#then started swatting a bee
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marvel-lous-guy · 2 years ago
Tony: I can't believe I lost my wedding ring. It's the one thing I can't replace.
Peter: Don't worry, Mr Stark. We'll find it before Pepper finds out. We'll just have to retrace your steps.
Harley: Or we could hire a metal detector and comb the entire city. That's what I did when I lost my cufflinks.
Tony: I don't think that's very practical
Harley: Hey, I found them, didn't I? And not everyone can afford unlimited cufflinks old man
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snekdood · 2 months ago
people are only gonna realize honey is bad and corporations have been lying about which bee needs to be saved when all the native bees are dead, huh
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korattata · 6 months ago
where on the internet can i ask for advice on how to repair my relationship with the wasps that live outside of my house
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writersdrug · 6 months ago
Training for Two
Chapter 6: Pup Cup
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Summary: Simon unexpectedly runs into you... and your friends... and Tyler.
Warnings: dissociation, jealousy
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It was finally Saturday - a Saturday where you had cleared your schedule, and so had Leslie and Nina. AND Tyler. Which was maybe once every two months. So, you had made plans to get brunch with the girls, the three of you deciding to dress up a bit and get mimosas. Tyler had promised to swing by around one to take you around the city, then to spend a cozy day at his apartment.
Right now, it was girl time. The three of you had your mimosa pitcher and a shared basket of fries, delving into each other's personal drama.
"And then Marcie asked me to pick up this Saturday - today, mind you - because she forgot the two interns were finished this Thursday. Of course, I told her no, in the most professional way I could - and she had the audacity to say I needed to pick up more slack. Me!!"
Nina scoffed. Your jaw dropped open. "You've been there the longest!"
Leslie nodded. "Longer than her, too! God, I could've let her have it, right then and there-" she sighed, leaning back in her seat. "Of course, I didn't. But I made sure she knew I would not be coming in on my day off, that I had planned for weeks."
You snapped your fingers in applause, making Leslie chuckle. "Bravo to you - we love seeing women fighting women in the workplace."
"Oh, stuff it." She laughed, swatting your hands away. "Feels like an episode of 'The Office,' if you ask me. Just too bloody insane to be real."
You hummed thoughtfully, taking a sip of your mimosa. Your eyes wandered down to your purse, hanging from the side of your chair, your phone tucked away within. I wonder what Simon's up to... what does he do on his days off?
"Speaking of women in the workplace..." Leslie turns to Nina, who was scowling at her phone. "Who's got you so irate on a Saturday?"
"Idiots, that's who." She grumbled, furiously punching away at the keyboard on her screen. "It's as if the minute I take a personal vacation, everyone and their grandmother suddenly need a wedding planner." She sighed and tucked her phone back into her purse. "I'm sorry..."
You and Leslie shook your head, reassuring her that it was alright. God forbid she starts falling into the "I work so hard and get nothing in return" schpeel - which would be believable and understandable, if it wasn't for the fact that she played that card every time the three of you were together.
"Did you hear she started dog-sitting?" Leslie said, nodding in your direction.
That snapped Nina out of her own head. "You did? What does that have to do with your design work?"
You huffed. "Well, it doesn't - but, and I told you this, Leslie" - she laughed at your glare - "that I was just looking for a house-sitting gig, like what I did before I left that stupid company. Just until I got a few clients to myself, and could start my own business."
"Busy bee..." Leslie commented, and Nina nodded in agreement.
"Not nearly as you two - remember how hard it was for me and Tyler to have a weekend together? Now I'm the one waiting for him. He's even started coming with me when I take Riley for walks - just to spend more time together."
"How sweet..." Leslie cooed.
"Riley?" Nina asked.
"The dog." You answered. "She's a wonderful dog, really. Used to be military, before her... injury..."
You trailed off, staring at something between Leslie's and Nina's heads. They stared at you in confusion for a moment, until you beamed widely and started waving your hand. They turned to stare at whomever had caught your attention.
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Simon wasn't one for "get-togethers," as he heard them called. He was perfectly fine spending his leave at home, only leaving to walk Riley or get his groceries and smokes. He'd occasionally text the team and see what they were up to, but other than that - he had no problem living like a hermit.
Soap was the one to suggest the idea of the team getting lunch together, since they were all nearby for work. Of course, Gaz was never one to turn down a group outing; once he was in, Price had decided they all might as well go. ("Should be a team off the field too, right?")
So that's how Simon had been forced to come out of his cave. And no, it might not seem like he was forced... but it would be rude of him not to go, so therefore, societal standards were forcing him. That, and Soap would bitch about him being a "bawbag" for weeks if he didn't tag along.
He decided to bring Riley with him, since it had been a few weeks since she had seen everyone. She looked around as she panted, walking besides Simon through the mildly-crowded sidewalk. It was a decent Saturday afternoon, with a mix of cloud and sun hanging in the sky. Simon wore his usual jeans and a sweatshirt, along with a black surgical mask.
He needed a head start for the day. Not that he didn't enjoy spending time with his team outside of work... but people were exhausting, especially when he was forced into proximity with them. He needed a few hours to himself, in public, just to wake up his social battery. The best way to achieve that? Tea, Riley, and people-watching.
So that's how he found himself, next in line at the coffee counter of a restaraunt he’d been to a few times before. He had his hands shoved in his pockets as he held Riley's leash; her head was on a swivel, sniffing the aromas that wafted through the air, and the occasional hand of each person who passed her. Simon was thankful people were wary of his presence - it kept everyone from trying to lean down and pet Riley without his permission.
The customer in front of him moved away from the counter, and Simon stepped forward. The girl behind the cash register smiled at him, wiping her hands on her apron.
"What can I get for you, sir?"
"Jus' a tea. Medium, no sugar, no cream."
"Would you like the passionfruit tea or the mint berry mixer? Or our jasmine goddess?"
"... d'you have black tea?"
She chuckled. "Yeah, I'll get your black tea."
Simon huffed as he put his cash on the counter. Don' get why tha's funny...
He watched as she moved - rather sluggishly, he thought. Despite that her makeup did a fantastic job of hiding how tired she must have been, he could see it in her eyes and actions. The way she stood there, shoulders slightly slumped as she watched the hot water pour into Simon's cup, her arms resting heavily against the counter. He looked behind him briefly, noticing how long the line was for the cafe. Not to mention she had dine-in orders to fulfill, too... and she's alone at the coffee bar. He turned back, watching as she fought to make sure the lid was properly secured on his cup. It made him a bit nervous, how she supported nearly all of her weight onto the top. What if it crumples? What if she gets burnt? Is there a burn kit behind the shelf? Probably not-
Riley whined, snapping Simon’s attention away from the barista and down towards her. She licked her lips and stared up at him curiously.
She always knows.
He sighed, patting her flank. "Thanks, girl."
The barista returned with his tea, as well as a small cup of whipped cream with a dog biscuit poking out of it. “For your friend.” She said with a too-tight smile.
Simon stared blankly at the whipped cream cup. "I didn't order tha’.” He said bluntly.
“It’s on the house! Pup cups are free.” She said, nudging the two items towards Simon. “Don’t worry, there’s no added sugars in the whipped cream, and the treat is allergen-free.”
Why does everyone assume dogs have allergies? Simon thought to himself. He glanced at Riley for a brief moment – she looked back at him, certainly not expecting a treat, not yet. She’d hounded him enough for those goddamn biscuits all morning, the ones you’d been spoiling her with, and he had no choice but to follow the routine and gave her one. This created a cycle that sent him to the doggie-daycare once a week to pick up more, since the old woman who made them only sold them there. Without even intending to, most likely, you were taking more from his wallet than he had hired you for. Not that he minded… it was all for Riley, however, he was almost certain he’d buy a fucking parrot if you were the one convincing him.
Riley let out a garbled sound, making Simon realize he was still staring at her. And holding up the line. Shit, socializing was more taxing than he thought…
“Thanks…” he mumbled, grabbing his drink and the cup of whipped cream. He carefully directed himself and Riley through the crowd and over to the condiment shelf, setting both items down and adjusting his grip on Riley’s leash. He still had a few hours to kill; it’s a bit cramped in here, he thought as he grabbed a handful of napkins, eyeing the throng of coffee addicts and beatniks in the cafe, there’s always the bench by the fountain on Muller and 4th street, that might-
The sight of your familiar, perfect, sparkling eyes sucked the air and the thoughts from his body in a matter of a single second. That bright personality speared him like a harpoon as you waved from across the café, beckoning him over with a waggle of your fingers. His mind was trying to catch up after being knocked off of its feet, and he finally inhaled.
You looked equally surprised to see him - but he wasn't paying attention to that. He noticed your eyeliner and lipstick, how it made your features even brighter than they typically were. You'd worn your hair down, which was the first time he'd seen it like this since he hired you. Your nails were painted a soft pink, which accentuated the mimosa glass like an orange sunset across a blush sky... and your dress. Of course, it was bright and floral, just like your personality. But it was soft, too. The way it fitted so nicely around you - not too tight, perfectly settled around your shoulders and hips, making you look delicate. Simon was sure if he was to reach out and touch your arm, it would feel like he'd touched the skin of an angel.
He was too stunned to wave back, still frozen in the one spot by the counter as people flowed around him like river water around a stone. It wasn't until Riley had noticed you too and began whining that Simon finally gathered his bearings and nodded his head at you, stuffing the napkins in his pocket.
Two other heads swiveled around from your table and eyed him curiously, and for a moment, he groaned internally; you were with friends. Not horrible, but... not ideal. He didn't care to talk to anyone other than you at the moment – really, ever. Still, you were here, and that trumped all other factors. His anxieties moved to the sidelines when you were on the other end of the path. He clicked his tongue at Riley and grabbed his tea, carefully weaving through patrons and tables to get to you.
"Simon!" You chirped when he approached; you stood up and on your toes, reaching your arms to give him a side hug. He awkwardly stood there, attempting to hug you back by letting his arm curve around your upper back, careful not to spill his tea. Before he could stop himself, he took a deep, quiet breath in, nearly sighing at the smell of your perfume.
So floral and... sweet. Like the bookstore/plant nursery hybrid that he passes when he walks through town on his way for groceries.
You pulled away, and he straightened up. He was suddenly aware of the other two women staring at him.
"So sorry!" You said, turning to your friends. "Simon- this is Leslie, and Nina."
"’Ello." He said quietly, uninterested, and they each responded with their own "hi's". Leslie looked at him with a scrutinous stare, and he could feel her trying to peel him apart layer by layer. She looked like a corporate junkie, with her tight bun and high heels. Nina... she was... odd. She looked at him with her bottom lip between her teeth, eyes half-lidded... it made him uncomfortable. Both with the way she shamelessly ogled, and with how her eyes seemed to be a few unfortunate centimeters too far apart.
"And this is Riley!" You said, bending down and ruffling the dog’s fur. "How ya been, girl?"
She blinked at you as you pet her, sniffing the air between your face and hers. Her tongue hung out of her mouth as she panted, nearly smiling up at you if she could have.
"Ya gone and spoiled her." Simon commented, feeling something warm at the sight of you and Riley. "She wants me to tuck 'er in every day, now. And she's got me runnin' to the dog daycare every week for those bloody biscuits."
Leslie pursed her lips, thinking Simon was being rather rude. You laughed, sitting back down in your seat. "She wasn't spoiled enough, in my opinion. Did she drag you to Poeheko Park yet?"
"She did. Thought I's about to be mugged."
You laughed again. Simon wished he could bottle the sound and keep it in his pocket, so he could pull it out and listen to it over and over whenever he wanted.
"I don't think anyone could mug you, Simon." You said, absentmindedly stroking Riley's fur as she sat next to you.
So you thought he was strong? Invincible? Oh, that did something to him.
"What do you do, Simon?" Leslie asked, sipping her mimosa. "For work?"
Definitely corporate... he thought, from the way her question sounded slightly interrogatory.
"Military." He said bluntly.
Nina's lips curled into a smile; he chose to ignore it.
"Her too?" Leslie pointed at Riley, who sniffed her extended hand.
"She was..." Simon looked down at her, a bit pleased that Riley huffed in distaste at the 'stranger'. "Retired. And a rotten princess now, thanks to you." He turned back to you, his expression lighting up the tiniest bit.
You could sense something - what it was exactly, you couldn't put your finger on it. Simon seemed... tense. Uncomfortable. Maybe he didn't like being thrown into social settings with people he didn't know. You understood it.
"Well-" you said, trying to ignore the way Nina stared at him. "I don't want to interrupt your morning."
"You weren't." He said, still looking at you.
You sent him a glance, and laughed nervously. He continued watching you - God bless anyone who was ever in a staring contest with this man - as Riley sat next to him obediently. Fuck, she was staring at you too...
Leslie looked back and forth between the two of you for a moment, with you blushing furiously, and Simon watching you like you were prey - fortunately, she found an opportunity to come for your rescue.
"Oh, Tyler's here, luv." She said, tilting her head towards the space behind you.
You turned in your seat and smiled, just as a man came up and whisked you out of your chair. You threw your arms around his shoulders and kissed his cheek, and he smiled as his arms wrapped around your waist.
"Thought you were coming by around one?" You said, pulling back to look at his face.
"I was able to pick up the kit from work earlier than I expected, so I thought I'd come by now." He briefly waved at Leslie and Nina, tucking you into his side. "Sorry girls - lookin' lovely, by the way - but I'm stealin' her a bit early today."
Nina waved her hand dismissively. "We had something planned for tomorrow too; go right ahead." Leslie nodded in agreement.
Tyler smiled. "Perfect. Glad it's not too much of a- woah..."
He turned to look – to really take in the sight of the hulking, brooding man beside you, and he was very visibly taken aback. Simon's soft stare had turned into a cold, unforgiving glare. His eyes were hardened with - something. Maybe anger, maybe authority. He stood rigid and tall, with his hands in the pockets of his sweatshirt, as he bore holes into Tyler's frame.
Simon took him in: soft, brown hair, a slight tan, rough hands, yet soft features. Slight wrinkles around the eyes from smiling too much. A white shirt and jeans, with a plaid – it made sense, now where your stash had come from.
He liked the way that Tyler was a bit intimidated, as evident by the look in his eyes. What he didn't like, was... Tyler. How he held you close. How you let him hold you. And how he himself felt the urge to snatch you from Tyler's grasp and march you out of the cafe.
"Oh, sorry-" your voice brought them both out of their trance. "Tyler, this is Simon. My client."
"Ah!" Tyler smiled, relaxing a bit as he held his hand out. "Nice to meet you!"
Simon grabbed it firmly, making Tyler wince the tiniest bit as he shook his hand. "Likewise." Not in the slightest.
When he released his hand, Tyler bent down to Riley and offered his hand for a sniff. "I know we've met before, girl."
Simon felt something stir in his gut as Riley sniffed Tyler's hand. "Y' have?" He asked, his voice a bit harsh.
"He's never been in your house." You said quickly, trying to diffuse the tension in the air. "He just tags along for the walks sometimes. Keeps us company.”
Riley IS the company. Y’ don’t need an extra, luv.
"Mm." Simon said gruffly, looking down at Riley. She was sniffing Tyler's closed fist, then leaning back to stare up at Simon. She huffed in distaste.
He fought the urge to smirk. Good girl.
"What do you do, Simon?" Tyler asked, trying to be friendly.
Nina cleared her throat. He's milita-"
"Special Armed Services." Simon interrupted. "Ten years."
Tyler looked impressed. "Shit- that's tough, mate. Makes sense with how you- y'know..." he gestured to Simon's frame, then dropped his hands and cleared his throat. "Eh, nevermind."
"I's fine." Simon replied, standing a bit taller. "What d'you do?"
"Ah- heh, nothin' that impressive. Electrician."
Simon nodded, though it wasn't the answer he was hoping for. It was hard to completely emasculate a man when he did blue-collar work. And even harder when Tyler seemed to respect Simon. It was one thing to be an asshole to an asshole, but it was another to be an asshole to a decent man.
He had to reign himself in. Tyler was your boyfriend. Why was he trying to show the poor lad up after knowing him all for a minute and a half?
"Well, erm..." Leslie cut in. "Looks like you two need to get going, and we're nearly finished here." She smiled at Simon. "It was lovely meeting you!"
"Yeah mate!" Tyler said. "Nice to finally meet you!"
Simon paused for a moment. Normally, he would love to be ripped out of a conversation like this - but now, he'd suffer through the company of a few, annoying strangers if it meant he got to talk to you. But, he obliged, sensing that Leslie wanted him gone for a reason.
"Yeah, likewise." He said, giving Riley a pat, then he looked at you. "Might need you t' watch 'er soon, but I'll email you."
"I'll keep an eye out for it." You said with a flashy smile. "See you later, Simon!"
He grunted and nodded his head, then left them all at the table. Riley stayed dutifully by his side as they made their way through the crowd of cafe patrons.
Simon tried to smell your perfume for as long as it would cling to his shirt. Soon, the scents of coffee, sugar, and teas washed it out, and the lingering warmth your scent brought him had also vanished. The bitterness came right back into his throat, coating his tongue and making him grimace under his mask and his fists clench in his pockets.
Tyler seemed like a good man, and you were happy. He had no business feeling so possessive over something that wasn't his - something that belonged to someone else. He felt like he was missing a screw - his emotions were completely out of control, and he acted compulsively when it came to you. He told himself, as he walked out of the cafe and into the busy sidewalk, that the disappointment of discovering that you were Tyler's would be a good opportunity to work on himself.
He sighed, continuing down the path to the pub. Riley huffed as she trotted next to him, and he suddenly remembered the cup of whipped cream and the dog treat – most likely still abandoned on the condiment counter of the restaurant. “Don’ worry, girl, you can have some’f Johnny’s chips.”
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revelboo · 3 months ago
Waspinator is such a fun character and the way you did him in the worker bee series is chefs kiss! We need to show that bug some more love! Give him a big smooch!
(Sorry for this deranged comment/ask, hope you’re having a good day!)
He’s a bit slow, but he tries his best
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Worker Bee Pt 7
Waspinator x Reader
• Leaning out into the hall, you make sure your unwanted houseguest is still preoccupied with the TV and the brightly colored animated movie playing. And he’s still sitting on your broken couch, staring with wide optics. Because finding out his short attention span means he’s easily distracted is something you plan to milk. Even though you’re annoyed about having to sneak around your own house as you slip into the bathroom and lock the door as quietly as possible. Just want to take a shower without your big shadow following you and having to explain why he can’t join you. Somehow, you’ve got to get rid of him, you’re just not sure how as you turn on the water to get warm.
• Antenna lifting at the sound of water, his head turns. Realizes his little friend isn’t nearby and slowly stands to stalk through your home, your hive. Wings flicking restlessly as he searches for you room by room, passing by a shut door. This room you don’t like him entering, pushing him away when he tries to follow you. Reaching out, he tugs on the door handle and the whole door pops loose from its hinges, his antenna flattening back. Didn’t mean to do that and now you’ll be angry again. A clear door inside the room opening enough for you poke your head out, hair wet. “Get out!” A wash rack? Antenna perking up even though you’re annoyed with him, he grabs the handle and pulls, seeing your wet shape on the other side fighting to keep the door closed until you get dragged out when he wins and opens it. “Waspinator, don’t you dare.”
• “Heat,” he purrs, voice buzzing as he backs you into the walk in shower and tips his face up into the spray. Ignoring the fact that you’re naked or not caring, even if you do care. A lot. While your shower isn’t small, it’s definitely not meant for you and him both. One of his wings brushing you as you end up against the back wall to avoid pressing up against him. “Waspinator shares,” he adds, shifting sideways so he’s looking at you and you can at least get some water, too. No way to get out without sliding against him, either. Miserable, you turn your back on him and try to wash as quickly as possible.
• Is that stuff why you smell that way? Mandibles rasping against your shoulder as he tries to scent the container in your hands, you startle, hip and back hitting the wall and then just sliding down to the bottom in an awkward sprawl. Reaching to grip your upper arms, he picks you back up. “I just wanted a shower,” you mutter, tone unhappy as you don’t fight his hold. Antenna flattening back when you start leaking, eyes watering. Doesn’t know how to fix this. Are you hurt? Clawed servos gentle, he takes your little, soft rag and tries to help, ignoring as you swat at him, making a funny hitching noise.
• Torn between wanting to cry and laugh hysterically as he tries to help you wash, your forehead just thumps against his hard chassis. Why can’t he just leave you alone? What exactly did you do to deserve this humiliation? Tensing when his servos cup the back of your head, reminding you that you’re naked and that while it means nothing to your idiot, alien dog, you care. Ducking out of his grip and brushing against him as he makes a funny clicking noise with his mandibles, you nearly fall trying to get out of the shower. Grabbing a towel and dripping wet, you run to your bedroom, aware that there’s soap in your hair and burning your eyes and you’re just too over it to care anymore.
• His little friend is upset again. Servos flexing as he drops the cloth, he steps out of your tiny wash rack and flicks his wings until they’re dry. Trying to figure out what he did wrong this time. Knows he doesn’t do the right thing a lot, that he has trouble focusing, that he’s broken and that why he’s hated by everyone. He deserves to be punished. But he tries to be useful, because this place with you feels warmer than anywhere he’s ever been. Wants to stay with you even if he annoys you, even if you want him to leave, because your hands are soft and kind. Even angry with him, you never lash out. You talk to him, explain what he did wrong. The water is still running, warm and tempting, but he heads down the hall to find you. Needing to understand why you’re upset, what he did. Doesn’t even mind if you punish him just as long as he can stay here with you.
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kichiyosh1 · 1 year ago
"I made it with you in mind"
wanderer x reader
to think he'd end up finding joy in such a childish activity
✧: he ends up being mean at the beginning but he apologizes in his own special way, slight hurt/comfort but nothing major
(I'm back ig? idk :3)
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He couldn't believe the absurdity to which you and the young archon were subjecting him to.
The sins committed by the former harbinger are things he won't refute or deny. Indeed such actions musn't go unpunished, but perhaps he's underestimated the extent of the dendro archon's mercy.
Mind explaining what all of this is supposed to be?" he knows, with just a single glance, he grasped what was about to unfold, he just couldn't believe it. There displayed before his very eyes, a colorful assortment of beads lay scattered across a wooden table.
"You've dabbled in arts and crafts before, haven't you? You could say I proposed the idea to Lord kusanali as a way to keep that evil little brain of yours occupied"
'What evil is there to be done in bracelet crafting of all things, huh?' he deadpanned while simultaneously picking up a bead, examining how it reflects the light that's passing through the crystalline windows.
He let out a scoff.
"Have you forgotten who I am? A being of celestial creation, lessened to do recreational activities such as these? how amusing." Pathetic was the word he was looking for. Seriously, do you really expect him to just sit down quietly and start passing beads on a string without complaint to how this is a hit on his pride? It'd be more fitting if you locked him up for all of eternity, but this, this was just mockery.
It was the warmth of your hand that snapped him out of his thoughts. Eyes widened before squinting, but he dared not move, curious to what it was you were doing. You had started to fasten a piece of string to his wrist, gentle with your touch, measuring it so that it'd fit securely, but not too tight to be uncomfortable.
"Who gave you permission to lay your hands on me?" The warmth of your touch was strangely starting to get to him. He swatted your hand away, any more of that and he wouldn't know how to react.
Both of you were now glaring at each other. "Is it that hard for you to accept someone's act of kindness? I'm just trying to help." You could've sworn there was a slight change in his eyes when you said that, but was quickly replaced by an irritated smirk on his face. "I don't recall ever asking for your help, go give it to someone who actually needs it." He waved you off before plopping himself down on one of the stools before suddenly picking out random beads and charms like he wasn't against the idea a moment ago.
With furrowed brows and your mouth left slightly agape by his rude behavior, your face settled on a frown. You were used to the wanderer's arrogance and unpleasant attitude towards people, but there are times where even you are left puzzled. You went out of your way to make sure the activities kusanali planned out wouldn't overwhelm him, she'd ask you if you were doing this out of pity for him. You firmly shook your head.
You simply cared for him, that's all there was to it, but it didn't seem like he reciprocated the motion. The last he's heard from you was a sigh, before the sound of your footsteps slowly leaving faded.
You haven't visited him since. I mean how could you? if he was going to act like a brat while you spent your time there then might as well steer clear out of his way. No, you weren't being petty, and even if you were, you most certainly had every right to be. You nodded to yourself, justifying your actions as wanderer just being an asshat and you being the more mature one in this situation.
It wasn't easy. There were times where you would cross paths when he was on break from his duties (and bracelet crafting), or times where he himself is actively seeking you out, and before he could even call out your name, you're already making a bee line towards the exit.
You sat yourself down, exhausted from all this running around. Another successful day of not coming into contact with the wanderer.
"Doesn't he have other businesses to attend to?" If he had time to be going around looking for you then surely he was slacking off, right?
"As far as I'm concerned, you are my business." Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
"So how long do you plan on avoiding me?" he was standing behind you, face leaning down above your head as you met his gaze from your position on the bench.
You put on an air of annoyance before flicking his forehead, causing him to hiss and reel back from your attack as he rubbed the spot. "Hey! you deprive me of your company for days and now you dare assault my face? you-" you were already walking away, with the esteemed wanderer quickly following closely behind you.
"Hey", he reached for your hand, but you batted it away. It was definitely worth it to see the offended look on his face, but there was a small pang in your heart when you saw how his face faltered. "Who gave you permission to lay your hands on me? don't go acting all buddy buddy with me now." you crossed your arms, throwing back what he had said to you a few days ago.
"ah, you're upset with me about last time." You kept a stern look on your face, expecting for more, but if he failed to deliver then you'd have no trouble turning away from him again.
His mouth kept opening and closing similar to that of a goldfish, but no words came out. He looks conflicted. It took him a whole minute to sort out his thoughts, and with a deep sigh he spoke.
"The way I reacted, it was uncalled for. Like you said, you were only trying to help and I should have, I, it's just the way you held my hand, it made me feel weird." his gaze turned downcast feeling a little embarrassed by getting riled up by something so minor as physical contact.
you don't know that of course, you'd just assume he was really really ticklish in some areas
Would you mind closing your eyes for a moment? I promise It'll only take a second", the soft spoken tone he's taken on is foreign to you, but not unwelcome. You were hesitant but complied. And if he does anything funny you'll make sure to write a full on report about it to kusanali.
You could only feel how he softly held your hand, how he delicately glided his dainty finger in order to tie what you assumed was a,
a bracelet?
You opened your eyes and that's when he leaned in, his soft breath near your ear "It was supposed to be a surprise gift, but an apology gift works too." your face felt warm, and your hand did too (to which he was still holding). Was this the weird feeling he was talking about.
A moment after, you examined the accessory on your wrist.
and my was it beautiful.
The main colors of the bracelet were your favorite colors, accompanied by beautiful white pearl beads and crystal flowers and cute charms. Truly something you wouldn't expect the wanderer himself to make.
You released a small laugh, happiness spreading throughout your system. "Did you really make this?" You were starting to look too happy for his liking, but of course you always looked more beautiful with a smile on your face. He scoffed in order to hide the ever creeping happiness that was also starting to spread across his face.
"Is it that hard to believe? I had you in mind when I made it after all, so if you're going to complain about its design then the person used as reference is at fault." You were just about to complain to him about him complaining that you'd not dare complain about it when he added on.
"again, I'm sorry for disregarding your help. Whether I needed it or not, I wanted to make the bracelet solely on my own so that it'd be more meaningful of a gift to give to you." This time he held your gaze, determined and truthful about what he said.
It seems you had judged him wrong, well not entirely. True he had a unique character, but that's just what made him, him. You held his hand, and the colors from earlier are returning to both of your faces. You held it there before pointing to his wrist, "It's only right I make you one as well, right? that way we'll be matching." You then intertwined your fingers. He was gonna combust.
"I didn't think wanderer would be that into bracelet making" Kusanali peaked from the corner of the room. He was deeply concentrating on what he was doing and she did not want to disturb. "A little peek into that mind of his wouldn't hurt". After using her skill, a flurry of thoughts from wanderer flood her mind.
'Is this too much? or maybe too little? is [y/n] a minimalist or a maximalist?'
'This reminds me of you, this one too, and this one.'
'This charm is cute, like you. Wait no you're most definitely more cuter'
'this bracelet should be honored to be worn by you'
'maybe i'll make you a necklace next'
'I hope you'll like it'
734 notes · View notes
woso-dreamzzz · 11 months ago
Secret II
Mapi Leon x Ingrid Engen x Child!Reader
Summary: You come to training
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Ingrid will forever remember the look of shock on everyone's face when she walks into the locker room with you on her hip.
They all wear varying looks of shock on their faces as Ingrid waltzes in, refusing to act like anything is out of the ordinary.
Your head swivels around as you take in everyone looking at you before you grunt.
Ingrid knows that sound well as she places you on the floor, taking that god-awful ladybug toy out of her bag. You slam your hand on the button and it starts singing its jolly tune, the sound echoing around the otherwise silent locker room.
You clap your hands in amusement as Ingrid turns around to change.
"So you finally brought her then?" Frido teases and Ingrid rolls her eyes.
"I was convinced."
She looks meaningfully to where you've now been joined by Mapi on the floor. The Spaniard has no qualms about sitting with you, oohing awwing over your toy as you babble at her.
She nods along like you've imparted the truth of the world onto her and she presses the button on your ladybug when it stops again.
"Really?" She coos at you," That's so interesting! You're so smart!"
The rest of the locker room is completely silent until Jenni speaks.
"I think I speak for everyone when I say...What the hell?!"
"It's a baby," Mapi says before Ingrid can speak," Isn't she cute?" She lifts you up under your armpits. You sag in her arms like baby Simba as Mapi proudly presents you to the others. "She's so cool. She can push buttons all by herself!"
Frido laughs. "I think lots of babies can do that, Mapi. Ingrid's Skatt isn't special."
"Don't say that!" Mapi gasps," You can hurt her self-esteem!" She turns you around so she can look at you. "You're very smart! So, so smart! Pushing buttons and singing all by yourself!"
Ingrid's made peace with the fact that she's probably not getting you back this entire training session. She thinks the coaches have also made peace with the fact that there will be no training being done either.
This training session has been highjacked by you and Mapi. Even the more standoffish girls have been won over by you.
Frido isn't much help either, constantly bringing up things like she had known you for years and not the five months you had been alive.
"Show them the bumblebee outfit! Show them the bumblebee!" Frido cajoles as everyone sits in the shade together on the pitch. "Come on, Ingrid! She looks so cute as a bee!"
You're sat happily in Mapi's lap as Jana and Bruna coo over you. You're particularly interested in the fact that they have fingers, tugging and pulling on them before forcing them to touch the button on your ladybug.
"Bumblebee?" The words catch Mapi's attention who sits up fully as Ingrid goes through her camera roll.
"My mother sent it when she was still little."
She flips the phone around so everyone can see you wearing your special bumblebee sleep suit. You look completely peaceful in the picture and Ingrid scrolls along to show you dressed as a spider and an ant.
"This is the most recent one."
It's you sitting in front of your ladybug, dressed like a ladybug too. You've got your fingers in your mouth and you're staring at your toy with such concentration that it's kind of funny.
"She's adorable," Irene coos," My wife is pregnant. I know it is different but...the club...they are good with you needing to be with her?"
"They pay for her babysitter," Ingrid replies," They're perfectly happy with her. Isn't that right, skatt?"
You turn your head to look at her at the call of your nickname. You stare for a moment before grunting and going back to clapping along to your ladybug.
"She seems very smart. She knows her name," Marta continues.
"Ingrid's got her trained," Frido teases," She whistles and Skatt stops exactly what she's doing to listen. She likes a little dog."
Ingrid swats at her. "Stop calling my daughter a dog."
"Yeah, Frido," Mapi butts in," You're going to ruin her self-esteem."
"I don't think you'll let anyone do that. Is Ingrid getting her kid back or are you keeping her forever?"
Mapi shrugs. "I don't mind keeping this little cutie. She and Ingrid can move into my place. I'll take good care of you, skatt. Yes, I will."
Alexia rolls her eyes. "I think you need to prove you can take care of yourself first, Mapi."
"That's why Ingrid's moving in too, obviously. I can't separate this little beauty from her mama. That would make her sad!"
"Sure," Ingrid hears Leila mutter," That's the reason you want Ingrid to move in."
You whine a little as your ladybug stops singing and Ingrid instantly knows what that means.
"Give her here," She says," Someone needs a nap."
You're passed from Mapi to Ingrid and you conk out fast asleep on her chest almost as soon as you're settled there. Your soft puffs of breath tickle Ingrid's collarbone and she gently runs her fingers through your soft, downy hair.
"Oh!" Mapi says.
Her cheeks go a little red as she digs around in her bag.
"I know she likes ladybugs and I'm sorry if this oversteps boundaries or anything but here. For Skatt."
Ingrid tucks the little ladybug plushie under your arms and you instantly curl into it.
"It's beautiful, Mapi," Ingrid says, pressing a soft kiss to Mapi's bright red cheek," Thank you for thinking of her."
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andvys · 2 years ago
Wicked Game E.M.
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Warnings: 18+, minors don't interact! angst, slightly mean!Eddie, enemies to lovers, smut, Eddie calls reader names, choking, Eddie spits in reader's mouth, masturbation, unprotected sex, jealous Eddie, jealous reader, Eddie calling himself freak, hurt/comfort, Eddie calls reader ‘bee’, it’s a nickname he gave her
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Summary: Your best friend Steve and his new friend bring someone into your life that you just can't stand, Eddie Munson. He teases you, he says mean things to you and as foolish as you are, you still desire him- just like he desires you.
Word count: 12.5k+
Note: @take-everything-you-can , thank you for this amazing request. I hope you're gonna like this one, I loved writing it!
stranger things masterlist
Tagging some people who might be interested 🥰 @littledemondani @wroteclassicaly @corrodedcorpses @mysticmunson @aftermidnightwriting @bimbobaggins69
You and your best friend come as a package deal, wherever one goes, the other follows. There is not a single day you spend without each other, you do lunch breaks together, he comes over to hang out even when you’re busy studying or doing homework, you help him get ready for dates and he helps you pick out outfits for parties, when he’s sick, you take care of him and vice versa. You adore him. You are pretty sure that you will move in together if neither of you find a partner till then. 
You grew up together and always stuck to each other’s side. 
When your best friend found a second best friend, you were scared that you would lose him but luckily, that wasn’t the case, he didn’t leave, he didn’t abandon you like others would do after making new friends. You would always be his number one and he made that very clear and she became your best friend as well. Robin is amazing, you adore her just as much as you adore Steve. She is funny and sweet and you love spending time with her but you can’t stand her ‘forever’ best friend, Eddie Munson. 
That man had it out for you ever since he laid eyes on you, you don’t know what it is about you that makes him so mad but he never fails to make you feel irritated and angry. Eddie is not malicious in any way, he is no bully. He just makes his dislike for you very known. He teases you, makes sly and snarky comments, glares at you before you even turn to look at him. 
That was before your best friend became his best friend. 
Now it’s so much worse because not only do you have to tolerate him at school, you also have to tolerate him in your free time. 
While Robin is always sweet and supportive of you. 
Eddie is grumpy, mean and annoyed with you. 
You don’t know where it had all started, you can’t even remember if you ever even talked to him before he chose to hate you, all you remember is the cold shoulder he only ever gave you. 
You do wonder why he dislikes you so much, is it because you come from the popular crowd? Maybe. But Steve used to be the most popular guy in school and Eddie still gets along with him and likes him. Is it because you have wealthy parents? Because you live in a big house, wear fancy clothes and have a nice car? Possible. But Steve has it all too and he never gets shit from Eddie. Or are you just an unlikable person to him? Now, that would make you sad because that would mean that he would just hate you for the person you are, he would hate you for your personality, for being you. 
But then things take a small turn after a party at Steve’s place. You see a little deeper into his mind. 
“What’s with the scowl on your face, bee?” Eddie asks as he gets so close to your face that you can smell the disgusting beer and cigarettes. 
“Ew, get off,” you scowl as you push him away, “and stop calling me that, nerd.” 
Eddie hasn’t strayed away from that nickname ever since you had been stung by one when you were all out at the lake, you kept swatting away the bee that continuously made it’s way back to you, you called it annoying and hissed in pain when it had stung you. Eddie laughed at your demise, ‘you’re a bee too, annoying and ready to attack’.
He smirks, flicking your hair, he moves back and plops down on the bench beside you, he follows your gaze, he can’t even help but scoff when he sees what you’re looking at. 
Steve is talking to the girl that stood him up a week ago, calling off the date because of her upset stomach but then you and Robin ran into her at the store, she was with a different guy, he hugged her from behind and kissed her neck while she was picking out snacks, not looking sick at all. 
Eddie rolls his eyes, “jealous huh?” 
You scrunch your face up, tearing your eyes away from Steve, you turn to look at Eddie, “why would I be jealous?” 
He shrugs, leaning back, he blows smoke into your face and smirks when you begin to cough. 
“Because you’re in love with Steve.” 
A loud laugh falls from your lips, earning a few looks from the other partygoers who spend the night out in the garden rather than the crowded house. 
“I’m not in love with Steve,” you snort, shaking your head as your eyes flicker with amusement. 
It’s not the first time that someone assumed that you are in love with him or that he is in love with you. You get mistaken for a couple, all the time, sometimes you play along just for the fun of it but you and Steve are not into each other, at all. It has always been purely platonic between you two, there’s no feelings on his part and neither on yours. You are best friends, platonic soulmates. 
“Yes, you are,” Eddie says. 
Rolling your eyes, you sigh, “what makes you say that?” 
“Because you’re super close and you are fiercely protective of him, like in a way where you can just tell that you’re in love with him.”
“That’s such nonsense,” you scoff, “I’m protective, yes.” 
He nods, shrugging. 
“Because he is my best friend! One who got hurt by a girl he used to love, he got his heart broken, twice! I don’t want it to happen again, he deserves better.” 
Eddie thinks about your words, searching for something in your eyes, for a moment, you think that he believes you but then he shakes his head. 
“Yeah, you’re still in love with him.” 
You scoff, crossing your arms over your chest, you lean back, “okay well, then you’re in love with Robin.” 
Eddie laughs loudly, throwing his head back. You glare at him, growing irritated by his presence. 
“You’re funny, bee.” 
“Why am I funny? I mean, you’re just as close as Steve and I are,” you shrug. 
His brown eyes twinkle with amusement, he leans in closer. You ignore the way his cologne makes your head spin or the way his eyes flicker down to your lips or the way he– ‘Stop!’ you tell yourself. 
“Robin doesn’t swing that way, remember?” 
A breathy laugh leaves your lips and you smirk at him, “yeah but you do, right?” You ask, raising your eyebrows, “just because she isn’t into you or into men in general, doesn’t mean that you can’t have feelings for her. Unrequited love is a thing, you know that right?” 
His eyes darken, smirk falling from his lips, his expression hardens, he eyes your face slowly, nodding after a moment of silence, “yeah, it’s a thing. I know that,” he mumbles under his breath, bitterly. He clenches his jaw and looks away. 
You furrow your brows as you stare at his side profile. There’s something deeper behind his words, you know that but you choose to ignore it. 
“So, you are in love with her, huh?” You ask, smirking in satisfaction when you realize that you have successfully used his own teasing against him. 
He scoffs, putting his cigarette between his lips, he stretches his arm out behind you and looks up at the sky, “no, I’m not in love with her.” 
“Am I supposed to believe that?” 
“Okay,” you nod, shrugging, “well, then you gotta believe me that I’m not in love with Steve.” 
He snorts at you, “right, okay.” 
Placing your palms on the bench, you take a moment to look at him. It’s a hot summer night, the heat forced him to leave his beloved leather jacket at home or probably in the van. He wears a muscle shirt, some band logo you don’t recognize on the front. You let your eyes roam, eying his belt, you wonder if he had bought it that way or if he added the cuffs himself– wherever he got them from, either way, it looks good. He plays with the loose strings on his dark jeans, you notice a new ring on his middle finger, you look up, your eyes land on his pale neck. Squeezing your thighs together, you lick your lips and blink, pulling yourself out of your thoughts, your eyes meet his– he caught you staring. 
A smirk pulls at his lips, he eyes your flustered face, whether you realize it or not, you’re biting your bottom lip and squeezing your thighs together– oh, it seems like he found something new to tease you about. 
“Are you checking me out?” 
For the first time, you have nothing to say, nothing to fight back with, no snarky remarks or comments left for you to give. Instead of saying something, you scoff and roll your eyes at him before you jump up and walk away, leaving a satisfied Eddie behind. 
The next time Eddie sees you, you barely even look at him or acknowledge his presence and it pisses him off. It’s no secret that you don’t like him, you let him know any chance you get. You roll your eyes at him, you snap at him and refuse to sit next to him, even when it’s the only free seat left. Eddie takes it as a rejection, he thinks you are repulsed by him and by anything he does. 
A part of him assumes that you think he is gross, after all, that’s what the girls at school say about him. They assume that he is unhygienic, that he doesn’t look after himself, that he doesn’t shower or washes his clothes and that’s why you refuse to sit next to him. 
Eddie was always an observer, a very good one, except when it comes to you. You refuse to sit next to him because his cologne makes you dizzy, in a way it shouldn’t because Eddie hates you, you shouldn’t like anything about him, you shouldn't have any positive feelings for him. 
Eddie thinks you laugh and giggle at the jokes people make about him, not knowing that you always defend him even when he still hates you. 
“Eddie,” Robin hisses, nudging his shoulder. 
“What?” He grumbles, still staring– glaring at you and your stupid smile as you look through the polaroid pictures you have taken with Robin earlier when you went out to a big flower field to take pretty pictures. 
“Stop looking at her like you’re trying to make her disappear.” 
“Maybe that’s what I’m trying to do,” Eddie shrugs as he reaches for the bag of M&M’s, opening the bag and putting the candy into the bowl that Steve had put out on the counter. 
Robin rolls her eyes, groaning in annoyance, “you know, if you just tried to get along with her, things could be so much easier.” 
Eddie hates the way his heart skips a beat when you throw your head back in laughter after Steve had whispered something in your ear. Jealousy rushes through him when Steve comes up behind you and lays his chin on your shoulder, looking at the pictures with you. 
Robin knows her best friend very well. She knows that he doesn’t hate you or dislike you in any way, he is intimidated by you, by the feelings he could have if he just let them in. Eddie had crushes before but they were all lighthearted ones, he, himself didn’t even take them seriously, he just admired that person and then moved on a few days later but you? He always had a thing for you, even before Robin befriended Steve, and you and Eddie were forced into each other’s lives. He always looked at you differently but compared to his other crushes, he never let you become one or at least, that’s what he made himself believe. You are more than just a crush. 
“Why me? She’s the one who’s being a bitch.” 
Robin scoffs, laughing at her best friend, “you’re not serious right now, are you?” 
Eddie’s brown eyes flash with annoyance, “I am serious.” 
Robin runs her fingers through her short hair, “you’re such an idiot, Munson.” 
He scrunches his face up, tearing his eyes away from you and Steve, he turns towards his best friend, “why am I an idiot?” 
“Because you’re the one who’s always being mean towards her for no reason, you act like a damn child who can’t deal with the crush he has on that one girl,” she says in a hushed whisper, glancing at you to see if you or Steve are looking, “you’re my best friend and I love you dude but grow up, you’re 20 for fucks sake!” 
Eddie raises his eyebrows at her, he’s not even hurt, just amused and surprised. 
“Oh and if you haven’t realized it yet, the thing you’re feeling whenever you look at her and Steve, it’s called jealousy,” she smirks as she grabs a few of the snacks they have prepared, “Steve is truly just a best friend, they’re purely platonic, with a capital P, like you and I,” she says, pointing between them, “but when she actually starts dating someone, imagine how you’ll feel then. So, you better get that stick out of your ass and start treating her the way you actually want to treat her.” 
She leaves him standing in the kitchen, smirking to herself when she notices the flustered look on his face. She knows that he likes you, just like Steve knows that you like Eddie. You’re both too stubborn to realize it. 
“Are we ready for movie night, or what?” Robin asks as she places the snacks on the table. 
“Yes!” You say, clapping your hands together, you start collecting the polaroid pictures. 
“What are we starting with?” Steve asks as he gets up to put the tape in, “the shining or the evil dead?” 
“Both are gross,” you shudder. 
“Aw, does the princess need protection?” Eddie asks as he walks into the living room. 
Steve chuckles, smirking at Eddie while you roll your eyes. You get up and walk past him with the pictures in your hand, you put them back in your little backpack, not noticing that you have left one on the floor. Eddie’s eyes fall on the picture, putting the bowl of M&M’s on the table, he bends down to pick it up, it’s a picture of you, it’s a little blurry but still sharp enough for him to see all your beauty. Your smile is bright, your eyes are squinted, the sun is shining down on you, making your skin glow. You’re wearing the same little sundress you’re wearing right now, flowers are tucked into your hair. Eddie can’t even help but smile, his heart beats a little faster. 
You are so beautiful. 
“Alright, let’s watch the movie!” Steve says, startling Eddie, who quickly puts the picture into the backpocket of his jeans, looking around to see if anyone has noticed anything but no one did. Steve settles on the couch, Robin plops down next to him, giving him a knowing smirk. Steve nudges her shoulder as he reaches for the bowl of popcorn. 
Eddie shakes his head, sighing. They are plotting something, he knows, they are. 
Sitting down on the other end of the couch, he leaves the spot next to Robin for you, already expecting you to complain about sitting next to him. To his surprise, you sit down next to him without a single complaint. 
Eddie is a little surprised. 
“Do you want cuddles, bee?” Eddie smirks. 
You roll your eyes as you look at him, “from you? No thanks.” 
He chuckles, “aw, come on, I’ll keep you safe.” 
“I’m not even scared.” 
As much as you love horror movies, some of them just scare you. You flinch at every jump scare, hide your face behind your hands and use every possible excuse to leave the room, whether it is to get snacks or having to use the bathroom and as though the darkness in Steve’s big house isn’t bad enough, it also starts storming outside. The winds are heavy and the thunder is loud, it begins to rain harder and harder. 
Your knees are pulled to your chest and you opt to look out the window instead of the TV screen, just as one of the characters starts screaming, Eddie pokes your waist, startling you. 
“Eddie!” You shriek, slapping his arm, you glare at him as he starts laughing at your reaction. 
“Eddie!” He mimics, pouting at you. 
You roll your eyes, clenching your jaw. 
“Leave her alone, Munson,” Steve chuckles as he throws some popcorn at him, some of it landing in your hair as well and your cleavage. 
Eddie snorts, looking down at his chest, he picks up some of the popcorn and pops it in his mouth, “thanks, I was just about to get some popcorn.” 
You shake your head when Steve throws more at him, ducking out of the way, you pick out the ones in your hair. Eddie snatches them out of your hand, “give them to me.” 
You furrow your brows, watching him eat them. 
“You want this one too?” You joke as you reach for the one that got stuck in your cleavage. 
His eyes widen, a smirk tugging at his lips, he looks into your eyes and you can already see the mischief, the kind of smile that tells that he is up to no good. He leans closer, instead of taking it with his fingers, he opens his mouth, waiting for you to place it on his tongue. 
You swallow nervously, your hand moves out of instinct, placing the sweet treat on his tongue, you gasp a little when he wraps his lips around your finger. 
What the fuck?
Your eyes widen, heat rushes to your cheeks and once again, Eddie forces you to squeeze your thighs together. His lips feel hot against your skin and he looks into your eyes as he licks your finger, you can’t help but wonder what it would feel like to feel his lips on other parts of your body, to feel his tongue on your clit and his ringed fingers inside of you as he looks up at you the way he does right now. 
Eddie smirks, he knows what he has done to you. He pulls away, feeling satisfied enough, for now. He leans back against the soft cushions and places his hand on his chest, looking back at the screen, he acts like nothing even happened, while you are left a blushing mess. 
You blink and stare at him in disbelief, goosebumps litter your skin and your heart beats fastly in your chest. As you come back to reality, you suddenly grow incredibly embarrassed, knowing that Steve and Robin most likely watched it all happen but when you turn to glance at them, you notice that Robin is fast asleep and Steve’s eyes are glued to the TV, though the smirk on his face tells you that he saw it all. 
For the rest of the night, you sit there with a flustered look on your face, waiting for it to be over.
The following weeks, Eddie continues to act the same way, mostly. 
He is still mean, snappy and annoying but on top of that, he added his teasing. You know it’s only to humiliate you, knowing that he can make you blush, that he can make you feel something other than anger towards him, he can see the way you react to his subtle touches and suggestive comments. A part of you thought that he would be less rude after realizing that he can get a different kind of rise out of you but you thought wrong, if anything, he becomes meaner and meaner and it all takes an unexpected turn at Tina’s annual Halloween Party. 
Eddie only came reluctantly, he never liked parties and only ever came to make money or to accompany his friends. Steve and Robin are on the dance floor, throwing back drinks, laughing at their own jokes and dancing with a group of drunk and giggling girls. 
Eddie rolls his eyes as he looks around, recognizing some jocks from school with their cheerleader girlfriends who give him nasty looks. He clutches the can of beer tightly against his chest, he tries to entertain himself by looking at all the different costumes but not even that will distract him from the awful music, the annoying people or you. 
You are wearing a fairy costume, a really exposing one. Clad in a short sage green dress, a tight corset, wings that are littered with rhinestones and glitter, heeled boots and a tiara, you look more beautiful than ever, magical. 
Eddie’s heart fluttered in his chest when he saw you as him and Robin waited for you and Steve. He was actually frozen in place and awestruck and so was the guy, you are heavily flirting with right now. 
Your back is pressed against the wall, you’re giggling and smiling at the guy in front of you, his hand is placed against the wall next to your head, he ducks down a little, leaning closer to you so he can hear you better over the loud music. 
Eddie clenches his jaw, anger flooding through his veins the longer he watches you flirt with the jock he can’t remember the name of. 
He puts his other hand on your waist and leans in to whisper something into your ear, you bite your lip and nod causing more anger to rush through Eddie. He can’t stand this, the sight of some asshole touching you, playing with your hair and making you giggle. 
Eddie grips his drink tighter, enough to almost crush it. He watches you with darkened eyes. 
The guy takes your hand and begins to pull you away, the blush on your face is deep and you fight the smile off your face, you don’t even acknowledge Eddie’s presence as you walk past him, hand in hand with the other man who leads you towards the stairs. 
Eddie feels incredibly angry. 
It’s the kind of anger he had never felt before. 
He knows exactly what will happen once the jock has you all to himself and Eddie can’t stand the thought of it. The fire inside of him becomes unbearable, he can’t let it happen. He slams the can of beer on a nearby table and follows you, stomping after you angrily. He pushes some drunk guy out of his way who stumbles back, slurring some curse word at Eddie who doesn’t even bother to look at him. Before you can even take a step further, Eddie reaches for your hand and pulls you back. Your hand slips from the other’s man’s grip and you stumble back into Eddie’s chest, yelping. 
Your confused face meets his, your lips part when you see the anger in his eyes. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” He asks, sounding like a man, possessed. 
You furrow your brows, “w-what?” 
Your new friend turns around, looking between you and Eddie. 
“Get lost,” Eddie snaps at him, glaring at the jock, not bothering to look back, he just pulls you along with him, rolling his eyes at your protests. 
“Eddie!” You slap his arm, “let me go!” 
He only shakes his head, walking towards the entrance with a determined look on his face, he opens the door and pulls you out with him. Shutting it behind you and standing it front it so you won’t be able to get back in. 
“What the hell is your problem!”
“What were you doing with that guy?” He asks, completely ignoring your question or the angry look on your face. 
He irritates you in the worst ways possible.
“That’s none of your business, Munson!” You yell, “why do you even care?” 
Eddie avoids eye contact, he looks down at the ground instead and sighs. 
“You do know that he just wants to fuck you, right?” He mumbles. 
“Yeah, you do know that maybe I wanted just that?” You retort, throwing your hands up, “if you haven’t noticed, I don’t really have a boyfriend, oh and might I add that it’s probably your fault?” 
To hear that you wanted to hook up with some random guy, some jock, makes him feel sick but to hear you saying that you don’t have a boyfriend because of him makes him smirk, he can’t even fight it off, not even when he looks up at you and feigns annoyance, “why me?” 
You roll your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest, you can’t even feel the breeze on your exposed skin, you are too angry to notice anything. 
“Every time a guy even looks my way, you’re there, scaring them away! And god forbid someone even comes close to me or touches me in any way!” 
You are fed up with him and his stupid actions. 
You know why he is doing it, he wants to see you miserable and you are miserable, he knows that. He can see the longing looks in your eyes whenever you see a cute couple out on the streets, the sad smiles that pull at your lips whenever you see a guy getting his girlfriend flowers, taking her out on dates or even something as simple as opening the door for her and placing his hand on the small of her back. 
You crave intimacy, you crave having someone to call your own, being someone's favorite person. Yeah, you might be Steve’s favorite person, his girl but you won’t be forever, someday he is gonna meet that one girl that he will drop anyone and anything for, even you and when that happens, you won’t have anyone. 
You aren’t lucky in the dating department, at all. If it isn’t Eddie scaring the guys away, then it’s you, doing it for him. 
“Why can’t you just leave me alone?” You ask, “I know you hate me but god, when I hate someone, I stay away from them, why can’t you do the same for me?” 
Eddie frowns at your words, his eyes flash with guilt when he sees the tears in your eyes, you aren’t just angry this time, you’re also hurt. 
“Maybe I was just protecting you,” he shrugs. 
You scoff at his words, shaking your head, you pinch the bridge of your nose and close your eyes for a moment, “protect me,” you mumble, “right, am I supposed to believe that?” You ask as you look back into his eyes. You struggle to read him. Eddie’s walls are so high up, you can’t even sneak a peek. 
He nods, “yes, the guy is a jock, bee.” 
“He would just hurt you!” He says angrily, taking a step forward, “he would get his dick wet and leave you with nothing, then he would brag about it to his friends and I can assure you, that guy doesn’t even know how to make a girl cum, I did you a favor.” 
You raise your eyebrows, tilting your head, “do you?” 
He blinks. 
“Do you know how to make a girl cum?” 
He blushes at your words, drawing back a little, he straightens up and chuckles, “of course.” 
You lick your lips, looking him up and down. Eddie must be one of the only ones without a costume, you wonder why he isn’t wearing one, that guy is in love with his fantasy game, there is no way that he is no fan of Halloween and costumes. 
“Right,” you snort. 
“You don’t believe me?” He asks as he steps even closer to you. 
You shrug, “nope, I don’t believe you.” 
One moment, he was standing feets away from you and suddenly, he is right in front of you. Dangerously close. You have to tilt your head to meet his eyes and when you do, your heart skips a beat. His eyes are dark, pupils blown as he sneaks a look at your lips. 
You can smell his cologne, his aftershave, him. You would never tell him that but he drives you crazy, he makes your stomach flutter, he stays on your mind for too long, sneaking his way into your thoughts when you touch yourself at night. 
Eddie reaches his hand out to touch your face, he cups your cheek and lets his thumb rest on your bottom lip. Just like the night at Steve’s place, your breath hitches in your throat and you grow incredibly flustered. 
“Do you want me to show you?” He whispers. 
Your eyes widen, a small gasp falls from your lips. 
No way, did he just ask you that? 
He is playing with you, isn’t he? 
By now he knows the effect he has on you. He knows that you blush when he is around, he knows that you feel something when he touches you, he knows that you can’t get him off your mind. He knows it all and he decides to use it against you, he knows that he can humiliate you, he knows that he can hurt you and it brings him enjoyment. 
The smirk on his face and the amusement in his eyes tells you all that. Internally, he is making fun of you, he is satisfied that he ruined your night and as though that isn’t enough, he now uses your attraction towards him as a weapon, to laugh about you later on and make fun of you with his band buddies.
You slap his hand away, your brows draw together and your nervous stare turns into an angry frown, “don’t touch me, asshole.” 
Though he is a little surprised, he still chuckles. 
You shake your head and step away from him, turning around, you don’t even bother going back inside to let your friends know that you’re leaving or to get your jacket, you just want to be away from him. 
It’s late and it’s cold, you are scared to walk through the empty streets alone but you are too stubborn to back around. 
You roll your eyes at him and continue to walk. 
“Where are you going?” 
You don’t bother to answer, you hug yourself tighter to shield yourself from the cold, blinking away the angry tears. The streets are empty, aside from the many cars on the side of the streets, you walk past Steve’s car, suddenly regretting the decision to walk away and choosing to walk home alone, on Halloween night.
You hear his footsteps though and as much as you hate to admit it, you do feel at ease knowing that he comes after you. 
Eddie rolls his eyes at your silence but he admires the view in front of him. Your dress is a thin and flowy one, it swats from one side to the other with each step that you take, the wind causes it to lift up a bit, exposing your naked skin. Eddie almost growls at the side of it. 
“Stop calling me that, you dick!” 
Eddie snorts at you, your insults never hurt him, if anything, they amuse him. When you look at him with anger in your eyes and snap back at him, you look cuter than ever. He picks up the pace and just as you pass his van, he grabs your arm and pulls you back, smirking at your little yelp, he slams you against his van and steps in front of you, caging you against it. 
It’s dark and yet he can see the nervous and shy look in your eyes, he can see the way you tense up and press yourself against the van as though it will make you feel him any less against you. 
“Will you stop running away from me?” 
He places his hands on your waist, touching you in such a gentle way that it makes your knees buckle, almost. You look into his dark eyes, growing more and more irritated. Why can’t he just let you go? Why can’t he just stay out of your goddamn way? Why does he have to make things so hard for you? 
You hate him. 
“Will you stop sticking your nose into my business?” You ask angrily as you place your hand on his chest to push him away, as though you will find the strength to, “will you stop following me around just to piss me off? Seriously, what do you get out of this, huh?” 
Eddie shrugs, the smirk remains on his lips, he eyes the scowl on your face, the flash with irritation in your eyes, he looks down at your chest, watching the way it rises up and down heavily. 
“It’s fun to see you like this.” 
You clench your jaw and scoff. 
“It’s fun to ruin my life?” 
Now it’s his turn to scoff, he rolls his eyes at your words, “you’re so dramatic.” 
"Oh, am I?" You mumble. 
He nods, his grip tightens on your waist, butterflies flutter in your stomach and you despise it. You despise the emotions he causes you to feel. 
“Yeah, I ruined your life because you didn’t get to fuck that jock?” He snorts, narrowing his eyes at you, “you are dramatic, bee.” 
You close your eyes and lower your head, shaking it as you take deep breaths. 
“You are so annoying.” 
“Hmm, what was that?” Eddie whispers, placing his finger under your chin, he tilts your head up, “say that again.” 
You swallow nervously, not opening your eyes just yet, you lick your lips, “you are annoying.”
“Why?” You laugh in disbelief as you open your eyes to look at him. He is staring at you with curiosity on his face, tilting his head as he waits for your explanation. 
“You gotta be kidding me,” you scoff, pulling your hand away from his chest, you wrap it around his wrist instead and force his hand away from your face, “is that actually a serious question?” 
He purses his lips and nods, “yep.” 
“You’re an asshole, Eddie!” 
He rolls his eyes, “yeah, you said that before.” 
“Yeah and you don’t believe me! You treat me like shit–”
“No, I don’t!” 
“Yes, you do, Eddie!” You exclaim, “you say mean shit all the time, you make dumb comments and tease me and then act like nothing ever happened!” 
“Tease you how?” He smirks, completely ignoring the rest of your words. 
You squint your eyes, huffing angrily. Is he actually clueless or does he just want to see you so angry and embarrassed? Either way, he always gets what he wants. 
“You sucked on my finger and then you acted like nothing happened!”
Your angry pout makes his heart soar. 
“That’s what you’re so upset about?” He chuckles. 
His smirk causes the outburst of anger, you finally push him away from you. There is absolutely nothing amusing about this situation, at least not to you. 
“Wipe that smirk off your goddamn face, Munson! I can’t stand when you do that!” 
“Did you want me to do more than that?” He asks. 
“You wish,” you scoff, “you think I want you?” 
If you didn’t know any better, you would say that hurt flashed in his eyes but that can’t be, right? Why would he be hurt by anything you say? 
He chuckles bitterly and nods to himself. 
“No,” he mumbles, “I know you don’t want me. A fancy little princess like you wants someone like that jock, you want someone who will buy you shit, someone who will spoil you, take you on dates to Enzo’s or whatever, someone you can take home to your rich parents, someone you won’t feel embarrassed to be with, someone you can be seen with, someone you will have that ‘perfect’ future with.” 
Confused, you stare at him with a frown on your face. 
Eddie’s anger comes out of nowhere the way it always does. 
“But sweetheart, none of them can give you what you need.”
“W-What do I need?” You ask, waiting for him to continue. He watches the way your eyes flicker down to his lips before they meet his eyes again.   
“They can’t touch you like you crave to be touched, they can’t kiss you like you wanna be kissed, they can’t fuck you like you wanna be fucked, they can’t treat you like you deserve to be treated.” 
Your breath hitches in your throat, your lips part in surprise, your heart begins to pound against your ribcage. 
Eddie somehow made his way into your personal space again. He is close enough for you to feel his breath on your skin. 
“You need someone to put you in your place, you need someone to be rough with you, someone who can treat you like the little slut that you are,” he says, gripping your face in his large hand, “I see the way you look at me when you think that I’m not paying attention, I can see the way you squeeze your thighs together when you look at my hands, I bet you wonder what it would feel like if I touched you, huh? I bet you touch yourself and think about me, about my hands, about my fingers in your tight little pussy.” 
Your eyes widen, heat rushes to your cheeks, you are too overwhelmed to keep your eyes locked with his, so you look down. 
Eddie smirks but it’s a dark smirk, a bitter one. 
“Bet you are disgusted by yourself, huh?” He spits as he grips you tighter, “thinking about fucking the dirty town freak, I bet you hate yourself for wanting to ride my dick, that’s why you’re always such a bitch to me, right?” He asks angrily, “you take your anger out on me because you can’t stand yourself for wanting to fuck me?” 
You shake your head. He is wrong, so wrong. He is no dirty freak in your eyes and you are not disgusted by him, you are disgusted by yourself for wanting someone who hates your guts so much, not for who he is. Eddie is amazing to his friends but unfortunately, you aren’t one of them. 
You never hated Eddie, at least not until he forced you to hate him. 
“No?” He murmurs as he leans even closer to you, “you don’t think about me?” 
You shift, looking up at him with a shy expression, you don’t bother answering, your silence gives it away. 
You do think about him. He knows it. 
You hate the way he looks so sure of his words, the way he thinks that he has you all figured out, the way he thinks he knows everything about you. 
“Get away from me, Eddie,” you say with a shaky voice and an unsure voice, you both know that you don’t want it, you don’t want him to get away. 
He licks his lips as he stares down at you. The look in his eyes makes you cower back a little, it makes you feel nervous but also flustered. Eddie raises his hand up to your face, he tucks your hair behind your ear and leans down, surprising you by pressing a gentle kiss to your shoulder. 
Your lips part and you hold your breath. 
“Why?” He whispers as he kisses you again, higher this time, “scared that you will fall for the town freak?” His fingers play with the thin material of your dress, pushing it a little aside so he has more access to your shoulder, he presses his plump lips back against your shoulder, kissing you again and again, “scared that you will hate yourself for it?” 
You can’t even utter a single word, too many emotions rush through you. You are confused about this, you are angry about his words but you are also aroused and yes, you do hate yourself for it but not for the reason he thinks. 
His hand grips your waist, he pulls you flush against him and you gasp when you feel his bulge pressing against your stomach. Eddie attaches his lips to your neck, “scared that no one else will wanna touch you after the freak fucked you? What would they think if they already knew that you are fantasizing about it? I bet they would think you’re disgusting–” 
“God, shut the fuck up!” 
You push him away from you with force, your breathing is heavy, just like his. Eddie looks a little surprised by your sudden outburst, rejection crosses his features, his brows drag together and he opens his mouth to speak, probably to say something hurtful after you just pushed him away like that, he wants the upper hand but you won’t let him have it, not this time. 
“Just shut up,” you repeat. 
He presses his lips together in a straight line, he is tense, his eyes hold a combination of hurt and anger. The tension between the two of you is thick. Nothing else but you both exist in this moment. You don’t hear the faint music from the ongoing party, you don’t feel the cold wind on your exposed skin, you don’t hear the rustling of the leaves but you hear his heavy breathing, you hear the pounding of your heart, you feel the pull towards him. 
Eddie waits for you to say something, to do something. A part of him expects you to slap him for kissing you without permission, the other part expects you to hurt him with cruel words but neither of those things happen. 
You stare at him for what feels like forever. Your eyes flicker to his lips and back to his eyes, your stomach flutters and your knees feel weak, you’re angry but you also long for him. 
Fuck it. 
You take a step forward and look into his awaiting eyes. 
Fuck it, y/n.
You grab his face and pull him down, you close your eyes and slam your lips against his. Eddie’s eyes widen, he stares at you in shock and confusion. You are kissing him. You are kissing him! And your lips feel as soft as he always imagined them to feel like. His heart begins to race. 
Kiss her, idiot! He tells himself. He cups your cheeks and pulls you closer, closing his eyes, he finally kisses you back and if this isn’t the best feeling in the world then he doesn’t know what is. 
You slide your hands down to his neck, holding him tightly as you deepen the kiss. Eddie parts his lips, allowing you to slip your tongue past his lips. He moans at the feeling, his skin and his lips tingle, he already feels addicted to your touch. 
The kiss is nothing but passionate, it’s soft and gentle but you want more, you want to feel him closer and closer, you slide your hand down his stomach and wrap your arm around his waist, pressing him tighter against you. He moans at the feeling, his heart flutters. 
Eddie walks you back and slams you against his van, earning a whimper from you. You kiss each other until you are both short of oxygen and gasping for air but even as he pulls away, his lips keep touching yours. You breathe into each other’s mouths, keeping each other close as your eyes lock again. 
He wants you, you can see it in his eyes. 
This time it’s him who initiates the kiss, he slams his lips roughly against yours causing you to let out a loud and needy whimper, you can feel him smirking against your lips. 
This kiss is rough and angry. Your lips smack loudly against each other, your teeth clash but neither of you care, you pull his hair and make him growl. He digs his ringed fingers into your waist as he pushes his knee in between your thighs. 
“Eddie,” you gasp as he starts kissing his way down to your neck. 
“I know you hate me,” you whisper as you close your eyes and put your hand in his hair, holding onto his curl as he begins to suck on your sweet spot. 
No, he doesn’t hate you. How could he? Instead of telling you this, he keeps quiet, choosing to continue kissing you. 
“Show me.” 
“Show you what?” 
“Show me how much you hate me,” you whisper, “please.” 
Eddie opens his eyes and he pulls away from your neck to look at you. He can see the look in your eyes, the intrigued and needy one. 
You want him just like he wants you. 
“Are you sure?” 
For a split second, you see a different side of him, a soft one, a caring one. 
You nod. 
He grabs your jaw, tilting your head up so you are forced to look at him, “I need words, sweetheart.” 
You nod again, “yes, I’m sure.” 
Without wasting another second, Eddie unlocks his van and pushes you into the back, closing the door behind him. He fumbles around in the dark for a moment until he finds the switch that turns on the little light.
Looking around, you raise your brows, feeling a little impressed by the lack of the mess you expected. A few pillows are laying around, blankets, even a few comics. You know that he and Robin used to go to the drive-in movie theaters a lot but you can’t help but wonder if he ever brings other girls in here. If he brought the pillows and blankets here just for them so they can feel comfortable. You wonder how he treats them, does he tease them like he teases you? Does he kiss them like he just kissed you? Is he mean to them? Or is he sweet to them? Does he treat them better than he treats you? 
Suddenly, you feel yourself frowning and growing insecure and unsure. Do you really want to fuck the guy that hates you with a passion? 
But you never answer your own question. Eddie grabs your face and pulls you back in for a heated kiss. You kiss back without a moment of hesitation. 
His scent, his taste, his touch, you are addicted already and you feel the hatred for yourself growing. You don't know that he feels the same about you, that he loves the way you taste, that he loves the way you smell so sweet, you don't know that he just loves you.
You push his jacket off his shoulders while he fumbles with the wings on your costume, surprising you by taking them off carefully so he doesn’t break them. Something about the way he parts from the kiss, to put the wings down gently, makes your heart flutter. 
You blink, forcing yourself to look away from him. You take the tiara off your head and place it on the ground as well, reaching for the zipper on your dress– “stop, let me.” Eddie mumbles as he reaches around you to undo it. You stare at him, admiring the way his brown eyes shine so beautifully beneath the dim light. He pushes your dress down to your stomach, his eyes flickering with something you cannot read. 
“Fuck,” he mumbles as he eyes your lacy bra, your boobs, your soft skin, “you’re so sexy,” he breathes, forgetting about the hate he is supposed to show to you, “so beautiful, shit..” 
Eddie doesn’t notice the emotions in your eyes, the lingering sadness and the insecurity. You distract yourself by kissing him again and again, reaching for the hem of his shirt, you take it off of him. He throws it behind him on the floor. 
You place your hands on his pale chest, taking in the sight of his tattoos, you feel the urge to kiss every single one of them. 
Eddie admires the way you look at him, the way your lips part and your eyes flash with emotions. He touches your cheeks, moving your hair out of your face. You look up at him with big eyes, “touch me.” 
He smirks, “don’t have to ask me twice.” 
He pushes you down carefully, making sure that you lie your head on the pillows, your back meets the soft cushions and you sigh as you feel his cold hands on your stomach, you’re almost too shy to look up at him but when you do, your heart stops. 
Eddie stares down at you in awe, he bunches your dress up on your waist and eyes you up and down, from your pretty face to your chest, your stomach and your clothed pussy. He pushes your legs apart and settles in between them, putting your legs over his, he spreads you open and stares at the wet spot on your pink panties. 
“Fuck,” he growls, all his blood rushes to his dick, as though he wasn’t hard already, he feels himself growing harder, “I’m gonna ruin your pussy, baby.” 
Your cunt clenches around nothing, you take in a sharp breath as his eyes meet yours, “take your bra off,” he orders. 
You bite your lip, pushing yourself up on your elbows, you do as he said, pushing the straps of your bra down first, you watch the way his eyes darken when you reach behind you to unclasp it. You blush, feeling yourself getting shy under his gaze. 
“Show me your tits, pretty girl.” 
You hate him, you hate him so much.
You throw your bra to the side and lie back against the pillows.
He grips your thighs tightly, eyes flashing with hunger, “perfect fucking tits,” he murmurs as he slides one hand up to touch your boobs. 
“Eddie,” you whimper. 
He adjusts your legs, wrapping them around his waist, his clothed dick brushes against your pussy, making you both moan in pleasure. He leans down to kiss your chest, taking one nipple in his mouth, he begins to suck on it. 
“Oh.. Eddie,” you moan as you throw your hand in his hair, “i-is that how you treat people you hate?” 
He chuckles against you, pulling away from you, he gives you a suggestive look as he sits back up, he shakes his head at you, “just you, baby,” he says. 
“Touch yourself.” 
You blink. 
He looks down, bringing his hand to your aching pussy, he touches you over your panties, rubbing your clit teasingly, smirking at your little whine. 
“Touch yourself or I won’t fuck you.” 
You swallow nervously, slipping your hand down your stomach, you close your eyes and touch yourself over your panties, spreading your legs wider, you start rubbing your clit. 
“Open your eyes,” he demands, catching you off guard by smacking your ass. You gasp and open your eyes, seeing the dark look in his eyes makes you even wetter, “look at me when you touch yourself.” 
You nod. 
“Show me how you touch yourself when you’re all alone, baby. Tell me what you think about.” 
A shiver runs down your spine. You always thought about this, about him. It’s hot to see him so rough and dominating but a part of you hates that he gets to have all the control. You push yourself up a little and bring your hand up to his lips, looking into his curious eyes, you smirk, “spit on them.” 
He raises his brows, eyes flashing with surprise. He does it without questioning you. Spitting onto your fingers.
“Thanks,” you mumble. You push your panties to the side and touch yourself with your spit covered fingers, letting out a loud moan as you run your fingers through your wet folds before you begin to rub your aching clit. 
Eddie’s dick twitches in his pants as he watches you. 
“Such a pretty pussy, fuck,” he grunts, fighting the urge to bury his face in your cunt. 
“You wanna know what I think about when I touch myself?” 
“Yes.. fuck, yes. I wanna know.” 
You smirk at him. You won’t give him what he wants, you won’t let him hear what he wants to hear. Why should you? He is gonna treat you even worse when this is over, why should you give him the truth? 
“I-I think about Steve,” you moan as you push a finger inside of you, “I think about my best friend fucking me with his big fat cock.” Lies. You think about him fucking you, you think about him splitting you open, you think about him eating you out, fingering you with his rings on, making you his slut. 
Eddie’s smirk falls from his face, his eyes darken. 
You add a second finger and push it in and out of your wet pussy, moaning at the feeling, “I think about him making me cry as he takes me from behind, as he– fuck.. as he slaps my ass and does whatever he wants.” 
You are lying, he knows you’re lying. The look on your face tells him that but he still grows angry and jealous. 
You fuck yourself on your fingers, throwing your head back in pleasure as you move them in and out, “I think about riding his dick, about how he would cum inside of me and fill me up until I’m–” 
“Shut the fuck up, you little whore,” Eddie growls, grabbing your wrist, he slams it against the floor and replaces your fingers with his, pushing his long and thick fingers into your hole. 
You gasp loudly, squeezing your eyes shut as you finally feel his fingers inside you, finally getting to feel what you always dreamed about.
His other hand grabs your cheeks, squishing them together roughly, “I told you to look at me!” 
Your stomach clenches as does your cunt, your mouth waters at the feeling of him spreading you open. 
“Open your eyes, brat.” 
You open your eyes to look at his angry ones. You have never seen him this angry before. You should be scared, you know that. But instead you feel yourself getting more needy, more wet, more aroused. You moan even louder than before and grind back against his fingers. 
“Now tell me the truth,” he says through gritted teeth as he starts to fuck you with his fingers, “who do you think about?” 
You push yourself up on your elbows to watch him, to see how they move in and out of you. 
He slaps your cheek lightly causing you to whimper. 
“Liar,” he grunts, he leans over you, wrapping his hand around your neck, he slams you back down and looks into your needy eyes as he continues to slam his fingers in and out of you. 
“Eddie,” you whimper.
“That’s right,” he grunts, “say my name.” 
He adds a third finger, thrusting them in and out of you. His fingers reach deeper than yours, they reach the spot that you can’t, his rings and the coldness of them just bring more pleasure to your body. You lose yourself in the feeling, you close your eyes despite him telling you not to, your lips part and you chant his name like a prayer. You arch your back in pleasure, tears well up in your eyes. 
Eddie stares at you, he watches the way your chest rises up and down, the way you flinch a little when his hand leaves your neck to touch your boob, to play with your nipple. Your stomach tenses up, your pussy clenches around his fingers, you are so wet, he can feel your juices dripping down his fingers, the squelching noises and your moans just make it all even more erotic. 
You whimper his name so beautifully. 
“Eddie, please.” 
“Please what?” 
“I wanna cum,” you please, “please let me cum.” 
A devilish smirk appears on his face, “oh, you’re gonna cum, baby.” 
His words should intimidate you, they should leave you feeling nervous but instead they make you crave him even more. 
Eddie leans down and as you feel him shifting, you open your eyes to look at him. He picks up the pace, fucking you harder and faster on his fingers as he presses his tongue against your sensitive clit. 
“Oh fuck! Eddie!” 
“Mhmm,” he hums against you, looking up at you as he licks your clit, “taste so sweet.” 
You spread your legs wider for him and push your hand in his hair, tugging at his dark curls. 
“I can feel you clenching around my fingers, baby,” he murmurs against you, “you wanna cum for me? Do it.” 
It doesn’t take long for you to reach your high, you cum around his fingers just as he tells you too, you moan loudly, gasping for air but Eddie doesn’t stop there, he pulls his fingers out. He throws your legs over his shoulders and before you can even react, he buries his face in your pussy, slipping his tongue into you, he moans loudly. 
“Eddie,” you whine as you watch him through blurry eyes, his rough hands dig into your thighs as he holds them wide open, his eyes are closed as he eats you out, “oh my god.” 
Eddie loves the way you taste, the way you sound, the way you feel, the way you beg for him. 
“Feels so good…” 
He loves knowing that he is the one making you feel so good. 
He opens his eyes to look at you, you’re staring at him already, barely able to keep your eyes open, you hold onto his hair so tightly. A single tear slips down your hot cheek. 
“You taste so good, sweetheart,” he breathes, smirking at you when he spits on your clit before he places his thumb against it. 
Your eyes roll back and you throw your head against the pillows, you try closing your legs but Eddie is stronger than you. 
“P-Please..” You sob, pulling at his hair even harder causing him to growl in response. He flicks his tongue inside of you and presses harder against your clit and before you know it, you cum again. 
Tears run down your cheeks, you are so sensitive already. 
“No more,” you whimper as he continues to lick your pussy, “please.. I just want your cock.” 
Eddie smirks at you, pulling away, he sits back up. 
Your heart flutters as you look at him. His cheeks are flushed, his curls are messy, his chin is glistening from your juices, saliva dripping down his chest. 
You look so fucked out already, sweat coats your forehead, your breathing is heavy and you push your thighs together as you look up at him. Eddie unbuckles his belt, pushing his jeans and boxers down just below his ass, his dick slaps against his stomach.
You push yourself up on your elbows, biting your lip as you stare at him, “do you want me to suck your dick?” You ask as you reach your hand out to wrap your fingers around his thick cock, you lick your lips, pre cum is rolling down his length and it takes everything in you not to take him into your mouth. 
Eddie hisses at your touch, his eyelashes flutter. 
“Do you want to fuck my face?” You ask, innocently. 
He growls, eyes darkening, he shakes his head, “next time, baby. I need to be inside of you,” he says. 
“Condom?” You ask. 
He closes his eyes, cursing at himself, “I don’t have any.” 
You raise your brows, “what do you mean, you don’t have any?” 
“It means I don’t have any!” He snaps at you. 
“Don’t you use condoms when you fuck?” 
A loud laugh falls from his lips, he opens his eyes, shaking his head, “when I fuck? Sweetheart, I don’t get laid very often. I have a whole unopened box of condoms at home,” he snorts. 
“You don’t fuck girls in your van?” 
“Y/n, the last time I fucked someone, I stole a condom from Jeff and no, I don’t fuck girls in my van.”
Relief floods through you, here you thought that he was fucking girls in his van and getting laid every weekend.
Wrapping your legs around his waist, you pull him down against you, catching him by surprise. He presses his hands against the floor and looks down at you. 
“And I’m not really into fucking random girls,” he adds. 
Your eyes widen a little, “am I not a random girl?” 
He chuckles, shaking his head. 
You could never be a random girl. 
“No, you’re my enemy,” he says before he slams his lips against yours. 
You whine against him and kiss him roughly, digging your feet into his ass, you pull him even closer until you feel his cock rubbing against your pussy. He moans in pleasure, gripping your hips tightly. 
“Fuck me, please. I don’t care about the condom, just fuck me,” you murmur against his lips, holding his neck tightly, “please.” 
“Are you sure?” He asks, eying your expression, slowly. 
You nod, “very sure.” 
Eddie pecks your lip softly. For someone who wanted to fuck you, he sure is a little soft with you. 
He leans back, staring down at you in awe, he grabs your waist, licking his lips. You watch him, looking at the way he wraps his ringed fingers around his cock, he slides it through your wet folds, teasing your clit with the tip. 
“Shit,” he shudders, “you’re so wet. All for me, right?” 
You bite your lip, furrowing your brows as you gulp, nodding. 
“Say it’s all for me,” he demands. 
“It’s for you,” you whine, “all for you, asshole!” 
He chuckles darkly, shaking his head at you. You open your mouth again but before you can say anything, Eddie grabs you tighter and in one motion, he thrusts into you, earning a loud gasp from you. 
He whimpers at the feeling of your tight walls, leaning down, he buries his face in the crook of your neck. 
“Fuck…” You whimper, wrapping your arms around him, “Eddie.” You clench around his cock and hold him tightly. 
“You’re so tight and wet,” he grunts against your shoulder, “‘m not gonna last long if you keep clenching around me like this.” 
“I told you to show me how much you hate me, Eddie,” you breathe, digging your nails into his back, “so far you’re not doing a good job.” 
Something inside of him snaps, he pulls back, placing one hand around your neck, he puts the other one on the pillow next to you. He glares at you. 
“You’re a brat, you know that, right?” He growls as he begins to thrust into you. 
You gasp at the feeling, taking a deep breath. 
“Always getting on my goddamn nerves,” he grunts as he tightens his hold on your neck, he pulls out and pushes back inside of you, roughly. “You have no idea how many times I wanted to do this.” He thrusts deeper, rougher, faster. “How many times I wanted to fuck your needy little pussy and watch you cry for more.” 
You look down, watching the way he fucks you roughly on his cock. He moves his hands down to grab your hips with both hands. 
“Look at me, baby,” he moans as he starts to pound your pussy, “look at the way you’re taking my cock.. Your pussy was made for me, you were made for me.” 
The knot in your stomach tightens, the fire inside of you burns. You feel him in your stomach. You wrap your legs tighter around him and throw your hand back to wrap it around his wrist, “fuck me harder!” You beg, despite the overwhelming sensation in your bones. 
“Harder?” He chuckles, “I’ll give you harder, you little brat.” 
He enjoys the way you squirm under his body, the way you struggle to take his big cock and yet ask for more. For a moment, he just watches you, he watches the way his cock disappears in your body, the way your juices drip down on the blanket beneath you, the way you throw your head back in pleasure and cry for him, the way your boobs bounce as he ruts into you. You are struggling, your moans are getting high pitched, tears are streaming down your face as you move your head to the side. 
“Feels so good, Eddie,” you whimper. 
His mouth waters, his stomach clenches as your pussy flutters around his dick. He moans desperately, closing his eyes for a second as he feels himself getting closer. He leans down, grabbing your face, “look at me,” he whispers, “open your eyes and look at me.” 
You grip his wrist tighter and open your eyes to look at him, your breathing stutters as you see the way he looks at you, there is something in his eyes you haven’t seen before but you decide to ignore it. 
“Open your mouth and stick your tongue out.” 
Your eyes widen but you do as he says, opening it, you stick it out for him and maintain eye contact. 
He grabs your chin, smirking at you before he spits in your mouth. 
Now, if anyone else had done that to you, you would spit it right out and slap them across the face but something about him doing it to you makes you clench even harder around him, the moans you get from him make you shiver. 
“Fuck, you like that huh?” He mumbles as you swallow it, he pats your cheek, “you filthy little slut.” 
“Mhmm, I like it,” you smirk and pull him down for a kiss. 
You can feel his dick twitching inside of you, his thrusts are getting sloppier and his moans are getting louder and more desperate. You kiss each other roughly and hold each other tight. His chest is pressed against yours, he pulls his wrist out of your grip to hold your hand instead. 
You jolt as you feel his fingertips on your clit. 
“Cum for me,” he mumbles against your lips, “cum on my dick.”
You moan loudly as you cum around him, you scratch his back as you dig your nails into his skin causing him to groan loudly. You clench hard around him and pull him even closer. 
“Baby.. fuck.. fuck,” he whimpers against you, “I’m gonna cum,” he warns, unsure of where you want him. 
“Cum inside me… ‘wanna feel you, Eddie.” 
His heart flutters and his eyes widen as he looks down at you, “you sure?” 
“Mhmm, please…” 
“Fuck… okay.. shit, baby,” he whimpers as he picks up the pace again, “you want me to breed you, huh? You want me to fill you up with my cum, shit.. I will. I’m gonna leave you dripping for days.. I’m gonna make you mine.” 
“No one’s ever touching you again,” he moans, “gonna– oh fuck…” He grunts as he places his fingers back against your clit. 
“Eddie!” You sob, squeezing your eyes shut as you feel an even stronger sensation in your lower belly. He drills in and out of you in such a rough way, you can’t even feel your legs anymore or the tears that stream down your cheeks all you feel is him. 
“I know you got one more in you, baby,” he grunts, kissing your lips, “cum with me.. one more time.” 
“I can’t!” You sob. 
“Yes, you can, I can feel it, you’re getting tighter around me, just let go for me.” 
You can’t even help it, you bite his shoulder and cage him in against you with your legs. He grunts in pain and whimpers in pleasure, he thrusts into you once, twice– “cum with me!” 
You let go and cum around him as he releases inside of you, filling you up with his seed. 
He whimpers into your neck, holding you tightly as he moans at the feeling. His hips stutter and he finally falls against you. You’re drooling on his shoulder, whimpering at the feeling of his twitching cock inside your pussy. Eddie breathes heavily, not pulling out just yet, he slumps against you and presses lazy kisses on your shoulder. 
“Fuck,” he sighs with a grin on his face that you can’t see. 
You’re barely able to keep your eyes open, letting go of him, you drop your arms to your sides and close your eyes. 
“I can’t feel my legs,” you whisper. 
Eddie smirks, “guess I fucked you good, huh?”
You roll your eyes but can’t help but smile, “guess so…”
“What do you mean ‘guess so’?” He scoffs as he pulls himself up a little to look at you, “you came four times, you brat.” 
“Should’ve made that five times,” you shrug. 
Eddie shakes his head at you, though he can’t help but smirk, you’re a mess. Your hair is disheveled, your cheeks are wet from the tears, your body is hot and shaking from all the orgasms he just pulled out of you. 
Grabbing your cheeks, he turns your face towards him, “does that mean I get to make you cum again?” He smirks. 
You lick your lips, staring at the spot on his shoulder that you dug your teeth in, you reach out to touch it, “if you want to,” you shrug, acting like it means nothing to you. 
“If I want to?” He asks, “what about you, do you want to?” 
You are too scared to show him that you do but right now, he isn’t scared to show you how vulnerable he can be. His eyes that usually only ever hold anger for you, hold nothing but hope, it confuses you a little. 
You furrow your brows, “I-I don’t know,” you whisper, unable to look into his eyes any longer, you push him back, “get off, please.” 
He shakes his head and cups your cheeks, “no, look at me,” he demands, softly. 
You blink, swallowing nervously as you look back into his eyes, “you got what you wanted, Eddie.” 
“What do you mean?” He frowns. 
“You fucked me, put me in my place or whatever, now you can move on to someone else.” 
He scoffs, “is that what you think of me?” 
You shrug, looking at him with uncertainty in your eyes, “can you blame me?” You whisper, “you treat me like shit.” 
His eyes flash with guilt, he nods to himself. Without another word, he pulls away from you, pulling out with a hiss, he puts your panties back in place and puts his boxers and jeans back on. 
He fucked up, he knows it. Eddie always struggled with the feelings he had for you. Robin was right when she called him immature for treating you like this– the girl that he secretly loves. He hoped that this would change something but he thought wrong, if anything, he had made things worse for himself, knowing that he got to have you this once and probably never again, breaks his heart. 
Eddie hates himself at this moment. 
You glance at him as you put your dress back on, not bothering with your bra. Eddie’s hair is a mess, his cheeks are still red, his shoulder and neck littered with bite marks from you. He blinks fastly, as though he tries to blink tears away, it makes your heart clench in your chest. You want to pull him back into your arms and kiss him. Is it a good idea though? Probably not. 
You fix your hair and smooth out your dress. Eddie puts his shirt back on, sniffling quietly. 
Tears well up in your eyes as you remember all the times that he made you feel bad, all the times he pissed you off and made you angry, all the times he made you feel insecure, yet nothing, absolutely nothing made you feel worse than this. 
You leave. You get out of the van on shaky legs, placing your feet on the concrete floor, you blink the tears away as you step away from the van and from him. Now you feel the cold wind and the lonely feeling inside of you. You don’t wanna go, not after you had a taste of what it could be like if he just loved you. 
You halt in your tracks, closing your eyes, you take a deep breath. 
You can’t walk away, not from him. 
You turn back around and just as you take a step forward, Eddie suddenly jumps out of the van with a panicked look on his face and tears in his eyes. Surprised by your presence in front of him, he stares at you for a moment before he reaches out to grab your waist, you let him pull you closer, “please don’t go,” he whispers, “give me a chance, sweetheart. I'll fix things between us, I will, I promise, I will."
He pleads with his eyes and holds you tightly against him, afraid that you will disappear any moment. 
Your heart stutters and your knees almost buckle. 
“I-I know I fucked up but please–”
You kiss him for the hundredth time tonight and wrap your arms around him. He responds instantly, kissing you back softly and pressing your back against his van just like before, only this time, the kiss is sweet and filled with longing. 
“I’m crazy about you too,” you admit. 
“You are?” He asks. A smile tugs at his lips, happiness crosses his features. 
“Yeah,” you whisper. Placing your palms against his chest, you peck his lips again, “and I never think about Steve,” you mumble, cringing at the words that you have given him before, “he is my best friend and I never ever wanted him and he doesn’t want me either, Eddie.” 
He believes you. 
“I always just wanted you,” you whisper. 
His heart soars at your words, his gaze softens, he could melt right there and then, “do you still want me?” 
“Yes,” you whisper, “do you want me?” 
You look shy and uncertain of your words, you’re about to look down and break eye contact but he stops you from doing so, tilting your head up, he kisses your lips, “more than anything, sweetheart.” 
Robin smirks at Steve who holds your jacket in his hand. 
“I think you owe me 50 bucks.” 
Steve rolls his eyes as he watches you and Eddie making out against his van, “no, I don’t. We don’t know who made the first move.” 
Robin laughs, crossing her arms over her chest, “I’m saying she did, so..” 
Steve shakes his head, “no, Eddie was the one who made moves on her all this time, it was definitely him.” 
“You know what?” Robin tears his eyes away from you and Eddie and looks back at Steve, “I bet they’re gonna keep this a secret.” 
Steve smirks, shaking his head when he sees Eddie picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder, taking you back to his van. 
“Yeah and they’re definitely gonna slip up in the next two weeks.” 
Robin shakes her head, “no, y/n can keep a secret, I’m giving them three.” 
“Let’s bet on that then.” 
“Okay,” Robin nods, “let’s make it 100 bucks.” 
Steve sighs, “alright then, say goodbye to your money, Buckley.” 
“You wish.” 
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p0orbaby · 1 year ago
more Arsenal x young r please
Birds and the Bees
summary: now matter how old you are, you’ll always be a kid to the girls
warnings: suggestive themes but nothing explicit
a/n: more you say
word count: 716
"Hold up, what is that?"
You frustratedly swat away the hands that pull at the collar of your hoodie. "Quit poking at it, Steph”
"Is that a love bite?"
"No, Steph, it's not. It's a 'didn't duck fast enough during a corner kick' bruise. Real thrilling, I know”. The team snickers, and you continue, "Anyone else got an investigative report they want to file on my neck? No? Good, let's move on”
Steph grins, "You sure know how to kill the vibe”
"I'm here for football, not to be the subject of a teenage gossip column," you retort, the edge in your tone really showcasing your opinion on the matter.
The locker room falls into a momentary silence before Katie dares to speak up, "Alright, tough cookie. But seriously, who'd dare to leave a mark on you?"
You scoff, "Someone who I don't actually mind invading my personal space. Now, can we get back to training or are we starting a tabloid in here?"
“I’m all for tabloid. I missed Love Island last night so I’m running low on gossip” Alessia says as she settles into her cubby, arms crossed and already invested. “Spill it”
“No! My personal life is none of your businesses”
“Teammates share everything. Don’t be boring”
You shoot Beth a glare, “Teammates share strategies, not the ins and outs of my love life, okay?”
Steph smirks, “Come on, we’re practically family here. No secrets. It’s the rules”
“The rules? Since when?” You argue.
Katie adds, “We’ve all got our stories, kid. But yours just got a bit more interesting and we’ve still got a few minutes ‘til training starts”
Alessia, ever persistent, grins, “We won’t judge. Promise”
You relent, knowing you weren’t getting out of this, “Fine, but this stays within these four walls. Her name’s Eden. Happy now?”
The room erupts into whispers and excited murmurs. Caitlyn leans in, “Eden? And what does Eden like to do in her spare time? Other than suck the living daylights out of your neck, that is?”
You shoot her a deadpan look, “Eden happens to enjoy normal activities. Reading books, going for runs, you know, typical human stuff”
Alessia smirks, “Sounds acceptable enough. How about you bring her to one of our games?”
You roll your eyes, “She’s not into football, Alessia. Besides, I don’t want any of you to meet her”
A collective gasp echoes around the room, and you can’t help but laugh at how dramatic everyone is being.
Beth raises an eyebrow, “Why not? Afraid we’ll scare her away or something?”
You scoff, “yeah, actually. And I really like her so I don’t want you guys to ruin this for me by being all weird and annoying”
“We’re not annoying!” Katie exclaims. “We just look out for you”
Steph adds with a grin, “Exactly, like big sisters. Speaking of which, we might need to give you the talk, you know, now you’re sucking face with someone”
“No. Nope. That’s it. This conversation has officially ended” you state, mortified.
Despite your attempt to escape, the team forms an impromptu blockade, preventing you from leaving the locker room. Steph locks the door with a theatrical click.
Beth smirks, “Looks like you’re stuck with us for a little while longer”
You shoot another annoyed glare at Beth. "This is not what I signed up for today”
Katie chuckles, "Consider it an intervention. You'll thank us later”
Steph adds, "Exactly, it's time for the birds and the bees I think. Big sister style”
"No way. That's not happening," you state firmly, crossing your arms.
Caitlyn, leaning against a locker, grins mischievously. "Oh, we've got to cover all the bases. Safety first”
You roll your eyes. "I'm well aware of safety, thanks. So, for the record, I don't need 'the talk’”
Alessia smirks, "Come on, it's a rite of passage. We all went through it”
Steph raises an eyebrow, "Wait, you haven't had 'the talk' yet?"
"Of course I have, I’m not a child” you snap.
Beth nudges Alessia, "Should we give her the pamphlet?"
Alessia nods in mock seriousness, "Absolutely. And maybe some diagrams for good measure”
You groan, "this is ridiculous. Can we please stop this. You’re all insufferable”
Steph grins, "Sure we can, just not quite yet. We all missed Love Island, remember”
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ivegotyourbackbuddie · 8 months ago
I would love if there’s an episode of season 8 called “The Buzz” which of course starts with a bee emergency. But the thing about the emergency that gets to everyone is that a man was beekeeping for several years in the shed in his backyard, but he never told his partner.
So, when said partner finally went to check out what was so important in the tool shed or maybe they needed something, they panicked when they discovered the bees and started swatting at them. Long story short… lots of bee stings and 911 is called.
After the 118 treats the spouse, they ask the husband, “Why did you keep this from your partner for so long?”
And the man simply answers, “Everyone keeps secrets from their partner. If they say they don’t, they’re just lying.”
When they get back, it sits uneasy with everyone and unfortunately for all of them, their shift is very very quiet. So much so that Bobby secretly goes off and whispers “quiet,” to try and keep everyone from going stir crazy. It does not work.
Of course, the stir crazy leads to 118 asking what’s the worst thing they kept from their partner and if they ever kept a secret from each other. And when they ask Buck, Eddie laughs and says, “No, he’s horrible at keeping secrets. He’s never kept anything from me for too long.”
And Buck kind of looks around uncomfortably and says, “Uh… actually I have.”
Chimney then turns to Hen and asks if she’s kept anything from him, but Hen gets distracted by Buck abruptly getting up and leaving, offering them an awkward excuse about something he needs to do.
As soon as he’s gone, Chimney, Hen, and Ravi all start gossiping about what it is that Buck could be keeping from Eddie which generates a lot of buzz. But the main rumor that takes Eddie off guard is the possibility that Buck had a crush on him when he first joined the 118.
Of course, at the end of their shift, after many crazy accusations - including one about Buck secretly being British - Eddie finally asks Buck what he kept from him.
Buck blushes a bit before finally mumbling, “I don’t actually like video games that much. Yeah! I love playing them with you and Chris but on my own… I don’t know.”
And Eddie lets out a huge breath of relief and confesses, “I didn’t really like them until Christopher, but hey, we can always switch it up a bit and play more board games.”
Buck just kind of smiles at the answer but then narrows his eyes at Eddie. “What did you think I was going to say? Obviously you had something else in mind.”
Eddie just laughs and shakes his head while grabbing his stuff out of his locker. “I don’t know. Honestly, we were theorizing about it all day.”
“And what was the main theory?” Buck asks, leaning against his locker with his arms crossed, a curious smile on his face.
Eddie sends him a nervous glance and shrugs. “That you had a crush on me when I first got here, but I know that’s ridiculous.”
Only, Buck doesn’t laugh in the way he does when he finds something ridiculous. He merely gets a pinched look on his face, the same look he’d have when he helped Chris with math - pre lightning incident.
Some clarity washes over his face, then Buck laughs and says, “You know, I thought I was jealous of you, but the crush kind of makes sense. I mean, it explains why I was so obsessed with you, always showing off in front of you, watching your every move on the job and back at the station. I even got this fluttery feeling in my chest when I first saw you, but I thought that was like… my heart skipping a beat in jealousy. Which is really dumb.” And Buck just flushes a little and laughs again as if this confession isn’t literally sending Eddie spiraling. “I guess I did have a crush on you when you joined. Just didn’t know I was keeping it a secret from you.”
Eddie just stares at him and swallows hard. He tries to get some words out, but he doesn’t even know what to say.
Then, Buck puts on his coat and grabs his stuff asking, “We’re still good for the zoo tomorrow at nine?”
And all Eddie can do is nod and plaster on a smile, performing as always.
“Great. I’ll see you then.”
Then, Buck’s gone, and Eddie is left reeling in the confession. He suddenly understands why partners keep stuff from each other.
Later when Buck texts hey I forgot to ask. have you ever kept something from me? something I never found out about?
Eddie quickly replies I’m sure I have, but nothing too life altering.
But he’s absolutely lying because he’s pretty sure his own feelings for Buck that he’s always kept under the surface are, in fact, very life altering.
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writings-of-a-demigod · 8 months ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media
“What are you thinking so hard about?” Hondo chuckled a little.
“Oh you know just some facts.” You shrugged.
You were standing in the middle of the hallway just spacing out when Hondo approached you.
“Well come on lay it on me I wanna hear it” he told you smiling.
You two started walking together when you started.
“Did you know that alligators don’t age biologically? They don’t die from old age, they die from starvation or a disease” you informed him.
He stopped walking and thought about it for a minute “I didn’t know that”
You turned to look at him “Yeah I know and now you do” You smiled and kept walking.
“Hey Y/n”
Tan walked in and looked at the screen looking for new info’s about the case they’re working on.
“Oh hey Tan”
You looked up from the iPad in your hands to glance at him then back to the screen.
“Got anything new?”
“Oh yeah did you know that Koalas spend 99% of their life eating and sleeping and the other 1 % they spend searching for a mate, where they wander around aimlessly until they find one. If they don’t find one, eventually they just give up and go back to sleep.”
Tan looked at you blinking with a confused expression on his face, he pointed at the screen.
“I meant about the case”
“Oh that, yeah check this out.”
“I read something interesting lately.” Deacon started.
You were making a sandwich in the kitchen when he walked in and starting have a conversation with you, nothing out of the ordinary just normal break time.
“Me too” you were getting the ingredients ready for your sandwich.
“You tell me first” he gave you a soft smile.
“Okay so listen to this did you know that the smell of gasoline can irritate bees? And it may excite them to sting so imagine what would happen if you put a tube with bees to someone’s open mouth and a little smell of gasoline” you looked at him with evil smirk on your face.
“You truly scare me sometimes you know that?” That’s all he said to you before walking out of there.
*gif not mine*
A/n: I love writing for SWAT so much and I enjoyed this one 😂 as you can tell. I always tell my friends the most terrifying random-ass facts so I thought this would be fun.
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diazsdimples · 5 months ago
I think Buck becoming a beekeeper after this would be hilarious actually. Like sure, the bees he faces are killer bees, stinging their was through half the population of Los Angeles and causing untold amounts of chaos, but I think he'd be like "🥺 but they were just following their instincts! People kept swatting at them and I'd sting someone that swatted me!" Anyways, after all that's done and the bees are safely collected and carted off to where they belong, Buck hops online and starts searching beehives and how to keep bees. He's still in his loft so he nominates Tommy and Eddie's backyards to be the Bee Lands (he argues bees will help cancel out Eddie's uncanny ability to kill every plant ever and Tommy's his boyfriend so he's gotta) and gets a couple of hives and a whole heap of honeybees delivered to both of their houses. It's a little difficult having split custody, especially considering the bee suits still give Eddie a nervous twitch, but Buck has the best time going over to each house and just chilling with the little guys, he initially doesn't want to take their honey but then does a bit more research and figures out a way to do it that's respectful and kind to the bees, and it becomes his favourite little hobby. He offers for the other members of the 118 to come over and look at the bees and see that they're really not so bad but for some reason no one really jumps at the offer.
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theemporium · 1 year ago
🧸 maxiel baby taking its first steps? Thank you for writing such amazing blurbs!
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
As much as the boys loved racing, the winter break was eagerly awaited for both Max and Daniel. 
They adored their job. They adored that they were able to do the thing they dreamed of doing their whole lives. They adored that they were lucky enough to be on the same team, be by each other’s side and help each other through what could be a taxing and rough racing season. 
But, fuck, did they miss their little family.
It had just been before the end of the last race season when the three of you welcomed Beatrice Ricciardo-Verstappen into the world. And now almost a year later, they were eager to have an undisturbed three months with their daughter and with you, after neither of you were able to visit the different races over the season. 
“My little bumble bee,” Daniel cooed as he prepped kisses on his daughter’s chubby cheeks as she giggled and laughed. Beatrice wiggled in her father’s arms but he just continued until the sound of her laughter was echoing through the apartment. “Oh, I missed that sound.”
“You’re hogging her,” Max complained as he sat on the other side of the carpet, both of them surrounded by most of her toys they had dragged out from the nursery into the living room. “This isn't fair. I missed her too.”
“I missed her more,” Daniel teased, only for the Dutchman to let out a scoff. 
“Put her down and I bet she will crawl over to me,” Max announced, puffing his chest out a little.
Daniel’s eyes lit up. “I’ll bet you nappy duty that she crawls to me instead.” 
Max smirked a little. “Deal.” 
“You both are ridiculous,” you stated as you walked into the room, shaking your head as you saw the boys place Beatrice in the centre of the room before moving to different sides. “She loves you both, is that not enough?”
“No,” they both answered at the same time.
“Give me peace,” you grumbled under your breath as you took a seat on the couch, waiting to see the event unfold whilst knowing full well one of your boys was going to be pissy in a few minutes.
However, the last thing any of you were expecting was for little Beatrice to start pushing to stand up. And you especially didn’t expect her to start taking wobbly steps towards the couch where you were sitting whilst the three of you gaped proudly at your little girl. 
You didn’t even realise you were crying until the warm tears ran down your cheeks as you swooped her in your arms, kisses and mumbled praises pressed against her cheeks as the boys quickly clambered over to the couch.
“What a smart girl,” Max praised as Beatrice reached out to him, a big toothy smile as she accepted her father’s cuddles and praises. 
“Little Bumble Bee is learning how to fly,” Daniel murmured, his eyes wet but his grin huge as he watched his partner coddle the baby.
“Shut up,” you muttered, swatting his arm. “You’re gonna make me cry harder.” 
“She is gonna be buzzing away soon.”
“One more comment from you and you’re stuck on nappy duty for the whole week.”
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ladykailitha · 3 months ago
To Christmases Yet to Come
Hello and welcome to my Christmas AUvent Calendar! Every day from now until the 24th I will be posting a ficlet that is 500-1500 from an AU I've done over the years.
Starting with last year's Christmas story! You can read the first chapter here (and it has links to all seven other chapters) and it's New Year's Eve sequel here.
All stories will be marked with the tag #12 aus of christmas so you can follow along as I will only be tagging my permanent list for this (it would get too confusing otherwise).
Eddie tugged on his necktie and gulped.
“Who’s bright idea was it to get married on Christmas?” he whined, his nerves reaching a fever pitch.
Wayne swatted his hands away and fixed the tie. “Yours. And Steve’s. It was a joint decision and you would not be swayed.”
Eddie turned to look at him with a quivering lip. “I just wanted today to be the extra, mostest, best day ever. The day we got together and the day we got married all in one.” He linked his fingers together.
“I know, son,” Wayne said gently, “and everything is going to be fine. You have so many capable people out there handling everything so you and Steve can have the best day.”
There was a knock on the door and Chrissy slipped into the room. “All right, it’s time. Steve is waiting for you.”
Eddie was going to walked down the aisle by Wayne and Chrissy. Steve having already been walked down the aisle by Claudia to stand in as his mom and Robin. On Eddie side of the alter were Jeff, Brian, and Gareth, with Chrissy as his maid of honor. On Steve’s side of the alter were Dustin, Lucas, and Will. Mike could only make it to the reception because he had a deadline for his latest book by the end of the year. Robin was his best soulmate. Best woman or maid didn’t sound right to anyone.
Eddie took a deep breath and the doors to the garden opened and he was suddenly glad Wayne and Chrissy were on either side of him because his knees gave way when he say the painting above the alter. Will’s wedding present. It was of the yellow dragon, in human form but the silhouette of the dragon behind him facing the black knight from Eddie’s Christmas present to Steve last year. It was beautiful. Steve had surprised him again.
The wedding went off without a hitch. There were a lot of happy tears as Eddie and Steve walked back up the aisle, hand in hand with handfuls of white confetti floating down on them like snow.
As they sat at the head table, their friends and family gathered around them, Eddie leaned his head on Steve’s shoulder.
“Every day I’m grateful you chose to be brave and slip that business card into the mail slot for Chrissy to find.”
Steve kissed the top of his head. “Me too. I’m grateful to her for letting you come to the meeting and I’m grateful to you for accepting the commission.”
Eddie raised his glass of champagne and clinked it against Steve’s. “Here’s to all the Christmases with you, sweetheart.”
Steve smiled as he took a sip of his own champagne. “To Christmases yet to come, Eds.”
They kissed gently as all around them friends and family celebrated their union. Later Steve’s mom would get wind of it and try any means necessary to show her disapproval, but he just blocked what ever avenue she tried. Because Claudia was happy for him and that was all the mom he was ever going to need.
And they lived happily ever after.
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outsideratheart · 1 year ago
Bees land on the prettiest flowers (Lia Wälti x reader)
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A/N: A Lia fic? You’re just a surprised as I am. Also, 10 points to the first person that can tell what tv show a scene in the fic is from.
After the rush of the summer that was the World Cup and the devastation that came with crashing out the champions league before it even began, you found the air around Adidas' HQ in Germany quite refreshing. It would be your home for the next couple of weeks as you and the rest of the team focus on preparing for the upcoming season.
You had a plan this year, one which you was determined to follow if you stayed healthy. Something that wasn't part of this plan was Lia Walti. 
The swiss woman caught your eye the moment she step foot in Colney yet despite the encouragement you got from your team mates and the urge to ask her out, you couldn't, in fact you would go so far as to say you bailed at every opportunity. By the time you were ready it was too late because she started dating Caitlin and you knew you couldn't let your selfishness get in the way of her happiness. It’s why you put Lia in the what if box in your head and sealed it shut. Only now the light started to shine through the box and the reason for that was because Lia and Caitlin had broken up.
It seemed that the higher powers had given you another chance but a lot had changed over the past couple of years. You and your heart wasn't the same and you weren't sure if you were ready to care about someone on a deep level.
A knock on the door brought you out of your daydreaming and as you opened it you saw Lia stood on the other side with a nervous expression on her face.
"Hello you, come in" you step aside allowing enough space for the Swiss to enter.
"Actually I was hoping you'd come out"
You both knew what she meant but the way she phrased it causes you both to burst into laughter. Once you both catch you breath Lia rephrases her sentence.
"Would you like to go for a walk with me?" Lia asks still standing on the threshold.
Her intentions wasn’t clear but you couldn’t turn down one on one time with her. The feelings that you once felt were still there, they were simply buried down deep. 
“Sure, let me grab a hoodie and we’ll go”
“There’s no need for a hoodie. I haven’t got one” 
That she hadn’t. Lia was dress is a pair of sweatshorts and a tank top. If her attire was anything to go by then it was a nice evening outside. 
The weather was perfect. Not too warm but not too hot. The sky was pink but turning into a burnt orange and here you were with one of the most beautiful girls you have ever met. It made you wonder what you did in your past life that allowed to have a moment like this. 
You walked past the pool saying hi the players that were watching a movie. Those on the loungers knew better than to tease you so they left you be but made a mental note to ask you about it later. 
You knew Lia well almost too well because as you walked you saw her chest rise and fall but it would hitch before it falls, she was hesitating. Another tell of this was the way she opened and closed her mouth unaware that you could see the action out the corner of your eye. 
It is when you walked through the perfectly maintained garden area that you decide to confront her about it. You could smell the fresh roses and you got distracted by the bright colours of each flower but it only lasted a second then your attention returns to Lia. 
“What going on that head of yours?” You ask as you both stand admiring the lilies.  
Lia is about to respond but the buzzing of a bee causes you to freeze. Your heartbeat doubles in pace as you watch the yellow and black insect land on her exposed chest. 
“Don’t move. Stand still” you beg her. 
“Y/N, what are you doing?” 
Lia follows your eyes which are fixed on her chest. There she sees the reason for you concern yet she doesn’t have the same response. This alone lets her swat away the bee with no hesitation. 
“No! Don’t do that” the desperation in your voice and the panic in your eyes scares Lia more than the possibility of a bee sting. 
“It’s only a bee” 
Lia’s actions had clearly agitated the insect and you hear a buzz at a high volume before it flew away. 
“Ow” Lia says calmly.
“Are you ok? Can you breathe?” You asked her but it was your shortness of breathe that was an issue. 
“It’s only a sting”
“Are you sure?”
Fear consumes you as memories of the past flood your mind. Your chest feels like it’s on fire and you try and fail to bring your breathing back to a steady pace. 
Lia can tell immediately that something is very wrong. In hopes of calming you down she takes your hand and holds it over the sting on her chest. She then takes her own hand holds it over your chest. It forms a connection between the two of you. 
“I’m ok Y/N. It’s just a bee”
“Don’t say that!” Your concern was replaced with anger because Lia refused to see the severity of the situation “go get checked out by the doctor. Now” 
You felt helpless and you knew you were no longer in control of your emotions. You needed to leave even if your heart wanted to stay with Lia. 
The Swiss had no option other than to watch you walk away. She wanted to go after you but your words are loud in her head. She knew it was best for her to go see the team doctor.  
As she walked back into the facility, Lia tried to make sense of your reaction. Never had she seen you react like that and even though she saw it first hand she could believe it herself. 
“Did you enjoy your date?” Beth teases. 
“It wasn’t a date. I just wanted some alone time with Y/N” Lia corrects the blonde forward. 
“Isn’t that the definition of a date?” Jen adds. 
“It doesn’t matter now. She ran off and left me by the flower beds” 
This made no sense to anyone at the table especially the two blondes who you play with on the national team with. 
“What happened?” Leah asks. 
“We went for a walk and ended up in the gardens. I was nervous, she picked up on it and I thought she was going to ask me about it but then there was a bee and she freaked out. I think she was having a panic attack and it only got worse when it stung me” 
“You got stung by a bee while Y/N was next to you?” Beth asked. She made eye contact with Leah who nodded her head, the defender would go check on you whilst Beth made sure the Lia was ok. 
Leah stood in front of your door taking a couple of seconds to figure out how to handle the situation. She remembers the moment you showed up on her doorstep and went on to tell her that you had just experienced the worst day of your life. 
She used her room key given that you were sharing for the trip and the sight she is met with isn’t one she could prepare for. You are laid on your bed in a fetus position. Your eyes are dry but the puffiness in your face told Leah that you had been crying. 
“Y/N” she speaks in a hushed tone. 
“Lia’s going to die, isn’t she?” 
To anyone outside your immediate family that which included a handful of your England team mates, they would have called you dramatic. Leah was one of the select few which understand why your mind went to worse case scenario. 
“She’s fine”
“I thought my dad was fine next thing I know I had these two fingers on his neck trying to find a pulse” you hold up middle and index finger. 
“Y/N what happened to your dad was devastating. Nobody knew he was allergic”
“And you don’t know that Lia isn’t. I was the reason my dad died and now I’m going to be the reason she dies”
“It’s wasn’t your fault” Leah sit nexts to you on the bed “As for Lia, she is ok. She came back in to us and was going to see the doctor. Something that I’m guessing was your idea” 
You nod your head. Your worrying stopped for a mere second knowing that Lia had listened to you and was hopefully getting the help she needed. 
“Y/N you like Lia and have done for a while. You told her to go see the doctor but didn’t go with her, why?” 
“I didn’t want to see her in pain” 
“She isn’t in pain. Come with me and I’ll show you. We don’t have to talk to anyone but you need to see with your own eyes that she is ok”
Reluctantly, you agree and follow Leah through the halls of the HQ. Each step you take feels heavier than the last because in your mind you have seen how this story ends and you don’t want to see it, not again. So you took your time, you pretended to check in every room that you passed even though the blonde beside you knew exactly where the Swiss was.
Turns out Lia was in the exact same position as when Leah left her only now she has a white patch where the bee had stung her and she had some company. Out of the players one stood out to you; Caitlin.
You and Leah stood at the entry way. Just as Leah was about to walk towards the table you pulled her back.
“What? She’s fine, look” Leah tried to pull you towards your team mates despite her prior statement about not talking to anyone.
“She’s fine — with Caitlin” you could see Lia was ok but you couldn’t bring your self to watch her interact with the Aussie even if they were no longer together.
Knowing that Lia wasn’t going to face the same fate as your father lifted the crushing weight off your chest. You walked with no destination in mind. You didn’t want to go back to your room so you settle on a sun lounger by the pool. A staff member asking if you want to play the next movie the team had lined up and you saw no reason not to; a movie by the pool didn’t sound too bad.
Pitch perfect played but whilst your eyes were glued to the project screen, your mind felt like it was a million miles away. That is until you see a shadow cast over the lounger you were sitting on.
“Do you mind if I sit?” Lia asks.
You had chose a double lounger so you didn’t have an excuse not let her. 
“Ok” your voice is quiet and although you don’t turn to face her, you do pat the side next to you.
The two of you watch the movie. The only sound to be heard is when you both laugh at the same part.
“Are you really ok?” You ask, still with your eyes on the screen.
“I am. Thank you for making me getting checked out, I wish you would have come with me”
When you turn you see that Lia is already looking in your direction.
“I — I”
“You were mad at me” Lia thinks she is finishing your sentence and but you been mad at her wasn’t the issue.
“I was scared” you take a pause because you know the only way for Lia to understand your reaction is for you to explain why seeing her get stung by a bee worried you so much “My dad was stung by a bee”
“And he was ok” Lia said, always the optimist.
“He went into anaphylactic shock. I didn’t know what to do and by the time I did it was too late. He died in the botanical gardens near my house”
“Y/N I didn’t know. Is that why you panicked? Because you thought the same thing that happened to your dad was going to happen to me?”
You can only nod. The admission itself brings back the worry that you had only just managed to settle. 
In a similar way to how she did in the gardens, Lia reaches for your hand and places it over the patch. She pulls it a little so that you weight shift and your head in now resting on her shoulder.
“I’m ok. I went to the doctor, he asked me a couple of questions, cleaned the sting and gave me the all clear”
Silence yet again becomes the third wheel to the movie night you are Lia are accidentally having.
“I don’t want to lose you. It’s already happened once and now I’m just getting you back” you admit.
“Y/N I’m not going anywhere. There’s a reason why I wanted to take a walk with you, why I wanted to spend time with you and only you”
“Because you want us to be friends, like we were before”
“I never wanted us to be friends. Life got in the way and I spent too much time loving the wrong person when I knew she wasn’t the one I wanted to be with”
You knew what she was insinuating, the context wasn’t hard to decrypt. 
“Am I that one?” You needed to hear her say it so that you knew this moment wasn’t a dream.
“You are but I know now more than ever that your heart is still healing so we’ll go at your pace”
How do you reply to that without opening an emotional can of worms? After thinking for a few seconds you decide not to say anything at all. Instead you turn deeper into her so that your head is resting on her chest, close enough so that you can hear her heart beat, her healthy heart beat. 
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figsnpassionfruits · 10 months ago
Paint Away, My Little Dove
A/N: welcome to my very first imagine. This takes place right away the gang arrives at Horseshoe Overlook. It is somewhat canon but you will figure that out as you read. English is not my first language, so in case there is anything you notice, please message me! I hope you enjoy as much as I enjoyed writing this <3 word count: 2k tags: arthur morgan x fem!reader, fluff, age gap dividers by: @strangergraphics-archive pictures are from pinterest
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Oh yes, the fields of Big Valley. What a sight they were. Each careful brush stroke you were making was an attempt to recreate the unforgettable beauty of the scenery in front of you. The love-songs of the birds around you filled the silence in the air as you dipped your brush into one color, then into another, to create the shade you needed for the details of the Bluebonnets. All day you’ve been sitting on your small wooden stool, your glutes and back slightly sore, but the will to finish this piece before the sun went down was stronger than the pain.  
Your two horses were to your side, roaming around the violet flower field. In order to make them comfortable you had removed them from your wagon and their reigns. Every once in a while, you would hear their hooves stomp on the ground as they were snacking on the fresh grass. Spring was just starting to come in. ‘The grass must be tasting sweet for them’, you thought to yourself.
Most of your days were spent like this. It included finding a pretty spot with different elements of nature, such as mountains, trees, riverbanks and forests. Then you would proceed to paint it on your canvases. Some paintings were small enough to fit into a saddlebag, others big enough to compliment homes. Your wagon was able to stash all your supplies and works. At the end of each day, you would pack up everything, set up a camp, and sleep, excited to see where the next day and trail would bring you to. After the soreness in your wrists starts to settle in, building up too much discomfort to ignore, you would go into the nearby town to sell your art. Earning a living with art is not necessarily easy, but it is most definitely amusing, especially when you encounter folks who do not really know about the value of it. Therefore you knew your target group: People with too much money in their pockets who do not question the overly-expensive prices. Sure, sometimes it would work, other times it would not. But it was enough to get you food to fill your belly and the supplies you needed to get by.
Scrunching your eyebrows, you swat away the bees buzzing near your ear, annoyed at them pulling you out of your focus.
“What’cha painting there?”
“Whatever is in front of me…” You mumbled. You couldn’t help but let out a tiny sigh, followed by small eyeroll, before turning around swiftly, facing the stranger who asked. “Could you please leave?”
“Excuse me?” He chuckled.
Placing your brush on the small wooden plate of the stand in front of you, you rubbed your temple. “I apologize-“ You giggled. “I just get so caught up in my work. Can’t afford no distractions.”
“Aghhh” The stranger groaned, getting down from his horse, “I get it. No apology needed.” He said, putting his hands up in a light-hearted way, as he kept walking towards you. By closing the distance between both of you, you allowed yourself to take a better look at him, analyzing his clothes, trying to understand who or what he was. Maybe a potential customer? What price range could you offer him, which would be enough to profit you, but not too much to the point of scaring him away. Or maybe, he was perhaps just a curious man, intrigued by people. In that case, offering him a price was maybe not a necessary thing to do. Weighing out your options, you decided to be blunt and tell him right away.
“Seventy-five for this one.”
The stranger took a step back, looking back and forth between you and the unfished painting. “Seventy-five?!” He exclaimed. “The yellow in that better be liquid gold.”
A small shrug with a self-satisfied smile is what he got in return.
He was indeed very handsome. Broad shoulder that stretched his shirt, beautiful light eyes that could reflect objects in his vision like a mirror and a mustache slightly longer than his stubble. He seemed like a well-groomed man. Well-groomed usually equivalents to a decent amount of money. Unless he was a con-artist.
“Beautiful horses ya got there” He nodded over to the direction of where your wagon was placed.
Following his point of direction, you turned around. Those horses really were beautiful, such as the bond you had with them. “Thank you.” You replied softly.
A small moment of silence occurred as you both individually took in the scenery and everything nature had to offer for you. It truly was beautiful. The way the snowy mountains up north were looking over the river, which was flowing through the flower field, seemed unreal. The combined sounds of the birds, bears, coyotes, deer and bees further blocked out your other senses. It was peace.
“How come you haven’t painted ‘em?”
“Hm?” You hummed.
A small giggle left his lips as he smiled, his eyes glued to his slightly dirt-covered boots for a split second. “Ya horses. How come you haven’t painted ‘em?” He repeated, kicking a few small stones around.
“Oh- I guess… I just like sticking to landscapes. Haven’t really figured out how to make the animals look good.” You admitted.
He nodded understandingly, his gaze roaming around the fields again. Unexpectedly, he took another step towards you, offering you his wide and strong looking hand. “Arthur Morgan”
You waited for a second yet flashed him a small smile right before you bit your lip. “Y/N L/N” The corners of your lips quirked up as you shook the hand in front of you with your own.
Arthur stepped away, tilting his hat down as a polite gesture. “See ya around, Miss.”
“See you, Mr. Morgan.”
Valentine… What a lively little town. It had everything you’d need to make a home. A butcher, a store, livestock, a stable and even a saloon. Yet, this was not something you could think about. Having no one to lean on to was not the most uncomplicated thing in the world. But it does allow you to harden your shell and intuitively create different paths of survival. Travelling around was yours.
You had set up a small stand near the theatre, your paintings displayed for every passing person to see. Your horses were in the stable, getting treatments you could never afford for yourself. After all, they were the ones doing all the pulling and walking. If anyone deserves a day off like that, it was them. Strangers would pass by, some only glancing at your creations, others stopping for a few only to admire them. And then they were people who bought. The local folks here had already gotten used to you. This was a great spot to sell, especially during the tourist seasons. The hotel was never empty during this time of the year. The fancy and rich from up north loved the sun. So, to take advantage of those, you would come here twice a year. Anytime they would show up, you were here as well. Waiting for potential customers could get a tad bit boring but sitting on a nice cushion helped.
You were picking out the dirt from under your nails when precipitously the Sheriffs frame came into your sight.
“Miss L/N! How are you this fine afternoon?” He cheered as he walked past.
“Thank you, Sheriff, I am fine.” You smiled back at him, finally leaving your nails alone. Your eyes followed his strut, trying to block out your envy. He was a man after all. Being a woman in these times was not easy. A home was something you could only dream of if you belonged to a man, whether that is being a daughter or a wife. Legally owning property? That was not anything that women should even be thinking of.
The sound of wooden wheels rolling and cheery singing of female voices made you glance towards the direction it came from. It was a wagon, its back filled with women, each more gorgeous than the other, while the front had two men seated on it. Once the movement and tunes came to a halt, everyone on it got off, splitting ways on where to go. Yet one of the men came right towards you.
“Miss L/N.” Arthur greeted, trailing to you and your tiny gallery.
Attempting to block out the sun with your hand, you smiled up at him from your cushion. “Hello, Mr. Morgan. Changed your mind on the seventy-five dollars?”
“God, no.” He snickered, bending down to take a better look at one of the smaller paintings. The lake portrayed in it seemed familiar to him. ‘Of course’ Arthur thought. ‘How could I forget this place.’. It was the small cabin at O’Creagh’s Run, which belonged to the veteran he occasionally hunted with.
“You seem to like that one, though.” You pointed out.
“Ya didn’t say this was seventy-five. Scared me off with the one from Big Valley.”
‘Yeah, maybe that was a bit too much.’ You pondered as you clicked your tongue. Before allowing silence to settle in, you asked him what he was doing here.
“Could ask you the same thing.” He said amused.
Even though you only had two conversations with this man, it was fun. The back-and-forth banter was not something everyone could keep up with you, let alone a man who would not get offended by a sassy woman.
“I get by here usually twice a year. The tourists love the landscapes. Makes their homes look nice. You should try.” You suggested.
Arthur let out a small chuckle, this time thoroughly taking his time looking through your art. His gaze was fixated on the smaller canvases. One of those could fit nicely into his saddlebag. Not that he had the space for a bigger piece. Roaming his eyes between two, one that looked similar to the Dakota River, the other a smaller version of the floral area around O’Creagh’s Run. The positive association of his friendship with the veteran Hamish made him point at the second one. “I like that one.”
You turned, picking up the named piece. “This one I would give out for fifty, since it is obviously smaller. But for you, since we are now associates,” You giggled “I will hand it out for… thirty-five.”
Even though this offer was better than the other, Arthur could not help but shake his head, a smile not going unnoticed. “Alright, alright.” He pulled out the money from his pocket. “Only because it’s near a friends house.”
You took his money, whispering the numbers while counting. “Hamish?” You asked.
“Yeah.” It sounded more like a question than a statement. “Ya know the old fella?” Arthur questioned, while taking the painting into his hand.
You hummed, putting the money into your small leather purse. “He took me in one night while I was freezing up there. Sometimes a tiny camp is just not enough. Ever since then I see him as my pa. He’s the sweetest.” You explained, keeping eye contact with Arthur. This was the longest you have had continuously looked at him. His good looks you already have noticed the first day you met. But today, it seemed to sink in. The question of what he was- you still could not answer. “I will head back to him soon. Been out here for weeks now. He must be really worried, too.”
‘That makes sense.’ He thought. No wonder he has not seen you with Hamish before.
“Well, thank you for buying something, Mr. Morgan.” You smiled.
“Please, call me Arthur.”
- 🍯
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