#then rose would ask him on multiple field trips
simping-for-joe · 1 year
I just thought of something and like I need to share it.
Can you imagine Rose asking Leon to be a chaperone for a field trip? Usually, Mia or Ethan does it but they're too busy with something this time, so Rose is like what about Leon? Rose usually likes having someone chaperone so she isn't so lonely.
Leon is not prepared at all for this question cause like yeah he and Ethan are dating but he wasn't sure if Rose even liked him enough for something like that. However, he moves mountains to be able to go on that field trip man.
"Mr. President I can't, I have to take my boyfriend's daughter on a field trip."
Other kids would want his attention, but he would always make sure to stick close to Rose. Cause he knows the trouble she has, and it would just be a nice day. Leon is just exhausted cause he had no idea how much goes into just watching children, but he can't stop smiling as he's driving Rose home.
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Mosley Lane: Final Part
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.5k
Summary: This is the last piece of the puzzle. The piece before you can finally be set free from all this pain. You're going to do whatever it takes to help your friend and more importantly, yourself.
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Season Five Masterlist
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them.
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You and Derek split off and take a handful of houses, all without promising results. You pull into the driveway of a house that is secluded, with lots of land, and is big enough to house and hide children.
"I feel them here. I think this is the house," you say to Derek as you walk up the porch steps.
"Are you sure?"
You look to your right and see a bed of roses that to the naked eye is normal, but you see with more than just your eyes. Those rose bushes are covered with the energies of the dead--dead children.
"I don't think I've ever been sure of anything else."
You knock on the door and Roger Roycewood answers it. You take a step back to steel yourself and nudge Derek's arm. This is him. This is one of the unsubs. Derek says something you don't hear but it's enough to convince Roger to let you two inside the house. There are children's toys everywhere telling you that they have kids here.
"You've got a lot of land here," you finally say.
"I'm sorry?"
"I said, you've got a lot of land here, and a houseful of kids."
"Ah. Mm-hmm. Yes, I do."
"It's awfully quiet. Are they out?"
"My wife took them out."
"At the winter festival?" you ask.
Roger's body tenses but he tries to keep a cool head. The kids are here. You can feel them. All you need is to get away from him and explore the house.
"Winter festival?"
"In Ashburn. You know, I have a friend who went there recently. Her name is Ashley Parks. Her kids just love it there."
Roger immediately tenses up at Ashley's name and he looks at you with nervous eyes.
"I'm sorry, what did you say?"
He reaches up and messes with his hearing aid but you know he heard you. He is pale and sweating, right where you want him.
"I said my friend, Ashley Parks, went to the winter festival recently. Her kids love it there."
"I've never been but that's a wonderful idea. I'll mention that to my wife. It might be nice for the kids."
"They have pony rides."
"Oh, great," Roger nods.
"I'm sorry, may I use your restroom?"
"Yes. It's down the hall and to your right."
"Thank you."
You walk away from Roger and look at Derek who nods once to let you know he knows what you're doing. Roger watches you to make sure you're going in the right direction before Derek starts his distraction. Instead of going to the bathroom, you try the other doors around. Two of them lead to bedrooms but one of them is locked. You kneel on the ground and see yellow energy seeping from the cracks. They're here. They're below you in the basement. You have a feeling the locked door leads to the basement. Damn it. You don't have a warrant. You can't go snooping. You flush the toilet and turn the sink on to make it seem like you went to the bathroom before heading back to Derek. You notice the front door has multiple locks on it to prevent someone from leaving rather than keeping something out. There are pictures on the fireplace landing, and one of them looks eerily similar to Charlie.
"So, do the kids take after your wife?" you ask.
"Some say they do. How can I help you?"
"We were actually hoping that your wife would be here. Do you know when she'll be back?"
"She's got the kids out on a field trip. The children just love Sunday drives. Uh, I can get her back here."
Roger is sweating because he's nervous. He hopes you can't pick that up about him but you can pick up almost anything. Derek senses that he's not acting normal which means he's hiding something which means he has something he doesn't want the FBI to know about.
"Please, if you don't mind."
"I need to step outside. Excuse me," you say and leave the house.
"Why don't you go on ahead and make that phone call?" Derek asks, not letting him get out of this one.
Derek and Roger leave the house but stay on the porch while you're by the car with Hotch on the phone.
"Hotch, we've got him. We are at 2115 Mosley Lane. Only Roger is here. I don't know where Anita is. I feel the children here and I've seen their energies come from the floor. I think they're in the basement but I think the door is locked. I can't do anything without a warrant. They have extra locks on the doors, there's a minivan in the driveway, and a photo of a boy who looks a lot like Charlie."
"Is he onto you?"
"Without a doubt."
"I'm on my way with a warrant and some dogs. Y/N?"
"Good work."
You smile when you hang up. You're finally seeing the woman you used to be before going to prison. You feel good for the first time in a long time. You walk back to Derek and Roger who hangs up the phone nervously.
"Uh, voicemail again. I suppose y'all could come back later?"
"I think we both know that's not gonna happen," Derek says and crosses his arms.
"You know my friend, Ashley?" you ask and Roger looks at you. "She's in jail for something she didn't do. Do you know anything about that?"
Roger gulps knowing he isn't going to get out of this one. He has no choice but to wait until the rest of your team gets there with local police and bloodhounds that already have Aimee's scent. You walk over to Derek and Roger who are on the porch.
"Well, I guess you got your warrant," Roger says.
"With ground-penetrating radar. We will find where you buried them."
"Will that hurt the roses? The radar?"
"Derek, I feel the dead here by the roses," you whisper.
JJ and Rossi come out of the house after looking through it and look at you.
"Didn't you say they were in the basement?"
"Yeah, I felt them there. Why?"
"They're gone but there was evidence suggesting they'd been there. We found these."
JJ hands over pictures of a lot of children with their names on the back. Every child they kidnapped and either killed or kept. Your phone rings and you step off to the side when you see Abel is calling you.
"Hey, I got more evidence of the children Roger and Anita kidnapped. We found their house. We're here now."
"Send me everything you have. The judge is granting her a retrial which is going to happen in two days."
"Thank you," you breathe a sigh of relief.
"No, thank you. Like I said, I hated seeing her go to jail for something she didn't do."
You wrap up your conversation and head back to your team. You go through each of the pictures and come across one of them that looks to be Aimee.
"Is that Aimee?"
"They dyed her hair."
"There's none of Charlie."
"He's probably the one who took the pictures."
"For what?"
"Proof. It's his way of telling us how many kids they took," you say. "I felt the kids earlier and now they're not here. That means they got away through a secret entrance." A lightbulb goes off in your head. "Wait, Anita's family owns a funeral home. What if... what if that's where she kills them? What if they're not burying the bodies but cremating them?"
"Where is it?"
Derek gets Penelope on the phone and places her on speakerphone, away from prying ears.
"Her family owns a funeral home in Leesburg. You're less than ten minutes from it. Oh, God. The funeral home's been in Anita's family since she was a little girl--hearses, coffins, vans--a million ways to hide the children."
"We can't dig up ten years of coffins."
"Like I said, they have a crematorium. They were cremated."
Half of your team heads over to the crematorium where they find three children and Anita dead. When news of it spreads back to Roger, he steps off to the side to grieve the loss of his wife. There's no way out of this. You find him in the upstairs bathroom hanging from his tie on the shower rod. Okay, there is one way out of this.
Spencer went with you to the courthouse where Ashley was having her trial. You didn't want to interfere so you stayed outside until the verdict.
"Do you think they'll find her innocent?" you ask Spencer.
Spencer waits another hour with you until you hear back. She's innocent. You almost fall back into Spencer's arms from how happy you are when she comes out of the courthouse with tears in her eyes. You immediately go over to her and bring her into a hug, and she sobs happily on your shoulder.
"I told you I'd get you out of there."
"Thank you for everything you've done for me," she sniffles and pulls away.
"No, thank you. You were the best part of prison. You're one of the ones who kept me from drowning."
She wipes her tears and looks between you and Spencer.
"What do I do now?"
"Whatever you want. Go live your life. Go see your parents. Be whoever you want to be. You're free."
"So are you," she smiles.
At her words, you feel a weight being lifted from your shoulders. A weight that you thought would never leave. A weight that was preventing you from seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
"Hope is the thing with feathers, that perches in the soul, and sings the tune without words, and never stops at all." - Emily Dickinson
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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alimaybankkk · 1 year
anything with soccer jj?? sorry if this isn’t that helpful lol
𝐢 𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮
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a/n: i love soccer rudy so obvi : soccer jj >>
i also know nothing ab soccer soooo
summary: scenarios with soccer player jj!
warnings: major fluff, violence (jj is always getting hurt omg)
pairing: soccer player! jj x reader
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“there he is,” you said, pointing across the field.
john b followed your finger, grinning as he saw a number “9” yelling at someone from the other team.
“oh, he’s really going at it…” sarah noted as jj kicked the kid in the shins.
you stood, hoping jj would look over at you.
the kid had toppled over, and jj looked over to see if you’d been watching. he scratched his neck and squinted awkwardly when he found you’d seen it.
you made an “x” sign with your arms and he gave a thumbs up before blowing a kiss.
you blushed. he’s such a flirt.
the coach had now hauled jj away from the boy, and you could tell jj was mumbling quiet apologies he didn’t mean.
then he started arguing with his coach and you slapped your forehead.
finally, jj nodded at his coach and walked away, going over to the kid he’d kicked earlier and dapping him up.
you sighed of relief, face in your hands.
“he’s crazy,” pope said, and everyone nodded in agreement.
the ref blew the whistle and jj went back with his team, everyone huddled briefly before running out onto the field.
eventually, after around two minutes, the game began, the ball sliding between players’ feet. you watched as jj kicked the ball in between the opponents feet and grinned. he grunted as a kid tripped him and he started yelling at him.
but the game continued and jj only grew angrier until eventually he was hogging the ball.
it was nothing to be worried about, though. he was the best on the team and even the other players on his team were glad he was keeping it.
but the other team wasn’t.
jj wanted to take his anger out, so he found himself caught in between a players legs, kicking the ball out of his hold.
it worked; jj now had the ball and was running toward the goal.
he had a clear path if you didn’t count the goalie. every player on the field followed after him, a mob now being created.
jj smirked at his open shot. finally, he kicked it hard. you crossed your fingers as it shot toward the goal.
the goalie reached out to get it. it fell right into his hands, but then slid right past them.
as the ball hit the net at the back of the goal, you immediately rose to your feet, clapping and cheering. you whistled and almost every person who sat on the bleachers stared at you, but you didn’t care.
and then jj looked back at you, checking to see if you saw it. you knew what he was silently asking, and you held out a thumbs up.
he smirked, running away from the goal and continuing the game.
the same thing happened multiple times until the other team had gained motivation and made a comeback.
the score was 5-3, and jj’s team was losing. it was one of the best games of his you’d ever watched.
jj was now furious. he tried as hard as he could to score a goal, but he just kept getting blocked.
as the clock ticked down to two minutes, john b, kie, pope and sarah had all given up and just agreed the team would take their first loss. but you knew jj wouldn’t let it happen.
and you felt your heart confirm it as he seized the ball, rushing it to the goal. it went in perfectly, and everyone cheered.
with a minute left, everything was getting even more heated.
jj was yelling at everyone, even his own teammates, most likely spitting fire. the coach was getting angry with him to the point he almost took him off the field.
thirty seconds left, jj finally got the ball again. everyone stood as he raced to the goal, the path clear as day. everyone cheered as he kicked the ball, but before his foot could make complete contact with it, a player came up and tripped him. jj immediately shot up, fighting the urge to kick his ass.
he couldn’t do it. he had to win the game. he had to get the ball back immediately and score the winning goal.
he tripped the kid back, kicked the ball away from his feet. he chased after jj as he made his way toward the goal.
the goalie looked fierce now. he’d most certainly had a new slice of motivation now as he widened his arms and legs.
jj kicked the ball as hard as he could, wincing as it rolled toward the goal.
“come on, bitch,” he whispered as the other kid raced ahead to kick the ball away.
but he wasn’t able to do it.
the ball reached the edge of the goal, and that’s when the goalie dove and swatted it away.
jj let out a cry as he felt tears tease his eyes. the boy who’d guarded him earlier had cheered, running up to him and shoving him to the ground.
you stood, screaming as everyone else did.
jj spat blood as the kid continued to kick him and stomp him.
jj had later told you that he’d said, “that’s it, bitch! can’t win a game? we can!”
jj looked toward the scoreboard as everything drowned out. the buzzer still hadn’t gone off.
the ref came over, blowing the whistle harshly and pulled the other kid away at last.
when the buzzer did go off, the announcer came onto announce that a point was getting revoked from the other team and added to jj’s team.
you cheered as the rest of your friends stood, cheering along.
there were some “boo’s” in the crowd, but you just shrugged.
even with the win, you couldn’t tear your thoughts away from jj’s hurt.
you ran down onto the field, kneeling down to the jj who was coughing up blood as he still lay on the field.
“j,” you whispered, grabbing his hand and cupping his face.
he grinned as the medic made his way over. “i did it, pretty girl.”
you forced a laugh even though you didn’t feel like it was funny at all.
they cleaned up jj’s face until he was good to go, spinning you in his arms.
he kissed you on the lips excitedly, giving you the taste of blood.
you pulled away and cupped his face. “you’re so strong, j. i’m so proud of you, baby.”
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you were laying on your bed, watching tv when your phone buzzed.
you opened it, checking the message jj left you.
you smirked. you knew he wasn’t at the front door—no, he was at your bedroom window.
not that your parents didn’t like jj. they actually liked him a lot. he just thought it was more fun to climb in through the window.
you bolted up and opened it, immediately falling back as he crashed his lips into yours. you giggled and let your hands roam into his hair until he pulled away.
“hi,” he said.
he brushed past you and sat down on your bed, rummaging through his bookbag. you sat down next to him, tracing circles onto his back. “what’s up?”
“got something for you…” he said.
finally, he grinned and stuck his tongue out as he pulled it out of his bag. you gasped.
it was his jersey. it was red. on the back it said maybank, and then it displayed his number, 9.
you gasped excitedly, grabbing it out of his hands.
you felt how soft it was, but it did not distract you enough from bringing it to your nose. you smelt it and it smelt exactly like him.
“you like that, pretty girl?” he asked, arm wrapping around your waist.
you nodded eagerly, kissing him. “thank you.”
“you should wear it to my games…”
“i will,” you said.
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john b and kiara were in the lighthouse and pope was “keeping an eye“ on you and jj.
however, pope felt like he was given this job to third wheel. he was getting impatient and he wanted nothing more than to be with john b and kie.
you and jj had been laying together in the back of the twinkie until finally, jj tapped your thigh two times.
you lifted your head, rubbing half-sleep from your eyes. you got up, knowing that was his signal. “what’s wrong?”
“nothin, baby,” he said, starting to help you up.
you raised an eyebrow. “what are you up to?”
he smirked as if he had been planning something mischievous, but instead he just said, “you want to play with me?”
you once again, raised an eyebrow. “play what?”
you giggled. jj knew you had no experience, but he loved to play with you and teach you everything. “what do you say?”
“okay,” you agreed, hopping out of the twinkie after him.
he groaned, bending down to pick up the ball he always brought with him.
he placed the ball on the grass as pope got up, curious to what’s going on.
you sighed, watching as jj kicked the ball up over and over again. “go easy on me, love.”
jj nodded and kicked the ball to you. he pointed to a fallen down open garbage can, signaling it was the goal.
you nodded and finally, jj came over to you, trying to kick the ball from your feet.
he was going extremely easy, you knew. but it was fun. you loves seeing him having fun. smiling, laughing. it looked the best on jj.
“kick it, come on…” he said. “you can do it, pretty girl.”
you laughed and kicked it in between his legs, watching as it flew into the garbage can.
he cheered, picking you up into his arms and swinging you around. “good job! so proud of you, baby!”
you laughed and when he finally put you down, gave him a kiss on the lips.
“i scored a goal!” you laughed excitedly.
“yes you did, baby,” he said and kissed you on the cheek. “and i scored you!”
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film-in-my-soul · 9 months
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Of Fighters and Fighter Pilots | 652 | strawberryspitt
Summary: "Bradley knows the entire team thinks it’s unhealthy. They just don’t get it, not yet."
Field Day | 810 | xo_em / @jakeseresins
Summary: “Where are you taking me?” Bradley exclaims as Jake pulls him along by the hand. “You said you wanted to do Texas things,” Jake laughs. “So I’m showing you a Texas thing.”
We Could Try | 1,072 | xo_em / @jakeseresins
Summary: “Jake, what the hell. It’s like four in the morning-“
rose quartz | 1,100 | levivi
Summary: He inspects his boyfriend carefully. Bradley looks nervous, probably unnoticeable to anyone else, but Jake’s not just anyone else. He can see it in his eyes, in the slight tremor of his fingers splayed over his thighs. His heart squeezes.
all the things i wish i had told you | 1,118 | dames_for_jamesbarnes / @qvid-pro-qvo
Summary: “It’s not like you, to turn in early,” Bradley counters. Hangman stops again, turns and glares, brow furrowed deep. “Been a long time since you could claim to know me, right, Bradshaw?” Bradley and Jake have a past. Bradley wants a future.
Bleeding Hearts Beat Too Fast | 1,136 | theincredibleprincess
Summary: When he looks at the scene before him, Bradley sees a part of himself that he had tried to destroy a long time ago. After an unlikely candidate helps Jake through a bad situation, they get to discussing fathers- the best that ever died and the worst that ever lived.
if someone was going to break me (i’d want it to be you) | 1,162 | tearsricochets
Summary: There’s a kiss being placed on his neck, and he sighs when he realizes it was right on one of the multiple marks Bradley had littered him with that evening. “Should I leave?” he asks, while tightening his arms around his waist. (‘Should I leave?’ he asks. Like Jake would ever make him leave. No, that’s Jake’s job.) He doesn’t say that, instead answering: “Ask again in five.” Because he’s weak, and he’s always got to have an escape route planned, a way out of the hole he’s dug for himself once again.
Please see below for more recommendations!
I Could Be (Someone) | 1,226 | xo_em / @jakeseresins
Summary: “Why are you leaving?” Bradley demands breathlessly, his face positively flushed from the argument they’re currently embroiled in.
Wintersong | 1,320 | xo_em / @jakeseresins
Summary: It had been noisy, this trip, in the best way. All of them gathered together up in the mountains for the holiday, forgoing their normal family obligations in order to nurture this small and fragile family that they’d chosen for themselves.
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Summary: He knows if he just asked, Jake would give him anything.
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Summary: But hell, he wasn’t about to tell his fellow pilots the good news that Hangman had finally settled down – in a manner of speaking – and finally met the one. That last part not being an exaggeration had him turning mid-air, flown through the jetwash, unrecoverable spin. He couldn’t pull the fucking eject.
coming up for air | 1,472 | vannral / @vannral
Summary: "The horizon blurs into blue and bone white. It’s so light it burns Jake’s eyes. The entire cockpit is eerily silent, except for the thundering in his ears. ’fly, fucking fly like your life depends on it – fly FASTER, THEY’RE GONNA DIE – !’" In which Jake shares a room with Rooster on the carrier, he has a nightmare about not reaching Mav and Rooster in time, and Rooster comforts him. And ends up sharing the bed.
no need to pray, no need to speak | 1,491 | dalearden / @dale-arden
Summary: Taking the very last moment he has, Bradley closes in again on Jake but this time it’s so he can rest his forehead against the man who has been his lover and his rival all at once, his heart doing jumping jacks in his chest as he tries to have one more chance to just breathe. Jake matches him, beat for beat, and Bradley has to close his eyes against the tidal wave of overwhelming sorrow that makes him feel, pressing a hand to Jake’s chest as he murmurs a promise he knows he can’t keep but which he feels he has to make all the same because what if, what if…
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Summary: Jake was born and raised in Texas and he knows a thing or two about guns. When Hard Deck is raided by a band of thugs and all inside taken hostage, Jake gets his hands on a rifle that Penny keeps under the counter and shows them exactly why they shouldn’t mess up with his Team. And Rooster may or may not get hard by seeing how precise Jake’s aim is.
Perpetuatin' Prophesy | 1,775 | ForASecondThereWedWon / @forasecondtherewedwon
Summary: Rooster blinks at him. “My socks are wet,” he says. Or, Rooster and Maverick bail out of the F-14. Jake finds them in the water.
this world is only gonna break your heart | 1,817 | youlookgood / @sereshavv
Summary: And maybe it's that tether pulling him along again. Maybe it's the fact that in the morning, when he puts on that helmet with H_NGM_N printed across the front, he'll be thinking about how appropriate it all is that the tether holding him to Rooster might just be his noose. But he's a twisted up mess inside, and he could never wish for a universe in which he didn't love Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw with his entire being. Their game has always been a wicked one, and now it's dead ash by Jake's own hands. Maybe his dreams are true. Maybe the world really is on fire.
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Summary: Rooster is an even-keeled, laidback kind of guy. Except when it comes to Hangman, maybe especially then. In which someone mouths off to Hangman and Rooster loses it.
Feel the Heat, See the Light | 2,173 | ForASecondThereWedWon / @forasecondtherewedwon
Summary: “How long do you think we can do this?” Jake wonders aloud. Make the tension last? Bradley silently guesses. Stick to our respective sides of the bed? Pretend the fact that we took off across state lines, just the two of us, is something we can go forever without acknowledging?
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Summary: “Don’t say that shit,” he whispers, void of any kind of venom. It's a shameful, humiliating emotion. “Don’t say that, Bradshaw, not– it’s not funny.” “Okay,” Bradley replies, oddly calm. Closer again, Jake notices. “I won’t, Jake. I know you don’t regret it.”
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Summary: “What about yours?” he finally asks, nodding to them. Seresin blinks, cocks his head, and Bradley gestures with an open hand. “Your wings.” The other man blinks. Raises a brow. “I’ll show you mine because you showed me yours type of thing?”  Bradley snorts. “Something like that,” he admits, raising his brow right back. Bradley and Jake accidentally find each other after the Mission. And maybe realize that even though they've flown together, they've never really seen each other.
(how good it is) to be your lover today | 2,464 | multifandommonster / @mitthrawnu
Summary: He doesn’t have an extensive morning routine; his pales in comparison to Jake’s several-step process to keep his skin young, Rooster, some of us don’t want sunspots by age forty, but Bradley just laughs. Jake’s gotten him to use moisturizer and sunscreen, that’s as far as he intends to go. He’ll wear his age the way his dad should’ve been able to.
my stubborn pride laying on the floor | 2,751 | multifandommonster / @mitthrawnu
Summary: He didn’t consider the reality, he didn’t really think at all– now he’s shaking against the sink in their locker room, vision blurring with tears as he tries to steady his hand. “C’mon,” he murmurs, shaking his head in an attempt to clear the fog settling into his awareness. “C’mon, fuck–” “As I live and breathe,” a voice interrupts, and Bradley nearly drops the needle with the sigh that makes its way out of him.
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Summary: “Oh, you better watch it there, sugar, because I feel an unnecessary roughness penalty in my future,” Rooster replies, watching as Hangman’s dimples appear. He salutes Rooster. “You’re on, sweetcheeks.” it starts with a sarcastic sweetcheeks. (or, five moments from within canon and one from shortly thereafter)
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in sickness and in health | 3,063 | res_judicata / @res-judicatas
Summary: “I want a small wedding,” Jake mentions casually as he brews the coffee. Bradley hums in acknowledgement as he scrambles the eggs, “that’s fine with me,” he slides the chopped tomatoes into the hot pan with a sizzle, “so, that would be your extended family, Mav, Ice, the peanut gallery, maybe a handful of our academy buddies-” “No,” Jake shakes his head, “bare minimum,” his voice is suddenly serious, “it’s not a spectacle, you know, all that matters really is that you’re there,” a rueful tilt to his lips, “and I’m there.” He clicks his tongue, "and someone who can make it official... that’s all I need.”
Grit Your Teeth Another Time | 3,323 | Thee_Maxwell
Summary: Hospitals and death weren’t strangers to Bradley Bradshaw, and they always seemed to go hand-in-hand. So he wasn’t particularly thrilled to find himself under watch in the medbay of the aircraft carrier. Or It hits Bradley what almost happened on the mission (and Jake helps him feel better).
Take Him Off Your Hands | 3,554 | electricghosts
Summary: Bradley got orders to Texas while his friends were stationed on the other side of the world. He also never wanted to speak to Maverick again; he was completely and utterly alone. After four long months of moping around and feeling sorry for himself, he finally goes out to have a beer and is greeted by a group of partiers with funny nicknames. One in particular sticks out; an overconfident blonde in a ten-gallon hat by the name of Hangman. Liquid courage and channeling his late father’s charm might just be the key for Bradley to land himself a cowboy.
cowboy, take me away | 3,668 | ginnydear
Summary: jake has a cowboy hat he doesn't just let anyone wear. bradley takes that as a challenge.
never had a heart to mend | 3,735 | un_familiar
Summary: Bradley won’t stop looking at him with concern, laying kisses on his bare back and asking softly, “Are you okay,” until Jake wants to scream You know what you’re fucking doing to me, but he can’t or he won’t and he’s never felt this helpless in his life. The best he can manage is a soft, “Just tired,” turning back into Bradley’s embrace and thinking God, just let me keep this.
Life in Technicolor | 3,933 | AnadoraBlack / @anadorablack
Summary: “Hey Mav?” “Mmh?” They are sitting on the beach outside their house, feet buried in warm sand as they are watching the sun set. Bradley is leaning on his godfather’s shoulder, trying to imagine what it would be like to see something else than all the – admittedly lovely – shades of grey that make up his world. “When do you think I’ll get my colours?” Mav wraps an arm around his shoulders affectionately. “I only got mine when I was twenty-three, you know. You’ve got time, you’re only fourteen, kiddo…” The brown-haired teenager at his side shrugs again. He doesn’t want to admit that he’s anxious to know what it feels like. To get one’s colours. To find one’s soulmate.
Can't take my eyes off of you | 3,976 | FlowersOnMyMind / @flowersonmymind1016
Summary: An Alpha at the Hard Deck won't leave Rooster alone. Hangman steps in. Oh, and did I mention that Hangman is close to his rut?
5 Times Hangman Took Care of His Team + 1 Time Someone Took Care Of Him | 4,016 | dalearden / @dale-arden
Summary: The Daggers and the rest of the Team stay together for the long leave post mission. That includes Hangman although he is still treated a bit as an outsider. They get into all kind of crazy shit and Rooster starts to notice things. That Jake is the one who starts cleaning after drunk Payback threw up all over the bathroom and knows exactly what cleaning products will do the trick. That when Fritz is arrested for disturbance, he knows how to talk to the cops to get him released. That he can patch Fanboy like a professional medic after the guy got into a fight. That he can cook a meal from nothing, mend clothes and knows everything about meds. Turns out Jake had to take care for his family as the only responsible person since he was 5 years old. First his alcoholic parents and then his dying grandmother. Jake won’t let anyone in, but he will take care of them as much as he can. Rooster wants to change it.
The Way to a Man's Heart | 4,028 | dalearden / @dale-arden
Summary: Jake Seresin is a pilot, currently on medical leave from Naval duty as he recovers from injuries sustatined in an ejection during a training exercise. He's grumpy and bored when he takes a chance on a random coffee shop on a rainy afternoon and meets one Bradley Bradshaw, manager and possibly world's best barista. Bradley wastes no time taking such a pretty broken bird under his wing, winning Jake over through pastries and charm and also by being insanely hot. Then therer's an attempted robbery on the premises, and everything accelerates.
Pressed Sunflowers | 4,030 | Sceld
Summary: His smug expression is the final nail in the coffin for Jake, who is doing a fucking terrible job at hiding his outright shock. “You’re… Good at that,” he says slowly, pretending it’s not doing something for him. or; Jake spends the night at Bradley's place and learns more than he anticipated.
wish I knew how to hold you | 4,661 | Ravens_Words
Summary: Bradley bullies Jake's flight information out of Javy, and it's much easier than he thought it would be. Probably because he doesn't want his best friend to be alone. "Bradshaw," Javy says before he hangs up, "you- I know he doesn't make it easy, but take care of him, will you?" He hesitates, takes a deep breath, "sure." For the first time, he wonders if he made a mistake, bit off more than he can chew. Jake goes back home, Bradley goes with him. It goes about as well as one can expect.
we're not finished here | 4,991 | haridwar
Summary: Jake finds out Maverick has a son in the middle of dogfight football.
in five years time | 5,178 | ginnydear
Summary: Jake’s been planning his five year anniversary gift for Bradley since the day after their four year anniversary.
Taking The Long Way 'Round | 5,278 | DancingDisaster / @dancingdisasterisms
Summary: This probably wouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone, but he and Seresin hadn’t exactly hit it off when they first met. That said, they did hit it off eventually, and they did it with a bang so resounding it probably should’ve devolved into a fist fight. By the end of the week, Bradley realized there was one small potential problem with the first close friendship he’d managed in years: he thought Jake was beautiful. Well fuck. “It’s not like he doesn’t know, Javy.” “I think you’re underestimating Bradshaw’s tendency towards obliviousness here, Jake.”
i'm coming back to his side to put it right | 5,455 | emozionedapoco
Summary: He can shoot enemy airplanes out of the sky but he can’t for the life of him find some fucking t-shirts. Yeah, that’s doing wonders for his ego. His eyes catch something on a rack near a wall. They’re not t-shirts but shirts and he doesn’t know what the fuck he’s noticed them for, but he gets closer anyway. His instincts usually serve him well.
i come from where the rivers meet the sea | 5,864 | luciferinasundaysuit / @vinnylecavaliers
Summary: Phoenix pinches the bridge of her nose. “One night. One night without whatever all this is. My kingdom for one night.” “There’s no all this!” Rooster protests. Like a liar. Hangman takes his arm back, slides off his chair and goes back to the dart board. Rooster tries not to feel cold. “Of course not, Rooster,” Hangman says, just short of condescendingly. “I could never bring a yankee home, and I respect you too much to hit it and quit it.”
watching, waiting, still anticipating love | 5,861 | iridescent
Summary: Bradley’s fingers caress the keys deftly, coaxing a bittersweet melody from the depths of the piano’s body. Then he starts singing, a few lines here and there almost like an afterthought. His voice is low and husky, lends itself naturally to this sort of soppy and overly sentimental love song. He doesn’t seem to notice Jake being there at all. Despite himself, Jake is transfixed.
But Here I Am, Loving You More Than You’ll Ever Know | 5,872 | thatsquirrelfromiceage
Summary: The sound of Rooster’s voice may as well be another explosion, another heavy breath set free from the bottom of his stomach. It’s the moment he begins to understand what his mother wanted when she clutched and prayed to her rosary beads every night. Another reminder that he’s coming home. He’s coming home.
my heart is out, my guard is down | 5,886 | blood_mocha_latte / @blood-mocha-latte
Summary: “Hey!” He yells, giving Seresin what he hopes is a suave ‘yep, ‘tis I, your saviour’ look. Judging by the look on the other man's face, he fails. “Are you alright?” Hangman shouts back, stumbling even closer. Bradley scrubs a hand down his face, stepping towards him. “Yeah! Are you–” Seresin shoves him into the snowbank with his good hand, face screwed up in what seems to be an odd mixture of worry and anger. “What the fuck were you thinking?!” He’s still yelling, but his voice cracks on the last word and he coughs, spitting concerningly black spit to the side. “I died for you, moron!” He’s still angry but his voice is shaky, and quiet, and Bradley thinks rather disjointedly that he doesn’t think he’s ever seen Hangman actually distressed before.
the blond devil before me | 6,174 | closet_monster
Summary: Bradley Bradshaw had a type, and Hangman had always wanted to be it.
On This Day, This Accursed Day | 6,452 | Sceld
Summary: “Bradshaw,” Jake says with a grin. Rooster groans. “As I live and breathe.” “Hangman,” Rooster replies loftily, “You look…” He pauses for a second too long as his eyes stall on Jake’s shirt. “My eyes are up here, Rooster,” Jake teases, grateful the way his heart is pounding doesn’t transfer to his voice.
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abcdefuk-off · 2 years
Eddie had forgotten about it.  
The heart on the fridge.  
Well, not really forgotten, he saw it multiple times a day – just that morning he had smiled at it when he opened the fridge door – but it wasn’t like he consciously considered it.  Mind you, if he had been thinking about it before Buck had come over to spend the Saturday with them, Eddie still wouldn’t have moved it. He enjoyed seeing that goofy little heart, it made him smile - and not only him; just the other morning he had heard Christopher giggling as he retrieved the milk for his cereal.  Eddie had asked his son what had him so amused (Chris was more of a morning person than Eddie, but he was hardly cheery during those too-early hours before heading off to school) the young boy had given a shake of his head that could be described as nothing other than fond, as he had pointed at the paper stuck to the fridge.  The goofy image had brought smiles to both the Diaz boys, and smiles had been far too few in that house as of late – Eddie wasn’t about to take away anything that brought joy, no matter how silly it might seem.  
So, no, it wasn’t like Eddie forgot about it.
But, yeah, he forgot about it.  
read on A03
“In the kitchen!”  He called out as he heard Buck coming in the front door.  He was sure the younger man would have found him eventually, but he wanted help packing the cooler and if he didn’t snag Buck’s attention before he went searching for Christopher, he was sure to lose them both to his son’s newest lego set.  
“The rain is supposed to hold off until tonight so we should be…”  Buck faded off, as though his thought had taken off without him.
Eddie glanced over his shoulder from where he was slapping sandwiches together – they were headed to the zoo shortly and the older man was not about to fork out for that overpriced food, so he was packing lunches and snacks for the three of them, Buck had called him cheap for doing as much (after offering to pay, of course, to which Eddie gave a stern ‘no’ because it was the principle of the matter), Eddie preferred to think of it as being financially conscious.
“You- I didn’t know…”  Buck stuttered, his eyes locked on the fridge.
Eddie watched the taller man as he appeared to be gathering his thoughts, his mouth opening and closing a few times as his gaze remained glued to the appliance.  
“I didn’t know you kept that.”  
Ah, a full sentence, well done, Buckley. Eddie nearly spoke that thought aloud, but then Buck glanced over at him, and there was just something a little too vulnerable in his best friend’s expression, so he held back the tease.
Eddie shrugged. Truth was, it wasn’t like he had any intentions to get the thing framed or put it in a security deposit box to treasure for always; he found it funny when Buck had explained how he did in fact misunderstand the assignment, and when he placed his son’s drawing in his backpack that night, he had been left with Buck’s picture in his hand – the damn thing was just too cute to toss in the trash, so he’d stuck it to the fridge without too much thought.  
“It was just a dumb…”  Buck released a huff.  Eddie’s eyebrow rose at the younger man’s obvious frustration.  “You don’t have to put it on there.”  He finished.
Eddie frowned, he didn’t get what the big deal was, sure it was just a silly drawing, but it wasn’t as nearly as absurd as Buck was making it sound to have it where it was. Christopher’s art often graced the fridge here and there (although he preferred to display it in his bedroom), occasionally his report card would end up under a magnet for a week or two, before it joined all the others that Eddie had filed away.  The Diaz fridge wasn’t ever cluttered, but it certainly wasn’t rare for Eddie to stick things on it, notes to and from Carla about schedules or upcoming appointments, field trip forms, new PT exercises that had to be worked into their routine – Buck had put a note on the fridge just a few days ago telling Eddie which meals he had premade for the week and the oven temperature and time they were to be heated up at (because the dork was an absolute control freak in the kitchen).  
“I know I don’t have to.”  He explained, turning more fully to face his visibly perplexed best friend.  “Chris and I like it, so it’s up there.”  He stated with another shrug, a twitch of a grin pulling up the corner of his mouth as he glanced over at that smiley heart.  His gaze moved back to Buck, who was still frowning down at his drawing.  
“But it’s not - it isn’t.  It shouldn’t be up there.”  He finished with a sigh, before looking over at Eddie, who was struck immediately with the lost look in those bright blue eyes.
Eddie wiped his sticky jam hands on the cloth as he moved to fully face Buck, realizing that a conversation was needing to be had; and honestly, he was just happy as fuck it wasn’t about him and all his issues right now, because this time Buck was the one being weird.  
“And why shouldn’t it be up there?”  Eddie questioned, prodding patiently with a calm voice – much like Buck had been doing for him so often lately.  
The younger man seemed stumped by the question.  His face was pinched like he didn’t like the taste in his mouth, and he kept chewing away at his bottom lip the way he often did when he was unsure about something.  The long frame was also curling in on itself, the way it seemed to when Buck was feeling insecure, like he wanted to take up less space, make himself smaller.  And that was just wrong.  
Buck was never insecure in the Diaz home.  He was all confidence.  He had never been a guest, not in this house.  Eddie had made sure Buck knew he was always welcome and it hadn’t taken long for the younger man to trust that fact.  Whenever he was around Buck arranged the menu and ran the kitchen, he helped with chores and homework, he laughed loudly, talked endlessly, and listened intently – and he had been around a lot, especially as of late.  
No, Buck didn’t deserve to ever feel the need make himself small –make himself less, not anywhere for anyone, and sure as fuck not in Eddie’s house or in his presence.  Not if he had anything to say about it – and he damn well did.  
“Why shouldn’t your picture be on the fridge, Buck?”  He repeated.
The lean firefighter shrugged, shifting on his feet as he twisted his fingers.  “It isn’t important.”  He mumbled.
Eddie could feel his face scrunch up as his confusion continued to rise.  “It’s not like I was going to shellac it and mount it on the wall.”   Although now that he said that, it didn’t sound like a bad idea.
Buck rolled his eyes, like Eddie was the one being absurd. “You know what I mean. It’s just a stupid scribble, it’s not special.”  
“Special?  Special like what?  Like the random little notes that go on there?  Or the grocery list?  Or the receipts I had on there last week?”  
Buck bit down on his lip as he shook his head, his frustration clear as his gaze dropped to the floor.  
Eddie felt like he was missing something, but it was clear the younger man was struggling to communicate – so he squinted over at his best friend and studied him, trying to figure it out for himself.  
Eddie tried to think of the last time he had seen Buck react this way.  His best friend had been endlessly patient lately.  He had been calm, steady, and supportive through Eddie’s volatile mental state.  He had been an encouraging, caring, and a brilliant parent to Chris – always, but especially lately.  Things had been a little more sombre than usual, but even before Eddie managed to bring the mood down with his…well…breakdown would be the most fitting word he could find for it – Buck had been his normal chatty, smart, adventurous, and compassionate self.
The older man watched as the tall form continued to fidget about, going back further in his mind to think when he had last seen Buck look so, so…uncertain.  
The realization struck him like a bolt of lightening.  
The last time he had seen Buck struggle to find the words that normally flowed through him so easily, the last time he had witnessed the various ticks that tended to shadow the young firefighter’s insecurity, the last time he had seen his best friend try to make himself so small – try to make himself less, was when Buck’s parents came to town.  
Eddie sucked in a breath, realizing he hadn’t seen those big blue eyes look so lost since Buck showed up at the front door after the disastrous Buckley family dinner.
Somehow the drawing stuck to the fridge had something to do with the horrible people who had raised his best friend.  
The question was how.  
“What kind of stuff is supposed to go on the fridge?” Eddie inquired, committed to getting to the bottom of whatever crap was messing with Buck’s head.  
Those broad shoulders twitched up and then down as Buck glanced between the aforementioned appliance and the man standing in front of him. “I don’t know, man.  Never mind.  Forget I said anything.”  
Eddie swallowed back a sigh; he wasn’t giving up on this.  Buck had fought to help guide Eddie out of the negative headspaces he got trapped in, he wasn’t about to leave the younger man to struggle alone.   “What did you put on the fridge when you were growing up?”  He tried to pose the question as innocently as possible – and not make it seem like he was a hound that had caught a scent and was on the hunt.
“Nothing.”  It was practically a whisper, Eddie had to take a step closer just to hear it.  
Well, that wasn’t too alarming.  Some people didn’t like to put things on the fridge – and though Eddie had only met them briefly, Philip and Margaret seemed like the type of people who liked to keep everything pristine and perfect.  
“I mean, there was stuff on it.”  Buck offered quietly, peeking up at Eddie through those ridiculously long eyelashes of his.  
“Yeah?  What sort of stuff?”  Eddie aimed for casual, even as he could feel an unease growing in his gut as the sound of Buck’s broken tone.  
“It was always the same stuff, nothing eve got moved of changed.  Some pictures, old ones, like ones of my parents when they were younger, and their parents.”
Eddie nodded along, silently encouraging Buck to continue.
“And there was some art, a drawing of a flower that Maddie must have done when she was really little.  There was a rainbow painting, it faded a lot over time, but it was nice – that was Maddie’s too it had her name at the bottom, it must have been for school or something.”  
Eddie swallowed, his jaw clenching as he felt turmoil mounting inside him.  He had a horrible feeling he knew where this was going.
“There was a coloring of a plane, and a poem in handwriting that you could tell belong to a kid, and a crayon drawing of a boy and a girl playing at a park.”  Buck sucked in a breath, shaking his head as he continued.  “I had always just figured they were Maddie’s – but I realize now that they were probably Daniel’s.”  
Eddie had to consciously unclench his fists as he felt his nails imprinting his palms.  Buck remembered everything that had been on that fridge, in detail.  All Eddie could see in his mind was a little boy with curls and a birthmark studying all the pieces and wondering where he could fit. He had to ask, but his soul dreaded the answer he knew he would receive.  
“Nothing of yours?”  Some of Eddie’s distress must have leaked into the question, because Buck looked up at him, a forced smile on his face – even as his eyes glimmered with devastation.  
“Nah.”  He croaked, the dismissive shrug doing nothing to disguise his obvious pain. Buck cleared his throat, looking at anything but Eddie as he continued.  “I – uhh, I tried a couple times.”  
Eddie’s heart clenched, the meek sound of the confession just making him ache.  Buck sniffed as he stared down at the floor, cramming his hands into his pockets while he sifted slightly form one foot to the other.  
“The first one was just a stupid picture of a dinosaur that I coloured in – it was pretty shitty.”
Eddie’s teeth audibly clicked as he snapped his jaw shut to keep from saying all the many things he was dying to, he could tell Buck wasn’t finished and, though he wanted to, he knew this moment was not the time to point out that every kid’s art is shit but when you’re a parent it’s your goddamn job to praise that crap until your child believes they are the next van-fucking-Gogh.
“I figured when it got taken off that it just wasn’t good enough to be on there.”  
Eddie would rather be punched in the face repeatedly, than suffer through the emotional ruin currently hurtling towards him.  He was just hearing about this shit and it was tearing him apart, he couldn’t imagine what it was doing to Buck, who had lived through it all and was remembering now so clearly.  
“But I tried a couple others, a drawing I did of a horse, and a couple different pieces of art I made at school – I only ever tried the ones that got the best grade from the teacher – but every time they were taken off.  Eventually I took the hint and stopped trying.”  
And fucking hell, as if Eddie didn’t absolutely loathe the monsters that were the Buckley parents enough already, he despised them all the more now.  How could any parent do that?  How could any parent make their kid feel so inferior?  So insignificant?  How could any parent just blatantly devalue their child?  
Especially when that child is Buck.  
Buck, who loves with everything he has.
Who was just trying so desperately to be noticed.
To be included.  
To be loved.
The had never deserve him, Philip and Margaret had never for one moment deserved to have a child as good and pure as Buck.
How that boy still managed to grow up with the biggest heart of anyone Eddie had ever met, would never cease to amaze him.  
“I realize now that they just wanted to keep it as it was, before Daniel…before I….well…before.” Buck elaborated quietly.  “But they never explained it, never even said anything.” Buck mumbled.
No, of course they didn’t.  They never sat down the lost little boy and gave him any idea as to where all the pain and grief that permeated that household were coming from. No, instead they allowed that gentle child to believe he was the problem.  They let him think that he wasn’t enough.  Because that was easier than being fucking adults and owning their own baggage.  
And all these years later, here Buck stood, still wading through the wreckage.  
And it was at that moment that Eddie vowed that no matter how much talking to Frank could fucking suck – no matter how much it just left him feel flayed open and broken, no matter how hopeless it could all feel – he was never going to give up.  Because he refused to do to Christopher what Buck’s parents had done to him.  He refused to leave his child stranded alone in the storm that his own trauma had created.  He would not let this kind-hearted, curly-haired boy blame himself for things that were never his fault.  
Eddie would find a way and fight to deal with his own trauma and begin healing, because though he struggled to believe at times that he deserved it, he never doubted for a moment that Christopher did.  
Buck had as well.  
He had deserved to feel worthy and valued and loved, he had deserved to live a life free of guilt that was never his to carry to begin with – but his parents had refused to put in the work to make themselves right so that they could do right by their children.  
Eddie hated them for it, and he was more dedicated than ever to ensure he didn’t make those same mistakes.  
Philip and Margaret had made mountains of mistakes – and they didn’t even fucking care, they refused to acknowledge it or own it in any way, instead they continued to be complacent as their children drowned under the weight of it all.
Eddie willed his hands to stop shaking and his jaw to unclench.  Buck didn’t need his anger right now, though Eddie knew he would have to schedule an additional session with Frank just to rip apart his best friend’s parents.  He had to yell at someone about how unfair it was that his second favourite human on the planet was still struggle to build his self-worth, because his parents had managed to eviscerate it so completely. He had to vent the despair he felt every time he thought of Buck growing up in a house that was nothing but a shrine to loss and grief.  He had to release the fury that burned inside of him when he envisioned a little boy with big blue eyes trying all he could to be loved by parents that were supposed to fucking treasure him - but who instead refused to so much as make a sliver of room for him in their lives.  
It was going to be a long session.
Eddie sucked in a deep breath, willing his rage to relent and his soul to settle, before he took a step closer to Buck, gently bumping their shoulders together.  
The younger man looked up, his glistening gaze meeting the steady brown one.  Eddie quirked a smile, which Buck quickly copied, thankfully it was less forced than the last, but still wasn’t the blinding grin that belonged on the handsome face.  Eddie couldn’t change the damage Buck’s parents had done, no matter how desperately he wanted to, but he could show his best friend that he belonged somewhere. That he had a place where he fit, where he didn’t have to be smaller or less because there was endless space for him. He had a family who wanted him and knew that he was more than enough just the way he was.
“Well, in our home, we put all sorts of things on the fridge.”  Eddie pretended that his heart didn’t absolutely soar at the way Buck’s smile widened at the word ‘home’ and pressed on.  “Like grocery lists scribbled down in your chicken-scratch.  
Buck huffed a sound that was much further from miserable than the last sound he made had been.  
“And the pictures Chris is always drawing of the three of us – though they won’t last long before he smuggles them off to his room.”
Buck made a sound that was in the neighbourhood of a laugh, but still a few streets further than Eddie was aiming for.  
“And notes about pre-made meals with exhaustively detailed cooking instructions that border on offensive.”
Buck snorted at that, his shoulder moving to bump back against Eddie, which only made the older man smile wider.  
“And misunderstood assignments that are just too damn adorable not to put on display.”  
And Yahtzee!  There was the real Evan Buckley Smile, it reached his eyes -- which were perhaps still tinged with a soul-deep sadness that Eddie wasn’t able to erase with one interaction – but it was a display of joy solid enough that both men were able to breathe easy again.  
“I wouldn’t bet on there being too many more of those.  I’m usually excellent at homework duty.” Buck boasted with a smug grin.  
It was Eddie’s turn to snort, even as a wave of affection rushed through him, because it was true.  Since Buck arrived on the scene, he had always been strangely eager to help Christopher with his homework and quickly became the young boy’s first pick. Eddie would be offended if his heart did not nearly overwhelm him with adoration anytime he watched his two boys with their heads together, struggling to stifle their giggles; it often led to Eddie pretending to scold them for not focussing on work, which would always lead to a put-upon sigh from his son and a wink from his best friend.  
“I’m not too worried, Buckley.  When it comes to you misunderstanding another assignment, I think I like my odds.” Eddie teased with a wink of his own.
If he wasn’t mistaken, the shorter man was fairly certain it was a blush that coloured Buck’s cheeks, even as he stuck his tongue out like an absolute child.  
“Now come help me pack the cooler, so we can get to the zoo and you and our kid can bore me to death with all your obscure animal facts.”
Buck’s grin was blinding as he nearly tripped over his own feet on his rush towards the counter.  Eddie rolled his eyes as he reached out to snag Buck above the elbow and steady that giraffe-like frame.  
The two friends ribbed each other as they finished making the sandwiches and packaged the snacks, falling quickly back into the comforting ease that their relationship had always provided.  They so naturally moved with each other, one always aware of the other.  Which is why Eddie noticed Buck pause for a moment, glancing over his shoulder at the fridge before focussing back down at the grapes he was putting into the tupperware.
“You really want it up there?”  
The question was practically a whisper that sounded equal parts timid and hopeful, as blue eyes sought out brown ones.  
“Yeah.  We do. It makes us smile.”  Eddie responded honestly, his heart feeling like it flipped in his chest as he watched a shy smile spread across his best friend’s face.
It was so simple.  
It was so easy to love Buck  
How did his parents not understand that?
How did they not comprehend how little they would have to do?  How little they would have to say, to make their son feel valued?  And didn’t they know what they would get in return?  Didn’t they understand the absolute blessing that was Evan Buckley?  
“It reminds us of our Buck.”  Eddie added, pouring every drop of adoration he could into the words.
Because Evan deserved to be adored.  
And Eddie knew for a fact that his son and him were more than happy to do just that.
Buck’s expression became positively bashful and Eddie’s heart melted at the sight of it.
It was the first moment in some time that he truly felt everything was going to be okay.  
Healing was a bitch.  
There was just no way around it – Eddie was learning that – healing was messy and painful, it required time and patience, as well as blood, sweat, and tears.  
And it sucked.
All of it.
The entire process.  
And for a long time, Eddie had seen it as a hopeless endeavor.
But when you had help, when there were people in your corner willing to support you and care for you; when there were people who had your back – that’s when healing became possible.  
And nobody had Eddie’s back more completely than Buck.
Buck had done so much for the Diaz boys since they met him. He had found them both help when they needed it and had been there to support them both through everything. And they would do the same for him.  
Eddie knew his emotional wounds were particularly raw at the moment, but he hadn’t forgotten for a moment the many that Buck still struggled with.  Healing for both of them was going to be a long, arduous, miserable process – but they would stick together through it all, which made every thing a little more bearable.  
Because Buck and Eddie had each other’s backs, and they both had Christopher’s as well.
They would to whatever it took to get each other through.
That’s what family, real family, was for.  
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bonnymori · 3 years
𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐤𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠
Word count: 1200+
Contents/Warnings: (1) Fushiguro Megumi x gn!Reader (2) Classic training but no fighting scene I apologise (3) A... dirty humor joke? (4) Idiot in love cough cough (5) Laidback romance, this may become a pattern on my fanfiction :3
A/N: Hello, I introduce myself as Hara! This is my very first written piece! I would like to apologise for any typos, english is not my first language; that being said, I hope this works out alright! :)
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It's around mid afternoon, the sky painted in a vibrant blue with multiple clouds scattered around, Fushiguro recalls having started training right after lunch; he politely declined Maki's suggestion of training together, it wasn't about strength or fighting hand to hand today, the struggle was his shikigami. Lately, he's been having problems over teamwork - before, he thought such a thing was impossible, since all of the shikigami were under one will alone, being his. Yet the amount of times the divine dogs have bumped into eachothers, sometimes Nue would simply skip past the target, not paying attention to it at all.
Or perhaps, he himself was to blame. Fushiguro likes thinking about you, more than he'd admit, but now it's starting to distract for real. That's what he need, to think of you- I mean, concentration! And maybe, new group attacks, that would do nicely, too.
He's been beating a tedious dummy for a hour and half now, maybe more. After managing to make up a combo or two, he sits down on the grass, just to breathe for a moment. Breathing is nice, he observes as the divine dogs go slack like their owner, now playing around with one another rather than chewing the dummies stuffing. His black and white snake is watching the banter between the canine shikigamis, tongue coming in and out just like a real snake. Nue settles upon the dummies ragged body, eyes closed- peacefully enjoying sunbathing. Fushiguro had no idea they were so lively until now, now he knew why people constantly asked if they could pet his shikigami.
He glances down at the frog supporting his arm, it's like they enjoy just laying on grass, just breathing like him.
"How many buddies out! Are you training today, Fushiguro?"
At the sound of your voice, you bet his lips casually turn upwars in a casual yet small smile. Kugisaki saw it from distance once, says she it's almost a robotic response.
"Yes, I'm training their cooperation." Fushiguro replies, swiftly getting up. He notices the frog from earlier making a beeline to you, as if to say hello.
So you crouch down and pets it briefly, smiling at the small creature.
"That ought to be hard, specially with a innefective dummy." You approach its remains, chuckling at all the stuffing and cloth scattered around. "Make me your target instead!"
Say what?
"I uh, come again?"
"I'll do the running and dodging, it's much practical this way!"
He has trouble accepting that, even if it's true. You mean more than an ally on his heart, and besides, that's some Itadori-level-recklessy. So he groans, slightly irritated and obviously, worried for your safety. "You'll get hurt."
"Don't we get hurt everyday? Even if there is an accident, I know you'll call them out and help me quickly, you notice things fast."
He does, Fushiguro would help you in a heartbeat- probably faster.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, lash out on me!"
Putting 'lash' and 'me' in the same phrase got heat rising on his ears, but he complied nonetheless. "Just letting you know, I'll stand here and the shikigami attacks."
You protest. "Wouldn't it be better if you fought among them?"
"For today, I'd like to focus on their compatibility only."
"Oh, got it! Next time we can work on the latter option then!" Next time. He wants there to be a next time.
Even though you're the one troubling his mind in battles, he's head over heels. He remembers when it all started, your relationship is basically pools worth of quality time. You came along with Itadori, tangled into the mess back in Sendai. Strangely, Fushiguro clicked with you even faster than Itadori- your collected personality was a great factor, even though you are just as cheerful as the cherry boy.
"You're spacing out, what's up?"
Fushiguro's gaze snapped up to meet yours, realizing his mistake. "Ah, nothing, let's start." His hands folded as your guard rose, so it begun. If you noticed his lame excuse, you didn't comment about it.
The ravenette was pleasantly relieved how easily you could deceive and dodge his attacks, his shikigami may leave a tear or two on your clothes, that he didn't have to worry about, because they're easily fixable. Naturally, the toughest for you to dodge was mostly his snake, sometimes Nue would surprise you from above, nothing you couldn't handle. He started intensing up using the combined attacks, and immediately noticed your faltering steps, earning a bruise on your calf. Although neither he or you stopped, adrenaline rushing through veins nonstop.
You somehow finished training with a bite mark over your forehead, not deep enough to be worth worry. The instant your bodies came to slack, his shikigami ran to you like little children lost in a supermarket. At this point, it was pratically multitasking, to pet both demon dogs while trying not to run out of breath having Orochi wrapped around your midsection. Megumi flushed over the affectionate antics, knowing they were a manifestation of feelings within himself.
Now, you and Fushiguro are spawled on the training field, neither showered, coated with sweat sticking to your clothes, but it didn't matter much.
"I never realized, just how many cursed energy do you have? It's surprising how many shikigami you kept our for this long time." Fushiguro heard you shifting to sit up, and followed you up.
"A bunch." It was not a creative nor informative answer, but you took it in with a smile on your face anyway.
He watched you get up to fetch a drink, careful to not trip over the shikigami also scattered around -- Fushiguro always 'forgot' to put them away next to you.
You handed him a strawberry yogurt box, the same drink also sat in your hands. "Well then, why are you spacing out so much these days? You can be honest with me."
'She's oblivious enough, I'm in need of advice, it's convenient.' So he thought, figuring if he disguised it enough, you wouldn't be able to tell. It's not a big deal if you did, though, saves time actually.
"Something's on my mind, and it troubles me during fights."
"Simple, you can just come in terms with it."
He glanced down, "Why?"
"The sooner the better, when you accept something, it comes at ease on your mind. I'm a hundred percent sure it works!" You gave him a thumbsup, slurping on the pink drink.
"Such faithful source."
"I'm sure it does! The thought keeps coming back because you're denying it, am I wrong?"
Not really, no. Fushiguro wants to keep it as friendship for the sake of your both careers within the jujutsu world; he knows it's dangerous, yet a part of him just wants to say 'fuck it', like if he had the guts to. The ravenette thinks it's a way too much generic way to describe what he feels, but it's the easiest, so he goes with it anyway. The back of his brain fears rejection, part of the reason why he hasn't made a move yet.
"I'll try it out."
"Good!" And you're always supportive no matter what, to the point it charms him more and more everyday.
For now, he's okay keeping it platonic. But, when the day after tomorrow comes, he just might confess.
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husheduphistory · 3 years
Ghost Blimp: The Mystery and Missing on the L-8
On Sunday, August 16th 1942 Richard L. Johnston was going about his business. He had just finished waxing his car in Dale City, California when he looked up and saw something huge creeping out of the sky and towards his house. Suddenly it hit a utility pole, electrical wires broke sending sparks cascading down to the street, and Johnson ran into the house to protect his mother. When he came back outside there was a large group of people in the street including Fire Deputy Marshal Sean Wood and Johnston’s next door neighbor, volunteer fireman William Morris. Johnston’s car was completely hidden under a massive fold of what looked like canvas. When Johnston woke up that morning he probably didn’t expect that a blimp would land on his car that day. And yet, moments later the scene became even more bizarre.
In August 1942 the United States Navy was on high alert. Within nine months after entering World War II Japanese submarines sunk at least six Allied ships off the American west coast and shelled one of California’s largest oil drilling facilities. The fear of another attack on American soil was high and in order to keep an eye on the sea along the west coast the Navy took to the air, deploying blimps to cruise over the ocean and watch for any suspicious activity.
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World War II Navy blimp. Image via Wikimedia Commons.
The blimp that landed on Johnson’s car was the L-8 airship, acquired by the Navy from the Goodyear company and commissioned on March 5, 1942. It was an excellent machine, completing over 1,000 trips and never requiring any work beyond routine maintenance. The two-man crew tasked with piloting the airship had records as impeccable as the craft itself. Lieutenant Ernest Dewitt Cody was a 1938 graduate of Annapolis and although he was only twenty-seven years old he was highly regarded with his commanding officer describing him as “one of the most capable pilots and one of the most able officers” under his command. Cody was relatively new to flying LTA (lighter-than-air) airships, but in April 1942 he proved his ability when he flew the L-8 to deliver cargo to the USS Hornet before the ship departed for Doolittle’s Raid over Tokyo. It was that trip that earned him his promotion to Lieutenant in June 1942. Ensign Charles Ellis Adams was eleven years older than Cody and had twenty years of experience flying LTA airships, but only earned his commission the day before their flight together making his trip with Cody his first flight as an officer.
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Lieutenant Ernest Dewitt Cody and  Ensign Charles Ellis Adams.
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The L-8 delivering cargo to the USS Hornet. Image via National Archives.
Their task together was a routine anti-submarine mission, fly out from Treasure Island, patrol a fifty-mile radius of San Francisco, then head to the Farallon Islands before heading back to Treasure Island. When they left Treasure Island at 6:03am there was approximately five miles of visibility with the Golden Gate Bridge off in the distance. At 7:38am Cody radioed Moffett Field and reported their location as being four miles east of the Farallon Islands. Four minutes later Moffett Field received a second message from Cody, “Am investigating suspicious oil slick—stand by.” Since an oil slick could indicate an enemy submarine below the waves it was not unusual for the airship to investigate the scene. As the L-8 descended closer to the sea its movements were seen by a fishing boat, the Daisy Gray, and a Liberty cargo ship, Albert Gallatin. Apprehensive about seeing the Navy airship creep closer to the surface of the water and then set off two flares, the ship crews pulled in their nets, manned their guns, and nervously waited to see what happened next. But, as they watched the L-8 nothing out of the ordinary happened. The blimp circled for about an hour and crews from both ships could see two men in the gondola. At approximately 9am the blimp again rose into the air and restarted its route back toward San Francisco. Everything appeared normal to the ships and spectators below, but personnel at Moffett Field were getting nervous, they had not heard a word from the L-8 since 7:42am and were not able to reestablish any communication. Two Vought OS2U Kingfisher floatplanes were sent to look for the blimp and other aircraft were asked to keep their eyes open.
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The intended flight path of the L-8 aircraft. Image via unsolvedmysteries.fandom.com.
At approximately 10:49am a series of blimp sightings began to roll in. A Pan American Clipper pilot reported seeing the blimp over the Golden Gate Bridge, then at 11am one of the Kingfishers spotted the L-8 three miles west of Salada Beach at approximately 2,000 feet. Although a height of 2,000 feet would typically be avoided by an airship for safety reasons, there was no indication of the ship being out of control or in danger and it began to descend. The next plane to spot the blimp, an Army P-38 pilot, also saw no indication that the airship or its crew was in any distress when it was seen near Mile Rock, seemingly on its way back to Treasure Island. Within minutes an off-duty seaman named Richard Quam saw the L-8 as he was driving along the highway between San Mateo and San Francisco and he decided to take a picture of the sight. He may have been the first person to capture that something was amiss, the blimp was now noticeably bending in the middle.
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The L-8 airship visible sagging as it flew over Daly City. Image via National Archives.
Things began to happen quickly. At approximately 11:15am the L-8 was seen approaching the shore of Ocean Beach in San Francisco but its motors were now silent and there was noticeable sagging. It touched down on the beach for a moment but kept moving until it hit the side of a hill, knocking off one of its 325lb depth chargers. Now carrying 300lbs less, the airship again rose, clearing the hill, and moving further inland. Thousands of people now watched as the L-8 staggered overhead obviously in peril. But, according to witnesses, the ship was not unmanned, in a later interview seventeen-year-old C.E. Taylor told reporters that as the blimp descended he was watching the cabin through his binoculars and that two men were clearly visible inside the entire time.
Finally, at 11:30am the blimp came to a clumsy rest on top of Richard Johnston’s freshly waxed car. Sirens blared and firemen surrounded the blimp, slashing it open in an attempt to save Cody and Adams inside. But, when the rescuers got to the gondola they found a scene that made no sense. The door was open, the microphone for communication was hanging from the doorway, a hat was resting on the controls, the life raft and all parachutes were still in place, but Cody and Adams were nowhere to be found.
Once the initial shock of the crash wore off a feeling of worry began to quickly take over. The L-8 was traveling an extremely visible route and was tracked and seen by hundreds of people and ships, with many reporting the same as young C. E. Taylor, that the men were visible inside the cabin. The Navy immediately launched a search for Cody and Adams and the craft was inspected for any clues to solve the disappearance. The engines were in perfect running order, the ignition switches were on, and there was four hours of fuel left. The only thing that was unusual on board was that the blimp's batteries were drained and part of the fuel supply had been dumped out with no obvious explanation why.
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The scene after the crash of the L-8. Image via National Archives.
For three days the shore where the blimp initially crashed and the Pacific coastline was heavily searched but there was no trace of the two missing men. A board of investigation was convened by Navy Commander Francis Connell and over the course of seven days thirty-five witnesses gave their testimony of watching the L-8 hover overhead with nothing seeming suspect. Multiple people both on land and at sea at the time reported seeing the men inside and there being no indication that they ever fell or jumped out of the gondola. In the end it was determined that "no fire, no submersion, no misconduct, and no missiles struck the L-8.” While that may have answered some questions the big one still remained, what happened on the L-8 between 7:42am and 11:15am that made two Navy officers stop communication and vanish before crashing their blimp in a residential neighborhood?
Unfortunately, there were many theories but no concrete answers to that question. Some believed it was a simple tragic accident, that a malfunction with the door led to one man falling out at a low altitude and the other following him out in an attempt to save him before they were both lost to the sea. Others proposed much more elaborate theories, that the men were secret spies, that they were lured close to the surface of the water and grabbed by enemy forces, and some even said that the men ended up killing each other by falling out of the blimp during an argument over a woman. Some guesses tried to remain optimistic, that the men fell out but they were able to swim to shore and would be found hiking back to civilization any day now. Maybe they were picked up by a passenger ship after falling from the aircraft, they just had to wait until they were returned home. But, time ticked forward and the men never reappeared. Shortly after the crash the wives of both men were told that their husbands were officially missing. It was becoming painfully obvious this was not going to change and one year after their disappearance the men were declared dead. The Navy officially classified the incident as “100% Unknown/ Undetermined.”
The L-8 was repaired and continued to be used as a training vessel until the end of World War II when it was returned to Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company. It was refurbished, renamed America, and was used to broadcast sports events until it was finally retired in 1982.
Nearly eighty years after the disappearance of Lieutenant Ernest Dewitt Cody and Ensign Charles Ellis Adams there is still no official explanation as to what happened on that clear August morning over the Pacific coast
After its retirement the gondola of the L-8 was fully restored and is currently exhibited at the National Museum of Naval Aviation in Pensacola, Florida.
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The refurbished gondola of the L-8 on display at the  National Museum of Naval Aviation. Image via www.history.navy.mil. 
Mystery of the Ghost Blimp by John J. Geoghegan https://www.historynet.com/mystery-of-the-ghost-blimp.htm.
The Crew of the L- 8, https://unsolvedmysteries.fandom.com/wiki/The_Crew_of_the_L-8
The Bizarre Tale Of The World War II Ghost Blimp And Its Missing Crew by Gina Dimuro, https://allthatsinteresting.com/ghost-blimp  
In 1942, a war blimp fell out of the sky onto Daly City. Its crew was never found by Katie Dowd and Andrew Chamings, https://www.sfgate.com/sfhistory/article/SF-Ghost-blimp-Daly-City-15739903.php
Ghost Blimp Mystery of WW2 – Crashed in San Francisco & Crew Was Never Found by Ruslan Budnik, https://www.warhistoryonline.com/instant-articles/mystical-disappearance-pilots.html. 
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readyplayerhobi · 4 years
Jung Hoseok and the Magic to Happiness | 03
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; Hufflepuff Teacher!Hoseok x Reader
; Genre: Fluff, future angst, future smut
; Word Count: 7.9k
; Synopsis: An unexpected issue with your Ministry of Magic job leads to you taking the role of Transfiguration Professor at Hogwarts. It’s here that you meet your best friend’s younger brother for the first time in years, the Hufflepuff Head of House, Jung Hoseok. While you contend with seeing him once again, Hoseok tries to show you that he’s very much a man and no longer the gangly teenager you once knew.
; A/N: I hope this is okay...I’m still trying to get back into my groove of writing so I apologise if anything isn’t all that great!  Please send me asks with  what you think or leave feedback on a reblog!
Last Chapter ; Next Chapter
“Professor! Professor Y/L/N! Owo has turned herself into a mouse!” Turning around from where you’d been helping Alicia Morningstar with her efforts to turn a teapot into a tortoise. It was a simple enough spell and something all Third Years had to learn to master, but it was proving to be a little bit of an issue for some students.
The process of turning inanimate into animate was a little tougher than the transfiguration spells they’d learnt in previous years so you were being very generous with your time in class. What it also meant was that students would make mistakes frequently, such that done by poor Grace Owosekun, also known as Owo to her friends.
Instead of the young Ravenclaw witch, there was an adorably cute mouse sitting on her table. A high pitched squeak emerged from her as you moved closer and you had to stifle your laughter. Working with the students was exceptionally rewarding, but sometimes you did get flashbacks to your previous job. 
Thankfully, it took no effort at all for you to help poor Grace back into her human self. It was a slightly odd process to watch as it wasn’t as elegant as that of an animagus, but you were just thankful that you soon had one healthy student in her place once more.
“Are you okay?” You ask, crouching down and resting a hand on the table that she shared with her best friend, Sheyi Adeyemi. The Gryffindor was watching her with concern on her face, her brow creased as she reached out to rub Grace’s shoulder.
“I’m okay, Professor,” Grace smiles, though she seems a little off balance. “I’m sorry, I did the spell wrong. I don’t even know how I managed it.” She looks a little embarrassed, her gaze dropping from you to the wand she’d dropped on the table. 
Giving her an encouraging smile, you shake your head and try to be as reassuring as you can. “Don’t worry about it. We all make mistakes and it’s better to make mistakes here in the classroom where they can be rectified quickly and efficiently. Hopefully, you can learn from that and get it right next time; you’re an excellent witch and I believe you can do it. Try again!”
Remaining crouched next to her, Grace gives you an uncertain glance before chewing on her lip. Sheyi rubs her shoulder and gives her a thumbs-up of encouragement, causing you to give her an appreciative look of your own.
Picking up her wand, the Ravenclaw takes a deep breath to steady her nerves before trying once more. There’s a moment where nothing happens and you can practically feel her disappointment, but then the teapot quivers. It’s a subtle movement but soon evolves into a stronger tremble, the spout beginning to transform.
After around thirty-seconds, a small tortoise is laying on the desk. Sheyi claps in excitement, congratulating her friend repeatedly and you stand with a fond smile of your own. Picking up the tortoise gently, you turn it over in your hands to check for any accidental deformities. There’s none there though and you place it carefully back onto the desk.
“Well done, Grace. You did a great job. It’s important to maintain a good level of confidence when working in transfiguration. Sometimes the intent is more important than anything else.” Nodding at her, you moved back towards the front of your classroom. 
Standing at the front, you clapped your hands to get the attention of all your young students. It took a few moments for everyone to quiet down but you finally succeeded. Smiling at them all, you proceed to ask who hadn’t managed to fulfil the task you’d set out at the beginning of class. A few of them hold their hands up, sadness written all over their face and you resolve to carry on with this spell for the next lesson.
No one would move on until everyone was caught up. A glance at the clock signified that it was almost time for class to end, so you began to wrap everything up. Walking around the desks, you made quick work of turning all the tortoises back to teacups and a silent spell had them all dancing through the air to their place in the open storage cupboard. 
“Okay, everyone. We had a good class today, you all did well. If you didn’t manage to get the spell to work, don’t worry about it too much. We’re going to continue with this transfiguration next time until everyone’s done it at least five times, okay? If you have any issues with it, you’re free to come to see me out of class time for extra tutoring if needed. There’s no homework for today so make sure to use that time to catch up on anything you’ve been given from your other professors. Class dismissed.” There was a palpable ripple of excitement that ran through the students at being able to go to lunch earlier than usual.
While they all rushed out of the door, a cacophony of loud voices and rippling robes, you tidied up your desk to prepare for the class that would begin after lunch. That was Sixth Years, which thankfully meant that they were very knowledgeable about magic and were a little easier to teach than the younger students.
The more complex spells compounded that, but you found the students to be both quick and adept at learning.
Finishing up, you took a deep breath before running your hands down the front of your robes to get rid of any unfortunate creases. As you do so, your stomach rumbles and that familiar ache of hunger causes a pang to run through you. Wincing slightly, you glanced at your desk and pondered whether to just keep working.
Ideally, you could use some more time to prep for the next lesson but you’d missed breakfast this morning. Chaeyoung had introduced you to some muggle form of exercise called ‘pilates’ last night and this morning you’d had muscles aching that you didn't even know existed. An extra half an hour in bed had been called for, which meant the necessary sacrifice of breakfast.
But you knew that you couldn’t miss lunch as well. The pure hunger you’d feel by the time dinner came around would be highly unpleasant. Sighing deeply, you decide that you could forego the planning to get some food. 
Heading towards the door, you open it and are surprised to see Hoseok standing there. He’s about to knock, which means his hand is dangerously close to your chest. For a moment, the two of you stare at said hand with wide eyes. A fleeting thought in the back of your mind wonders what it’d feel like on you, his fingers long and almost dainty in their beauty.
It disappears quickly when Hoseok retracts it immediately, fumbling as he tries to stuff it into his robes. Glancing to his face, you have to work to hide the smile as you note the rose tint to his high cheekbones. All the while, he’s muttering apologies to you and taking a large step back to give you space.
“Hobi! What are you doing here? Why aren’t you in the Great Hall already?” There’s a few seconds pause where Hoseok simply stares at you, his expression so sweet and innocent that you’re suddenly reminded of teenage Hoseok once more. It makes you grin brightly, letting out a gentle chuckle as you gesture for him to move backwards.
Exiting your classroom, you begin to walk alongside him through the extravagant halls that make up Hogwarts. Multiple paintings with long gone witches and wizards watch you both walk past, a few slipping from frame to frame to keep pace. Hoseok clears his throat a little awkwardly, causing you to frown at him as you take in his stiff posture and the way he’s balling his hands behind his back.
“You didn’t come to breakfast so...I wanted to make sure that you ate lunch at least. If you didn’t turn up or agree to come, then I was going to go get something and bring it back for you,” Pausing momentarily, he studiously keeps his face away from your curious look. “You shouldn’t forgo meals, it’s not healthy.”
Raising a brow, you muse to yourself how sweet he was being. Jisoo would be proud of his brotherly instincts remaining strong and how determined he was to make sure you were okay. 
“Yes, Professor Jung. I’ll make sure not to miss any meals in the future,” You completely miss the way he flinches at your use of his formal title. “I only missed breakfast because Chaeyoung decided to engage in some mild form of torture with some muggle exercise last night. I’m not entirely sure if I want to continue it on, though I am almost relishing the ache in my muscles now. Is that wrong?” 
Humming lightly, you tap your lips as the two of you reach the doors of the Great Hall. Entering quickly, you explain the pilates exercise that Chaeyoung was a fan of to him as the two of you walked towards the head table. A few professors were already seated, eating and chatting with their neighbour, while the House tables were around three-quarters full.
Not all the students would eat lunch at this time as some of the older students had free periods that allowed them to eat a little later. On top of that, there were lunchtime clubs that focused on varying hobbies and interests that would serve their lunches to those participating.
Chaeyoung was one of those professors who wasn’t present today but you knew that she was supervising a field trip visit to the Ministry with some Fourth Year students. Instead, Seokjin sat in her place and gave you an expectant look as you sat down. As usual, Hoseok sat next to you and began to pick the food he wanted while you took your plate.
“Morning, Seokjin. Or afternoon rather. How are you today? Classes going well?” Reaching past Hoseok, you took a delicious looking cheese and bean toastie from a stack, the bread crispy and toasted to perfection while a long string of melted cheese stretches enticingly. It wasn’t really what you’d consider a lunch food, more breakfast food in your opinion.
Given that you hadn’t eaten breakfast though, you felt that you were allowed to indulge. Alongside the toastie, now cooling on your plate so it didn’t burn your mouth, you asked Hoseok to pass you some of the bacon that was teasing your nose. He did so without complaint; giving you a larger than normal pile until you were raising your brow at him.
“You need to make up for breakfast.” Was all he said before he began to tuck into his lunch of creamy leek and potato soup with freshly made bread. The smell of it dances over to you slowly and you peer a little closer, noting the specks of black pepper dotting the surface alongside a few more spices and herbs that you couldn’t figure out immediately.
To your surprise, Hoseok tears off a piece of bread and dips it into the soup before holding it up to your mouth. Eyes widening, you give him a silent question to which he responds by just lifting it once with a smile. The taste of the soup complements the bread perfectly and you hum in delight, doing a little wriggle in your seat as you chew it happily.
“That’s good! I might have some too.” You murmur, reaching out to scoop some soup into a small bowl as well.
“Be careful you don’t make yourself sick or end up too full. Miyeon has asked me to invite you to dinner tonight. It’s nothing fancy, just an Irish stew with homemade dumplings. Though I like to spice it up sometimes to make things interesting,” Seokjin leans closer as he winks, nudging you with his elbow as he lets out that distinctive laugh. “I want to finally introduce you to my family!”
Clapping your hands in excitement, you try to respond to him only he’d asked at the exact moment that you’d bitten into your toastie. Which means you have molten hot cheese and beans filling your mouth, causing you to do a strange dance as you waved at your mouth in an attempt to try and cool it down.
Snorting loudly, Seokjin helps and begins to waft his hands before you as well. After a few moments of suffering a burnt mouth, you finally swallowed it and gave him an appreciative smile.
“Wow, that was hot. Sorry, I think I just spat on you or something,” Reaching out, you wiped awkwardly at the spit that had hit his robes. “But yes, I’d love to come for dinner. Thank you for inviting me, I appreciate it. You’ve talked so much about Miyeon that I feel like I already know her pretty well but I can’t wait to meet her.”
He gives you a huge smile that makes his eyes light up, the happiness in them palpable and it makes excitement buzz through your veins. Hogwarts was finally beginning to feel more like home for you and you were glad to be making friends with your fellow professors.
“Fantastic. If you meet me outside the entrance hall around an hour after your last class then I can apparate you to my house. It’s easier if I do that for you as you’ve never been there and I have some work to catch up on after class. Is that okay?” Seokjin tilts his head, taking a long drink of fresh pumpkin juice with a questioning look in his eyes.
“Sounds like a plan.”
Glancing at the clock that was situated at the back of the classroom, you sigh deeply before returning your gaze to the two stacks of essays before you. Each sheet of parchment contained the musings of your Second Year students on the topic that you’d assigned to them the week before. 
It had all been one big stack just under an hour ago when you’d dropped it onto the top of your desk once the last student had left your classroom. Now there were two; one which consisted of those you had carefully marked and the other those waiting for your attention. Thankfully, the completed stack was much larger than the other and you knew that you’d be able to finish it off before you went to bed tonight.
For now, though, you placed your quill down and linked your fingers together before stretching with a groan. A few vertebrae popped in your spine, the sensation causing you to wince though there was no pain. Getting old sucked and it felt like every day you woke up with some part of your body aching that hadn’t before.
Sighing deeply, you slumped into your seat and rubbed at your eyes tiredly. In an ideal world, you’d take yourself off to bed for a good nap before waking up for dinner. Not something you indulged in often but you were certainly feeling the repercussions of the pilates from last night.
You had plans though so you couldn’t go curl up into your bed. Yawning loudly, you stood and carefully put the completed essays away into your cabinet. The unmarked ones remained on the desk, waiting for you to come back to them tonight.
Heading into your quarters, you tugged off the robes that signified you as a teacher before pulling on some clothing that was more suitable for a casual dinner. A pair of dark denim jeans, a much-loved favourite clothing item from a muggle store you liked to browse back in London, and a warm knit sweater with black and white stripes made up your outfit.
Slipping your feet into some dark brown boots, you complimented the whole look with a knee-length black peacoat. Jisoo had recently gotten into crocheting and she’d send you a matching hat and scarf that she’d made, the blue, purple and silver colours blending beautifully. You thought Seokjin might appreciate it, particularly how much they reminded you of space. It was his speciality after all.
Pursing your lips, you wondered whether you should take a gift or not. You’d always thought it polite to take something when someone had invited you to eat at their house. Seokjin and Miyeon were going to be spending their free time to make you something to eat, it made sense for you to reciprocate their effort however you could.
Opening the cabinet next to your bed, you eyed the bottles contemplatively. You could take some wine, but what would suit stew best? Was red good? 
Shrugging, you took the bottle of red Bordeaux that Jisoo had forced you to bring when you’d first moved here. It wasn’t your favourite but you knew that Jisoo was a big fan of it. Both she and her brother were wine connoisseurs it would seem, given how often you’d seen Hoseok enjoying a flute of wine at dinner.
Nodding your head, you lifted it and quickly left your quarters, heading through the empty classroom and locking the door behind you. You’d never really understood the point of locking anything at Hogwarts as all students learnt the alohomora spell anyway. It was just asking for everything to be opened.
You told yourself it was the thought that counts as you hurried along, your boots tapping against the floor in a pleasant noise that made you smile. As much as you loved Hogwarts, loved being back here and living here full time, you did still miss the freedom of being outside the castle walls. Sometimes it could feel a little stifling to live where you worked.
Seokjin stood outside the entrance hall, his robes still in place while he pushed his hands deep into his pockets. His breath came out in small puffs, visible in the cold air and you instantly got an image of those infamous dragons that breathed fire. Surely every child liked to pretend they were a dragon, witch or muggle, right?
“Hi,” You let him know you’re here, giving him a bright smile when he looks at you with wide eyes. “Sorry, I’m a little late. Got caught up marking. I swear, no one told me that teaching was going to extend into my free time.”
He laughs, letting out a snort in pure amusement as he gestures for you to follow him down the path. You couldn’t apparate inside the boundaries of Hogwarts, so the two of you needed to walk a little further away.
“Just wait until it’s exam time. You’ll regret ever becoming a teacher. But then you get to see them when they get their results and it’s rewarding. So you forget that you want to die sometimes and start it all again next year! Trust me, you’ll experience the same pattern every time. Thankfully though, I have Miyeon who is always willing to lend me a shoulder to cry on.” Gesturing wildly with his hand, he lets out a dramatic sigh before twirling said hand to rest on his forehead.
Now you’re the one snorting with laughter, feeling the stress of your working day leaving your body slowly. It felt good to relax with someone outside of Hogwarts, filling the hole of not being able to see Jisoo as often pretty well. Even though the two of you talked as often as possible, using the magic mirror that you’d bought years ago.
It functioned much like a muggle mobile phone or those fancy webcams that they had, allowing you both to see each other through the mirror screen and talk to each other. They’d improved a lot in quality over the years; the wizarding world trying to catch up to the increasing globalisation that the muggle world used. 
The ridiculously fast speed with which muggles seemed to innovate had proven a constant source of fascination amongst the wizarding world. Alongside that though, was the worry that your community was going to be exposed quicker than ever given how slow it was to adapt to those changes. So there were plenty of entrepreneurs out there who were working hard to convert many muggle inventions into magic friendly inventions.
“Don’t tell me that. You need to ease me into this crap, not just tell me of the chaos that’s awaiting me.” Now it’s your turn to be dramatic, letting out a deep groan and stamping your feet. It has the desired effect of making Seokjin smile.
“You just complained to me that no one warned you...so…” Raising a brow, he looked at you with a smirk as you let out a sigh, shoulders deflating.
Reaching the border, Seokjin turned to you and held out his arm like a Victorian gentleman. As he did so, he did a half-bow towards you with mischief in his eyes. You were positive that Miyeon must be a great woman to have caught this handsome and funny man.
“Shall we depart?” Nodding, you looped your arm through his and waited for the familiar sense of apparition. It wasn’t something that you particularly enjoyed but you’d done it so many times that you were used to it.
When it finished, you were no longer standing outside the gates of Hogwarts but a small house bordered with a delicate white, wooden fence. A look around shows a few more houses like Seokjin’s, all with gardens that probably were beautiful when they bloomed with full flowers in spring and summer. 
His home looked cosy; the frames painted a cheerful yellow that should look strange but seemed to suit the bright orange door. It should look gaudy and awful, yet it felt like a home filled with love and laughter. Smiling at it, you noted the overflowing grass of the lawn that surrounded both sides of the gravel path that led to the door.
“It’s a wildflower lawn. In the warmer months, it has lots of different flowers and we always end up with so many different insects and animals foraging.” He says as you wave your hand through the tall stalks. It makes you wish that you could see it then, so you just resolved to weasel an invite during those months too.
“This house is so...cheerful. I love it!” You coo, reaching out to run your fingers along the wooden door. The paint feels smooth and hard beneath your fingertips and what looks like an antique knocker gives you a curious look. Peering closer at it, you note it’s in the shape of a heart with big eyes, causing you to look at Seokjin with a raised brow.
“Jihyo picked it. You don’t say no to her big eyes.” He said simply, referencing his oldest daughter. Pursing your lips, you nodded with a solemn look. Even though you didn’t have young kids, you knew that it was better to just give in sometimes.
Opening the door, Seokjin lets you enter first while he calls out to his wife and kids. The two of you take off your coats and shoes while he puts away your scarf and hat carefully. As you do so, there’s a loud ruckus from upstairs and you look up in time to see two small bodies run down the hallway.
The little girl you guess is Jihyo, her black hair separated into cute little pigtails while her cute face is split into an adorable smile of pure joy at seeing her dad. As she jumps into Seokjin’s open arms, chattering away loudly and lifting her stuffed dragon toy, you note the slightly more unstable toddler waddling to you.
She’s a lot smaller than her big sister and you recall Seokjin saying that she’d only started walking half a year ago or something. Crouching down, you smile at her in what you hope is a friendly way, reaching out and taking her tiny hands. She grasps them tightly, coming to a wobbly stop before you and looking at you with eyes so reminiscent of her dad’s.
“Hi, you must be Sooah,” Gently shaking her hands up and down, you can’t help but laugh at her shriek of delight. “You’re so pretty! Your daddy says you’re very smart too.” 
Looking up at Seokjin, you note him watching you both with a soft smile on his face. His kids are a constant source of joy and pride for him, something you’d come to know after the months of getting to know him. From the looks of how excited his daughters were to see him, you knew the feelings were probably reciprocated as well.
“Y/N, hi! It’s so nice to meet you.” Standing, you watch as a beautiful woman with long, dark hair picks up Sooah in a smooth motion. With practised ease, she shifted the toddler into a comfortable position before leaning up to accept Seokjin’s quick kiss. 
The two of them together looked like the perfect family, causing you to bite your teeth as a warm feeling bloomed in your chest. That would hopefully be you and whoever you fell in love with one day. If you could have half the happiness Seokjin had, you’d be a happy girl.
“Miyeon, Seokjin’s told me so much about you. Thank you for inviting me tonight, I’ve been looking forward to it since lunch,” You gush, grabbing the bag that you’d brought with you and holding it out to her. “I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to bring anything but I felt rude not so, I’ve brought some wine that I think would go well?” 
Letting Sooah down, she carefully watches as the little girl toddled back into what you presume is the living room. Once sure she’s okay, she pulls the bottle out of the bag and examines the label closely. 
“Ooh, this will work wonderfully. Thank you, you didn’t have to do this though. We’re just glad for your company. Honestly! I’ve been bugging Seokjin for weeks now to invite you. Meeting his colleagues is always fun and I’m sure that I drove him up the wall wanting to meet you. He’s talked so favourably about you.” With that, she looks at her husband and you laugh at how red his ears have gotten.
It hasn’t gone unnoticed by Jihyo, you place her small hands on his cheeks and squeezes while giggling. She looks adorable doing it, causing you to press your hands to your chest as you coo at her. As if she knows you think she’s the sweetest thing that you’ve ever seen, Jihyo gives you a smile that’s full of mischief. 
Seokjin’s daughter.
“Okay, can daddy please sit down? Let’s go play with Sooah!” He distracts his daughter quickly, shuffling through to the living room and disappearing through the door. Standing in the hallway with Miyeon, you give her an awkward look and feel thankful when she invites you towards the kitchen.
“Come, come. He always likes to play with the girls for a little bit when he gets home. Stress relief for him and also time for them to be with their dad without my interference. Let’s go open this bottle and have a chat. The stew’s been cooking for a few hours now and Seokjin will make the dumplings in an hour or so. It won’t be too long, I promise!” Her voice is bubbly and immediately puts you at ease.
“That’s sweet. A nice way for him to relax. I wish I could do that. I just usually end up falling asleep once I’m back in my quarters after dinner. Not a huge amount to do once I’ve done my work but I’ve certainly done a lot of reading lately. I’ve got lots of books if you want to borrow some.” That gets a laugh from Miyeon as she pulls out two glasses from a cupboard above the counter.
Their kitchen is just as warm and cosy as the outside of their house. It’s not very big, but you think it’s perfectly sized for everything they would need. The oven hums quietly as it cooks the stew, the glass front letting you see the large pot situated inside.
“Let me know what you’ve got and I’ll think. I have two whole bookcases in the living room that you can look through if you’d like. Getting to read a chapter each night before bed is something I indulge in now that Sooah is old enough to sleep in her bed.” Carefully pouring out wine into the glasses, she gestures for you to sit at the table and the two of you begin to chat away.
You’re pleased to discover that Miyeon is just as nice and friendly as she’d initially seemed and you both discover that you have a lot of interests that cross. It’s probably half an hour later when you’re both interrupted by the sound of someone knocking on the door. Miyeon doesn’t seem to be surprised at it, instead getting a bright smile on her face as she stands and moves back out to the hallway.
Frowning slightly, you follow her and pause when you hear a familiar voice respond to Seokjin. Eyes widening, you turn the corner and take in the appearance of Hoseok. He’s unwrapping the familiar Hufflepuff scarf from around his neck and is greeting Miyeon with that beautiful smile and a big hug.
“Mimi! Looking pretty as ever,” He compliments, winking at her before chuckling when Seokjin pushes him. “And where are my two favourite little girls?” 
Almost immediately, Jihyo comes running out and almost throws herself against Hoseok’s legs. Her arms wrap around them tightly and you can’t stop the smile that forms when you spot Sooah wobbling towards him as well. He makes soft sounds of support to her, holding his hand out to encourage her forwards before scooping her up into his arms.
“Uncle Seok!” Jihyo says, her voice high pitched as she tugs at his trousers insistently. “Come play dolls!” 
“Not right now, sweetheart. I will in a few minutes, okay?” He runs his hand over her head and you’re struck by the sheer familiarity of him with Seokjin’s family. You knew that they all knew each other; after so many years at Hogwarts, it would be impossible for them not to be friends. But this was a whole other level of closeness.
Upon seeing the confusion in your face, Seokjin winces and rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. “Sorry, I forgot to mention. I felt bad about inviting you when Hoseok was right there like I was leaving him out or something. So I invited him as well. He’s a close friend of our family overall so I thought it would be nice to blend all our friendships!”
Hoseok looks up and spots you, giving you that warm and friendly smile that makes your stomach bubble. It disappears almost instantly though as a small crease etches itself into his forehead, his gaze moving from you to Seokjin. You can almost feel the uncertainty flowing from him, causing you to give him a little wave to ease his nerves.
“Hey, you should have dropped by before we left. We could have all travelled together.” Moving closer to the group, you try to make sure that Hoseok knows you’re not annoyed or anything by his presence. And you’re not. If anything, you’re quite pleased to see him. It makes you feel a little less nervous about just being on your own with Seokjin and Miyeon, even if they’re lovely.
There’s no getting around how awkward it feels to be the third wheel in a situation.
For a moment, he simply eyes you to try and see if you’re lying. Sooah is trying to distract his attention away and you have to try hard not to coo at how good he looks with kids. You should’ve known he would though; he was great with his students and had spoken previously of his love of working with younger children as well.
“Honestly. I think someone wants your attention right now though,” Gesturing to the little girl in his arms, you smirk slightly. “I think the guys should go back to entertaining the kids. Miyeon, would you like me to help make the dumplings instead of Seokjin making them?” Hoseok’s brow rose slightly but he didn’t question it, nor did Seokjin protest.
Miyeon nodded in response, letting her hand run through Sooah’s soft hair affectionately before following you back to the kitchen. You’ve never been the best cook in the world but you knew enough to not embarrass yourself as the two of you created the savoury dumplings.
Finishing up, Miyeon carefully took the pot of stew out of the oven and placed it on the side. The aroma that left it once she took the lid away made your stomach rumble in hunger and you couldn’t help but let out a sigh of contentment. That was probably the best thing you’d smelled in a long time and you couldn’t wait for a home-cooked meal.
Not that the food at Hogwarts wasn’t home-cooked, but there was something a little more special about having a meal made by family or friends. Carefully, you placed the dumplings into the stew, letting them sit along the top to cook until dinner was ready. As soon as the pot was back in the oven, you both sat back at the table and continued on your conversation. 
It’s only ten minutes or so before Miyeon begins to prepare dinner for the girls. A glance at the clock lets you know that it’s already after six in the evening and they wanted to get the kids in bed before everyone had their dinner. Normally, they would all eat dinner together but tonight was more for the adults.
Helping her, you set the table following her instructions while she plates up some stew for the girls to eat and lets it cool a little. A cup of water for each gets placed on the table and soon enough, the kitchen is filled with shrieks and the sound of children eating loudly. Both girls enjoy their meals and eat them all with no complaints, causing you to compliment Miyeon on her good parenting.
As they eat, Miyeon pushes you to go talk to Seokjin and Hoseok who are both chatting away in the living room. The fire in the hearth is blazing away happily, warming the room and giving it that aroma that only a real fire could give. At your arrival, they both greeted you and all three of you began to discuss your work. It was inevitable that it happened and you’d rather do it now before boring Miyeon with it over dinner.
Maybe only half an hour passes before Seokjin disappears to help put his daughters to bed. It leaves Hoseok and you alone in the living room, the wine already making you feel a little looser and calmer. The sofa was incredibly comfortable and you had to blink a few times, yawning as you felt unbelievably relaxed.
“Careful or you’ll miss dinner.” Hoseok teases you, his voice deep and pleasing. Smiling, you shuffle a little further up the cushion before stretching with a groan. Looking back over at him, your brow rises as you take in his own slumped figure.
“Careful, or you’ll miss dinner.” You parrot back to him, grinning as he rolls his eyes playfully. It’s surprising to you how comfortable you feel in his presence now when he’d been almost a stranger only a few months ago. Even Jisoo was surprised by how well the two of you were getting on now, commenting that Hoseok was mentioning you far more in conversation than she’d expected.
And vice versa for you.
“I’m so hungry,” He whines, laying his hands on his stomach and rubbing at it with a petulant pout. “It smells so good.”
“Well, it’s almost done. So you won’t need to wait much longer. I’m sure your poor, starving stomach will be able to cope.” Giving him an exaggerated look, you reach forward to poke at his stomach playfully and enjoy the quiet giggle he gives. He’s ticklish, given how he tries to wriggle away from your touch.
You’d investigate that further but you didn’t want him making too much and ruining the Kim’s attempts at getting their daughters to sleep. So you just filed that information away for further use, positive you’d get to use it at some point.
“You’re going to be at breakfast tomorrow, right?” His question is quiet, his eyes focused on the dancing flames of the fire that crackled and popped occasionally. Glancing to him out of the corner of your eye, you smirk.
“Why? Going to miss me if I’m not there?” 
“I just don’t want you missing meals. Breakfast is the most important mea-” Cutting him off before he can finish, you hold up a hand and laugh loudly. His eyes narrow at the sound and his pretty lips threaten to pout once more.
“I’ve heard that more than enough in my life. Don’t worry, I’ll be there. As you can see, there’s no pilates tonight. If I miss breakfast then it’s probably because I’ll be too lethargic from dinner tonight. Feel free to bang on my door if I’m not there to wake me up but I will probably be very grumpy.” That gets a reluctant smile from him, the dimples in his cheeks more prominent.
“Noted. On another note, are you going home for Christmas or staying?” Staring at him, you chew on your lip as you consider his question. Your plans were near enough set in stone but you always had the option to change them at the last minute.
“I’ll probably be staying. I mean, I might go back for a day or so but I don’t have anywhere to live down there and I don’t want to deal with the hassle of my parents,” You’d never really gotten along with your parents and tried to avoid them if you could. “Might visit Jisoo a few times but for the most part, I’ll be staying at Hogwarts. Are you staying?”
He nodded his head slowly, linking his fingers together across his belly and sighing. 
“Yep. I can’t leave because we still have students who stay during the holidays and as the Head of Hufflepuff then I need to be there for anyone who needs me. It’s usually pretty quiet though so it’s nothing to worry about.” You smile at the warmth in his voice and the concern for his students.
He truly was a great professor and an even better Head of House.
“Maybe you could come with me to visit Jisoo or something. I’d only be going for a few hours and I’m sure she’d love to see you again.” There’s an odd look on Hoseok’s face as he stares at you, causing you to frown in question at him. But he’s saved from answering by the arrival of Seokjin and Miyeon once more.
“Come on, my second children! Delicious dinner awaits!” Seokjin says loudly, gesturing wildly with his arms and causing Miyeon to scowl before gently slapping his stomach. He almost instantly makes an exaggerated sound and you’re reminded of Hoseok only minutes earlier.
“Finallyyyyy.” Hoseok exhales, standing upright and hurrying into the kitchen. You watch him with wide eyes and look at the couple in the doorway with raised brows, causing Miyeon to snort with amusement.
“Hoseok loves Seokjin’s stew. Another reason he got invited tonight. Anyway, come on. You’re about to experience the best stew you’ve ever had in your life.” Taking your arm, she pulls you towards the kitchen as Seokjin follows behind you, a proud look on his face.
“I’m glad that my brilliance is appreciated in this house. The house-elves at Hogwarts should learn my recipe and let everyone be blessed by the wonders of my food.” The sound that leaves you is very strange, almost like a snort, a cough and a laugh all at once. It’s exacerbated by Hoseok’s sharp, and very dry, response.
“It’s not that good, Seokjin. Calm down.”
Seokjin and his wife watched as the two Hogwarts professors walked down the gravel path to the gate. They were talking quietly to each other, their words too low to hear and their dark robes made them almost blend into the night. It was only from the soft lighting from inside the cottage, giving a warm glow to the lawn of wildflowers Miyeon carefully cared for, that allowed them to see the outline of the witch and wizard.
Once they had passed through the gate, closing it politely behind themselves as they went, there was a moment where they simply gestured goodbye. Seokjin grinned broadly and waved back, watching as their bodies disappeared as they apparated back to Hogwarts. 
“He is so in love with her,” Miyeon muses, her lips curved up into that pretty smile that had enraptured Seokjin so long ago. “And she has no idea, does she?”
Shaking his head in response, he gently encourages her back inside before closing the door. It was far too cold outside and he didn’t want the warmth of their home seeping out unnecessarily. A creak from upstairs makes him pause, eyeing the stairwell with narrowed eyes for a few moments before deciding it was nothing.
The house was old and prone to making odd noises at all times of the day, but he’d also realised that kids liked to do the exact opposite of what their parents wanted. Which meant he wasn’t entirely sure if Jihyo had woken up and was quietly playing to herself.
Though she was also four-years-old and if he’d learnt anything about his beloved daughter; it was that she was just as loud as he was. Seokjin had never been as proud. He was glad that she was starting to entertain herself and no longer required their attention all the time.
Following his wife into the living room, he smiled fondly as she flopped onto the sofa. Miyeon took the pink, orange and white hand-crocheted blanket that was draped alongside the back and wrapped it around herself, opening her arms to encompass him as well when he finally sat.
“She hasn’t got the foggiest. Which makes it even funnier to watch him flirt with her because she just doesn’t realise. I think everyone has realised at work as we all try to engineer them being together or around each other for things. Still isn’t clicking for her, bless.” Seokjin snorts in amusement, kissing Miyeon’s hair affectionately when she pats his stomach.
While Hoseok had come for the food, he wasn’t entirely sure if the younger man hadn’t come mainly because you’d be there. His feelings were very obvious to anyone with eyes and a brain, which was obviously why he’d invited you to the dinner tonight so loudly. An opportunity for Hoseok to meet with you in a social situation outside of Hogwarts.
And from the way you’d both been laughing and talking animatedly all evening, it had worked very well. It was clear the two of you had known each other for a very long time given the number of inside jokes that had been thrown around casually alongside old memories that you shared. The two of you seemed to be very natural together and Seokjin couldn’t help but hope something a little more romantic might happen.
“Don’t be mean! Hoseok’s sweet and I feel so sorry for him. Imagine fancying someone for years in school when you’re all gawky and...teenage, only to meet them again when you’re both older and more attractive. I hope she realises soon, they have such good chemistry together.” Miyeon muses quietly, resting her head on his shoulder and sighing tiredly.
“They do, which is why it’s fun to tease them. He gets flustered because he knows that I know and she just doesn’t pay attention.” That might sound a little mean but Seokjin was trying to help them. Sometimes people just needed a little push and he was more than happy to do that.
“I’m not surprised, though. I mean, think about it from her point of view. He’s her best friend’s little brother, not exactly someone you think about romantically. Especially in school of all places, she probably viewed him either like a little brother or just a pure nuisance. Imagine how confused she feels now, seeing him as this attractive man who is very dateable. I wouldn’t know what to do with that situation either.” Humming, Seokjin considers his wife’s thoughts carefully before nodding.
“I can see that. Must be a little awkward. Maybe she’s not sure what to do...or if she even has permission. She’s got her best friend to think about too.” The reaction he gets is a sleepy moan of acknowledgement, causing him to grin before carefully moving his arm to wrap around her shoulders.
“I’d hope his sister would want her brother and best friend to be happy, even if they find that with each other. But who knows. Either way...he’s been on a mission to change her mind.” He let himself recall all the little ‘dates’ that Hoseok had taken Y/N on, without the actual title of a date. The unicorn date, the Great Lake date where he’d taught her about the creatures that lived beneath in, the multiple Hogsmeade dates that she still thought were just two friends going out. 
Of course, Hoseok hadn’t pointed out the difference to her. The Hufflepuff Head was content to let her think it was all friendly, and he’d always made it clear that others could come along too but it was an unsaid rule amongst the faculty that no one would say yes.
Seokjin hoped, for his friend’s sake, that she would eventually realise. It was just a good thing that Hoseok embodied the traits of Hufflepuff; limitless patience, unending determination and incredibly loyal. That thought makes him laugh gently, causing Miyeon to shift and look at him lazily.
“I just realise...we always say that Hufflepuff’s are loyal, right? Well, Hoseok has been loyal to her for years. Even if there was that gap where they didn’t see each other for a few years...as soon as she comes back, his affections are right there once more.” Stroking his wife’s arm soothingly, he kisses her head once more as the romance of the whole situation hits him.
“That’s...that’s so sweet. I think she’ll come around soon. It’s obvious she likes him too. They just need something to push them a little more and make her realise that it’s okay to go for him.” Pursing his lip, Seokjin considers her words for a moment. She was right, which she always was.
Glancing over to the kitchen, the calendar on the wall just visible to him through the doorway, he did some quick maths in his head. The Winter Solstice Ball was fast approaching and if he remembered right, he knew the perfect spell to help things along for his lovesick friend.
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loser-hub · 4 years
Valentine's Day Headcannons! Is it early? Yes! Do I care? Not a bit! A part two with some Pro's is coming soon!
Warnings: A hint of spice here and there, all characters are aged up to 21+ at least!
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Izuku Midoriya
Has had your date planned for a month, at least, having planned since Christmas.
Valentine's Day is the day about love, couples, expressing your feelings and spending time with your significant other. Or that's what every commercial says when the month changes, bombarding everyone with pink, red and kisses.
Izuku soaks up every moment of it like a sponge.
He's not the best at expressing his feelings, always stuttering and tripping over himself, so he relies on acts of devotion, affection of gift giving to show you how much he appreciates and loves you.
Has a notebook dedicated to the day. Countless scribbles about what you like, what you don't, what you're allergic to, and any fact that could help him plan the perfect date.
The day starts and its all about you from the get go.
Gets you clean with a bath with candles, rose petals, bath bombs, bath oils, the absolute works. Spent way too much time and money at Bath & Bodyworks picking out your favorite things in case you were low.
Nervously picks at his nails while he waits, now second guessing himself and doubting if he might've gone overboard with everything.
Invite him in and he'd be on Cloud Nine!
The rest of the day goes however you'd like, whatever you want and he's at your beck and call. Driving you around to your favorite stores to staying home and chilling out on the couch, he just wants to spend time with you and see you happy. If you're happy then he's happy!
After getting cleaned Izuku takes you up to this scenic hill outside the city that looks over a field of flowers, allergy pills at the ready! He sets down a plaid blanket and breaks out his picnic basket full of your favorite foods and drinks.
He'll keep you there until the sun sets, holding you close to his chest as you two watch the sky turn to pinks and oranges.
Bakugou Katsuki
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The polar opposite of Izuku's feverish planning.
He's more of an "oh, it's V-Day? Cool, I guess" kind of guy.
Shows up at your door out of the blue, no warning, no nothing, a box of chocolates under his arm as he thrusts a bouquet of flowers into your face. "Coincidentally" your favorite kind.
"Saw it was Valentine's Day and I'd be a fucking shitty boyfriend if I didn't bring you something, I guess. Get dressed, we're going out...somewhere...wherever you want."
Drags you out and pulls you along, opening his car door for you, closing it, being the gentleman that he secretly is.
Takes you to a little café on the outskirts of town he found one evening while patrolling, it seemed really nice and cute and thought of you when he saw it. So why not take you here for a little date?
Hands stuffed in his pockets he wanders inside, glued to your side.
Although like Deku, he's not the greatest at verbal affection. Sure he can scream and yell his feelings in anger but expressing how he felt about you? That stumped him.
Bakugou also prefers acts of service and gift giving as his love language, this man cannot articulate his love for you to save his life.
So moments like these are the most endearing moments of his character.
Let's you order whatever you want and subconsciously gets the same so you both can talk about how good/bad it was and so, if you did like it, he could cook it for you at home.
Shoto Todoroki
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Oh dear please help this poor boy.
He has no idea what Valentine's Day is.
You'd have to be the one to suggest doing something or surprise him with a date, because he has no idea.
Its not that he doesn't care but he's simply never put stock into the lovey dovey holiday meant for couples, love and all that.
Show up at his door for a change!
He'll be pleasantly surprised and oh-so happy to see you there, even if he's rushing out the door so Enji, Natsuo and Fuyumi don't get wind of your arrival.
You'll never be left alone if they realize your there.
He prefers to drive, he doesn't know why but being in a car with you driving to a restaurant is strangely domestic. Since it is V-Day and you've so nicely explained to him what it means and the context around the holiday, you two decide to go to a fancy upscale place for a change.
Shoto decides to go all out, taking himself and you to a dressing shop and has you pick out an outfit while he gets a black suit with a red tie.
Its not often Shoto cleans himself up but when he does, wow.
Not to worry about reservations, all he has to do is show up and break out his gold credit card and the receptionist's eyes bug out of her head. Being Endeavor's kid has its perks on occasion and the staff takes you two to a secluded booth specifically for hero's and their partners.
Lit by candlelight you two share a multiple course meal, desert and feed each other rose topped chocolates.
An overall cheesy yet romantic date that he'll never forget.
Tomura Shigaraki
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He's one of the ones whose bombarded with lovey dovey shit the second January turns to February.
Every MMO RPG in his collection does a Valentine theme in some way so its impossible for him to escape all the pink and red.
Those are the worst two weeks of the year.
He drops everything and plunges himself to the most gorey and eventless games he can find to get his mind off V-Day...well, before you came along.
Now seeing the themed events makes him pause, change his mind even, reconsider if you feel so inclined.
It all came to a head once he saw matching skins. Husband and wife, partners in crime, the list was endless for the game you two played together. Yep, he was going to do something.
Going out of the hideout during a busy holiday like today was out of the question so you rightfully suspected nothing would happen, Shigaraki wasn't going to whisk you away to a secluded hill and have a picnic. He wasn't that kind of man and he might scrape off bits of skin if put in that kind of situation anyways.
Nope, instead you were scooped up off the couch and hauled to his room. Plopped right down in the other chair of your couples gaming setup.
Your headphones on, game loaded up, hand on the mouse and your boyfriend mumbling how he needed "help" for the event.
"Tch, don't read too much into it Player Two, I get more XP if I'm in a group so you're coming with me. Just be my Love Healer and I'll DPS our way through the bosses."
Needless you weren't going to ask why your character was suddenly in a frilly dress with a bouquet instead of your normal staff.
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The most casual and uninspired ass you can possibly imagine.
Days all mix and warp together for Dabi so he doesn't know what day it is until he sees an abnormal amount of couples out and about. The shameless displays of affection was nauseating.
But hey, the shopkeeps were too busy with entitled Karens to notice some of their stock had gone missing.
No one pays attention to the burnt chicken nugget holding a massive stuffed bear and a plastic bag full of sweet on today of all days, normally he has to keep to the streets and be a sneeki beeki boi but this is the one day except for Halloween that he can get away with being in public. The stuffed animal a convenient hiding place when he gets looks.
His cover is blown when the plush is pushed into your open window first. He loves hearing your scream of surprise when he sneaks in but he can't do that very well with a four foot bear on his back...maybe next year.
Gets everything set up while you're worrying over him and making sure he wasn't seen or followed. You're too cute for your own good, worrying about him over yourself and what the police would do if they found out.
Today is definitely needed, for both of you. Time alone to just chill and cuddle.
Wrapped up in blankets, drinking some shitty stolen wine, eating sweets and laughing at how stupid the main characters of the rom-com marathon are.
The morning after you find yourself alone but at least now you'll never fall asleep alone with your Dabi scented teddy bear.
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sokkas-honour · 4 years
Hi there! Could you write for your #30 for your music playlist? Zuko x reader 😁😁 thank youuu!!!!
nothing has changed - zuko x reader
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pairing: zuko x fem!reader
wc: 2.3k with lyrics
notes: reader is katara & sokka’s older sister! this time the lyrics are in bold + italic so that you don’t confuse them with the flashback + dream scenes, not that i think you would but just in case.
warnings: mention of sibling problems, if there’s anything else feel free to lmk!!
nothing's quite the same, as it has been on those familiar days,
as the night sky reigned above the fire nation, zuko looked out the window of his palace bedroom, memories flooding back from his time travelling around the world, away from his nation. wether it had been looking for the avatar or actually working with him, you had always somehow been there. first as his enemy, then as his friend, then as his lover.
he remembers the days where you’d find yourself fighting each other; he would attack you with his fire bending while you’d land hits with your battle club, knife or your whales tooth scimitar. when he’d feel nice, back in his avatar hunting days, he’d solely use his duel swords to make the playing field more even but he’d constantly forget that you were able to handle yourself even against benders. he had always found you to be beautiful and the tension between the two of you when you fought was undeniable.
he remembers when he tried to make amends with team avatar and even try to join, he remembers your initial reaction to it. you sided with your sister, not liking the idea of the boy who tried to hunt your friend, your siblings and yourself down, and the idea of accepting someone of the firenation, a nation that had taken your mother from you, into your friend group.
you came around before your sister, having joined your brother and zuko to try and free your father. he had proven himself in terms of having changed and as being a valuable member for the gaang. he still remembers exactly what you said when you came back from the trip.
“zuko!” you called before he could go too far, wanting to give some sort of privacy to the reuniting family. the ex prince stopped in his tracks as he waited for you to catch up to him.
“yeah?” he asked, unsure of what you would say. your brother had already made his amends with him but had warned that although you wouldn’t be as hard as katara, you still might take a little while to come around. either he was about to hear you accept him as part of the group, or you were about to, well he didn’t know.
“i wanted to say thank you. thanks for helping me get my father back. you really have changed.” zuko was a tad bit taken aback, not thinking he’d get your approval right after the trip but it didn’t bother him. a small weight seemed to be lifted off his shoulders. you gave him a proud smile and he felt his heart race.
“it was nothing. you both deserve to find your father again.” he blushed, bringing his hand to scratch the back of his neck awkwardly. he returned your smile with a small one.
all of a sudden, you grabbed your scimitar and pressed the sharp tooth end lightly on his neck. his heartrate sped up but it wasn’t fully from you being close but also out of fear, sokka hadn’t warned him about this. his eyes widened.
“but if you even dare double cross us. if you even dare lay a finger on either of my siblings, i won’t hesitate to hurt you.” your previously bright face turned dark as you threatened him, not moving your weapon from his neck until he nodded nervously. when he finally did, you lowered it and your face returned to what it was before.
“good, i’m happy to have you as part of the team zuko.” you put your hand on his shoulder as a sign of acceptance, accompanying it with a small grin before turning around to go reunite with both of your siblings and your father.
he laughed a bit at the memory, remembering the fear that he felt during those few seconds but also the weird attraction he still had while you threatened his life.
he also remembers when you both finally admitted your feelings for each other. unbeknownst to him, you had also felt some sort of weird attraction to him when he was still hunting the avatar but it went from a weird and almost uncomfortable attraction, to one of genuine caring and love.
you had both grown rather close after your rescue at the boiling rock, spending many moments together along the beach and in town. it was after seeing the horrible play about their mission thus far, your character seeming to constantly fight with katara over zuko while also being an annoying and overprotective sister, constantly belittling your sibling’s feelings.
zuko remembers you storming out right after the show closed, sokka’s and katara’s characters having almost insulted you multiple times and you just needed some air. the words of the characterised katara still ringing through your head. ‘you’re a terrible sister y/n.’
“hey y/n.” he approached you calmly as you leaned against the balcony, staring at the bright moon that had been your friend during many sleepless nights after your mother died and your father left.
“you ran out of there pretty fast so i just wanted to make sure that you were okay.” zuko informed, leaning his back against the balcony after you gave him no response. he turned his head towards you and searched for a reaction.
“yeah, the show was just.” you took a deep breath, thinking of a word to describe the monstrosity you had just seen. “horrible, let’s put it that way.”
zuko laughed at your bluntness. you turned your gaze away from the moon to zuko, a small smile creeping up on your face at his carefree and content expression. his laugh was also something you didn’t realise that you liked about him but the last couple of days had made you create a long list on things about him that made you swoon.
“that’s certainly one way to put it.” his laughter died down and he met your staring gaze, both of you not breaking it.
“listen, if there was anything happening between katara and you, or if there is anything, i’m totally cool with it.” you blurted out, needing to get it off your chest to have an answer on the relationship portrayed in the show. you knew that katara would’ve told you something if it were to happen but you had to be sure.
“why would? why would something be happening between katara and i?” zuko asked, confused at your question that seemed to have come out of nowhere. the firebender knew that he wasn’t great at expressing his feelings but he had hoped that he’d been somewhat obvious about the way he felt toward you.
“the show, in the show you two have a lot of romantic scenes. that’s literally one of the main fighting points for katara and i’s character, other than me being told i’m a useless and horrible sister.” you mumbled the last part. pushing yourself off from leaning over the balcony to stand up straight, body still not facing zuko.
“you do realise that the show is incredibly inaccurate?” he rose an eyebrow and stared you, confused as to why you would base your information on some horrible adaption.
“yeah but parts of it were true.” your head fell, letting the words of katara’s character get to you.
“hey, you’re not a horrible sister. in fact, i know that sokka and katara would say the opposite, in fact, they already have! multiple times!” zuko wasn’t about to let you beat yourself up over a badly interpreted story that was based off of misinformation. he put his hand on your cheek that had since turned away from him. when you felt his warm hand, your brought yours up to put it on top of it, letting your head settle against his hand and turned to fully face him.
“i know it’s just. katara and sokka have always been closer and, i sometimes neglected katara and was overprotective of her. i had always been closer to my dad so i had no idea how to deal with her and was just jealous of the attention she got as the youngest.” you admitted, not wanting to look into zuko’s eyes as you confessed something that not even your siblings knew.
“that doesn’t mean your a bad sister. katara and sokka both love you and know how much you love and care for them.” he caressed your cheek with his thumb in a caring manor as you finally met his caring gaze once more.
“thanks zuko.” you smiled in recognition, thanking him for his comforting words.
“and not only do katara and sokka love you for who you are, i love you for who you are. the y/n in the show was nothing like the y/n i know.” he ranted, not noticing his confession that slipped but you caught it and a huge smirk grew on your face.
“what?” he stopped talking when he noticed your mischievous grin.
“you love me? zuko we only became friends like two weeks ago.” you laughed, butterflies still dancing in your stomach at the idea of him feeling so strongly towards you in such little time.
“i mean i dont if it’s love but it’s definitely something similar. i like you y/n. you keep me on my toes, you make me laugh, you challenge me to be a better person.” he clarified his previous statement which just made things even better for you.
“uh huh.” you nodded, indicating him to keep going. zuko usually wasn’t the one to have a lot to say but tonight seemed to be a special night.
“and after seeing all the horrible things i’ve done, not only in person, but theyve all gotten thrown back into our faces tonight. it’s totally understandable if you’re not there yet to completely forgive me, i mean i would but.” zuko’s out of character rambling continued, making you laugh but you couldn’t keep letting the poor boy dig himself an even deeper hole so you took a deep breath and grabbed his hand to remove it from your cheek so you could lean in and press your lips against his in order to shut him up.
zuko’s eyes widened in surprise, taken aback by your bold action but you were always the one to take bold moves. after the initial shock, zuko eagerly kissed back, moving his hands to your waist in order to bring you closer to deeper the kiss. some part of him had been waiting for this moment ever since he had laid eyes on you.
“spirits zuko, you never talk that much.” you teased once you broke apart from the kiss which just earned a blush from the raven haired boy.
“well um, i.” zuko stumbled, failing to find a reason for his previous ranting but he never got the chance to answer as you pecked his lips , and you both got interrupted by a certain watertribe boy.
“y/n!” you heard your brother call out, probably concerned at your running away and the fact that you still hadn’t come back.
“looks like sokka’s calling me, if you don’t mind.” zuko unwrapped his arms from your waist and you started walking back inside to the voice who called you. you made sure to send a wink in his direction before you left, leaving the banished prince blushing and with a stupid smile on his face.
zuko grinned as he thought about your first kiss. he sighed happily and went under the covers to doze off and let sleep take over temporarily.
i dream about an old familiar face, then wake up and you're gone without a trace,
“zuko!” the firelord lifted his head up and saw you running towards him down the long hallway of the palace. enormous smile on your face at the sigh of your boyfriend at the end of the hallway.
“y/n!” he greeted you with a mirroring expression and a hug when you finally reached him. arms wrapping around your waist as you cuddled into his chest.
“ i missed you.” you mumbled into his chest, feeling his chest rumble as he chuckled at your statement.
“i missed you too.” he replied, eyes meeting yours as you lifted your head to look at him. he used one of his hands to move the hair out of your face before placing his lips softly onto yours.
“i have news.” you announced as you broke the kiss, a huge grin on your face as you looked up at zuko with an infinite amount of love.
“which is?” he asked, not knowing if he should be concerned or excited.
“well, as you know i went to see katara while i went home and you’ll never guess what she told me! i’m pregnant!” you told zuko the news and you swear you saw him panic for a split second before he fully processed the information and his face was replaced with pure bliss.
“really?” he didn’t believe it, you two were finlay going to have a child together. who would’ve thought back then when you two fought against each other that you would’ve been carrying his future child. you simply nodded before he leaned back into kiss you.
he woke up in the morning, thinking that his dream was a memory and that you were laying right next to him but as he turned around, he was met with an empty bed. he sighed slightly, you were still away in the south pole with your family as you had been for months. nonetheless, he was happy to have dreamed about your beautiful face.
and though you're away, nothing has changed, we always made it out, even when im old and blue, i’ll think about my time with you.
when he stepped out of his chamber, he was met with a servant giving him a scroll, no doubt a message from you. the firelord thanked them before returning to his room to read in peace.
whenever one of you were gone on a mission somewhere in one of the four nations, you both communicated through letters so that you could keep in touch. it would also serve as a way to your future selves to look back in the early moments in your relationship fondly. you’d always have memories that would never go away written in those scrolls.
atla taglist: @draqondance @biqherosix @missmorosis @firelady-jay
zuko taglist: @duh-dobrik
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Birds of a Feather (Syro: SFW)
Your first day on the job was nothing less than breathtaking. Having just graduated and finding a position in the rehabilitation field, you were over the moon when you had started. Although the manager couldn’t be more than displeased at the fact that a human was working in their facility, and a human female nonetheless so straight away they had assigned you to the most difficult patient in the facility. 
The patient? A male harpy whose plumage reminded you of a raptor. His talons had clacked against the floor, the noise only stopping once every few moments as he had paused and stared out the window wistfully. A sigh that sounded more like a whistle had come from him, however as you had begun to move closer his gaze snapped to yours. Piercing yellow eyes met yours in an intense stare before he let out a screech of hatred. 
“A human! They dare insult me like this?” He screamed and you had backed away hastily, tripping over the tray you had been rolling with you and falling. Landing hard on your back with the wind knocked out of you. The only saving grace you had was an elf who had heard the commotion and came rushing over to help you clean up the mess and make sure you were okay.  The petite elf had turned her attention to the harpy who was making such a fuss with his feathers all ruffled up. 
“Syro! It is rather impolite of you to behave so badly, she is just as good of a nurse as any one of us here. Otherwise she wouldn’t be here.” The elf, who you’d later come to know as Gweyir, scolded. The harpy had shrunk back as the lecture continued for another minute or so before she was finally done. 
With a grumble, the harpy had reluctantly allowed you into his room to do your job. You had taken notice of the scrapes and bruises that he had once you had gotten closer to him. Feathers were missing and the biggest thing that you had missed before was that his right wing was broken. He didn’t talk to you, at least not at first. He’d merely stand stock still while you tended to the wounds and left him food, which continued for nearly a year after you had started. 
It wasn’t that Syro wasn’t ready to go after he had fully healed, he had nowhere to go so he dragged it out for as long as possible. He attended multiple sessions with various therapists to talk about what had happened to him, you never knew the details of his case until Gweyir had told you as the pair of you were making your usual rounds. 
“He was exiled from his flock, a bad hunter and they didn’t want him dragging them down so… The only logical punishment they could think of was bodily harm and forcing him to leave. Without a flock, most harpies don’t make it on their own.” She explained, the manager had given you both a quick nod as you brushed past. In the past few months they had come to warm up to the idea of having a human female around, plus you were the most dedicated worker alongside Gweyir that they had. 
“That’s… Rough.” Was all you could think of to say as you processed the information. Gweyir nodded in agreement. 
However, the ruffling of feathers had caught your attention and you glanced to your left. Seeing Syro all puffed up and a low squawk of sorts came from him at the mention of what had happened. You awkwardly waved Gweyir goodbye as she wished you luck. Putting on your best smile, you walked inside as Syro merely eyed you and turned away with a huff. 
“Bad day?” You asked the harpy, he would occasionally humor you with short answers in response to your questions. 
“That elf has no idea what happened.” He grumbled in response. “It wasn’t exactly like that. It was… Way different than what they had thought it was.” 
You set to work, he was a lot more compliant in letting you do your job than he was when you had first met him. You kept the surprise that rose up in you at the idea of him telling you what had happened under check as you didn’t want to discourage him from talking. 
“My flock was… Ruthless. Took whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted. There wasn’t anything they wouldn’t slaughter if it got in their way. And considering that our species isn’t… Too common, it wasn’t a surprise when my flock had climbed its way to the top of being the most feared.” He began to pace back and forth again, the talons clicking against the floor in an ominous manner. “I was not like them. I couldn’t take or kill just for the thrill of it. And when it came time for the ‘coming of age’ ceremony… I failed, and that resulted in me being harmed the way I was. And then those humans... It was worse before you had come here. I was exiled. I’m not allowed to go to any other flock or that puts them in danger. I’m… Stuck in a way.” His voice had grown softer as a forlorn look overcame his features. 
You had listened intently to him, the story tugging at your heart in a way that was unexpected. “Syro…” Your mouth had run dry and you found yourself unable to say anything to him. 
“You needn’t say anything to me. I realize now that not all humans are bad. You being amongst the few who are genuinely good.” He complimented, though he pointedly kept his gaze away from you as you stared up at him. 
You weren’t quite sure what to say in response to the compliment, mumbling out a quick thanks and hurrying out of the room once you had finished your duties. You walked back into the nurse’s station and sank into a chair, your face the color of a cherry. Gweyir had come in not too long after you and had mistaken the blush on your face for you crying and anger seemed to run through the elf. 
“Was he mean to you? Did he hurt you? I swear I’ll pluck him like a chicken if…” You interrupted her before she could continue on any further. 
“Nothing like that Gweyir. He complimented me.” The shock on her face mimicked your own. “I know, he told me that I was one of the few good humans, and… He opened up more about his past.” You finished, Gweyir slumping in the seat next to you. 
“Geez, I didn’t expect that.” She murmured before glancing at you. “He only has two weeks left here before they force him to leave. I overheard the manager talking to one of the higher ups.” 
“Oh.” Was all that came as the news came as a second surprise to you today. “I have to go, I have to at least warn him.” You said as you slid the half eaten bag of chips over to Gweyir before getting up and heading out the break room doors. 
Syro had taken the news exactly as you had expected him to, with a lot of anger and feather ruffling as he paced the room. Stretching his wings in annoyance before his gaze settled on you again, any amount of trust he had put into you earlier was gone with this new information. 
“Get out.” He hissed at you, and you merely blinked in response. The statement took a moment to fully process but by that time, he was in your face. 
“Get out!” He screeched, stretching out his wings and looking more intimidating than you had ever seen him. You scrambled out of the room and narrowly avoided the metal tray being thrown at your head by said harpy. 
It was after that incident that your manager had decided to transfer you to another patient. They had declared that you had finished your duties with Syro, but you knew that wasn’t the case. Nevertheless you didn’t have the energy to argue with your manager, and while your new patient was lovely and a breath of fresh air. You missed Syro. The mermaid you had been assigned to was oftentimes a bit too chatty for your taste. 
You had only briefly seen the harpy once or twice after the incident, each time you had turned before his gaze could find yours. The new nurse that was taking care of him seemed to be doing better than what you had been anyway. A bitter taste seemed to rise in the back of your throat when you had caught the pair enjoying a conversation together, a smile was present on his features. 
What did it matter anyway? You were no longer assigned to him. You should just go back to your job, at least that’s what you told yourself until you found yourself cornered by the large harpy. His hands placed on either side of your head as he stared down at you with a frown on his features. 
“You’ve been avoiding me.” He stated, and you couldn’t help the laugh that erupted from you. It confused Syro more than anything in the world, just enough that you could slip away. 
“I’ve been assigned to another patient Syro. It’s my job… Besides, they figured your new nurse would suit your needs better anyway.” You stated calmly as you made your way down the hallway, the clicking of his talons on the tiled floor gave way to him following you. 
“I preferred you as my nurse. And I had tried to tell that manager otherwise but they weren’t hearing it.” He huffed in annoyance. You paused, the familiar feeling of shock spreading through you before you merely shook your head. 
“You smile a lot more around that nurse, and you’ve become well enough to come out of your room now and join the others in the mess hall rather than taking your meals in your room. I’d say she’s doing her job right.” You hummed thoughtfully, heading to the small cubicle where the cabinets were. You placed the tray and other equipment back in their right places. 
“I miss you.” He said simply. “And I wanted to apologize for how I reacted, it was wrong of me to take it out on you like I did. I know I can’t go back but… I want you to know that much.” Syro shifted as though he was uncomfortable admitting he was wrong. “The other nurse helped me realize that.” 
“It’s alright Syro, I know stuff like that can be shocking. The important thing is that you realized it.” You responded, turning to face the massive creature in front of you. 
A relieved smile spread across his face at the apology acceptance. He sighed softly before glancing around to see if any others were near you. “Can I visit you? Once I’m out of here I mean…” 
“Of course you can!” You responded eagerly. “You can come by here or I’ll show you where my house is if you wait once you’re out of here.” 
He merely nodded in acknowledgement before the pair of you heard the other nurse calling his name, a grimace came across his features before he looked down at you one more time. It seemed as though he was debating something in his mind before he finally leaned down and nuzzled against you with a quiet chirp of appreciation. The action left you stunned, but before you could say anything else to him, he had turned and walked down the hallway. 
In the following week, you had made an effort to stop by Syro’s room more than usual, each time you were greeted with him nuzzling against you before he listened to you chat about your day. Only occasionally chiming in with a thought, other times you’d listen to him talk about what his life was like before he had come here. It was dark, more so than what anyone had actually expected of the creature. When the day came that he had to leave, he had asked to leave at the same time you had got off your shift. 
“Are you ready?” You asked Syro as you adjusted the strap on your bag that you took to work with you every day. The harpy hummed in thought before merely nodding in response to the question. 
“Let’s get this over with.” His voice was rough, to others it may have sounded like he was excited to be leaving but you knew underneath that he was terrified. 
The walk to your home was silent, save for the occasional comment that you made to keep his nerves down. It wasn’t until you had arrived at your front door steps that you could see the genuine fear in Syro’s eyes. He really did have nowhere to go, and in the moment you had made a rash decision. 
“Why don’t you stay here with me for a while? At least until you get on your feet.” You offered, and it seemed as though the idea shocked Syro. It took him a moment to respond to the proposal. 
“I won’t get in your way. I appreciate you doing this for me.” He said as he walked up the steps right as you opened the door, you stepped aside to let him in first. 
“I’ll have to get the guest room set up properly for you but otherwise you can help yourself to anything in here.” You said.
“Thank you.” Came the response as he looked around your house. “Your home is lovely.” 
Two years had passed since that day, and you really couldn’t imagine your life any other way. Your relationship with Syro had developed into something more as time had progressed and you showed him the basics to surviving on his own. Except he never left, and you never had a complaint about it. In fact you had begun to look forward to going home after a long day at the rehabilitation center, knowing that your harpy would no doubt have prepared something for you to eat or a relaxing bath. 
After a particularly stressful day with a new patient, you had dragged yourself up the front steps and into your home. The clicking of Syro’s talons on the floorboards brought a smile to your face, you kicked your shoes off and plopped down on the couch. Golden eyes came into sight as Syro had kneeled down in front of you with a faint smile. 
“Rough day?” He asked and you merely nodded in response to the question, sighing as he chuckled in response.
“The new patient is a lot worse than anything I’ve ever dealt with. I don’t know if I can handle this one, they’re just… unreceptive to everything we’ve tried so far.” You vented while Syro had listened to you intently. 
“Give them time, they’ll come around. I know that you can do it, you dealt with me.” He responded with a faint smile. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Get some rest, I’ll take care of dinner.” 
When you had come home a few weeks later with a grin on your face, Syro knew that you had gotten the patient to finally open up and he couldn’t be more proud of you than what he was in that moment.
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Fred with a Socially Anxious Reader (Fred x reader)
Warnings: FLUFF AS FUCK, slightly nsfw, swearing, anxiety
Note: I needed fluff man. That last one made me sad as hell. This is set in a world with no voldemort. Happy times. No sad
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You were this anxious little thing you
You'd keep to yourself with the exception of your friend May who was hellbent on getting you out and talking to people more.
Finally one day May just dragged you over to the Gryffindors and walked up to this red haired boy.
"Fred. Can you please get my friend out of her shell? She literally won't talk to anyone!" She begged
You retreated back, almost hiding behind your book
For some reason that was adorable to Fred.
"Social Anxiety can't just be cured. But I can help her with the talking bit." Fred said making you look up.
Your eyes immediately captivated the boy and he swallowed hard, feeling like you just left him breathless.
"Great! Talk! By all means!" May said walking away.
"S-sorry about May... She means well I swear." You muttered.
He chuckled and motioned for you to sit.
You sat down, picking at the spine of the book anxiously.
"So I take it you know my name and May said your name was Y/n right?" Fred asked.
"Yeah..." You nodded.
"My little sister was pretty anxious her first year so this isn't exactly new to me." Fred admitted.
"I'm sorry... In advance. I really don't do people." You muttered.
Fred chuckled. "That's quite alright dear." He said.
Your heart seemed to pound at the sound of you being called "dear"
An identical boy sat down and you jumped.
"You're... A twin?" You asked.
"Yes he is! And you areee?" George asked.
You swallowed, words leaving your body at the question.
"Y/n." Fred answered for you.
You looked over and mouthed "Thank you"
You didn't expect Fred to actually want to be around you but to your surprise, there he was
Everyday outside of your classes
He'd walk you back in forth from them, you having two of them with him.
You began to sit with him more in those classes, reading intently.
You had this little habit of nibbling the edge of your finger while deep in thought
Fred watched you, your hair always in your face.
It almost seemed like a wall to purposefully block him from talking to you.
When he did talk to you, you seemed to shake, absolute fear in your eyes.
Whenever a teacher asked you a question you'd just lock up on the spot, sputtering like a dying engine.
You were a little different today though.
You shifted multiple times, trying to remove the hair from your eyes when Fred handed you a hairband.
"Ginny forces me to keep these on hand." He said softly to you.
You took it, pulling back your hair.
You went back to reading and he rose a brow.
"What are you reading?" Fred asked.
"Uh... It's Dracula... By Bram Stoker." You answered.
He nodded. That was the clearest you've ever spoken.
He decided to test the waters
"What's it about?" He asked.
You looked over at him.
"You're... Actually interested?" You asked.
"You seem to be enjoying it. So maybe I might find it enjoyable too." Fred shrugged.
"...Vampires... It's about... Vampires." You said.
"Now we're talking. Is it creepy?" He asked.
"it can be. Not as creepy as the shining though." You muttered.
"The shining?" Fred asked.
"... You've never read the shining?" You asked.
He shook his head and you reached into your bag handing Fred the book.
He took it and you smiled slightly, quickly turning away when Fred noticed.
He read the book too. Oh God it freaked him the fuck out.
But it was intriguing.
Someone who feared people didn't fear the stories about them. How odd.
But really intriguing.
He sat next to you one morning making you jump.
"I finished it." He said.
You blinked. "You finished it?" You asked.
"Yes! It was so creepy, how do you read this without getting freaked out?" Fred asked.
You smiled.
"Well... What kind of books do you read?" You asked.
"....Come again Love?" He asked.
Christ that nickname caught you off guard.
"W...What books do you read?" You asked.
"I'm... Actually not that big of a reader." Fred admitted.
You rose a brow.
"You read this in two days. And you seem curious, how are you not a reader?" You asked.
"I'm more of a prankster." He shrugged.
You cocked your head to the side almost like a confused dog.
"Why are you interested in being my friend?" You asked.
".... You're interesting. And you don't try too hard to fit in." Fred shrugged.
"I don't even try to fit in." You corrected.
"My point exactly. But you're interesting. And I like interesting." Fred said making your face flush
You spent more time with Fred, mostly just listening to him and smiling here and there at a couple of jokes.
George began to notice Fred coming back to the common room with a smile on his face.
There was one day that changed a few things though.
May dragged you to a Gryffindor party.
You didn't like this. At all.
Way too many people.
You were shaking a lot and Fred finally noticed you.
"Y/n?" He asked. You looked over, shaking intensely
He frowned and grabbed your arm, pulling you out into the hall.
"Y/n, are you alright?" He asked.
You seemed to be hyperventilating and he frowned.
"Y/n, breathe. Follow my breathing okay?" He instructed.
You nodded frantically and watched him breathe, following his instructions.
You finally recovered, it becoming quite clear you tired yourself out.
"Y/n... Do you need me to leave you alone for a bit--"
"stay." You whispered.
He did something you didn't expect.
He hugged you.
After a while of calming you down, he walked you back to your common room.
He went back to Gryffindor and sighed.
"May. We need to talk." He said.
"Hmm?" She asked.
"Don't force Y/n out of her comfort zone again." Fred said.
".... Okay." She nodded.
"Thank you." He said before walking to his room.
George rose a brow, following soon after.
"Hey. What's up with you?" George asked.
Fred as pacing, running a hand over his face.
"I think I like Y/n." Fred said.
"She seems nice" George shrugged.
"No George." He said stopping and looking at him. "I like Y/n." He said.
"....Oh...." George nodded.
"She's just... God she's beautiful George. And she's so smart! I've watched her work, she's so intelligent!" Fred said.
"So what's the problem?" George asked.
"What if she doesn't feel the same way?" He asked.
"....ah." George nodded in thought.
"Give it some time... When you're sure she might feel the same, then say something." George said.
"Smart. I knew I kept you around for a reason." Fred teased making George roll his eyes.
"Sod off." He chuckled.
Over time you began to open up more around Fred, him smiling as you would sometimes speak or tell him stories.
Then there was the trip to Hogsmeade
George began to hang out with you too, you slowly opening up as well around him.
He could see why Fred liked hanging out with you.
You said a couple of things that made the boys laugh.
You shivered at one point and Fred wrapped his scarf around your neck, looking into your eyes.
Your face was red and Fred rose a brow at this.
You quickly thanked him and turned away.
George exchanged a look of "Oh dude. She likes you." To Fred.
At one point George jokingly threw a snowball at you.
You took this as a challenge and threw one at George and he chuckled.
"Oh it is on now Y/n!" George said.
"Oh boy." Fred snorted.
You and George exchanged a look before launching snowballs at Fred.
You actually laughed, catching Fred off guard.
My God that was a beautiful sound
George took that moment of "Wow" to throw a snowball at Fred's face making you laugh harder before Fred picked you up and you squealed.
You two were a laughing mess and May smiled walking over to the group as Fred finally put you down.
"Having fun?" May asked.
"Totally." You snorted and Fred laughed.
You and Fred would spend a lot more time together, usually in the library.
You'd be reading and he'd be doing something else.
Occasionally Fred and George would get you in on a prank
You didn't do them often seeing as you'd get really anxious about being caught
But when you helped out it definitely ended up being fun.
You were falling for Fred and falling hard.
It didn't help when he invited you to spend the summer at his home
To which you just said "Okay."
Fred thought "This is such a good idea" until the day you were set to arrive.
He was pacing a lot, clearly panicked.
Molly thought it was cute that a girl could freak this boy out that much
You finally showed up though and Molly thought "Oh my God. She's adorable."
George was excited because you two did become close friends
Fred was nervous but wouldn't dare let that show.
You weren't aware of how large his family was until they all greeted you in the kitchen.
You were uneasy, worried you'd say the wrong thing to one of them.
Fred noticed you sort of retreating into yourself and as he was talking, slinked his arm around you
You hid the blush that was forming on your face and listened to the conversation.
You two would have these sweet moments together where you'd say something and then smile to yourself before noticing Fred smile and you two would literally just stare at each other until some background noise broke the tension.
Everyone is watching you two hoping one of you speaks up.
You bunk with Ginny and eventually you two become close friends.
She's always telling you about this crush on a boy named Harry who sometimes stays with them during the summer
You smile and listen.
You never say anything about Fred because you're worried he'll hear you.
But one day you and him went on a walk
Your hair was pulled back and you were watching the wheat in a field sway
The farmer had a wooden fence separating the road from the field and you were leaning on it
Fred was watching you because how could he not.
There was this one loose strand of hair that wiggled with the air.
Fred's hand seemed to have a life of it's own because he tucked that strand behind your ear and just...
He rested his fingers on your chin once you turned to him
Your face was naturally becoming warmer
Your lips parted-- had they always looked so soft?
But what made you die inside is that YOU were the one that kissed Fred
It surprised the fuck out of him
I mean he enjoyed it. Obviously. But it still surprised him
You immediately pulled away and blinked
Fred opened his mouth and you held out your hand
"Don't. Say. Anything."
So you two left it at that.
But Fred definitely had a lot more flirty moments now that he knew you liked him back.
But you were a lot more jumpier.
He'd do this thing where he'd lean in near your ear and just say "Hi"
You'd jump up and bolt across the room and he'd smirk.
Ginny is sitting there wondering what the hell happened between you two.
You guys go back to school and you of course still stick close with Fred
But you definitely still are very jumpy.
But there's this one moment that changed it all.
You were in the library reading and Fred was sleeping next to you, red hair dangling in his face.
You kept seeing that peaceful face and it was driving you insane.
But you just reached out and moved his hair from his face, making him grab your wrist.
He's a light sleeper.
When you share a room with a notorious prankster you have to SLEEP LIGHT.
Your face was really fucking red.
"Your nose kept twitching and I figured it was because of your hair I'm sorry." You said quickly.
He chuckled and shook his head as you rambled.
"I swear to God I just need to stay in my lane. I need to just ignore all of the outside factors and read, everything was so simple when I'd just read--"
Fred closed your book and you looked at him.
"Y/n, I like you." He said.
"....What?" You asked.
"I. like. You. Actually no. I love you. A lot. You're my entire damn world." Fred said.
You blinked a couple of times.
"S-so when I kissed you... I wasn't reading too much into things?" You asked.
"No! If you didn't kiss me I would've kissed you!" He laughed
"....Can I do it again?" You asked making him look at you.
"Well shit Princess, you don't have to ask." Fred snorted before you finally kissed him.
He put his hands on your waist and thanked his lucky stars you usually sat AWAY from everyone else because he full on made out with you.
You finally pulled away for air and both of you smiled.
You two were now officially inseparable.
Those days in the library were now even more adorable because: yes. You still would read. But you'd be playing with Fred's hair while he slept
There would be days when you'd sit in the Gryffindor common room and talk with the Wealsey's while Fred's arms were wrapped around you.
You two have been found numerous times passed out on the couch on each other
And not even Mcgonagall dares to separate you two.
When he finally meets your family they're like "Ooohhhhh we get it now"
Then George pops out (he insisted on coming)
And they're like "Oh... Oh no this is going to be hard"
Summers were even better now
Days where you two would just sit there and he'd have his head in your lap while you read. You'd look down and kiss him.
During exams you'd try to help him study
Oh that boy knew the information. So the study sessions more turned into make out sessions.
You'd get frustrated because you're there to study.
But damn it you were only human and he was way too attractive for you to focus when he'd bite his lip
Molly was grateful for you though, his grades actually did improve drastically
You guys loved the trips to hogsmeade because it was literally like a school funded DATE
May and George gagging after witnessing you two making out
You still having snowball fights with him and George
Having to go back to school and let your uniforms dry because uhm.. snow melts. And clothes get wet from snowball fights
You having to borrow a shirt from Fred
Sitting in the common room wearing a sweater that's his and him dying inside because you're fucking ADORABLE HOLY FUCK!
Sipping on hot cocoa with a book in Fred's arms
You being made headgirl because somehow you're the most responsible in your house
You finding out and Fred being like "I'm proud of you!" And you're like "I'm not! I have to get on to people!"
The hilarious argument of "I can't be headgirl, I'm not assertive enough for this shit"
Him trying to teach you to be assertive and maybe getting turned on in the process.
Getting distracted because uh...
I wasn't joking Fred found you to be ridiculously attractive when you had to be assertive
You walking out with your ties mixed up
George nearly pissing himself from laughter after it's pointed out
"Why is Fred wearing a Ravenclaw tie?"
And you sinking down in your seat, DYING INTERNALLY.
Fred and you having to switch them back before Mcgonagall notices.
Molly giving you sweaters for Christmas and you wearing them proudly
You still steal Fred's sometimes though
Sometimes you go home with Fred for Christmas and Molly LOVES it when you're there
Ginny loves it too (aside from you making out with his brother because ew)
George and you being best friends and you having to bail him out all the time with alibis
Fred always finding new ways to surprise you.
Fred loving you in general and always whispering sweet little compliments in your ear when he hugs you from behind
Fred always being there if you need help
His hugs. That's it. Just his hugs make you feel instantly better about life
You love this boy
And he definitely loves you.
229 notes · View notes
doctenwho · 4 years
Should Be Me
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Hello! Thank you for the prompt, and all the kind things you said! It means a lot that you like what I make :)
I wasn’t sure what to do with the someone who likes/ flirts with reader, so I just went with Jack Harkness. It adds a bit more because the Doctor isn’t really Jack’s biggest fan, and I thought it added more of a blow to the sitaution! Hopefully you don’t mind, and I got Jack’s character decently right.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 4,505
Summary: Read the prompt above!
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(Gif is not mine! Credit to creator!)
You’d met very few of the Doctor’s friends. Well, you weren’t even sure you could call them friends, the Doctor never really seemed too happy to see any of them. So... acquaintances maybe? People who knew of the Doctor, but had never really seen the man as much more than a savior, or a guardian of sorts. There was usually at least one where ever you went, the Doctor had really made a name for himself. 
You’d asked before, of friends he had around the universe, or of people who stood out to him in his years of travels, and even people who he thought about from time to time. He of course mentioned his past companions—Rose, and Martha and Donna too, as well as a few others from before he’d regenerated, but you weren’t really sure that was the same as a friend.  
Companions were really on a field of their own when it came to the Doctor.
He tended to avoid the question whenever you brought it up, or whenever you talked about some of your own friends back on earth. You knew he didn’t really like talking about himself—nothing too personal because he didn’t like getting attached, but that didn’t mean you weren’t curious.  
Few people ever called out to the Doctor, and never in friendly tones. If the Doctor was being called out in a crowd, he was usually ushering you along and insisting that the two of you run from whoever was calling.  
And on earth, whenever he was noticed (which did occasionally happened) it was never someone who really knew him, and instead fans, or people obsessed with the aspect of aliens, who’d heard stories of the Doctor.  
So... you’d never really met anyone the Doctor had told you about. Not really past companions, or creature on other planets, or just anyone who knew the Doctor more than occasional conversation.  
Well, until one evening in an alien bar not so different from any of the ones back on earth.  
The day had been long, you and the Doctor escaping danger, but just barely. The Doctor had come out of the event chipper and energized, but you, well, you were a bit tired. It turned out threats on your like tended to wear you out.
The Doctor had perked you up with the promise of a nice bar within the galaxy that he was happy to take you to, since you were a bit down. You’d agreed only because you could do with a drink right now. The Doctor didn’t have any liquor in the TARDIS, and you wouldn’t even really trust anything you found in the kitchen, even if you did happen across something.  
There was always that thought in the back of your head that you were in a space-time ship, even if looked very much like a house down the twists and turns of the TARDIS. You couldn’t just trust everything you found, as safe as the Doctor tended to be.  
The Doctor promised it was a popular bar among the aliens and human space travelers alike, and that nothing truly harmful for you to ingest could be found (and at your raised eyebrow, the Doctor promised to taste everything before you, just in case).
It hadn’t taken long to arrive at said bar, the Doctor managed to land the TARDIS in a broom closet in the bar, and then the two of you were stepping out the TARDIS doors, and then the broom closet doors, and greeted by a lively bar.  
True to the Doctor’s word, the bar wasn’t just filled with aliens, but many humans too. The bar tender was a creature you’d never seen before, but looked friendly enough as he took people’s orders and served drinks. The atmosphere was great, there was music that was noticeable, but not overwhelming, as well as some sort of sport playing on a weird looking television above the alcohol lining the shelves behind the bar.  
There was friendly chatter, that faded off into multiple different languages that probably would’ve overwhelmed the TARDIS if she would’ve tried to translate everything for you. A lot of the patrons were speaking English, and the bar tender seemed to be switching to whichever language he was spoken to in.
Over all, it wasn’t much different than any of the bars you’d been to on earth. The same energy. The same scene. Alcohol. Patrons. The only noticeable difference was, of course, the aliens sitting on stools around the small but crowded bar.  
“Fantastic, isn’t it?” the Doctor asked at your side, leaning into you so he wasn’t shouting over the music, or whatever game was on the space TV. “I told you there would be humans here too.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you laughed, leaning towards him so he could hear you as well, “you were right.”
“Of course I was,” the Doctor grinned, prideful and playful, “let’s get us a drink, shall we?”
“Sounds like a plan,” you agreed. You followed close behind the Doctor, who was sparing greetings at some of the patrons who looked your way. Everyone seemed nice enough, which was all you could really ask for as a human in a space bar.  
You were just happy you weren’t the only human for the first time in what felt like forever.  
You could thankfully read some of the alcohols lining the shelves, a couple from your earth. There was a bunch of alcohols that you had no idea where they’d even come from, and a couple drinks on patron's hands had you confused.  
You were curious about them, but not curious enough to try anything. You’d stick to drinks you knew this time. You just weren’t sure which drink you should go with. There were quite a few to choose from, and you really didn’t know what the bar actually had for making drinks.  
“Order for me?” you asked the Doctor, sliding into one of the empty seats at the bar while the Doctor stood beside you for a second. The Doctor studied you for a second before bowing his head in an easy nod and looking back towards the bartender. He moved swiftly to an opening at the bar a few feet away, waiting to be noticed so he could order the drinks.  
The Doctor knew a few drinks you liked. You had been traveling with him for a few years now, and you had dragged him to a human bar a couple times on your many trips to earth ever few months. Plus, this way, you didn’t accidently order something wrong. The bartender spoke English, as far as you knew, but that didn’t mean things couldn’t get lost in translation.  
The Doctor was ordering drinks as soon as the man tending the bar came around to him, both leaned towards each other on either side of the counter to hear the other over the noise of the bar.  
“Well, hello there,” a voice beside you called. You turned fast, looking away from the Doctor and coming face to face with a human looking gentleman. “You’re not from around here.”
It wasn’t a question, but you being a human was fairly obvious. And humans were greatly lacking in space travel, where most other planets were not. There were far fewer humans than any other creature in this specific bar, even if there were more than what you were expecting.  
You wanted to say the same to him, but you just didn’t know. He honestly could be from around here, despite him looking so very human. He looked pretty human, just as human as you looked. But then again, the Doctor also looked pretty human, and he was a Time-Lord many, many years older than you.  
You couldn’t help but notice just how familiar (in the human sense) the man was. The little quirks and traits of the man. He had a nice, flirty smile, and bright eyes that were watching you closely, but not in a creepy way.  
Like ninety percent human, you were sure.  
“I’m not,” you cleared your throat before agreeing easily, “and what about you? From around here?”
“I’m from everywhere, been here and there, you know,” the man gave you a dazzling grin before leaning a bit closer, “Jack,” he introduced, holding his hand out for you to shake—a familiar and very human gesture, “Jack Harkness.”
You hesitated for a moment before deciding to be bold and taking his hand into you own, “(Y/N).”
“(Y/N),” he repeated with that grin, “a beautiful name for a beautiful gal.”
You could barely stop your cheeks from heating up at the compliment. You could already tell this guy was a flirt, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t friendly. And... well, you kinda liked the attention from the man. It was nice, considering the Doctor was always so guarded whenever he was around you.  
You knew the Doctor liked you, but sometimes it really didn’t feel like it. He was always guarded, and watching himself—holding himself back for whatever reason.
“You must be from earth,” Jack continued on, “someone as pretty as you would have to be from earth. Gems like you are always from earth.”
“I am,” you told him, before briefly wondering if that was like telling a random guy in an earth bar your street address. Would you be easy to find if he knew your planet? “Are you from earth too?”
“I am,” he flashed another grin, “I was an earth time traveler turned space traveler. Different points in time on earth was great and all, but I was shown a world far greater than ours, and I just fell in love with it, which,” he lulled his head in your direction as he took a sip of his drink, “I’m sure is not far off from you, am I right?”
It sounded a lot like you. The Doctor had really shown you a world greater than you own, and now you weren’t sure you could ever be content living on earth again—not when you knew there was so much out there. “You could say that,” you agreed.  
He gave you another grin, “so, can I buy you a drink?”
You opened your mouth to reply, but before you could, someone was brushing up beside you, and a drink was set right beside your hand. You turned, smiling up at the Doctor, who was giving the stranger a hesitant, guarded look.  
You looked back at Jack, just as his eyes trailed up from the cup still int the Doctor’s hand, up to the Doctor’s face. He stared for a second, before he broke into a grin brighter than anything, he’d given you since sitting down beside you, “Doctor! It’s been a while!”
“Captain,” the Doctor frowned.
And then you were confused. “You two know each other?”
“We do,” Jack turned his attention back to you, eyes warm, “he’s the one who introduced me to space travel. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the Doctor.”
You looked between the two of them for a second, from Jack’s gleeful look at finding the Doctor again, to the Doctor’s look of masked disdain, before it finally clicked, “Jack was one of you companions?” you turned swiftly, jaw dropping in surprise.  
You’d never met a companion—and definitely not one the Doctor had never breathed a word of. This was a huge surprise, and you weren’t sure if it was a good one, or a bad one. You’d never really thought of the Doctor having any male companions, not when all he talked about was the female ones.  
The Doctor furrowed his eyebrows in the way he did while he was trying to figure out how to explain something to you, before frowning at Jack, “for a while, yeah.”
“Well, a bit longer than a while--” Jack paused, now looking between you and the Doctor, “wait, if she’s here with you, that must mean (Y/N) is your companion, right? We were just getting to know each other, small universe.”
“Clearly,” the Doctor frowned distastefully. “What’re you doing here?”
“The same as everyone else,” Jack informed with a grin, taking another sip of his drink, “having a drink, and talking with the pretty patrons.” The man all but fluttered his eyelashes at you, and you had to glance away before your face flushed brightly at the compliment.  
“Some lovely ladies here tonight,” he slid a bit closer, and you couldn’t find it in yourself to be mad at it. The Doctor however, looked as if he was barely containing himself. And that in itself was a sight to see, since the man was usually so well put together.  
The Doctor scowled at Jack, then dropped his attention to you, frowning at your flushed cheeks before returning his scowl back onto Jack. “No,” the Doctor’s expression hardened, “stop that.”
“Stop what?” Jack raised his hands in mock surrender, but his smile was teasing and he was clearly trying to rile the Doctor up in a way you couldn’t understand. “I’m not doing anything.”
The Doctor glowered at Jack, who simply lifted his drink to his lip and took a sip, “we were just talking, weren’t we? No harm there, Doc.”
“Just talking,” you agreed, looking back at the Doctor with a raised eyebrow. “Is there something going on between the two of you that I don’t know about?”
“No,” the Doctor said with a sigh as he finally withdrew his hand from your drink, “it’s not important. Nor the time, or the place to get into that. He’s just a companion who could no longer travel with me.”  
Jack was frowning at the Doctor as he spoke, but he didn’t say anything to refute it. They were tense, the both of them. You desperately wanted to know what had happened for the Doctor to not want Jack as a companion anymore—just to know what not to do.  
You lifted your drink up to sniff as a way out of the stiff atmosphere the men had created, frowning at it hesitantly, before holding it out to the Doctor. The man looked at you for a moment before he was taking the glass and taking the promised taste test sip. “It’s completely fine, I promise,” he told you with a fond smile that had wiped away the glare he’d had locked on Jack.  
As soon as he glanced away from you though, the grim expression was back.  
“So,” Jack cleared his throat, tension disappearing and flirty smile returning as he rested his chin in his hand, and looked towards you. “Where were we?”
“You were offering to buy me a drink,” you gave a laugh as you lifted the drink the Doctor had brought you to your lips. It was not something you’d ever had on earth, but it was delicious. “Someone beat you to it. Tough competition around here.”
“Right,” Jack laughed as well, “maybe I can buy the next one?”
“Maybe you could,” you couldn’t resist the tease in your voice. You didn’t bother looking back at the Doctor who was sitting himself on the seat on your other side. The other patron must’ve left.  
The Doctor didn’t say anything, which was slightly worrying. But if he wasn’t going to give you a solid reason as to why you shouldn’t be talking to Jack, you were going to go off your own experience with him, which was pretty good.
Conversation with Jack was easy. He liked to talk, and he was very intriguing. Everything he told you, had you on the edge of your seat. He threw in compliments that had you blushing, and talking in a sultry tone that had the Doctor scoffing beside you.  
Jack told you stories of his time at war, and his travel stories—which you shared a few of you own. He told you about his adventures with Rose and Martha, as well as his meeting with Donna. You were a bit jealous of that, since you’d never met any of them, but you supposed you’d met Jack now, who still counted as one of the Doctor’s companions.  
Jack told you stories of his time with the Doctor, to which the Doctor jumped in and steered the stories away from himself and onto Jack. Some kind of rivalry between the two of them?
You talked with Jack for ages, the Doctor sitting near silently beside you, listening as well, but also completely dismissive of everything Jack was saying. It was weird to see the Doctor like this. He was usually so chipper and happy. And by the way he talked about his other companions, and the few run ins he’d had with them after their travels, you’d expected the man to be a bit happier about seeing Jack.  
You did have a second drink, which Jack insisted you try one of his favorites and then bought for you. You thought about asking the Doctor to test it, like the first one, but Jack had ordered the same thing for himself, and had taken a sip of his first, so you decided it was probably okay.  
That drink was good too, but you liked the one the Doctor ordered for you more.  
It was nice to be talking to another human who’s seen the things you’d seen, as well as who’d travelled with the Doctor. And Jack seemed like a really nice guy, and had you not been completely enthralled by the Doctor, you might’ve even been interested in really getting to know him.  
He was a bit too... friendly for you currently though, especially when you had no interest in any man besides the Doctor, not that he’d ever looked at you in that way.  
“Well,” Jack smiled widely, “it’s been great meeting you, (Y/N). I’m sure it’ll be ages before I meet someone as lovely as you again.”
You bit your lip to stop yourself from blushing again, watching as Jack drained what was left of his drink. You saw the Doctor roll his eyes out of the corner of your eye as he muttered a ‘stop it’ under his breath.
“I’ve gotta get going,” Jack finally said, “but I hope I’ll see you again sometime, (Y/N). It really was a pleasure.”
“Maybe,” you smiled with shrug. You weren’t really flirting back, just playing a bit, “if you’re lucky.”
“Well, I sure hope I am then,” Jack gave you a wink before giving a small laugh. He stood from his seat, and grabbed his coat from the back of his chair before he looked towards the Doctor, “it was nice seeing you as well, Doctor.”
“Yeah,” the Doctor sigh, finally looking at Jack with something that wasn’t a scowl. He didn’t look happy by any means, but it was a step up from scowling, “I’m sure we’ll meet again. You’re pretty hard to get rid of.”
“You know it,” Jack gave another bright smile, but this one was more knowing than the others. Some secret you probably couldn’t crack even if you tried, “you know better than anyone, Doc.”
The Doctor huffed what could almost be a laugh, as he gave Jack a small smile. With that, Jack threw a wave over his shoulder and disappeared into the crowd. You watched the way he’d gone for a second before looking back at the Doctor, who was frowning as he stared off into space.  
“Doctor?” you questioned hesitantly. He looked towards you with a blank expression before he gave you a small smile as well. This one was a bit bigger than the one he shot Jack though. “Are you alright?”
“Fine,” he answered quickly, “let’s get back to the TARDIS. Places to be, things to see.”
He stood up, staying in place as you quickly finished off your glass and stood to follow him. Like coming in, you stayed close to the Doctor on the way out. He pulled the door to the broom closet open, letting you in before following suit and shutting the door behind himself.  
The two of you stepped into the TARDIS, and as usual, the Doctor was quick to leave.  
You sat silently on the chair, as the Doctor did circles around the control console, flying the TARDIS as he usually did. But something was different. Something was different with the Doctor. He was quiet. Quieter than you’d ever seen him, and the only thing that could’ve caused that was Jack.  
“What’s the matter?” you asked quietly from where you were sitting. The Doctor gave a hum of acknowledgment, but didn’t bother looking at you.  
“I’m fine,” he told you, but his voice gave him away. He didn’t sound fine.  
“No,” you huffed, “really, what’s the matter?”
When he finally looked at you, his eyes were sad, and he was trying not to frown, “why do you think something’s wrong?”
“Why won’t you tell me what’s wrong?” you asked, a bit hurt he wasn’t saying what was bothering him. You’d been with his for years now, and he still told you nothing. He still refused to let himself be sad or vulnerable around you. “Did Jack do something wrong?”
“No,” the Doctor sighed, running a hand through his hair, “not really. It’s... it’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”
“I am worried about it though,” you told him honestly. “Please tell me what’s wrong.”
The Doctor looked at you with a kicked puppy look before he dropped his attention to the floor. He didn’t say anything for a moment, like he was trying to figure out how to say something, “I... well, I didn’t like that.”
“Didn’t like what?” You raised a confused eyebrow, unsure of what the Doctor was talking about. You’d thought the even was nice.
“Jack and... and you. The, uh, flirting.”
“The flirting?” You blinked, “what was wrong with it?”
“I just didn’t like it,” the Doctor frowned, “Not with.... not Jack. He shouldn’t be flirting with you. Honestly, he’s far too friendly with everyone he meets, and I don’t think he’s good for.... for you.”
You scrunched your nose up as your eyebrows furrowed. You didn’t know what that meant, but it didn’t answer any questions. It actually annoyed you a bit, that the Doctor would be mad you were flirting with someone else when he didn’t give you the time of day.  
“I liked Jack,” you told the Doctor, crossing your arms across your chest. “He was nice, and I have no reason not to like Jack, Doctor. And I can flirt with whoever I want too, why would that upset you?”
“Of course,” the man agreed quickly, looking spooked and apologetic, “I didn’t mean anything by that, you’re free to do as you please, I just... never mind, it’s not important. Anywhere you’d like to go?”
“Stop doing that,” you told him annoyed. “You always do that, just tell me it's not important and change the subject. Why don’t you tell me anything?”
The Doctor frowned, dropping his attention from you once more. You narrowed your eyes at him, debating between continuing the conversation and leaving to your room for the night.  
“I didn’t like him flirting with you because I don’t like anyone flirting with you,” the Doctor spoke into the room, “I don’t like anyone flirting with you, not while I’m around... Well, not at all, but certainly not while I’m around. It should be me, I should be the one making you laugh like that and flirting with you. And it irks me when people do so anyways, because you’re not mine. I have no say, it truly is your choice, (Y/N). You could leave me tomorrow—back to earth, or to join Jack or someone else, and there’s nothing I can do about it because you’re not mine.”
“Not yours?” you repeated before you froze, blinking at the Doctor, “you... you were jealous? Of Jack?”
The Doctor made a face of embarrassment before giving an approving dip of his head. “I’m sorry. I have no right to be jealous, I know. But I can’t help it, you’re my companion, and I’ve never... felt like this with any of my other companions.”
“You like me?” You asked softly, because you thought he didn’t. He’d never said anything.
“More than anything,” he breathed with a frown, “I tried not to get attached, like I always do with companions,” he told you, “I really did. But you’re just... you’re you, and it was a lost cause. I was destined to fail at keeping you at arm's length from the moment you first smiled at me.”
You’d never imagined the Doctor could say anything like that. That the Doctor would ever be jealous of a man flirting with you, because he never showed any interest in you.  
“I can’t stand seeing you with someone else,” the Doctor told you, “it breaks my heart, because I want so badly for it to be me you like--”
“It is you I like.”
The Doctor stopped, blinking repeatedly at you. He looked like his brain had just short-circuited. Like he couldn’t believe what you’d just said.  
“I like you too,” you replied in a soft, fond voice, “I have from the start. I just... didn’t think you liked me in return. And I didn’t want to ruin this, Doctor. I couldn’t ruin our friendship if you didn’t feel the same way.”
“Really?” the man looked completely overjoyed by the news. “I... never noticed. You-- you’re serious?”
“Completely,” you gave a laugh, “I thought you just didn’t want to mention it. I didn’t know you really didn’t know.”
“I didn’t,” he assured with a surprised expression, “I didn’t think you’d ever like me like I like you, so I... never said anything. I suppose I just couldn’t handle seeing Jack flirt with you.”
“You really don’t like the guy, do you?”
“It’s not that I don’t like him,” the Doctor huffed, “it’s just that—you know what? We can get into that later. Right now, though... I’d really like to kiss you, if that’s alright with you?”
“Fine with me,” you grinned, watching as the Doctor returned the smile and made his way towards you. He’d stabilized the TARDIS right after you’d gotten angry at him, so he didn’t have to worry about it.  
“You’ve no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this for,” he muttered as he leaned towards you. His eyes were locked with yours, warm and adoring.
The Doctor settled one of his knees beside you, his other supported him on the floor, pressing against your knees as he leaned into your space. His arm curled around your waist as he brushed his nose against yours.  
You tilted your head for a better angle, as your arm wrapped around the back of his neck. You smiled as you pulled him just a bit closer by your hold on him, fluttering your lashes at him.
“Well,” you teased, “get on with it then, Doctor.”
Don’t mind me trying to write Jack because I couldn’t come up with a whole character with a personality (which I’m truly terrible at) for this prompt. Hopefully no one minds, and I didn’t butcher his personality to badly. What I know about him is just from seasons 2-4 of Doctor Who, and a bit of research, so sorry if anything’s wrong!
Anywho, as always, feel free to prompt again if this wasn’t what you were looking for! Thanks once more for sending a prompt, and I hope I did it justice!
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beccascribbles · 4 years
1am wake up call - t.oikawa, h.iwaizumi, t.kageyama, w.ushijima
in which y/n gets woken up at night
warnings - references to sex, some swearing
word count - 1.9k
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being woken up by pebbles hitting your window was not how you expected to be woken up
you didn’t expect your phone to be incessantly buzzing either but that was your boyfriend for you
you peeked your head out of the window to be greeted by his smiling face
he did look adorable in his sweatpants and alien sweatshirt but you weren’t inclined to tell him that
he waved his phone at you, an indication for you to check his messages
‘we’re going stargazing’ ‘the sky looks really clear tonight’ ‘you’ll love it. i promise’
with a sigh and a slight smile at how cute he was being today, you shuffled around your room, grabbing some sweatpants from the floor and the hoodie tooru had left at yours earlier that same day
quietly you slipped out of the front door so as to not wake your parents (they would not be pleased to learn you were sneaking out to be with your boyfriend)
giggling, he grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you towards his car
it was clear he was giddy with excitement... and that he had planned this specific trip as a little picnic basket and a few blankets decorated the backseat
it wasn’t unusual to be awoken by your boyfriend, what was unusual was the amount of effort that had gone into it
usually he just snuck into your room and you cuddled up in bed together or watched some videos (mainly youtube, namely conspiracy theory videos)
he parked and grabbed everything from the car, you grabbing a few of the blankets
he then grabbed your hand and lead you into this field where, he claimed, you would be most likely to see the stars
without warning, he placed the basket on the floor and spread the blanket out alongside it. he spread the contents of the basket onto the blanket, revealing some of your favourite foods
then, he pulled you down beside him, wrapping an arm around you as you lay down together, your head resting against his shoulder as you stared up at the sky
he was right, it was exceptionally clear tonight, the stars appearing as brighter than usual
excitedly, he pointed out constellations. he cheeks were flushed and he was pointing enthusiastically, tracing the shapes to help you make them out clearer
truth be told, you were too focused on him, on the way his face had relaxed, as if all his worries and fears had left him momentarily
“are you even looking at them, y/n-chan?”
blushing lightly, you shook your head, letting out an embarrassed chuckle
“sorry, tooru. you were just too cute that i couldn’t help but stare at you.”
his kissed your lips gently, sweetly
“i get distracted by you too.”
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“where are you taking me at 1am, haji? i was enjoying my sleep before you woke me up. by the way, you didn’t have to climb through my bedroom window. i’m not sleeping beauty.”
he couldn’t help but chuckle at your words, his hand giving your thigh a gentle squeeze as he drove
you weren’t angry, he could tell by the teasing grin on your face as you looked at him and the way your fingers entangled with the hand he currently had on your thigh
“that, my love, is a surprise.”
you pouted in response, which was no big shock. you weren’t a big fan of being out of the loop, even if it was a surprise
“but that’s hardly fair. i didn’t have to leave the comfort of my bed, but here i am.”
“good things come to those who wait.”
you left out a little huff that made him chuckle. he found it quite endearing, that little puff of air you would release to convey your frustration and annoyance
it wasn’t long before he pulled the car to a stop, turning to you with a grin. “we’re here.”
the here happened to be an empty parking lot, though it was clear there was something hidden within the trees to the north
“if you wanted to tick having sex in the car of your sexual bucket list, you could have just told me instead of dragging me out here”
iwaizumi blushed at your words, giving you a playful glare. “that wasn’t the plan but if you really want to...”
he moved his hand to the back of your neck and pulled you towards him, pressing his lips against yours in a searing kiss. the kiss was over way too quickly for your taste and you gripped his shirt, pulling him back in. before your lips could meet his, he stopped you, his breath fanning your face
“i think we should get back to the task at hand.”
he smirked, pulling back and unlocking the car door, walking around to the boot to pull out some towels
he wrapped an arm around your waist as he lead you into the trees
the sound of rushing water met your ears and you turned to him with a wide grin
swimming at night had always been something you were intrigued to do
together, you stripped, folding your discarded clothes and placing them on a rock that was a good distance away from the splash zone
you let an appreciative whistle as you eyed your boyfriend. you would have to thank volleyball for his body. unable to resist, you gave his ass a light tap as you walked past, jumping into the cool water before he could react
“holy shit! it’s really fucking cold” you gasped. iwaizumi laughed at your reaction
“maybe i’ll just stay up here then.”
“while i am enjoying the view, you better get in, you dick. it was your idea.”
with a shrug, he stepped back a few steps before sprinting forward, cannonballing into the water with a loud splash, causing a rush of water to hit you in the face
“you arsehole!” you yelled, sending an arc of water towards him
needless to say, the once peaceful natural pool was now the host of a water fight of epic proportions
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kageyama was probably the last person you expected to be calling you at 1am, not that you were complaining when his face, eyes blurred with sleep popped up on your phone screen
“hi, tobio. are you okay? you look tired. why aren’t you asleep?”
“i could ask you the same thing y/n. can you open the door?”
it was only then that you realised that his background wasn’t that of his bedroom but the porch outside your house
you got out of bed, pulling a sweater over your pyjamas, figuring a tank top and sleep shorts wasn’t the most appropriate attire for being outside
as quietly as you could, you left your room, creeping down the stairs and retrieving the key with as little noise as possible
when you opened the door, you saw the figure of your boyfriend sat on the step, his dark hair messy
shutting the door silently behind you, you tiptoed forward, wrapping your arms around him and resting your chin on his shoulder. he tensed before relaxing into your familiar touch
kageyama wanted to touch you. to hold you. he turned his head slightly to meet your eyes, his dark blue ones shining with vulnerability
“can i hold you?”
wordlessly, you detached yourself from him, moving around so you were stood in front of him. his hands came to rest at the backs of your thighs and you wrapped your arms around his neck
he pulled you down so you were straddling him, his arms wrapped firmly around your waist as he buried his face into the crook of your neck
no words were needed. they were unnecessary. your touch bought him all the comfort he needed
“do you want to come inside?” you questioned, pulling away slightly to brush his fringe away from his face and place a kiss on his forehead
he nodded as you pulled away from him. you held out a hand, waiting for him to entangle his fingers with yours
you lead him into your house and up to your room, where you pulled him over to your bed
you crawled under the covers and looked over at him. he stood awkwardly beside the bed, unsure of whether to join you or not
sitting up slightly, you took his hands in your grip and pulled him down beside you
once he was actually under the covers, he relaxed, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you flush against him
he pressed a kiss to your exposed neck, murmuring an ‘i love you’ against your skin
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he wanted to do something special for you, not because it was your birthday but because he wanted to show you how much he appreciated your support
he had said as much to tendou, who had told him that girls appreciated surprises and then had went on to show him multiple videos of girls crying due to a grand gesture from their boyfriend
he didn’t understand how a bouquet of roses had caused someone to burst into tears but he was willing to try some of the ideas, particularly when he had seen how happy they had made those in the videos
why he had decided to wake you up at 1am for said surprise was mainly tendou’s idea
in his words, ‘the cover of darkness makes everything romantic’
what ushijima wasn’t prepared for was how much of a heavy sleeper you were. he had tried calling you, thrown a few pebbles at your bedroom window like he’d seen in the movies. no luck
but, he did know where you kept the spare key. he debated whether it was appropriate to enter your house uninvited, particularly when his presence was unknown
however, it was supposed to be a surprise so the unexpected route was probably best (another tip that tendou had shared with him)
he made his way up to your room, careful to avoid making any noise as he did not want to wake the other inhabitants
he pushed your door open, placing some of the items he was holding on the floor while keeping one concealed behind his back, a bouquet of your favourite flowers
he lent over you, shaking your shoulder with his free hand
the unexpected contact made you leap up, grabbing blindly for a weapon of some sort only to stop short when you recognised your boyfriend’s face
“what the fuck, toshi!” you whisper-yelled, the anger evident in your expression
“i brought you flowers.”
he pulled the flowers out from behind his back, holding them out for you to take
confused, you took them from him
“i also bought some food. i made it myself so you should like it. i’ve also got my laptop so we can watch some netflix. i know you like that.”
“i appreciate it toshi but why are you here at 1am? could this not have waited until morning?”
“tendou said girls like surprises and i thought it was a good way of showing you how much you mean to me.”
you looked at him blankly. this man. with a sigh and a soft smile, you sat up in behind, moving over to give him some space to join you
“why don’t you grab that stuff by the door and we can eat the food you made while watching a movie like you planned?”
he nodded, pulling the cupcakes and his laptop from his bag before joining you on the bed
you leaned against him as the movie began to play, taking a large bite from the cupcake you had just picked up
“wow! this is delicious. when did you learn how to bake!?”
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lovelivingmydreams · 3 years
A story by heroes and villains
Virgil Anker: better together
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Virgil learns to accept help from others.
“Ugh! I am done!” Virgil glanced up from his assignment to see Roman let himself fall back into his chair with relief. Their first study session had gone rather well. They should probably reserve one of the discussion booths next time. The poor librarian had needed to remind them to be quiet multiple times. They’d just had too much fun. But Virgil could understand Roman’s exhaustion. It was time they wrapped things up. “Give me a sec, I have to finish this thing for English,” he muttered absentmindedly as he focused once more.
“Want me to read it trough for you?”
Virgil looked up in surprise. “You don’t…” he started. He didn’t even know why he was feeling like he’d done something wrong right now. Picani might be able to help him figure it out during their session after Virgil got back from his trip to the zoo with uncle Thomas tomorrow.
“We’re here to help each other Virgil. If I didn’t want to help you I wouldn’t offer. I thrive on being of help to my friends. It’s no trouble.” Right. Roman was like that. For everyone, not just him. It was okay to let him help. Virgil found himself smiling a little sheepishly and nodded. “Alright. You can read it when I’m done,” he allowed quickly turning back to his work.
When he finished his essay he looked up to find Roman in the zone. Which was excellent. It made it easier to sneak up on him. Apparently those with ADHD were extra susceptible to his cloak. Did he have proof for that? Well it was more of a hypothesis, but he had no means to test it. It made sense though.
And Roman had yet to prove him wrong.
Virgil cloaked himself, moved to stand right next to Roman and looked over his shoulder. It looked like he was designing a fashion line. Trans girl dresses, Pansexual messenger bags… as well as formal clothing inspired by broadway and Disney characters it seemed. He dropped his cloak.
“Seems I’m not the only one who can draw up some clothes.” Virgil had to stifle his laughter when that observation nearly made Roman jump 4 feet in the air.
“Will you stop that!?” he hissed.
“Not a chance,” Virgil chuckled as he picked up Roman’s sketches.
“This looks good though… You ever thought of becoming a fashion designer?” he suggested casually, allowing himself to imagine starting a brand with Roman someday.
“You are a genius!” Roman exclaimed, making Virgil’s heart jump.
He played it cool though. He’d gotten good at that over the last two years. Pretending that Roman’s smile didn’t turn his insides upside down. “It’s the least I can do. I sent in the designs like you said… I’m kind of excited.” He was. He hoped to catch a glimpse when he went out tonight.
“I’m sure next time you see DreamPrince on the news he’ll be wearing your design.” It was nice, having someone believe in him like that. Other than his dads that is.
“We’ll see,” he smiled as he handed Roman his laptop.
“Well,” Roman announced after a while. “I think you can hand this in with confidence Virge.”
Virgil felt himself relax at that. Roman wouldn’t say that if he didn’t mean it.
“So… I recall something about pizza? I’m starving!”
Virgil chuckled and lead the hungry Hispanic to the restaurant he’d suggested.
Virgil reminded himself over and over that this wasn’t a date, but it was very hard. Especially when, near the end of their meal Roman suddenly started acting nervous. “So… Um… There’s this… Shoot wait a minute,” Roman got up and picked up his phone.
“Si mama…? Que?” Virgil watched Roman look at his watch and jump.
“Perdona! I’ll be there soon.” With that he hung up and took out his wallet. Rambling all the way.
“So sorry Virge! Time got away from us I’m afraid. I swear I intended to give you that ride… Can you call your dad… You know what? Just use the change to take the bus or a cab or something alright? My treat! I’ll call you later!” he promised as he tossed down a few bills before rushing away. Leaving Virgil behind a little stunned. Maybe it was a family thing? It looked urgent.
He took the bus as it was cheaper and there was a stop in his new street.
The house was nice. Though Virgil wasn’t used to it yet. Especially now, when his dads weren’t home, it felt weird being here. Luckily he didn’t plan on staying too long.
He texted his dad while getting dressed. By the time he left the house, he got a reply.
“Don’t wait up. Patton and Thomas say hi. Thomas wants to remind you of the trip to the zoo tomorrow.” Virgil smiled, he didn’t know uncle Thomas was going to be there too… Maybe these projects were just poker nights with the boys. He might have to ask them about it when they got home.
Regardless, duty called.
Virgil was starting to think that he might need to do take a break from turning in evidence for a bit. The criminals were getting agitated.
“I say we attack now! They are weak! We can take them down easily!” he heard one guy suggest. No, turf wars were a bad idea. Clearly he hadn’t thought about maintaining the power balance enough. Good thing he was about to even the playing field again. All these idiots had to do was get caught on his camera with something very illegal, preferably saying the bosses name or any clue the police could use for some kind of big bust.
The leader of this troupe seemed rather well respected. Virgil had learned to spot the difference between the ranks, and if this guy wasn’t answering to the big guy himself, then he was pretty close.
“Boss says we have a truce until the rat is found,” The big dude in question stated.
A truce? Was he that much of a threat? Should he feel flattered or scared?
The tugs argued back and forth a bit more and Virgil was seriously considering just getting out of here. Maybe he could trip up some lower tier members. Or go back to helping lost travelers for a while. Just enough to make the higher ups relax again. They wouldn’t rebuild their ranks too much if they thought it was an inside job or something. Right?
And if they’d realized someone was giving the cops everything they needed to stop them, they wouldn’t plan anything major for a while. Unless the boss was stupid.
Suddenly Virgil saw a figure descend from the roof. He made a hero landing, straight from a superhero movie.
Virgil’s eyes widened. It couldn’t be…
“Do you gentlemen have permits for those weapons?” Dream Prince asked with a deep, booming voice as he rose up, wearing the full costume Virgil had designed. Including the cape. What was he doing here? Stupid question. He was government sanctioned. The chief was on the news a few days ago claiming him as one of theirs.
Which meant she probably asked him to look for Virgil. Does that woman never give up?
The gang was confused by his appearance. One of them calling the young hero ‘prince clown’. Virgil was too far away to see it, but he was willing to bet the clown in question was not too pleased with that.
With a gesture from the leader the gang was silenced. “Sure kid,” he said in a voice that made Virgil stand on high alert. “Got mine right here.”
Or find the stories of Logan and Roman in the Master post
Before Virgil could react in any meaningful way, Prince had shielded himself with his cape and the leader fired at least four rounds at him. The hero was unharmed though. The sounds of bullets falling to the ground the only evidence that they had ever left the barrel in the first place.
“Well now you just pissed me off. This is brand new!” Prince complained as he dropped the cape. And Virgil had to admit, it looked very cool. “I suppose you won't surrender peacefully?” he deduced.
The sound of guns being armed was his only answer. Which was stupid. That was already shown not to work. But sure, shoot with more guns. Don’t actually use your brain or anything. Prince let out an annoyed sigh as he hung his cape from a water pipe. “Fine.” And just like that, he sped towards the criminals through a rain of bullets.
It seemed like he had it handled, and Virgil was pretty sure that he would notice he was there no matter how well he cloaked himself if he got involved. And if he was here to look for him and bring him in for whatever the chief had planned…
Still, he couldn’t make himself just stand by.
He jumped in and helped disarm the criminals and caught a few punches, Prince seemed unlikely to dodge. Pretty soon he felt like Prince was adapting his fighting to his presence which told him that he was in fact spotted.
Soon the gang was down on the ground and their disassembled guns were on a pile on the floor. Virgil returned to the shadows once the sirens lit up the alley.
Prince donned his cloak once more and walked up to where the leader laid, showing off his boot.
“So… how does it feel to get your butt kicked by a guy in heels?” Virgil’s eyes widened as he saw Prince show off the boot. He was wearing the heeled boots? Sure he pulled them off, but that wasn’t a smart move. He couldn’t have had that much time to practice with them yet. Virgil sent the design on Tuesday. Unless… Maybe he’d worn heels before? That was a possibility. Though crime fighting in heels couldn’t be comfortable… Still, it did make the whole thing extra cool, Virgil had to admit.
Suddenly Dream Prince looked up at him and gave a playful wink. So he had noticed him. And he could see him even though he was cloaked right now… Or not quite. He wasn’t looking directly at him. So he knew he was there, just not where exactly.
“Good job Dream Prince. We've got it from here,” one of the police officers who’d come to make the arrests told Prince. The young hero turned to him and bowed.
“It's my pleasure to be of assistance to the police of this fine city.” While he turned around he made a gesture with his hand. Virgil could tell he was being asked to follow.
Part of him wanted to run the other way. But he was curious.
He wanted to take a good look at the costume. He wanted to scold Prince. He wanted to give him a message for the chief. Maybe find out what she wanted from him.
So he followed him all the way to a rooftop.
The city lights illuminated Prince from the back, his cape floating in the wind.
Virgil wished he could take a picture. Roman would love this.
Prince took a step forward and bowed for him. He was really sticking to this Prince thing huh?
“Greetings Phantom. I must thank you for the assist now and three months ago. I am Dream Prince, he/him if you please. A pleasure to officially meet you.” So he had figured out when they’d met.
Virgil couldn’t help a chuckle. He was still cloaking himself. He’d never talked to someone like this before so he had no clue if and how that affected his voice.
“Phantom huh?” Hmm. He kind of liked it. Sure it confirmed that prince was here due to chief. But it was a cool nickname.
“Sure you can call me that. He/him… mind telling me what that was about? I thought you officials weren't let of your leash unless you could be responsible enough to not get yourself killed?” Did he sound a bit catty? Maybe. Was what Prince did idiotic? Absolutely.
Prince didn’t seem to agree. “Says the guy who has half the criminal underworld out for his blood.”
Virgil looked away. Damn. He’d hoped Prince was going to live up to Virgil’s original nickname for him. But he was no idiot.
“Do you have something against the program?” Prince pressed.
“No I…”  Virgil tried to steady himself. It wasn’t Prince’s fault that he was pissed at his boss. “Sorry I’m just pissed at the cops for sending you, I guess,” he admitted reluctantly.
“Yet you chose to follow me up here?” Okay, so he really should give this guy more credit.
“Um… Well… I just…” He couldn’t tell him he was curious about him. That would give away interest on his part and he was not ready to let anything personal slide. He hated being put on the spot like this. Damn, this was not helping the stoic, mysterious guy aura he was going for.
“You interrupted my stake out!” he recalled. Right, one of the reasons he was mad at Prince. The lecture he’d interrupted with his observations.
“Do you know how long it takes to work my way up the ranks? First I have to find a low level runner, then I follow him to his boss, that guy to his and so up the ladder I go. I was getting real close to the big guy of this group. And now…” Sure, he had been thinking about needing to go more low profile for a while to let the rumors simmer out. But still.
“I apologize,” Prince replied sincerely with another bow. It was hard to be mad with this guy. Perfect hero material. “I merely intended to help. They were talking about killing you.”
He appreciated the concern really. But he overlooked one crucial detail.
“And now there is a price on your head! The leader of that little club is like two steps away from the big boss. They won’t be happy with you taking him in.” He couldn’t let him get himself on the bad guys’ list. Not because he thought he needed to protect him. Or maybe a little. When had he started feeling responsible for Prince? Was this how his dad felt? Why he’d tried to keep him from being overly self-sacrificing as a kid?
“You got dirt on them?” Prince wondered.
Virgil rolled his eyes. “Yes… But that’s not the point. They have no clue about me. Not really,” just some guesses and rumors. “But you are out in the open.” They’d know who to go after with him. “This is not your kind of mission Royal pain. And now that you are out, you can’t expect me to hold your hand any longer…” Virgil got distracted when Prince crossed his arm and smirked smugly. “You’ve been looking out for me all summer huh?”
That smug little… Fine he got him there.
He rolled his eyes with a scoff, trying to dismiss the statement. “It’s not like I came looking for you.” He just… Did the right thing when they met up.
Prince was the one dreaming if he thought he felt any kind of responsibility towards him. He was just trying to… To be someone he could be proud of. That was why he was doing this. To not feel week and useless. To help people, even if he couldn’t always help those he felt closest to.
“Still… Thank you…” Prince said gently, about to step forward again. But then he cringed and clutched his head. “Ow!”
The young hero sounded more annoyed than in pain.
He pressed a finger to his ear. Communicating with whoever was on the other line no doubt. “One. Loud. Two. Rude! I am in the middle of something! And did you seriously remotely reactivate my com?” Virgil could hear him hiss in the communication device, dropping the regal persona completely. Virgil bit back his amusement.
“I am fine, not a scratch on me,” Prince replied annoyed. “I’ll call you when I’m done here.” And then he seemed to take something out of his ear. He was so lucky Virgil wasn’t a bad guy or he’d just made it a lot easier on him to take him out.
“Sorry,” Prince sighed. “My mentor is… intense at times.”
“Mentor?” Virgil wondered. He’d heard about the GTA program and it’s monitors in the past. But mentors… that sounded a bit more one on one than just people who told you what to do.
“One of the people helping me practice my powers, test my limits. Comes with the program. It’s not just a babysit and a nice suit,” Prince joked.
“Oh…” Virgil didn’t know what to say to that. It was… Something he’d been wanting for a while now. For a way to test all that he could do. To figure out the shield, push the limits of his cloak and try and use his healing for others. Someone to help him strategize, to talk with when he’d had a tough night. But unless he was ready to come clean with his dad, that was out of his reach.
“Listen, I admit I was sent by the chief. But I didn’t come here to recruit you. I wanted to thank you and tell you… If you ever need someone to talk to, to help you figure something out… I’d be more than happy to oblige. No need to tell me your name or anything about yourself.”
Virgil looked at the offered hand. Maybe, it wasn’t impossible after all.
He considered his options. But it seemed like there was no catch to this offer. So he closed the gap and shook his hand.
“I’ll see you next time,” Prince offered kindly before letting go and running straight of the rooftop as if there was a walkway just for him.
Virgil smirked. Maybe he should wrap it up for tonight. Prince and the other heroes had the area covered. He’d collect the information he had on the tugs that were arrested tonight. Next time he saw Dream Prince, he’d hand that information to him.
If things went well… This could be a good partnership.
End of this part. Meet Janus and learn his side
@cirishere​ @hestianerd1 @moonlightshow00 @naturallyunstablegamer @alias290 @meowthefluffy @frida0043 @angelic-cali @selenechris @theblackveilinreverse
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latetaektalk · 4 years
tag games
tagging : @cosmoguk ​ @jtrbluv @yeojaa @opaljm @sleepyjhs @gyukult @jentwt @cafemiya​ @masterninjacow ​​ @gamerkooks ​ and everyone else that has tagged me
tag game one : fic writers ask game
tagged by : @luvdsc​ thanks cat! this is super fun ✨
Which new trope would you like to try writing?
ex-friends-to-lovers!! in general i love any ex type of tropes!! a heist! au would be fun too
Which trope do you want to write again?
exes! like, i genuinely love that trope so much and feel like theres not enough out there!
Which draft are you most excited to post?
i dont write multiple stories at the same time, so the newest chapter of love to hate you
Is there any new genre you want to explore?
hm i guess fluff? i kinda write angst by default because i think fluff is kinda... boring and not dramatic enough, so i guess i wanna try out fluff!
Do you have a favorite line in any of your drafts up to now?
“Can’t you at least pretend like you think I’m funny?”
“Yeah, that costs extra.”
“And you scolded Jisoo for exploiting me,” Jungkook bit back.
“Well, you said you’re all mine to exploit, didn’t you?” you hummed, scrunching your nose. “You are my boyfriend after all, right?”
Jungkook stared at you, blinked three times before tilted his head to the side and tongued his cheek, defeat.
Have you decided on any creative goals for 2021?
not really! i just try to write, have fun and improve honestly!
Describe your journey on this blog last year in three words! And three more words for what you hope for 2021!
2020: growth, friendships, fun
2021: growth, friendships, fun (dont really wanna change anything! im having fun!)
tag game two : 10 songs, 10 people
rules : you can tell a lot about a person from the type of music they listen to. put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs. then tag ten people. no skipping!
playlist chosen : love to hate you
kiss me - sixpence none the richer
anything you want - jawny
can i call you tonight? - dayglow
heartbreak in a box - juice
daydreaming - marc wavy
lover boy - phum viphurit
let’s fall in love for tonight - finneas
dontmakemefallinlove - cuco
strangers in a dream - phum viphurit
afterglow - taylor swift
tag game three : interview
rules : answer questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better!
tagged by : @lcksndkys thank you so much! these are a ton of fun ✨
name/nickname : linh 
pronouns : she/her
star sign :  scorpio 
height : around 170 cm or 5′7 
time currently : 10:30 pm
when is your birthday : nov 9th
favorite band/groups : exo, red velvet, bts, nct, superm, blackpink, twice
favorite solo artist : taylor swift, olivia rodrigo, harry styles, finneas
song stuck in your head : gone by rose
last movie you watched : get smart, i think
last show you binged : taskmaster
when you created your (main) blog : like april 2019 maybe?  
last thing you googled : how many seconds in a year
other blogs : this and my recs blog
why i chose my url : like late night talk, so i turned the night into taek because of taehyung, baekhyun and taeyong afdfsa
how many people are you following : 305
how many followers do you have : around 1.7k
average hours of sleep : uh not much? idk online class is kinda killing my sleep schedule
lucky number : 7
instruments : piano
dream job : dont know, but something that i enjoy and make good money at?
dream trip : vietnam, china, south korea, japan, england, france, netherlands
favorite food : potatoes, salmon, dim sum 
nationality : chinese 
favorite song : cruel summer by taylor swift,, its literally my most played song of 2020
top three fictional universes you’d like to live in : marvel, atla, we bare bears
tag game four : this or that 
indoor plants or gardens // cloud-watching or star-gazing // water or fire // paperback or hardcover // running or hiking // sleeping with socks or without socks // fruit or vegetables // hanging plants or succulents // dark wood or light wood // handwritten or typed // instagram or pinterest // braids or pigtails // dc or marvel // books or movies // oceans or meadows // forests or fields // sweet or salty // ice cream or chocolate // hoodies or sweaters // long hair or short hair // piercings or tattoos // summer or winter // boots or sneakers // cars or motorcycles // curls or straight hair // castles or cottages // sunny days or storms // reptiles or birds // disney or nickelodeon // strawberries or watermelon // essays or posters // phones or laptops // glass or stone // dark or light // photos or paintings // circuses or theatres // reading or writing // dogs or cats // poetry or novels // monsters or ghosts // thrift shops or libraries // fiction or non-fiction
tag game five : ten biases tag
rules : write down your top 10 biases and answer the following questions
1. between 1 and 4 who would you rather kiss?
uhm cant i just kiss both? i could never choose between the two sadfsd
2. between 2 and 7 who would be your best friend?
chaeyoung because she speaks english but also because i feel like she and i would hit it off better
3. between 5 and 10 who has the better voice?
love jongin and his voice, but yeah jungkook 
4. between 1 and 8 who is the funniest?
ohh thats hard, but i think its nayeon adsfas 
5. between 6 and 9 who would you date?
jennie. if i have the chance to date kim fucking jennie, im dating kim fucking jennie. bye mark im not even sorry
6. between 9 and 10, who would you do a collaboration with?
mark! i feel like working with him would be so funny because he just talks and talks and talks asdfdas
7. between 4 and 8 who is the best dancer?
8. between 3 and 5 who would you most likely marry?
uhm uhm uhm- i think im gonna go with taehyung? mainly because of yeontan asdadsf
9. between 1 and 7 who would you nurse when they are sick?
seulgi no fucking question asdfsd like sorry, bestie chaeyoung, but seulgi just owns my heart :((
10. between 2 and 3 who has the better smile?
i dont think this is fair at all?? because both have such gorgeous smiles?? im not choosing asdfs
11. between 6 and 8 who would you vacation with?
jennie! feel llike she would pay for everything and kinda spoil me,, also feel like she would want to do the craziest shit
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