#then he's hanging out by a lake waiting for his lunch
aashiyancha · 2 days
I decided to be insane and drew another comic page
Derek x MC Week Day 3: Pining
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And a little bonus (after successfully driving over and spiriting him away from football practice)
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cloudluvrrr · 4 months
boothill childhood sweetheart headcannons.
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a/n: A PROMISE IS A PROMISE 🤞🤞🤞 and I delivered 😍💪 srry ab being mia been busy playing splatoon. My bootyhill is almost MAXXED out yall 😛😛.Boothill gives me Adrianne Lenker vibes yk I can’t be the only one help anyways enjoy this 😛 long asf and I don’t believe in proof reading.
— Precyborg: Boothill x g/n reader
tw warning : fluff and sad ending bc we can’t have a happy one according to hoyoverse !! 💕
ingyadar - Adrianne Lenker
my kind of women - Mac de Marco
The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy - ARTMS
-I feel like you and Boothill would be childhood lovers yk? Like you two were close friends and ended up catching feelings (I would too) always hanging around each other and getting into trouble l together.
-because to me he grew up in a small town with a big family (I think of like those towns in cowboy movies 😭)
-especially in highschool, but not for long. I’d think Boothill dropped out during freshman year(?) to help with his dads but you continued your studies.
-when confronted about it he scoffed and said ‘don’t need no fancy algebra or biology.’ He’d say.
-he’d see you at school (during lunch) and you two would usually hang out after school. Or during festivals or parties.
You two would always sneak away to the lake when it would get boring, giggling and laughing along the way. This time it was during a town festival, everyone in town went so of course no one would notice if two highschools went missing.
So off you two went giggling as you stumbled behind him holding his hand (in a platonic way ofc). “Boothill wait up!” You’d giggle as you slid down the hill. “Hurry or the sheriff will get us!” He’d shout as he helped you up, and the two of you began to splash water on each other. Up until night and his dads caught him with you again
-things like that would often happen, anytime one was missing they’d always assume the other would tag along
-your families of course always shipped you two. And knew eventually you’d date (spoilers you do)
- he’d confess to you on a random summer afternoon. While you two sat on his bed in his room
— you two sat on his bed looking around nervously and awkwardly. It was never like this, Boothill would usually say something but he didn’t, he’s open his mouth but nothing came out. His mouth felt dry, unable to confess. But he mustered up the courage.
‘hey.. I, uh” he began before sighing “I really.. really REALLY like you” he finished with a red face as he looked you in the eyes. As you’d giggle nervously and soon turned into a good laugh. “I really like you too Boothill” you said softly kissing his cheek. As he nearly fainted and tackled you into a hug. ‘Finally’ he’d think to himself
- now that you two are dating nothing much has changed. Other than kisses and leaving the door open when you two hang out (his dads are concerned about him doing funny stuff to you)
-not a day went by that you wouldn’t be with him, at his house or yours.
-he liked pet names mostly using ‘baby’ or your name.
-he knew how to play guitar they taught him in school, but he learned it on his own and would often serenade to you.
-he’d love cuddling though, in his bed specifically. Yours is too crowed for his liking. (He has one pillow). And play a few records he managed to snag that were imported from a different planet
- the sun painted the sky a pink and orange hue, as your laid in boothills arms dozing off to the soft music in the background. As he whispered sweet nothings to you and some jokes that kept you up giggling. “Your cute you know” he chuckled kissing you temple as she squeezed you
-an example of how you’d spend your days, other than teasing and bullying each other 😜
-he was dirt poor. So often he’d ask you for money, which would end up in you hitting his head. But giving in as long as he got you something (most of the time it was burgers 😔)
— up until your graduated, he’d always say how he wanted to leave his dads and live alone with you. So secretly (somehow I don’t know) he’d built a small house with his buddies. ( I feel like you’d move until you were like 20 ig)
-so you’d pack up everything and moved in to the small Cabin. It was small a two small rooms and bathrooms with a big enough kitchen. Also including a farm (of fucking course). Housing his horse, two cows, and a chick coop. A barn dog and cat :3
-you lived comfortably and happily, you’d stay at home and he’s venture off to help others or sell your farm goods.
-he couldn’t propose, he barely had any savings left after buying your couch. So it often got postponed, you didn’t mind (your parents did)
-it was a winter night. Boothill was god knows where and you worked in the kitchen making a simple stew. As your pregnant house cat meowed for a piece of beef, you were scolding the cat as Boothill entered the home with a small bundle of blankets in his arms as he closed the door. “Your home.. what’s that?” You’d asked before he walked over showing you the small girl.
“WHOS KID DID YOU KIDNAP” you shouted, startling the little who began to fuss “you idiot I found her..!” He hissed “we don’t have anything for a baby boothill, you know that” you said sighing “I know.. but I couldn’t leave her out there! That’s how my dads found me ya know, aren’t you glad they didn’t leave me to die?” He asked huffing “..sometimes” you shrugged.
— there began your journey as parents, you’d sew dresses and onesies for her. As well as ask both of your parents for old baby things, Boothill had a rough time setting up basically everything
‘You can build a house but not a crib’
‘Shut up nerd’
You stood outside putting the laundry out to dry on the clothesline. And watched from the corner of your eye the little one and Boothill. As he sat in the shade holding her small guitar he’d made for her, as she sat in the middle and giggled at the kittens playing around her. She’d grown, about 8 months and beginning to walk.
“Da” she said pointing to a certain kitten “yup that’s a kitty” he chuckled watching her gently touch the fluffy ball of fur and giggled. Eventually waddling up to him and falling into his lap as she snuggled him and fell asleep. The sight tugging at your heart strings.
-most of your days were spent like that, her playing with the cats. Her waddling around the home or her touching her guitar Boothill made her.
- up until that fateful day, he’d planned to propose to you before he overheard the damn ipc officers joking about burning the town. He didn’t believe it until he saw it. Everything covered in flames, making sure to leave no survivors. And all he could do was watch as the tears fell from his eyes.
- after
he’d often lay in a run down hotel room, in his own head. Admiring the cheap ring he’d finally gotten you, and one you’d never get to wear. Fiddling with it with his metal fingers as he returned it to the small box.
‘I miss you baby’
_ 😜😜
STREAM ARTMS 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
THIA IS CHAOTIC BUT these r my thoughts
comment like and subscribe 😘😘
I’m not ready for Ruan mei & Argenti rerun 😔💔
my requests open 🤞 look at my pinned post for rules and who I write for 😈😈
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ursuburbanmother · 6 months
I’m On Fire, But I’m Trying Not to Show It || Chapter One
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Pairing: Angus Tully x fem!Reader
Summary: You and Angus have been best friends since you were little children. Now in high school the only thing that separates you is a lake between both your schools. Due to what was describe by your headmaster as "Unfortunate circumstances due to chance, and poor planning on our part," you are forced to stay at the Barton Academy for the holidays with the company of your best friend or maybe more.
a/n: hi guys! I’m new so try to be kind to me lol. Anyways this is probably not very good. It’s slow paced cause I wanted to establish their friendship. Not sure where this is going so if you have any suggestions let me know! Also not grammar or beta read so…
Word Count: 3k
Find: Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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December 17th, 1970
You hadn’t spoken to your parents in months. You figured they would call or write a letter or something. In October they wished you a speedy little, “Happy Halloween,” before hanging up. You could hear the loud party in the background. Always the socialites, they were probably eager to get back to enjoying themselves by downing flutes of champagne and appetizers. Now it was December, and you had not received a peep from either. When the holiday plans form was passed out to the girls of your boarding school at the end of November, you ignored it. Then the deadline came, and you hastily checked off the box that said, ‘Plan to stay on campus.’
Your parents hadn’t called to dispute it and now you’re stuck at mass, sitting in a pew, watching other happy families and their daughters anxiously waiting to leave. You wondered if there was still a way for you to get away. Your friend, really only friend, Angus Tully was headed to St. Kitts and with him gone, your only true escape was gone. If he knew you were stuck holding over, he would beg his parents to take you, but you knew it would be too much of an imposition, so you kept that fact secret.
Life had always seemed to throw you two together. Even at the age where cooties were still a very legitimate fear. Born in the same snobby Boston neighborhood you two were often the only kids at your parent's parties. You remember that humid night on the Fourth of July when you had met the lanky boy with a mess of brown curls. The fireworks had begun to go off and everyone wore white dresses and suits. You had become restless and started to wander the halls of your home aimlessly. Streamers of blue, red and white hung from the ceiling and servers walked around passing out sparklers.
You found him on the patio. He tugged, annoyed, at his tie. Your own dress was stifling in the heat and for a pair of seven-year-olds, you found the best solution to your ailment was to jump into the shallow end of the pool.
“I’ll do it, if you do it,” you had promised under the hum of cicadas and floating fireflies.
“Deal,” you shook hands.
The water was cold and clear. You swam around for a while, splashing each other and playing Marco Polo. It was at the same time your mother had decided to move the party outside so people could watch the lights in the sky a bit better. You two were pulled out of the pool and shook like wet dogs.
Livid, your parents fed you the line all parents wait to say to their troublesome child, “If your friend jumped off a bridge, would you?” You decided at that moment that yes, you would.
After that you two were inseparable. Because when you're a kid all you need is one single act of solidarity to devote your life to someone. Throughout elementary school you were practically fused to one another. You’d exclude people from your game of hopscotch and eat lunch in secret nooks. When you two were headed to high school your parents enrolled you in a posh all-girl boarding school and Angus to some prep school in another rural part of Massachusetts. Phone calls rang long. You remember the groans you would get from other girls who would give up trying to use the payphone. At some point you had run out of quarters and so to save money you had begun writing letters. Angus being Angus, he’d write as if he was off at war and the letters were the last things keeping him sane.
You knew he never enjoyed school but after he was kicked out from his first preparatory, then his second and third, you had turned into a scolding mother.
“What are you going to do now?”
“Die if I’m lucky, shave my head at Fork Union if not.”
“I want to go to college with you Angus. If not college then I at least want to be able to be an adult with you. One with a diploma so we can get easy jobs as regional salespeople or something,” you mumbled, twirling the phone cord around with your finger.
“You really thought this out,” he laughed.
“I’m serious, Augie.” You heard him sigh across the line.
“Okay. I’ll do better. No screw ups next time.”
When he was sent to Barton, your sister school, you couldn’t have been more excited. It was a short walk away; you could see it from across the lake that separated you. Your mom had been the one to call you about the change. She said his mother thought having him near you would make him less fussy. Something about you being the good influence he needs. You doubted that yet bit your tongue, knowing it would create more trouble than anything. Now it had been over a year and Angus had kept his word. When the opportunity arose for you to meet up, you would take it. Football games or talent shows, you were there. To anyone outside, it would have appeared as though you two just held a lot of school spirit. Like that beach boy's song.
“Be true to your school now,” you’d sing into Angus' ear.
He’d roll his eyes but always join in, “just like you would to your girl or guy.”
“Rah-rah-rah-rah sis boom bah! I love that part!” You’d giggle.
He’d try to hide his smile, but you could always tell. He’d put his arm around your shoulder and say, “Yeah okay.”
Once you were dismissed from mass you sighed and trudged all the way back through the snow to your dorm building. Having it so empty was eerie, you could hear your own footsteps echoing down the halls. You made your way into the common room to wait for Ms. Orchard.
She was meant to be your babysitter for the next few weeks. She was your Renaissance literature teacher. Ms. Orchard was nice but on the older side, which meant she was traditional. You often thought she would be better suited to be a Home Economics teacher if she was so invested in being ladylike.
You sat in the corner of the couch and opened a book. Minutes passed and it seemed obvious no one was coming to join you. Not even Mrs. Orchard. She probably broke a hip trying to make her way back in the snow.
“Ms. Orchard has broken a hip while walking in the snow,” the door suddenly bursts open hitting the side of the wall so hard it shakes the room.
“What?” Your mouth drops at the news. Shit, had you jinxed it?
Your Dean, Mr. Jameson says as he walks in, covered in snowflakes. “Yup. She slipped on ice on the way here. By the parking lot. Didn’t you hear the ambulance?”
“Uh… no?”
“Hmm,” he hummed, looking around the room, “where are the other girls?”
“I think it’s just me sir.”
“Ah, right. Well that makes this easier. You’ll be spending your Christmas break at Barton. Now, it’s awfully last minute so we hope they take you. Why don’t you go get your bag ready and-,”
“Hold on. Barton the boys' school?” You could almost gag at the idea. No offense to Angus, but you could remember the endless horror stories he would tell you of life in a boys' school. The air always smelled weird, and cleanliness was the least of their worries. “Isn’t there somebody to replace Ms. Orchard?”
“This place cleared out thirty minutes ago, Ms. L/n,” he said, “And I have a family to get back to.”
“But-, I just-, isn't there a rule against this or something?”
“I have no doubt that the teacher supervisor there will ensure you have a safe, jolly time Ms. L/n.”
“But I-,”
“That’s enough. I understand this is an unprecedented situation, but the only alternative would be to leave you here alone and that just is not going to happen. Please Ms. L/n, make this easy for everyone.” With his hand he motioned towards the door.
“Fine,” you gritted out. You got off the couch and went to your room. You half-heartedly crammed anything you could into your suitcase. Some shirts, sweaters and pants. You ran out of space and resorted to carrying your books in your hands along with your potted plant. You felt bad leaving your lavender to just sit and wilt, so you took her with you.
“I made a few calls. Everything should work out. You all settled then?” Mr. Jameson said once you had made your way back to the common room. Nodding with a tight-lipped smile you headed out. You two could have walked but apparently, he was in a hurry to catch a six o’clock flight and you ended up taking his car.
It was a short drive and with reluctance you made your way inside the school. “Come on. Put a pep in your step,” Mr. Jameson clapped.
He navigated you around. You had only been in the main building, never the dorms. Blindly you let him guide you until you found yourself in a room with four other boys and Angus. Angus who was supposed to be half-way to the airport by now. His sulky face shifted into one of shock. You took a step towards him only to be stopped by your dean's arm in front of you. The other guys were looking at you with mouths wide open. It was like their eyes were about to fall out of their sockets. You grumbled, not knowing what else to do.
Mr. Jameson took the lead, “Mr. Hunham? Correct?” He outstretched his hand for him to shake. Hesitantly the older man took it.
“What’s the meaning of this,” he pointed between Mr. Jameson and you.
“Unfortunate circumstances due to chance, and poor planning on our part. This is Ms. Y/n L/n. Come introduce yourself.”
“I’m Y/n L/n,” you shrugged, looking at Angus for guidance. In unison they all say hello.
“Can we speak in private,” Mr. Jameson asked.
“Alright,” Mr. Hunham says, “no funny business,” he gives a pointed look to the boys.
The two teachers leave, and you quickly move to Angus to encapsulate him in a quick hug.
“What the hell? What are you doing here?”
“Funny, I was going to ask the same thing.”
“What the hell Angus. You have a girlfriend?” A blonde boy with a red tie says as his eyes scan your figure. You shift uncomfortably at the action. “A smoking one too…”
“Shut it Kountze, you’re catching flies,” Angus scoffs.
The door creaks open as both gentlemen return from their brief chat. You and Angus move away from each other like you were caught doing something wrong.
“It seems we will be extending you an invitation to Ms. L/n,” Mr. Hunham says, “you okayed this with Woodrup?” He verifies again with Dean Jameson.
“Yes, it’s all settled. We at Janie Patrick’s School thank you. We owe you one,” he turns to you, “goodbye L/n, you’re in good hands.”
He was halfway through the door when Mr. Hunham cleared his throat obnoxiously loudly. “As I was saying, we will be following a standard school schedule.”
“Uh, sir? We’re on vacation.” Kountze points out.
“Which means we’ll be taking our meals together. And you will observe regular hours of study.”
“Are you kidding me?”
“The Peloponnesian War awaits, Mr. Kountze, you and Mr. Tully. The rest of you can get a jump on next semester. It’ll pay off. You’ll see.”
“We’re already holding over, and now we’re being punished for it?” Angus says bitterly and on fast reflex you rub his arm comfortingly. Mr. Hunham is just as fast to notice.
“Oh no, no, no. Do not tell me this is your girlfriend Mr. Tully.”
“Wh-what. No! We’re just friends.”
“Yeah, we were born on the same street!”
“I do not intend to break apart your romantic escapades all break long.”
“We. Are. Just. Friends,” Angus reaffirms, venom on his tongue. You could see the blush rising on his pale cheeks. You could feel your own as well.
“Mhm,” Hunham hums skeptically, his gaze lingers on you two for a second before glancing back at his clipboard, “Alright… You will be afforded limited windows for recreation and supervised physical activity.”
“The gyms are not even open yet.”
“Yeah, they only lacquered half the floor,” another boy points out, this one has long blonde hair that reaches his shoulders.
“Fresh air will do you good,” says Hunham.
“It’s like 15 degrees outside.”
“And the Romans bathed naked in the freezing Tiber. Adversity builds character Mr. Tully. Uh, speaking of which, the school will be cutting heat to dormitories and faculty housing and so we’ll all be bunking in the infirmary. With separate accommodations for Ms. L/n of course.”
They all groan. You're just upset. You had thought you would spend the next two weeks avoiding Ms. Orchard and lying to Angus about your whereabouts while he admiringly described the beaches of St. Kitts to you over postcards. Although you supposed it wasn’t all bad. You could spend more time with him, under the watchful glare of Angus' teacher of course.
Together you all get ready to haul your things to the infirmary before being stopped by Mr. Hunhams tsking in disapproval.
“You philistines are just going to let the lady carry her own things? I’m sorry to see Barton has failed in ingraining a sense of chivalry into you.”
“Oh no, it’s alright really, I can do it,” you protest but they all scramble to help you anyway. “Can I carry your suitcase Y/n?” Kountze says, in an odd way, that was meant to be suggestive.
“Okay Kountze, piss off,” Tully pushes him away, leaning down slightly to get your things, “let’s go.” He walks quickly out the door, leaving the rest of you to follow him.
As you are slapped in the face by the harsh winds you curse the idiots at your school who refused to let you wear pants. You were forced to put on double the tights and your warmest coat. It did not do anything to aid you and your shivering made that clear. It was like they wanted to torture you when the boys stopped halfway down the quad and in front of a truck. You're still holding your books so it's not like you can rub your arms to help you out a little. They were complaining about Hunham, who they so endearingly nicknamed “Walleye.”
“Hey, guys, hold up for a second,” Angus tells the young kids in front of you. He sets his, and your things, down on the grimy paved road. He searched through his pockets and lit a cigarette. “Want one?” he asks you and Kountze.
“No. I got something else. Give me that,” he grabs the lighter from him and sparks a joint.
“Hey, don’t smoke that out here. I don't want to get busted by Walleye.”
“Don’t be such a pussy,”
“I’m not a pussy, I just don't want to end up at Fork Union paying for your mistake.”
He ignores Angus and instead turns his attention to you instead, “You're not like a total priss right?”
You shake your head. At least you didn’t think you were.
“Alright,” he smirks and stretches his hand out for you to shake, “Teddy Kountze.”
“Nice to meet you,” you say. The other unnamed boy is the next to greet you.
“Jason Smith.”
“We know who you are. You want to hit this,” Teddy offers the jock the joint.
Jason scans his surroundings before agreeing, “Uh, yeah.”
“You got a great arm man,” he compliments,
“Yeah, well, it’s just football.”
“How’d you get stuck holding over?”
“I’m supposed to be skiing with my folks up at Haystack, but my dad put his foot down. Said I can’t come home unless I cut my hair.”
“So why don’t you cut your hair?
“Civil disobedience, man.”
“I dig that,” you comment. “You know that when they tried to cut that tree between our schools, I organized the tree-sitting.”
“Holy shit that was you? Figured it was some hippies from Boston,” Teddy snickers.
“Nope. I sat in that tree for hours, drinking from water bottles that Angus tossed up to us.”
“Did it work?” Jason wonders.
“For now, yeah.”
“Awesome…. But no, he’s cool. It’s just a battle of wills. Still, I was hoping he’d cave first, because the powder up at Haystack is so sweet right now.”
“What about you, Mr. Moto? Why are you here?” Teddy asks one of the first-year boys.
He appears embarrassed to be singled out, “No, my name is Ye-Joon. My family is in Korea, and they think it’s too far for me to travel alone.”
“I figured it was because your rickshaw was broken,” Teddy laughs to himself. Angus didn’t exaggerate when she said this guy was a jerk.
“What a rickshaw?”
Angus intervenes, “You’re an asshole, Kountze. Your mind’s a cesspool and a shallow one at that.”
“Who’s the asshole Tully? You’re the one who blew up history.” Jason notices the tension and brings the group's conversation back to the freshman.
“What’s your story man?”
“Alex Ollerman. I’m here because my parents are on a mission in Paraguay. We’re LDS. “Mormons, right?” Alex nods yes.
“Don’t you guys wear some kind of magic underwear?” It's like Teddy loves to hear himself talk, you think.
“Common misconception. Actually, it’s called a temple garment, and we’re only supposed to wear it when-.”
“Hey, what's with the townies?” Kountze spots two men emerging from the chapel with a large, heavy green tree in their grasp.
“Hey, what are you doing with our Christmas tree?” Angus shouts, tapping you on the shoulder in a way that says can you believe this?
“The school sold it back to us. Scotch pine, still fresh.” The stranger shouts back.
“Yeah, we’re going to put it back on the lot. We do it every year.”
“This is the most bullshit ever.”
The boys put out their separate smokes much to the relief of Alex and Ye-Joon. You fall behind the rest of them and Angus naturally finds his place next to yours. You stroll in silence until he decides to break the ice.
“You going to tell me what happened?”
“You tell me first. You were so excited to go on vacation.”
“One word. Stanley.”
You grimace, knowing what that means. “Shit. I’m sorry.”
“It’s whatever. They want to spend their honeymoon forgetting my existence then they can do just that. I’m almost an adult anyway. Then I can go anywhere I want anytime.”
“Is that what Judy said?”
“That was the bullshit excuse, yes.”
“Hey, you got me though. We’ll make this fun.”
“We have no tree, Hunham will be breathing down our back, and Kountze hasn’t stopped ogling at you since you arrived. Does that sound like the perfect Christmas to you?”
You laugh softly, “Ignore Hunham and Kountze. As for the tree, we could always Charlie Brown it. What do you think the lavender is here for?” You shake your plant a little. The purple bush sways in the wind.
He smiles, “Yeah… It’s not a bad little tree,” he begins to quote.
“Maybe it just needs a little love,” you say together and break into a fit of giggles.
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lillypad910 · 1 year
It’ll Get Better
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Cheerleader!f! Reader
Word Count: 3717
Warnings: cussing, talk of sex, but no smut, breakup, depression, talk of suicide (and almost doing it), teen pregnancy, forced abortion, abusive relationships, tones of healing.
Summary: You are Andy’s girlfriend, friends with Jason and Chrissy and the rest of the popular kids of Hawkins High School, but your life flips upside down when you find out your pregnant. After a harsh breakup with your boyfriend and being discarded by all your friends, you find yourself at the Sattler Quarry, standing on the edge of the rocky cliff, will you jump? Or will a certain freak save you from your dark space?
A/n: Sorry for the long pause in posting! I’ve been working on this for a could days now, but it’s been a slow rolling with writer’s block and school work (I’m in a summer class this month and it’s been kicking my butt a little harder this week). Please enjoy!
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You sat at the lunch table, your arms crossed as you listen to Chrissy tell everyone about her exciting date with Jason. “He took me to dinner at Enzo’s, then out to a movie, THEN we went to the lake for a light night dance! Isn’t that so romantic?” She chirps, practically glowing with joy. “Yeah, Chrissy, that’s lovely!” One of the other girls smile.
You stay silent, glancing over at the end of the table where Jason and your boyfriend, Andy, were practically slapping each other for fun. You love Andy, you really do, but god was he a bad boyfriend. All he ever does for you is take you out to dinner before dragging you out to the lake to fuck you in his car. “(Y/n),” Chrissy’s sing-song voice calls you back, “how are things with Andy?” Every fellow cheerleader looks at you and you smile. “Good…! We actually just went out last night too.” You immediately regret mentioning it. “Oh? What did you two do?” All the girls you call friends hold their heads up by their palms after sitting their elbows on the table. “Uh…” you hesitate, the still red handprint on your thigh just covered by your skirt as you pull it down lower. “We ate and then also went to the lake…”
Chrissy smiles, “how sweet!” And just then Eddie Munson decides to jump on top of his table. He talks about how everyone is annoying, besides his table, honestly you really weren’t paying attention, you could care less about what the freaks do. “You want something, Freak?” Jason stands up, going over to get closer to him, Andy following him.
The whole dilemma is squished quickly, with a teacher calling them all to relax. When the bell rings you walk up to your boyfriend, smiling at him. “Hey, you ok? Don’t let that freak get to you.” You place your hand on his chest and he groans. “He just pisses me off.” Lucas glances away nervously. “I know, Babe, but you need to control your anger more.” You remind him. He sighs and wraps his arms around you, “You’re so pretty.” He smashes his lips to your and you giggle.
You sit on your bathroom floor a week later, tears streaming down your face as you chunk the positive test across your floor. It had to be a faulty test, there was no way. Sure you weren’t on birth control because you couldn’t tell your mom you were sexually active, but he takes precautions. He… oh god, the lake.
How the hell are you gonna tell your basketball jock of a boyfriend that you’re pregnant? His entire career would go down the drain, hell his life.
You pick yourself up off the floor, shaking so bad your legs start hurting when you stand up completely. You feel like you’re gonna faint or throw up. Maybe both? You couldn’t tell anymore. Your stomach was tossing and turning, as you stepped closer and closer to the phone on your dresser. Dialing his number, you hold your breath.
“Hello?” His groggy voice echos out of the speaker. “Andy…?” You call out, still extremely nervous. “(Y/n)?” He groans, “Babe, what ever it is it can wait until tomorrow? I’m too tired tonight, ok? Bye.” He hangs up on you before you can get a second word out. You sigh, “Love you too…”
You place your phone down and turn towards your dresser, panning the pictures of the basketball team, some of you and the rest of the cheer squad. You all look so happy. One image catches your eye, Andy and you at a ballgame. He’d thrown the winning shot that Friday, and after cheering with the boys you ran up to him, so proud of him. He was so happy.
The memory calms your nerves. You could tell him, you knew you could. He’d probably panic, but he wouldn’t just drop you, right?
You sit on the floor of the gym the next day, your short cheer skirt barely covering your ass as you sit on your knees. The basketball team scurries across the gym floor, dribbling the ball between the teams, the ball flying through the air. You watch Andy carefully, nervous to tell him later after the game.
The game was won by Hawkins High, and your entire friend group decides to go out to dinner to Benny’s. Standing out in the cold with Andy next to you, hugging his jacket around himself, you huddle closer for warmth. “Hey, Andy?” You get his attention, “what?” You feel your nervous coming back, that aching feeling in your stomach. “Can… can we talk for a minute before the others get here…?” He looks at you confused.
You both move to the side of his car, “Im gonna say this and I don’t want you to freak out, ok?” You tell him. He raises a brow at you, “freak out? Babe, come on, I’m Andy.” He pulls you closer by the waist and you smile softly to yourself. “I know but…” you hesitate, pressing your palms against his chest. Your fingers grip around his basketball jersey under his letterman. “Andy,” you take in a deep breath, “I’m pregnant.” You don’t look at him, keeping your head lowered at you wait for his reaction.
A scoff leaves him, his arms dropping from your waist. “This is a joke right? You’re fucking with me.” His voice is colder than normal, hurtful, spiteful. “What? No, Andy,” you look up at him, “Why would I joke about this? I’m serious.” You frown at him, upset that he thought you would joke about something so serious. He shoves you away and you stumble back a little shocked by his sudden change in care. “Who did you fuck? Are you fucking kidding me? You fucking cheated on me?” “What?! No!! Andy,” you reach back out to him but he slaps your hand away, “I didn’t cheat, Andy, it’s yours.” You tell him, your eyes watering as your emotions get the better of you. He glares at you. “Bullshit.” You scoff, “Andy, why the hell would I cheat on you? I love you.” You try to tell him, tears now pouring down your face. Andy glares at you. “Well thats a problem.” You freeze, your heart suddenly stops as your breath hitches. “What…?”
Andy scoffs, “Come on, (y/n), you didn’t actually think I loved you, did you?” He laughs, a new smirk forming on his lips. But you just feel like your whole world is shattering around you. “What…?” Andy groans, rolling his eyes. “Of course no one would believe you cheated, shit. Why would you?” He smirks to himself, “I’m gonna be honest with you, at least this once.” He leans down a bit so he’s at your level. “I’ve cheated on you, with a couple of different girls. All on the cheer squad, all your friends.” Your breath hitches, fresh tears falling down your face. “But… but at the lake you… you said you loved me…” your voice is soft, hardly audible. He laughs at you.
Andy scoffs, “Come on, (y/n), you didn’t actually think I loved you, did you?” He laughs, a new smirk forming on his lips. But you just feel like your whole world is shattering around you. “What…?” Andy groans, rolling his eyes. “Of course no one would believe you cheated, shit. Why would you?” He smirks to himself, “I’m gonna be honest with you, at least this once.” He leans down a bit so he’s at your level. “I’ve cheated on you, with a couple of different girls. All on the cheer squad, all your friends.” Your breath hitches, fresh tears falling down your face. “But… but at the lake you… you said you loved me…” your voice is soft, hardly audible. He laughs at you.
“I lied, (y/n). It’s easy to do it to get what you want, even when I guess the girl is stupid enough to get herself knocked up from it.” You sniffle rubbing your palms over your eyes to get rid of your tears. “But… it takes two…” you mumble. He breaths in harshly, “No. It takes one girl being stupid by being active without being on birth control.” He glares at you. “It’s your own fault, Babe. Not mine.” He chuckles, “maybe if you weren’t such a whore this wouldn’t have happened.”
You stare at him in disbelief as the cars of your friends pull up. “You better leave.” His voice catches you off guard once more, “best tell them we ended it rather than let them know the truth huh?”
It’s been three weeks, you sit in the medical bed, your mother screaming at the gynecologists as they try to calm your mother down. “Ma’am, please. The operation was successful. There is no need to yell.” You mother’s face just gets more red. “No, the reason to yell was when my 17 year old daughter decided to have sex before getting on birth control!” Her head whips towards you but you don’t look at her, keeping your eyes looking out the window, your hand on your stomach. “Miss (l/n)?” A nurse smiles at you getting your attention. “Are you ok?” She asks. You expression is numb, your voice is monotoned, it worries them. “I’m fine.” You reply. “Mom, can we go home…?” You ask, your hand dropping into your lap. It’s not like it was rubbing anything anymore, anyway. As they said, it was successful.
You should be happy, thankful even. Your life isn’t uprooted or drastically changing. But it has, your friends don’t talk to you anymore, Andy made up some shit about you and now the entire team and cheer squad hates you. Chrissy wont even look at you.
It was just three weeks ago that your heart was shattered in that parking lot of Benny’s, two since your mother brought you in and you first saw that clump of cells in your belly on that monitor, and now today, when they showed you that screen again, now empty. You should be happy.
But you’re not. How could you be? You were thinking you would tell your boyfriend and somehow, some fucking miracle he would become that perfect boyfriend. He should have held you, told you everything was gonna be ok, that you would raise it together. But no. Here you are inside a planned parenthood nearly forty miles away from your home.
Your mother practically drags out to the front desk, her hand squeezing your wrist tightly. “Mom, please, you’re hurting me…” you tell her, trying to pull her clawed fingers off your wrist. “Oh I’m hurting you?” She signs the papers and drags you out to the car. “Ungrateful! Had the perfect boyfriend, perfect future husband and you wasted it away!” “Mom, I didn’t-” “Hah! When your father hears about this-” your eyes widen, “No, Mom, please! I’m sorry, just don’t tell Dad. It’s already taken care of we don’t need to get him involved!” You practically beg her, the fear of your dad making you grasp at her.
She told him.
You got home the next day from school and we’re greeted with a slap across the face. “You bitch!” Your dad yells at you, grabbing at your hair and pulling you outside, “You think that kind of behavior is acceptable in this house. Fucking hell no.” Your mother stands behind him, arms crossed. “Get the hell out!” He throws you back out the front door, “and don’t come back. You fucking filthy whore! Get out!”
You wandered the streets of Hawkins until you found yourself on the cliff of Stattler Quarry. As you stared down into the water bellow, maybe a couple hound red feet under you, you could practically taste the release. You step closer to the edge, your sadness being the most prominent thing in your brain. You wonder how deep it is down there, 20, maybe 30 feet?
You could do it. You could just walk off the edge, no one would miss you. Not your “friends,” not your mom nor your dad, Andy would probably joke about it at your funeral, if there even was one.
You wonder if it would hurt, if the slap of your body against the water’s surface would sting at all.
“Hey,” a voice calls out to you and you swiftly turn around. The one person you never expected to see stands there. Eddie Munson stands a good ten feet away from you, his hands out defensively. “Don’t come any closer!” You yell at him. “Don’t do it.” He tells you, his voice soft, “That’s a long drop, the collision would feel like your skin was being ripped off.” He takes a step closer and you heart races, setting father to the edge.
He glances around. “I’m telling you it’s not a good way to go. I know right now it probably looks promising, like a clean fresh start. But it’s like jumping straight into a bucket of ice.” He elaborates. You hesitate, “How do you know? You don’t get it!” Eddie takes a deep breath, taking a single step closer to you.
“I’ve dived into that water before, (l/n). Sure not the same circumstances, but I promise it hurt enough to make me never do it again.” He takes another step. “And what if I don’t care?” You ask him. He gives you a soft smile. “I heard you know, about what happened. Andy’s a dick, we all know it.” You let out a soft laugh, “He wasn’t always. That’s the point! He only became a dick to me after.” Eddie holds out his hand to you, which makes you step farther to the edge, so he recoils.
“Hey, hey, it’s ok. I know you’re scared. Everything feels really shitty right now, but,” Eddie stares at you as you turn to look away from him back over the cliff, “look at me, (y/n).” You look at him, your eyes wide with fear and he feels like his heart is breaking. No matter how cruel your friends were to him, he never thought you were a bad person. He’s not the type of person to wish death upon you because of your shitty friends. Hell especially not this way.
“Just…” he holds out his hand to you, slower this time not to startle you, “take my hand. We’ll get you down from there and we can go, I don’t know. Get a milkshake?” He chuckles softly and you eyes soften at the suggestion. “I can’t go back to school, Eddie.”
His eyes widen when you say his name. To be entirely honest, he had no idea you even knew his name.
“It’s ok, you don’t have to right away, but you will eventually. I know I’m not the best person to say this, but dropping out isn’t a great idea.” He chuckles lightly. For the first time in your life it wasn’t a chuckle you ignored, his words reach you now more than anything he’s ever said had before.
“Hey,” Eddie grabs your attention again, wiggling his fingers to bring your attention to his hand that’s still reaching out to you, “when you do decide to go back,” he smiles at you, “I’ll be right there with you, trust me they’ll pay more attention to the freak than an ex cheerleader.” You feel yourself laugh a bit, not because he said something funny, because what he said oddly gave you a sense of relief. Not because he was the ‘freak’ but because he said he would be there. You slowly reach out to his hand, going to step down from the rock you were standing on.
Just before you could grab him your foot slips. In those few seconds you realize you weren’t ready to die, your scream was probably heard miles out. But you never felt much air. Eddie had grabbed you so fast you didn’t even notice it, pulling you quickly away from the edge and against him, back on solid ground.
“Hey hey, it’s ok. I’ve got you.” He rubs his hand against the back of your hair, your sobs are muffled by his shirt as you cry, harder than you have ever cried before.
He stands there letting you cry it out against him, before pulling you even farther away from the edge, slowly getting you closer and closer to his van. “Here,” he opens the passenger side door and helps you inside, letting you get comfortable, or at least as comfortable as you could get with how tense you look. He buckled you in, pulling the seatbelt over your shoulder and lap, making sure it sits comfortably on you.
After getting into the drivers side he watches you carefully as you finally start to calm down, rubbing your eyes with your sleeves. He gives you a minute before holding out his hand to you. You look at him confused and he smiles. “I just… thought you would like to feel grounded.” He explains.
You lay your hand in his, your fingers locking perfectly together and you feel yourself smile. His hand is rough, something you didn’t notice before. You knew he played guitar, his band being talks about quite often amongst your group of ‘friends’ when making fun of him. You never realized until now how fucked up your friends were, how their idea of this guy was so misguided.
“Thanks…” your voice came out soft, and his hand squeezed your as he pulled out of the quarry, leading you both the an ice cream parlor for those promised milkshakes.
It had been a month since that faithful day, the day you realized the ‘freak’ was actually the nicest guy in all of Hawkins. He was calm, made sure you were comfortable, and didn’t bring up the subject ever again.
“Eds,” you had started calling him the nickname shortly after you moved in with him, his room becoming yours as he moved to the living room with his uncle. You were heavily against the idea of taking his room when he gave it to you. Obviously you could go home, but you were willing to sleep on the couch until you could get in contact with your aunt or cousins.
“Can we get some of these?” You hold up the container of Planter’s Cheez Balls. They were one of your newer favorite snacks. He laughs a bit, “sure, put ‘em in the cart.” You do so, throwing the snack in.
After finishing your grocery shopping, you make it back to his trailer, bringing all the bags in from his van. “Is Wayne working tonight?” You ask him, emptying out the bags on the counter before putting things away. “Yeah,” Eddie joins you, sitting the remaining bags down on the counter, “He said he’s gonna be at work until 7am tomorrow, so we need to figure out dinner on our own.” He helps you empty out the bags and put away all the groceries. When you finish, you both plop down on the couch, his arm behind your head as he turns on the tv. You pop open the container of cheese balls in your lap.
“Open up,” you hold a ball in between your index and thumb, turning towards him. He tilts his head back and opens his mouth, you throw, and the ball lands safely in his mouth, “good catch!” He smiles as you giggle happily continuing to eat your snack. He puts on a movie he knows you will like, before getting comfy into the couch cushions. You lean into him subconsciously. He stiffens up, shocked by you leaning in, which makes you freeze, “Sorry…” you go to pull away but his arm throws over your shoulders and holds you close to him. “Nothing to be sorry about, sweetheart.” He smiles at you, laying his head against yours. You smile as you both sit there on the couch, snuggled up together.
Eddie is very different than Andy was. Andy could be rude, refuse to cuddle you when you desperately wanted physical affection, but Eddie doesn’t. He leans into it, he may be a bit taken aback at first, but he doesn’t stop you, he encourages it.
About half way through the movie you catch yourself not watching anymore, glancing at the man you know would call your best friend, honestly he’s your only friend now. “Eddie,” you grab his attention, making him turn to you. “What’s up?” “Thank you.” He looks at you confused, “For what?” You smile at him. “Everything, you took me in, saved me from doing something stupid, told me everything was gonna be ok, and it has been, because you made it ok.”
Your words hit him hard, and he stares at you for a moment, “(y/n), I…” he hesitates, removing his arm from around you and turning so his full body is turned to you, making you a little anxious. “I don’t need a thank you, I did what any decent person would do. You don’t need to thank me for that.” “But I want to!” You practically yell at him, you hands balling up into fists and pressing against your chest. You know you look like a kid right now, but you don’t care. “I want to thank you…”
Eddie smiles and leans forward pressing his lips to your forehead, “Well then, you’re welcome. I’m glad you’re still with us, Sweetheart.” You blush at his physical affection, your cheeks burning as he pulls away, and you realize something. You like Eddie. You like him way more than you thought possible. “Eddie,”
He looks at you a little concerned seeing your scrunched forehead. “Yeah?” “I-I like you…” Eddie freezes, his heart racing as the words left your lips, those soft pink lips he’s been dreaming of kissing for the past few weeks.
Maybe it was the way you looked when he bought you that milkshake that day after he found you at the quarry, the soft smile you had as you excepted the treat. Maybe it’s the way you would jump up and down with joy when he bought you your favorite movie for you to watch together after a week of you living with him. Maybe it was the way you hugged him when you cried, remembering the fact that you weren’t alone anymore.
Maybe… maybe it was the way he wanted to be there for you for the rest of your life that makes him say his next words. “I love you…”
Your head tilted up, eyes wide when the words left him. “Y-You what…?” You eyes watering as you stare at him. “I love you, (y/n). I know you said you ‘like me’ but maybe given some more time-“ you cut him off, your lips smashing into his, practically falling on top of him. His arms throw around your waist, pulling you close to him as he kisses you back. It was everything you both had dreamt of, soft, sweet, and dreamy.
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@cagethemunson @spikeybatt @cherrycolas-things
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fashion-whore · 4 months
The Man He Sees in Me LS2
He’s Spider-Man in Walmart boots and a camouflage hat.
It was summer break and the Sargeant family was back in Florida spending time with both of their families. The youngest Sargeant Hunter, was running around pretending to be Spider-Man in his brand new boots that his mom knew were going to get ruined in a matter of days. His favorite hat resting on his head, his daddy had bought it for him and he rarely took it off especially if his daddy was away for a race.
“Daddy, look at me I’m Spider-Man.” Little hunter yelled as he jumped off of the play set in the back yard.
With a baby blue Zebco that gets hung up every cast.
He thinks he’s learning fishing from the man that taught Bill Dance.
“Okay buddy, so you remember what Daddy told you last time we went fishing.” Logan said after he untangled Hunters line for the first time that morning. They were on the lake for the first time this summer, Hunter loved hanging out with his dad, especially if they were anywhere near the water. Splashing in the water as he waited for his dad to hand him his fishing rod.
Hunter nodded his little head making his blond hair fall into his face. “To have fun, but daddy I want to catch a fishy.” He said with a little pout in his face.
“I know buddy, we are going to try our best to catch you a fishy.” Logan said putting his hand on Hunter’s head, before handing him the fish ing pole.
I hope he never finds out that I didn’t hang the moon
And I’ve never scared a monster out the closet in his room
Knock. Knock. Is all Hunter heard from his closet. The small dark space that scared him more than anything in the middle of the night. Even his night light couldn’t prevent him from crying out for his parent. He felt frozen on his head just waiting for whatever was in his closet to come get him. “MOMMY, DADDY” he let out the most gut wrenching scream.
You were the first to react to your babies scream it absolutely terrified you the sound that came out of his mouth. In an instant you were in his room with Logan right behind you. Once you were close enough Hunter jumped into your arms hiding his face in your neck. You can feel the tears from his face wetting your skin as you try to comfort your terrified child.
“Hunter baby what’s wrong.” You say as calmly as you can still trying to get your heart rate under control from his scream.
“Monster” Is the only thing that he says pointing toward the closet. You look over at Logan not knowing what else to do to help your crying child. Logan starts to make his way towards Hunter’s closet when he whimpers in your arms not wanting his daddy to get close to the monster. As Logan went to touch the door handle Hunter tucked his head further into your neck.
“Don’t worry buddy, Daddy’s not going to let the monster hurt you.” Logan stated as he opened the closet door before walking into the small space. “I don’t know what you are doing in here but you need to leave. You aren’t welcome in this house.” Logan made some kind of knocking in the closet making it seem like the monster was leaving before loudly saying “ And stay out.”
Once Logan walked back out of the closet Hunter finally looked back up seeing his dad unharmed. He reached his arms out for his dad to grab him to thank him from scaring the monster away. Seeing the way Logan would do anything to prevent his son from being scared made you realize that you couldn’t have picked a better man to spend the rest of your life with.
He waves that blanket like the checkered flag pullin' offa the interstate
With a Happy Meal cup held high like I won the big race
When we get home, his mind is blown when I untie his shoes
And he smiles and says, "Daddy, there ain't nothin' you can't do"
Hunter loved being in the car especially going fast. That’s why the two of them often drove around when you needed some time to yourself. Logan would usually stop and get Hunter a happy meal for lunch during their outings. Every time Logan pulled off of the highway Hunter would cheer as if they came in first on a Grand Prix weekend. While Logan may not know the joy of winning a Grand Prix he doesn’t need it when he sees the joy on his child’s face while he was doing a simple task.
In Hunter’s eyes Logan was everything that he wanted to be. He loved watching his daddy drive around and help him with anything that he didn’t understand. He was Logan’s little buddy that was like a shadow to him following him around wanting to do anything that Logan did. He could do no wrong in his child’s eyes.
This is my first attempt at writing anything please be kind.
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bibewilderedandbuck · 4 months
Because this poll is doing so well
Ok imagine Tommy starts hanging out with chimney and hen bc he missed them and didn’t realize how much until he sees Hen at the gym and she invites him over after or sees Chim out grocery shopping and they get lunch and he just realizes that they are just like Really Good People that he missed having in his life
Sort of how he hung out w eddie like five times in the span of two weeks after meeting him. Tommy has spent so much of his life letting good opportunities pass him by and bad people push him around that he finally decided, fuck it if/when i see something good I will chase it
Thats the same thought that had him ending the date early with buck, he doesn’t think less of buck and he certainly would love to go out again. But he’s not pushing someone out of the closest. He’s not waiting for a good thing to maybe happen down the line. Tommy wants to be openly loved. He wants to walk down the street holding hands and do cutesy couple things. Hell if Tommy didn’t tell Eddie about the boat on the lake i would be shocked.
ANYWAY, i was going somewhere with this….
Buck starts to get jealous of Hen and Chimney and they have a heart to heart about why Tommy wants good people around. BECAUSE he let some pretty awful people and ideas steer him wrong for so long. and maybe thats how Buck gets the idea to take a swing at Gerrard when he sees him.
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delayed-affection · 1 year
Just Friends
Navigation   Oneshots
Cole Caufield x reader
Warnings: None (I think)
Word count: 1.3k
You and Cole lay in his bed, his head on your stomach. You start to stroke his hair, feeling the softness of it between your fingers.
He closes his eyes and you feel a sense of peace. You feel so connected to him in that moment, and it's a feeling you never want to lose.
You stay like that for a while, both of you just enjoying the moment and soaking in each other's company. You both know that no matter what happens, you'll always be there for each other.
The moment doesn’t last too long, his phone starts to ring, it’s Nick. He picks up the FaceTime but doesn’t move his head off of you.
Nick is telling him some news, but he is too focused on you to fully comprehend what he is saying. You can hear the excitement in Nick's voice, but it is hard to understand with your headphones on.
He finally pulls away and stands up, turning his back to you and continuing to talk to Nick. He turns around and looks at you with a huge grin, and you can see the joy and excitement in his eyes.
He hangs up the phone and tells you the news, “Nick proposed to Caitlin!”
“Shut up!” You exclaims taking off your headphones, “What did she say?”
“She said yes!” He cheers
You both erupt into laughter and celebration. You can’t help but feel happy for him and excited for the future. You both hug and you can feel the joy radiating from his body.
You both know that this is the start of something special and you can’t help but feel a little bit giddy.
You pull away when your phone starts to ring, it’s Caitlin.
A few days later
You and Cole pull up to a restaurant to meet up with Nick and Caitlin. Cole has been smiling since he’s heard the news and honestly it might take a week or two for him to calm down.
Cole holds your hand, pulling you over to the restaurant, where they’re waiting to be seated. Caitlin is quick to spot you guys, jumping out of her seat and pulls you into a hug.
You’ve known her for awhile, she was the one to introduce you to Cole. She never anticipated that you guys would’ve hit it off like you did. But she’s not mad about it, she honestly hoping that you two get together.
She pulls you down to sit next to her, making the boys stand in front of you two.
You hold your hand out to her, “Let me see!”
She places her hand in yours, “It’s perfect.” She gushes, “Everything he did was perfect.”
You look at the ring on her finger, “Took him long enough.” You tease
“I know, right?” She jokes
“Hey, I wanted to make it special.” Nick argues
Two kids, no older than nine, walk over to you guys with their parents. “Can we get a picture with you guys?” They ask
“Yeah, of course.” Nick answers
They move to the side and make small talk with them.
Caitlin turn to look at you, “Is there something you want to tell me?”
You give her a confused look, “No, why?”
“What do you mean, no?” She asks, “Cole looked pretty cozy laying on you the other day, not to mention he was holding your hand when you came in here.”
You softly laugh, “We’re just friends, nothing more.”
She gives you a look telling you to be serious, “You spend more time with him than you do me, let alone anyone else. Not to mention you basically live with him at this point.”
The two of you watch as they take pictures with the boys.
You let your eyes linger on Cole, a well known feeling consumes you.
After lunch you and Cole head to a his spot near the lake.
You sit on the grass looking out at the water with Cole laying down next to you.
He pats the grass, “Lay down with me.”
You hesitate for a moment, but then decide to join him. You lay down next to Cole, feeling the soft grass beneath you and the warmth of his body beside yours.
The sky above is a canvas of blue with a few wisps of white clouds gently floating by. The breeze picks up, and you can feel the cool air brushing against your skin.
Cole turns his head towards you, and for a moment, his eyes lock onto yours. His gaze is warm and inviting, and you can't help but smile.
He breaks the silence, "You know, I've always loved coming here."
You nod in agreement, "I can see why, it’s very peaceful."
He continues, "I used to come here by myself but I felt like you would enjoy it here."
You look back at the water, watching the ripples dance across the surface. "Well thank you for sharing your spot with me."
Cole grins, "I wanted to share this place with you because, well, I feel like we connect on a deeper level. We can talk about anything and everything, and that's rare."
You blush slightly, feeling your heart swell with warmth. "I feel the same way, Cole. I'm really grateful for our friendship, you know?"
He reaches out and gently takes your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Yeah, me too.”
Hearing you call it a friendship does something to him because he doesn’t want to be just friends.
His eyes flicker with a mix of surprise and disappointment, but he quickly tries to hide it. He laughs it off, attempting to make light of the situation.
 "Just friends? Well, I guess that's a good start, right?" he thinks to himself, forcing a smile. But you can tell there's a hint of sadness in his eyes. 
 It’s been a week and you both continue to spend time together, enjoying each other's company, but it seems like there's an unspoken tension between you.
As much as he tries to act like everything is fine, it's clear that he's struggling with the idea of just being friends.
He can’t take it anymore, he has to do something even if that nagging voice in is head is telling him that he’ll ruin everything.
He looks over to where you sit on his couch, taking a deep breath he sits next to you.
You look up from your phone and ask, “Hey, you ready to go?”
He shakes off his nerves, “Yeah but can we talk before we go?”
You turn in your seat to get a better look at him, “Yeah, is everything okay?”
He shrugs, “Yes- no- I don’t know.”
You give him a confused look.
He huffs, “I don’t wanna friends.”
Your face falls, “What?”
He places his hand on yours, “No, no, no. Not like that, never like that.”
“I want to be more than just friends.” He tells you
“Are you being serious?” You ask
“No not at all.” He says sarcastically, “It’s not like I look forward to seeing you after every game or that every time I see you I want to kiss you. Or the fact that I find everything about you absolutely mesmerizing. Don’t even get me started on the little things you do when you think no one’s watching.”
He continues on, “Oh, and it’s definitely not like I talk to my mom about you or that she asks about you more than me. Or the boys constantly chirping me about how much I talk about you.”
He takes a deep breath and looks at you for a response.
You smile but are unsure of how to put your own feelings into words.
“Is that a good smile or a bad smile?” He questions
You softly laugh at his worried look, “Good.”
He looks at you with eyes full of hope, “So…”
“We can be more than friends.” You say bringing your lips to his.
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fizzyfizu · 6 months
Accursed in the Lake’s Depths
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      It is common knowledge that at the start of every term in Hogwarts, a short speech is held by the headmaster to welcome back students.  But one thing that the students have noticed is that ever since Armando Dippet was headmaster—it is always mentioned that if you're looking for a place to study or hang out, the Black Lake is a great place to do such things; since then the Black Lake has become even more littered with students.  But the sudden mention of the lake caused the rise of rumours related to it on why the sudden interest, courtesy of bored students.  One of the most popular rumours involves a girl who disappeared from Hogwarts grounds in her 4th year decades ago.  The tale goes that the girl has been bound to the bottom of the lake as punishment for something she had done, what she did is still speculated though, and that Dippet encourages students to congregate around the Black Lake to further punish her—as if to show her what she is missing out on if only she didn't do what she had done.
Chapter 1.1 - A Late Start
Summary: - After being woken up by Dobby 10 minutes before the start of the 2nd task, Harry finds himself rushing to get to the venue. The venue being the Black Lake, otherwise known as the Great Lake. Once again thanks to Dobby, Harry is now in the possession of more than enough gillyweed to last him the full 1 hour limit.
Chapter 1.2 - A Cold Reception, Literally
Summary: - Professor Moody approaches Harry to ask for an update on his game plan, and much to his pleasure, Harry has one. After Bagman's count, Harry enters the cold, freezing waters. For a moment he panics, but after a few moments he finds himself mentally thanking Dobby profusely.
Chapter 1.3 - An Odd Discovery
Summary: - Harry finds himself in a thick grove of seaweed and murky waters. Yet, even with low vision, he saw glimpses of multiple merpeople who were clearly guarding something. Wrongly assuming the merpeople to be guarding the task, he ventures deeper, eventually finding himself in a clearing. What he found made him question the clue given to him, but he pushed those thoughts aside and went to retrieve his discovery anyways.
Chapter 2.1 - The Taste of Freedom
Summary: - You have finally been freed from your temporary prison. While being carried by Harry (who thinks you are still unconscious), you decide that you cant wait to feel what it feels like to move again anymore and stop the act. The two of you exchange incredibly awkward greetings for the first time.
Chapter 2.2 - Thanks & Introductions
Summary: - After Harry helps you to your feet once more, you find it within yourself to be the icebreaker between you two as the situation gets increasingly awkward. After exchanging names, you offer your thanks, during all this you notice the student-packed stands in the near distance. Harry is immediately surrounded by his friends and Dumbledore requests that you make a visit to his office soon.
Chapter 3 - Fawley? F-A-W-L-E-Y
Summary: - After being dismissed, you finally get to buddying up with Harry's friends. After a short introduction from Ron, Hermione bombards you with questions, some being concerningly..close. She decides to wrap up her ramble after Ron's interruption, and it's decided that the four of them will make their way to the great hall for lunch. Guess you'll have to postpone the meeting with Dumbledore..
Chapter 4.1 - Navigate Through Hogwarts
Summary: - You excuse yourself from the group as the four of you near the great hall, you start to navigate yourself through Hogwarts, during the process you run into Peeves (and get drenched). You also run into the Fat Friar, who helps lead you to Dumbledore's office.
Chapter 4.2 - Discussions with Dumbledore
Summary: - You are finally going to smoothen things out with Dumbledore. After admiring his office for a few moments, you start discussing future plans now that you are no longer restrained in the Black Lake.
Chapter 5 - Trouble with the Caretaker
Summary: - After taking your time to freshen up in your new dorm room, you decide to roam around the school to refresh your memory. You end up getting caught by Hogwarts' caretaker.
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ticklygiggles · 1 year
Summer fun | Tengen + his wives & Rengoku Kyojuro
Collab with sweetest @otomiya-tickles
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A/N: Another amazing and precious collab with my bestest girl Ginny! I had lots of fun as always baby, thank you for being so patient with me. I love you!
Summary: Rengoku gets invited to a summer tradition by Tengen and he hopes this tradition involves lots of water and summery fun, but... are they only having a picnic?! How boring!
Words: 2k
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Rengoku was humming to himself. He tightened the straps of the bag that he had hanging on his back and felt a funny sensation swirling inside his chest, his smile widening with excitement.
He was happy. 
It had been a long time since he felt like this- he couldn't deny that he always felt happy to see Senjurou after a long time, his little brother was the light of his life, but seeing Senjurou meant that he had to go back home, and coming back to that place always made him feel… awkward, melancholic and sad.
He also felt happy every time he killed a demon, but mixed with that little moment of ecstasy, there was always that feeling of utter sadness, thinking of all the innocent lives this creature had taken with its own hands and fangs, killing them for nothing but its own entertainment.
So he knew what happiness was, but it was always accompanied by a feeling of guilt and sadness, but right at that moment, he truly felt happy, excited even. He was not used to it and he couldn't help but feel a bit nauseous and lightheaded, but he tried to embrace it, and thinking about the lots of fun he would have that day made him feel even better. 
He chuckled to himself and his pace quickened. The weather was getting better, summer arriving at its own pace, making days longer and nights shorter. Rengoku always liked the summer: swimming, festivals, water battles; nice, fresh beverages and sweet, juicy watermelons. 
Summer was the perfect time to enjoy time together with friends and family, so when Tengen invited him earlier that week to be part of a little summer tradition he had with his wives, Rengoku couldn't help but accept the invitation right away. Tengen told him to be in a certain place at a certain hour, and as he made his way over there, he wondered what kind of activities they would do. He couldn't wait to get into fresh water and maybe even catch some fish to eat later!
He grinned. Oh, he was sure they were going to have lots… of… fun? 
"Ah! Rengoku-san! Over here!" Suma waved at him and three heads turned over to look at him, warm smiles on their faces. 
They were sitting in the grass beneath big trees, a cozy looking picnic stalled out before them.
“You’re here,” Tengen greeted when Rengoku approached them. Rengoku smiled brightly as he scanned the scene. There was some food, like not necessarily summer-food, just plain lunch which did look delicious but…
“Ah, so we will eat lunch first! And then the summer tradition, right?” Rengoku said, putting down his bag and sitting down between them. 
“Hehe, this is the summer tradition, dummy!” Suma said playfully. 
“It’s our summer picnic. We’ve been wanting to invite you before but you were always busy,” Makio explained as she handed Rengoku a small bowl of rice. 
“A picnic, right here?” he asked, looking around. He couldn’t deny it, they definitely chose a pretty place. But it was just a park? No lake? No beach? He didn’t want to say it. He didn’t want to. He didn’t want to….!
“That���s so boring!” Aaaah! Stupid mouth! Rengoku even smiled brightly when he said it. 
“Eh?” Suma said, and she cocked her head. “Did you just say boring?” 
“Let’s pretend we didn’t hear that! He won’t be bored when he tastes your delicious homemade food,” Tengen said brightly, placing some more food in Rengoku’s direction. 
“It’s delicious!” Rengoku chirped with his mouth full. But he was still bored! 
“What is even inside that bag?” Makio asked, pointing at Rengoku’s bag that was now resting in the grass with its contents useless for this summer tradition.
Rengoku hummed, swallowing a mouthful of food before smiling brightly at them, opening his bag and pulling out the insides to show them.
“I bought everything for summer fun,” he said with a rather sarcastic tone for someone like him, making Tengen bark out a laugh. “Look, here I have a towel, this ointment to protect your skin from the sun, and look! I even brought my swimwear!” He pulled out a pair of short pants that were, strangely, the exact same pattern of his haori. "However, it's a shame I won't get to use them just because you guys have this… really boring tradition."
Tengen laughed again as Hinatsuru chuckled awkwardly. "N-Now, Rengoku-san, we'll have plenty of fun, I assure you," she said with a kind smile and Rengoku looked at her with a smile too, but he knew that Hinatsuru was wrong. This was just boring. 
"Yes, Rengoku-san!" Said Makio, placing another bento box between Rengoku's hands. "Isn't the weather nice here? And the food is also very good, isn't it? We even have salt grilled bream, isn't it your favorite?"
She was basically pushing the fish into his mouth, so Rengoku opened his lips to let her do so. Instantly, there was an explosion of salty flavors inside his mouth that made his taste buds tingle and his mouth water as he chewed on the fish enthusiastically. 
The weather was nice, yes. He couldn't deny that they had chosen quite the place to make their summer picnic. The food was also fantastic, he hoped they kept refilling his bento boxes, but this was not what he was expecting. 
He didn't want to sound like a spoiled child, but perhaps he really wanted to go to the beach and have a water war, but he shouldn't act this rude, right? 
"Delicious!" He exclaimed again, wanting to avert the conversation from that topic as he kept himself busy, eating happily. Tengen’s wives seemed relieved to see him enjoying himself and they continued to eat and chat as well. However, Tengen’s eyes were on him for quite a while, and Rengoku wasn’t very sure why.
“Is there anything on my face?” he asked merrily, accidentally losing some food since he was talking with his mouth full. He quickly wiped it off his robes, leaving only a minor stain, and he licked his fingers clean.
Tengen chuckled and shook his head. “No. I’m just worried you’re not really enjoying yourself here, and that we might have burdened you by inviting you to this picnic,” he said.
Rengoku gasped and shook his head. “Not a burden! No, no!” he cried.
“Perhaps we could think of something that will make you enjoy yourself more? Ladies?” Tengen asked his wives for support. Oh oh? Like going somewhere for a swim? Rengoku watched them hopefully.
“Really, even if I’m just a little bored, don’t feel forced to HYa!” Rengoku jumped when Suma suddenly leaned over and pierced his side with her finger.
“You mean this, Tengen-Sama?” she asked sweetly, poking Rengoku again and making him shriek and jump to the side. The other side where Makio’s finger was awaiting him, also poking his side and tickling him.
“Exactly,” Tengen encouraged them with a smile. Rengoku clenched his lunch box in his hand and cackled.
“Hey! Hehehey what are we dohohoing?” He danced awkwardly in between them, but they kept poking him, a pink blush spreading across his cheeks. 
Oh, this sensation. It had been a while, he didn't even think he was still ticklish, but it seemed that he was, the gentle pokes were making him laugh so much already and he tried to not drop his precious lunch box, but then Hinatsuru gently took it away from between his hands and Rengoku laughed when Suma's fingers turned those gentle pokes into firm squeezes against his lower ribs.
"Wahahait!" He laughed, pulling his arms tightly against his sides and bending over, his forehead almost touching the blanket where they all sat. "N-Nohohoho! I'm tihihihicklihish!" 
"Oh? Are you now?" Tengen teased, making his wives giggle playfully. "I'm sure you're not so bored anymore, huh?"
Rengoku lifted his head to look at Tengen. Little tears were already present at the corners of his eyes and a big, bright smile pulled at his lips. 
"I m-mehehean, y-you ahaha-are f-fohohorcihing me to lahahaugh so- ahahaha! I'm sohohohorry!" 
He flopped onto the blanket when he felt thumbs digging into the back of his ribs, loud laughter poured out of him as he turned onto his back. 
"Oh-uh, not a good choice," Hinatsuru said with a big grin on her face and soon Rengoku found out why he had made a huge mistake. 
Four hands viciously tickled his exposed torso. Clawing at his tummy, squeezing his sides, digging into his ribs and even pinching his hips all at full speed. 
“Lahahadies! Plehehease! Wahahah!” he howled, curling up, flopping and thrashing in between them.
“Watch the feet, girls,” Tengen said, casually leaning back when Rengoku almost kicked his lunch from his hands. He was so mean!
Makio was the first to get up while Suma continued to attack Rengoku’s torso. She sat down on top of his legs to pin them down effectively, and while she was at it…
“Nonono nohoho!” Rengoku cried when she took off his sandals so she could tickle his feet. Tengen laughed at this too, impressed by her move. Not only were Rengoku’s kicking feet and legs no longer a threat, they also proved to be pretty good tickle spots for her to torture. 
Giggling, Makio tickled his feet and also tested the sensitivity of his legs, scribbling her skilful fingers all over his calves and the back of his knees before returning to his ticklish feet.
“Rengoku-san is ticklish all over!” Suma observed from the other side. Her fingers were still massaging Rengoku’s sides and ribs and it tickled! so! bad!
“HEeeheheheee! I cahahan’t! Ahahahah! It tihiihicklehehees!” he roared. Little tears had already become big tears as they dripped down his flushed cheeks.
He had forgotten he was this ticklish! He sure had his fair share of tickle fights with Senjurou, (that would last only a few seconds before their father would snap at their loud laughter), and he had also had some tickly moments with Kanroji Mitsuri every now and then, but he couldn't remember the last time he was tickled like this! 
Tengen's wives were vicious in their attack, and strong enough to pin him nicely so he could barely do anything to stop them. Their nimble fingers would find their way through all of his defenses and he could only throw his head back with intense laughter. 
It was a little embarrassing that he couldn't stop them, but at the same time he thought… that was a little fun. The little ache he felt in the muscles of his stomach from laughing and the ache at his cheeks and the funny sensation making his brain feel fuzzy. It all felt nice. He felt nice to let go and just… laugh. Truly laugh. 
"It looks like you also want to join." Rengoku heard Tengen say and knew he was talking to Hinatsuru, who was still beside her husband, looking at the scene in front of her with a smile and flushed cheeks. 
"Would that be okay?" She asked and Rengoku shrieked out a laugh, shaking his head. 
"N-Nohohoho! Hi-Hihihinahahatsuru-sahahan! Hehehelp mehehe!" He said through his laughter, jerking heavily when Suma found a weak spot in the middle of his stomach, around his belly button and Makio's long nails had settled underneath his toes, carefully scratching at the tenderness of his skin. 
Tengen laughed, a bit too excited by Rengoku's reactions. "Of course it's okay! Tell you what, we'll both join in~'
The sudden movement of both Tengen and Hinatsuru advancing on him actually disturbed all of the tickle chaos that was going on. Suma and Makio leaned back to make space for them, and Rengoku’s sudden kick and wild move shook them right off him - and before any of them could grab him, he got on all fours and started running, messing up the last of the picnic blanket as he kicked his way into freedom. 
Not that he came far, of course.
“HEHehehe Tehehengen wahahah!” he cackled when Tengen caught up to him quickly, wrapping one arm around his middle and dragging him back down. 
“Now where are you going huh?” he growled playfully. The others followed suit, and while Tengen dug with crazy madness into his sensitive sides and ribs, he felt how the soft delicate and feminine touches returned to his other tickle spots. Laying on his stomach, his feet were turned upwards and could be perfectly targeted by ten flexible fingers.
He could smell the sweet fragance he noted to be Suma’s as she kneeled down by his side where she pried one of his arms out of the way to tickle his underarm. Another tickled his neck and ears with her long tickly nails. Ah yes. Rengoku was really getting tickled to death by the four of them.
"NAHAHAT THEHERE!" He pleaded and he could hear Tengen and the girls laughing above him. 
"Now, you gotta be more specific," Tengen said, clawing at the back of Rengoku's ribs, making him cackle like a mad man. "We're tickling you pretty much everywhere, where could 'there' be? Your feet?" 
At the mention of that spot, Rengoku felt the tickling intensifying, especially under his toes and the balls of his feet. He tried to kick his legs, but they were pinned by Makio. 
"Or maybe your legs?" Tengen asked again and Rengoku couldn't help but focus on those maddening squeezes to his inner thighs and the quick scribbles to the back of his knees from Hinatsuru's gentle hands. 
"Plehehease, I'll dihihie!" 
"Or maybe right here on your hips?" Tengen continued, his own fingers moving down to squeeze at Rengoku's hips, making him dance, trying to dislodge Tengen's hands from his hips. "Or your sides? Stomach? Ribs?" 
Rengoku's face was on fire. The pleading had died down and he could only laugh his head off as he squirmed weakly, jolting every time Tengen moved to a different spot and shrieking when he dug his fingers into his sensitive skin. 
"Or maybe under your arms or neck?"
Suma's fingers were very present under his arm, wiggling and digging into the middle of his armpits, making him laugh in hysterics, bubbly giggles mixing in-between when he felt long fingernails gliding across his neck and ears. 
"EHEHEVERYWHEHERE!" Rengoku laughed, snorting and scrunching his nose up adorably. 
Tengen laughed at that, a low and charming sound, but Rengoku could barely hear any of it as his own shrieking laughter surrounded all of them.
“Alright, that’s enough entertainment I think. His voice is doing things,” Tengen noted the pitchy and gaspy noises Rengoku was making, and finally, all fingers stopped tickling him and they moved off him so he could breathe like a normal person. Rengoku rolled on his back and sighed.
“You guys!” he whined, but he spread his arms and breathed out. Woah. He hadn’t laughed that much in…. forever? 
“I don’t think he is bored anymore,” Suma giggled.
“But surely he’s feeling a little hot now,” Hinatsuru said.
“Even I am feeling hot, bwaha!” Makio laughed. Rengoku panted and wheezed. He felt a little hot and sweaty indeed after all that. 
“Then… how about we skip desserts and go for a swim after all? We’re not near a beach, but I know a lake that’s pretty close,” Tengen suggested. Rengoku gasped and lifted his head, staring at him with wide and sparkly eyes.
“REALLY?” he squeaked, his voice still hoarse. Tengen smiled and held out his hand.
“You deserve a refreshing dive into the water. We all do. You’re right, it’s summer after all,” he said, helping Rengoku get back on his feet. 
Rengoku was nearly dancing in excitement, his smile blinding as he quickly helped get everything ready for their departure to the lake, not without letting out some ridiculous squeaks and giggles as he was victim of some sneaky pokes and squeezes to his sides and ribs by those extremely playful ladies. 
This was fun. Even being tickled until he was sweating was fun. And he was sure they all would have lots of fun once they arrived at the lake because what’s summer without a water fight? Rengoku was excited and happy.
He wished he could feel like that all the time…
“C’mon, Rengoku,” Tengen patted his back and pulled gently at his clothes. “Weren’t you so excited about the lake? Let’s go!” 
“A-Ah,” Rengoku said, looking at his companions, all ready to have his so wanted summer fun. He chuckled, smiling brightly at them. “Yes, let’s go!”
He knew he couldn’t always feel this happy, but right now, he was going to indulge into this wonderful sensation and enjoy every second of it with these friends of his!
“Hurry up, Rengoku-san,” Makio said, smiling brightly. “Or else we’ll tickle you again.”
Rengoku laughed, “I am not even ticklish!” He laughed brightly when suddenly four hands reached out to tickle him at the same time. “Fihihine! Lehehet’s huhurry uhuhup!”
Ah yes, he was going to enjoy himself to the fullest!
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dilf-din · 1 year
I Said I’d Never Let You Go (And I Never Did)
Pairing: Joel & Ellie, brief Tommy & Ellie
WC: 2300
Warnings: language, PTSD mention, dissociation mention, allusions to Silver Lake but no explicit details, hurt/comfort
A/N: thank you to my dear betas and friends for looking this one over for me :) @starchild0985 @sunflower-0180
The title is from Have Faith in Me by A Day to Remember which is Joel & Ellie coded if you squint
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Ellie and Joel had arrived back in Jackson in the middle of the summer. Warmer days were instantly a welcome distraction as Ellie felt the chill start to uncling from her bones. She started to think that maybe she wouldn’t always feel like this, a prisoner in her own body, bound by skin tainted, stretching so hard to contain her inner turmoil she feared it might snap. She picked at her cuticles until they bled, bit her nails until she couldn’t. Sometimes, she snapped the extra hair tie around her wrist over and over, the sensation keeping her grounded, as if she might drift off and never come back, course charted for the moon, the sky a welcome safety net.
She spent a lot of time in the stables during the warmer months, finding horses easier to talk to than people. Ellie found a particular kinship with Shimmer, a chestnut filly sporting a white blaze down her face. She spent countless hours brushing out her coat, sneaking her apples, and telling her stories. The regular barn workers just smiled when they saw her approaching every day, noticing the way she brightened up when she was there. She had come to Jackson closed off and apprehensive. No one knew the full extent of her story, but anything that made the burdens easier to carry was encouraged for everyone who came through the gates. Besides, she wasn’t bothering anything by being there.
School starting back up in the fall was another routine welcome to both Joel and Ellie. At least he knew where she was most of the day. He tried to give her space. A lot of days, she would wander the woods for hours, perch in a tree and wait for animals to cross through. She was quickly filling the sketchbooks he had found for her front and back. Using pencils until they were barely nubs. She kept her knife on her and used it to sharpen them back into a point as needed. Joel usually found her by the accumulating piles of shavings at the wide base of a maple.
“Supper time,” he would say.
“Almost done,” she would squint, tongue pressed between her lips as she put the finishing touches on a sketch of a starling, pulling wide strokes down then erasing the tips to mimic its shiny feathers. She would then shut her sketch pad and shove it into her backpack, grabbing a low hanging branch to swing down to the ground. Joel always held his hand out to steady her, and she always grabbed it, whether she needed the extra balance or not.
A chill was making its way back into the air as summer wound down. Not having to face the sweltering heat meant she could spend more time outside and less time drenched in sweat. The red hoodie she always donned to cover her bite less likely to raise questions on cool afternoons than ones where the sun beat down, tinging the tips of her ears and the apples of her cheeks a soft shade of pink. She liked blending in, avoiding attention. Enough time had passed now that the two of them were no longer the topic of every conversation. Patrols over the summer had found a few straggling survivors and brought them in to recover and integrate into the community, so she was no longer the new kid.
Life there was slowly beginning to make sense for the two of them. They ate most of their dinners in the meal halls at night. Joel cooked them breakfast in the mornings and packed lunches for them both to take when they went their separate ways. Most evenings, they spent time on the porch reading, or Joel would teach her a few new chords on guitar. She could sight read music like a natural, just picking it up like she had done it her whole life. The library had a few music books on the shelves that she checked out regularly until she memorized every song on the worn pages.
When the moon settled high in the navy sky, and the stars spilled across the horizon finding their place in the mural, Ellie would perch on the front steps and point out constellations to Joel.
“Those three right there make Orion’s Belt. And that orangey looking one up there, that’s his shoulder. It’s called Betelgeuse. It’s 750 times bigger than the sun.”
“Beetlejuice, beetlejuice, beetlejuice,” Joel called over from his rocking chair.
Ellie shot him a confused look over her shoulder.
“It’s from a movie. Michael Keaton?”
She gave him the same look she had given him when he asked her if she knew who Linda Ronstadt was.
Joel sighed, “I’ll see if Tommy has a copy.”
Ellie pushed off the steps with a groan. “It’s getting late, old man. I’m gonna go shower and hit the hay,” she announced, pressing a kiss to his temple. His hand rose to his shoulder to give hers a quick squeeze before she retreated into the house.
“Night, kiddo,” he called after her.
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As October faded into November, each morning brought grey clouds that hung thick in the sky blocking out any hope of golden light. Frost regularly crawled up the windows of their home without the sun’s rays to melt it away. Ellie would trace the patterns from the inside with her finger, feeling like a storm cloud was hanging over her, a shadow she couldn’t outrun. She didn’t quite know how to name the feeling. A sense of dread tinged with panic, a heaviness dropping over her shoulders like a thick winter coat.
Joel noticed the melancholy she walked hand in hand with. He would say things like, “I’m here if you want to talk about anything,” before the two of them turned in for the night. She always gave him a sad smile colored with gratitude before declining. She didn’t know how to open up, and he certainly wasn’t going to force her, send her running like a deer hearing a twig snap. She had felt like prey before; she knew what it was like to be hunted.
So, he loved her quietly and closely. Sometimes, he left a note scrawled in her lunch with a crudely drawn smiley face or heart. He brought her every comic he could find, made sure to always save her his dessert or slip her an extra slice of bread at dinner. At night, after she showered, she would always sit on the floor in front of him in their living room. His rough hands never smoother than when they were brushing through the tangles in her hair and separating them into even sections. He lovingly tucked each piece into matching French braids, securing the ends with two small elastics. When he finished, she would lean her head into the crook of his knee and close her eyes. His hand would reach forward and stroke her cheek or scratch the bit of her back between her shoulders.
His touch anchored her night after night. When she felt like she was drifting, out of body, out at sea, his voice was able to call her home. The bright light of his love cut through the clouds, calmed the waves. The two of them were linked together in a way most people would never understand from the outside. The months they spent together forged an unbreakable bond. Each knowing the other inside and out, their tells, their tics, always at the ready to jump in after their friend if the darkness started winning.
Seeing her like this scared the shit out of Joel. He recognized the vacancy in her eyes like it was a mirror of his younger self. He heard the screams for help in the silent moments, when she looked to him with tear-stained eyes and dark circles so deep he feared she’d never catch up on sleep.
The cold weather was starting to take a toll on him as well. He was opting to stay inside and woodwork when he could, passing off some of his patrol shifts to younger folks on particularly windy days. His hands ached with age and poorly healed breaks. He spent a lot more time than usual clutching hot mugs and stretching his tired fingers out in front of the fire he kept blazing in their living room.
Ellie rushed out to school that morning like she normally did. Losing track of time, pulling on her shoes haphazardly with her lunch bag hanging from her teeth.
“Take your hat, it’s mighty cold today,” Joel said as he refilled his coffee cup for the second time that morning.
She pulled it off the hook and over her ears, mumbling a, “Bye Joel!” through her full mouth.
He smiled and watched as she scrambled down the stairs and around the corner towards the town.
She had been looking forward to school lately. Her age group had been reading plays aloud for literature, each person playing their own part. Right now, they were doing The Importance of Being Earnest. She giggled at all the word play, asking Joel to keep an eye out for more books by Oscar Wilde while he was out on patrol.
Mrs. Jones had seen the way she really took to acting out the parts, so when she had to call her name several times to get her attention that afternoon, she started to worry.
“Ellie, honey, is everything okay?” she knelt down in front of her, concern coating her voice.
Ellie’s eyes were glued to the window, thousand yard stare and color drained from her face. She barely registered the figure there in front of her; her mind was somewhere else. Outside the window, snow had started to fall, the first of the season. Once her eyes registered the flurries, she was gone in an instant.
Mrs. Jones peeked out into the hallway and was relieved to find Tommy there, checking some of the heating vents.
“Tommy,” she whispered loudly, drawing his attention away from the ceiling tiles he was fidgeting with. He stepped down from the small ladder and walked towards her with his brows knit together.
“Is everything alright?”
“It’s Ellie, she’s, I don’t really know. I can’t get her to talk to me.”
He nodded and followed her back into the room. She did her best to divert the class’s attention back to her and the play while Tommy knelt in front of her.
“Ellie, darlin’, can ya hear me?”
Her glassy eyes were unresponsive as he gently grabbed the book from her hands to put in her backpack and sling it over his shoulder. He took her hands to help her up, and she followed blindly, stumbling obediently out the door after him. He draped her jacket over her shoulders and pulled her into his side as they exited the building. The wind was biting. He gritted his teeth and squinted for visibility keeping his arm tucked tightly around her. She was heavy and weightless at the same time.
“We’re just gonna get you home, honey, okay?” he said softly to her, trying to constantly whisper reassuring things into her ear, red from the wind. He wasn’t sure how much she could hear, but he wanted her to know that he was there. She wasn’t alone, no matter what prison her mind was holding her in.
The walk to their house was quick on a normal day, slowed slightly by her stumbling steps just now. Tommy got her up the stairs and rapped loudly on the door. Joel heard it faintly from his shop, setting aside the piece of maple he was fashioning into a bookshelf for one of the older ladies in town. He made his way to the front door with a slight annoyance at the repeated knocking, instantly sobering up at the sight of Tommy holding up a haunted looking Ellie.
“I don’t know what happened,” Tommy said, urgently shuffling her inside and helping Joel set her on the couch.
“Snow,” Joel said grimly. He lifted the jacket from her limp frame and tossed it to the side.
“Ellie baby, can you hear me?” he asked gently. Her gaze was locked somewhere behind him. He knelt down in front of the couch, steady hands rising to hold her cold cheeks. “Ellie, it’s me, it’s Joel,” he pleaded.
At the sound of his name, she shifted her gaze to lock eyes with his.
“That’s it, baby. It’s just me. I’m here,” he smiled softly.
She lifted her arms up towards him weakly, and he knowingly rose to sit down beside, her pulling her into his lap. She buried her face in his neck, cold nose sending a chill down his spine.
“I’ve got you,” he promised, pressing gentle kisses to the crown of her head.
Tommy clasped Joel’s shoulder, giving it a quick squeeze before retreating out the door.
Joel’s arms wrapped tightly around her, the smell of his old flannel and the feel of it against her cheek, the sound of his voice calling her name, the scratch of his beard against her forehead all working in tandem to pull her back into the light bit by bit.
He held her for hours like that, steady as an oak tree, arms like branches holding her against his strong heartbeat. He never stopped talking, murmuring against her hair that she wasn’t alone.
“Thank you,” she finally squeaked out, voice barely a whisper, but he heard it.
She felt his lips turn up into a smile, and he pressed another kiss to her head.
“I’ve got you, baby girl; I’m not going anywhere.”
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lilac-hecox · 10 months
If you're still accepting Damien fic requests, maybe a camp au with a puppy love crush on one of the counselors (Ian or Anthony) and/or having a reciprocated crush on Shayne
I wrote this in the camp au that was written by @wow-ihateithere
Damien/Anthony and Damien/Shayne - Summer Camp
“You’re acting like one of your kids,” Angela says with a grin.
“Huh?” Damien says, coming back to his senses, turning his gaze away from where he had been watching Anthony animatedly eating with his campers.
“You’re staring at Anthony like a thirteen-year-old with a crush,” she adds, mimicking a love sick expression.
“Stop!” Damien says, feeling his face get hot. “I am not.”
“You are!” Angela says around giggles. “I hang out with the same age, but the girl version. I can spot a crush a mile away.”
Damien scoffs. That absolutely wasn’t true because if it were Angela would know that Amanda’s been into her since the beginning of summer, instead of being utterly oblivious.
“I don’t have a crush on Anthony,” Damien says more firmly, but his face gets red.
“Okay,” Angela says in a sing-song voice, going back to eating her lunch.
Okay, so, maybe Damien did have a small crush, but it’s small! It’s manageable! He just thinks Anthony is cute and funny. He’s good with the kids too. Damien finally accepts the crush on Anthony when he watches Anthony strip off his colorful camp shirt and toss it on the grass up beyond the shore. Anthony is muscled and lean and gorgeous in the bright light of the warm summer day. Damien watches as water splashes on to Anthony as he begins to wade into the lake, Anthony letting out a shriek as the cold-water splashes on him, Ian laughing from where he had committed the crime and swimming away before Anthony could retaliate.
“Mr. Damien! Come on!” one of his students yells from the water. “We need you for chicken!”
Damien smiles and peels off his own t-shirt as he wades into the cool water of the lake.
Damien catches Ian and Anthony kissing after one of the staff bonfires in the deep warm night of summer. They are sat together on the same log, Ian’s hands in Anthony’s hair and Anthony’s hands on Ian’s waist. They kiss urgently and fervently in the night, the warm glow of the fire illuminating them.
Damien isn’t crushed. He didn’t need Angela’s supposed ability to see crushes developing to realize that the two counselors liked each other, to see the momentum between them building like an unstoppable freight train where they were always meant to collide.
He vows to let go of his crush that day out of respect for both of the other counselors.
What takes him by surprise is when they do the camp talent show Shayne sits next to him while they watch the acts. How whenever Shayne laughs it is so bright and cheery and how more often than not, he’s looking at Damien to see if he’s laughing too.
Damien and Shayne’s talent is performing an improv skit together. They make it cheesy, making the younger kids laugh and the older kids roll their eyes and “die of cringe.” At the end of the skit Shayne gets down on one knee and then offers Damien a plastic flower, declaring his love.
The younger kids giggle, the older one’s groan, the other counselors crack up laughing. Damien accepts the plastic flower, and he sees Shayne smile with bright blue eyes crinkling in the corner, a big cheesy grin on his face. What takes Damien by surprise is the fondness in his heart, the way it speeds up when Shayne pretends to plant a kiss on his cheek, big, wet, and sloppy.
Angela gives him a knowing look from the stands and Damien pointedly ignores her.
It’s August when Shayne presses Damien against the side of the staff log cabin and kisses him in the darkness of the night. When he presses his nose against Damien’s and says, “I’ve been waiting all summer to do that.”
There are fireflies all around as Damien leans in and kisses him back.
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legacyshenanigans · 2 years
Hello! :D I LOVE your little script posts! They let me fangirl SO much! xD Would you mind writing one with Sebastian getting jealous of Garreth talking/hanging out with MC? :D
Hi! 😊 Aw thank you so much! I'm so glad! 💚
Of course! That could be fun! 😀 here you go:
Damn Weasley.
Jealous Sebastian 💚
Sebastian sat at his potions table next to Ominis, glaring across the room at MC laughing and giggling with Garreth Weasley, of all people. He couldn't stop his nose from twitching and his fists clenching at the sight. The skin on his hand rubbing together from clenching catching the attention of Ominis.
Ominis: What's the matter?
Sebastian: ..Nothing.
Ominis: Tell that to your fists. I know that sound Sebastian..Tell me.
Sebastian: Its stupid..Forget it.
Ominis put down the vile of liquid he was holding and turned to face Sebastian with an irritated sigh.
Ominis: Just talk to me.
Sebastian: MC is over there, laughing with Weasley, giggling at his jokes, smiling at him, and he's over there loving every second of it..I..It makes me feel some kind of way, and I hate it.
Ominis: *chuckles slightly* You've always been the jealous type, don't let it bother you, they're just working together, that's all.
Sebastian: *under his breath* Damn Weasley..
He turned to his work book, reading the pages, trying to not focus on MC, but with every giggle and laugh he heard from her it made his body stiff and a ringing in his ears, why was he so bothered? Why was he threatened?
He looked up again, catching MC playfully hit Garreths arm, and then Garreth laughing putting his hand on her shoulder, the most minor of contacts driving Sebastian crazy, but still, he tired to just get on with his work.
After class, everyone was packing up and leaving, he quickly gathered his things and scanned the room for MC, seeing her already just outside the door in the hallway speaking to the red haired Gryffindor, his eyes wernt focused on anything else as he made his way over there, catching the tail end of their conversation
Garreth: So, in 20 minutes?
MC: Of course, I'll meet you in Central Hall and then afterwards we can get it over and done with, with help I'm sure it'll be a breeze.
Sebastian approached them, a small scowl on his face as he stood next to MC, Garreth glanced over to him, a look of slight confusion on his face from Sebastians intimidating energy.
Garreth: Oh, Hey Sebastian.
Sebastian: ...Hi.
With that Garreth smiled at them both before walking away. MC turned her attention to Sebastian.
MC: That was a very cold "Hi", what's wrong?
Sebastian: Nothing, wanna go and get lunch together?
MC: I'm actually going to have lunch with Garreth today, you and Ominis are free to join us if you like, afterwards we're going to the library to get this Potions paper done.
Sebastian tried his best to not show his emotions to the situation, fist clenched again behind his back out of view from MC.
Sebastian: *clears his throat* No..Nevermind, have fun, I guess *walks off back towards Ominis in class*
MC: Sebastian? What's wrong? *confused expression*
Sebastian: *ignores her*
Much later that day at around 7pm, He waited in the common room by the windows, looking out into the lake, anticipating MC's return, he turned harshly hearing the doors open, and saw her, she smiled and waved over at him.
MC: Sebastian! *Sweet grin* you're here, good.
Sebastian: Is it? Is it good that I'm here?
MC: Yes? *confused* what's your problem today? You've been very odd..
Sebastian: Nothing, come on, wanna go for a walk with me? I need to go to Hogsmead. We'll grab a Butterbeer after I've done what I need to do.
Sebastian took MC's hand and began to practically drag her towards the doors, clinging on to any kind of hope of spending some decent time with her today before ANYONE else could interrupt it.
MC: Woah, wait, hang on Sebastian.
Sebastian: *let's go of her hand* Please don't tell me you're going to be spending more time with Weasley today? I've barely seen you..
MC: *realisation* is this what THIS is about?
Sebastian: What?
MC: Your attitude today? Is it because I did some homework with Garreth? *giggles*
Sebastian felt his face flush at those words and her giggle.
Sebastian: N-No..Its not that, anyway shut up let's go *goes to take her hand again*
MC: *pulls away and gives him a cheeky grin* Admit it..You got jealous.
Sebastian: Dont be an idiot..
MC: *giggles again*
Sebastian: *sighs in irritation* I'm not "Jealous" I just don't like the way Garreth was looking at you, and putting his arm on you..Thats all it is, now drop it...I'm not Jealous.
He didn't know who he was trying to kid..MC, or himself. MC leaned forward, planting a small peck on Sebastians cheek, snapping him out of his irritation for a moment.
MC: You have nothing be jealous of *Sweet smiles*
Sebastian: ....*soft grin* So, Hogsmead?
MC: Let's go *holds her hand out*
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musicmystics-world · 11 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞
𝐏𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐦 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥 𝐱 𝐇𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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It’s the early hours of the morning. The sun peeking its way into my room through the curtains. Last night me and Phantom had a sleepover and after watching a bunch of movies, we fell asleep next to each other. I decide that it’s time I get up to start my day when I feel Phantom’s arm tighten around my waist. He mumbles, “Noooo, not yet.” I smile at him and say, “I have to get to my chores.” I try to push his arm off me, but he just tightens it more. He then mumbles, “5 more minutes.” I sigh and give in. As I’m lying next to him, I remember the day we met.
Phantom and I met a few days after him being summoned. I was on my way to Imperator’s office when I accidentally bumped into him. After a few minutes of just staring at his beautiful purple eyes, I broke out of the trance and quickly said ‘sorry’ and introduced myself. He looked at me with a smile and said, “I’m Phantom.” I smiled back at him and said, “It was nice meeting you, Phantom, but I really have to go.” I was about to start making my way to Imperator’s office when he grabbed my arm and nervously said, “Could we…. possibly……. hang out sometime?” I stared at him with a smile and said, “Sure.” He then let go of my arm and his tail started wagging profusely. I then said, “We could hang out after lunch.” He then said happily, “Great!!” I then started heading towards Imperator’s office and when I looked back I saw him still staring at me with a smile.
That happened 5 months ago. Ever since then, me and Phantom had gotten very close, always hanging out with each other. After lying in bed for what was supposed to be 5 minutes, which turned into 15. I decided to get up and as I did Phantom let out a whine. I start getting ready for the day, when Phantom comes up from behind me and puts his arms around my waist and his tail around my leg, and says, “Meet me down by the lake at 2:00PM.” I turn myself around to look at him. I then say, “Why?” He just stares at me with a smirk on his face and says, “It’s a surprise.” He then walks past me and I groan and say, “You know I hate surprises.” He just laughs and says, “I know, but trust me, you’ll like this one.” He then walks out of my room and heads to practice, while I finish getting ready for the day.
I’m sitting at my desk doing some paperwork for Sister Imperator when I look at the clock and realize it’s 1:55PM. I quickly put the paperwork somewhere safe and tidied up my desk. Then, I rush down to the lake to meet with Phantom. As I’m walking down to the lake, I see Phantom standing there waiting for me. He then stretches his hands out to me, I take it and he guides me towards a blanket with food around it. I look at him wide-eyed and say, “What’s this?” He says, “It’s your surprise. I made you a picnic.” I look at him with awe and say, “Aww, Phantom. This is amazing.” He smiles at me and says, “You deserve it. You work so hard.” I smile at him and we both go and sit on the blanket and start eating. As we’re eating, I see Phantom is very tense and nervous. I think to myself, ‘Why is he so nervous.’ After a few minutes, I finish eating and so does Phantom. Phantom then says, “Y/N….. there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.” I look at him with curiosity and say, “Okay?” He then takes a deep breath and says, “Over the past few months we’ve known each other….. I’ve found myself having feelings for you. Every day we spend together those feelings have become harder to keep to myself. Every time I look at you, I find myself falling more in love with you.” I stare at him in shock. He continues, “I understand if you don’t feel the same way. I just couldn’t keep it to myself any longer.” He stays silent for a few moments with his head down. I then speak up and say, “I’m in love with you too.” His head whips up and turns to look at me with a smile on his face. He then says, “You are??” I say, “Yeah, I am.” He then puts his hand on my cheek and looks into my eyes and then asks, “Can I kiss you?” I don’t even answer him and just smash my lips into his. He pulls me closer to him and wraps his arm around my waist whilst his hand is still on my cheek. After a few moments, he pulls away and pounces on me so hard that we end up rolling to the ground and he starts hugging me. As we’re hugging, I can’t help but giggle at his happiness. Phantom then speaks up and says, “You have no idea how happy I am.” I giggle at him and pull back from the hug to see his face with a smile on it. I return it with a smile of my own and then he says, “I’ve been waiting so long for this.” I then say, “Me too.” He then kisses me with so much passion and love. We both get up from the ground and then I realize how dark it is outside and say, “We should head back before it gets too dark.” He nods his head in agreement and we both clean up the picnic and head back to the ministry.
When we reached the ministry, both of us headed to our rooms to shower and change. After I finish showering and changing, I hear a knock on my door. I go to open it and it’s Phantom. I let him in and we both go to lay on my bed. As soon as I got in the bed, Phantom wrapped his arms around my waist and his tail around my leg and pulled me close to him. He then placed his face in the crook of my neck. I turn the light off and start to drift off to sleep, but before I do, I hear him mumble, “I love you so much.” I smile and say, “I love you too.” I feel him smile into my neck and then he says, “Promise?” I lightly giggle and say, “Promise.” I then drift off to sleep in the arms of my favorite ghoul and now lover.
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lordgrimwing · 11 months
Friends and Family #03
“This is nice,” Maglor said, stretched out on a beach towel, as his dripping brother settled next to him, wet from running in the gentle waves with his adopted sons. He closed the novel he'd picked up at a second-hand store the day before.
Maedhros grunted, his mouth occupied by several bobby pins as he fixed his hair, recoiling the soaking braid atop his head. The whole point of pinning his hair up so tightly was to keep it out of the salt water, but he hadn’t expected Elros and Elrond to grab his hands and drag him down into a particularly large wave. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen them this happy,” Maglor continued, nodding to the boys splashing and paddling in the waves, their nearly shoulder-length hair hanging in loose, soaked clumps.
“They love it,” Maedhros said with a soft smile. He’d come up from that wave spitting sand and might have been irritated except he ended up with two armfuls of very excited peredhil. By the time he left the surf, he’d become much better at diving through waves. 
They sat in silence for a minute, taking in the scene: seagulls cried overhead, keeping a sharp eye out for abandoned snacks; the twins played along the shore, a younger elf child coming over to join them; other families staked out their claim across the sand, leaving towels and umbrellas to mark their favored spots. The beach was both busy and soothing.
“We should do this more.” Maedhros decided, rinsing his mouth out with water from a bottle and then taking several drinks.
Maglor raised his eyebrows. Fëanor nearly had a fit when they announced that they’d be taking a few days off work during the week so they could do something with the boys during their school holiday. “Who’s going to tell father?” 
His brother rolled his eyes in a way that would have had Fëanor pinching his ear if he were an elfling again. “He can take his doctor's advice and take up birdwatching,” He said dismissively.
As the eldest sons, they were privy to more details of their father's health than he appreciated.
Maglor snorted at the suggestion. 
More seriously, Maedhros said, “Maybe just an occasional weekend, then.”
They watched the boys and their new friend join a group of older dwarves building an impressive sandcastle. Maglor smiled. “We really should.”
The sun arched across the clear blue sky. Maglor called Elros and Elrond back for lunch. They ate cold tuna salad sandwiches from the cooler on a blanket Maedhros spread on the sand so they could all sit together. Elros showed the adults the blue shell Elrond found in the tide, proudly telling them about the cool shells they found over the years on the coast further south. The younger twin hesitantly asked if he could make necklaces for them all from pieces of the shell when they went back to the city. 
After lunch, the twins wanted to go back into the ocean.
“Not right after eating,” Maglor shook his head. “Wait thirty minutes.”
Elros looked like he might want to argue, but his brother grabbed his hand and demanded that he bury him under the sand so he could pretend to be a baby sea turtle.
Maedhros took off his shirt, arching his back and enjoying the warm sun on it. Their father really might have an aneurysm if he found out exactly how publicly immodest his sons got when he wasn’t there to frown at them for rolling up their pant legs. He repacked the cooler and sprawled out on the towel, stretching his long arms and legs and bumping into the other occupant. He grinned at his brother. “Join us this time,” He invited. 
Maglor picked up his book and fingered the pages. “I'll get sand in my hair,” He said. He's done his hair up in a dark half bun, leaving a loose tail down his back.
“I'll braid it for you.” He said. “The rest of us need to wash tonight already.”
“Promise not to push me under?” 
“I would never,” Maedhros laughed, recalling when, decades ago, they were teaching their younger brothers how to sail on a windy lake. Caranthir insisted that the flimsy life jackets couldn't possibly keep them safe in the waves, refusing to set foot on the light boat. When it became clear that he wouldn't trust the words of his brothers, Maedhros shoved Maglor off the edge, leaving him to flounder in the water until their three younger brothers boarded.
Maglor shuffled around so he faced away from Maedhros. “Go ahead and braid.”
The tall redhead sat up. He quickly undid the bun and set about dividing the other’s hair into four parts at the crown of his head.
They sat quietly while he worked, Maglor watching the other families.
A human woman with frizzled brown hair caught a child who looked about seven years old by the elbow. She wore a striped green and gray swimsuit with a white over-shirt and large sunglasses.  
“Oh no you don’t, Elianor,” She admonished, pulling the girl back to the family’s towels and bins of beach toys. “You’re going to be red as a beat and peeling in the car tomorrow if you don’t put more sunscreen on.” 
“Mom,” The girl complained as white ointment was slathered across her bare back and under the edges of her swimsuit. 
“Do your face and ears,” The woman directed, squeezing more of the sunscreen out of a yellow bottle for her daughter before bending down to coat her legs.
Once everything was worked in and the white layer was exchanged for a slightly oily sheen, the child was released into the water. Once all the children were appropriately protected and freed, the woman popped open a beach chair and settled under an umbrella. 
She looked over at Maglor as Maedhros began pinning the braid up like his own. “Some children never learn,” She said by way of explanation.
He said something in noncommittal agreement, a nagging thought starting to form in the back of his mind.
Her eyes flicked around their towels, blanket, and cooler. “Just the two of you then?” She asked. 
“No,” Maglor said quickly. “The twins in red burying each other in the sand are ours.”
She looked out to where he pointed. “Cute,” She said in the way he was discovering many parents did when talking about other people’s kids. She leaned back in her chair and probably closed her eyes, though he couldn’t tell past the glasses.
Maedhros patted his head like he did when they were kids. “There you go, ready for the water.”
Maglor scooted around to face him again. “Don’t get my hair wet.”
Hands raised in surrender were his only response.
He looked down at his wristwatch. Twenty minutes still to go. That nagging feeling kept eating at him. He picked up the book again, opening to where he left off. He tried to read, but he couldn’t get back into the story.
All at once, he dropped the book and turned to Maedhros.
“We didn’t put sunscreen on them!”
“What?” The other asked, blinking as he came back from wherever the warmth sent him drifting off to.
“Elros and Elrond,” He said, looking over to where the boys were just a couple heads sticking out of the sand, several other kids having joined in on burying them. “They’re part human. They could get sunburns!” 
He couldn’t believe he’d forgotten about it. He hadn’t packed sunscreen, he didn’t even think Maedhros or he had any at their homes. Such a simple, everyday thing for humans, and they’d completely forgotten about it. He dreaded to think about how painful the children’s skin would be tomorrow.
Maedhros frowned. “They’re part elf, too,” He reasoned. “Why should they get burned?”
“They might,” Maglor repeated with worry. “I should go buy some. Or maybe we should all leave so it doesn’t get any worse.”
Maedhros sighed. “It’ll be a thirty-minute drive each way. The damage is already done if it’s going to happen, so let’s not ruin the rest of the day. Besides,” He added. “They’ve clearly spent a lot of time in the water. I think they’d know if they need to worry about it.”
Personally, Maglor never thought it was too late to start mitigating damage, but his brother had made up his mind. He’d just have to deal with whatever came of it.
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conscious-naivete · 1 year
Cons!!!! pal!!! what is the short story about a girl who was swallowed by an open sky :O I would love to read it!! :D
ur lucky i was digging thru stuff recently and knew exactly where this book was, bc i had to dig it out of the boxes in the basement!
the story was The Empty Place from Strange and Eerie Stories by Pat Hancock. i haven’t read this in years, i rmbred it slightly wrong, but i’ve scanned it in below the cut for ya
Mom pointed to the large hawk soaring above the cottage. “Look, Kit. Isn’t it beautiful?"
Kit glanced skyward.
"So what?" she said sullenly. "It's just a bird." She turned her back and began to walk away.
"Kit? Where are you going?"
"Nowhere." Kit kept walking.
"Hold on, Kit. It's nearly lunch time. I want you to stay close to the cottage for now."
Kit took two more steps, then stopped as her little brother, Eugene, dashed out of the bushes beside the cottage. He came straight at her, arms outstretched.
"Hey, Kit, look what I found."
Carefully, he uncupped his hands. But not carefully enough. A bumpy brown toad leapt out just as Kit bent down to look.
"You brat," she hissed, jumping back.
"But, Kit, I never did it on purpose. Come on. Help me catch it again, will you?"
"You wish. Catch your own stupid toads--and keep them far away from me." Kit turned on her heel and stomped away.
"You're no fun anymore," Eugene yelled as he headed back behind the cottage, hot on the trail of the escaping amphibian.
His words pierced Kit with a guilt that nearly stopped her in her tracks. She knew she was acting like a jerk, but this knowledge just made her angrier- -with herself and everybody else.
She hadn't asked to be included in the family's vacation at the cottage. In fact, she'd begged to stay behind in town, where she could watch TV, hang out with her friends and have some fun.
Kit kept walking. She wanted a space of her own, away from the rest of the family. She started to jog, then broke into a run.
"Kit, wait." she heard her mother call. Kit ignored her and kept running until she reached the cover of a nearby willow grove.
From her vantage point under the drooping branches, Kit watched her parents walk back to the picnic table and sit down. Eugene was already seated, getting a head start on the sandwiches.
"Guess who's missing from the happy holiday picture?" Kit muttered angrily. They're just fine, she thought. They can have lots of fun without me.
Turning away, she began to work her way through the willow branches. When she broke through to the other side of the grove, she took a deep breath and took off across the vast expanse of meadow that lay before her.
Kit ran and ran. She ran until her breathing was so harsh and shallow that she could run no more. She slowed to a jog, but finally had to stop. Gasping, she bent over, hands on her knees, and tried to catch her breath.
Gradually, the pounding in her chest lessened, and the pain in her side eased. She straightened up slowly and looked back the way she'd come. Far off, to the right, she could still see the dark outline of the woods ringing the lake, but she could barely pick out the cottage and the willow grove beside it.
Not far enough. I can still see it, Kit thought, and decided to keep going. "Until I don't have to see anyone or anything," she said aloud as she set off once more, this time at an easy jog.
She had no idea how long she'd been running when she started to pay attention to her surroundings again. The first thing she noticed was that the sun was no longer directly overhead. She could still feel its powerful rays on the back of her neck and shoulders, but it was definitely lower in the sky. Her lengthening shadow told her that.
Glancing down, she realized that the ground had changed, too. The soft meadow grasses were gone and, underfoot, dried weeds and withering wild strawberry plants crunched and crackled.
The sun's cooking you too, she mused, looking at the brown and red leaves clinging to a sandy patch of ground before her. Suddenly, a quick shadow streaked across her path. Kit turned and squinted over her shoulder into the sky.
Oh, it's you, she thought as she picked the large black hawk out of the sun's glare. Who invited you along? Go back to my mother. She's the bird lover, not me. Aloud she added, "This is my spot. Mine, you hear."
The realization that she had actually shouted these words left Kit feeling more than a little foolish.
Thank goodness no one is around to hear, she thought. But the words had struck a memory chord. Kit stopped walking and looked around again. Hey, maybe this really is my place, she thought, recalling the game she'd invented when she was little. She flopped onto the ground, thinking that she might finally be able to win it here.
Kit stretched out, her hands clasped under her neck, and began to move her eyes in every direction while keeping her head perfectly still.
"Nearly," she said, sitting up and yanking at a tall clump of chicory that had managed to survive the heat and sand. "Sorry, but you have to go." she announced. Then she lay back down and looked around again.
That's better, she thought. This place has definite possibilities. Then she saw the hawk again.
"Go away," she ordered. "This is my place. You're wrecking the game."
The hawk lingered briefly, suddenly swooped lower, then soared high and faded into the cloudless sky.
Finally, Kit thought. Nobody and nothing. I've finally found my empty place.
Her thoughts drifted back to the summer six years ago when she'd started her search for this place. That year, her family had spent their vacation at her uncle's farm. One day, lying on the roof of the cowshed with her cousins, Kit had found herself staring into an empty, clear blue sky. She had lain outside many times before flat on her back on the apartment balcony, in the wading pool at the park, and even in the schoolyard. But this time was different.
This time, nothing, absolutely nothing had broken her view of the sky-no birds, no branches, no awnings, not even a hydro pole or telephone line. Suddenly, she'd been overwhelmed by the vast emptiness.
This is fun, she'd thought. It's like being all alone in the middle of nowhere, even though I'm really not. It felt good, being in the empty place she'd just discovered.
Keeping her head still, she'd let her eyes wander to the left. Still nothing. Once again, all she could see was blue. When she'd looked to the right, though, a tall tree had intruded into the blueness. Then two crows had risen squawking from the garden, flying directly into view, and the spell had been broken.
But the excitement of that moment had lingered. Several times that summer, she'd searched for a place where she could lie down, look up and around and see nothing but sky. It became a kind of game for her. She'd flop down, cushion her head with her hands, and try out a new place. But, no matter where she tried out the view, something a tree or a bird or a single power line always got in the way.
There was no point even trying on cloudy days. She would not allow the smallest wisp of white to drift by. That was against the rules, rules she'd come up with after that time on the cowshed roof. Only the sun was allowed. She couldn't look right at it anyway, so it didn't count. But anything else would break the spell cast by the emptiness.
When her cousins began to tease her about Iying around all the time, just staring at the sky, she quickly learned to seek out her empty place only when she was alone. She came close sometimes, but she never did find it that summer.
When she returned to the city, thoughts of her summer quest faded. Once, in the winter, she had tried again at the park, after an unusually heavy snowfall. The sun was shining brightly and the park was blanketed in white. She lay down in the snow and looked all around but, try as she might, she could never eliminate the nearby highrises from the picture. No matter where she went in the park, she could still see at least one.
The next summer Kit gave up her search. She was lying with two of her friends on the teeter-tot-ters in the park. The three of them were just lying there saying nothing, staring up at the sky.
When she asked them if they ever tried to find a place where they could see absolutely nothing but the sky, they looked at her as if she had grown antennae. "You're nuts, Kit," one of them had said.
Embarrassed, Kit had vowed never to think about the stupid game again.
But here she was, two years later, absolutely spellbound because there was nothing, absolutely nothing, in sight. This is amazing, she thought Nothing and nobody. Just what I wanted. I wonder how long it will last.
Now that she knew it was possible to find such a place, a new rule began to take shape in her mind. Once I find it, I can't move until something invades it, she thought.
"But that won't take long," she added aloud. "Something always comes along."
Kit lay still, staring upward at the seamless blue canopy, waiting for that something— a plane, a cloud, a bee buzzing by. She waited and waited, but nothing intruded into her empty place.
"Amazing," she repeated softly, relishing the moment.
Then her neck began to itch. Bet I've got a sunburn, she found herself thinking. Hope Mom brought the Noxzema. Don't be silly. Mom always remembers to bring the Noxzema. And the sun block...
Mom always remembers the air mattress, too. And a brand new jigsaw puzzle. Always a new puzzle. Wonder how many pieces this one will have? And the new game? What'll it be? Balder-dash? I'll bet that's it. Have to wait to find out, though. It has to be a surprise...
KIt realized she was looking forward to finding out which games Mom had brought along. Okay, so maybe doing puzzles and playing games with the family isn't so bad, she thought. Maybe I won't be bored totally out of my mind.
Kit scanned the empty sky again. Her neck was getting stiff and she wanted to stand up and brush away the sand that was starting to make her skin itch. Okay, I've had enough. Time for something to break into the emptiness. Time to go home.
"Come out, come out, wherever you are," she called.
Maybe I goofed. Maybe I can see something, she thought, and forced her eyes from side to side as far as they could go. But she'd picked her spot well. Without turning her head, she couldn't see past the sandy patch where she had flopped down.
How long have I been here? she wondered. A long time. Shouldn't have pulled out that plant. Then I could have seen it—and I could have got up. Maybe I'lI cheat. Turn my head a bit. I'm sure there was some tall grass just past the strawberry leaves. I remember that.
She checked the sky one last time. Empty.
That's it, then. Time's up, she decided, and turned her head to the side. No tall grass there. She turned the other way. There was nothing there either.
“That's weird." Kit said softly. I was sure it was there she thought. Oh well, I moved my head so the game's over anyway. I may as well get up.
Kit sat up and looked around. She rubbed her eyes and looked again. Impossible, she thought, and scrambled to her feet.
She stared in disbelief. For as far as she could see, there was absolutely nothing, nothing but the occasional wild strawberry runner clinging to the dry brown ground. It was as if the spot had spread around her until it met the sky. The sweat trickling down her neck felt suddenly cold. It sent stiver up her spine.
For a long time, Kit stood transfixed. Then she began to turn slowly, desperately scanning the horizon for anything that would help her get her bearings. She became frantic, looking—and looking again--for a familiar landmark. All she could see was acres of sand meeting the endless blue of the empty sky.
Feeling dizzy, she stopped turning and looked up again. The sun still shone, but it was much lower in the sky. Still, it couldn't help her. She had no idea whether the cottage lay north, south, east or west.
She wanted to run again. But she didn't know which way to go. For the second time that day, Kit began to cry. Sobbing, she felt very lost and alone.
She had no idea how much time had passed when she began to notice the breeze brushing against her tears. Gentle at first, it grew stronger with each gust. Thick white clouds edged with gray began to roll in, gobbling up the blue. Kit's heart raced. She could smell the approaching storm. Run, her mind screamed. Run. Run. Run.
Kit started to run, then turned and began to run in the opposite direction. "Which way? Which way?" she yelled into the terrible emptiness. Despairing, she stopped again, choking back her sobs.
It was then that she saw it. It was only a speck at first, a pinpoint of black in one of the last remaining patches of blue. When it disappeared behind a cloud, Kit thought she'd imagined it. But, seconds later, it was back, soaring and diving, its widespread wings riding the wind. Closer and closer it came, until it was directly overhead. It hovered for a moment, suspended in space. Then, with a mighty flap of its wings, it veered sharply back into the wind, struggling to return the way it had come.
Suddenly Kit realized where it had come from-and she knew where it was going. The voice inside her head became a chorus. Run. Run. Run. Kit began to run again, this time after the hawk.
They were going home.
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taytrashmouth · 2 years
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Over the years
Steve Harrington x female reader.
When you were 4 years old at Hawkins kindergarten a young boy with the biggest doe eyes you’d ever seen had helped you build a Lego tower on the playground.
By the time you were five Steve was your best and only friend. When you were invited to the Harrington’s dinner party and your parents forced you to wear this puffy blue dress which you absolutely hated but that hatred faded away when you saw Steve in his tux with a matching blue tie and he invited you to dance, your little arms and legs stumbled as you danced among the many adults, your parents filming the whole thing with the video camera.
When you were six years old Tommy H shoved you on the swing set and the gravel below grazed the skin on your knee clean off, Steve ended up shoving Tommy back and getting a black eye, but still he held your hand while the school nurse patched you up. “Don’t cry, please n/n it makes me sad when you cry.” Steve had said, squeezing your hand for comfort.
When you were seven Steve joined the swim team and you went to every single practice for three years to cheer him on, you did so much homework and read so many books on those bleachers in the sun, but nothing ever distracted you from watching and cheering when it was Steve’s turn.
When you were eight Steve broke his arm and you waited all night in the hospital for him after his fall and through his operations. You picked him flowers for every day he was in there and explained that flowers weren’t only for girls and that boys deserved pretty things too.
When you were nine Steve made friends with a lot of the guys on the swim team, which meant you were alone most of the school day and some weekends but he always made time to have lunch with you.
When you were ten Steve had his first kiss with Jessica Thompson and he had run over to your house which was just down the street from his to tell you all about it. You hated to admit it but you were jealous.
When you were eleven your long hair had grown down to your thighs and Steve would help you braid it every time you had a sleepover, you found out later he had learnt how to braid hair just for you.
When you were twelve you waited for Steve to ask you to the snowball dance but he asked Rebecca Stevenson instead. You were about to loose hope about even going but a week before the dance Eddie Munson asked you. You had worn a purple dress. After a while Eddie had asked you to dance and you had your first kiss that night. When Eddie had gone to get you both some punch in his worn down band t-shirt and black blazer. You had left to go tell Steve who was chatting to some popular girls. “I had my first kiss.” You smiled as you pulled him aside. “No way! Who?” He asked, looking a little disappointed. “Eddie Munson.” “Gross.” Steve called. “I didn’t say it was gross when you kissed Jessica, or Sarah, or Rebecca!” You had frowned. “You use tongue?” Steve asked. “No.” “Then it wasn’t a real kiss.” He shrugged. “Was too!” You had argued, he just shrugged.
When you were thirteen steve became friends with Tommy and Carol. You hated him for it for a long time but he was your only friend so you just kept quiet and waited for him to have time to hang out.
At fourteen you met Robin Buckley in the school library and she easily became a close friend…but not as close as Steve. Robin tended to talk a lot which was an easy distraction from your obvious crush on king-steve who had just joined the basketball team which meant gaining popularity and that every girl in the entire universe was all over him.
At fifteen Steve had hugged you as you cried your eyes out because your dad had gotten cancer. Your throat was raw and your face was red but Steve never stopped holding you, offering you sips of cold water and spoons of your favorite ice cream.
At sixteen your dad had passed and Steve had driven you to lovers lake after the funeral and told you that it was okay, and he eventually got you to stop crying and told you that he was in the stars watching his beautiful daughter because he knew she was worth watching. That made you cry more.
At seventeen Steve started dating Nancy Wheeler, who you and Robin thought was an absolute goody-goody, typical suburban girl and once again you were jealous. steve had held your hair back after you got so shitface drunk at Steph Greens party. You had told him you loved him in a drunken haze which you didn’t remember the next morning but Steve couldn’t deny that he held onto those words and felt warm each time he thought about it.
At eighteen you had comforted steve after Nancy broke his heart, hugged him as he cried for hours. You got roped into helping Dustin Henderson find an inter dimensional being, which apparently Steve had known about for a year, you had gotten a black eye trying to save Steve from a fight with billy Hargrove despite your life turning upside down This was also the year both of you graduated, you had run over to each other and he had spun you around your graduation gown flowing back as he gave you a piggyback ride around the high school one last time, which was now a picture that hung from your bedroom wall.
At nineteen Steve got a job working at scoops ahoy with Robin and as much as he hated it you thought the sailors outfit was hot. Steve and Robin had gotten drugged and stuck in an evil Russian base and you had been stuck with the kids fighting the upside down. When you had seen Steve’s beat up face when you reunited you had never been more relieved. You had smiled with tears in your eyes, so happy he was okay. “You got beat up?” You had asked looking up at him, he just looked down at you. “Again?” You added and he couldn’t help but smile. He glanced down at the scrapes all over your legs. “Tommy push you off the swings again?” He joked and you laughed. “Melted flesh monster.” I frowned, smiled and cried simultaneously while looking at him. He nodded. “Y/n?” Steve asked softly. “Mm?” I hummed. “I love you.” He blurted out, fast but the most meaningful three words you’d ever heard. You grabbed the red tie around his sailors uniform and pulled him into a kiss, short yet saying all the words you’ve wanted to voice for so long. “It’s not a real kiss till you use tongue.” Steve let out with a smile. “Shut up dingus!” You rolled your eyes.
The years that followed contained you saving Steve from the demobat attack and working at the family video with Robin and Steve.
Steve would somehow convince you to make out in the back room at least once a day, his excuse was always along the lines of ‘I’ve waited over a decade for this.’ And ‘but you’re so hot n/n.’
Six months after your first kiss was filled with laughing, sharing dreams and talking about the future.
The night you both lay under the covers completely naked staring at the ceiling with smiles on your faces. You turned towards Steve, “are you sure you want this?” He had asked. You just nodded. “Because if you’re not ready that’s totally fine-“ he began to ramble. “I’m ready…I love you…” you had smiled and he had answered by pulling you closer and kissing you with more meaning than before, a great start to a great night.
You’re first apartment together, that was small but it worked.
Steve getting a job as a kindergarten teacher and you in high school, helping out kids wherever you could.
And your latest adventure at twenty seven, steve had gotten glasses that suited his face, and in your opinion made him even more attractive, you had aged like fine wine in Steve’s words, still looking as good as ever. Still Living in that first apartment you’d bought, Robin and Nancy living just two blocks away. You had walked out of the bathroom teary eyed and Steve looked up from the TV as you entered the living room. “Steve.” Your voice cracked. “What’s wrong baby?” He had asked so concerned. You had slowly lifted the thin, white plastic stick to eye level. Two bright pink lines displayed on the pregnancy test. He looked from the test to you, back and forth for a moment. “Is this a joke?” He asked you shook your head. Tears filled his eyes too as he jumped up and hugged you tighter than he ever had. “Oh my god this-this is happening-“ he explained and you nodded with a wide smile. “Six little nuggets baby that’s the deal.” You had joked through tears. “I love you- i- I love you so much.” He had kissed you and pulled you into another tight hug.
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