#then maybe you're just abusing the use of them at this point
yanderes-galore · 3 days
Mikan (Danganronpa 2) w/ Clingy darling Platonic/Romantic
She'd... really need that, yeah—
Yandere! Mikan Tsumiki with Clingy! Darling
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Abuse (Mikan's past), Possessive behavior, Fear of abandonment, Clingy behavior (On both ends), PDA, Overly affectionate behavior, Drugging, Isolation, Dubious companionship/relationship.
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Yikes... I'm pretty sure this girl is canonically a yandere at times.
She seems like she'd primarily be a romantic yandere, but she could probably also see her obsession as a friend.
She's meek, paranoid, and desperately needs validation.
She wants to be close to people, yet doesn't want to drive them off.
She's so used to disappointing people and being ignored that she isn't used to positive affection.
So... Her obsession giving her constant affection?
A recipe for disaster.
Mikan is used to being mistreated and bullied by her peers.
Having a positive connection with someone who willingly wants to spend time with her unnerves her a first.
She doesn't get it.
Why are you treating her in such a way?
Did she do something?
Mikan craves any sort of attention and validation.
The moment she gets it, she clings onto it.
We can see this in her Free Time events with Hajime.
In the game she canonically is clingy and stalks those she adores.
You probably stepped in to help her after one of her "accidents" or Hiyoko's bullying.
You're no doubt a naturally affectionate person and check her over.
She may be the Ultimate Nurse yet you still care enough to check for wounds or bruises.
Mikan is stunned when you first show care for her.
Poor girl isn't used to such attention.
You don't push her away or call her names.
You actually invite her to hang out more often during your time on the Island.
Mikan's puzzled and confused...
Yet she quickly begins to crave your attention.
Platonic, romantic, it's all a bit vague when it comes to her.
She just craves any attention from you.
To the point of doing things for your attention, such as her "accidents" or following you around.
Other people are put off by her behavior, for good reason.
But you? When she thinks you're going to push her away?
You just give more attention.
Mikan herself is already pretty clingy.
Maybe you yourself are naturally touchy with friends?
The first time you gave Mikan a hug to cheer her up, she freezes.
Although... She's quickly addicted.
I imagine Mikan doesn't have boundaries with you.
Any attention must be good attention.
She sits close to you, always wants hugs...
Hell, there's times she may even sit on your lap if it means you'll look at her.
The most tragic part of her character is her need for affection.
A clingy obsession is like a sweet poison to her.
Like sugar, affection may be nice in small doses.
Then it becomes bad for your health.
Mikan would do anything for your love and attention.
She forces herself on your lap, clings to your side, follows you around like a lost puppy...
If her attentions were romantic, she'd probably crave kisses too.
Affection with her blurs boundaries.
I'm talking even if you saw her in a platonic light... Mikan would cuddle you or sneak into your room for your warmth.
Y'know... Creepy behavior.
She's easily jealous, afraid you'd give such affection to someone else.
She does everything she can to prevent that.
Feeding her more and more attention is dangerous to you.
Soon, she just can't let you go anymore.
Mikan craves control... If she saw you being affectionate or clingy with another...
Who knows what she'll do?
Actually, here's an example.
In canon she has told Hajime she wishes she could force him to rely on her.
Imagine if she couldn't accept the fact you're clingy to anyone else.
As a result, she drugs you.
Maybe in your food, or when you sleep...
Just to cuddle you close... To know you're hers.
To her it doesn't matter how you feel about it or what the feelings you two have are.
She'd sleep in the same bed as you, wrap herself tightly around you...
Anything to keep you as hers.
Being affectionate or clingy may just escalate her obsession with you.
She wants to believe you two are the only ones for one another.
Friends, lovers, either way...
Mikan wants your attention.
She needs it.
She craves it.
Mikan doesn't care if she has to force you to rely on her to keep you to herself...
You were one of the first people to show her love...
She's going to keep you to herself no matter what.
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longing-for-rain · 2 days
What's the context as to what's going on exactly?
I assume you mean the people sending me death threats over a fanfictions I wrote (which is like... the 3rd? 4th? time this has happened now), but to summarize:
Ironically, I initially made this blog with the intention to just be very lowkey and post headcanons/silly posts/art and not engage in discourse.
At some point, I got an anon angry at me for mentioning how I viewed some of Aang's behavior towards Katara as toxic masculinity and answered it.
A kataang shipper reblogged the (properly tagged) post to whine at me even more, so I replied back with sources and maybe a little too much humor than she could handle, so she cried that I was a meanie and blocked me.
Had a few more experiences with Zutara haters reblogging my posts, making me increasingly annoyed.
I started writing more Zutara metas and criticizing canon more openly.
My posts got popular, popular enough that angry kataang stans started sharing screenshots of them around on here and Twitter.
I made fun of one particularly insane kataang stan who went on a few of my posts, and even into my DMs to screech at me for being every type of -phobic under the sun because I don't like Aang/Kataang. She still periodically blocks and unblocks me so she can shoot more of her brain vomit my way, and accuses me of harassing her for reposting screenshots of her unhinged comments to laugh at. She also accidentally followed me while trying to send an anon one time (I assume, since those buttons are close together) which was hilarious for someone who claims I bully and stalk her.
Recently, a bunch of kataang shippers got butthurt over a post I made referencing how Katara is drawn differently (it was a response to an Anon mentioning a much older post measuring the size of Katara's eyes and jawline) to make her appear younger during "romantic" moments with Aang. I commented on how I found it a creepy contrast and like how much more natural and human she seems while not with Aang, or with Zuko.
Another whiny brat kataang reblogged the (again, properly tagged) post calling me a pedophile, colonizer, racist, and whatever else his little rotten brain could come up with, and posted (without any trigger/content warnings!) out-of-context screenshots of a fanfiction I wrote exploring themes of sexual violence. This was apparently supposed to be "evidence" that I have a "fetish" or something, which needless to say, is an absolutely disgusting thing to say to a survivor talking about her experiences of sexual abuse, especially when you're a man who has never experienced that.
That brings us to why everyone is discoursing over the fic: Claws of Ice. Keep in mind, the majority of these people haven't read it, don't understand any of the context, and felt it was appropriate to leverage my trauma against me in the name of a ship war. The man in question is still crying about how he's the real victim here because I was apparently too mean to him when I responded to his accusations that I'm a pedophile and that my story of assault is a fetish to him, which is exactly the kind of male entitlement you'd expect.
So yeah! That's why they're all so obsessed with me, and throwing around every possible Bad Person accusation they can think of about me, but I really don't take it too seriously with that in mind. I was very nervous about posting this story in the first place because it was so heavy and personal and I was unsure of putting these themes out there, but the backlash has been oddly reassuring. The two biggest haters are that manbaby I mentioned, and that obsessive stalker who keeps spamming the atla-confessions blog with anons that are very obviously her while pretending she's trying to "calm down" the fandom, neither of whom can seem to formulate a coherent sentence. Like if that is the opposition, pretty sure I'm in the right here.
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ishikawayukis · 6 months
maybe there is a thing as too many allegories in just one text
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snekdood · 10 months
ive been disillusioned with a lot of the left for a while, it's nice to at least see that other ppl see it now, though the reason why kinda fucking sucks.
#i used to think i could trust ppl bc of pride flags in their profile or them being trans or whatever#and then i put allll of my trust in that community not realizing theres a Multitudes of types of ppl in it#aside from even the fact some trans ppl can be nazis- some trans people- as much as it might make us look bad to admit-#are also predators and abusers and want to lie to you and use you for money and sexually abuse you and dump you like trash#and then accuse you of doing everything they did @u@;; ask me how i know!#so on the one hand im happy ppl see it now- it's not that leftists or queer ppl or feminists are better ppl- ppl more worthy to trust-#they're just as diverse and as good and as shitty as any other demographic of people.#you're gonna find shitty people everywhere. obviously you're more likely to find predators on the right but that doesnt mean theres not#plenty on the left too.#at a certain point calling yourself 'on the left' doesnt mean much aside from idk. thinking ppl need basic human rights?#and even then its apparent that some leftists dont think that. so who can say. maybe you wont misgender me? but nah- you will#if i disagree w you or if we get in a fight- i've seen plenty of leftists do this.#i just think the term is useless now.#i think the left is about to fracture into different groups at this point#anyways be weary traveler of ever putting all of ye trust into any group of people.#its possible to like ppl and enjoy being around them and still not fully trust them. and if something tells you to gtfo? you should#also putting all your trust in a group of ppl is a one way ticket into possibly joining a cult on accident#or at the very least a culty friendgroup
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jimingyue · 9 months
Cat Tumblr Dashboard Simulator
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🖋️ meowful-musings Follow
🕊️ birdwatching Follow
what's wrong with dry food??? my humans feed me it all the time and i think it's fine
💀 elusivehider-deactivated948204
op wheres the natural feeding option
🌲 outdoorsy Follow
you guys are getting fed?
#im a barn cat so maybe im missing something here #meowtthew don't look
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☀️ pawsitive-affurmations Follow
☀️ pawsitive-affurmations Follow
extra special shout out to cats who have "common" coat colors. grey tabbies and black cats i am rubbing against your head affectionately <3
🪤 m0usetrap01 Follow
as a grey tabby i really needed to hear this :"3
#i feel like i never see positivity posts for moggies even tho we're the most common type of cat....
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🎵 rage-against-the-meowchine Follow
i cant believe there are cats ACTUALLY advocating for kittens to be separated from their mothers before 12 weeks??? kittens still need to learn how to interact with other cats before being placed into their furever home omg you guys know you're advocating for undersocialized and aggressive cats right
❤️ loving-paws284 Follow
um op some of us??? matured early??????? i was separated from my mother at 7 weeks and i turned out fine... interesting how you assume that kittens being separated from their mothers at a younger age will lead to the degeneracy of the next generation...hmm i wonder where i've heard that before...
🐈 fluffy-the-cat Follow
OP got bit too hard during a play-fight as a kitten and it shows XD
🐟 tunafeesh Follow
also op have you ever considered that just because somecat is kind of scared and unable to deal with strange cats or humans, it doesn't mean they don't deserve to be adopted?? you sound like a vet psyop honestly
🎵 rage-against-the-meowchine Follow
oh meow god saying that kittens should be fully weaned before leaving their mother is NOT veterinarian rhetoric and i never said that they deserve to be euthanized!!! my mother literally died when i was 3 weeks old and it seriously messed up my development so stop putting words in my mouth, thanks
anyway friendly reminder that underweaned kittens are prone to illness and often struggle with basic cat behaviors like litterbox usage, and in some nyavinces it's even considered kitten abuse
#discourse #cant believe "kitten abuse is bad" is controversial now
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🍃 naturalliving Follow
猫神 Kill Em All 1989
I am trash cat
410,757,864,530 DEAD BIRDS
#outdoorliving #outdoorcats please interact #outdoorcat friendly
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🎣 salmonpurina Follow
can't believe cats are uncritically reblogging that born to die world is a fuck post. i know it's funny but op is literally an outdoor cat truther
#like cmon now you just have to go to their blog #lulu speaks
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💀 tabbystripes-deactivated098712
gentle reminder that pushing cups off the table is not cute and can cause a lot of distress in your human!!!! gentle reminder that our teeth and claws can easily hurt them more than they can hurt us!!!!
🐰 evil-tabbystripes Follow
evil reminder that the cup should always be pushed off the table. evil reminder that you should always bite and claw at your human no matter what. you can do whatever you want forever
💀 tabbystripes-deactivated098712
make your own pawst
💀 laser-point-deactivated8574721
umm i know a tomcat who did that and his human ended up putting him down so...
👬🏻 nyasunaruenjoyer Follow
Nyaverage shelter cat behavior
#not nyaruto #re-nyab #pickles shut up
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🌈 nyaoi-warrior Follow
saw two male cats sleeping together on the porch today. homeow behavior imo
💡 discourse-meows Follow
hey um what the fuck??? it's really not okay of you to go assuming other cat's sexualities, especially cats you don't even know???? as a queer cat i'm VERYY uncomfortable. real-ass cats didn't consent to your nyaoi fetish, thanks
🌈 nyaoi-warrior Follow
1. i was making. a joak
2. i'm literally gay???
#literally what's your pawblem
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🎩 amazingcatshow12 Follow
reblog if you've ever caught the laser pointer
🎩 amazingcatshow12 Follow
i know you fuckers are lying
🍭 gaykittens Follow
this tom hasn't caught the laser pointer
🎩 amazingcatshow12 Follow
shut the heull up
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🐾 b-e-a-n-t-o-e-s Follow
grey toebeans >>>>>>>>> pink toebeans and don't let the haters make you believe otherwise
🐁 ladymouser Follow
op shut the fuck up ALL toebeans are beautiful!!! just bc you're miserable and insecure doesn't mean you can bring others down based on things they can't control
🐾 b-e-a-n-t-o-e-s Follow
oh so the cat-human separationist wants to preach to us
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people were so obsessed about feeling like they were supporting abuse victims/survivors from last year but I have yet to see further support for us that resulted from that abomination and doing the same dogpiling for actual abusers like Kevin Spacey and Woody Allen
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Please, if you can, take a moment to read and share this because I feel like I'm screaming underwater.
NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) stigma is rampant right now, and seems to be getting progressively worse. Everyone is using it as a buzzword in the worst ways possible, spreading misinformation and hatred against a real disorder.
I could go on a long time about how this happened, why it's factually incorrect (and what the disorder actually IS), why it's harmful, and the changes I'd like to see. But to keep this concise, I'll simply link to a few posts under the cut for further reading.
The point of this post is a plea. Please help stop the spread of stigma. Even in mental health communities, even around others with personality disorders, in neurodivergent "safe" spaces, other communities I thought people would be supportive in (e.g. trans support groups, progressive spaces in general), it keeps coming up. So I'm willing to bet that a lot of people on this site need to see this.
Because it's so hard to exist in this world.
My disorder already makes me feel as if I'm worthless and unlovable, like there's something inherently wrong and damaged about me. And it's so much harder to fight that and heal when my daily life consists of:
Laughing and spending time with my friends, doing my utmost best to connect and stay present and focused on them, trying to let my guards down and be real and believe I'm lovable- when suddenly they throw out the word "narcissist" to describe horrible people or someone they hate, or the conversation turns to how evil "people with narcissistic personality disorder" are. (Seriously, you don't know which of your friends might have NPD and feels like shit when you say those things & now knows that you'd hate them if you knew.)
Trying to look up "mental health positivity for people with npd", "mental health positivity cluster bs", only to find a) none of that, and b) more of the same old vile shit that makes me feel terrible about myself.
Having a hard time (which is constant at this point) and trying to look up resources for myself, only to again, find the same stigma. And no resources.
Not having any clue how to help myself, because even the mental health field is spitting so much vitriol at people with DISORDERS (who they're supposed to be helping!) that there's no solid research or therapy programs for people like me.
Losing close friends when they find out, despite us having had a good relationship before, and them KNOWING me and knowing that I'm not like the trending image of pwNPD. Because now they only see me through the lens of stigma and misinformation.
Hearing the same stigma come up literally wherever I go. Clubs. Meetings. Any online space. At the bus stop. At the mall. At a restaurant. At work. Buzzword of the year that everyone loooves loudly throwing around with their friends or over the phone. Feels awesome for me, makes my day so much better/s
I could go on for a long time, but I'm scared no one will read/rb this if it gets too much longer.
So please. Stop using the word "narcissist" as a synonym for "abusive".
Stop bringing up people you hate who you believe to have NPD because of a stigmatizing article full of misinformation whenever someone with actual NPD opens their mouth. (Imagine if people did that with any other disorder! "Hey, I'm autistic." "Oh... my old roommate screamed at me whenever I made noise around him, and didn't understand my needs, which seems like sensory overload and difficulty with social cues. He was definitely autistic. But as long as you're self-aware and always restraining your innate desire to be an abusive asshole, you're okay I guess, maybe." ...See how offensive and ignorant that is?)
Stop preventing healthcare for people with a disorder just because it's trendy to use us as a scapegoat.
If you got this far, thank you for reading, and please share this if you can. Further reading is under the cut.
NPD Criteria, re-written by someone who actually has NPD
Stigma in the DSM
Common perception of the DSM criteria vs how someone may actually experience them (Keep in mind that this is the way I personally experience these symptoms, and that presentation can vary a lot between individuals)
"Idk, the stigma is right though, because I've known a lot of people with NPD who are jerks, so I'm going to continue to support the blockage of treatment for this condition."
(All of these were written by me, because I didn't want to link to other folks' posts without permission, but if you want to add your own links in reblogs or replies please feel free <3)
#actuallynpd#signal boost#actuallyautistic#mental health awareness#narcissistic personality disorder#people also need to realize that mental health professionals aren't immune from bias#(it really shouldn't come as a shock that the mental health field has a longstanding pattern of misunderstanding and mistreating ppl who ar#mentally ill or otherwise ND)#the first therapist i brought up NPD to like. literally pulled out the DSM bc she could barely remember the criteria. then said that there'#no way I have it because I have low self-esteem lmaoooooo#anyway throwback to being at work and chatting with a co-worker. and the conversation turning to mental health. and him saying that#he tries to stay informed and be aware and supportive of mental health conditions & that he doesn't want to be ignorant or spread harmful#misinformation. and then i mentioned that i do a lot of research into mental health stuff and i listed a bunch of things. which included#several personality disorders. one of which was NPD.#and after listening to my whole ass list he zeroed in on the NPD and immediately started talking about how narcissists are abusive and#he knew someone who had NPD and how the person who had it had an addiction and died from the addiction in a horrible way and he#was glad he did#fun times#or when i decided to be vulnerable and talk abt my self-criticism/self-hatred bc i knew my friends also struggled w that and i wanted to#support them by sharing my own coping methods. and they both(separately!) started picking and prodding at my npd through the lens of stigma#bc i'd recently opened up to them abt having it. they recognized self-hatred as a symptom and still jumped on me for it. despite me#trying to share hurt vulnerable parts of myself to help them and connect with them.#again..... fun times
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dcxdpdabbles · 4 months
For the Danny=Ra's Al Ghul thing. Danny comes from a world that only looks like ours on the surface level until you get alternate names like Lake Eerie while we have Lake Erie or the alternate histories like Pandora or even Vortex
Now in our world, Sherlock is used sarcastically whenever someone points out something obvious. Danny might come from a world where Sherlock Holmes isn't as popular and the word "Detective" is used in place of Sherlock. Cue him using that word often and using the same context when dealing with Bruce or Tim to really sell that he's an alternate Ra's
"No shit, Detective"
The words slipped from the boy's lips in such a deadpan tone that for a second, Bruce half thought he imagined it. There was one thing to be told that an alternative version of Ra's al Ghul was caught battling it out with Green Arrow; it was another to be confronted with a teenager who spoke in the confusing lingo of his kids.
Bruce had seen Child-Ghul lose his mind over Go-Gurt alongside his friends- the assassins so dangerous they all earned the nickname of demons- when they happened to come by it in a regular grocery store. They had appeared like normal teenagers visiting the United States for the first time.
In fact, Bruce had yet to be aware that he was observing Ra's. He had been running around Gotham attempting to find the visitors and had accidentally overlooked them because of their genuine glee at finding tubed yogurt.
Even Dick and Damian had seen the same group but also dismissed them. It was strange to fit a version of Ra's Al Ghul, who was happily using hoverboards in the park while his friends recorded the great mass murder thousands of years old.
Tim was the only one who figured him out on sight. Bruce wonders if that was due to his son being incredibly intelligent or if Tim's hatred of Ra ran that deep. If it was the latter, Bruce would bet that even in his next life, Tim would clock Ra's in a crowd.
Red Robin had tracked Child-Ghul and his crew to an old cemetery, where they had been busy cleaning up gravestones. They had even fixed up broken stones and placed the proper offerings for each person.
How they knew which person followed which religion in life was a mystery.
Tim suspected they were attempting to rob another grave. Maybe they had known the people buried there- with Ra's being as young again- or they were trying to do some weird magic thing to save the planet again.
Bruce wasn't so sure.
He observed that the highly trained children cleaned up the cemetery and occasionally had random bursts of dance parties between the graves. He didn't think they were trying to steal anything- instead, they seemed to be suffering from mental illnesses.
Sometimes, one of them would speak to the air, asking it for an opinion on a new grave site. They might have been just regular people in their own world- Bruce had encountered civilian versions of himself and his kids before, so why no villains?- but the idea that Ra's Al Ghul had meta powers, any version, made him paranoid.
It didn't seem possible that Ra's didn't abuse his powers somehow. What could the strangers possibly be doing if it wasn't for world domination?
He got tired of watching and waiting for answers that weren't coming. Batman would force the children to tell him. He waited until the Child-Ghul wandered far away from his group, a bucket and brush in hand, and he arrived at a giant moss-covered stone.
Bruce watched as he greeted the air before sliding to his knees and scrubbing the moss away. His form was all wrong.
That was not a perfect crouch or position that would generate a fast reaction in case he needed it. In fact, the way the boy curved over the stone indicated he would suffer from backache if he sat like that for too long.
The Ra's Al Ghul would never have been caught dead in a similar weakened posture.
Did that mean this version of Ra's had no formal training?
"What do you think you're doing? " He growled, stepping out of the shadows. The boy jumped a good foot in the air, checking another box in his theory of not being trained.
He watched as Child-Ghul spun around, brush held in a sloppy throwing form, before freezing at the sight of him. At once, the tension eased out of his shoulders. He didn't seem afraid of Bruce, which was rather strange.
He built this entire persona to intimidate people at first glance. Yes, he had redesigned himself after learning kids were afraid of him, too, but the original design survived long enough for him to wield his fear tactic as a weapon.
"Ugh, what do you think you're doing walking around looking like that?" the boy sasses, gesturing at Bruce's whole being. "You look like a three-year-old drew you."
That was.....a rather creative insult.
"What are your plans here" He demands, ignoring the comment.
The boy raises a brow. His face twists into an expression he saw on Ra's Al Ghul before, and for a moment, Bruce wonders if Tim had made a mistake. How could Ra's look so humble. "What do you think I'm doing with a brush and a bucket of soap water?"
"You're cleaning the gravestone."
"No shit, Detective"
The phrase was like cold ice water pouring down his back. His pronunciation, facial expressions, and body language were exactly like Ra's.
Tim was right.
"Why?" He demands, stepping closer to tower over the boy.
"If you don't get out of my personal space, Imaginary Vampire Grandpa, we will have a problem." Child-Ghul hisses at him. For a moment Bruce is reminded of Damian.
"Try me."
Child-Ghul's grin is sharp and mad as he yells. "Escort this man to the door!"
Bruce raises his fist, ready for anything, only to literally feel invisible hands grab at him, dragging him out of the cemetery. He is flung out of the gate with the watching teenagers snickering.
Bruce bites back a curse. Of course, a child version of Ra's has ghosts working for him. He'll have to call the Justice League Dark for this. He hopes Zatanna is the one who answers and not her husband.
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bboricha · 1 year
y...yes, sir! anything you say, sir! || bori's 1k special - part 1
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➳ pairings: al haitham, ayato, baizhu, childe, cyno (separate) x subordinate afab!reader ➳ part 2 with diluc, heizou, tighnari, venti, and zhongli coming soon! ➳ cw: not proofread, a bit of power play (duh... they're your boss), oral (m and f!receiving), dry humping (on a shoe lol and mattress), exhibitionism, deep throating, swallowing, face fucking, dumbification, mentions of impregnation (ayato), marking, mentions of tying up hands, overstimulation, unprotected, aphrodisiac (baizhu), kinda dubcon, fingering, you're a cicin mage in childe's blurb, mention of marriage in ayato's, lmk if i've missed any...!
➳ synopsis: what would happen to you as their subordinate...?
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al haitham x secretary afab!reader
you’ve met al haitham several times before… the whole mess all the sages have gotten themselves into. it was only natural, being the grand sage’s secretary and all, you would often deliver documents and knowledge capsules between the two of them. you never really thought too much of the man and neither did he think anything of you. sure, he was, well, younger than some of your colleagues, a vision holder, and… undeniably attractive. 
maybe that’s why you’ve found yourself in this position. underneath the grand sage’s desk with a mouthful of the acting grand sage’s dick. you cannot believe the amount of control this man has talking to a matra with a straight face and unwavering voice despite being balls deep into your throat. not to mention, he keeps fucking his shoe against your clothed cunt and you’re absolutely sure that both his shoe and your panties are drenched at this point. you moan on his cock, the vibrations seemingly doing something for him as you hear his voice audibly hitch and his hand fly immediately for your hair, tugging at it as if to warn you.
it wasn’t your fault, it really wasn’t. if he would just stop using his shoe on you, order the matra to leave, and finally fuck you on his desk, you both wouldn’t be in this predicament. you’re almost led to believe that maybe he likes the idea of being caught, but then it dawns on you that he just actually likes seeing you anxious. this asshole only likes seeing you in this predicament, because he couldn’t care less about what others think about him. caution to the wind, you guess, and gulp down another whine, swallowing and stretching your throat out to make room for him even deeper as he digs the tip of his stiff sole against your clit. 
you’re so close and you can feel that al haitham is too. with the way his dick is twitching in your mouth, you decide to speed up your ministrations and apparently so has al haitham. you tune in a bit, noticing that their conversation is about to end as he hits a certain spot, noticing you falter and begins to abuse it. it’s becoming harder and harder to stay quiet with how his shoe works itself so well against your cunt, your slick aiding in the feeling. you’re about to pull out to cover your mouth when you hear the door click shut as al haitham pushes your head, your nose hitting his abdomen with ropes of his cum sticking to your throat. you’re shaking at the feeling—at the fact that him using you like a fucking sleeve made that coil snap and you spill your essence all over his shoe.
he yanks you up from your knees before the cogs in your brain could generate another thought, forcing your mouth open by pushing down your tongue with his thumb, making sure you’ve swallowed every last drop.
“you’re a competent secretary, by the way. i can see why you were kept around—your services are much needed everyday in my office.”
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kamisato ayato x retainer afab!reader
you grew up with the kamisatos, your family serving them as their retainers. your parents served the former heads while you were taught from a young age to serve their heirs. when the former kamisato heads had passed, your parents began to serve ayato, until he had dismissed them—told them they should retire and enjoy themselves—something he had wished his parents had the chance to do as well. and so you inevitably became his personal retainer again. not that you were complaining, no, but it was different from when the two of you were children. things like helping him bathe, get dressed, and aiding him at the crack of dawn—it just wasn’t the same anymore.
especially considering that tending to his nightly duties included him being balls deep inside of you. face down, ass up, your kimono disheveled and almost in tatters, ayato muttering something about how he’ll buy you a new one, one that he’ll personally pick out—to him, it’ll be a sign of ownership. he kept his focus on plowing into you, gripping your hips so hard every night that you’re afraid you might find indents of his fingers one day, your insides already having molded to the shape of his dick.
you’re biting his sheets, trying so hard to not make a noise when he pulls out, maneuvering you over onto your back. he slips a thumb into your mouth as you suckle on it, much to his enjoyment, as he tells you to not muffle yourself. he pushes his length back inside, bottoming out when he caresses his hand over the bulge, admiring the sight and drags his hand back to your hips (where it belongs) and begins thrusting yet once again. you’re full on moaning now, relishing in the way ayato hits every place that makes your eyes roll back with his fingers playing with your clit, making the coil in your stomach tighter and tighter with every thrust.
when your orgasm hits, your hands fly to your face in embarrassment, blocking out any sounds leaving your mouth and covering yourself so ayato doesn’t see what a blushing mess you are. he tsks to himself, one that you can hear, but quickly throws whatever thought he had away, replacing it with the idea that he has all night to rid of those hands that’s hiding your beauty from him. perhaps maybe with your obi, or maybe a bright, red rope? how about both? what other sounds will he be able to hear tonight, what cries will he be able to coax out of you, he wonders, melodies that he can’t wait to hear.
his cock twitches inside of you at his own imagination. he leans down, his body almost flush against yours as he kisses your temple, placing a hand on the top of your head as his thrusts suddenly increase in speed, signaling him close to release. you’re whining at the overwhelming sensation, biting into his shoulder to help muffle your moans when ayato stills, pushing himself as deep as he can reach as he cums inside, his warmth filling you up.
“if this sticks, maybe this will give you a reason to finally marry me.”
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baizhu x assistant afab!reader
you’ve been baizhu’s helper since he saved your life a few years ago. he had found you battered up and injured when he was visiting qingce village. it was only after he took you back to bubu pharmacy to take care of you, a complete stranger, were you able to recover. you didn’t know how else to pay him back, nor did you really have anywhere else better to go, so you asked for him to take you in, and he obliged, greatly appreciating the help. he especially appreciates your help in aiding him develop a new medicine.
one that involves his hand in your underwear. he coated the “medicine” on his tips of his fingers before shoving it down your pants, caressing it against your clit, massaging the substance in your insides. he pushes a finger to your entrance slowly, coaxing it in as it begins to make you tingle, your body heating up. you’re starting to get needy, grabbing at baizhu’s wrist when he keeps going agonizingly slow, and to your surprise, he lightly pushes your hand off. he says you have to be patient, that he’s making sure you’re properly absorbing the medicine, that he doesn’t want to hurt you, telling you all of this with a grin, not showing any hint of concern.
he finally pushes in a second finger, making you cum instantly around his fingers to his delight. it’s working beautifully on you, perhaps a little too well when you grab the hem of his jacket as he’s about to pull away, asking for more. he wasn’t actually going to stop, it’s not like he went in this purely for research purposes, but the way your cheeks are flushed, beads of sweat dripping down into the crevices of your shirt, the rise and fall of your chest from him riling you up—it’s enticing. he’ll just have to make a mental note for later and tend to you now, after all, it’d be cruel of him to leave you like this when you’re asking so nicely, right?
he tells to come to the edge of the bed, enough so that your ass is almost hanging off as he peels off your underwear, watching how it clings to your messy cunt, sticky with your cum and slick. he wets his lips in anticipation, wondering how well your essence has soaked up the aphrodisiac as he licks a stripe up your pussy, groaning at the taste. he can already feel it getting to him as well, the residue or whatever was left on you, he figures, is still doing its job. either from the high of knowing how effective his medicine is or the effects really kicking in, he starts to eat you out with fervor, lapping up everything you have to give him, the noise so obscene that they bounce off the walls of his room.
you don’t have the time to feel ashamed by how loud it is, your hands going to tug on his hair as he grunts in response, the vibration of it ripples against you making you moan. he focuses his tongue on your clit, licking and suckling the tiny bud as he shoves two fingers into you, saying something about how you’re still tight even after an orgasm and his drug combined. he’s rutting himself against the mattress of his bed, his clothed cock desperate for any sort of friction as he feels you tightening up around his fingers for a second time tonight.
he curls his fingers, thrusting them in and out as he watches you unravel on his tongue, the sight one to behold. he gently fucks you on his fingers through your orgasm as he cums against his tight pants, slurping up your release as he stands up, unzipping himself to reveal his still hard length.
“there are still more tests to run, i’m afraid, before i can put this medicine on… our shelves, you see.”
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childe x cicin mage afab!reader
you, a regular cicin mage, have been assigned to work closely under the 11th harbinger, tartaglia, your immediate response being nothing but a simple “fuck.” you’ve met the harbinger before and you immediately didn’t know how to feel about him. he was so… odd? so… kind? compared to the other harbingers at least, and on the contrary you actually felt the need to be even more wary with him. your first couple months working under him were quite fine. in fact, he was a great boss, he was kind and understanding and after a bit, you’ve completely adapted to being by his side. 
that is until he drags you to a harbinger meeting, forcing you to sit next to him as he places a hand on your thigh, dangerously close to your crotch. he’s stroking the soft flesh, his pinky occasionally brushing over your clit, covered by your leotard. you’re lucky that the other harbingers can’t see what’s going on, though, they seemed to not care for your existence and presence at the meeting anyways. you try to brave up, attempting to push his hand away when he doesn’t relent, completely ignoring any signals you’ve been giving him, participating in the meeting as if he’s absolutely unfazed.
he goes from being subtle to shameless rubbing the nub, not hiding his intentions whatsoever, especially when he pushes your leotard to the side, playing with you skin to skin. your hands cover your mouth, not caring about what the other harbingers might think at this point when tartaglia dips a finger inside your entrance, slowly coaxing it in as he watches your expression, choosing to put in a second. the stretch is divine, two of his fingers already proving to be larger and deft, feeling better than whatever you might be able to do to yourself, and you’re confused. how is he touching you so skillfully? as if he’s already familiar with your walls and every crevice, curling the tips of his fingers to hit your favorite spot with every thrust.
you’re unaware of the obscene noises the two of you have been making, painfully unaware of how the jester has already brought this meeting to an end, some of the harbingers completely ignoring you both as they exit, others shaking their heads in disgust. you’re resting your head against your arms on the table, trying your best to hold in your moans despite having no reason to do so at this point while tartaglia gets more bold with his movements, ripping your leotard for better access and movement.
the squelching sounds and your heavy breaths bounce around the walls of the wide hall, ricocheting back towards you, only adding to your nearing release. tartaglia can feel the way you’re tightening around his fingers, fastening his ministrations until you cum. he groans at your pussy convulsing against him, the bulge in his pants growing larger and larger as he fucks you through your orgasm.
“darling, i think you’re gonna have to… work overtime tonight, am i clear?”
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cyno x matra afab!reader
you’ve never really been a good subordinate, always skipping out on meetings as you deem them unnecessary, opting out on drinking with your colleagues, never listening to cyno. it’s not like you can help it, honestly. you have your own way of doing things and you still manage to get the job done regardless, so is there really any harm to your methods? technically no, and cyno has yet to really do anything substantial that could threaten your position, so you decide to test his patience.
his patience that apparently isn’t limitless, you’ve figured out. by…well, you know, the way he’s fucking you against the shelves in the house of daena. he’s keeping you captive, trapping your body with his as it takes all of your willpower and concentration to not make any noise—to not attract any attention towards you both. his chest is flush against yours, his cock fully submerged within you as you grip the shelf for some sort of purchase with one hand, the other desperately covering your mouth.
you can feel his breath, hear every groan that escapes his lips right next to your ear, the sensation only turning you on even further as his hand finds its way underneath your shirt, choosing to play with your nipple. he gives a particularly sharp thrust, as if he’s trying to elicit some sort of noise from you, saying something about how he’s been needing a reason to punish you, about he’s been waiting for this “opportunity” for a long time. his words are lost on you, could you not comprehend simple sentences anymore or was he spouting pure nonsense? you’re not sure, your head foggy from how slow he’s going, how he would suddenly snap his hips against yours, how sometimes he’d suckle on the nape of your neck or bite your shoulder, the figure eights on your clit, everything is driving you absolutely insane.
the general mahamatra, someone you figured whose sex drive was nonexistent, is throwing you for a loop today. someone who is more well endowed than you would’ve imagined, someone who’s filling you up oh so perfectly, the head of his dick kissing your cervix in ways that makes stars float right before your eyes.
at this point you’re tempted to place both of his hands on your hips, to urge him to fuck you right then and there in the house of daena, and you do, but all he does is grip your hips tightly, not budging an inch as he smirks against your shoulder.
“this is a punishment, remember? have i fucked you so stupid already that you’ve forgotten?”
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➳ an: wow look at all those tags! also i literally have no idea why childe's banner thingy is so fkn blurry compared to the others... akhdkahsd
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amomentsescape · 9 months
Hey I love yanderes and slashers and used to have a sleep walking problem where I would try to crawl through windows, can you do a yandere slasher x reader where the reader has developed Stockholm syndrome and been loving to the slasher so they trust them and let them have more freedom. Then they see them try to crawl out a window in their sleep? How would they react? Would they believe the reader? What would make them believe them if they didn't? If they didn't believe them the how would they react to finding out the reader told the truth?
Thank you so much! And merry Christmas! 🎄 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅
Slashers with Reader Who Sleepwalks & Tries to Leave
Yandere! Slashers x Reader (Separate)
Warnings: Yandere behavior, of course. Mentions of abusive behavior
A/N: Merry (late) Christmas! I hope you all had a great holiday! For this request, I decided to leave Eric out. He's just the complete opposite to a Yandere in my opinion, and it was nearly impossible for me to write him as such. I hope that's okay!
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Freddy Krueger
He knows you would never purposefully leave him
Like, he actually knows
His (undead) life revolves around sleep
He knows when you're awake and where you're actually sleeping, even if he keeps you stuck in his dream world
So when he finds you trying to escape out of the little window he built for you, he just laughs
He had already known you sleep walked
He'd been haunting your dreams for weeks prior to actually taking you
Freddy just keeps watching you, not really doing anything about it
You're stuck in his world either way
Might as well see how far you'll go
He'll almost use this as a test of sorts
He'll let you wander to wherever you want to go in your sleep, and he may even change the environment to something you don't recognize
When you wake up, his name better be the first thing that falls from your lips
If it's not...
Well, he'll just have to try harder at getting you to need him
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Michael Myers
It took a very long time for Michael to get to this point
The fact that he lets you sleep without chains is a huge decision on his part
He doesn't trust easily
And any feelings of trust he did have come crumbling down the moment he wakes up without you beside him
It didn't take long to find you
There you were, pushing and prodding at the boarded up window
He's truly pissed
And a little hurt
He really thought you were growing to actually like your situation
But when he spins you around and sees your eyes staring blankly through him, he tilts his head
You don't seem... right?
He'll shake you harshly until he sees the life come back to your eyes
When you finally look up at him with a similarly confused look on your face, he starts to realize
He understands you well enough to know when you're not acting like yourself
When he finally explains what you were doing after you repeatedly asked him, you sigh
You explain that sometimes at night, you wander around without realizing it
A sleepwalker, huh?
Sadly, the chains will need to come out again
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Jason Voorhees
You wouldn't actually leave him, right?
You seemed so caring
He actually believed you when you said you needed him
But here you were, trying to leave your shared home in the middle of the night
He almost breaks down as he picks you up and takes you back to your room
He finds it a bit odd that you don't fight back at all, but he assumes you just don't care to
He locks you up and makes sure that you can't go anywhere
How could you do this to him?
When you wake up the next morning in chains and not in your shared bed, you begin to cry for Jason
He tries to ignore you, but he can't bring himself to hear your sad voice calling out to him
You try your best to tell him that you don't remember what happened, and that you would never leave him
And maybe he's too trusting, but he believes you
You just seem so sad and so genuine that it's impossible for him to think it's anything other than honesty
You couldn't be that stupid anyways
You'd get lost in those woods alone at night, he knows that
So he just has to believe you
He loves you, and love means trust, right?
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Thomas Hewitt
But you were being so sweet to him just hours before
How could you lie to his face like that?
He wakes up without you in his arms, and he just about loses it
Frantically searches for you around the house and finally finds you at one of the nailed in windows
He pulls you away quickly, staring at you sadly
He's waiting for an explanation, but you don't say anything
You just stare
You weren't acting like yourself
He pushes you back towards the bedroom and you walk the rest of the way yourself, climbing back into bed with ease
He's confused, but decides to see if it will happen again
You can't leave anyways
The whole house is locked up, and you don't even know where the keys are
You act just like your normal self the next day
And that night, you're back to walking around with a blank stare
He figures this just might be a thing you do
Doesn't really try to stop you, but he does follow you most nights to make sure you don't accidentally hurt yourself
On nights he wants you in bed, he ties some old fabric around your ankle and holds you tight while you sleep
You might not ever know about your late night adventures unless he decides to tell you
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Bubba Sawyer
He's quite literally blubbering to you
He's crying, he's frantic, he even shakes you a bit, and you just stand there not responding
He keeps waiting, and when you start to just wander around again, he loses it
What's wrong with you? Why are you acting like this?
He ties you back into bed and stays up the rest of the night, watching you
The next morning, he confronts you stressfully
You keep telling him over and over that you don't know what he's talking about
But he refuses to believe you
(He wants to believe you, he's just scared)
He only finally realizes you were being honest when in the middle of the day during your nap, he finds you wandering back to the window with his whole family watching you
You weren't stupid
Why would you try to leave when literally everyone could see you in broad daylight?
His family begins laughing and saying things like "looks like you got yourself a sleepwalker"
So you weren't purposefully trying to leave him?
He cries tears of joy and spends the next couple of days pampering you and giving you just about everything you want
He does his best to show you that he's sorry
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Brahms Heelshire
It's quite literally known that Brahms has abandonment issues at this point
So when he catches you climbing up onto the window sill
He loses it
Will grab you and roughly pull you off, your body falling to the ground
This immediately wakes you up, your eyes searching around frantically
When you see Brahms standing above you, you try to reach for him, but he only shoves you away
You look so sad and confused at this, but Brahms is too stubborn to give in
He starts tying you up again each night, still very hurt that you would try to leave like that
It takes weeks for you to gain his trust again
And the one night he lets you sleep freely, he catches you by the window again
But instead of grabbing you immediately, he decides to just watch
He wants to see how far you'll go so he knows just how severe your punishment will need to be
But instead, you just give up on unlocking the window (it was jammed), and you just turn around and walk straight back to bed, not even registering Brahms being right there
This is odd
You need to explain the concept of sleepwalking to him the next day
He still remains skeptical for a while, but he'll come around
You just need to be extra attentive for a while...
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Norman Bates
Norman already knows a lot about sleepwalking
(It's what he thought was going on for a while when he couldn't remember large chunks of time throughout the week)
When he finds you opening a window in the middle of the night, he bolts at you, ready to lock you back up in one of the motel rooms again
However, when you don't respond or reveal any emotion on your face, he immediately knows what's going on
He's surprised
He didn't know you'd be a sleepwalker
He decides to just lead you back to bed, knowing that waking you isn't the best idea
Sits you down the next morning and talks with you about it
When you seem very apologetic, he uses it to his advantage
Has you cuddle up with him even more than normal and stay by his side at all hours of the day
He still gives you some freedom
But he's always watching
He does take some precautions and ties your wrist up in the middle of the night
He has to, for your safety of course
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Billy Loomis
To be honest, you don't make it very far
Billy has an iron grip on you at all times, and he's a light sleeper
The moment you get up, he's awake, observing you carefully
Sometimes you have to pee in the middle of the night, but he still makes sure you aren't lying to him
His ability to trust is practically in the ground
The moment you turn the wrong way, he's up and chasing after you
Were you that dumb? You knew he watched you every time you got up from bed
He grabs your wrist quickly and points a knife at your throat as a threat
He can't bring himself to actually hurt you though, not that you knew that
Or did you?
Because you just stand there not even moving away from the blade
Billy becomes very confused
He takes his hand and begins to wake it in front of your face, looking for some sort of reaction
You don't give him one
Are you still... asleep?
He shakes you a bit until you finally look at him, confusion written all over your face
You're a sleepwalker, aren't you?
He just rolls his eyes annoyed and drags you back to bed, not explaining anything
Just another thing he needs to look out for now
You sometimes wake up to bruises on your hips and waist from how hard Billy holds you in the night, but he's just trying to protect you, right?
He doesn't mean to hurt you, he just refuses to lose another person in his life
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Stu Macher
Stu literally sleeps on you, so it's nearly impossible for you to leave the bed most nights
But if you somehow wiggle your way out, you wouldn't make it outside the house
The windows have been nailed so that they only open a small amount
When he finds you the next morning, curled up under a partially opened window, he just smiles
Call it naive, but he just assumes you were getting too warm in the bed
When you wake up in a confused state however, he becomes concerned
What do you mean you don't remember opening that window?
He honestly just becomes more worried that there's something wrong with your memory rather than you trying to leave him
He'll likely talk to Billy about it
He just hears laughter from the other end of the phone
"Sounds like they sleep walk," he'd say
Stu does a bunch of research on it later
He doesn't really mind though
All of the unsafe objects are already hidden away, and every possible exit is locked down
You aren't going anywhere
If anything, he finds it fun to wake up some mornings and look around for you
It's like a game, and Stu loves games
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pinkcarsupremacy · 3 months
Okay in all the drama of yesterday's race I feel like we overlooked the F1 movie teaser and we need to talk about what the hell was going on in that.
So we start with 60yo racer Brad Pitt telling the audience and uh someone else that their car is beat on the straights by "Red Bull, Ferrari, Mercedes, Aston and now Mclaren" (as an Alpine fan I understand the plight) and that their only chance of beating the other teams is to battle in the turns and I quote "we need to build our car for combat" (never underestimate Americans and their ability to turn something into a war analogy)
After that bizzare statement the following exchange occurs:
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Yeah fuck safety!! The FIA is actually involved with the making of this film if you're wondering.
From here on there isn't actually anymore dialogue and it's just a bunch of racing and track team shots set to 'We will Rock You'. It was here that it dawned on me that this movie is gonna be super bizzare. Despite all the noise about them filming on track at live race weekends it never occured to me the other drivers and teams would actually feature in it. I'm not even sure what I thought they were going to do but I assumed it would involve a lot of CGI.
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But nope turns out this is actually just a strange self-insert film where an 11th team featuring 60yo Brad Pitt and his younger teammate will compete against real F1 drivers? The $300 million budget is starting to make sense - maybe they had to pay the other drivers a salary. I think one glaring problem with this is that it means there won't be other characters in the movie (excluding team members of the fake team) because the other drivers and team members are uh real people? Now that would be fine if it was a biopic like Rush where everyone are actors but here we have 2 actors and 20 real drivers (who are quite literally at work btw) and any interaction between them and the actors is gonna break the immersion of the film so badly.
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Sidenote here's one of the Apex cars abusing a Williams - not the kind of behaviour that endears me to either of the fake drivers ngl. Probably should have picked a more disliked team to clown on.
Now I actually went and read an interview with the 2 directors to try and work out what is going on. At one point in this interview, Jerry Bruckheimer says: "It’s the only sport where your teammate is also your competitor, and that’s great drama in itself. Just think about that; you’re fighting with your own teammate for a place on the podium. And everything we use in the movie actually happened in an F1 race. Nobody can say: ‘That would never happen.’ It happened."
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So in other words the teammates will fight and it will be based on real life events? Yeah unfortunately I'm getting Perez and Ocon in Force India vibes from that (those 2 shots pretty similar huh).
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There was also this in the interview which is... I mean I don't really know what to take from this but it's certainly interesting. As an Ocon fan this quite literally strikes fear into my heart (why was he of all drivers named...) but we'll have to wait and see I guess.
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bamfkeeper · 2 months
You were taken and Kurt does everything he can to to get you back.
I wanted to write something like this since the post where he sees you get hurt and goes nuts. This is sorta like that but more extreme. A little darker than what I've written before. Please skip this one if the warnings make you uncomfortable. There might be a part two that features more recovery, maybe. Idk yet we will see.
Warnings: Gender neutral mutant!reader, kidnapping, descriptions of injury, creepy soldiers, violence, mutant prejudice (the term 'mutie' is used), mentions/descriptions of physical abuse via soldiers to reader, good ending I promise, unedited (at this point please just expect it lmao I never edit my writing bc I'm lazy).
WC: 3.4k
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It happened so fast, a blur of motion and confusion. You barely had time to react before you were snatched from the comforting surroundings of your bedroom and forcefully shoved into a heavily armored vehicle. The interior was cramped, filled to the brim with men in imposing uniforms, their expressions stern and unyielding. You looked up at all of them, your heart pounding in your chest.
Your powers were gone, they had put that damn collar on you, the one designed to nullify your abilities. In that moment, you felt completely and utterly helpless, stripped of your defenses and at the mercy of your captors. They knew it too.
"Poor thing. It doesn't know what to do, does it?" one of them snickered at you, his voice dripping with mockery and malice, making you shiver with a mix of disgust and fear. The man's voice was so vile it made you want to vomit, and the way he looked at you made you feel profoundly uncomfortable. You were helpless, bound on the cold, hard ground of the van, as all of these soldiers kept their disgusting, predatory gazes glued on you, watching you squirm in agony and distress on the floor.
The air was thick with the stench of sweat and metal, amplifying your sense of dread and making your situation feel even more hopeless. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest, each beat echoing in your ears as you desperately wished for some form of escape, but there was none. The soldiers' laughter and jeers filled the back of the van, and you felt even more distressed.
"You're a cute mutie, you know that? Most of 'em you can tell are filthy things, but you...you're one of the attractive ones, aren't you?" one soldier spoke. His words were condescending and cruel despite what he said. The tone of his voice carried a sharp edge, filled with disdain and mockery. He looked you up and down with a sneer, observing you with distain and annoyance.
His comrades stood by, chuckling and nodding in agreement, their eyes filled with the same mixture of contempt and amusement. His expression growing more malicious with each passing second, his boot lifted and kicked you slightly. "Are you going to speak, or are you mute, just like a dumb animal?" he asked sharply.
You took a sharp inhale, your chest rising and falling quickly as you tried to steady your nerves. The air felt thick, almost suffocating, as you made a conscious effort to avoid interacting with them at all. The last thing you wanted was to provoke them and risk any form of retaliation.
Your throat was dry, and you could feel your heart pounding in your ears as you swallowed thickly. "N-no..." you managed to let out in a quiet, shaky whisper, barely audible but enough to convey your reluctance and fear.
A sharp sting to your cheek as one of them swung their baton across your face, the impact reverberating through your skull. The blow was so hard it jerked your head to the side with brutal force, and your temple slammed painfully into the cold, unforgiving floor of the van. You could feel the rough texture of the metal against your skin, the scent of dirty leather and iron filled your nostrils, adding to the disorienting pain.
He scoffed, the sound filled with disdain, his eyes holding nothing but cruel amusement and a twisted sense of superiority. "Pathetic freak," he spat, the words dripping with contempt and malice.
The ride was unbearably long and dreary, stretching on for what felt like an eternity. You laid on the cold, hard floor of the van silently, trying to block out the incessant comments and remarks they made about you and your appearance. Their voices dripped with eager malice as they spoke about the brazen and disgusting things they wanted to do to you, each word sending a shiver down your spine and making you want to curl up into a tight ball and hide from the world.
After what seemed like endless hours of discomfort, the van finally slowed to a stop. You were roughly dragged out of it, your legs refusing to cooperate after being forced to lay in such an uncomfortable position for so long. The sun had set the world into a foggy darkness, the only lights illuminating the area were from the large bunker that was build into the wall of a large mountain, guarded with armored vehicles and more men in uniforms.
You struggled to regain your bearings as they pulled you forward, your body aching and your mind reeling from the ordeal. They forcefully walked you inside the huge doors that were drawn open, jerking you around with a roughness that made it hard to keep your composure. Their hands grasped you firmly, their hands groping your body as you struggled against their grip, trying desperately to maintain a calm façade.
Your brave face was beginning to falter, and it became increasingly evident that your terror was rapidly growing. Despite your best efforts, you couldn't hide the fact that fear was taking over, creeping into every corner of your mind.
They walked you to a wall of cells, which stretched endlessly in both directions, each one containing a mutant. Some cells already held mutants who were caged and looked absolutely horrible, as if they had been there for a long time. The conditions of the cells varied greatly; some were sterile and clean, while others were more run-down and dilapidated, as if the guards had no fear that the mutant inside would ever escape.
The air was thick with the smell of decay and neglect. Most of the mutants didn't move or look up; they were either lying down or sitting in a posture of utter defeat. Their eyes were vacant, their spirits broken, and it seemed as though hope had long since abandoned them. The overall atmosphere was one of despair and abandonment, a stark reminder of the cruelty inflicted upon them.
"What is this place?" you asked, attempting to sound firm and confident. However, your voice betrayed you, emerging as meek and afraid instead. The man holding you chuckled in amusement at your fear as he opened the heavy, creaking door to your chosen cell.
"Your new home, mutant. Get comfortable," he sneered, his voice dripping with mockery. With a rough shove, he threw you onto the cold, hard ground. The impact knocked the wind out of you as you landed with a thud. The man then unsheathed a gleaming blade, its edge catching the dim light.
He began to cut through the coarse ropes that bound your body, each slice of the blade careless. He didn’t care if he nicked you, and he did a few times. You flinched as the blade cut your skin, the sharp jerks and sawing through the ropes stabbed into you as you let out sharp hisses and pained gasps.
The man continued as if he weren't hurting you, and he scoffed with each noise you made. "If you sat still this wouldn't have happened," he grabbed one of your bleeding arms and he held it up.
"What do you want from me?" Your voice whined out, desperate for answers. None of their uniforms gave their organization away, and you had no idea what they wanted with you. The room was dimly lit, casting eerie shadows on the walls, which only added to the sense of dread you felt. The man just stood up, shrugging nonchalantly as if this entire situation was a routine matter for him.
"Nothing important. Whatever the boss wants," he replied, his voice dripping with apathy. "We do anything to your kind, and no one will come for you. We won't be charged with any crimes, you aren't people. You're nothing to us, and soon we will exterminate your species and we will be the supreme race on the planet again."
His words cut through the air like a knife, making it hard to breathe. You could see the cold determination in his eyes, a reflection of a deeply ingrained hatred. It was clear that they had been planning this for a long time, and you were just another pawn in their grand scheme. The thought of being part of such a ruthless plan made your stomach churn, but there was nothing you could do but listen and hope for a chance to escape.
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The days melded together in an indistinguishable blur, and your concept of time dissipated. Every single day, you were visited by the men, who would unceremoniously drag you into a sterile lab filled with cold, clinical instruments.
There, a man wearing white would subject you to various invasive procedures, poking and prodding you with sharp tools that seemed designed to maximize your agony. They took many things from you—blood, tissue samples, and even bone marrow—leaving you feeling increasingly depleted and always somewhat wounded and weak.
Your time in this nightmarish place was exactly what mutantkind was afraid of, what you were afraid of, filled with relentless suffering, and they showed no sign of compassion or concern for the excruciating pain they inflicted upon you.
You were beaten regularly, just like the rest of the mutants being held captive in the facility. Every day, they came to your cell with their batons, mercilessly laying into you until your skin changed colors from the bruises. They were relentless, you were kicked and hit repeatedly, dragged by your hair across the cold, hard floors, thrown against the walls, and tossed around like a ragdoll.
You were barely fed, only given tasteless slop that had the consistency of old paste and looked anywhere from white to grey mush. This so-called "food" was just enough to keep you from starving, but not enough to ever feel full or satisfied. The meals were infrequent and meager, purposefully designed to keep you in a state of constant hunger and weakness.
They wanted to ensure that your body remained perpetually frail, as if the collar around your neck didn't already make you harmless enough for them. This deliberate deprivation was a method of control, a way to break down your spirit and ensure that you remained too weak to resist or fight back.
You were so tired.
The torment seemed endless. You swore that if they didn't need to take samples from your body nearly every day for their experiments, they would have taken pleasure in killing you outright. The relentless abuse was a constant reminder of your helplessness, and the fact that you couldn't fight back killed you inside.
Collared, drugged, and experimented on like some kind of helpless animal, it seemed like there was no end to the torment. They groped and touched you in ways you didn't want, and it was clear they had no regard for your consent or well-being. The very sight of your discomfort brought them pleasure, and they made sure you knew it every step of the way. Their methods were devised and precise; deeply psychological torment designed to break your spirit and make you feel utterly powerless.
As much as you hated it, it worked.
Their methods proved to be highly effective, gradually wearing you down over time. You could feel yourself slowly succumbing to their demands, submitting to what they wanted from you. Perhaps it was a defense mechanism that your brain instinctively resorted to in order to cope with the relentless torture and abuse. After enduring for such a long period, you found that you had no fight left within you, completely drained of the will to resist.
Red alarms blared loudly, their piercing sound cutting through the silence and yanking you from a rare slumber. Startled, you blinked awake, though your vision was slightly corrupted by the bruises and swollen skin, especially around your dominant eye, which throbbed painfully.
Groggily, your head rose from the cold, hard floor, confusion flooding your mind as you tried to process your surroundings. The distant sounds of fighting drifted to your ears from the direction of your cell, adding to the disorientation and making you wonder what the hell was happening beyond the confines of your small, dimly-lit prison.
You felt your body flinch violently as something large and heavy slammed into the room where the cells were located. The sudden noise echoed through the small, confined space, sending a chill down your spine. Instinctively, you crawled into the nearest corner and curled up there, trying to make yourself as small and inconspicuous as possible.
You had learned from experience that the precious visits from the men were less painful if you were already huddled against the wall, minimizing the areas they could hit with their fists or batons. The cold, hard surface of the wall offered a strange sense of comfort, even as fear and uncertainty gnawed at you.
The the heavy, metallic sound of your cell door creaking open, and instinctively, your entire body tensed up, bracing for yet another brutal attack from the armed men who derived joy from taunting and tormenting you. You prepared yourself for the rough hands and the mocking jeers that usually followed. But this time, instead of the expected harsh touches and cruel laughter, you were met with something entirely different—a voice you hadn't expected to hear again.
"Liebe..." the voice whispered weakly, the word hanging in the air like a fragile thread of hope. Puzzled and intrigued, you slowly pulled your head out from its tucked, defensive position and glanced toward the source of the unexpected whisper. The sight that met your eyes made you freeze.
Kurt stood in shock, his eyes glued to your fragile, timid form curled on the floor. The scene overwhelmed him, causing his breath to hitch in his throat. He slowly knelt down, every movement deliberate as if sudden actions might shatter the fragile peace. His hands, steady yet trembling with restrained emotion, gently set his swords on the floor with a quiet clink that echoed in the silence. "Liebe...y/n..." he rasped quietly, his voice a soft whisper, trying his best to sound calm and composed despite the complete internal storm of rage and anguish brewing within him.
His heart ached with as he reached out, his fingers hovering just above your form, not wanting to startle you further. You stared with uncertainty, your body naturally flinching away, so used to a heavy hand and harsh touches that left you in anguish. For some reason, your brain couldn't differentiate between your lover and the men who had been torturing you.
"I-It's me, Kurt..." he said with a pained strain, his voice cracking as if it hurt to speak, "It's okay...I'm here now." He muttered, his hand gently touching your bruised body, his fingers trembling slightly as if afraid to cause you more pain. You made a quiet whine, a soft sound that conveyed both your relief and your lingering fear. Looking at him and realizing that he had come to you, that he was truly here, you felt a wave of emotion wash over you.
He was here, and you were safe.
The room around you seemed to blur as the significance of his presence settled in, the promise of protection and care easing the tension consuming you. A cry escaped your throat and you fell into him, his arms instantly wrapped around your body, his tail following suit. "Shh, sh...Es ist okay, ich bin jetzt hier." he whispered, trying his best to soothe you while your cheeks dampened with tears.
He held you tightly and let you cry, feeling the tremors of your sobs against his chest. He could hear the terror and desperation in your muffled wails, each one a heartbreaking testament to your pain. Your arms and hands gripped him, but your hold was weak, your strength sapped by the inhumane treatment you endured. You were in dire need of medical attention, evident from your pale complexion and labored breathing. Despite this, he didn't want to let go yet; he wanted to keep you in his arms, so afraid to let go and lose you again.
"You're safe now, liebling," he whispered, his voice trembling with emotion. "Oh... I was so scared... so terribly scared I might not reach you in time." His heart ached with the memory of the fear and helplessness he had felt, and he vowed never to let you out of his sight again.
"Let's go...hold on..." he said, gripping you tightly as his tail moved and wrapped securely around his swords. With a swift motion, he teleported you to the jet. The floor beneath you was hard and unyielding, but the environment around you was far more welcoming and comforting than the cold, harsh cell that had been stained with your own blood.
He leaned back to grab something, his arms unwrapping from your body, but your grip grew stronger on him. "No...no, don't go," you were desperate for him, so terrified of his absence, your mind was in pieces, the aftermath of the torture you went through on full display as you became more and more attached to his presence. Needing him like he were the only thing keeping you from drowning in the thrashing waters that plagued your thoughts.
"I'm not going anywhere, schatz... I am just getting a blanket for you," Kurt soothed reassuringly. His tail, nimble and gentle, reached out to grab the blanket so his arms could remain wrapped securely around you, providing a sense of comfort and stability that you desperately needed. He carefully grabbed the soft blanket and draped it over you, making sure you were warm, and continued to hold you close against his body in a protective embrace.
The presence of the other X-Men in the jet went by unnoticed by you, They started up the jet and began the flight back towards the mansion where you could be properly treated. Right now, your only focus was on Kurt, his presence and touch being the only things grounding you in that moment of anxiety.
As you finally began to give in to the much-needed sleep your body was desperate for, your eyes caught a glimpse of the swords Kurt had carried with him into the facility. Their brilliant, silver shine was now dulled with the stains of crimson, splattered and smeared across the once pristine blades, telling a silent tale of what transpired before he found you. You blinked, trying to focus more on them, but his tail pushed them out of view, obscuring the unsettling sight.
Kurt didn't want you to witness the sheer carnage he had wrought, as he was completely blinded by a bitter and relentless rage that consumed him entirely. In his fury, he slaughtered so many men that he lost count, not even realizing the extent of his actions. All he could think about was wanting you back in his arms, where you would be safe and protected from the horrors that had befallen you. His blades were stained with the hateful blood of those men who had caused you so much harm, and he felt a twisted sense of satisfaction, even though deep down he knew it was wrong.
But he didn't care about the morality of his actions, not now at least. Seeing you so badly hurt had ignited a fire within him, a burning guilt that was only somewhat lifted by the vengeance he exacted. His mind was clouded, but in the chaos, all he wanted was get you home safe where you could be treated. None of the other X-Men dared say a word to him about what happened, by the time they arrived to help Kurt had already went through the men with ease, his blind rage driving him to kill to get to you.
He carefully adjusted his hold, making sure that you could lay your head more comfortably against him. He wanted to ensure that you couldn't see the gleaming blades. His expression was a complex mixture of trouble and deep worry, reflecting the weight of the situation and his concern for your well-being. Leaning closer, he whispered softly, "Rest, liebe... we will get you fixed up soon. Just hold on a little longer..."
You couldn't argue with him now. Your body was in need of rest and you finally felt safe enough to fall asleep. It was such a relief to sleep without worrying about someone coming in and hurting you. You closed your eyes as he held you tight, whispering sweet nothings to you as you slowly allowed your body to fall into a deep slumber. All you knew now was that you had a long recovery ahead of you, and he would be by your side the entire time.
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Thanks for reading.
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topazadine · 2 months
Avoiding therapy speak in writing
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I think we all know by now that therapy speak is irritating and unrealistic, especially if you are writing in a fantasy world that doesn't even have modern psychology.
Part of the reason that it is so annoying is that it is the definition of telling instead of showing: characters are just plainly informing us of their feelings rather than making us work for a better understanding. It's cheap and boring. Instead of making your characters seem like complex individuals with their own hangups and difficulties, they seem like plot points programmed to tell us things.
But obviously, you want to put these people in situations and have them talk about it! How do you do that without sounding maudlin? Here are some options.
Listen to real arguments/conversations
I cannot stress enough how important it is to listen to how actual real human beings talk to each other during heightened emotional states. They don't have to be nasty abusers, and they don't have to be perfect angels, just everyday people doing their normal thing.
Of course, I'd hope you're not seeing people argue all the time, but if you do happen to see it, listen carefully and notice how people actually address their problems. Think back to tough conversations that you have had, even if you wouldn't classify them as arguments. Consider how people acted and reacted to one another. Notice how normal humans talk about issues outside of therapy, even intelligent and emotionally evolved people.
I've had years of therapy, and even I do not talk in therapy ways about my issues when I'm talking to my family or friends. It just feels cheesy and fake outside of that particular setting - plus, it freaks other people out and can seem kind of manipulative. Try talking like that in a real conversation and see how uncomfortable it is. You'll understand why avoiding therapy speak is important.
Consider the character's own hangups
Just as everyone has their own unique speaking style and mindset, so do we all have our own argument styles. These are often informed by our pasts and upbringing; they are as varied as our own histories. However, there are a few different options.
Someone with a happy upbringing may be more assertive and willing to address their problems because they had that demonstrated to them as children.
A spoiled child will grow up to be a demanding adult who refuses to give any quarter.
Those who got yelled at a lot as children may shut down and fawn to avoid getting hurt.
Someone who grew up in a violent household may mimic that behavior and get incredibly aggressive when upset.
Individuals whose parents didn't teach them emotional regulation will lash out and get loud.
Manipulative people may stay very calm and gaslight the other person, or they may get hysterical to garner sympathy and make people focus on comforting them.
Someone who has gone to therapy may revert to their original argument style, or they may imperfectly apply what they have learned in a way that feels a bit unnatural. They may start out with rage, then force themselves to calm down through grounding techniques.
People who have been coached through previous emotional outbursts could demand a time out, then fail to actually calm themselves down.
Some may refuse to acknowledge they are upset and insist, in increasingly forceful terms, that they are fine.
Others may get quiet or crack a joke to ease the tension, but it doesn't really help.
Keep each confrontation short
IRL, emotional confrontations are generally not that long. They don't go on for hours and hours, though it can feel that way. No one is going on and on about their feelings and sharing every little detail of how they feel (at least not that I know of personally, maybe other people are different).
Even the worst arguments I have had, the real nexus of the argument was maybe an hour or two, though the fallout lasted much longer. I'd say there was an hour maximum of real, active confrontation, preceded or followed by hours/days/weeks of simmering frustration.
Why? Because arguments are exhausting. You don't have the energy for that in the heat of the moment. Yes, feuds and fights can last years, but each actual confrontation is short.
For longer, more serious issues, hash it out over a few sessions rather than all at once. It's rare to get everything out of the way immediately unless the characters already have a strong, loving relationship.
Show incongruencies
Especially for more reserved people, they will likely have their emotions leaking all over the place but won't actually say anything. As such, focus on body language while keeping the conversation more focused on the plot. For example, Character A might be crying but still trying to argue their point about whatever is going on.
Address physical complaints instead of emotional ones
In many cases, people will use "I'm tired" or "I didn't sleep well" or "I'm not feeling great" as shorthand for whatever is actually bothering them. It relieves pressure by not making them talk about upsetting matters while still addressing their discomfort in some form.
You should also consider the fact that some people can't connect physical sensations to feelings, so they may genuinely feel ill and not really understand why. This is especially common in people who can't emotionally regulate or have been through trauma.
For myself, I tend to somatize my feelings, so I might not feel upset, but I will feel physically sick. My stomach will hurt, my chest will get tight, or I'll get a headache, but my emotional state will seem calm. This isn't all that unusual, and many people experience this to different degrees.
As such, you can have your character say that their stomach hurts, or that they have a headache and can't discuss this anymore, or that they need to go lie down because they're dizzy. If we know they're relatively healthy, this can be a clue that they're getting overwhelmed but either cannot pinpoint their emotions or don't want to discuss them.
Let characters advance and retreat
A lot of the time, someone will address a scary emotion and then retreat again, sometimes over a period of hours, days, or even weeks. This is normal: most of us don't have the emotional fortitude to forge ahead through something difficult all in one go. Character A may say something vulnerable, then change the topic, laugh it off, say they're done discussing it, or even leave the situation.
Leave emotions partially unaddressed
Again, it's rare for someone to spill out everything they're feeling all in one go. As such, have Character A address the most important thing - or the least important, depending on their level of emotional maturity - and let it be done for then.
They might say their small piece, but when someone tries to probe deeper, they don't have an answer, or they get "stuck" on that one emotional level and cannot go further.
If Character B keeps pushing, then they may get incredibly upset and push back, or retreat.
Have Character B point out the feelings
Works especially well if the other character is a close companion or a parental figure. Often, people who know us really well will have better insight into our emotions than we do. Or, we might have good insight into our emotions but are still too afraid to open up. Having Character B point out the issue gives Character A grace to be more honest.
I can't tell you how many times I've been really upset, so I've distracted from the issue by getting angry about something completely different. Then, my mom will gently point out that I'm not actually crying about my new plastic cup being broken or whatever; I'm actually upset about XYZ. In that moment, I realize I've been caught out and admit that yes, that's what I'm really upset about.
Have Character A address it with a third character
Who among us hasn't gone to someone else to talk about our feelings? Having a third party serve as a sounding board is normal. Sometimes, Character A will feel such catharsis from this conversation that they don't address it as thoroughly with Character B.
Of course, you can use this to your advantage and create more tension if the third character gives bad advice or is biased.
Remember that just because the third party responded well does not mean that Character B does. You also have to avoid omniscience and remember that Character B wasn't privy to that conversation.
Have one confrontation be a stand-in for a larger one
I always think about the "The Iranian Yogurt Is Not the Issue" post when I think about this. Often times, things like not doing the dishes or whatever aren't actually the big deal: it's lack of boundaries, communication, or respect. A minor argument can be shorthand for a larger one that is too challenging for the characters to tackle.
This isn't just creating drama for the hell of it, though; it's about exploring the larger issues without making the characters lay it out on the table. A good reader will be able to see it's not about the Iranian Yogurt as long as you set up the relationship well.
Currently, I am writing a story where Uileac and his sister Cerie go to rescue Uileac's husband, Orrinir. On the way there, Uileac idly comments on how he wonders where a waterfall comes from because he's trying to distract himself from thinking about the fact that his husband is kidnapped and possibly dead.
Cerie, being pretty wound up too, starts arguing with him about it because she's like "why is this relevant? We're kind of too busy to think about geology right now!" Uileac gets annoyed at her for being so aggro, and she gets annoyed at him for being so irreverent. Both of them are upset about something completely different, but they're too scared and panicked to actually address that, so they release their frustrations by complaining about waterfalls.
Those bad vibes have to go somewhere, but neither of them are very good at talking about their feelings (though very good at stuffing them down). As such, they take the pressure off by sniping at one another. You've probably done this too, when you get into a dumb argument about something absolutely pointless because there's something you don't feel strong enough to discuss.
There's also the fact that if you're mad at someone about something but feel it's too stupid or petty to discuss, that frustration will leak out and everything else they do will annoy you, leading to a bunch of irrelevant arguments.
Use "reaffirmation" gestures
I talked about this in a different post, but after an argument, the "make up" stage doesn't always involve going "ohhh I forgive you" and big hugs and kisses, especially when the two characters aren't emotionally mature.
Instead, Character A makes gestures that reaffirm the relationship. This could be offering to do something Character B needs, making plans for later, or changing the topic to discuss something the other character cares about ("how are your cats doing?") etc.
Note that these "reaffirmation" gestures aren't the same as the cycle of abuse. This is more when two characters have had a difficult emotional conversation but aren't really sure how to continue being emotionally open, so they revert to something safer that still shows they care. They're not over-the-top gestures either, but more a special attention to something the other person loves. Knowing what the other person loves also demonstrates the depth of their relationship.
As always, I can't tell you what to do with your writing.
You are the crafter of your own story, and if you want people to talk like therapists for whatever reason, that's your choice. However, we want characters to feel like real people, and most real people don't lay it all out on the table every single time they're upset. If they do, they might be trauma vomiting, which is icky in and of itself.
Healthy communication isn't always perfect communication. People can have strong, loving relationships and still get things wrong - we're human. Having people calmly and rationally and easily talk about their feelings every single time is not only kind of boring, but it also feels weird, because unless we're primed to discuss those difficult topics and know we're perfectly safe, we're not going to do that.
People don't even do that in therapy, where they are paying for the service of talking about their feelings! Therapists also don't always do that IRL!
We're humans, and your characters need to feel like humans as well. That means letting them be imperfect communicators and using context clues rather than making them do all the work for the reader.
If you liked my advice, consider purchasing my book, 9 Years Yearning, for $3!
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snekdood · 25 days
Your impulse to believe every last bad thing people say about a guy and then if that guy is victimized by those people or the people who spread the rumors you dont even try to look into if thats even the case, you just assume hes bad by default-- yeah thats incredibly unfair to guys who are victims of abuse.
#so here i am having to heal my trauma on my own bc people think im a bad person. cool.#and then people would use me as an argument point 'this is why men who use guys who are victims of abuse as an argument need#to actually do something to show they care' she said so smugly. knowing those guys wont give that guy any care no matter how#correct she is about sussing them out on their bullshit.#so instead im being given 0 options at all bc both men and women want to use me as an argument jumping off point rather than see#me as a real human right here right now whos suffering and in need of aid.#you're arguing about giving me a place to stay right in front of me. and at the end of the day neither of you actually want to help#create a space for me to heal anyways. im just another talking point to you. left in the dust. left to try to figure out how to heal#myself alone all over again. something I never expected to have to do in feminist spaces- spaces I intentionally entered to get healing#about ANOTHER abuse that happened to be as a kid- though if im honest I never really found healing in such spaces its all kinda just#hating on men for the most part- so truly like the rest of my entire shit life i've had to learn how to heal my trauma all alone. which isn#great nor ideal since on my own im bound to pick up worse coping mechanisms than if I actually got help from others. and lord knows#I have *motions to the scars on my arms* but yknow you'd rather use me as a talking point rather than be what I thought you were-#the last resort I had to maybe actually finally get some actual fucking help with my trauma.#vent#to say im disappointed is an understatement. i'm more just sad at this point. i'm tired of being promised better and then its shit.
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etz-ashashiyot · 6 months
I know I'm gonna regret posting this, but I just can't not say something: I'm so sick of people who are actively contributing to the ongoing oppression of and violence against Palestinians calling themselves "pro-Palestinian."
In the same way that so many people in the anti-abortion movement are actually pro forced birth rather than pro-child, there are a lot of you who aren't pro-Palestinian, you're just violently antisemitic or in it for yourselves.
If you aren't:
Also angry with the other countries that abuse their Palestinian populations, refuse them citizenship, keep them in displaced person camps under horrific conditions, and/or close their borders entirely to them;
In support of genuine grassroots movements that aim to create some kind of stability, peace, and safety through diplomatic relationships and community building, because that's ""normalization"";
Willing to condemn antisemitism in the diaspora, which helps fuels right-wing rhetoric in Israel;
Willing to shut down lies, propaganda, and disinformation even if it "supports" Palestinians in theory, because lying repeatedly associates the Palestinian movement with lying and makes it harder for survivors to tell their actual stories and be believed outside of the far left movements (and also the truth is bad enough - there's no need to lie);
Willing to focus on practical problem solving over political posturing, especially when it will save Palestinian lives;
Willing to condemn Hamas, which started this most recent disaster, steals aid meant for civilians, uses civilians as human shields, and has been torturing dissenters for years;
Willing to work with Israeli leftists who hate their current government and want peace and full equality for Arab Israelis and their Palestinian neighbors, and also have the best shot at making that change happen; and/or,
Willing to learn about Palestinians as living human beings and value their lives over using them as a political cudgel, whatever that looks like on the ground;
.............then maybe you're more interested in looking radical and jerking off to some fantastical version of The Revolution, and/or hurting Jews than you are in promoting peace, safety, dignity, and self-determination for Palestinians.
Like seriously with "friends" like these, do they even need enemies??
Anyway you should call out the Israeli government for its very real abuses of Palestinians and nothing in this post should be construed otherwise. But if you genuinely care and aren't just in it for internet cool points or leftist cred or feeding your Jew-hate boner or whatever, you gotta prioritize solutions that have a realistic shot at short-term relief and long-term possibility over whatever fits some idealistic goal that will only ever end with more dead Palestinians.
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minniesmutt · 4 months
☾ ━━━━━━ 𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐲
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     It became a tradition. Getting completely fucked into the mattress by Seungmin the night before his baseball games. Stress relief or good luck, he claimed both. Especially with it being their game that decided if they went to the finals in their college league. 
     “Fuck!” Y/n cried as he hit one particular spot inside of her while he had her in a mating press. 
     “Feel this greedy cunt wanting to come,” Seungmin grunted “Maybe I should tie you up for the whole team to fucking use.”
     He delivered a hard slap to the back of her thigh just as she came on his cock. Hard too. 
     Seungmin wasn't far behind either. A few more pumps and he was painting her walls with his cum. Letting her milk him dry before pulling out. 
     “How you feel bub?” Seungmin inquired as he pulled her out of the position and kissed her abused body. 
     “Good,” Y/n smiled. Loving how he could go from a fucking menace in bed to the sweetest person on the planet. 
     “Not to mean?” His lips landed on her cheeks 
     “No. You were perfect Min. Always are.” Y/n pulled his lips to hers as he chuckled at her compliment. 
     “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
     Seungmin got both of them in a bath and cleaned both of them up before just cuddling in the warm water. 
     “Would you let the boys gangbang me?” Y/n asked 
     “Do you want them to?” Seungmin questioned. 
     “I’m not opposed to being tied up and used.”
     “How long has that fantasy been running around in that little brain of yours?” Seungmin moved one hand from around her shoulders to tilt her head back to look at him “Thinking about my friends fucking you with me?”
     “Not long. Just registered what you said,” Y/n answered, “thought it would be hot.”
     “You're a hundred percent okay if I ask?” Seungmin questioned
     “Yeah. I trust you and the guys.” Y/n told him. 
     “I’ll talk to them,” Seungmin smiled before turning her around to kiss her lips. Y/n smiled and kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. 
     Seungmin did talk to his friends after their game, which they won. They talked in their locker room as they waited for all eight to be done changing out of their uniform. 
     “Really?” Changbin asked 
     “She said she was okay with it and she trusted us. We’ve talked about a threesome a few times so it’s not like a surprise.” Seungmin shrugged
     “Gangbang is a big jump from a threesome,” Minho sighed as he sat on the bench. 
     “Yeah. I knew you both were into some harder kinks but letting all seven of us sleep with Y/n?” Jeongin said
     “It’s not like I’m not gonna be there. And I’d honestly rather it be you guys than some random guys neither of us know.”
     “He makes a valid point,” Chan shrugged as the last of them finished up and everyone grabbed their bags to leave
     “When would we even do this and where?” Jisung asked 
     “We usually have sex the night before a game and after at the apartment. Do it next game?” Seungmin suggested which everyone agreed to as they walked out of the locker room. The girl they were all talking about fucking, waiting for her boyfriend outside said locker room. Smiling and walking over to the eight of them. 
     “Good job out there guys!” Y/n told them as she wrapped her arms around her boyfriend’s waist, wearing his jersey. 
     “Thanks,” they all said in unison before the couple waved them off and went their way. 
     “It's weird knowing they're going to have sex right now,” Minho shrugged as the rest erupted in a chorus of asking why he would put that image in their heads  
     The whole week, after the team won, was heavy in practice. The game was the last of the season so there was a fair amount of stress, but when you had a captain like Chan, there didn't feel like a lot of pressure. 
     After they finally finished batting practice on their Wednesday practice, Chan called it a night. Everyone sat on the bench or the ground took in a few deep breaths, and chugged their water before going back to the locker room. 
     “Seungmin,” Minho said, catching the star players' attention. 
     “Minho,” Seungmin replied.
     “What's Y/n into?” the older one asked, causing a few of them to choke on their water
     “How much time do you have?” Seungmin said
     “This goes past locker room talk,” Chan said
     “Whats locker room talk?” Y/n’s voice said. 
     A few of them froze as the girl walked up to the group.
     “Hey bub,” Seungmin greeted his girlfriend
     “Hey pup,” Y/n said, “What were you guys talking about?”
     “Asking your boyfriend what you’re into,” Minho answered
     “I should say I didn’t tell her you guys agreed,” Seungmin said
     “Were you planning to?” Felix asked 
     “Probably not. Knowing him, the asshole would have blindfolded me and made it a game,” Y/n sighed
     “You would have been into it,” Seungmin argued
     “To answer you’re question Minho, yes.” Y/n gave him such an ominous answer that it made the others positive she and Seungmin were perfect together.
     Y/n walked with them back to the locker room and then waited outside for them to change. 
     “Would it be too weird to suggest we do it in here?” Jisung said 
     “Sometimes you have a wonderful brain Jisung,” Minho smiled
     For one reason or another, that sparked some inspiration amongst the group, while the girl outside had no idea what was going to happen this coming weekend. Their conversation stopped when they got outside. Seungmin wrapped his arm around her as they all headed to their cars to go home for the night. 
     Seungmin didn’t have many classes the following day. A couple in the morning but that was it. So he prepared a few things they needed for Friday. 
     “What are you doing?” Y/n asked as she came home from class to him setting up wireless cameras in their living room. The ones you use to spy on your pets when you're away. 
     “Setting up,” He simply said before turning to her and smiling. 
     “If I asked, would you tell me?” 
     “Where’s the fun in that?”
     “Thought so.” 
     Y/n let him do his thing. She trusted him and the guys. She acted oblivious to it but she knew her boyfriend had informed the guys of what her kinks and turn-offs were, safe words— verbal and nonverbal. Well aware of what was happening but it was fun playing dumb. 
     The couple made their way back to their apartment after their last class on Friday for the day. Seungmin had some time before his practice and used it to prep his girlfriend. Ever the sadist he was. 
     Stripping his girlfriend as soon as he got their door locked. Seungmin dragged her over to the couch and sat her down on the floor. Y/n looked up at him as he sat in front of her. “Good pup,” he smiled as moved one of his shoes to nudge under her cunt. 
     Y/n lifted herself a bit and let him slide under her cunt. Y/n sat on his shoes and slowly started grinding against him. The rough fabric on his shoes and the coolness of the leather made her moan. Seungmin smiled down at her as she leaned her body into his leg.
     “Get that little cunt all wet for me and the guys,” Seungmin laughed as she rutted against his Converse. 
     Y/n whined as he just sat and watched her hump his shoe. After a while, he pulled his shoe away from her as she whined more. Begging to make her cum before he left. 
     Seungmin smiled as he got up and left his needy girl there for a moment. He came back with her toy basket. An organized basket they put together when they started exploring harder kinks. In it held a tail and ear set, a collar and leash, a few gags, various vibrators, dildos, anal toys, and lube. He had put a pair of leather cuffs on top and rope before coming back. His other hand held two spreader bars. Went back down the hall once for towels too
     Y/n bit her lip to hide her smile as he set the basket on their coffee table. Seungmin stopped for a moment before pulling their coffee table out of the way, and opening the room up. He grabbed the towels and placed them on the ground, covering the floor. Then he grabbed a pillow from the couch and put it in the middle of the floor. 
     The baseball player grabbed her collar and stood behind her. He wrapped the collar around her before dragging her to the pillow, still having her face the couch. Y/n followed him on all fours and kneeled on the pillow. 
     Seungmin smiled, grabbed the cuffs, and wrapped them around her wrist. He gently pushed her onto her hands and got behind her. Two fingers ran through her folds before running his fingers to her ass. He watched her clench around nothing and laughed before landing a spank on her ass. 
     He moved back to the basket and grabbed the lube and her tail anal plug and a dildo. Seungmin kneeled behind her, squirting the lube between her cheeks. She flinched a bit at the coolness against her heat. 
     One finger pressed against her tight rim. Slowly making way for him as he thrusted his finger in and out of her. Y/n moaned and dipped her head down to take in the pleasure. Just for Seungmin to yank her back by the collar. Y/n gasped at the choking feeling before he let her go. Y/n lay on the floor as he added a second finger into her ass and started scissoring her open till he was sure she could take the plug. 
     He knew full well she could too. He pulled his finger out and grabbed the toy. He coated the metal plug in the lube and pressed the tip to her hole. Slowly working it inside of her, calming her down when she would clench around the metal. Smiling and praising her when he got the toy fully inside of her. He got up grabbed the spreader bar from to table and wrapped the cuffs around her ankles, taking her knees off the pillow. 
     He inserted the dildo into her aching cunt. The toy slipped in with ease because of how wet she was. He sat her up and grabbed her puppy ears and bone gag. The last little piece to the puzzle before he got ready for practice.
     “Behave. Remember sir sees everything,” He patted her cheek before walking off to shower and weather his gear. It was a shorter practice today. Usually was before a game so the guys could rest. The camera he had installed was focused straight on his girlfriend and he had the live video up— having set it up on the end table by their couch— and watched her while in the room. He noticed her leaning forward more and her hips moving. He sighed and zipped up his bag and walked out of the room.
     She didn’t notice him but now he wasn’t watching the video, he could see her grinding against the pillow. He set his bag on the table and grabbed the rope. Happy they installed the durability hook they claimed to their building was for a hanging house plant when they asked why. It indeed was not for a house plant.
     He made his way over and grabbed her cuffs to her surprise. He removed the cuffs and did a quick knot with the rope around her wrists before throwing the longer bit over the hook in their ceiling. Y/n whined against her gag as he leaned down behind her. He pulled the rope till she was sitting over the pillow but the dildo was still able to sit inside her. He tied the remaining end of the rope to the bar and made sure everything was in place and sitting right.
     “I’ll be back in an hour. Control yourself pup. And don’t think about cumming tonight,” Seungmin told her once more before grabbing his bag and turning off the lights in the apartment to make it look like no one was home.
     This wasn’t something new. Seungmin loved messing with her like this. Leaving her tied up while he went out, even for a few minutes. Both loved the thrill they got from it. So Seungmin got in the car and went back to campus to his short practice with the guys. Mainly refining a few things and going over plays before they were in the locker room, all a little antsy to get out and to the couple's apartment.
     Seungmin told them what he was doing to her before he left for practice but their jaws dropped when they saw the camera footage. The guys booked it out before their boners got worse and made their way to the apartment. Acting as casually as they could on the way up. 
     Y/n perked up when she heard the front door unlock. Literally hanging there for an hour was boring, especially since her boyfriend made it impossible for her to even try and get off. 
     She looked over as Seungmin flicked their lights back on. The boys dropped their bags before circling the living room. 
     “How much weight can that hook hold?” Changbins asked
     “Forget. Tied her up there and left her hanging for a while. So a good amount,” Seungmin shrugged 
     “You leave her tied up?” Felix asked
     “She forgets her training sometimes,” Seungmin smiled as he took off the droll-covered gag, putting the accessory away. “Color puppy.”
     “Green. Green, sir. Wanna help you guys cum,” Y/n begged. Opening her mouth when she was done talking and lolling her tongue out to them
     “Fuck,” Jisung groaned. First to break as he stepped forward. Pulling his aching cock out of his sweat and shoving himself into her mouth. 
     Y/n moaned around him. Something about having another man’s dick in her throat while her boyfriend watched turned her on more. Clenching around the dildo and plug. 
     One thing she missed was the others looking in the toy basket as Jisung held her bound wrists as leverage to fuck her face. Y/n looked up at him as his tip hit the back of her throat, gagging around his cock. Jisung whined above her before picking up his pace more.
     Seungmin came behind her and undid the rope on the spreader bar as Jisung came down her throat. Y/n moaned around him before he pulled out, stripping himself of his clothes. Y/n realized the other already had while Jisung was fucking her face.
     Her boyfriend untied her wrist and put the leather cuffs back on, letting her lay her hands on the ground for now as Hyunjin took Jisung’s position and thrusted his dick in and out of her mouth. Holding the back of her head still as he fucked her face. The pattern repeated— Felix going after him, then Jeongin, then Chan, Changbin, Minho, and finally her boyfriend— all the guys using her throat to get off first. She knew she would be tasting their cum for a while after this. Drool ran down her jaw and neck while some dropped down to the towels beneath them. Some of them rougher than others to the point her mascara was running from under her eyes to her jawline. Her eyes glossed over as her brain got foggy.
     Seungmin helped her stand up on her feet as Felix handed him the rope again. He tied her wrist with the rope again, discarding the leather cuffs finally. Jeongin noticed the dildo in her pussy and smiled as he came behind her and grabbed the base and slowly started thrusting it up into her.
     Y/n moaned and clenched around the toy her boyfriend's best friend was fucking her with. Seungmin smiled at her as he put the rope on the hook again, pulling her arms up over her head again.
     “Let me see that dildo, In,” Seungmin said
     The youngest boy took the juice-coated toy out of her and handed it to her boyfriend. Seungmin thanked him before pushing the toy into her mouth. Y/n moaned as Jeongin stepped back. Seungmin called Changbin over and Y/n felt herself being lifted. The two were folding her in half as Seungmin tied the rope around the bar again. She was hanging there fully exposed. Her holes were at the perfect height for their dicks to slip inside. The tail plug hanging straight down. The two stepped back to just make sure it would hold, and it did.
     Seungmin gently pulled on the tail in her ass, making her whine before he slowly pulled it out. Her boyfriend discarded the tail in the toy basket with her gag before grabbing the dildo from her mouth and setting that down too. Two of Seungmins’ fingers spread her folds before he stood in front of her and slipped his cock into her. Y/n moaned before she felt another cock teasing her asshole before Changbin slipped into her.
     Seungmin had stuffed her ass with dildos before while he fucked her but being filled and fucked by two of the real things was a whole new experience that had her spinning. Both taking turns sliding in and out of her. One would pull out, the other would push inside. Never leaving her unfilled.
     More focused on the dicks inside of her and barely paying attention to the other six stroking their cocks to her getting fucked by her boyfriend and one of his friends. Waiting for their turn. 
     Seungmin’s hands held onto her waist while Changbin groped her ass. Moans fell out of her throat with every harsh thrust they gave her. Whiney noises mixed with the occasional curse word. All her thoughts had already drifted from her brain. Anything that wasn’t about cum or a dick in her didn’t matter. So used to letting Seungmin use her as long as he needed before his games but now the others had joined, it was changing her brain chemistry a bit.
     Their hips snapped into her, filling the living room with the noise of skin-hitting skin and squelching sounds coming from her wet pussy and lubed-up ass. Their grunts filled her ears.
     “Wanna get filled up pup?” Seungmin asked
     “Yes sir,” Y/n moaned at a particle thrust that had both of them in her at one rather than seesawing out of her like that had been
     She tensed her thigh muscles, hoping to bring her legs closer even though they were locked in on the spreader bar just to relieve the tension building in her lower stomach. Seungmin seemed to notice as she clenched around him and Changbin. He had mentioned it in the locker room when he showed them the video camera that it was partially going to be a punishment for her and that she couldn’t cum tonight. Peaking their interest.
     Changbin and Seungmin shared a look. Seungmin moved his hands up to grab her breasts, groping them as Changbin pulled one hand back and smacked her ass.
     “Fuck,” Y/n moaned in a high-pitched voice as her head tilted forward. Changbin wrapped one of his arms around her neck, pulling her head back and making her gasp. A whole different feeling than Seungmin's hand wrapped around her. The fabric of her collar pushed against her neck and his arm. 
     She heard him grunt in her ear before Seungmin shoved himself in her and painted her walls with his cum. Changbin wasn’t far behind. His cum shot out into her ass just as her boyfriend pulled out, looking at his cum dripping out of her before moving to sit on their couch and come down from his high and let his friends fuck her.
     Jisung eagerly took his place in her cunt, pushing his cum back into her. Y/n clenched around immediately from the sensitivity making the male in front of her let out a moan. Changbin pulled out of her for Jeongin to switch places with him. Jisung stayed still inside her— mainly so he didn’t cum sooner than he wanted to— as Jeongin pushed himself into her ass with Changbin’s cum.
     “Anything goes, right Min?” Jeongin asked
     “As long as you don’t leave bruises. Right pup?” Seungmin turned the question to her
     “Yes sir,” Her words came out a bit broken 
     Jisung seemed eager to hear that answer. He leaned forward and wrapped his lips around one of her nipples as his other hand groped her free breasts. Y/n let out a small whine left her throat as Jeongin started thrusting into her from behind. Jisung stayed still inside her for a few moments before slowly pulling back and thrusting in slightly out of time with Jeongin. His pace was slower compared to the younger ones.
     Jeongin had placed his hands on her shoulder, near the base of her neck. Leaning back just a bit as he moved at a quicker pace. Shoving Changbin’s cum deeper into her, some of it coating his dick. Jisung slowly picked up his pace as he moved between her nipples. Licking, sucking, and biting her nipples. 
     Gradually Jisung sped up his pace till he was matching Jeongin. Both having their dicks coated in the other cum. Frothing it inside her. Jisung pulled himself away from her breasts as he twitched inside her. Y/n clenched around them as the cold air from the apartment hit her nipples
     “Shit,” Jisung whined before cumming inside her. Mixing with Seungmin’s cum. His dick slipped out as he kept thrusting through his high. He pushed onto her stomach as the rest of his cum spewed onto her stomach. 
     Jeongin took a little longer. The others watched the cum drip from her and gave her pussy a small break as Jeongin finished inside her. Mixing his cum with Changbins and not slipping out like Jisung had. 
     Y/n whined as his cock slipped out. Leaving her empty before Chan stepped in front of her and Minho groped her ass from behind. Both bring in a different energy  
     Minho squeezed her ass a good few times— now she understood what her boyfriend went through daily with Minho grabbing his ass. Chan rubbed the back of her thighs, comfortingly. He knew from just the look of the position her muscles would be hurting so he offered a bit of comfort before slipping into her. Minho pushed in once he finished playing with her ass cheeks.
     Chan gave her a moment to take his cock as Minho started drilling up into her, his hand moving to hold her breasts. Chan times his thrusts just in time with Minhos. Both of them were as coordinated with their thrusts as Seungmin and Changbin were. If not more coordinated than them. 
     Her mind was lost with pleasure by now. Little whines came out when they started thrusted. As they got quicker and rougher, louder moans replaced them. Her head rolled forward and then back from the pleasure though her limbs felt like they were on fire. It didn't matter though, it just felt good. 
     Chan and Minho definitely had the best stamina. Not surprisingly, Y/n had heard whispers when she would walk down the halls with her boyfriend the week after a party and someone would gush about their hook-up with one of them. 
     If only the campus knew what happened when you got the two of them together on the same person. Though they would never know what was happening behind the current apartment door. 
     Y/n clenched involuntarily around them as both were panting. Y/n felt herself so close to coming but the two beat her to it. Minho sheathed himself inside her and filled her with a third load and Chan followed not far behind. She wasn't as close to where they could trigger her orgasm by dumping heavy loads in her and she whined at it. 
     Especially when they pulled away but she hadn't been left empty for long. Her head fell back just for Hyunjin to slide inside her abused cunt. She only realized it was him when her head snapped forward and she vaguely caught the body shape of the tall campus crush in front of her through her teary eyes. Then she felt Felix filling her stretched ass up. 
     Both of them gave her a few moments before starting to take turns thrusting inside her. Taking it slow compared to the others. Both held onto her waist as they started slower. Gradually picking up their pace to meet the others. Pushing all the cum deeper into her. Some dripped out from the movement. 
     Her holes pulsated around the two the whole time inside her. Sensitive to everything at this point. 
     “Wanna cum pup?” Seungmin’s voice came from behind the moans of the two fucking her
     “‘Es Sir. Wan cum,” words so broken from pleasure
     “Go ahead pup. Been good to us,” Y/n could hear the smirk in her boyfriend's voice. But that little bit of permission was all she needed. Coming hard on Hyunjins cock which seemed to trigger theirs from how hard she was clamping down on them. 
     Both boys filled her up one last time before pulling out. Cum dripping from both her holes as the guys took in her appearance. Sweaty and thoroughly used. Puppy ears barely hanging on to her head. 
     Seungmin and Changbin, with the help of Chan, got her down from her confines as Seungmin wrapped his arms around her spent body. He took her away to get her cleaned up while the guys offered to clean up the living room. 
     Seungmin got her into a warm bath and gently cleaned her up. Being careful around her sensitive parts. Making sure to tell her how good she did. 
     “Tired,” Y/n whined as he brought her into the bedroom 
     “I know bubs. Gotta get you dressed though. You want your favorite PJs?” Seungmin carefully set her towel-covered body on the bed. 
     “Yeah,” she said meekly
     Seungmin got her fuzzy pajama pants and one of his shirts for her to wear before he got himself dressed and took her into the living room so they could hang out with their friends. Chan and Changbin went out to get dinner for the group while the others were scattered around. 
     Seungmin sat down with his girlfriend cuddled on his lap. “Here,” Minho said handing him two bottles of water
     “Thanks,” Seungmin said
     He set one down and opened the other, helping his girlfriend drink. Y/n took a drink of the water before Seungmin pulled it away and closed it up.
     “Chan and Changbin went to grab some pizza. Should be back soon,” Felix said
     Y/n focused on their voices as they chatted, Seungmin rubbing her arms. The guys made sure to include her and she answered as best she could with a fuzzy brain but she welcomed it. It wasn’t long till the two came back with a few boxes of pizza and set up on the dining table. Felix went and grabbed some plates for them and everyone dug in. A little talk about tomorrow's game before it was decided to put on a movie in which Y/n fell asleep cuddled up on her boyfriend’s lap.
     She woke up the next morning. Thankful for the weekend. Seungmin, being the morning person he was, was already awake, but sat up in their bed. Just scrolling on his phone, hand gently rubbing her head, giving her little head scratches.
     “Min,” Y/n mumbled.
     Seungmin turned his head to her and shut off his phone, “Morning bubs.”
     Seungmin set his phone on his bedside table and laid down next to her, pulling her into him. “Feeling okay?” 
     “Yeah. Probably going to take a nap before we head out.” Y/n told him
     “Just woke up and you’re already thinking about a nap,” Seungmin chuckled and kissed her nose.
     “You take eight dicks and tell me how you feel after,” Y/n told him
     “You feel okay enough to go again later?” His hand rubbed her side over their bed covers.
     “Yeah. I can handle a round two,” Y/n confirmed 
     “Alright, you know you can stop it at any time,” Seungmin told her.
     “I know pup. I will if it gets to be too much,” Y/n pressed a kiss to his lips. A quick kiss only for him to pull her back in.
     “Min,” Y/n giggled as his kiss turned into frequent pecks all over her face
     “Making up for last night,” He said between kisses.
     Y/n smiled as his lips landed on hers, wrapping his arms around her. Getting the morning with him was always Y/n’s favorite thing before his games. 
     Eventually, the two got up and started getting ready after Seungmin made her breakfast. Hoping in the shower together— a heavy make-out session in the middle turning into a little oral for good luck— and got dressed. Seungmin slipped one of their anal plugs into her again before she pulled her pants on. 
     Y/n helped pack his sports bag while Seungmin made sure he had the things— mainly the bondage rope— for their personal after-party. Y/n packed him one of the larger waters for the game and slipped on his other jersey before they headed onto campus for the game. After a quick drive, Y/n went into the stadium after kissing him and he went into the locker room with the rest of the team. 
     Everyone was ready for the game and was just waiting for their call to the field. Once it was time, they were set on winning the game. Chan made sure everyone knew the plays and checked in when he thought adjustments were needed. All of it to ensure their win. 
     Y/n watched her boyfriend on third base. It was their last inning and they were so close to taking the win. Lucky enough they had Chan up to bat. Seungmin got ready to run home as Y/n sat at the edge of her seat. The opposing team's pitcher threw the ball and Chan hit the ball, hard. 
     The opposing team chased it as Chan booked it first and her boyfriend ran home. The catcher waiting at home plate for the ball that had no chance of getting to him as Seungmin touched home and won the game for their school. 
     Their college cheered at their big win for the season. The boys ran on the field and clung onto Seungmin. Everyone cheered for the win. Chan broke away to thank the other team's captain for a good game. Slowly the crowd disappeared and the players all went to the locker rooms to shower and clean up. Y/n waited outside for her boyfriend and his time like usual, just scrolling on her phone. 
     She saw the other team leave and go back to their campus and the night janitor. He seemed in a rush and left her the locker room key to give to Chan. Trusting him to lock it up for him. 
     “Babe,” Seungmin said from the door
     “Yeah,” Y/n asked as she turned to him
     “Come here.”
     “Did you shower yet?” Y/n asked as she walked over to the door. “Also, the janitor wanted me to give this to Chan.”
     Y/n handed him the key before wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into the entryway. 
      “Did shower, gimme my victory kisses,” Seungmin said, grabbing the key from her and wrapping his arms around her, pressing his lips onto hers. 
     Y/n gave in to him and wrapped her arms around him.
     “Why are you guys making out in the entryway?” Chan asked
      “Because I'm technically not allowed in here,” Y/n said, pulling her lips from her boyfriend. 
     Seungmin unwrapped himself from his girlfriend and tossed the key she gave him to Chan “From the janitor.”
     “Why?” Chan asked catching it 
     “Seemed in a rush. Asked me to give it to you to lock up the room when you guys were done. 
     The two players looked at each other before Seungmin pulled his girlfriend inside further and closed the door. 
     “Min!” Y/n squealed
     “Trust us,” he smiled, kissing her neck
     “I do,” Y/n smiled as he pushed her further into the locker room. Chan made sure the door was locked. Seungmin led her to where the others were gathered around. Some were sitting on the bench, all about half-dressed. Looking in their direction and Chan joining them. 
      “Part two pup?” Seungmin said as he led her over to the bench
     “Of course,” Y/n said. 
     Her boyfriend took the liberty of stripping her while the guys watched in anticipation. Seungmin smacked her ass after getting her fully stripped for them
     “Only got her ass prepped before the game. Someone gotta prep her pussy,” Seungmin offered
     Jeongin laid back on the bench, “Sit her on my face.”
     Seungmin sat his girlfriend on his friend's face. Jeongin pulled her down fully on him as his tongue got to work, licking between her folds before slipping the muscle inside of her. Hands holding her thighs down, preventing her from moving up off him, and nose pressed to her clit. Y/n instinctively went to grab his hair, only for Jisung to grab hold of her wrists. Pinning them behind her back.
     “There’s some rope in my bag,” Seungmin smiled as he stood in front of his girlfriend, having undressed himself like the others had done. Discarding any clothing they had put on and jerked their cock to her.
     Felix grabbed said rope from his friend's bag. Jisung kept a hold on her arms as Felix bound her wrists together so she couldn’t use her hands. The two behind her stood back and joined the jerk-off circle. Seungmin pushed her head down and Y/n hoped her mouth for her boyfriend's dick. Easily slid down her throat, keeping her head in place, and used her throat.
     Half of them took their turns again using her throat as Jeongin continued his tongue work. Just until she was whining and clenching down on his tongue. He pushed her up off of him and got out from under her. Felix took the chance to get under her and sit her on his cock. Y/n let out a small moan just for Chan to bend her over a bit to gain access to her ass. His legs were on either side of the small bench, slowly pulling the plug out of her and handing it over to Seungmin, who kept it in his hand. He already had an idea for later.
     Chan spread her ass and slipped inside her. The two Australians going at it on her. Moving in and out of her harshly. Chan holding her her bound wrist to keep her up and Felix groped her ass, keeping her open for his mate. Y/n hung her head low as they pounded into her.
     The others realized how much everything was echoing in the locker room between their hips snapping into her and her moans. Minho took the opportunity to lift her head and push his cock into her open mouth. Now the only echo was from the sound of skin hitting skin. Y/n moaned around Minho’s cock as he thrusted into her mouth in time with Chan. 
     “She always moan like a whore?” Minho asked
     “Yeah. She liked being treated like one,” Seungmin chuckled.
     “Can tell. Clenched around us when Minho said it,” Felix groaned
     The two below picked up their pace. Felix got a bit more sloppy with his thrusts before she felt all three of them start to twitch inside her one by one. She figured the youngest would blow first and he did. Shoving his cock deep inside her as he filled her up. Deep voice hitting her ears and making her clench. 
     She triggered Chan’s orgasm then Minho’s. Chan shoved himself into her ass and dumped his load into her. Her moans from getting filled had made him spill into her mouth. The two Aussies pulled out before Minho. Minho and Felix moved out of the way as Changbin slid under her and sat her on his cock. More of a stretch than she had thought yesterday when he was in her ass. 
     Changbin held her hips as Chan switched places with Jisung. Jeongin pulled her forward and slid into her throat. The three threw moving slowly out the window. Setting their own quick paces and abusing her holes. Not much rhythm to it but they ultimately fell into one. Y/n clenched around the two underneath her from the stimulation between the four dicks she had taken in her holes and Jeongin eating her out. Maybe even the fact her boyfriend was watching her get used. Probably a mix of everything.
     She felt Jisung leave forward and bring his hands to grope her boobs. She moaned around Jeongin’s cock as he pinched her nipples. Her walls got involuntarily tighter around the two before Jeongin added his cum to Minho’s inside her throat, letting her mouth milk him before pulling away and letting the two use her to their content. Skin slapping against skin harshly and bouncing off the bare walls of the locker room. Jisung coated her walls with his cum not soon after as she came on Changbin’s dick. Changbin joined them as Jisung’s cock spurted the last bit of his cum into her ass. 
     Jisung pulled out as Changbin filled her up more. Hyunjin came behind her and took Jisung’s spot. His cock pushing into her filled ass and some pushing out while his hands grabbed her boobs and pulled her against his chest as Changbin pulled out. Jeonging took his place and slid her onto his dick. How he got it up again so quickly, she had no clue. But she didn’t even know how much time had passed since he stepped back to Changbin came inside her and pulledout. Everything was starting to blur but it felt so good.
     The two started their pounding pace as Hyunjin lowered her down to Felix’s awaiting cock. Y/n wrapped her lips around him as he held the back of her head and fucked her face like they all had done at least twice to her by now. Their breaths were heavy as they fucked her. She was whining around Felix's cock before his dick hit the back of her throat and made her gag. Tears running down her cheeks that she hadn’t even noticed welled up in her waterline. She was already clenching around the two and Jeongin’s sensitive cock twitched inside her while Hyunjin was still going strong. Fingers twisting and pulling her nipples as her muscles twitched. 
     Jeongin spilled not too long later inside of her and Felix followed close behind, his own cock still sensitive from when he fucked her. Hyunjin moved his hands to grab her shoulders as the two unloaded into her and picked up his pace. Pounding as hard as he could into her, leaning back a bit as his hips snapped against her ass. His dick twitched inside her spurring him on till he added his cum into the mix inside her.
     Felix and Jeongin pulled out as Hyunjin finished inside her. Minho took the chance to sit her on him and just let her sit as Hyunjin pulled out. Minho gripped her ass and spread her cheeks apart as her boyfriend got behind her. Jisung, eager as ever, pulled her mouth onto his cock. Her fucked ass was on display for her boyfriend, dripping with other men's cum. 
      Seungmin smiled as the other two started fucking her. He watched the cum mixture drip out of her before rubbing his top around her ass. Minho stopped to let him slide inside her before they started fucking her again. Y/n moaned around Jisungs dick. None of them were unaware of the cum and drool mix running down her chin and meeting with her tears. Mascara all smudged again. 
     The three pounded into all her holes as hard as they could with her clenching around two out of three of them. On the verge of another orgasm from the stimulation. Her clit only having been touched once before that high disappeared. But she was fucked out of her mind anyways. 
     The knot inside her snapped as quickly as it appeared. Her whole body was shaking as it hit her. Jisung cumming in her mouth as Seungmin grabbed her bound wrists with his free hand as he and Minho kept drilling into her. 
     Minho’s hands moved from her ass to hold her hips instead as he got closer to his high. Dick twitching inside her tight walls. Both picked up their speed inside her till cum filled both her overstimulated holes one more time. Both thrusting in a couple more times before stilling inside her.
     Slowly Minho pulled her up off him at the same time Seungmin pulled out slowly. Replacing his cock with the plug and keeping the cum inside her ass till they got home. 
     Chan came back with some rags for everyone to clean up. Thanking their captain, they cleaned up the cum from themselves and Seungmin cleaned up his girlfriend before they all got dressed and left the locker room. Seungmin carried his girlfriend on his back as they made it to their cars. The guys decided to do another night of food and movies at Seungmin and Y/n’s. 
     Everyone went home to shower again and change before going to the apartment.  Seungmin cleaned up his girlfriend and got her dressed in comfy pajamas again and planted himself on the couch with her. Curled up in a fluffy blanket. Only getting up to answer the door for his friends. All nine gathered around the living room again with takeout.
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