#then it's all just in my head
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sleepdeprivedshift · 5 months ago
Night gets left alone with his thoughts. It takes him until the clock strikes midnight for him to come back. Right, right.
Lock in, Night. Lock in.
As with every shift, he expects a phone call as he settles in. Almost on cue, on time, it rings and he answers. A recorded message, as he expects, fills the silence in the office.
A voice of a young man plays, with Night leaning over to hear him right with his fingers clicking over cameras and searching for what's available for him.
"Uh hello?" The recording asks, Night thinks the caller sounds younger than him. "I think it's recording. When was the last fucking time someone used one of these things? It’s shitty."
Night could almost make out what's happening behind the scenes. A shuffle of a few papers, and a clear of the throat.
"Well, hello. Welcome to your first night at- at Benjamin’s! My name is—" The phone then makes an unintelligable noise, successfully cutting off his name. Night hits the base of the device with a light smack. Guess some of these technologies are a bit old school. "—I’m here to give you the training to, uh, manage this job."
The caller then tells Night all he needs to know for his shifts. First nights are always easy, they don't tell you that directly but it's always implied. At least he's acquainted with some of these bots already.
Ferris, according to the phone, is just apparently always online. Which, isn't a diss on Night's part, but more of a funny joke. What is he, a smart appliance? (Well yeah he's a robot.) Fuck he gotta be connected to the 'net for, y'know? Fucking... I-pad baby or something.
Night's kidding, though. Mostly. Just enough that Ferris isn't near to hear his thoughts.
But it's easy enough to keep him away at least.
The change in demeanor would've frightened most guards, Night guesses. One hour ago the ferret was almost too eager to meet a new guy in the arcade, and now he's almost too eager to meet the new guy. Face to face. Teeth to skin.
But again, it's easy.
Night plays cues, a little sound he's actually getting fond over, and slows the ferret as much as he could. When he does come around to take a gander at what Night might be at his shift, he greets him with a little shut of the door. He's a little lucky that his ears are good, that knock saves him power and his dead life.
But Ferris isn't the only one he's babysitting tonight, and every other night from now on.
Riley peeks around shyly, but morbidly curious. It's just the door, like Ferris, except he doesn't have to look over her all the damn time. But that's about the end of who he's (currently) familiar with.
Benjamin Bear and Maya Mouse, of who the call so graciously tells him, who they are and what they do. Close the door again when Maya's camera goes dark, play a cue, and just- fucking book it if the main man shows up. Cool, but he takes note of Friedrich's words a bit ago, that they don't leave as much as the other two.
It's still good to keep an eye and ear out.
Especially when he's suddenly forced to just use his ears. Around four to five in morning, the puppet takes over his fucking camera system like a child forcing you to pay attention. Night can see right above its stupid head is a stupider ghost giving him the middle finger as if he couldn't see. He flips the thing off with a disregard whether or not it could see.
Night jingles his keys over the camera the next night just to fuck with it.
Again, it's still easy.
And it stays easy, for the first night until the third. Although they've tried getting funny with him, and he's not sure if he appreciates it.
On the second night, his power almost drains out. (Karma for that boo boo key joke.) Not enough to blackout though. Just barely hanging by five percent to the clock to chime by six in the morning. He had to stay back on the third for an injury that took him by surprise.
Night didn't see it coming, nor did he even hear it. It just- happened so fast. So much that he's still in shock from what just happening, breathing heavily with his back pressed up against his seat, hands shaking as one folds over the other, bleeding over his work clothes and all over these papers that aren't even his.
Ferris got in, plain and simple. Like a ferret jumping out of the grass, and into Night's office. And he moves, of fucking course, lunges over his fucking desk to reach the button. It wasn't quick enough, fucking obviously.
The bastard clawed his hand (almost off), and Night's for sure going to get in trouble for damaging Ferris. His paw pressed the button again before the door could even get down in time, and Night had to kick it as he scrambled for his hand to not get taken out fully. He doesn't keep any flesh lost once he resets, so he has to be careful.
After deciding for a good while whether to keep going, he takes the easy way out and restarts his whole shift all over again. That way, whatever damage he did to the fucking ferret doesn't cut out of his paycheck and ruin whatever good reputation he has as a guard.
This is his first fucking week here. He's not even half way.
He gets through it anyway, (cheater), and keeps going. Door closes, door opens, a cue plays opin a room farthest from the office, a cue plays a little closer, door closes, door opens, Night leaves, Night comes back.
Door closes, door opens.
This shit doesn't even deter the bots either. They started to get more frantic, more active, more... hungry.
It's not the first time Night has had to multitask like a maniac to keep all of his limbs in tact, but fuck, has it been a long time for him to come back to it after calm nights all year long. He almost feels as if he was a newbie again.
But when six am hits again for the fourth time, he's not that concerned anymore. It's the first week jitters, he'll get over it.
Night loses his momentum again, getting too cocky for getting used to his rhythm of looking over these guys. The power also plays games with him, much like night three, but as much as he tries to save up, it dies on him.
At the worst time too, he's supposed to be out right now to hide from Benjamin. He's shut inside with his only entrance and exit closed down from an encounter with Riley. It's pitch black in this saw trap of a room. Night's flashlight is dead too. Shit, should he start over?
With his newly scarred hand holding over his pendant, giving him his only source of light. Bright blue and wispy. Night's eyes focus on it before his ears perk up at a scraping noise in front of him.
Claws, he can barely see with the small light illuminating it. He can hear mechanical whirring and steady breathing that he can't tell if it's his. Night's not going crazy. The door is opening. Slowly.
It's too dark still to find the hands of his wristwatch. He's not sure if he trusts the digital clock on the desk just yet. The hand prying the door open is still trying. No, not even trying. He's actively, and painfully, slowly pulling this door open.
Night can see Benjamin's eyes search for him through the dark. They meet him easily, with his gifted pendant's light giving him away. His grip tightens on it.
Benjamin looks over at his light, then at Night. He stares back in respect, but he starts to shift himself to his coporeal form. His feet don't touch the ground as he mentally prepares to start over.
The door's almost snapped open halfway, and Night holds his breath. To his luck, Benjamin does too. His eyes look up at him, and for a brief moment, Night could see them.
Another pair of eyes behind animatronic made ones, almost the same as the one behind the puppet's. A shine on Benjamin's eyes, ghost blue light reflecting on the plastic ball. Ghosts stare at one another.
Night doesn't believe in anything above or below him, just that nobody deserves to be trapped in a life they can't escape. But for a brief second, he simply prays that he could make it another day with all his limbs to learn more. Explore, find, and eventually talk to these spirits.
Because fuck, if any soul deserves to stay on this world for long rather than pass on, it should be him.
Something answers his prayers though. A chime, a familiar tune playing in the room as both he, and Benjamin, look down on the digital clock. Six in the morning, and his wristwatch a minute late. Maybe he should trust this clock.
In respect to the silent agreement between all animatronics, or a built in safety program, Benjamin backs away from the door and he walks away, leaving Night backed up against the wall to drop onto the floor in relief. His limbs physical and in tact with the solid world around him once more.
He doesn't think about how close he's gotten to dying again in the arcade because he's slipped up, or how he's lost his edge to keeping everything in check. No, he thinks about Benjamin, who's in Benjamin. Then whoever's in the Prize Puppet. And all other hidden souls that haven't gotten the chance to slip up the same way he has.
To uncover themselves unknowingly to a living ghost. That's fascinating. He's hooked, definitely.
When Friedrich comes in the later morning to let him out, Night doesn't open his mouth about what ne saw back there. There's no point in saying it. After all, he already knows the older man doesn't believe in it, or rather chooses not to. He was already dismissing an assumption that Night didn't even have.
What he does tell him though, is that they need a new door. As well as he's coming back on Monday.
Congrats Benjamin's Arcade, you've gained a new part of the crew. And he's not going to fuck around to find more of it.
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max-nicoxfandom · 4 months ago
Me looking at fanart of characters being friends who are also friends in canon: *practically in tears clenching my first over my chest* ouhgg they're so friends
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trekkerac · 3 months ago
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he's like a faulty lightbulb
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snarkspawn · 1 year ago
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the devil you know
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lemongogo · 5 months ago
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life of regret
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wojtekaneko · 6 months ago
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That's how it went
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velvetwyrme · 4 months ago
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aHhh okay so the discussions of Titan!Megatron on @callsign-relic's blog have fully. FULLY taken over my brain and ive been drawing stuff for it for like the last few days nonstop
the tl;dr of this is AU is pretty much "what if Megatron got turned into a titan/cityformer as a form of penance/imprisonment and now roams the empty wasteland of Cybertron forever" plus "IDW Megatron has really fucked up internals so... what if that, but as a City?"
and of course since he's a Titan, that also means he has a cityspeaker... or three. One per sub-AU thing. Theres 3 options. 3 flavours of AU.
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i have so much art to make. but in the meantime, for more info! check out the #titan au tag on Relic's blog :]!! (also uhh potential ns//fw warning for the link shfjbdkd)
Hi. My battery is running out once again so design and art notes get chucked here instead of an image.
The cuffs and collar are hardwired into Megatron, so I made the lights the same colour as his biolights!
I imagine that on the tops of his shoulders there are solar panels, even if you can't see them here lol.
I really wanted to keep the swirly bits on Megatron's chest from IDW
Other art notes:
The second picture with the seekers is (loosely) inspired by a discussion about whether or not Megatron gets visitors or not. I thought about who would visit him and well... I think this is as close as Starscream realistically gets to visiting him.
Extra detail about that piece is that Thundercracker and Skywarp are keeping watch from above! Also drawing Megatron took me like 8 hours because I was struggling with his legs really badly kshffkbfkdsbdk,, the background went much faster, funnily enough.
Optimus specifically isn't wearing his Autobot badge any more.
This isn't relevant in this series of images, but Ultra Magnus's eye markings are only on the Magnus armour. His other two forms do not have them :] (... until he begins to discard the armour, that is.)
Megatron is roughly 3200m/2 miles tall. Technically he could have clouds around his knees, but I thought this looked a little bit cooler lol.
Also, height chart! Him big. I didn't even attempt to put a human for scale because that'd be. near impossible with this scale.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months ago
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It's just guys night talk! Don't worry about it!
(Read Tiger Tiger and shake this man awake so he can finish that thought!)
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sga-owns-my-soul · 1 year ago
reblog to give ur mutuals a soft lil kissy on the head
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lotus-pear · 5 months ago
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charm stat at debonair ‼️‼️
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sleepdeprivedshift · 8 months ago
Dying sucks. A lot.
Sure, it's not the first time he's died. But it sure as hell a fucking drag.
He's half conscious on the floor, barely breathing as he stares unfocused onto the ceiling. Night's laying in a pool of his own blood. It doesn't even faze him one bit.
Another incident of a break in. Night feels like deja vu isn't even a real phenomenon at this point. When's he getting paid for all the times he's gotten shot from a stranger at a pizzeria joint? Two nickels doesn't even cut it.
There's vague sounds ahead. Screaming in high-pitched frequencies and the sound of tearing meat. Oh well, at least they're having fun. Bon mostly, he's gotten so protective of him since the original incident. The red really matches his light blue colored casing. And-
Someone's snapping their fingers in front of him. Attention- they're trying to get their attention. Night can barely focus where the noises are- or where his eyes glaze over. His head rolls over towards long black spindly fingers.
"Night," A soft spoken voice catches his ears. "Get up. You fucked up big time."
He lets out a small chuckle, liquid trickling from his mouth. "Charlie,"
"You can't swear."
"Yes, I can. I'm older than you." A masked figure in front of him argues. The puppet tilts her head at him. Blank expression with all emotion put into her voice.
"You are like ten years old."
"Doesn't matter." She pats his head. "I learned most of them from you anyway."
Night's too tired to grin, but they both know that he would've. "That's such a lie. Get me up."
"You're already up if you're talking."
Night rolls his eyes weakly and strains to pull himself up. It's as if he was just laying down for a nap, and that the only inconvenience was all the blood. The gifted pendant around his neck flickers light blue, before dying down as he smoothens his hand over it.
"You should've reset it." Marionette says, rolling over on her back as she floats in the air. Her head dangles as if she's at the edge of a bed. "You wouldn't have died, or that guy too. Even if he deserved it."
He ignores her first comment. "I don't think anyone deserves to die." Night says, unzipping his jacket to check his brand new scars underneath. They're already healed, found out the hard way that they heal automatically once he's revived. It'd be cool one day to just- have an open gaping wound. That's something people would be into- right?
"It was just- a weird coincidence." Night shrugs.
"..." She rolls back over to float into the hallway, presumably going back to her box. "Whatever you say..."
Night rolls his eyes, taking much longer to stand up from his puddle of blood. He's covered in so much red that all his purple accents have turned pink.
Ugh... Whatever.
He looks over to the Toys, Chica and Freddy giggling to themselves as Bonnie goes to town on the intruder that shot him. Deja vu, right.
"Alright, that's probably enough." He holds his fingers over his mouth as he whistles at the three. "I appreciate you guys protecting me, but you gotta stop mauling them."
A chime of wavering voices and beeping clicks fill the office and hallway. Night raises his hand up.
"Up-up-up, I don't want to hear it. You all better help me clean this up before six, or none of you are allowed to stay up past your bedtime."
More noise, this time louder and more garbled. He waves his hands around.
"Ah ah ah. You guys heard me. I don't want to hear arguements from any of you." Night picks up his jacket from the floor and hoists it over his shoulder, to join the rest of his blood caked attire. "That body better be disposed by the time I'm done changing, alright?"
He hears his kids disgruntedly agree, and he nods with a smile. "Good. If you even get to cleaning the floor, I'll call Glam for you guys."
Delight and whimsy as he leaves into the hallway. Bots immediately start moving, while items pick up and float around to clean as best as they could.
Night knows he'll have to throw it on his own, double-checking that they don't just chuck a mangled body into the dumpster, and actually take the time to sever it. Guess being friends with a murderer has some of its perks.
Still, it's a bit annoying.
Night groans, on his way out to get his duffel bag from a locker. What a fucking pain to deal with later.
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chloesimaginationthings · 11 months ago
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William Afton into the FNAF-verse
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zorangezest · 3 months ago
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thanks for listening
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hinamie · 6 months ago
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10 years later
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rewcana · 1 year ago
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zaahvi · 9 months ago
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