#then it decided the cursor will stay on screen one even if the input is from the cintiq
howgalling · 1 month
7 hours later I get my pen pressure working again. 😒
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rlxtechoff · 2 years
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anonquack · 3 years
| And Me? |
Alex Quackity x Reader, Oneshot!
Word Count: 2262
Warnings: None! Just some curse words.
Summary: Seeing how much time you've been spending with Bad recently just doesn't sit well with Quackity, and he's going to make sure your attention is returned back to where it belongs. With him.
You had been messing around with what was coined the "Feral Boys" on a Saturday afternoon. Your takeout order was placed on your desk, neglected by the loud clicking and tapping of your keyboard. You all had been throwing around random stream ideas, which proceeded to be bashed by everyone.
"Guys," Dream groaned, frustration clear in his tone yet there was still that softness that let everyone know he wasn't actually mad, "we've been on call for 2 hours and still have no stream ideas we like."
"Maybe if Sapnap didn't complain about everything." Karl quickly quipped in, the grin that was probably plastered onto his face was visible to you even with it just being voice chat.
Sapnap clapped back just as quickly, a little more edge to his words but just the right amount of teasing too.
"Yeah? Nothing works with your schedule. We gotta fit these ideas in with your Mr. Beast-filled schedule."
Quackity let out a laugh that made you roll your eyes yet smile fondly as you finally turned to look at your food, taking a bite as the call jumped right back into their previous banter, a helpless Dream trying to regain control and get everyone to work together.
It served as background noise as you quietly ate your food, inputting or agreeing with someone here and there, your stomach grateful to finally be getting some food. You'd been too busy earlier, and now you had the chance to eat and relax on call with friends. No actual streaming or anything, but still with the burden of coming up with new and fun stream ideas.
As you took yet another bite, your gaze fell onto your phone as the screen lit up, a notification coming through. You set your food down and grabbed the device, clicking on it and smiling once you saw it was a message from Bad.
Unlike whatever mess this call was, you had scheduled to record a video with Bad, and you assumed this message was to confirm that he was now available to film. After quickly reading it, your assumptions were proven right.
"Hey, Bad just texted. I'm gonna head out. Try not to think too hard while I'm gone, okay?" You said as you grabbed ahold of your mouse again, cursor going towards the disconnect button.
There was a mix of 'Bye!' and 'You think of some too, then!' and Sapnap's backhanded remarks that told you he would indeed miss you. You smiled, about to click disconnect before he spoke up.
"Bad? What are you recording with Bad?" The question caught you off guard, not because it came from Quackity but because no one had asked.
"Oh, well, just for a youtube video.. and I promised him we'd chat since I miss him." You admitted, cursor dancing across the screen as you waited for a response, if there was to be any.
"How come we didn't get invited?" Quackity asked, voice a mix of feigned hurt and disbelief of being 'left out'.
You playfully rolled your eyes, noticing a message come in from Bad yet again asking if he could call now. "You spend enough time with Bad as it is. Get in line, right now its MY turn. Now bye!! Seriously." You chuckled, hearing the start of a protest before disconnecting from the call and moving your cursor onto Bad's chat, quickly pressing the call button and waiting to hear his sweet voice ringing through your headphones.
As the small ping notified everyone else in the call that you had disconnected, Quackity let out a small huff, followed by George's small laugh.
"What was that?"
"What was what?" Quackity replied with a tired tone, fingers lazily typing up some email he had been procrastinating on.
"Was that jealously I smelled, Big Q?" Karl teased, letting out a laugh that was so contagious, eliciting laughs from the whole call, even Quackity couldn't help but laugh before letting out another noise of disapproval.
"No, what the fuck? It's just they didn't even contribute any ideas. Just sat and argued with us, and then left to go hang out with Bad." He reasoned, it was a half truth. It didn't bother Quackity at all that you'd been 'unproductive', he enjoyed your company so much and these past two hours had left him with a tummy ache from laughing too hard.
What he hadn't enjoyed was you dropping everything to go on a call with Bad.
It didn't actually bother him, it was part of the bit they had going on, where he was a Skeppy 2.0 and had to fight the other Skeppy copies, in this case YOU, for Bad's attention.
He could feel a migraine coming through trying to understand this new emotion settling in his chest.
Sapnap let out an amused laugh, mumbling a 'sure' but swiftly changing topics in order to not start yet another argument.
It had been about 4 days since the call with the 'Feral Boys' and the recording with Bad. Since then, everything had ran smoothly and you'd been extra productive, focused on getting the video edited and posted as soon as possible.
Currently, you were ringing Bad as he streamed on the server, wanting to make a quick appearance and also just bug him for a bit since you missed him.
Since it was a rather chill stream, Bad didn't fight away your affection, instead encouraging that you hop on the server and play with him for a bit. You couldn't say no to that, how could you?
Before you knew it, you were off your bed and on your chair, in front of your computer as the Minecraft loading screen lit up your facial features and Bad told chat and you about an event that took place this weekend while he was out shopping.
The hushed laughs and sweet stories being shared were soon interrupted by Bad letting out an annoyed huff. "Quackity is spamming me to let him join the call. Is that okay, Y/N?"
You nodded, letting out a hum of approval as you walked towards Bad's avatar that was currently standing still since Bad tabbed out. "Of course."
"Okay, Quackity I'm live, what do you want?" Bad warned before tabbing back onto minecraft.
"Why are you guys calling without me?" There it was, the same tone he had 4 days ago when he was 'upset' he got left out. Your eyes looked at the small message on the bottom left of the screen that let everyone know Quackity had joined the server.
"Because.. whats wrong with it?" Bad asked, confused, before happily following that up, "I was actually telling them about my trip to the store over the weekend."
"Yeah, he was," you mused, "before you rudely interrupted." You assumed he was here for a bit, the Skeppy 2.0s fighting for Bad's love and affection, bothering Bad for a bit before letting the stream go back to being a relaxing, chill stream.
"Yeah? Well I want to hear the story too. You'll tell me too, right Bad?" He returned, the joking tone in his voice confirmed your assumptions. This was a bit.
Bad let out an exasperated sigh. These bits were never planned beforehand, they just happened and unfortunately for Bad it was happening during his chill stream. "What are you two going to fight about now?"
"I have one. Why were you guys recording without me? Hm?" The chat exploded with confusion and excitement for a new video from either Bad or you, possible video ideas being thrown around in chat.
"Because." You deadpan, "If you can do it, so can I."
"That's different." He says every single syllable with precision, as if he is preaching something of upmost importance. "You two spend way too much time together now."
Bad says something to try and interfere the banter he knows is about to take place, chat is going crazy about the Skeppy 2.0s fighting for Bad's love. "So much for a chill stream." He mumbles to chat as his character watches you and Quackity hitting each other. With your fists, since it was deemed a 'fair fight' by both.
After about 3 hours, Bad decided he'd had enough and began saying goodbye to chat. There was a content smile on your lips as you made your character crouch beside Bad's, letting out a small and content "Bye chat!". Quackity had stayed the 3 hours as well, and was yelling his own goodbyes. As soon as the stream ended, Bad let out a small laugh.
"Sometimes you two are just too much." He said, the smile evident in his voice. "Do you guys enjoy bothering me that much?"
"Aw c'mon, Bad. You know we love you tons. And you know damn well you enjoy it too." Quackity teased, which earned yet another exasperated sigh from Bad.
"Okay, well I'm heading to bed.. I'm exhausted. Thank you two, for joining me tonight.. I had fun." He said softly, which automatically made a frown appear on your lips.
"Of course, Bad! I had fun too. Thanks for letting us join. I'll call you tomorrow, yeah?" You offered, to which he hummed. There was a few more goodbyes exchanged before the ping notified you both Bad was gone.
There was silence for a bit as you finally got out of the server and shut minecraft off, wanting to rest your eyes for a bit. Maybe even head to bed yourself.
"You'll call him tomorrow, huh?"
Your eyes closed and you leaned your head back against your chair.
"Bit's over, Quackity." You chuckled, not up for yet another banter about who deserved Bad's love more.
"When's the last time we called? Now it's just Bad this, Bad that."
Your eyes opened, your eyebrows furrowed as you stared at his little profile picture that had its green ring fading around it.
"What?" You said in pure disbelief.
"You heard me." He mumbled. "Video recordings, streams, calls. And me? Nothing. Not one crumb."
"What about you?" You teased, amusement growing as you realized the past 3 hours had not been about Bad, at least not entirely.
"Don't make me actually say it." He complained, which only helped make the smile on your face grow.
"Use your words, Alex. I can't read minds." You gently bit at your bottom lip in anticipation, and in poor attempt to hold back the laugh that was threatening to escape.
"Where's my calls? My recordings. You can't just randomly strip away all your attention from me and dump it on Bad."
"I didn't even do that." You protested, before letting the laugh escape your lips. "Plus, you should be greedy over Bad's attention, not mine."
"Maybe it's not for a bit, asshole? Did you think of that?" He asked sarcastically, earning a scoff from you.
"So you want my attention yet you're going to proceed to call me an asshole?"
"Yes." He breathed out.
"You didn't deny it." You hummed in slight approval. Usually he'd shy away from showing any actual clinginess or affection, and yet here he was, declaring with his whole chest that he wanted attention.
"Because I'm serious. Do you think this is a joke? Is that what I am to you?" He said dramatically, to which you shook your head.
"Of course not." You hummed before smiling at the absurdity of this conversation.
Maybe it was the lack of sleep finally catching up to you and now you were imagining things.
"So? Does this mean I'm getting daily calls, recording videos with you, and streaming together whenever? Even on the alt?"
"Now you're just asking for too much."
"It's the bare minimum you can do for treating me so poorly and neglecting your responsibilities."
"Neglecting my responsibilities?" You repeated in disbelief.
"Yes." He declared. "Ignoring me for Bad is neglecting your responsibilities. A.K.A. me."
"I wasn't ignoring you, Alex." You tried to reason, though he would not listen to any reasoning.
"Yeah, yeah. So what? Do we have a deal?"
You paused and thought about what he was asking for. It really wasn't much, and he was most likely joking, but it was very endearing to see him ask for attention so openly. Especially from you.
"Did you miss me, Alex? While I was off on calls with Bad, talking about who knows what until who knows what time.. were you missing me? Thinking about me?" There was a teasing tone to your voice, but you also genuinely wanted to know.
It was clear that it caught him offguard.
"I mean.. yeah– what do you want me to say? No, fuck you. I didn't miss you at all. That's why I'm on call with you whining and bitching about how you don't give me enough attention and I want more. Specifically from you, please."
His last few words came out more hushed than the rest, and it brought a smile onto your face.
"You don't have to go on.. I'll give you the attention you want so badly from me." You said, the grin on your face growing more at the sound of happiness he let out.
"I guess directly asking for stuff isn't too bad, hm? I'll have to give props to Karl later for the advice."
You raised your eyebrows in amusement. "You asked Karl for advice on how to get my attention-?"
He let out a small groan, "Let's not talk about this with anyone, yeah? Just give me my attention and shh."
You hummed, "Whatever you say, Alex."
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managedmischiefs · 4 years
unauthorized//matthew gray gubler
based on mgg’s new unauthorized documentaries
genre: fluff 
warnings: none!
word count: 3.4k
one last apology for the delay on posting these. fuck migraines!! iykyk. anyways, here it is. im really close to 200 followers and when i get there, ill be doing a preview of my new spencer fic called “north” so be ready to see that v soon! enjoy and don’t forget to give me some feedback!🖤
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Getting to visit Matthew while he’s filming is a rare, yet special, occurrence. I always try to make the best of it when I get the change to head up to Vancouver, whether it be for a quick weekend or a whole week. When the final season of the show started, I did what I could to get to Vancouver for as long as I possibly could. I’d grown close to the cast, not to mention my boyfriend of six years. I wanted to make the best of this final season and make as many memories as I could, even if I’m not a member of the cast. They always joke that I’m an honorary member.
When, one night, Matthew mentioned reviving the Unauthorized Documentaries for the final season of Criminal Minds, I thought he meant it as a joke. He mentioned it so nonchalantly that I’d almost laughed. I thought he’d be too busy to worry about filming something on his own. But on his first week filming, during one of our first nightly FaceTimes, he ran a whole slew of ideas by me and I knew he was serious. 
At least once a week, he would run an idea by me and would judge the quality by my quantity of laughter. I didn’t even need to comment or give my input, he’d just rattle off jokes and concepts and then either check them off or cross them out when I react. He did this every week up until this week, when he started filming. 
“Do I look good?” Matthew brings my attention up from my laptop as he tugs on the lapel of his dress jacket, then holds out his hands to reveal his outfit. He’s dressed for the scenes he’s filming today, a scene with
Aubrey, so I’m not entirely sure why he’s so worried about how he’s dressed, but I’m not composing about the open request to check him out. “I’m about to go start filming the documentary with Andy,” 
I drag my eyes up and down his body, my fingers stilling over the keys as I admire his figure. When I reach his eyes again, his eyebrows are raised because he can tell I’m doing more than just evaluating his outfit. I suck my bottom lip between my teeth as I nod, pushing my laptop aside and reaching my hands out for him. “You look very good, bunny,” 
Matthew chuckles as I successfully grab his hands and tug him closer to me. “No, no,” he doesn’t resist as I twist my fingers in his belt loops, “I gotta go work,”
“I know,” I pout, letting go of him and sitting back in the too-comfy armchair I’m in. I’d give anything to grab him again and drag him into this chair with me. “Go film, I’ll probably be here when you get back,”
“Probably?” He picks up his script and, like the diva he is, checks his hair in the mirror and heads towards his trailer door, peeking back at me. 
“I might follow you, I might stay here and keep doing the work I’ve been procrastinating,” I shrug and gesture back to my discarded laptop, flashing with a blank Google Doc, a doc that has been blank for weeks on end. Being a writer is hard and frustrating and not easy, by any means. What made me think getting a degree in writing would be a good idea? Shaking off my frustrations, I smile cutely at my boyfriend, tilting my head to the side. “Give me a kiss before you leave?”
Matthew nods and stalks back over, leaning over to peck my lips. “Whatever you write,” he whispers, warm breath fanning across my face, “will be absolutely amazing and beautiful and I’ll be honored to read it,”
“Oh, you give me too much credit,” I scoff, watching Matthew roll his eyes.
“And you don’t give yourself enough,” he responds, and then hastily checks his watch. “Okay, I’ve gotta go, but this conversation is not over. I’ll see you later. Love you,”
“Love you too. Go be funny,” I wave goodbye at him as he goes bouncing out of the trailer, closing the door behind him, leaving me to my empty Google Doc. 
An hour later, my head is starting to hurt from staring down at a bright screen so I decide to take a break and get something to eat from catering. I haven’t heard anything from Matthew and I’m not sure what he’s up to, so I grab my phone and throw on one of his hoodies that’s a bit too big on me and head out of his trailer. 
As soon as I do, though, I run right into Matthew with a pile of shoes in his hands, making them tumble to the asphalt. He curses and keeps a straight face as he tries to pick them up again. Then he sees an opportunity in me and starts to shove shoes into my hands to help him, but they’re still tumbling out. I resist the urge to laugh because I know this would ruin his bit, and I just let him silently shove Daniel’s shoes into my arms. 
But then he runs off, leaving me with shoes in my arms. Without any direction or guidance from my boyfriend, I turn to Andy, who’s holding the camera, and shrug my shoulders, dropping Daniel’s shoes to the floor before walking off to my original destination- catering. Those two boys can clean up the mess they devised. I’m hungry. 
Matthew finds me just twenty minutes later, taking me by surprise when he wraps his arms around my shoulders from behind, pressing kisses to my cheek. “Thanks for helping me,”
He pulls out the chair beside me and scoots as close as he can to me, our thighs touching. “I mean, I wasn’t really expecting it but it was funny. I was internally laughing,” I let my head fall onto his shoulder, feeling his arm snake around my waist. I peer up at him, feeling my pupils dilating into hearts at the sight of my stunning boyfriend. I’ll never stop being floored by his eyes and his jawline and his dimples and his lips and his smile and how fucking beautiful he is. “I liked that idea from the beginning.”
“I know you did,” he quips, not-so-sneakily swiping a chip from my plate and popping it into his mouth. “Maybe you’ll appear in another episode. Who knows?”
I don’t see Matthew until the end of the day because he’s busy doing his job, as he should be. I spend my day writing in his trailer and filling up my previously empty Google Doc. When the cast has a long break, Matthew comes in to film a scene that I recognize as the ending to the second episode. He’s sitting at his open trailer door, supposedly watching videos of Daniel modeling. He’d only waved at me when he came in, not wanting to bother my work. I wish he would distract me more. Maybe I’d take action on my fantasy of melting into this armchair with him. 
His exaggerated and focused facial expression is enough to make me suppress a giggle, but then I spot a baby girl hat from Shemar on the counter and a light bulb starts floating over my head. 
“Psst,” I hiss, and Matthew looks up at me, his eyebrows raised. I hold up the hat to him, and his eyes light up with a childlike excitement. He holds up his hands and I toss the hat to him, and as soon as he puts it on, I let out the laugh I’ve been holding in. “Perfect, you look perfect, baby,” Matthew winks at me and then gives a thumbs up to Andy, putting on his exaggerated face yet again and staring down at his phone. I tuck my face in my laptop so I don’t laugh again, typing diligently. 
The next day is when I’m, yet again, roped into Matthew’s documentary. I don’t mind though. His ideas are hilarious and they never fail to make me laugh. 
I sit in Matthew’s trailer for an hour without him, staring at a blinking cursor. I don’t write a single word and I know that sitting in the same spot won’t make inspiration suddenly strike. I decide to change my scene up and bring my laptop to catering. I grab a snack and take a seat at an empty table, crossing my legs under me, beginning to mull over combinations of words and debate definitions of words. It’d been relatively quiet in catering for a while, but it all comes to an end when Matthew comes marching up to me.
“Hi, babe,” he says sweetly, a bit too sweetly, pulling out the chair next to me and taking a seat. Like yesterday, I give him a confused look, and when he gives me the same adorable smile that he always does, my heart practically melts. The ways this man makes me fall so easily. I’ll never understand.
“Hi, there,” I respond, and then glance up at Andy holding the camera. “Can I help you?” 
“Could you possibly google something for me?” Matthew says and directs his attention to my laptop. The way he’s not giving me any type of attention or physical affection let’s me know that he really is filming his documentary again, so I play into it again. What do I have to lose? I’m not writing anyway.
“Yeah, sure,” I switch to Chrome and pull up Google. “What is it?”
“Could you search Daniel Henry?” Matthew keeps a straight face and it’s moments like this that remind me how great of an actor he is. Who can keep a straight face while regurgitating an incorrect name?
I turn my head to him, biting my lip to hold back my laugh. “Henry?” 
Matthew nods. “Yeah, I know, it sounds like a girl's name. I thought it was a girls name at first. Daniel,” He repeats it as if that clarifies anything at all. I just narrow my eyes at him again, and when I don’t search the obviously incorrect name that he’s giving me, he sits back in his chair, finally looking at me again with his eyes narrowed. “Do you-“ he lets out a breath, crossing his arms over his chest, “do you think there’s any chance he could be taller than me?”
“Okay, we can stop there,” Andy cuts us off, dropping the camera from focus.
“I think you missed your calling in life, love,” Matthew chuckles, pulling me into his arms, attacking my face with kisses. “I’m sorry to spring that on you, but-“
“No, it’s fine. I wasn’t really getting anywhere anyway. If you need help with anything else, you know I’m around for the rest of the week.”
Surely, he cashed in on that offer. It was accidental. It was my fault, really. I was just trying to get back to Matthew’s trailer the next day after having lunch with Kirsten and Daniel, to which Matthew jokingly called me a traitor. I heard Matthew’s loud voice from all the way down the hallway and I should have turned and left, but I didn’t. 
So, iced coffee in hand, I stroll down the hallway and when I make it to the clearing, I stop in my tracks. Now, you’d think that after being with this man for five years and living with him, nothing would surprise me anymore. But he still has his moments, and this is definitely one of them. He has these wooden boxes and he’s got a roll of packing tape, and he’s taping the boxes to his feet. Maybe this shouldn’t surprise me, because he’s told me about this idea of his, but seeing him actually doing it with my own eyes is a whole different thing. 
It only takes him a moment to notice my presence, and when he does, he waves me over. “Babe, babe, hey babe, babe, babe,” he says quickly, waving his hand quickly, holding the wooden box against his foot. “Come help me,”
Keeping up the same attitude I’ve had in the past, I let out a dramatic sigh and drag myself over to him, sitting down on the floor and putting my coffee on the floor. But the moment I do, Matthew snatches it up and starts drinking it as I grab the dangling packing tape. Gosh, if he actually acted like this, I’d have broken up with him forever ago. 
I wrap the tape around his foot and the box and then around his ankle, making sure to not make it too tight so that I hurt him. He’s still sipping my coffee and staring into the camera like some cocky asshole when I move onto the other foot, and then I eventually run out of tape.
I sit back on my heels and look up at him. “I’m out,” Wow, this position we’re in right now? If Matthew didn’t have wooden boxes strapped to his feet and we weren’t in the middle of the Criminal Minds offices, I’d probably be reaching for his belt. But I can’t let my mind go there or else we’ll be hooking up in a bathroom or his trailer, and that never ends well for anyone.
“Okay,” he mumbles, and I watch in amusement for way too long as he struggles to get up to his feet. I don’t even help him, I just sit back and giggle. “Here, you can have this back,” he holds my coffee out to me, and just as soon as I reach for it, he pulls it back. “Wait,” he takes a long sip, “okay here.” I finally grab my coffee again and then move to lean against the wall, watching him struggle to take the first few steps with boxes taped to his feet. 
He hobbles down the hallway, all the way to BJ and proceeds to ask her to paint the boxes like shoes. And once he gets the shot he wants of this scene, Andy wanders off and he comes wobbling back to me with a cute, dumb smile on his face. “Will you help me get these off?”
I nod, sitting down on the floor again to pull off the tape around his feet. “Honestly, I’m surprised you didn’t trip and fall on your face,”
“Me too,” he laughs, sighing with relief when I take the first box off and set it aside. “But hey, this is my last break and then I’m gonna be working late today. I don’t know if it’s worth it to stick around set. I’m not gonna be able to come see you or anything,”
“Maybe I’ll go back to your house. I can make some dinner instead of ordering out,” I pull off the last bit of tape and then swiftly reach up to press it against Matthew’s cheek, watching it hang there limply. 
He gives me a deadpan look as I devolve into giggles, falling over his lap and holding onto his misplaced elbow pads to hold me up. “Ha ha, very funny. I’m laughing so much. That was so funny,” His voice is void of any humor as he holds my shaking body from hitting the carpeted floor. 
“I know, I’m just so funny,” I quip, pulling myself together enough to crane my neck and kiss his cheek. “But I am probably gonna go back to your house. Sounds like a good idea,” 
“Okay, just let me know when you get there,” Matthew pats my thigh and signals me to get up, and once we’re on our feet again, he moves the wooden boxes aside. “I might not respond but-“
“Text you so you know I’m safe. I’ve got it,” I finish for him, fixing the lapel of his jacket. I push my pointer finger against the tip of his nose, making him scrunch it up in the insanely adorable way he does. The sight brings a smile to my face and it makes my heart beat faster. “I’ll see you later, okay? Go be brilliant.”
The sound of the front door opening lifts my head, taking my attention away from the glass of wine in my hand and the laptop in front of me, yet again. I glance at the timer on the oven and then jump to my feet, padding towards the foyer.
Matthew is dropping his backpack by the door when I get to him, and pauses halfway through reaching for his jacket. “Hi, love bug,” he murmurs, giving me a weak smile.
I grab Matthew’s jacket for him and slide it off his shoulders. “Hi, bunny,” When I turn to hang the teddy bear jacket on the coat rack, I feel his hands on my waist, drawing me closer to him. He successfully pulls me against his chest, lips leaving a trail against my shoulder. “Long day, huh?”
“Yeah,” he whispers, voice wavering as he tucks his face into my neck, “long, and repetitive, and tiring, and I’m very hungry and I smell food,” 
I turn myself around in Matthew’s arms and face him, placing my hands on his cheeks. “I got pizza dough on my way home and I made homemade pizza. It’s in the oven and it’ll be done in about ten minutes. And I poured you a glass of wine too,”
Matthew’s eyes flutter closed and he presses his forehead against mine. “You’re an angel. You’re a goddamn angel, sent from heaven to bless me with your presence,”
“Oh, stop,” I laugh, patting his cheek gently. “Let’s just get wine drunk and eat pizza and watch movies all night. You don’t have work tomorrow and I’m tired of looking at my damn laptop,”
“You make us sound like two teenage girls,” Matthew unwinds from my embrace and wanders into the kitchen, swiping the full glass of wine from the counter. He takes a sip and then pecks my lips again, and I revel in the sweetness of his lips. 
Matthew sits at the counter, right in front of my laptop, taking another long gulp of his wine. I check on the pizza, just to make sure it’s not burnt, but when Matthew is silent for too long, I look back to make sure he’s okay. Sometimes when he has a hard or long day at work, he tends to shut down and not open up to me, and I don’t want that to happen. But when I turn to check up on him, I find him leaning into my laptop, his eyes darting across the screen. 
I gasp, stepping forward and slamming my laptop shut, ripping it away. “Hey! You know I don’t like it when you read my work before it’s edited and finished,” 
Matthew pouts, hiding his face behind his wine. “Sorry, I just- well, you’ve been talking about it so much and it was right here and I wanted to see how it was going,” I go into the other room and put my laptop into my bag, out of sight and out of mind. When I return to the kitchen, Matthew is pulling the pizza out of the oven just as the timer goes off. “If it means anything, of what I did read, it was really good. I only got through the first two paragraphs, but I really loved it.”
“Well, thanks,” I mumble, going onto my toes to kiss his cheek before grabbing the pizza cutter. “I’m not mad, I just-“
“I get it. You don’t let me read your writing until it’s done and I don’t let you see anything I’ve filmed until it’s done,” 
“Oh, so, I can’t see any of the documentary until it’s done?” 
“Maybe I’ll make an exception for that,” he quips, grabbing the pizza cutter from me and digging it into the hot pizza crust. “I don’t trust you with this thing anymore. Not after you ended up in the hospital last year with Sandy,” he turns to me with a pointed look.
“It was an accident and you know it!”
“Oh, really?” He guffaws, tossing the pizza cutter aside and reaching for my waist. But I dodge him, taking a step back. He accepts this as his challenge, reaching for me again, and when I dodge him one more time with a confident smirk, a playful fire ignites behind his eyes. “Fuck the pizza. I’m coming for you.”
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droneseco · 3 years
XP-Pen Deco Mini 7 Wireless Graphic Tablet Review: Embrace Portability, Create Anywhere
XP-Pen Deco Mini 7 Wireless
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Up to 8,192 pressure sensitivity levels
Battery-free stylus supports up to 60 degrees of tilt
2.4 GHz wireless connectivity
8 customizable shortcut keys
Brand: XP-Pen
Active Area: 7" x 4.37"
Multi-Touch Support: Not touch sensitive
Pressure Sensitivity Levels: 8192
Connection: USB
Good range of pressure sensitivity levels
Wireless receiver
Compact size
Wide array of system and software support
Small active work area won't appeal to all
Buy This Product
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XP-Pen Deco Mini 7 Wireless amazon
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The XP-Pen Deco Mini7W (or Deco Mini 7 Wireless) doesn't challenge your definition of a drawing tablet with a pen. Instead, it takes what's most desirable, cuts the excess, and delivers it all in a travel-friendly package.
Regardless of your skill level with graphic tablets, the Deco Mini7W focuses on accessibility while integrating its use across different software, platforms, and uses.
XP-Pen Deco Mini7W Design and Specifications
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After peeling off the initial plastic, you'll notice the Deco Mini7W keeps things minimalistic. With a black matte finish that utilizes white for contrast, eight lightly raised shortcut key buttons, and four directionals to symbolize the drawing area, it provides an easy functional read. At the base of the tablet are four rubber feet to keep it in place.
XP-Pen's Deco Mini7 measures out at 10.24 x 6.38 x 0.36 inches while providing an active work area of 7 x 4.37 inches. Thanks to its small footprint, it's very easy to stash the drawing tablet in a bag, backpack, or large pocket of your choice. With it also weighing just under a pound, you'll hardly notice it's there.
If you're a fan of the XP-Pen Deco 01 v2, sadly the light-up drawing area with adjustable brightness didn't make the cut. However, even in more dim lighting, this wasn't much of a factor.
As one might guess by the name, the major selling point of the Deco Mini 7W is its 2.4 GHz wireless connectivity via a USB wireless receiver. For charging or for a wired connection, a USB to USB-C cable is included, but the 1000 mAh battery with its ≥ 10 hours of operation and two-hour charge time keeps this to a minimum. This means more time spent working with the Deco Mini7W wherever you want.
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Included alongside the graphic tablet is the P05D battery-free stylus. This stylus supports up to 60 degrees of tilt and up to 8,192 pressure sensitivity levels. For those planning to extensively use the stylus, ten extra nibs are included with a pen clipper tool to remove any worn down nib as necessary.
Checking Your Compatibility and Connectivity
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As for the Deco Mini 7W’s compatibility, XP-Pen has done a good job making sure it works on just about everything with the right connector. On top of the USB to USB-C cable and wireless receiver, XP-Pen has also included a USB to USB-C adapter and USB to Micro-USB adapter. Before plugging in, however, it's advisable to update your drivers for Windows and macOS.
However, even with all the right prep work, there are some nuances to keep in mind regarding your platform of choice. On Windows, you’ll want to disable Windows Ink by unchecking its box under the PenTablet app. Should you need to use Windows Ink, it's easy to re-enable, but you can otherwise quickly mitigate any cursor issues that result from it being active.
On macOS, XP-Pen needs certain access permissions to function fully. Overall, this was the most complex set-up process; XP-Pen outright alerts you of what's needed when you go to download the driver. Thankfully, there's an included PDF with the driver and an official YouTube video for anyone needing some extra help getting everything smoothed out.
In the case of Android, XP-Pen notes that some devices aren’t supported. My Samsung Galaxy S7 isn’t considered a fully supported device, but I was able to draw and use assorted drawing apps despite this note. Most of these are Samsung-based devices, so it's helpful to check XP-Pen's FAQ before considering a purchase.
If you’re using a Chromebook, the deco Mini7W does support ChromeOS; you need to make sure you have it updated to the appropriate version as noted by XP-Pen. For now, that means you need to update to Chrome OS 88.0.4324.109 or above.
Getting Started With the XP-Pen Deco Mini7W
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Once you've figured out what platform you're going to be using, it boils down to a question of what software to use and your operational preferences.
When it comes to software, XP-Pen makes sure their graphic tablets works across an expansive array of popular applications like Photoshop, SAI, ZBrush, Maya, Clip Studio, and many more. However, if you're just starting out or want to try something new, XP-Pen does offer free software depending on what you purchase from them.
With the Deco Mini7W, I was given the option to choose either ArtRage and OpenCanvas for digital art. For those interested in e-learning or digital whiteboards, a three-month individual plan subscription was also offered for Explain Everything. Activating the software requires an XP-Pen account, entering your tablet's serial number, and following the instructions to redeem your activation code.
Once you have your software of choice, you'll want to poke around in PenTablet to set your work area, pen settings, and express keys.
For your work area, you can set your screen area or tablet area to either the full coverage or your preferred range. For those that prefer to draw on their tablet in a certain position, you're able to adjust its rotation settings between 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270°.
For both the P05D stylus and the Deco Mini7W's shortcut keys, you can change from the suggested defaults to either mouse controls, quick application launches, or custom keyboard inputs. These pen and key settings can also be set to work only for certain programs, so you don't have to change them between projects.
Prior to use, you can also manually adjust the pressure sensitivity of your pen under pen settings. While it ranges between soft and hard, the differences didn't feel too noticeable. In the interest of keeping it most balanced for my hand during testing, I opted to stay with the defaults.
Ways to Utilize the Deco Mini 7W
How can you use this drawing tablet?
While digital drawing comes to mind usually, graphic tablets fulfill numerous niche purposes whether it's remote learning, workplace note-taking, digital signatures, or even gaming. All of these capitalize on the precision of the Deco Mini7W and feel even better without the wired requirement.
Digital Art with the Deco Mini 7W
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When looking at a drawing tablet, there are a few baseline criteria to consider. I want good pen detection when drawing, little latency, and a good range of pressure detection. Whether wireless or wired, the Deco Mini7W did give me this.
In terms of experience, I found the XP-Pen Deco Mini7W to be more effective when used more traditionally with a desktop or laptop. The mobile software offerings had limited support for the shortcut keys; I highly valued the customization that came with the PenTablet app. If you prefer drawing on mobile, it's not too bad to have to implement a touch-based setting command.
Regardless of what you choose to use as your screen, drawing with the XP-Pen felt comfortable and easy to use.
E-Learning and Work with the Deco Mini 7W
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For those that don't traditionally use a drawing tablet, the increase of popularity for these devices for remote working and e-learning is worth noting. To test the Deco Mini7W's effectiveness here, I decided to approach it as if I were preparing some slides for my students.
As Explain Everything serves as an online whiteboard, it was very easy to open up a template and just start using the stylus to write, highlight, and otherwise emphasize information for video recording. Specifying custom shortcuts for Explain Everything wasn't hard; I just bound them to my browser of choice for the time of recording.
For those remotely working, writing out notes by hand was similarly easy across different software. While not a necessity, it was refreshing to be able to jot down notes without a long wire against my desk. When you consider the XP-Pen retails for around $60, it isn't the most expensive option either when it comes to a more comfy workflow.
Relax with the Deco Mini7W
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Gaming with unique peripherals isn't a new practice, but it's always an intriguing one. To test the precision of the tablet, I decided to try out osu! with XP-Pen. While I'm certainly not the fastest in response time, the Deco Mini7W and stylus allowed for precise inputs while playing the rhythm game.
While I wouldn't recommend it for every game, it's a pleasant distraction if you want to take a break and try something unique.
Repairability or Replacement for XP-Pen's Deco Mini7W
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If something does happen with your Deco Mini 7W, there are a few options to consider. For those concerned about the tablet itself, XP-Pen doesn't currently sell any protective film for the Deco Mini7W. However, the Deco Mini 7W is pretty small, so it’s not hard to keep it protected in transit.
If you happen to lose or get through the ten included nibs, XP-Pen offers 100 of their nibs for around ten dollars. If something happens to your stylus, the P05D can also be replaced for about sixteen dollars.
For any initial problems, XP-Pen offers a twelve-month warranty from the time of purchase. If you purchase directly from their e-store, they instead offer an extended eighteen-month warranty.
Should You Buy the XP-Pen Deco Mini7W?
The XP Pen's Deco Mini 7W offers the opportunity to easily work whenever inspiration strikes. It's compact, affordable, and gives the option to go wire-free. As far as drawing tablets go, it's perfect for travel.
If you're simply after the best drawing tablet, it doesn't have all the premium features. However, if you're looking for an inexpensive tablet to get you started, it's one worthy of your attention.
XP-Pen Deco Mini 7 Wireless Graphic Tablet Review: Embrace Portability, Create Anywhere published first on http://droneseco.tumblr.com/
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dj-danny-fire · 7 years
Alright guys, half the phandom will hate me after this but I feel it’s worth it just because I’m worried about what will happen to Dan if it is fake. So in case you didn’t know, earlier a video on twitter surfaced of Dan’s twitter name being “Daniel Lester” rather than “Daniel Howell”. Since a moving text is extremely hard to edit, it’s really believable but I just want to go over a possibility. First step, go to Dan’s twitter page. Next, right click anywhere on the screen (that isn’t a link/interactive for your cursor). Click Inspect Element. 
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All this HTML will come up. I’ve had some experience with it, and anybody with any basic experience can mess around with it.
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You’ll notice as you hover over the different inputs and lines, that some highlight certain places on the page in blue. These are the areas effected when you edit the HTML. The box above highlights Dan’s display name tweets/replies/media etc. 
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Right clicking the second input from the drop down menu and selecting “Edit as HTML” will bring you to more HTML in a small box, and scroll down until you see “Daniel Howell” in black text. This is Dan’s display name. You can freely delete and write whatever you want here (as long as you don’t delete the surrounding symbols). 
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I just decided to put “DJ-Danny-Fire” because of my blog. As you can see it changed his actual display name, but it only changed for me on my own screen. This however doesn’t change the tweets screen name, which is where we run into an issue because there was a screen shot of one of his own tweets with the name being “Daniel Lester” beside it. 
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Here it is without the HTML window, and until you refresh the page (I mean refresh not go to a new page and come back, stay on his twitter page and click refresh. It’ll go back.)
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And here, I just put it as “Daniel Lester” to show that his display name can be easily modified if one wants. The search bar can easily be manipulated, but in the video the tab also said “Daniel Lester” where as if you just change his display name with the method above it won’t change the tab.  For the record I am not calling anybody a liar. I love the phandom and I love Dan and Phil but the main reason I did this was to try and shine light on reason. I’m worried the bad side of the phandom (we know who they are) will just bother Dan about how he “changed his name to Daniel Lester” and practically harass him about it. For now we don’t know if it was real or not, so please don’t just spam him with screen shots or videos of something that might’ve just been greatly edited and manipulated HTML. Don’t try and ‘force’ him to ‘admit’ to his marriage (which is honestly so damned crazy??) or come out. That’s terrible and not what the phandom is about.  So yeah that’s about it. Please don’t be mean to Dan. (And yes, harassing him about this is mean even if you don’t think it is). 
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teimywimey · 8 years
Chapter 2 is up!
Every person is born with their soulmate's name written somewhere on their body. Symmetra’s used to be on her left wrist.
Sombra has no real connections. The person she used to be did, but it’s better this way. Soulmates complicate things.
Chapter under the cut
Sombra paces in her hotel room, trying to keep her breathing steady. Her heart hammers in her chest. Come on, idiot. You’re Sombra. Sombra always knows what to do. Sombra always has a plan.
She doesn’t have a plan.
Soulmates had never really worked out in her experience. Half the kids she had run with in Los Muertos had felt their soulmates die - she remembers Angelo, who had been like a big brother to her, curling into a ball and clutching his bicep where his soul mark burned, screaming the name of a woman he never got a chance to meet. She remembers how the mark on the back of her mother’s hand had faded to scars even as she had refused to let her children give up hope. She remembers waiting for the pain to flare on her own wrist and for the gold letters to turn white, hoping that the seemingly inevitable loss would hurt less if she was ready for it. She remembers, and she knows that she must choose logic, she must choose to fight anything and anyone that would even try to control her.
And yet.
She can’t help but feel a certain pull towards the architech. It almost feels like recognition, and she supposes that, in a way, it might be. People believe all kinds of things about how soulmates are paired, but everyone talks about how you just know. And Sombra just knows.
She sits on the edge of the bed to breathe through the waves of fear. Pull yourself together. Sombra isn’t afraid of anything. She takes a deep breath in. Not even your soulmate being the most talented, intelligent, gorgeous- she forces that train of thought to stop as she exhales. Focus.
In, and out.
In, and out.
As Sombra calms, she pushes the unhelpful feelings away.
In, and out.
Be logical.
Something has to be done. For now, she has to ignore the fact that Satya is her soulmate. She sighs. It’s not like ‘Sombra’ was the name on her wrist. That person can’t exist anymore. I am Sombra, not that little girl.
Sombra opens her holoscreens and pulls up the profiles of the other architechs. There has to be more information. She makes notes for a while, but finds it near impossible to stay on task. Eventually she returns to Satya’s file. She can’t help but wonder what Satya would think of her. She is elegant where Sombra is crass, quiet where Sombra is harsh. How are we supposed to work together?
As she stares at her screens, she considers the facts of the situation. Vishkar is doing anything and everything to sate their greed; no one else has had both the means and the will to do anything about it; her soulmate is among the people in need of help. Sombra hates feeling obligated to do anything. Even Talon knows better than to try to force her into completing a task she does not want to do.
And yet.
Taking down Vishkar has to be done - for Lúcio’s sake, if nothing else. They have to be punished for what they’ve done. Sombra doesn’t want to admit it, but her curiosity about Satya is growing with every moment.
Sombra sighs. Of course this is the one time that my heart and my head point me in the same direction. Taking a deep breath, she hacks into Vishkar’s network and searches it for Satya’s computer.
Halfway across the world in Vishkar’s Utopaea headquarters, Satya settles into her apartment after work. The day had been long and tedious, filled with endless meetings and trainings and appointments. Ever since she had returned from Rio, things had felt ever so slightly off - almost like her fellow employees were watching her a bit more carefully. She had brought it up during one of the monthly psychological evaluations, but decided to drop it when Sanjay scolded her for it afterwards.
She sits on the couch and opens her laptop to check her email. It takes a second or two longer than usual for her to log in, and when she does, something seems wrong. She pauses.
One, two, three, four, five - the correct number of columns in the grid of icons on the left side of the screen. Two, four, six, eight, ten - the correct number of rows. Satya frowns. Separate from the grid, off to the right, there is an outlier, a word document she does not remember creating.
The text underneath it reads “hello.”
Satya deletes it and runs a malware scan.
The scan comes up clean and she goes to check her email.
She answers a few from colleagues, and a few from clients. Sanjay had sent an email asking for a report that Satya is sure she had sent him at least twice already, but she sends it again anyway. As she searches the documents folder, she sees it.
“Hello take 2,” this one is called. When she minimizes the windows she has up, sure enough, another icon has appeared on her screen. She deletes it and continues on with her business. Maybe someone is just messing with me. Some of her coworkers liked to do that sometimes. Their joking didn’t bother her when they left her out of it, but this was too much.
She sends the last few emails, and exits all the windows to check for another icon.
Satya pinches the bridge of her nose. They don’t pay me enough to deal with this. She sighs and opens the document.
It is blank.
Satya isn’t sure what she was expecting.
She closes it, deletes it, and runs another scan. Still nothing is flagged. She almost screams in frustration when she closes the scan window and yet another icon has appeared. She opens it and taps out a message.
Why are you doing this?
Satya glares at the screen as though that might make the person on the other end reply faster. After a moment, the cursor jumps a couple lines down the page and the text color changes to purple.
I have information for you. You have the right to know.
The words send a spike of combined dread and curiosity through Satya. She presses enter twice and types:
Who are you?
The cursor moves again, then sits there blinking on the page.
It pauses. A ‘y’ appears and is quickly deleted.
a friend.
Satya frowns.
If you are my friend, you can communicate with me through more appropriate channels. I do not appreciate what you’re doing
The cursor moves almost immediately when she finishes typing.
I know, I’m sorry. We haven’t met
Satya presses enter before the person can continue.
Then how are we friends?
There is a pause, then the typing continues.
Details, details. I’m a friend and I mean you no harm. Please listen to me.
The cursor jumps down and waits for Satya’s input. She sighs.
The stranger types out the address of a website, a username, and a password.
Log in.
What is that?
An ‘appropriate channel.’
Satya rolls her eyes and opens the web browser.
The website appears to be a local news site for a small town that Satya has never heard of. She logs in with the information she had been given, and is surprised to find what almost looks like a forum. She freezes. A chat window pops up at the bottom of the page.
Sombra: hey!
Sombra: I’m the friend
Hermosa: What is all this?
Sombra: just an archive of stuff, and sort of a forum. Most of it is locked for you right now, and none of the other users besides me can interact with you yet
Hermosa: Why is it locked if you want to give me information?
Hermosa: And who are the other users?
Hermosa: How does this work?
Sombra: a curious mind, I like it ;)
Sombra: 1) just a precaution, 2) some friends of mine. Maybe three of us use this regularly. 3) it’s hard to explain, but do some research on virtualization if you want, it’s cool shit
Sombra: go to the corps tab, >Vishkar, >Rio/Calado
Satya goes to the tabs as ‘Sombra’ instructed. She looks through the compiled information and almost forgets to breathe.
There is CCTV footage of Symmetra in the Calado building on that night, footage that shows her knocking out guards and looking through files. There are recordings of conversations between Vishkar employees, Calado employees, and government officials. Medical reports, death certificates, lawsuits - there is so much information, so much incriminating information, that all she can do is sit and stare. The pinging sound of a notification startles her.
Sombra: I know this is probably a lot to take in
Sombra: this is what I wanted you to see first
One of the files becomes highlighted in purple. Satya clicks on the first one apprehensively.
It is a recording of a phone call between Sanjay and one of the Vishkar CEO’s underlings. Her heart sinks as she listens.
“-and good job with the placement, that fire saved us the headache of buying the land.” The man chuckled. “At this rate you’re in for a promotion, Korpal.”
“Thank you, sir,” Sanjay responded. “I should also let you know - Vaswani didn’t like what happened.”
“Well, that’s why we don’t leave the decision making to Vaswani, isn’t it? Remind her of her place, tell her whatever she wants to hear. Let her keep dreaming.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Keep a closer eye on her, too. We don’t want too many funny ideas to take root.”
“Yes, sir.”
Satya closes the recording. She sits and stares at the screen, at a loss for what to do. No, I- no. It can’t be real. It’s a joke. We’re making the world a better place.
Frustrated, she logs out of the website and goes to delete all traces of her conversation with Sombra. She is surprised to see that the document they had been talking through earlier had already been deleted and replaced with something new - “Satya.” She almost doesn’t want to, but she looks at what it says.
I know this is hard to believe, but it is real. All the information I have to give you is real. You’re trying to make a better world - so am I. We can help each other. Just think about it. And don’t worry, I will make sure that there are no traces of me for Vishkar to find.
Vishkar will not stand forever. I’d love to work with you.
Satya closes the document, and moments later, it is deleted. She sits curled up on her couch, watching the sun set over the Utopaea skyline, and considers her options.
Sombra falls into an uneasy sleep after she finishes cleaning up the evidence of her intrusion into Vishkar’s network. She dreams of a child playing in a field with her brother and sister, waiting for their mother and father to call them in for dinner.
Sombra is woken at dawn by a notification. She checks the archive and selects the blinking chat window.
Hermosa: This is how it’s going to be. I will ask you questions - about anything and everything, and you will provide me with answers and sources proving those answers. If you ever lie to me, I’m out, and I will take everything I know to Vishkar. Deal?
Sombra laughs as she reads the message. I like her already.
She grins and responds.
Sombra: Deal
Author’s note: credit where credit is due - the talking via the word doc is inspired by the Millenium series by Steig Larsson, can’t remember which book
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Premiumpress Review Are You Seeking Information About Wordpress? Then Check Out These Great Tips!
Premiumpress Review Proficient tips provider. Blogging is the new black for the Internet. Blogging with WordPress is quickly becoming the standard by which most bloggers get their start and earn their bread and butter. If you want to learn how to make WordPress work for you in your personal blogging or Internet marketing efforts, continue reading.
Spend some time getting to know all of WordPress's tools and options. You will get more choices when you do this. It will make your posts different than others. You should also see a Screen Options on the Admin page. Use this to control a wide variety of formatting elements.
Don't forget to use spellcheck. It may seem obvious now, but many people forget to do it. When using the WordPress editor to post to your blog, make sure you take advantage of its spellcheck function. Even if you have already proofread your post, a quick and simple spellcheck couldn't hurt.
If you want to create a line break, but not a paragraph break, hold shift while you press the enter key. This moves the cursor down to the next line without including any blank space. If you want to put a letterhead-type address on your page, this should make it a snap.
Premiumpress Review Proficient tips provider. Have an easy to find library. Time is money and you don't need to check tons of folders to find one thing. It is easier to find things in your WordPress theme when everything is in one integrated folder. This makes searching through your Media Library much easier since it only involves inputting a keyword for what you're looking for.
Many people are responding to video blogs, so consider this option. Video blogging is not only becoming more popular, it is also becoming much easier to use. WordPress, in its current version, makes the use of video blogging easy. This can really increase traffic by drawing those who are less inclined to read.
The greeting appearing at the head of the Wordpress website page should be very engaging. This makes things a bit more personal with readers since you can make a message that shows how others found your site. This will make things look less robotic on your webpage and can be accessed with the WP Greet Box plugin.
You can insert media into your posts just by pasting the URL where you'd like the media to appear. For example, paste in a YouTube video just by putting the URL within the text where you want the video to play. Be sure that the URL doesn't turn blue - if it does, highlight it and click the unlink button.
Keep close track of visitors to your blog. This is the only way you will be able to improve it to please your reader more. Free WordPress bloggers can use Jetpack stats to do this. Both free and paid bloggers can use Google Analytics. Be sure to make good use of both services if you can because they offer slightly different advantages.
Control unruly spam not by turning off comments, but by installing the right plugin. Aksimet's anti-spam plugin is exceptional at keeping your site on the up and up. You can also add Recaptcha which adds a captcha to the comments box on your site, ensuring no bots can leave a message.
Don't use "admin" as a username. When you are showing as "admin", your site has a higher chance of being targeted by bots. This is a risk to the security of your site. Go to your "user" page and erase anything that has to do with usernames that contain "administrator" or "admin". Pick a different username.
Include useful links at your footer. The footer is located at the bottom of your site. Most sites include contact information, copyright information and links to other sites in the footer. By including useful information in your footer, you can increase the sales, referrals and traffic to your site.
Incorporate a social sharing plugin for your WordPress blog. Integrating social media with your blog will be a great boon to your traffic. Your users can instantly share your article through Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites. Look for a plugin that will allow liking and sharing, since both will be beneficial.
Premiumpress Review Most excellent service provider. Sticky the posts the you want to stay at the top of your page. If there are posts you want your visitors to see first, sticky them by going to the 'visibility' option on the 'edit posts' screen. Choose to sticky the selected messages to the first page, and that is it.
Consider highlighting the responses you give to the comments of others. You can find a lot of inquiries in the comments section. If there is a response from the author, it can be easily overlooked. Make sure to highlight author commentary in a contrasting color. In this way, they will be easy to find.
Always extensively examine your blog before and after adding a new theme or plugin. New plugins can have some nasty and unintended side effects. Identify these before they cause you any issues. After installing a new theme or plugin, look your site over carefully. Make a few test posts to ensure that your blog is functioning as it should.
Free plugins should not automatically be overlooked. Compare the value of your time to that of the plugin's cost, and decide on the right approach. The features offered are worth the price that you pay.
Premiumpress Review Professional tips provider. Connecting your blogs to your social media accounts helps your readers stay updated and lets them interact with you easier. Use SexyBookmarks for this. SexyBookmarks is a plugin that helps you link your social media accounts with your blog. There are many ways to customize the links to blend seamlessly with your page.
With blogging taking on such a large role across the Internet, it might be the time you want to get started. This article has laid out some great ideas to make the most of WordPress and help you understand how to make it work for you. Don't wait for the right time, make NOW the time.
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brandonxnellis · 7 years
Why We Need Privacy Tools
If you’re like many individuals, you might not think that you need to use the numerous internet privacy tools currently available. You think you’re relatively safe or you just don’t think about it that much. You share all kinds of information about yourself online. Should you worry? OR, you may be you believe using them means you’re guilty of something that could cause guilt, and that you are hiding something.
The truth is that you don’t need to be a spammer, hacker, or even criminal to want privacy tools. Internet privacy is essential for people for numerous reasons – and for people just like you. It doesn’t matter if you’re a mom of 4 or a high powered executive, a celebrity, a government official, a small business person. All these people come from different perspectives and have different needs but they all have privacy concerns.
There are lots of reasons why you might want to use different privacy-enhancing tools. They will help make sure your rights of privacy and free speech are protected. Your passwords and personal info are secure, protect you from identity theft, safeguard your credit, preserve your relationships. Taking action to protect yourself is a not a universal answer but it’s prudent to take measures where you can. The rights of privacy and free speech are universal to humanity – no matter the country he or she might live in. The Guardian reported in 2014 that 28% of people use some sort of online privacy tool. You probably should too.
But how do people access our private information?
There are many ways our confidentiality can be violated.
Sometimes deleting something really doesn’t mean it’s deleted. You may think more frequently than not that when you delete something the info is removed from the system. This is often not true. There is a lot of trace information which can be left. What you thought was gone might be found by hackers, and can make you vulnerable. If someone gets access to your computer they can use simple file restoration software to be able to recover the files and then the trouble begins.
This can result in your stolen identity, access to your bank accounts, or some new and unusual charges to your credit card that you didn’t make.
Most web browsers now can save passwords which you visit. Although this feature is useful to us, offenders use and can find this info to access your accounts, internet banking, and credit card balances.
As you browse throughout the internet, many files can end up staying on your PC. Many of those are harmless cookies that allow you to access websites like Amazon.com, but others have a more evil purpose. Spyware can land on your PC, allowing hackers and offenders to track every move you make online.
  The Government
How governments handle privacy varies from country to country. A significant event occurred recently in the United States whereby 265 members of Congress passed a law which said that ISPs could sell your data without asking you. Yup, that happened. This is important for a number of reasons but the most important reason is that because you pay for internet service and the ISP can see all of your traffic you should have a right to say how you’re data is used. This is really different from other platforms that may have some of your data because you probably don’t pay for them (Google, Facebook), and they only see some your data and only when you use their platforms and so, in theory, you as the end user are getting “value” out of it and it’s a fair exchange. No matter what side of an issue you fall on your personal and private web traffic history is pretty confidential. Precautions. In. Order. Now.
Another way the government has violated privacy is through literal confiscation. In an article, written recently by Quincy Larson, A native-born American had their cell phone taken away at customs and was held in a locked room until a customs officer demanded his password for his phone. He indicated that there was sensitive data on his device as he was an employee of NASA and was ignored until he provided his password. He was then shortly thereafter released. In that situation, all your data is exposed. This is an extreme example,but it’s clear that protecting yourself is warranted wherever possible.
Malware is one of the more common ways your information can be compromised. It can result in:
– Loss of data – The hijacking of your data with it being held ransom, – Your computer being used for things you’re not aware of – Hijacking your computer altogether and demanding ransom – Identity theft – Adware
It’s pretty nasty stuff. To highlight just how bad malware can be hackers recently included malware into CCleaner, an anti-virus software, which is estimated to have impacted over 2M people.
The whole point with malware is that it’s going to be introduced via something that is benign. A software that’s meant to protect you, an operating system that has not been updated. As Troy Hunt recently said “This is how consumer software these days should be: self-updating with zero input required from the user. As soon as they’re required to do something, it’ll be neglected which is why Windows Update is so critical. Let’s start there:” What this means is that sometimes protection doesn’t have to be hard. It just needs to be turned on. There is no such thing as foolproof but trying is better than not.
  Internet Privacy Tools
What are some of the ways you can protect yourself?
Everybody ought to be capable to speak their mind without having to worry whether or not what they are saying is popular or not or may offend some sensibilities.
People should be free to surf the world wide web for information without worrying about being tracked by someone else. Internet privacy tools protect these fundamental human rights. You have the right to freedom of thought so how can you protect yourself from the prying eyes of the digital world.
Some of the things you can do are just simple choices that you can make every day.
A great way to protect yourself is to not allow any cookies to be downloaded to your computer. You can control this in your browser settings. Also, make sure you only visit websites that use HTTPS rather than HTTP and avoid downloading anything from torrent sites as well as adult content sites. Be careful.
You might also want to use a VPN to hide your actual IP address so that you’re browsing history isn’t tracked. VPN stands for virtual private network. The way this works is using a “VPN client” on your computer you connect to the internet through a direct connection to the VPN network and surf the internet through them on your internet connection. This means that the IP that is seen is not your actual IP but an IP address belonging to a VPN network. Something to be conscious about with VPN networks is that a lot of VPNs IP blocks (The IP addresses that VPN services use for their VPN users) are known and blocked anyway from companies who know a little bit about network security. An easy way to get around is running your own VPN server. Here are some examples of privacy tools you can use to protect yourself.
  1. Two-Factor Authentication
Passwords aren’t that secure. If someone gets access to your computer and run what’s called a keylogger. They can log all your passwords and then they’ve got a damaging level of access. A great way to protect yourself is with two-factor authentication tools. This isn’t foolproof but it provides a great addition to security by adding a second passcode which changes every 60 seconds. IF anyone is trying to hack you it’s going to get pretty hard for them to do what they need to do in under 60 seconds to get access to your accounts.
  2. Copy and Encrypt Your Data
You may not always be able to keep your data secure but maybe you can keep your data intact.
What’s meant by this is that someone may get access to your data but you can keep a version of your data from being affected so that you have a version that is intact and that you’re sure hasn’t been changed that you can refer to for accuracy.
There are lots of different pieces of software which will automatically copy and encrypt your data with a point in time date.
Point in time meaning the copy was made at a specific time and that will tell you whether it may be before or after you’ve been infected or what may be in the data or may be in the data.
  3. Use Anti-Malware Software
Clearly, As exemplified in the example above even with the best intentions like running software that is supposed to protect you, you can still be compromised. That said, pick a well-reviewed and widely used software. If for some reason that software is compromised you will be notified thought it can’t hurt to keep your ears to the ground. If the software you are using is compromised switch to something else. Quick action counts for something. Inaction counts more.
  4. Don’t Blindly Click on Links
We get targeted with a lot of links. Most of them are harmless but clicking on the wrong link can be a fatal mistake. Luckily there is some basic protection available already right in the browser. If you hover your cursor over a link than in the bottom left corner of the screen the actual full link will appear so you can see and decide if it looks like what it is what you’re being told it is. It looks like a normal domain you’re probably good. IF it looks out of place. Use your judgment to guide your way but use it.
The bottom line is this. There are a lot of problems but you also have lots of options. Quick action counts for something. Inaction counts more.
The post Why We Need Privacy Tools appeared first on Hushed.
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The Graphic Card Guide [TGCG], by Planejamento Technologia
You'll require an intense design card (or two!) to run front line PC recreations at 4K determination. We tried and picked the 10 best sheets for pixel-stuffed gaming.
Because of spilling administrations, for example, Netflix, Amazon Prime, and even YouTube, it's at long last getting less demanding to discover real 4K (additionally alluded to as "Ultra HD") video content. Be that as it may, as magnificent as 4K video looks, in case you're expecting to inundate yourself in a pixel-thick world, it's difficult to beat playing front line PC recreations in 4K.
Comforts like the Microsoft Xbox One and Sony PlayStation 4 can't deal with 4K gaming, in spite of the fact that the refreshed PlayStation 4 Pro offers 4K bolster for a few diversions. The main other genuine 4K-able comfort, of sorts, at the season of this written work was the Android TV-fueled Nvidia Shield$199.99 at Amazon. It can run some Android diversions at 4K, and additionally stream PC recreations from your home gaming PC at 4K (and even over the Internet in the event that you have a quick association).
In any case, in the event that you need to play shiny new, AAA recreations at 4K with the best visuals, you'll require a desktop PC outfitted with an intense illustrations card—particularly on the off chance that you need to play your amusements with the in-diversion sight to behold dialed as far as possible up. What's more, in case you're putting resources into a 4K screen or a 4K TV for gaming, you obviously need things to look on a par with they can. Running diversions at 4K determination however dialing down the detail and impacts settings in your amusements is working experiencing some miscommunication.
Right now, to convey smooth edge rates at high settings at 4K (that is 3,840x2,160 determination, for the record) with the most-requesting recreations, you'll have to pick a standout amongst the most intense representation cards accessible. Nowadays, those cards incorporate Nvidia's new-design GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Founders Edition$820.00 at Amazon, the one-stage down Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Founders Edition, or one of a few exceptionally cooled as well as overclocked models in view of the GTX 1080 illustrations processor (GPU). Be that as it may, those cards don't come shoddy, by and large beginning at above $699 for the Ti demonstrate, with the most fundamental adaptations of the GTX 1080 models now offering for around $500.
The GeForce GTX 1080 Ti is the card you'll need to pick on the off chance that you need spread smooth casing rates at or over 60 outlines for each second (fps), instead of 30fps. Then again, you could get two GeForce GTX 1080 cards. In many amusements, that setup ought to convey fundamentally preferable gaming execution over a solitary 1080 Ti card.
Note, however, that in the event that you do go the double illustrations card course, multi-design setups can present a large group of side issues. Most amusements don't transport on dispatch day with the improvements set up to exploit numerous card or various GPU representation, and a few diversions never convey multi-illustrations bolster by any means.
Along these lines, in case you're the sort of fan PC gamer who likes to bounce on recreations on the day they're discharged, multi-GPU choices aren't perfect arrangements. You may keep running crosswise over issues with casing timing on multi-card or multi-GPU frameworks, also, where onscreen amusement outlines don't get conveyed at precisely the ideal time, bringing about a less than impressive experience. Thus, we for the most part prescribe purchasing the best single card (or single-chip card) for the execution you're after, at whatever point conceivable.
Not very far in the past, the present era Nvidia Titan X$1,568.83 at Amazon was a the most capable gaming card you could purchase, thus additionally the best 4K gaming alternative for those without spending imperatives—it offers for $1,200. Yet, the dispatch of the GeForce GTX 1080 Ti thumped the Titan X out of any sensible conflict entirely to game purposes, in light of the fact that the GTX 1080 Ti is based around an indistinguishable chip from the Titan X, it performs to some degree better (however generally the same at 4K), and it costs a few hundred not as much as the Titan X. Unless you have some particular non-gaming motivation to spend for the execution of a Titan X (say, for rendering or logical work), and perhaps you need to utilize it to do about 4K gaming as an afterthought, this card looks bad now. To be clear, however, it's as yet a standout amongst the most effective cards you can purchase, without a doubt.
4K Gaming on a "Financial plan"
In the event that your financial plan can't exactly endure laying out $550 or more for a representation card, you can locate some more affordable alternatives that can deal with 4K gaming at lower settings. You won't get the most perfect visuals conceivable, however 4K gaming is actually feasible with these cards.
If its all the same to you running diversions nearer to medium detail settings at 4K, yet regardless you need to encounter the pixel-thick transcendence of amusements running at 3,840x2,160 determination, under-$600 cards, for example, the GeForce GTX 980 Ti and AMD's last-era, top of the line Radeon R9 Fury X and Radeon R9 Fury$349.99 at Amazon are additionally skilled alternatives. Simply recall that you won't have the capacity to play many amusements at the most elevated detail settings.
These above cards have fallen in value on account of the presentation of the GTX 1080, and additionally the lesser GeForce GTX 1070, both discharged in mid-2016. GeForce GTX 1070 cards begin at around the $350 check, with Nvidia's Founders Edition variant at around $400. This card challenges cards like the more seasoned GeForce GTX 980 on execution. The GeForce GTX 1070 even beats the GeForce GTX 980 Ti now and again, contingent upon the gaming matchup.
The GeForce GTX 1070 is ready to assume control in this value run, and settling on one of the last-era cards may spare you some cash if their costs fall sufficiently far. In any case, as more up to date diversions touch base in 2017 and past, you'll need to dial things back increasingly to keep the edge rates at or over a clean 30fps.
4K-Gaming Graphics Cards: The Buying Basics
Beside crude execution, two or three different things merit remembering when looking for an effective 4K-able representation card.
CONSIDER (AND MATCH) THE MONITOR. The principal thought needs to do with the sort of show you'll be utilizing. In the event that you decide on a 4K screen with a DisplayPort input (which has the transmission capacity to convey 4K content at 60Hz, or up to 60fps), any of the above alternatives ought to work well for you. Yet, in the event that you are considering utilizing a 4K TV for a bigger screen (and some of the time bring down value) gaming show, you might not have any desire to decide on a more seasoned AMD Radeon-based card.
Why? Most 4K TVs need DisplayPort connectors, rather depending upon HDMI input. Numerous more up to date 4K TVs have HDMI 2.0 ports, which likewise have the transmission capacity to convey 4K content at 60Hz. Nvidia's present era center to-top of the line cards have HDMI 2.0 ports, too. For AMD's situation, however, just the most up to date era Radeon RX 480$259.99 at Amazon has a HDMI 2.0-proficient port. The more established Radeon R9 300-Series and Radeon R9 Fury cards don't. Furthermore, the RX 480 is not a perfect card for 4K play, however may suffice at 4K at low detail settings. Of course, it's $200 to $250, versus $600-in addition to for a tip top level 4K card.
Subsequently, in the event that you decide on a more established AMD card and plan on connecting your PC to a 4K HDTV, you'll be stuck getting things done at 30Hz, or dialing the determination back to 1080p. This will trouble a few purchasers and gamers more than others. Many recreations are positively playable at 30Hz. Yet, focused jerk gamers (consider titles like League of Legends and DOTA 2) will need a higher invigorate rate keeping in mind the end goal to stay aggressive. Furthermore, regardless of the possibility that you're fine with playing diversions at 30Hz, you might be irritated by things like rough mouse-cursor development in case you're processing or gaming on a 4K screen constrained to only 30Hz.
MIND THE VIDEO MEMORY. The other thing to look for while looking for a 4K-prepared gaming card is the measure of committed video memory your card has. By and large, 2GB of memory is bounty in case you're gaming at 1080p or underneath. Be that as it may, when you venture up to 4K, an illustrations card needs to rapidly deal with significantly more information. To keep your gaming sessions running easily at 4K and high detail settings, you'll need a card with no less than 4GB of memory.
A card with at least 6gb can be a superior wager, particularly in case you're the sort who likes to download amusement mods or potentially high-determination surface packs, which are now and again particularly made to convey a more prominent level of in-diversion detail for top of the line cards that have additional memory limit. Be that as it may, you more often than not have to explicitly download these extra records, either from the amusement engineer's Web webpage, Steam, or other gaming-group destinations.
CONSIDER CARD LENGTH. In case you're shaking a full-tower PC, card size is most likely not an issue. Most top of the line, 4K-proficient video cards are two openings wide and somewhat more or under 10 inches long. All things considered, in case you're attempting to assemble a gaming PC in a MicroATX-or Mini-ITX-styled undercarriage, we've seen a couple "short-barrel" cards that can press in where full-measure cards can't.
On the AMD side of the path, for some time that card has been the Radeon R9 Nano, itemized beneath. On the Nvidia side, we have seen "short" GTX 1050, GTX 1060, and 1070 cards (we as of late tried the Zotac GeForce GTX 1060 Mini$249.00 at Amazon), however truly the GTX 1070 is the absolute minimum "genuine" 4K card of that parcel. (Gigabyte and Zotac both offer short-board GTX 1070 cards.) We additionally just got in a short-board GeForce GTX 1080 Mini from Zotac, so expect a give an account of that smaller card in the coming weeks. (Hit the connection for a see of the card from CES 2017.)
CHECK THE POWER REQUIREMENTS. In the event that you're existing framework as of now has a video card set up, you'll likely be fine, yet check the prescribed least power-supply wattage for any 4K-able card you're thinking about. (A 500-or 600-watt supply should have the capacity to keep most any present single 4K-able card squeezed.) Many of the most recent cards likewise require only a solitary power-supply lead (six-or eight-stick) from your supply, yet ensure you have the best possible cabling set up, or connectors close by.
OVERCLOCKED, OUT OF THE BOX? The refinements among some top of the line cards intended for fueling through 4K show assignments can be recondite. One of the huge ones, however, is the nearness (or not) of improved cooling hard
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