#then like oookay lol whatever man
98chao · 3 months
truly i love all of you and i'm so grateful for all the support i get on my vanilla milkshake posts here because i've just seen the way people talk about vanilla milkshake and mysticao on twitter and its genuinely taken 50 years off my life. now i've been reminded as to why i should never join the crk fandom on twitter
#its not even just twitter but the comments i get on tiktok all the time make me want to blow myself up genuinely#on twitter i just saw a thread about mysticao going like Oh durr how can u ship it after reading ep 4#and then proceeds to post a reply saying “enemies to lovers is really good if its done well!! but theyre just torturing each other here” ??#so you dont like enemies to lovers then . what do you think enemies to lovers means ??? they just argue sometimes? lol#also wdym “if its done well” we haven't gotten the full lore of the beasts#and its implied that they only turned this way because they were wronged somehow#that + the amount of power and responsibility that having the full soul jam put on them it was literally a recipe for corruption#its not even as if dark cacao thinks mystic flour was just evil to be evil he literally CALLS HER OUT on being insecure#she wanted to create a world without individuality and without personal interests that could lead to harm of others#which i think is heavily tied to her backstory we havent seen yet#imo. this would in fact be enemies to lovers done well#i dont even ship them btw. but i feel obligated to defend it since i just hate ppl who take this stuff at face value#its such a shame that twitter people have the literacy skills of a 1st grader because i would love to post my crk art on there#and make some friends#but if ppl would be like Erm you cant ship shadowvanilla its hashtag toxic and a red flag!!#then like oookay lol whatever man#sorry for the yappathon#txt#not art#discourse
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iknowshocker · 4 months
What do you think would’ve happened to Kai if he never got captured by the mfg, sent to the armory, and sent to a prison world after escaping hell in season 8? As if his story was just left off at the karaoke scene
Side note: I always found it so interesting that the first time he has no agenda or threats and can do whatever he wants, he just goes to a small town karaoke bar and pretty much just keeps to himself (and Yelp) until Stefan shows up lol
no this is what i'm saying, anon, everyone acts like he's this evil genius mad man (and like he is but he's also relatively harmless when you don't get on his nerves) that needs to be stopped at all cost and 9/10 times he's just minding his own business bopping around. post-merge he literally spends a handful of days just dealing with his new weird emotions, writing a letter to jo, finding a place to live, and shopping 🙈 oooh so scary, he bought new jeans! look out - now he's eating fries at the grill!
so i think if the mfg left him alone and didnt kidnap him he would have probably just taken some time to mess around and day drink, and then after the novelty of being out of hell wore off he'd start deciding what he wants to do next. if we don't change anything from s6, then he's got no living family, the coven is gone, and he's basically on his own. he has to start over. there's some fun in that, he can do anything he wants and now he's immortal and stronger and faster and he's got these cool fangs - but also i imagine it would be really lonely. sure, he's used to being alone, but i think the part of him that wants connection would start to be hard to ignore after a little while.
i desperately wanted him to get to be a coven leader so i like the idea of him collecting witches, i would accept him going off and coming back with like 2-3 new people and being like "loooook guys i built a coven!! picked this guy up doing tricks in vegas, this girl here was kicked out of the house so obviously we brought her home with us, and this one was actually killing people but don't worry we spoke about it and agreed murder is only allowed in certain situations-,"
s8 kai is still fixated on bonnie, so i'd assume he would either start texting/calling her or risk it and go to town to see (bug) her. maybe he wants her to join the coven, maybe he went to her first and she said no because they can't be a coven of two so he went and recruited more to be like "oookay bonster now it's a coven of 5 what do you say??"
i would hope that something could come of their relationship and even if it's not expressly romantic they could get to a point where he would help her with the hellfire arc. i mentioned in another post that if they had two witches, someone could handle the hellfire in the armory while someone else held katherine in place inside the tunnel with a spell.
i would write it so that bonnie is afraid to leave him with the boys, and he has to assure her he's strong enough to handle them and it would be this tense moment of goodbye:
"i don't want to leave you!"
"bon come on i'll be fine, just go we don't have time for this. worry about me later tho it's kind of cute-,"
"okay okay, shut up, i'm going-"
(alternatively i would accept "hey ... be safe" "i will" and then the boys picking on him lmao)
and then instead of passing out she'd race back down the tunnels to check on him. she would get there and see the boys first and have a moment of thinking they turned on him so she thinks kai was sucked into the fire and he gets to watch her freak out about him being gone for good and then he could pop out and be like "don't worry bb not even hellfire could keep me from you 😉" and she'd yell at him for letting her think he was hurt but then they'd hug and he'd be like "...worth it" lmao
i just !! want my boy to be happy. we get such a brief window of time where he's himself, with magic, free. so he could honestly do literally anything other than get trapped in a third freaking prison world and end up having a relationship with a vampire teenager and i would enjoy the hell out of it 😂
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adatheromcomaddict · 3 years
How You Meet the Cullens + Jacob
Hi! I've decided I'm going to put some of my stuff from Wattpad, over here. If you want to see my Wattpad, its the same username as I have here. Anyway, this is how you meet the Cullens, + Jacob. Probably intended for female readers, but it could mostly go either way... I think. And I do have the girls as well in here.
Edward Cullen:
Edward and you met at school. Of course.
"Um, excuse me?" You asked a small girl, with short brown hair.
She turned around, revealing her pale white skin, and beautiful golden eyes.
"How can I help you?" She asked.
"I was wondering where Mr. Molina's classroom is?" You replied.
"Oh, yes. I can show you the way!" She grabbed your hand, and pulled you down the halls. (Wow, this is turning into an Alice preference)
"Thank you!" You said, when you two arrived at the classroom.
She pointed inside the room, towards a beautiful boy, with golden hair, and dark, dark, eyes. He glared at her, with his hand over his mouth. I turned to look at her, and she winked back at him.
"Uh, thank you. Oh, I never got your name." You said.
"Alice. Yours?" She asked, still smiling.
"Well, Y/N, looks like you'll be sitting next to my brother, Edward, in there." She waved, and skipped away.
I walked inside the class, towards the boy, and sat down. He looked away, took a deep breath, then turned back to me.
"Hi, um, I'm Y/N. You're Edward, right?" I asked.
"Yes. I-I am." He seemed like he was in pain or something.
Jacob Black:
I had lived in the outermost part of Forks for as long as I have lived. (Sounds like a wedding vow)
We were right next to the border of La Push. Therefore, I go to the school in the reservation.
(I have absolutely NO clue what the school is like there, so I'm making it up)
But, I didn't really talk to anyone. I had a few friends from down in the more central part of Forks, Bella Swan was one of them. She recently moved here full time. I hadn't seen her since I was little.
There was this one kid named Jacob who I had met a couple of times, mostly when he played with Bella snd I while our parents went fishing or whatever.
But, since Bella was going to school in Forks, I decided I would try and re-connect with this Jacob, to see if I could hang out with him.
So, I asked around one day at school for what classes he was in, and found out that he was in one of my classes. How did I never notice? Oh, just me and my oblivious self. (Sorry, if you're like- not oblivious?)
Well, I found him one day.
"Jacob, right?" I asked him.
"Oh, yes, oh, oh! Y/N! Hi!" He seemed to be a very nice boy.
"Yes, it's me. Um, I haven't talked to you in years, I'm surprised you remember my name." I explained.
"I'm surprised you remembered mine." He laughed.
"So, uh, I"m kind of wondering if you want to like, hang out or something. Anywhere works. I just need some company." (Bella who?)
"Sire! You could come by my house today after school and we can catch up. Do you like cars?" He asked.
"Depends." I laughed in response.
"Well, you can come help me too. I like to re-build them."
"Sounds like a plan."
Emmett Cullen:
(for this one you are a vampire already, and yes I basically stole Rosalie's life. Also, if I get facts wrong, don't come for me, just tell me *kindly* and I will fix it)
I became a vampire in 1920. Two years after my brother Edward, and one year before my mother Esme.
I'd been a vampire for 15 years already. How time flies
One day I was running through the forest when I heard screams coming from a small patch. I sprinted towards the place, and saw a boy, probably 20, getting attacked by a bear. I shoved the bear off of him instantly, and bit into it, getting it's blood.
I remembered that the boy was watching, and was probably shaken up, not to mention, he was most likely dying. I turned back towards him, wiping a small bit of blood off of my lip, and said,
"Hello, I'm Y/N Cullen."
"E-Emmet. How did you do that?" He asked, very weakly.
"I have my ways. What hurts?" I asked.
"Everything." Of course-
"I'll be right back. Don't move." Not that he really could. I sprinted back to my house. I opened the door, and Carlisle, Esme, and Edward turned towards me.
"Y/N? What is it?" Carlisle asked.
"There's a boy, Emmett. He got attacked by a bear. He's very weak. You need to turn him Carlisle."
They all sprinted into the woods, and I led them towards where Emmett lay. He was still there, but weaker.
Jasper Hale:
(you're a vampire)
Jasper became a vampire in 1863. (I think)
He was telling me his story.
I had recently been turned into a vampire by Carlisle, after he rescued me, and I hadn't really met the rest of the family yet. (You can make up why you had to become a vampire)
When Jasper had finished the story, I said, "Wow."
"That's all I could get out. His story was just, wow....
I forgot, Edward could read my mind. I only remembered when he chuckled after I thought that.
I gave him an internal glare.
Bella was sitting in the corner, with him.
"So, Y/N, tell us your full story." Jasper smiled.
(Sorry, his is kind of short..)
Carlisle Cullen:
It was my first day working at the Forks Hospital and I needed some directions.
I walked up to mid-height man, with blonde hair, and very pale skin.
"Hello, sir?" I asked him, and he spun around.
"Yes, Ms. Y/L/N?" He asked.
"H-how do you know my last name?" I asked in response.
"I heard someone talking about you coming, and you're the only new face around here. We don't get them often." He smiled, and my heart fluttered. Good thing he wasn't like a super-hearer or anything. {;)}
"Well, uhm, I was just wondering where the surgical ward is?" He pointed towards the left, and I smiled slightly, walking away, and quietly looking back at him after I was sure he couldn't see me.
Alice Cullen:
(You had already seen Alice before, but never interacted with her much, like most of the students)
I was walking around in the forest, when I heard footsteps.
"Hello?" I called out.
"Y/N!" A girl replied, I noticed it was Alice Cullen.
"Oh, hello, Alice." I was a bit confused to how she knew my name, but to be honest, I knew her's too and that's a bit strange. But, everyone does talk about the Cullens.
"What are you doing out here in the forest?" She asked me. I didn't have a valid answer. I could say "Just felt like taking a stroll..." or "Oh, I'm working on my steps." but, none of those were true, I really didn't know what I was doing here.
"Uhm, working on my steps, and taking a stroll....??" I questioned myself.
"Oookay then. Would you like to come with me? I can show you some of my favorite spots to relax." The way she said relax made me think she wasn't relaxing, and probably meant running around and exercising. Just what I needed.
"Sure, sounds great." I smiled.
Rosalie Hale:
Everyone that lives in Forks knows about the Cullens. Even the people in the reservation.
There's the three boys, the goofy one, the silent one, and the constipated one.
Then there's the two girls. Alice and Rosalie.
I've talked to Alice, we've said hi.
But in general, I know nothing about Rosalie.
All I know is she is incredibly smart, beautiful, and did I mention gorgeous?
I've never had the guts to talk to her. Maybe it's that I'm a wimp, or maybe it's that she is very intimidating. Probably a mixture of both.
But today, I got lucky, and didn't have to talk to her. She talked to me.
I had noticed her eyeing me a few times, and I never knew if she was looking down on me, in a bad way, or if she was interested in me. Both ways scared me.
Today, she came up to me.
I was sitting at the lunch table with Angela and Jessica, and the new kid, Bella.
"Y/N, can I talk to you really quick?" She asked.
"Uh, uh, yes, yes, sure." I stood up quickly, and while walking away with her, I turned towards Angela and Jess, and they smiled and winked.
"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked.
"Well, I wanted to know... did you want to hang out sometime?"
"Like, a date...?"
"Uh, yeah. Like a date." She smiled and we both laughed.
"Sure." I smiled back.
Bella Swan:
Apparently, today Chief Swan's daughter is moving to the school.
I'm looking forward to it, I want to make more friends.
I was standing outside, waiting to see if I spotted her, when a big, orange-red truck pulled into the parking lot.
It must be her! I've never seen that truck before.
I ran up to it, when I saw people laughing at it. Whatever, I think it's cool.
She climbed out of her truck, and I probably startled her, standing there.
"Hi! I'm Y/N Y/L/N. You're Chief Swan's daughter, right?" I asked.
"Uh, yes. Bella Swan." She stuck out her hand, and I shook it.
"So, do you want to know anything, anything special?" I asked.
"Um, I'm not sure...." She said, tucking her hair behind her ear. (Ugh, a classic Bella move)
"No worries. Let me show you to your first class." I smiled, and took her hand, pulling her down the hallway.
Esme Cullen:
I was walking around town, alone. A kind of dangerous move, since there have been so many mysterious attacks lately.
I was looking through random stores, when I noticed Esme Platt, (we're just saying she isn't a Cullen because I guess they aren't married...????) Carlisle Cullen's old friend. (I don't even know how to write this...)
"Hi, Esme." I said.
"Oh, hello, Y/N." She smiled.
"How have you been?" I haven't seen her in a while. We've talked a few times.
"I've been good, how have you been?" She replied.
"I'm great. We really should catch up sometime." I said, trying to be subtle.
"Yes, we should. Do you want to go to lunch tomorrow?" She asked.
"Of course! Where do you want to go?"
"Don't worry about me. I won't eat much anyway."
So, yeah, that's it. I'm aware that these aren't perfection, bur they were fun to write so, yeah!
I will be posting a lot more now since I'm getting really into writing again ;)
Thank you all for reading, (not that a ton of people are going to read this lol)
And yeah, see you soon! :3
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beth-march · 3 years
oookay I know you have touched on this in a fic before BUT do you have more thoughts on fez comparing the way custer treats faye to his and lexi's relationship??? (Im stopping myself from sending you a bunch of asks)
Oh, I have so many thoughts!
There is no way that Fez involves Lexi in his drug business, to any extent, whatsoever. I know that he is so hyper vigilant about keeping that part of his life separate from her. He doesn’t talk to her about it, he is adamant about her staying away from his house whenever anyone is collecting, he has her hide out in the back of the store whenever a junkie wanders in looking for a fix.
Contrast that with Faye and Custer, where Custer is so frivolous with Faye's safety that he brings her into proximity with dangerous, unpredictable drug suppliers! He lets her tag along and stay in the car, and it leads to her being held at gunpoint and strip searched by a bunch of middle aged thugs!
Like, Fez would sooner die. Fez would sooner die than put Lexi in danger. He couldn’t fathom bringing her anywhere near the likes of Laurie or Mouse, oh my gosh, he would sooner die than have them know that she exists. That’s his worst nightmare. It is my belief that he would actually go Absolutely Unhinged Insane if anything bad ever happened to Lexi, like if someone hurt so much as one hair on her head he would be transformed, into something much more beastly than the cool measured creature who handled Nate on New Year’s. 
The other thing is that, I think to a large extent Fez is show and not tell with his love. I mean, he bombards Lexi with compliments and tells her he loves her every day, don’t get me wrong, but he isn’t turning to anyone else, let alone drug associates and insisting “That’s the love of my life, man, I love her,” or whatever, like that’s so private and sacred to him, that’s something he would only tell Lexi, and not in that gaudy meaningless language. So when he hears Custer carrying on about Faye - and then seeing in his actions that the sentiment is hollow, existing only in his speech - Fez would just be so baffled and disgusted. He would find it so deeply confusing, when he considers how terrified he is of something bad happening to Lexi, and he would find it so revolting, when he considers how poorly Faye is being treated, because Fez is such a decent, good person.
Also, side note, if Lexi was in trouble with the police - not that she ever would be lol - and needed to lay low, I know that Fez is dropping everything to go on the run with her. He isn’t going to hand over the responsibility of his girl to a random drug associate! How well does Custer even know Fez? It is actually so risky of him to send Faye off to stay with him like that.
(Please, do not hold back, I have so many opinions and I am so eager to share!)
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
I could cry y’all. Episode 37 was SO GOOD. So good!! It truly felt like a Mimi episode, and it truly felt like Digimon Adventure, in multiple ways. It’s seriously fantastic!
I feel at once super duper relieved that this show is, really and truly, capable of this time of episode, and also super duper confused why, if it could do this, it hasn’t been doing it the whole time??
Anyway, we’ve now had four or five solid episodes in a row, so I’m letting myself feel hopeful again!
This episode is called “Mimi Wars,” but I feel it might be more aptly titled “Sailor Mimi”
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In the name of employee rights, I will punish you!
More below!
Okay... so as I was watching this episode, I really got the feeling that they were parodying something again. Like last we had a Mimi episode - far far away in the distant past though it was - when they very obviously parodied Castle in the Sky. That’s twice now Mimi’s been compared with a girl with twin tails, Usagi’s pigtails and Sheeta’s braids xD
Although the poses Mimi uses aren’t exact replicas of Usagi’s, though, so maybe I’m wrong. I got the Usagi vibe from her personality even more, so maybe using the poses would have been considered copyright infringement and so they had to change them a little. Or, maybe Mimi is parodying someone else who also uses dramatic hand movements and talks a lot about justice in spite of being generally clueless...
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See the resemblance? XD
But what I REALLY think is going on is, they’re spoofing the genre in general, while also taking it seriously. That’s important. It’s not just a joke here. This is the girl power episode, in a way, and in my opinion, it’s a better girl power episode than the fare I got used to growing up, which went more or less like this:
Guy: *does something with good intentions but inept*
Girl: Ugh! Men don’t respect women!
Guy: I’m sorry, what did I do wrong?
Girl: I won’t tell you because feminism! C’mon girlfriends, let’s assert our confidence as women by going on a girls night out shopping spree and making a bunch of random guys stare in awe at us for no clear reason!
Girls: Yes! This is third wave feminism!
... that was more or less the formula. It was... awkward. I’d like to blame on “those episodes were written by men who think all feminists are angry feminists,” but I think if I went and checked who the scriptwriters were, there’d be some women in there for sure.
What we got in THIS episode is something I’d actually want my daughter to see. First off you’ve got Mimi, who loves pink and pretty things and comes across as a real girly girl, not to mention a bit of a ditz. And the show’s straight up, “but just because you have flaws doesn’t mean you can’t grow into a great person. Also, being girly is not incompatible with being a boss.”
Mimi doesn’t need to be a man, nor does she need to be a hard ass, nor does she need to be especially kind and sweet to soften her orders. All she has to do, according to this episode, is care about her craft, care about quality, and care about worker conditions.
I mean... a show where the girl boss wasn’t a Russian spy in a former life?? A show where the girl boss isn’t a Stepford wife who got where she is by marrying rich and funding her perfume company that way? She’s... she’s Reese Witherspoon in Legally Blonde. She gets to be flawed and girly and fun-loving and bossy and ditzy all at the same time. She loves diamonds - but diamonds are no longer a “girl’s best friend.” Rather, Mimi herself is the diamond in the rough!
This actually makes her a really good set with Sora. Sora continues to be both a tomboy and very sisterly. Mimi’s very girly but very bossy. Between the two of them, they can conquer the world. Of course, I don’t know that the show would take it any farther than they already have, but I’m just happy to see this development for Mimi at all. We had it to a degree in 99 Adventure, and Kizuna took it a bit further by making her an entrepreneur. Reboot Mimi is a remix of that for the 21st century.
*deeeeeeeeeep breath*
so... back to our regularly scheduled programming!
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As awesome as Mimi is, she’s not the only one who’s great in this episode. The others get to let their real personalities shine, at least. We needed this episode sooooo bad like 20 episodes ago... le sigh.
Anyway, we start off having mad camp, for some reason (why aren’t they just staying on Komondomon?? whatev)
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Food! They’re going to get food! They’re splitting up and making a plan in order to get food!!! I still miss the “food desperation” of 99 Adventure but hey, at least they’re acknowledging that they need to eat.
Sora advises Hikari and Takeru not to go too far on their quest and Tailmon swears like a knight of the round table to protect Hikari with her life.
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Taichi: Oookay... note to self: don’t piss off little sister’s hotheaded partner...
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Taichi adds that they’re also counting on Patamon, who is just thrilled to go off and play with Takeru.
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Tailmon: *BIG SIGH*
Lol I really love that they’re bringing back the old Patamon/Tailmon dynamic where she’s all grown up serious and he’s got the priorities of a toddler most of the time... It’s Black Widow and Hawkeye bahahahaha
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Taichi even has to warn Agumon not to eat the food becaues they’re supposed to be gathering it to share ;___; omg... we actually get on screen proof that Agumon is a glutton??
Then Taichi tries to “help” by shaking the tree and the tree falls and they -
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humor!!! Poking fun at Taichi even!! Over food!! Because he has a klutz for a partner!!! And because he himself was overzealous!! ;_; I could die of Cute.
Sora absolutely shocks me this episode too. I expected she’d just watch Taichi and Agumon drift away with their folly while sighing and shrugging her shoulders or something.
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She jumps DIRECTLY UP and into the water without a moment’s hesitation, like they’re going to die without her - I don’t even know what her plan is here, she seems to want Piyomon to evolve and pull them out, but why does that mean Sora has to be in the water too?
I think her sisterly instincts just freaked out on seeing Taichi looking wet and confused and clinging to a tree trunk so she just did the first thing she could think of which was “Get to him!!”
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Piyomon then fails to evolve, reason unclear, I suppose she’s hungry... they never do eat though so I’m not sure why she can evolve later xD (probably they eat off screen)
But I mean I just love that we got this bit with Sora. I call it freaking out but she doesn’t seem freaked out - she stays calm and seems decisive and takes action - all good things. It’s just hard to understand her thought process xD But it’s all good info about Sora. (again stuff we needed more of AGES ago)
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Now I had thought this was all just a funny bit that was separate to the main story, but this is how Taichi and Sora end up washed up in the rocky area Mimi is. This does mean Koushirou, Takeru, and Hikari aren’t much in the rest of the episode, sadly. Not sure why but the reboot does seem to struggle with writing episodes for the whole group.
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Like last week, I’m somewhat miffed that, in the end, the main group finds the stragglers instead of the other way around. It’s even worse this time because at least last episode Koushirou told them where he was and they had a reason to go there. This time they have no idea Mimi’s gonna be there and it’s all a big coincidence. On the other hand... I do think Mimi was born under a lucky star, so that explains it. :P
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Taichi and Sora suddenly find them selves trapped Gulliver’s Travels style and they’re both immediately like, “Hmm... something about this situation seems very familiar...”
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Taichi and Sora: Oh that’s RIGHT we totally forgot that the pink cowgirl we hand out with is also TOTALLY BATSHIT
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D’awww. Our future overlord is just so adorable, I don’t even mind when she flogs us in the street
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TBH, up till now they’ve woefully underestimated just how batshit she is. And it’s wonderful.
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So Mimi has happened upon some poor, disenfranchised Digimon who are being forced to work for an evil boss who collects the beautiful gems that grow in this area. Like in 99 Adventure, Mimi will have none of this sort of crap. Her reasons, though, have evolved with the times:
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omg... she voted for Bernie Sanders!
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This is how Harry and Ron reacted when Hermione said she was starting a house-elf welfare organization called SPEW.
Though I joke - like I said before, even though Taichi and Sora are rather mind-boggled by Mimi’s mood swings and fits of passion, and there’s definitely humor there, Mimi herself is not a joke here. We are shown strongly that, however in the clouds her head might be, her heart is not only in the place, it’s also already internalized the fact that people don’t always get treated well in the real world and it’s up to those with power to ensure that are protected.
I mean. At this point, I’m going, “Sorry but ISN’T MIMI THE REAL LEADER IN THIS SHOW?!?!”
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Of course she does have another, less lofty motivation... she really likes pretty stones.
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Mimi’s names are as creative as they are incredible, just like her. Taichi and Sora have trouble keying in with Mimi due to how changeable she is, but they never talk badly about her or reject her. They never try to wrest leadership from her either! Taichi might think Mimi’s names for the stones are over the top, but sort of sidesteps it and just goes along with her plan.
Reason #14567876867867 why I love Yagami Taichi: when someone else is the leader, he can be a follower. And he’ll be the BEST follower. Keep reading to see why.
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The story of how Mimi befriended the enslaved rock Digimon here is pretty much how Goku became besties with Vegeta.
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Men communicate their hearts through their fists! Or swords, depending on the anime. ANOTHER AWESOME SUBVERSIVE MOMENT FOR MIMI - she’s now even got cliche shonen hero tropes assigned to her!
Taichi and Sora, like I said, don’t try to change Mimi’s mind - they’re actually touched by her strong feelings about workers’ rights and her desire to help her new friends -
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Taichi: Wait... what?
Sora: Well, she’s still a ten year old girl.
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The rock Digimon show their allegiance to Princess CEO Mimi. They don’t even mind having their names and identities stripped away and being reduced to numbers on an Excel spreadsheet...
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Taichi: I hate Excel.
Sora: I do too, but I’m more impressed that she remembers the numbers she gave us back in episode 6.
Taichi: Impressed? More like filled with a sense of impending doom
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Only Taichi seems to understand Mimi’s unique power bahahaha.
But back to what I said earlier, about Mimi being the real leader: I don’t know if the show’s gonna keep doing anything with this at all, but I really like that they didn’t NOT do this in order to ensure Taichi’s the only leader. (I mean, Yamato’s so far not made much of a bid for leadership so he’s been pretty uncontested thus far. He also hasn’t had to do all that much leading given how often the group is separated... but I digress)
I love the idea that Taichi can step back and let someone else take the reins when they’re best suited. Which Mimi is, due to her easy ability to make friends and gain trust. Mimi had this ability in 99 as well and it was used in the final battle to muster the troops, so to speak. It ought to have been a bigger deal but wasn’t since she missed most of the final battle :/ But I loved that “social, able to make friends” wasn’t some stupid “Girls talk too much” trait, it was actually something that was useful. This is a great place to take that with the reboot.
At the same time, while Mimi and Taichi both have similar leadership traits, there are places they diverge that potentially make them leaders for different situations. Taichi’s pretty cool and strategic even in emergencies. He was more of a hothead in 99, but Mimi’s always been quick to anger. (And quick to cool down.) As we’ll see in this episode, that’s sort of where Taichi’s true ability lies: he’s serious, determined, strategic, and reliable as well as brave. But this is Mimi’s episode, and Taichi isn’t going to get to be the hero anymore than he (almost) was last week with Koushirou. Because more than one character can have positive leadership traits! Hallelujah.
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Quick nip over to Komondomon and the others - Koushirou’s group is going to try to find them, but Komondomon falls asleep. Oh noes. I wish someone (Koushirou) would ask, out loud, “Gee, what are these strange symbols that appear when we communicate via digivice? Do they mean something? How were they assigned?” I really thought we’d get a hint what with all the conveniently colorful gemstones this episode, but still nope.
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My girl looking like a BAMF!
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Mimi explains her plan to her servants employees. She is surprisingly artistic!
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Sora plays the role of bait to create a diversion while Greymon digs a tunnel to get to where the gems are stored. Mimi congratulates herself on a job well done.
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Taichi: A job well done? Who d’you think has been doing the work here?
Greymon: That would be me.
Taichi: Right, right I was going to say you >.>;
So we do see bits of Mimi’s self-centered side as well - she’s not perfect, but who is? Taichi just lives with it. Mwehehehe.
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... will be fired! LMAO
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No. 72 is Taichi, btw. Mimi gave up calling people by their names for Lent.
Taichi: Lent’s not for over a month.
Mimi: It’s never too early for religious sacrifice.
Taichi: And you’re not Catholic.
Mimi: I celebrate Mardi Gras.
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He’s miffed and he.... just lives with it. Again. xD
It’s hilarious. And adorable. I love both that 1) Mimi is an awesome boss while being, in fact, rather bossy, and that 2) in spite of being a boss type himself, Taichi not only listens to Mimi, but he totally indulges her like he’s her older brother or something x’D He wouldn’t be out of line for saying “I have a name you know!” On the other hand, I guess he knows her well enough to understand that she doesn’t mean anything by it, and... there’s no stopping her when she gets like this :P
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Feel the wrath of Tachikawa Mimi!!!
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So Mimi’s plan has worked so far, and she’s got everyone listening to her despite her questionable business practices, and then she... suddenly rushes off in another direction.
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Taichi: That’s it, I am through being her personal assistant if she’s just going to change the plan on a whim!
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Taichi: ... I don’t want to see her get hurt or be sad though...
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Greymon understands Taichi’s heart ;___; and enables him to go after Mimi. I don’t really get why it’s wise to split up given that Taichi can’t fight big rock Digimon without his partner... x’D So I’m going to chalk this up to, Greymon understands that Taichi is, at his core, the team Dad. He’s got to be allowed to worry and check up on the kids, even when it’s not so advisable. Awwwwwwwww.
Indeed, Taichi doesn’t get to be the hero this ep, but small moments like this give us waaaay more character development than always being the hero!
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Fortunately Mimi does have her own partner and she’s not afraid of the enemy’s rock hard abs. :P
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They make it into the storage center for all the gems. IT’S SO COLORFUL. Ten year old men is squeeing just like Mimi.
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Come on!! She’s holding yellow/orange topaz and purple amethyst! It could be the material for Taichi or Takeru’s and Koushirou’s crests! (I always liked fire opal for Taichi though xD)
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Taichi’s been promomted!! To chief pack animal x’D Just because it’s a cool name doesn’t mean that’s what the job is, Meems.
Taichi’s just like, “I think I’m too young for that position.” Bahahaha.
He’s going to be carrying her books to school before long.
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Then something big and hard hits Taichi in the head!! He freaking starts to cry, it hurts so bad!!
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Taichi: Owww! Omg I think I got a concussion from that! Help someone call an ambulance!
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He was hit in the head by a diamond, which Mimi loves. So she goes off on a monologue about how much she likes diamonds. She never asks him if he’s okay x’D
Taichi: Don’t worry about me, I’m fine, not that you asked or anything.
Mimi: Please, everyone knows your head is already harder than diamonds.
Taichi: ...
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The pile of gems looks like Fruity Pebbles. Mmmmm
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It turns out the mastermind of this whole operation is Gogmamon, who is the bastard child of Gogmagog I assume :P He eats the gemstones as well as Gotsumon for power. He then produces the diamonds?? I didn’t quite understand if he was spitting out the diamonds because he didn’t like them, or he was creating them inside him when eating and then spitting them out like... diamond turds...
they’re diamond turds aren’t they >__>
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Mimi is not interested in big business bulldozing the mom and pop shops and small upstarts. And she hates sweatshops! She is pro-Fair Trade all the way! And she will yell it in your face!
Taichi: It’s the yelling part that I’m having trouble with.
Mimi: A good speech from the boss is what keeps up employee morale!
Taichi: Yeah, that’s less true when the boss is about to be gobbled up herself...
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Golemon and Togemon try to fight Gogmamon and this results in Golemon falling to pieces.
Taichi: Are you okay?
Golemon: My HEAD was knocked off, but sure I’m doing JUST FINE -____- little brat
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Taichi stands protectively in front of Golemon’s head. Lol. He’s thinking of strategies... perhaps regretting rushing after Mimi and leaving his own partner behind...
Mimi joins him and Gogmamon finds her a formidable opponent in the war of words. Gogmamon argues that all the rocks, all the Digimon, everything here belongs to him and him alone! And Mimi brilliantly counters with:
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“Fuck that! They belong to ME!”
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x’D He just like... under his breath... “she admits that’s how she thinks of us...” hahahaha... I laughed out loud...
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It might not be 3D but this is an excellent evolution sequence xD I haven’t said so yet but the animation in this episode was good! Good for the show anyway. It was smoother than usual despite some mechanical-like mouth movements and more than that, it had character and expression!
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okay important question everyone: Taichi = Kermit, Mimi = Miss Piggy... discuss??
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So Gogmamon has a pretty cool-sounding attack, “Curse Reflection.” I have often complained that the villains we fight and get new evolutions with aren’t that scary, but Gogmamon not only seemed pretty formidable (if not the smart, I mean he does have rocks for a brain), he also had a good story build up. My one disappointment in this episode is that the ending is so fast and Gogmamon so easily dealt with. This would have been a good time to introduce Rosemon (like how last week would have been an appropriate time for HerculesKabuterimon). But in both cases, we’re definitely supposed to take away at least that these guys are almost there... Anyway yeah, I would have liked a tiny bit more meant to the resolution but.
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So here’s ANOTHER cool thing! Taichi notices that Gogmamon rejects the diamonds, and realizes they’re the key to defeating him. But he doesn’t just tell that to Mimi. He asks her “Did you see that?” And guess what - she did!
So even though the show couldn’t resist telling us that yes, Taichi would have been able to handle this situation - it doesn’t even let him give Mimi a hint towards victory. She figures it out for herself! The most we can say he does is point out the diamond, but she understands the implication and is able to use it against Gogmamon through her own intellect.
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Mimi is very influenced by her hardworking, CEO grandpa, Tachikawa Genichiro, who’s taught her things about business and things about values, and it really reads as if she’s the one who will inherit the family business - like she’s the family investment. You know, the role that traditionally only falls to sons. That’s changed with the world, and apparently Tachikawa Genichiro-jiisan is totally on board with his granddaughter being more than just a pretty heiress!
... btw what are they making...
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“You’re fired!” Mimi yells as Lillymon takes Gogmamon down x’D kill me I love it
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Like last time (and it sure was a long time ago that we saw it ;_;), the aftereffects of Lillymon’s powers is plants start growing everywhere. This is such a cool effect, I don’t get why it’s not used more. Right now I feel like Mimi/Palmon are the best set in the show.
(I did think it was funny when Mimi gives the diamond to Lillymon to use against Gogmamon and Lillymon acts like Mimi’s making this huge sacrifice since she loves diamonds so much. But 1) it wasn’t the only one, and 2) they were spat out by Gogmamo! that’s gross! that’s got to cut into the value! hahah)
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The others finally catch up and the day is saved. Golemon is an employee for life now. Awww.
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I gushed about all this before so I won’t repeat myself, but yeah, I’m so happy with this episode.
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Lol Sora and Taichi have accepted their places in Mimi’s world, in the end. They might have numbers instead of names and their boss might change her mind about things every five seconds, but other than that it’s a pretty nice gig overall.
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Again the art, so sweet. This reminded me of Miyako yelling to Mimi about how she wants to be like her when she grows up in 02 so I capped it.
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And I absolutely love this little play on words since it’s in English! Wow!
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SO CUTE. How did a Mimi episode kick every other episode out of the water? Scratch that, we always knew Mimi was fantastic. A shojo hero for the 21st century.
Well I said a ton and this is really long now so I’m gonna assume you all get my thoughts on this episode. 9.5/10, really awesome, totally unexpected but perfectly suted to Mimi. I’m so so happy this show seems to have figured things out and remebered that it’s supposed to be freaking Digimon Adventure, it seemed like it forgot for a while there. I just hope we haven’t wasted too much time on those more lackluster episodes, I want so many more stories like this one.
Next week looks like another winner:
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OK, that concept is hilarious x’D I’m so sorry. But also, leave it to Yamato and Gabumon to get the tragedy episode.
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The mood maker will be this guy! I’m totally psyched for Yamato and Jou. Taichi’s been important in the past two episodes even though they were centered on Koushirou and Mimi, so I wonder if/when he’ll be involved this time? Or maybe it really will be just Yamato and Jou - my dream combo?? I can’t wait either way.
DID NOT CHECK FOR TYPOS! See y’all next week.
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loosesodamarble · 3 years
Whumptober Prompt 7: Secrets
Character: Kyouhei Kotone
Word count: ~800
Content warning: anxiety, mention of depression
Kyouhei flopped forward on his desk and groaned. In his periphery, he saw Terumi bounce up to his desk then crouch down so they were eye-to-eye.
“Someone’s looking tired,” she commented in her bell-like voice. “Breakfast not wake you?” Terumi poked Kyouhei’s shoulder. “Hey, Kyou-chan, you’re not working yourself too hard, are you?”
Yes, I am. I’m having trouble balancing my studying. Kyouhei raised his head, just enough so it wasn’t hidden in his arms. My body is sore from training. He smiled at Terumi. I’ve been overusing my voice. “Thank you for worrying, Teru-chan.” Having to wrangle in this class is so hard, even with Shikkou taking charge. “But I’m doing just fine.”
Terumi’s grin widened, her pearly whites showing. “Well if you ever need a recharge, just let me know!”
Kyouhei kept smiling. It made his face hurt. Silently, he nodded to Terumi. He had to save his voice for more important things.
“Oookay!” Terumi jumped up to her feet and winked at Kyouhei. “Let’s do our best!” She practically skipped back to her own desk. Despite himself, Kyouhei sighed at the sight of her energy.
It’s better this way. Kyouhei stretched himself out and took on the role of the perfect student. I can’t let anyone down. Especially not Teru-chan.
Later in the school day, Hero training was focused on combat. Kyouhei got paired with Okami by Aizawa.
Kyouhei shuffled backwards to avoid a punch aimed at his gut, almost tripping when his feet collided. He watched the ground while rebalancing himself. He looked up just in time to block a kick to the head with his forearm.
“Ack!” Kyouhei winced and grabbed the part of his arm that was struck. It wouldn’t help, in fact, the clutching made the pain a little worse.
“You okay, man?” Okami asked, his shoulders drawn up and brows knit together. “You’re usually better on your feet. Do you need me to…?”
It wasn’t that Kyouhei was weak. But his eyes had trouble focusing. And his limbs lagged when he moved.
“Nah, you’re just much better with physical strength than me,” Kyouhei assured, giving a nod of his head. “You going easy on me would be unfair. Give me a challenge okay?”
Okami raised a brow. “That’s not really… Oh never mind.”
That day, Kyouhei didn’t manage to land a single hit on Okami. After changing out of the gym uniform, he snuck away from the class to walk, or rather limp, to the nurse’s office.
It didn’t hurt. It’s just that bruises weren’t attractive.
The glare of the screen was beginning to hurt. Still, Kyouhei couldn’t look away.
It was endless. The number of comments on the thread.
[Missing Kyouhei hours…]
[Why’d he have to quit]
[I’m wondering why he went to U.A. Like? Huh?!]
[Come baaaaaaaack!]
[Still pisses me off. Him fighting? Seriously?]
[Probably just a publicity stunt. Like “haha gonna be a Hero now lol nope.”]
[I never thought he’d be an attention whore.]
[He’s a singer they all become whores eventually.]
[He’s an actor too. Doubly true]
And it kept devolving from there. Some people defended him but others still complained.
Kotone-san? You’re looking pale. It was a familiar voice in his mind rather than his ears.
Kyouhei hastily locked his phone and shoved it in his pocket before turning to face Haruka.
“Must’ve been the light from the screen. You know I like it bright.”
Haruka frowned. Her eyes looked watery, not simply from their color. If there’s something you need to talk about—
“Ayume-kun, it’s okay,” Kyouhei insisted with a smile. “You shouldn’t worry over something you don’t need to. I have it under control.” Please. You have enough of your own burdens.
Haruka fiddled with her fingers. Her expression tensed. I don’t know what but whatever it is, I do hope you’re taking care of yourself. She bowed her head. I’ll see you back at the dorms. With that, she walked away.
Kyouhei groaned and rubbed his temples. Of course Haruka would be one to pick up on it. He was sure she’d understand. But he was also sure that her too big heart might crumble under the weight of his troubles if he shared them.
Kyouhei clicked between the same tabs over and over.
[Symptoms of depression].
[Antidepressants without prescription?]
[Therapists near me].
[Bad to self-diagnose?]
He stared at them for a bit longer before deleting every tab. Then, he erased his search history.
Everything was okay. He just needed sleep. He would eat better. He’d study and train harder. It’d get better if he really pushed himself.
As long as he never told anyone, no one would worry. And if no one worried, it would go away sooner. And if it went away sooner, it would be like it never even happened.
It would stay Kyouhei’s secret. His alone.
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pops-and-kids · 4 years
Heres a short fic for you guys! Not happy with it, but to be fair I’m rarely happy with any of my stuff. Also how the fuck do you format on this site. Its always painful when I have it how I want and tumblr goes “lol nah.”  This is as good as it’s gonna get, I’m not tearing it apart again and restarting lmao
 Whitebeard and Whitey Bay talk about something they should have settled a long time ago.
      Pops smiled as he watched his children dance and laugh. A mingle of crews that hadn't seen each other in months. The energetic atmosphere that filled the ship was hard not to feel. His children yelled and drank; A friendly fight here, a splash of someone being thrown overboard there, the excitement that surrounded the Moby brought a small smile to the old man's face. Even with all the joy and laughter, however, there was a less exciting reason he had called them to the Moby.
“Good evening, my dear. Enjoying yourself?” He chuckled at his fellow captains unamused huff.
      Whitey stared up at him, eyebrow quirked curoisly, “Hard to enjoy yourself when you don’t know why you were summoned. You never give a vague reason to visit, and I doubt it was just for a party.”
      Pops’ smile remained, but his demeanor grew dispirited. To the crew this was nothing more than a gathering amongst family, but to the captains who organized the whole event over the den-den there was something more, even if the one did not know the whole story.
“Yes,” He said, “There is something we must discuss. Though...not here.”
      This was to be a personal chat just between the two of them; a father and his daughter, not captains on unequal footing. As he stood up the crew briefly halted to look at their father figure. He simply gave a smile and wave, and just like that the party continued. Whitey followed him to back to his quarters, puffing her chest out proudly and her hands balled at her sides. He could feel her questioning gaze burning into his back the whole way.
      He felt a glow of pride at how observant and unapologetic his first daughter was, calculated and cold. No matter what he heard uttered from smaller crews or the blasphemy from the marines, only the Whitebeards truly knew just how important and revered Whitey was. Pops was a truly lucky father, and yet...no matter how outspoken and confident he was, he felt he had done her a great disservice. He felt it was high time he addressed it, for both their sakes.
      Once in his quarters he closed the door behind her and sat on the edge of the bed, offering a hand down to her. The confused and slightly disturbed expression on her face never changed as he gently scooped her up and placed her on his blankets. The two remained silent for some time, Pops formulating his words in his head and Whitey watching him with crossed arms and a raised eyebrow. It was hard to know where to start.
“So…” Whitey broke the awkward silence, “Is there a reason you’re being so unusually secretive? And not in the ‘all knowing father’ way.”
“Gurarara. Sharp-witted as always.”
      Shifting to the side so they were facing each other he took a deep breath.
“I wanted to talk about something that has been on my mind. I should have called you much, much sooner about this, but I suppose now is better then never.”
      Whitey frowned. She looked uneasy, crossing her legs and staring up at him.
“Do you remember when we first met? Even though you are known as the ice witch your eyes burned like fire. You were ready to give hell to those who kept your island in a state of fear. No hesitation except with trusting us. You were, and still are, a frightening, cold force of nature, my daughter.”
      He chuckled as the memories washed over him. Whitey quirked a small smile at his praises.
“I remember being so proud to have you. I couldn't stop smiling and laughing like the young fool I was. But we both know how arrogant I could be at times when blinded by my accomplishments. I was, and still am, a product of an old era no longer suited for this time.
“I know I have not been the best father to you, because I wouldn’t give you what you rightly deserved.”
      Whiteys eyes widened with shock and even more confusion as he spoke. She leaned forward to yell something but was stopped by Pop raising his hand for silence.
“Please. Allow me to speak my peace.”
      Her jaw clamped shut with an audible ‘click’ of her teeth, brows furrowed and body tense. She clearly did not agree with him and was questioning why he would say such a thing, but he did not call her to have her praise him for being something he did not feel he lived up to.
      Pops closed his eyes and continued, “You were always just as capable as the men on our crew. Just as fierce, just as formidable an opponent. And yet I, ever a fool, never did offer you a commander's seat. You have always been worthy of one, from the day we met you I should have had you in mind. I’m sure you and Jiru could have worked in tandem as co-commanders seeing as you are both matched for skill. But never once did the idea occur to me. I was a fool who was so caught up in the wonder of having a daughter he did not bother to think of you as anything more than that. You were a daughter, a girl who should never be pushed to fight and care for her family.
“You are so much more. A warrior born from ice with the sharpest tongue and quickest wit, clever and proud. And I know that is why you decided to leave and make your own crew and instead ally with us; Because I did not treat you with the respect and honour you have earned and deserved for years, you felt you had to go out and gather it yourself. The feeling that I unintentionally pushed you away with my ignorance will always be one of my biggest regrets. I have always been proud of you for what you have accomplished, that will never change, but I cannot help but wonder what could have been if I hadn't been blindsided by old ideals that no longer hold water.”
      Opening his eyes he met Whiteys cold, blue stare. Her mouth was ajar, seemingly at a loss for words.
“Pops….” Was all she managed to say, her tone was that of disbelief and softness.
“Whitey, my dear,” He leaned down, bowing his head to her slightly, “Please forgive this old man for his transgressions.”
      Whitey and him stared at one another for what felt like an eternity. He did not make any moves to sit back up, instead showing the most respect a man of his caliber could by remaining in his gesture. Whitey still was at a loss for words, yet her hand reached up and gently pressed against his forehead as if to soothe an aching beast. A smile graced her cool, pale face and her eyes warmed.
“You’ve said you pride yourself on not hanging on to the past too much, and yet here you are. I already forgave you, Edward. A long time ago. All that was over a decade ago anyway, I’m a little insulted you didn’t bring this up earlier if it’s bothered you.” She lightly teased.
“Gurararara. Well when you get older you tend to do a lot of thinking.”
      They smiled at one another in silence. It felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Knowing she didn't hold anything against him for his younger selves shortcomings made him feel at ease.
“I was mad at you at first, but those feelings never got so strong I wanted out. Yes, it’s true I left and made my own crew because I felt I was under-appreciated and my skills were brushed off. But I never regretted meeting you or felt I could do better without you, which is why I proposed allyship. I felt lucky you even allowed me to do that, you weren’t too keen on family leaving the ship.”
      Pops hummed and nodded as she spoke her side of the situation. If he could go back in time he would have given her the okay to fight alongside her brothers more, her own division or co-commander status, whatever it was she felt she deserved he would have etched it into their dynamics. He would always be protective, but it was to a smothering fault when she was still among the crew on the Moby Dick. Though she would always heed his call as her captain, it was better this way. She was worthy of her title as captain, she didn’t need him to stand up for her to make that clear to any who mocked her.
“I have to say though, it’s nice to hear it from the old shipwrecker himself.” Whitey joked, gently hitting his chin.
      Pops laughed as he sat up straight, readjusting his position to be leaning back against the headboard.
 “Is that what people are calling me these days? ‘Shipwrecker’?”
      The tense atmosphere had melted away as did the cold look in Whiteys eyes, a feeling of deep care and familial affection replacing it. The two captains talked late into the evening about small things, paperwork and territory discussions being forgotten for the time being. They talked about their ships, their family, silly or strange happenings that occurred for them both. When Thatch had come to warn them about the final call for booze they both agreed to a mug, much to his surprise.
      Whitey wouldn’t rip him a new one for drinking himself stupid, just for tonight.
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lousimusician · 5 years
Faking It
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Request: Ik you're busy working on sex pollen right now but when you could could you do one where the reader has never orgasmed with any of their SO and when they start having sex/dating peter they dont want to make him feel bad so they just fake it? And somehow peter finds out the truth and he just turns super dom and makes her cum like....a lot? Thanks! I love your writing so much!
A/N: I fell in love with this request the second I saw it omgggg, it's so goooood. Thank you to the anon who requested this, I hope I did it justice lol. I also wasn't planning to write whole ass fics for the requests and make them more like blurbs or something, but some of your guy's ideas are so good I couldn't help myself.
Warning: Smuttttt, Oral (fem recieving), language, Peter and the reader are both 18
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Peter had really just been passing through when he overheard the conversation that made his stomach twist with shame and embarrassment.
It had to be around midnight when Peter just finished patrolling Queens and he decided to stop by his girlfriend's apartment for a few minutes.
Your window was open, and just as Peter was about to crawl through was when he heard it.
You were facetiming MJ while laying on your bed, and the two of you seemed to be in deep conversation, when he heard her say, "So you've been faking it this whole time?"
Peter stopped, interest piqued to find out what exactly you had been faking.
You groaned and tugged on your hair. "Yes."
"Is he that bad or is there another reason?" MJ asked mindlessly while she worked on her homework.
"No he's good, it's me. I just- I have a hard time.. y'know..-"
You groaned again. "I hate this conversation."
MJ put her hands up in surrender. "Hey, you were the one that wanted to have this sex talk."
You rolled your eyes. "Anyway, I think I'm just scared I won't be able to and then he'll be all embarrassed and then I'll be embarrassed, so I... fake it. And it wouldn't be the first time either, I did the same with Ian and Devin."
"And Peter has no idea?" MJ asked, looking up from her homework.
"Well I hate to brag but by the time I started dating Peter I got very good at faking it." You said pathetically.
"(Y/N) that is the saddest thing I've ever heard, don't worry you're not bragging." She responded sarcastically.
"Yeah, I know. What do you think I should do? I just feel so guilty."
MJ shrugged her shoulders. "Don't know man. Just talk to him I guess, how long can you go pretending anyway."
You shook your head. "Yeah... I'm just- I'm gonna go to bed now, I'll talk to you tomorrow."
"See ya." MJ said before ending the call.
Peter backed away from your window, but lingered on the wall as everything you and MJ said sunk in.
And Peter didn't know how to feel anything other than embarrassed and betrayed.
You faked it,
Every. Single. Time.
And Peter began replaying every time the two of you had sex.
The first time you two were together, to when you had done it in the janitors closet, to when you told each other that you loved each other, to even just last night.
How had he never noticed before.
Peter punched the wall in frustration, before swinging back to his own apartment.
"Hey Peter." You greeted your boyfriend the next morning at school, after arriving at his locker.
Upon hearing and seeing you Peter immediately remembered the anger he felt last night, so with gritted teeth and a clenched jaw responded with a simple, "Hey."
You furrowed your eyebrows at his tone but ignored it anyway. "So are we still hanging out later."
"Sure." He said without looking at you.
"Oookay?" You said confused by his attitude. "I'll talk to you at lunch then." You said, backing away before heading to your own class.
The rest of the day had gone by in a similar fashion. Peter was very off and you couldn't figure out why, except for that it had to be something with you because he was only acting coldly towards you.
The walk to his place with him after school was quiet and tense, and it was setting you on edge.
You tried to fill the silence with idle conversation but when his responses came off as less than interested, you finally gave up all together. And even when you reached his apartment, the two of you went straight to the bedroom silently save for the greetings to Aunt May.
The second Peter stepped into the bedroom he threw his bag down next to his desk and immediately pulled his homework out, and started on it even though it was a Friday, further proving to you that he was ignoring you.
Meanwhile, you on the other hand, decided to sit on his bed without a word.
You pulled out your phone and occupied your time with the device. 
And that was how the night slowly progressed. You shooting glances at him, while Peter pretended not to notice as he continued his homework.
It wasn't until May popped in to tell you two that she was going out for a few hours with her friends that you finally said something.
"...Peter?" You asked quietly, and all you recieved was a hum in response. "Are you mad?"
Peter continued writing, "No." He said simply but with a bite that told you he was definitely angry.
"Did I do something?"
"No." He said again, jaw clenching.
"If you don't tell me, I can't fix it."
Peter stopped writing and began tapping his pencil against his paper, trying to figure out what to say. "...You've been faking it." He said as if the words burned his tongue, gaze fixed on the textbook in front of him.
You sat up on your knees, jaw dropped and eyebrows furrowed. "H-how-?"
"I went to stop by your place last night-"
"Y-you heard." You stuttered out in a small voice, shame seeping into your conscious.
"Yeah I heard." He said bitterly. "Did you really fake it every time?" He finally looked at you.
You gaped at him, torn between telling the truth and lying but the look he gave you told you it would be wisest to tell the truth. "...I did."
The pencil in his hand snapped.
"P-Peter I'm so sorry, I was just so embarrassed-"
"Oh you're embarrassed?" He asked sarcastically. "Imagine how I feel knowing that everytime I slept with my girlfriend I've never been able to make her cum."
"No! Peter it's really not your fault. The last two guys I dated were never able to make me cum either."
"Great, now I'm like those two assholes." He muttered, standing up.
You shot up off the bed, stepping closer to Peter. You placed your hands on his cheeks so he would give you his undivided attention. "Listen to me Peter." You said sternly. "I love you so much and I am sorry I never told you. You are so amazing in every way and if I'm being completely honest...I've never been able to make myself cum eith-"
You were roughly cut off by Peter's lips crashing against yours. Your hands fell to his chest, while one of his gripped your jaw firmly and the other tightly held your hip. "Stop talking." He muttered, his lips going to your neck.
"W-what?" You asked breathlessly.
"I said stop talking." He repeated more firmly this time. He picked you up and tossed you onto the bed, raising a hand to shoot a web at the door to keep it locked in case May came back early.
Peter moved on top of you now, leaning back. "This is how it's gonna go, I'm gonna do whatever it takes to make you cu-"
"But Pete-"
"I'm speaking now." 
"S-sorry." You said, biting your lip.
"I'm going to make you cum alright?" He said pulling off his sweater, "And you're going to communicate with me this time to make sure- take off your shirt." You did as he said, taking your bra off too. "To make sure you do cum, and you're not going to fake it okay?"
You nodded profusely.
"Good. Now, you can talk." He said as his hands began undoing your jeans.
"..What if I can't though." You whimpered.
"That's why you're going to talk to me, princess." Peter said gently, voice losing its roughness at seeing how worried you were. He pulled your jeans off your legs. "You're going to tell me exactly what you need, and I'm going to re-learn everything about your body." Peter pulled off your panties next, leaving you completely naked. "...Grab the headboard for a second." He said, an idea coming to mind.
You cocked an eyebrow but did as he said anyway and jumped in surprise when he webbed your hands together. 
You turned your head, looking at your hands, before looking back to Peter with a confused expression.
"I want the only thing you focus on to be on what I'm doing." He said, moving down your body so he was situated between your thighs.
He pulled your legs over his shoulders and you struggled to look down at him because of your bound hands. Without warning Peter flattened his tongue going from the bottom of your slit to the top, making you throw your head back into the pillow with a moan. 
He did the same thing again only this time his lips latched onto your clit.
"Ahh~ fuck." You hissed.
His mouth worked against you until you were a whimpering mess, your hips beginning to grind against his face desperately, making him bring an arm up to pin you to the bed.
He knew you needed more but he wanted to hear it from you first so he pulled away and muttered. "Start talking princess." Before latching his lips back onto your clit.
"Y-your fingers." You stuttered. 
He hummed against you, the vibration sending a wave of pleasure down your spine. Peter brought his free hand to your pussy and slid a finger in easily due to how wet you were.
His tongue worked your clit as he started thrusting and curling a finger into you.
And it felt good, it always felt so good. Which was why it was so goddamn frustrating to feel so much pleasure that went no where, built up to nothing. 
But tonight you were as determined to cum as Peter was at making you.
"M-more~" You gasped out. Peter complied sliding a second finger in, his ministrations speeding up and using more force. "Peter~" You moaned. "Don't stop~ f-fuck."
The two of you sat there for god knows how long and Peter was finally starting to understand why you would fake it.
He pulled away, fingers still thrusting into you. "C'mon pretty girl, tell me what you need." You just looked so desperate to cum. Mouth gaping open as you whined and begged, your hips trying to move with him if not for the arm pinning you down, and it was driving Peter crazy. He was so hellbent on getting you to cum that he hadn't even registered how painfully hard he was, his own hips beginning to grind into the mattress for a sense of relief.
"I-I don't know." The words coming out as a frustrated sob, making Peter's heart clench.
That was when he got an idea.
Peter had always been aware of how gentle or rough he was with you, because if he didn't he could seriously hurt you due to his super strength.
But right now he realized that maybe that was just what you needed.
So with new intent, Peter slid a third finger in and started thrusting them into you, curling them to hit your g-spot perfectly. Mouth reattaching to your pussy again, he stimulated you with more force and strength behind every movement than he had ever used before.
And your reaction was immediate.
You practically screamed in pleasure. Body shaking almost violently, as your legs were wrapped tightly behind his back.
Your mind had gone fuzzy, never having felt this much pleasure before. And it was seriously fucking you up. 
An unfamiliar knot started forming making you more and more desperate for Peter. And just as you felt you were about to fall over the edge for the first time.
Peter stopped, removing his fingers and mouth.
Your eyes shot wide open. "P-Peter." You sobbed. "Why'd you s-stop." 
Peter crawled up your body, thumb wiping away the tears you didn't realize had fallen. 
He kissed your lips before saying. "Couple of reasons. First, that's what you get for not telling me about this sooner, and second, I realized that I want to be in you the first time you cum." 
You whimpered as he backed away so he could undo his pants. Your eyes raked up and down his lean muscular body, your fingers starting to itch with wanting to touch him.
"Can you dissolve the webs?" You asked.
He paused, looking at you for a second. "..No."
Your eyebrows furrowed. "B-but Peter-" You whined.
"No. I kinda like you like this, and I have a feeling you're going to need to hold onto the headboard because of how hard I'm gonna fuck you."
Your cheeks burned, he was never usually this forward. "Peter!" You spluttered.
He ignored you while he finished undressing himself, getting up to grab a condom before easily finding his spot on top of you again once he finished putting it on. He pressed his lips against yours again in an intoxicating kiss, while he gripped his cock to line up with your entrance and slowly pushed in, making the two of you moan into the kiss.
He pulled back slightly. "I'm not going to go easy on you." He said breathily, lips grazing yours as he spoke. "Think you can handle it?"
"Mhmm," you hummed.
"Good." He said, sitting up as a hand went to your leg to hike your thigh onto his hip, while his other hand started gripping the top of his headboard.
He admired the way you looked with your hands bound as you stared up at him wide eyed. 
And without any warning he pulled back and snapped his hips roughly into you. You arched your back as a moan passed through your lips.
Peter kept a fast and rough pace, fucking into you hard. And he had found himself enjoying it much more than he thought he would, not having to hold back and be mindful of his powers.
You had been clearly enjoying yourself too. Your head tossed back in ecstasy while you moaned and whined incoherently, forgetting how to form words. You couldn't think at all, only being able to feel Peter.
The relief you felt when that unfamiliar knot started to form, letting you know that Peter may actually get you to cum, was amazing.
"P-Peter I think I'm gonna-" you cut yourself off with a moan.
"Y-yeah?" He grunted out, picking up more speed. "Then do it pretty girl. Cum." His hand that was on your thigh trailed down to your clit and he started rubbing it in rough circles. 
The extra stimulation was what tipped you over.
You came with a loud scream of Peter's name on your lips. And you came hard. The pleasure feeling so unreal that you couldn't believe you had gone this long without ever experiencing it. Your vision turned almost black, seeing stars. 
You had cum so hard you hadn't even realized Peter came too, until after you came down from the high.
You were panting, absolutely breathless, feeling Peter's weight on you as he was slumped against you now.
Your body was shaking, and you muttered out. "Holy shit."
You could feel Peter's smile against your shoulder. He pulled out, making you jump at the feeling and he rolled off of you, panting just as hard while the two of you stared at the bottom of the top bunk.
"You're amazing." You muttered again.
Peter laughed, grin widening. "And to think you could've been cumming this whole time if you just told me."
You rolled your eyes. "Yeah I know... I was just embarrassed."
"Don't be."
You hummed. "Can I stay the rest of the night?"
" 'course. I prefer you stay anyway."
"So.. can you dissolve the webs now?"
Peter turned his head to look at you, making you turn to look at him too. He raised an eyebrow. "You didn't think we were actually done, did you?"
You looked at him confused, "W-what?"
His hand ran down to your pussy again, finding your clit, making you jump. "I plan on making up for every time you faked it, by the end of the night."
"B-but what about May? She'll be back soon."
Peter glanced at the time, seeing that it was only 9. "Aunt May goes out with her friends once a month and she never has gotten home before 1 or 2 in the morning. We have time."
You stared at the glint in Peter's eyes, and knew you were utterly screwed. "Oh fuck."
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headoverhiddles · 5 years
Klowning Around (or The Big Klown Krossover) - Multiple Clowns x Reader
Synopsis: Your friend is visiting. You take her to the seaside fair at Santa Monica Pier, where you introduce her to Pennywise, your boyfriend. She meets Art, another interesting, if not a little dangerous, clown. On top of it, the huge orange big top that popped up tonight hadn’t always been there... had it? 
@chari-koopa I DID IT 
Notes: Basically an It/Terrifier/Killer Klowns crossover. With clownfucker undertones cause ummm dat me. ;) Warning-- slight gore in one of the gifs below the cut. PS. THIS IS VERY WEIRD. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK LOL
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A white gloved hand slips into yours. Pennywise had been itching to go to the seaside fair for days, ever since they had opened it up for the summer season. It had been fairly good timing too, since your friend from out of the country was coming to visit.
“They’ll have popcorn, cotton candy, hot dogs, peanuts...” Penny’s busy listing off, and you laugh, digging through the closet.
“Of course they will, it’s a fair. Here, you’ll need to wear this—they’ll think you work there.” You toss him a black hoodie, and he glares at it like you’ve just tossed him the plague.
“What’s wrong with looking like I work there?” he asks, “I probably look more like a clown than any of those fakes do!”
“That’s because you are a clown,” you point out, putting on your own hoodie, “Or... kind of.”
“Eldritch demon spider, but I identify as a clown,” he shrugs. You sigh, looking at your boyfriend. He’s got orange puffs of hair sticking out all over his head, a frilly white clown suit with red pom poms... oh, well. He was probably right. As long as he didn’t do anything too crazy, the night might run smoothly.
“Fine,” you kiss him on the nose, “Wear what you want.”
“Agreed! Now get back here and give Pennywise a real kiss!”
“Only if you promise me something,” you smirk, sauntering over. He licks his red lips.
“No. Eating.”
“And you know what I mean. You can have popcorn. But I don’t want to hear about any murders while my friend’s in town.” He pouts.
“Fine. I’ll restrain myself. For you.”
“Hey!” you grin, your friend running up to you. You both hug, and she checks out Pennywise.
“Hey. Penny, right? Nice costume!” Penny looks extremely proud of himself, and you all head over to get in line for the fun house. As you’re waiting, you find yourself staring at a large orange big top, with red stripes.
“Was that always there?” you ask.
“The big top?” Pennywise replies, “They might have set it up today.”
You shrug, and all of you enter the Clownzilla Funhouse. “These always freak me out,” your friend says, “I look gross in all these weird mirrors.”
“That’s the point. It’s supposed to be creepy,” you say, glancing at your ass that has spread three times too big in the funhouse glass. “Look at that shit.”
“I’d have fun sinking my teeth into that,” Penny growls into your ear, practically salivating at the sight of your funhouse-stretched ass, and you swat him.
“Save it for later.” He gives your ass a squeeze before you all head into the next room. The hallways twist in colourful patterns, the neon assaulting your eyes. The intended effect definitely reaches you—you’re overwhelmed by the circus organs and splatters of red, white and black paint all over the place.
Just then, you see something out of the corner of your eye. Turning, you catch a glimpse of another clown, crouching down. He’s got a black and white suit on, a long chin, and he’s holding something. Fear starts to rise inside of you, as the clown glares at you, dark eyes almost staring into your soul.
“You see him?” you whisper, and your friend turns as well. You swallow. “D-do you work here?”
The clown just shakes his head slowly.
Penny growls, getting a little territorial, but the other clown just stands up, kicking away whatever was on the floor behind him. His gloves are stained red, which worries you even more... but he suddenly breaks out into a large smile, walking toward you guys.
“Hi,” your friend says, and the clown takes out a flower, handing it to her. She blushes, and he holds up a finger excitedly. “You’re a mime?” she asks. He nods. He then drags his bloody finger up the mirror, writing his name. “Art?” He nods again. “Nice to meet you, Art.” He laughs silently, and shakes all of your hands, clapping.
He draws a little heart in blood on the mirror. You look at Penny in confusion, but Art seems to be taking a liking to your friend. She watches, enthralled by the charming clown, and Art points to her and him, then the heart. She giggles, and shrugs. “Well. I don’t see anyone else around willing to hold my hand tonight.” She lets him take it, and they walk beside you.
“I told you you’d understand the clown love one day,” you grin, and she rolls her eyes.
“He’s not Mr. Clown. He’s just Mr. Clown Now.” You both laugh at the corny joke, as you finally make it out of the maze.
“Say, Art,” you bring up to your new tall companion, “Not judging or anything—was that a body back there you were hiding?” Art pretends to scratch his head, thinking, then gives an exaggerated shrug. You snort. “You and my boyfriend’ll get along just fine.”
“As long as you don’t give any of those flowers to this one,” Penny clings to you, lifting you like a ragdoll, “You’re not half bad.”
You all get in line for the Snack Shack on the beach to grab some food before heading up on the Ferris Wheel. The night is a perfect one—starry sky, the waves on the beach gently lapping against the shore as the sounds of happy screams, clown laughter, and the mechanical whir of rides roar around you. The sickly sweet aroma of cotton candy fills your nose, and you lick your lips.
Your friend and Art share some popcorn, and you and Penny each get some cotton candy. You get pink, and he gets blue. Once you start eating though, you furrow your brows. “This... doesn’t taste right.”
“What do you mean?” your friend asks, and Art gives you a puzzled look too.
“It’s just...” you take another bite of the fluffy candy floss, “It’s good. But it’s strangely sweet. Overly sweet. Also sorta tastes like...” You make a face, and hand it over to Pennywise. “Here, you try this.”
He takes a bite, and instantly starts to salivate. His yellow eyes drift apart, and he becomes primal, drooling and eating the entire stick of cotton candy whole in one large bite.
“Oookay,” your friend says, and you start to worry. If Penny enjoyed human food that much, it had to be just that. Human food. Human food.
“Let me check something,” you say softly, and walk back over to the snack shack. Taking a few steps, you walk behind the shack, where they’re getting their floss from a large, pink supply hanging on a hook. You start to turn it around, only to be distracted by the sound of a tricycle coming down the boardwalk. There’s no one really around this side of the boardwalk right now, and just below it is the biker area, where they hang out.
“Where are you going?” your friend asks, and you head up the boardwalk, just in time to see something approach the bikers. From what you can see, it’s a small, green-haired clown. He gets off his little trike, and proudly shows it off to the gang.
“Mean bike you got there, Jojo!” one guy taunts, and the leader of the group walks over.
“Can I take a ride, pal?” Apprehensive and more than a little protective of his tiny bike, the little clown shakes his head.
“Awww... can I beep the horn?”
The clown looks delighted someone would ask. “Mmm-hmm!”
“Ohh! Thank you!” It’s obvious that the leader of the gang is mocking him. The short clown watches helplessly as the man picks up his clown bike, but before he can drop and smash it, a voice rings out.
“Hey! Leave him alone!”
Everyone turns to see you standing there, arms crossed, and the little clown’s eyes widen. You nod to him, prepared to stand up to the leader approaching you angrily.
“It’s your unlucky night, honey,” the guy says, but suddenly stops. He looks behind you, and almost starts to cry.
“RUN!” someone behind him shouts, and all of the bikers break off, riding off on their motorcycles. You don’t even have to turn around to know Pennywise is standing behind you with some horrifying, nightmarish trick he’s done to his face and/or body to scare them off.
The little clown runs over to you, parking his bike against the wall, and hugs you. You hug him back, and he starts explaining things fast in a language you can’t understand.
“Penny? A little help?”
Pennywise listens, then hums. “This one's not from here. He’s from a different galaxy, just like me, but a different planet-- one I'm not familiar with. He came here in... that orange big top, with his family and friends. They came to eat a few people... but in general, they just want to have a good time.”
“Oh,” you nod, “Killer clowns from outer space. Fun.” But you can’t deny that the little guy’s growing on you... and you had felt bad for him, getting picked on like that. You decide you can't leave him alone. “Wanna hang out with us, little dude?”
He looks back over his shoulder, and speaks again in his language. Pennywise interprets. “He says his mum and dad might get worried... what’s your name, little one?” The little clown places a hand over his heart, and Penny grins. “Little one's name is Shorty... mother's name is Fatso, father's name is Jumbo. He... also came with his uncle, Slim, and his two brothers, Rudy and Spiky. He also says—" Shorty starts jabbering fast, and Penny growls in his face. "Slow down, or I’ll eat you!"
"Hey," you hit your boyfriend, "Be nice. He's scared."
"He's scared?" your friend asks. Shorty breaks out boxing gloves, and bounces around. Penny just roars, frightening the little clown and sending him waddling back over to you.  
"Look you two, behave. What's he saying?"
"He’s... warning us that his brother Spiky is a troublemaker. Rudy is the nice brother.”
“And what about you?” you laugh, “Are you a troublemaker, or are you nice?”
Shorty makes a ‘both’ gesture, and smiling, you and your boyfriend take him back to where Art and your friend are—
“You’re making out with that?!” you blurt, crossing your arms. Your friend looks up, and Art grins, sticking his tongue out. Your friend blushes.
“He’s charming. What can I say?”
“Look who we found,” you say, and introduce Shorty, explaining what he is and where he’s from.
“Oh. Uh... think we just found his family.”
You all turn nervously, to find a family of mismatched, odd looking clowns making their way through the carousel. They’re huge, much bigger than Shorty. The biggest one’s got green hair like your little clown friend, assumedly Jumbo, the one holding that one’s hand has red hair and is wearing a pink and blue dress who seems to be Fatso, there’s one with spiky pink hair who you take to be Spiky, and one with floppy ears and red hair who answers to Rudy.
“Lovely family,” you try to compliment, and the clowns all close in on your group. You’re all backed against the wall beside the carousel, even Penny’s attempts to scare them off falling short, their ominous laughter echoing around you. Stopping them before they can kill you, Shorty goes bananas trying to excitedly explain you had helped him.
Fatso stops to listen, and pokes and prods Jumbo until he reluctantly listens too. By now, Spiky’s got your friend in a choke hold, Art trying (to no avail) to saw the bigger clown’s head off.
Rudy knocks Spiky on the head, and Spiky finally turns. Jumbo wags a finger at them all, explaining in their language that we saved Shorty. They all turn back, and wrap in for a big hug.
It’s the weirdest fucking hug you’ve ever felt, but dammit, it's cute.
“Now that introductions are over,” you clear your throat, “Wanna hit some rides?”
“Hell yeah,” your friend says, eating the last of the popcorn and taking your arm.
“That whole almost being murdered thing was... what word do you use?” Penny hisses, “Awkward.”
“Very,” you groan, "You were no help."
"What was I supposed to do against... those?!" Rudy trips over his feet behind you. Shorty laughs his ass off at his brother, and Fatso helps her son up. Just then, a tall, hot pink haired clown comes bounding over, carrying the cotton candy supply you'd seen from earlier. He takes a big bite out of it, and you see the blood all over his teeth-- your face twists up in disgust. Whatever's inside that cotton candy, you were eating it (or them) earlier.
"Slim! Slim!" Rudy introduces you, and the pink haired clown waves at you all, making a little dinosaur out of his gloves using shadows. Shorty claps, and you raise your eyebrows.
"What a family."
Both you girls and your fabulous clown entourage (clowntourage?) approach the ‘West Coaster’ roller coaster, lit up with blinking lights and funny neon faces.
“Sir...” one tiny teenage employee gulps, looking up at Jumbo, “I-I’m gonna need you to sit in the test seat before you ride.” His fellow employee’s knees are shaking together.
Jumbo looks at the one kid, over to the seat, then back to the kid, and picks up the test seat, tossing it up into the air and blasting his popcorn ray gun at it. The others then produce cream pies from out of nowhere, and pelt them at the poor guy, reducing him to a pool at your feet. The other teenager simply nods, and lets all of you in.
You and Pennywise sit in the front, Shorty squeezed between you two so he can see. Right behind you sits your friend and Art, still holding hands and still necking. He keeps giving her little gifts, and honks his horn whenever he kisses her. It’s strange, but what about dating a clown wasn’t strange, really? Behind them sit Rudy and Spiky, each punching each other and tugging at each others’ hair, Slim sitting in the middle to moderate (and doing a terrible job of it, laughing every time Spiky gets a good hit in). At the very back, Jumbo and Fatso hold hands.
The roller coaster starts to move, and Art reaches a hand out to take a group selfie as you all climb the hill. At the very top, Shorty covers his eyes, and the clowns behind you go wild.
Pennywise holds you tight, and everything is a blur, the circus lights around you spinning and blinking. It’s an amazing feeling—it’s like you’re high. This is the most fun you’d had in a while.
When the roller coaster comes to a stop, the clowns behind you are all chanting something—it sounds like again, again, again. They must not have stuff like this on their planet. You all stay on, having basically taken over the ride now, and just as you’re going down the first drop again, you hear a scream come from behind you that sounds far too distressed.
At the bottom, you feel like you’re in a haze. Glittering pink fog tinges your field of view. You and Pennywise turn around, to see Art holding his saw in one hand, and your friend’s head in the other. You sigh, and Art shrugs, miming crying. Pennywise looks at you.
“I knew something was off with that one.”
The Killer Klowns all seem to find this hilarious though, and play volleyball with the head as the roller coaster just keeps going around, and around. You scream, but Pennywise just snaps his fingers. You frown, as a pink mist around you dissipates.
“These Klowns give off pheromones that make you hallucinate,” Penny realizes, “It’s a characteristic of their species.”
“Fun,” you grimace, reaching back to make sure your friend’s head was securely on her shoulders. She looks at you weird, but you snatch Art’s saw away, just for safe measures.
“Let’s just try to enjoy tonight,” you sigh, and Penny’s white gloved hand slips into yours.
“A few more rides. Then popcorn. Pop, pop, pop,” he whispers in your ear.
“Best night at the fair ever,” you grin, and you two kiss, some of his red lipstick rubbing off onto you. Shorty wiggles his ears between you, putting his hands up, and Art honks his horn.
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flwrblue-bella · 6 years
Sorry is has been a long ass time. I don't even know how long since our regularly scheduled questions have been asked but it's too long. Hmmmm, time to attempt to be creative... Favorite music artist? Favorite kind of pop? (soda, whatever you crazy kids call it where you live) Biggest fear? Favorite actor? Celebrity crush? Random dumb thing you did/tried/wanted to do as a youth? Idk if these are too weird and you want me to stop lmk.
WHAT THE FUCK HOW HAVENT I SEEN THIS BEFORE?? HOW LONG HAS THIS BEEN HERE FOR???????? i am so sorry, dude. really, i haven't checked this in forever. shit, okay, hmm, I guess my favorite artist is Cavetown? I really like him. That's hard to say, cuz I like so many different types of music, man. If it's good, I'm listening. But I don't really tend be super into an artist. I normally know a couple song and that's it. So, I guess I gotta pick Cavetown, since I know most his songs by heart lol.Favorite type of pop/soda/whatever (i'm from Brazil, so I call it refrigerante, or refri lol) gotta be Fanta, orange flavor specifically. tbh I drink almost everything, accept for coke. Really hate does, since I was a baby. I dislike most cola drinks, actually. The color and the smell... ugh? really can't handle them, sorry, dont dm meHmmm, biggest fear... In a superficial sense, probably spiders. I used to have a super phobia of those creepy crawlers, but lately we've been getting along better. I'm honestly not afraid of a lot of those (aside of the common sense, of course). In a poetic way... Probably fear of loneliness and being unloved. Who has two thumbs and a big ol' fear of abandonment? This girl! I blame it on my dad, personally.I am in love with Jared Padalecki and I always will be, that's fine. But my heart always will have a special place for Jeremy Jordan, Rachel Bloom, Katie McGrath, Rowan Blanchard... And many more. I could send you a whole list tbh. I fall in love with a different actor every week lolAs for a dumb thing, uhhh, I gave myself bangs when I was five. As you can probably imagine, it did not work out well and I had short hair for the next four years. Fun timez~ I also always wanted to break into abandoned places?? no specific reason, I just thought it would be a fun adventure or something. idk i was kind of a dumb, impulsive, super-Gryffindor kid, don't try to rationalize me too muchoookay, i guess that's all. im supermegafoxy sorry for the delay, im a big dumbass. but here is a giant reply as an apology! you can always send more if you haven't given up on me yet, id love it sooo much!... but probably try to dm me to let me know, so i wont leave you hanging for so longthanks anon, ily, byeee
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fuck-customers · 7 years
i had an annoying customer come in tonight that had a shady return without a receipt. my store does returns without receipts if it isn't high dollar items, and we give you a company gift card. 
this dude comes in with his 3 year old daughter and found two people that he knew, and just lets his 3 year old run around. by herself. doing who knows what. for all i know she was shoplifting for her dad so he can return it next time he goes to one of our stores!
some of his items he wanted to return were reasonable. socks and underwear that were for his toddler child that didn't work. okay whatever
the next items he wanted to return were:
a spray bottle that didn't quite spray 30% of the time, half empty. oookay.
3 bottles of some sort of car fluids. unopened, his reasoning was "well if i put it in my car and it doesn't work i can't return it then" uhhh why'd you get it then
so my manager allowed this return to happen, and he supplied his own gift card (fishy, means he does a LOT of returns without receipts. probably a shop lifter) and it ended up being like $35. i had to see his ID to get info like his name and address, and this fucker lives an hour and 30 minutes away from my store. he came allllllll the way out here to return these couple of things that he most likely shoplifted from some other store. 
needless to say i didn't feel good about doing that return and i didn't feel good about him. 
he started saying, "lol let me know if a 3 year old girl runs out of the store behind me. i figure it's best to just let her do whatever she wants." 
and you know. considering i recently sent in /post/158996462706 i'm completely uncomfortable with a grown man that thinks letting his 3 year old girl run around in a store by herself couldn't go wrong in any way.
so anyway he goes to pick out some things to buy, mainly food, milk, cigarettes, things for his daughter. 
he leaves, and a little later i see his daughter outside again and i'm just like ??? and then they come back in again. oh boy.
he gets more shit and buys 2 pizzas that are on sale 2 for $6 when they're normally $4.75. they end up ringing up $3 each no matter what, even if you just get one. so he asks me to take one of them off, which requires me to go get my manager (probably in the opposite end of the store) to take it off. i mean his reason makes sense but why grab 2 pizzas if you aren't okay with paying $6 for it. that's a whole other meal you'd still be getting. ugh whatever. 
THEN he asks me if he could bring in a bag of dog food and return it?? and i'm like... "well what's wrong with it" "oh nothing i just don't want it anymore" 
your dog doesn't need food?? what?? WHY DID YOU BUY IT THEN?? 
ok and then get this. he leaves again,and comes back again to spend the rest of the money on his gift card. like $14.02  so he asks me to read out the total with tax so he can know when he needs to stop. our receipts print out your gift card balance. 
of course this fucker doesn't know how to count and his gift card goes through, and i've seen 2$ in his wallet lmao. he has $1.32 left to pay becasue his gift card didn't have enough. and he's like "okay just take off this item" but after the gift card goes through we can't just do a void. we have to cash out the transaction, go back and void it, and ring everything back up. so i asked him, "and you don't have any cash to pay the rest of this." "no" what a lie. 
so after doing that huge long process his total still comes out to be A PENNY SHORT. which i fucking ignored to get him out of my store. like please. don't ever come back. 
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