving the kid for a few months#but like. definitely worse things a struggling mother can do!#like she was doing all that with zero support because neither of them were connected to their parents at that point#and she didn't get to make any friends because as soon as she came into this city she got pulled into his life#and he's certainly not helping because he's always working and he thinks she has it so easy being with a baby all day#even though he absolutely DOES see how impossible it is to calm the kid and YET#and even when she leaves and he has to do shit himself and sees firsthand he still doesn't acknowledge it much#anyway that was a dumb book but it's like i always go looking to reviews for validation on not liking it and i see that shit#and i'm just like no no she was not the issue#it's literally like.........so many books i read where a woman is Going Through It#and is somehow expected to just be graceful and perfect all the time both within the book and by readers??? like what are y'all on#being rightfully unhappy about your situation does not make you whiny even when you're in the wrong sometimes you need to complain! damn!#and also she rarely did complain that's why she had to just leave because if she had said anything to her husband#about her struggles he would have dismissed her and told her to wait it out#god. i think it was very weird that i didn't see mention of the age difference in other reviews#literally. just graduated high school. he is 28. i'm just.
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#hi I’m going to complain for a quick second#so my parents have not contributed a fucking cent to my higher edumacation besides maybe three train tickets#I have paid two semesters so far by my self and with my grandmother giving me some money to help for transportation but that’s legit it#like my parents haven’t financially helped me at all okay#so my dad was going to do taxes today and he told me to print out the college tax thing and I got angry at him#because fuck you use me as a discount when you start to actually help me out at all#so we’re yelling at each other and he’s like oh isn’t there a parent account I can log into and I explain that no it’s fucking college#you do not have a day at all#he does not like this because he really likes being in control of shit#but it’s funny because for the first 16 years of my life he couldn’t give a shit less about my education last two years of HS he tries#to give unhelpful advice that just led to more stress (as in I got a 90 on a test and he’d ask why it wasn’t 100)#so we’re yelling at each other and my sister says to just ignore it because someone might aswell clame it for taxes instead of the state#and yeah sure fine but at least provide some support for me. or fucking tell me you’re proud of me that’s it that’s all I want#the only thing he has given me for school was a fucking BC tee shirt off of Amazon… that’s it#so now we are just fucking avoiding each other and it’s fucking awkward but my mom is treating it like I’m the bad guy here because#I’m angry they told me I had to go to college and now they won’t help me#like I understand that a lot of people don’t have their parents support to pay for college and they do drive me to the train station but#it’s just rude. and I can’t even talk to him about it because oh no big man feelings get hurt when $ is a topic but like grow the fuck up
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