#then kars with wamuu and santana and you're like...
amekikai · 2 years
Can get pillarmen and monstrfucker reader? Because they really can be monsters and commit body horror! At least the whole point is for the pillarmen to grind their teeth and growl, perhaps still showing their sharp claws (they do anything for the alien guy image) knowing how their "animal" monster habits appeal to their little man and it drives him crazy
Sorry for taking so long with this! This is just like me fr, tgey're all so so fine and I might of got carried away lol...
NSFW Under the cut!
5-somes (Reader, Kars, Esidisi, Wamuu and Santana), Oral sex (giving), hand jobs, Reader is their pet (self indulgent lol), Kidnapping but also kind of not kidnapping because you agreed to it.
Pet names:
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When the Pillarmen were freed from their stone captivity, they weren't expecting to go out into the world and see you. You were just their "type". They wanted to keep you as their "little primitive" or "pet", something like that anyways. You said yes, not really knowing what to expect.
But that's not important right now.. what's important is what's about to happen.
"Master Kars, are you sure the primitive can handle all 4 of us?"
You're not sure whose talking, they had put a blindfold on you.
"I'm sure, he'll be able to.."
"Oh, I'm so excited! Our little man is going to be able to have us all!"
What did they mean by that?
Turns out they meant having a 5-some.
God, you were so tired... having Kars pound at your asshole while Esidisi held your head on his cock, pulling it off and pushing it back down gently as if you were a porcelain doll.. the other two, Santana and Wamuu were receiving hand jobs from you.
They all let out growls and groans, grinding their teeth together and thrusting wildly. It was a major turn-on.
They were telling you things like:
"Such a sweet little primitive you are.."
"You're doing so well for us all.."
"You're really pleasing your Master right now.."
And Santana could barely talk, he doesn't usually talk. He's quiet but still vocal, he's moaning and growling a lot.
This was going to be a long session, you think to yourself.
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c-nstellati-ns · 2 years
Oh boy, imagine wilder pillarmen, they sure are smart, intelligent and talkative, but they can snarl, growl and rub up against you, marking as their territory. And bite.
They're big ancient cavemen, and they like to do all kinds of crap
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IT'S A WILD, WILD WORLD — ft. kars, esidisi, wamuu, and santana
author's note — i fucking love that thought??? tbh they seem like they'd do shit like that even normally,,, but this kinda turned into fluff headcanons tbh LMFAO
all works belong to c-nstellati-ns ⓒ 2022. do not steal or repost. ask before translating.
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KARS — 🥀💎
he's extremely clingy. like. extremely.
he enjoys sticking very close to you, skin to skin. if you're working and he happens to be there doing nothing- he's either wrapping his arms around you or laying his head on your lap.
he enjoys it when you run your fingers through his hair and braid it whenever you feel like it, it causes him to start purring,, deep rumbles that shake up your whole body.
the greatest comparison to kars is a giant panther. craves your attention every other day and won't stop touching you till you finally give in and give him the attention he wants. its as if you don't acknowledge his existence constantly, he might just shrivel up and die. he's very much for the dramatics
he can be such a brat if you don't give in though- snarling at you, baring his teeth as a threat, snapping his jaws,, as if that's going to scare you anymore.
acts as if your attention isn't what he craves 24/7, whether it just be simple conversation or being in your presence in general.
when he finally notices you're going to keep ignoring him until he shapes up- kars all of the sudden becomes all whiny and pouty, trying to get on your good side by bringing/making you gifts.
it works, and he's satisfied in the end.
"What? You're leaving? Can I come with? It's much too boring here without you, dearest."
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definitely not as clingy as kars, but likes showing you overt feats of strength in hopes of impressing you.
oh you're struggling to lift up and move this couch? UP AND OVER HIS SHOULD IT GOES! he may or may not have benched said couch as well just to see you laugh and smile
a particularly tight jam jar that won't open? one loud pop later, and you've got it open because he loves you so much.
he does adore when you praise him whenever he does a good job, and with that comes the habit of him biting you whenever he gets too excited. a gentle nibble just to feel his fangs against your skin. doesn't bite thru unless you specifically say so, he's only doing it hard enough to leave a faint bruise behind.
its a sign of affection he does randomly thruout the day, even if you're speaking to someone else- he comes up from behind and gently bites down on any exposed patch of skin he can get his mouth on. he just grins whenever you turn around completely flabbergasted, he thinks you're fucking adorable
this also relates to how he likes seeing you marked up with his teeth, makes his silly brain happy.
HUGE on cuddling. he's so big and warm, so he's a master at big spooning in bed. no blankets. esidisi only. my boy.
also enjoys cooking amazing breakfasts for you just bc he can,, love of my live.
"You're so cute, I could just eat you up! Not that I would... but I could! Because I loovvee you!"
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WHAM — ⚔️☁️
he's a shy fella so you'll have to gently coax him out of his shell over time
he shows his affection through sparring with you mostly. he knows you're a lot more fragile than he is so he makes sure to be hella fucking careful with you. if he does accidentally hurt you, he's picking you up bridal style, taking you home and pampering you to all hell. def looking like a sad puppy the entire time too
he thrives off quality time and acts of service so whenever you actively put off work just to stay home and just,,, cook with him or watch a show [he doesnt understand what the fuck is going on, he's only watching it for you], he fucking LOVES IT.
he's so smitten whenever you lean in and gently kiss his lips, caress his cheek and say "i love you". you treat him like any other person but he also feels like he's the most special person in the world.
has a tendency to rub up against you like a cat, just to feel you close to him.
whenever he doesn't want you to go anywhere, he just,,,, lays on top of you. he's too huge to do much of anything so you just lay there and pretty much take a nap all day.
wham uses his size to his advantage a lot, and solely so he can squish you. clingy but,, subtly.
he's practically your shadow with how close he likes being to you.
"Hey... can we stay home today? We can watch that movie you like... We can make some snacks too."
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he and kars rival each other with how possessive they can be of you. except santana makes it known that he doesn't like people being touchy on you.
whenever you get home from a long day at work, he's immediately there to greet you with a tight hug that usually ends up in him holding onto you for a couple hours after that just bc he doesn't like the fact that he can smell other people on you.
sometimes, if he's feeling a little lonely, he'll find a way to sneak himself into your job with a bag of food and him trying to convince you to leave with him without a trace.
he got your favourite on purpose because he knows that if he gives you those puppy dog eyes along with the fact that you haven't eaten lunch yet- you're going to give in pretty quickly.
you aren't even sure how he managed to get into the building either.
def the type of guy to always have a hand on you, whether that be an arm over your shoulder or holding your hand, he's touchin a whole bunch because you're his and he is yours.
he has a wicked death glare he gives people that get too close to you. you told him not to kill people he just doesn't like so why not scare them into leaving?
also a little on the bitey side, but only if he's looking for you to stay close whenever he's feeling sad. baby boyy,,
"C'mon, it's not like they're gonna miss you.. Your shift is almost over, let's get out of here, yeah?"
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Platonic yandere jjba villains (p.1 re-write)
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This is an au ware the Villains live together and are yandere for your sister and platonic yandere for you.
(Y/n): Your name
(S/n): sisters name
I was left depressed when my parents died in a car crash, I was alone for a for a few days and didn't answer anyone's phone calls. Which worried my older sister a lot, so she texted me that she was going to pick me up to live with her, so I started to pack my clothes and some belongings. My sister warned me that she had some roommates and that they could be a bit intimateing."Are you sure it's a good idea? I don't want to bother your roommates..." I said to my sister as we were on another phone call."I'm sure you'll be fine, I'll talk to my friends so they'll leave you alone."
I believed my sister and didn't really worry about them until I actually met them. My sister told me their names Dio, Kars, Wamuu, Esidisi, santana, kira, diavolo, and Doppio Their names sounded very odd, but I didn't say anything as I left to go hide in my new bedroom. The men mostly ignored me. However, Doppio didn't. He was nice enough, but I don't understand why he insistent that we talk. He followed me to my room, and sadly, my door didn't have a lock. My sister trusts these men too much.
I noticed that Doppio was following close behind me as i walked into my room. "Do you need any help unpacking?" Doppio asked in a sweet tone as I opened one of my suitcases, I just wanted to be left alone."No thanks, but thanks for the offer." I said, starting to put my clothes in the dresser, but he didn't listen and helped anyway.
"Do you know how long you're going to stay?" Doppio asked, sounding curious."I only plan on staying for a few months." My answer caused Doppio to look concerned."But where would you go? If I remember correctly, you don't have any other family around." He's right. I don't have any other family, but I had a really bad feeling about the men in this house, and the fact that I'm smaller than everyone does not help at all.
I just have to wait for school to start so I can be able to stay away from everyone and hopefully not annoy anyone."Um....do you know anything about the other men here? Like should I stay away?" Doppio started to think."Well, I think you should definitely avoid kars, santana, diavolo, and dio. I'm sure they dislike everyone who isn't (s/n)." That does make sense. They didn't look happy when I arrived, but I quickly went into my room before they could say anything.
Before I could ask Doppio anything else I heard my sister calling for me, I think she's trying to get me to interact with her 'friends'."hey (y/n)! Can you come down for a few minutes!?" I was apprehensive about being around the others and Doppio could tell."hey, I can tell (s/n) that you're tired and don't want to talk." Doppio offered, sounding sympathetic, understanding that I didn't want to be around the others."no it's alright, I'll have to see them eventually anyway. It's best that I just get it over with." Doppio nodded and followed me out of my room, I tried to hide my fear as I walked downstairs hearing my sister talking to the other men, it sounded like she was trying to convince them about something.
"just give her a chance she won't cause any troub- oh? (y/n) you finally came down! Do you like your room?" I nodded before responding in a small voice."yes I like it." I examined everyone in the room. Kars, dio, diavolo and didn't really look happy but they seemed to agree to what my sister asked and Wamuu and kira looked indifferent to my presence. Doppio and (s/n) are the only ones that looked happy that I was there, I was about to ask if I could leave but then (s/n) started to talk again."(y/n) I'd like you to try to stay out of your room."
Damn I didn't like the idea of staying around everyone longer than I need to."Alright..... is there anything else you need to talk about?" The others started to leave the room, leaving only me, Doppio, and diavolo. I was about to leave, but Doppio stopped me as he started to talk to diavolo.
"Boss (y/n) isn't what we thought she'd be. Rather tame compared to other kids." Diavolo just looked at me then back to Doppio."And I'm supposed to care?" He sounded less annoyed but not by much."I'm not going to stay for that long, I'm going to leave as soon as I can so I won't bother you much." Doppio immediately looked at me, worried.
"Why do you want to leave already? You haven't even been here a day." Before I could say anything, diavolo started to talk again."Just don't annoy anyone, and you'll be fine. Almost everyone will just ignore you." I just sighed."I'm going to school in a week so I'm not going to be around much." Doppio didn't seem to like that either. "Don't you think it's too soon? Your parents died not long ago. You need time to grieve." He wasn't wrong, but I didn't want to stay here, I don't feel safe here. I got out of Doppio's grasp before going back to my room.
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Emotional Breakdowns- Pillarmen Headcannons
In your moments of vulnerability, they'd care for you in their distinct ways.
He's seen this coming a mile away. Your shoulders are tense, your breathing has gotten heavy, and you've been stomping up and down the place for the past two weeks. He's come to understand that killing problems doesn't exactly work in this time, so he waits until you're ready to face things.
He analyses quickly, and can easily find at least six possible approaches to the problem within one minute of hearing it. But those solutions often come before you're quite done working through your emotions. But Santana is nothing if not adaptable, so he gets much better with time. And if you just need a shoulder to cry on, he can do that too.
"As long as my presence helps, I will stay with you."
Did he act dishonourably to you as of late? He would never do that. He was sure there was no tension between you two directly, but there was still something wrong. He'll try to ease it out of you every minute you're alone together. If there was one thing he could tell about someone, it was when they were coiled to strike. It isn't healthy to stay like that for too long. It wears on weak and strong spirits alike.
At last, he offers training together- it's helpful to him, after all. But it doesn't go as well as it normally does. Your form is off- you can't focus-every punch becomes less coordinated. You eventually fall to the floor, a mess of sweat, tears and many different kinds of pain. He kneels, kissing the top of your head and kneading your shoulders. He doesn't understand why human interaction has to become so complicated (or how to best navigate it), but he can be there to see you through it. He and his all-encompassing hugs.
"You will overcome this, little warrior."
Your snappishness and irritation hurt him deeply. Where is his ray of sunshine? Why won't you talk to him? He tries so very hard to get you to open up, eyes brimming with confusion and pain. And when you see his genuine concern, you can't hold it back anymore. You pace, shout and go on righteous rants about the situation together. There's no need to explain what you're feeling. He understands, and doesn't feel for you, but with you.
If your final release needs to be through crying, he becomes the most affectionate of all. He'll wrap his arms around you and kiss every tear of yours away while his own flow down your skin. You've both...just about forgotten you needed to deal with the problem, but that will get done another day. In that moment, you're being cuddled as Esidisi does everything in his power to see that smile again.
"My light, let me bear your pain."
He gets irritated. You both came to the understanding that communication was needed for this to work. Why weren't you upholding your end of the bargain? But he restrains himself. Humans are delicate creatures- his love even more so. He can be patient.
Once you're ready to talk to him, he clears his entire schedule to ensure you're watched over by the only one he trusts to do so- himself. After letting you cry as much as you needed to, he sits with you and methodically runs through what comes to his mind. Some of his solutions are...less than ethical, to say the least. And it gets exhausting for you to think through them all. But as a way forward reveals itself, relief replaces the fatigue. At the end of things, he spoils you with the best gifts money can buy.
"I will not have you managing such things alone, beloved.
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Oaoaao, hello, can I get a headcanon of sfw? Pillarmen/reader? I'm sorry I stretched it so far.
Imagine that the reader is Joseph's youngest adopted sibling and the sibling was adopted by Erina when JoJo was old enough. Maybe the reader is 10 years old? One thought is that if the reader in JoJo's opinion behaved badly or cried a lot over nonsense, he joked that he would give the child back. Joseph is a dumb jerk not realizing how much it scares the little kid who will probably get used to those words.
I don't know how to think this through well, but the reader goes with Joseph, Caesar, and Speedwagon to the catacombs where they encounter the pillarmen. The reader panics and soon cries, Joseph turns purely mechanically to say a certain stupid thing and the reader suddenly goes off to the pillarmen, patting Kars on the thigh and saying that he is now their new daddy and brother.
My main question, though, is whether the child will be made something of a hostage, while waiting for a ransom, and how the pillarmen would react to a curious child wanting to talk to them and explore their bodies and abilities
Hi! Let me just say this is so cute and a really great idea, I hope you enjoy! <3 Adding Santana to this because I can
Pillar Men with a child "hostage"
•Kars is bemused at this tiny human kid begging to be taken away, but subconsciously despises Joseph for bringing such a small child to such a dangerous location.
•He'd scoop you into his arms, whispering to you that yes, he'll be taking you in as his new student, but tells Joseph and Caesar that you're now his new hostage. The Pillar Men will be taking you as leverage over the hamon users, along with Wammu and Esidisi's wedding rings of death.
•Your curiosity with his inhuman features is secretly adorable to him, he'll let you explore his body freely, just warning you to be cautious with his sharp horns
•It takes a lot to upset Kars, he's raised two other children from his tribe of course. Rarely would you see him angry, he hides his emotions the best but involuntarily ends up falling in love with this cute human child. You've brought a new light to his men that he hasn't seen in years
•He might get a little possessive over you 👀 even after being defeated by Joseph it's hard for him to let you go, Kars can't admit it but he's grown attached. Maybe they can work something out
• #1 dad mug where?
•Genuinely enjoys having you around! He isn't afraid to let everyone know how much he cares for you <3, despite Kars' negative comments
•Treats you the best out of the four, never lets you down from his arms either.
•Esidisi doesn't see you as a hostage and more like a "permanent guest", he still goes along with Kars' charade though
•You might spend the most time with him, because he's the best with tiny children. He might get very attached too. You can probably use that to your advantage if you ever accidentally do something wrong
•Isn't impressed with you in the slightest at first, but doesn't hurt you once his master's tell him not to
•A bit awkward with you, but learns to get use to the tiny thing running around being chased by Esidisi and Santana
•Tries to train you in hand to hand combat, slightly disappointed when it doesn't work out
•Unlike the rest he's a little embarrassed with you messing around with his horn and doesn't like you touching it.
•I don't think Santana ever really falls for you the same way the other Pillar Men do, but treats with with respect
•Secretly jealous that you get treated so much better than he does
•He ends up calming down once you play with his hair/horns. It's therapeutic (for the both of you)
•Plays with you the most, but tends to rough house a little too hard. He's been scolded more than once by his masters
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soupbabe · 2 years
H-Hi, I'm a men reader with ADHD and I have headcanon that Santana also has ADHD. Is it possible to get headcanon pillarmen x ADHD!reader? And if possible, the three pillarmen at some point compare the reader and Santana's symptoms and realize they have the same syndrome. Or if you have trouble writing about all the pillarmen, then ADHD!Santana x ADHD!reader :")
ADHD!Santana x Reader with ADHD Headcanons
There's a major focus on Santana with a lil bit of Pillarmen comparing the two <3
- Santana definitely thinks the both of you were fated to be together
- Like omg he never expected to come across someone to understand him, let alone a human !!
- Being with Santana involves a lot of exploring
- He's restless, he'd rather take you along to find something cool or help him take something apart
- Y'all mirror each other a lot
- Like you'll end up repeating words and phrases you've heard from Santana and vice versa !!
- Santana is pretty crafty; I'd love to think about him making stim toys for you <3
- a thing Santana adores about you is how you treat him and his ADHD
- for thousands of years he's been repremanded for behaviors that didn't have a name to them, and you treat him with such care and understanding !!
- Your relationship is definitely a learning moment for the other Pillarmen
- Like?? You're telling me that it took them 1000s of years to fully understand how Santana's mind works
- Wamuu and Esidisi definitely talk to you about how to better Santana's environment
- Whereas Kars just prefers to observe from away, taking notes on his colleagues's learned behavior <3
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silvernyxchariot · 2 years
Gosh, forgive me for asking such a strange and possibly horrible question. If a person were to have an unwanted pregnancy, would the pillarmen be able to penetrate the internal organs (at least by hand) to engulf the fetus?
⚠️CW/TW: deletus the fetus** talk and moral questioning⚠️
"Are the Pillarmen physically capable of removing a fetus within the reproductive organs?" is how my brain understood that. Oh, you bet'cha. (Yes.) Long answer... below the cut.
Kars and Esidisi are questionable. All the Pillarmen can probably copy each other and body morph, but I'm focused on what we see in the anime/manga. I. . . I really doubt you'd want Esidisi's brain and nervous system form digging into you like that. . . unless you're into it 😏. . . Don't stare at me like that! Σ(Д゚;)
If we mean "safely remove a fetus, so that mothers and seahorse dads are unharmed," yes. Santana is the best example of body manipulation/horror if we look at his feats, same thing with Wamuu. Santana has 1) absorbed a vampire through his skin, 2) used his ribcage as a trap/vice, 3) turned his stomach into a man-eating trap on Joesph, 4) tried to kill Speedwagon by using the tips of his fingers to Atco the brain, 5) and can invade a human body without distorting them. . . We're not looking at that one German soldier that exploded and died, that was just self-defense./j 😤 Wamuu, when he was awoken from his 2,000 year slumber, attached a line of soldiers by their hands and subsequently drained them of life, all at once, by poking one of them in the forehead.
Edit: I had to remind myself NOW that Esidisi and Wamuu implanted rings around Joseph's aorta and windpipe without even killing Joseph!!!
Kars, in his ultimate state, I think can definitely "penetrate the internal organs to engulf the fetus" without the mom or seahorse dad feeling a thing. His ultimate form has been shown creating and transforming life from his own body. So, I wouldn't doubt the possibility of him performing deletus the fetus with ease.
Since I put a "moral questioning" warning, I want to add that Wamuu would have the hardest time with this. Physically, he can perform the deletus, but he's not fond of the idea. He questions Kars on killing children and he dislikes battling women, even if they're hamon users and essentially a threat to him. Warrior's honor and all that./teasing Santana is a curious boy and would remove the fetus by request just so he could investigate human reproduction. Kars and Esidisi, no problem. Bruh, they pulled a genocide of their species. Kars also goes on a monologue about how he's "not a warrior or a romantic, like Wamuu." It was also mentioned, if not implied, somewhere that he experimented on humans to create the stone masks. What morality?!¿/rhetorical
Bonus! If the fetus is not affecting the parent's health and it was theirs/half-Pillarman, the answer is no. They're not going to deletus the fetus. [*insert yandere!Pillarmen with an impregnation kink here*]
**I'm sOrRyy. That phrase is hilarious to me.
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zyettemoon1800 · 2 years
hi, i hope you're doing good. could i request the pillarmen x reader who does a lot of tarot reading and collects beautiful decks? would they let them do readings for them? thank you!
As soon as he finds that you are a tarot card reader he is a bit skeptical about how genuine you were because he has encountered many of people claiming to be card readers and none of them have been true before.
But since you are his s/o he will humor you anyways. He will sit in when you have customers and watch you work your “magic” on them.
However, after a few weeks of watching you and seeing some of your clients come in three-fours times a week because their luck was so good or they wanted to know if the hardships that they were facing were going to go away anytime sooner, he became very interested in what you do
He will ask you to read his cards to see if he is going to get the red stone anytime sooner
Unlike Kars , he is with you right from the start and will help you out in anyway he can.
If he sees that the cards you are using look a little worn out and ripped then he will buy some more for you.
And if you want he will even get you a new pair of card for every month of the years just to ensure they go with the season.
For fun he will let you read is hand, but he never wants to know about the future unless it threatens yours or the other pillarmen’s saftey
He is amazed by your skill and is very much impressed by how accurate you are.
He will always have want to be by your side just in case a customer tries to get rowdy because you old them something they didn’t like.
He prefers that you not read his cards because he feels that life should be a challenge and if you already know the outcome of the challenge then what is the point of doing the challenge.
He is interested in all that you do, but tarot reading is all new to him.
He does watch from a distance at how you help your clients and it does bring him pride and happiness that his mate is so talented
He will let you read his cards as much as you like, but he also wants you to teach him how to read the card and whaat each ones symbolizes.
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quirkwizard · 1 year
Since you have been given some Jojo related questions How about a quirk based on the abilities of the the pillar men like Wamuu or Esidisi though Kars would be waaaaaaaaaaay too much for MHA since you know…ultamite lifeform…
While you obviously couldn't cover all of their abilities at once, I actually have Quirks for their induvial gimmicks. I have "Osteophyte" for Santana's Rib Blades, "Spinning" for Waumu's Divine Sandstrom, "Hotspot" for Esidisi's Erratic Flame, and "Cutter" for Kars' Light Slip Blades. If you want to do something around their general powers, "Cell Cycle" could easily cover their healing and "Burial" their power to become stone. And if you want something that covers their general body control, "Peak" is about as close as you're going to get.
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dx-core · 1 year
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Under the full moons gaze
Summary: Esidisi ( attempts ) to take care of Kars
Paring(s): Esidisi/Kars
Warnings: None
A/N: I love making fics for characters no one gives a shit about. This is so self indulgent i'm sorry. Shout out to the five pillar-family fans out there, ya'll are fighting for your lives out there. Please enjoy this tooth rotting fluff <3
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" You have a fever "
" Astute observation, Esidisi.  I'm not sure how I'd get by without you, " he replies, voice nasally and slurred but still somehow heavy with sarcasm.  
Esidisi made a face, pulling his hand away from his cheek.  And, to no ones surprise at all, Kars simply rolls over, unbothered, burying himself deeper into the wooly blankets lining the caves floor.
It was rare of any of them to get sick— Esidisi could count the times he had gotten sick in his many decades of life on one hand , and that was being generous.  He could count even less for Kars - he wasn't even sure he could get sick, until now.   Whether it be a natural immunity or something they've just narrowly managed to avoid is up in the air.    
But, as if the full-moons unlucky nature was looming over them, Kars was sick.  Sick and moody.  Though he'd never say the latter aloud, less he want to tango with Kar's wrath.  Not tonight - not when he's  half curled up in makeshift blankets made out of bear skin and deer, looking, admittedly, like shit.   His skin is impossibly pale, save for the red flush dotting his cheeks.  His eyes are glazed over, heavy with purple eyebags.  He would almost dare to say he looked pitiful, if he didn't know him. 
" You'd be miserable, " he eventually says, watching as Kar's shifts again, curling up tighter, trying and failing to get comfortable. The children, curled beneath the blankets and pressed firmly against Kar's stomach shift too,  but more so from being disturbed rather from discomfort, " and alone " 
" Oh a pity,"  Kars grumbles,  " are you going to sit here and patronize me or are you actually going to make yourself useful? "  
Esidisi huffs, lips quirking upward to a ghost of a smile.  " Are you going to let me? "
" Perhaps, "  he eyes him, although Esidisi could tell he wasn't entirely lucid.  
" Then lets get these off of you, hm? "  he moves in close, not missing how Kar's eyes flutter closed contently — then snapping back open with irritation as the blankets pooling around him are taken away and pulled onto Wamuu and Santana.   Before he could properly complain, though, Esidisi slips a hand around his waist, pressing himself against his back, " that should help break your fever " 
Kars—thank god—settles down, sinking into his partners warmth. " Mmnn. "
" Is this acceptable? " he hums, using his free hand to brush the purple strands of hair sticking to his sweat-slicked forehead away, " hm? "
" You're pushing your luck "
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yami-the-outcast · 2 years
Little Protector
Because *Somebody* wrote a thing, I had to make my own. Thank you @anxiety-pocket for making the naga au or else I’d probably not have thrown any of this together. 
A story from Panek’s early days I figure I might as well share here. 
There were few things in life that Panek truly enjoyed or feared, and on both of those lists would be the creatures he lovingly thought of as his masters. 
Many humans found them to be frightening beings, and to some extent Panek could see why; Master Kars didn't like humans too much and his teeth and blades were sharp, and everyone else followed his lead.. Well, Santana and Wamuu sometimes got more curious about people and went with him to go poke around the town to learn more about them, but for the most part the only humans around were servants that were used for food and pleasure.. 
Panek really wished Master Kars or Master Esidisi was here now.. 
The little ones had gotten curious once again, and well, it was Panek's job to watch out for the little nagas, even if they were about the same size.. humans could be cruel to things they didn't understand. 
As was evident now, no matter how Panek hissed and snarled at the group of pubescent humans they simply continued their jeering and poking, jabbing at him, jabbing at the frightened nagalings behind him, and when Panek's teeth finally nicked flesh those jeers grew darker and meaner… 
He cried out as a rock met his forehead, his vision swimming as crimson ran down his face, but he quickly rose back to his feet to catch the next stick in his hands and snap it with ease before hissing and lashing out furiously again, claws catching flesh and a human crying out in pain. He wasn't going to disappoint his Masters! He wasn't going to let these humans hurt his small Masters, no matter what they did to him!
It was as the humans were circling again, ready to continue their attack, that they were interrupted by not one, but two loud snarls and Panek found himself flooded with relief.
The humans took flight at the sight of the large furious naga that was Kars, the leader of their little family pursuing to make sure they'd never forget to leave them alone, while Esidisi tended to the frightened small ones, swallowing Wamuu and Santana down quickly to the comfort and protection of his insides. 
Panek shivered as the cool gaze of his Master was turned on him, looking down shamefully while his tail curled around his legs.
He should have said something, he shouldn't have let them go close to the human town, he should have-
This internal dialog was silenced as a large finger wiped at the blood running down his forehead, "you are foolish, little one. So small and yet so determined to throw yourself between danger and those stronger than yourself…"
Panek nodded, shivering as he grimaced, hearing Kars return, still hissing in annoyance and muttering about the primitive humans before plucking Panek from the ground and holding up the small creature to his face, looking him over before scowling, "Panek! I thought the rules were clear, did I not make them simple enough for you? You all are to stay away from the humans!"
Panek whined and struggled slightly, shaking his head as he tried to protest. He knew the rules! He did! He just.. didn't like to see the little Masters upset and they'd done so good so far being sneaky… 
But his words never left his throat, Kars sighing and scoffing, "it looks like you've already been taught your lesson the hard way, so consider yourself lucky you're not getting a harsher punishment for this mess."
He poked Esidisi in the gut, making sure the other troublemakers could hear him, his fellow naga grimacing slightly, "that goes for you too! You're in big trouble when we get home! You should know better than this!"
He brought Panek back to his face, jaws parting as he slid the small creature into his mouth, tongue lapping over the little one's wound to help it heal better before swallowing thickly.
Panek whined softly as his bruised form was squeezed on all sides, but once he was in that soft dark warmth of his Master's insides he was quick to relax out of some deep instinct, a purr rumbling in his throat as Kars's stomach welcomed him with a series of soft gurgles as he nuzzled into it.
"Don't think of this as a reward… I need you in full form is all, now settle down," Kars's voice rumbled around him and despite the words Panek knew his Master meant well.. he was just worried about them all in his own way. 
With a small smile, the little servant sunk into the warmth and let himself drift off, ready to accept whatever came the next day.
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So I've been thinking about something!!
Hol Horse and Tippy actually knew each other before Tippy started working at Dio's mansion. If you're one of my mutuals that have seen me selfship with Hol Horse pre transition, here's what happened in the Sapphire Heartverse:
Hol Horse, The Pillarmen, Ghiaccio, and Giorno were all of the random few in the world selected to have their personal lives scrambled. No particular reason aside from the evil universe destroying stand user testing out their abilities.
Hol Horse was young again, shrugged it off, but realized that a lot of the stuff he learned to do with his stand is slipping his mind. Now he has to relearn a lot of techniques all over again.
The Pillarmen aside from Wamuu, are all dazed and confused. Kars is kind of delusional and thinks he's a famous model/actor. Esidisi tries to be supportive of his family, he can hardly remember what they are supposed to do in the first place. Wamuu remembers almost everything, but decides to keep quiet. Santana is... Well... Uh... He's trying his best 😭
Ghiaccio and most of La Squadra came back to life, said "fuck it" and they sell food and clothes as a day job while running crimes at night.
Giorno is slightly upset because he lost his requiem powers. But he's still going strong.
Hol Horse made a few online friends, Tippy being one of them. He knew Tippy pre transition... He would call Tippy, "Li'l filly" all the time. When Tippy made the big announcement that he's transgender and will now go with he/him pronouns and other masculine terms, Hol Horse was accepting the best as he could. Every now and then Hol Horse would slip up, so he started calling him "Li'l fella."
I might put that in the story where Hol and Tip are surprised to see each other in real life again. Hol Horse goes,"You're looking wonderful as ever, li'l fill- er li'l fella!"
Most people, Dio included, already know Tippy is trans. Vanilla is kind of oblivious though. One day they're all in Dio's pool or something, Vanilla gets worried and sees scars on Tippy's chest. Ice doesn't want to draw attention to it and he doesn't want anyone to say anything. He's giving dirty looks to the others who he thinks might say anything, which confuses everyone. They think he's just in another one of his moods.
That night, Vanilla really wants to ask what those scars are from because they look too identical. He's a little worried that Tippy might get upset, so they both chat a little in Vanilla's bedroom like usual. Ice finally asks, with a little hesitation. Tippy smiles and answers. Vanilla has a few other questions, some that make him blush a little. Tippy answers all of his questions politely. Ice feels relieved that those are scars that Tippy actually wanted rather than him getting hurt.
Vanilla still very much sees Tippy as a man, albeit a small one, but a man nonetheless. He is not bothered by it at all, more relieved and happy for Tippy to become who he's meant to be. This doesn't change anything other than Vanilla being more informed about something he was curious about.
So pretty much, Hol Horse slips and may accidentally call Tippy "Li'l filly" but saves himself with "Li'l fella"
Vanilla is very protective of Tippy and also very accepting and happy for him.
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c-nstellati-ns · 2 years
Oooh I'd love to see the pillarmen make, like cats, "kekekekeke" noises
MY GODD YES YESS santana and wamuu hissing and clicking their teeth whenever they playfight with each other or esi and kars letting out a lil mwroow noise whenever they're cuddling n kissing you. kars singlehandedly has the loudest purr of the four, add that with how touchy he is- he's singlehandedly vibrating the both of you off the bed. you're both on the floor now. hes enjoying it
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angeliana2023 · 5 months
Author's note: Hello, dreamers! When we last saw our heroes, scare time was about ready to start! In this chapter, I will show the unique ways Lily, Lilith, Corrin, and Cadenza use while scaring, and also dive into Cadenza's strange powers... Megan and Lily will have a scare off, and this chapter will build Lily's powers a little bit, and introduce something that belonged to Alessia in the past, and introduce a very special movie character! So, anyway, on to the story!
Characters introduced (Or first mentioned)
(From Monsters Inc)
Joe Ranft
Josh 'Noodles' Rivera
Augustus 'Spike' Jones
Needleman & Smitty
Charlie Proctor
George Sanderson
(From Die Hard)
Hans Gruber
Karl Vreski
Tony Vreski
(From JoJo)
Disclaimer! Any of the characters, ideas, locations, or stories that aren't my OCs or part of my personal ideas aren't mine and I do not claim to own them.
Chapter 6: Scare Time!
July 2012
The whistle blasted, and at that instant, everyone made a mad dash towards their door stations. Lily felt a surge of energy flowing through her as she ran towards the door, turned the knob, and tried her best to tiptoe into the room, instead of running. She tiptoed up to the sleeping figure and prepared to scare it, but you could see remorse in her eyes, as she hesitated.
Is this the right thing to do? I want to do my job, but I don't want to scare a young kid... Lily thought, feeling guilty for what she had to do. Well, here goes nothing... Lily thought as she prepared to roar...
"ROOOOAARR!" Lily let out the loudest roar she possibly could. The roar was followed by an ear-piercing scream from the child, making Lily feel bad. Well, I guess that's out of the way... wow, I don't really like my first job, but I have to do it for the entire multiverse's sake! Lily exited the room and saw a crowd of monsters around her, Corrin, Cadenza, and Lilith's doors. After she exited, she felt a light surging through her. It was the first piece of essence!
"This is the essence of Courage! You were scared when you first came here, but you didn't let that stop you from making new friends!" The voice of Alessia said.
"Thank you, mom!" Lily said, still not used to calling Alessia her mother, but looking forward to meeting her in person someday.
"Wow! You were on FIRE! That was great for newcomers! A first-dayer has never been able to fill a canister that much!" Joe Ranft, a big, purple monster with 3 eyes said. Lily looked to her side and saw that she had filled her scream canister almost completely.
"Yeah, but Cadenza was my favorite, because dragons rule!" Josh 'Noodles' Rivera, a tall monster with many tentacles said.
"I agree with those two! Don't tell him I told you this, but you 4 may even be better than Sully! Augustus 'Spike' Jones, a slug-like monster covered in dark red spikes whispered to Lily.
"Heeey, I heard that..." Sully said, not really angry, just teasingly.
"Well, I shouldn't have much trouble, Either!" Megan said, running into her first room with her dark new form.
In record time, an earth-shattering roar was heard, followed by a scream. Megan exited the room with a sly smirk on her face. Jaws hit the floor when it was noticed that Megan had filled her canister completely! "Wait, who even are you?" Joe said to Megan.
"Megan. I work alone." Megan said, strutting off to yell at her assistant.
"Well, she woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Do you know who she is?" Joe asked Lily.
"Well, she's kinda my... cousin," Lily said.
"Wait, so that means... You're HER? Lily, as in the future queen of Paragon Etheria? And that's Megan?" Joe said.
"Well, I am, but I still haven't gotten used to the role yet... It seems a little too much for me, but I have to follow in my Mother, Alessandria's footsteps, and so does Megan. She has to follow in my aunt Morgana's footsteps." Lily said, feeling a little sorry for Megan.
"Wait, if she's Megan, that means we're all in grave danger..." Joe said as Lily noticed his purple skin going pale slightly.
"Well, I think we're off to a good start, because we have Mike and Sully on our team, so we're one step closer to defeating her!" Lily said, feeling slightly enthusiastic.
"I hope it's not too difficult... I've heard stories about some of those villains that I won't tell you because I don't want to scare you, but let me tell you, you should be very careful," Joe said, careful not to tell Lily about anything too scary.
"Hey, what's going on over there?" Asked Lily, observing a commotion at one of the door stations.
"I COULD'VE BEEN DEAD! I COULD'VE DIIIIEED!" Said Claws ward, a blue monster with extremely sharp (take a guess) while shaking his assistant, Jimmy, who immediately whistled and yelled for Needleman and Smitty.
"HEY, WE'VE GOT A DEAD DOOR OVER HERE!" The two were over in a jiffy, rolling a big contraption with them.
Needleman put 2 strips of yellow tape with the words 'void' on the door, before lifting the heavy item in the shredder. "Let her rip!" Needleman said, signaling for Smitty to pull the lever. The door was shredded instantly, and what was left were 2 small doorknobs.
Well, now I know what the mission plan meant when it said 'could get strange.' Lily thought, not knowing things would get crazier than she could ever imagine in just a matter of a few hours...
The group continued scaring, stopping to catch breaks every once in a while. "Hey, Wazowski! Nice job!" An assistant named Charlie said.
"How's George doing?" Mike said.
"He's doin' great!" Charlie said as a furry orange monster strode out of his door.
"Wait, is that a-," Corrin said, eyeing the sock stuck to George's back, being cut off by Charlie gasping and screaming.
"2319! WE HAVE A 2319!" Jerry screamed, as he ran, sounded the alarm, with everything turning to chaos.
The alarm started blaring, and on top of that, there was a voice saying, "RED ALERT, RED ALERT, RED ALERT".
The shutters flew open, letting in blinding light, causing a few people to squint. "Wait, what is going ON here? Are we OK?" Cadenza asked, trying to make at least SOME sense out of the situation they were in!
"George Sanderson, please remain motionless." The computer voice said. Ok, now, THIS is strange... Lily thought while covering her ears, but, little did she know, it was about to get even more hectic!
The only warning that was given was, "DUCK AND COVER, PEOPLE!" Everyone flinched, awaiting a bomb, or something, but instead, guys dressed in yellow hazmat-style suits came through the windows, sliding down ropes!
Lilith and Lily could hear Waternoose groan, "Oh, not the CDA!" By the sound of his reaction, they knew this wasn't good...
More CDA agents came bursting through the doors, pushing people back, and all running towards George.
These must be villains! no one would ever burst into a place like this without being seedy! Lily thought.
Lilith looked at Megan, seeing her smirking in the midst of the chaos. Lilith gave Lily a side glance, thinking the same thing, that Megan had something to do with this chaos. As the two were about to confront Megan, they were distracted by the loud sound of a screwdriver. They turned around and saw two CDA agents drilling a dome-shaped metal object into the ground. A third agent pulled out a detonator and was prepared to push the button, but as he was about to, Lily yelled out. "STOP! Don't do it, it's a trap!" She thought the device was rigged, but the CDA were just doing their jobs.
Lily was about to take the detonator, but Mike stopped her by whispering, "Lil, everything's alright, we'll tell you about it after everything's over, Ok?" Lily nodded, still shaken up.
The agent pushed the button, as everyone flinched, and a loud boom was heard, muffled slightly by the metal dome, that was shortly unscrewed from the ground. The ashes of the sock were vacuumed up from the floor, as things seemed to calm down. But... there was one more thing that happened...
"Hey, thanks! That was a close one!" George said before two agents pulled a yellow shower curtain up around him. From inside the curtain, all that was heard were the sounds of shaving clippers and George's screams. After it was done, the curtain was pulled down, revealing a sight that Lily had to stop herself from laughing at. George was entirely shaved, save for a few patches of orange fur here and there, and was wearing a cone of shame! An agent then turned George around and ripped a band-aid off, resulting in George letting out an ear-piercing scream.
Now that had to hurt! Lily thought.
After the chaos, the entire scare floor took a break for a half-hour so the system could be reset, so Lily took that as a perfect opportunity to ask sully about what happened. "Sully... What just happened in there?"
"Ok, so you know how we believe children are toxic, right? Since George brought a foreign item belonging to a child into our world, we had to call in the big guns. We're sorry it got so out of hand, but sometimes stuff like that's unavoidable." Sully said, giving some clarity to the hectic situation.
"Look, I know you're scared of us, but we're gonna change everyone's minds!" Lily said.
Her growing group was determined to bring peace between monsters and humans! "Hey, Mr. Waternoose!" Sully said, calling him over.
"An entire scare floor out of commission, what else could go wrong?" Waternoose said, getting a cup of 'coffee,' that looked more like tar...
"Well... It was just one incident, maybe it should be made mandatory for scarers to check themselves before exiting a room." Corrin said, trying to find a solution.
"Corrin... This company has been in my family for three generations, I would do anything to keep it alive..." Waternoose said. Lily understood him.
"I understand how much it means to you because, at the Mansion of Lucidity, it's always been about family, traditions, and heirlooms. Jewelry, traditions, pictures, or anything special is passed down from family member to family member." Lily thought, thinking about home.
At that mansion, familial ties were the thing that mattered most, and Lily held her family dearer than any of her nice toys, dresses, jewelry, or any fancy of expensive thing she had. The word 'friend' wasn't really thrown around that much, because everyone there was family, even if they weren't related.
"Well, I understand... I was there, remember, I know your sister Aurora, and used to visit the mansion every once and a while for parties, so I've been in that atmosphere before... Many characters don't know about Haventown, because Aurora wanted to keep only a smaller amount of characters in the mansion until you came along, Lily because she feared the villains would try to invade..." Waternoose said.
Lily was beginning to look up to Waternoose, but little did she know, he wasn't being entirely truthful... The reason being, Haventown was designed to be a safe sanctuary for characters, and Aurora only let people in who desperately wanted to escape from the turmoil of the conflict between good and evil, because no one is allowed to leave the town when they moved in, at least until peace returned. The town had been known to deny visitors and sightseers who just wanted to 'visit for parties,' so Waternoose must have been lying about knowing Aurora, but neither Lily, nor Corrin, Cadenza, or Lilith had caught on... Just what Waternoose wanted...
Lily, who hadn't know Waternoose's true colors, said, "We'll help you save this company! Sully's gonna win that All Time Scare Record, and we'll help him!"
Waternoose, who knew the odds were going in his favor, said, "Thank you! I just know you'll make us all proud!" Waternoose said, using his kind demeanor to mask his true colors... "Say, I could use your help with something! We've hired some new scare recruits, and frankly, they're, um, uh..." Waternoose said before Sully said,
"Inexperienced?" "Oh, they stink! I would like you to go by tomorrow and do a demonstration! Show them what it takes to be a top scarer!" Waternoose said before sully enthusiastically yelled,
"Yea, I'll start out with the ol' Waternoose jump n' growl! HEEEAAAAHGGH!" Everyone near Sully jumped back in fear! Now THAT was a roar! Lily thought while trying to bring her heart rate back down.
"Well, it was nice talking to you, Sir! We'll see you later." Corrin said to Waternoose before the bell rang to go back to work...
Scare time continued well into the afternoon, as the sun began to set, beckoning the night to come, where the villains were their strongest...
Dio, the most powerful of them all, said, "Well, well, Megan, you did great today! Smirking at just the right moment to get Lily and Lilith to notice your villainous ways instead of Waternoose's is nothing short of genius!"
"Thank you, Dio, but don't think I'm the only genius here! Randall's trying his hardest to get everyone to believe he's the true villain of this story and not Waternoose!" Megan said, too clever for her own good.
"Clever indeed, but know this, we can't afford for those brats to purify even one villain!" Dio said.
"Well, I've seen this movie a million times before, what with my mother's constant forbidden prophecy gazing, so I know Boo, the most important character of this entire movie will be appearing very soon! When Lily's group meets her, THAT'S when we start putting our true plan in motion! One of us should spy on the group in the next phase!" Megan said, with pride in her eyes.
Dio, who thought he should send someone more familiar with Monsters Inc on this mission, said to Megan, "Well, sister, I would love to send you, but I don't you think it better to send Randall? After all, he's the most familiar of us all, and, not to mention, he'll get the heroes off of Waternoose's case!"
Randall, who had been listening to the entire conversation, entered the room and said, "You, called, D? I've got an I've got a plan that's gonna knock your socks off, but I can only do it solo..." Randall was imagining the praise he would get from Queen Morgana for completing the mission single-handedly!
"Yes, Randall, I said I want to send you on the mission," Dio said, "But, sending Megan would give you a boost if things were to go awry, so I guess you're stuck with her!"
Megan laughed, knowing this dashed Randall's hopes. "Wait, WHAT? Um, excuse me, but I believe I BELONG in this movie, so I don't think it would be a very good idea to send a nonverse on a mission with me!" Randall knew he had made the biggest mistake of his life when he saw the rage in Dio's eyes.
The vampire cast a spell all around Randall and him, shielding young Megan from what he was about to do to Randall. Nonverse was a disrespectful term used to describe OCs not belonging to any movie, tv-show, or video game, and was also used to describe characters created from Alessia's own mind... "What. Did. you. just. call. her?" Dio said, with insane rage in his eyes. He punched Randall with immense strength, knocking him down. "Uh, nonverse?" Randall said, his voice shaking.
"You know what Morgana said about that term. It not only disgraces everything she's ever created, but it disgraces our future! Megan is NOT to be disrespected by terminology like that, because if not for her, we wouldn't be on the journey we're on right now, and we wouldn't have this shot at ultimate power!" Dio said.
Randall said one thing that would almost cost him his life. "Why." That was all he said, before Dio threw a punch so hard, that if it would have been for Randall's quick dodging, would've been fatal...
"Why what? I will give you 10 seconds to tell me what compelled you to say something so stupid, and I'll decide whether I should spare you, because, as you should know, we are in my own pocket space created from my small portion of nightdream power, so if I do away with you, no one will know!" Dio said darkly.
"Why do we do this, Dio? Why are we stuck in this endless and meaningless cycle of 'hero vs villain,' which always ends with one or the other being hurt? You may think I'm 'going soft' or am a traitor, but this is getting old! If Lily and her group can stop this conflict, then why don't we take a leap of faith, step out of our comfort zone, and join them, Dio! I know we're villains, but if Lily is the sword that will break the cycle, why are we against her?" Randall said, beginning to question everything he knew.
"The reason, Boggs? You want the TRUE reason why I will never join that wretched multiverse? I'll tell you why. It's fear. Fear of what those, 'heroes' do to us villains! They think they're so high and mighty, and that there are no baddies in their group, but as a villain, I've seen my fair share of scum in the hero's side." Dio said.
"I work as the chief villain scout of the nightdreamer army, so it's my JOB to see horrible things heroes have done! The scouts travel through movies and revive and recruit villains that have been killed, so it's my JOB to see horrible things heroes have done! One time, I was scouting in an old 80s movie called 'Die Hard,' and came across a horrible sight. During the events of the movie, I had become friends with Hans Gruber's group but lost them ALL ONE BY ONE, and who did it, you might ask? A self-proclaimed-hero named John Mcclane managed to steal every single friend I made that night, leaving me to revive them all. Even though they were brought back the damage was still done, because while they were all killed in different ways each, Tony and his brother Karl stuck with me the most. Tony was killed early on by Mclane, by being pushed down stairs, breaking his neck in the process. Both Karl and I vowed revenge on him for what he did, but Karl was worse off because even though we were all villains, Tony was still his brother.
He followed the path of revenge that most people do when someone they love is harmed by another person, but unlike someone with a pure heart, Karl didn't avert the path of revenge in favor of friendship, he followed the path with only one end for him. He went until he couldn't go anymore because one hero stood up and defended his friends, something I couldn't do, Randall, because I follow the villain's path. How about another reason we can never trust heroes, Randall?
This story's from MY home, and is about the man who created the stone mask, the item that made me what I am today... His name was Kars, and he had 3 partners named 'the pillar men,' who set out to become, 'ultimate lifeforms.' I befriended two of them when living in Morgana's palace, and hearing their backstories instilled a new hatred of the heroes inside of me... I say, 'befriended 3 of them,' because the fourth pillar man wasn't able to be killed and revived. He had used the power of the stone mask to turn into a super-being and take over the world, which was prevented by Joseph Joestar. 'Joseph Joestar.' Even saying that name makes my blood boil. As we speak, Kars is floating through the endless void of space, never to move, speak, talk, or even think again. Even death is not an option for him, because of that mask, but in my heart, I believe it's that Joestar boy's fault. Every day I find more reasons to loathe that family.
"Dio, that was a good reason, but why have I never seen any of that stuff myself?" Randall said, expecting another blow from Dio's fist, but was told a shocking but true story instead.
"You have. Remember when you were a young college student and was labeled, 'uncool?' Those stupid heroes have never let you live anything down, and the true reason you're a villain nowadays, is because of them." Dio explained.
"Well, I...I've never thought about it that way... Thanks for opening my eyes." Randall said, quietly.
Meanwhile, Lily and the group were at Mike and Sully's home, preparing to go to their first fancy dinner, but found a shocking truth.
Wait, Aurora didn't pack us anything nice? This is the fanciest restaurant in town, and all we have is casual wear... Lily thought, disappointed,
before seeing a note in the side pouch of her suitcase... Lily unfolded the note, which contained four small metal pins, and also explained the reason why there weren't any nice clothes in the bags.
I thought you could use a little training of your powers, so I will allow you to take requests from the others, and create clothes with the daydream gem! P.S these pins will be your best friends, because they have the power to mask your human forms when out in public when you want to wear human clothing. ~Aurora
Well, I guess I have a lot of work to do... Lily thought, turning to the others. "Alright, I guess I'm your designer! So, you first, Lilith, what type of dress would you like?" Lily said.
"Well, I have always wanted a short blue A-line dress, with cap sleeves, please," Lilith said.
"Coming right up!" Lily said, before closing her eyes and focusing hard. She opened her eyes, and the old-fashioned dress she once wore was replaced with a newer, fancier blue dress.
"Woah... I don't think I'll ever be able to get used to that... It's just so cool! Alright, Cadenza, you next!" Lily said as Cadenza walked up to Lily with excitement in her eyes.
"I would like a long, extravagant pink dress, with feathers everywhere, please!" Cadenza said, as she awaited her new dress. Cadenza's Nohr Princess armor was replaced by a long, flowing, dramatic dress fitting a princess.
"Well, I guess it's my turn now. I would like a nice suit, please!" Corrin said.
Hmm, every time I've used my powers so far, I've had my eyes closed, like I'm scared, or something! Let me try it with them open! Lily thought as she focused hard while keeping her eyes wide open.
She was met with fantastical sights, as she saw corrin's outfit transforming right in front of her! "Those are my powers? I... I never would've imagined... Just a few weeks ago, my friend Alice and I were playing magic princesses in our backyard, and now I'm using real magic!" Lily never thought she would ever be able to perform magic... She had always known it was real because she lived in a house with magical people, but she never thought SHE would be able to do it!
"Well, I guess it's my turn," Lily said.
What she was about to do would completely startle everyone. I would like a long, light pink poofy dress, with gold puffy sleeves, and flowers on the waist. Lily thought.
This particular dress was so significant to Lily, because for as long as she could remember, whenever she drifted off into the welcoming world of sleep, she had always worn this dress. She had never seen it in the waking world because it was her special dream dress. . She thought everyone would laugh at her dress, but no one did. Instead, they all wore faces of shock, surprise, and even reverence.
"Lily... That's... It can't be..." Cadenza stuttered, tears forming in her eyes.
"Lily... Tell me... How do you know about that dress?" Lilith said, bewildered.
"Well, I've always known about it... Every time I see myself in my dreams, I'm wearing it..." Lily was unsure about the true significance of what she was wearing.
"Lily... That dress belonged to your mother..." Corrin said.
"Wait, this dress belonged to Alessia? I thought it was just something I made up in my dreams!" Lily said.
"Lil, your mother Alessia first wore that dress on her coronation day when she was crowned ruler of the daydreamer tribe and it was re-made by her to fit you, Corrin said.
"Wait, does that mean... it was a gift from Alessia?" Lily said, thinking about her mother.
"Yes, it was, and it means you're one step closer to finally becoming queen and putting a stop to Morgana's reign of terror!" Corrin said.
Everyone enjoyed that moment of peace, but a few minutes later, there was a phone call that would change everything...
"Hi, Sully, it's Cadenza! Is everything alright? Wait, what? Um, ok, we'll come to meet you in the factory right away, just let us put on the new pins Aurora sent with us!" Cadenza said, scrambling to hand the pins out.
"Wait, what's going on? Is it the villains?" Lilith said while pinning hers on her dress.
"We don't know if it's villains yet, a door might have been left behind by accident, but sully found one in a station after hours, which is never allowed to happen!" Cadenza said, hurrying to get everyone out the door.
"Ok, since it'll take too long to just run to the factory... I'm actually a pretty good skateboarder, so..." Lily said, preparing to use her magic again. This time, a brand new skateboard appeared under her feet.
"Since we don't know how to skateboard, we'll fly and you'll do the roller-work!" Cadenza said, spreading her dragon wings.
All four friends took off towards the factory, flying through the night sky, as spectators stared on in awe. "Sister, what do you think this could be? could it just be a false alarm or is something truly serious happening at that factory?" Corrin said.
"Well, if it's the villains behind this, they'll get their comeuppance, but if it's just some lazy worker... oh, just wait until Waternoose finds out!" Cadenza wasn't joking about this one, because Waternoose would be angry if anyone was being lazy on the job.
"I can see the factory in the distance!" Lilith said from up ahead. Lilith had to try hard to keep up with Lily because she wasn't lying when she said she could skate... Soon after that, the group landed in the dark parking lot of the factory, and immediately went through the big glass doors, anxious to see what was going on inside.
"S-Sully... Are you here? 'Cmon out, this is getting scary..." Lily said, staying close to the other three. "Don't worry, everything's going to be ok," Lilith said, with a smile on her face, that reminded her of Aurora.
"OH, thank goodness you guys are here! Sully said. There's a door here, and I reckon Randall and Megan have something to do with it!" Sully said as the group followed him towards the scare floor.
"So, I was helping Mike with the paperwork he forgot for the hundredth time, and I saw this pink door with flowers! I walked over to get a closer look, and I heard a sound coming from the other side! I opened it, and out popped a CHILD of all things!" Sully said, urgently. "I have the kid in this bag right here, but I don't want her to escape." Sully was right because boo was going to be a handful!
"Listen, we need to get to Harryhausen's as soon as we can because this is no accident! I saw Randall on the scare floor after dark, so it's definitely him!" Sully was right because Randall was definitely on to something, but no one could tell what just yet...
"Alright, Lily and Lilith, you go with Sully to Harryhausen's to tell Mike about the door and the child, while my brother and I remain here, in case Randall comes back." Cadenza said. The group split up, with Corrin and Cadenza staying at the factory, awaiting and preparing for a fight that was sure to happen...
Meanwhile, Dio, Randall, and Megan were coordinating their attack... "Megan, you follow the Etherian Princess to that restaurant, while we stay here and do the rough stuff!" Dio said.
Megan obeyed and ran off to secretly follow the others.
"Wait, I have one more thing to give you, Randall," Dio said. he placed his hand on Randall's forehead and imbued him with power. "That was a piece of my power, passed on to you, Boggs. Don't get used to it, because it doesn't last long." Dio was extremely greedy when it came to power, or basically anything.
"Listen, Dio, we're going up against two of the most powerful video game characters we've come across in a long time! What happens when we're both killed, and the entire mission is aborted because of it?" What Randall said was true, because the twins were very powerful, but we're about to get a very rude awakening when they faced Dio, who was already counting down for the attack. On my mark, we attack..." Dio said as he and Randall made gradual steps out of the darkness...
"Three" Randall said, preparing himself...
"Two," Dio said, aiming a blast of energy at the twins,
"ONE!" Both villains yelled, before Dio threw his attack directly at Cadenza.
"LOOK OUT!" Corrin noticed the attack and shoved his sister out of the way, being hit hard himself by the attack. He screamed out in pain because the attack was an electrical-based one.
"CORRIN!" Cadenza rushed to her brother's side. "Corrin, please don't do this!" The pink-haired girl started rummaging through her bag, finding a vulnerary for her brother. "Oh, no you don't!" Dio hit Cadenza's hand with his magic, making the bottle fly into the air.
"NO!" Cadenza tried to jump forward to catch the precious potion, but she was too late, and the bottle hit the ground and shattered.
"You MONSTER! I'll make you pay for that!" Cadenza said, before sending a massive ball of pink energy toward Dio and Randall.
The two villains were sent flying backward by the attack into a wall.
Wait... What WAS that? That's never happed before... Cadenza was shocked by what had just happened.
"My god... It's her... It's really her..." Dio said, with shock in his eyes, and what Cadenza swore was fear.
"Wait, what, what just happened? We've been spying on Fire Emblem characters for a long time now, but I've never seen anything like that!" Randall said.
He was not ready to hear who Cadenza was truly... "Randall... All I'll tell you is we must kill this one before she does it to us..." What Dio didn't know was that Cadenza was one of the keys to Morgana's undoing... He conjured two massive energy bursts from his hands and threw them, both at Cadenza...
Meanwhile, at the restaurant, Lilith, Lily, and Sully were growing anxious about where the twins were, not to mention already nervous about how to tell Mike about Boo...
"Ok, this is too much! They must be in trouble, so I'm going to help them! Lily, can you handle staying with Mike and Sully for a little bit?" Lilith said, before spotting the two whispering to each other, hidden behind a restaurant menu, with Celia staring at them angrily.
"On second thought, I think we should all stay here," Lily said before the chaos started.
Boo had escaped from under the table and was running around with the Monsters Inc bag over her head, before Sully jumped out of his seat and his fur, trying to stop her from being discovered.
"Micheal, what's going on?" Celia said, oblivious to what was about to happen.
"Celia, please try to understand! I have to DO SOMETHING!" Mike said, as Boo threw the bag off her head, and started running wild, before jumping on top of the sushi maker's counter and shouting, "BOO!"
Just that one word made the entire restaurant go completely insane, running around and screaming in absolute terror, knocking over plates and tables, and running into each other.
"A KID!" One monster screamed in terror. Lilith noticed an octopus pick up the phone and start dialing.
That doesn't look good... She knew the CDA were probably on their way...
Then, out of the corner of her eye, Lilith saw Megan spying on them
"Lily? Lily, where are you?" Lilith called, trying to find her in the midst of the chaos.
"I'm right here, and I'm alright!" Lily reassured.
"Oh, good! Those guys from earlier are probably on their way, so we need to get out of here!" Lilith said to Lily, as they ran towards the door.
"Wait!" Lily said, before helping mike find Boo, before putting her safely in a take-out box, and running out the door, leaving the Monsters Inc bag behind... The scene outside was even worse outside than it was in, with CDA helicopters circling overhead, and shining bright searchlights.
"Wait, what about Celia?" Mike ran back to find his girlfriend, who was grabbed by an agent.
"Get your hands off my Schmoopsie-Po-!"
Mike was pulled back by Sully before he could do anything dumb. "Well, I don't think that thing could've gone any worse!" Mike had spoken too soon, because almost as soon as he had stopped talking, a strange, loud noise was heard from behind them, which made everyone turn around in shock.
A strange barrier had been conjured over the building. "Lily, I'm so sorry this happened!" Lilith said.
"Well, something like that happened in Haventown just a few weeks ago! Rosie was practicing spells, and she accidentally cast a barrier over the house that stayed up for 1 hour! Aurora was FURIOUS because she was late for work!" Lily grew up in a house full of characters, so she was used to some of these things.
Meanwhile, the twins were struggling against Dio and Randall, but Cadenza was about to do something else unexpected... The energy blasts were racing towards her and Corrin, but Caddie blocked hers with ease!
"IMPOSSIBLE! How could 'she' have been under our noses this ENTIRE time?" Dio was teeming with anger at what was discovered...
"Dio, we should get going, before anyone sees us!" Randall was ready to get out undetected.
"Not yet. I need to run something by this girl." Dio calmly said, approaching cadenza, who backed away.
"You may not understand who you are just yet, but let me make very something clear with you. We WILL find a way to defeat you, and we WILL get that daydream gem." Dio said, confidently.
"Are you trying to intimidate me, Dio? After what you just saw, do you really think it wise to do that?" Cadenza had been given new confidence from her strange new powers...
"Really, you don't understand who you are, but you will now!" Dio said, as he conjured a mirror, and handed it to Cadenza.
"This is called the mirror of truth, and it is one of Morgana's most treasured possessions. Now, stare into the mirror. What do you see?" Dio said, hoping his evil plan would work.
"I... I see... Myself... Wait, what is this? I see Alessia and Lily! Wait, why do Lily and I have the same aura?" Cadenza saw the entire truth behind everything, including the creation of Alessia...
The vision ended, and Cadenza stared at Dio, knowing everyone on Lily's side was in danger... "Dio... Do you even understand what you're dealing with? You think it's going to be easy to defeat us now that I know who I truly am?" Cadenza said.
Dio, who was eager to inform Morgana about his findings, said, "We don't have time for this, but let it be known, this isn't the last you'll see of us!" Dio said as he and Randall teleported away... Cadenza stood confidently, before remembering.
"CORRIN!" Cadenza said, running to her brother. "Corrin, please hang on... Please don't go..." Cadenza said, tears streaming down her face.
Corrin was gone. Dio had killed him, and Cadenza knew her brother wasn't coming back... "NOOOOOOO!" Corrin, why did you do it? Why did you save me? You can't do this to us, you promised we would all see Paragon Etheria together! YOU PROMISED!" Cadenza screamed to the heavens in agony as she held Corrin. "Corrin... I'm sorry... I'm sorry I didn't notice Dio... It's my fault..."
Cadenza was inconsolable, and it was her extreme emotions that caused what happened next... Corrin's body started glowing a dazzling pink, the exact color of Cadenza's aura. The pink-haired girl opened her teary, violet eyes and stared at what was happening to her brother. Corrin opened his eyes, looking awake and alert, unlike Cadenza, who was drained by the feat of magic she had just performed.
"Corrin? CORRIN!" Cadenza said as she hugged the person she thought she had lost... "H-how? How are you alive? Did I... bring you back to life?" Cadenza asked, both shocked and relieved.
"Wait, I died? All I remember is seeing something flying towards us, pushing you out of the way, pain, and nothing! I thought I was just knocked out, not dead!" Corrin said, lucky to be alive.
"But how am I alive? vulneraries can't revive people..." Corrin wasn't ready to hear the truth, no one was, yet...
"It was me, I did it." Cadenza said. She explained everything, from the vision the mirror revealed to her, to her new power surge. "But promise me you will not tell anyone about any of this. This is so big, not even Aurora should know yet."
Cadenza said. Corrin was complete at a loss for words and didn't know what to think about what Cadenza had just told him.
"Let's find the others. They should have Boo with them..." Cadenza said as the two left the factory...
Author's Note: Now THAT was the longest chapter I've ever written! So, a HUGE game-changing truth has just been revealed to Cadenza, along with some of her true powers. In the coming chapters, she and Corrin will keep everything a secret, but all will be revealed in due time... So, the next chapter will be about Boo's first trip to the factory and will have a bit more of a 'spy' feel to it because everyone will be sneaking around, trying to hide from the villains, and spying on each other, trying to guess who is planning what. So, anyway I hope you enjoyed it, and I'll see you in the next chapter! Bye! (P.S The dress Lily creates was mine when I was little! I don't think it came from a movie, it was a random princess dress.)
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Laughter (Pillarmen headcannons)
How I imagine their senses of humour work.
By far the hardest to make laugh. The whole concept of "funny" is lost on him. Humans, for all their studying (and him for all his observation of them) didn't understand why they laughed? That was unnerving. He'd decided to ignore the strange concept...until it decided to intrude on his life for itself.
"Can Februrary March? No, but April May!"
You chuckled as you read it, but nearly jumped out of your skin as a powerful sound built and built. Santana threw his head back and roared. It would echo in your mind for a long time afterwards. Ever since, you made it a point to find more puns for him.
Aside from the initial confusion and shock at the sound, he was pleased. It made you smile at him, your eyes sparkling with joy. He wasn't a fan of the unknown, but he could make peace with it. It felt good to laugh. And it especially felt good to do it with you.
Also very difficult to make laugh, but for an entirely different reason. Kars' sense of humour is disgustingly complex, and oftentimes morbid.
You'd have to be forgiven for not chortling at things like the death of a wave theory physicist at a particle accelerator. While your love was letting loose a sinister chuckle or sometimes a full-on villanous laugh, you were either confused, disturbed, or both. He'd prop his chin in his hand, an attractive (if not a little scary) smirk appearing on his face as he quieted down.
Kars would share some of the satire and dark comedy he found, but it really, really, was not up your alley. He settles for pinning you down and tickling your sides until tears ran down your cheeks. He feels a little guilty at your reactions. There were many into which Kars wanted to instil fear. You were not one of them.
A little easier to make laugh. He prefers seeing funny things happen rather than jokes, so you've morphed into a pantomine on occasion. But he immediately picked you up and checked for injuries after you pretend-fell, so you ended up avoiding that part of your spontaneous performances.
He adores watching sitcoms with you, lowly chuckling as the jokes land. When he does laugh outright, it's a warm, rich sound that spills from his chest. There's such a sweetness to his gaze after that it makes you want to kiss him. For him, it's a great stress-reliever after his training or meeting with his masters. He's happy you're here to help him laugh. He often forgets how much he needs it.
This man loves to laugh. One-liners, dad jokes, wordplay, slapstick- you name it! This is a belly-laugh-knee-slapping-back-thumping kind of guy that laughs with his whole body. It doesn't take much to have him rolling on the floor! And seeing his antics puts you in giggle fits too. Once he understand them, memes become a special favourite of his. Past the literal tears in his eyes, there's a happy shine. You're glad you have access to it almost every day of your life with him.
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hi!!! Pardon my crooked English
I fell in love with a headcanon with pillarmen, where they are relatively normal to the reader. Is it possible to request a headcanon that partially relates to it? But there's already + Santana there. (Or if not, regular headcanon :"D) The reader is holding Wammu and Santana's face and squeezing them, saying what amazing good boys they are (you know, like with a cat or dog), stroking their heads, kiss on the nose, and it's like a "he killed some people, he's not your poor little meow-meow!" meme. Esidisi and Kars openly resent this, that it's childish, the reader spoils them, but deep down they want the same
Apologies if I'm interpreting this wrong, but from what I can understand you're asking for HCs of a significant other who dotes on the boys yes? Please tell me if you mean something else! For now please enjoy <3
Coddling Santana & Wamuu ♡
•He is the #1 fan of the attention! Deep down secretly this big boy is seriously touched starved, kiss him! Hug him! Tell him just what a good boy he is and he'll melt! <3
•Out of all that you do, Santana loves your head scratches the most. Just take it easy near his horns. He loves feeling your fingers in his hair, it's almost enough to make a man fall asleep
•He enjoys in silence. You swear you can almost here him purr
•Loves to give it all back to you, but he isn't the best. He's rough with his head pats and practically suffocates you with his kisses and hugging you into his chest
•Has the tendency to be overprotective of you, and sometimes refuses to let anyone but him touch you. It just takes a little talking to him to be let free
•Much softer with his reciprocation, unlike his brother Wamuu understands easier than Santana that you're much more fragile than the Pillar Men
•Doesn't really like you messing with his head, but positively would die for cheek/nose kisses
•Likes to hug you close! Most people don't know this but Wamuu's body doesn't actually run hot, he can control his body temperature to be the perfect warmth for you!
•Enjoys the more silent bonding with you, maybe with you laying on top of him while he gets smothered with affection, but isn't afraid to be vocal with the things he likes or dislikes
•Probably enjoys being called a good boy more than Santana, and that's saying something.... If he had a tail it'd be wagging. Please get these boys some therapy
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