#then the same for BluePoch
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the-blossica-fan · 3 months ago
BP=Balloon Party
Obviously, this means BP is an insider for BP
...But which BP is an insider to which BP...
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One thing I find very interesting, as a learner of German, is Isolde's usage of du when speaking to Kakania. In German, there are three main second person pronouns: du, ihr and Sie. The first two are mainly used in informal and casual settings or when talking to people you're close with (with du being singular and ihr being plural sorta similar to english's y'all) while Sie is used in more formal situations (or situations which require some form of formality) such as talking to strangers, customer service or when you're talking to a doctor/patient. Kakania abides by this and uses Sie when talking to Isolde (such as in her speech at the end of chapter 6) but interestingly, Isolde doesn't reciprocate this and instead uses du when conversing with Kakania in German.
This is super fascinating to me because it implies different levels of closeness within their relationship. Isolde's usage of du implies a level of closeness and intimacy to Kakania as Isolde herself saw Kakania as a close friend (most likely due to the fact that Kakania was once of the few people in Vienna who actually sympathized with her and saw her as a human being) but Kakania's siezen suggests a certain level of estrangement or distance between her and Isolde. Of course. this could just be her maintaining her professionalism as doctors normally use Sie when talking to patients but with how things turned out after chapters 6 and 7, I'd like to think this goes deeper than just formality standards.
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fishareglorious · 8 months ago
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rewatching mor pankh again and remembering the fact that Kumar was under the house all this time is. kinda cracking me up now that I'm watching this unfold.
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pandamonyum · 3 months ago
on the topic of Greta, I was doing the math yesterday and if she's 38 in 2007 then she would be ~21 in 1990. I think it's impossible for her to come back in any way or form and my theory is because her remains are in the foundation.
But... but but but, just for one second, I wanna imagine...🥺🥺🥺
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starsilversword · 1 year ago
Oooooooh. That ending, the birthday cake and gift. Madam Z. Ah, I'm so happy and bubbly on the inside.
Thank you Bluepoch for making such an amazing and emotional story. I can't wait what the future holds for Reverse 1999.
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sleeplesssmol · 1 month ago
I have been informed by the lovely people of Tumblr that we will be getting cards! This feels like the time I thought it'd be cool if we had Tamagotchi and then Dessert Flannel appeared a few updates later ♥
If I ask for Vertin getting a much needed hug, will it manifest?
Hear me out...
Reverse 1999 Tarot Cards.
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lilliangst · 7 months ago
biblically accurate, semi-realistic candace or kandake, who was a nubian queen
image renders:
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Incoming yap about the current genshin problem:
As a Chinese person swarmed by western media, Liyue means so, so much to me. Seeing the culture that I've been taught to be ashamed of all my life being represented so accurately and positively makes me incredibly happy. It was the first time I saw the famous landscapes that I've visited in person and recreated a fantasy game. Seeing characters wear clothes with similar designs to what I’ve worn and eating similar foods to what I’ve eaten, is indescribable. The euphoria I felt when I first climbed atop of Qingyun Peak and heard the music is something I wish I could experience again.
That being said, Sumeru was a mess, and Natlan is just depressing. What I would give to have people from SEA/SWANA, Latin America, Africa, and Indigenous groups etc. to feel the same way I did when strolling through Liyue.
HYV’s colorism isn’t just stifling their character designs; by whitewashing real-life people, real cultures and even their deities, they are inadvertently whitewashing history. They are taking from actual ethnic groups: learning their history and struggles, then retelling these narratives after replacing their people with bleached protagonists in orientalist clothing.
All this because of what? Out of touch beauty standards? The possibility of lower sales? Dehya is extremely loved in China and her fans donated thousands to a children’s charity in her name. Other Chinese companies like Lilith Games and Bluepoch don’t have this problem. Dislyte is able to consistently pump out gorgeous character designs with varying skin tones and Reverse:1999 makes accurate designs and does in-depth research into the cultures of their characters.
It’s a basic lack of respect.
I've heard that Iranian players were extremely happy and touched by their representation, and that's amazing. And most European, Chinese, and Japanese players are fine with theirs. I just wish this extended to the representation of people with skin tones that are darker.
HYV has shown that they are capable of making characters with darker skin tones and interesting designs, but they will only do that for npcs and enemies. Orientalism, culture mash-ups and inaccuracies across regions is unfortunately common in the game, but the problem with the unchanging pale color of playable characters reflects an obvious and sinister bigotry. I do personally believe that a lot of this has to do with the meddling of higher-ups; many playable characters look like they’ve been white-washed at the end of the process, and just from an art/design standpoint, they fit darker skin-tones much, much better.
It is impossible for Genshin to be a fully “fictional fantasy game�� because they chose to bear the responsibility of incorporating real life cultures into their world-building. The criticisms about Sumeru and Natlan are what they brought upon themselves. If you don’t want to represent properly, don’t do it at all. You cannot take everything from a culture and leave their people out of it. They deserve the same respect and research as the region representing your own nation.
For the people who have seen themselves represented in media over and over again, or for those who do not care about being represented at all: even if YOU don't care, others do, and they have a damn good reason for it. This is a big deal, it isn’t too much to ask for, and I will be blocking racists. Peace.
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vingler-mirror · 3 months ago
The fact that Isokania being in the presence of each other decreases the Stress for both of them and the team:
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I find it interesting that Isolde having Meltdown brings almost the same (or arguably more) benefit as her being in Focus (which is kinda concerning?). Also she practically decreases Stress for everyone including herself only if she's with Kakania (we get it Isolde, we won't separate you from your doctor).
On the other hand, Kakania entirely resets her Empathy when she has a Meltdown, which kinda sucks at first, but it also enables her to take more damages for the team (what's with these two and giving benefits when they're having Meltdowns). She also decreases her own Stress when her allies are having Meltdown, and she does it even more if she's with Isolde (still playing psychiatrist even in battle aren't you, Kakania?).
Basically you can bring them both in your team, and they'll always keep their and the team's Stress in check. Doomed yuri saves the day.
What's funnier is it's very rare for characters to have specified Stress condition related to being in another characters' company, so Bluepoch basically handcrafted these kind of conditions for Isokania. They really are Bluepoch's favorite doomed yuri.
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acesw · 14 days ago
Deep Analysis — 2.6 Poster
Hello everyone! As you can tell this is a post meant for the CN Spoiler audience. While the tags will be seen, same rules apply: If you're in any way sticking to global patches, I'd suggest not looking into this thread until way later. For any CN enjoyers, have fun!
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*Placeholder for spoilers
I've also begun using both tumblr and twitter interchangeably so that I can manage the distribution of both GLB and CN Lore posts. The thread version of this post is here.
Deep Ch. 9 Poster Analysis: Folie et Déraison
Welcome! As of today (18/02/25), Bluepoch has released the poster for 2.6, and there are a lot of cryptic implications in this poster than I expected.
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The formatting and amount of images here will be limited due to me being limited to my phone to write at the moment, but I will link specific parts of my twitter thread to be able to show the other images missed. Let's not dwell on my antics for longer and let's get started.
1. Title and Artwork
A. Title
"Folie et Déraison: Historie de la Folie" is a 1961 book written by Michel Foucault. The book describes how madness has evolved over the course of history from the middle ages to the 18th Century.
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B. The Main Cast
Recoleta (Ficciones)
The Idealist
The Physician
C. The Poster's Main Elements
The entire poster represents 3 main figures: the panopticon/prison, a skull-like head showing the layers of the mind, and 3 inner humanoid shapes that show the depth of the panopticon.
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D. Art Style
While I can't distinguish the exact form (ironic coming from an art student), this art style definitely uses Doodle/Scribble as a part of the drawing while also integrating the use of word art to reinforce the shape and message.
The way the lines are drawn are in a manner that makes it: hasty, jagged, sharp, and rough. It's meant to give that feeling of uneasiness, and express the desperation and mania founded in a decline in one's psychological health.
E. The Red Path
The red line represents paths and depth, with the addition of showing a hexagon-like shape in the middle and ladders across each layer. It also crosses over the key phrases, coincidentally symbolizing the shackles of the outermost figure.
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F. Key Figures
The key phrase in this poster is "Our Mind Is a Prison," repeated all over the poster and being one of the leading mediums of the head shape. In the image below, it specially reads as "Our Mind Is a Prison," cycling into "A Prison of our Mind."
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G. The Figures
As said earlier, there are three figures within the panopticon/head. The outermost figure encompasses the two others, the middle figure is shown to be in a sitting/dejected position, and the innermost figure is in a fetal position, protecting the hexagon shape.
H. The Description
"A place of exile for prisoners,
Countless fervent poems and ideals!
Countless illusions entwined into a labyrinth?
Countless versions of "you" drifting within...
Infinite possibilities lie hidden here,
And we have come for them."
-Merui's translation
2. Implied Symbolisms
A. Mental Spiral — With the ongoing themes of madness and illusions, and the key phrase, it's fitting that the poster shows a mental spiral and an interpretation of the "prison of your own mind" metaphor.
B. Labyrinth and Identity — Adding to the mental spiral symbolism, the panopticon is shown as a labyrinth. It can represent how difficult it is to navigate one's understanding of themselves and others. It adds to the complexity of interpersonal relationships and personal identity.
C. Death and Burial — My friend pointed out that the yellow scribbles that show the outermost layer of the prison can be interpreted as a grave. The head also shows a deliberately-placed hole that looks like an eye socket.
D. Pregnancy (and motherhood) — The outermost figure is shown to be encompassing the other two figures, while the innermost is in a fetal position. Here, it can imply pregnancy and likely the chapter's ties to Vertin and Urd (Dores), and their likely connection to each other. Additionally, someone pointed out that the figure in the fetal position looks like Vertin's body position in the profile screen!
3. The Main Cast
Recoleta and Aleph - Recoleta (Ficciones) and Aleph are both the main featured characters for this chapter, being described to be players of a "cruel game" (via Merui's translation of the broadcast description). Here in these posts, you'll find an analysis for both characters + the implications of the name "Recoleta."
It's likely that the two of them are either prisoners of the panopticon, or those who join Vertin and Sonetto in venturing deep in the labyrinth. They will definitely have some interesting stories to share.
Vertin and Sonetto - Speaking of which, Vertin and Sonetto are in the chapter together as a duo again; it's the first time since 1.2! This might be a chance for their individual characters and their relationship to be explored once again.
Many things between them are still left unsaid, and I would really want to see how this chapter will affect their relationship and understandings of each other. We might get a further glimpse of their origins too, who knows!
Dores - While we don't know who The Idealist and The Physician are, we definitely know who Dores is. What she went through to come back in this chapter, we don't know yet, but it can be assumed that she's imprisoned in this panopticon, and we will have a glimpse of her as a person.
4. Story Links and Initial Expectations
Folie et Déraison is the 9th Chapter of the Main Series and a direct continuation from 2.4 (Last Evenings on Earth), taking place after Igor's betrayal and Dores' kidnapping in Ch. 8, and the artificial "Storm" experiment in 2.4.
Taking place in Ushuaia, Argentina, it can be assumed that the story will be set in the now-former Ushuaia Prison, which is a prison based on the design of a radial panopticon. This chapter will also be set in 1991 via the timeline, making it a few months after Ch. 8.
I'm assuming that the prison here is being used as a temporary Manus base, where Dores is being kept during the time that she had remained hostage by Igor and the Manus Vindictae by extension. The fact that Vertin and Sonetto are going by themselves is already scary enough, but I'm sure they'll be able to push through.
The chapter will once more go into psychological themes, exploring the mind of oneself and "madness" as a concept. In that case, the main story—alongside Ficciones and Aleph's characters—will definitely deal with heavy and disturbing themes as well.
With the cast, we will definitely explore Dores/Urd as a character. With the line "countless versions of 'you' drifting within," we might see the story solidify her identity as Urd; which may bring a confirmation about her previous identities and her relationship with Vertin.
We'll also see two paths that will finally cross each other after too long. Besides that, there will definitely be a lot of reveals and new questions will be made, which is what I'm really hoping for.
5. Last Notes
This chapter definitely makes me excited. This poster is insanely done well and I really appreciate how cryptic it looks while it sets the message outright. The words are likely handwritten, so I applaud the art direction for that.
Aside from the anxiety over the PV and character design, I really have high hopes for this story and how it will push the plot forward. Thanks for reading and lets have fun theorizing for the rest of the week!
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pinkygirlymeg · 6 months ago
My opinions on 2.2 - As a Brazilian SPOILER WARNING
First off I'ma kick it saying yes, I am disappointed at Bluepoch for not adding diverse and PoC characters, however, this is a very much positive light on 2.2 because well, I enjoyed the update, I'm not here to defend Bluepoch but to appreciate the research and interesting things I think they added to their game about my people and culture.
I also think it's relevant to tell a bit about me, I'm a Brazilian woman natural from Rio de Janeiro, who early in life moved to a rural area in Goiás and later moved to the capital city of Brasília. I visited São Paulo, the city where 2.2 takes place quite a few times since parts of my family live there to this day, however the longer I've been there was 6 months, my visits to São Paulo also consisted mostly of living my the small towns around the big cities and living mostly in rural areas. (I've visited the big city but only to buy things that we didn't have mostly)
Starting off with some of the things I enjoyed the most: Music
So far there has been 3 songs of which I've listened
Starting with the one in the announcement of the special program; https://youtu.be/JsPw7aaB3WQ?si=aGYVp_yvvf1M5m5A
I do like the song, but this one is where they got the Brazil vibes a bit far off? They were going probably to the style of Bossa Nova, a Brazilian musical genre (noticable example are Garota de Ipanema) but I think in this one they went to much on a vibe that matches more french style music? Or at least reminds me of that (I'm sorry if I'm getting it wrong french people!!! Do let me know if I did).
The second one is the Livestream music! You can listen to it while they announce characters and garments;
I think the song is also not the best but definitely catches more of a Brazilian vibe, the style of music seems to be more centered around another genre commonly from the north east region of Brazil! (Noticable example is Figa de Guiné) Where they use a lot of triangles and little bit of the guitar, they're also going for a more beach style music to match the garments me thinks.
And now the third one and my favorite as off publication of this post. The "Trade Winds Garden" theme;
Once again they're going for a Bossa Nova vibe but this time, they nailed it perfectly. The strings and the chocalhos (sorry couldn't find a translation to that) work perfectly to create a representation in form of music! The style of the background of the new suitcase also fits the time period of Brazil's early 1900s or late 1800s that I think they're going for, the best example of a closely related song to this is also one of my favs "Águas de Março" is a music of the same genre who I think that this one might be based off.
Ok now with the characters and I'll start with the character I'm most familiar with the vibes!
Lopera the 6 star from the second part of the 2.2 version
Although we don't have much info on the story yet, she seems to be based of the "caipira" culture, I'll use the term Rural culture because "caipira" was a term used in a pejorative demeanor towards me and my family before.
Rural culture is a lot about family and as we know, Lopera ran away from her's, this is fairly common in these circles because living in a rural area while being young and full of dreams can be quite trapping! As for her design. I absolutely love it! From the hat to the sandal she embodies the spirit of a rural girl, the hat is ofc my favorite part, it's usually optional and men are more likely to not use hats as woman are. Being a Rural girl who easily burned in the sun I had to use long sleeves, long dresses and a really big straw hat, although the sandals are the norm when walking at home, usually we would use boots in the farm. In any case, I love her design and her clothes. In the i2 she seems to be more leaning towards a city girl, wearing the shorts and boots like she's ready for anything they throw at her. I personally like the i0 outfit more than the i2 for the many reasons I stated before and for the projection I did in her when I saw her.
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Now for our singing best Anjo Nala!
I also loved her vibes! I saw a lot of people saying she's purple scary woman and I agree a bit with that but I really like this trope so I'm eating it! She's one of the characters that I also think I would enjoy way more if she has more melanin but for lore reasons I think she was never even a possibility for that.
First addressing the whole Anjo Nala is Kimberly, I disagree and don't think they are the same person. My evidence is that Kimberly has an identical twin who has been recently murdered! In the newspaper we can see that a ruthless murderer's life has been put to an end. I believe Anjo Nala is that twin who got murdered, aside from the visual differences both have, they also behave completely different at least from what we can see on the PV. Anjo Nala also speaks portuguese in one of her voice lines, knowing Kimberly she would've probably already said things in Portuguese had she known the language at this point. There's also some visual differences to the two, like anjo Nala's tail and horns being different than Kimberly's.
Now putting that to the side. Anjo Nala seems to be based of a more high class songstress. The beautiful girl who sings in the boats that pass by the river. Although that is a more romantic view of our culture it's still within Brazilian literature to have that type of character. The seducing demons from the rivers are also very much part of our culture as you can see from the "Boto Cor de Rosa" a character from Brazilian mythos and folklore.
The i0 dress looks simply so cute, matching the style and era of the outfits worn by the ladies here in the big cities of Brazil, as for her i2 it seems to be more of a stage outfit, I love it too, but personally, like Lopera I like her i0 more. Although I love the art and the background of her i2 and the references to the festivals of new year here and the carnival with the lights blowing in the sky voice line and the people laughing and dancing! She's a very cute character overhaul!
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Mr. Duncan... Another character whom I think would look very good with more melanin, mr.duncan embodies a very common guy in Brazilian families, the "Tio do Pavê" or that cute and funny old uncle who cracks dad jokes whenever you meet with them, he seems like a passionate and generally nice guy and OMG I love seeing older man being added to the game! It really brings variety and the possibility of old men yaoi (looking at u Shamane), I really enjoy his character for how much I can see of him in my own family and it's very fun to think of all the cute interactions he could pull off! Design wise, he feels a little bit more like a tourist, although I've seen my dad wear similar outfits before when going to the beach or simply enjoying an outdoors barbecue. I like both of his i0 and i2 basically equally! I think he looks overhaul very nice
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I won't make a comment about our skeleton hand just yet, White Rum seems like the most mysterious one so far! But I will make a post about them if I happen to have some new matured thoughts of if they get more info about them
Lastly for the garments, I LOVED the garments for this version, making the Brazil patch a beach vibes update is expected but they surprised me a lot! The outfits do look really like the things any Brazilian would wear to go to the beach, my favorites being Vila's and Yenisei's garment. Specifically talking about Yenisei, it might be me going on crack mode but I think her design is based off the Victoria Regia story of Brazilian folklore and I think it works perfectly with Yenisei's connection to rivers!
Marcus looks like the cute and sweet girl at the beach but girl that sunburn marks will be weird looking with all that fishnets /silly
Vila looks gorgeous and 37 is not beating the most beautiful character of the game allegations, I also think her garment has something to do with 37 accepting the malleability of truth and how it bends and changes like a river, truth changes in every different perspective!
Shamane looks gorgeous and I look forward to all the yaoi potential he got hwhshssh /silly and seriously I also love the representation of our fauna in Shamane's garment.
Few that was quite a lot I think I'm done for this post at least! I can and will yap more about this version once things come out and I'm yet to make a post about the PV, I did see it and I have some thoughts that I still need to mature! If you have any questions, suggestions or corrections they're all welcome! I just enjoy discussing things about my culture and country and how people from the outside world perceive us!
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hazymoonlinh · 5 months ago
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+ To even capture his heart, you really are something.
+ Plus if you are an outsider too, automatically have the respect of everyone on the island
+ He wouldn’t mind a talkative person, as long as you respect his boundaries.
+ This man might not into PDA, sadly, because he have a face to save
+ He would steal some glances at you when you’re working or too occupied with something so you won’t notice. He’s awkward but try his best to understand this new feeling.
+ Very busy but he will try his best to save time for you
+ If loving Getian is a slow burn, you need PATIENCE when loving this man.
+ Best you could get is hand holding in public
+ Everything intimate is in private.
+ Also need you to make the first move.
+ Doesn’t mean you can’t tease him tho.
+ Trace the uncovered area on his chest, he would be flustered.
+ Unexpected kiss will caught him off guard. He might not look like it but he enjoys them.
+ Tho I said respect boundaries but you are the only one that can get away with interrupting his “power saving mode”
+ Let him use your lap as a pillow, massaging his head and comb his hair with your fingers after a long day. A peaceful picture indeed.
+ He’s inexperienced. 22 and no bches( I mean I’m 20 and the same so who am I to judge 😔)
+ His love language is act of service. Gift giving, being a gentleman, taking care of you in every way, worry about your safety.
+ Straight forward but doesn’t mean he’s not romantic. Legit will say “You’re beautiful” to you every day with a straight face 🥹
+ Imagine getting lost in his ocean eyes. Oh to be love by someone so ethereal like him, to able to see your reflection in his eyes, to be able to stare as long as you want to.
+ He would have slender and veiny hands. Now imagine he tracing circle on your hand while you talk about your day to him.
+ Long walk on the shore with comfortable silent.
+ Loving him is like listening to a Lana Del Rey song, it’s like walking on clouds.
+ Rarely kiss but when he does he would have long, passionate kisses. He would gently lift your chin while kissing.
+ He would be the wife in the relationship if I can woo him =)))
+ It’s funny how his crown being snatched by the seagulls every day so both of you would have to find it in those nest every day lmao (it’s canon)
+ After the “storm”, if both of you stay in Vertin suitcase he would have more time for you.
+ He would no longer be 6, but rather your Atticus.
+ I think he would have nightmares of what happened even if he tried to show that he looks unaffected so please comfort him, this poor guy.
+ Would be the one who sleep after you when both of you share a bed. He would give you forehead kisses and a “I love you” whisper
+ He would melt if you call him by his real name rather than the title “6”
+ He’s so pure and innocent like his look I legit cannot think of anything dirty at all 🙉
(Bluepoch please give me 6 and Getian, I need them so badddddd)
I suggest read this while listening to Salvatore
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THE Joe Character Analysis. Part 1: The Greasers and J's Mexican Heritage
Merry Christmas, especially to the dedicated Joe fan, @barbieb0y! After torturing myself by recapping and taking notes of the entire 2.0 event, Joe's character story "The San Francisco Kids", looking at his storyboards and comic, getting Joe to 100% bond, having him as my main in the Series of Dusks, and reading + re-reading all of his voice lines/mini stories/descriptions; I can confidently say that I have gained more insights about his character and formed theories of my own that we shall tackle today.
While looking at J's character storyboard I noticed something interesting about his fashion style.
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J's fashion style is inspired by the Greaser's aesthetic. Considering that Bluepoch pays attention to character details and their outfits, this is an intentional choice. By briefly looking at the Wikipedia page for the Greaser subculture, I noticed that the most prominent adopters of the style are Italian Americans from the North and Hispanic Americans in the South (including places like California, in this case, Haight Street).
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This brought to my attention that J, in fact, could have Mexican heritage. Specifically, he is a mixed White-Mexican American.
Why so?
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J's paternal side is the legendary arcanist family, the Waylands. The last name Wayland derives from the Norman French word Wēland, which may also derive from the ancient Germanic words wēla-nandaz, which means "battle" and "brave." This means that his father is most likely a typical White American.
Since J is a mixed arcanist, I would assume that his biological mother is a human Hispanic considering the significant percentage of San Francisco's Hispanic population and also due to J's identification with the Greaser subculture.
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A mixed child has a higher chance of learning their mother's culture especially if they grow up around other maternal family members or people of the same culture. I noticed that my mixed-race cousins whose father was an American, identified more with their Filipino side especially since they live in the Philippines. I identify more with my mother's ethnic group due to the same reasons.
Besides his tanned skin, his love for Mexican food and drink and his mastery of cooking the cuisine may suggest that he is of Mexican descent.
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The most telling of these examples is J's cooking ability NOT his preference for Mexican food. In the first example, he managed to make a hot sauce AUTHENTIC enough that Centurion, a CANONICAL Mexican-American character, was taken back to her hometown. This is a big deal considering that in the 1990s, there wasn't Youtube or online sources that could spread authentic recipes for Mexican food! Due to the limited educational resources in that era regarding cooking Mexican food, this means that he most likely learned it by being taught by someone who could make Mexican food, which I conclude is his biological mother.
Tang Ji, the chef who raised J after his father died, is a Chinese immigrant so it's unlikely that he knows how to cook Mexican food from the get-go. J himself also knows how to cook Chinese food because of this. There is a chance that one of the Mexican immigrants could have taught J how to cook Mexican food but due to his tan skin color (that he had even before he began blacksmithing) this leads me to assume that my conclusion is the more likely option.
But why? I am led to believe that his mother passed down her recipes to her husband and son just like how some of my mixed family members exchange recipes and traditions amongst each other. A fast way to connect to one's culture is by knowing how to make food from THAT culture. Since J lost his mother at a young age (but not too young as not to remember her), I think it is his way of remembering his mother and connecting to his culture (since he cannot speak the language I assume).
So going back to the Greaser subculture that J identifies with, it emerged amongst lower-class teenagers and young adults. The Greaser subculture was associated with motorcycle gangs, their attire, their greased-up hair, and their rebellious attitude.
This is reflected in J's fashion:
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(His hairstyle is a more tousled version of a flop)
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(His jacket seems to be a modified Perfecto Motorcycle Jacket)
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(His jeans are Levi's dark blue jeans that are inspired by the 50s with the cut of the jeans being a bit wider near the end to make way for boots)
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(His boots are partially hidden by his jeans but it is a Winklepicker boots which are characterized by their slick body, pointy toes, and straps)
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(The Greasers were oftentimes bikers and were fond of the hot rod type of bikes. "Hot Rod" is a way of modifying classic vehicles by stripping them of their parts, which exposes insides like the pipes, to increase speed.)
The original Greasers were from ethnic minorities like those from the Mediterranean, Mexican, Puerto Rican, and Italian. They felt united in the feeling of being left out of the post-war economic boom and also experienced discrimination and poverty. The theme or main philosophy and ethos of the Greaser and the cultural aspects of Mexican-American culture are essential in understanding J, his understanding of the world, and his background in Haight Street.
In three posts, I will discuss the three themes that explore 1) collectivism vs individual choice, 2) masculinity, family, and community, and 3) J's philosophy regarding blades and metals (and how it connects to his views of imperfection and culture). I will also be comparing and contrasting him with characters like Legers, Argus, and Isolde. I will reblog these posts when they come, so sit back and enjoy!
Link to the ultimate Joe Directory: https://www.tumblr.com/lifegoesonevenifeverybodyisgone/771822786973958144/the-ultimate-joe-directory?source=share
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vertin-is-the-frog-guys · 8 months ago
sonetto and sophia are so similar, both have strong arcanum's, but don't think their strong at all
putting themselves down while also lifting everyone else. i can't help but think it was intentional for them to look very similar.
plus, with the whole prisoner is the cave theory that sophia has about her self and 37, you can't help but think of vertin and sonetto.
how vertin was brave enough to open the door and see the storm, except the storm took away what was dear to her, and sonetto stayed behind.
in reality, nether sonetto or sophia will even be greater than vertin or 37. simply because they don't think they can
sonetto has been caged, and turned into a lap dog for the institution, and thus vertin
the same can be said for sophia, as she mentally traps herself into her own cage, afraid of miscalculating again.
with the sonetto and sophia conversation where sonetto mentions something very similar to the ideas of the prisoner in the cave that sophia has.
she says that even if they are not the ones who reach the core of truth (get out of the cave) they can help pave the way for people in the future (maybe saying that they can help the other person get out of the cage?).
it's a much more optimistic view of their situations than what sophia has.
it also makes me think that if bluepoch made sophia a arcanist that we can pull, she would be mineral
mineral arcanists has such a simple mindset, as they just, don't think their enough? they are almost always soft spoken so far, too
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fishareglorious · 4 months ago
for all the community talks about doomed yuri, bluepoch's love for making doomed brother-sister pairs is also somewhere in the same level as their doomed yuri.
to name who i can remember, the dittarsdorfs (theophil and isolde); the hofmanns (greta and adler); the shamars (kumar and shamane); the vinglers (kakania and elbert); as of currently, joe and paulina; and a honorary doomed sisters mention, the grecos (schneider and marian).
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ihaveforgortoomany · 6 months ago
Love that we recognise Kakania has grandma vibes but whats funnier is how she goes:
"Look at you a small child and they gave you this coat. How young does to the Foundation hire people?" In the same breath as "YoURe PeRfect tO Be A Psychicist (i cant spell)!"
One minute complaining about the Foundation hiring literal children to immediately attempting to hire a child to become a therapist because of her arcane skill.
(I want to see more of her and Marcus' dynamic)
(I sometimes forget Marcus is older than Vertin by a year, shes so baby and precious lawd Bluepoch loves giving her new supports)
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stari-hun · 5 months ago
Reverse 1999 Ships I Subscribe to and Why
✰ Verneider - Doomed yuri my beloved. Verneider is like someone coming into your life and falling for them when you only have the summer together before you never see each other again. They would've worked out so well too if Constantine didn't wanna ensure that Vertin would stay 100% loyal to stopping the Storm.
✰ Sonettilda - I have eyes and they see gay people. Plus I wanna root for Matilda since she has a puppy crush on the puppy herself.
✰ Druvis x Lilya - Lesbian aunts. They have such good chemistry too, they were def flirting in Book 4.
✰ Vilasong - Erm i have eyes
✰ 37 x Sophia - Codependency Yuri
✰ Medikaal - They're both very nonhuman in opposite ways, Kaalaa is like a star fallen to earth and Medpocket is a menace. Plus gotta love a good workplace meet cute. (Go check out @medikaal and their main acc for more content)
✰ 6Pockets - Complicated explanation here, but the short of it is
✰ Niablume - It's ENTIRELLYYYY cause of @salt6x5 art on here but they're so cute. Melania who needs all this information and uses it to force people to not be complacent about their security x the information lover who's job is security. Plus they really compliment each other well whether one calms down from the other or gets more energy from the other.
✰ Tennant, Kakania, and Dikke - PVP Polycule as Mocha would put it. I have a full post here but I just think they'd hate each other for different reasons and because of that I want them to kiss too.
✰ KaalaaSong (Kaalaa Baunaa x Windsong) - Lesbabs.. as the scripture (Bluepoch) encourages. Kaalaa and Windsong are both extremely burnt out researchers, while KB is in a fully accepted field she still has to work harder to prove herself because she's an arcanist, and Windsong struggles to prove herself capable because of the actions of her predecessors. They'd do so good at any kind of tired meet cute whether it's meeting in the breakroom and bonding over their workloads as new recruits to Laplace, or them being on the same field missing together and falling asleep on each other during the train ride there.
✰ NecroFlan (Necrologist x Desert Flannel) - "*talking about what she loves to do*" "Oh my god... you're such a freak... why am I so into that-"
[A certified @anonymocha sourced ship]
✰ Tittering Heart (John Titor x Sweetheart) - Very judgmental but expressing it in opposite ways. Also John Titor would help Sweetheart with the photoshoot where she has the outfit 210 designs for her.
[ANOTHER certified anonymocha sourced ship, hope you see the pattern forming here]
Platonic Friend Groups!
✰ Spirit Box (An-An Lee, Horropedia, Isolde, Jessica) - Isolde plus a group who understands her and accepts her for her differences. Jessica and another person who understands the struggles of pretending to be something you're not in order to make others like her. An-An who gets to talk to other people in contact with the supernatural and has interest in working with her. Horropedia with a group that doesn't judge him for his interests and genuinely appreciates his help.
✰ Identity Issues and Masking Support Group (Jiu Niangzi, Jessica, Isolde, and Bette) - They all struggle with masking in the past or currently which led to a lot of identity issues. Half of them are relearning what it means to be a person.
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