dj-danny-fire · 7 years
I’ve seen a lot of the phandom saying they’re going to leave/getting angry at Dan and Phil for all the ‘secrets' and just 'secret projects' in general they have so this is your friendly reminded that Dan and Phil don't owe us anything. If they aren't comfortable or just don't want to say or elaborate on something, respect that rather than threatening to just completely leave over somebody not spilling every single detail of something. It's call privacy and they're entitled to it. You'll eventually see the 'secret projects' and if you can't wait then that's not their problem. It's honestly so sad that this still has to be said.. they're human beings, they’re not here to just please you. Be grateful for what Dan and Phil have already done rather than getting pissy over what they haven't done/what they're 'keeping' from you (though you aren't entitled to that information in the first place). Rant over.
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