#then it went cedric x hermione
creamecream · 1 year
Tfw your dreams just decide you’re gonna ship something.
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weasleyreidstyles · 9 months
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chapter one
summary: it was only meant to be a purely transactional relationship. he would help her strengthen her abilities in return for her getting his friends out of his father's nasty path. he didn't mean to fall for her, but loving her was the easiest thing in his dark world.
no use of y/n, but your general nickname is Meadow. All characters are aged up to be over 18.
pairings: mattheo riddle x fem!ravenclaw reader; platonic!slytherins x fem!reader; platonic!golden trio x fem!reader
warning(s): none
series masterlist; next part
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The atmosphere surrounding the students on the Hogwarts Express differed massively in comparison to your fifth year last year, when everyone was wholly against Harry. Now, however, people whispered in their compartments about how he was right, the Dark Lord had returned. How everything was changing, especially with the rising death toll, wizard and muggle combined.
You were walking to the designated Prefect's compartment, which sat in the middle of the train, with Hermione at your side, your blue and bronze tie clashing with her burgundy and gold one. Your presence at the Ministry that summer prompted the two of you to be topics of few conversations, you sent glares their way.
"What do you think will happen this year?" the Gryffindor girl asked as you both made your way through the throngs of students in the hallway.
"Considering we almost died in June?" you say, a frown painting your face as your mind brings you back to your traumatic time in the Department of Mysteries to aid Harry in saving (and failing to do so) his Godfather. "We'll probably face certain death this year, Mione."
Hermione swatted your arm in feined annoyance at your attempt of a joke. "Don't put that thought into existence Meadow."
You only shrugged as you held the compartment door open for her. Ron was already waiting inside, glaring at Theodore Nott and Pansy Parkinson, who were sat diagonally across from him.
Unlike your Gryffindor companions, you had no issues with the two snakes, in fact they were two people you would consider your closest friends, if it wasn't for the prejudice that went both ways – from your friends and some of their's.
"Stop glaring holes into the sides of their heads, Ron." you scold. "I've told you before, they're my friends. They won't do anything to you."
He said nothing, but he did stop his glaring in favour of greeting the two of you.
The Prefect meeting went on for over an hour and you found yourself zoning out multiple times.
You're going to miss out on important information if you keep daydreaming, tesoro. Theodore. You admired that he was as talented as he was, but it was annoying when he would invade your thoughts. You narrowed your eyes at him.
Stay out of my head, Teddy.
But it's so fun, and so easy. He smirked and turned his attention back to the Head Boy, who was busy assigning roles to the new fifth year prefects. Pansy nudged Theo's arm, breaking his concentration, as she was obviously using her own legillimens ability to berate him. She offered you a smile in apology, which you returned with one of your own.
You'd taken to learning legillimens at the start of fifth year, having read about it in a book you'd taken from the restricted section of the Hogwarts library. You also wanted to protect your mind, especially with the knowledge that Voldemort was back after Harry had returned with Cedric Diggory's dead body at the end of your fourth year.
"Now onto you sixth years." the Head Girl announced. "Like last year, you're going to be paired off for nightly patrols."
She began pairing you off one by one. Hermione was with Ernie Macmillan; Ron was paired with Hannah Abbot; Pansy with your Ravenclaw counterpart and Theodore was paired with you. She then paired off the seventh year prefects before the Head Boy dismissed you all.
Ron yawned as he stepped into the corridor. "Thank Merlin that's over. I'm starving."
"You're always hungry, Ronald." Hermione muttered as she walked out behind him, rolling her eyes at his usual ramblings, causing you to laugh at his expense.
"My my, it's a wonder why Dumbledore chose you to be a prefect with that attitude, Weasley." Theodore spoke up from behind you, Pansy at his side, once again shooting you an apologetic smile.
"Piss off, Nott." Ron snarked, turning to face your snickering Slytherin friend, about to take a step towards him when you put a hand on his chest.
"Leave it Ron. He's only trying to get a rise out of you. I'll meet you both in the compartment in a bit." you say, turning to face a smirking Theo with a berating glare.
"Wanted to get me alone, tesoro? Finally. I've waited all these years." he said with a grin, stepping towards you as your Gryffindor friends reluctantly left.
"Don't flatter yourself, Teddy." you say with an eye roll before you turned to Pansy and brought her into a hug. "I've missed you Pans. Good summer?"
"Abysmal." she muttered, sharing a not-so-subtle look with Theo. You looked between them questioningly.
"What happened?" you ask.
Exchanging glancing, they seemed to come to an agreement and Pansy grabbed your hand, dragging you into the closest empty compartment. Theo followed behind the two of you, closing the door and spelling it from unwanted listeners.
"What's with the secrecy? Guys?" you look between them growing more confused by the second.
"Before I tell you, you have to understand, I didn't have a choice, none of us did." Theo emphasises. "I consider you one of my best friends, tesoro. But what I'm about to reveal....it cannot under any circumstances leave this room."
You look at him confused, but the nagging thought that had haunted you all summer suddenly creeped up on your subconscious. Your eyes widened.
"No. Theo don't tell me-" you stutter and he looks away ashamed.
His son is my best friend. My father wants to get into his good graces, I had no choice. Even his voice in your head sounds despondent.
"Oh Teddy." you mumble, wrapping your arms around his waist, hugging him tight.
"I'm to receive the mark during the Christmas holidays." he mumbles dejectively into your hair. "Hell of a Christmas present."
"How good is your legillimens ability?" Pansy asks you. "Can you block people out."
"I have my thoughts locked away into a little mental box, but I'm still working on fully blocking people out." you say, pointedly looking up at Theo, who smiles innocently at you.
"You'll need to practice it then." she says resolutely, but the look on her face indicates nothing pleasant. "Mattheo can help you."
You scoffed. "There is no way Riddle will willingly help me. His father's biggest threat is one of my best friends."
"And you're one of our best friends, Meadow." Pansy says. "Our loyalty to eachother goes both ways. He'll help you, he's the most advanced at it, besides Snape and Dumbledore of course. Trust me."
"What about Harry?" I ask. "And Ron and Hermione, the Order. What am I meant to tell them. They won't be thrilled that I'm taking lessons from you-know-who's son."
"You'll tell them that you're tutoring Mattheo. It's a believable lie. He's shite at Ancient Runes, no matter how much I try to help him." Theo says, nodding his head as a plan forms in his mind. That was true. You don't know how Riddle was still enrolled in that class. "We've already discussed this becoming a possibility. He's more than willing."
"Why are you trusting me with this?" you question, staring between your two friends.
"Like it or not, you're our one way ticket to the right side of this war, tesoro. You know as well as I do that Potter needs as much help as he can get. And you need to protect your mind so that the Dark Lord can't get into your head." Theo says.
"So are you in?" Pansy asks as she heads towards the door. "Because there's no backing out from here, and I really don't want to obliviate one of my dearest friends."
You know the risks. You don't know what this will mean for your current friendships. But you know that Theodore is right. To help Harry, he'll need as much help as possible. Having Theo and Pansy on your side could be a turning point in this brewing war.
"I'm in." you say, nodding your head in agreement. "Just keep the snarky comments to a minimum about Ron, Mione and Harry, please. And relay that message to the rest of your friends too."
"Already done, tesoro." Theo says, ruffling your hair, grinning when you swat his hand away.
You question what he means for a moment when the back of your skull begins to burn with a dull ache. You cradle the back of your neck with your hand, wincing at the sting as Mattheo's deep, raspy voice fills every corner of your mind.
Lessons start tomorrow night, Princess. Don't be late.
He was already in your head, you sighed. It was going to be a long year.
You reached the compartment that your other friends occupied at the same time that Harry and Neville seemed to be leaving it.
"Where are you two off to?" you ask as the two boys move away from the open doorway.
"To meet Professor Slughorn." Neville said, although he looked a mixure of nervous and confused.
"Who the hell is that?" you look at Hermione as you go inside, leaving Harry and Neville on their venture.
"New Professor, apparently." she replied. "What took you so long?"
You knew that your friends, minus maybe Harry, had little to no legillimens skills, but nevertheless, you cleared your mind of the conversation you'd had with Theo and Pansy.
"Well Pansy likes a gossip." you said flipantly as you pulled out a book from your never ending bag. "How else are we to know everything that goes on outside of our little circle, now that Lee Jordan is no longer in school?"
Ron and Hermione smile at that, before Ron's face drops.
"Listen, be careful around them this year, yeah." he said, his voice low. "We went to see Fred and George's new shop and watched Malfoy go into Borgin and Burke's with a bunch of known Death Eaters."
Your heart dropped. Theo would be participating in those meeting come Christmas time. That must mean that Draco was already involved.
"Well you know what sort of things they sell there." you say hesitantly. "It probably doesn't mean anything."
Hermione scoffed. "Try telling that to Harry. I think he's convinced that Draco and Riddle have been inducted."
You fall silent shortly after that. The conversation only picking up again when Neville came back to the compartment, Ginny following behind him.
Harry was nowhere in sight.
Harry was awol for the rest of the trainride.
When the Hogwarts Express pulled to a stop in Hogsmeade station and you all found a carriage to settle in, he still wasn't there.
"Where on Earth is he?" Mione muttered as the thestrals, that were no longer invisible to you all after Sirius' death, pulled onto the winding road up to the castle.
"He's probably already in a carriage and didn't wait for us. Wouldn't be the first time." Ron assured, although his face betrayed his words as he looked as worried as you and Hermione.
You were unconvinced, and more so when you split off towards the Ravenclaw table when the three of you arrived to the Great Hall and saw, not to your surprise, Mattheo Riddle with bloody and bruised knuckles. As you sat beside Luna Lovegood you felt that same prickling sensation that you did on the train. He was watching you, and he continued to watch you with his cold, unbothered stare through the sorting ceremony and Dumbledore's speech.
Your attention was brought to the doors of the Great Hall where Harry seemed to materialise, Snape's looming figure behind him. But what you noticed the most in the bright glow of floating candles that bothered you more than his lack of punctuality, was the bloody tissue he was dabbing at his recently-fixed broken nose, which he did not have when you last saw him hours earlier.
People stared and whispered as he made his way to where Ron and Hermione were sitting. But your attention was pulled to where Crabbe and Goyle were sat snickering from their seats beside Draco. You narrowed your eyes at Riddle, who was still looking at you.
Got a staring problem, Princess?
Merlin he infuriated you. You focused on him as you thought of your response.
Did you do that to his face?
He smirked. Did I do what?
You didn't give him a response, instead turning your attention to Theo, who was chatting to Lorenzo Berkshire. Did Riddle do that to Harry? You asked and you watched as Theo startled before maintaining the same facade of conversation.
No. It was Draco. Harry was eavesdropping his conversation with Blaise. Matt was with me and Enzo.
Your question was answered, but you were still left unsatisfied. And Riddle's stare had not faltered, which added to your growing bad mood.
Stop fucking staring at me, Riddle. And stay out of my head.
He smirked wickedly and finally looked away, taking the prickling sensation along with him.
first post on tumblr after lurking for a year 🫢
i've been a little hyperfixated on the slytherin boys (particularly theo and mattheo) so i thought i'd try out writing a short(ish) fic, but i couldn't be bothered with wattpad (i'm procrastinating finishing a fic on there lol)
i'm also writing this instead of finishing uni assignments that are literally due at the end of the week whoops
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urwhorecrux · 7 months
How would the hp boys handle an argument with their partner?
ft. harry potter, ron weasley, cedric diggory, & draco malfoy.
pairings. harry potter boys x gn!reader.
warnings. fluff, arguing, slight angst.
a/n. if you have any specific harry potter boy you wanna see in my prefrences, request it and i'll add it. <3
word count (all). 1.2k
masterlist. my preferences. send me a request <3.
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He usually keeps his temper calm with you no matter what, but today was different for him. With everyone being on him about Voldemort returning and the daily prophet, he needed your support more than anything.
He couldn't put down that stupid daily prophet, at breakfast he read every single lie that sat on the page. You continiously warned him about it, even suggesting he takes a break from reading it and enjoy a breakfast with you, ron, and hermione, but he resisted. He carried it and read it everywhere he went, hardly ever putting it down.
You attempted to pry it gently from his hands before bed, insisting he take a break and try again tomorrow. Instead, he continued with it, getting slightly defensive towards you.
You continued attempting to take it from him, before he snapped, slightly raising his voice.
Your eyes slowly became glossy, filling with tears. You've never seen him so- bad-tempered. Even with others, he would still be upset yet would cool off before thinking about anything to say.
You quickly gathered your things, rushing out of his dorm before he could say anything to even attempt to apologize for yelling. As you reached your dorm your eyes were red with tears still dripping from the duct of your eyes. You eventually fell asleep, without harry and without a comforting thought of him.
The next morning at breakfast he approached you, with open arms which you avoided.
"Y/n, love please just let me tal-" he was interrupted by you hurridely running off, leaving for hours on before he saw you after school, in the courtyard.
He approached you again in the courtyard, this time with flowers and a letter.
"Y/n, please just-just stay and listen this time", he sat everything next to you, along with himself.
"I really am sorry for the way I acted, I swear I'll never raise my voice at you again, it's not what you deserve."
You inched over towards him, placing a hand on his shoulder and the other cupping his face.
"Haz, it's alright just- put down that stupid prophet when I say so" you giggled.
"I won't even go near it anymore" He smirked, placing soft kisses across your face.
Ron, being stubborn, had argued with you about how he'd constantly been copying your work.
After long quidditch practices he couldn't make the dedication to completely finish all his schoolwork, so he decided to ask you for help one night. Then, that one night turned to a couple days of work, then a full week of work. To the point where he had barely been trying in his classes, relying on you for the work.
Teachers couldn't help but notice, and eventually called you both out on it, getting you both in trouble. That led to Ron continuing to copy your work, no matter what the teachers say.
You tried telling him off for it, insisting that he wouldn't learn that way. But, instead of hearing you out he'd just left, left from your dorm and continued to ignore you for two days.
Two days later, you found him in class, the one he hadn't been going to due to loads of work and worrying about everything except class, and even though he didn't show it, he was still worried about you even though he was the one who stormed out.
After class he found you in your dorm, your roomates cleared out.
"Y/n.. can I come in?" he knocked softly on the door, an innocent look on his eyes.
You nodded, expecting for him to ask for your help again, ignoring the situation where he walked out on you two days ago. Instead he didn't, he spoke softly, "I know i've been slacking off in school, I didn't expect it to be like this though",
"Okay, continue", you stated.
"I wanna make it up to you y/n, I really do. I'll actually try harder and catch up this time, I mean it."
You slightly smiled, not ecxpecting him to actually remember or care to make it up to you, but he did.
Every so often you remembered that Cho was Cedric's ex, and that you weren't the first person to date him. It didn't really get to you, until eventually you saw her desperately trying to get his attention more and more.
When you'd been at Cedric's quidditch matches you seemed to notice you weren't the only one running down to go see him and cheer him on, she was too. After games she always lingered around.
"Cedric, that was great!" she smiled at him, practically drooling over him anytime he did anything.
"Yea, um- thanks." he quickly shrugged, his attention turning back to you.
You let it rest that time, not thinking much of it and not caring that he even talked to her, until the next time she offered to take him out, right after another match.
You knew you could trust Cedric but she was no where near trustworthy.
Later on you found the both of them, her unusually close to his face. You waited a few moments behind a wall, hearing small echos of their voices.
"Ced, please lets just- you know, get back toge-" you interrupted coming from behind the corner, gasping softly.
Cedric looks towards you, attempting to speak up and rush after you, but he knew you were already set off after you saw the two of them together.
The next morning you awoke to an unexpected surprise in your dorm, Cedric smiling down at you.
"Ced, what was that yesterday?" you frowned.
"Love I promise, I want nothing to do with her she just came up to me, I'm all yours just don't be upset" He interlocked his hand with yours, innocent eyes glaring at you.
"It'll never happen again?" you questioned, softly pouting at him.
"Never love, I promise."
With the stress surrounding Draco during his 6th year back, it eventually started to affect you too. You both were most likely always busy, you with the slug club and him with his missions which Voldemort and his father set him on.
He had one coming up that was more than dangerous, a task he'd never done before and couldn't be sure that he would fullfil.
"Dray, you can't do it just tell you father he'd understa-"
You were interrupted by Draco's tone of voice, him lashing out towards you with no regrets it seemed.
You were nearly surprised he'd raise his voice at you, as it nearly never happens but this time it did. Your sight filled with water, you attempted to speak back, but it felt like you just choked. You sit still on his bed, unsure of anything to say.
"I have to go y/n, you don't understand" he scoffed, continuing to pack.
"Dray, please- just please don't do go I really mean it"
He looked to you with glossy eyes, becoming slightly hesitant, he sat next to you, nuzzling his neck into your shoulders.
"Y/n, love, I'm sorry for the way I've been acting it's just-"
"No, I know. Just please don't take this mission, any other one not this one though".
He cupped you cheek gently, nodding his head slightly, holding the mission off.
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thefiery-phoenix · 6 months
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You weren't one to fall for the 'Chosen one' like everyone else. You were a simple person who kept to yourself, no wonder you were sorted into Hufflepuff. But despite your sweet and shy nature you weren't one to take shit from anyone, not even from the so called Slytherin prince Draco Malfoy and his gang of brainless oafs
You'd seen Harry Potter stare at you a couple of times but you didn't really think that much about it. What you soon noticed was that he started showing up everywhere like those moles from those whack a mole game thingies (Muggles you'll know what I'm referring to lol) and you started growing worried. Why was he always showing up everywhere you went? Yet you didn't tell anyone since they'd just call you crazy
But Harry had feelings for you. But those were much deeper and darker than the usual feelings of love people have for each other, he had an obsession, a sick and twisted one too for you. Oh, how his blood boiled whenever he'd see you smiling at someone ESPECIALLY DIGGORY of all people. He just hates it when you smile and talk to Cedric so much. Thank goodness he's dead during the Triwizard Tournament and Harry had to put on an act so he wouldn't appear like a heartless jerk. Maybe you'll fall in love with his sensitive side
His friends Ron and Hermione didn't really want to say anything even when they noticed that most of the time Harry would be using the Marauder's map to stalk you or look at you with a such a lovestruck look on his face like Cupid itself shot an arrow straight through his heart or gritting his teeth and gripping his knuckles so hard till they became white and refraining from hexing someone he didn't like for talking to you, even that git Malfoy too. When he started plotting ways to frame Malfoy for something that's when Hermione drew the line and came clean and told you all about Harry. She also asked you not to mention her name and you agreed
A few days later you received a letter from him asking you to meet him at the Three Broomsticks and your stomach churned with unpleasantness. What could he possibly want from you now? But nevertheless you decided to confront him about his unhealthy behavior and now was the perfect time to do so. You saw him at the Three Broomsticks where he'd ordered Butterbeers for the both of you. You took a sip of yours and didn't say anything yet, wondering what he wanted to tell you. When you heard his love confession pour out for you and he told you stuff like how you completed him ever since his parents were killed and grew up without a family and was neglected by the Dursleys, his relatives.... stuff to make you feel bad
Well it did work but you still ended up rejecting him gently and you ran away. Harry was miserable and furious but he couldn't blame you. He blamed his own stupidity for being too reckless. He should have first eliminated the people close to you THEN he should've offered you a shoulder to cry on. He started following it and you noticed it immediately. That's when you understood that you weren't safe at Hogwarts anymore as long as Harry was there and so you decided to leave for good to another country
Harry was even MORE furious and his heart ached for you. How could you do this to him? He loved you so much! He screamed, yelled, cried in private and heck, even Malfoy these days didn't really feel like messing with him anymore. He was irritated with every single thing, get annoyed at simple things and he vowed that when he'd become an Auror he was going to find you and make you his again for good even if meant he had to use force. But that wasn't really necessary since after the war with Voldemort was over, he needed to get his mind off things for a while and came back into the Muggle world. And that's when he strolled into a mall and saw you with boy around the age of 10 years and a girl who was 9 years old. You referred to them as your nephew and niece to the cashier after you purchased your items from the store you were in and Harry was relieved that you still weren't married yet
Your eye caught his and you attempted to scurry away, feeling uneasy. His heart broke to pieces again, his love was scared of him!? No... he was here now and fate was lucky to give him another chance. This was his chance to amend things and make it right with you. Your nephew and nieces could sense that you were feeling uneasy for some reason and they tried their best to drag you out of the place telling you that they were hungry and didn't really like the food there and they could eat somewhere outside. You were glad for that excuse and you made an attempt to bolt but Harry wasn't having it
He was now allowed to use magic, he was over 17 years old and he could use any type of magic as he pleased. He uttered a spell and the mall suddenly lost all forms of light. You clutched your nephew and niece fearfully telling them to be careful and stay near you. You didn't even have time to grab your wand properly from your pocket since within seconds, someone grabbed your arm, pulled you away from your little niece and nephew and they apparated with you to Merlin knows where. The last thing you remembered before losing consciousness was someone with glasses kissing your forehead gently and saying "Sleep well love, now we have all the time in the world to catch up~"
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archivesofthevoid · 1 year
how the hp boys would react to trans reader suggesting pegging ? xx
Trans FtM!Reader x HP boys + their reaction to pegging
Shaking over this request /pos because ABSOLUTELY
Also I only did the main ones!! If you'd like me to do a part 2 with Seamus, Dean, Oliver, and Cedric just lmk!!
NSFW warning!! Well slightly. Nothing too explicit but it's implied. Also for ALL intents and purposes, ALL HP CHARACTERS I WRITE FOR ARE 18+! Though I would assume that's obvious by now. Just wanted to place a reminder.
Harry: We all know this man is so obviously bisexual. So really if you ask him, he might seem a bit shocked at first but ultimately he like "well,,,," and then he proceeds to think about it for like the next week. Dear Lord please save this man because his classes will be SUFFERING. No one knows what he's thinking about but his brain is obviously not in the room with him. Once he actually TRIES it though? He's into it. Maybe more than he realized-
When you ask: You're both sitting in the Gryffindor common room, probably just doing some assignments to catch up in the week when you just casually pop out the question. This causes him to mess up what he was writing and also spill his bottle of ink on his paper as he looks up at you in shock. "Uh- I'm sorry what did you say?" Oh he heard you. He just didn't think you'd ask such a thing. Que him flushing and trying to come up with the words as you just grin at him fumbling.
Ron: Viktor Krum gave him some kind of awakening, let's be real. SO with that being said, he's definitely thought about it once or twice. Once you suggest it? He's protesting left and right as if he doesn't want to do it but once again, he finds himself thinking about it a bit too much. If he tries it, he'll like it but it's not his favorite in the world per say. He'd rather give than receive yk
When you ask: You're eating breakfast of course. What a classic thing right? Let's say you have a dream about it and just,,, decide to quietly bring it up to Ron who's shoving eggs into his mouth and once you ask there's suddenly VERY loud coughing in the Great Hall. Even Harry and Hermione next to you guys are just like "Bloody hell Ron what is the matter with you??" And the KNOWING SMILE YOU HAVE ON YOUR FACE??? IT'S NOT HELPING HIS CASE HERE-
Fred: oh he's so down. Do you even have to ask? He's definitely thought about it a LOT. Come on this is Fred we're talking about here. Plus I mean he's most likely dated a few guys himself so it wouldn't exactly be foreign to him. So he's naturally nonchalant about it and agrees with it. Though after you ask him he thinks about it to the point he's just like "so are we going to or…" because come on you can't just ask him that and not expect to give him something out of it!! Don't leave our boy hanging here :((
When you ask: He's working on his latest prank in his dorm room while you and him are just chilling together. You're actually behind him, running your hands through his hair and massaging his back but your thoughts were wandering while you were behind him. So you ask if he'd be into pegging. Glancing behind you he watches your face before just going "yeah of course I've thought about it. Why? You offering, love?" And just laughs when you playfully shove him
George: This man goes awfully silent when you ask. But yes he would probably do it in a heartbeat. Whether it's because he wants to please you or because he's curious? That's up for debate. To be fair though he's probably has kissed Lee like once or twice out of curiosity, or at least dated a guy but never really like went anywhere with it. Just be gentle with this man please or else he might explode lmao
When you ask: You're at the library with George, honestly just goofing off and you're supposed to be studying but since when did you guys ever actually do that? So instead you guys decide to just chat around. Though you however get the idea to ask George this whenever you guys start talking about your dating lives and how George says he's been with a guy but not BEEN with a guy. He goes oddly silent. BUT it's kinda clear by the way his face heats up that he's into the idea. You just of course smile sweetly and reassure him that it's okay and you'd be more than happy to help him in to which he gets even FURTHER FLUSTERED but y'know it's a win win
Draco: never in his life has ever even thought about it. Probably doesn't ever consider it. You'd honestly have to beg him for it?? But after enough persuasion and such, he'd give in. He just doesn't want to bottom like that y'know? After living in a toxic masculinity household for his whole life he finds it weird to bottom. HOWEVER if he does, it's a sight to see fr. He's just gotta ease into it but luckily he trusts his lovely boyfriend aka you <33
When you ask: You're sitting on one of the couches in the Slytherin common room and it's oddly quiet because it's the weekend so there's not really anyone there (thankfully bc Draco would kill you if anyone heard you ask him this) when you're looking out the window to the Black Lake and just straight up ask. He full on STOPS reading his book and snaps his head up to you like "w h a t" before you repeat your question but louder. "No no I heard you but why the hell-" and insert you guys kind of arguing over it? But not really. It's just him being in denial and you begging him playfully.
Neville: sighhhh. You're going to have to revive him first because good job man you killed him. Gave him a heart attack right then and there. But to say the least he probably would hesitate to agree as well just because he'd be so self conscious and shy?? But after TONS of reassurance and kisses then yeah he'd agree. Just promise you will keep it between you guys because he does NOT want his friends finding out. He knows the others would tease him for it and he'd actually want to crawl away for a thousand years.
When you ask: You asked when you guys were in your dorm!! You were just cuddling after classes right before dinner, enjoying the time with each other before you had to go be with everyone else (ew gross /j) and you popped the question. When I told you this man almost let out a scream just at your question alone because IT WAS SO SUDDEN?? He then proceeded to hide away in your chest as his whole face and ears turned bright red. He looked like he had the worst sunburn oh my god. You meanwhile were just CACKLING as he was trying to stumble over his words! What even could he say though? Yes?? Maybe?? He didn't even KNOW- eventually he just gave up and waited until he calmed down to try to speak. Though you reassured him over and over the whole time <33 good luck explaining why he's going to be a nervous wreck at dinner though :))
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mrsriddlenott · 1 year
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I just had this random thought of AngryBF!Harry x Fem!reader where she helps him through his anger in many ways.
Warnings: Smut. Anger. Aggressive Sex. Regular 5th year “angst”.
“I just can’t get a break. I went all summer without a scrap of news, I’m behind on all my class work, and now Ron and Hermione seem to think I’m a bloody DADA teacher.” You and Harry sat on the edge of his bed as Harry held his head in his hands ranting. “It was all luck, why cant they get that. It’s not like I have any control over my life and when I’ll be attacked next.”
You and Harry had only been dating since the Yule Ball but were serious nonetheless. When he would need comfort after the death of Cedric Diggory and when no one could properly owl him, you were there. You were the guide that kept him from making too much of a scene, but with Umbridge pushing Harry every second with detention after detention, and denying every part of what happened last year, Harry was on edge even with you.
“Harry, you have to see where they’re coming from don’t you?”
“Not you too! Merlin of all people I thought you’d understand y/n!” Harry snapped often these days, you knew it wasn’t necessarily his words, you just wished he could calm down.
“I do understand Harry, but if I’m not going to be of any help, I’ll just go.”
“No y/n/n, you know thats not what I meant. I just can’t get even a bit of control anymore and it’s driving me mad.” And with that, you suddenly had an idea.
“Well, I can think of ways you can gain control cant you?” At the change in your tone Harry finally lifted his head to see you.
“What are you implying Darling?” His narrowing eyes were already dark with anger and he seemed unable to focus.
“Well I was thinking, next time you’re all strung out like this, you can always come to me. Don’t sit and yell at Umbridge just to get stuck in detention when you could be spending your time with me, Love.”
“Yeah, I like that idea y/n” Harry didn’t take a second to think it over as he seemed to light up with a bright smile, already over his prior annoyances.
At first it wasn’t anything inappropriate, after classes Harry would often storm into your dorm or pull you into his, already yelling about a DA meeting or something Snape or Umbridge did. You’d simply talk and cuddle until he was okay. Eventually Harry realized just how distracting kissing you was and before long would have you pinned to a wall with his lips on your neck at least once a week. When he had noticed how exhilarating it felt to be able to grab you from anywhere in the castle and drag you to his dorm just because he was mad, he simply couldn’t stop. He absolutely adored when you’d let go of control just for him.
And thats how you ended up here, on hands and knees in front of your very angry boyfriend.
“No one ever fucking listens, no one lets me speak…except you of course, hands.” His voice softened as he spoke directly to you. While you laid your hands on your naked back, laying yourself forward onto his bed, Harry took both your hands in one of his as the other lined himself up at your entrance, slowly letting his tip ease into you.
“I have less and less time for myself, I just want to be able to do what I want whenever I want,” Without warning Harry slammed into you fully, pushing himself forward and resting his bare chest on your back, lips next to your ear as he spoke, “That’s you of course.”
“Are you okay still? You remember what to say if you don’t want to continue, yes?” You nodded your head from where it was on his pillow, “Words Darling.”
“Yes, I say Snitch.” You were breathless already as you uncontrollably clenched around him, forcing a sharp sigh from the boy above you.
“Good girl” Harry whispered as he started an unrelenting pace, straightening himself and pushing your abdomen down with his hand on yours.
“You’re perfect y’know that? Bloody perfect stress reliever you are.” He laughed softly as his free hand roamed up and down your side.
He was pounding into you so hard his bed shook and the curtains began to part on their own. The sound of wet skin slapping together and your moans of Harry’s name filled the room.
He drove into you with force you had never felt before, he was quickly forcing you into your orgasm as his pace remained fast and hard against your g-spot.
“Fuck I wann- Ahh Fuck y/n I wanna look at you when I come.” Harry released your hands and held your waist tightly as he flipped you around plowing himself back in as if he never left.
Harry smoothed the hair off your sweaty forehead, keeping eye contact and smiling softly, before bending down to kiss you aggressively on the lips. His and your own moans being drowned by each others lips as he came inside you, your juices mixing as they slid out around him.
“Fuck, I’ve needed this all week,” Harry sighed breathlessly as he rested his head on your chest, not making any attempt of pulling out. As he yawned, you slipped your fingers through his messy hair smiling and breathing heavily, “I love you Harry”
“I love you too Darling”
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desideriumwriter · 3 months
Anyone But You | Chapter 8
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Chapter Summary - Reader makes friends, witnesses the twins failed attempt of putting their names in the goblet, and ends up in a pantry with Fred.
Pairing - Fred Weasley x Fem!Gryffindor!Reader
Category - enemies to lovers
Word Count - 2.0k
Series Masterlist | F.W Masterlist | Previous | Next | Navi
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The days had been going by quickly into your sixth year. The cold fall weather had snuck in and things were going smoother than you expected. 
You’d become good friends with Katie and Angelina (though you wanted to gag whenever she started talking about the twins,), Cedric wasn’t constantly ditching you to chase after Cho, and that bloody cast on your arm was finally gone.
Yesterday the other schools had arrived before the Welcoming Feast. All the boys had their eyes locked on the blue uniformed Beauxbatons girls, while the girls swooned over the Durmstrang boys.
It was Halloween on a Saturday, you would’ve been sleeping in late, but you and Katie promised to go with Angelina to put her name in the Goblet. 
There were already a good amount of people wandering around the Great Hall by the time you got down there, some eating breakfast and some chatting. Katie and you stood back as Angelina dropped her name in, giving her little cheers and applauds as she grinned.
Afterwards, you all went up to the end of the table where most were sitting. Katie asked if anyone had put their names in yet.
“Apparently most of the Durmstrang boys, I’ve only seen one person from here do it, and it was some bloke from Slytherin.” Dean told the table, getting reactions of disgust.
“Well, Angelina just put her name in!” You added in. Everyone turned to look at the chaser.
“Really?” Ron said, an impressed look on his face. 
“Mhm!” Angelina gave a nervous smile, “I just turned seventeen last week.” The group cheered and swiveled in their seats.
"I'm so glad someone from Gryffindor's entering," Hermione looked up, "I really hope you get it, Angelina!" She gave a genuine smile.
Laughter emerged from the entrance of the hall. You turned to see the twins running in, each of them holding up a small potion.
“We’ve done it!” George exclaimed.
“Cooked it up just now!” Fred added on.
“A aging potion!-“
“Just to get us a few months older!”
They high fived students in the crowd that was beginning to assemble around them. Cheering and praising the ginger boys.
They hopped up onto a wooden bench together, shaking up their potions and linked arms.
“Ready Fred?”
“Ready George!” 
“Bottoms up!” They said in unison, popping the corks off the small glass tubes and knocking the liquid back into their mouths.
The room was silent as the boys jumped over the line. You were shocked that it actually worked, so was Hermione, and everyone else in the room. There was a few seconds of complete silence before applause started.
It was silent again as everyone watched them take their pieces of parchment out, carefully dropping them into the blue flames. The room began to cheer and applaud, the twins high fived each other, letting out yells of triumph until it was turned to yells of fear once they were suddenly catapulted away from the Goblet.
They both flew right over the crowd surrounding them and landed ten feet away onto the stone floor. They groaned in pain as they sat up. 
Long white hair and beards sprouted from their faces, they both touched their heads and looked at each other in shock.
“You said!” Fred began.
“You said!” George pointed at his brother, then tackled him, knocking him back down to the ground.
“Yeah, you want a piece of me?” George shouted as they began to roll around wrestling on the floor.
This immediately got another crowd around them, kids began to laugh and chant for them to fight.
“Get off! Or I’ll tear your ears off!” Fred grunted.
You couldn’t hold in your laughter at their childishness and continuous insults being thrown at each other. Eventually, you joined in on the chanting encouraging them to continue on fighting.
“Dragons?” You retorted a bit too loudly. Cedric's eyes went wide like yours, shushing you.
The both of you weren’t supposed to be outside your common rooms. It was nearing midnight and you would’ve never come out this late, but Cedric had sent you an owl, his message looked frantically scribbled down.
Now you stood with him in the kitchen corridors, right outside the Hufflepuff common room entrance.
“Yeah. They’ve got one for each person.”
“What? I don’t- How do you know? They said they wouldn’t tell what the first task was?” You stammered.
“Harry told me, he saw them. The task is to get past them somehow. That’s all I know.” Cedric sighed, running a hair through his hair.
“Cedric, the first task is tomorrow evening!” He shushed you again when your voice echoed throughout the empty corridor. You muttered a small apology and then rubbed your face with your hands.
“Can’t you back out?” They can’t force you to go through with this, right?” You already knew the answer, there was no turning back once your name was chosen, but you didn’t like the idea of your bestfriend going head to head with a dragon.
“What?” He breathed out, “I’m not going to quit! Do you realize how’d that make me look when half of the school is rooting for me?”
“It’d save your life!” You remarked, crossing your arms over your chest.
“I’d look like a coward!” He gawked out. “Listen, I’m sure there will be…precautions so no serious harm is done.” He regained his composure and sighed once again. “Surely they’ll let us use magic, they didn’t weigh our wands for nothing.
“Yeah, but I really don’t like this…” You muttered, staring at your slippers. “It’s dangerous and..what if something goes wrong?” You said hastily, Cedric put a hand on your shoulder, getting you to bring your eyes back to his.
“I’ll be fine, now you go get back to your dorm before Filch comes around.” He let out a breathy laugh, patting you on the shoulder. “Get some sleep, alright?”
“You too, big day tomorrow.” You smiled, both turning to get back to your dorms.
You were quiet as you snuck through the kitchen corridor, casting lumos and using your wand as a dim flashlight. You continued to replay the conversation in your head, you didn’t understand how Cedric could be so calm about it.
“Dragons..” You mumbled to yourself, shuddering at the thought of being face to face with one.
“Sounds like nasty business.” A muffled voice came from the side of you, you pointed your wand to see him sitting on one of the tables, a small plate of scones sat next to him, a half eaten one in his hand.
You let out more of a sigh than a breath of relief at the sight of him. Why is he everywhere?
“The beard’s gone.” You mindlessly stated, looking at his bare face. This is the first time you’ve seen him since he got sent to the hospital wing for a little while after his potion backfired.
“Yep, I've been shaved clean.” Fred said as he took a bite of the scone, “Decided to get myself a celebratory midnight snack.” He raised it up in the air proudly. “Take one for yourself!” He said, picking one off the plate and tossing it to you. Instead of being able to catch it, the pastry hit a very messy and unsteady stack of metal bowls on the counter behind you, causing them to come crashing down.
This just caused a domino effect of bowls falling all over the counter and onto the floor, knocking some plates down as well and causing them to shatter on the floor. The array of loud noises made your eyes flutter with each bang and boom.
Once the 10 second lasting chaos was over, you covered your mouth with both of your hands in shock, turning to Fred with wide eyes. His jaw had dropped too, but you could see the way the ends of his mouth began to curve upwards, this only boiled your blood. 
You were going to tell him off for being the most childish, reckless, dumbass boy you’ve ever-
“Who’s there?” The raspy voice of Filch called out from further down, your head whipped to the direction you could hear the quick patter of footsteps coming towards you.
Soon enough Fred’s hands were grabbing onto your arms, pulling you into a pantry, saying a quick spell that restacked all the bowls and fixed the broken plates, then shut the door. 
The pantry was incredibly small. Fred and you stood facing towards each other, you could still see very faintly his face in dark space, your chests were nearly touching as the both of you breathed heavily. It felt strange, it wasn’t a bad strange. It was just…strange.
“Your cast's gone.” He whispered, his hand was still holding yours. You weren’t holding his, nor were you paying attention to what he was saying, too focused on the thought of getting caught by Filch.
His hold on your hand was loose, it was gentle. He rubbed his thumb back and forth over the back of your hand, he did it so smoothly, so sweetly, it felt almost soothing. But, you’d never admit that.
“You’ve got really soft skin.” He thought out loud, it took you a second to actually realize what he just said.
“What?” You stared at him, a door slammed open in the kitchen before Fred could say anything, he just put a finger over his lips, signaling you to shush.
You both waited and watched as a small slit of warm light passed through the doors cracks. Filch muttered something about ghosts then left, listening as the old lantern he always carried swung as he walked off.
You let out a breath of relief once any sign of him was gone. 
“I’m always saving you from some trouble.” Fred broke the silence, you hated how you could still see that cocky grin on his face. 
“You’re always getting me in it.” You seethed, ripping your hand out of his grasp and pushing out the door. Fred followed.
“How is it my fault? I’m not the reason you’re down here in the first place.”
True. But if he was able to not be the loudest and cause messes everywhere he went maybe you would’ve never been nearly caught.
“What’d you come down here for anyways?” Fred questioned as he leaned against the wooden table he was originally on. You were a bit hesitant to answer, hoping you wouldn’t make anything look suspicious between Cedric and you.
“Cedric needed to talk to me.” You shrugged, not missing how Fred's face twisted at Cedric being mentioned. You narrowed your eyes at his reaction.
“Oh come on, he’s not all that bad. You’re just still sour about losing to him in last year's match.” You let out an amused laugh, you were just teasing him, giving him a taste of his own medicine. But when Fred scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest, it seemed as if he was still hung up on that.
Was he really?
“You’re not…” You began to grin in disbelief, “You’re still mad about that?” Fred tried to mutter out a ‘no’ in response but you just chuckled at it.
“He offered a rematch! Practically begged for one! You know that!” You gawked at him, you knew Fred wasn’t actually upset at Cedric, he was upset that Gryffindor lost cause Cedric grabbed the snitch that time.
“Yeah I know…whatever, what’s little loverboy Cedric got you down here at this time of night for?” You rolled your eyes at the nickname.
“None of your business.” You copied his pose, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Was he telling you about the dragons?” He smirked, your face dropped, now looking at him in shock.
“How did you…” You trailed off, he did hear you mumbling originally, maybe he just connected the dots. Maybe he was listening in on your conversation with Cedric. Maybe-
“You’re not very good at whispering.” He said with a blank face. You closed your eyes and let out a heavy breath, drowning in embarrassment.
“Don’t be so hard on yourself. I’ve known for weeks.” Your eyes shot open, you looked straight at him. Fred already knew what you were about to ask, your baffled expression already said enough.
“You think they can bring giant fire breathing creatures here and expect George and me not to find out? Especially when they had my older brother bring them here?”
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tell me what you thought! or ask tba to the taglist for this series! <3
TAGLIST: @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @five-seconds-flat @nal-leo-17 @rhunew @albertdabuttler @weak-aesthetic @whotfskai @m00nymarauder @miaandthediamonds @hpstuff244444 @tarzanathetumblingwarrior @isabellavolere @navs-bhat @honeybee240
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fa-headhoncho · 2 years
Unlike The Rest: Gits
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(Eventual) George Weasley x Malfoy!Reader
Prompt: The announcement of the Tri-Wizard tournament creates drama.
Word Count: 1894
Reader: Female
Warning: None
Author’s Note: Where are all the George Weasley fanfics? I'm back in my HP phase and I've already read all of them. AO3 too. This was written before I fell off the face of the Earth too so no promises my skills are up to par.
Series Masterlist
You let out a chuckle as you watch the boys become mesmerized. The ladies of Beauxbatons let out sighs and dreamy looks as they parade down the center of the Great Hall. They were indeed angel-like creatures but the reaction was a bit overdramatic. The boys are drooling, hooting, and standing. It was quite entertaining, honestly. You take a glance over at the Gryffindor table, the look on Ron’s face sends you into fits of giggles.
Next, the boys of Durmstrang come through the doors. Well, men of Durmstrang. Whatever is in their water in the north, you need it here. The men are doing flips, twisting their staffs and it’s very entrancing. This time, the girls are the ones drooling. They were, indeed, very attractive. What catches you off guard, though, is the last two people who enter.
Viktor Krum and Igor Karkaroff.
Your mouth opens slightly, staring at the two. Viktor Krum was a legend himself, just recently coming out of the Quidditch World Cup. You honestly didn’t realize how young he was. There are whispers and gasps echoing throughout the room. But, you’re not focused on him. 
Igor Kararoff was known for all the wrong reasons. You’ve heard his name whisper throughout your household for a few months now. Doing some research during the first few months back at school, you’ve learned his history. He was a Death Eater, being one of the ones who were sent to Azkaban. He was only pardoned because he gave up the names of his fellow Death Eaters. Maybe he was a changed man, but with the attack that just happened, you were still a bit nervous that he was here.
“Oi, looks like (Y/N) has her eye on someone.” Alfred points out causing the guys around you to sound off while the girls go straight to whispering. Cedric just laughs and shakes his head at his friends, the idea humoring him. “Malfoy and Krum, an interesting pair that would be.” He continues, you roll your eyes at their assumptions.
Switching your focus from the performance, you look past them to the Gryffindor table once again. Ron had a starstruck expression on her face while Hermione had a glare, you were glad to see she recognized the former Deatheater as well. Scanning further, a particular redhead duo catches your eye.
The twins were in deep conversation, Fred gesturing adamantly as George hung his head in defeat. You furrow your eyebrows, wondering what they were talking about to make George so uncharacteristically shy. He then raises his chin slightly, making eye contact with you and panicking. He quickly hits his brother on the shoulder before gesturing towards you. Fred turns and smirks, saying something to him before sending you a goofy wave and forcing George to send one too. It causing you to let out a giggle before smiling back at them.
Cedric watches the whole thing, noticing the small blush that comes onto your face when you made eye contact with the taller ginger. He shakes his head fondly at you, “I’m sure you already have eyes on someone particular.” He slyly comments and nods his head toward the said person. 
A small smile appears on your face as you shake your head at him. Cedric knew of your crush on George and loved to tease you about it. He was the first to figure it out and the first to point out anything remotely flirtatious that went on between the two of you. He was a cheerleader for the complicated relationship you had with the ginger, supporting your continuous breakdowns about him over the years.
And, oh, were there many.
Without realizing it, you were absently staring right at George as you thought about the time you realized you had a crush on him. It was back in fourth year, Fred and Lee had disappeared in the crowd on the way to Hogsmeade so it left the two of you alone. You spent the whole day together, laughing and having fun. You didn’t even remember your two friends who abandoned you in the first place.
When you came back tothe dorms, you found Cedric sitting in the common room with a muggle book in his lap. He chuckled as you nervously blurted out your newly discovered feelings about the ginger, relieved that you finally figured it out.
A small smile tugs at the corner of your lips, looking back on the fond memory. George turns his head and makes eye contact with you once again. You share a dumb smile before he sends a wink your way. Cedric lets out a booming laugh when you start getting flustered. Your face flames up and you turn away, mumbling stuff under your breath about how unfair it was to be that attractive.
Cedric sets a gentle hand on your shoulder, patting it comfortingly. You let out an exasperated sigh and fall into his chest, “He’s going to be the death of me, Cedi.”
“I’m sure you’ll die happy then.”
The castle already felt overcrowded with the extra bodies and they haven’t even been there for twelve hours; the rush back to the dorms after the announcement last night was ridiculous. You almost got trampled over three different Durmstrang hoards. You weren’t as lucky as Collin Creevey, poor boy got crushed by a sea of Beauxbeatons girls.
The great hall was surprisingly empty for having the additional schools being there. Most people were either showing their new friends around, sleeping in, or waiting around the cup to see who has the bravery to put their name in. It was nice to have a break from the chaos that occurred in such a short amount of time.
The twins immediately spot you once you walk through the doors of the Great Hall as if they’ve been waiting for you all morning. They wave you over, the mischievous smiles on their faces make you want to turn around and pretend you never came down here.
The boys separate and make room for you on the bench, allowing you to sit in your unspoken designated spot between the two. “Good morning, boys.” You mumble a greeting before reaching for a pancake.
“Well, don’t you look rather ravishing today?” Fred compliments once you're settled with a plate full of food. “Doesn’t she, George?”
“I’ve never been graced with anyone more beautiful in my presence.” He dreamily says, gently pushing a piece of hair out of your face. You freeze in confusion, the dry pancake hanging out of your mouth as their words process in your tired brain. Ravishing? You were still in your pajama pants and sweatshirt that you were certain was your brother’s. Beautiful? Your hair was in disarray, more strands were out of your ponytail than in it by this point.
This wasn’t out of character for George, but Fred? You couldn’t recall the last time he complimented a sweater you wore. Realization washes over you when you put the two together...
“What do you two gits want?” You spit out and going back to your food. Fred lets out his infamous offended scoff, pressing a hand to his chest which makes you roll your eyes. You stab at the breakfast at your plate as you wait for them to answer. They silently communicate over your head, sending each other looks and mouthing words. “Just let it out, will ya.”
“So, we’ve been thinking--”
“--That’s never good--” You immediately quip while looking over the rim of your cup, hiding the smile that appears when Fred rolls his eyes.
“We, the brave and daring Gryffindors we are, would like to enter the Triwizard tournament.” The older ginger announces and you to choke on the pumpkin juice. “So, we are trying to make an age potion. We have the base of the potion but we are having trouble with the rest.” He pulls out a muggle notebook and a pencil, a list of the ingredients and directions ripped out of a book taped to it. “So, we need your expertise.”
“Are you guys mental?” You immediately scold, an onslaught of worrying thoughts flooding your brain. “There is no reason for the two of you to put your name in that cup. You would be risking your lives for what? Get your name out there? People already know the people behind the outrageous pranks.”
Fred opens his mouth to defend himself but is cut off by you continuing your ranting. You were absolutely fuming at them. How could they put themselves in danger like this? People knew who they were and they shouldn’t risk their lives for a dumb prize. “You guys aren’t even old enough to put your name in the cup, why do you think you could win it if you even got in the damn thing?”
“And Cedric can?” Fred dares to challenge you. The grip on your cup tightens at the mention of Cedric planning to put his name in the cup. You honestly didn’t want him to but you knew if he got picked he would kick ass. He’s excelled at all his classes and he has shown how talented he can be. Cedric wanted to volunteer for the challenge, not the rewards.
“Cedric has been at the top of our class since first year. He’s proven himself worthy on many occasions and has the mental capacity to handle the challenges they put him through. You two are not Cedric.” You simply state, voice scarily steady. It’s not that you didn’t think they had the skill to survive, it’s just that you were scared to lose them. Yea, you were scared to lose Cedric as well, but you knew his passion would perceive above all. “What do you guys even want to be in it for?”
“The money.” Fred instantly answers, you let out a scoff. You knew their dreams of opening a joke shop but risking their lives when there was an easier way to do that was not the way to go.
“You guys are so stupid.” You shake your head and get up out of your seat. You couldn’t stand to be in the same room in fear that you would snap and say something you would regret later. “I can’t believe you two would risk your lives for a little bit of cash.”
“We don’t have money as you do, Malfoy, so I don’t even want to hear it.” Fred has the audacity to continue the argument as George stares down at his food. “Some of us have to work harder to afford what we want.”
You physically flinch at his direct insult to your family. It takes you back to the time your first year when the feud between the three of you was at its peak. It made your blood boil, “Well, Weasley, don’t come crying back to me when you’re on your deathbed because you use the last two of your combined brain cells to enter yourself in the most dangerous competition in Wizarding history.” And with that, you turn on your heel and storm down the aisle. A few people’s heads turn your way but you don’t pay mind to them. It was a matter of life or death when it came to the Tri-Wizard tournament and those two numb skulls didn’t see the severity of it.
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peachpety · 9 months
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Upon reflecting this past year, I’m reminded of one area as a fandom citizen that i am lacking - reading fic. And so was born an idea to canvas my fandom family and friends to share with me a fic they've written, art they've created, a podfic they've recorded in 2023 of which they are most proud.
This two part 'rec yourself' list is the result.
Part One features Drarry creations (heavily featured since that's my OTP). Part Two (here) includes a kick-ass mix of various HP ships and ships from other fandoms, including Carry On, Check Please!, Good Omens, Teen Wolf, and Stranger Things. Also, and most importantly, each entry presents a smol blurb from the creator about why they chose their particular piece as their 2023 favorite.
For ease in reading, I've also placed all submitted works posted to AO3 into a filterable bookmark collection, Rec Yourself 2023. Be aware that there's a range of ratings and archive/creator tags, so please, take appropriate responsibility for your personal consumption. And please also be sure to shower the creators with kudos and lovely comments.
Y'all. This endeavor has been a fucking blast. One thing's for sure, I am blessed, humbled and honored to know a whole bunch of fantastic, brilliant, fun folks. Big love to you all, and thank you for participating.
So go forth. Indulge and enjoy! xo peach
* * *
✩ @pato-roldnart ✩ Quiet as a mouse HP | Viktor Krum x Ron Weasely | ART | G rating | Unleashed!Fest 2023 I'm quite proud of this one, I don't know how I made it, I had never drawn them before! My mind went full "oh yeah ronvik " Also, I like the idea of them bonding over their pets and Ron seeing that Viktor cares about something else that is not Quidditch.
✩ @tontonguetonks ✩ Coffee and a Croissant HP Next Gen | Scorpius x Albus | 903 FIC | G rating There are parts of myself and my lived experience in every story and character I write—how I socialize, how I take my coffee… I can’t help it. In *Coffee and a Croissant*, I put a lot of myself in my ace and autistic Albus. He is very dear to me in this story, and in my Fizzy Lifting Drinks drabble. The fic is just a toe-dip in the Soulmate waters where Albus grapples with what to do if he is someone’s Soulmate, but they’re not his. Parts 2 and 3 are in the works, but there is no timeline on either of them. Maybe in 2024?
✩ @crazybutgood ✩ I Bloom Pink For You HP | Narcissa Malfoy x Pansy Parkinson | 993 FIC + ORIGAMI COMIC | M rating | HP Bodice Ripper Fest 2023 This whole idea came about because I got so excited to fold a corset for hp bodice ripper fest, realised I couldn't just submit that one thing, and started brainstorming more loose ideas. It all clicked together when I was inspired by a fic by @schmem14, whose writing I adore. I was so grateful and even more excited when Em gave permission to make this. From there started the self-indulgent process of folding fancy things with fancier papers for this origami comic, and I couldn't have done it without Em and my lovely support team.
✩ @seekercass ✩ Something Cosmic HP | Cedric x Draco x Harry | 1.7k FIC | M rating | Polyship Week 2022 A self-rec that I am still extremely proud of is a short fic written for Polyshipping Week 2022 called Something Cosmic. It's a small coda to Something Good to Always Keep, another fic that I wrote for Quidditch Fest 2021 that I cherish very much. Even though writing is still hard for me these days, I often think about this 'verse and what life is like for Harry, Draco and Cedric after they graduated from Oxford. These three and slice of life bring me such joy. I hope to write more of them.
✩ @roseharpermaxwell ✩ Sounds Worth It HP | Hermione x Draco | 5k FIC | T rating | D/Hr Advent 2023 Being nominated for d/hr advent was a sweet surprise. It gave me a good excuse to remember how to write and the nudge I needed to create something this year.
✩ @basicallyahedgehog ✩ (They) Keep Me Warm HP | Hermione x Harry x Ron | 5.8k FIC | E rating | HP Trans Fest 2023 This was my transfest fic - I wrote it as a love letter to all my trans and Enby friends and as a way of processing some of my own feelings. It’s my first (and so far only) foray into poly golden trio and I loved playing with their dynamics with that added layer to their relationship.
✩ @lumosatnight ✩ For I Have Found Salvation HP | Harry x Severus | 7.1k FIC | E rating | Snarry AUctoberfest 2023 Although this is a smut fic at its core, I tried really hard to make the pacing flow, bringing in background characters, and creating memorable imagery. I am very proud of how it turned out. However, this is probably my favorite fic from 2023 simply for the fact that I had the most fun writing it!
✩ @sugareey-makes-stuff ✩ Feel You Breathing Teen Wolf | Derek Hale x Stiles Stilinski | 8.4k TEXTING FIC | E rating | 2023 Year of the OTP This is my fav 2023 piece because I learned how to create a custom text message AO3 skin, stylize things for plain text reading, and I wrote a whole story  that had some plot that was told through text messages. Also, I did not know I could achieve so much spiciness and throw in so many bad pick-up lines through this medium, but hey, the more you know! XD
✩ @schmem14 ✩ Mastermind HP | Harry x Ron; Draco x Harry; Ron x Draco | 10.7k FIC | E rating | Dronarry Fest 2023 This is one of the few times a story just flew out of me. Possessive stalker Draco sets out to win over Ron in this creepy thriller, but there’s a catch: Ron is already in love with Draco’s boyfriend, Harry.
✩ @drwhoisginnyholmes & @fledglinger ✩ Not Bad, For A 6000 Year Old Classic! Good Omens | Aziraphale x Crowley | 11.8k FIC + ART | E rating | DIWS Reverse! Reverse! Mini Bang
✩ @sniperjade ✩ The Sounds of Us HP Marauders | Regulus x Remus | 20.4k FIC | M rating | Remus Lupin Fest 2023; HPFC Spring Fling 2023 I've been thinking about this for a couple of days and whilst I would really love to say it was the drarry I wrote for this fest last year my favourite would have to be this moonseeker I wrote for Remus Lupin Fest last year. It's my favourite because I lived this fic. It became the entirety of my personality for a whole month because I desperately needed to get to the chapter where Regulus was riding on Padfoots back, through the forbidden forest, with only the light of the full moon to guide them, just to try and help Remus. It's also just because it's very musical and I'm very musical so that makes me love it all the more.
✩ @ghaniblue ✩ Sleeping With Ghosts HP | Regulus x Draco x Harry | 21.9k FIC | M rating | Harry Potter Rare Pair Fest IV I posted a Regulus/Harry/Draco fic last month that I'm very fond of. I started writing it more than 1 1/2 years ago, before I ever read a single Regulus fic. It's triad fic, and I'm pretty proud of the way the individual relationships develop. That was important to me, and I think I succeeded. Posting the first fic on ao3 with this triad tag doesn't hurt either.
✩ @celilasart & @wolfspurr ✩ Shifted Teen Wolf | Derek Hale x Stiles Stilinski | 25k FIC + ART | T rating | Sterek Reverse Bang This work was created for sterek reverse bang, a collaboration fest where the artists create first and the writers write second. wolfspurr and I just clicked when we talked about my art and the things that it inspired in their writer brain ;D the result is just an amazingly sweet and wholesome fic, that is still set in the teenwolf universe as we know it. but unlike many other fics which are full of violence and danger, this one starts with a bang and then it is a beautifully woven story of two people who just complete each other. also... the working title for my art was: tiny fox & sour wolf.
✩ @orange-peony ✩ At the speed of light Carry On | Basilton Pitch x Simon Snow | 26.3k FIC | E rating I picked [this fic] because I had a lot of fun writing it! It started off as a drabble and ended up 26k because I just had a blast writing it and the fandom support was so lovely. Last but not least, Pato made an absolutely stunning art piece for this fic, and it was the best present ever.
✩ @wynnyfryd ✩ i don’t know, you figure it out Stranger Things | Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson | 35.4k WIP FIC | E rating bragging about yourself is difficult, but i’ll just say it’s my favorite because i’m proud of myself for sticking to one project for this long, i love all the artwork the fic has inspired, and i just think the line “the river styx must taste like pennies” fucks severely lmao.
✩ @decaflondonfog ✩ growing pains Check Please! | Eric Bittle x Kent Parson | 50k FIC | T rating i am not usually a long fic gal, which i think is in part lack of patience, but also how attached i get to a universe if i’m working on it for a longer period of time. i finished writing this back in june but this fic felt very “me” in many ways and i think about them so often still  so it’s definitely my 2023 creation i’m proudest of!
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missriddle03 · 1 year
➪𝗕𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝘁𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘀-mattheo riddle x fe!m reader
➪𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗺𝗽𝘁𝘀- mattheo gets kidnapped and forced to see videos of his deas girlfriend but it isn't what it seems
➪𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀- angst cause i felt like it
➪𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱- 10 mins and 45 seconds-average time
➪𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁-1.8k
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Mattheo was sitting in his bed thinking of y/n and remembering them before it all went dark. Once he had opened his eyes he had noticed an old friend that he and y/n had taken a liking to, was watching him.
“Tell me what actually happened to y/n” he told Mattheo. His name was Jordan and had been y/n’s friend for years. “I told you all I know” Jordan didn’t believe him so he ended up punching him.
Mattheo would have hit him back but his legs and hands were tied with rope on a chair. “Let me go” he tried escaping but it was no use. “You put yourself in this” Jordan told him with a smirk.
Mattheo had no idea what he would do but he didn’t want to think of y/n. He didn’t answer him but saw Jordan grab a remote and turned the tv on. Jordan got out his wand and penetrated Mattheo’s mind. Small bright pictures began showing up on the screen. Pictures of y/n and videos were playing of her too.
It was a bright sunny day as the sun shone down onto both of them. “Hey I’m y/n, nice to meet you” she said waving to Mattheo. “Mattheo, Mattheo Riddle” he expected her to run away screaming but instead she stood there smiling. “Have you had a nice day?” “Besides everyone freaking out at me then yeah, suppose”
Y/n was scribbling away at a small potions test that she couldn’t understand. “I can’t do this,” she muttered. Mattheo was sitting next to her and noticed how tense she was. “The answer is dragon heart and phoenix tear” he whispered to her. “Thanks”
“Do you think if there is an actual heir of Slytherin that’s opened the chamber?” Y/n asked Mattheo as she started reading some books about potions. “Maybe, I’m not believing anything till I see solid proof” he simply told her. Harry,Ron and Hermione were frantically running and splashing in the water and soon the teachers were rushing over..again. “There’s your proof, Riddle” she said before turning away.
“Mr Riddle please come this way” McGonagall had told Mattheo, taking him out of his lesson.”Now, this may be a shock” she said, guiding him into the infirmary. His jaw dropped realising that y/n was petrified on the hospital bed, Her hands were reading a book that was labelled ‘history of Hogwarts’ and her face looked like she had only just lifted up her head. “She was facing a mirror, take your time Mr Riddle” she said before leaving Mattheo sitting next to the frozen y/n.
“Those dementors scare the living daylights out of me” y/n laughed. “Well as long as they're doing their job I’m not bothered”. It was lunchtime as they were all gathered in the hall. “Do you think they’ll catch him? Sirius I mean” Mattheo thought about her question before responding. “I mean they have to”
The quidditch match wasn’t a great idea considering the fact there was a massive rain and lightning problem. “They honestly shouldn’t be letting them do this but it’s fun to watch” y/n said cheering people on. “It really is,” he agreed looking at y/n.
“Who are you hoping to win?” y/n asked Mattheo as they both were cleaning out their dorms but y/n came to help Mattheo clean his. “I’m not bothered who wins. Have you heard about the yule ball?” he asked. “Of course I have, why?” Y/n tied her hair into a bobble as a quick thing to stop her hair going into her face. “I was wondering if you wanted to go with me” y/n stopped doing everything. “Are you serious?” “You don’t have to-” “I would love to go”
“Oh my god, Theo someone’s dead” y/n told him as the body of Cedric was laying on the field. “It’s Voldemort, he’s back” Harry yelled. Y/n knew this was a sensitive subject as her best friend was the son of him. “Theo, ignore it” she held his hand to comfort him even though she knew she wasn’t great at comforting someone.
“Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. It’s said to smell different to what attracts them” Hermione explained to Professor Slughorn. Y/n was talking with Mattheo about how he was now a player for quidditch until Professor Slughorn stopped them. “Y/n, Mattheo why don’t you come up and test this Amortentia” They knew they had no choice so they unwillingly walked over. “I smell vanilla and watermelon” Mattheo said, causing the other girls fawning over him to back away. “I smell..a cologne and,uh, cigarettes” y/n placed her hand on her arm and went to the back of the class distancing herself from Mattheo. They both knew he had smelt her and she had smelt him.
Mattheo was playing quidditch with his big supporter, y/n, cheering him on. “YOU CAN DO IT THEO!” she yelled as he scored a goal and massive cheers and claps flooded everyone’s head. “150 points to Slytherin” the commentator said. “100 points to Ravenclaw” the golden snitch zoomed past Mattheo as he told his teammate where it was. “SLYTHERIN HAS WON”. Afterwards, a small slytherin party was held for congratulations. “You know, you did better than I thought you would” y/n told him as he rolled his eyes. They shared glances as y/n noticed his eyes going from her left eye to her right and then to her lips. They both stepped in front of each and planted a kiss on each other’s lips.”Will you be my girlfriend?” he asked as she immediately nodded.
“Are you hiding something from me Theo?” she asked him as she started noticing his strange behaviour. “What do you mean?” “You keep skiving lessons, disappearing for days on end and not telling me where you’ve been. And I swear I’ve seen you going somewhere with Draco and pretending like you don’t even know what I’m on about” she felt relieved to let it all out. “I can’t tell you” “Yes you can, because I’m just going to think the worst. Like you fancy someone else or you’ve joined a cult or you hate me or something even worse like-” “I'm a death eater okay!” he blurted as y/n’s face dropped. “Are you serious?” He pulled up his sleeve to show the dark mark. “Why didn’t you tell me?” “I was afraid you’d hate me” he muttered more to himself than to y/n. She didn't yell at him, she didn't do anything but one thing she did do was hug him. Tightly. "I don't care, I just wanna know that you're okay"
Dumbledore's dead body plummeted to the ground causing alarm to anyone. The glass chandeliers smashed by Bellatrix as y/n and the other pupils started forming around what had happened. Y/n stood there noticing Mattheo with all the bad people. "why?" she mouthed, he bowed his head down as they all apparated away. "good god" she whispered.
"Have you seen Mattheo?" Hermione asked y/n as she stood their with Ron and Harry. "No I haven't" she coldy said. "Do you have an idea-" "No I don't! If I did I wouldn't be sitting here in Hogwarts" she yelled causing attention to herself. "Now please leave me alone" she said picking up her books and heading to her dorm. Pictures of them both were stuck to her wall so like a spitefull person she ripped them off the wall.
Voldemort and his followers stood in the grounds of Hogwarts as Mattheo came into view. Y/n rushed over so he could see her "You are such an asshole" she told him. Mattheo stood by his hand for a second till he decided to run over to her. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I had no choice" he was begining to panic. "Yeah well I still care for you no matter what you do" they both slightly laughed and it eased the tension. "My boy has gone soft has he?" they heard him say. "I rather be soft than be like you" he told Voldemort. He got out his wand and yelled "Crucio!" y/n was sent on the floor screaming in pain. "Father stop it, now!" indeed his father did stop using crucio but on one condition. "Kneel to me son" Mattheo lowered his leg onto the ground and bowed down to him. His wand was twisting about in his hand before he yelled a spell unleashing mayhem and Harry leapt out of Hagrid's arms. "Run!" Mattheo told y/n as she began disarming the witches and wizards. Mattheo was running with her before one of Voldemort's followers followed them both. They were getting close to a ledge that none of them wanted to fall down."How dare you disrepect the dark lord over a silly little girl" he cast a spell sending y/n falling down the abyss. "Avada kedavra" he said killing the man. She was holding onto Mattheo's hand. "Let go, you'll be okay" he kept shaking his head. "You can't hold on, I love you" "I love you too" she let go off his hand as she plummeted into the ocean.
"What did you want to get out of this?" Mattheo asked Jordan. "To know the truth about how she lived oh sorry I mean died" Jordan said. Mattheo gave him a puzzled expression before he pressed onto his arm and two men, tall and scruffy, stood with a girl in the middle with shoulder length hair. "Y/n?" he asked as his tears were mixing in with the blood from the punch. "Theo?". "I thought you died, I saw it" the blood dripped onto the floor and y/n's stomach churned. "Well turns out I almost did but Jordan sorta saved me. So, I wanted to go to you but me and Jordan had a deal so I couldn't"
Mattheo's eyes darted from Jordan to the guys and then to y/n. "You didn't even send me an owl or anything to let me know that you were alive. I was fucking hurting thinking it was all my fault when in reality you just lied, for months" Jordan was watching from afar "come on boys let's leave em to it" he said before they apparated away. "I did try to send an owl to you but my owl sent it back so of course I thought the worst. Jordan told me he went on a search to find you but said he couldn't" she explained. Mattheo couldn't pinpoint why she couldn't just tell him she was alive to save him from all the guilt and grief. "You could have told me that day but you didn't" "I was unconscious and thought I did die until I woke up and saw Jordan looking after me"
Y/n untied Mattheo from the ropes and let him stand up "I won't forgive myself for not telling you" "yeah well I still care for you no matter what you do" they couldn't help themselves from smiling. "I'm just glad you're okay, I still love you" "I still love you too"
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acciocriativity · 2 years
Worth the pain - Part of the Soulmate series
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Pairing: soulmate! Harry Potter x soulmate! reader
Genre: hurt/comfort
Warnings: mentions of insecurities, a lot of physical pain and Cedric's death; Umbridge
WC: 4,3 k
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Harry Potter Masterlist
Flower Shower - George Weasley - part of the Soulmate series
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There was only a single thing Umbridge couldn't taint with her evil reign, and she did not appreciate that one bit.
Our class was full of students with brand-new soulmate marks, with a few yet to complete 15 years and get theirs. Of course, we couldn't talk about it during class as much as every other topic, but the glow, the giddiness, the small smile on the lucky one's face must have been too much for her. It was getting to much for me.
In the middle of our useless lesson, when everyone was quiet reading or pretending to do so, she suddenly stood up and cleared her throat.
"I see that some of you now have your soulmate mark, so I offer you a generous advice", she said with her forced happy smile.
I bet not a single soul here believes she has something useful to say.
"I bet she doesn't even have one", I hear a small whisper behind me.
I straightened my back.
There were venom in those words, like she doesn't deserve a soulmate being the evil witch she truly is.
But then, why don't I have one?
I throw that thought under the others, much sadder ones. It was not place nor time for this.
"Something as useless as a soulmate mark should not get in the way of your studies. Your OWLS are coming, and I won't tolerate a poor performance in this class, is that understood?"
Again, silence.
"Good, you may keep with your reading", she said, and started to walk through our tables.
Right after Umbridge passed by my side, a note slid inside my unrolled parchment, and I knew it was from the girl, who was quietly working by my side.
This was one of the few classes I had with her, as a Ravenclaw. Still, we were on the same year, and we have known each other since the first DADA class.
As soon as we got out, she tapped my shoulder and waited by the corridor, where her other fellow Gryffindor friends were waiting.
"What was in the note?", I asked her.
"An invitation", a known voice spoke behind me.
"What kind of invitation?", I turned to speak to him, Harry Potter.
In all honesty, he wasn't as impressive as people made him to be all those years back. His presence wasn't particularly striking nor intimidating. What he did in those few years, that was quite impressive, yes.
As I looked at him at that moment, I concluded again that there was no way he was lying about Cedric. He carried that pain in his eyes, even when he was smiling, like now.
"The details are in there, but if you don't wish to participate, give it back to me at dinner", Hermione whispered to me.
When it wasn't with this trio? The interesting part however, it was the first time I was ever included, and it was intriguing to say the least.
They were unapproachable together, it was easy to just talk to Hermione or even Ron occasionally, but I've never seen Harry alone.
"Alright, I'm going to consider it", I said with a small smile and left them there.
A secret chamber and a secret reunion. I was curious, and I couldn't lie to myself, it was flattering to be included in their group.
Still, the amount of trouble this simple invitation could cause...
When dinner time came, and I didn't give it back, they knew my answer. So when I went to the 7th floor, Hermione was already waiting for me, alone, in the corridor.
"Sign your name here", she gave me a paper and a feather ready to be used.
We trained in pairs that night, one attacking and the other blocking. Sometimes I wasn't fast enough, still, when I laid in bed hours later, I barely felt my arms, legs and feet, the dull pain was numbing.
Did Umbridge do such a good job that I forgot how to make such simple spells? Am I that out of shape?
It was an odd kind of pain, sometimes it was too much I couldn't stand, other times, I could barely feel it, like it was about to disappear any moment.
It wasn't the first time I felt that way, but it was the first time it was that bad.
I thought it would be better soon, if I could just get a good night of sleep... Of course, I couldn't, for days I couldn't.
Is this some sort of sick prank?
I thought about it in the middle of the night. The answer was a headache. That specific spot on the right side of my temple kept me awake.
It reminded me of my birthday, only a few days ago. I also couldn't sleep that day, too excited to receive my soulmate mark. I didn't even notice the sunrise, wide awake and disappointed, because the only thing I received was a dull pain in my wrist.
The letter my mother sent was still between my books. She was so excited to hear about my soulmate mark and my thoughts of who it could be. I didn't dare to send an answer.
Suddenly the room was too heavy for me, too dark and too cold. I needed to get out of there, and so I did.
I tiptoed to the empty Common Room, and I felt like the statue of Rowena Ravenclaw was judging me from across the room. Yeah, she had it worse, didn't even meet her soulmate and her daughter was murdered, everyone knew that. Her story was what everyone wanted to avoid at all costs, and I was getting too close for comfort.
I eyed the main door for a moment. I already broke so many rules tonight, what was the problem in breaking one more just for today? As I saw Rowena's statue one more time, I made up my mind and quietly got out.
It was stupid to stay still in the corridor, but it was what I did for a bit.
Where could I go? The monitors could catch me anywhere, or the nosy paintings could snitch on me anytime.
I got chills as I walked carefully through the cold corridors. The windows were all open, and I was thankful to live so high up for the first time ever since I arrived at Hogwarts, because then I felt something else than self-pity and pure pain.
They warned me tonight, this room just ever appeared to one who truly needed it, and it wasn't wise to search for it, as it wouldn't be there anymore. It changed locations. Still, I couldn't go back to bed and endure the pain alone again. I couldn't. I needed some comfort for once, was that to much too ask?
As I turned left to reach the stairs, a strange woody door appeared in the wall and I held in a squeal. I looked around, my breath the only thing I could listen to. So I got in and the warmth made some tears appear in the corner of my eyes.
It was perfect inside.
The room wasn't big. There was a lit fireplace in the corner and two big red chairs in a safe distance from it. The rest of the room was heavily decorated with brown bookcases, a comfy cream carpet and many paintings in a gold frame. I looked through each of them. Some were families in a bunch of different places, others were mountains and other pretty landscapes, places I didn't even know existed. It was so perfect, it looked like real photographs.
This time, I didn't feel the need to hold in and cried, free and with no shame of myself. It was good, it felt relieving. I could express myself in there and no one would ever know. I didn't feel weak or less than, so I took my time.
It wasn't just the soulmate thing, it wasn't just the hell we had to deal with because of Umbridge, it wasn't just the potential threat of Voldemort, it wasn't just the loneliness. I was every single reason that I felt it was too little to cry about, and I held in, because that's what good kids do.
There wasn't a clock in there, nor a window. How does time even work in this place? I didn't know. I didn't know how much time I spent on the floor. But I got up. And I grabbed a book. And I read. Because that's the only thing that could distract me from the happy family on the walls.
Then, the door cracked open and my heart stopped.
This is it. I was caught. I'll be punished and then expelled and my pa-
There was nothing, like some sort of wind just opened the door. Then I saw the tip of a shoe. Then hands and then Harry.
I didn't say a thing, and neither did he. He looked at me as shocked as I looked at him.
Harry's the first one to move. He closed the door and cleaned his throat, an awkward chuckle leaving his lips.
"Do you mind if I stay? Also, can you not tell anyone about this?", he said in a low tone and raised that cape higher.
I nodded.
"Take a sit, maybe there was an extra chair for a reason", I whispered.
I regretted saying anything. If he didn't notice my puffy eyes, then he realized that I've been crying at that moment.
But he didn't comment anything on it and took up on the offer. As he walked closer, the room started to change slightly. The mainly red, cream and brown decoration faltered to a light blue on the walls and black wood instead of brown. I noticed some of the paintings also changed too.
"Did you know that this could happen?", I asked, still focused on the new paintings.
"No, I also didn't expect anyone else in here today", he whispered back, and I felt his eyes on me.
It took me a moment to understand. He could only get in if he's intentions matched mines, like the secret reunion. Only if he also needed some comfort and didn't have a place to go. He knew, and I knew we weren't okay.
"I'm sorry there's not a lot of entertainment for you, just books", I said with the page I was in still opened in my lap.
"This is enough, you can... keep reading, I wouldn't interrupt you", he said and gestured for me to keep going.
He hummed.
I thought it would be so awkward. My first instinct in any situation like this would be just leave or make conversation. Still, I didn't do any of those, hoping to just focus on the book at hand. I also couldn't do that.
It was calming to be in this position, just beside him in silence, appreciating the feeling of comfort, as it wasn't easy to have it these days and for him, it must have been impossible since forever. It was almost comforting to know someone felt the same, even if the reasons were different, and not have to explain it.
I still tried to read, even though my mind was running with completely different thoughts.
"Thank you for inviting me", I took the courage to whisper to him.
My eyes were focused on the book, but I could see him finally move in his seat and look at me.
"It must have been a big risk to ask me, since I'm not really close to any of you", I kept going, since he didn't answer me.
I started to feel a bit nervous and self-conscious of my ridiculous pajamas as his eyes were focused on me.
"You were only one of the few who believed it", he said, and looked over to the fireplace again.
He didn't explain, and it wasn't needed.
"They believed, at least the majority of people I've seen, but they were too scared to admit that to themselves", I let it slip without thinking, and I caught his eyes again.
I've seen how much he suffered with this, and I've been meaning to say that for many months now, but never got the chance.
I saw a small smile on his lips. "Thanks, it's good to hear that I'm not the crazy one for once".
"But being honest, I don't understand how you are not crazy yet, I respect you for not going completely insane at this point", I said, and he chuckled.
I never felt that good in my life. It was the type of laughter that made his eyes so little it almost disappear, and I felt my heart melt at the sight.
He relaxed more after this, and we talked about more happy topics, and we laughed for I don't know how long. Time could stop and circle forever, but that wouldn't be possible.
But we had to leave when he suddenly remembered he had to go back, so he could wake up Ron, or he would be late for class. Not because he had to sleep, or he would be in trouble if he was the one late, no, because he had this habit of waking Ron up every day.
"That's sweet, you are very sweet Harry", I said and he was clearly caught off guard.
He looked down to the cape and maybe was the fire, but I saw a tint of red on his cheeks.
"I can drop you off if you want", he said when he was already by the door, cape on his shoulder.
I couldn't stop staring at his half invisible body. I didn't comment anything before, but it was so intriguing how that was even possible or how he had it in the first place.
"I don't want to bother", I said and smiled.
It's quite crazy how we went from acquaintances that would only nod to each other to friends that would stop to talk. Some hours and a hard situation really brings people together.
"You wouldn't, I promise", he said, and gave one side of the cape to me.
It was nerve racking to walk so slow and quiet to make sure we wouldn't be caught. Or maybe it was the fact he was so close to me all of a sudden. Or the little whispers he would say from time to time close to my ear. Whatever it was, I was glad it ended, because I couldn't take it anymore.
He left me in front of the door, waved and left, as promised. So why the fuck did I get so sad?
I felt heartbroken as I went to my room, like that comfort was ripped away, even though I was fine when we left. I wasn't the type to dwell on negative feelings, still, I couldn't just let it go. It was like a piece of my heart stayed behind with him.
This is because you didn't find your soulmate yet. This is just loneliness. This is going to pass.
It was what I repeated myself to sleep that night.
First thing in the morning, I wake up feeling hands shaking me.
"Oh my, are you okay? You scared me", a voice said beside me, and I struggled to open my eyes.
"You started to scream out of nowhere", my roommate huffed and took a step back, helping me get up. "I didn't know you had nightmares."
"I don't, I don't eve-"
I stopped myself. The sunlight was intense through the curtains, which meant...
"What time is it?", I got up, and it took me some seconds to realize I didn't feel any pain, like the other times too.
She was already dressed up, I noticed next. The other girls were already out as I took in my surroundings.
The lack of sleep was affecting me more than I thought.
I didn't wait for an answer and ran to get my uniform and straight to the bathroom.
I spent the whole day waiting for the pain to return, and then the next one, and the one after that. It was unsettling. I knew it was bound to happen again at some point. I barely enjoyed the changes in my new-made friendships, since I now became a bit closer to Hermione and Ron too, as we spent more time talking in-between classes.
But besides that, I still had those weird intense emotions to figure it out. For everytime I felt heartbroken when Harry was away from me, I felt complete when he was near.
But why? Why now? Why suddenly?
Like now, he wasn't in the Gryffindor Common Room and I felt scared, lonely and... defeated?
"Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?", Hermione's voice brought me back to reality.
She held my arm with care and pulled me away to an emptier and quieter part of the Common Room.
"I do not want to be indelicate, but you're the only one I'm yet to ask, and you do n—"
"You can just ask, I won't take offend, Hermione", I whispered, but it was enough to cut her rambling.
She took a deep breath and leaned in.
"Have you had a different experience with your soulmate mark, like, something uncommon or unheard of?", she analyzed my face while speaking.
"Did you?"
I was hopeful, I couldn't deny it.
Maybe it was that I didn't have a soulmate then, maybe it was an error? Errors can happen, right?
"A friend of mine, the soulmate mark didn't appear, but I can't find anything in any book about it", she leaned back and huffed. "You know, everyone has one, even if a soulmate dies before the other, it appears, so it has to be-"
She was talking to herself more than talking to me at this point. It could almost see her brain working overtime.
"So, what happened to your soulmate mark?", she changed the topic so fast it caught me off guard.
"I don't have one, apparently, the only thing I earned after my birthday was pain."
"What do you mean, pain? Like back pain? Haven't you went to see Mrs. Pomfrey? She'd know how to help you", she patted my arm. "Let's go, I want to see you beat Ron on Wizard Chess."
"I'm not that sure anymore, it's going to be a hard game", I said as we walked back to the sofas.
"It's nice to see that my fame speaks for itself, but I wish you the best of luck", Ron said to me as the board was set.
"It's too early to brag, the results may be surprising", I said as I smiled after taking my seat.
I was indeed a hard game since the start. I lost track of my surroundings a good while ago, the only thing in my head was the next 5 moves Ron could possibly be planning.
Then it hit me. The burning pain on my wrist.
I took a deep breath to conceal the screaming I almost let out. I felt tears flooding my eyes.
"Hey, what happened? I know it is a har—"
"Shut it, Ron."
I heard them, but I couldn't move. My back straight and my head low. I clenched my hands, both hands.
"Hey, is this the pain you talked about?", Hermione kneeled in front of me, her hands on my knees. "Come on, help me carry her to the Hospital Wing."
I couldn't focus on what was going on. It was different this time, it was so much more intense, and I was sure it had to be on my skin this time. It wasn't just a ghost pain anymore.
They helped me stand up, and then it was too much. My legs couldn't hold me up and my eyes were too heavy.
I heard them before I could see them.
"... her?", it was Ron's voice.
"We'll wait for you in the Common Room", Hermione said, and I heard their steps walk away.
The door closed.
I opened my eyes and blinked twice, slowly. The curtains were around the bed, and it was too dark to see anything.
Then I heard his steps closer, it had to be him. My heart pick up the pace, it was a common thing these past few days.
I saw the light on the tip of his wand first and his face later. I expected at least a smile, but his expression was so stoic.
"What's wrong?", I whispered, my throat too dry to speak louder. "What happened?"
I tried to find his eyes, but he wasn't looking at me, so I got up with some effort and gave him some space to seat on the bed with me, but he kept standing by the side of the bed.
"Harry, what wa-"
"I'm sorry", he cut me off.
He took my hand and lift my sleeve, I couldn't see it clearly, but there was a fading scar there. Still, that was the last thing on my mind when his hand was touching me so tenderly.
He caressed the fading scar, his touch light on my skin, as if he was scared to hurt me.
"It doesn't hurt."
It was true. I only felt tingles on my wrist, the pain has been washed away somehow, like it always does.
"They said you fainted."
"It's not you-"
"It is, it's my fault", he released my hand and lift his own sleeve.
The letters were hard to read for me at that moment, but it was clear what it was and, specially, who had caused it.
My heart dropped. It was pretty bad, no, it was worse than that. There was a bit of dry blood on some of the letters.
"Still stings too much?", I held his hand without thinking twice, but I didn't dare to touch it.
"Hermione made me have a healing potion this time", I heard a smile while he spoke, but I didn't look it up to him.
"Have you heard of a connection like this before?", I held his hand tighter.
I wouldn't dare to call a soulmate mark or something like that yet, nonetheless, if it was one, what a fucking cruel soulmate mark to have.
"Hermione found some information about it, but we didn't think it was the case, because you never made me feel pain", he said, and his hands were loose around mine, but he didn't try to let go yet.
"I know what are you thinking, Harry. It's not your fault that's our soulmate mark and I don't blame you"
He said nothing.
I knew it wasn't enough for him to change his mind and he would keep blaming himself the rest of the night at best. But not on my watch.
I held him in my arms. My head against his chest and arms around his waist. He stood still for a while, his breathing uneven, until he was hugging me back.
It wasn't the ideal position, but it was perfect at the moment, and we stayed like that for a good while.
I thought the Room of Requirement was comforting, and it was because it reminded me of him, without me even realizing that. I felt like I arrived at a home I've never known. He fit right, like he was supposed to be in this position, with me, right now.
The door suddenly cracked open. The light revealing Mrs. Pomfrey. He moved away from me and I caught a glimpse of red on his cheeks.
"Potter, go to your Common Room", she said, and her firm voice echoed through the empty walls.
"Meet me later at the Gryffindor Common Room, please?", he whispered, his eyes were shining and I could never say no.
I nodded, and he left, fast enough to not get scolded even more.
"Mrs. Pomfrey, may I ask a question?", I asked as she came to evaluate me.
"What is it, child?"
"What do you know about felling pain as a soulmate mark? Someone must have been through it before."
"Someone did, a student. It was painful for her, a Quidditch player was her soulmate, poor girl was always here with him, side by side", she looked over at some beds to the right, as if she could envision them there.
I took a deep breath.
So I have the chosen one, the trouble magnet one and the Quidditch player as my soulmate, all at once.
"But that's a common misconception", she said, and that caught my attention again. "Can you turn your wrist?", she kept going with the little evaluation, and I only nodded. "She didn't feel only pain, but every single emotion her soulmate also felt after finding him."
"Every emotion? But I've never..."
"You are alright, go to your room and rest for the rest of the night", she cut me off, and I left as soon as possible.
I couldn't possibly feel everything, could I? So how do I now if it's my emotion or his?
I started to get anxious as I got closer and closer to the Gryffindor Common Room.
So that's me or him? Why would he be anxious to see me?
As soon as I got to the corridor, I felt a big rush of excitement, anxiety and... worry? But I wasn't worried, no. I just wanted to go up there and hug Harry until he barely could breathe.
So that's it? That's how it feels?
I remember how sometimes my emotions got out of hand these past few days. I was so worried, so confused, which I was, but maybe, we both were.
Does he know how much I care about him then?
As I was about to give the new passcode to the Fat Lady, the door opened and a second later, two arms held me in a big hug.
"I couldn't wait", he whispered, and I got goosebumps.
"Do you feel my love for you?", I whispered back, my face hidden on his shoulder.
He's silent for a moment, and I'm not sure if he even heard it.
"It's the best feeling in the world", his arms held me tighter, and I could feel some tears dropping on my clothes.
"Every single time in pain was worth it because now I get to hold you, don't blame yourself, never, understand? ", I said, and pecked his left cheek.
I didn't comment on my wet shirt, nor on his teary eyes after he released me. The only thing that mattered for me that night and for the rest of them, was to remind Harry Potter he was worthy.
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panandinpain0 · 2 years
So I've never done a request before, but could I get a Cedric X Male ravenclaw reader. I just finished reading "good luck charm" and im in love
Being Best Friends with Cedric Diggory
Hey! So sorry this took so long, I've been... avoiding my requesting section tbh.
But I'm so glad you liked "Token of Good Luck"!
Me from 10 minutes later: Okay, I can't for the life of me think of a plot for this, so I'm going to do headcanons(ish) of being his best friend/falling in love with each other.
I'm really sorry, idk where any ounce of creativity went but it's left my brain.
Requested by: Anon
Cedric Diggory x Male!Ravenclaw!Reader
Reader is a muggleborn :)
Warnings: Lots of physical touch (Sorry, its my love language)
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(Y/N) and Cedric had met during the sorting ceremony
(Y/N) was terrified-
It made sense, seeing as he had only been introduced to the wizarding world, what
a month ago?
So he was visibly unsettled
His hands were sweaty and his face was flushed
His hair was ruffled from having run his hands through it
And Cedric took pity on him
"Hi! I'm Cedric Diggory! What's your name?" Cedric asked, smiling as he held out his hand.
"Uh- I'm (Y/N)... (L/N)," (Y/N) hesitated, his hand shaking as he took Cedric's hand.
Cedric could feel the sweat on his hand as he shook it, but he shook it off.
"That's a cool name! What house do you think you'll get sorted into?"
(Y/N) didn't know, nor did he care
He just cared about going back home to normal school
And he told Cedric this
Causing his face to heat up as Cedric laughed
"You want to go back to normal school? Why? It sounds boring to me," Cedric had said as you waited for McGonagall to call the new students into the Great Hall.
"You're right, it was really boring. But it was less nerve wracking than this." (Y/N) gestured vaguely around them.
Cedric had offered his hand as a comfort
and (Y/N) took it
And that was probably the most defining moment in their friendship
Of course they only got closer through the years
And their friendship was very physical
The two of them were constantly touching
Holding hands
Arms over each other's shoulders
You get the point
So naturally (?)
People assumed they were dating
"Hey Cedric," another Hufflepuff came up to him, sliding into the seat in front of him with a flirty smile.
"Hey Axel!" Cedric greeted with a smile. The truth was, (Y/N) and Cedric were hardly apart, but (Y/N) had been pulled away by another friend.
"How would you feel about going out with me?"
Cedric was a bit shocked by the bluntness of the question, but was even more confused as one of Axel's Slytherin friends came up and hissed a whisper.
"Axel, I already told you- Cedric and (Y/N) are dating!" said Slytherin scolded, trying to pull Axel away.
"Wait, what-" Cedric's brows furrowed.
"So sorry about that, he doesn't know what he's doing," Axel's friend apologized, laughing nervously and pulling Axel away.
Cedric was left absolutely puzzled as (Y/N) rejoined him.
"Sorry about that, Ced. Woah, are you okay?" (Y/N) asked as he adjusted his blue and silver tie, looking at Cedric with concern.
"I think people think we're a couple," Cedric revealed, looking at (Y/N) with concern.
The two promptly burst into laughter.
Of course, they were both hiding the fact that they really did want to be a couple
But they'd never tell each other that.
Until Hermione Granger shoved them into a broom closet together.
"Hermione, let us out! I was in the middle of my painting!" (Y/N) shouted, hitting the door a bit for extra dramatics.
"Not until you two spill your guts!" Hermione shouted back.
"We have nothing to spill, Hermione, we're best friends!" Cedric shouted back.
Both boys waiting a moment before realizing Hermione had walked away.
(Y/N) groaned and twisted around, dragging himself against the wall until he was sitting on the floor.
"So, what famous painting are you working on now?" Cedric teased, sitting next to his best friend of six years.
"Uh- another landscape," (Y/N) chuckled, scratching the back of his neck nervously. He was clearly lying, but Cedric didn't question it.
Instead Cedric picked up (Y/N)'s hand and played with his fingers, noting the brown paint covering them.
"What were you painting that required so much brown paint?" Cedric snorted, noting the amount that (Y/N) was sporting.
"...Dirt?" (Y/N) sheepishly tried. ((Y/N) was very bad at lying, and Cedric knew this.)
"Seriously, what are you painting?" Cedric was genuinely curious now.
Cedric's gaze darted up in surprise, eyebrows raised with a smile growing on his lips.
"You're painting me? Why?" Cedric asked with a laugh, whispering now.
"Because you're really pretty, why wouldn't I want to paint you?" (Y/N) shrugged with a smile, avoiding Cedric's gaze and hoping he couldn't see his rosy cheeks in the dark of the closet. "I'm not sure I'll be able to do you justice, though. The reason there's so much brown paint is because I'm trying to find the right shade for your hair- which surprisingly won't match your eyes."
Cedric brought his hand up to (Y/N)'s neck, using his other hand to turn (Y/N)'s face to look him in the eyes.
"Can I kiss you?" Cedric asked, eyes bright as he smiled widely.
"What?" (Y/N) gasped, blinking a few times.
"Can I kiss you?" Cedric repeated with a small laugh.
"Uh- yeah," (Y/N) stammered, and Cedric swooped in to steal a kiss.
As they parted, (Y/N) sighed, blinking his eyes open.
"Pinch me."
"What?" Cedric laughed, shaking his head.
"Pinch me so I know I'm not dreaming."
You can imagine majority of the school's surprise when they realized the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw boy had just gotten together-
and hadn't, you know, been dating for the last couple of years.
Sorry if this didn't turn out like you expected, but I hope you liked it!
Thank you so much for requesting, anon! Hope you're having a great day!
-Author Max <3
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legally-lupin · 1 year
The Hypemen- hp boys x reader
Requested by : @thesonglyricchick
I hope you like this. I’m so sorry if you don’t <3
You were walking down the halls when you noticed people gaping at you when you walked by. You quickly whipped out your pocket mirror to see if you had anything on your face. Thankfully you didn’t. What was everyone’s problem? You thought as you continued your journey. Loud whistles caught your attention as you looked behind you
“Looking good y/n!” Fred shouted Angelina smacked him with her book shaking her head he put his hands up in defence
“Yeah your looking gorgeous!!!” George shouted winking at you. You cocked an eyebrow laughing before shouting a ‘Thankyou boys!’ and walked away their continued whistling turned into echos .
You felt confident as you continued your journey to meet your friends. Once again you was stopped by Cedric he smiled warmly at you.
“Y/n. I just wanted to say you look so ravishing today” the hufflepuff boy placed a kiss to your hand giving you one last look before walking away with his mates.
You frowned thinking someone’s put something on you for everyone to act like this. You spot Hermione reading by a pillar and sped walked to her.
“Hermione! I need you to smell me” the girl looked at her friend confused
“I’m sorry?” She laughed y/n went up to her
“Please I think someone put a love Potion on me or something cause I’ve got like 3 complaints and everyone is staring at me” panic struck the poor girl as she smelt her jumper multiple times. Hermione laughed
“I assure you y/n it’s not that. Can’t you see how amazing you look today. Your literally glowing !” Mione chuckled at her friend shutting her book and focusing on her.
“Y/n?! Is that you? MERLINS BEARD YOUR SMOKING HOT” you turned to see Mattheo, Draco, Theo and Blaise behind you. You smiled shyly
“Really?” The boys smirked look at her up and down
“Merlin I might have to kidnap you” Mattheo winked at you. Your eyes widened did you look that good ?!
“I’m sure your part Veela at this point” Hermione was clearly amused by all the boy’s behaviour
“You always look good but today. Wow wow” Theo remarked eyeing you up and down
“Dam mami!” Blaise said grabbing your hand spinning you. A giggle escaped your mouth as you spun around
“Who you getting all dressed up for?” Draco said smirking. They were really hyping you up
“Thanks, guys” y/n shyly said a blush creeping up to her face as the boys hugged her goodbye and walked away.
Y/n and Hermione sat there for a few before Harry, Ron and Neville came to them
“Hey ladies” Harry sang you snickered at him
“Y-y/n you look r-really p-pretty today,” Neville’s said shyly gripping his plant
“ aww thanks, Neville” the boy let out a toothy grin holding on to his plant tighter
“Why do you look so good today y/n? What did you do ?” Ron questioned staring at his friend
“Geez thanks Ron way to give a girl confidence” y/n laughed
“Seriously have you got a date?” Harry asked eagerly
“No I literally got up had a shower got dressed and came out” y/n recalled her routine the boys mouth gaped
“Then why the hell do you look like you crawled out a magazine!” Ron examined your features you pulled away
“Ok i think I’m done with compliments for one day. Mione you wanna go to the lake?” Her friend nodded and they linked arms and walked away.
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georgie-weasley · 2 years
Hi. Would you mind doing a Harry x reader song fic to Taylor Swift's evermore that takes place soon after the war? I just feel like it fits him a little too well 🥺😔
a/n: thank you so much for the request. That song really does fit him so well. I don't want to talk about how much I cried writing this.
Warnings: this is a really dark one, lots of mentions of death, lots of dark thoughts, a lot of pain really
Word Count: 1.5k
Pairing: Harry Potter x gender neutral reader (no pronouns or gendered language used)
Summary: It's the first time back in Hogwarts since the war and it's hard for everyone, but it's horrible for Harry
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Footsteps echoed, bouncing off the brick walls. The soft chatter coming from behind him did nothing to deafen the sound. The halls that were once filled with joy and whimsical magic were now littered with debris. With the right witches and wizards, Hogwarts could be repaired in no time. School would open, students would return, and classes would resume. Physical evidence of the war could be erased with the wave of a wand. The memories, the pain, the loss could never be erased. This pain, Harry’s pain, would be there forever.
It was his first time back at the castle since the war ended and Voldemort was finally defeated. Harry assumed maybe things would have been different somehow. Maybe the rubble would have been cleared or maybe the warm sunlight would ease away the grief and death that filled the corridors like an inky black smoke, filling his lungs and choking him. Nothing was different. It was all the same. Chest tightening and eyes brimming with tears, Harry’s hand found yours; you were the only thing keeping him here and on two feet.
A gentle, reassuring squeeze let him know you were still there. To be honest, it didn’t do much. The gesture was appreciated but it did nothing to keep his mind off of the past. Nothing did.
In his first year, eleven year old Harry wandered these halls feeling at home for the first time in his life. He was loved, welcomed, accepted, and safe. His safety was an illusion. He had never been safe. His next few years were more of the same false sense of safety, the same false sense of hope for the future.
The small group consisting of you, Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Headmistress McGonagall, moved on to the Great Hall. The room itself survived almost perfectly. The people that had been inside did not. Harry blinked and he could see Fred laying on the ground surrounded by his family, now broken without a chance of ever being made whole again. He squeezed his eyes shut, begging for the images and the sounds of Molly’s screams to leave his brain. They were quickly replaced with Remus and Tonks, laying on the floor with their hands touching. Their son, Teddy, would grow up without them, without the love of a mother and father a young boy so desperately needs.
The group was silent as soon as you all entered. There was so much to be said but no one said a thing. Harry turned and looked out a window, hoping it would change something, give him and his heart a break. Could he have done more? What if on that first night he had been sorted into Slytherin? Would families still be whole if he had? Every single step he made, every choice, every mistake, which one was the one that went wrong? Which moment sealed his fate? Was it when he sacrificed himself to Voldemort? Was it when he saw Cedric die? Was it when he refused Draco’s hand in friendship? Was it his birth? When did the world decide to destroy everything he loved?
Ron and Hermione stepped out followed by McGonagall. Harry wanted to follow them but his feet were rooted to the ground. He couldn’t move even if he wanted to. There was no escaping this soul crushing pain. Every waking moment was filled with anguish and grief and regret, so much regret. This was all because of him. He used to have such a clear desire for the future. When he was just a kid shoved into the cupboard under the stairs, he just wanted to be loved. When he first attended Hogwarts, he wanted to learn more about magic and his parents. By the end of fourth year, he wanted Voldemort defeated once and for all. That had been his one focus, his one desire for years and now that he had done it, what was the point of fighting anymore? What was he fighting for? Another day filled with pain? Another night filled with nightmares? Another hour spent ruminating over everything he ever did and how he ruined everything? Was it worth it?
You stepped in front of him and grabbed his face in your hands. Why were they wet? Was he crying? How long had he been there crying? Is that why everyone else left, because he was sobbing? He didn’t care. The tears flowed freely and you pulled him to your chest, combing your fingers through his hair. Harry’s sobs were the only sound in the expansive hall that used to be filled with joy and laughter. He tried desperately to cling to those happy memories, the good times he knew he once had but everything was tainted. Behind every happy feeling there was pain. He couldn’t think of Ron without remembering the night in the forest when he walked away. He couldn’t think of Hermione without hearing her screams as Bellatrix attacked her in Malfoy Manor. He couldn’t think of Dumbledore without thinking about how he was played like a pawn. He could never think of his parents, Remus, Sirius, Mad-Eye, Tonks, Fred, Lavender Brown, Colin Creevey, or Snape without thinking about their sacrifice, their deaths, because of him.
You both fell to your knees as you cradled Harry in your arms as he sobbed. There was nothing to say to help him. There was nothing you could do to take away this pain no matter how badly you wanted to. Sobs tore through him and he screamed; it was the kind of scream that held so much pain. It was a scream from someone who had watched friends and family die. It was a scream from someone who went through more pain than anyone should. You don’t know how much time passed as you held him while he screamed and cried, your own tears falling. The tears slowed and the screams turned into whimpers before there was silence once more.
The silence was anything but comforting. It physically weighed you and Harry down. Then, Harry spoke for the first time since you arrived at Hogwarts. “I can’t do this. I can’t think about anything but the pain I’ve caused and the things we lost. I can’t go a minute without thinking about the cost of my survival. So many people died because of me. I wish I could just get a break and turn it off. To just have a minute of silence away from my own brain. How could things ever go back to normal? How can we just move on and pretend nothing happened?”
“Oh Harry.” You carefully pulled his head away from your chest to look him in the eyes, once bright and cheerful green eyes now so filled with sorrow. “I wish I could make this all go away, I wish I could. None of this is your fault. None of it. You had no choice. Everyone made their choices and there is nothing we can do to change that. But we will get back to a new normal. There will be good days. There will be joy and happiness and love one day. Maybe not now and maybe not for a while but things won’t be like this forever.”
“How do you know?” His voice was soft and he looked so small, like a toddler looking for comfort when the storm rolls in and the power goes out. He needed to be held and loved and told everything would be fine. If only you could take him in your arms and protect him from all the pain and suffering that seemed so attached to him.
“Because I have you. When everything was falling apart, I thought of you. In the bad moments I clung to you, physically and mentally. You were my rock and the only thing keeping me held together. You were in all of my good moments, even when you weren’t really there. When you were close or when you were gone, you were the only thing I needed. You are the only thing I need.” It was true. When the world was falling down around you, you thought of him and him alone.
He watched you as your own tears continued to fall. You were always a bright light in the darkness that followed him for all his life. A smile here, a laugh there. Everything you did brought some joy, some hope, into the neverending pain. He didn’t always notice it. Sometimes the bad outweighed the good and he struggled to see anything besides the pain.
“Harry,” you whispered, taking his hands in yours. “There might never be a time when you think of Sirius or Remus or Fred without some sadness. But you can’t forget the good, the love they all had for you. This pain, the extent of it, won't last forever.”
He didn’t know what to say; he had nothing to say. Instead, he simply laid his head back on your chest and listened to your heartbeat. You were here. You were with him through it all. You were right. Maybe nothing would ever be exactly the same, in fact he knew it wouldn’t, but something would change. There would be a new normal and there would be a time when he would think of all those that he lost and smile. He will look at Hogwarts and remember the good times as they were, without the lingering darkness. And when the days were bad, when all he could think about is how he lived because so many died, when he woke up screaming in the middle of the night, he would have you. You would be there to love him and hold him as he cried. You would remind him of the good times that have passed and the good times to come. As long as he had you, this pain wouldn’t be for evermore.
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Black Roses - Fourth Year - Harry Potter X Female (Slytherin) Reader
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Title: Fourth Year
Harry Potter X Female (Slytherin) Reader
Additional Characters: Hermione, Ron, Pansy, Draco, McGonagall (Mentioned), Blaze (Mentioned), Cedric (Mentioned), Cho (Mentioned), Padma (Mentioned), Snape (Mentioned), Ginny, Neville, and Viktor (Mentioned)
| First-Year | Second-Year | Third-Year | Fourth-Year | Fifth-Year | Sixth-Year | Seventh-Year | Epilogue |
WC: 4,378 (long chapter)
Warnings: Fighting, name-calling (nothing too bad), yelling, Ron being a jerk, slight angst, and fluff
You were walking towards your next class, potions when someone bumped into you, almost making you fall over. You quickly gained your balance and turned to see Pansy smirking at you. You looked down at her, glaring as you re-adjusted your over-the-shoulder bag.
"Parkinson... What a lovely surprise." You mumble, incredibly unhappy to have to deal with her.
Pansy just continued to smirk, crossing her arms. "Well, well, well... If it isn't little miss blood traitor."
You sighed, completely over her at the moment, "What are you going to do, Parkinson? Hang me in the gallows? I thought we went over this last week. Or do I have to teach you again?" You asked, before pointing to your tie.
"Mine is green." You then point to Pansy's tie, "And yours in green. See? Or have you become colorblind over the week?" You say snarkily with a smirk of your own.
Pansy smirks even bigger and you turn to walk away before you hear her speak up once more.
"You can't leave yet... I haven't finished talking to you, blood traitor." You stopped, turning to face the Slytherin.
"Oh! Did you not retain what I just taught you? I mean really, Pansy, honey, you're turning green with envy here." You spoke, shaking your head at her. "You're like a toddler in a teenager's body... and I thought you were supposed to be smart... I feel stupid now by just looking at you."
"Don't start something you won't be able to finish." She speaks, a bit of anger creeping into her tone.
"Please, Pansy, I'm a professional. I know what I'm doing." You spoke, looking down at her, quickly whipping out your wand, and pointed at her. "Now, I would suggest you be a good little witch and go to class, hm?" You say sickly sweet as you stared at her.
Pansy gulped as she stared into your eyes, she watched as they glinted and shifted, filling her with fear. She quickly glared at you and snarled at you before leaving down the hall with heavy steps. You humphed, pocketing your wand as you traveled back to potions. Opening the door, Snape looked up from his desk, giving you a knowing look to which you gave a small mischievous smile and shrugged, taking your seat in the third row. Opening your textbook, you flipped to the chosen page you saw a fellow Slytherin have their page on and began to take notes.
"Has anyone asked you to the Yule Ball yet, Y/N?" Hermione asked as she did her homework on her big canopy bed. "It wouldn't surprise me if tons of other students did." He spoke and you sighed, looking over at the girl from your own bed.
"Oh! Yes, Hermione. I've had to push them off me with my wand. They have been lining up to just ask me." You spoke sarcastically and Hermione nodded, "Besides, I don't really know if I want to go."
"But it's coming up soon! Why wouldn't you want to go?" She asked, getting up and walking over to you, pulling you out of your seat, and taking your hands in hers.
Hermione gently danced around the room with you, "Imagine the sight. Oh, it will be gorgeous. The Grand Hall’s engulfed in white, light blue, and silver. The dance floor filled with everyone dancing. Dancing under the falling snow and stars. It's so romantic." She spoke dreamily.
"I don't know." You said, shaking your head, "But, also... Says you! Viktor is taking you. He should be feeling very lucky." You added and Hermione shook her head with a giggle.
"I never would have thought he'd ask me... Or anyone for that matter." Hermione spoke up as she frowned slightly, and you knew why.
"Ron is an idiot. This is your special night to have some fun. Not always stuck in your books and work. Viktor really seems to like you. I'm so happy for you, 'Mione." You smiled softly at her and she blushed, nodding.
"Don't think I forgot about you." She spoke with a 'I caught ya' look, "You should go to the Yule Ball." She whispered, before letting you go.
You nodded at her, "I mean... I want to go... If I had someone to go with. Heh, I mean. I'd go with any of our friends just if they asked me. I don't care if they fancy me or anything. To just be asked 'Hey, you want to be my date to the dumb ball? Yeah, I don't want to go either.'" You joke in a deep voice, making Hermione laugh.
"Don't you like Cedric?" She asked and you felt your face flush.
"Yeah, but he's going with Cho." You muttered, feeling the heat of embarrassment rise to your cheeks.
"Oh, I'm sorry..." Hermione spoke and you shrugged, turning away from her.
"Nothing's wrong with it. It's just... I don't know. Didn't really have too much hope for that. I've only spoken to him twice." You spoke, rolling your eyes.
"Ah, you're jealous." She stated, and you scoffed, "There's nothing wrong with that."
"How could I not? He's cute." You spoke as if it was a fact. "He's a man of quality."
You sigh, shaking your head, "He's perfect. He's smart, charming and funny. He's popular, and he's a great Quidditch player. There is nothing wrong with him." You spoke, trying to convince yourself as much as Hermione.
Hermione hummed, a small smirk on her face, "I guess so. Sounds like you’re talking about Harry." She trailed off and you looked at her with furrowed eyebrows.
"What are you saying?" You spoke, hoping she didn’t clue together that you also liked Harry.
"C'mon, Y/N... Harry's the kindest person I know. He's sweet, caring, and handsome. He's got the most beautiful green eyes... And he's kind to everyone." Hermione spoke, smiling gently at you.
You laughed awkwardly, "Sounds like you like him a bit, 'Mione." But she wasn't having it.
"I know you like to avoid this, but you need to understand and know these things." She insisted, waving her hands about.
"I know those things about Harry." You spoke, and she sighed, shaking her head.
"I'm saying, you should go with Harry. I heard he doesn't even have a date at the moment. And don't you dare try to say you don't fancy him too. I see the way you look at him and how highly you speak of him." She spoke, and you sighed, shaking your head.
"No. I'm not going with him. I just... I don't know if I can." You spoke, shaking your head again.
"Why not?" She questioned.
"Because... I don't know. I just..." You trailed off, sighing. "I mean... He would have to ask me." You say quietly, and Hermione looks at you, tilting her head slightly.
"You won't ask him?" She asked and you shook your head.
"I don't think I could live with that embarrassment if he rejected me." You told her sadly.
"What if it’s mutual?" She asked and you scoff, folding your arms.
"I don't know..." You spoke up, shaking your head. "I doubt he'd ask me."
"I don't understand you sometimes, Y/N." Hermione spoke and you groaned softly.
"Sorry." You apologized, sitting down on your bed.
Hermione frowned, "I'm sorry... I wish I could convince you."
After you talk with Hermione, you went out to the next Hogsmeade on your own to get yourself a dress. Stepping into the dress shop, your eyes immediately were drawn to one in the back center of the shop. You moved past the other shoppers swiftly, reaching the dress with ease. You picked it off the hanger and placed it against your figure, it looked perfect. Love at first sight. Scouting out an employee, you asked for a dressing room.
Stepping in, you placed your over-the-shoulder bag on the small bench before trying on the dress. Opening your eyes, you turned to the full-length mirror, in complete awe of yourself. You looked stunning. Perfect. You took a step forward and touched your hair, pushing it behind your ear. Looking back at your reflection, you giggled.
"This is perfect." You breathed, standing up and admiring yourself again in the mirror. Your eyes then dropped to the dress, marveling over it. It was tan in color, made of chiffon, and slightly see-through on the skirt. The fabric perfectly hugged every curve of your body. The bodice was a light creme color overlayed with a layer of tan slightly see-through chiffon. It was similar to a mermaid type of gown, though the skirt flowed out at the tops of your hips. You were pleasantly surprised to even see a small train behind you. Taking a look at the top of the dress, you caressed the soft chiffon sleeves and ruffled turtle-neck collar; whilst admiring the intricate gold floral embellishments along the top of the dress down to the middle of your thighs.
"I'm getting it." You whispered gleefully to yourself before getting redressed and checking the price tag. It wasn't too much, but it was more than you would usually spread on a dress.
You left with your dress perfectly wrapped in a white box, even paying a little extra for a matching pair of shoes to go along with it. With a pep in your step, you traveled all the way back to Hogwarts.
Passing a hallway, you heard someone calling your name. Stopping, you turned and watched Harry run up to you.
"Harry?" You asked, watching as he bent down to take a small breath before straightening up.
He gave you a shy smile, rubbing the back of his neck. "Hi... Uh, I was wondering- wait... What's that?" He asked, pointing down to the brown paper bag in your hand.
You glanced down at the bag, looking back up at Harry. "Uh... Nothing. Not like it's a Yule Ball dress or anything." You laughed nervously and Harry furrowed his eyebrows.
"Dress? Did someone ask you?" He asked and you sighed.
"No. But, I have a sneaking suspicion that Parkinson had something to do about it. Maybe she's been turning all my potential dates into frogs." You sarcastically pondered and Harry chuckled lightly.
"Yeah, sure, she missed one then." He spoke and you frowned slightly.
"What do you mean?" You asked, feeling your face heat up as Harry let out a breath.
He cleared his throat before speaking, looking everywhere beside you. "I'm actually glad no one asked you- wait... No! I'm not glad. No, I mean I am but I wanted to ask you, so..." He nervously rambled, fidgeting with his hands.
You couldn't help but smile at how adorable Harry was being.
"What I mean to say is... Do you want to go with me?" He asked, finally looking up at you.
You felt your heart flutter as you replayed his cute rambles in your head; and watched his anxious expression. "Of course, I'd love to go with you, Harry." You spoke, smiling fondly.
Harry grinned and nodded, "Great! Thanks! Um... Well... I'll uh... I'll leave you alone now." He stammered and hurried down the hall, disappearing out of sight.
You stood there in shock, but quickly recovered and began heading toward your dorm.
You were so excited to show Hermione your new dress.
Night of the Yule Ball and you were in the Gryffindor common room with Hermione and Ginny, getting ready. The two in question were almost finished, Hermione finishing up Ginny's hair, while Ginny moved nervously in her seat. The two of them looked so beautiful in the dresses.
'Aren't you going to get ready, Y/N?" Ginny asked, looking at you through the mirror.
You nodded, sliding off your bed and grabbing the white box from under your bed. "I'll be back."
Ginny smiled and closed her eyes as Hermione put down the brush and placed her matching hair clip into her long red locks.
"Lucky you, going with a gentleman like our little Neville Longbottom." Hermione sighed, brushing Ginny's hair down with her hand.
"Yes, yes, he's nice." Ginny said, giggling.
"He's extra lucky, going with you." Hermione spoke, as the bathroom door opened and she turned around.
Hermione's eyes widened as her jaw dropped, "Y/N?" She gasped, staring at you with wide eyes.
"What is it, Hermione?" Ginny asked curiously, turning to see you in your dress.
"Oh my goodness! Y/N! You look stunning!" The young girl squealed as you brushed your hand down the fabric skirt shyly.
"Stunning? You mean real-life goddess." Hermione complimented making you blush.
"Guys, stop. You might make me cry." You lightly scolded as the two girls scurried over to you, in awe of your dress.
"We're serious, Y/N. You're drop-dead gorgeous." Ginny replied and you clasped your hands together before you.
"It's nothing compared to the two of you. You both look like royalty." You replied with a chuckle.
The two women turned to each other, whispering excitedly.
"Can you believe it? Y/N wearing a dress that could rival a princess on her wedding day?!" Ginny asked, grinning madly.
"Oh yes, that dress is absolutely stunning." Hermione agreed, and you couldn't help but laugh.
"I'm right here, you know?" You shook your head.
The two turned back to you before Hermione spoke, "As we said, you look beautiful. Now, let's get your hair done." She spoke, leading you to the desk Ginny was sitting at before.
You watched as Ginny walked down the stairs, taking Neville's hand with a smile on both their faces. You were getting nervous. There were so many people down there.
"You'll be fine, Y/N/N." Hermione spoke, placing a hand on your arm as she gave you a reassuring smile.
You nodded, letting out a breath, before snapping your fingers and letting a small smirk of determination appear on your face.
"Good. You got this." She spoke once more before heading down the stairs. You watched as you peeked behind the wall, watching as everyone in the room paused what they were doing to watch Hermione walk down.
Hermione then took Viktor's outstretched hand and walked off to dance, glancing over at Harry and Ron. Ron's jaw dropped as he stared at Hermione. You narrowed your eyes with mischief. Hopefully, he'd realize his feelings for her now and ask her out already. Ron really needed to man up soon. Hermione might stop waiting for him, and he'll lose her forever.
Slowly, your eyes slid over to Harry beside Ron. You couldn't help but take a double-take. He looked so handsome in his slightly oversized robes. You could tell that he tried to do his hair, but you knew it was pointless, nonetheless, his shaggy hair looked great. He looked so perfect. He was biting his lip periodically and looking at his shoes, and you couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking.
Letting out a breath, you shook yourself a bit, letting out your nerves as you brought your light smirk back and took a step out behind the wall. Slowly stepping down the stairs, you made eye contact with Harry. His green eye widened slightly as his own jaw dropped before he ran his hand through his messy hair.
Once you got to the end of the steps, you watched as Harry just continued to stare at you. Ron nudged Harry on the shoulder, snapping him out of his daze as he cleared his throat. His face and the tips of his ears were a bright red as he made his way to you, offering you his hand.
"You look beautiful, Y/N." He spoke, voice shaking slightly.
"Thank you, Harry. You look rather handsome as well." You replied, your cheeks growing hotter.
Music began to softly sway and Harry looked at you curiously, yet nervously. "Do you want to dance?" He asked, offering you his hand, which you gladly accepted.
"I would love to." You answered as you stepped out onto the dance floor.
You didn't have to lead very far because Harry was right beside you. He seemed like he was in awe of you, looking at you with such adoration in his eyes. You wished you could hide your blush, but as Harry took your hand in his and put them beside you in the air and his other was placed on his waist; you forgot about your flushed cheeks. You placed your free hand on his shoulder before Harry led you into a waltz.
You were pleasantly surprised, Harry was a pretty good dancer. It reminded you of the dance practice McGonagall had taught. Ron danced with her, and Hermione and Harry were partners. As soon as McGonagall let the others practice, Draco grabbed you. He didn't want to dance with Pansy. You get it, you wouldn't either.
But, that memory faded away as you looked up into Harry's eyes, holding his gaze as he held yours. Your feet moved gracefully in time with his and his strong arms kept you steady. You couldn't help but sigh softly as you danced. You wanted to hold his gaze longer but you couldn't. Looking around, you tried to calm your racing heart. You weren't exactly used to dancing, but you could say that you really enjoyed this one. Especially with Harry.
Being so close to Harry was an amazing feeling. His hand intertwined with yours, his warm hand on your waist. You felt like you were floating on cloud nine. All the stress and anxiety that you were under vanished when Harry took you in his arms and held you close. You could smell him, and it sent a wave of warmth rushing through your body. You felt his arms tighten around you, squeezing you tighter against him and your stomach flipped over.
"Everything is so pretty." You murmur softly, and Harry nodded.
"Yeah, very pretty." He muttered and you turned to look back up at him, noticing he was still looking at you.
You smirked slightly, conjuring up a sneaky prank on your date. You looked around the room once more, draining awe, "Even the ceiling is hot dog." You spoke quietly to Harry, causing him to blush lightly.
"You're a hot dog." He muttered before his eyes widened and he heard what he had said, making you burst into laughter.
"Hot dog?" He questioned, "Why did I say that?"
You giggled, "I got you good. Seemed that you were so in awe of me that I just had to have fun with you." You teased, your smile turning into a smirk.
Harry was speechless, which was rare. "Huh?" He asked after a few moments, and you shake your head with a chuckle.
"You're adorable, Harry." You whispered.
"Well, thanks." He spoke, and you leaned in closer to him, kissing his cheek quickly. You pulled back, giving him a wink as the song slowly ended.
Before you or Harry could say anything else, Draco walked over to you. He looked at you before looking at Harry with a glare.
"Potter." He said with disdain.
"Malfoy," Harry replied with annoyance. "May we help you?" He asked.
Draco smirked and nodded, "Yes, I would like to ask the beautiful Y/N for a dance." He spoke, turning to you with a raised eyebrow.
You turned to Harry with a sorry smile, as he reluctantly let go of you.
"I would love a dance, Draco." You said to the platinum blonde before looking at Harry once more. "How about you get us a drink? I'll be right back." You wink and Harry nodded as he watched Draco take your hand and lead you onto the dance floor.
Harry sighed as his eyes dropped sadly, along with his shoulders as he found his way to a table with Ron, who was ditched by Padma. Ron was watching Hermione dancing still, eyes glaring at the young man in her arms. Harry looked to the dancing couple and to Ron, "You should be happy for her, Ron."
Ron frowned, "It's not that easy." He muttered and Harry shrugged.
"Sure it is. She looks happy doesn't she?" Harry asked and Ron nodded, giving him a small smile, "If you really like her, then you'd want her happy no matter what."
Ron shrugged, "She's just so pretty though. I should've asked her."
Harry chuckled, "Yeah, you should have."
"I just..." Ron trailed off, shaking his head with a sigh. "Don't know if I even have a bloody chance now."
Harry hummed as his eyes landed on you, dancing with Draco. You were spinning around and back into his arms with a laugh. Harry couldn't help but get jealous. He sighed heavily as he glared at Draco before his eyes focused on you again, your beautiful hair was pinned up perfectly, and small stray strands fell free; framing your face perfectly. Harry had a crush on you since the second year, and he was never able to admit it, and he wasn't sure if you felt the same. Getting up, Harry walked over to the punch bowl, grabbing two glasses for you and him. Hopefully, no one spiked it.
As the song ended, you said your goodbyes to Draco, waving a quick 'hello' to Blaze before wandering over to Harry with a smile on your face. Harry couldn't help but copy you, handing you your drink once you stood beside him. You sighed, taking a small sip from the glass. You loved the atmosphere of the ball, so soft and elegant.
"Did you have fun with Draco?" Harry asked, taking a sip of his drink.
"With Draco?" You asked, thinking before answering, "Yeah, he was fun to dance with. Why? You want to dance with him?" You teased, nudging him in the arm gently with a grin.
Harry sputtered in surprise, looking at you with his wide green eyes. "W... What? No, I was just curious." He mumbled before finishing his drink.
You side-eyed him, also finishing your drink; setting it beside you on a table. "Mm, well, you are obviously not jealous whatsoever." You taunt, watching the lovely couples dance around.
"It's hard not to be." He muttered, so quiet you almost didn't hear it. "I mean, you look amazing, Y/N. I don't know why you'd go with me." He spoke, running a hand through his hair.
"Why wouldn't I?" You questioned, raising an eyebrow.
"You could've gone with Draco. He doesn't seem to like dancing with Parkinson." He murmured, watching as the young woman laughed and Draco rolled his eyes with a deep frown.
You smiled softly, "Well, Draco didn't ask me, did he?" You taunted, looking back up at him.
"No? Yes? No." He corrected himself, earning a giggle from you.
Turning your body around to face him, you raised your hand to try and fix Harry's hair. Why was his hair so freaking soft? You were quite proud when his cheeks darkened. "And you asked me. And I said 'yes' 'cause I really like you, Harry." You smiled happily.
"You like me?" Harry asked, a small smile appearing on his face.
"Mmhm..." You murmured, dropping your hand from his hair. "Very much."
"So..." He trailed off, looking down at his nervously clenched hands before meeting your gaze again. "You wouldn't be mad if I asked you out on a date to Hogsmeade after the holidays?"
Your smirk slowly slipped into an adoring smile, "I would be angry if you didn't ask me." You joked as you nudged him again, your face feeling like it was on fire.
Harry bit his lip, fighting the smile and fidgeting with his fingers. You noticed, slowly reaching out with your hand and taking his hand in yours. Harry looked up at you with wide eyes, mouth hanging open slightly. You smirked at him, before turning back to the ball before you.
After noticing Ginny and Neville on the sidelines a ways away, you turned to Harry to let him know you'd be back before rushing over to them. Both Ginny and Neville had a frown on their faces and you too, frown; mostly in confusion.
"What's wrong?" You asked as you stopped before them.
"Ron said something rude to Hermione. She ran off crying." You immediately glared down at the ground before looking up at the two.
"Where is he?"
Ginny pointed to a table where Ron was sitting all alone. His arm propped up on his knee as he leaned his cheek on his palm. At this point, you were seeing red. You stalked over to him, Harry noticing as Ginny and Neville followed behind you.
"Ronald Bilius Weasley!" You raged, hand clenched tight as the young man in question looked up at you with wide, fearful eyes.
"How do you know my middle name?" He asked but you shook your head narrowing your eyes at him.
"I know a lot about you, Ronald, now what did you do to Hermione?" You seethed, and Ron visibly gulped.
"I didn't do anything, we just fought before she walked off." He tried to defend himself but you weren't having it.
"Uh uh uh," You waved your finger as a dark smirk crossed your lips, "She went off crying because of you, you git." You growled, stepping closer to him.
"I'm sorry, I... I didn't know I made her cry!" Ron pleaded with you, and you scoffed, "I bet you didn't even mean it, did you?" You spat sarcastically, and he winced, "Of course not! You just couldn't deal with her having a date who wasn't you." You snarled.
Ron's face paled, and he looked down, his voice low and quiet, "I'm sorry."
You narrowed your eyes, "You better be. You better apologize to her."
You huffed and pinched the bridge of your nose, "Really, Ron. You need to fix this with her." You said in a calmer voice and Ron nodded.
You then turned to Harry and gave him a sad smile, "I'm going to go and find Hermione. Thank you for taking me, Harry. I've had a lovely time with you." You kissed his cheek before turning and running off to find Hermione.
Harry smiled dreamingly, rubbing the place where you kissed him.
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desideriumwriter · 2 months
Anyone But You | Chapter 9
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Chapter Summary: The first tournament task goes down, reader has an annoying partner for the Yule Ball Dance practice, and ends up with a ruined dress.
Pairing - Fred Weasley x Fem!Gryffindor!Reader
Category - enemies to lovers + hurt/comfort
Content Warnings - cursing,
Word Count - 4.0k
Series Masterlist | F.W Masterlist | Previous | Next | Navi
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The cold November air nipped at your face, it felt like you’d been standing out here for ages. You’ve lost count at the amount of times you heard someone say the first task of the tournament could start any moment now.
You had no idea who’d be going first, what dragon they’d be fighting, or what type of dragons there were, but you were horrified.
The familiar shouting of those two annoying twins you hated interrupted your thoughts, now you really regretted allowing yourself to be accidentally separated from Katie and Angelina.
“Gonna place your bets before it starts?” Fred hopped down next to you.
“See if Mr.Diggory will be able to outsmart the dragon?” George added, holding open a suit case, the names of each selected scribbled across the top, the bottom part was covered by a good amount of knuts, sickles, even some galleons.
“Or outcharm?” Fred looked at his brother as they both snickered. You let a heavy breath out through your nose.
“If I give you a sickle will you two leave me be?” You stood up from your leaned position on the wooden rails.
“Probably not-” George shrugged.
“We’ve already gone around the entire pitch now-”
“But you could still try and see!” George pretended to close the suitcase then reopen it, wiggling his brows. You glared at him and shut it.
“Worth a try.” He mumbled, snapping the latches shut.
You turned your attention back to the field, waiting for someone to walk out, for something to happen. The air was especially chilly today and you could feel your nose start to run, making you sniffle a bit. Unwillingly getting the attention of Fred.
“Those earmuffs can’t be doing much for you.” He nudged.
“They’re doing enough.” Which was a lie, they were doing so much less than enough. You’ve had those things since your first year and they were absolutely past their prime, they were barely blocking the cold from your ears.
“We both know that's not true, how ‘bout we swap?” He grinned as he pointed to his green and white beanie, you shook your head and grimaced in response. As always, Fred would not be taking no as an answer.
You tried to protest as he took off your earmuffs, hanging them around his neck and then taking off his beanie, shoving it onto your head and tugging it down until it went past your eyes.
Originally you were going to rip the beanie off, steal your earmuffs back, and maybe give Fred a harsh shove. But once you shifted the hat to where it wasn’t blinding you, the new warmth spreading around your head and across your cheeks was so much better. So comfortable.
“Nice, eh?” Fred smirked at you, you shrugged off his words, quickly turning your eyes back to the field as the stadium began to roar. A knot formed in your stomach once you saw the yellow and gold uniform, Cedric was first.
A silvery blue scaled dragon came out next. It was chained, but looked as if it still had enough room to move a good amount around the field. Its screeching roar made the knot feel tighter.
Hermione, who was just a row in front of you yelled something about it being a Swedish Short-Snout and flames being able to turn “your bones into ashes in seconds.” God, you felt terrified.
What if something happens? What if the chain breaks? What if Cedric gets truly hurt?
The creature whipped its tail just a few feet in front of Cedric. You gasped as the rest of the stadium did.
Cedric was able to get the golden egg in fifteen minutes, though it felt like an hour. You spent most of his turn with your hands over your face, peeking through your fingers.
Watching closely as he transfigured a rock into a dog to distract the dragon and began to run towards the egg. A yelp emerged from your throat once the dragon opened its mouth, turning its head towards Cedric letting blue flames blast out towards him, who was now jumping for cover behind a boulder.
You could see him sit up, back against the rock and hand hovering over the side of his face, which was now badly burnt.
“Well done dragon!” Fred cheered and clapped. You looked at him with a face of utter shock and disbelief.
“What is wrong with you? That thing’s gonna kill him!” You shoved him, your throat hurt from screaming.
“Oh he’ll be fine, he’s got a thick head.” Fred shrugged, continuing to cheer for the dragon.
Cedric successfully got the golden egg, then was shipped off to Madam Pompfrey for his face. You weren’t able to leave until the first task was officially over for everyone. Yet, you were already on the move to get out as soon as Dumbledore announced everyone could go. You left the pitch, immediately making your way towards the Hospital Wing.
Somehow you were able to have Madam Pompfrey let you see him this soon, she was already ushering a group of hufflepuff boys out when you were approaching the wing.
She let you go in when you promised her three minutes.
Cedric was laying flat on his back when you walked up, The one side of his face was covered in a slimy thick orange paste, you were still able to see some of the nasty marks.
“Charming right?” His voice was sarcastic as he noticed your grossed out staring, “It’s for my burns.” He frowned.
“Yeah, you look amazing.” You scoffed out a laugh, sitting down in the open chair next to his bed, “Do you know how long you’ll be here for?”
“A few days, hopefully.” You watched as his brows knit together as his eyes darted to your head, then to your face, then to your head again. “Whose hat is that?” He said blankly, eyes narrowed.
Your eyes went wide when you realized. Merlin, you didn’t even notice you still had Fred’s beanie on.
“Nobodys, it’s mine.” You stammered out, ripping the hat off and holding it tightly in your lap. Cedric stared some more at it then smirked, he could clearly see the F.W. knitted into the side of it.
“Unbelievable.” He shook his head, still smirking.
“So what's the egg do?” You ignored his silent speculation.
“I can’t believe it.” He chuckled, continuing on.
“Shut up, it was just a small favor.” You smacked his arm with the hat, “What does the egg do, Ced?” You leaned back in your seat.
“It wails. Like an ear-shattering shriek if you open it.” He said flatly and you scrunched up your face at the disappointing thought of it.
“All that struggle just for a screaming egg?” You let out a breathy chuckle, Cedric didn’t respond.
You saw his head lift up slightly and eyes glance to the entrance doors, they lit up. Looking behind you to see Cho standing there, a bouquet of freshly picked flowers in her hands and a nervous smile on her face.
“I’ll let you two have some time alone.” You looked at him in amusement, standing up and nudging his foot before leaving. You gave Cho a sweet knowing smile as you passed by her, she smiled back and nodded.
Harry was opening the golden egg by the time you entered the common room, now you knew exactly what the shrieking Cedric was talking about sounded like.
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Katie and you walked into McGonagall's class confused, the floor had been cleared of all desks and chairs, except one in the corner that had an old dusty phonograph sitting on top of it, Flich standing by it.
“What do you think this is for?” Katie giggled to you as McGonagall directed the girls and boys to separate sides of the room.
“How much do you want to bet that she’s gonna make us dance?” You giggled back.
“If she does, I know who you should pick.” Katie smirked as she nodded her head to where the twins were standing. You were able to let out a sound of disgust before McGonagall began to talk.
“The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament since it’s inception. On Christmas Eve we and our guests we'll gather in the great hall for a night of well mannered frivolity! As representatives of the host school, I expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward. I mean this literally because the Yule Ball is, first and foremost…a dance.” The room erupted into gasps and silent yet excited whispers.
Katie looked at you with a lit up eyes. You gave her your best faux grin, all you felt was dread. A dance meant getting a date to go with. You weren’t very close with any of the boys in your house, Cedric would definitely use this as his chance to ask out Cho, and you wouldn’t even dare to think about asking either of the twins. Not even as a last resort.
“Inside every girl, a secret swan slumbers longing to burst forth and take flight!” McGonagall turned to the girls side of the room, going on with her lecture. After a crude comment from Ron and an awkward yet humorous dance tutorial including him and McGonagall, you were instructed to find a partner to practice with.
“Everybody come together! Boys on your feet!” Of course Katie made a beeline towards George while you looked around the room. You tried your best to find a boy to dance with before they all got claimed by another girl.
There seemed to be no luck, everyone was already standing or making a way to their partners. Oh God, you were terrified this would mean you’d have to dance with Flich. You turned without looking and bumped into someone.
“Need a partner?” That someone being Fred, grinning with his hands behind his back. No luck.
Before you decided whether to reject him or not, you looked around the room one more time, looking at Filch then back at Fred who held out his hand for you. Fuck it.
You took his hand hesitantly and got in position as the music started. Fred had that same stupid smile on his face, the one that always looked like he was trying to hold back his laughter, the one he always had on when he knew he was pissing you off, when he knew you were annoyed.
“Why do you find me being miserable so amusing?” You scowled at him as you both shifted around.
“I reckon you look a bit cute when you’re frustrated.” Fred shrugged. Your eyes went wide and your feet jerked, making your movements stutter at his response.
“What?” You’d lost your train of thought, any snarky responses were gone.
“I’m being honest.” He hummed, “Now come on, let that secret slumbering swan take flight!” He encouraged, beginning to count along with the steps.
After what felt like ages of dancing around the room in circles and “accidentally” stepping on each other's feet, you exited that room as quickly as you could.
The next class was already coming down the corridor by the time you burst out the doors, you stared at the ground as you walked, mind plagued with Freds comment.
Your name being called pulled you out of your thoughts, you looked up to see a concerned Cedric walking up to you.
“You look…mortified, what’s happened now?” He lowered his chin, trying to make eye contact with you.
“I just had to dance with Fred, that was bad enough but then he…nevermind.” You chose to cut off your rant, if you told Cedric what Fred said, you’d never hear the end of it. “Anyways, we have a dance coming up on Christmas. You better ask out Cho while you can. I-I can’t talk right now, I’ve got to get to herbology.” You spoke quickly, not letting Cedric even have a second to respond before you were already on your way.
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It’s been over a month since the Yule Ball has been announced. It's happening tomorrow, your dress your mum said she sent was supposed to be here by today, and you still haven't gotten a date to it. It felt as if every single person around you had paired up with someone. Even the bloody twins had scored dates with Angelina and Katie.
“And you said yes?” You gawked at Angelina as you entered the Great Hall for breakfast.
“Of course I did!” Angelina scoffed playfully.
“He threw a paper ball at you! What kind of crummy way is that?”
“It was Snape's class! We couldn’t talk, I think he was just trying to give an example to his brother too.” She shrugged.
“Great example that is.” You huffed as you three approached the table and sat down. “Still can’t believe you both agreed to go out with them.”
“They really aren't all that terrible! Sure, they’ve had some bad pranks, but they’re not evil. You just hate them.” Katie shook her head at you.
“So maybe they’re not as bad as I seek them out to be, whatever, that still doesn’t change the fact that they’re annoying. Or that you both have dates and I don’t.” You muttered out the last sentence, resting your chin on your hand.
Speaking of the twins, you hadn’t seen them all morning. It wasn’t uncommon for them to sleep in on weekends, but usually they’d be wandering around in the Great Hall or somewhere near by now. You were quickly pulled out of your self mulling when Colin, a first year, nervously tapped you on the shoulder while holding out a large box.
“Parcel for Ms.Y/L/N?” He handed it to you anxiously, you smiled and thanked him before he ran off. You felt your own face light up as soon as you saw that the package was from your mum.
“What’s that?” Katie asked, watching you stand up and excitedly tear off the wrapping paper.
“My dress for the ball!” You grinned as both girls gave you an “ooooo!” in response.
“About bloody time! I was starting to get nervous that you’d have to show up in your robes.” Angelina chuckled.
“Right?” You nodded. “I just hope it’s the right one I asked my mom to grab.” You thought out loud, and it was.
Angelina and Katie both shot up as you gasped at the sight of the dress. All three of you stared at it in awe as you carefully pulled it out of the box. God, it looked better than from when you last tried it on after you saw it sitting in your mum's closet.
It was the most beautiful shade of a pale blue you’ve ever seen, delicate yet elegant embroidered into the fabric, and a flowy skirt.
“Merlin, that’s gorgeous.” Angelina commented as you held the dress up your body. “You’ve got to try it on.”
“Yeah!” Katie agreed as she stood up. “We’ve got to see what it looks like on you!” You just waved them off.
“You two can wait until tomorrow night.” They both let out groans of protest.
“Shove off, you got to see us in our gowns!” Angelina rolled her eyes playfully.
“Yours both arrived early!”
“So? It’s only fair we get to see your late arrived one too!” Katie tugged you by the arm, beginning to try and drag you out the Great Hall. “Plus you’ve got to make sure it fits! If it doesn’t, I know some tricks.” You gave in, holding your dress up carefully and making your way towards the stairs.
The three of you grinned and giggled like you were twelve as you moved quickly up the changing stairs, it became a race of who could get to your dorms faster, and you were winning.
As you got closer to Gryfinndor tower, you felt less like an anxious bundle of nerves, forgetting about the stress of not having a date, only focused on wanting to put on that beautiful gown.
As you made your way to the Fat Ladys portrait, you ignored the giggles coming from behind the door, you thought nothing of them, it was probably girls talking about the ball and their dates. It’s been most of what you heard these past few weeks.
Angelina and Katie jogged up behind you as you showed off your dress to the woman in the portrait, earning a compliment and saying the password to be let in.
The three of you were merely entering the common room when you were met with two grinning freckled faces and some sort of liquid being thrown at you.
The twins stood across from you, holding now empty bottles. There were no longer smiles on their faces or yours. Only horrified expressions.
The room was quiet. The only noise left being a gasp leaving your lips as you looked down at your ruined gown and the sound of the droplets of ink falling from your now soaked dress hitting the common room floor.
Whatever potion/sludge/ink- Whatever disgusting watery liquid they’d thrown from the bottles had splashed all over your dress, some of it hit Angelina and Katie behind you, and your skin. But those were the least of your worries, the pale color was stained with streaks and blots of hideous orange ink.
Tears were already brimming in your eyes as the twins both began to babble apologies at the same time, their voices overlapping each other, eventually going back and forth.
“We thought you were Ron! We were trying to prank Ron!” Fred sputtered out.
“This wasn’t supposed to happen to you, this was for Ron!” George added.
“We’re so sorry y/n, we really didn’t mean for this to happen.”
“A prank?” Your voice was already wavering. “You call this a prank?” You cried out, shaking the stained fabric at them.
“Listen, we can clean it up! We’ve got-” Fred tried to explain. Angry tears began to fall from your eyes before you stopped him.
“Piss off! The Yule Ball is tomorrow night! How could you get all of that out in a day?” You shouted as you threw the dress at the two boys, not caring about it anymore now that it was all messed up. “Actually, I don’t care, it doesn’t matter, you’ve ruined everything! Are you happy?” You turned on your heel and stormed out of the common room, letting out an embarrassing sob while going to the nearest bathroom on the floor.
You could hear the girls begin to tell them off.
“What is wrong with you!” Katie shrieked at them.
“We never thought it’d be you three walking in! It was a prank meant for Ron!” One of the twins defended.
“It was a shitty one at that!” Angelina barked.
“We never meant to hurt anyone with it!”
“Yeah? Well now you’ve made her cry!” Angelina continued on, while you felt more embarrassed than ever.
You’ve now failed at the one thing you thought you’d never do, you promised yourself you’d never do: Cry in front of Fred and George. Let them see you vulnerable.
You couldn’t believe how you were just beginning to tolerate the twins. Just starting to believe that maybe they weren’t all that bad.
It wasn’t long after you hid in one of the stalls when you heard Angelina and Katie's sympathetic calls for you. Soon you saw the two pairs of feet outside the stall door.
“We know you’re in there. It’s just us. You can come out.” Angelina's voice was gentle, holding the same tone as if she was talking to a scared puppy.
You wanted to respond, you tried to speak but all that came out was a pathetic cry. The disappointed breaths from both of the girls didn’t go unnoticed, you just knew they were frowning at each other pitfully.
“I look like a fool.” You whispered out, voice hoarse.
“It’ll be alright, there’s got to be a spell to get the sludge and stains out of it!” Katie tried to help.
“Do you know it?” You rasped out, you didn’t mean to be so snappy towards them, but you were pissed and embarrassed beyond belief.
“No…but maybe a teacher does! Flitwick basically knows every charm in the book!” You let out an unamused breath at Katies words. Yeah, sure. Flitwick will take time out of his day just to fix some stupid girls dress.
You didn’t say anything, you ripped off some toilet paper from the roll and wiped your cheeks with it. The first bell of the morning rang, which was a five-minute warning until the first class of the day.
Fuck, was it already 9?
“Don't let me hold you up, just tell McGonagall I'm sick if she asks.” You sighed. Katie said your name sadly.
“You can’t stay in there all day.” She tutted.
Yeah? Watch me. You almost wanted to say, but again, they weren’t the ones deserving to be snapped at.
“Just go!” You cried, “I’m not going anywhere looking like this.” Neither of them responded, you held in your cries until you saw their feet walk away and the bathroom door shut.
It wasn’t until the end of lunch when you finally left. It was pathetic, skipping two full classes and most of lunch because you were too busy crying in the bathroom and attempting to scrub the stains off your school robes and hands.
The least you could do was make it to Potions, though you really didn’t want to face the twins after your outburst at them. But, maybe when you walked in there puffy eyed and with tear-stained cheeks they’d feel bad, maybe that could be your silent revenge.
However, when you did enter that classroom. Neither of the boys were there, neither of them showed up all class period. They didn’t show up at dinner either. Which was a relief but also puzzling. They usually never skipped meals unless they were up to something. Were they too ashamed to see you after what they did?
Angelina and Katie already told you in the morning that they both wouldn’t be able to make it to dinner, they’d be busy helping Madam Hooch with something Quidditch related. Maybe that’s what Fred and George were doing too.
You left the Great Hall feeling worse than when you came in. Eating alone was never fun, especially when you were already feeling mopey.
“Oh God I was wondering when I’d see you. Angelina and Katie told me what happened.” Cedric said as he caught up to you as you were walking in an empty hallway.
“Yeah?” You stopped and looked at him, he gave you a sympathetic nod. “Good, now you know I’m gonna take out the twins.” You scoffed.
“What? Take them out on a date or in a deadly way?” Cedric chuckled.
“It’s not funny, Ced. They’ve fucked it all up.” You scowled, crossing your arms.
“There’s got to be something you can do?”
“I haven’t got a date nor a dress anymore. There’s no point of going.”
“Don’t be like that, you can still go.” Cedric sighed as you only shook your head slowly.
“There’s no point.” You dropped your arms to your side and shrugged, “Think I’m just gonna go to bed early. Goodnight Ced.” He frowned and watched as you drug yourself down the hallway.
The Fat Lady gave you a sad look as you muttered the password to her, entering the common room with slouched shoulders and a low gaze. You stayed that way until you entered the girls dormitory.
There was no way of missing the dress that was now laid nicely along your bed. Your steps quickened as you approached it, the dress was cleaned of all stains. You picked it up as if it would crumble into ashes when you touched it, it looked even better from before it was ruined.
There was a small gift box sitting with it, you stared in shock as you popped it open to reveal a necklace laying inside, an aquamarine pendant sparkling off of it. It came with a small note card with the writing nicely written down.
A replacement since the old one broke. We suck, we’re sorry. xx - F & G
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TAGLIST: @sublimepenguinpeach-blog@five-seconds-flat @nal-leo-17 @rhunew @albertdabuttler @weak-aesthetic @whotfskai @m00nymarauder @miaandthediamonds @hpstuff244444 @tarzanathetumblingwarrior @isabellavolere @navs-bhat @honeybee240 @pillowjj
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