dj-danny-fire · 7 years
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Lol this is literally the phandom you can’t deny it
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dj-danny-fire · 7 years
other creators are worried and stressed when they have panels and they actually rehearse them but dan and phil are just like “fuck it let’s have a domestic in front of those hundreds of people they’ll be happy”
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dj-danny-fire · 7 years
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100 Days of Youtube - (7/100)
One joke!  Oh, go on then
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dj-danny-fire · 7 years
I apologize to Dan and Phil for all the members of the Phandom who ship you too hard, Dan can’t even say he misses Phil without Pham shippers mobbing him. They can’t even look at each other without the Phandom making edits and putting #phan.
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dj-danny-fire · 7 years
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An appreciation post to a wonderful smile & person. 1 2 3 4
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dj-danny-fire · 7 years
Alright guys, half the phandom will hate me after this but I feel it’s worth it just because I’m worried about what will happen to Dan if it is fake. So in case you didn’t know, earlier a video on twitter surfaced of Dan’s twitter name being “Daniel Lester” rather than “Daniel Howell”. Since a moving text is extremely hard to edit, it’s really believable but I just want to go over a possibility. First step, go to Dan’s twitter page. Next, right click anywhere on the screen (that isn’t a link/interactive for your cursor). Click Inspect Element. 
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All this HTML will come up. I’ve had some experience with it, and anybody with any basic experience can mess around with it.
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You’ll notice as you hover over the different inputs and lines, that some highlight certain places on the page in blue. These are the areas effected when you edit the HTML. The box above highlights Dan’s display name tweets/replies/media etc. 
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Right clicking the second input from the drop down menu and selecting “Edit as HTML” will bring you to more HTML in a small box, and scroll down until you see “Daniel Howell” in black text. This is Dan’s display name. You can freely delete and write whatever you want here (as long as you don’t delete the surrounding symbols). 
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I just decided to put “DJ-Danny-Fire” because of my blog. As you can see it changed his actual display name, but it only changed for me on my own screen. This however doesn’t change the tweets screen name, which is where we run into an issue because there was a screen shot of one of his own tweets with the name being “Daniel Lester” beside it. 
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Here it is without the HTML window, and until you refresh the page (I mean refresh not go to a new page and come back, stay on his twitter page and click refresh. It’ll go back.)
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And here, I just put it as “Daniel Lester” to show that his display name can be easily modified if one wants. The search bar can easily be manipulated, but in the video the tab also said “Daniel Lester” where as if you just change his display name with the method above it won’t change the tab.  For the record I am not calling anybody a liar. I love the phandom and I love Dan and Phil but the main reason I did this was to try and shine light on reason. I’m worried the bad side of the phandom (we know who they are) will just bother Dan about how he “changed his name to Daniel Lester” and practically harass him about it. For now we don’t know if it was real or not, so please don’t just spam him with screen shots or videos of something that might’ve just been greatly edited and manipulated HTML. Don’t try and ‘force’ him to ‘admit’ to his marriage (which is honestly so damned crazy??) or come out. That’s terrible and not what the phandom is about.  So yeah that’s about it. Please don’t be mean to Dan. (And yes, harassing him about this is mean even if you don’t think it is). 
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dj-danny-fire · 7 years
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“Rewind, pause, delete the app-”
“This is romantic!”
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dj-danny-fire · 7 years
I’ve seen a lot of the phandom saying they’re going to leave/getting angry at Dan and Phil for all the ‘secrets' and just 'secret projects' in general they have so this is your friendly reminded that Dan and Phil don't owe us anything. If they aren't comfortable or just don't want to say or elaborate on something, respect that rather than threatening to just completely leave over somebody not spilling every single detail of something. It's call privacy and they're entitled to it. You'll eventually see the 'secret projects' and if you can't wait then that's not their problem. It's honestly so sad that this still has to be said.. they're human beings, they’re not here to just please you. Be grateful for what Dan and Phil have already done rather than getting pissy over what they haven't done/what they're 'keeping' from you (though you aren't entitled to that information in the first place). Rant over.
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dj-danny-fire · 7 years
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a collection of dan and phil’s faces in the new gaming video source: x
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dj-danny-fire · 7 years
We try out FaceApp and transform into girls! Say hello to Danielle and Philippa 
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dj-danny-fire · 7 years
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dj-danny-fire · 7 years
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are these still a thing because they need to be
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dj-danny-fire · 7 years
phandom psa
no matter what lets just be happy that dan and phil are happy, and be proud that they’ve come so far on this journey. we as the phandom should support them, trust in their decisions and respect their privacy, and be the best internet family we can be ★~(◡‿◡✿)
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dj-danny-fire · 7 years
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this has probably already been done tbh
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dj-danny-fire · 7 years
hi just a lil psa: u don’t have to ship phan to like dan and phil and enjoy their content and if someone says they don’t ship phan but like dnp then they aren't “fake phandom members” or homophobic; they just don’t ship phan
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dj-danny-fire · 7 years
who’s most excited and happy for the move
a.) dan and phil b.) the phandom c.) their neighbors the real answer is answer choice d.) the future dog they’re going to adopt
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dj-danny-fire · 7 years
Dan and Phil maybe aren’t moving !! Maybe they’re just gonna vlog about Singapore !! Or maybe something else don’t get you’re hopes up for phan and other things and just let them be !! We love and appreciate them all the same !!
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