#then i actually woke up. agh. i wish i put this much work into my schoolwork. anyway
outlying-hyppocrate · 2 years
fucking wailing because i have to write a full-fledged essay on the perks of being a wallflower that's due in four hours (it's 4am here) and i have done nothing but look at pretty enmu pictures on the internet. oh well. i like enmu because. aha. pretty
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haptureratch · 1 month
Birthday Weekend (33rd)
I could just get down on my knees and cry out my appreciation for this man. A trip to Austin including a place to stay, a one-of-a-kind omakase experience, brunch, feral go-karting, thoughtful gifts, and (as always) accepting me when I'm below my ideal self.
It started with racing to the city. I had been dragging all Saturday morning despite being so excited on Friday that I dressed nice to work and didn't sleep a full 8 hours. But I guess staying at work until 9pm will do that to you LOL. Before that, I'd had another psych follow-up....the next med to be trialed is Fetzima. After a prior auth. We all know my anxiety surrounding psych meds but also WE KNOW that I have to keep trying them.
Anyway, getting to Austin. I got there about 30 minutes before he did and spent the time settling in and catching up with Rilley. I spent a good few moments taking in the beauty of the bedroom. So pink, so cozy. So comforting and delicate of an aura with the light diffusing through the pink curtains of the tall windows. The bed: shades of pink and the natural blond of the wooden bed frame. (Later I'd be looking up at the pink tones of his face framed by blond hair and note that I was completely swallowed mind, body, heart, and soul by him and this room.) Then he pulled up in his little black Honda and we hugged. He was sweaty from driving his car for 3 hours with its not-so-great A/C; it gets overwhelmed in these temperatures and just won't put out ice cold air until the sun goes down. Getting inside, I joked with him that I knew why he picked this place, that it was the movie-related art and posters on the walls. But it was also a nice place right off of a popular road. In a neighborhood he said was well-liked for remaining mostly like Old Austin. At some point in the weekend he taught me about Moon Towers.... (maybe it was driving back from picking up pizza after the go-karting)
Once he told me about dinner reservations I shifted into getting ready. He asked if I really needed all of that time to get ready. OO HE DIDN'T KNOW WHAT WAS COMING. I started on my make-up and got him into the shower. Partly for the sweat and partly so I could sneak into the gift I got him for our six-month anniversary. Which was that day! The 10th of August. From the adrenaline of sexy conspiracy and the caffeine blood sugar fuckery that comes from not eating since breakfast, I was pretty shaky. But I got it all together. Oh, man.... The look on his face when he saw it. When it clicked together that I'd prepared him something special. Something I thought he'd really like. His face lit up and his hands were magnets to my body. I teased him. We played a little but ultimately I wouldn't let him kiss me too much 'to not ruin the make-up ;)' --agh, if I had known I was going to feel so ill after dinner I wouldn't have teased him so hard. I would have let him enjoy so much more. "You can do anything dressed like that." But anyway-- After some photos and fooling around and a shoe placed suggestively to a crotch, I changed into my actual dinner dress and we hopped in an uber and got to the place. The driver was a little insane, we noted later.
Dinner was wonderful. We had our usual endless conversation and joking, taking turns making fun of each other, making each other laugh.
Then, very unfortunately, so much discomfort and fatigue after dinner. He was so supportive. I still wish it had gone differently, though. I thought I saw pain or some combination of strong emotions when he stood behind me in the bathroom mirror and held me the way he always does.
We woke up and quickly made up for things not had the night before. I asked for him to be gentle. And he was. He always gives what I ask for. With such love. And this time I was the one almost overwhelmed by how powerful our connection is. But only because I still wasn't feeling 100% and had less 'spoons' to eat the moment with. I cried after. I was thinking of how lonely I was for so long and feeling that sadness at the same time I was feeling gratitude for being home at last.
You know.... Pink is becoming a color I think I like. I always preferred blues and green. But he's so pink. And now I have a pink bedframe because I liked the way it looks. And it happens to go so nicely with gray bedding which I also happened to pick out (after I picked it, I learned gray is his favorite color for linens). But luckily he has those blue/green/gray eyes too. My own eyes can never decide what they're seeing. And those two dark spots.
We got to brunch. Then relaxed (he rubbed my feet) and I took a power nap. We made it to go-karting. Played some arcade games while we waited. Just like our first date after the museum and park and food.
I felt accomplished after that. And it was super fun.
Then we picked up pizza on the way home. I showered and we ate. Then he got up and said "okay, time to open presents" .... I don't think I'll ever properly be able to describe his tone of voice. The sweetness kills me to think back on. He had me to to the bedroom for a couple minutes. Then came in and sat on the bed and joked that I was going to go to sleep. I walked back to the main area and saw a few packages wrapped in light pink wrapping paper with darker pink hearts sitting on the 'living room' table. I couldn't believe it. Even after all he curated for me this weekend, there were still gifts. A Diptyque candle--I could not believe paid his own money and got me one of my ridiculous candles that no one but me should ever buy for me lmao but it was also so him because he got me a special edition candle that was only available for a week for the Paris olympics--it is a powdery floral and linen scent. A book-shaped item that turned out to be a picture book of all our photos so far. Well, mostly ones of me. But this makes sense because they're the ones he's taken. I would have rather had most of them be US but I think it was meant to show me how he sees me. Show me his half of our relationship. Remind me that I'm loved and adored by him. The object of his attention. Something to capture. And what I guessed was a stuffed animal puppy (so he could say he got me a dog) but ended up being even better: a wolf. I said I'd put his cologne on it and cuddle it when I missed him. What I'd really need is to get the scent of his under arms on it, but I don't think his blue gel deodorant would transfer well to a stuffed animal. Then I read his card. IT MADE ME CRY SO HARD. I'll put it on here tomorrow or this week. I turned to him and said, "That's so nice." I hugged him tight. And if that wasn't all enough he had a damn Cameo from Chris Pontius. I scream-laughed at hearing him acknowledge that I had written Jackass fanfiction. And it was sooo funny and soooo Pontius the way he kept trying to keep going and hit all these bullet points that were probably written right next to the camera. I could not believe it. 100% fever dream. And a good way to end the gifts after reading that heart-wrenching card.
We went to bed. He asked if he could hold me....he always does ask and he never needs to but I still like hearing it. He said it didn't have to be for long since he knows I've gone back to having difficulty sleeping next to him (after we've been more into LDR territory the past few months). I said I didn't care. And in the morning, after his alarm went off a couple times and we snoozed those couple times, he said in my left ear, "happy birthday" ---- and let me tell you it felt like I've heard it before and I'll hear it every time until one or both of us are no longer here.
It's these moments. This magic. This familiarity even within firsts. These things register him in my mind and in my body as mine. Completely. In the way I've always wanted someone to be mine. The kind of mine I had to mature to have. I had to wait for it. But now that he's here
You know, that's why I think he doesn't feel real some times. He was the one I was always hoping for. It's a little hard to adjust to a space that's finally filled after a lifetime of wishing. To finally see what he looks like. To learn about him. To let him know me.
It's been six months and it only gets more profound. More beautiful. Deeper.
I'm excited to build a life with you, too, Steven.
P.S. some random tidbits I remembered afterward-- it was my "real" birthday this year (I was born on a Monday). Him getting out of bed to get my lip balm for me. The restaurant giving me a card signed by the staff.
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darkmulti · 3 years
Hi! I love your blog! So hard to find a non con writers! Ignore the haters, just keep doing what you love! You’re not alone!
So happy to see your request open! I’d like to request a NON CON where Mafia JK fell in love at first sight with innocent reader and bought her in an auction. He is obsessed with her so he marries her and deflowered her, stuffing his thick manhood in her and. JK has a bloodplay kink. He wouldn’t stop fucking her until she passed out everyday. Milking her dry from orgasms. Thank you 💜
-> Thank you for the reassurance❣️
⚠️: BLOOD PLAY, NON CON, human trafficking, virgin reader, physical, mental & emotional abuse, little/innocent!reader, ddlg-ish, manipulation
“Get the hell up, you have to get ready.”
The man kicked you in your stomach and grabbed your arm, pulling you upstairs to the bathroom
“Wear this dress and fix up your face.”
He left the bathroom and you quickly jumped into the shower
Today was the “big day”
You were being auctioned off
Obviously, you were terrified and nervous
However, your current “owners” said that if someone doesn’t buy you today, they’ll make your life a living hell
They were hungry for money and if no one wanted you, you would’ve been a big waste of their money, time and energy
Well, not really — they just needed to blame someone for their lack of success
Plus, you’re the first person that they’re selling
They kidnapped you when you were walking home from the train station
You didn’t have much family nor friends which kinda made you the perfect target
You cooperated with your two “owners” because you didn’t want to get hurt
Yet, it still happened anyways
They’d often kick you, or slap you, or pull your hair
Nevertheless, you didn’t complain because you wanted to stay out of trouble
When you finished getting ready, your “owners” tied your arms and legs together and threw you into the trunk
The auction event was big
You could tell that you this event had plenty of rich and powerful people just by looking at all the cars
Your owners took you inside through the back door and told you to fix your hair
Once you did, they dragged you behind the stage and made you wait there for nearly 3 hours
There were other girls lined up in front and behind you, half looking terrified and half looking excited
In those three hours you overheard some girls talking about a certain man they wished to be bought by
Those were the girls who were “excited”
They were talking about how they went “all out” to impress him
You tend to not judge people but, you couldn’t help yourself
Who the fuck wants to be sold to anyone?
You couldn’t wrap your head around their thought process
They were practically gushing about this mafia guy who was supposedly young and handsome
Even if he was, why the hell would you want to be someone else’s property?
You muted their voices so you didn’t have to hear their nonsense and soon enough the auction started
One by one, girls and boys went up on stage and the bidding started
You were surprised because some of those girls got sold for only a couple hundred bucks
When it was your turn, your owners basically dragged you on stage and held you wrist as tight as they could so you couldn’t run
“A young, ripe, virgin finishing up university. Starting bid, $50,000.”
One by one, people raised their auction paddles and offered more for you
Your owners went wide eyed after the bids started increasing by $10,000
You eventually passed 1 million and were near 2 million
Random old men were raising their paddles higher and higher, determined to buy you
Eventually one of them had enough and said “5 million dollars!”
The room went silent and your owners were about to say “sold!” when someone interrupted and said “10 million dollars”
Even your mouth dropped
10 million?!
The man stood up and walked closer to the stage
Your two owners recognized him and started bowing multiple times
“S-She’s all yours, Mr. Jeon! Thank you so much. Please take her.”
This was the first time you saw the two males scared and nervous
And it kinda frightened you
It took a lot to scare those two but, this guy did it effortlessly
So, what in the world would happen to you?
You got dragged off stage again and the auction continued
You were dragged into a private room where the man who had just bought you gave the two men 10 million in cash
7 brief cases stacked on top of each other, full of hundreds
The two males happily accepted and let you go with the man
He didn’t want to stick around for the event so, he pulled you out of the building and pushed you into the car
“Anders, drive us home.”
The car ride was silent in the beginning
You’re eyes were glued on the window and his were glued on his phone
About an hour later, you fell asleep against the window and he noticed
He slapped you across the face and pulled you’re body away from the door
“What’re you sleeping for? You did absolutely nothing today. Do you think you’re some kind of princess? Do you think can sleep wherever you want whenever you want? Keep your eyes open. If I catch you sleeping again, I’ll make you regret it.”
Tears gathered in your eyes and you couldn’t hold it in
You started to sniffle, making Jungkook look over at you
“Shut up! If I hear you cry, I’ll force you to walk all the way home, barefoot”
You covered your mouth with your hand and lowered your head
After taking a moment to breathe normally, you apologized
“I’m sorry, Mr. Jeon. I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”
Jungkook raised his eyebrows
“How do you know my last name?”
“I heard my owners call you by that na-”
Another smack on your cheek, this time a little harder
“How dare you call them your owners?!”
Your eyes held so much terror, and it was a turn on for Jungkook
That was the moment he realized how much control he had over you
You were so naive and innocent, it made him want to ruin you
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Jeon! I didn’t realize! It was an honest mistake.”
“Just wait until we get home” he muttered under his breath but you were able to make it out
You were terrified and rightfully so
Once you got home, Jungkook didn’t have any mercy on you
You were running from him, not knowing where you were going
You ran upstairs into a large bedroom and locked the door
“Please, don’t hurt me!” You cried, clutching onto the top of your dress that he ripped apart
You thought he was on the other side of the door, calming down but the closet door busted open and there he was
You tried to open the room door but he was faster and pulled you back onto the bed
“Already causing so much trouble for me, little one.”
He hovered over you
“I’m sorry. I’m scared. Please, don’t kill me.”
You started to cry under him
You looked so precious, begging for your life
He couldn’t resist
He took off his suit and ripped your dress open
Underneath, you were wearing a red and black lace lingerie
He let out a low growl before attacking your neck and marking you all over
“Wait! Sir! Please! Mr- agh! Mr- Mr. Jeon! No! I’ll give you money! Please! I can give you all the money in my bank account if you just let me go! $59,000 is all I have! I can-”
Jungkook started to chuckle against your neck
“59,000 dollars? That’s all? You expect me to set you free after you give me 59,000 dollars?”
He laughed right in your face which broke your heart
It was your hard earned money
You hated to see someone discredit your hard work just like that
You frowned and got tearful
“It’s all the money I have.”
You said in a quavering voice
Jungkook looked at you
You were dead serious
“I bought you for 10 million dollars and you want me to set you free for $59,000. Anyone with a brain would deny that offer.”
He slapped you again and continued on
Jungkook sucked your neck, breast and chest; leaving dark, purple marks all over
“Wait! Mr. Jeon, I-I’m actually waiting till m-marriage.”
“That doesn’t matter, anymore. You’ll be getting married to me, anyways.”
“No! Please!”
Jungkook pulled down your underwear and rubbed two fingers up your slit, making you shiver
“So pretty. I can’t wait anymore.”
He pulled out his thick shaft and you started to panic
“No! No, no, please! I don’t want this! I don’t want to do this, please!”
He spat on your opening for some lub and pushed his whole length in harshly
You groaned in pain when he did but couldn’t fight back
Your hands were against his chest but, pushing him off wasn’t easy
He started thrusting inside of you at a cruel speed, causing you gasp really loudly before wailing
“Hey! Stop! Please! It hurts!”
Jungkook pinned your wrist next to your head and fucked you deeply
After hours of fucking, cum and blood covered his cock and the bedsheet
He smeared the blood and cum mix all over your body
“Look at you, covered in your virgin blood mixed with my cum. You look so pretty.”
You were mumbling incoherent words, unable to think straight
He forced three orgasms out of you, of course you weren’t able to think straight
Sweat covered your forehead and your tight hole was leaking cum and blood
He pushed in one more time and began fucking you hard
You were squealing under him, telling him to stop yet he slapped your ass and grabbed your throat
“Your cunt seems to love my cock. That’s why you’re cumming so much around me. So stop telling me that it hurts because I know it’s a lie.”
One more deep push and you both came together
He laid down next to you and pulled you onto his chest
“Next week, you’ll officially be mine.”
You weren’t listening
Because you were passed out
It was your first time and he had made you cum at least 17 times
It would be surprising if you didn’t pass out
Jungkook didn’t lie when he said that you’ll be his in the next week
He made one phone call and whoever was on the end of the line planned a huge wedding in a week
You woke up one day and were forced into a white gown
Once you put the pieces together, you had a panic attack
You were getting married to this man you’ve only known for a week
You were being so uncooperative to the point where Jungkook had to come to you and set you straight
He quickly fucked you back into submission and made you get ready for your wedding
After your wedding, loads of fucking
You guys didn’t even show up to your reception party because Jungkook could not stop fucking you
And it continued like this for a very long time
You weren’t sure how you were still producing cum
Every morning, every night, sometimes in the middle of the day, he wants to have sex
It’s not like he’s slow or gentle either— he’s aggressive in bed, it’s tough to handle him
You usually end up passing out and even that doesn’t stop him
The next morning you wake up tired and sore however, he wakes up needy and wanting more
Sometimes he’ll fuck you hard enough to make you pass out right in the morning
Even when he comes back from a mission, he still has the energy to fuck you
You just don’t understand
For weeks, you can’t walk straight because of him
And it hurts to put any sort of pressure on your lower abdomen
Despite all of that, you still love him
After all the manipulation and brain washing he’s done to you, he’s convinced you that you’re in love with him
And that you won’t survive without him
You’ve been craving for love and attention for your whole life and Jungkook was finally giving some
Why would you want the person who makes you feel loved and appreciated gone from your life?
Jungkook used guilt tripping to make you stay with him
Not to mention, taking advantage of your toxic past
Stockholm syndrome ending for the win 🥇
Sorry for any mistakes!! Have a good day<3
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wonderlandhatter · 3 years
Angelic in my clothes.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x femReader
Summary: Spencer knew a lot about a lot of thing and topics, but he doesn't know a lot about relationships, but you help him understand them.
Word count: 3400
Warnings: none, just a whole lot of fluff, itsy tinny bit of angst for like half a paragraph.
Prompt 4: “Why do you like stealing my clothes so much?"
A/N: ok but this was supposed to be a short little blurb, oops. anyways thanks for the request I hope this is ok, pls tell me if it wasn't what you'd imagined or feel free to send in another request.
A/N2: My old account got deleted so I'm just reposting my fics I would appreciate if you could bust this so i could get back to where my account was thank you for your time.
Taglist: @pinkdiamond1016  
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Spencer did not like not knowing, he knew he was smart, and he knew a lot about different topics, one topic he didn’t know a lot about though were relationships. He wasn’t very experienced with them and there’s only so much you can learn from books and Derek honestly wasn’t a great insight.
Since you two had started dating he had begun to understand some of these thigs, one of which he understood fairly quickly. Which was why couples loved cuddling so much, he had never been a person that expressed affection through touch because it made him uncomfortable, and you were very understanding of this and waited for him to be comfortable and took baby steps. The first time you properly cuddled was while watching doctor who on his couch, and you fell asleep lying there with him, all the statistic and worries  about germs left his head, they were the last thing  in his head at that moment, they had been drowned by the beauty of your sleeping form, for another time in this relationship you had taken all his thoughts out of his head and you were the only thing that mattered. Emily was truly right, a pretty girl and his IQ is slashed to nothing, but you weren’t just any pretty girl you were the single most wonderful person he had ever met and he didn’t care about his IQ slashing, you were all that mattered mattered now.
And then he knew why people liked it, it was comforting and the most wonderful feeling in the world, hearing your cute little snores, that you flat out deny even exist, and seeing your hand keep a tight hold of his shirt. He liked holding you, it made him feel close to you in a more intimate way. That’s when he knew for sure he loved you, and he said it, you subconsciously smiled in your sleep at those words but had no knowledge of them when you woke up, but he didn’t care he would say them to you soon enough and he wasn’t sure but you would say them back with no hesitation.
Another thing he now understood about relationships was how good it felt to have someone to come home to, someone who you trust with your whole heart and who you can tell anything too, someone you love.
He understood this quite early into the relationship, you had been dating for a little over two months, you hadn’t had many dates because of his work but you talked on the phone all the time, and you were friends before for a while so it felt longer than it had actually been, but at the same time not long enough he wished you had met a long time before, but you’re together now and he wouldn’t waste any more time with you.
He understood this one night/very early morning after a case. He had missed you so much, the case was long, tiring and incredibly tough. He didn’t say anything, but you could hear it in his voice how tired and how mentally and physically exhausted he was. The truth is the victims looked a lot like you, the victimology fit you too perfectly for his comfort and it scared him, the thought of the unsub going after you terrified him, he couldn’t stand it so as soon as he got on the jet he called you, he just needed to hear you, to make sure you were still there alive and well, he however hadn’t realised how late it was until he heard a very groggy hello.
“Oh no Y/N I didn’t notice how late it is for you, I can call you when you wake up, I’m sorry I’ll let you go back to sleep” but just before he hung up you rushed out a response. “wait, no Spence wait a second, I want to talk to you”, you were definitely awake now,  “are you sure, its ok if you want to sleep, it is very late and you had a long work shift and”, “Spencer, of course I want to talk to you, I missed you” he smiled at this and before he could reply  you said something again, more quietly than before “I missed the sound of your voice Spencer”, god he loved you so much “I missed the sound of your voice too”, you sat there in comfortable silence relishing in the sound of each other’s breathing letting your words dance in the air.
After a minute you spoke again “how was the case”, Spencer sighed remembering the victims and your shared resemblance, “it was fine”, you knew it wasn’t “spencer talk to me I can tell it wasn’t”, how could you tell from just his voice.
“Well it was, agh it was just a lot, I don’t want to talk about murders though I missed you, can you just talk to me I want to hear your voice”. You didn’t push him any further with it, you knew he would talk to you if he needed to. “ok love, well………..” you talked for around an hour nothing of massive importance just pointless chit chat, but to him it was the most heavenly sound in the entire world, he was however fighting sleep from taking over, he didn’t want to stop talking to you, he felt like he needed you right now. He snapped back when he heard you calling his name “spencer…. Spence…. Love!!” “oh yeah, yeah I’m here, sorry what did you say”, “I’m going to hang up your falling asleep, I’ll talk to you later ok” “no I want to keep talking, I’m wide awake”, “Spencer I can hear your exhaustion its fine, go to sleep, I’ll go to sleep and we can talk later ok love”, he let the words sit for a  minute before sighing “ok, bye bug, I’ll talk to you later, we are landing soon so I’ll call you then, ok bug?”, “ok love sleep well”.
And with that the two of you hung up, and even though he missed hearing your voice he was exhausted and sleep over took him, you however did not sleep you got out of bed, and made your way to your door and put shoes on, you were going to go see him, you didn’t bother to put clothes on he had seen you in pjs before, you were wearing sweats and one of his Cal-tech crew necks stylishly matched with lilac crocs, wow you were hot.
You were now making your way to his apartment, it was about a half hour drive, it took a little longer since you had decided to drink some coffee before leaving so you didn’t fall asleep at the wheel. You knew he needed somebody right now, you didn’t know why but you didn’t need to you could hear it  when he first called you almost in a panic to hear you, plus you missed each other.
You arrived at his apartment and used your spare key to get in, once you were in you made your way to his kitchen to turn the kettle on to make some tea while you waited  for him. He texted you while you made your tea that they had landed and was on his way home, you chose to send him a text  saying “I’m waiting for you at yours <3” , you didn’t think it would be smart to surprise him and scare an FBI agent.
Spencer made his way home quitter than he usually would after he saw your message, he didn’t bother replying just rushed there as soon as Hotch said they could go home. He’d never been in such a rush to get home after a case, sure he was always happy to go home and sleep but this felt different this felt like a scratch he hadn't been able to itch and once he could see you he would feel the relief.
Once he got to his apartment building he ran up the multitude of stair until he got to his floor, he might have had to take a couple brakes between stairs but what can he say, he isn’t used to doing the physical stuff on the field, Morgan normally takes care of that.
As soon as he got to the door, he stood there for a minute to calm down his breathing before putting the keys in and unlocking the door. He stepped in and your sent engulfed him in the most comforting way, as soon as that scent reached him, he could physically feel himself intense.
He took his shoes off and placed them beside your discarded crocs with a quiet laugh at your ridiculous shoe choice, he then hung up his satchel with his blazer, and walked to his room assuming you’d be there but on his way there he stopped at the sound of cute little snores and saw you sitting on his couch with a half empty cup of tea on the side table and a book laid open on your chest, he should have known you would try to stay up for him.
He kneels in front of you and leaned in to place a kiss on your forehead, you slowly opened your eyes as you were only in a light sleep. Once you could make out the blob of colour in front of you to be your boyfriend you smiled and wrapped your arms around him nearly knocking you both backwards onto the floor before he stabilised you both. "Spencer, I missed you" you said nuzzling your face into his neck. "I missed you too bug, so much" he said closing his eyes and holding you tight to him.
You stayed there, just like that enjoying each other for a minute before you heard him sniffling, “Spencer are you ok love", "I... I just... I just really needed to see you, and feel you, I needed to know you were still here" before you could reply he spoke again tears clear in his voice "thank you so much for coming here tonight", "Spencer look at me", he reluctantly looked at you tears streaming down his face, you wiped his tears with your thumbs while holding his face gently "any time you need me, I will be there for you ok. I don’t care if you just finished a case and its an ungodly time just call me and I'll be here ok, I miss you to when you’re gone  and I love being with you, when I heard your voice over the phone I knew something wasn’t right and I needed to take that away, even if it's just for a little bit. You never need to thank me for being here for you ok" he decided the best way to reply, the best way to get all the words he needed to say to you was by kissing you, and so he did and you knew exactly what he meant by the kiss you understood every unsaid word that travelled through his lips to you.
It didn’t take long after that for Spencer to tell you why he was so upset and why he needed to see you so desperately, and you understood and held him and he felt safe. After you talked and held each other it was unspokenly decided you would spend the night, you went straight to bed while Spencer took a quick shower, if you could call it that he was in such a rush to get back to you he barely got wet. He got dried and dressed and then excited his bathroom to find you curled up on his bed, he loved the sight, it made all his worries from previously wash away, you had that effect on him, you seemed to be a source of good, and he loved it.
He got into bed and as soon as he got under the covers you were reaching for him, he welcomed the touch and held you back. So there lying with you he understood, while the worries of the past week washed away, he knew, he knew why people liked having someone to come home to so much. And he knew he would have to ask you to move in sooner than later.
At this point in your relationship spencer had come to understand many things, but there was still one he didn’t. He didn’t know why you enjoyed wearing his clothes so much, he wasn’t complaining not at all in fact he loved it when you wore them. It was a slightly possessive thing, he knew you were his and he was yours but when he saw you wearing his clothes it was just a visual reminder that you were in fact his and only his, but that’s why he loved it, so he didn’t know why you did, but boy was it irritating him.
You two had been living together for the past 5 months and it had been amazing, he had also seen a lot more of you in his clothes, as time went by he saw you sleep in his shirts and boxers many times, you were especially fond of his old Cal-tech sweatshirt and button ups. He loves you wearing them it’s one of his favourite looks on you, when you’re comfortable and cosy and simply adorable in the articles of clothing that are too big for you.
But if he’s being honest a very close second is when in the mornings after you have ‘exercised’ the previous night, when he wakes up to the smell of bacon and coffee and sees you in nothing but a pair of cotton panties and the button up he had discarded the previous night, he loved coming up behind you in those mornings and slipping his arms around your waist and holding you while whispering sweet nonsense to each other.
They had just gotten back from a case. It hadn't been long or a particularly hard one but boy did he miss you, he always did, he thanked whoever it was for it being a Friday night because it meant he would arrive home to you. In no time he was at the door of your shared apartment, you had both decided moving into his would be the best choice since it was bigger.
He opened the door and almost immediately heard your sock clad feet hitting the floor of your apartment, he quickly hung up his coat and satchel before opening his arms and catching his girlfriend in his arms "I missed you so much Spence" he laughed lightly in response and replied "I missed you too bug, it was only a week" you pulled away from the hug and leaned your forehead against his before whispering "a week without feeling you" he smiled at that and leaned in lighting bumping your noses together before connecting your lips together, god he’d never get tired of kissing you, it honestly felt like heaven.
You gasped into the kiss and pulled away abruptly, Spencer looked confused but you had the biggest smile on your face and all of a sudden he didn’t care you  broke of the kiss, “what was that for?” he asked feign hurt, “I made something” you said sheepishly rocking back and forth on your heels, “what did you make?” spencer asked imitating your tone. “come and see” you replied excitedly while pulling him into the kitchen.
Once in the kitchen you very excitedly showed Spencer the cupcakes you had made, “I baked cupcake” you announced while placing him in front of said cupcakes, Spencer went to reach for one when you slapped his hand “no Spencer I still need to put the icing on them”, “but they look so good” he pouted giving you puppy eyes, “oh, you’re cute when you pout” you leaned in and when you were only a breath away from kissing his lips you spoke “but still no” and with that you kissed his pout and pulled away, you made your way to the counter were you were putting the icing into piping bags and piped up saying “but you can help me ice them and then you can eat one”, “can I only eat one?”, you turned back smiling and handed him one of the piping bags “you can have as many as you want love”.
You were currently both icing cupcakes in comfortable silence, Spencer had noticed you were wearing his Cal-tech crew neck and a pair of cotton shorts along with a mismatched pair of his socks, you looked adorable, he loved that you wore mismatched socks like him even before you’d met, the fact you were sporting his at the moment was just the cherry on top.
And so he thought no would be as great a time as any to ask “Hey love can I ask you something”, without looking up from what you were doing you hummed in agreement, you were concentrating so hard on making the cupcake look perfect you just barely registered what he said, god he thought you looked so cute when you concentrated  so hard you had your tongue sticking out the side of your mouth.
He shook himself out of the trance you put him in and just asked "Why do you like stealing my clothes so much?", you looked up at his question with a worried expression on your face, you didn’t realise it could bother him, you never meant make him uncomfortable, should you have asked for permission before you took them?, Spencer saw your concerned expression and was going to clarify he didn’t mind when you rushed out first, “Spencer I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, I should have asked I’m so sorry, oh god I’m wearing your clothes now I’ll go change”.
You put the piping bag down and passed Spencer when you were about to leave the kitchen but Spencer gently pulled your arm and pulled you into a hug, “Y/N, love, you just spiralled,” he pulled back from the hug and gently held your face in his hands, he could still see the sad and worried expression on your face and he hated that he had caused it, and needed to take it away, “I love that you steal my clothes, I absolutely adore seeing you swamped in my crewnecks and wearing my socks and specially in my button ups after certain events have taken place” he smirked at the blush that crept up your cheeks at the last part of his statement, he loved your shyness, “believe me I love it when you steal my clothes, you look angelic in them I just want to know why you like it, I know its dumb but I just can’t figure it out and not knowing is really bugging me”.
You smiled at this and all your previous worries washed away, you weren’t making him uncomfortable he was just being his usual curious self, you slid your hands up his chest and played with the collar of his shirt as his hands moved from your face you your waist and you began “well there’s a lot of reasons I like wearing your clothes, for one they’re really big on me so they are soooo comfy, they also smell like you so they remind me of you when you’re gone on cases”, he smiled at this and you looked down before continuing “and when you’re gone and I’m scared something will happen and I won’t see you again, it comforts me, it makes feel close to you when I can’t be” you looked up at him when you finished and he could see the glossiness in your eyes of the tears forming from your memories of all the times you were scared you wouldn’t see him again and he gave you a sad smile while he wiped a stray tear falling down your check.
“Honestly, they just make me feel warm and loved, when you’re gone”, his eyes were now glossed over too as he leaned in and kissed you, “I love you bug”, “I love you Spencer”.
And now Spencer knew, he knew why having a crew neck of his meant so much to you and how it could bring you comfort in a time when you needed it most.
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local-ground-apple · 4 years
Can I pretty please request with Kalim x Tall fem reader x Silver. Maybe a hint of Riddle please and thank you! 😄
I’m not sure if that’s what you wanted, but I hope you will enjoy it~~
Also excuse me for taking so long with answering it. 
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,,They’re so sickeningly cute”
,,I don’t think this meeting is an appropriate place to solve your love-life problems, Kalim.”
Riddle’s strict and curt voice cut Kalim’s rant for good. Yet, it seemed that any of the dorm leaders, apart from him and eventually Azul, was truly interested in the meeting. 
,,I think I may have a nice pair of heels.”
“Perhaps, a little contract would be an appropriate solution?”
Azul ignored Vil’s previous suggestion and his attention shifted from dull paperwork he had been doing to Kalim. His sultry voice made Kalim turn around to face him and almost urging him to continue. Azul adjusted his glasses, before speaking again. 
,,Well, I’m sure I could make you a tad taller, or Y/N smaller, unless Silver is your true problem?”
Kalim frowned, not really sure how to properly respond. He caught a glimpse of displeased Riddle who sighed in frustration, knowing very well that the meeting was surely over and they wouldn’t get anything done by the end of it. 
You, Kalim and Silver were a rather specific couple, no one truly expected to work out. The differences in your personalities very present, yet this time your height was the reason for Kalim’s chagrin.
Or maybe it was Silver’s height?
Maybe both.
You were slightly taller than Silver, maybe few centimetres. Yet, those few centimetres were more than enough to drive usually cheerful and beaming with happiness Kalim insane. Silver could easily reach your lips and steal brief kisses anytime he wished for them. Kalim had to tug on your tie or ask you to lean a bit down. 
Normally, he didn’t have any problems with your height, after all, he loved you the way you were. But recently Silver got bolder and Kalim could see him sneaking kisses from you. 
Kalim had enough. 
,,Speaking of Y/N and Silver, where’s Malleus?”
Kindly remarked Idia who usually was almost transparent on those meetings. Leona snorted in annoyance, just on the mere mention of dragon fae. 
,,K, so which one of you potatoes forgot to tell him?”
Vil’s voice, much to Azul’s discontent who was already taking out his golden contract, started another heated argument as everyone tried to put the blame on someone else. 
,,Wasn’t it your turn Vil?”
,,Absolutely not, I’m fourth in the queue. It was Riddle’s turn to invite Malleus this time, I presume.”
Kalim could only watch as the chaos before him unfolding. Riddle’s shouts woke up Leona for good who joined the heated argument dragging Azul with him into it.
He sighed deeply in resignation, knowing deep down inside that his problem wouldn’t be solved anytime soon.
,,Little bird told me that you considered making a deal with Azul concerning the height of one of us.”
Your voice made Kalim sign slightly, Silver chuckle and Jamil throw his hands in the air in pure helplessness. If it wasn’t for your presence and Silver’s subtle glare, which you called “I’m the intimidating Diasomnia, move away”, Jamil would be spitting insults and trying to reason Kalim’s idea in rather harsh and loud way. Instead he simply left you three to deal with this matter.
,,I mean, I could perhaps get smaller...” You started, while Silver raised an eyebrow surprised with your statement.
,,No, no, no, you’re not a problem Y/N. You are absolutely perfect.”
Kalim was quick to vividly protest. 
You, a problem? Never, absolutely never.
,,So, you suggest that I’m the problem?”
Silver asked smoothly and it was your time to vividly protest. However, Kalim’s answer stunned you. He avoided looking into your eyes at all cost, as his attention drastically shifted from various plants he could see in the garden.
,,I mean, actually, YES”
Silver didn’t seem to be surprised in slightest. He just sighed heavily, as his hands began gently running through your hair. 
,,It’s just-agh-how to say it... I just hate it than Silver can steal kisses from you anytime he wants and I’m too short for that!”
You blinked twice in surprise, fully comprehending his words. Soon a smile crept on your lips, while Silver looked clearly amused at Kalim who was regretting his confession. 
He was simply jealous and both you and Silver would never let him forget about it. With a giggle you sat at the grass and boys followed you. You leaned closer to Kalim’s flushed face, your lips almost touching his.
,,I’m flattered you wanted to make a contract with Azul just because you were jealous of Silver”
,,W-what?! I, I was never, EVER, jealous of him!”
His faltering words and flushed voice made you giggled and Silver couldn’t help but burst in laughter. 
Yeah, sure, he wasn’t jealous at all. 
Not even in the slightest. 
,,Well, I believe now you can steal as many kisses as you want.”
You encouraged him with a sly smile, while Kalim’s face lit up at your words. His soft lips soon crashed onto yours, determinated to give you as many kisses as Silver had gave during past week.
,,You could just take a box and surprise our dear Y/N, you know shortass?”
,,Could you lean 20 centimeters?”
You frowned at Riddle’s quite bizarre request, but seeing his irritated face and how his patience was running thin, you complied. You leaned down still confused.
,,How can you walk with a tie like this? It’s almost a violation to the rules and as prefect you should be doing your very best”
You blinked stunned, hearing his words as his hands quickly took care of a mess called your poor, unfortunate tie. With a faint smile you thanked him. 
,,Why is everyone in this school so tall? Maybe Azul could take of this.”
“Wait! Riddle, this is a very bad idea!”
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angeldolanx · 5 years
Chapter 6. /- stargazing/
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The next evening, I could say that I was a bit too excited for the boys to arrive. I just got home a hour ago, I spent my afternoon with Sophie and then I talked with Veronica. I always felt a bit nervous to talk to her, open up to her and talk with her as a friend, because she was my boss basically but she always tried and she was always so nice too, so I tried to let my negative thoughts go and we ended up having a really great conservation. She told me how she moved to here and how she met with his husband. I found it really interesting that she was a really loud and kinda bad girl who calmed down, when she met with her true love. I am in a stage in my life where I don't even know if I wanna be a baddie or if I wanna calm down with someone. Agh, probably I would choose the baddie option, that's the sad truth mom, sorry.
Their love was cute, how he just came to her life and after a few weeks she knew, that she found the one. I really think that this is never gonna happen to me and I am gonna end up in a relationship with someone who I don't love, I just tolerate. I hope not though.
When I got the massage from Grayson, that they are here I checked myself one last time in the mirror. I needed to smile on myself, I really didn't looked like a typical girly girl. I wore a green - black check shirt, what I probably bought on the man section a few days ago and it was long enough to wear it as a dress. I didn't wanted to change, but I didn't wanted to look too floppy nether, so I unbuttoned a few button on the shirt and I let it to slid down on my right shoulder. Now I felt more sexy how my black lacy bralette showed a bit, but I was still really comfortable.
After I opened the door I texted Grayson to go up to the last floor with the elevator and we can meet there, so with my phone and my keys in my hand, I also went to the elevator. As the elevator door opened I saw that they were already there. Bryant and Ethan said hi to me with a friendly smile while I noticed that Grayson checked my whole body out before he looked deeply into my eye. Gosh, I have no idea why he has such a strong effect on me. I immediately felt how my body warmed up, but I really tried to distract my attention to Bryant, who introduced himself to me.
There was a stair that led to the roof, so I went first with the three boys behind me. I think I watch too many detective and criminal shows, because the first thing that crossed my mind was that those stories always starts with a stupid girl who go somewhere with strangers and I do the same thing. Okay, they weren't completely strangers, but still. The whole story was a bit odd.
"Wow, if I would live here I would spend every night in here" said Bryant, when he glanced around. Yeah, I have to say the view was pretty good from here.
"Except if you would have acrophobia and you would have anxiety only from the thoughts about going near to the edge" I replied. Basically as soon as I get to the roof, the strange, anxious feeling came to my stomach. My apartment block wasn't the highest building in the street, and the fence on the edge was pretty high too, but I still had bad feelings that I needed to tolerate.
"You are afraid of heights?" glanced down at me Ethan. It's still quite strange and somewhat infuriating how short and tiny I was between them. The twins were large man, and even though I wasn't a extremely thin and tiny girl next to them, I almost felt like it.
"Uhum, that's the second time when I am up here. The first time was when they showed me that I have access to come here."
While they started to work and Brayant started to took pictures of the boys I watched the bustle of the city of Los Angeles. There was always a huge traffic on every street, and there was always so many people everywhere. You could go the supermarket even at four am in the morning and still find people there. This city never sleeps.
From the beautiful city lights of course Grayson was the one, who managed to get my attention. He just casually sat in front of Bryant's camera. He really didn't needed to try hard to look good in every single pose and picture. I really tried to not stare at him too remarkably, especially when I bumped into Ethan's gaze. I just knew from his cheeky grin that he caught me staring at his brother. Agh, I got busted.
"Can I take a picture of you too?" asked Bryant a few pictures later.
" Uhm, I look like I just woke up like ten minutes ago" I said. Actually, this wasn't true, I wish I could look like this when I wake up in the morning. I spent a few minutes in front of my mirror with my makeup bag and with a hairbrush to look like this.
"It can be also a concept, come on" he continued to try to convince so I took a big sigh and went to stand in front of his camera." Can you pull it down a little more?" he asked, so I relaxed my shoulder, and my shirt slid lover by itself on me, and showed a bit more from my black lace bralette. I crossed one hand in front of my stomach and I lifted my right one to my face as Bryant showed. After he took a few photo he asked me to bit on my pointer finger, which made me smile, especially when I saw Gray's smirk behind him. "Wow, you really know how to use your face" said Bryant, while he looked back to the pictures on his camera.
"No, I don't. At all" I laughed. I was embarrassed, I really didn't liked when someone took pictures of me especially in a situation like this, where we had audience too, which made it even more embarrassing for me. I always took pictures for the gram with self timer. It's so much easier to me when I can pose how I want and I am the only one who see if its looks trash.
While Bryant began taking photos of Ethan I stood by myself for a few minutes but when I looked at Grayson, who sat on the metal something, I went towards him, and sat down next to him. Wow, what a bold move, Mira. Yes. Sometimes my own thoughts makes me angry, especially because I am 22 and still afraid of a guy who is even younger than me. I really need to get my shit together.
"Are you secretly a model?" glanced at me Grayson. He was so close to me, my favorite perfume’s scent mixed with his masculine one and I could feel the warmth of his body. His face looked so much more younger without the beard and I immediately started to think about that I like him more with it.
"Nah" I shook my head. My body was everything, just not a model body. I was pretty short and I had a typical hourglass figure. I actually really liked my body type from the front, but as soon as I turn to the side yes, you can see my booty poppin', but my little tammy too. I think I could look even better if I would be strong enough to go the gym, but I was so lazy and I kinda felt like I fought so much for that body that I should be satisfied a bit more with it.
After that there was a long silence between us. He watched Brayant and Ethan, while I glanced up to the sky. The weather was clear, so I could see that there were so many stars next to the bright Moon. I was totally somewhere else in my thoughts for a few minutes, but I immediately snapped back whan Grayson started to talk to me.
"What are you thinking about ? " he asked. At this point, he probably watched me for a few minutes, if he noticed that I was zoned out. I bit my inner lip while I thought for a few seconds. Should I tell him my real thoughts or should I just tell him some random shit, that come to my mind and an easier topic? In the end I decided to tell him the truth.
"My family" I replied softly. He frowned his eyebrows for a sec and than turned to me with his whole body to listen to me. " First just a random memory popped to my mind about old camping nights with my family. We always set in front of our tent in the night and talked before we went to sleep " I said with a small smile, while the memories came back to me and I saw myself there again with my family in my head. " And then I just wondered if my grandma is somewhere there behind one star " I sighed "and is she still looking after me from there."
While I talked I just looked to the sky, and when I looked back at him I just realized that he did the same thing, but when he felt that I glanced at him he looked at my face and smiled slightly.
"Can we go?" interrupted Ethan. Grayson opened his mouth to say something and hesitated for a moment before he answered to his brother.
"You can go, I'm gonna call a Uber later" he responded. I saw that Ethan was a bit confused, and so was I. My stomach immediately collapsed because of the thoughts that I am gonna spend the rest of the night alone with Grayson. After Ethan and Bryant left there was a short silence again between us.
"What are you doing?" I asked with a slight laugh, when he put his pulover to the ground and layed down on it.
" Stargazing " he said easily, like it was the most natural thing. I stared at him for a few seconds, while he just layed there, watched the sky and the Moon's light shined back from his eyes. It's just melted my heart that the masculine good looking guy actually more than that. He looked so precious and he really made me feel like I wanna get to know him more. This whole situation was just absurd and still kinda special. Maybe that's why I didn't hesitated more, and with a slight smile I went next to him and I layed there too. After a few minutes now I was the one broke the silent between us.
" What are you thinking about ?" I asked him. I was really curious about what's on his mind.
" First I was thinking that isn't it just crazy how small we are compared to everything above us? From here everything look's distant and infinite " he said. I was glad he doesn't started to talk about constellations and stuff. I was not too good in astronomy, especially not in english. "And then I just wandered back to what you said about your grandma. Do you really think that our loved ones are there somewhere, behind the stars?"
" I don't know, but I like to believe that. To me it's comforting to think that she is still there and she still watches me from somewhere " I responded. I truly love to believe that.
"You keep surprising me " triggered a sudden topic Grayson. I turned my head towards him and when he did the same thing I just realized that how close we were to each other. Our nose was only a few inches away and now the whole situation felt more intimate, than before.
"What do you mean? You don't even know me yet" I said with a light smile.
"Yeah, that's why I just keep trying to create a picture of you in my head, but you just keep refute it. After we talked on FaceTime I remember, yes I remember " he added emphatically, when he saw that I wanna cut in, and it made me laugh how he knew what I wanna say. " So I remember I thought you are cute."
As soon as he said that I made a grimace. I think I was the only person on Earth who hated when someone told her, that she is cute. It's just so boring to me, and to me yeah a five year old girl is cute, but not me.
"Then in the salon you seemed more confident and I actually liked how sexy and independent you were, but you refuted it again in the dinner where I really didn't liked how you acted. I almost started to think that you are just a arrogant girl who only plays hard to get."
"Oh my God “ I cut in, while I shook my head. " Why would I when the.."
"Wait, let me finish " he put his hands on mine. His touch was like a lightning strike, that fired up my whole body even more. I was already a bit tense because I didn't liked the things, that he said about me." But you refute this picture again right now because you act like a completely different person. Again " he said while he looked back to my eye and he left my hand with a slight smile.
"So right now, you have no clue who I am " I grinned. I liked that I was a mystery to him, that he tries to solve in his head, but he can't. And I really liked the fact, that he thought about me in the last days.
" Yeah, you are a mystery to me."
" I just thought about that " I said with a huge smile on my face. I already knew that yeah I am quite open with people and I like to get to know new people but I need time, to actually trust in them enough to give myself fully so they can know who I really am.
" I wanna solve this mystery though."
" Good luck" I responded sharply, and when he glanced at me he ony got a smile. " And how do you wanna do it?"
" I have my own ways" he smirked and looked deeply into my eyes. This is probably makes his way more to my panties then to my head, mut okay. " What's your biggest dream?" he asked and looked back to the sky.
" Hmm..I don't know" I said. " I feel like I live in a dream right now. Since I come here my whole life just changed, in a positive way and right now I don't wanna think about the future, just enjoy every second."
"Why did you come here?"
" I was so unhappy. I had no friends, I've never been in a relationship and I had no plans eather. I just lived in my imaginary world which was comfortable but I felt like my life just pas next me, and I didn't enjoy a moment from it."
" You’ve never been in a relationship?" he asked with a surprised face.
" No " I shook my head.
"This means that you are a.. " for a moment he paused and I saw that he got embarrassed, and it made me smile even more. He was just cute.
"Yes. Wow seriously you don’t know shit about me yet, but you already know that I am a virgin. Amazing " I said while I tried to cover my laughing face, which made him giggle softly.
"But how? Like are boys in Hungary blind or something?"
"I don't know, I just didn't found the right guy jet " I said with a small sigh. Then I basically told him the same, that I told Corinna a few weeks ago, that I just wanna find someone who I can trust enough to do it. Or just find someone who can make me lose my mind for him.
" What was the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you? " switched suddenly topic Grayson. I started to feel like I am with a psychiatrist who just randomly asks me questions about myself, but at the same time I really thought that he was really nice how he tried to get to know me and ask about me.
" Once I fell into the pool in a public place " I said with a serious face, that made him immediately laugh. " I thought on the side it isn't gonna be that deep, but it was. I tried to do my hair into a bun for like half and hour, so it isn't gonna get wet but as soon as I wanted to step into the pool I just disappeard completely in the water. Even the 70 years old lady next to me tried to cover her laugh " I laughed. " After that my parents were able to laugh anywhere when they thought back to this " I finished my crazy story and in the end he just laughed even more. The whole rooftop was loud from our laugh. " It's your turn. Emberassing story? Virginity?"
"I need to go" he joked around, but when he saw my strong gaze he layed back next to me and he started to tell his stories. Of course his most embarrassing moment was with Ethan and he lost his virginity when he was 16 with his girlfriend back then. It was just so easy to talk with him, and open up to him. I slowly started to understand what he meant when he said he has his own ways. I just felt like I could talk with him about anything, he is gonna understand it or he is gonna laugh about it with me. " We hated high school, after a year or so we become private students with E " he started another story about their high school life. “And? What's up with your high school years?"
"Uh, in the first year it was chill but then I had a best friend. I was 16 when I went to a club for the first time and from that moment we basically spent almost every saturday night there, but I loved those years so much " I smiled, while I thought back. " We just doesn't give a shit about anything. We felt like we were free and young and was in love all the damn time, what was not even real love of course and we just really tried to enjoy every second from our teen years " I laughed. " After I turned 20 I didn't really went to parties anymore because I felt like they can't show me new things."
" Wow, you were such a baddie" he grinned. " What did your parents said?"
"Nothing, they trusted in me. If I got drunk I told them, and they knew that I am gonna learn from it. They knew everything about me, even if I just danced with a boy or something I always told my mom the next day. So yeah, I was a baddie but with a brain. And I still am " I added and I bet my lip to cover my confident smile.
We spent hours on the rooftop while we just told each other the most random stories of ourself. Somehow I still just wanted to know more and more. Yes I know, that they basically started to vlog when they were five with Ethan on the family camera and how embarrassing he was with the girls when they were teenagers, but I still just wanted to listen to his stories more and more. Not even fit into my head how could I just spoke with him so easily, when a few days ago I just swallowed dumplings because I was that nervous next to him. Maybe I was just really drunk and that's why I thought that he is so attractive? Probably not, simply he just behaved more mature and manly there, but now he was just so cute and open. I hated him for knowing how to be both.
"It's one am?" I asked when I saw the clock when he looked at his phone for the first time the night.
" Next time we continue, okay?" he asked while he stood up and offered his hand to me.
" I am in " I smiled and accepted his hand to help me stand up from the ground.
When we got to my apartment's floor Grayson got out with me from the elevator and we stopped to face each other. I just wanted to open my mouth to say something, when Grayson lifted his hand and pulled back my bra's strap, that slipped down on my shoulder. For a second my whole body tightened. His touch was so soft on my skin and the fact that I saw how his eyes followed his hand's moves and then his gaze moved down to my boob from my shoulder is just made me even more tense.
"Can I get a hug now, or I still don't deserve it? " I asked with a little sarcasm in my voice.
" I know you cried yourself to sleep yesterday because of it" he grinned while he put his hands on my shoulder to draw me closer to a hug.
" Of course I did " I mumbled to his chest. I thought it's gonna be a quick hug, but when his hands tightened around me when I wanted to move away, I smiled slightly and caressed his back for a few seconds. " Good night " I said when I went to my door and I really needed to bit my lip to hide that cheesy smile, that wanted to spread on my face. I didn't even looked back, when I heard him saying good night to me. I just opened my door, took a big sigh and leaned against it when I closed it behind me. It's just kills me, how in one second I laugh with him, but than in the other second I forgot to breath because of him.
- stagazing √
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djgamek1ng · 4 years
Log Horizon: To Fade Away (OC story) - Chapter 2
The gang woke up, headed down for some breakfast and to discuss a plan of action for today. Duran was the first to wake up, then Sky not too long afterwards and Gaia woke up an hour afterwards. Both Duran and Sky saw that Gaia had it rough. Duran decided he would ask her about it later. Sky was worried that she might’ve had something to do with it, so she decided to not ask about it and hope it faded away sooner or later.
“So, what are we going to do today?”, Duran asked the other two after finishing breakfast. “Well, we probably should try out fighting monsters, right? After all, this is the world of an MMORPG, we’ll have to at least be somewhat used to combat, even if we won’t fully use it”, Sky replied. Gaia nodded and she said “Y-yeah, I can agree. Even if any of us decides to become a blacksmith or something, it is still important for us to get used to fighting.” “Alright then. Might as well get a feeling for how tanking works in this body instead of behind the computer screen. Let’s take stock of our supplies and gear, so that we know what to get or replace before we head out”, Duran said. The other two agreed and the three of them went to look at the stores. It was chaos. Adventurers screaming at People of the Land, People of the Land being scared and intimidated by Adventurers. It became pretty clear to the party that they weren’t gonna get anything out of this, since the chaos wasn’t looking to slow down anytime soon. The party instead decided to head out of Akihabara and into the combat zones.
They found some lower level monsters of level 27 to level 32 to practice on in the forest after about an hour of traveling. “Okay, so to go over this one more time so I’m sure, this is the plan: Duran attracts the monsters and walks towards here, then me and you, Gaia, come to support him and defeat the monsters. That’s about the gist of it, right?”, Sky asked. “Y-yes, that should be basically everything”, Gaia responded. “Keep in mind that if I run straight back that I wouldn’t be able to get the aggro of all the mobs immediately, so don’t quite immediately start unleashing big skills”, Duran chimed in. “Right, right. So wait a bit before actually striking the enemy. Should be simple enough”, Sky said. “Alright, let’s do this”, Duran said before he unsheathed his sword and went running in.
He had run ahead and at about 5 meters away, he swung his sword while yelling “Spiritual Wave!”. A light-yellow glow was around his sword and it released into a wave of divine energy when he swung his sword. It hit the mobs and they started running towards Duran. He started running back and communicated over the telepathic communication system of the game towards the girls. “2 Brier Weasels, 1 Goblin Scout and 3 Kobold Mages are running after me”, he communicated. “Alright, so we should take out the Scout first”, Gaia said. “Yes and leave that to me!”, Sky responded. The Goblin Scout shot at him a couple times, with a few of them hitting. “Agh! T-that is gonna sting… I’m down to 5000 HP”. He reached the designated spot and he used ‘Aura of Hate’, followed up by another ‘Spiritual Wave’, to make sure all the enemies where focused on him. “Okay, they are ready to go! Let them have it, you two!”, Duran yelled out. Sky and Gaia ran out from their hiding. Sky went to attack the Goblin Scout. “X-Cross!”, Sky yelled out. With two quick swipes in the form of an X that both had a red trail, the Goblin Scout was destroyed and let out a spray of blood. “Healing Light!”, Gaia called out as she healed Duran. Duran, who was now surrounded by 2 Brier Weasels and 3 Kobold Mages, was fending them off the best he could. Some attacks got through, mainly the magic attacks from the Mages. It hurt, but not as much as he would’ve assumed. Especially not the piercing vines the Weasels were using. His HP was dropping quick though. When he hit 4500 HP, he activated ‘Divine Aegis’, which is a defensive skill that boosts the user’s physical and magical defense by a lot. The attacks were hurting less, and his HP dropped a lot slower. Gaia cast another spell, ‘Pulse Heal’, which put an effect on Duran that would trigger when his current HP was below half his maximum HP. When it triggers, it heals the person it is put on for a high amount.
Duran was attacking the monsters with his sword, before he saw a shadow appear behind one of the Mages and with two cuts in quick succession, one of the Mages fell down, dead. Sky had used her ‘Quick Step’ skill to come over and help. The two of them exchanged a quick nod to make sure the other was okay. Duran stabbed his sword into one of the Kobold Mages and it was quite hurt. In that motion of pulling back his sword, he stabbed his sword into the ground. “Holy… Explosion!”, he shouted. Around him in a radius, quick flashes of light appeared before they burst and made explosions of divine energy around Duran. This damaged all the monsters nearby, killing one of the Weasels and the Mage he had just stabbed. The attacks of the remaining Mages and the one remaining Weasel triggered the Pulse Heal. Gaia reacted to that by casting ‘Holy Bolt’, a magic attack that launched divine energy from her hand, at the Weasel. It hit and it was enough to kill it. The Kobold Mages went to attack Duran and as he tried to dodge one of the hits, he tripped and fell due to not being used to his smaller stature yet. Him tripping lead to him getting hit by both attacks, losing a chunk of damage. The Mages prepared for a quick follow up attack, but before they could launch it, Sky slashed the Mage that had the lowest health twice and used ‘X-Cross’ to defeat the other one.
With the encounter out of the way, they went to look for a safe place to rest up for a bit. It took a bit, but they eventually found a spot to sit down for a bit. Duran was a bit worn out from the battle, but he was mostly okay. Sky was also doing pretty good, though she was a bit shaken. Gaia was very visibly shaken by the battle. Duran and Sky both noticed it. “Hey, are you okay Gaia?”, Sky piped up. “…T-this is battle in this world, huh?”, she replied.
S: Yeah… it is kind of weird and it feels pretty bad to have to actively attack another creature. G: Y-yeah, I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that… It honestly i-is kind of harrowing. S: How are you holding up Duran? D: Weirdly… I’m doing fine. Adrenaline is pumping, but outside of that I’m not really shaken up. S: Huh, maybe you just have an affinity to combat. D: Could be yeah. G: I-I wish I could be like that. D: Heh, while I appreciate that, honestly it frightens me. G: H-huh, why? D: Well, it makes me worry about my lack of concern over killing things. Like, I know these are monsters that don’t really feel, but still. S: I guess that makes sense. Well, don’t worry for now. If you keep feeling that way after being in combat with actual people, then it starts to become real worrying. G: Yeah and we’ll be here to support you, no matter what! D: T-thanks, you two. S: Alright, let’s-
Sky was interrupted by a scream. Duran stood up immediately and drew his weapon, wary of it being more enemies. Sky jumped up and held her hands on her weapons as well. Gaia jumped up and started running in the direction she heard the sound in. “G-Gaia? Where are you going?!”, Duran yelled. “It was a girl’s scream, we gotta go help her!”, she yelled back. “O-okay!”, Duran said, and he started running after her. Sky followed as well without saying much.
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pharaohzeth · 7 years
Train to the next station - a little puzzle/blindshipping one shot
He looked outside, the only thing to see was darkness. He sighed and looked around, there was no one else in the carriage.
He took out his ticket, it was in completely blank, he sighed again. Which was his station?
Had he told the others he would be leaving?
Did he remember to visit first grandpa’s grave?
Did he remember to pack everything?
Did he even brought his luggage?
Where was he even going?
How had he gotten in that train in the first place?  
Irritated, he ruffled his hair. So many questions!
“Ugh” he decided to better think of nothing, maybe sleep a little. Yes, sleeping sounded good; he lied down, got comfortable and closed his eyes.
That courage brought us together!
I just want to be with you forever.
It's you I'm worried about.
Thank you. I'm grateful from the bottom of my heart. Partner!
He opened his eyes slowly, it was not the first time his other self plagued his dreams.
He took notice of the little girl seated across him. She smiled and Yugi sat up.
“Hi, I'm Jennifer, but you can call me Jeni” she said and swung her legs “Who are you?”
“I'm Yugi, nice to meet you Jeni” he smiled.
“Nice to meet you too Yugi” she jumped off of her seat and sat next to Yugi “Why are you here Yugi?”
Yugi frowned, trying to remember, once again, the questions filled his head.
“I don't remember” he said.
“Well, I'm going to see my mom” she said determined.
“Alone?” he inquired. Jeni nodded, trying to not smile.
“Daddy gave me permission to come alone, because I'm a big girl now and he trusts me” her eyes shone with pride. Yugi couldn't help but smile.
“How old are you, Jeni?”
“I'm 5!” she said proudly showing him her tiny hand “How old are you Yugi?”
“I'm 26” she stared with wide eyes, Yugi giggled “I don't look that old, right?”
“You are very handsome for someone that old!” she said with a serious face, the compliment pierced Yugi’s heart, old.
“Thank you” she nodded.
The train stopped, then after a couple of minutes it moved again.
“Do you know which is your station?” asked Yugi, Jeni shook her head.
“But I know mom will be waiting there for me”
“Did your dad told you that?” she shrugged.
“I'm not sure” she said, but her smile didn't falter.
They stayed in silence for a moment before Jeni frowned briefly and spoke again.
“Did you leave people home, Yugi?”
“Yes; my friends, my mom” he said, he had the feeling that he wouldn’t see them in a very long time and that made him worry a little.
“Tell me about them, and I'll tell you about my daddy”
Yugi smiled.
“Okay” he said “I have quite some friends in Domino, there's Otogi, Honda, Mako, Mai, the Kaiba brothers” he counted with his fingers “Jounouchi, he is my best friend and also Anzu, there was a time I liked her” he smiled, so much good memories, he felt a heartwarming melancholy “And of course my mom; I guess that, since I won't be there she'll have to take care of the game shop alone” Jeni gasped.
“You have a game shop?!” her smile widened “I love games, my daddy and used to play twister every day” she said.
“Really? I love games too, I actually got crowned king of games” he laughed, she stared at him with admiration.
“Oh my god! That’s awesome” she covered her smile with her hands and tried to not burst in giggles, she swung her legs with more energy “King of games” she whispered, amazed by the title.
Yugi giggled, delighted with her reaction.
She calmed down short after.
“Right, we made a deal” he said to herself “I only left my daddy behind; he’s awesome, he’s my best friend, he helps me with my homework and plays with me, he also cooks very good” she counted “He’ll probably be worried until mom tells him I’m with her” she wondered “Is someone waiting for you?”
He didn’t knew, but he had the feeling there would be someone at the station, the thought was heartwarming but kind of out of nowhere, since he didn’t even remember if he told anyone that he was leaving.
“I’m not sure”
“For someone so old you sure don’t know a lot of things” she said with no bad intentions, Yugi snorted, he knew this.
The train stopped again.
“Jennifer!” the girl gasped.
“That’s mommy!” she shook Yugi’s arm, exited “Mommy!”
A young woman walked in, she really looked like Jeni, both with straight blonde hair and brown eyes.
“Mommy, this is Yugi, the king of games” she pointed at him when her mother picked her up “Yugi, this is my mommy” the woman looked at Yugi and smiled warmly.
“Thank you, for taking care of Jennifer in this journey” Yugi scratched the back of his head shyly.
“It's nothing really” he said.
“Mommy, Yugi doesn't know which is his station”
“Don't worry dear, I'm certain he'll know when to get off the train” she said before walking away, carrying the girl in her arms “Goodbye Yugi, and thank you again, for taking care of Jennifer”
“It’s nothing. Goodbye”
Yugi saved goodbye to his little friend, and she waved back.
After a minute or so the train continued its journey.  
There was still nothing but darkness to be seen through the windows. He sighed again, how long had he been there?
He stood up and walked around the carriage, boring, the doors to the other carriages were locked, perfect, he thought sarcastically, he huffed, he was so bored it was starting to irritate him again.
After walking around a bit he let himself fall face down on his sit, he exhaled a frustrated ‘agh’ before turning around on his place.
He closed his eyes, decided to sleep some more.
Even if I never get my memories back.
I am no longer the other Yugi.
The Pharaoh filled his dreams once again.
His heart ached, sometimes he wished he could just forget his other self, maybe then the loneliness wouldn't hunt him and his heart wouldn't feel so empty. But no, forgetting his other half would be thousands of times worst, his memories of him were his greatest treasure.
He stared at the sealing, not like he had much to do there.
He took the ticket out of his pocket and studied, it was still blank, except for his name and home city, he frowned, there must be something more to it, maybe if his other self was there with him, he max help him find the solution, after all, together they were unstoppable, kings of games, partners, two halves of a whole.
He closed his eyes, if only you were here, with me.
A melancholic smile appeared on his face, his heart thundered in his chest by only thinking of his other self.
When he opened his eyes and looked at his ticket again it had changed. The word Other had appeared on it, in big, black curvy handwriting. He sat up; it struck him like an arrow, that must be it! Whatever this weird journey was it had to do something with his other self!
He started thinking.
What had he been doing before waking up in that train?
Where had he been?  With who?
He remembered feeling unwell that morning, he had got some work done with the Kaibas, then?
Then he had lunch with Ryo, Otogi and Jounouchi;  Ryo, dear, kind, caring Ryo, he had been the first to notice that wasn't feeling quite well, of course he has dismissed the problem and told them that he was just a bit tired.
Then he went with Anzu to the movies, but he just kept feeling worst, they met Marik there and he took them to the museum to see an Egyptian exhibition.
He remembers his vision blurring, they were just finishing the tour and he remembers losing his breath, he fell, the last thing was Marik and Anzu yelling his name, had Marik called an ambulance? Probably he was very attentive and reacted fast.
Then he woke up in that train.
So that's it.
Indeed, that was it.
26 years.
What a short life.
Everyone must be worried about him.
He was dead. And yet, he felt really calm; yes, he was feeling kind of shitty because damn, only 26 years but, he wasn't freaking out nor feeling suddenly depressed.
Maybe it was because of him, he always made him feel better.
Is someone waiting for you?
He was sure of that.
The train stopped, he stood up, he felt as if a string pulled his heart;  he almost ran to the door.
It opened.
The first thing he saw was the perfect embodiment of the A’aru*, just like the people of ancient Egypt described it, the view was breathtaking.
“Partner” he turned around.
Atem stood there, smiling brightly and with open arms.
Yugi’s heart was filled with joy and he threw himself to his other self.
“Other me!”
They hugged each other so strongly it hurted but neither cared.
“I missed you so much other me” he said.
“I missed you too, Partner” he put Yugi down and held his hand “Come on, the others are waiting”
“The others?” but walked away of the train.
“Some friends of mine who want to meet you” he said “and of course, grandpa” he looked at Yugi and smiled.
Yugi squished his other’s self hand.
“You haven’t changed Partner” he leaned down a little a kissed Yugi’s cheek, a pink blush appeared on his face as his smile grew.
“Neither have you, other me” he kissed the Pharaoh’s lips, making their faces redden.
A guffaw escaped Atem’s lips and the walked, laughing and holding hands, deeper and deeper into the field of reeds.
*The Field of Reeds (sometimes called The Field of Offerings), known to the Egyptians as A'aru
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kyeugh · 6 years
Dave and Katherine Discuss Real Life
Author’s Note: this is just a little thing i threw together after reading @antialiasis’ Morphic because the sad ending left me wondering about the future. i originally had plans for it to go further, but i’m not really interested in making this a long-term project, at least for the time being, haha. anyway, i hope you enjoy it!
Calm down now. Be cool.
Katherine took a deep breath and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked damn good. She didn’t think such things very often, but right now, she had no shame in admitting it. She was a little off base in some places, sure— her eyes were rather squinty, for example, and her nose was much too small and high— but you didn’t have to be perfect to look your best, and she certainly did.
Oh, there was also the trio of green horns sticking out of her head, and the fact that her hands were in fact giant roses. But those were minor details, really, hardly worthy of address. At least, that’s what she had to tell herself if she had any hope of making her case.
“Ms. Harrison, five minutes.”
Katherine nodded. “I’m just about ready,” she replied, glaring at her hair in the mirror. She wished she could do something with it. Its utter plainness was all the more obvious when contrasted with her rather fetching pantsuit. Oh, and don’t even get her fucking started on the pantsuit. No one would ever appreciate it for what it was, that being nothing short of a miracle. Just try putting on a tight shirt when your hands are roses and your head is covered in thorns.
Christ, what was she doing? Ruminating on her clothes? In less than five minutes, she would leave her house and step into a car, which would bring her all the way to the town courthouse. How long had it been since she’d been to town? In a car? Outside of her neigborhood, even?
She took a final look at herself in the mirror. Flawed. Perfect. Plain. Beautiful. Human. Pokémon. It was hard to describe someone like her concisely, but that’s just who she was. A mix-up. And today, she was going to change things for all the other mix-ups. Today, years of hard work would finally come to fruition. After hours and hours spent poring over books and articles and wiki pages and proceeding transcripts and histories and everything else imaginable, teaching herself the inner workings of this particular corner of law, Katherine had finally reached the day she’d been long preparing for.
Today, Katherine would testify before the city court to free the Pokémorphs from their perpetual house arrest. And, with any luck, today would be the day she was finally freed.
Unfortunately, David Ambrose woke up.
“Agh, fuck.” His head pounded as he rolled to the side, his eyes scrambling desperately into focus before resting on the alarm clock on his nightstand. 12:17. “Shit.”
Didn’t he have something today? The, uh… The thing. Fuck. What the fuck was it?
Dave flopped onto his back again and was just about to shut his eyes and fall back into the sweet embrace of sleep when he saw something taped to the ceiling. What the fuck? He squinted at it, rubbing his forehead as though it would actually do something for the pain.
It was an index card, and he could just make out the text. It read: “Court case. Katherine. 11:30, don’t forget.”
Ah, fuck. Well, he hadn’t forgotten, at least. He’d overslept, which was at the very least outside of his control… Though, if the taint of beer on his breath was to be trusted, it probably _was _in his control after all. But whatever. He’d probably have slept in until noon anyway. Right?
Groaning, he sat up and fumbled for the remote on his nightstand, nearly knocking over his alarm clock and table lamp in the process. When at last he found it, he switched on the television and turned it to channel one.
There she was, in all her morphic glory. Dave had never seen her so dressed up— she wore it wonderfully, though he found the buttons that ran along the back seam of the sleeves amusing. So that’s how she’d fit it on despite her hands…
A marquee rolled across the bottom of the screen. Dave wasn’t yet conscious enough to read it all, but he got the gist. Katherine was still making her case for the humanity of the Pokémorphs, and arguing that the Dangerous Nonhuman Act was unconstitutional— or, at least, it was unconstitutional in its application to the Pokémorphs. Dave had heard the argument a million times. He’d even helped write it. He could only hope she delivered it well, though he’d never resort to fucking praying, thank you very much. If anyone knew how important delivery was, it was him. It was definitely, fucking definitely him.
“—aware that the media paints us as half-human, half-Pokémon hybrids,” Katherine said, her voice cool but just shaky enough for it to be perceptible. Well, Dave sure as hell didn’t blame her. At least she was talking fucking sense. He’d seen way more severe television blunders on similar topics in his days, to say the least. But it didn’t take much to outperform fucking Brian, of all people. Dave didn’t realise he was shaking his head until he felt it pounding in protest.
“However, this is simply not the case. You will notice by the upright posture and intelligent behaviour of not only myself but my peers that we are much more human than anything else. As per the lab report, in fact, we are almost entirely human, with some Pokémonic genes spliced in. So, modified as we may be, Pokémorphs cannot be described as ‘nonhuman’ any more than, say, a black person, or a disabled person might be. There are simply different genes at play, but we look and behave and think the same way as anyone else. The line between human and non is blurred, to be sure, but i think that given my substantial evidence, even the most resistant will see that we are just like everyone else.”
Dave shook his head. Fuck. It was too early in the morning for this shit, and he had very important things to do today. He always did. Such as reflecting on what little he’d seen as he made his way to the kitchen.
Katherine was a fairly good public speaker, you had to give her that. But that was only true on some accounts. She presented herself confidently, true, and she vocalised without timidity. She was a proud and strong speaker. And yet, what on God’s green fucking Earth was she talking about? While he could agree that the Pokémorphs were primarily human, why he hell did she think to compare that to race and, fuck it all, disability? Well, whatever. It wasn’t Dave’s case. If he’d wanted it done better, he’d have just done it himself. This wasn’t about him. It was about the Pokémorphs, and it was also (purely by chance) about everything Dave had worked toward for the past ten yeaoh goddamn it who was he kidding.
Katherine couldn’t fuck this up. She just couldn’t. To her credit, she had a sound argument when she wasn’t botching her attempts at injecting political buzzwords. If the judge had any reason at all, he’d see her point and rule in her favor. But in truth, Dave had come to distrust the public sector a long time ago.
He’d come to distrust a lot of things, actually. Sometimes he wondered whether his drinking habits should be one of them. Even still, he produced a fresh beer from the refrigerator and cracked it open, taking a good sip. Christ, why the fuck was alcohol in the morning looked down on? There was nothing in the world like a cool splash of beer on a dry, scratchy morning throat. Absolute fucking ecstasy.
Dave took the can to his recliner and fell into it, leaning forward and taking healthy sips as he stared off into the distance, into his regrets, surrounded by a rather impressive castle of beer cans and the persistent drone of the courtcase on the television in front of him. His throne. It was another day in the life of the once-great David Ambrose.
If he had been watching the television, of course, he might have seen something very important. Game-changing, even. But, of course, it was absolutely nothing like Dave to see important things until it was entirely too late. Who did he have to blame but himself?
Literally everyone, obviously.
Sighing, he turned his gaze to the portraits that sat on his shelf. He wasn’t the sentimental type, but, well… He wasn’t the sentimental type. Having a bunch of your kids die tended to change some things about you.
He regarded the images somberly.
Will was such a sweet kid. He’s the last one you’d expect to get shot. But that also made him the likeliest. That’s what happened to sweet kids. It happened to Brian, too. When you’re in peril and you can’t stand up for yourself, you get a bullet in the fucking head. No golden charm was going to deflect that. Dave sniffed a little, and took a long drink of his beer.
Mia. Christ. What a character. And yet, Dave found himself thinking that her loss was perhaps one of the most profound ones the world would ever know. He knew he was wrong for allowing himself to choose favorites and value one life over another, but… Mia was something else. She was unstable. She was terrifying. She was a psychopath. But there was something beautiful about that. She was all of those things because she was supposed to be. They had always been here. They were not defects. They were woven into her DNA as solidly as the colour of her hair or the shape of her face. It was who she was. And now it was all gone.
Nothing personal, of course. Purely scientific. She was a marvel, biologically. Well, they all were, to be fair. But she was something else. Sometimes it seemed like she was more Scyther than anything. There was real scientific potential there. He should’ve tested her more. Should’ve prodded her. Picked her mind apart and figured out what she really was on the inside.
Well, there was nothing on the inside now, and there was no sense moping over it. Dave finished his beer, then crushed the can in his hand and threw it backward haphazardly. It fell amid a pile of similarly crushed cans, at least three dozen in number.
It was going to be a long-ass fucking day.
“Your honor, if i may.” Daniels’ voice was so damn smug that Katherine could hardly resist leaping over the bench and socking him in his face. There were two reasons she couldn’t do that, however. Firstly, the public already erred on the side of Pokémorphs being extra dangerous and violent, so her case would certainly not be helped by flagrant aggression. Secondly, her hands were roses, and she suspected they may not be very good for punching anyway.
“The plaintiff raises valid points, of course,” he continued snidely. Grr. “Points worth considering. However, it seems to me, with all due respect, like she’s gracefully failing to address the Mamoswine in the room, as it were.”
The judge raised an eyebrow. “That being?”
“Mia Kerrigan, your honor.”
The audience burst into quiet but energetic chatter.
Mia. Of course.
“Order!” the judge cried. “Continue, Mr. Daniels.”
Daniels happily obliged.“Mia Kerrigan was a proven psychopath. All witness accounts corroborate claims of her violence and dispassion. She attacked with little provocation, and herself provoked others, seemingly searching for reasons to fight or even creating them. Such behavior is consistent with the observed behavior of Scyther, and in human beings is antisocial to the point of justifying asylum. If the animal genes could have affected the mind of Mia Kerrigan in such a way as to make her unfit for human interaction, your honor, why should we assume her fellow Pokémorphs are any better off, when they are purportedly equally human? After all, we do know that several of the surviving Morphs were personally responsible for the tragic deaths of several men of the Church of Holy Truth.”
Katherine stood abruptly, heat rising to her face, heart leaping in her chest. How could he say something like that? “I object, your honor,” she said through clenched teeth with all the tact she could muster. “The kills made by the Pokémorphs are shown by the court of law to be in self-defence, and are not valid evidence against the humanity of our kind.” Even as she said it, she could feel Daniels’ smug grin. It doesn’t matter, he’d be thinking. The seeds of fear have been sown. “Mia Kerrigan was a psychopath, it’s true. There’s simply no denying it. However, her mental state is not indicative of any of the rest— there is no evidence to suggest that any of the other Pokémorphs are psychopathic in the least, and none of us have committed violent acts apart from the Church of Holy Truth incident, which as i stated previously was self-defensive. And, for what it’s worth, you don’t put psychopaths in asylums. They walk free just like everyone else, until they commit a crime. Which Mia didn’t.”
Daniels’ grin had faded. She was right, and he knew it. Or he knew she was technically right, at least. If he was anything like his cousins, Katherine knew he was fare more malicious than he was letting on. But you simply couldn’t in court. Katherine almost wished he would. Then everyone could see what a sham he was once and for all, and the support of the judge would be hers for certain.
No one else spoke, so Katherine continued. “Besides, that’s a matter of mental stability, which, while admittedly influenced by our Pokémorph genes, has nothing to do with our status as human. Your honor, i believe the truth is evident here. Despite our appearances and minor differences, we Pokémorphs are no less human than any other person in this courtroom. Our segregation is unjust and should be repealed immediately. I see no reason to believe otherwise, and none has been presented.”
And that was true. Daniels had sure said lots of things about Pokémorphs over the last few hours, most of them bad and some of them true. But none of them had anything to do with their status as human. And that’s what the case was about.
The judge’s softening impression implied that she agreed. “A fine point, Ms. Harrison.” Daniels tried rather poorly to keep his fear from spreading to his face as she spoke. “The court rules in favor of the Pokémorphs. They are hereby excluded from the provisions of the Dangerous Nonhuman Act, and otherwise protected against further discrimination by the full power of this land’s constitution.” She slammed her gavel with a resounding and unbelievable satisfying, crack. And it was all over. “Case dismissed.”
Katherine fell into her seat, lightheaded. And for the first time in a decade, free.
“Jesus fucking Christ, what the fuck?” Dave sounded more angry than excited, as he often did. But in truth, his heart was leaping in exuberance. “She did it. She really fucking did it. Holy shit.” Still muttering to himself, he looked around for his daughter before remembering they no longer lived together. Fuck, how long had it been? Three years? And he still expected her to be around. Christ.
He grabbed for his phone and began punching in Jean’s number before anxiously holding it to his ear, leaning forward in his chair with anticipation.
“Hello? Dad?”
“Jean,” Dave said, more of an energetic breath than a true utterance. “You… You’re… Fuck.”
“So you heard?”
“Yes, of course i fucking heard. Wait, are we talking about the same thing? Did you watch the fucking—”
“Yes, of course i watched it. We all watched it.”
“So you know that—”
“Yes, Dad. I know. I’m in town right now, actually. God, i forgot how awesome it is here! And did you know you can pay for things with your phone now? You don’t even need credit cards! I mean, people are staring at me weird still, especially now that i’m yelling into a phone, and they probably don’t know that i’m allowed to be here yet so it’s all really weird, but still! Wow! It’s so great to be back out here, i can’t even hardly believe it! And i know i can’t really be Sarah Hooter anymore, and that sucks but i’m over it so whatever, but maybe i can be an actress in something else now? And i think Katherine should be a lawyer forever now, she was so super good. And Gabriel could toootally go into construction or mining or something, i mean he totally jives with rocks and stuff, and Jack… Well, i don’t know! But we can all have jobs now, that’s the point, and we can finally be with people, and even if they look at us weird that’s fine because we’re free, and—”
She continued for a good little while, but Dave stopped listening to the words. That wasn’t the important part. Instead he clung to her voice. The energy, the enthusiasm. It had been gone for years now. Ever since she’d evolved, there had been something off about her. This was it. The cheer. And here it was back.
His daughter was happy again.
Dave revelled in it as she spoke. And when she finally finished, drawing for air to replace all of it she’d just displaced while talking, Dave found himself at a loss for words. For once.
It was a good thing Jean couldn’t hear him cry through the phone.
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clonecaptains · 7 years
Agh I’m so excited for your Frank and Maria one shots! They’re gonna be gold! :) Random idea, but some sort of angst fluffy shot of Frank and Maria when he was on a break from a previous tour. Maybe something where Maria gets hurt or is in danger and he takes care of her and she gets a look at how he is when he’s working/in the zone and she’s super proud of him.
ao3 link
Maria’s fingers weave through Frank’s beard. Her nails gently scratch his jaw and his chin. A soft groan escapes Frank’s lips. Her lips press onto his and she smiles from the beard tickling her lips. Her hands comb through his dark curls and she presses his bearded face on her neck and chest. He kisses her skin, and his beard scrapes her flesh. He feels her shiver under him.
“I like this,” she smiles, referring to his beard.
“That right?” Frank replies with a slight smirk.
“I wish you had this when I was alive, so I could’ve enjoyed all the benefits of it,” she purrs.
For a brief moment, Frank could feel her fingers, he could feel her breath. Those dreams feel so real. Then he remembers. She’s gone. He knows she would’ve liked his beard. She always liked his scruff when he had it.
He rolls over in the dark to find sleep, this time his dreams are haunted by a nightmare, one that was all too real.
Years before the carousel, Maria had almost lost her life. She’d been in a severe car accident.
Frank dreamed of the wreck, and when he woke up he remembered everything about those few days. At the time that was one of the worst days of his life.
He remembered how it took every ounce of willpower not to tackle the guy to the ground that crashed into Maria. If she wasn’t hurt then Frank might’ve hit him. Besides, the cops were about to be on the scene in any moment. Looking at the blood on Maria’s arm, Frank couldn’t believe the day turned out like this. He’d been home from tour for a week.
Fondly Frank smiles in memory of meeting them after that tour.
Maria, little Lisa, and his infant son met him at the airport. Frank beamed seeing his little family. It’s grown since he last saw them - Maria was pregnant with Frank Jr when Frank left. Lisa was holding Maria’s hand, and Frank Jr was strapped to his mom’s chest. Little Lisa babbled and waved hello to her daddy, and Frank scooped her up in his arms while he kissed Maria deeply. “Hey you,” Frank smiles at his wife.
Gently, Frank touched Frank Jr’s head. He reached for his son, but Frank Jr cried in fear of the stranger trying to hold him.
“It’s ok Frank,” Maria whispered and gently patted her husband’s arm.
“You talkin’ to me or him?” Frank says with a soft smile. “That’s gonna be confusing isn’t it?” he teases with a wink. He’s still a little hurt - but he doesn’t want her to know.
“I just thought there should always be a Frank around,” Maria smiles kissing her son on the head. She squeezes Frank’s hand as he leads her out of the airport. Maria tosses Frank the keys to his car, “you wanna drive?”
“Where’s your car?” Frank asks while Maria puts Frankie into his car seat.
“I thought you’d want to drive. My car is in the shop.”
Lisa babbles happily in Frank’s arms and gives him a couple slobbery kisses. “Hey sweetheart,” Frank laughs trying to get his fidgety girl into her car seat.
“Why’s your car in the shop?” his eyes catch Maria’s while they buckle in their children.
“Something wasn’t working right, and I couldn’t wait for you to get home to try and fix it.”
Frank thinks about the irony. Her car had been in the shop. A few days after he came home from the tour, he and Maria went to pick up her car. It was on the way back home that her car was hit.
The kids were in Frank’s car luckily, their car seats were still inside his truck. And Frank had been so happy to have that moment with just his babies. He remembers looking in the rear view mirror at Maria behind him - she was singing along to the radio when suddenly he saw another car slam into her.
Panic hit him and he stopped his car and ran to help his wife. She’d been knocked unconscious from the blow, and her arm was bleeding.
His car could’ve been hit and his children could’ve been hurt. But staring at his injured wife didn’t make that scenario any better. Her car door is bent in a way that Frank can’t get it open no matter how hard he tries.
When the paramedics arrive, they carefully get her out.
Frank remembers the ache in his chest when she asked about her children, and she asked if Frank was ok, as if she didn’t remember that he was home.
As long as Frank lives he will never forget waiting in the hospital with his babies while his wife drifted in and out. He wishes for that pain now. He’d do anything to hold his babies again, and have a wife alive that’s sore and has a broken arm, than nothing.
The joy he felt watching Lisa run around the waiting room, happily finding anything in there to be a fun toy. Frankie was still unsure, but once he realized Frank had food for him, his trust was won.
Frankie was asleep in Frank’s arms, and Lisa was asleep in her daddy’s lap when the doctor came to tell Frank that Maria would be just fine.
Maria’s arm was broken, so some of her tasks were not as easy to do when she got home. Frank made her get some rest and he would take care of the kiddos.
Lisa was a little sleepy from the long afternoon. So when Frank told her mommy was taking a nap, Lisa wanted to nap too.
That left Frank alone with his son.
He’d been home a week but not had the chance to really bond with his boy. Frankie was a tired too - his nap time had been interrupted. He was restless and wriggly in Frank’s arms, to solve this problem - Frank got his son something to eat. Once he had a full stomach, Frankie’s eyes got heavy and he conked out in Frank’s arms.
For as long as he could he cradled his son before he took him to his crib.
He checked on Lisa and his wife, and all was quiet in the house.
Frank glanced at his watch to see that it was 5:30 pm, and everyone in his house is asleep but him. He enjoys the peace and takes that opportunity to cook dinner for his wife.
He cleaned up a bit in the kitchen, started on dinner, and took out the trash. Finally something normal. Without fail Frank struggled to adjust back to normal life after a tour. He had been struggling but the wreck seemed to pull him out of it.
In the kitchen, Frank turned on the faucet to run some hot water for the dish he was making. Periodically he stuck his fingers into the stream to test for the warm water. None came.
Quietly he went into the hall bathroom to test the hot water in that sink. It ran just fine.
While his family slept, Frank went to the garage to get his tools. The set was dusty from not having been touched in over a year. He set to work on the faucet, and in no time he’d solved the problem. He wondered how long that had been broken, and why Maria didn’t say anything or have someone fix it.
“Thank you,” Frank heard her voice behind him. “That’s been broken for months.”
“Why didn’t you call someone?” Frank asks drying his hands with his work rag.
Maria flushes slightly, “I didn’t want to call anyone, I wanted it to be you.”
She closed the gap between them and gently touched Frank’s face with her hand. Her broken arm was pressed against her body in a sling.
Her fingers brush against his stubble and she kisses his lips.
“I like this,” she smiles, referring to his stubble.
“That right?” Frank replies with a slight smirk.
“I wish I wasn’t so sore, so I could enjoy all the benefits of it,” she purrs.
Hearing her voice, and seeing that look in her eyes makes Frank ache. It’s been over a year since they made love, and right now he’d do anything to strip her naked and make love to her in that kitchen. But her body is aching, and she doesn’t need that kind of exertion.
“Don’t,” Frank teases her. “You’re in no condition.”
“I know,” she whines and rests her head against Frank’s shoulder.
“Besides I’m makin’ you dinner, I’m busy,” he winks.
“What are you making?” she asks, and Frank hoists her up onto the counter.
“Tryin’ one of your recipes for pasta.”
Frank thinks back on that moment with a smile. He’d been so happy to cook for her. He knows if she hadn’t been in such pain, they would’ve have definitely made love that night.
He feels that ache again when he thinks of that first time after she felt better. Her arm was still broken, and Frank had done a lot of cooking and taking care of the kids that week so Maria could heal up. When her body wasn’t so sore, she was sitting up on the counter again, while the kids napped.
Frank slid off her pants and knelt in front of her, and upon her request - he didn’t shave so she could feel the stubble burn between her legs. After he pleasured her, he helped her off the counter and they made love on the kitchen floor.
For a moment, Maria felt embarrassed at how un-sexy her cast was on her arm, but it was soon forgotten when Frank’s hands were wandering her body. She sat on top of him, and he helped her move - she only had one good arm to support herself.
Happy married sex while his children slept. Fixing the sink for his wife, and making her dinner. Tucking his daughter into bed, feeding his infant son his supper. All things he misses. He never took any of those things for granted then - he knew he wouldn’t always be around for those moments as a marine. A part of him is grateful he was so aware of how much those moments meant.
He can’t believe he actually misses that day of worrying about his wife in the hospital.
He strokes his beard one last time, he has to shave it to get ahead of Micro. He knows Maria would have liked it.
Will he always think of her in everything he does? Even when he shaves?
The razor hums and he can just see Maria in that tiny room with him.
“You gonna let me feel that beard one more time before you get rid of it?” she might have said with a wink. What Frank wouldn’t do to hold her again, to taste her again.
All he has now are memories and dreams.
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unleashthemidnight · 7 years
Is there a song that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside?
AAaaaaa, so many and I’m mentally screaming because I know that there is and I can’t remember any of the names right now! Agh, let me search the artists so I could actually remember the song names....
Okay, so I did some research and because I’m so bad at choosing, here’s five of them. Not at any order and there’s more (and I’m more than glad to spam you with those if there’s some style or singer etc that you like to hear little bit more)
They are all in finnish but I’m translating some really freaking good lines for you (or trying to translate as close as I can, there’s some artistic freedom being used) and as always, I’m ready to translate the whole songs too if you wish so. n__n
Pate Mustajärvi - Parempaa elämää (Better Life)Secondary link for the song, live version
“They’ll talk but how many ofthem knows about life / How it feels to believe, hope, love andfall down / I have madness in my soul and I can’t contain it / But I’m going toharness it, for love”“I have ring in my pocket, I have only waited for the right moment”From one of my absolutely favorite artists. The Power of the Heart. n__n I have also already translated this song, click here for that. ^-^
Egotrippi - Mestaripiirros (Masterpiece) [lit. master drawing]Anna Puu’s version, female singer (really pretty version too, different and melodious[? not sure about the word XD] :3)“On the day God made you / That was all He did that day/ Woke up early, took the pen /started drawing from there”“And that picture was beautiful, a real (downright) miracle / You got the divine form / Next to the pictureHe wrote that / no laws of the mortals would affect you”“To those who still doubt The Creator/ I'll just answer /that if they saw you just once/ they'd all start believing”
This is somehow so national romantic style, a throwback song to my childhood and with that video showing nature and old cottage and stuff. Aahh... Love this.
Suurlähettiläät - Kuka pysäyttäisi kellot (Who would stop the clocks)
“Time is so cruel / it crawls/ just when it should hurry up/ Now that you are here / time rushes without a second thought”“Who could stop the clocks / and stop the time / when the world lends its most beautiful? /Who could stop the clocks / and stop the time / when the world is giving its very best?” “Soon the morning dawn/ will wash you away from beside me / On my own I sink into a repeat /And I pray / that the time would / get you to come back soon”
Aaaaaaaa, another throwback. Before I found this again after I listened so many songs that weren’t so warm and fuzzy and then this came and YES.
Neon 2 - Kemiaa (Chemistry)
“That night we sat in the park / Chatted to late at night/ (We) kissed at the dusk of park / Enjoyed the wine/ You told how nice / it would be to carry a ring / put a small cottage to edge of the forest/ grow flowers”“But hey, it's not enough /That we're having nice(time) / It has to be better”“There needs to be love /There needs to be dreams /Semolina porridge and strawberry /Exactly right kind of chemistry/ It must hurt /It must make (us) laugh /Nothing else will come of it/ without that kind of right chemistry”
At this point I have found the right path of nostalgia and warm and fuzzy feelings and having my own silent karaoke (still sick and it’s something like 7am here now and I have done this so many hours by now XD).
Pepe Willberg - Aamu (Morning)
“When I open my eyes and see you thereso close to me/ So warm against my side / There I stay / You bring so slowly your hand over mine / You say ‘darling, I just want to be like this’”“Searching for my lips you pull (feel) my hair and meltinto a kiss /I feel only a good feeling creeping in my veins / I'm only waiting / You lead me silently like  so careful and I go along /and I just want to be like this”
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ This actually was one of those that I listened and wanted to use in The Power of the Heart in the morning/present time because the lyrics and how serene the moment in this is and I wanted that to be in the fic too. Never worked the lyrics in the fic so left it out of the song list.
THANK YOU SO MUCH HONEY SWEET MARSHMALLOW FOR THIS QUESTION. n___nI got to go so big nostalgia trip and when I finally hit the “only warm and fuzzy feelings” train, oh yes. So happy and so many more songs. Needed it 'cause this sickness and all. Thank you, love you
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ts-hvv4 · 4 years
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As castaways got to know each other, or catch up with old cast mates, the inactivity of others set the wheels in motion for a vote off.
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WOW! Season 93 holy cow. This season has started out to be anything but normal. Within my tribe, I’ve played with 5/9 members previously - which is not what I expected. I’m extremely nervous about Ricky and Emma because based off our calls and chats, they’re worried about past drama from Easter island and other ORGs being a factor in our relationships. I’m trying to let go of everything but they seem to disagree. I’ll make a more in depth review of my tribe at a later time!
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Ok, so so far I've spoken with a few people. Birch, Keegan, Cheatham, Olivia, Ned, Kurt and Trent. I'm feeling Kurt and Trent so far, Kurt I found out through him we've know each other from possibly an old mini or something, and Trent we have the same interests. So far so good. I know Chris, we had a great bond back in the day but it doesn't mean we will here. Me and Emma used to talk but I saw she recently unfriended me so...and Sarah I love her, Andreas I hope is the same Andreas because I miss him. Matt I lowkey want to meet because distance wise he's the closest to me, so we could maybe bond about similar areas and such, and he seems cool. I may have more to same later but this is how I feel right now!
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I cannot believe I was uber nervous last night! I have no clue why either, guess it was because it was a lot at one time and like seeing others say it was a super strong cast was a lot. Given I just got into this community like a month ago I think I was able to see my biggest obstacle will be getting to somehow squeeze in and be comfortable since I am like extremely shy ahhhhhh
* a little while lateR*
A lot of my tribe seemed really cool! Dennis I feel the closest to already and then Andreas was so nice to keep me informed on things. Matt is also like the bombdiggity, Sarah is a sassy omelette, Kage is like the second coming of Shaggy Rogers, Ricky/Niklas I look forward to talking to more and the others I hope to talk to some more but because I woke up 10 minutes ago my memory sucks
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WHY TF IS MATT SUMMERS HERE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Anyways I like everyone on my tribe. Birch is once again making friendship bracelets (they never sent out the ones they made in tashirojima lmao) and everyone is so enamored and I’m just like yep mhm. I’m getting along well with Ned, Keegan, and Kurt. Sharifa and I finally have a good dialogue going this morning and I really like her but she’s won like twice and I know trent has her high on his kill list for that. Malik and I finally talked today more which was nice. Cheatham seems cheeky and we talked a little bit not much and I’m really dropping the ball with Jake I feel bad like I def need to talk to him but agh it’s so hard trying to keep up with nine people lmao. It’s like birch and I are just going through the motions like we don’t even know what to say really other than hi how’re you I’m good thanks bc of all we went through in the game we just played. I wish I could vote them out so I wouldn’t have to deal with all those emotions. Also I’m very distressed about matt summers being here he probably doesn’t even remember me but oh sweet jesus GC was so horrible for me and I don’t hate him or anything but he double idoled me out like why tf did he have to be here 😭😭
Malik is not a lotr fan rip him
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Alright, I've had some time to sleep on this game and I have some early thoughts. I think yesterday I put my guard up to soon. This season I am going to be more cool, calm, and collected then I have in previous seasons. I know I have a past with some people, who I really don't trust. I think it would be stupid for my narrative to be based around drama that occurred 5 years ago when I was 17, so I am going to be the bigger person here and hope other people aren't.
Last night a couple people jumped on call. This included Kage, Matt, Sarah, Emma, Chris, Ricky, and I. The call brought me right back to 2015 - it was wild. We kind of had a little chat about our past games. Anyways, then Ricky out of the blue brings up my FTC in Easter Island - a season which had so much tension. There were two sides - My Alliance and Ricky's alliance. Ricky's alliance pretty much maintained control of the game the entire game, and seventeen year-old Andreas was salty about it. I thought it was interesting he did that..... it concerns me he may still be mad at me for things that happened five years ago.
*Andreas walks away from the camera, does a big sigh and plops himself back down on the rock*
Time for a review of my tribe: 
 Sarah - LOVE OF MY LIFE!!! Sarah and I go back way far in Bangladesh. We spent my entire game together where she blindsided me. Since then, we've become great friends and I even flew to Vancouver to meet her IRL. She's my #1 in this game for sure. 
 Kage - Eastern Canadian King! I met Kage in Great Lakes where we didn't see eye-to-eye in a game sense but got along on a personal level. The GL cast remains one of my fav casts I've ever played with and I'm excited to meet this new Kage.
 Emma - Emma is a dangerous player. Every game I've ever played with her, aside from Jordan Pines, she has done me so dirty. After the last game we played, my guard is really up with her, so I am going to try to not get too wrapped in her web.
 Ricky - Not sure how he feels about me, I would like to work with him because he is smarter then people give him credit for. Hopefully it all works out between us. 
 Chris - I like Chris. I think Chris is buttering me up though, not sure if he really wants to work with me or this is all an act. Either way, he has made it clear he has no connections and is a hero so he for sure someone I'd like to go far with :) 
Matt - Matt fucking Summers (in the words of Laure LMAO). Matt is a really nice guy, but has the reputation of being very dangerous. In a weird way, I think I can kind of be the watered down Matt Summers depending on the day. I would love to work with him, because I think he's a big personality that could place me in the background of the game. 
 Dennis - I find speaking with Dennis so easy! Not only is he nice and personable, but easy to have a good chat with. I would like to work with Dennis if I can. 
 Lukas - I find chatting with Lukas a bit harder then I should, but I expect it just based off our personalities. I am really trying hard to socialize with him, so hopefully it shouldn't be terrible. 
 Nick - Nick is in a similar spot to Lukas for me - but I don't find it as hard to chat with him. I'm drawing from my improv expertise this season and doing a lot of 'yes and' ing to stuff. With him, that's what I've been doing in the hopes I can build a stronger relationship. So far it's working. 
 That's all for now! Let's see what happens with Kage at the island thing haha
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 SOOO Emma is amazing. I really hope she's not good friends with anyone else in the cast cause I love her and I want her to be my #1 Jake is chill. I'm gonna keep him around for a bit, but he ALWAYS backstabs his friends so I don't trust him Chris seems cool. He's gonna be a schemer/utr I feel it. But I enjoy talking to him Matt, I'm still trying to get a feel for. He's from WV so I started talking to him about Noah Salvatore and somehow they went to the same school together so he clearly has bad luck. Dennis and I have been getting along. I talked to him a lot about my game last time tho. That made me realize I need to keep my friendships with Jake and Emma on the LOW. Kage is messy. Even this morning he's still talking to me like this: it’s terrivle nothing bere i haven't really talked to anyone else yet. Ricky and Kage both just seem so hard to talk to one on one. 
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Hi!! so I am the first one on my tribe to go to Ancient Thera. Kage came from the other tribe and HE IS NOVA SCOTIAN!!!!!!!! F2 right there!!! I am so hyped that I met him!!! he lives an hour from me!!!! AHHHHHHH!! I also betrayed him already and went for tribal advantage instead of personal as we agreed. also, the chances of me and him are so high I'm actually so excited!!. I can Picture me and hm becoming good friends, he and I have a lot in common. this tribe is also amazing!!
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Oh god I’ve never played this challenge and I’ve always felt bad for those who did fuck
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First Confessional! It's been about a day since the season began and this tribe is rockin'! I've had some pretty great conversations with most of the tribe. However there have been a couple people lacking in the social department. Most notably is NED, who I've apparently played with before but I can barely remember him. I guess he's just been busy all day, and it's only been a day so I'm not holding it against him much. SHARIFA has not been the most social with me but we have discussed some New Years resolutions and how poorly we do with those. Aside from that, I really like BIRCH, MALIK and KURT. I think they're top notch people so far and I'm hoping I can plod on forward and actually form an alliance of sorts with them. My biggest struggle right now is trying to decide whether I want to initiate any game talk this early, or if I should just hold out for a little longer so I don't come across like I'm playing too hard right out of the gates.
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How does one turn a convo from fun and friendly to strategic without just straight up being like “how do you feel about everybody” bc that’s such a loaded question but the easiest route to what you wanna talk about lmao. TLDR I’m trying to talk to Kurt strategically and I’ve typed and deleted a message about a million times. Ned and I bonded super well we called for a minute and I feel so bad bc he’s like “I get close to one person and we’re together to the end I’m super loyal” and I’m like ME TOO NORMALLY BUT I ALREADY HAVE LUKAS AND TRENT and like I already love Ned I wanna be his friend and I know he trusts me super well already so that’s good I’m just worried for if/when he finds out I already have a tight twosome ahdjsks. But that’s way ahead I needn’t worry rn. I want a four person alliance with Kurt, Ned, Trent and myself. Ned said he liked Kurt and Trent so that’s great and Trent is obviously down so I just gotta grow a pair and talk to Kurt. I also really like Kellogg (can’t remember his real name ever but it’s similar to Kellogg; I’m such an ass) and Sharifa too she’s super cool. She’s won twice so I’m a littler nervy but I like her a lot. I talked with Jake a little bit more but still not much and cheatham I think I ignored all day yikes. Birch is beloved in the eyes of the tribe rn but hehe I’m still not buying into it sorry!! I like them a lot outside of the game but I’ll never ever trust them in a game. I was talking with Ned and he said he hasn’t connected well with them and wouldn’t mind voting them out so woo. It’s gonna be tricky to try and get that to have any traction since she just did something generous for the tribe sigh. Gonna have to be patient like I was patient with someone else in Mykonos. I can be patient, certainly.
I FORGOT MALIK he’s so kind I like him a lot but he’s not as giving in a convo as others so I feel like I don’t know him as well but we’re developing that relationship
I just really like our tribe
*a little while later*
Malik is so sweet, I think he needs an emoji tutorial tho 😂 sometimes he’ll send an emoji and I’m a little perplexed why he chose that one but it’s all very endearing
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So Kage and his Thera shit... SHADYYY. He said if they won the challenge they get themselves an advantage in the game but if they lose, the TRIBE gets a disadvantage in the immunity. He specified the tribe and the immunity thing. But didn't specify that winning the comp would give the TRIBE an advantage. But here we are. Birch's tribe got an advantage and we got a disadvantage. I. Call. Bullshit. I think Kage got an advantage in the game in exchange for a disadvantage and it just trying to keep it secret. I'm honestly gonna keep pushing this theory so other people wanna vote Kage later. I asked Kage questions about the challenge and... Me, A psychology major: "He's giving a LOT of details here. Liars tend to do that" Also me, a psychology major: "Okay but these details sound right. That's a lot to make up" There's been a few people that I feel like I haven't been able to strike good convos with yet I'd put my ranking like this Emma > Chris > Dennis > Andreas >>>>> Kage/Lukas/Matt > Sarah > Ricky. But that big gap feels like a disconnect. AND I haven't fully talked to Emma because she keeps getting distracted when I try to chat with her. I'm just banking on our connection before the game I do feel really good about Chris and Dennis and I think Andreas was trying to talk game with me today. So we'll see. It could be a decent group that gets formed. But I'm sure those 3 are being super social with everyone else so idk where that puts me Post Tribal Reaction: "Advantages were for the taking. Kage gave me way too much power over his tribe and the advantages so I snaked him" - Birch I'm trying to sus out what that's insinuating cause it SOUNDS like you could just take advantages. Smh at Kage
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I already knew trent was like my dude but HE LOVES LES MIS TOO
Yesterday’s word of the day: hedgehog Today’s word of the day: morning morning morning
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So this game started at a very inopportune time. I have an exam in 2 hours and another one tomorrow, so I haven't been super active in the tribe chat-- but after realizing that, I've decided to use it as a strategy. I'm not going to talk much in the tribe chat, but I'll have individual conversations with people. That way, it seems like I'm very invested in each individual relationship but am not super connected with the rest of the tribe, so people will hopefully see me as a trustworthy ally! I've connected really well with Olivia and we seem to be on the same page-- we're loyal to our ride-or-dies and hate drama. We called and I think this is an alliance to watch. I was also aligned with Jake in Crossroads, my most recent TS season, so I think he's going to be a built-in ally. Apart from them, Trent and Kurt seem cool and I won't be sad if anyone else gets voted out. Most of my conversations with other people have been very surface level, but I think that's fine since it's only day 2. On the other tribe, there's Sarah and Andreas-- in every game I've played with Sarah, we have never lied to each other once. She's been my closest ally out of every ORG I've played, so I know 100% that if we're able to link up we'll run the show. After Bangladesh, I got close with both Sarah and Andreas, so I'm feeling pretty confident about a swap. 
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Okay hi, first time playing a TS in a year weeeeeee!! The only person I know on this tribe is Ned S. and we haven't talked in 2 and a half years so GREAT good tribe lineup for me. However he really wants to work with me and I do too so hopefully there's some leverage there. Tbh I haven't connected with anyone on this tribe yet, every convo is like pretty surface level so im like dsjnsfnfjsd i need people that I can turn up with. I wanna turn up w Nicklas and Sara but theyre on the other tribe so this is rigged and of course we lost first... i always lose first.... idek who to vote out cus no one is inactive this is so fun for me goodbye
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We lost the challenge, and I’m sad about that. Then I’m told by Keegan that there’s talk of a group with me, Sharifa, Olivia, Keegan, and Trent. How do I feel about that? Good except for the fact I feel it confirms the suspicions of Trent and Olivia talking either, and the fact that Kurt and Jake aren’t involved. So me and Kurt said we’d tell each other everything that’s going on, so I feel I do need to tell him about this alliance, but I can’t have him asking people about it or people might know I told Kurt through Sharifa if she thinks I actually did that. So now I need to let him know, and I need to keep him safe. I’m glad to be in a group I just need to protect Kurt at all costs.
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Well we lost the first challenge and boy does that suck. I was really hoping we could pull out a few wins at the start of the game and have no issues moving forward. But that didn't happen and now we have to go to tribal council. Yuck! Right off the bat after losing the challenge I went in and did something I've never done before and never been comfortable doing before. And that's building an alliance. I sat for a few moments (and that's really all it was) before I jumped right into some conversations. Those first few minutes consisted of OLIVIA, TRENT, SHARIFA and MALIK. And now we have the MCDONALDS GANG. It's currently only a group of five but that's most likely all we'll need. It should be easy enough for us to wrangle in one or two people to vote out whoever we want to get out. I'm so proud of myself for really jumping right in there and getting things done. OLIVIA was the biggest factor in that. We immediately decided on who we liked (SHARIFA and TRENT) and pulled in MALIK for being a great dude. I'm really trying my hardest to step outside my comfort zone and get shit done this time around. As of right now (only a few hours after the challenge) my first choice for a target would be NED, solely because he's been the least talkative to me out of everyone. But that doesn't mean he's an easy choice. Everyone on Ammonia tribe is so great. We've still got a full day to decide who we want to target and get out. If it's not NED, perhaps JAKE might be the next best option. However, now that I've got this group together, I'm not going to be too pushy. We'll decide things as a group moving forward until later on in the game. I don't want to overplay too hard and I don't really want to be seen as the ring leader of the group.
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I’d like to pat myself on the back because I was about to make a joke about how Sophie had to pretend to be religious in her game and how hard that must’ve been but then I remembered Ned is religious and I managed to hold back!!! Not making bad jokes upgrade woo
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Well, this game is already not what i expected. I wasn't expecting mixed tribes, i wasn't expecting so many old schoolers, and i wasn't expecting everybody to be so nice. So far i'm just trying to be super social with everyone. My biggest fault in Indonesia is that none of the jury felt like they truly knew me. So i'm trying to be more open and more personal. and so far i think it's working. At first i really didn't want to work with Sharifa. Just looking at her stats I can see how dangerous she is. But we've really bonded over the past few days and shes one of my closest friends in this game right now. Her and Olivia are the ones I trust the most. I could be a fool and falling right into her trap, but we will see. I know Sharifa will be a huge target if we all make it to merge together so she's good to keep around as a shield for right now, but eventually I'm not going to be able to work with her any longer, but I dont know when that day will be. I am now in an alliance with Sharifa, Olivia, Keega, and Malik. We all seem to be on the same page for the first vote. Ned and Cheatham have been a lot less active than the first so one of them will be the first boot. I hate that it's probably Cheatham because I really did want to work and play this game with him. But if he's not going to put forth an effort then theres no way I'm going to risk my neck saving him. I just have to find the right way to tell him it's him. because if he hears it from someone other than me he might have a messy exit. Just need to get through this first vote and then the 5 of us will have a majority and should be ok until a swap. I've also been added to a smaller alliance of Olivia and Ned. I haven't really had a chance to talk with Ned but Olivia says he's great and that we will get along great. And i trust Olivia's judgement. But at this point Ned is just an extra vote to use because I'm not going to risk my game to try to save a player I barely know.
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I think this game is off to a great start! Our tribe won immunity which was great, it allows me more time to build stronger relationships within the tribe. Some key things I wanna note: Matt expresses about how he wants to work together and I was like ‘yeah sure’ but he also messaged Sarah a much more genuine message about how he trusts her and I think that’s SUS ... I trust him for now but who knows . Ricky wants to work with me this game ?? Idk if he’s lying but I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt and I will believe him because we do a good rapore so it makes sense to work with him. He continues to say I’m the the only one he 100% trusts at this moment and i want to believe he’s not buttering me up and he’s loyal. I’ve been having meaningful discussions with everyone else. Emma is on my radar because she doesn’t want to talk to me unless it game talk and normally that’s what she does when she doesn’t really want to work with me... honestly would prefer her to go first but she seems well connected based off prior connections so that’s that. I’m not telling anyone but Sarah about how I feel about Emma truly because I can’t have her sniffing me out ... and plus loose lips sink ships. I’ve also been lying to a lot of people in this game for the purpose of appearing more personable to them... LOL.... like Lukas asked me about my thoughts on normani’s new music video and switch games and I lied through my teeth and looked stuff up to have shit to talk about. I wanna form strong connections now so people feel allegiance to me later. Hopefully we can go to tribal soon so I can test these loyalties ... anyways that’s all for now xoxo
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Tribal day and I’ve found myself stumbling into yet another alliance, this time with BIRCH and MALIK. We’re just waiting for MALIK to get online but it’s a pretty sure thing that this alliance is happening. That means MALIK and I are both in the two same alliances which covers 6 of the people in the game. Unfortunately that means JAKE, NED and KURT are (at least to my knowledge) not in any major alliances. It’s certainly possible they have something going on with other people so I’m not going to rule it out entirely. I know it’s super early in the game but I’m feeling like I’ve found a good solid footing.
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Hi im on the villains tribe...shocker Andreas is my #1 and when ned and I get on a tribe i will get him to be my number #1 and i know jake will want to work with me and matt summers wants to be close too so im thinking im good I dont trust emma or anyone else 
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okay, we have tribal tonight, YAY. I am feeling okay. right now it is between Cheatham and Ned. I might push for Ned to go because I really like Cheatham. How I am feeling towards the other people is as follows Olivia- just played with you, did you real dirty in that game, sorry. I want to ally with you in this game more. Keegan- I really like you! you're awesome, i feel very comfortable with you and are allied with. stan. Tea Sluts 4 Lyfe. Sharifa- Not going to lie, you scare the hell out of me. we are allied, ily. everyone else: you are really nice, not strong feelings towards anyone.
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I really like Kurt I wish we had included him in the alliance :( I feel like he’d be so fun to call
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It is WILLLLLLD to be back, had no idea what I was getting myself into. Coming into Heroes vs Villains 4 I had the entirely wrong perception that I would be on a tribe with all Villains. Twistos Twist, it’s mixed….but you could have told me I was on the heroes tribe because everyone is so fucking nice….DO I LOOK LIKE A HERO WHO CARES ABOUT YOUR LIFE ALKJSDF. I feel like Colton in Blood vs Water on the kumbya tribe. So here are my thoughts on the flower children of the Ammonia tribe. My one solace is Kurt. We played together before on Generations, and he was actually my number 1 before Jakey was. What happened you ask? Liana and Andrew decided Kurt’s head would look great around their necks, and I could either vote with them, or go to rocks. So to avoid a tie, I ended up voting him out...and honestly it's one of my FEW regrets I have from the game. And it’s weird because I won Generations, but I still wish I had gone to rocks for him. I’VE CERTAINLY GONE TO ROCKS FOR LESS IN CHALLENGERS VS CHAMPIONS FKLAJSDF. Needless to say, he’s my ride or die, and I hope he can put the past behind him because I’m loyal as fuck to my ride or dies, just ask L’Shei and Jakey <3. Trent is probably the second person I’m trying to talk game with. He’s a biggggg strategist, even if he wants to pretend that he’s not...your that girl I knew you were. It’s been a big strategy of mine to play a wolf in sheeps clothing. This time around I can’t, my record is intimidating and there’s no way around it. So the only way I feel I can be successful is by amassing an alliance of heavy hitters. The only problem with that, is gamers never stop gaming, and they are going to want me out at some point. So I’m working hard to invest with Trent, and to play with him, but I’m FULLY aware he wants me out. It’s WHEN he wants me out, that’s the real question. And can he benefit my game, before then??? Malik is so fucking nice, super geunine, I like him, BUT he’s playing with his dick. He has this whole showmance with Kurt and it’s like habibi...what is you doin. It’s good for my game because he’s loyal to my closest ally, but it’s also like...we’re playing a game, play it. I do think Malik is someone Kurt and I can rely on, and I really adore him. It would be nice to play with another queer poc. I just don’t know if he’s a big gamer if we’re going to be real. Birch is….SO HARD TO TALK TO. Literally today I told them I was nervous after the challenge, because my strategy didn’t work, their response? “I BET!” FLAKSDFKJASKJFASD BRUH. Despite the teeth I want to pull, trying to have a conversation with them, they are genuinely nice and I feel it’s worth investing in talking with them. The only thing I’m nervous about is their relationship to Trent. Trent talks about them as a number, so I wonder if Birch is in his back pocket, especially considering the lack of game they talk. Olivia is a RE-HEALLLLLY interesting one. She doesn’t talk much, has her own language, that I do not speak, yet the SECOND we lost the challenge, her and Keegan orchestrated this whole majority alliance. And despite her being voted out by Trent, at the final 4, they seem to be working together. I think she’s 1) a villain not a hero, and 2) playing a lot more than I initially suspected. I think she likes me, we have a “we’re the only two girls on the tribe” thing going. LISTEN I WILL USE ANYTHING I’M A VILLAIN FOR A REASON. And she was the one who I think brought me into this magical majority alliance, so I guess we have a good relationship??? Definitely keeping two eyes, and two ears on her, she’s a player. Keegan….all I know about him is I think he’s close with Olivia, and that he’s spearheaded the alliance. I barely spoke with him, but we sent music to each other so clearly I’m gaming harder than I thought FKLAJSDF. He’s a tough one to figure out, I don’t trust him, and I think he has more relationships than I initially surmised, but right now he feels good with me so let’s celebrate that.gif Ned is INCH-RESTING. Barely spoke until after the immunity, now we’re talking fairly consistently. The two names being brought up for the vote are Ned and Cheatham, but Ned is putting in work to save himself. Ned is transparent and straight the fuck up, which is so necessary to build trust. Meanwhile Trent’s over here holding his cards to his chest closer than a new born baby. I’m very interested in working with Ned down the road, he just needs to make it past this rough patch, which I’m doing everything I can to make sure he does. At first I was really turned off by Jake….HIS BIO VIDEO WAS SO FUNNY. “My last expierene was horrible, fuck tumblr survivor, BUT IM SO HAPPY TO BE BACK KISSES”. But I realized once you speak his language of “white gay” he opens up ALOT. He also has an amazing record, and that is a plus for me not a minus, it has to be considering how scary people think my record is. I’m interested to see how he’s a good player, because right now he’s been so quiet and on the chopping block. I’m keeping my options open with him, not saying I’m going to work with him, but not not saying I’m going to work with him. Finally Cheatham. He’s honestly the only person on the tribe that I don’t have a relationship with, and because of that, he’s my target. This time around I HAVE to play calmer, and as much as I want to flip things on this majority alliance consisting of Trent, Malik, Olivia, Keegan and myself, I need to use it to get past these first couple votes. What has me so paranoid, is it makes the MOST sense to take me out right now. I haven’t solidified connections, I have an intimidating record, the strategy didn’t win the challenge, and everyone finds me likable which should be a GIANT red flag. I would be who I would go after, so why aren’t they??? And then that makes me paranoid, but it would be a lot of effort to make this alliance just to make someone feel comfortable. So if the path of least resistance is sending Cheatham home, I have to fight every desire I have to cause chaos, and make sure that’s what happens, because strategically it’s the smartest thing to do. Anticipating this season having a lot of swaps, if Cheatham leaves then I have a solid relationship with everyone else going into a swap, and swaps are when I’m going to be the MOST vulnerable. That and the merge but let’s survive this vote before we even start THINKING of that. 
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There’s always that major fear that like everyone is lying their ass off to you and it’s actually you but I pray that ain’t true
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dougdigby-blog · 5 years
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I’m so excited to share with you a bridesmaid experience from my dear friend Beth. She is a total sweetheart and great friend, as you’ll find out yourself throughout this post. When she told me about her friend’s 1920s wedding theme, I wanted every single detail. It took a little bit to compile, but the wait is finally over. I hope you enjoy hearing about her experience and seeing the amazing details that made up this extraordinary wedding day.
Beth the Bridesmaid
My name is Beth Jarrell. I was born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA. I graduated from Geneva College, which is where I met the lovely bride Megan I will be talking more about in this interview. I’ve had the honor of being a bridesmaid twice now. The first wedding I was a bridesmaid for my cousin Steph when I was 19 years old. The second wedding was with Megan when I was 27.
On Meeting the Bride
I met the bride Megan in college at a football game where we were talking about how cute this one football player (Brad) was. Turns out she actually ended up marrying the football player we were talking about.
What is so funny to me is Megan was the goth type. I never in a million years would have thought she would go for a football type. Obviously I was so wrong. They are wonderful together. Their personalities are different, but they balance each other out in such a beautiful way.
Beth and Megan’s Friendship
My friendship with Megan really took off after the football game and we became like sisters. She would sleep in my dorm room a lot and we’d stay up having long talks. We were roommates during our Junior and Senior year of college, and spent most weekends together. We would go camping, take day trips, and go to concerts together. Also Megan LOVES breakfast. No matter how late in college she’d stayed up the night before, she was always so excited and begging me to go to breakfast.
She really has a zeal for life. She can get anyone excited about anything. That has always been one of my favorite things about her.
Will You Be My Bridesmaid?
It was very apparent to me and my husband Bryan that they would end up getting married. They had come to visit us after we moved out of state and started asking me and Bryan about what it’s like to be married. I told my husband, “It’s only a matter of time before he proposes.” Finally one night, not too long after, I got a phone call from Megan telling me that Brad had proposed to her. She was elated and asked me to be a bridesmaid. This is still one of my favorite phone calls I have ever received.
The Bridesmaids
There were 7 other bridesmaids besides me. It was the perfect amount because there were plenty of people to split the responsibilities with. Plus everyone had a wide range of talents. Some ladies were good at arts and craft stuff, some were detail oriented when it came to planning, and others were good for emotional support. All the different personalities really came together to make the wedding events better.
I think for the most part the bridesmaids got along. We communicated through emails mainly, which gets kind of confusing with that many people. So there were a few issues from time to time. But I feel like I really got to know some awesome ladies who really truly care about the bride.
Everyone wanted her wedding day to be everything she ever hoped it would be. This was no small task because Megan is a very creative and artistic person. Her idea for her wedding was detailed and very involved.
Having so many great bridesmaids who were willing to go the extra mile helped the bride accomplish this beautiful 1920s wedding theme. I really enjoyed all of my time with these ladies throughout planning. They were awesome and I definitely cannot wait to see them again. So yes, I made some new besties for sure!
The Cost of Being a Bridesmaid
I think Megan made it totally affordable to be in her wedding! I paid:
$148 for a 1920’s style dress. $30 for tan wedge shoes from TJMax. $30 for pearl earrings and a necklace from Target. $150 for the shower/ bachelorette. $40 for bachelorette fun stuff for the bride. $35 shower gift – beer glasses listed on their registry and beer. $50 for a a wedding gift – His and Her basket full of things for their honeymoon/ married life together.
$483 Total
Bridesmaid Dress Experience
I adored my bridesmaids dress. The bride was super chill about our look, even advising us to wear comfortable shoes since it was an outdoor wedding. She let us pick out our own dress style as long as it was pink, beige, or a creamy champagne color. It was nice to be able to pick out a dress that would be flattering on all of us. I am still amazed that she was able to bring to reality her dream of creating such a beautiful 1920s wedding.
Bridal Shower on a Budget
We were going to do the wedding at a winery but they were ridiculously expensive. They wanted us to buy a bottle of wine for every so many people and we knew we couldn’t afford that. So we ended up having it at someone’s house, doing all the cooking (some in advance), set up, tear down, and decorating ourselves. This is the best way to save money.
I say DIY shower all the way. Making sure the entire bridal party helped, split costs, and worked on it was key too.
Each bridesmaid paid $100 and that was all the money needed for the shower. There was even some money left over, so we put it towards the bachelorette party.
Bridal Shower Theme, Decor, and Games
The bridal shower was a high tea theme. It was absolutely gorgeous. We used real China place settings and teacups for every guest, as well as gold silverware. Decor included more teacups and lace tablecloths.
For food we had mini sandwiches and cookies in the shape of tea bags. Then there were these adorable calendar cookies that doubled as save the dates made by one of the bridesmaid’s mother. We even made all the favors by putting loose leaf tea in tins that had marriage related sayings on them.
The first game we played was Bride and Groom Mad Libs. You fill in the words and the bride gets to keep the papers with guests answers as a keepsake. Another game we played involved asking the bride questions and she had to guess what the groom would say. Brad had been filmed answering them ahead of time. It was fun to see if their answers matched.
The Blending of Two Families
The bride was absolutely shocked at how beautifully the shower turned out. She saw everything and started crying because she was so happy. She said it was everything she ever dreamed it would be. The guests all commented on how wonderful the decorations were, and they loved the food.
Before we ate the groom’s mother welcomed everyone to the shower and talked about how excited she was that Megan and Brad were getting married. She spoke about how she loved Megan and already felt as if she were family. It was a very meaningful and special moment for the bride and groom’s family/friends to be part of. Many tears were shed.
It was a great day where all of the bridesmaids, the MOB, and the MOG came together to celebrate Megan and Brad’s wedding. It was in this moment that we all knew the wedding was going to be such a wonderful day.
The Bachelorette Party
We started at the bride’s apartment, decorating it in a gold new age theme. We gave her a sash that we all wrote little notes on for her to wear, had some champagne, and then took the bride to dinner at a place she had been dying to try. It was actually an old funeral home changed into an American food restaurant.
Then we went back to the bride’s apartment for dessert and more drinks. We headed back out and went to a dance club that was playing 80’s dance music. After that we had a sleepover at the bride’s apartment, woke up, cooked her brunch, and then helped with wedding stuff.  
Getting Crafty for the 1920s Wedding
Megan had the idea of a 1920s wedding in her mind. She had all of the decorations mapped out in her mind, but really needed a lot of extra hands to create those decorations. She sent out an email in January with a list of things she needed help with and had a few days where the bridesmaids came together to help her.
In one of her emails you can see her excitement as she said to us:
“What whaaaat! 4 months to go as of today! I am literally dying on the inside! I’m torn between being so excited to see you all and celebrate aka wanting the wedding to be TODAY and then wishing I had 4 MORE months to get all of the tasks finished! Agh!”
To her credit, Megan spent a lot of time going to yard sales to find the dishes for serving, center pieces, and other decorations. So we did what we could to help her stay on task. Everything from the invites, to the cup cake toppers, to the placecards and favors were handmade mainly by the bride and her bridesmaids. It was a really beautiful wedding.
Beth’s Favorite Wedding Moments
I may be a little biased since my husband was the pastor, but it really was the perfect ceremony. It was  also one of the most well thought out weddings I have been to. Not only was the decor absolutely stunning, the food was delicious, and the venue of the family camp was absolutely breathtaking. It was a very personal and intimate environment for the guests that were there.
We all had so much fun with the photo booth set up with 1920s props. I loved the the cookie and coffee bar, as well as the wine and beer bar. This wedding had tons of dancing, and towards the end of the evening some break dancing even took place. A year later I am still thinking about how great this wedding was. The love that the bride and groom had for each other and their friends/family was apparent that day. A year later it still shines through.
Being a bridesmaid is more than just being in someone’s wedding. It is a pure honor and a deepening of friendship. I was overjoyed to stand beside Megan and support her on one of the best and most important days of her life.
We couldn’t agree more Beth. Thank you for sharing your experience with us.
Special thanks to Sarah J Dixon Photography for allowing us to use the wedding day photos.
What do you think about Beth’s bridesmaid experience? Share with us in the comments.
The post This 1920s Wedding Will Make You Want To Be A Bridesmaid appeared first on Bridesmaids Confession.
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tmblogs · 8 years
March 15, 2017
(Warning for anyone who reads this, really probably only Clare, and Anna, but this one might get wierd. I mean if you guys read this I am still not sure if people look at this blog or not. Remember this is my unfiltered emotions about the day, and is a diary where I record my thoughts… so really dont read this one okay guys really i swear dont read it dont fucking read it). Woke up it was my birthday today. Me and Anna were talking last night until pretty late, but I had a fucking lab to do, actually two, but yeah those labs sucked. Went to bed at three, and finished them in the morning. My parents made me waffles this morning, which isn’t not normal I mean we make waffles all the time, but I appreciated the gesture. They also bought me more fucking cologne, the expensive shit, which I am very happy about because it wasn’t to much. I totally forgot how fast it shoots out when you first get a new bottle think I accidently put way to much on but whatever. I missed first period on purpose, because i couldnt do three tests in one day. In chem the tests went better than I thought, but two problems I just couldn’t get. I have the second part of the test tomorrow. After that I saw Anna, which is always nice, and we sat in the art room with maggie, and theo. Maggie was continuing her painting of plums, and like I was watching amy curry paint something a few days ago, and like goddamn is it relaxing watching people that know how to paint, paint. I have no idea what to do though, because Jason came up, and like the whole situation with him as just gotten way overblown, which is understandable, because there is so much emotion intertwined into the predicament. I just feel so guilty about the whole thing, because I don’t know if Anna was okay with cutting him off, and I know she did it by her own accord, but I basically accidently told her to when she found that private blog. I mean I didn’t want it to happen like that, but I really don’t know what I wanted to happen. I want them to be friends because I know she enjoyed that friendship, and her being happy is important to me. Would I have been fine if she had cut him off for like other reasons yeah, but now that I am the reason I just feel bad. Saw Colin today we had wierd interaction in the hallway. He was probably just having a bad day. Still was wierd though. I just sat with hannah at lunch and scrambled to do math homework because kristiana was on the photo trip so. But she didnt even check the homework. Ooooh and mr. Boogaard fucking cornered me and forced me to say I could take the test. Math was fine, just checked the homework. Gym was good I studied for my math test, but me and clare couldnt walk outside because of the fucking snow so that sucked. In english we are watching a beautiful movie, and like every few seconds I just want to gasp because it is either beautiful or just extremely genius. Then study hall came around, and I took my math test, and it went well I think, i was rushing though because I thought I had to take a history test that I hadn’t studied for in like a few minutes. But when I walked out of the library I was just like no not going to happen today it’s my birthday not gonna be taking a fucking history test sorry mr. Boogaard. Lowkey scared how he is gonna react to that tomorrow though like really. I sent him an email at like 3 in the morning so hopefully he gets it. I walked home with Anna. It was nice, but then we seperated ways. Me and sean were talking about sex, and shit today. (Alright stop reading now after this ppint is where it will get wierd so stop reading everybody if there is anybody reading dont read it i swear Anna Clare if you went against my wishes and got to this point okay, but do not continue) He was fucking exasperated with me. Because he was talking about how he just wanted to hook up with anybody, just like a one night stand type of deal, and he was like asking me about Anna and shit. And i was like even if Anna asked me right now to have sex I would say no, and he totally didnt understand. I dont know maybe I’m weird, but like how are you supposed to just have sex with someone you know. There has to be like a stromg intimate connection there, and I mean that takes time I feel like. But he thought I was fucking stupid so idk, it does sound awfully feminine, but I mean what’s wrong with that. So yeah I still dont kmow if he is gonna asl out ashley or not hopefully not because she will reject him, but also I kind of hope he does because I want to see what she will say or how she’ll reject him. Anna thinks I should tell him not to do it but idk. I picked up icecream from my house, and I also brought a bowl because I didnt know if Anna would be one of those people to not like eating out of the same container, and I mean i am usually one of those people so I would understand, but I mean if I am going to be kissing her like sharing icecream is like nothing so. Brought it just in case though. We are getting through gilnore girls pretty fast although I have no fucking idea about what happened in the last few episodes we watched. I mean I have already seen it twice ao it doesn’t really matter. Ah but kissing her is so good, and just feeling her body, and being close to her, and she is so beautiful, and amazing I dont know what to do with myself. We’ve been going to like a house that she has been house sitting at though, which has been great because we can be fucking alone, but apparently she is losing the house soon so what the fuck are we going to do then. I mean it’s not like we can make out like that in my house, and while her house is larger I am deathly afraid of her parents walking in on us. I mean that would be so fucking bad I think they would literally murder me. So i dont know what we are going to do because we cant just stop or I cant at least she’s addicting. So idk and it’s way to cold outsidr, but hopefully it will get warmer. Ah there are so many things I would like to do with her, snd I cant wait. Going to the beach with her especially. It will be beautiful i mean the beach is beautiful enough, but with her there like it’s going to be fucking insane. Idk and the beach is my child hood I mean we’d like go every weekend no matter what season or month. I mean my family all grew up there, and I sort of grew up there even if I didnt live there. So hopefully I’ll get to take her there too. Hooefully that’s the beach we go to. I mean it’s the best beach, but she probably has another in mind. But yeah being with her was amazing, and is amazing. But also it’s like I’ve totally stopped caring about anything, but her, and that isnt good because I have so much fucking work, and every so often i think about it and I get so anxious for like a few seconds and I need to do it, but I cant think. Alright well I got home, and had chicken soup with cheese, because it tastes better with cheese, and some fried rice. (Another wierd thing coming uo dont read please)(really dont)(please) I havent masturbated in a while, which is wierd, but literally all the porn I used to look at just doesnt turn me on, and I dont know what’s up, but it’s cool, and yeah that’s all basically that was my birthday. It was pretty great in my book. Sent mr. Boogaard an email so hopefully he gets it before I have to see him. Agh I love Anna so much it kills me. Alright going to sleep for another hour I think
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
calm before the storm...
Fitzgerald: *glances at a sealed envelope on his desk* "...This looks important." louisa: sir? *The envelope has a government seal on it* louisa: oh, i think that's from city council. Fitzgerald: *removes a letter opener...* mary: what do you think it is? bram: we're probably being arrested for tax evasion. louisa: i doubt that. Fitzgerald: *opens it, starts reading* "..." *smiles* mary: *peeeeek* OH! louisa: *examining* Fitzgerald: *slams his hand down onto the table* "LOUISA!" louisa: EEP! s-s-sir? Fitzgerald: "We have work to do! Get going on a plan with this new piece added to the gestalt." *hands her the letter* louisa: ?? *reading* Fitzgerald: "Anticipate a plan that involves some...new players." -elsewhere- Ponera: *looking over a map* milia: when are we gonna hit land? *CRASH* milia: OOF! shaula:....iim gonna go with 'now'. neian: *crying* Medusa: "Shh...It's okay..." *looking around* "!!!" -they have arrived at an abandoned shipyard near new orleans...- Ponera: "We're here..." *folds up the map* "Get your coats and luggage." -morning- ochako: a girl's sleepover? Mina: "Heck yeah! Who's up for it!" jirou: sounds awesome. we could host at my place. momo: that sounds wonderful! tsuyu: sounds good. Hagakure: "Woot! Food! Scary stories! Pranks!" ochako: yeah! -elsewhere- Izuku: "Oh! Shinso!" shinsou: ....yo. yuuji: hey. Izuku: "H-Hey, Yuuji." ^^; "You two hanging out?" yuuji: yeah. you? Izuku: "Just passing by." *holds up a manga* "Was getting this at the bookstore." yuuji: oh, cool. that's one of the new editions of 'my hero, my salaryman' right? Izuku: "Y-Yeah. It speaks to me." ^^ -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *holding his coat* Q: ?? Akutagawa: "It's getting colder..." naoya: yeah... Akutagawa: "I will need a second coat...and a sweater..." -elsewhere- yana: <oi boss. you got a plan B, right?> FD: *holds up a folder: "Plan X"* yana: *glances*....hmm. FD: <I am always ahead.> -elsewhere- Dazai: "Howdy!" *takes a stapler off Ango's desk* ango: D.8< Dazai: "Pretty red! Oh, by the way, I got something for you..." *puts the stapler in his pocket, and pulls out a folder* ango: ?? Dazai: "A little birdy got some info for me...before the cat ate him." ango: um.... *examines the folder* *Inside is a map of subway tunnels, burn marks along the walls...and a Rat symbol* ango: !! Dazai: ^^ "Happy with this info? And take a look at this--" *pulls back the map to reveal--a picture of Dazai in kitty underwear* o\\\w\\\o "Whoops! How did that get there..." ango: ....... -elsewhere- Takehisa: "..." *staring at a smashed engine* Vulcan: "I fixed it!" Takehisa: "..." Vulcan: "Proud of me?" miwa:....sure? Takehisa: "..." *puts a hand on Vulcan's shoulder* Vulcan: ^^ Takehisa: *slides his hand down to Vulcan's neck--and starts strangling* Vulcan: O____O Takehisa: "DO YOU REALIZE HOW MUCH THAT COST?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: *closes a book* sonia: *yawn* Chuuya: "Still tired?" sonia: just woke up... Chuuya: "Well, I'm still working on breakfast. Maybe a shower will wake you up?" sonia: i guess. -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *rubbing her hands together* "It's colder..." fang-hua: mmhmm. Tsukiyo: "I just want hot ramen, a dip in the water, and a cozy blanket..." *shivers* fang-hua: let's see what we got. Tsukiyo: "S-sounds good..." *rubs her arms* "Freaking cold..." -elsewhere- katya: <you guys are all babies, complaining about the cold.> Ivan: >__< <I just want to be held in Master's warm arms...> pushkin: <and you stole my parka...> katya: <where's your damn pride?!> >3< <WE'RE RUSSIAN! WE'RE BORN IN THE COLD WE DIE IN THE COLD!> *ACHOO* .... Ivan: <My pride is in Master's heart...> =////= leo: ...... -the intercom turns on...........playing darude sandstorm- katya: <OH GOD DAMMIT YANA!> yana: *snickers* <hey, gotta deal with the bordom somehow, right?> Ivan: T\\\T leo: ........ Ivan: <Maybe some hot soup...> leo: .... <perhaps> Ivan: <I'll cook some up...add spices...> *walks to the kitchen* leo: ......... Ivan: *opens the cupboards, pulls out the can of soup and a bowl* leo: *getting the water out* Ivan: <Thank you.> *sets up a pan and some spices* <...I miss cooking big meals.> leo: ....<i'm not very good at this. usually, our maid staff handled this...> Ivan: <...Were they good cooks?> leo: *she nods* <father always went all out for us. he wanted only the best for his family...........> Ivan: "..." <What was your favorite dish?> leo: ....<stuffed bread> Ivan: <Oh! I know a recipe for that...> leo: ....*faint smile* -elsewhere- Joker: *making coffee* scarlet: .... Joker: *sets down four mugs* "Coming right up...You look exhausted." scarlet:...long night. Joker: "You run into anyone?" *pours a mug* scarlet: nah. Joker: "...You feel any better?" scarlet:...i slept fine, if that's what you're asking. Joker: *pours coffee into the other three mugs* "...That's good." *sits down, sips his mug* "...Wonder when the others will get here." -elsewhere- Anya: "Thank you for your patronage." *smiles* mio: mweeeh, so tired. miranda: it's only first shift. *sweatdrop* Meme: ^^; "Maybe just look forward to tea later?" mio:... 7////7 maybe. Meme: ^^ *pats her hand* "Keep going--you're doing great." mio:... ./////////. r-right. -elsewhere- Poe: *wearing a mask and apron, dusting* lana: *polishing furniture* it was nice meeting your brother and his family. rowena: *scrubbing the floor* Poe: "It-It was surprising..." ^^; rowena: hard to believe emilia is 7 already...last i saw her, she was still in a crib. Poe: "..." *nods, shaking slightly* lana:...edgar? Poe: "Y-Yes...I'm surprised she has aged so much..." *wipes his eyes* lana: ... Poe: "I missed a lot..." rowena: well, i guess you can start making up for lost time now. Poe: "...Where do I begin? They went home..." rowena: im sure they'll visit again someday. Poe: *nod nod* "...Maybe I should go out more..." lana: *smiles* and if you feel uncomfortable, we're right here, ok? Poe: *nods* "R-Right..." *weak smile* -elsewhere- Lucy: "Ready to go?" atsushi: *nods* yep. Lucy: *offers her hand* atsushi:....*kiss on the cheek* Lucy: >\\\< "Th-That's really sweet..." atsushi: *holding her hand, smiling* Lucy: "...I hope the play is good." *small squeeze of his hand* -elsewhere- Relan: *walking nervously down the street* ryuuko: hello, relan. mikami: glad to see you. ^^ Relan: "H-Hi..." *smiles* "How are you?" mikami: doing good. ^^ Relan: "You're both looking well...The Commander treating you well?" mikami: *she nods* commander hibana's actually really nice once you get to know her. ryuuko: you'd be surprised at her....maternal instincts. 7-7; Relan: "???" Hibana: "Sweeties! I got your crepes!" mikami: thank you! Relan: ._. Hibana: "Oh, Relan! Hey there! Want a crepe?" *hands one to him* Relan: "..." TTWTT gabriella: ^^ ryuuko:...oh, hello rino. Rino: *struggling to hold a stack of boxes* "H-Hell..." ryuuko: here, let me. *carrying a few* Rino: "Th-Thanks..." *sighs* "My arms is going to fall off..." Relan: *takes a few* "Can't have that happen." ^^; mikami: you're getting a lot better at this, miss tamiya. ^^ Rino: -\\\- "...Thanks. I just wish I had more muscle mass..." gabriella: there's always the gym. Rino: "If I only had the time...and wasn't worked to the bone." *glares at Hibana* Hibana: "..." *nom into her crepe* -elsewhere- Gin: *wiping blood from her mouth, pants* grunt: dat all ya got? Gin: "..." *holds her switchblade* grunt: *charging* Gin: "..." *stands still* -BANG- grunt: AGH!! higuchi: ... Gin: "..." *walks to the Grunt* "I had backup..." *stabs her blade into the Grunt's hand* grunt: AHHHHHH!!!! Gin: "Now, name." grunt: vincent...van go-fuck-yourself. Gin: *stamps her heel on his other hand* grunt: FRK- Gin: "Now, 'Vincent,' about that money..." grunt: i payed up! really! Gin: "The check bounced." *digs her heel in deeper* -elsewhere- Hyde: "Tickets, please." Lucy: *holds them up* atsushi:....*blinks* wait, werent you at the festival? Hyde: "Yeah, probably? I have a lot of jobs." atsushi:...oook? Hyde: "Your seats are center section, Row 10, seats 8 and 9." atsushi: thanks sir. Hyde: "The usher in the whale suit will take you to your seat." atsushi:...whale? Lucy: o_o; "...If Herman got a load of this..." atsushi:....only in death city, i guess. Lucy: *holds his hand, walking to the whale-suited usher* "Um...Seats 108 and 109?" whale: *leading them over* licht:... Lucy: "??? Wait...Isn't that...Doesn't that guy play the violin or something?" licht: *glaaaaare* atsushi: O_O;; Lucy: "..." *meets the glare* "And he looks rude, too." atsushi: OuO;;;;; Lucy: *leads Atsushi past Licht* "Excuse us--we're going to our seats." licht: im not stopping you. Lucy: *turns up her nose, pulls Atsushi along and sits down* -elsewhere- Victor: "I'm here!" *sets the muffins and napkins down* nozomi: *smiles* shinra: heck yeah! *nom*...so rel, heard you hung out with the 5th for a bit today, how was it? *smiles* Relan: "S-Surprising...Commander Hibana was...nicer." *looks at Iris* iris:....*smiles* shinra: i...guess. ^^;;; Relan: ^\\\^ "M-Maybe...the 5th and 8th should do something..." shinra: we did have a barbeque a while back after....an incident... *cough* iris:.....*touches her scar* Relan: "..." *looks down* "Oh." iris: it's in the past now, right? all we can do now is move forward. shinra:....*holds her hand* Relan: "Th-That's a mature way to look at it..." -elsewhere- Medusa: *sets down her child in her crib* neian: muguu Medusa: "..." *passes a hand over her head* ("...I see him...") neian: ^o^ Medusa: *small smile* ("Her smile is kinder...") shaula: *slams the door open* GET UP LOSER WE'RE GOING SHOPPING! neian: *crying* Medusa: *picks up Neian, holding her* "Shh! You just woke her up..." shaula: yeah, cool, now come on! new orleans awaits! Medusa: -_-; "I have a baby...Can't someone else go with you?" shaula: =3= laaaame. Mad!Kid: "I caN Go wiTH yoU..." shaula:....you're gonna need a disguise. *hands him a mask* Mad!Kid: "..." *puts on mask* "...Does it obscure my identity sufficiently?" shaula:...*thumbs up* and now.... *snaps fingers, and magically undoes her braid into two ponytails* ta-ta-ta-ta-twintails mode! Medusa: -_-;;;;; "You're an adult--have some self-respect." -elsewhere- Anya: *walking home* bailey: hiya! mizuki: 7-7; Anya: "EEP!" *leaps up* mizuki: hey, relax, we're not mugging you. Anya: "I-I know that...Hmph...Why are you out so late?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Have a good day?" sonia: *nods* Chuuya: *smiles* "You were behaved today. Ready for dinner?" sonia: *nod* mmhmm. Chuuya: "...Something on your mind?" *scoops up mashed potatoes* sonia: ....*staring at the empty chair* ..... Chuuya: "..." *looks* "...Oh." sonia: ...... Chuuya: "...I miss her, too." sonia: .... Chuuya: "...Should we set a plate at her chair?" sonia:....*nod* Chuuya: *smiles* "Right away..." *sets a plate and utensils at Rain's chair* -elsewhere- Joker: "Zzz..." *passed out next to two full coffee mugs...they're freezing* scarlet:....*holding the mugs, heating them up* *The window is pulled open* scarlet:...*sigh* fuckin... *closes it and looks out* *A small whimper is heard...as she closed it onto someone's fingers* scarlet: ?!?!? what the fuck?! Victor: QWQ scarlet: oh....it's you. Victor: "Hello, Daddy. Can I have some ice?" scarlet:................ -and so- Victor: *a slap mark is on his cheek, too* "I almost lost my digits...I need them for work..." *looks at Joker* "...How's he doin'?" scarlet: asleep for one thing. Victor: "..." *pokes Joker's nose with a pen* Joker: "Zzz..." Victor: "...You put something in his coffee?" scarlet: no, i just reheated these. Victor: "Thanks..." *tries to pick his up* "...You two okay without me around?" scarlet: 7_7; define 'okay'. Victor: "??? ...Did he do something wrong?" scarlet: well, i guess things are kind of the usual.....i dunno, im tired. Victor: "...Well, I'll head out soon so you can rest. Just waned to pass along this." *pulls out a file* scarlet: ?? *examines it* Victor: "He asked for a dossier on the brigade members I met." -elsewhere- Poe: *humming a lullaby* rowena: *asleep* lenore: .... karl: zzzz Poe: "..." *puts a blanket down over Rowena* rowena: =w= Poe: *smiles...* *picks up Karl, sets him in his bed* karl: =w= Poe: *smiles...closes his door, locks it...unbuttons his shirt* *changes out of his clothes into his pajamas* -elsewhere- Kid: "Zzz..." stocking: zzzzz Kid: *hug* stocking: =w= mocha: *mrew* Kid: "???" *looks* mocha: ^^ Kid: *pet pet* mocha: =w= Kid: *picks her up, sets her in bed* -morning- kenji: happy birthday, kyouka! Kyoka: .\\\. "...Thanks?" aya: ^^ atsushi: so how did you want to celebrate today? Kyoka: "Food." atsushi: sounds like a plan then. Kyoka: ^^ *hug* -elsewhere- Arthur: "Zzz..." tamaki:....*looks over at the window* .... *A bird has been making a nest for her eggs* tamaki:.....*remembering how she climbed through that window long ago*......*leans against arthur* Arthur: "..." *hug* tamaki:....u////u i love you, dork. Arthur: =w= "I...*yawn* love you...my kitten princess..." -elsewhere- chie: morning, yohei. *smooch* Yohei: =\\\w\\\= *yawn* "Good morning, love." *smooch* chie: sleep ok? Yohei: "Hmm..." *wavers his hand* "More or less. You?" chie: *nods* -elsewhere- Mori: "Zzzz..." miura: ....sir? Mori: "Nnnn..." *opens his eyes* =_= miura: it's morning, sir. Mori: "...Help me up." *sits up* miura: -.-; *lifts him up bridal style* you're getting old, sir. Mori: =\\\\\= "Not that old...My, you're strong..." miura: ... Mori: "What's your max?" *rests his head against her chest* miura: a truck at least.....sir? Mori: "That is a lot of weight...You can set me down at the breakfast table." miura:.... -_-; Mori: =w= -elsewhere- Mad!Kid: "..." pandora: is something the matter, child? Mad!Kid: "I did not have 'fun' last night with the witch." pandora: unfortunate....i see the voodoo arts have advanced in the past few hundred years... Mad!Kid: "...I saw enough of it that I can share it with you..." pandora: hmm, hmm.... Mad!Kid: *starts writing and drawing items-- Medusa: "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" pandora: hmm? something the matter, snake witch? Medusa: "Shaula! What did she do last night?!" *drags Shaula in* shaula: the fuck are you yelling at me for?! Medusa: "Money is gone, your room is a mess--and what did you paint on the walls?!" -elsewhere- barkova: oWo FD: "..." *pet pet* barkova: =u= FD: <You want food?> barkova: *bark* 8D FD: <Very well...> *slices some meat and cheese* barkova: *pant pant* 8D FD: *sets down the plate* <Enjoy.> barkova: *nom nom nom* FD: "..." ("What a mutt.") {barkova: <am i in trouble, fedya?>} {FD: <You are...getting what you deserve.>} {barkova: <im sorry, i-i wont mess up again, promise!>} {FD: <...No. You won't.> *grabs her by the neck, holding a screwdriver to her eye* } {barkova: <ah->} {FD: <...I am sorry you made a mistake.> *STAB* } {barkova: *screaming*} {FD: "..." *stands still*} FD: "..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *washing dishes* sonia: *watching TV* Chuuya: "Sonia, not so close." sonia: ok. Chuuya: *smiles* "After this, I'll drop you off with Grandma." sonia: ok. Chuuya: "Maybe go to the park, or play games..." sonia: .... Chuuya: "...I'm sure she'd be up for whatever you want." sonia: i guess. Chuuya: "...Okay." *dries his hands* "Well...please put on your coat and shoes." sonia: ok papa. -elsewhere- ango: *examining files* Taneda: "Progress, Sakaguchi?" ango: well, herman has made contact with a security company to assist us. Taneda: " 'Security company'? Have you vetted them?" ango: *nods* it seems they have a rather high tec system known as 'the eyes of god'. it may come in handy. Taneda: "Hmm...Wasn't there a case involving the creator of that system?" ango: i think there was..... o_.o; oh goodness. -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *giggles* daisy: you seem to be in a good mood, mr fitzgerald. Fitzgerald: "I am...for good reasons..." *holds up a coupon sheet* "There's a sale on mini figurines!" daisy:... -_-; -elsewhere- Poe: "...Do you want to go out for lunch?" ranpo: sure. Poe: OWO *squee* ranpo: if you're payin, im buyin. Poe: "O-Of course!" OWO; ("Please let me have enough money...") -elsewhere- Joker: *groans...sits up, a blanket falling off his shoulders* "Wha...?" scarlet: *watching tv* Joker: "...What time is it?" scarlet: noon Joker: "Well, woke up early enough then..." *stretches* "Anything in the news?" -elsewhere- Kid: *sighs* liz: you ok? Kid: "Just feel...uninspired." liz: maybe a short vacation is needed? Kid: "Maybe...Where to?" -elsewhere- metsu: thank you for your patronage. Jeje: "Ssss..." metsu:... *smiles and small strokes under his chin with her finger* Jeje: ^\\\\^ *happy snake noise* metsu: ^///^ Jeje: *slides up her arm to her shoulder* -elsewhere- Hyde: *holding 30 paychecks* "Time to deposit!" kyouko: ._.; Hyde: "You work as many jobs as I do, you get a lot of these--in small amounts." *waves a check* "Want me to buy dinner?" kyouko: -_-; licht: -___-; Hyde: "We can do it at that place with the pizza and the video games!" kyouko: meowkies? Hyde: "And I'll win cat ears!" -elsewhere- Anya: "Dah-dah-dah-dah..." rowena: hello. ^^ Anya: "???" *takes off headphones* "Oh, hello. I haven't seen you around as often." rowena: i do apologize. i've been helping my brother out with a few things. Anya: "Oh? Is he okay?" rowena: *she nods* our other brother and his family visited for a while. Anya: "Was it an okay family visit?" rowena: *she nods* Anya: "Well, it's good to meet...some family." rowena:...?? miss anya? Anya: "...Just...I don't see my family." rowena:....*hug* Anya: .\\\\\. "...Thank you?" rowena: you looked like you needed it. Anya: "..." *pat pat* -elsewhere- Tuhl: ._. io: uh-oh...hehe.... *she's covered in flour* saki: what happened, sweetie? *recording* io: i mayda mess, hehe! Tuhl: "At least you're honest. And what did you make a mess with?" io: flowers! Tuhl: ^^; "Yep. Flour! Good thing you didn't get to the eggs, or you'd be a cake..." io: cake? OuO Tuhl: "Flour, eggs, and icing would make an Io cake." io: yummy! ^o^ Tuhl: "Hee...Say 'bye bye' to the camera before you get your bath." io: babai! -elsewhere- PlushFix: "Got them!" hina: oh? saku: ?? PlushFix: "You'll be in for some surprises...Heh heh heh..." saku: ......*glances out the window* PlushFix: "I got the beer, the mags, the videos, and some fun toys..." saku: *exits* PlushFix: -3- "Spoil sport." -elsewhere- Ponera: *looking at the skyline* *sighs* grimoire: a beautiful sight... Ponera: .\\\. "Y-Yes..." grimoire:...*hug* Ponera: o\\\\\o "G-Grimmy?" grimoire: yes? Ponera: "...What are you doing?" grimoire: im hugging you. it's called a 'hug', remember? Ponera: "...I'm just...surprised, I guess." >\\\\> -elsewhere- Spirit: "Dinner's ready!" izumi: thanks dad! Spirit: ^^ "You're welcome. Let me know how the vegetable dish turned out...Mom still napping?" izumi: yeah. sachiko: *passed out on the couch* Spirit: "I'll put her meal in the fridge...Must've been a long day." izumi: seems like it. Spirit: "At least you survive your day." *smiles* "Looking forward to the weekend?" izumi: *nods* Spirit: "How about we do something nice for your mom? Maybe breakfast in bed?" izumi: *nods* Spirit: "Okay. I can even show you some recipes I used to make..." -elsewhere- ochako: ok, truth or dare? Mina: "Hmm...Truth!" ochako: ok. what's the dumbest thing you've ever seen someone do in public? jirou: this outta be good. Mina: "Hmm...Okay. I saw someone at a restaurant order bay leaf soup--then spend 10 minutes yelling that there was a big-ass leaf in his soup!" jirou: wow. some people. momo: ^^; Mina: "Okay, my turn! Momo, truth or dare." momo: um...truth? ouo; Mina: "What's your weirdest habit?" momo: hmmm... im not sure. Hagakure: "Pfft. Boring! What do you think of Iida?" momo: O//////////O um...well..... .////////////////.;;; tsuyu: you seem pretty flustered about it. momo:...i-i have my reasons! they're...kind of awkward to talk about... Mina: "Ah ah ah! Truth or dare! You need to tell the truth, girl!" momo:....ok. but this NEVER. leaves this room, got it? Hagakure: "My fingers are not crossed!" momo:.....*sigh* well...both our parents know this, and i know this, but i dont think he know's it.....*inhales* iida and i have an arranged marriage. ochako: HOLY PLOT TWIST! jirou: *SPITTAKE* Hagakure: "...I-I can't even--Just--What?!" Mina: "...Dude." tsuyu: you seem pretty happy with him though. momo: i really want to make it seem natural. is that selfish? tsuyu: you like him, dont you? momo:... .///. y-yes- tsuyu: then there's no need to worry, right? momo:...r-right... jirou:.....so hagakure, truth or dare? -elsewhere- Mad!Kid: *huddled in the corner* milia:....mr clone? Mad!Kid: "...I am not a clone..." shaula: well, you kind of are?....ish? Mad!Kid: *glares at her* "I am the perfected form...unlike you, witch, hiding in the shadows of your sisters..." shaula:.........i dont fucking like you. Mad!Kid: "Watch your tongue, if you don't want to be left a crying, quivering mass of tears and broken bones, you flat-chested ugly hag." shaula: *twitch* pandora: now, now, child. you need your rest. Mad!Kid: *removes a coin from his pocket, flips it at her* "Take that, pay some rat to gnaw that sneer off your face." shaula:...... ok? Mad!Kid: "Good. Now, if you have nothing good to say, go away." *turns, falls into the fetal position* -elsewhere- Kid: *shudders* stocking: easy, kiddo, we’re here, ok? lord death: what's wrong, kiddo? Kid: "J-Just...feel nauseated...and itchy..." lord death: do you need to lay down? Kid: "Y-Yes--" *stumbles* stocking: !!!! lord death: easy now. liz: that's it, im calling a doctor. Kid: *curled in the fetal position, breathing heavily* "Gn-Gn..." stocking: *worried* kid, you're going to be ok, just breathe. lord death: *hugs him* you're alright kid. just hold onto my arm. Kid: *sniff* "I-I..." *holds onto his arm* lord death: *rubs his back* you're here kid. you're here and you're alive. Kid: *crying, bites his lip* lord death: *humming* Kid: *closes his eyes, holding onto his father* stocking:... Kid: "...Zzz..." lord death: *carries him back to bed* Kid: "Zzz...M...Ma..." lord death: ....... *tucks him in* Kid: "Mama..." *turning in bed* lord death:...........*hug and kiss on the forehead* Kid: "Zzz..." stocking: u///u Kid: *shivering, but sleeping* stocking:.... Yumi: "...What could have brought this on?" lord death: im not sure... Yumi: "...The doctor should be here..." lord death:... !! hello nygus. he's in his room. Naigus: *nods* "What has happened?" *sets down medical kit* -he explains the situation- Naigus: "This could be a seizure...His heart rate is elevated..." *looking at her medicines* lord death: !! stocking: no.... Naigus: "This is...rather strong, Lord Death--but it would have to be for a Shinigami, to let him sleep..." lord death: ...... Naigus: *takes the syringe, prepares the shot* -elsewhere- Mad!Kid: *strangling Shaula* shaula: GRK- WHAT THE FUGHK- Ponera: "Let go of her--!" Mad!Kid: *knocks Ponera back with black blood* shaula: ?!?! Ponera: "AH!" *hits the wall* milia: !!! Mad!Kid: "IT HURTS! WHY DOES IT HURT?! MAKE IT STOP!" *grips harder* grimoire: !!!! *going over to her* you monster... Mad!Kid: "THAT'S ALL I'LL EVER BE!" *raises a black blood spire at Grimoire* *VECTOR STAB* Mad!Kid: "..." *coughs up blood* Medusa: "..." *approaches* Ponera: *unconscious* shaula: *cough* oh thank fuck. Medusa: "You woke my child..." *twists the Vector more* "I should--" Mad!Kid: *whimpering* Medusa: "...???" Mad!Kid: "Ma..." pandora: i think the child has had enough... Mad!Kid: "Mama..." Medusa: "..." *pulls back the blade* {Crona: *crying*} Medusa: "..." shaula: what do we do with this thing? Medusa: "..." *picks up Mad!Kid* "We get him to bed." -elsewhere- Yohei: "..." *looking in on Toru* toru: zzzz Yohei: "..." *strokes his head* toru: =w= Yohei: *smiles* ("Stay safe...Please...") -morning- mina: this match is gonna be HYPE! ochako: *antsy* Iida: "??? Uraraka? Are you okay?" ochako: just excited for the match, ^^ momo: ... Iida: "Yes, this is going to be a surprising battle...Midoriya continues to surprise, but Todoroki is so powerful." *Mineta's seat is empty* jirou: looks like grape juice is sick at home. tsuyu: that's nice. Bakugo: "Small victories..." *staring at the field* Izuku: *looking out at the field...starts walking* announcer: the second round of matches has begun! first round, IZUKU MIDORIYA VS SHOUTO TODOROKI! Todoroki: *approaching the stage* Endeavor: *watching from the audience--standing in the back* All Might: *gulps* ochako: ...*nervous*....*glances over at endevour*......*glares at him* Endeavor: *his eyes are on Todoroki* ("Shouto...We will see whether you have what it takes to be a worthy successor. Surpass Midoriya. Surpass All Might. Surpass me.") midnight: alright. BEGIN! Todoroki: *ice wall immediately appears* Izuku: ("As expected--gotta make it!") *aims two finger--* *SMAAAAAASH* *FOOM!* announcer: WOAH! HE SMASHED RIGHT THROUGH IT! Iida: "!!!" *hair blown back* Monoma: *rubs his arms* "F-Freezing..." hitoshi:...c-cold....*twitch* Todoroki: *knocked back to the edge--until an ice slide appears, allowing him to slide back and avoid the ring's edge* Izuku: *holding his arm...his middle finger is broken* ("It's okay...") All Might: "!!!" ("That was...100 percent!") Todoroki: *glares--summons another ice wall--* *SMAAAAAASH!* *Drip...drip...* eijiro: woah! it's already starting? sorry im late guys, my alarm clock broke, haha. Bakugo: "Shut the hell up." eijiro: hey bakugou, we're gonna be in the next match, cool right?! itsuka: *chop* that was terrible. Monoma: *looking over the barrier* "No, the match is cool! Eh? Eh?" Bakugo: "I'm going to leave you beaten and crying." eijiro: i'd like to see you try! ^^ Monoma: x3x Bakugo: "Hmph. Idiot. Sit down and shut up--I'm watching..." mina: you and todoroki could fire off as many of those attacks as you want, right? Bakugo: "Wrong, stupid. Quirks are like physical abilities--you can hit a limit and over-exert yourself." Iida: "...Oh, my--he does know the science behind Quirks--impressive!" eijiro: i guess that makes sense... tsuyu: so then that means... Bakugo: >_<# "SHUT UP, YOU LANKY, FOUR-EYED RUNNING JERK!" Iida: "...I'm not lanky." Izuku: *staring at his fingers* ("I only have six shots left...Got to plan...Make it count...") Todoroki: "You are going to stretch this out? Try to expend all my ice abilities? Not happening. I will put you out of your misery quickly..." *ice floor* Izuku: *SMAAAAAAAASH* *crack* "AH!" *his right hand is completely broken* ochako: !!!! Todoroki: *sliding along the ice floor, then stamps down, kicking up a sheet of ice that he rides at Izuku* Izuku: "!!!" *leaps back* Todoroki: *slams the ice sled onto the ground--then turns it into a spire of ice that consumes Izuku's leg* Izuku: "!!!" ("I was too slow...") Todoroki: *summons more--and the spire increases--* *FOOM* *Ice explodes--the cold air hits the audience* Arthur: *in the stands--now covered in snow* ._. tsuyu: Q~Q t-too cold.... Iida: *teeth chattering* "Am-Amphibians do have a harder t-t-t-time adjusting to cold..." Bakugo: "Wimps." *shakes the snow off his hair* Todoroki: *knocked to the floor* "...Stronger than before. Were you holding back, Midori--!!!" Izuku: *standing, panting...his entire left arm is broken* inko: IZUUUUUUKUUUUUUUU!!!! Q_Q All Might: "!!!" ("What the hell are you doing, kid?! This isn't...This isn't worth it. Not like this.") Izuku: *coughs up blood* Todoroki: *frozen...* ochako: !!!!!..... (thinking: this is bad....) ?? Izuku: "You...are amazing, Todoroki. Brilliant...fast..." Todoroki: "...This dodging and defending is taking its toll on you. S-Surrender..." Izuku: "...!!!" ("He's...cold? He's shaking...Why are...") ochako:.....(thinking: todoroki.....) Audience Member #1: "He's so good at this! Better than pro heroes! I guess it pays to be the Number 2 hero's son!" Todoroki: "..." ("That's not it...Not it at all...") audience member 2: i bet endevour's proud. Audience Member #3: "Lucky kid. He just inherited his dad's Quirk." Audience Member #4: "He doesn't use it, though." Audience Member #1: "Well, maybe the training?" ochako:.....*gripping her fist* *remembering what todoroki had told her* ... Endeavor: "..." ("Pathetic. Are you just going to be a one-trick pony, Shoto, or are you going to unleash the fire?") Todoroki: "...You tried, Midoriya." *looks at Endeavor* "But he's not happy." announcer: TODOROKI IS GOING ALL OUT, WILL IT END HERE? OR WILL MIDORIYA KEEP ENDURING IT?! Todoroki: "Your hands are destroyed. Please, let's end this, with honor--" Izuku: "What honor is there...if you are only using half of what you have?" Todoroki: "?!" Izuku: "WHO SAYS I'M DONE?!" All Might: "!!!" ochako: !!! *SMAAAAAAAAAASH!* Bakugo: "?!!!!" announcer: HE'S STILL GOING FOR IT!? Todoroki: *knocked across the floor, tearing his shirt--until an ice wall stops him, crashing into his back* "AH!" hitoshi: !!! Izuku: *panting...his broken hand is steaming...* Todoroki: *sits up, shivering* Izuku: "Y-You're shivering...Todoroki..." ochako: .... Todoroki: "...You did that, with broken fingers...Why?" Izuku: "Q-Quirks have limits...We have to find them...You have a limit, how much you can go with that ice before it freezes you...kills you...But you can always pull back, by thawing yourself...So tell me, Todoroki...If you really don't use your father's ability, THEN WHY DO YOU THAW YOURSELF OUT EACH TIME?!" Endeavor: "!!!" ochako: !!!! Izuku: "Are classmates...our friends...were at full power. You saw them..." momo:.... ochako:..... hitoshi: .... {Todoroki: *watching Ochacho* "..." ("Why are you still going?")} Izuku: "H-How can you say you have given it your all, if you're just going to win here with half your power? ..." *looks up* All Might: "!!!" *Izuku is smiling* Izuku: "You haven't...put a scratch on me." ochako: .... All Might: QWQ Izuku: "COME AT ME WITH EVERYTHING YOU GOT, TODOROKI!" Endeavor: ("This kid...") Todoroki: "..." *shivers* {????: it's alright...} {Shoto: "I don't want to be a hero! I don't want to be like him!"} Todoroki: *holds his head* ("What happened next...What happened...") Todoroki: "Did...he pay you off? That's beneath you, Midoriya--" Izuku: *smiling* Todoroki: "..." *clenches his teeth* "You're pissing me off!" Bakugo: "?!!!" ochako: !!! Izuku: *clenches his teeth, preparing for impact* ochako: (thinking: he's slowing down....is it because of the frost?) Superhero Security Guard: *not even watching the match, just playing a 3DS* guard: D8< dude! Guard #1: "Huh? What? I got my magic points depleted, and I needed this potion..." ochako: (thinking: so it's like that? ....) Hanta: "Hang on...Todoroki was able to make way-bigger ice prisons when he fought me? Why is he slowing down?" momo: he must have over exerted himself.... Bakugo: "I WAS ALREADY THINKING THAT!" Monoma: "No, you weren't." Izuku: *running at Todoroki* ("Be the microwave, be the microwave, don't explode, don't explode, don't--" Todoroki: *ice melting off of him as he summons frost along his arm, grabbing Izuku's--* Izuku: *his right arm glows--and jabs Todoroki in the chest, ripping at his shirt* *BOOM* Todoroki: *knocked through the air, landing just in front of the ring's border* announcer: A DIRECT HIT! THINGS ARE REALLY HEATING UP NOW! Izuku: *holds up his hand...it's covered in blood* All Might: "!!!" ("He can't...If he keeps going, he'll never survive the next match!") *holding a towel, wringing it in his hands* ochako: !!!!! Izuku: *stumbling* Todoroki: *holding his side...he has put ice along the injury* "Gah..." *coughs* "...Offensive..." Todoroki: *slams his left foot down--ice blasts along the floor at Izuku, who just barely dodges* Izuku: "You're too slow. Your ice is weaker, too." midnight: how does it look, cementoss? Cementoss: "Midoriya thinks he can be healed...but even Recovery Girl can't heal this much damage at this rate. He's just pure adrenaline, not realizing how much pain he is in...What do we do, Midnight?" midnight: ... Aizawa: "...That crazy kid." yuuji: they’re gonna get killed this way... Aizawa: "...What is he thinking? What's the point?" Izuku: *shaking his hand* ("I can't make a fist...It hurts...") Todoroki: *running, summoning more ice on the floor* Izuku: ("I wanna be like him...I have to be strong...") *bites his thumb--with a loud crack* *SMASH!* Todoroki: *knocked back, but on his feet* "Why are you doing this?!" Izuku: "A smiling...hero...is who I want to be!" All Might: "!!!" Todoroki: "!!!" {???: shouto...} {Shoto: *smiling, a light glowing along his face* "So cool..."} -....- Izuku: "I do this for more than me! I do this for everyone! For everything!" *rushes at Todoroki, flinging both arms, broken, throwing Todoroki back* Todoroki: *wobbles, but still stands...* Izuku: "Who can be...the Number 1 hero...when someone like you will not give it your all?" Todoroki: …………���…………. {Endeavor: "You can't even give it your all! Get up!"} {Shoto: *vomiting, sobbing*} {mrs todoroki: please, stop it! he's only five years old!} {Endeavor: "He's _already_ five! Get out of my way!"} {*slap* *thud*} {mrs todoroki: *screams in pain*} {Shoto: "!!!" *crying*} Todoroki: *the ice is melting off of him* "Shut up...Shut up..." {mrs todoroki:....} {Shoto: "I don't want to be a hero! I don't want to be someone like him! He's a bully!"} {mrs todoroki:....*pets his head* but you want to be _a_ hero, right? it's alright, you arent....} Izuku: "For them...I have to win!" All Might: "Kid..." ("This isn't some after school special...You don't have to do this...You could win...But you want to save him..."} Izuku: "I have to surpass you!" {-three kids are playing in the yard and one of the boys falls-} {boy: hehe, careful #####} {Endeavor: "If you're going to surpass your siblings, you've got no time for this childishness." *pulls Shoto along*} Shoto: *pulling back*} {Endeavor: "I said come on!" *pushes Shoto ahead, in front of him*} {Shoto: *sobbing*} Todoroki: *knocked down to the floor again* {Shoto: *alone in the hall, wiping his eyes, passing the kitchen*} {mrs todoroki: i dont know what to do mom....i dont want to abandon them, but they look more like him every day....and shouto....his left side....i hate looking at it...} {Shoto: *his eyes widen...he looks horrified* "M-Mommy?"} {-the kettle is boiling-} {mrs todoroki:......*looks at him, horrified*} {-CRASH-} Todoroki: ("I'll...") {Shoto: *his face is bandaged* "Where is--?"} {Endeavor: "She hurt you, so I had to put her away. That stupid...at this time in your development--"} {Shoto: *shaking* "...It's your fault."} {Endeavor: "???"} {Shoto: "It's all your fault! I hate you! I hate you!" *sobbing, punching Endeavor's shins*} {Endeavor: "Ow! Shoto, stop this at once!"} Todoroki: *on the floor* "I'll...show my father--" Izuku: "That this power is yours!" Endeavor: "?!" Todoroki: !!!!! {???: "Yes, quirks are passed down from parent to child. But..." *nervous laugh* "That's not the only thing that matters."} {mrs todoroki: *smiles*} {Shoto: *shiny eyes*} {???: "It's not just blood--it's the ability to look at oneself, be all you can be--appreciate yourself! And what you can do, your full potential. What's what I mean when I say, 'I am here!'"} Izuku: "It's not just blood...You decide...who you want to become." {mrs todoroki: it's alright. you're not bound by his blood. you decide who you want to be, shouto.} *FOOOOM* Izuku: *stands still--as the heat hits him* Iida: "!!!" ochako: !!!! All Might: ("You were saving him, Midoriya...") Endeavor: *twisted smile* Todoroki: *his left side is covered in flames* momo: h-his left is- Todoroki: "I...want to be a hero, too." *tearful smile* ochako: .... !!! GIVE IT YOUR ALL YOU GUYS!!!! Todoroki: *wipes his tears* "It-It's so hot..." Endeavor: "SHOOOOOOOOOOOTOOOOOOOOOO! You have accepted my power! Excellent! With my blood pumping through your veins, you--" guard: sir, you're going to have to back up, we dont let people this close to the field, too dangerous. Endeavor: *DEATH GLARE* "Do you know, who I am...and the monologue you just interrupted?" guard: aaand tazer. Endeavor: "Taz-what?" -ka-tazer for endevour- Endeavor: O_____X *movements before collapsing and twitching* -elsewhere- Hibana: *watching TV* Announcer: "And it looks like a pro-hero has been tazered--* gabriella: oh...my god. this is amazing. Hibana: "!!!" *flips the table, screaming* "YYYYYEEEEEESSSS!!!!" -elsewhere- Izuku: *smiling* Todoroki: "...Why are you smiling?" Izuku: "???" Todoroki: "Crazy...You're insane, fighting with those wounds...Don't blame me for what happens next." Cementoss: "!!! Midnight!" midnight: on it! Cementoss: *lifting the pavement* Izuku: *running* ("Give it your all...Give me everything you got!") "Come at me!" Todoroki: "...Thank you..." *FOOOM* -BWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM- ochako: !! midnight: GAH! Monoma: "!!! EVERYONE! DUCK!" pony: WHAT'S GOING OOOON Q~Q itsuka: *BIG OL HAND SHIELD* Bakugo: "Shit!" *throws up a blast ahead of the cement-rainstorm* *BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM* ???: "...Are we dead?" yuuji:....aizawa....what the fuck is with these guys... .___.; hitoshi: ?!?! Aizawa: "The cold air, followed by hot air, caused the rapid air to produce an explosion..." *he has a bit of fire at the top of his head* *Izuku's shoe is seen on the floor* hitoshi: !!!!! midnight: ow...im ok......eh? *looks* All Might: "!!!" tsuyu: !!! Izuku: *slammed against...no..._into_ the wall* Izuku: "..." Todoroki: *stares...stunned* midnight: m-midoriya's out of bounds......the round goes to shouto todoroki! All Might: "Get a doctor!" Todoroki: *he is now shirtless* Bakugo: "..." -later- Todoroki: *walking to the locker room--* Medic: "Sir, please lie down. Your are--" *shoved* "Rude!" Endeavor: "Hee heh...Shoto..." Todoroki: "..." Endeavor: "...Not going to tell me to get out of your way? Good. Because you can't have that power if you don't know how to use it. I didn't give it to you to abuse. But now you have set aside that childish rebellion and can surpass--" Todoroki: "I have put nothing aside." Endeavor: "..." Todoroki: *stares at his hand* "It's just that, in that moment, when I used _my_ power...I forgot about you." *looks up...smiles* "And that's something I have to think about." *turns and walks away* Endeavor: "..." -in the medical room- All Might: "..." recovery girl: his right arm's shattered, this wont be easy to set back to normal. Izuku: "Ugh..." All Might: "Kid..." recovery girl: i'll have to remove the bone splinters from his joints, then the healing comes after. *looking at all might* this boy admires you so much, he's willing to get himself nearly killed. _you_ are the one who drove him to this. All Might: "...I--" recovery girl: you're overdoing it, so you better not praise him for it... All Might: "I'm not. I'm just--" -knocks on the door- recovery girl: it's open. All Might: "!!!" *looking around* ochako: deku! tsuyu: izuku! hitoshi: ... Iida: "Midoriya!" Izuku: "Guys...the next matches..." tsuyu: they've been delayed because the arena got destroyed.....again. Mineta: *panting, following* "I...Missed it...Darn it..." *looks* "HOLY CRAP! YOU LOOK TERRIBLE!" Iida: "??? Oh, Mineta, hello." *looks* "Oh, hello. I am Tenya Iida. Are you a friend of Izuku's?" All Might: ._.;;;; "Um...family friend." ^^; Mineta: "...You look familiar. You used to be a superhero or something?" All Might: .___________.;;;;;;; "...Nope! Just a...grocery store manager!" ^^;;;;;; ("HIDE ME.") hitoshi: ......*writing something on the white board* Izuku: "??? Shinso?" -midoriya, you almost died out there- Izuku: "Ha ha...Yeah. D-Don't make me laugh--it hurts..." recovery girl: shoo shoo! he's about to have surgery! ochako + tsuyu + hitoshi: !!! Iida: "Surgery!" Mineta: "We'll get you a care package! It'll be--" *pushed into a wall* "OUCHIE!" Izuku: "A-All Might..." All Might: "!!!" recovery girl: SHOO SHOO! *tosses them out* hitoshi: ... tsuyu: huh... Izuku: "I had to say it for Todoroki...I'm sorry I could not tell the world I arrived..." All Might: "..." ("Kid...You already showed the world: you have arrived...") Izuku: "I lost myself...I should've minded my own business...but I had to make my point..." *passes out* recovery girl: ...calling you a fool wont change what happened...however, giving help that wasnt asked for....that's what makes a true hero... All Might: "..." *nods* -outside- hitoshi: .... Mineta: *smushed against the hallway wall* Iida: "Midoriya...Why did he do that?" ochako: .....i got to go somewhere, brb! *runs off* hitoshi: ?? Iida: "??? That was fast." tsuyu: what's got her all frizzed up? Mineta: "Maybe she's got a date?" tsuyu: hmm... hitoshi: ...? Iida: "...I guess we can start planning a get-well gift for Midoriya..." tsuyu: sounds like a plan. -elsewhere- ochako: *looking around* (thinking: where is he?) *The door to the locker room is open* ochako: *looks inside* Todoroki: *taking off his ripped shirt, putting on a new one* ochako: OuO;;; um....oops. i'll wait out here... Todoroki: "??? Ochaco? What are you doing here?" *pulls on his shirt* ochako: IMJUSTGONNAWAITOUTHERE OuO;;;;;;; Todoroki: *finishes buttoning up his shirt, steps outside* "...Hi." ochako: um... g-great job on the match! ^^;;; (thinking: ididntseeanythingididntseeanythingididntseeanything) Todoroki: "Thank you...Have you seen Midoriya?" ochako: yeah...he's in medical right now... Todoroki: "...I..." ochako: ....you really went all out today. Todoroki: "...So did he..." *shudders* ochako:.... Todoroki: *tries to smile--and just covers his left side* ochako:...... *hug* Todoroki: "..." *hug, sobs* ochako:....do you want to go home now? Todoroki: *nods* ochako: ok. i'll go with you. *small smile* Todoroki: "Th-Thanks..." -elsewhere- Bakugo: "That idiot..." eijiro: well, looks like we get more time to train for our match buddy! *pats his back* Bakugo: "Stop touching me." -elsewhere- Kid: "Zzz..." stocking: ....... Kid: *yawns* *opens his eyes* "..." stocking: how are you feeling? Kid: *sudden realization* "I had a nightmare." stocking:.....*holding his hand* Kid: "..." *small squeeze* "I think...I was hurting someone...but it wasn't me..." *holds his head with his other hand* "What happened?" stocking:.........they told me you had a seizure.....but....*crying* i-i dont know what it was.....i was so scared for you... Kid: "...I'm sorry...I didn't mean to..." stocking: *holding him* Kid: "..." *hug* "I'm here..." stocking:....*crying into his chest* Kid: "..." *cries silently, stroking her hair* -elsewhere- Sakuya: "..." *folds clothes* naho: *under the kotatsu* =w= Black Star: *peels an orange* lavender: that time of the year again. *wearing a window cleavage sweater* Higan: *thumbs up* Belkia: *writing a letter* "--and a new magician's wand--" otogiri: -.-; shameless as always. lavender: yes i am. Higan: "How things are..." Sakuya: *puts shirt into hamper* "..." -elsewhere- yumikage:....*grooooans* so booooored. Touma: *sigh* "Go...play a board game." yumikage: -_-# tsurugi: oh, so yumi-chan has his time of the mon- yumikage: *GLARE* Touma: -_-# "Some of us are busy. I could give you paperwork or an errand--" mafura: *staring at the fishtank* .... o.o Touma: *lightbulb* "Go to the pet store, get fish food." -slamming on the door- gil: OOOOOI! LET US OUT! WE KNOW OUR RIGHTS! tsurugi: no one cares, jill! gil: IT'S G-I-L!!! ray: yeah, get the spelling right. Touma: *hands Tsurugi a taser* -SHOOOOOCK- gil: FNKJJFKJSIFLNDJLK ray: D8 Touma: "The next person who speaks loses a limb." gil + ray: OxO;;;; gil: TTxTT (thinking: this place is a nightmare! una honey, boss lady, please be ok) una: *asleep in another cell...........laying on her dresser* Touma: *smirks, turns his back* -elsewhere- Todoroki: "Thank you..." ochako: *smiles* fuyumi: shouto! i saw the whole match! Todoroki: "!!! O-Oh?" fuyumi: *hugs* are you ok? Todoroki: "..." *sniff* "Y-Yes..." ochako:...well, im just gonna....mosey on home then. Todoroki: "Th-Thank you for walking home with me, Ochako." ochako: ^^ no problem. take it easy tonight, ok? Todoroki: "You too. Good night." fuyumi: ....so there's this clip of endevour getting tazered by security. it's already trending. Todoroki: "...Wait, what? When did that happen?" fuyumi: *pulls up the clip on her phone* Todoroki: "..." *snort laugh* -elsewhere- fang: gubu? twice: you seem....pretty happy to see this, dabster. Dabi: "..." *sneer* twice: not every day a pro hero gets tazed. LOL! XD Dabi: "Yes...Play it again." -elsewhere- Mori: "Quite impressive abilities..." miura: indeed. Mori: "Now, if those could be duplicated..." *stares at Miura* miura: that could be quite the force to be reckoned with. Mori: "...You ever play Mega Man?" miura: -_-; sir the robot jokes are getting old. elise: just like you. Mori: -_-;; "Ability duplication..." miura: are you going somewhere with this? Mori: "I think you're due for an upgrade, courtesy of Motojiro..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *looking at battle footage* "Holy-..." naoya: daaaang. Gin: "Hmm. Destructive." -underground- katya: now that match....was lit. pushkin: oooh! good one! *high five* Shousaku: "..." katya: oh come on, discount sasuke. you got to admit that was good. yana: oooh. -elsewhere- Mad!Kid: "Zzz..." pandora: .... Ponera: "..." *shifts* "Ow..." -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *signs a contract* "We will have your security improved upon rebuilding the stadium..." nedzu: excellent! we greatly appreciate this, mr fitzgerald. Fitzgerald: "The pleasure is all mine." ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: *staring at Nedzu* ._. -morning- Kid: "..." liz: come on kid, eat up. Kid: "..." *nom* "...It's good. Thank you." liz: ...... Kid: "...May I have more milk?" stocking: of course.... Kid: "..." *stares down at his toast* "..." *nom* kirika: ....shit... Kid: "???" kirika: we need to find out what the hell's gotten into you, dammit. i know, you have some stuff going on in your head...but this doesnt feel like that. Kid: Q_____Q liz: what the fuck kure?! kirika: call it instinct or whatever, but this isnt like his normal breakdowns... lord death: .... Kid: "Sh-She's right...That nightmare I had...Usually, I would be traumatized. But...it wasn't me. It was...not me." lord death: .....what all do you remember from the nightmare? Kid: "...A face. Her hair was tied to each side...Her eyes were...swirls? Maybe curves? I can't remember...Not symmetrical, though." lord death:.... Kid: "..." *takes out a sheet of paper, starts drawing* "Does she look familiar?" lord death: !!!!!!!! Kid: "???" lord death: isnt that...shaula gorgon? Kid: "..." *shaking* "I-I didn't..." lord death: *hugs him* breathe kid, breathe. Kid: *holds on* "I...don't know where it was..." -elsewhere- Ponera: *holding ice to her head* grimoire: how long will it be until we arrive? Ponera: "...Four, five days?" grimoire: hmmm... Ponera: "...We need to do something, to keep...him...preoccupied." -elsewhere- Aizawa: "...How is the kid?" recovery girl: he'll need some time to heal. Aizawa: "Well, we wanted to drop off the gift when he wakes up. He'll get the cookies I baked when he gets out of the hospital." -elsewhere- Relan: O_O;;;; "...Commander Hibana seems...happy?" shinra: it's almost terrifying. iris: ^^; Hibana: ^_^ "More sweets, everyone? I'm very charitable today..." ("So happy that stupid bastard got what he deserved...sort of.") nozomi: that sounds wonderful. ^^ Hibana: "Glad to hear it! Gorilla?" Akitaru: -_-# "I'm fine." hanako: *nom nom* Hibana: "Now, onto serious business." *lays out the subway map* shinra: .... Hibana: *circles* "These are the spots surveyed. And these are the ones Licht found for you...So you can see that the only spot without an escape path is here." shinra: ..... Hibana: "...Will you need back up?" -elsewhere- Yohei: *looking over schematics* "...'Eyes of God'?" nea: looks like a pretty sound system....but then again, this is you and kepuri's deal. saki: oho, seems you have technical competition. mono: *rolls eyes* Yohei: "Hmph. Just got to get better then." *looks at the plans* "Photo-recognition, clouds, ID photo tracking--Man, this is a privacy advocate's nightmare." *rolls up plans* "Mono, we got work to do." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Be good today." sonia: *nod* Chuuya: *hug* sonia: *huuuug* Chuuya: TTWTT *pat pat* "I'll be home this evening." sonia: ok. be safe, papa. Chuuya: *pat* "I will." -elsewhere- Todoroki: *adjusting his jacket* fuyumi: heading out? Todoroki: *nods* "Want me to pick up groceries?" fuyumi: sure. *hands him a list* Todoroki: *looks over it, nods* "Are you cooking something?" -elsewhere- Izuku: "Zzz..." {Izuku: "...Hello?"} {*eyes appear*} {Izuku: Q___Q } {-something is on the roof-} {Izuku: *looks up* "Wh-What..."} {-the figure grins at him-} {Izuku: "Who are you?} {-the figure lunges at him-} {Izuku: *screams, runs*} -THUD- Izuku: "...Ow." nurse: mr midoriya! are you alright?! Izuku: "...I fell." nurse: well do be careful... Izuku: "O-Okay..." *sits back on his bed* ("Who was that...?") -elsewhere- Bakugo: *staring at Eijiro* "...That is the worst 'get well' worst flower arrangement I have ever seen." eijiro: .w.; Bakugo: "Seriously, these daisies are wilted, you got no hydrangeas...Where's thorn girl?" eijiro: i dont think she can produce flowers, though. Bakugo: "Well, shit. At least water them before you give them to Deku." -elsewhere- Medusa: "..." *strokes her child's hair* neian: zzzz Medusa: ("At least your less of a handful than that insane boy...") *looks out the vehicle's window at the passing trees* neian: zzzzz Medusa: "...Can we stop at a rest station soon?" grimoire: soon. keep the replica contained. Medusa: -_-; "Fine..." shaula: dont you mean _reap_lica? *Something hits Shaula in the back of the head* shaula: OW! >3< Mad!Kid: *smirk* Medusa: "...You said 'contain' him. Is striking Shaula still acceptable?" grimoire: as long as he doesnt get loose, it's fine. shaula: you prick! Mad!Kid: "It is not long before I tear the flesh from your body to form a new floor rug, and grind your bones for my soup--" Medusa: *ties an arrow around his mouth* "Quiet." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *stretches* yu: zzzz Vulcan: "..." *puts a blanket over Yu's shoulders* yu: -u- Vulcan: *walks to the kitchen* "Oh, hey, Maki." maki: mornin' karin: or afternoon, rather. Vulcan: "Jeez, late night..." *pulls out a can of cola* "So, doc, got those blueprints..." -elsewhere- Kid: "..." stocking: *stroking his back* Kid: "...Thank you." stocking: im right here, ok? Kid: "R-Right..." *curls up* stocking:.....*still holding him* Kid: "...I don't understand..." stocking: ?? Kid: "Lucid dreams...of that witch." stocking:....im not sure either....but you're here, and you're ok... Kid: *nods* "I'm sorry..." stocking: *hums* Kid: *closes his eyes* -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Candy striper!" Izuku: ._. mana: not so loud, showtaro. Shotaro: "Right, sorry..." *holds up vase of flowers* "For..." *reads the card* " 'You damn nerd.'" Izuku: ^^; "Thanks..." -elsewhere- Poe: "Oh, look, Karl--another raccoon!" Jacqueline: ._.; kim: *in tanuki form* OwO;;; Poe: "I didn't know you had a pet raccoon too, Jacqueline!" Jacqueline: "It's...a tanuki, actually." ^^; Poe: "Oh! Those are rare." *pets the tanuki* "What’s his name?" kim: OwO;;;;;;;; Jacqueline: "Um...She's a she...named...um...Kim!" Poe: "...Isn't your meister's name Kim?" kim: OwO;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; *INTERNAL SCREAMING* Jacqueline: owo;;; "I-I wasn't very creative! And she kind of looks like Kim, doesn't she?" Poe: *nods* "Yes. Kim does have tanuki-esque features." *scratches under the tanuki's chin* kim: >~w~< *trying not to freak out* Jacqueline: ^w^;;;;;; Poe: "Say 'hi,' Karl!" karl: *chitter* Poe: "Aw, he's friendly!" Jacqueline: ^^;;; "Well, we have to be going." *picks up Kim's paw* "Say 'bye-bye,' Kim..." kim: =n= *wave* Poe: *waves Karl's paw* "Bye-bye!" -w- Jacqueline: *fast walking away* *whispers* "I am going to owe you so big, aren't I?" kim: yes. yes you are. =n= Jacqueline: >_< "Sorry...Let's get home..." *pets her head* -elsewhere- Shousaku: "..." *curled up* keek: ...... Shousaku: "..." *shivers* "Stupid cold..." keek:..... Shousaku: "...Need actual blankets. Not these hole-y things..." keek:...... Shousaku: "...You cold?" keek:......*small nod* Shousaku: "..." *takes the blanket off, puts it onto her* keek:......thanks... Shousaku: "..." *nods* "You're welcome." *rubs his arms* keek:.....*drags herself over to him* Shousaku: "??? H-Hey..." keek: *leans against him* ............ Shousaku: "...Warmer?" keek:....*nod* Shousaku: "...Good..." *awkward arm around her shoulder* keek:.....zzzz Shousaku: "..." *stares at the wall* -silence- Shousaku: *sniffs...closes his eyes* -elsewhere- Kyoka: "..." *wipes her eyes* kenji: ?? what's wrong? Kyoka: "Just...thinking about how long I've been here." kenji: it feels like you've been here a long time. ^^ Kyoka: "...I suppose. ...This doesn't feel right." kenji: hmm? how so? Kyoka: "...I have done awful things." kenji: i guess, but that doesnt make you a bad person. ^^ Kyoka: "...I don't know that I believe that all the time." kenji: *huuuug* Kyoka: "...You're hugging me." kenji: you looked like you needed it. Kyoka: "..." *pat pat* "Thank you………You can let go now." -elsewhere- Dazai: *holding a tissue to his bleeding nose* "Ow..." yosano: -_-; Dazai: "How did she kick that hard..." ranpo: you musta really made her mad, dude. Dazai: "Well, how do I apologize?" -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "..." *staring at the photo frame on his desk* eckleburg: sir? Fitzgerald: "Hmm? Eckleburg, you say something?" *sets the photo down* eckleburg: ... ^^; nothing, sir. *exits* Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form--bumps into Eckleburg as he exits* "???" eckleburg: hmm? oh, hello toby. *picks him up* Mr. Tsubaki: =_= *sniffs his face* eckleburg: ?? Mr. Tsubaki: *lick* eckleburg: ^^; Mr. Tsubaki: *spots Louisa, leaps down towards her* louisa: oh! Mr. Tsubaki: *wags his tail, sits down* owo louisa: are you hungry, toby? Mr. Tsubaki: *stomach growl* -elsewhere- Todoroki: *carrying groceries--and gets a reporter flashing a light with a photograph in his face* "Gah!" anne terveau: yes, hello, mr todoroki, care for an interview? Todoroki: "No." *keeps walking* anne terveau: D8 Todoroki: "...Why do you _want_ to interview me?" anne terveau: after your astounding match the other day, are you looking forwards to the next round? Todoroki: "..." *sighs* ("What a hero has to do...") "I look forward to showing my abilities, including how I measure up against my classmates." anne terveau: we also noticed you used your fire abilities the other day. is that part of a quirk, or is it a flame being genetic? Todoroki: "...It is my Quirk." anne terveau: hmm, i see. your father was tazered by security after getting to close to the arena during the match, how do you feel about that? Todoroki: "...I am sure security and my father will ascertain whether such action was warranted." anne terveau: hmm. -elsewhere- Yumi: "??? May I help you?" aya: delivery to city council, ma'am! ^^ Yumi: *looks at the return address* " 'Armed Detective Agency'?" aya: *salutes* yes, ma'am! ^^ Yumi: "...The one with a certain individual who asks women to commit suicide pacts with him?" aya: mr dazai? Yumi: *eyeglasses glint* "That's the one...Can you send a message to him?" aya: sure thing! Yumi: *writes out a note, folds it, hands it to her* "Thank you." *smiles gently* aya: you got it! *walks off* Yumi: *smiles as she walks off* "...He's going to shit bricks when he reads that." -elsewhere- FD: "..." *taps the table* -the thieving magpie plays over the radio- FD: *closes his eyes, listens* -outside the door- zoey: *leaning against the door* ahh...i bet that stringy bitch is getting all up close and personal with master fyodor...ahhh it pisses me off so muuuuch... Ivan: owo <I have finished dusting.> FD: *yawns* "Hmm?" <Oh, good.> Ivan: <Anything else, my master?> FD: "..." *tracing his finger along the table* <I should be coding...> zoey: ahhhh..i wish i knew what they were saying right now.....*mutter mutter* pushkin: ._.; <that nurse freaks me out.> katya: <no kidding.> Ivan: owo;;; <I-I could help you--> FD: <Alphabetize my...> *yawn* <...books. By author.> Ivan: <Yes, master!> zoey: haaa...i want to be next to him....i want to be at his feet....i want him to step all over my back <3 pushkin: ._____.;;;;; *backing away* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *looking at the corpse* "...Horrible." hirotsu: well, we did manage to get information out of them. Chuuya: "Oh? About whom?" hirotsu: *handing him notes* Chuuya: "...Anything on the Rats?" hirotsu: sadly, no. just recent drug and weapon deals scheduled for the next months. Chuuya: "Anything we can sell?" -elsewhere- Kunikida: "Aya? Any reply from the office?" aya: yep. the lady there had something for mr dazai. Dazai: owo "Oh? Maybe it's an offer..." *takes the note, opens it...and all color fades out of his face...and body...* o______________o Kunikida: "..." *small smile* atsushi: ??? *looooks* *There seem to be very graphic descriptions of bodily harm* Dazai: Q_____Q "...I don't want to die just yet." atsushi: .______________________________________.;;;;;;;;;;; meep Kunikida: *takes the letter from Dazai's hands, folds it* "I think I'll frame this." Dazai: "Don't give it to Yosano...It'll give her ideas." *passes out* -elsewhere- Wes: "Feeling okay?" liz: i guess... Wes: "...Worried about Kid?" liz: hard not to be... Wes: "...You had been talking with him about a vacation. I think now may be a good time for it." liz: where to? Wes: "Well, maybe somewhere new? Ever try India? Or Egypt?" liz:....*excalibur face* Wes: "..." *realization* "Oh. Right. Sorry." ^^; "Um...Australia?" -elsewhere- Tanizaki: "Yo, doc--your package arrived." yosano: nice! Tanizaki: "More clothes? Instruments of destruction? Medicine?" yosano: you'll see~ Tanizaki: ._____. *backs away slowly* -elsewhere- juria: *chewing gum* Commander Arg: "Doing well?" juria: yeah yeah. selim:....hehehe.... Arg: "??? Is there something amusing?" -elsewhere- vivian: *humming* Kishiri: "Guess who?" vivian: torry~!<3 *huuuug* Kishiri: ^\\\^ "How's it going, babe?" *pat pat* vivian: better now~<3 Kishiri: "Glad to hear...What you been working on?" *cheek smooch* -elsewhere- Tokoyami: "Momo? Hello." momo: hmm? oh, hey tokoyami, what's up? Tokoyami: *waves* "I was on my way to the hospital." momo: i see... Tokoyami: "Are you running errands?" -elsewhere- Izuku: *staring at his dinner* nurse: how are you feeling? Izuku: "As best as can be expected." ^^; "My arm still hurts..." nurse: well, do try to eat up, rebuild your strength. Izuku: "I will. Thanks!" *takes up the fork, takes a bite of food* nurse: *exits* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *staring into her empty wallet* TT_TT "I think we're even now..." kim: ^^ ~<3 Jacqueline: TT\\\\TT *sigh* "Well, that takes care of dinner." *gets out of her chair* -the phone rings- Jacqueline: "???" *answers* "Hello?" EF: hey jackie, a letter came for you at the dorms. Jacqueline: "Oh! Sorry about that--I guess change of address didn't work. Was it junk mail or something I should pick up?" EF: it's addressed from France. Jacqueline: "...Oh." *quieter* "Okay...I can come over tomorrow." kim: ?? jackie? Jacqueline: *hangs up* "...I think I'll...lie down or..." *rubs her hands, shaking* kim: jackie? what's wrong?! Jacqueline: *shakes her head, covers her face* kim: .....? Jacqueline: M-My parents..." kim: .........*holding her* Jacqueline: *shaking, crying* "I-I don't want to see..." kim: it's ok....im right here... Jacqueline: *holds onto her, shivering* "L-Letter to pick up..." *shakes her head* kim: we can throw it out. Jacqueline: "...I can't...What if it had bad news or..." kim:..... Jacqueline: *shakes her head* "Tomorrow. Not today. Can't..." *hyperventilating* kim: breathe jackie, breathe. Jacqueline: *trying to steady her breath...falling limp* kim:....*carrying her to bed* Jacqueline: "Zzz..." *still breathing heavily* kim:.....*making a phone call* Free: "Yo." kim: hey, could you come over and look after jackie for a while? Free: "Sure thing. Something wrong?" -she explains what happened- Free: "Oh, dude...On my way..." kim: thanks. Free: "No prob. Should I bring anyone?" -later- Jacqueline: "Zzzz..." Free: "...She looks exhausted." kim: im back. *she has the letter* Free: "??? ..." *sniffs* kim: ?? Free: "The envelop smells...flowery?" kim: .........*opens it* Free: "!!!" *whispers* "The heck you doing?! You want to go to jail?!!" kim: i dont think you can go to prison for opening someone's mail. -_-; Free: "Oooooh, I've seen things...And what's so important about that letter?" kim: .....it's from jackie's parents......from what she's told me...they're not exactly...the nicest people. Free: "...Is it bad news?" kim:.......... -they want her to come home asap- Free: "Like, something that she has to respond to now?" kim:....i dont know...i have a bad feeling.... Free: *not looking at the letter* "...You going to tell her?" kim: .... -elsewhere- Kid: "..." stocking: *holding him* Kid: *rests his head against hers* "..." stocking: im here, kid.... (thinking: i want to get you out of this funk...but i dont know how to make it go away.....all i can do for you right now is be here...) Kid: *nods* "Thank you...I appreciate it..." *holding onto her* stocking: ...... Kid: "...Just..." *yawn* "Let me..." stocking: get some sleep, hun. Kid: "Okay...Love you..." stocking: i love you too, dont ever doubt that, ok? Kid: "...I won't. Thank you..." stocking:.....please....get better soon.... Kid: "Zzz..." -morning- rowena: =~=;;; *sick in bed* Anya: "I have your soup ready..." rowena: t-thank you. lenore: ... Anya: "...Your doctor said to get rest and water, yes?" *sets out a bowl of water and a cloth* rowena: *she nods* Anya: "...Do you want the soup now?" *spoons out some of it* rowena: yes. Anya: *holds a hand under the spoon, bringing it to Rowena's lips* rowena *sip* thank you. Anya: ^^ "I made it myself...It's full of broth to help your throat and fill you up." rowena: i appreciate that. Anya: "You're welcome. Would you like the cloth?" rowena: *nod* Anya: *soaks the cloth, wrings it to remove water, and sets it on Rowena's forehead* "Is this okay?" rowena: yes, thank you. Anya: *smiles* "More soup? Or maybe some rest?" rowena: good idea. Anya: *tucks her in* "...Feel better." ef: *from downstairs* sir! please calm down- ???: "ROWEEEEEEENA!!!" Anya: "?!!!" *walks to the door--* *The door slams open--smashing Anya into the wall* rowena: ._.; um...brother...you squished my friend. Poe: "Rowena!" *fidgeting, looking at her* "I-I came as soon as I could! I brought you books! And medicine! And--And--" ._. "...What squish who when?" Anya: "...Yngling..." Poe: "???" Anya: "CHOP!" *BOOM* rowena: D8 lenore:...ouch. karl: O.O;;; Poe: *Josephine the Tanuki has now crushed his spine* @_____@ "...Ouchie." -one yosano visit later- Poe: "Is-Is she okay?" *shivering, wrapping a blanket around himself...* tsugumi: i think so. Poe: "G-Good...Thank you for taking care of my sister." Anya: *turns up her nose* ao: it's not a problem at all, sir. if it were my sister, i'd want to make sure she's alright as well. Poe: *nod nod* "I-I just want her to be safe..." Meme: *pokes Anya* "Don't you owe him an apology?" Anya: *glares* "My face hurts, you rude lanky man." Poe: D8> tsugumi: anya! >3< Anya: >\\\\< "I-I'm so-so-sorry..." Poe: Q_____Q "A-Apology accepted...Sorry." *covers his head in the blanket* ao: now that wasnt too hard, was...it? tsugumi:....sir? are you ok? Anya: "It was one of the most painful experiences I have ever had." >3< Poe: "I-I'm not used to being stared at..." *gets on his hands and knees* "THANK YOU FOR TAKING CARE OF MY SISTER!" Meme: ._. karl:...*pap pap* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "...I'm back." sonia: *hug* Chuuya: *hug* "How are you, Sonia?" sonia: good. Chuuya: "I'm glad." *looks up* "Thanks for watching her." mafioso: any time, boss. i have a few siblings back home i look after, so im pretty good with kids. Chuuya: "..." *looks at Sonia* "Is he telling the truth about that?" sonia: *nod* he was really nice. *small smile* Chuuya: *smiles* "Well, say thank you to him." sonia: thank you. mafioso: *smiles and exits* Chuuya: "So, hungry?" sonia: *nods* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "Aya, your milk." aya: awesome! *siiiip* ah. Kunikida: *nods* "Drink up, and you'll have strong bones." *sips his chocolate milk--leaving a milk mustache* aya: hehe. Kunikida: "???" aya: milk-stashe Kunikida: "?!" *wipes with a napkin* "D-Darn it..." -elsewhere- Ivan: *collapsed* leo: D8> *helping him up* zoey: *laughing* Ivan: "M-My head..." leo: <it's alright, vanya, im getting you to bed...> Ivan: <And medicine...> leo: <of course.> Ivan: Q_Q <It hurts...> leo: ..... Ivan: <My head...heart...Need rest...> leo:....<of course> (thinking: vanya.....) Ivan: "...Zzz..." leo:.....*softly strokes his face* Ivan: =w= <Master...> leo: *heart cracks*.................. Ivan: *cuddles* leo: o////////////////////////////////////////////o Ivan: <Your chest is so comfy...> leo:...........*FAINTS* Ivan: "Zzz..." leo: X///////////////////X Ivan: =w= "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *brewing tea* Mr. Tsubaki: *resting in bed* bram: *shivering* c-cold... Fitzgerald: "??? Maybe a warm cookie?" bram: i suppose- *coughing up blood* Fitzgerald: "...And a blanket. And orange juice." Mr. Tsubaki: "???" *grabs a napkin, holds it up to Bram* bram: *accepts it* thank you, toby. Mr. Tsubaki: ^W^ Fitzgerald: "How did he get that as a name?" -elsewhere- Victor: *drops marshmallows into hot chocolate* "Here you go!" nozomi: thank you. ^^ Victor: "You're welcome. Sorry I've been behind on work--whole lot going on before the trip..." *moves some dirt samples off his work station* nozomi: mm Victor: "How are you feeling?" nozomi: nervous. Victor: "...You ever scared of the dark when you were a kid?" nozomi: sometimes, but my father always let me have a nightlight so i wouldnt feel scared Victor: *nods* "I guess...that'll be useful for those with fire abilities." ^^; "Wish I had that..." karin: oh~? ^^# Victor: owo;;;; "N-Not like wh-what those weirdos have done with the bugs--I just meant, you know, light up or something? May-Maybe like a Quirk or something? Ha ha ha ha--" *inching away* karin: is that right~? ^^# nozomi: o.o ??? Victor: *now on the other side of the room* "Uh-huh." *nods* owo; -elsewhere- Yohei: *shirt is burnt, hair blown back, soot in his face* ._. Shotaro: "..." *hands him a towel* *GOOD DEED* Yohei: "Thanks...Stupid program blew up my computer..." mono: yeah, i can see that. Emine: "This bad luck usually happens to you, tiny girl." mono: >3< i didnt ask you, m'n'm's! Emine: "I don't wait to be called to speak, flat-chest. And M&M's are delicious. I am bitter." mono: shut up! >n< Emine: *staaaaaaaare* mono:.....what?! Shotaro: ^^; "Okay, let's get you out of here, buddy--for ice cream!" *pushes Emine out of the room* mono: 7n7 *grumble grumble* Yohei: "...Why don't you get ice cream, too, Mono. After Emine is back in his room..." nea: i'm driving~ <3 Shotaro: "Woot!" Emine: "...Shotgun." mono: =_= -elsewhere- Todoroki: "...Sister?" fuyumi: hmm? what's up? Todoroki: "...There are only a few rounds of the competition...I'm...trying to think...How do you apologize to the person you put in a hospital?" ._.; fuyumi: i dont know. maybe just be up front about it? Todoroki: *nods* "It's worth a try. I know Midoriya likes goofy superhero memorabilia..." *holds up an All Might Pez dispenser* fuyumi: !!... *small chuckle* Todoroki: *small smile* "Thank you." *picks up the plates* "I'll wash." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *shivering* "Why's it so cold in here?" *he's not wearing a shirt* maki:.... >->;;;; shinra: *COUGHING* Takehisa: -_-; Relan: .\\\. Akitaru: "...Vulcan, it's fall. Put on a shirt." Vulcan: "??? I work better without--" Akitaru: "Put on. A shirt." tamaki: it's distracting. Arthur: -_____-# Vulcan: "..." >_> "Fine..." *grabs one from his chair, puts it on* "Damn body-shaming..." iris: im sure the commander just doesnt want you to freez-.... .................................. ._.; tamaki: D8 !!!! Vulcan: "???" Arthur: .___. "..." *offers a sweater to Tamaki* tamaki:.......thanks...... Arthur: ^^; Akitaru: "...Maybe we can have more hot chocolate--" Victor: *in the hallway, away from everyone, shouting* "Good idea!" -elsewhere- Medusa: -_-# "...We couldn't afford a hotel room for each of us?" shaula: would ya rather room with hairless? Medusa: "...This is preferable." *shudders* -elsewhere- Dazai: *sipping his tea* -w- "This is better...Away from...that." kirako: ^^ Dazai: *shudders* "...New haircut? Looks good." kirako: ^^; i just put my hair up, that's all. Dazai: ^^ "Good look." *adjusts the blanket* "Chilly." kirako: yeah.... *gets the wine out* well, here's to the weekend. Dazai: "Cheers." ^^ *sips* -elsewhere- Lucy: "How was your day?" atsushi: it went pretty well. you? Lucy: *shrugs* "Could use better tips at work. Oh, and a customer tried to touch me--" atsushi: !!! did you beat him up? Lucy: -_-;;; "...I didn't hurt him _that_ badly..." -elsewhere- zoey: *giving fyodor his anemia medication* FD: "Thank you..." zoey: of course, master...<3 FD: "..." *lies down* zoey: *crawling into bed next to him* FD: "..." *puts an arm around her* zoey: ah~<3 FD: "Have you finished all I assigned you?" zoey: *she nods* FD: *leans to her ear* "You sure..." zoey: *shudders* FD: *smiles, kisses behind her ear* zoey: *soft moan* FD: *kisses down to her neck...his hand rests on her hip* zoey: ah~n FD: "What do you want..." *crawls on top of her* zoey: i-ah....i want to be at your mercy <3 FD: "..." *slams his mouth against hers* zoey: mmn~<3 FD: *pins her wrists down, licking down from her lips to her chin* -elsewhere- Poe: "R-Rowena is recovering..." Q__Q lana: that's good to hear. ranpo: dude, it's just a cold, it's not like she's got something bad- *CHOP* lana: behave. ranpo: >3< Poe: Q_______Q "...I just want her to be safe..." *rubs his head* "Ow..." lana: *hug* i know. Poe: -\\\- *hug* ranpo: do you two need a moment? Poe: o\\\\\o lana: o/////o; ranpo:....what? if you two want to like, make out or something, i can go. it's called common courtesy, jeez. Poe: "...Well, that's too much for me. Good night." *lets go of Lana--and falls back onto the fainting couch* lana: .... ^^;; Poe: "Zzz..." lana:... *small kiss on his forehead* Poe: =w= -elsewhere- Anya: *lying in bed...staring up at the ceiling* "..." tsugumi: you in, anya? Anya: "Hmm? Yes. Come in..." tsugumi: *enters* how you doing? Anya: "Oh, you know...Just thinking. How is Rowena?" tsugumi: she's napping. Anya: "...That's good." -\\\- "Will you be getting some sleep?" -elsewhere- Black Star: *snoring* tsubaki:.... *puts blanket over him* Black Star: =w= -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Zzz..." {Chuuya: >_< "Stupid pain in the ass..." *mutter mutter* } {kouyou: is something bothering you?} {Chuuya: "...Dazai made fun of my height. Again."} {kouyou: *pats his head* you're still a growing boy, chuuya.} {Chuuya: TT_TT *sniff* "What if I don't get any taller than this?"} {kouyou: well, you'll just have to keep drinking milk, i guess. ^^} {Chuuya: Q___Q "..." *opens the fridge, grabs the entire carton of milk*} Chuuya: *wakes up with a start* ._. "..." *gets out of bed, opens the fridge door* mito: *mew* Chuuya: "???" *pours himself a glass of milk, pours some into Mito's bowl* mito: *mlem mlem mlem* Chuuya: *smiles...sips his milk* -elsewhere- {???: "Shinra..."} shinra: ??? Relan: *yawns, shifts in bed* "Zzz..." shinra:.... *tucks him in and goes to the bathroom to wash his face* Relan: =w= *Something...appears in the corner of Shinra's eye* shinra: ??!! *turns* *Nothing is there...but is that...ash on the floor?* shinra: ??? *examines* *The 'ash' blows around his face* shinra: ack! *falls back* *The ash is gone...everything is quiet* shinra:... ._.;;;; *Knock knock* shinra: yes? Arthur: "You done in there?" shinra: um. yeah. *exits* ._.; Arthur: *sniffs* "...You smoking in here?" shinra: -_-; i dont smoke....i thought i saw something but......ugh, maybe im just tired... Arthur: "Mm...Well, get more sleep. Maybe that'll clear things up." *scratches under his arm* shinra:...right....good night.... Arthur: "Night..." *shuts the door, turns on the sink faucet* -elsewhere- Shotaro: "That was some good ice cream!" Emine: "..." -\\\- "It was fine." mono: =n=; Assi: "??? Mono?" mono: gyu-! O-O !! Assi: "Eeep!" *steps back* mono: did you follow me here?! Assi: "N-No! I-I was...um...Looking for Zuno. He gets lost easily." Zuno: *waves* "Hello! I'm Zuno." mono: yeah, i know that. -_-; Zuno: "???" Assi: "So, um...Which ice cream did you get?" -elsewhere- Spirit: "Zzz..." sachiko: zzzz Spirit: *hug* sachiko:....*small smile* {sachiko: *on a plane with a younger izumi} {izumi: mom.....is dad gonna find us?} {sachiko:...it's ok sweetie. we're going to a safe place} sachiko: ....*hug* -morning- Kid: *yawn* stocking: mmn...kid? Kid: "..." *small smile* "Hi." stocking: how're you feeling? Kid: "Better...thanks to you." stocking: *smiles* Kid: *sits up* "...Want breakfast?" stocking: sure. Kid: *gets out of bed--and his knees wobble* stocking: easy...*holding him up* Kid: ^\\\^ "S-Sorry..." stocking:.....kid.. Kid: "I'm fine. Really." *smiling...with tears in his eyes* stocking:....*holding him* Kid: "..." *cries* stocking:...come on, lets get you back to bed. you're obviously not ok... Kid: *shudders, lies down* stocking: .... Kid: *shaking* stocking: im here kid.... Kid: *nods, hugs her* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "...That's what the letter said?" kim:...*she nods* Jacqueline: "...Damn it." kim: if you dont want to go, you dont have to. Jacqueline: "...I have to..." kim:...then im going with you. Jacqueline: "But your job--" kim: right now, you need me with you. Jacqueline: "...I-I don't know how to explain that to my parents." kim: hey. *puts a hand on her shoulder* you're gonna be ok... Jacqueline: "..." *sniff* TT_TT -elsewhere- Giriko: "Hey, little one..." anna: hehe! ^o^ Giriko: *smiles, picks her up carefully* "Happy to see me?" anna: ^u^ Giriko: *hugs her* "Daddy's happy to see you, everyday." arachne: ^^ Giriko: *sits in the rocking chair, rocks with Anna* anna: =w= Giriko: *hums lightly...* anna: zzzz Giriko: "...Zzzz..." -elsewhere- Kyoka: "..." *hug* kirako: oh? Kyoka: "...I think your face looked like someone needing a hug. At least, that's what I'm trying to figure out." kirako: oh, well thanks. ^^; Kyoka: *pat pat, steps back* "...How long have you had glasses?" -the next day- Jacqueline: *staring at airplane web site* "..." eruka: are you sure about this? Jacqueline: *nods* "I can't put it off...It'll get harder." eruka: ....scared they wont accept you? Jacqueline: *gulps* "Y-Yes..." eruka:....did you want to ask a teacher to go with you? Jacqueline: *groans* "Like any would..." eruka: im sure there's someone right? Jacqueline: *shrugs* "Kim? Anyone you can recommend?" kim: how about spirit? Jacqueline: "...That could work...Could you ask him?" kim: *nods* he helped me with my family trouble, im sure he could help you with yours. Jacqueline: "Okay...If he's willing, I'll get him a ticket..." -elsewhere- Kid: "..." *sips ginger ale* lord death: nygus said she'd be here at noon to do an evaluation. Kid: *nods* "I'll be ready. Thank you." -elsewhere- Relan: "...Any better sleep?" shinra: i dunno... Relan: "..." *pats his back* shinra:....*smiles* thanks, rel. Relan: *small smile* "Go take a shower. I'll make you some breakfast." shinra: *nods* iris: *smiles and hugs them both* Relan: ^\\\^ "I-Iris? What do you like in pancakes?" -elsewhere- Shinoda: *caressing an apple* "Who's a cutie? You are! Yes, you are..." nea: *trying not to laugh* Motojiro: -_-;;; "Some people at the grocery are just awful." *looks at a lemon* "Isn't that right, sweetie?" miura:.... -___-; -elsewhere- Spirit: "...And Jackie's that worried?" kim: *she nods* Spirit: "...Let me talk to Sachiko, but I think I'll be able to go." kim: ok. Spirit: "...Has Jackie ever reacted this way before about her parents?" kim:....yeah. Spirit: *sighs* "Yeah, I think you had the right idea." kim: so you'll help us out? Spirit: "I don't see Sachiko saying no--but you know how it is with her job and a kid..." kim: well, she's handled well for as long as she has, right? Spirit: "True...Heh. Too bad a trip to France isn't in the cards for her right now." -elsewhere- Dazai: *looking around* "..." *crosses the street--* -a car stops just in front of him- yumikage: DUDE! WATCH IT!! D8< Dazai: "?!!! I had the right of way!" yumikage: on green light?! Dazai: "I'm walking here! You should've paid attention!" *wiggles* "My fragile bones could've been broken by your giant motor vehicle, crushing me to death...How would that look for your car insurance rates?" yumikage: i was! you could have died, idiot! D8< Dazai: "You are the idiot! And I am walking away from this before I have my lawyer sue you!" *rubs his neck* "Oh, dear--I think I feel pain in my shoulder..." yumikage: *vein pop* grk- you're almost as bad as tsurugi! tsurugi: *pokes his head out from the back* myyeeeeeeess~? <3 Dazai: owo;;; "...Weirdos." -elsewhere- sonia: ?? papa, who's that cowboy man? Chuuya: "??? What cowboy man? The one with--...Is he playing with a doll?" sonia: *she nods* jeje: *in snake form*.... ?? Mikuni: "Abel, look at the tiny little girl!" *waves Abel's hand at Sonia* Chuuya: ._.;; "...Stay behind me, Sonia...We got weirdos here." sonia: *clinging to chuuya's leg* >~< Mikuni: owo; "...Why are they weirded out by me? I'm just a grown man with dolls and a snake--" sonia: o.o Chuuya: "You're not helping your case, creeper. And if you get any closer, I'm going to stick you to the ceiling." Mikuni: -_-; "...Really, shorty--" Chuuya: >_<# sonia: *staaaare* Chuuya: "...Sonia...Stay behind me..." *removes his glove* Mikuni: "...Jeje, get ready..." sonia: *clinging to him, scared* Chuuya: "It'll be okay. I'll--" kouyou: is something wrong~? ^^ Chuuya: owo;;; "F-Fine." ^^;;; Mikuni: "??? Who's the older lady?" kouyou: im his mama ^^ Chuuya: ._. Mikuni: "...Huh. You look good for your age." kouyou: hmhm, why thank you, young man~ ^^ sonia: hiya gramma. kouyou: *smiles* hi, sweetie~ Mikuni: ^^ "You're son's a bit rude, though. I had this doll, and he started making fun of me for it and my snake." kouyou: oh? Chuuya: ._.; "Look at the guy! He's a creeper!" Mikuni: *gasp* "Sir! I am offended." kouyou: i do apologize, my little chuuya can get a bit rowdy. ^^ Chuuya: -_-;;; Mikuni: "Well, apology accepted. And hey, if you ever need some antiques, feel free to stop by my shop." sonia: .... *still hiding under chuuya's coat* Chuuya: *pats her* "It's okay..." -elsewhere- Todoroki: *looking at the leaves in the park* ochako: hey todoroki! Todoroki: "Oh. Hey, Ochako." ochako: how's it going? ^^ i got some baked potatoes! Todoroki: "...I...was looking at the trees...Baked potato?" ochako: *she nods* there's a stand selling them by the north entrance to the park. Todoroki: "Oh. ...Looks delicious." ochako: want one? *she hands him a second one* Todoroki: "...Thank you." *takes it* "...Want to sit down?" ochako: sure. Todoroki: *sits* "..." *nom* "...Maybe some butter..." ochako: im sure they have them at the stand. Todoroki: "I'll get some. Want anything?" -elsewhere- Yohei: *sets a photo on his work desk* -it's of him, chie, and toru- Yohei: *smiles, opens his email* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "Ranpo, open a window..." ranpo: *watching funny videos on the computer* uuuugh. *rolls his chair over and opens it* Kunikida: "Thank you." *waves a fan* "Wonder why it's so stuffy in here..." naomi: and in november too... Kunikida: "..." *sniffs* "...Is that something...burning?!" ranpo: oh sweet! the popcorn's done! Kunikida: "IT'S PROBABLY OVERDONE!" *throws open the door* -elsewhere- Vulcan: *lying in the backyard, looking up at the clouds* nayumi: arent ya cold out here? Vulcan: "Dad always said I was hot-blooded..." nayumi: ^^; Vulcan: "Was just looking at how the clouds look like animals...That one's an Alopochen mauritianus." nayumi: o....k? ^^; Vulcan: "...It's a goose. Extinct." nayumi: oh. Vulcan: *points* "What does that one look like?" -elsewhere- Spirit: "--and that's the problem." sachiko: i see. well, if it's your duty as a teacher, you should go. Spirit: ^^; "To a former student...Will you be okay?" sachiko: of course. we managed this long, right? Spirit: "Right...I'll be back, as soon as I can." sachiko: i know you will. Spirit: "..." *hug* sachiko: *hug* Spirit: "I'll call every day...I mean, the time zones will be confusing..." -elsewhere Kuro: *pawing at a laser light* "...I can't stop myself." mahiru: ^^; Kuro: *leaps at the laser beam* "...This is humiliating." *bats at a catnip toy* -elsewhere- Izuku: *shifts in bed--and groans* "Ow..." nurse: mr midoriya? Izuku: "Ow...My arm still hurts..." nurse: do be careful Izuku: "R-Right..." *looks at his arm...and out the window* -looks cloudy out- Izuku: *sighs* ("Not a lot of sun...") nurse: i'll go bring you lunch now. Izuku: ^^ "Thanks." -elsewhere- Chuuya: -\\\\- kouyou: well, that was quite eventful. sonia: *eating her crepe* Chuuya: "No kidding...What is with this town?" kouyou: even after living here for so long, it's still full of surprises, ufufu~ Chuuya: "One way of putting it..." *angry nom* sonia:...he reminded me of the mackerel...how gross...*nom nom* Chuuya: *crying tears of joy as he pats Sonia's head* sonia: ^^ Chuuya: *wipes his tears* "Now, Kouyou...Um...Any business to discuss?" -elsewhere- Anya: "How are you feeling?" rowena: a little better now. Anya: "That's good...You had us worried." rowena: ^^; i can see Anya: "???" *she looks a bit exhausted* rowena:...are you alright? Anya: "Fine..." *yawn* "Just tired, I guess..." rowena: i see. Anya: *sits back in the chair* "...I could get you more water..." rowena: thank you. Anya: "Zzz..." rowena: ?? Anya: "Zzz..." *small mutter* -elsewhere- Ivan: =____= *yawn* leo: *folding laundry* Ivan: <Oh, hey there. Finishing laundry?> leo: <yes.> Ivan: <Want some help?> *looks in the basket* leo: .///. <i-if you wish...> Ivan: <Maybe I can fold Master's unmentionables...> =\\\w\\\= leo: <vanya!> o///////o;;; Ivan: <???? What? Is it wrong to tend to his every need?> leo: !!... 7////7; <w-well...not necessarily, but...> Ivan: *reaches into the basket--grabs some items* -elsewhere- Bakugo: "Just got to aim...and it's inevitable." mina: what is? denki: i think he's talkin' to himself again Bakugo: *his hands are sparking as he faces the targets* "The blast...does not stop despite whatever is in ITS PATH!" *he sends a blast at the targets* mina: .... ._.; eijiro: woot! you baku-go! Bakugo: "...Um...Okay. That pun was corny..." -elsewhere- Poe: *groans* karl: o^o~? Poe: "I feel like I ran a marathon..." karl: *pap pap* Poe: TT_TT "Maybe a bath will help..." karl: *nod* Poe: *opens the bathroom door, turns on the hot water* lana: *humming* Poe: *unbuttoning his shirt* lana: ...... .///////////////.;;; Poe: .\\\\\\\\. "...H-How long w-were you--" lana: just passing by! ^///^; Poe: .\\\\. "I-I'll just close this, then..." lana:.... .//////. Poe: *shuts the door between him and Lana, alone in the bathroom with Karl* "...Oh!" *turns off the water in the tub* -elsewhere- Patty: "Is he feeling any better?" stocking:....*sigh* i think so. Kid: *eating his cereal* "..." lord death:....how ya feelin, kiddo? Kid: *nods* "I'm...eating?" lord death: ... Kid: "...I guess I'm getting better..." lord death: that's great! Kid: *small smile* -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *monitoring cameras* "All these angles?" eckleburg: *nods* mmhmm. Fitzgerald: "How many people have you _not_ recognized with this software?" eckleburg: very few. -elsewhere- yana: *checking cameras* FD: *looking over her* yana: ....hmm? <ya need somethin'?> FD: <Status report on your surveillance?> yana: <same as usual.> *sigh* <aaah, i hope something interesting happens soon> FD: <How about you make something interesting happen?> *holds up a spray paint can* yana:....*smirk* <where to tag, though....> FD: <Maybe somewhere a little close to home...> yana:...*grin* FD: <Let them ponder just where we are...and how close we can get.> -elsewhere- Gopher: *stare* kotone:....? Gopher: *picks up the fallen tree branch* "...I wonder what made this fall down." kotone: ??? Gopher: *looks up at the tree* "...It is pretty old, but it looked sturdy--" kotone:.... Gopher: "..." *pulls some of the leaves off, hands it to Kotone* kotone: oh? Gopher: Pretend it's like your own sword." ^w^ kotone: .....*swinging it* Gopher: "Yay! Just like that..." kotone:....brother, you're unarmed...you could....get hurt.... Gopher: "Um..." *holds out his hand, summoning some feathers into a shield* kotone: ah. kirika: oh, i see ya got yourself a new trick there. Gopher: owo; "I-I was keeping it a secret..." kotone: *looks up* kirika: *in the tree* yo. *jumps down* -nice landing!- Gopher: "..." *claps his hands--sending the feathers flying everywhere* kirika:...*ptooie*....thanks for that. -_-; Gopher: Q^Q "I-I'm so sorry..." *passes a hand over her hair to get a feather out* kirika: hey, no skin of my nose, right? Gopher: ^^ "I suppose not...What brings you here? Did you want to...see me?" kirika: just thought i'd get out of the house. kid's still pretty fucked up...maybe your teacher knows something? Gopher: "!!! R-Right this way..." kirika:.. ?? you alright? Gopher: "O-Of course! Jus-Just bringing you to him pretty you--PRETTY QUICKLY!" .\\\. kirika: dude, its obvious you have a crush on me. -3-; it's been obvious for, like, years now. Gopher: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. "..." *covers his face* "I-I should've known...You're so observant..." *keeps walking--into a tree* kotone: D8 kirika:...there's a tree there. Gopher: *muffled voice* "Thank...you..." *falls back, his face having left a Q^Q imprint on its bark* kirika: ....*soft chuckle and helps him up* come on. you're the tour guide here. (thinking: feels like so long since then....) {kirika: *parkouring roofs*.... ?? the fuck?} {???: *whimpering* "I-I'm sorry..."} {kirika: *looks over the edge* ?!} {*There is a small boy, his face bloody*} {???: "N-No more, s-sir--"} {*PUNCH to the gut*} {kirika: !!!!!} {Gopher: *coughs up blood*} {Noah: "Pathetic...You were never worthy..."} {kirika: HEY! what the fuck are you doing?!} {Noah: *looks up* "None of your concern, girl."} {Gopher: *can't see, his eye swollen shut*} {kirika: *jumps off onto a dumpster, then onto the ground* looks like your just beating up on some kid! tell ya what, why dont you fuck right off, and i wont have to break your fuckin kneecaps, sound good?} {Noah: "..." *throws Gopher over his shoulder--into the wall*} {Gopher: "UMPH!"} {kirika: !!! *takes a broken bottle and stabs at noah*} {Noah: *dodges--barely...there's something...tattered coming off of him...Did she hit his shirt?} {kirika: tch- that was a warning shot. you better just walk right off now before you regret it!} {Noah: "..." *smirks* "Child, you have no idea what you're going to get yourself into..." *picks up Gopher by his neck--and tosses him at her*} {kirika: grk-! why you-} {*He has already escaped*} {kirika:...fuckin...*getting up, looking at gopher* oi. he's gone. you can get up now, kid.} {Gopher: *whimpering, getting up...and vomits*} {kirika: !!! shit... he really fucked you up, huh?....anything broken? can you walk?} {Gopher: *holding a hand against the wall...nods*} {kirika:...beating up on some kid, honestly...this world's too fucked up sometimes...} {Gopher: "I deserved it."} {kirika: nyeh?} {Gopher: "I-I displeased my master..."} {kirika: .......i guess this isnt the first time you've had the ever loving fuck beaten right outta you, huh?} {Gopher: *shakes his head no*} {kirika:.... alright kid, im gonna need you to listen the fuck up here for a sec. if you keep hanging around people that treat you like dirt, you're gonna be miserable. but i dont think he's coming back for you.} {Gopher: "...He left me."} {kirika: big deal, you know what this means? it means you're free to go where you fucking please. you're still breathing right?} {Gopher: "..." *whimpers* "I have nowhere to go..."} {kirika: do you wanna die, kid?} {Gopher: *shakes his head no* "B-But I have no life..."} {kirika: *grabs him by the shirt* if you wanna die, then drop dead! but if you're too scared to die, THEN GO OUT THERE AND LIVE WITH EVERYTHING YOU FUCKING HAVE, GOT IT?!} {Gopher: Q^Q *nod nod nod nod* "O-Okay, ma'am--"} kirika:....heh. Gopher: "??? I-I did something amusing?" kirika: nyeh? nothin', just remembering something. kotone: we're here... Eibon: "Welcome back. And hello to our guest--!!! Child, are you okay?" Gopher: "Y-Yeah..." ^W^ *has leaves sticking out of his hair* eibon: *brushing them out* there you go, good as new. ^^ kirika: yo. you know what kid's deal is? eibon:....pardon? Gopher: "H-Her brother?" eibon: oh, i know who he is. i've spoken with him a few times before. kirika: yeah, he's been really fucked up the past few days... -she explains what has been going on- Gopher: "Oh dear..." eibon: my my, this is quite troubling. inori: ... Gopher: "...Maybe there is something else going on?" eibon: perhaps..... -a small mechanical bird flies in- eibon: ah, our scout has returned. kirika: ?? Gopher: "G-Good news?" eibon: perhaps. bird: *saying something in lunarian* eibon:...... !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gopher: "Wh-What?" eibon: no... no no no that cant be right.... kirika: seriously, what the fuck is going on? Gopher: "S-Sir?" eibon: i need to contact lord death right now. Gopher: *shudders* eibon: there's a caravan coming this way. the rogue witches, Ponera, Medusa Gorgon, Shaula Gorgon, and Milia Papillion....the sorcerer Grimoire.....and something that had escaped the book of enoch. kirika: what the fuck is it? Gopher: *covering his mouth* "Oh no..." eibon: a manifestation of madness that was born inside the book......which has taken the form of death's son..... kirika: what the fuck?! eibon:....and with it......pandora. -and so- lord death: have we contacted the sages? marie: we've only gotten to contact felisia and zubaidah. lord death: and we have eibon. im sure three will be able to handle it. Spirit: "Maybe not the best time for heading out of town..." nedzu: seems we will have to postpone the festival until this blows over. lord death: we'll need all possible hands on deck for this. Spirit: "Maybe call in some heroes, too." DWMA member: we're already making contact. Yumi: "Fire users...Other forces..." DWMA member 2: special ability users department is online! DWMA member 3: true cross has been contacted! Yumi: "...That won't be enough without coordination." lord death: eibon said they'd be here within a few days... Yumi: "Then we get our forces organized." *opens up a playbook* -elsewhere- Ponera: "..." grimoire: we should be there within two days. milia: i cant wait! that death scythe who killed mommy.....i wanna make him hurt. Ponera: "Good...It's getting monotonous in here..." Medusa: "Calm yourself, child..." shaula: you know, you could die in there. what's gonna happen to your brat? Medusa: "...Not leaving my _child_ with you, brat..." shaula: then what _is_ gonna happen to the kid? Medusa: "...I have plans." -elsewhere- Joker: "..." *sneers* scarlet: a citywide lockdown... Joker: "A new player on the field...I don't think that's going to stop me from getting around town to see what's up." ivy: and risk getting arrested? Joker: "Like they'll find me..." -elsewhere- mitsuba: so we're fighting witches now? hyakuya: seems it. Touma: "Witches have varied abilities, and their powerful souls can get in the way..." tsurugi: .... yumikage: .... Touma: "You'll be meeting some weapons who have had some experiences with witches." -elsewhere- sonia: papa, im scared. Chuuya: *hugs her* "It'll be okay..." sonia: are you gonna fight those bad people? Chuuya: "..." *smiles* "I have to protect people I love." sonia: promise you wont die? Chuuya: "..." *holds up his pinky* "Promise." sonia: *smiles and links her pinky with his* Chuuya: "And you'll be safe..." -elsewhere- Dazai: "...They paying?" ranpo: seems like it. yosano: it's all hands on deck. Kyoka: "..." *holds up her taser* aya: time to put my martial arts to the test! *fighting stance* Kunikida: -_-# "You are staying home, Aya." aya: but kunikiiiidaaaa =3= Kunikida: "You are a child, and these are threats that have killed adults with 10 times as much experience as you. You. Are. Staying. Home." aya:.....fiiine. 737 Dazai: "Jeez, a bit rough, huh?" Lucy: "..." atsushi: *fast breathing* odasaku: breathe in, kiddo. you got this. -elsewhere- twain: ooooh this is gonna be the hypest of shiiiit! oscar: oh dear. he's certainly excited. ebie: what's the plan, boss man? Steinbeck: "I'll be mission control with the plants. Twain will be air support." twain: YES! ebie: what do you want me and oscar to do? Steinbeck: "Surveillance. Get in close..." oscar: and me? Steinbeck: "Same--only you'll be in disguise." oscar: ohoho, sounds like fun <3 Steinbeck: "That's one way to put it...Just can't have causalities right now." oscar: pehaps once this blows over, we'll have to recruit more. Steinbeck: "Yes..." *sighs* "I miss Lovecraft." oscar: *pats his shoulder* i'm sure he's somewhere, hun. Steinbeck: "Yeah..." oscar: ^^.... ah! phone call. brb~<3 Steinbeck: "???" oscar: it's family~ *exits* steinbeck: right.....family..... *pulls out stationery* oscar: *walking to a secluded area*...............*answers phone* i take it you've seen the news then? ????: indeed. death city under lockdown. sounds quite serious. oscar: shall we proceed? ????: give it more time, dear. let us first allow the rats to take the cheese. ????? 2: ah~ im sure the city has a handsome gentleman for me there, aaaah~ i cant wait` ????? 3: yes. sister anne.... ???? 4: ....is becoming restless. ?????: in due time, ladies. in due time~ -elsewhere- Gin: *counting her blades* naoya: first that incident with Q, now this... Tachihara: *picking out his weapons* Motojiro: *setting down his bombs* Gin: "It never stops." hirotsu: *takes a long drag* war never changes. Tachihara: "...Are we the heroes now?" naoya: ..........we're just following orders, remember? higuchi:.... *loading her gun* Gin: "...If we're the heroes, then this city is in bigger trouble than we thought." -elsewhere-
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