#then kevin day mumbles something in his sleep and hes like ah. i remember.
dayurno · 4 months
actually really insane to me that jean shared kevin and riko’s dorm until he joined the lineup. two years sharing kevin and riko’s bedroom. that’s so crazy i know that room was tense as fuck. the implications of it all…….
ITS REALLY AWFUL BUT ALSO REALLY FUNNY........ i mean just sleeping in the same room as riko is scary as fuck i think but can you imagine like. you know?????? sharing a room with pseudoincest georg and his adoptive brother. but maybe sometimes its good enough to watch kevin day sleep from the other side of the room. to remind urself w every breath of his that there is a reason to live still. Or something <3
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Right Place, Wrong Time
I’m going through the Wayback Machine and bringing over some fics that I wrote when I was imaginingwwesuperstars!! Well, at least what they have archived…and has been edited since the original post. Down to the last of them! I hope you enjoy!
I remember this one being one of my favorites!
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“Good morning, Sami!” You called from across the hotel lobby.
“Hey, Y/N!” Sami replied, returning your smile as he walked over to you and Kevin. “Hey, Kev.”
“Morning, man.” Kevin told Sami, still half asleep. “I look at this one and wonder how she’s so awake this morning.” He pointed to you.
“That’s because I didn’t sleep very well last night.” You said with a shrug. “So I was up early and got some coffee in me an hour ago.”
“Why didn’t you sleep? You could’ve called me, I didn’t sleep much either.”
“I was next door to Rollins and he was…entertaining a lady last night.”
“Yeah, so it’s a safe bet this coffee will get me through the next hour before I pass out in the car.”
Sami smiled at you and shook his head at you. It was typical of you to pass out in the car no matter how much sleep you got. It’s one of the many reasons he chooses to sit in the backseat with you…he knows that you’ll scoot over so that you can fall asleep on his shoulder. You told him that you do that because it’s more comfortable and you’re less likely to strain your neck. He found himself jealous one time when it was Finn sitting in the backseat with you and he had allowed you to sleep on his shoulder.
But he knew he had nothing to worry about when it came to Finn or even Kevin. They both knew how he felt about you and they wouldn’t dream of betraying him by asking you out…well, Finn at least because Kevin’s married.
“Hey, Finn!” Your voice broke Sami’s thoughts.
“Hey there!” Finn replied to you with his signature smile, hugging you.
“I think Finn should be the first to drive…he looks well rested.” Kevin said with a yawn.
“That’s fine. Let's go.”
Sure enough, when everything was situated, Sami ended up sharing the backseat with you. You fell asleep on his shoulder and he found himself resting his head on top of yours.
“So you ever gonna tell her?” Finn asked, looking in the review mirror at Sami while at a stop light.
Sami looked down at you to make sure you were still asleep.
“Soon. I have to; I can’t keep doing this anymore.”
“Good. If it means anything I’m pretty sure she likes you too.” Kevin mumbled from the front passenger seat.
Sami lightly smiled before looking back down at you again. He’s definitely gonna tell you today…he needs to because he’s gotten to the point where if he can’t hold you or kiss you the way he wants, it physically hurts his heart…he never knew he needed those things from you until he tried to convince himself that he didn’t need it. And even when he saw you sleeping on Finn's shoulder…it hurt to see you with someone that wasn’t him so he had to say something to at least give himself a fighting chance.
You, Sami, Kevin and Finn stopped for lunch. Towards the end, Finn and Kevin excused themselves to go to the restroom, mostly on purpose to give Sami some time with you.
“Hey, Y/N, I wanted to talk to you about something really quick.” Sami said, rubbing the inside of his hands against his thighs under the table. They were sweaty and he was nervous.
“Okay. What’s going on?” You replied with a small smile.
“Well, I have this problem. There’s this girl I like and I’m not exactly sure how to tell her.” Sami started, already angry with himself that he didn’t straight out tell you his feelings. These were the first words to come out of his mouth and now he had to roll with it.
“Okay, do I know this girl?”
“You do.”
“Who is it? I wanna get a feel for her so maybe I can give you the best advice I can give you as a girl.”
“Well, I mean I don’t wanna name names yet, but I’m asking for your opinion like if it were you, how would you wanna hear that?”
“Okay, um, no matter what I think you should just remain straight forward. Don’t be afraid to put your feelings out there because she may feel the same way.”
“But what if I think I’m in love with her…should I say that?”
You couldn’t help but feel your heart sink. Sami is in love with this mystery girl…great…
“I mean, feel her out by admitting to the lighter truths about your feelings. If she responds positively, then I say why not?”
Sami nodded, noticing that your demeanor changed a bit. Now or never, Zayn…
“It’s good you say that because—”
“Okay, we ready to go?” Kevin asked as he came back to the table.
‘AH DAMMIT KEVIN!’ Sami scolded in his mind. He was just about to go for it!
Sami had noticed that you seemed down after he asked you for advice and he realized why as soon as they hit the arena for Raw. Kevin was right…you liked him too. There was no way you could say no, right? So he decided to walk you over to the women’s locker room.
“So, there’s more I wanted to talk to you about before Kevin interrupted.” Sami said.
“Oh?” You replied as you guys stopped in front of the door.
“Yeah, I, uh, I was thinking that—”
“Y/N!” A voice called out from the other side of the hallway.
You and Sami looked over to see Bayley walking over to you guys.
‘YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!’ Sami once again yelled in his mind. He loved Bayley but not when he was about to finally ask you out.
“Hey Bayley!” You replied to her with a smile.
Sami sighed to himself before hugging Bayley and excusing himself.
Sami tried again before your match. He knew you took at least 15 minutes where you usually took time to mentally prepare yourself before heading out there. Since he knew where you’d be, he’d decided to catch you a few minutes before you left for the ring.
He stopped for a moment when he saw you down the corridor, stretching a little bit. You looked so in your element and so concentrated…he thought it was so adorable. The look of determination in your eyes was so…he didn’t know how to describe it but he loved seeing you like this.
He forced himself to snap out of his thoughts. He didn’t have a whole lot of time and he needed to ask you out before anymore interruptions could find him.
“Hey, Y/N.” Sami said, pretending that he casually ran into you.
“Hey, Sami.” You replied with a smile. “Hey, you mentioned that you wanted to talk to me about something before Bayley showed up. Is everything okay?”
“Oh, yeah, everything is fine. I just wanted to see if maybe—”
“Y/N, you’re on in 30 seconds.” A stagehand called out.
‘I CANNOT CATCH A DAMN BREAK CAN I?!’ Sami’s frustrations were hitting a whole new high.
“Okay, thanks.” You called out. “We’ll talk later?”
“Yeah, sure.” Sami smiled.
You smiled back before walking away, offering him a small wave. Sami watched you leave and once more had to deal with his frustrations. Why? Why did he have to beat around the bush earlier?
After Raw, you and Sami went out with some of the roster to celebrate Bayley’s debut to the main roster. Sami knew that he would have to get you alone at some point tonight and ask you out…he just had to and if he had Kevin or Finn make sure that no one interrupted them, he could finally get out what he’s been holding in for so long.
“Hey guys, first round is on me!” You offered, much to the joy of the group of friends.
“I’ll help you out with the drinks.” Seth said, getting up to follow you to the bar.
“Me too.” Sami immediately added.
You, Sami and Seth got to the bar and got everyone’s drinks. The moment clearly didn’t come at the bar since Seth was there. At first, Sami was thinking that Seth was planning on making a move on you…but he didn’t, he was being genuinely nice. He did apologize for keeping you up last night, so that seemed to be what was driving his motives.
Throughout the night, you were definitely not making it easy for him to get you alone. If you were at the table, you were out dancing with the girls. Hell, you even managed to drag Kevin out for a dance and he doesn’t dance. But then finally, you got around to asking him and Sami happily accepted.
You two ended up having so much fun on the dance floor. You did stupid little dance moves when Sami wasn’t spinning and twirling you all over the place. A slow song came on and Sami offered you his hand. You smiled at him and allowed him to pull you a little closer to him, his arm wrapping around your waist as your hand rested on his shoulder, both your free hands joined together.
“You know, I was thinking about staying in tonight.” You told Sami.”But part of me knew that you’d make this night worth while.”
“Oh yeah?” Sami asked, a bright smile on his face.
“Yeah. I always have fun with you.”
“Good because I feel the same way.”
You smiled at him and leaned forward, resting your head on his shoulder. Sami took a deep breath, trying to calm his pounding heart. This was the perfect moment.
“Y/N!” A voice called out to you, interrupting Sami.
“Oh come on…” Sami mumbled as you pulled away from him.
“Hey, I want you to meet someone.” Bayley told you. “He’s a super nice guy and I think you guys will hit it off.”
“Uh, I don’t know.” You said.
“Seriously, his name is—”
“Y/N, I really like you!” Sami finally blurted out, interrupting Bayley.
Bayley froze for a moment before excusing herself.
“Is that what you’ve been trying to tell me all day?” You asked after a moment of soaking in his words.
“Yes. All day. The first time I tried to tell you, I ended up asking for advice. I was nervous.”
“So you were talking about me?”
“You think you’re in love with me?”
“I don’t think anymore. I know I’m in love with you, Y/N. So do you wanna go out sometime, on a date?”
You looked at Sami for a moment, soaking in this information. He looked so nervous and scared for your answer. As far as you go, you had been waiting for what felt like forever for him to ask you out.
“I truly thought you’d never ask.”
“Really?” Sami’s smile grew.
“Yes. I’d love to go out with you.”
Sami pulled you into a hug, picking you up and spinning you around.
“And for the record,” You continued when he put you down. “I’m in love with you too.”
Sami smiled once more, his watery eyes looking at you in adoration. He leaned in and kissed you.
A few feet away, Finn and Kevin high fived each other.
“Finally.” Kevin said when he saw you and Sami part with smiles.
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mindthekat · 4 years
and tell me to stay
read on a03 | 3,128 words | rating: E
It becomes a thing then, without Neil even trying. It’s more of an accident than anything but it’s impossible to censor himself when Andrew’s lips are mapping out the planes of his body. 
“Andrew - baby - fuck.” Neil whimpers, he fucking whimpers, against Andrew’s neck. Like before, Andrew’s hands on him go still. He doesn’t pull away but he’s still for what feels like hours. 
“Fucking junkie.” He mutters, finally, before grinding down against Neil’s thigh. Andrew kisses him like the world begins and ends with Neil’s mouth. Like he needs it more than air in his lungs. Like losing Neil would be losing a piece of himself as well. His fingers wrap around Neils wrist, thumb firm against his pulse. He has Neil pinned to the mattress beneath him, one leg wedged between runner’s thighs. He’s still dressed in the sweatpants and tank top he fell asleep in and Neil is in nothing more than clean boxers, his hair still wet from his post-run shower. Kevin is at Wymack’s for the weekend, something about making up for lost time, and Nicky is no stranger to making himself scarce when Kevin isn’t around. He may be daft but even he can tell when Neil is on edge from too many days without Andrew’s undivided attention, a luxury never afforded to him when his cousin or the other foxes are around. 
“Want you everywhere.” Neil breathes, squirming against the mattress. 
“Marking. Yes or no?” Andrew noses at Neil’s jaw, his tongue darting out to run along the shell of his ear. Neil fights back the shudder that runs up his spine and can’t quite keep his hips from bucking up against Andrew’s groin. 
“Fuck yes. Andrew, yes.” He barely gets the word out of his mouth before Andrew is sucking a bruise right below his ear. Neil is as mouthy in bed as he is on the court, always has been. But the mewls he makes when Andrew bites down and runs his tongue over his work to soothe the skin are downright pornographic. 
“You want the whole building to know you’re mine Josten?” Andrew teases, voice flat as it can be despite the oxygen he can’t quite get to his lungs. Neil doesn’t miss it. After so long of this, it would be impossible to miss. He’s full-on panting but he still has a smug smirk across his infuriating lips and Andrew can feel it. 
“Want the whole campus to know.” Neil pants. “Want them to be able to hear me from the court.” He’s just running his mouth now, his brain deprived of all the oxygen currently making its way to his cock. 
Andrew sucks lower on his neck, right below his first mark. Hard. “If you mention exy or court one more time I’m kicking you out of this bed.” He growls when he comes up for air. 
“You - ah - like me too much.” 
“In case you forgot, I don’t have to like you to suck your cock.” Andrew punctuates his words with a firm press of his palm to exactly where Neil is leaking precome just thinking about Andrew’s mouth on him. “Now shut the fuck up.” 
Despite the biting tone of his voice, his mouth is sweet against the scars on Neil’s chest. He traces them with his tongue, pausing to suck on his nipples on his descent towards his hips. His fingers press into the dip of his hipbones, firm but not enough to hold Neil down if he needed to get away. Andrew isn’t soft by any means, with anyone and least of all Neil. But their boundaries exist for a reason and despite Neil’s “always”, Andrew knows more than anyone that a yes is a yes until it’s a no. Andrew brushes his thumb across fading evidence of the hit Neil took to his ribcage during last week’s scrimmage and before he can think better of it, he presses a ghost of a kiss, open mouthed, to the bruise. He feels more than hears Neil gasp, a sharp intake of breath that feels like surprise more than anything. 
 “Andrew..” Neil breathes. 
“Shut up.” Andrew mumbles. He’s let too much slip already. There’s a crack in the wall and if he’s not careful he will leave enough room for Neil to crawl through and that is just something he cannot afford. That four letter word is blooming in Andrew’s chest again, the way it does when Neil uses that tone of voice. The way it does when he gets that look in his eyes, the one that tells Andrew that he’s seen. The way it does when Neil gives Andrew everything he is and everything he has because that’s just who he is. The way it does when Andrew can feel the itch to run just rolling off of him in waves and he chooses to stay anyways. The way it does because he stays. 
“Drew, I..”
“Don’t.” Andrew bites at his hipbone for good measure because he can’t. He can’t hear those words on Neil’s tongue. Words are not permanent. Words are fleeting and they’re empty and Andrew can’t hear them. Not from Neil. He and Neil trade keys to houses and cars and they trade truths and they stay. They don’t need words. 
Anything Neil wants to say dies on his tongue the moment Andrew gets his mouth on him. He’s certain there is no feeling in the world that can compare to the wet heat of Andrew’s mouth. He clutches the sheets, conscious of the permissions he’s been allowed. “Where can I touch you?” It comes out as half a moan. 
Two taps on his wrist and his hands are in Andrew’s hair, pulling at the curls still sticking up from a night of restless sleep. Neil could die like this and die a happy man. It’s these little boundaries he’s been given permission to cross over the past two and a half years with Andrew that Neil never takes for granted. Some days it’s fingertips wrapped around Andrew’s unruly waves and sometimes it’s his hands pressed flat against Andrew’s ribcage. Some days it’s everywhere but my ass. Some days it’s nowhere at all and Neil loves every iteration of Andrew he is lucky enough to experience. If he were any less observant he might miss the softening of Andrew’s edges. He might miss the tenderness that slips through between hard presses of lips and teeth scraping against skin. He might miss the hand firmly on his thigh in front of the other Foxes or the way that hand slips to his back when they order at Eden’s. It’s possessive and it’s the closest Andrew will ever come to saying I choose you. 
Neil rarely feels the itch to run anymore. When he does, it’s settled by lips that taste like a combination of sugar and cigarettes. By an arm thrown over his waist at night. By keys to a house and a car and a heart. A heart that has no reason to let him in and does anyways, at least in the ways that Andrew is able to let him in. There’s nothing conventional about the way the two of them fall together but they fit nonetheless. Neil smoothes Andrew’s edges and Andrew soothes the restlessness in Neils mind. 
Neil groans as Andrew swallows around the head of his cock, fingers digging into his thighs before he pulls off and bites down next to his fingers. “I want to fuck you. Yes or no?” Andrew’s voice is gravely and Neil nearly whites out from the pleasure that runs up his spine at knowing Andrew is unraveling and that it’s his fault. It’s still a fairly new development, both Andrew allowing Neil to see him losing control and allowing himself the pleasure that comes from being connected to Neil in a way he’s never been with anyone else. Allowing himself to take just as much as he gives. And it’s incredible really. Neil is mouthy and responsive and when it doesn’t make Andrew want to throw him off the roof of Fox Tower, it makes him want to bury himself further inside of Neil. 
“Yes. Fucking hell, of course. Need you inside me.” Neil is rambling, just shy of hysterical. Andrew’s lips are swollen and wet from spit and precome and he looks up at Neil through his eyelashes and Neil is absolutely done for. He reaches from Andrew’s hair to grip the base of his dick before he comes far too early. “Wanna come with you.” He explains when Andrew raises an unimpressed eyebrow, taunting him. And, fuck, it’s worth it for the way Andrew’s grip tightens on his thigh and the way his pupils get blown out. 
“Dumbass.” He mutters despite the hammering in his chest. He’s far beyond the days of jerking off alone in the shower after sucking Neil off. He can’t even remember the last time he’s felt like he needs to hold Neil’s hands out of the way while he gets him off. Neil is allowed to touch now. He’s allowed privileges with his hands and smart mouth and Andrew can’t pinpoint when it became impossible for him to step backwards. He can’t pinpoint the exact moment where things shifted and the idea of getting off without Neil made him more sick to his stomach than the idea of getting off with Neil. While Neil is mouthy and painfully straightforward about what he wants, he is never pushy. He never asks for more than he’s been given but once they’ve crossed a new boundary it becomes impossible to go back. It’s not that he’s impatient. He’s infuriatingly patient despite his short temper. It’s more so that Andrew, damn his perfect recollection, can’t seem to get the images out of his head: of Neil’s mouth on his cock, of the look on his face when Andrew curls his fingers just right and brushes against his prostate, of the pleased hum he makes when Andrew pulls out and comes all over his stomach. It’s fucking obscene. 
So while it’s still new, Andrew finds himself thinking about it constantly - fucking Neil. For as many things as he has experienced, both in Juvie and with Roland, this is something he’s never allowed himself before Neil and knowing it’s something they’re both experiencing for the first time with one another causes something to twist uncomfortably in his chest. It screams mine, mine, mine. And more than that it screams want, want, need. It screams home. 
He works Neil open slowly, carefully. He’s not a gentle person but he’s slow and he’s careful with his fingers and Neil taunts him the entire way through. “Andrew, come on. Fuck me.” He whines, hips twitching forward to meet the press of Andrew’s fingers. 
Andrew catches his lips between his own in part to shut him up and in part to distract him from the nervous shake of his hands. He busies himself with reaching for a condom, pushing his sweatpants down over his ass, and licking Neil’s neck before lining himself up and pressing inside, all the while swallowing Neils moans of yes, yes, yes from his mouth. 
Once he’s fully seated inside, he buries his face in Neil’s neck and focuses on the beat of his pulse so that he doesn’t come prematurely. It’s just so fucking tight and hot and if he moves he doesn’t think there’s any way he’s going to last. And underneath him, it seems Neil is trying to get fucking killed because he’s making these breathy sounds and tilting his hips up to get more friction. 
Andrew presses him firmly into the mattress and growls a “Sit. Still,” into his ear. 
“Ah - whenever you’re ready - Drew.” And he’s fucking smirking. The idiot is grinning ear to ear, pupils blown, looking absolutely fucked already. 
“Fucking hate you.” Andrew spits between gritted teeth. It’s taking every ounce of control he has left not to rock into Neil relentlessly and melt into the blinding pleasure that comes from being so close to him. The four letter word blooms in his chest again, body connecting with mind and heart to completely rip Andrew’s control out from underneath him. 
“I know.” Neil breathes before pressing the softest kiss to the corner of Andrew’s mouth and that, that is just too fucking much. It’s one thing to be seen and it’s an entirely different thing to be known. To be understood. For Neil to know Andrew and to want him despite it. For Neil to want him. For Neil to choose him, over and over again as if it’s the easiest thing in the world. 
Neil moves his lips over Andrew’s jaw, just barely ghosting over the sharp cut of it before pressing down intently over his pulse point. Andrew shudders, unable to fight the sheer sensitivity of his neck. “Not attractive.” He scolds, punctuating it with a roll of his hips that makes Neil gasp against his skin. 
Yes, yes, yes. More.
Neil whimpers and moans and pushes against Andrew’s grip to meet the pace of Andrew’s shallow thrusts. He’s always been overwhelmingly responsive in bed but when he has Andrew between his thighs and deep inside of him, it’s like he forgets there’s a world that exists beyond the four walls of their bedroom. 
Andrew pulls out nearly to the tip and slides back in so slowly that Neil arches his entire back into it and his mouth falls open in a groan loud enough to wake the neighbors. 
“Fuck - Andrew - why don’t we do this all the time? You feel so good.” Neil babbles. 
“Junkie.” Andrew mumbles, finding a pace that has Neil close to tears with how good he feels. How good Andrew makes him feel. The pleasure is coiling in his stomach and he’s sure he isn’t going to last much longer, especially when Neil’s lips ghost over his throat again. 
“Drew ‘m close.” Neil moans, his kisses open mouthed and erratic across every inch of Andrew’s skin he can reach. His voice is raw and it goes straight to Andrew’s cock. Neil is fucking pulsing where they’re connected, tight and hot around Andrew. 
Shut up. Shut up. Don’t stop.
The mantra repeats in Andrew’s head. He’s torn between wanting Neil to stop talking and wanting him to never stop showing Andrew just how much he wants this, needs this. 
Andrew feels his orgasm beginning to roll over him in waves and the panic builds in his chest. It’s not the firs time they’re doing this and its certainly not the first time they’re getting off together but the panic is persistent. Andrew reaches between them to stroke Neil’s cock in pace with his thrusts and catches his mouth with his own just in time to stifle the series of moans that breaks free from Neil’s mouth the second he starts spilling over his stomach. And he clenches - fucking clenches - down around Andrew’s dick and that’s the breaking point. Andrew goes to pull out so he can finish but Neil, completely fucked out, murmurs stay against his lips and uses the leverage from the ankles crossed behind Andrew’s thighs to press him deeper into his ass. This, this is new. It’s actually unreal, the vortex of pleasure he falls into when he spills into the condom, Neil’s ass still clenching around him as he comes down from his own orgasm. 
“Yes, Andrew. Fuck. You feel so good.” Neil whimpers. Andrew is breathing heavily above him, his arms shaking where he holds himself up. 
“Shut up Josten.” Neil catches the way his voice breaks at the end, the only indicator that he’s just as wrecked as Neil is. 
“I’m here. I’m real. I’m not going anywhere Andrew.” Neil murmurs into his neck, not daring to move a muscle while Andrew is so on edge. And it’s too much. Andrew is standing on the edge of something, on the edge of feeling something he hasn’t allowed himself to feel since chasing that feeling left him bloodied and bruised and broken. Since it left him with scars on his arms to remind him that hope is the most dangerous feeling to hold. “It was good for me. It was so good Drew.” Neil still holds Andrew between his thighs, tethering him in place. 
Andrew’s heart rate slows back to steady. The trembling in his arms goes from fear and panic to exhaustion and he allows himself to be wrapped into Neils arms. The panic is always there. Panic over taking as much as he’s given and panic that he’s just like them. He hasn’t needed to pull away from Neil, put distance between himself and the object of his whatever this is, in months but the panic still claws at his chest in the moments afterwards. Where he feels too much and not enough like himself all at the same time. Where he feels like every nerve in his body in tuned to Neil. His breath, his stupid hair tickling the side of his neck. His stupid freckles scattered across his shoulders. 
I hate you. I hate you. I love you. 
The mantra repeats in Andrew’s mind as Neil presses open-mouthed kisses across his jaw and face. His fingertips ghost over Andrew’s scalp and if Andrew leans into the touch, well nobody needs to know. He feels a smile pressed along his jaw and digs his nails into Neil’s hips in retaliation. 
“Pipe dream.” He dips his head and drags his teeth across Neil’s collarbone, trying to soothe the urge to flee. 
“I’m not going anywhere. I’m yours Andrew.” And fuck Neil for knowing him. Fuck Neil for knowing him and choosing him and wanting him. 
Mine, mine, mine. Andrew’s never had something of his own that he didn’t have to strike a deal for. He’s had to bargain and trade for everything in his life but Neil has given himself over and chosen Andrew. Neil, who has never allowed himself to want anything. Neil, who has never thought of a life past tomorrow. Who takes things one day at a time because he’s never been offered anything else. Neil, who wears the key to Andrew’s house in Columbia around his neck because it grounds him. 
“I hate you.” Andrew presses into his neck because the other words bubbling up in his chest are too much. 
“I know.” Neil replies with his fingernails scratching at Andrew’s scalp. 
And later after they’ve showered and eaten dinner and curled up with each other on the couch, Andrew with a book in his hand and Neil watching a pro game with his head in Andrew’s lap, Andrew thinks he might not hate the idea of keeping this forever. 
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wtnvwritings · 6 years
Alarms (Kevin/Reader)
Summary: Though StrexCorp is now defunct and Kevin has, with you, a new life to live in the desert otherworld (New Desert Bluffs), he is still haunted by nightmares and trauma from the years he spent under the company's weight. He often wakes up broken, but at least he has you there to put him back together.
Warnings: Implied self-harm, implied past abuse and mentions of blood
AO3 Version
It’s strange to wake up without the sound of an alarm. Screeching. Howling. Stabbing. It’s hard to let your consciousness come over your mind naturally, to open your eyes and peer up to the ceiling of the bedroom without that painful yet familiar noise forcing you awake to start your day. 
It was a noise you hated, hated so much especially because you could not turn it off, could not change it--the alarm was wirelessly controlled by forces outside yourself and optimized by those forces for ‘peak productivity’.
You waited in bed for several long minutes, counting all the little specks on the ceiling and waiting for an alarm you knew would never come, hands clenched tight to the sheets with a nervousness that only time could help numb.
They are gone, you reminded yourself. They are gone.
Eventually you get out of bed, pressing your bare feet to the cold, hard floor. The gentle shock of temperature difference from the warm bed is enough to tighten your focus and thoughts, enough that you turn your head to realize that the other side of the bed is empty. Where a person should have been you saw an attempt at neat and orderly sheets pulled taught and tucked under the mattress. They didn’t look all that neat, but that was probably largely due to the fact that the bed had yet one more occupant when the other had fruitlessly tried to tidy up their side of it.
Still, you’re not surprised to find it empty.
You get to your feet with a gentle breath in, and then a breath out, collecting yourself before making your way out the bedroom and to the main hallway. The only noise you could hear was the sound of winds outside, gently brushing against the windows, sand whipping up and around in what almost sounded like gentle rain if you pretended hard enough; there was never any rain in the desert otherworld, and you quite missed that weather feature.
As you step down the hallway another noise becomes loud enough to focus on. It’s a gentle mumbling, a creek of a chair and the occasional (but just as gentle) curse. It’s coming from one of the rooms, the...old room to be precise. His room. His...hobby room. You’re still at least persuading him to call it a hobby room, hoping to pull away another thorn of manipulation that company had driven into his mind.
“Kevin?” You ask, a moment before knocking gently at the door. There is no answer, so you give it another moment before finally clutching a hand at the cold metal doorknob. A heavy feeling of familiar terror and dread start to settle in your bones as you enter the room as if already knowing what you were about to see before your eyes could see it.
The room is in complete and utter disarray. Furniture is turned over, as if flipped violently and there is something resembling broken glass shattered on the carpet. Though you do your best not to let your eyes glance to see in more detail, there looks to be dark streaks of dull red on the walls, as if someone had wiped their hands across the surface in a hurry; you try not to let your thoughts dwell on the metallic smell hanging dull and putrid in the air.
No, no you don’t dwell on any of those things. Not the sight, not the chaos, not the smell--instead you focus your eyes on the man on the other side of the room. You can see him standing in just flannel sleeping pants, shirtless, turned away from you and facing the opposite wall of the room. Though the room is dim you can still see little scars criss-crossing over his skin, highlighted cross-hatches that healed a touch lighter than the rest of his flesh. You can see him with a hand reached out to the wall though you can’t yet tell what he’s doing with it.
“...K...Kevin?” You ask, barely finding your voice.
It’s suddenly then that the man seems to realize that you’re in the room. He snaps from his trance and quickly spins around, meeting your gaze with his--
Black eyes, too-wide of a smile and his face, his chest, his hands--they are blood-stained.
“Oh! I didn’t hear you there, dearest!” The man’s smile grows wider, nearing something almost inhuman. “I assume you woke up. Without your alarm. Ah, I suppose that’s a thing that people normally do! I woke up a few hours ago because I didn't want to miss my alarm--but how funny it was that I forgot we don't have one anymore!”
If you were anyone but yourself this sight, this room, this man would have terrified you, would have left you shaking and crying and begging to wake up from such a nightmare--but you are you and that man is Kevin. You know him, you know this and you’re not scared; no, you’re scared and concerned.
“What...were you doing?” you ask after a breath. Kevin giggled, his voice sounding almost childish, as if you were asking such a silly thing.
“I was just writing down the hours I was asleep for the daily productivity log!”
You shift your weight, eyes briefly catching the writing behind him. It’s a messy jumble of numbers and letters that don’t even begin to make sense to you. The writing looks nonsensical and written in that same dull red color as everywhere else on the walls.
“Well, since you’re finally awake and I’ve already gotten this going, I’ll write your hours too!”
You take a step forward before the man can turn back around.
“Kevin,” You are very careful in how you line your words together. “Whose blood is that?”
You know you have to ask though the notion makes you feel a little sick. There is a flash of emotion over Kevin’s distorted features, something akin to worry, but it quickly falls away as hallow joy takes it’s place once more.
“Oh don’t worry dearest,” the man said in a lilting, sickly-sweet tone. “I didn’t hurt anyone--I know you don’t like it when I do that. I just...well, it seemed like the laptop wasn’t working when I tried to log into the StrexCorp database to log in my mandated hours of behavior. I figured I could write them down on paper, but then I couldn’t find any pens or pencils and I just...”
He gestured to the wall. When your eyes slowly looked back at his face, you could see a thin drip of blood rolling down from the corner of his mouth.
“...I just had to make due with what I had! You know how my supervisor gets when I don’t notate my behavior hours on time. Oh... So... Angry...”
There’s another flash of emotion over the man’s face, this time something you can’t discern. You don’t care to take the time to figure it out because you’re already stepping forward, throwing your arms around Kevin’s blood-stained body with a level of lacking self-preservation one only had when they loved another.
The name is thin, terse, and serious.
“It’s...okay now. You don’t have to do this.”
This isn’t the first time he’s shattered. This isn’t the first time he’s awoken with the distorted awareness of his current life, trying to go about his day-to-day habits beneath the excruciating weight of a company that had broken him emotionally as much as they did physically.
This isn’t the first time, and it certainly won’t be the last.
Kevin stills in your arms. He still barely knows what it feels like to be cared for. He still barely understands what it means to be loved, even less on how to truly and healthily love in return. He stands there awkwardly for a few moments before you feel his body shake and, slowly, his arms loosely wrap around you in kind.
His face presses into the crook of your shoulder and neck, buried against your skin. You can feel the sticky, slick feeling of half-dried blood on your palms and fingers where they lay on his back. If Kevin was human you would worry more for the amount of blood on the wall, on the floor, on him. Instead you worry for the man’s shattered psyche and broken soul.
“...It hurts,” the man finally says, his voice a soft, weak whisper in your ear. He can barely keep the sounds strung together well enough for you to even discern that they are words. “Everything hurts and I don’t like it. Please.”
“It’s going to be okay,” you murmur in turn, your roles so painfully switched between the two of you. “I promise. It’s going to be okay.”
In the still-painful breadth of memory you remember when you were the one in his arms, crying yourself to sleep. You remember feeling the ever-constant presence of that company over your shoulders, watching you at every moment of every day. You remember the fear and the threat of pain--but you remember Kevin...protecting you. You remember him saying the same words in your ear every night--did he mean them then? Did he even believe in them then? You still aren’t quite sure, but you hold Kevin tighter still in the present day.
“Lets go wash off all this and bandage you up,” you say after a few more heavy moments, eyes closed so you don’t have to look at the sight of the room, feel reminded of the pain, the weight, the company the---anything. You didn’t want to think of anything but the man in your arms.
Of healing. Of growing. Of settling in a new life in the new town the two of you were in, somewhere in the vastness of a desert otherworld.
Kevin doesn’t say anything but gently nods, face still pressed to the crook of your neck and his arms still wrapped, loosely but genuinely, around you.
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comebackbehere23 · 6 years
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For @bisexualblossoms
“I told you that it wasn’t a good idea, that he’s grieving, but he told me that he wants to go on a date. He wants it to be real.” Kevin whispers with wide, excited eyes. “What do I do?”
“Well, there’s no simple answer…”
Cheryl pretty much blacks out as Veronica begins to talk. It’s Saturday afternoon and for some strange reason, her girlfriend isn’t with her. She tries to remember why they thought spending the day apart was a good idea, something about the heart growing fonder with distance. Honestly? Cheryl is kicking herself for making that ridiculous statement; no matter where Toni is, her heart is pretty damn fond of the woman who owns it.
“Cheryl, what do you think?” Veronica asks.
Cheryl blinks herself back to reality, “I agree with everything you said.”
“You weren’t even listening.” Veronica points out with a playful roll of her eyes. “How do you know I didn’t just say that I was going to sell your girlfriend back to the Land of Oz?”
“What are you trying to imply?” Cheryl demands.
“She’s obviously a munchkin who somehow escaped the clutches of Glinda.” Veronica shrugs. “I could fit her in my pocket.”
“She isn’t going anywhere.” Cheryl declares. “And if you tried to sell her back then I’d obviously just buy Oz. Nobody gets to own my girlfriend.”
Kevin smiles adoringly, “You love her so much.”
“I do.” Cheryl nods. “And that is why I’m cutting this lovely afternoon short. I miss her and I would very much like to see her.”
“Oh, we don’t mind hanging out with her.” Kevin assures her as he turns his attention to his phone. “I have been dying to ask where she got those studded boots from.”
Veronica smirks as Cheryl’s eyes narrow, “I don’t think she’s up for sharing Toni today, Kev. We’re being kicked out.”
“At least someone gets it.” Cheryl hums. “I enjoyed our time together, but I really just want Toni to come over and sleep with me.”
Kevin gags, “Gross.”
“I’m serious.” Cheryl grins as she grabs her phone from the bedside table. “Now, you know your way out. I’ll see you Monday. Toodles, loves.”
“I can’t believe she’s kicking us out just so she can bone Toni.” Kevin pouts. “I’ll remember this, Cheryl. I am hurt.”
“Come on, Kevin,” Veronica giggles as she pushes him towards the door. “I’ll buy you a milkshake for all your pain.”
“At least you love me.” Kevin sniffles.
Cheryl rolls her eyes as they disappear, “Drama queen. And that’s coming from me.”
“Ah, fuck you!”
“Watch it, Topaz. You almost blew me up.”
“Fangs won’t stop…fuck you, you dick. We’re on the same team!” Toni growls as she gives Sweet Pea a hard nudge.
“Man, you guys suck.” Fangs chuckles with an amused shake of his head. “I thought if I let you guys team up that it’d be more of a challenge, but you still can’t beat me.”
“Fuck off.” Sweet Pea huffs.
“Gah! Sweets, what the hell? You just blew up my fucking car.” Toni whines. “I never want to be on a team wit you again, you fucking hamburger. How the fuck do you just blow my shit up like that?”
Sweet Pea bursts into laughter, “You call me and hamburger and then follow it with more cursing? You’re too cute, Tiny.”
“I am not cute.” Toni flushes. “I’m a badass.”
“I highly doubt your Northsider would call you a badass. I’ve seen you with your precious princess, you are a complete dork.” Fangs smirks as he swerves into Sweet Pea’s character. “You’ve lost your B card, dude.”
“At least I’ve got a girlfriend, a lot more than I can say for the two of you single bozos.” Toni points out as she mashes her buttons. “And my girl knows I’m a total badass.”
The sound of a ping causes Toni to pause and she immediately drops her controller as she fumbles for her phone. Beside her, Sweet Pea watches with eyes that shine with mirth while Fangs struggles to hold back a loud laugh. It’s near impossible to stay silent as they watch Toni finally dig her phone from her jacket pocket only to drop it and lunge eagerly for it. It’s hard for them to adjust to this side of Toni, the side that drops everything just to answer a text from her girlfriend (a girlfriend who has her own private text tone, mind you).
My Baby: Come over. I want to sleep with you.
“Gag.” Sweet Pea scoffs.
Toni flashes him a glare, “Watch it.”
“What a formal way to ask for a booty call.” Fangs snorts. “Your girl talks like she was raised by Shakespeare. Although, it’s a lot better than some ass texting you some shit like come over so we can fuck.”
“Good point.” Sweet Pea nods as he turns his attention back to their game. “Gotta say, Blossom is a definite improvement since your last one. What was his name? Jacob? Jackson?”
“Greyson. His name was Greyson.” Toni mumbles as she stands to grab her stuff. “And he was an ass, but you two treated him like trash.”
“We know a garbage can when we see one.” Fangs shrugs. “Where are we going? We still have ten minutes left in the game.”
“Sorry, boys,” Toni sighs. “Babe needs me.”
Sweet scrunches his nose, “Yuck. Have fun with your booty call. Call us when you’re done and we can meet up for some pool at the Wyrm.”
“Not a booty call!” Toni calls over her shoulder.
“Sure.” Fangs nods.
“Of course it’s not.” Sweet Pea laughs.
“Bye, bitches!”
“She’s totally going to get laid.” Fangs murmurs as he focuses his attention on the game while Toni slips from the trailer.
Sweet Pea gives a lopsided grin, “Oh, most definitely.”
Cheryl smiles as she feels the bed dip before a warm hand slides up her bare calf. Immediately, her eyes close as lips dance along her shoulder. As soon as Toni is hovering over her, Cheryl rolls onto her back and fists leather hard enough to pull Toni down onto her. Just like that, everything melts away as Cheryl presses her lips to Toni until her lungs burn from neglect. With one last quick peck, Cheryl huffs as she pushes at the leather on Toni’s shoulder while settling back into her pillow.
“Miss me?” Toni smirks.
Cheryl peeks an eye open to watch as her girlfriend sheds her jacket, “Of course I did, that goes without saying. I don’t like having days away from you.”
“Why did we think that was a good idea again?” Toni frowns.
“I don’t know, but it’s never happening again.” Cheryl declares. “Now, take off your shoes and come hold me. I wanna nap.”
“The boys saw your text, they’re convinced this was a booty call.” Toni snorts.
“Kevin and Veronica assumed the same thing. If only they knew that it just meant that I wanted cuddles and a nap.” Cheryl grins. “Hurry up with those shoes, Topaz.”
“Gimme a second, these jeans are not napping material.” Toni grumbles as she kicks her jeans aside. “Fuck. That is so much better.”
Cheryl hums happily as Toni crawls in behind her and drops an arm around her waist, “Thank you for coming over, TT.”
“Always, babe.” Toni whispers. “I love you.”
“I love you more.” Cheryl yawns.
“Go to sleep, baby.” Toni orders as she tightens her arm around Cheryl’s waist. “After our nap, we can totally turn this into a booty call.”
Cheryl giggles in delight, “Whatever you want.”
With that, they both drift off.
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halforc-mercenary · 6 years
I should never count the bear’s skin before it is hatched
Send “I should never count the bear’s skin before it is hatched“ if you wish to know what superstitions my character believes in.
At the fifth day the snowstorm had ebbed away and the dread it had brought, frozen animals, ripped appart trees, killed cattle, destroyed buildings, was by then prettily hidden under a thick white blanket of snow like under a innocent white shroud. The pithouse of the couple Mar had seeked shelter during the last week was made of four round rooms buried in the earth, three rooms for the all day life and one room for the cattle, two goats, one old Highlandraptore and during the last days also Mars draft Kevin. Only the thatched roofs were visible of the houses and now that they were covered in snow they looked like big mushrooms, round and pointy. The morning was fresh and cool, like a gulp of springwater when Mar lead her draft outside and packed her saddlebags. During the last days she had had always heard a certaine melody, so she barely noticed that she was singing quietly to herself:
“Bittida en morgon, innan solen upprann,Innan foglarna började sjunga,Bergatrollet friade till fager ungersven.”
“A good day to leave, eh. No cloud on the sky, you will reach the next village with ease.”, by the words Mars head snapped so fast up as if she had been slapped. She had hoped that she would not have been noticed when she had prepared her leaving, but the older human Tyrrick seemed to had notice- of course he had, he had lived longer as a soldier than she had!- for he stepped out of the stable behind her, rubbing his arms in the mornings coldness.
“Aye.”, the Halforc felt caught redhanded like a child who had a hand stuck in the cookiejar. She lowered her head in a hinted bow:  “My apologize for straining your and your wifes hospitality for so long, Sir Tyrrick.”“Ah, its fine, Girl! It was nice to have such a young person around, it had felt as if-”, there was a second of hestiation and the old mans smile faltered for a moment. Then the moment passed and the human ran a hand through his grey beard:“Heh. Anyway. It was nice to have someone around who could show me a few new patterns on the loom.”In the biggest of the four rooms was standing a big warp-weighted loom on which Mar had noticed the man spended his most time, it was a old thing, made from collected branches and maybe even older than the armor of a Stromgarde Soldier that lay like a boundle of old, worn out linen by the side of the room. When Mar had first stepped in this room she had wondered why someone would put their old armor so plainly to the side, in her past greatuncles house the Armor of him and his wife Brigitte had been put for everyone to see like a golden medal. She had  wondered about this until she had seen Tyrricks wife greet her with a smile that showed her long tusks in all their glory. Kim'rowas a witherbarkforesttroll and even thought Trolls lived loger than human could ever even think of living, her firered mane was rutted with grey strains as if she had braide streaks of silverwire in her hair. Not as grey as her husbands hair and beard was, but Mar had been often told that when peple lived long enough together they would converge to eachothers habits and looks. “ Kim'ro would throw me to her Raptore if I would even think of teaching her how to use the loom.”, Tyrric chuckled like a little boy. Mar did not said anything, instead she remembered what she had seen in the past days: Whenever Tyrrick would go to the Loom, the Trollwoman would sit down beside him and start singing, sometimes wild, happy melodies, somtimes sad ballades, and Tyrrick would bop his feet and his hands would dance over the warp- threads in the tact of his wifes singing, humming to her melodies, weaving her songs into fabric.Mar had watched them out of the corner of her eyes, they had never exchanged any physical affection when Tyrrick weaved, kisses and hugs and laughing they had exchanged during meals or in the kitchen, but still the young woman had felt the most like a intruder, like a outsider, like a burgler witnissing this small scenes by the loom.“ Or teaching her anything in general, its a matter of Pride for her. She thinks clothes should be made of what she had hunted down with her own two hands, eh. I am not complaining,she is doing a great job.” , Tyrrick proudly tapped a old, dark brown hand against the leatherjerkin he was wearing that was old, yet well kept and shimmering dark like obsidian in the dull wintersun.
Eder vill jag gifva en skjorta så ny,Den bästa I lysten att slita;A quiet voice hummed in the back of the Halforcs head.
It was then when the Witherbarktroll shuffled out of the house to them, yawning, a in layers of fur wrapped claypot in her long arms. Kim'ros of mosscovered skin was beautifully emphasised by the blue tunic Tyrrick had weaved the cloth for in the last three days and which hung now on her form like a veil weaved of water, as she lay a arm around the humans waist from behind.
She thinks clothes should be made of what she had haunted down with her own two hands, hm?, Mar pulled hasty the hood of her Gugel deep down in her face, drowning her freckled face in a thick shadow, hiding the very stupid grin that curled utterly goofily around her thick tusks. She was acting inappropriate with such thoughts, she warned herself sternly. Even when they were true.
A layer of quietness lay over the small group like a heavy coat, pressing down their shoulders hardly.Mar did not knew what to say, she had thanked the couple days ago when they had taken her in, but she thought that it was still not enough, that she had stepped so near to them witnissed that scene by the Loom one time too often, that a simple thank you could not outweight how she had invaded their own little world in this past days.Herr Mannelig herr Mannelig trolofven I mig.Mar pushed the melody at the back of her head. It was the Witherbark woman  who leaned down to Tyrrick and mumbled something in the humans ear in a language Mar had heard many, many, many times in  her life and yet only knew scraps and pieces of. There were still a few moments of quietness, a few seconds in which the man listened, but then the quietness was stopped by the man suddenly turning to the side and giving the Trollwoman a kiss on the chin. Mar hasty turned her head away, suddenly feeling even more like a stranger, a foreigner disturbing the routine, a outsider, by seeing this exchange of honest affection.
But Tyrrick did not allowed her to feel like this, Tyrrick  took the in furs wrapped claypot from his wife, Tyrrick stepped nearer, Tyrrick involved her in this act affection with brutal kindniss just likeKim'ro did.
“Kim'rosaid she is worried you are not eating proper enough.”, he said and held up the small package for Mar: “So since you had liked eating her goatcheese so much, she made you yesterday a extra pot for the travel. She wishes you a good trip. So do I, child.”Mar felt strangely moved and pushed that foolishness away with both her hands like a dangerous oppnent, so she only looked at the Troll and lowered her head respectfully in a hinted bow  while muttering quietly: “She shouldn´t have bothered.”,
And again it was Tyrrick who did not allowed her to hide but was loud, was kind, was friendly, was benevolent: “Ha! Don´t argue with a Troll, Girl, you can only lose. Believe me, I have first hand experience!”The Halforc was not sure if Kim'ro unerstood Common, but she pinched playfully Tyrricks ear so she must have understood at least the sense of his words.
Mar only lowered her head respectfully before both of them, because she did not knew what else to say. Then she pouched the cheesepot in her saddlebag. Quietly the young woman muttered a goodbye and gave clapped the spurs to her Horse, making Kevin hasty trott over the thick(Shroud)veil of snow beneath.
The Halforc only looked back one time and saw that Tyrrick had lay a arm around the taller Trollwoman, quietly talking to her. When the old pithouse with the snowcovered thatched roofs was out of sight, when she breathed in the air fresh  and watched the world around her laying there silent, as if sleeping under the layer of snow like under a blanket, she started to sing again quietly for herself:
“Herr Mannelig herr Mannelig trolofven I mig.För det jag bjuder så gerna;I kunnen väl svara endast ja eller nej,Om i viljen eller ej..”
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The Worst
Hello! This is a separate fic from the main series. It’s still a tickle fic though, so if you don’t enjoy that kinda thing, this still isn’t for you. Hope you enjoy!
Also, i’m pretty sure this is the longest thing i’ve ever written. It’s over 2000 words, so be warned, it’s super long!
This fic was written by Elder Rocket.
Just when he thought it couldn’t get worse, Kevin made the mistake of telling his mission companion about his recent dreams. It didn’t seem like that bad of an idea. He hadn’t even really thought about it, it just sort of slipped. Arnold had a way of questioning that Kevin had just gotten used to and answered them without thinking very much.
Kevin was preparing to go to bed, Arnold excitedly rambling on about his day. Kevin nodded when appropriate, a bit too sleepy to really process the words. He laid down and covered himself up, laying on his side towards Arnold. Kevin couldn’t exactly remember what was being said up to that point, but he remembered where he’d screwed up.
“And I keep having this dream where I fall out of the bed and then wake up IN the bed! Do you ever have weird dreams?” Arnold asked.
“Yup…” Kevin nodded, having to stop himself from drifting of for a moment more to answer the question.
“Really? What’s yours about?”
“Elder Mckinley? What happens?” Arnold questioned.
“He just...tickles me for a bit…” Kevin almost slurred his words, the urge to fall asleep growing more and more.
“Tickles you? Wait wait wait, you’re ticklish?!” Arnold almost gasped. Kevin hadn’t quite processed what he’d done yet and nodded.
“You act surprised.” He mumbled, curling up into a ball and closing his eyes, ready to sleep. Kevin felt so close, so ready to dream, when he felt a light tap on his side. He just waved his hand over his side, not opening his eyes. It happened again after a moment, going on a bit longer this time.
“Arnold, quit it!” Kevin hissed, waving his hand towards where Arnold was laying. Or, had been. Kevin finally opened his eyes when he found that Arnold’s bed was empty. He rubbed his eyes and looked around in the darkness, nervous.
“Arnold…?” He asked. Nothing.
“A-Arnold, c’mon buddy, we’re not supposed to be up at this hour. Let’s just go back to beEE-” Kevin nearly shrieked as Arnold’s hands enclosed around his sides, squeezing them. He flailed, slapping both hands over his mouth to muffle the noises that threatened to leave his mouth. Arnold didn’t seem to care that they could get caught staying up past curfew, giggling like a child at Kevin’s reaction.
“Hehe, I never knew you were ticklish! Never would have guessed, either! You’re so serious, never ever would have taken you for the ticklish type!” He laughed, using the dark to his advantage. He quickly backed up after his quick attack, leaving Kevin waving his hands around blindly in the dark.
“Arnold, please, we’re gonna get in trouble!” Kevin hissed in a whisper, backing himself up to the headboard of the bed, wrapping his arms around his body. Arnold giggled, revealing his position on the floor. He hopped back up on his bed, still sounding giddy and excited.
“Elder, please, we can’t get caught being up this late, we’ll wake up the others. Maybe we can continue this into the morning, okay?” Kevin added, hoping not to disappoint the other too much.
“Okay!” Arnold agreed, taking deep breaths to calm himself down. Kevin questioned himself as to whether or not he’d regret his words, but he was finally able to go to sleep, so he wasn’t complaining.
Kevin was jolted awake the next morning, feeling a light skittering over his ribcage. He’d been tickled in his sleep, but being tickled awake was a completely new feeling for him. He wasn’t sure how to react at first, and flipped onto his side, protecting one set but leaving the other completely exposed.
“Wakey wakey, besty!” Arnold’s voice sung from above him. Kevin started giggling, though he was still waking up, making him terribly weak and unable to really fight back. He closed his arms around his torso, but Arnold was able to easily move them away, his fingers lightly scratching Kevin’s exposed ribs and his belly. After a moment, Kevin found he could move again and rolled off of the bed, landing on the floor and crawling away. Arnold didn’t give chase, but was just as giddy as he was last night.
“Haha, gotcha!” He giggled, hopping of the bed to get dressed. Kevin got up and did the same, but was weary of Arnold for the rest of the day. And Arnold knew it. He’d give knowing smirks and glances the whole day, every time they met eyes, he’d smile or even give light pokes to the person beside him (depending on who it was) and pretended to not know what they were talking about. It wasn’t until that afternoon that something else major happened. Kevin was sat outside a hut, simply resting a moment. Arnold sat close by with his girlfriend, Nabulungi, in the shade, talking. Arnold stole a glance at Kevin, then turned back to Naba.
“Hey, wanna hear a song?” He asked, which, glady for him, caught Kevin’s attention.
“Sure!” Naba nodded, getting herself comfortable.
“Great! Just one thing…” Arnold started. Kevin raised an eyebrow while Naba tilted her head slightly.
“I’m gonna need your hand.” He asked.
“What do you need my hand for?”
“Just trust me! It’ll make it so much better!” Arnold insisted. Naba compiled and handed it over, where Arnold turned it palm up and placed a single finger on it, tracing it in circles over her palm.
“Round and round the garden…” The song started, and Kevin’s eyes widened a little, though if he weren’t in public, he would probably have gasped. Kevin knew that song and knew it well, just from the first few words. And he knew what was to come. Arnold was going so far as to go after poor, unsuspecting Nabulungi JUST to mess with him. He may not have thought so if it weren’t for the many, many looks he got throughout the day. Kevin was tempted to leave, to escape it, but it was too late. The song was awfully short, and before he knew it, he heard Naba squeal with laughter as Arnold got her right under her arm. Kevin now allowed himself to leave, glaring daggers at Arnold before he left, which really did no good.
That night, Kevin leaned on Conner on the couch for a little bit, almost drifting off, until the door opened and closed. In stepped Arnold, where the other Elders greeted him while Kevin simply pretended to be asleep. He felt the pressure on the other side of the couch as Arnold sat down beside him, now between Conner and Arnold, which didn’t seem like a good mix.
“Wow, he was tired, huh?” Arnold chuckled, ruffling Kevin’s hair. Conner didn’t say anything, but Kevin assumed he nodded.
“He didn’t even really do that much.” Conner noted, which kinda upset Kevin.
“Oh, I wouldn’t say that.” Arnold chuckled.
“Oh no…” Kevin thought, hoping they wouldn’t start talking about what he thought they were gonna start talking about.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I made an interesting discovery yesterday night. Something about you in his dreams?” Arnold said, almost like a question.
“Dreams? About me? Really?” Conner questioned.
“Oh, don’t pretend like you don’t know what i’m talking about.” Arnold scoffed. “Surely he’s told you by now, what with his little obsession and all.” Kevin’s heart nearly came to a stop. How...how did Arnold know about that?? Conner and Arnold didn’t talk all that much, how did he know anything?
“Obsession? What do you mean?”
“His tickling obsession, of course!”
Damn. Conner must have said something, and now was trying to cover his tracks. When kevin got his hands on him-
“His what now? I’m sorry, but I have to ask, where in the world did you get this, Elder?” Conner asked, shifting slightly.
“Well, it’s obvious! At least, to me it is. Things always have been when it came to this. It was super easy to see that his weak spot was his ribcage...just like how it’s easy to see that yours is your tummy.” Arnold added. Kevin could almost feel his smirk.
“I- What? Excuse me, Elder, but i’m not ticklish.” Conner quickly tried to cover up.
“Oh really? Shall I test this?” Arnold shot back, causing Conner to twitch.
“What’s going on?” James peeked his head through the doorway from his room.
“Ah, and there we have somebody with a really, really ticklish back.” Arnold chimed.
“Wha- How did you know? Who told you?!” James questioned, the anger apparent in his voice. Arnold put his hands up in defence.
“Nobody told me! I figured it out on my own! It baffles me how you guys DON’T pick up on it!”
“Is something wrong?” Elder Poptarts peeked his head out of the same room James was in.
“Wow, don’t even get me STARTED on you, though if i did have to pin point one place, i’d have to say your armpits. Though, it’s a really close call. You’re pretty evenly, horribly ticklish.” Arnold said in an almost analytical voice. Poptarts’ face flushed horribly and he slowly sunk back into the room.
“Well, you sure do have a lot to say about us, Elder. What about you?” Conner asked, crossing his arms. Arnold didn’t even look the least bit worried.
“What about me?”
“Well, where all are you ticklish?” James asked, leaning in the doorway.
“Please, we’d be here all night trying to list them all.” Arnold shrugged with an odd certainty. Conner and James eyed each other, horribly confused. Kevin, who was still “sleeping”, couldn’t help but blush at his answer. It amazed, and almost impressed him how open Arnold was. Or perhaps he was just joking. That must be it, there wasn’t any possible way he was serious.
“Excuse me?” Was all Conner could think to say.
“If you really want an answer, then the top place would definitely be my feet. Worst place of all. Neck comes in second place.” Arnold went on. Kevin couldn’t even fathom the possibility that he was being serious.  How in hell could he say such things with such confidence???
Conner gently shifted away from Kevin and stood up. Despite his bright pink face, he smirked and cracked his knuckles, turning towards James.
“Well, you heard the man! Let’s get em!” Kevin didn’t wanna get involved in this, so he ditched the sleeping act and ducked behind the couch, fearing for his very life. He couldn’t tell what exactly happened after that, but while a few giggles were from Arnold, it quickly turned into frantic laughter, switching from Conner to James and back again.
“Wait please don’t leave mE!” Conner squealed at one point, alluding that James had left, leaving Conner to fend for himself. While Conner was great at teases, it was obvious that wouldn’t be saving him here. Arnold was almost immune to anything Conner tried to toss at him, and Kevin knew he was doomed. He slowly crawled out from behind the couch, peeking out from the side. Arnold had Conner pinned to the floor on his back, frantic and quick scratching on Conner’s belly, causing him to shriek every time Arnold moved even slightly.
While they hadn’t gotten very far, Conner and James had managed to make on of Arnold’s feet bare, the other still covered with a sock. As quietly as he could, Kevin slowly snuck up from behind, hesitated, then quickly dragged all five fingers down Arnold’s bare sole. The other gasped, whipping around. Kevin frantically backed up, hoping Arnold would follow, allowing Conner the chance to escape. Luckily, Arnold slowly stalked after Kevin, Conner frantically getting to his feet and ran into a room, slamming the door shut.
“It’s just you and me, best friend.” Arnold laughed, almost evilly. Kevin knew he didn’t stand a chance. He was at Arnold’s mercy, which he knew Arnold didn’t have very much of. He gulped, almost trembling out of fear, but also excitement. Conner was a great ler and all, but Arnold seemed a bit more..ruthless.
And ruthless he was. He didn’t hesitate very long, digging his fingers on and between Kevin’s ribs, causing him to shriek, though it did no good. Practically everyone in the shack knew what was going on and wouldn’t be willing to risk themselves. Kevin thought he was completely hopeless...until he remember his arms weren’t actually pinned down. It was just his upper body that was held down by pressure. Once he realized this he scratched lightly along Arnold’s collar bone. He gasped and lifted a hand away to try and swat it away. Kevin clawed at the ground and managed to crawl away a few inches. He laid there, gasping for air, exhausted. Arnold stood up and dusted his clothes off.
“Looks like my work here is done, for now.” He said with a nod and turned to leave for their room.
“You...are the worst!” Kevin called after him. Arnold stole one more glance behind him, smirking.
“I know~”
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daisy-chain-gardens · 7 years
Exchange Romance - Chapter 7
A/N: Hey guys, me again. Sorry for the slow update but I've had a bit of a crazy week so I haven't had a lot of time to write. This chapter is quite long though so hopefully that makes up for it! The next chapter is going to be 'day by day' style as well. I was going to merge this chapter and the next chapter but I really wanted to post something today and I think this chapter is long enough as it is. Happy reading :)
Word Count: 6,050
Ch. 1 // Ch. 2 // Ch. 3 // Ch. 4 // Ch. 5 // Ch. 6 // AO3 link
Brave. This is the first word I would think of if someone asked me to describe Betty Cooper. Although these five small letters do nothing to describe the incredible human being that you are, they begin to describe what you are to me. The next word I think of is gentle, then strong, then intelligent, and then a millions others which would take a lifetime to write out. The truth is, a light such as yourself can’t be summed up with mere words, no matter how many I try to use. You couldn’t possibly be summarised because you are so much more than just a few sentences. You are your accomplishments, your failures, your memories, your regrets and everything in between. Every single one of these things has created you, the amazing, ethereal, kind hearted girl who I am incredibly lucky to call my girlfriend. You make me feel safe in this screwed up world and for that I am eternally grateful. Snowball fights and late night movies and vanilla milkshakes and that certain shade of green will forever remind me of you, surely bringing a smile to my face until my dying days. If someone ever asks me about it, I’ll be sure to tell them all about the beautiful blonde with a funny accent and piercing green eyes. The way her hair looks like pure gold when the sun hits it just so. The look of pure joy and wonder on her face at the sight of snow. The way she tilts her head back slightly and scrunches her eyes shut when she laughs. The tune she taps absentmindedly against the table as she does her math homework. If anyone ever asks me why I remember all of these small moments that anyone else would deem insignificant, I'll tell them it is because of you. The unforgettable Betty Cooper. The girl who had my heart from the second I saw her laughing away in a booth at Pop's. What I'm trying to say, or rather write, is that I love you Betty Cooper. Somehow it feels like I always have. Like I just knew, as soon as we locked eyes, that you were the only girl that would ever be anywhere near enough for me. I am so so happy that you're in my life, and now that you are I can't imagine my life without you. I hope that you have the most unforgettable Christmas, Betts, because you deserve it. You deserve all of the goodness and happiness in the world and I will try my hardest to give it to you. I love you.
This was the letter that Jughead wanted to send. The words flowed smoothly as his pen raced across the page to keep up with his thoughts. Before the ink on the first word had even begun to dry, Jughead knew he would never send this to Betty, no matter how desperately he wanted to. "What kind of wimp tells his girlfriend he loves her in a letter?" He mumbled under his breath before scrunching it up and tossing it in the bin.
What felt like several hours later, the bin beside Archie's desk was overflowing, crumpled paper marked with half finished sentences spilling over the sides of the small metal basket. Jughead held his head in his hands, willing himself to continue. This letter had to be perfect but nothing that he wrote felt right. His sentences felt clunky and his words sounded generic and impersonal. After many more failed attempts, he begrudgingly sifted through the paper mountain and pulled out the crumpled sheet hiding at the very bottom.
Betty didn't realise she was crying until the ink became blurry, forcing her to clear her eyes before reading the final words of Jughead's letter. His fingers ran over the crumpled page, circling those three words that changed everything. She didn't try to fight her lovesick smile, knowing that her efforts would be in vain. He loved her. Jughead Jones loved her, Betty Cooper. She couldn't believe it. She had to stop from running and jumping around the room for fear of waking up her host family. She reread his letter countless times until she had it memorised, her mind playing the words over and over again. She reached over to her dresser and grabbed her phone, bringing up Jughead's name on Skype and calling him faster than she thought was humanly possible. He picked up on the second ring.
"Hi Betts," he mumbled sleepily, a groggy smile on his face at the sight of his girlfriend.
"Hi Juggie." Her voice was quiet but Jughead could hear the excitement in it.
"Everything ok? It's pretty late. Shouldn't you b-"
"I love you," Betty blurted out, her voice now strong and sure. "Jughead Jones, I love you," she repeated, more to herself than anyone else. Betty wished she had a camera to take a photo of Jughead the minute the words slipped out of her mouth. Pure love and adoration covered his face, no sight of his usual nonchalance.
"Betty Cooper, I love you." There were tears, and quiet promises, and three words whispered over and over again, so many times that they were the only ones either of them could remember. All that Betty wanted was to be with him. To be able to hold his hand, stroke his cheek, press his lips against hers, anything. She absentmindedly traced his face on the screen, aching for his touch. They kept talking until their conversation turned to yawns, the quiet sound of Riverdale in the morning flooded through the speakers before their screens finally turned black.
26th December
By the time Betty emerged from her room, Ronnie had already finished one mug of coffee and Hiram and Hermione were standing near the door.
"Ah, Betty, I'm glad you're awake. Hermione and I are heading off to Paris until the New Year. We have some meetings and things to attend for the company. You two should be fine here but Smithers is staying behind in case you need anything. Have a good time, stay safe," Hiram called over his shoulder as he strolled out of the front door, his wife on his arm. Veronica let out a small sigh when the door closed before quickly turning her attention to Betty.
"So B, I heard voices very late last night. What were you and lover boy up to?" Veronica questioned playfully, waggling her eyebrows.
"Nothing just ... talking," The blonde looked down at the table to hide her smile, failing to hide her happiness as her face blushed red.
"Just talking? If you say so. What did he say in that letter he gave you?" Betty looked up at her host sister, her face resembling that of a deer in the headlights. Ronnie had an innocent smile on her face causing Betty to narrow her eyes.
"What do you know?" Betty asked slowly, her voice curious but threatening.
"I know nothing. But I may have talked to a certain boyfriend of mine who may just happens to sleep in the same room as a certain boyfriend of yours. A certain boyfriend who might sleep talk." Ronnie's voice raised teasingly as she kept her eyes trained on Betty, her innocent smile now having morphed into a knowing smirk. Betty kept her eyes narrowed, still unsure as to whether or not Veronica was bluffing.
"What do you know?" She repeated, her tone becoming more threatening than curious.
"Fine, I give up, you're no fun. Archiekins was clearing out the bin in his room and there was a whole bunch of letters; all addressed to you, all written by Jug. Arch kept teasing him about it until Jug confessed that he loves you." He waited for a beat, creating a dramatic pause which only Veronica could pull off in an actual conversation. "But I wasn't lying about the sleeptalking thing." Betty couldn't contain the smile on her face. Last night the pair had said that they loved each other more times than most people did in a lifetime but Betty didn't think she would ever get tired of hearing it. "So then, last night wasn't just talking, was it?" The brunette raised her eyebrows again, this time questioningly instead of playfully.
"Yes, V, just talking. Sorry to disappoint," Betty replied, laughing when Veronica fake-pouted. "You are the only person I know that would be annoyed I didn't do anything other than talk with my boyfriend on Christmas. Well, you and Kevin."
"At least Kevin has his priorities straight. Speaking of which, shopping is compulsory today because, well shopping should be compulsory everyday really. But, we need to get you something nice for when you get to see Jughead again!" Ronnie practically squealed, looking a lot more excited than Betty.
"Fine, only if we can go sightseeing this afternoon. I haven't gotten to do any sightseeing."
"Deal. Now go get changed, I just got to make some calls," Veronica agreed mysteriously but Betty was too caught up in her daydreams to notice.
Not more than an hour after their conversation in the kitchen, the two girls were walking around one of the many malls New York had to offer, arms linked at the elbow as they walked through the crowds of shoppers.
"Ok so, first stop, Victoria's Secrets? What colour are you thinking? I think you'd look good in light pink, maybe blue," Ronnie started rambling, talking about various styles of lingerie.
"Wait, what? Why are we going here for me?" Betty asked, her face revealing her confusion.
"To get you something for Jug, remember?" The dark haired girl replied before laughing at the blonde's blatant confusion. "What did you think we were shopping for, lollipops?" Thank god for waterproof makeup because Veronica was crying herself to tears at how naive Betty was.
"I don't know. I thought maybe a new dress or something. I don't really know if we're at the lingerie stage yet," Betty said shyly. She was used to talking about her relationship with Ronnie but this felt different, more personal.
"Not yet but I have a feeling you will be soon. You love him and he loves you, what else is there?" Veronica asked, as if it were as simple as that.
"I don't know it's just ... scary, I guess," Betty confessed, slightly embarrassed.
"B, I'm not trying to pressure you into sleeping with your boyfriend or anything but it's just how it is. people have needs. You might not feel that way yet and that's nothing to be ashamed of. If nothing else, we can always just go and get cute bras for you, Jughead never has to know." Betty hugged her host sister tightly, thankful that she wasn't pushing the matter.
"Fine V. Only because I know that you’re not going to drop this."
"I have raised you well my little kiwi." Veronica smiled up at her blonde friend with motherly affection, laughing when Betty crouched down to her height. Half an hour later, although Betty would probably tell you it was about five hours later, the pair walked out of the mall, arms laden with bags, all from the same store.
They finally sat down for lunch at a trendy vegan restaurant, shopping bags surrounding their small table. Their food came quickly and they were just about to start eating when a high pitched voice interrupted them.
"Veronica Lodge, OMG! I didn't know you were back in New York!" A short blonde girl hurried towards them, the amount of shopping bags she was carrying rivalled Ronnie's.
"Zara? It's so good to see you! I thought you guys were in Spain for the holidays." Veronica rushed out of her seat and into Zara's arms, hugging her tightly.
"Just for christmas, we flew in this morning. You know how much I love the shopping in New York." She said, her voice bubbling with excitement.
"Tell me about it. Zara, this is Betty. She's an exchange student from New Zealand and she's staying with me in Riverdale until June." Betty stood up, remembering all of those years of etiquette training her mother had drilled into her.
"IT'S VERY NICE TO MEET YOU," Zara yelled very slowly, over annunciating each syllable.
"It's nice to meet you too," Betty replied, trying to not to laugh at the small girl in front of her.
"Oh, you speak english. I thought maybe you spoke dutch or something." Zara said, unfased by her mistake. She joined them at their table, contributing immensely to their mountain of shopping, and kept the conversation easy until Betty and Ronnie had finished their food. "You girls up for round 2?" Ronnie looked at Betty, waiting or her to answer.
"You two go ahead. I wanted to get in some sightseeing but I'll be fine on my own. I'll text you if I need anything." Betty said, ever the people pleaser. Ronnie thanked her silently before kissing her on the cheek and bouncing out of the restaurant, Zara following right behind as they handed off their shopping to an ever obliging Smithers. Betty chuckled at the sight of them before walking out of the restaurant herself, heading in the opposite direction.
Juggie: Hope you haven't died from over-shopping. Betty laughed when Jughead's slightly morbid text lit up her phone about an hour after she'd left Ronnie. She'd managed to navigate the subway more a less successfully and then was currently standing in line to go up the Empire State building.
Betts: Not yet. Check back tomorrow and I might have a different answer. They texted back and forth until Betty got to the front of the line, eventually making her way to the elevator and stepping out once it arrived on the top floor.
She was speechless. The whole city was spread out beneath her, the skyscrapers looking like they were a normal size while the rest of the city looked like it was built for ants. She slowly walked along the edge of the fence, trying to soak up every second of the experience. Her phone buzzed in her bag, forcing her to tear her eyes away from the skyline and redirect her attention to the screen where a new text from Jughead waited for her.
Juggie: I love you. She felt unstoppable. Reading those words whilst standing on the top of the world made the butterflies in her chest flutter. Betty turned her back to the city, turning her camera around to take a selfie, the smile on her face bright enough to rival the lights which the city was known for.
Betts: I wish you were here with me
Betts: I love you. It made her so happy to be able to type out those eight letter. Jughead replied almost instantly.
Juggie: I'll be seeing you sooner than you think. She held her phone to her chest, smile still bright as she looked out across New York for one last time before walking back over to the elevator and heading back down to earth.
Jughead and Betty continued texting for the rest of the afternoon, Betty sending him various photos of herself posing in front of New York landmarks. She ached to see him and sent him a Skype request as soon as she got through the apartment door that evening, making note of Veronica's absence and figuring she probably wasn't going to be back any time soon.
"Hey Betts," Jughead said as he accepted her request.
"Hey Juggie." She was almost breathless at the sight of him, not sure how he could make her feel like this through a computer screen.
"I was just about to order burgers for dinner. Archie's out somewhere and Fred's working late. I don't know why on boxing day but I get the house to myself so I'm not complaining," Jughead said, reaching for the phone to call the number for Pop's he'd memorised a long time ago.
"I think I'm in the mood for pizza. You up for a movie tonight?" She asked, barely able to keep the expectation out of her voice.
"Always, any ideas?"
"I am in New York so I feel like 'West Side Story' is compulsory viewing," Betty said whilst scouring the internet for nearby pizza places. Of course there were a million.
"Not sure if I agree with your reasoning but you've convinced me, West Side Story it is," he said in mock disappointment.
"You've gone soft Jug. Probably just because you love me," she smiled, turning her attention away from her computer to look at him on her phone. His eyes sparkled and they somehow looked deeper than normal. His beanie-less hair was sticking up in all directions, leaving Betty wishing she could run her fingers through it.
"Anything for you Betts." His expression could only be described as loving and Betty had to bite her lip to try and prevent her smile from taking up her whole face. "However, I do have food waiting for me so I'll call you back in 20 minutes, ok?"
"Okey dokey. I'll see you in 20 minutes, not a second later. Love you!" She called out before hanging up the phone, promptly dialing Smithers number.
"Hey Smithers, do you know of any good pizza places nearby?"
"Certainly Ms. Coo-, Betty, I can go and find some for you if you'd like? Any particular toppings?" It had taken almost three months for Smithers to voluntarily call Betty by her first name but it still made her giggle a bit when she heard him struggle with the informality so much.
"Surprise me. That would be amazing thank you. I think it's a pj's and takeout kind night."
"I understand Betty. I'll bring it up to you as soon as possible."
"No rush. Thanks a ton Smithers!" Betty set up the TV and found the movie on Netflix, changing into her pyjamas while she waited for Jughead to call. Her phone started buzzing as soon as she walked back into the living room.
"You ok Jug? You look a bit flushed." Betty stated as soon as his face popped up on the screen, voice laced with concern.
"I'm ... fine ... 20 ... minutes ... isn't ... very ... long." Jughead choked out, breathing heavily.
"Did you run Jug?" Betty asked, trying to stop herself from laughing at his breathlessness.
"Maybe ... I think Pop's has ... gotten further away ... since you've been gone." A giggle slipped from her lips and Jughead laughed along with her, both just happy to be with each other. Smithers knocked politely on the door, handing Betty her pizza before slipping silently back into the elevator.
"Ok, dinner's all set, you ready to start watching?" She asked, the remote already in one of her hands as she reached for a slice of pizza with the other.
"As ready as I'll ever be," he replied, his breathing finally under control. The music for the intro started and Jughead couldn't tear his eyes away from his girlfriend. It wasn't the same as having her with him. He couldn't feel the weight of her lying across him, his arm wrapped around her or running his fingers through her hair. He eventually looked away when he heard the Sharks clicking through the streets of New York, the sound ripping him from his thoughts. They engaged in their usual movie conversations throughout the film, commenting on various things which caught their eye.
Jughead noticed Betty's uncharacteristic silence and looked down at his phone, the sight before him one which he swears made his heart stop. Betty was leaned back against the couch, wrapped up tightly in a blanket with her hair messily falling around her face. Her mouth was hanging slightly open and her soft snores were barely heard over the noise coming from the TV. He let himself look at her for a few more seconds before softly whispering those three small words and ending the call.
Veronica tumbled through the door very early the next morning, or late that night, she's not quite sure. She's greeted by Betty's sleeping figure on the couch, the Netflix menu on the TV, and Jughead's Skype profile on Betty's open laptop. Ronnie couldn't help but think about how the sleeping blonde was going to react when she found out about her surprise tomorrow. The raven haired princess recovered Betty with her blanket, shut down her laptop and the TV, and then walked down the hall to her room, her eyes closing as soon as her head hit the pillow.
27th December
Betty woke up to the sun streaming through the windows, New York already buzzing down below. She got up slowly and decided to make some pancakes, blasting her music in the kitchen while she worked. Veronica stumbled into the kitchen as Betty was taking the last batch out of the pan, fumbling around for her coffee mug.
“Fun night V?” Betty asked.
“How could it not be? Two girls armed with daddy’s credit card, sounds like a recipe for success.” Veronica replied sleepily, filling up her cup carefully. “Care for a stroll in Central Park after breakfast? I think a bit of fresh air will help get rid of this thumping headache I just happen to have accumulated.” The brunette’s eyes twinkled knowingly as she finished her sentence, causing Betty to giggle.
“New York, new Veronica? I thought you hated strolling, and the outdoors, and watching people exercise,” Betty pointed out skeptically, confused as to what had caused Ronnie’s sudden change of heart.
“You never know, maybe we’ll find something more interesting to do along the way.” She took a long sip of her coffee, dismissing Betty’s bewildered look.
“Whatever you say V. As long as it doesn’t involve shopping I’m good with whatever.”
“Speaking of shopping, you should wear something that you bought yesterday. What’s the point in buying it if you’re not going?” Ronnie asked, feigning nonchalance.
“What’s going on V? First you want to ‘go for a stroll’ and now you’re trying to get me to wear nice underwear for said stroll. Is there something going on that I don’t know about?” Betty was completely puzzled at this point and was frustrated that Veronica was being so secretive.
“Only time will tell. Eat up quick, I want to go to the park as soon as possible.” The brunette refused to meet Betty’s eye as they finished their pancakes, Betty’s mind racing with possibilities as to what Veronica could possibly have planned for them at the park. Although she would deny it if Ronnie asked her, Betty put her new baby blue bra and matching underwear on under her winter clothes. Ronnie all but dragged her out the door as soon as she was decent, stilettos clicked hurriedly along the icy pavement. Betty was lead this way and that for about ten minutes until she realised that Ronnie was following the signs to the ice skating rink.
“V, why are we going ice skating? I know how you feel about wearing shoes that other people have worn.” The raven haired princess shuddered at the thought before replying to the girl she was dragging along, a devious smile playing on her lips.
“If things go well, we’ll be doing a lot more than ice skating.”
A bright smile lit up Betty’s face at the sound of children playing, a sure sign that they were getting close to the ice skating rink. Her curiosity was killing her and she could tell that it was taking everything Ronnie had not to spoil her mysterious surprise. As soon as they rounded the corner the ice came into view, but Betty took no notice. All that she could see was him. Jughead and Archie were leaning against the barrier, chatting animatedly about something, caught up in their own bubble. Betty ran over to them and jumped into Jughead’s arms, hugging him tightly. Jughead reacted in an instant, holding her close and spinning her around.
“I missed you,” she whispered in his ear, melting into him.
“I love you,” he whispered back. She shifted slightly in his arms, moving so she could rest her forehead against his, her green eyes getting lost in the depths of his.
“I love you.” Before he could react her lips were on his, desperate and loving, trying to convey how they felt now that words were no longer enough.
“As adorable as you two are, there are children here,” Veronica pointed out from where she was standing next to Archie. His arm was already wrapped around her shoulder as he placed a soft kiss on the top of her head. Ronnie’s eyes fluttered closed at the sensation, letting herself lean into his chest. Betty pulled back slightly, blue eyes meeting green, giving her a look that made her feel like she was floating. She had thought that reading those words made her feel something but after hearing them fall from his perfect lips, she didn’t think she could ever get enough. Reluctantly, Betty untangled herself from Jughead as he lowered her gently to the ground, her arm staying around his waist as she turned to face Veronica.
“This is incredible V, I can’t believe you did this,” Betty said, her emotions written all over her face.
“Anything for you B, you know that. I think Archiekins and I are gonna head back to the apartment, you guys want to tag along?” Jughead didn’t even check with Betty before replying.
“Thanks Ron but I think we’re gonna walk around a bit, maybe do some sightseeing.” Jughead looked down at Betty with a sly grin and she burst out laughing, remembering all of the strange pictures she had sent him yesterday.
“Ok well we’ll see you guys for dinner? Maybe watch a movie after?” Ronnie asked, taking over Betty’s usual role of organising everyone now that the blonde was too busy staring at her boyfriend.
“Sounds good, see you tonight,” and with that they were off, running away from their friends and deeper into the park, hand in hand, laughs ringing out and masking the sound of the ice skaters beside them. Ronnie watched them go, a small smile on her face as she watched the pair disappear through the trees. The couple stayed like that for a while, holding each other close and watching the snow fall around them, before slowly turning around and strolling off in the other direction.
As soon as Archie and Ronnie were out of view, Betty and Jughead once again became a tangle of limbs, holding each other so tightly they almost seemed like one person. Jughead’s hands were cupping her face, pulling her into the kiss with everything he had. Her hands mimicked his before running through his hair, knocking his beanie to the ground. Neither of them knew how long they stayed like that, kissing the life out of each other, hands roaming as they pleased. Seconds felt like hours but even the hours weren’t long enough. The snow had stopped falling by the time their lips pulled apart, hugging each other as though they would disappear if they put too much space in between them.
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
Their words repeated over like a mantra until their voices turned hoarse from the cold, forcing them to held each other in silence. Silently, they let each other go, hands still joined as their fingers laced together. Jughead leaned down and picked up his beanie, the colour almost black from the dampness of the snow it was half buried under. He tucked it into his pocket, sending Betty that smile which made her heart melt. They slowly made their way out of the park not quite sure of their destination but not really caring.
Jughead and Betty spent the whole day running around New York, hand in hand, laughter following them through the bustling streets. They retraced Betty’s steps from the day before, recreating her goofy photos with the camera Jughead had been given for Christmas. He was constantly taking photos of anything that caught his eye; a colourful sign, people caught in conversation, old buildings, Betty. She was somehow completely oblivious to his camera, too caught up in her own little bubble to hear the constant click or notice the lovesick smile on her boyfriend’s face whenever she appeared in his lens. Halfway through the afternoon, Jughead’s phone buzzed in his pocket.
“Can you grab that Betts? I really want to get this shot,” he asked without looking at her, eyes completely focused on the small screen of his camera. A small smile played on her lips at the way he looked when he was completely focused, tongue slightly visible through his pink lips as his fingers fiddled with some buttons. She watched him for a second before digging his phone out of his pocket.
Arch: Ronnie wants to go out tonight so we might not be here when you guys get back. Movies tomorrow night?
“It’s Archie. V’s taking him out tonight so we’ll be all on our lonesome,” Betty relayed, unable to keep her smile from growing at the thought of having the apartment all to themselves. She sent off a quick reply to Archie and was just about to turn it off when something caught her eye. Jughead’s background was the photo she had sent him yesterday, her smiling face looking back at her from the screen, New York filling up the background. SHe stood up on the tips of her toes and softly kissed Jughead on the cheek. He stopped fiddling with his camera and looked down at her.
“What was that for?” He asked, slightly confused by his girlfriend’s sudden display of affection.
“Because I love you,” she replied, slipping his phone back into his pocket.
“I love you.” He leant down to kiss her, slow but quick at the same time. “I don’t think I’m ever going to get tired of say those words,” Jughead confessed, eyes locked on hers.
“Good because I’ll never get tired of hearing them,” Betty said with a cheeky grin, pulling him back in for another kiss, lacing her fingers back through his and leading him through the crowd.
They tumbled into the apartment later that evening. Jughead held takeout in one hand and Betty in the other. The two of them promptly collapsed onto the couch, not even bothering to take off their winter coats. Betty leaned against Jughead, closing her eyes for a few seconds.
“You ok Betts? We can just go to sleep if you want,” He suggested, concern leaking into his voice at the sight of his exhausted girlfriend.
“No, I’m fine. It’s just been a busy day,” Betty said, opening her eyes and smiling up at him, adjusting slightly so she could see him better.
“It’s been an amazing day.” His voice sounded soft, his hand squeezing her gently from where it rested on her hip. She snuggled in closer to him, leaning into his chest with her legs lying across his lap.
“It was truly incredible. But now we have to eat, my stomach is getting angry at me,” she commented, making no effort to move from her spot. Jughead chuckled at her response.
“A girl after my own heart,” he quipped, running his fingers through her blonde locks a few times before moving her off his lap so he could grab the food. Betty took off her coat and shoes while she waited for him to return, turning on the TV and scrolling through Netflix. They ate their takeout and watched movies, just like they always did. Betty was so happy that he was here and not on the other side of a screen. She sat as close to him as possible and took every chance she could to touch him; brush his hair out of his eyes, draw small circles on his arm with her thumb, kiss his hand as he held it in hers. Jughead found it adorable how affectionate she got when she was tired. It seemed as if her inhibitions melted away and she was truly herself. He had to fight off a laugh at the end of the movie when he realised she had somehow fallen asleep in what he thought looked like a very uncomfortable position wrapped around him. He was unable to extract himself without waking her up so he gently nudged her shoulder.
“I’m awake, I’m just … resting,” she mumbled, eyes still closed. The chuckle finally escaped his lips as he helped her slowly move to an upright position.
“You ready for bed babe?” He teased, brushing her hair out of her face.
“I like it when you called me babe.” She sent him a sleepy grin which made his heart flutter. God she was beautiful, even with her hair a mess and eyes half closed. He quietly stood up and half carried her down the hall.
“Which bedroom is yours?” Jughead asked when they got to the corridor.
“That one over there,” she pointed to a door about halfway down and Jughead chuckled again. “What’s so funny?’ Betty asked, not sure if she had missed something or if Jughead was just being strange. “Just Ron. That’s the room I stayed in last time I came here with her and she told me I would be in the same room again.” Betty smiled again, not really awake enough to give a proper response.
“Guess you’re stuck with me then.”
“I can think of worse things,” Jughead replied, kissing her nose when she scrunched it up in mock anger. Betty flopped straight onto the bed when they got into the room
“I can’t be bothered moving now,” she admitted, voice muffled by the duvet.
“Come on babe, you can’t sleep in your jeans. Where do your pj’s live?” He asked as he put his bag in the corner.
“Second drawer down. Just grab whatever.” Jughead could hear her voice getting sleepier and moved quickly around the room, grabbing a pair of flannel pj’s before walking over to the bed.
“There you go. Do you want me to wait in the bathroom?” She shook her head before dragging herself off the bed, starting to take off her sweater. Jughead walked calmly over to his bag, pulling out his own pyjamas. By the time he turned around to ask her something, she was only in her bra and undies. He help but stare. She was absolutely breathtaking. He tried to gulp down the lump that was forming his throat, will himself to stay calm but not quite sure how to go about it. Betty noticed him staring and let out a giggle.
“Like what you see?” She teased, a sparkle in her eye that Jughead hadn’t seen before. She walked over to him and he could have sworn it was in slow motion. She wrapped her arm around his neck and kissed him, hard. Where their other kisses had been filled with unspoken promises and loving touches, this was purely instinct. Hands roamed where they pleased and tongues collided, both of them trying to get as much of each other as possible. Jughead’s hands gripped the back of her thighs, pulling her up as she wrapped her long legs around his waist. He carried her the short distance across the room, his body pressed against hers until he carefully lowered her onto the bed.
“Juggie, I really want to carry on but I’m having trouble keeping my eyes open. Is it ok if we continue this later? I’m really sorry,” Betty mumbled into his ear. Jughead could hear the sleep weighing down her voice and had no problem complying.
“You have nothing to be sorry about,” he whispered back, content that she felt secure enough around him to tell him how she was feeling. She crawled across the bed and snuggled under the covers, patting the space next to her to encourage Jughead to slide in next to her. He did just that, wrapping his arms around her as her eyes fluttered closed once more.
“Good night Betts,” he murmured into her hair, kissing the top of her head lightly. He took a moment to remember this feeling before closing his eyes to the world and joining her in dreamless slumber.
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