#then finally sat down to watch a movie and eat and im like....feeling guilty for not being at work
guinevereslancelot · 1 month
why do i feel weirdly guilty for taking a day off of work to have necessary surgery 🤡
#they said i could go back to work but i did that last time and it was a pain so i took the day off#and i did a bunch of errands and Accomplished Things instead of napping which is what i wanted to do#then finally sat down to watch a movie and eat and im like....feeling guilty for not being at work#insane#to be fair the hour before i left yesterday was crazyyyy bc we had a kind of crisis#ibstayed a half hour late bc there wasnt enough coverage due to the crisis and i did my coworker's clean up for her bc she literally left#without finishing it#bc she was freaking out#crisis is one of the kids had lice lol#anyway she left without finishing her cleanup even tho the owner of the school and our boss's boss dropped by#to let us know the health department was coming thennext day (today)#and she Went Home even tho there was literally cottage cheese all over the floor wtf#anyway i was watching the kids while my supervisor bagged up all the stuffed toys and sheets and blankets etc to wash#then i did my other co teachers cleanup while my supervisor tried to do afternoon diapers but she was so late starting only 4 kids were lef#out of like 8 or 10 that probably should have been changed#so half of them went home without a final diaper change lmao#anyway#bugs 😬#i got a lice treatment shampoo and leave in conditioner but yuck#anyway i just felt really bad bc im out and they always need people but also im out on the day we're getting a ladt minute health inspectio#and i know that classroom is gross bc the cleaning crew thats supposed to come in every night has definitely not been doing that#this has been a shitpost#anyway my eye surgery hurts so bad wah 😭#its not even supposed to hurt that much but im like wicked sensitive to the light or something that it hurts a lot even w eye shields#and nobody is babying meeee#my mom made me clean the kitchen and the barn when we got home :(#my brother is making gf cookies for me tho but not bc of the surgery he just wants to try baking gf for me in general bc he's nice#also he's making 61 cookies by accident instead of 18 bc he doubled the recipe and then realized it was a recipe forngiant cookies lmao
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technowoah · 3 years
if you're taking asks for the prompts, can you do 11 and 17 from the angst list with george but have a fluffy ending? she/her pronouns pls
I Can Make It Right
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Thanks for the request babe! The way it came out was gender neutral i dont think I user she/her, but it still works trust me!
George x reader imagine (established)
11) "It's not important apparently"
17) "You already made me feel like shit so might as well finish me off"
⚠︎ angst with happy ending, unresolved issue but they're gonna fix it dont worry 😌, angry George, swearing
*** = flashback
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You had stood infront of your bathroom mirror finishing up your makeup for the night. Your hair was already done and you had a nice outfit on, not to fancy and not too comfortable. While listening to a playlist George had made for you, you had put down the brushes you were using. It didnt really matter if you cleaned up your makeup that was littered all over the sink right now, but right now you were feeling good.
Today was your and George's 3rd year anniversary and you couldn't be happier about it. Today you two were going to dinner and doing something else which was supposed to be a surprise for you. It was a night on the town.
George and you met 4 years ago actually. You two started out as acquaintances, the slowly grew into friends and then one day he asked you to join him to dinner. At first you were oblivious to his actions, thinking he was just being a good friend, but turns out the more dates you two went on the more you caught on. He officially asked you to be his girlfriend 3 years ago today.
His friends keep on pressuring George to propose already, they think it's been long enough. The only thing close to marriage is a promise ring. He put the ring on your finger as a promise that one day he would marry you, everytime you doubt that he will propose you turn your attention to the cute ring on your finger.
You had turned off the bedroom lights and sat on your bed finally relaxing after struggling to find a decent enough outfit for tonight. George said that he was going to pick you up around 6:00 and now it is 5:47 so you had some time to spare.
You had found yourself scrolling through tiktok because you had nothing else better to do at this moment. It was a guilty pleasure of yours even though you and george both joked around about hating tiktok.
Time began to tick away so you had checked the clock on your phone which said 5:57 pm. You had grabbed shoes that you set up against your bed, slipped them on and grabbed all of your belongings for the night. You stationed yourself in the living room waiting till George came to the door.
Nervousness always came up before a date, it was the anticipation actually. You were excited and nervous about the date as you always were, but today for you was special. It was three years worth of beautiful love. You remembered the time he first said I love you too, it was just like it was yesterday.
"Hey y/n." George looked towards you. You both were sitting on a plaid, plush blanket with a brown woven basket ontop in between you two. It was just like the movies and that why you cringed because of how cheesy it was when George led you to it.
It was sweet, it was extremely sweet and you loved these dates that George always brung you too. You always felt special when you are sitting next to him.
You responded to George. "Yeah Gogy?" You laughed at the use of his nickname.
"Im trying to be serious right now and you call me Gogy." George smiled and shook his head. "Anyways, you know I love you, right?"
"Of course I do-"
"No I love you. I mean. I'm in love with you." George reached to rest his hand ontop of yours and repeated himself. "I'm in live with you y/n."
You wasted no time answering. "Im in love with you too."
George didnt show up yet, but there was no sweat. He was only 3 minutes late, maybe he ran into traffick. Your stomach was rumbling, but you didnt want to eat yet since you two we're planning to go to dinner. Patience is key, and it wasnt like he wasn't late before.
You started to get worried, it's been 10 minutes and still no sign of your boyfriend. You had gotton up several times to check outside of your door only to be met with no one. Your mind was jumping to conclusions about if he forgot your anniversary, but you shut those thoughts out for the time being.
Okay this is getting out of hand. You brung out our phone and began to text George, you couldn't believe that you had waited this long before texting the man.
Where are you? Ive been waiting for 29 minutes?!
[Sent: 6:20pm]
George what are you doing?
[Sent: 6:20pm]
You awaited his text message with your phone faced up on the coffee table infront of you. You didn't want to believe that George woukd forget, or overslept, but that was becoming truth the more minutes passed by with no call or text.
Calling him was useless, because he didn't answer. He didn't hang up on you he just wasn't picking up the phone, like he turned it off. You started to get worried if something happened to him, if he was in a situation where he couldn't call or text you. You wondered if he was safe at home and not out in the middle of the street.
In a flash all your worries subsided when your phone lit up with a notification.
ThisIsNotGeorgeNotFound is live:
Im Playing golf with my friends
That son of a bitch. Pissed off was an understatement, you were fuming. How could he end up streaming at home when you had constantly reminded him about this day, he knew damn well about this day too. How could he?
You ended up grabbing a jacket and your purse and ended up driving to George's place. It seemed like he was mocking you in a way, he knew you had notifications on for Twitch. You loved to support him and his career, but this was making a fool out of yourself.
Your hand tightly gripped the steering wheel as you tried not to run every red light you cane across. You finally came across George's home, you found a place to park and quickly got out of your car and sped walked your way to George's residence. Finally making up to George's door you knocked harshly on the door probably making more noise than what you intended too. You continuously banged on his door until you got fed up.
Remembering that George had given you a key to his house you dig through your purse to get your set of keys out anr unlock his door. You stomped inside his house and closed the door behind you.
"GEORGE! GEORGE!" You yelled through the house. You were being reckless and annoying, but you didnt care at this point you were fuming and needed to tell George how you feel.
You had made your way to George's recording room where he was talking to his friends on discord. George looked towards you in shock clearly not hearing the sounds you were making throughout his house.
"Y/N?!" George yelled and muted his microphone.
"What the hell are you doing?" You exclaimed back.
"Im streaming thats what Im doing!" George sassed back at you, not paying attention to his screen and the chat.
"Dont get smart with me. End the stream."
"What?! No!"
"You heard me, we need to talk." You crossed your arms across your chest. Your heart was beating too fast for your liking and you tried to calm yourself down, but George's comments were getting to you.
George was about to unmute himself and get back to the game. "No we dont-"
"GEORGE END THE FUCKING STREAM! This is embarrassing! Talk to me cause you have some explaining to do." You snapped at him.
A silence tell upon you two and he glared at you before turning to his stream and closing it out.
"Okay guys! Go watch the other boys streams I need to go now! Bye!" George quickly ended and turned off everything.
He turned around to you still sitting in his chair. "What? What do you want?"
"Do you know what today is?" You asked.
"April 30th." George answered bluntly.
"Thats all you have to say?" You asked in shock. "It's our anniversary dickhead!"
"I fucking know that." George said.
"You do? So why did you start streaming and we had dinner plans?!"
"I told you we were streaming! You weren't listening to me!" George stood up from his chair when he said that.
"When the fuck did you tell me this?!"
"A couple days ago! You didn't listen!"
"But you knew that was our anniversary! And we made dinnerr plans-"
George yelled over you. "A month ago! We made those plans a month ago so excuse me for forgetting!"
"So all these other years you remembered our anniversary and went out of your fucking way to cancel other plans around that date, but today you didnt because why?!" Tears were threatening to fall down you cheeks, but you wouldnt let him see you like that.
"Because I planned this already with the boys! And AGAIN you werent listening to me when I said that-"
"There were several other times that you could've told me too! But you didn't!" You sniffed trying to keep the frustrated tears inside.
"I already planned this and I cant go back on my promise-"
"But you can with me?!" You yelled and George stopped talking. He's just studying your face at this point and you hated this silence.
"Its not important apparently." You said while walking out of the recording room.
"You're being a bitch." He mumbled.
"Excuse me?! That is so disrespectful!" You spun around yelled at him.
"You already made me feel like shit so might as well finish me off." George said in a annoying tone.
"Yeah you should feel like shit! I feel like shit too so-!" You threw your hands up in exasperation and stormed out the room. You had made it to the door before George called out to you again.
"Y/n! Y/n! Please!"
"No! Just..." You paused before opening the door and ushering your way out. "Call me when you get your shit together.
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You were currently curled up on your couch eating leftovers that you had in the refrigerator. That had satisfied your hunger for the night because the dinner was canceled that night. Your anger and sadness had subsided and you were only left with an unusual feeling in your heart. Your relationship felt incomplete, this fight felt incomplete. You didnt break up with him, but you were waiting for closure.
The TV was the only light in the room. It illuminated what it wanted to, you didnt care if it was too dark. Usually you would be cuddled up with George at this ungoldy hour, but you weren't and that made you tear up.
Your sadness was still there, your anger towards George turned into pity. You were sad about the actions he took, but somewhere in your heart you could forgive him. You could forgive and move on if he would come to you.
Speaking of, you had a knock on your door. You didn't have the strength to get up, but you did. Shuffling your way to the door you sluggishly opened it to find George standing there with his hands in his hoodie. The person you wanted to see, but at the same time you wanted to slam that door in his face.
"Hey." George spoke and you gave him a small smile, nothing more.
You turned around to find your seat back on the couch where you were comfortable, but also giving him a silent invitation to come inside. You had sat down on the couch not paying attention to George, but you knew he closed the door, took off his shoes by yours, and put his keys on the table by the door like he always did. It was like a routine to him.
George ended up awkwardly standing beside the couch as you ignored him.
"You know, if you didnt open the door I would've used my keys like you did." George tried to spark up a conversation, but you only hummed in response. You were scared that if you spoke, you would cry.
George ended up making his way to the couch sitting beside you and pulling you into his embrace. Your head was on his chest and you began to sob. You missed this it's only been a few hours, but you had felt that in those few hours you had lost everything. You continued to sob into his hoodie as he rubbed your back and shushed you, whispering sweet nothings into the air only for you to hear.
"Im here, and Im sorry. Im so fucking sorry that I did this to you and I only hope that you can forgive me." George said, his voice cracking a little when he said that. You kept crying.
That's what you wanted to hear all along, that's what you needed. You could forgive him in due time, you always will because you love him, you will always love him. You both can always make it right.
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emy-loves-you · 4 years
(Slightly) Less Useless, (Definitely) Gayer Chapter 1
The Morning After
This is the sequel to Wrong Numbers and Useless Gays. You can find the last chapter here, and the Useless Gays Masterlist here.
Chapter 2
There’s a brief mention of sex halfway through the chapter, but that’s about it warning-wise. I hope you enjoy!
Virgil groaned as he woke up. He went to sit up, but there was a heavy weight on his chest and legs. He opened his eyes, expecting to see Janus and Remus on top of him. Instead, Patton was laying on his left side, holding hands with both Virgil and Logan. Logan was laying on Virgil’s right, nuzzling Virgil’s neck. Roman layed across their laps, his head in Logan’s. Both Virgil and Logan had a hand in Roman’s hair. Virgil sighed, petting Roman’s hair. He kept his eyes open, if only to keep this dream lasting a little longer.
He felt Logan stir next to him, breathing deeply into Virgil’s neck. If this were real, Virgil’s cheeks would be tomato-red. Instead, Virgil sighed happily, leaning his head on Logan’s. Logan nuzzled deeper into Virgil’s neck. “Mornin’” he mumbled out, the vibrations of his voice tickling Virgil’s collarbone. Virgil huffed out a laugh, moving his hand (the one in Roman’s hair) to rub Logan’s.
“This ‘s a nice dream.” Virgil mumbled, his eyes drifting shut for a moment. He felt Logan tense for a moment before he removed his hand from Virgil. There were a few moments of silence before-
“Ah!” Virgil jumped slightly, a sharp pain at his side. He froze, making sure that Patton and Roman were still asleep. When neither of them stirred, he turned to glare at Logan. His hand was still at Virgil’s side from where he pinched him. “What the hell, Lo?!” Virgil hissed out, trying not to shout.
“You assumed that this was a dream.” Logan responded, nuzzling back into Virgil’s shoulder. “One of the main signs of dreaming is the inability to feel pain. Therefore, the best way to test your hypoth… thesis… is to…” Virgil watched with a fond smile as Logan fell back asleep. He sat there for a few minutes, trying to remember how this dream became his reality.
The memories hit him like a freight train. His plans for their date, the rainstorm, his confession to being Anxiety. They had not only accepted him, but they wanted him to join their relationship. And he said yes! Virgil tried to remember what happened next. They had a Disney movie marathon while eating Virgil’s picnic lunch. Virgil blushed as he remembered how they playfully fed each other the chocolates Virgil had bought for them. Afterward, they cuddled on the couch and watched a few more movies before falling asleep. Virgil smiled as he looked at his three crushes- no, boyfriends. Wasn’t that a weird thing to say? Virgil’s boyfriends. Virgil could hear that a thousand times over and it would still feel surreal.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
Virgil snorted as Roman jumped, falling off of their laps and onto the floor. “You okay, Princey?” Roman groaned, not moving from his spot on the ground. “Are you gonna answer the door?” Another groan, but no movement.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
Roman sat up, rubbing his eyes. “Coming!” He called out, slowly getting up. “I swear to Disney this better be important.” He grumbled out. Virgil huffed out a laugh as Roman made his way to the door. He couldn’t see what was going on, but he heard the conversation clearly.
“What are you doing here? It’s only… 8:30 in the morning!”
“Well, RoRo, Virgil was supposed to meet up with us last night, but he never showed. Since last we heard from him he was on his way to see you, we assumed that he was with you.” Virgil silently groaned, resisting the urge to facepalm. He’d completely forgotten about his plans with Remus and Janus.
“Well, Virgil decided to stay here tonight-”
“Wait!” Janus yelled, interrupting Roman’s explanation. “Did you guys have sex?”
Roman sputtered. “No! It was our first date! Why on Earth would we have sex on the first date?”
“But did you sleep in the same bed together?” Remus asked in a teasing tone.
“I mean, we all slept on the couch together, so-”
“AHA!” Remus yelled. Patton and Logan woke up with a start.
“Wha’s goin’ on?” Patton asked, his voice slurred.
“I TOLD YOU THEY WOULD SLEEP TOGETHER!” Remus yelled, obviously not caring that he woke everyone else up.
Janus sputtered. “But- that was obviously not the connotation you were using when we made this bet!”
“Wait a minute.” Virgil said, speaking up for the first time. “Janus, you betted your rug on something with such an obvious loophole?” He sat up as Roman let Remus and Janus into the house. How they were so impeccably dressed at 8:30 in the morning, Virgil would never know.
“Wait,” Patton said, still half-asleep. “What’s so important about this rug?”
Janus cleared his throat. “It was a birthday gift from an associate of mine.”
“A bear-skinned rug.” Remus clarified, still bouncing on the tips of his toes. “Set up in the middle of the hallway. Almost every time I pass it, I trip on it. And he won’t even let us have sex on it! What’s the point of a bear-skinned rug if we can’t sex it!”
“Ignoring how grammatically incorrect that last sentence was,” Logan said, grabbing his glasses from the bedside table. “Have the two of you had breakfast? We just woke up so we will probably be eating soon.”
Remus and Roman both turned to the people on the couch, speaking excitedly at the same time. “Can you make pancakes (Pattycake/VeeVee)? Please!” They both paused to stare at each other.
“What are you talking about? Pat makes the best pancakes!”
“You obviously haven’t had Virgil’s blueberry pancakes! I thought I was in heaven the first time I ate those.”
“Just wait until you’ve had Pattycake’s strawberry pancakes! Nothing on this Earth could rival his strawberry perfections!”
Virgil looked down at Patton, a goofy smile on his lips. “You know what this calls for, right?”
Patton giggled. “Pancake fight?”
Virgil laughed, finally feeling content with life. “Pancake fight.”
Patton and Virgil didn’t have any spoken rules for their “pancake fight,” so they ran into a few issues pretty quickly. Most of them were easily resolved, such as who can use the mixer and who gets to use the stove first. However, they ran into one issue near the end. Virgil was using the stove first, and Patton took the moment to taste some of Virgil’s batter.
“Hey!” Virgil said, lightly pushing Patton away. “Hands off the batter.”
Patton playfully scowled, before his expression turned serious. “Did you put chocolate in this?” He saw Virgil’s guilty look and yelled. “I didn’t know we could use chocolate! You cheater! You’re using our boyfriend’s love of chocolate against me!” He gestured to Logan, one of the judges for this event. “Now I’ve gotta add chocolate,” Patton grumbled, heading towards the fridge.
“Nuh-uh.” Virgil laughed as he turned off the burner. He grabbed Patton’s sleeve. “It’s already your turn to use the stove, and you said I couldn’t add more blueberries when I was flipping flapjacks.”
Patton’s face went slightly red, trying to force his own giggles down. “How dare you use my own logic against me!” He grabbed a handful of flour and smeared it across Virgil’s cheek. The room went silent. All eyes turned to Virgil, who was staring at Patton in shock. Patton’s face immediately softened. “Oh baby, I’m so sorry.” He said stepping forward to cup Virgil’s cheek-
Suddenly, there was a handful of flour in Patton’s hair. Patton stared at Virgil, who suddenly had a mischievous smirk on his face. Virgil kissed the tip of Patton’s nose while he used his hand to smear the flour into his hair. He suddenly backed away, a plate full of blueberry-chocolate pancakes in hand. “Your turn to use the stove, Angel.” He said cheekily.
Patton laughed, grabbing another handful of flour. “Oh, it’s on.”
The resulting flour battle could only be described as disastrous. Logan and Janus teamed up around halfway through the fight, and the twins seemed to only be targeting each other. The fight long after they ran out of flour, when everyone was too tired to keep playing. Patton quickly made his pancakes and they sat down to eat (Patton had somehow snuck white chocolate into the bowl during the flour battle. How he did that while still constantly hitting Virgil and Logan with flour, they’d never know). They concluded that Virgil and Patton’s pancakes were of equal taste, though they were even better together.
Virgil smiled as he watched how Roman tried to toss leftover blueberries into Remus’ mouth. How Logan and Janus watched with exasperated fondness, gossiping (“evaluating information” they said) as they sipped their coffee. How Patton held Virgil’s hand from under the table. Virgil sighed. In his wildest dreams, Virgil had never dreamed of something so… perfect. But it was perfect. And it was all Virgil’s.
Taglist: @bisexualdisaster106 @self-taught-mess @itawalrus @arodynamic-enby @sanderssides-angst @whatishappeningrightnow @idont-freaking-know @cute-and-angsty-princess @artsy-enby09 @girl-who-reads @drarrymalecsolangelo @count-woelaf @im-an-anxious-wreck
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bangchanshehe · 4 years
Beautiful Nightmare pt.2 (M)
Handling a husband and child on top of a work life was hard work. But just as you think that you have the rest of your life laid out with a clear path many obstacles stand in you and Hoseok’s way. Is your love for one another enough to stand all trial and tests of faith or will it break you and your family apart?
Hoseok X OC
Word Count: 2.1k
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Hoseok wasted no time kissing you and rubbing at your clit, making your back arch into his chest. your mouth opened into a gasp as he continued to rub you at exactly the right pressure and angle, and Hoseok slipped his tongue inside of your mouth.
You closed your mouth over his and let your tongues entangle over one another and fighter for dominance. You wasted no time in foreplay, using a free hand gave Hoseok’s cock a few strokes, making him grunt and groan above you. After a few more pumps, Hoseok wrapped his fist around your wrist and pulled your hand off of him. He pulled his fingers out of you and sucked your juices off of his fingers before he lifted your leg and climbed in between them.
You scooted down towards him so your hips would be closer to one another, and without any effort Hoseok lifted your hips and slipped a pillow underneath them. he sat back on his heels as he held your hip and aligned his tip with your entrance. He rubbed his head up and down on your womanhood, gathering slick to lube up his cock before he pushed himself into you.
He froze as he bottomed out in you and you rolled your hips over him, desperate for the friction or any type of movement. Hoseok firmly gripped onto your hips and then through his teeth growled
“don’t… or ill cum too soon”
But at the sound of his effort to calm himself down before he released inside of you so rolled your hips even harder, giving him a bratty smirk.  
Hoseok looked up at you through his lashes and glared. “you wanna play rough angel?” he asked before he abruptly pulled out and flipped you over, with you ass exposed to him as you laid out on your chest.
You squealed in excitement and shock at how fast he managed to flip you over and then giggled and smiled in excitement. Hoseok was usually the same in bed… not that it bothered you. He was skilled enough that each time that you made love you managed to cum multiple times and enjoy it. but it was never extra dirty or rough, unless there was some sort of occasion where he was really happy or having a rough day.
Hoseok lingered above you and he grabbed your ass cheeks, squeezing them and making them wiggle before he spanked them. he forced your legs to be shut and then sat on top of your legs, making your pussy feel extra tight and warm. He lined himself up and then let himself sink down inside of you again, nearly gasping for air the entire time that he sank further down.
You could tell that Hoseok was so riled up that he could bust at any moment and you smiled to yourself. Hoseok growled and then pulled your hair back, twisted it around and then laced his hands through it, giving himself a firm grip on your head as he pulled back to make you arch back towards him
When Hoseok was confident that you were secure he began to fuck you slowly.
You could feel every inch and vein in his cock as he pushed himself inside of you repeatedly. Your walls were wrapped around him so tight that you had no room to move or push back onto him, all you could do was lie down and surrender yourself to him.
“you feel so fucking good angel” Hoseok said through pants
You hummed “yeah? You like that?” you asked him, making your voice sound more sultry and slutty
“fuck yeah!”  he answered back before he began to pound into your harder and faster.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you felt him hit your g-spot over and over again. you mouth hung open and your body squirmed and vibrated over his cock.
Hoseok continued his torture, making himself thrust faster and faster. You began groaning and letting out drawn out moans from the pleasure.
Hoseok finally let go of your hair and you did your best to move so you could look back at him.
“you gonna cum on my cock angel?” he asked with fucked out eyes as he glared down at you in focus
You violently nodded your head and fell forward from how much pleasure was coursing through your body. You tried your best to ground yourself and push back against Hoseok as your body completely lost control and shook.
“fuck, fuck, fuck!” you yelled as a wave of white hot pleasure caused you to freeze in place.
Hoseok’s thrusts became sloppier and sloppier as he felt you convulse and tighten around his cock and he threw his head back as he felt his balls tighten and then release as he shot his cum straight into you. He rocked his hips into you and did his best to push all of his seed inside of you as deeply as possible.
“shit” he groaned  as he sat still on top of you
“babe get off” you said through tired breath
“no!” he said quickly “I don’t want any to spill out” he said
“you don’t want what?” you asked him confused before it finally dawned on you “oohhh!” you said with a smile
Hoseok put his hands on his waist as he sat and tried his best to catch his breath. You tried your best to shift and get comfortable while he sat there and Hoseok let out a moan
“fuck, don’t wiggle baby” he said with a giggle “I’m still super sensitive”
You chuckled and then laid your head down on your arms in front of you. You knew that Hoseok was serious about wanting a baby so he would probably be extra precautions about making sure that he did all he could to get you pregnant.
“okay, im going to pull out, but quickly before any can spill out lay at the headboard and put your feet up on the wall” Hoseok said making you look back at him with confusion
How in the hell would he know about doing that? He looked back at you like he was confused as to why you were confused.
“on the count of three” he said getting himself ready “1…2… 3!” he yelled
He quickly moved out of the way and helped you as you raised your legs above your head at the headboard. When he was content that you were positioned right he looked at the clock at your bedside.
“baby you have to stay like this for 15 minutes”
You laughed hard at how serious and strangely educated he was “how in the hell do you know about all of this?” you asked him
He looked away shyly and then back down at you before he cleared his throat and sat down next to you, placing his hand on your stomach.
“well…” he started “I’ve been thinking about this for a long time” he confessed
You smiled at him “how long have you wanted a baby?” you asked him
“honestly…” he said with a shy smile, rubbing the back of his neck “since before you graduated.”
Your eyes went wide and your jaw dropped “babe, why didn’t you say anything?” you asked him feeling guilty for some reason
“because at the time we were just engaged and I didn’t want to freak you out or worry you so I just left it alone.” He admitted
“well.. it definitely would have been too soon, but you still should have told me” you admitted
“would you have tried with me any sooner if I said something?” he asked in a joking tone
You frowned and shook your head no “no, I wouldn’t have been ready yet. In fact I just recently started think about kids. So the fact that I agreed so easily today kind of blows my mind still” you confessed
Hoseoks stomach growled and you looked up at him with wide eyes.
“you hungry?” you asked and he nodded his head “then let’s order something, I could use some food too” you confessed
Hoseok pulled out the room service menu that was kept on the desk next to the tv and you admired his physique as he looked it over.
Hoseok still had the best body that you had ever seen and you blushed to yourself slightly. You would have never thought that after five years of being together that the two of you would still be so shy and in love with each other like you were from the first day
A loving smile was beginning to spread across your face as you remembered some of your favorite memories with one another, when Hoseok had turned around to face you and read the menu to you.  After a moment of no response from you Hoseok glanced up at you and then smiled.
“what made you smile like that angel?”  he asked with a  wide, content grin of his own
You had finally snapped out of your daydream and looked up at Hoseok “nothing I was just thinking about memories” you said with a fond smile
Hoseok smiled back at you and then walked over to hand to the menu, for you to look over. You scanned all of the items and then decided.
“I’ll take this one you” you pointed to the menu and watched as Hoseok called the front desk and ordered for you.
He turned the tv on and found a movie for the two of you to watch while you waited. But shortly after you had relaxed and Hoseok settled down into the bed you were falling asleep.
 The sun was bright as it shone through the windows that were open, making the cotton curtains sway in the breeze. In the corner of the room there was a white crib, and inside was a small child. their hair was scattered across their chubby head and it’s eyes were the most beautiful shade of dark brown. Cute freckles were scattered across it’s face.
The small child was wrapped in a small blanket and it stared up at the ceiling babbling away in baby talk. Opposite of the crib sat a picture of the baby as it was being born, images of the mother and father, and cute little stuffed animals that were waiting to be played with.
Softly the door creaked open and a woman with soft features and a warm smile walked in to check in on her baby. She pulled her baby out of the crib and sat down in a rocking chair, holding her infant tightly in her arms as the two of them swayed back and forth.
The woman was opening her mouth to speak or sing to the baby but you couldn’t hear what she was trying to say. Everything went quiet and then your eyes ripped open and you were back to reality.
“the food is here angel, you can get up and eat now” Hoseok whispered to you as he ran his hand through your hair
You let your feet fall down to your side and sat up right, making your head spin and feel dizzy. You closed your eyes and then focused in on the food that sat in front of you.
“let me know if you need more food” Hoseok said “if you want to get pregnant we need to keep you healthy and well fed”
You looked at him and gave him an ugly smirk “Hoseok!” you said making sure that he was paying attention to you before you continued to speak “I’m on birth control, so the chances of me getting pregnant even if I stop taking it tomorrow is still really slim” you explained
“I know” Hoseok said looking sad for a moment before he let out a deep breath  “but I still need you to be healthy and help us increase our chances” he said with a small smile
You rolled your eyes and smiled as your forked some of your food in your mouth. He was lucky that he was so damn cute otherwise you wouldn’t put up with his little shenanigans.  You got a few bites of food in your mouth enjoying the taste groaning at how good it was and loving the flavors of Hawaiian food. The meal was going great until Hoseok interrupted your foodgasm with…..
“so what kind of baby names do you like?”
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thesibyllinebooks · 4 years
The New Yorkers (Part 26)
Percy opened the door to Annabeth’s apartment. He shut the door with his foot. Annabeth didn’t even look up. She sat with her feet propped up on the coffee table, alternating between staring at her laptop and the textbook next to her. 
Kicking off his shoes, Percy kissed Annabeth on the forehead and joined her on the couch. She’d been pretty quiet ever since their return from Camp Half-Blood a few days ago. Thankfully, her siblings had heard her out and voted to vacate the Athena Cabin. They’d admitted to Annabeth Athena hadn’t been much of a mother to them either, so when it came to choosing her or choosing to hopefully end a war, it wasn’t much of a choice to make. Annabeth’s sister Sophia had promised to alert the rest of the camp that same evening. Percy knew Annabeth had wanted to stay and deliver the message herself but Chiron had encouraged them to leave and allow the current campers to handle it, as that was how things were meant to be. Annabeth, never the type to want someone to do something she could do herself, was taking it hard. 
“You’re like a dog,” Annabeth sighed, looking down as Percy cuddled up to her and put his head in her lap, nearly knocking her laptop off her legs.
“I missed you, so sue me,” Percy said. He breathed in Annabeth’s lemony smell.
“You saw me this morning,” Annabeth pointed out. At this point, Percy sleeping over was pretty common. Annabeth of course didn’t mind. He couldn’t imagine Jason or Piper were upset about it either. 
Percy glanced at the clock under the TV. “Yeah, but that was a whole ten hours ago,” he whined.  
Despite herself, Annabeth glanced down at her boyfriend and smiled. He was such a doofus. She put her fingers in his hair. “You know,” she said slowly. “Your lease is up in July and I was thinking...”
“Is Annabeth- I like my space- Chase asking me to move in with her?” Percy said, faking an expression of awe. 
“Shut up,” Annabeth said back. “I mean you’re always over here anyway. And... it was going to happen eventually.”
“What makes you think that?” he asked. When Annabeth’s face went red with embarrassment, Percy laughed. He squeezed her tighter. “I’m just joking. Of course, I’d love to move in with you, Wise Girl. As long as you don’t mind a little mess.” Truly, Percy was excited to live with Annabeth. He looked forward to the fun parts like blowing up the kitchen while trying to cook together, and cuddling and watching movies. He didn’t exactly look forward to fighting over who left the toilet lid up, or their differing levels of cleanliness. 
Annabeth shook her head. “I know who I’m dating.”
“Well, at least you’ll have someone around to make sure you eat. I’m sure you’ve been studying all day,” Percy said. “Speaking of which, I ordered a pizza on the way home.”
Annabeth nodded absentmindedly. Even though his gestures were usually small, Annabeth couldn’t ever get enough of how thoughtful Percy was. “Well, you know I have that huge honors paper on the evolution of Revivalism,” Annabeth said.
Percy nodded. He reached across Annabeth to move her textbook out of the way. “I also know you drown yourself in books and studying when you’re stressed out,” he said gently. 
Annabeth sighed. “No, Percy. I have work to do,” Annabeth persisted. “Not everything is about-”
“I know, I know,” Percy said. “I just think- you know, based on the last two wars... I’d hate if we lost ourselves again. Not that I don’t care and I’m not worried, but we can’t let it consume our whole lives.”
Annabeth’s expression softened. She knew her boyfriend was right. Stewing on the matter wasn’t going to help anything, especially if there was nothing that could be done in the moment. Sophia and Chiron were handling things at camp.
“I know, Percy. But my mind wanders and then I feel guilty for not worrying sometimes even though I know worrying isn’t going to fix anything.”
“I get it. But we deserve lives, too. Chiron was right. We’ve made it this far, so we should be at least somewhat happy.” As if on cue, the doorbell rang. Percy let go of Annabeth and got up to open it. After he exchanged a few nice words with the pizza guy, he returned to the living room and set the box on the table. Annabeth got up to get plates. 
“Hey, I’m going to change real quick.” Percy called. 
“Okay.” It made Annabeth happy to know that in a few months, she and Percy would be living together full-time. Instead of him having a few changes of clothes in her apartment, all his things would be there. They’d be living like a real couple, happy and discovering life. If the gods’ alternative plans didn’t completely destroy their lives first. Annabeth tried to push the though out of her mind. She couldn’t think about that. She couldn’t give attention to her mother either, or else Athena’s presence would start to grow again. 
Annabeth plopped down on the couch. She opened the pizza box. Only when she smelled the food did she realize she hadn’t eaten since she’d come home that afternoon. Her mind had been reeling about schoolwork, and Percy, and everything else. Hazel had IMed and promised she’d get back in touch when Frank returned from Camp Jupiter in two days. Annabeth tried to take Percy’s advice. After all, it was a Friday night. They should be doing what any other young couple did- watch movies, hang out, just love each other. After all, who knew how much time they had left? Annabeth hoped it was eternity, but she knew better than almost anyone the next day wasn’t promised. 
Percy walked back into the living room. He stopped when he noticed Annabeth staring at him dumbly. She sat there, frozen, her plate in one hand a pizza slice in the other. “What?” Percy asked. 
“We should get married,” Annabeth blurted out.
Percy stared at Annabeth, mouth agape. It was unexpected but he knew she wasn’t joking. “Um, not that I don’t want to marry you, but where did that come from?” Percy asked cautiously, sitting next to her on the couch. He had half a mind to lay his hand on her forehead to see if she had a fever.
Annabeth shrugged. “I mean, we love each other,” she said casually. “And it’s not like we haven’t talked about it.”
“Yeah,” Percy agreed. He reached for a piece of pizza, trying not to make it obvious he was in absolute shock. “When we were older. And besides, we can’t get married before Hazel and Frank. That would be kind of rude.”
Annabeth pursed her lips like she hadn’t thought about that. “We could just go to the courthouse or something, Percy,” Annabeth suggested. “I don’t want the whole big wedding thing. I just want you. We don’t even have to tell them just yet.”
Percy was silent. He was thinking about how to approach the situation gently. Just minutes ago, Annabeth had asked him to move in, and now she wanted him to marry her. Both things had been completely out of the blue. Even though he loved Annabeth probably more than he loved himself, he knew she wasn’t just asking because she was eager to take their relationship to the next step. She was stressed, and scared, and wanting to grab hold to Percy in any way she could. 
“You think I’m going to leave you,” Percy realized. “And I’m not. I swear it on the River Styx.”
Annabeth’s eyebrows wrinkled. “Percy, don’t,” she said quietly. 
“But that’s why you’re asking, isn’t it? Because you’re scared.”
Annabeth stopped chewing. “I mean, I also love you, but don’t let that be a deciding factor,” she said bitterly.
“Of course, I know that,” Percy said, trying to keep cool. “But I also know that you think whenever things get a little difficult, I think about leaving you. I never do, you have to trust me on that.”
Annabeth didn’t know what to say. By the look on her face, Percy knew he was right. “I’m just saying it wouldn’t hurt,” she persisted. “Even if I know you aren’t going to leave me, it would feel even better to have something-”
“Permanent?” Percy guessed, thinking back to the conversations they had when they were teenagers. After everything that had happened, that seemed like decades ago.
Annabeth nodded. She didn’t have anything else to say. 
Admitted, things had been moving quickly since they’d gotten their memories of each other back. Things still felt new to Percy since he had to go through meeting Annabeth all over again, but things also felt very much the same. He didn’t know how to explain it well. He’d become accustomed to only dating her for a few months, only to realize they’d been together for years, and best friends longer than that. They had talked about marriage, and kids, and being a family, so Annabeth wasn’t out of line to bring it up again. And, shocked as he was, Percy would be a liar if he said he didn’t want those things too. What could it hurt if it happened a little earlier than planned?
“I’m not upset,” Percy assured her. “These last few months have been crazy but I get how you feel. I know it’s like we just lost each other, so things feel kind of fragile. But I promise it’s only made me love you more.”
Annabeth finally turned to look at him. “I love you too, Percy,” she said. There was still anticipation in her voice, like she was still waiting for her question to be answered. 
Percy sighed and leaned back on the couch. “I always thought I’d be the one to propose,” he started with a small smile. “I mean I figured I’d goof it up but still. I didn’t think it would come from you sitting on the couch looking like an absolute bum eating pizza.”
Annabeth hit him on the shoulder, but a smile crept across her face. “I mean, when have we ever done anything the normal way?”
Percy shrugged. He stared at his girlfriend- well, his soon to be wife. He couldn’t help but smile at the unexpected thought. “Good point. I guess we shouldn’t start now. Let’s do it, Annabeth. Let’s get married.”
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embeanwrites · 4 years
Finding Home Gavin Reed x Reader
Chapter 20
Hey, come over to my apartment when you get off?
 have to feed cats then ill be over, probs an hour
 Works for me
 warning im exhausted
 When are you not? Besides I only date you for the cuddles anyway.
 rude but fair
I sighed, laying on my couch. My apartment was becoming less dull, but it still needed some work. It was Wednesday evening and I had already prepped for my class tomorrow. After the previous night with my dad and Connor I were feeling a lot better. I hadn’t been able to see Gavin yesterday, he was at the DPD until 4 am. He even had to have Tina stop by his house to feed his cats. I was excited to tell him about how talking to my dad went. I was also looking forward to telling him about my class. 
I was scrolling through my phone when finally, Gavin knocked on my door. I jumped up and let him in. He dramatically walked in and flopped himself down on my couch.
“Well, hello to you too.” I said closing the door and looking back at him. He’d already closed his eyes. I walked over and made him move his feet. “Long day?”
“Too long. Nines is on my case about my paperwork. I always get it done like Jesus, he's not my boss. He needs to lay off.” He mumbled. He wiped his eyes and sat up. “Sorry. How was your class yesterday?”
“It was good, and be nice to Nines, he’s just doing his job.” I gently brushed his hair out of his face and smiled. “I’m excited for my class tomorrow. We’re finally getting into the real class work and not the b.s. syllabus day crap.”
“How did talking with your dad go?” He leaned into my hand.
“Better than I expected. I’m pretty sure without Connor’s help we still wouldn’t be talking. I want the four of us to get dinner soon.” He groaned and laid back down, putting his legs back on my lap. “Hey, come on.” He sighed.
“Tin Can can’t even eat, (Y/n). Why would we go to dinner?”
“Connor.” He sighed.
“I don’t want to do this right now, I’m tired.”
“Then call him Connor and not ‘tin can.’” I replied gently. 
“Slipped my mind.” He mumbled.
“Slipped your mind to treat Connor with respect?”
“(Y/n), I call Nines the same thing.”
“That doesn’t make it okay, Gavin.”
“Neither of them have complained. They can stand up for themselves if they want.” 
“Just because they haven’t said anything about it doesn’t mean it’s automatically okay, Gavin.”
“They’re big robots, let them stand up for themselves.” I moved Gavin’s legs off my lap and got up. I started pacing and biting the skin of my thumb. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Gavin watching me pace. “(Y/n), it’s not a big- “
“You better not say it’s not a big deal!” I snapped, finally turning to face him and pulling my hand away from my mouth to jab my finger accusingly at him. “Connor has been nothing but kind to me since I’ve come back to Detroit! He has defended you to my dad and spoken up for you!” I started walking towards my kitchen. I needed to do something with my hands, so I started putting away clean dishes. Just anything to keep my hands busy.
“It’s like a playful nickname, (Y/n)!” Gavin yelled as he followed me.
“No! Gavin it’s not! You call him tin can, plastic detective, plastic prick, and probably more I haven’t heard! It’s rude and horrible! Those are not playful, and you know it!” I whipped around and looked at him. He rolled his eyes and ran a hand through his hair.
“Why does it matter? He’s not even here!”
“It matters because he’s practically my family, Gavin! I care about him and I don’t want to listen to you make fun of him!”
“Oh my god, you’re being way too dramatic! Calling him Tin Can is not making fun of him! You’re the one who asked me to come over, you knew I would be exhausted! Why do you want to pick a fight?”
“I’m not picking a fight!”
“Jesus Christ (Y/n)! What do you think is happening right now? You are picking a fight over the smallest thing right now! What the fuck happened to you that makes you defend androids so fucking much!” Taken back by his words I took a step back and folded my arms over my chest.
“I’d like you to leave now.” I whispered.
“(Y/n), come on.” He took a step towards me and I took one back.
“I need you to leave.” I raised my voice and glared at him.
“Fine.” He said, throwing his hands up. He slammed the door shut behind him. I took a shaky breath, attempting to calm myself down. 
 It took thirty minutes of pacing around my living room stewing in my anger for it to dissipate. I finally laid down on my couch, grabbing my phone. No new notifications. Good. It's not like I wanted Gavin to text me anyway. I opened messenger anyway, I'd been alone all day and now I only wanted one androids company.
 Are you busy?
 No. Why?
 Can you come over?
 I can be there in 11 and a half minutes.
 I exhaled and put my phone on the coffee table, and covered my face with my hands, scrubbing off all the residual ick of volatile emotions. I closed my eyes and thought about what I said. Maybe I shouldn’t have gotten so mad, but Connor was becoming an important person in my life and I didn’t want to listen to Gavin patronize him. What even was my relationship with Connor? He didn’t mind when I said ‘dad’ instead of ‘my dad.’ Would he mind if I called him my brother? Should I even ask? Connor was new at this whole emotion thing and trying to figure out family dynamics couldn’t be easy.
There was a light knock at my door. I got up and opened it and let Connor in. He smiled gently.
“Is Gavin here?”
“He was, why?”
“His jeep is in the parking lot.” I told him to leave. Why was he still here? If he thought I was going to come down there and apologize to him, he was sorely mistaken. 
“How do you know it’s his, Connor?”
“The license plate number.” I laughed and sat back on the couch. Connor smiled and sat down. “Are you okay?” I sighed.
“No, but I’m getting there. Connor, I want to ask you something and I want you to be 100 percent honest, okay?”
“Would you be comfortable if I referred to you as my brother?” He froze and his LED spun red. “If that makes you uncomfortable or if you just don’t like it then I don’t have to. I just wanted to ask.” I spit out as quickly as I could.
“Could I call you my sister?” He asked quietly. I smiled widely.
“Of course, being siblings is a two-way street.” I bumped my shoulder into his.
“Why ask me now?” He looked at me softly.
“Well…to be honest me and Gavin got in a fight. He called you ‘Tin Can,’ and I got mad. I said that you were practically my family and that’s true, Connor. You’re basically dad’s son. He cares about you a lot and I care about you too.” He nodded, his LED still spinning red. “Are you okay?”
“Do you want to talk about it?” I asked softly. He paused for a moment.
“I’m trying to come up with the right words, (Y/n). I am honored you see me as a brother and to be honest I also view you and Hank as family. However, I worry that I may be overstepping my bounds. I’m not trying to replace Cole.” I put my hand on his shoulder.
“Connor, neither of us expect you to replace Cole. You can be a son and a brother without replacing Cole. I think Cole would be happy with how much you’ve done for dad. He’s not an easy person to get along with, but somehow, you’ve managed to get close to him and help him. He cares about you, Connor. You shouldn’t feel guilty about that.” He nodded; his LED turned yellow and finally back to blue.
“You’re really okay with me calling you my sister?”
“I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t.” He smiled at me.
“I’m sorry, you and Gavin got into a fight because of me.”
“Don’t. I’m not going to let Gavin make fun of you, Nines, or any other android.” Suddenly there was a knock on my door. I groaned, having very little doubt that it was Gavin. I glanced at Connor who was looking at the door. Sighing, I got up and opened my door. My suspicions were confirmed. “Were your ears burning? What do you want?”
“Can I come in?”
“Why are you still here? I asked you to leave.”
“(Y/n), can I please come in so we can talk about this.” 
“I don’t know. Are you going to be mean to Connor? Or perhaps you want to insult me instead. Let’s see you can still go after my anxiety, my lack of friends, or you haven’t insulted my dad today! Want to take your pick?”
“(Y/n) …” Connor spoke behind me. I turned around and sighed. Moving to let Gavin into my apartment.
“Hey, Connor.” Gavin said. I was surprised to see Connor glaring at Gavin, he normally seemed happy go lucky. I wondered if he was trying to protect me from getting hurt again by Gavin. 
“Detective Reed.” He responded curtly. I sat back down next to Connor and crossed my arms. 
There was a tense silence for a moment, before Gavin, who was staring at the floor, sighed and muttered ‘okay’ under his breath and then looked up at me. “I’m sorry, (Y/n). I’m just tired and things slip sometimes. I have been getting better about that shit ask Connor.” I dragged my eyes away from Gavin and looked over at Connor. For a moment he sat there not saying anything and finally he sighed and responded. 
“The daily insults have decreased.” Connor agreed begrudgingly. I sighed.
“Gavin, you have to get better about that. Connor is my family and I’m not going to be with someone who doesn’t treat him with respect.” Gavin sighed.
“I’m trying, but it takes time. I’m going to slip up and I’m sorry. I promise I’m trying to get better.” I looked at Connor and he nodded. “Shit, do you guys have some kind of telepathic thing going on now?” I laughed.
“No, Gavin.” I looked at him and sighed. “I know you’re trying, but just…let me correct you without getting defensive, okay?” He nodded and scratched the back of his neck.
“Yeah, you’re right.” Gavin looked to the ground and scratched the back of his neck. “Uhhh, sorry about all the insults Connor.” 
“Apology accepted.” 
“Do you guys wanna watch a movie?” I smiled at Gavin’s question and looked at Connor.
“We still have Muppet Treasure Island left to watch.” Connor suggested. I laughed and Gavin groaned.
We all squeezed on to my small couch. I was squashed between the two men in front of the tv. Gavin had his arm resting on my shoulder and Connor was fidgeting with his coin, but kept his eyes locked on the movie. It was relaxing. I hoped we’d have more moments like this.
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Bark At The Moon part 12
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A/N: My taglist for this is open (but there’s only a few parts left) as well as my forever tags. However I warn you guys I’m currently working on an original book (the second in the series), but I will still answer and take requests on this blog and my side blog @im-weak-for-jaskier
Pairing: werewolf!Sam x OC
Warnings: this is for the story over all and not any specific chapter. Language, violence, attempted rape, torture, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it) marking (not ABO even though Sam is an Alpha) but I’ll will tag the chapters appropriately.
Word Count: 1226
Nola was quiet as Sam took her back to the cabin. She was pale and her eyes wide. She couldn’t believe what had happened. She had killed someone. Sure that someone was a hunter and trying to kill her mate, but she had never harmed anyone in her life. She had always been a rather gentle soul. If given a choice she never would have shot Gordon.
Sam carried Nola into his room and helped her out of her clothing. He slipped his shirt over her head and covered her up. He had a feeling she was going into shock and wanted to treat it before it got dangerous. He laid her back and elevated her legs and feet a bit. If he could he would take her to the hospital, but they would ask questions; questions that would lead to more trouble.
It took two hours before Nola finally acknowledged Sam’s presence. She gazed up at him and tears silently leaked down her cheeks. “I killed someone,” she whispered. Looking down at her hands she let out a sob. “I killed someone,” she repeated.
Sam frowned. He lifted her chin and made her look at him. “Talk to me.”
“I shot him. I...I picked up the gun and shot him. M-me...I did it. I’m a m-m-murderer...I’m a bad...person. I’m g-going to...to hell,” she wailed in anguish.
He pulled her into his lap and shook his head. “No, baby, no. What you did was in defense. He kidnapped you, threatened your friends, was about to kill me. You didn’t commit murder. You had no choice. You aren’t a bad person and you aren’t going to hell,” he said softly.
His words didn’t stop the flow of her tears. Nola sobbed for an hour straight before finally falling asleep.
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Two weeks after the event-that’s what they were calling it-Nola was still upset. However Sam had finally convinced her that she had no choice and it wasn’t her fault. That didn’t stop her from feeling guilty. She had always been a good person. Driven by passion to help others and do good. Growing up she was the sweet girl giving her cookies or extra grapes to other kids. She always brought extra toys for those that had none. To take a life went against who she was at her core. Even if she had no other choice.
At first Nola barely touched food, pushing it around on her plate and then going back to her room to cry. But gradually her appetite came back and while she still cried herself to sleep she no longer ran off to hide. Sam felt like they were slowly making progress. He hoped that what he and the pack had planned would help to cheer her up a little. He knew it wasn’t easy to pull out of depression, but he wouldn’t let her succumb to it either.
It was around 11 am when Nola finally strolled into the kitchen. At this point she had given up hiding the truth from Donny and told him everything. He was shocked, but swore to keep her secret and run the hotel until she felt like coming back. That meant she could sleep as late as she wanted.
“Morning,” she mumbled moving toward the coffee pot. Sam, knowing she would sleep in, had recently made a fresh pot for her. After fixing her mug she turned and looked at the kitchen table, blinking. It was covered in different things. “What is all this?”
“Coloring books and colored pencils. Some stuffed animals,” he picked up a stuffed wolf to go with her other one, “bath bombs courtesy of Carly. Some new body lotion. I got some lavender massage oil. We got some of your favorite movies, chocolates, and salty foods. Figured we could all pile up in the den, watch some movies, junk out. I‘ll even order pizza. Then you can take a nice bath and sip some wine. After that, I'll give you a massage.”
Nola teared up and sat her mug down. She walked over to her mate and sat in his lap, laying her head on his chest. “Thank you. Thank all of you. I know I’ve been a mess lately…”
“An understandable mess.”
“An understandable mess. Anyway, I'm grateful that all of you have been here. You holding me without me asking. The fresh flowers Cas leaves in my room. The comfort foods Benny makes. Dean and Carly acting like everything is normal. All of it means so much. I still feel bad. I don’t blame myself, I know I had no choice. I’ll always regret what I did, but I believe I’m ready to move on from it.”
Sam wiped her tears away and kissed her softly. “That makes me happy. It’s normal to feel guilt and remorse, you’re a good person, but you can’t let it eat you alive. And all of us are here to help you. You don’t ever have to ask.”
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Three extra large pizzas were spread out on the coffee table in the living room along with all kinds of snacks and beer bottles. Nola was dressed in her favorite pajamas, snuggled under her favorite blanket with Sam as the opening credits of Dirty Dancing started. Everyone had grabbed up a slice of pizza and was ready to watch the movie.
Sam had one arm around his mate, snuggling her. He kissed her head and relaxed. As she leaned against him, he could feel a difference in her body language. She was less tense than she had been in recent weeks, but not fully relaxed yet. She wasn’t curling up on herself, trying to hide anymore. Instead she was curling up to him, being open to his presence and the others. Nor was she quite as jumpy as she had been.
Nola was deep into the movie when she heard her phone. She grabbed it and opened up the text message. She was surprised to see it was from Nikita. She hadn’t heard from her friend in some time.
Hey I’m back in town. Was hoping you and I could catch up. I’m sorry that I haven’t messaged you. Aidan and I have been having a lot of fun and kept busy.
She smiled as she read it over. She hadn’t been bothered by the fact that Nikita had been radio silent. She wanted her friend to enjoy her vacation with her fiancé. Aidan was a good guy and by the sounds of things he had made sure Nikita was happy.
I’d love to get together and catch up. How does lunch tomorrow sound? We can hit the little bistro in town. I have a lot to tell you.
Not that she would tell her everything. Some things were better left unspoken.
Sam looked down and smiled. “You seem rather happy. Who’s texting you baby?”
“My best friend. I’ve known her for years. There isn’t a thing I don’t know about her. We’re going to meet for lunch tomorrow and catch up.”
“That’s good. I’m glad you’re happy. Of course you know you can’t tell her things.”
She nodded. “I know. I’ll tell her about you, but not everything. Promise.” She smiled.
He kissed her head and they settled to watch the rest of the movie, not worried about a thing.
Likes don’t spread my work! Please reblog and leave a comment if you enjoyed this! I love hearing from you guys and knowing what you think and hope to see! Also I now have my own book published. Check it out here.
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blueluneacy · 5 years
Fairytale Beasts
Happy Halloween month, I wrote werewolf kira. Im back baby. I have a bunch of half finished drafts im working through, so hopefully content will come out soon. anyways warnings for this are just like, dub con i guess? theres no nsfw it just gets suggestive towards the end. also id consider him a yandere in this but thats just me Also on AO3!
You always had to remind yourself that fairytales weren’t real. You always seemed to have your head in the clouds, looking out the window, imagining how you would be swept off your feet by your prince charming. Not that that day would ever come. You always told yourself you had to focus, to work hard, and maybe someday, you could get married. But for now, you had to focus on your office job. You had to. You couldn’t get yelled at by your boss for a third time over daydreaming. Sure, it was boring, meaningless work, but you still had to do it. You had to pay the bills somehow. So, you did so, trying to ignore the stories forming in your head.
You had always been like this, ever since you were a child. It was hard not to be some hopeless romantic in such a dreary world. To fall hopelessly in love was something tons of people wanted, wasn’t it? You couldn’t help but sigh, even as you got up and pulled out your outdoor shoes to head out to lunch. 
It really was a nice day out. You smiled as you looked around, giving yourself the time to stare at the sky, to think about how nice hot coffee would be right now, with foam and maybe some caramel, or even-
You didn’t even realize you crashed into someone until you were on the ground. You cried out as your butt hit the ground, the pain of it causing you to come out of your haze. You saw the man you bumped into, and gasped. He was… Gorgeous, to say the least. You were doing your best to keep yourself from falling completely head over heels right there. You weren’t sure why you were so entranced, but just looking at him made you blush. From his golden hair, to the way his suit fell over his shoulders, to the expression of annoyance on his face. You noticed that annoyed last, and scrambled back, wincing slightly at the pain in your tailbone. 
“Um, I’m sorry! I wasn’t watching where I was going, I’ll be more careful next time!” You were scrambling around for your bag, trying to pick up the things that had fallen out of it. You were too busy with your own thoughts to remember to zip it up. When you finally looked back at him, you noticed a hand in your face, raised to you. He was already standing, looking down at you. You gingerly took his hand, noticing how warm it was. 
“Do you feel alright? You looked like you were in pain.” He asked, and you quickly drew your hand back once you realized you were still holding it. “Oh, me? I’m fine, just a little bruised!” You told him, laughing a bit. He gave you an odd look, one you couldn’t quite understand, then sighed.
“Then, do you need me to walk you home? You might get yourself more injured.” He asked, and you just squeaked as your heart skipped. What a gentleman… It was like the fairytale in your mind was coming true at last. But, you didn’t just give in, hoping in this stranger’s arms and asking him to take you to your happily ever after. You couldn’t, there just wasn’t enough time in your lunch break. “Oh, sorry, I’m actually on my lunch break right now… I um, I should actually get going.” You told him, looking at the ground, but he just smiled at you. You were so perfect. The way your eyes lit up was absolutely adorable. He supposed he could play with you for a little while. It would tie him over before his cravings started again.
“Then, would you like to eat lunch together? There’s a nice park we can sit at just a few minutes from here.” When he asked, you just knew you were screwed. You felt the blush rise in your face, and you just nodded dopily, giggling a bit. The man smiled at you, trying to keep back from squeezing too tightly as he took your hand and led you to the nearby park.
The two of you sat down under a tree in the shade. He finally introduced himself, and you just smiled, stumbling over your words. You felt the blush rise in his face, but he just laughed. He seemed to be good natured about everything. You felt yourself wanting to know more about this man, the man who’s name seemed to ring through your head like the chiming of bells.
Yoshikage Kira, just who are you?
He talked little more than face value about himself, instead asking your questions of some of the deepest nature.
“Where did you grow up?” “What kind of things scare you?”
“Are you so nervous around everyone?” 
The answers you gave proved to be adequate to Kira, and you sighed in relief. After all, each word that Kira spoke to you seemed to pry its way into your soul, causing the butterflys in your stomach to flutter even more. You felt like if things continued this way, you were either going to throw up on your newfound crush or faint from your rising body temperature. But, as all good things do, the lunch came to an end.
“Ah, I have to get back to work.” Kira looked at his watch and stood up, holding out his hand to help you up. You saw the time on his watch and squeaked. You were already 5 minutes late. He just smiled and laughed at you again.
Kira escorted you back to your office after lunch was over, and you assumed that was the end. Your fairytale was finally over. But, then, you saw him again the next week, and he ended up walking you home from work. You offered him to come inside and have some tea, but he just waved you off.
“I really shouldn’t stay out late.” 
Then, another time, it was a grocery store, where you stumbled right into his arms after tripping over some boxes.
“You do have a habit of falling into my arms, don’t you?”
Then, there was the coffee incident, where you ran into him at the same cafe you like to go to, and ended up completely ruining his shirt with iced coffee. You spent the next half hour trying to clean it with tissues.
“It’s really fine, dear. You don’t have to worry, I can take care of this.” The pet name he called you made your head spin, and you looked away, hoping to conceal how embarrassed you were.
“But, the stain…” You mumbled. “I’ll take it care of it. Besides, aren’t you late?” He asked, and you cringed. You were certainly going to get yelled at for this one.
“I, well, yes, but… I just want to try and fix my mistake…” You told him sheepishly, turning to run away. You wanted to get away from him before tears started flowing. But, as you tried to walk away, you felt a hand on your shoulder. 
“Hey, (y/n). It was an accident. I don’t blame you for anything.” He told you, and you whimpered slightly, nodding. You refused to speak, for fear that your voice would crack and reveal how upset you really were. “So don’t worry about it, alright? It was actually… Nice to see you fuss over me like that.” You quickly turned to him, shocked at how serious he was. You felt yourself laugh, and he looked away, pink starting to dust his face.
“Hey, I’m serious. Don’t laugh at me.” He said with a slight pout. You wiped away some tears that started to fall, and smiled. “Hey, Kira, when’s your next day off?”
And so, your fairytale continued. You ended up at a teahouse, talking and laughing. It felt like a dream come true. He even asked for your phone number so he could schedule something with you again. 
One date became two. Then three, and four, until finally, the two of you felt like a real couple. Kira was cool, tender, everything you wanted in a boyfriend. Your coworkers told you that they noticed how light and airy you were when you worked, even if you still made as many infractions as you did before. But, there was one thing wrong with your happy relationship.
“I can’t. I told you, I don’t like nights.” That was it. Kira would only meet with you during sun up. At night, he absolutely refused, no matter what. A movie? Well, there was a matinee, wouldn’t that work? Who needs to drink together, isn’t the teahouse fine? If you want, we could have an early dinner or a late lunch! It was a bit irritating, but you put it off. After all, he was your boyfriend. Maybe he was just a private person, or busy. Still, it haunted you. What was the man whom you loved so much hiding from you?
Yoshikage Kira, who really are you?
You felt bad about doing it, you really did. He tended to walk home alone in the fall, as to make sure he was home by sundown. You shouldn’t be following him without permission, you knew that. But god damn it, the man never even told you his address, even though he had been at your house countless times. So, you followed him, watching how he walked up to his own doorstep, unlocked his door, and went inside. And… That was it. Nothing else happened. You watched the house as the sun went down, but still, nothing. You sighed, feeling horribly guilty. Kira trusted you to respect his space, and here you were, spying on it. You stood up from your hiding spot to go home. Maybe you would be in time to watch some TV before going to bed. This was a bust, and you couldn’t help but feel bad about it. But, as you began to walk away, you heard it.
Maybe it was your imagination. But you swore, it had to be real. The sound of shattering glass, falling furniture, and… Some sort of animal? It sounded almost like a howl. Maybe Kira had a dog? You turned back, walking over to the house until you finally got to the front door. You paused at the door, looking and thinking. Should you really do this? The sound, it was… Could Kira be hurt? And if he was… What would happen if you did nothing? Even so, what if he hated you now? 
Perhaps it was a risk worth taking.
You opened the door slowly, finding it unlocked, and entered the house. You swallowed as you took your shoes off, entering slowly and quietly.
“Hey, Yoshikage? I, uh, I was…” You had no idea what to say. At least you made your presence known. You entered the house slowly, wincing as you hear the wood creak with your every step. You finally reached the living room, finding an absolute mess. A book shelf was thrown onto the floor, and the couch cushions were completely torn. You looked over at the pile of fuzz, turning your head back to the wall where you believed the bookshelf once took. The wall was covered in… “Are these… Claw marks?” You whispered to yourself, leaning in to touch the now ruined wall, only to feel large hands push into you, grabbing your arms. One was pinned behind your back, while the other was against the wall. You screamed and squirmed, feeling hot breaths start to reach your ear.
“Is that… (y/n). You’re here. I could smell you the minute you walked in the door.” You were shocked and started to squirm.
“Yoshi, w-what’s going on? Let me go!” You cried out, but his grip only got tighter. You felt sharp nails, no, claws, start to dig into your wrists, and you turned back to try and look at your boyfriend. He seemed to have grown in height and strength, and you noticed hair all over him, a sharp contrast from the clean cut man you knew.
“I told you not to come here. I told you I couldn’t see you at night!” He was growling at this point, angry. You felt your wrists start to bleed, and you cried out. The blood did not go unnoticed by Kira, who started to sniff the air before leaning in closer to the wrist pinned to your back. You tried to crane your neck back to see what he was doing, but all you could see what Kira’s torn up clothes, fur that seemed to be all over him, and you even noticed a tail that started to wag as soon as you felt it. Kira examined your bleeding wrist, and lapped up the blood, even getting between your fingers a bit. 
“You… You can’t… No one can know.” He told you, and you just whimpered, squirming more. “Y-Yoshi, please let me go, what’s going on?! Please, tell me.” You were shocked and horrified at what was happening. This is not the fairytale you had expected to find yourself in. Your boyfriend was supposed to be your prince, your knight in shining armor. Instead, you had seemed to find a beast in his place. 
“I warned you. I so desperately tried to warn you.” He seemed almost sad, but only for a moment, before he finally turned you around to face him, his rage for betraying his trust coming back. You were… Shocked. You saw those sharp teeth, the smell of your own blood on his breath, and you just couldn’t deny it anymore.
“Y… You’re not my boyfriend. Y… You can’t be!” You cried out, squirming once again, trying to free yourself from his grasp. He let out a laugh, one that you used to love, but now was leaving you horrified.
“You don’t believe it’s me? Really now? And after all the time we’ve spent together.” He told you, leaning in give a tentative kiss on your neck. You gasped, looking at him with shock. He still smelled like his usual cologne.
“Y-Yoshikage… Please, Yoshi…” You whimpered, but he just continued, giving a new nips to test his boundaries. 
“I told you. I tried to keep you out of this. But I can make this work. We can make this work.” He told you, and you cried out as you felt him bite into your neck, drawing blood. He gasped happily, moving to lap at your neck once again. He let out a hum, obviously pleased.
“If you came in when I was any hungrier, I might have torn you apart. You should feel lucky…” You felt his hands start to run all over your body, his claws starting to hang on parts of your clothing and tear them slightly. You tried to protest, clothes were expensive after all, but you would be quickly cut off by your Kira’s lips meeting yours, immediately forcing his tongue inside your mouth. He quickly forced you into submission, and even worse, you could feel yourself starting to want more. You let out a small moan as Kira pulled away and nipped at your lip. You hoped that he wouldn’t hear, but his keen ears flicked at the sound, and he just grinned.
“You like that? How crude of you. You know,” He tore your shirt off completely, you squeaking before it turned into a moan as he moved a clawed hand to your nipple.
“Originally, I was planning on eating you. I never planned on getting so attached… But I noticed how beautiful your fingers looked holding your lunch… And I became obsessed.” He told you, and you looked at him, a bit shocked.
“And now… Now that you’ve seen me… You can never leave me. Isn’t that wonderful?” He asked. You whimpered and just looked away. He… Killed people? You had always heard about the women who went missing in this town, but… It couldn’t really be him, could it? For the first time, you truly felt like you knew what terror was.
However, Kira wouldn’t take your silence. He simply scooped you up, and threw you onto the torn up couch, climbing on top of you. He quickly regained his spot at your neck, laughing once again. His body was just so hot, but it couldn’t stop your body from shaking in fear.
“You’re trembling… Hmm… Well, no matter…” He gathered up your wrists and pinned them above your head, looking down at you as if you were nothing more than a hunk of meat to him. In a way, perhaps that’s all you were. The look in his eyes was something you could only describe as feral and completely deranged.
“After all, I have forever to make you mine.”
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jtrbluv · 5 years
f i r s t  d a t e (mess we’ve made) | myg
pairing: min yoongi x reader 
genre: fluff
word count: 3.1k
warnings: none
summary: you to naturally drift away from the dangerous and enticing force of nature called love. you decide to have another go at it, with your best friend. how will it turn out in the end? a drabble series capturing the ups and downs of being in a relationship with your best friend, min yoongi.
A/N: this was a lot longer than i anticipated so umm. this is a oneshot series now HAHA. anyways enjoy hehe this is just wow im hungry
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❀ ❀ ❀ A first date is a momentous occasion, a milestone, a day that will forever be embedded into your mind, regardless if it’s good or bad. The thing is, when you are already best friends with that person you’re going on this so-called date with, it really doesn’t seem like anything’s changed. Yet, it’d be a complete lie if you were to say that it didn’t have any importance at all. He made you feel at ease, at home, besides that weird sensation that makes it feel like your heart is threatening to break the barriers of your ribcage. But hey, I guess that’s normal.
While going against the tradition of a first date where you’re supposed to make a good first impression and get to know the person more, you and your date, Min Yoongi, decided to take a different approach. A more affordable, lazier, and chill approach. An approach that included a movie marathon at someone’s house while splitting the pay (because chivalry is not quite dead, just yet) to order some pizza. And maybe some cuddling in between all that. Nothing more, nothing less, for now of course.
I mean, at least that’s how your dream looked like the night before your actual first date.
The two of you had planned this all out over text. He constantly asked you if you wanted to formally go out like your typical first date, but you told him that what you guys were doing was just fine. Although this date doesn’t seem as special as it was, deep down, you knew you had something more special and pure. And the thought of that alone just sent his heart into overdrive.
He almost entirely dismissed the fact that this was supposed to be a trial run of sorts. He already didn’t want what you two had, to end, even before it started.
On the contrary, this ‘trial run’ proposal had not left your thoughts ever since that night. You knew from the beginning that this was something you always wanted, as much as you wish you didn’t, it always had its throne in the back of your mind. And you didn’t know if you wanted it to ever end. And those thoughts alone scared the crap out of you.
You two had agreed to dress like bums while spending your time together. The classic hoodie and sweats are always a move. The effect of him wearing something so simple yet looking so effortlessly good always made you feel some type of way. He could say the same for you as well.
You sat on your phone as you mindlessly scroll through your phone, waiting for a certain car with a certain someone to pull up to your house. The night breeze nipped at your nose and sent shivers down your body. You always hated how cold it got in the nighttime despite how hot it would be in the day. Your hoodie strings were pulled tight and tied at your chin, making you look like E.T. and the fact that you were wearing Yoongi’s grey sweater didn’t help it either. You wore a pair of black leggings and black slides to complete the ‘i hate school, i don’t wanna be here so what’s the point of me trying to look nice’ look. It was a look you became very accustomed to in your sophomore year after everything that had happened at the time. Next to you was a paper bag full of snacks the two of you loved to eat.
The deep rumble of the car’s exhaust pulling up near you caused you to glance up from your phone. A familiar car pulled up to your driveway as you stand up from the porch and approach the car. The car window rolls down to reveal the face of a boy you’ve grown very familiar with and fond of. He sweetly smiles at you as you shakily open the car door and settle into the passenger’s seat. A wave of nervousness and anticipation settles into your bones. These feelings were foreign to you and you definitely didn’t expect them to appear when being in the presence of your best friend. This is different now. The title of a ‘boyfriend’ or ‘significant other’ holds an entirely new importance that you weren’t used to. At all.
Yoongi noticed your lack of usual chatter and assumed its from your own nerves. He realized how hard it must be for you to do this and come out of your comfort zone like this. It’d be a lie if he didn’t say he wasn’t nervous himself. He’d been thinking about being able to have this moment with you for so long now, and he really didn’t want to fuck it all up. After all, you two were best friends and you essentially knew each other as much as you know yourselves, if not, even better. He garnered up the courage to create small talk with you,
“Did you um- start on the summer assignments?” he stuttered, not keeping his eyes off the road.
“I did some of it,” you respond, voice barely louder than a whisper, “it’s really boring.”
His lips press together into a thin line, unsure about what to say next, “Alright.”
“Yeah,” you murmur, staring out the window as you think about the awkward tension in the air that was basically suffocating the two of you whole.
As you two approached a stoplight, Yoongi looks over at you as you’re still staring out the window. You sense his presence behind you as you slowly turn your head towards him, eyes wide and face blank. An uncomfortable silence takes over until you both couldn’t take it. You both chuckled together in unison, breaking the impromptu staring contest you two just had.
Your mind snapped back into reality as you process what had just happened, and you were utterly confused. “What’s happening Yoongi?” you ask him, starting to feel at ease once more.
“I have no idea,” he responded, pulling up to his house, “but here we are, mi casa.”
He parks the car and leaves, you gathered your belongings until the car door abruptly opens causing you to gasp and drop your bag, “Ladies first.” Yoongi says, arm motioning you to exit the car as if you had your own personal chauffeur.
Your brows furrow in annoyance as you clench your teeth, “You know, when people open doors for others, they don’t swing it open and startle them like that.”
“It’s not my fault you get scared so easily,” he smirks, causing you to get even more irritated.
He opens the door to his house for you as you step inside and slip off your shoes, “I’m gonna kill you one day, just watch.” you jokingly threatened him, loosening the strings of your hoodie as you slid the hood down.
“I’d love to see you try baby,” he responded provocatively, making his voice sound even deeper than usual while emphasizing the pet name he had used at the end. Your eyebrows shot up as you suddenly lose all train of thought. You cough to regain your composure as you mutter, “Baby?”
He bit his bottom lip as his head droops down, “Sorry, I just,” he scratches the back of his head, the pink pigment in his cheeks starting to increase, ”just forget about it.”
“No, it’s okay.” you immediately respond, feeling guilty for how you had reacted, “you just caught me off guard,” you reveal as Yoongi sighs in relief. You snicker to yourself as you started to lay out the snacks on the coffee table as Yoongi grabbed a few blankets and pillows from his bedroom and laid them out on the couch.  
He walks over and plops onto the couch, grabbing the TV remote as he starts looking through whatever’s on Netflix, “What do you wanna watch?”
“I don’t know. I don’t really care to be honest.”
“Me neither.”
You finish setting up as you plop down onto the couch, sitting next to him, “Oh yeah, I ordered pizza. I think it should be coming soon,” he said as the doorbell coincidentally rings. He greets and pays the delivery man as he brings the box to the coffee table and sets it down. The familiar aroma of a warm delectable pizza full of gooey cheese and an array of toppings practically made your mouth water. You two always liked combo pizza the most because pepperoni and cheese was just too plain and boring for your tastes. You two immediately dug in, eating straight from the box because it was too much work to grab plates.
“I was thinking,” you said, mouth filled with pizza, as sauce started to drip out of your mouth, “the ‘Suite Life Movie’.
He nodded before taking another bite out of his pizza, “A cinematic masterpiece.”
“Of course. The plot was truly ahead of its time.”
“That’s true, but, I was thinking,” he attempted to explain while chewing, “Let It Shine.”
You paused at his suggestion, mouth inches away from taking another bite of your pizza, “An underrated cinematic masterpiece. ‘Don’t Run Away’ is still a huge bop I don’t care what anyone says.”
“Then it’s settled,” he said, wiping his hands with a napkin before turning on the movie.
The movie begins to play as you and Yoongi continue to stuff your faces with junk while still focusing on the movie. You two had finally reached your breaking point as you clean up and rest on the couch. Yoongi takes the blanket beside him and drapes it over you. You glance over as you see you two sharing the blanket as it drapes over your legs and his. You scoot closer to him so you sat shoulder to shoulder. As you settle back into your original position, the back of your hand brushes against his, causing you to stiffen. Yoongi peers over at your distressed form, smiling at your tenseness. Your eyes soften as you slowly slip and intertwine your fingers with his own, leaving him ogling at you in pure awe and shock. You smirk at him, sinking back into the couch cushions as you continue to watch the movie.
You involuntarily snuggled closer to him as the movie went on. Legs tangled beneath the sheets, hands intertwined, as your head rested in the crook of his neck. You both hummed along to all the songs as they flashed on the screen. Your body began to shut down towards the end of the movie as your eyes constantly threatened to close. Yoongi turned his head slightly to see your eyelids fluttering, fighting the wave of fatigue and drowsiness that was overtaking you. On a whim he decided to ask you, “Hey, Y/N,” he whispers into your hair. His voice causes you to stir awake, shaking your head as you detach your body from his.
“Let’s go out,” he said, eyes pleading for you to say yes as his hand was pulling you to get up.
You let out a deep yawn, attempting to rub the sleep from your eyes, “Isn’t it getting late?”
“It’s only 11:30,” he responds, showing you the time on his phone, “c’mon y/n, I know you’ll like it.”
“Alright,” you give in, standing up from the couch, “where are we even going?”
You follow him out the front door and into his car, “We can’t forget about dessert right? Besides, I’m craving bingsu.”
“That does sound really good,” you add, “I was like 5 seconds away from entering a food coma. You caught me at the right time.”
You constantly yawned the entire car ride there, head bobbing as you kept falling asleep on the way to the tea house. He was taking you a popular place around your area that specialized in boba and bingsu.
“Here we are,” he said, taking the keys out of the ignition as he gets out of the car. You trip while getting out of the car, stumbling to the door of the tea house while Yoongi watched you with eyes full of admiration at your clumsiness. You run your hands through your hair as you grab a table towards the back of the small restaurant while Yoongi ordered. You propped your elbow onto the table as rested your head in the palm of your hand. Yoongi walks over to you with a large ceramic bowl filled with mango bingsu, a favorite between the two of you. You gave him a timid grin as you mouthed a small ‘thank you’. You pick up the spoon, about to dig in until he intervenes,
“Wait, lemme take a picture of you first,” he blurted out, reaching out and holding your wrist just before you were about to dent the bingsu, “it’s our first date after all.”
“I look so bad,” you giggle, holding out your sweater paws and disheveled hair.
“You could never look bad to me,” he said, smiling sweetly at you as he snaps a picture of you with his phone. He sets his phone down and picks up his spoon until you interrupt, “Hey, me too!” taking out your phone as you take a picture of him holding up his spoon and smiling. New wallpaper secured.
You both nodded in agreement as you dug into the bingsu. You two finished the bowl concerningly fast considering the amount of pizza you two had devoured back at his house. You lean back in your seat, clutching your bloated stomach.
Yoongi emits a loud belch which makes you both laugh in amusement, “We should get out of here before we both pass out, at least we could sleep back at home.”
“Alright then,” you huff, slowly rising up from your seat, “let’s go,” you murmur, stretching your hand out towards him. He takes your hand in his own as he stands up and you leave the restaurant.
The car drive home was relatively silent. Simply just basking in each other’s presence and the fact that you two were together, and you certainly couldn’t ask for anything better than that.
Your dad had agreed to let you spend the night at Yoongi’s house. His mom and your dad have been close friends since the two of you had known each other which made things significantly easier. He parks the car in the driveway as he sluggishly steps out. You follow him into the house as he sets his keys down and jumps onto the couch. You sheepishly grin as you trail him and plop down onto the spot next to him. He sighed deeply as he started to speak, “It’s not even that late but all this food is making me tired as hell.”
“Yeah, I feel like I just gained 10 pounds.” you chuckle, rubbing your stomach in emphasis.
“Sooo,” he trails, turning to face you, “what did you think of tonight?”
“I loved it.”
“I’m glad you did.” he responded, reaching over to grab your hand, “Ready to sleep?”
“Mhm,” you manage to mumble out as he draped the blanket over the two of you. He happened to have a pull out couch that was fairly comfortable than most. Although you were good acquaintances with his mom, and she happened to like you very much, you didn’t want to ruin her trust by spending your first date in his bedroom. Naturally, she could get the wrong idea, and that’s the last thing you wanted to happen.
The dim lighting barely allowed you to make out most of his features, but for some reason your heart was racing. He slowly laid himself down onto the couch, motioning you to join him. You oblige and lay down next to him, facing him as he pulled you in close. The close proximity reminded you very much of the day he had confessed to you. Except this time you weren’t sitting in the back of his car, under the stars, anxious and afraid of what was going to happen next. You were in the comfort of his home, sitting on his couch, wrapped in his warm embrace, content and happy.
He brought his hand up and timidly cupped your face, brushing the pad of his thumb along your cheek. You leaned in towards his hand as a small giggle escaped past your lips, making his lips curl into a smile. The sound died down as the smile faded from him, his eyes transformed into something you couldn’t quite read. He looked almost confused and hesitant, but your oblivious self couldn’t pinpoint what he was thinking about.
That completely went out the window the moment he started to lean in. It would’ve been stupid to say it wasn’t something you two had always wanted and always thought about. Your lips meshed together moving in perfect harmony. Something switches in your head and tells you to go for it. Maybe it’s lust. Maybe it’s love. Or maybe it’s the fact that his eyes are closed, his face is centimeters away, and you were practically about to bump noses. You take a deep inhale as you slowly shut your eyes and lean in.
Your lips meet. His lips were soft and cold from the shaved ice you two had previously eaten. You two awkwardly stay in the same position and broke it soon after. His eyes widen in complete shock, “Woah.”
“Yoongi, that was literally a peck.”
“Okay an-”
You shut him up with another kiss on the lips. This one was certainly different from the other. It had more fire, more passion, more longing. You slowly caressed each other’s lips, taking your time and letting this new, foreign feeling sink in. Your hand involuntarily reach up, fingers entangling itself into his hair. As you started to get more comfortable, you would sporadically detach lips and change the positioning of your heads and resume kissing. It’s as if that single kiss had just made up for all the lost time and all the time you two had spent wishing to be together.
You two part at last, foreheads against one another as you stare into each other’s eyes. You were both in complete disbelief at what had just happened, but you had wished it had never ended.
“Goodnight beautiful.” he softly mutters, pressing a final kiss to your forehead as he sinks back into the couch, eyes shutting.
The corners of your lips naturally curl into a smile at the sight of him sleeping soundly right next to you.
“Goodnight Yoongi.”
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jinxthequeergirl · 5 years
In The Depths of your mind
Gabriel x winchester!reader
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Summary: after your life spirled out of control after Gabriel's seeming death the boys take matters of erasing him from your memory, but of course he comes back and is still in love with you but can't do anything about it
Warning: swearing,angst, probably gets a little spicy towards the end?
This is just a guilty pleasure thing I did for myself, also Blame my friend for making me love this ass again
Also this story? Long as all heck like, And sucks booty but ding dang im sorry.
"Stay still!" You yelled at the angle in front of you. "Ok, ok, I'm sorry!"
You grinned up at him and traced your finger across his palm, causing him to squirm again. "Gabriel!" You dropped his hand and fell back into your bed. "I'm sorry! I swear I won't squirm anymore!"
You laughed and pulled him down with you and kissed him. "You ruined the moment dumbass." you muttered before kissing him again. He frowned after pulling away and rested his chin on your chest.
"Sugar, please? I'm dying to know what my future holds!" You hummed in response and played with his hair. "You know what I think?"
He shifted on the bed next to you and rested his head on your shoulder. "What?"
"I think...the future can wait. It's a beautiful afternoon...and I could really use a nap...so why don't we just live in the moment?"
He smiled as you curled up next to him and shut your eyes. "In order to nap your eyes need to be closed, Angel cake." he chuckled and shut his eyes falling asleep with you.
It was weird that's instantly what he thought of after Sam and Dean told him that after he "died" they had castiel erasie him from your memories, meaning you wouldn't know who he was when you walked in through the door, you wouldn't remember the life he gave you for a little while, and he could do nothing about it.
But it pained him even more to hear about how bad your life had spiraled out after he did so. "Just remeber we don't know what could happen if you bring those memories up unexpectedly, so just be careful..."
He nodded slowly still processing everything.
"Boys I'm home!" you yelled from within the bunker. Gabriel perked up in his seat turning to the doorway where you appeared holding three bags, two bags from KFC and one from the grocery store.
Gabriel stopped when he noticed your hair wasn't it's natural color and it was only then he realiesed only part of what had happened to you after he left.
"You must be the person I spent an extra twenty bucks on." you joked as you set the bags down on the table he was still seated at.
"I'm y/n by the way." he stared up at you as you started unpacking the food. Dean came up behind him and hit him slightly shaking him from his gaze. "Gabriel, nice to...nice to meet you."
You looked at him with a smile. "Well Gabriel, dig in!"
You took a seat next to him grabbing some chickens and talking to Sam and Dean about the case You where currently working on.
Gabriel barrely moved the entire time you all sat there talking, he sat there ever so slightly eating the food and glancing at you.
"So what's your deal?" you asked him after you finished, Dean had already set to work on opening the grocery bag full of deserts you picked up.
"What do you mean?" you shrugged.
"Well I don't know You very well....or at all for that matter but the boys here do so?...."
He looked at Sam and Dean across the table as if they where holding poster borards with what to say up. But they gave him the same look.
"Hello?" Sam cleared his throat and began talking. "Gabriel here is...An old hunting buddy of ours and....and came here for a place to stay for a while." You looked at the three men suspiciously.
"Ok well how long-"
"Years...years and years almost too long if you ask me." Dean chimmed in. You looked at Gabriel who flashed you an unconvincing smile.
Yet it was a smile and it sparked something in you causing you to return the guesture. "So tell me about you!" Gabriel said quickly catching both sam, Dean and you off gauird.
"Uh ok? What do you wanna know?" you shrugged crossing your arms and and leaning back in your chair to face him.
"Your hair is interesting." You laughed.
"Strange choice of topic but ok, yea I was feeling bold....thought it was time for a change. So I got up one night ran to the closest convinence store and picked the first color I saw, I stayed up till four in the morning doing it." You laughed.
He laughed lightly with you, he knew that's not really what happened but it was pretty close to something you would do no matter the state.
And then suddenly you where both talking like nothing had changed, you told him about things you liked and did as hobnies, you told him about music you had gotten into and movies you started watching.
You even told him stories of hunts, some scared him and made him worry for you, others impressed him and at somepoints made him laugh when you brought up a funny memory.
And to him it really felt like he hadn't lied to you for year, like he hadn't put you through pain and angony and it felt just almost like you where sitting on the front pouch of the house he stole you away to and talked as the Sun set behind the ocean.
And it felt the same to you, talking to him felt familiar and comfortable, it was like talking to Sam and Dean but times a thousand.
"You alright?" you swallowed thickly and furrowed your brows realising you had infact gone scilent and stared blankly at the table in front of you. "Yea...wow I just...just got lost in thought for a second there." you chuckled.
"Hey you should probably get some sleep." you hummed in response finally noticing Sam and Dean where obviously way ahead of you.
"Yea...uh did they show you where your room is?" you asked while standing up. "Yea I got it." You smiled and headed across the room to find your bedroom.
"Goodnight gabriel, it was nice meeting you." he frowned slightly. "Right...yea nice meeting you too!..."
He stayed there at the table for some time, he let his mind drift from one thing about you to the next, Sam and Dean hadn't told him what exactly happened to you, what you did when he left so he thought about that. When that got to painful he thought back to the house on the beach.
Years and years ago you ran away with him, he promised you a life hunting and being a winchester could have never promised.
He made sure your life took place some where that made you happy and worked hard to make it perfect and as far as he knew it was exactly that to you.
It was a small and quaint little cabin right on the edge of the beach, the beach because he remembered you telling him that never in your life have you been, he included a garden in the back, and your own personal art studio where he remembered watching you sing at along to bon jovie at the top of your lungs while you painted.
And then out in the front of the house there was a hammock tied to the post of the front pouch and a tree and you two would lie there rocking back and fourth lightly during the late afternoon talking and listening to the ocean.
"I thought you said Sam and Dean showed you your room?" Gabriel jumped awake upon hearing your voice. You laughed seeing him do so. "Easy sleeping beauty."
"What time is it?" he asked groggily sitting up. "Eight thirty, thing one and thing two went on a coffee run...what happened to you?"
"I don't know I guess I fell asleep before I could get up."
"Oh really? Is that what happened? You asked sarcastically. You pushed yourself off of the table and headed into the kitchen. "You like sweet things, right?"
He nodded while standing up to strech, but then paused. "How'd you know that?"
You turned slightly stopping yourself. "Uh...you told me didn't you? Last night." he narrowed his eyes trying to think. Maybe he did and he just couldn't remeber.
"Yea..." you smiled and continued into the kitchen. You appeared from the kitchen just in time to see Sam and Dean return with the coffee.
"Welcome home!" you said carrying a dish. "Wha y/n you never cook...what is this?"
You shrugged setting it down. "Cinnamon rolls." you said with a smirk. It didn't take long for Sam and Dean to notice you where acting diffrent now that Gabriel was around you would bring up weird thing, you kept spacing out at times and everything about you had shifted.
And that's exactly what got you hurt on your last hunt with the three of them. So you stayed in the bunker doing reasearch for them while Gabriel stayed and watched over you.
"Hey, I brought something for you to eat." He said pushing open the door. You smiled and sat yourself up slowly, still wincing at the slight movement. You held your side and mustered a smile.
"Hey take it easy, sugar." he set the plate down on the bed stand beside you and looked around the room eyes landing on the small desk and the art that hung on the wall above it.
"How are you holding up?" he asked looking the art closely.
"Uh as good as a person with a cracked rib could be." You responded. He chuckled lightly.
"These...are...amazing!" he said looking at them closely. He took note of the facless figure's with wings who's faces where scribbled out, then the house.
Your house, the one on the beach. "What...What is this?" he asked pointing to it.
"Oh the dream house." You grinned.
"The what?"
"Well being a Winchester and hunting things for a living isn't exactly a dream life...So I've always dreamt of living on this perfect little beach in this cute little house."
He watched as you smiled dreamily and continued explaining exactly what you had, like it was burried deep inside your mind, yet right at the surface of it all.
"And I'd live there with the person I love and we would just spend every day together going to the market near by or laying in the hammock..." you chuckled ever so slightly at the thought.
"But I'm here instead living my best life..." everything was scilent between you for a few moments. Then you shifted on the bed clutching your side. "Hey come here." You said patting the bed in front of you.
He did so and you held your hand out expectantly. "Gimme your hand." He did so a started wriggiling under your touch as you traced the lines on his hand.
"What are-"
"Reading your palm, a friend taught me a while back, Now Sit still dipshit." You giggled. He stopped when you said that breathing out lightly.
"Well lucky you." you stated excitedly. "It looks like..." you started laughing catching him off gauird. "What? What is it?"
"Nothing! Nothing! It's just...I have no idea what I'm doing! I've forgotten what she taught!" you laughed loudly still holding his hand. He grinned and started laughing along with you.
Once you died down you looked at each other quietly for a moment. And then suddenly you had his face in your hands and kissed him deeply, your kissy was needy and despreat, like you where missing it.
He didn't stop you either, he wrapped his arms around your back and deepend the kiss. You discarded your sweater which stopped Gabriel momentarily as he looked at the bandaging around your torso.
"Hey..." you kissed him between your words. "I'm fine."
He gingerly moved his hands down your torso. "I love you." he muttered out against your lips. You hummed kissing him deeply. And suddenly there was a sharp pain in your head and you free back grimcing.
"Y/n?" You scooted back holding your head. "I'm..." you let out a pain filled yelp screwing your eyes shut tightly.
"Y/n what's wrong!?" he moved to touch your arm and as soon as he did your ears where ringing and it felt like someone was pushing your head into a wall slowly, you let out one more scream before Your vision went black.
"Gabe!" Dean grabbed you and pulled you back from the scene in front of you. Gabriel really did his hardest to take down Lucifer but it didn't look so good. Because he had an angel blade deep in the gut of the person you loved.
"Oh no...gabe look." he turned Gabriel around to face you as your brother held you from attacking Lucifer. Tears rimmed your eyes as you struggled to run over to him.
He swallowed thickly as he looked at you. "I'm...I'm...so sorry..." Lucifer pulled the blade from him and let him drop. "Oops."
You let out an angry scream at him before he vanished. You kicked Deans leg hard causing him to loosen his grip.
You ran over to him stopping when you saw the black scorch marks of wings sit on the floor around him. "Fuck, Gabriel!?" you fell to your knees slowly touching him lightly. "Gabe?...Angel?...Angel cakes!? Please!" you shook him slightly hoping that would do it.
"Gabriel you ass! Don't you dare!" when he didn't move you sobbed into his chest. "Y/n...come on...we need to go.." you shook sam away from you. "NO! I should have fucking listened to him! And stayed at home! He gave me a home sam! And now...now he's dead and I...I can't...can't go back home!" they where scilent. "And he didn't say good bye He said I'm sorry....it wasn't his fault..."
Suddenly your eyes snapped open and it felt like the wind was knocked from you, tears slid down your face, and You breathed heavily looking up at the consirened Angel in front of you. "Y/n?" he asked carefully.
"What the hell..." You breathed finally. He furrowed his brows. "YOUR DEAD! YOUR FUCKING DEAD!" you yelled getting up quickly.
"Wait, y/n-"
"I...I went through hell and now your...your back!?" you grabbed your sweater pulling it on. You stumbled, your head was still burning and your side ached.
"Y/n stop let me explain-"
"Fuck you gabriel! I trusted you! I loved you and and you faked your death I assume...and What where you doing? Huh? Off with some slutty pornstars!?"
The angrier you got the more your head started reeling digging up memories you'd lost after that, putting the pieces together. "Get out."
"GET OUT I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU!" you yelled pinching the bridge of your noise holding back tears. "No we should talk-"
"Gabriel." you said flatly, glaring up at him. He looked down and quickly left the room. You followed slamming the door shut. He stood there for a little bit and soon enough heard you sobbing. "I'm sorry..." you heard him mumble. Outside the door. You stopped and just burried your head in your arms chocking on sobs trying to ignore the memories that where lost that started flooding your head.
When he got no response he sighed and took a seat outside your door hoping you would open it and let him explain or help.
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jaebaebie · 5 years
Why Us? Why Now? Why Ever?
In a post apocalyptic world where walkers took over the living, Era realised that she was different from every one else. Wanting to uncover the reasons to her differences, she embarked on a journey to the West where she met a few Strays,, including a man named Hwang Hyun Jin who, just like her, was cold, hot headed, and full of distrust. She thought they would never get along, but what happens when the two cold hearts start to melt?
Chapter 2 ~ “Stalker much?
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I knew I was doomed the minute my eyes landed on the walker through the slightest gap between the wooden planks. The corpse, with all its anger and glory, was now squeezing its way through the broken plank, clawing its arms towards me.
I shook the metal chains around my wrist, trying to break out of it. Luckily for me, Han was nice enough to tie the chains tightly, but loose enough for me to squeeze my hands through it. Painfully and forcefully
The walker grabbed hold of my ankle, dragging me towards it. My elbow grazed along the rough cement floor and I kicked it right in the jaw, sparing me more time to pull my hand out of the chains.
I yelled in pain as I pulled my hand out, not caring about the possible sprain I was causing my wrist to have. Heck, I didn’t even care about possibly dislocating it. The walker was waist deep into the attic, and the wooden planks were no longer going to hold. It was either my wrist or my neck and I would rather live with a dislocated wrist rather than die from the savage walker.
I kicked it once more just as my right hand finally got free, and I immediately stretched to grab the crowbar from the table across me. On cue, the wooden plank snapped in half and the walker launched itself towards me, snapping onto my face.
With my legs I pushed it away before lunging the crow bar in between its eyes. My stomach churned as its decaying smell filled my nose. I would have hurled if I was not trying to fight for my life against it. With my left hand freed, I pulled the crowbar for another hit, only to realise that it had stuck in the corpse’s skull.
I kicked it once more, scanning around for anything that I could use. Just above the walker was a sharp plank that had gotten loose upon its entry, allowing a new idea to enter my brain.
I panted, letting out a shriek as the walker attacked once again, barely missing my face. I pushed it back with both hands, feeling my hands sink into its meat. With the last ounce of strength, I pushed it back, driving its head through the sharp plank. I watched as its body went limp, and the sound of its spitty hiss silenced.
The door to the storage attic burst open, revealing three shocked men.
“Holy shit.” Han gasped.
That indeed. I let out shaky breaths, panting uncontrollably as I finally managed to take a break from the event that had just unfolded.
“Im. Still. Not. Bit.”
I tried to catch my breath but it only felt like my breath just got slower. Louder..? My body began to feel heavier with every breath I took and my vision clouded, causing the three guys that appeared in front of me to disappear.
And then nothing.
I woke up to find myself in a bed. In a small, tiled room lined with shelves of medical supplies. It smelled similar to that of the hospitals I used to visit with my parents before the apocalypse. Like alcohol. I sat up, immediately feeling the ache shoot through my entire body. My arm and wrist were nicely wrapped in bandages and a needle with embedded in the back of my palm, allowing me to be attached to one of those IV drips I had only seen in movies. 
I immediately looked away, not liking how to needle looked in my skin and how it felt. I was always afraid of them. So much so that I refused to get injections when I was younger.
The door opened and two boys entered. The two of them brought something special with them. Like the mood in the solemn room immediately lightened the minute they stepped foot in it. I looked at them, noticing the bright cheeky smile on one of their faces, while the other boy had a much shyer smile.
“You’re awake!” Cheeky smile boy exclaimed, rushing to me, “I heard your name was Era from Han. My name is Jeongin. That ‘quiet’ boy over there is Seungmin.”
Slightly taken aback by his sudden friendliness, I flinched back, giving him a weird look which he immediately noticed and apologised for.
“In just one minute you managed to scare her already, Jeongin.” Seungmin shook his head, causing the other to pout, “We got you all stitched up and we cleaned the rest of your wounds. You’re lucky Hyunjin found you.”
I couldn’t help but let out a small scoff, is that what he’s been telling people? “Yeah, I sure am.” I replied, my sarcasm wasn’t left unnoticed.
“You’re IV drip is finished, so Jeongin can take you to eat. You must be starving.”
It was true. I was extremely hungry. Like Seungmin said, Jeongin walked me to the ‘cafeteria’ outside with his non stop cheerful talking. I had to admit, he was cute. As in baby brother cute as he was probably a year or two younger than me. As we walked the halls, Jeongin told me about how him and 8 others found the camp not long after the apocalypse hit. Ever since, they’ve been focusing on trying to establish a walker free zone and strengthening the barricades around the camp.
He stated that it was a great place to start with, especially since it was already equipped with separate rooms, bathrooms, infirmaries. The ‘cafeteria’ was placed outside, where the campfire was set to cook food. He pushed open the double doors of the school, allowing sunlight to hit my face. 
“Welcome to Camp Miroh, Era.”
Jeongin passed me a tray, before leading me to walk to a woman managing the pot at the bonfire. She appeared to be in her mid 30s, giving me a warm smile as she scooped my ration into my tray.
As we walked towards one of the tables, I realised that the camp mostly consisted of guys my age, elders and children. Children played with one another, oblivious to the terrors in the world around them while elders watched over them as they stitched or washed clothing. The teenagers were having their lunch, watching every move of mine as I walked with Jeong In. 
“Don’t mind them, we never find girls your age.” Jeongin explained, settling down on a table with a couple of boys, “Speaking of which, how old are you, Era?”
“Oh cool, were the same age!” Another guy whom we sat on the same table with exclaimed. “I’m Felix, by the way.”
“You’re not very chatty, huh?” Jeongin asked, finally noticing my awkward short answers. It almost felt too overwhelming. I’ve been stuck alone for the past two months with nothing but walkers and deers which I’ve hunted, and now I’m surrounded with plenty of extroverted men who never ran out of conversation starters.
Felix nudged Jeongin at his side, shaking his head, “I think you’re just too chatty, Jeong In. Let her eat.”
Jeong In and Felix began talking more about the camp, which I didn’t mind. Turns out, Chan was the leader who ran the camp, while Han, Hyun Jin and a guy called Chang Bin were his ‘right’ hand men, the three would run the camp should Chan be absent. Though, Hyun Jin was mainly focussed in ensuring the safety of the camp through training men who were skilled in weapons.
Just as I scraped the last bit of my food off the plate, Han jogged towards us, the same smile I had seen on his face the day before,
“Hey. How are you feeling?”
I nodded, “Better.”.
“She’s not very chatty, Han.” Jeongin announced, earning a hit from Felix.
Han let out a low chuckle, glancing towards me with his head tilted, doubting Jeongin’s previous statement, “Really? I’m sure Hyunjin would think otherwise.”
I rolled my eyes, recalling the loud arguments that had occurred the day before. 
“Are you done? Chan wants to see you.”
I nodded, standing up as Jeongin and Felix waved to me.
I followed as Han led the way. Han gave off a different aura from the rest of the group. He was quiet, but friendly. It was comforting. Warm. A feeling I hadn’t felt in a while.
“I’m guessing Jeongin told you about our camp?” Han asked, attempting to start a conversation,
“And more..” I replied, earning a chuckle from Han.
“Yeah, he’s like that. He’s the youngest out of the 9 of us but he brings sunshine wherever he goes.”
I nodded, agreeing with Han’s statement. It was true, Jeongin’s charm was just too hard to ignore because he simply was able to lighten any of the darkest souls. Including mine, possibly.
“I’m really sorry for leaving you out there, Era.” Han apologised, the smile on his face being replace with a guilty frown, “We left you with a dog bite and you came back having been almost bitten by a walker, a sprained wrist, a grazed elbow and almost dying from excessive blood loss.”
I gave him a look, finding his rambles funny, “Stalker much?”
Han shrugged, brushing me off with a smile, “Nah. I did have time to examine you on our way back though.”
Right. How did I get back?
“Hyun Jin carried you all the way back,, kinda his punishment for being strongly against helping you.”
I let out a small chuckle, earning a bigger smile from him.
We reached Chan’s so called ‘office’-- A room with a small table and guns, flashlights, crossbows placed at another table stationed at the corner of the room. A large map was taped up to one of the walls, scribbled with many red and blue circles. My eyes landed on Hyun Jin, who was leaning against the Chan’s table with his arms crossed. The cut I left him was still visible on his cheek.
“We’re glad you’re okay, Era. I think we didn’t get to introduce ourselves properly.”
Hyunjin scoffed, muttering a soft, “I wonder why.”
“I’m Chan.” Chan said, ignoring Hyunjin’s unnecessary comment.
Hyunjin frowned when the two guys turned to him, awaiting for his own introduction. Han nudged him at his side, causing him to flinch, sighing, he finally introduced himself
“Hyunjin.” He greeted, clearly unamused with my appearance.
“Can you please be more cooperative now that we’ve saved your life?” Chan asked, a hint of firmness in his attempted soft voice.
“By saving, you mean saving my life only after putting it at risk? Sure.” I replied, catching the three of them off guard by my direct response.
“Okay about that, we’re really sorry. We really just couldn’t risk bringing you back. Locking you and tying you up.. we were just scared.”
I nodded, taking in my surroundings one more time. They had a big camp  established which served as a safe haven for many people of different ages. They had to take precautions. Be selfish. Finally, I was able to understand their mindset, “Its alright, I would’ve done the same.”
Chan smiled, “So, how’d you get this far?”
I sighed, tired at the same question being asked. Realising that I haven’t actually answered it, I finally gave in, “I don’t know.. I ran, hid. Just the normal shit.”
“You do know having her around is just gonna worsen our food situation right? She’s just another mouth to feed.” Hyun Jin commented.
“Does everything that comes out of your mouth always have to be shit?” I shot back, “Besides, you don’t have to be worry about that.”
Han straightened out, glancing from Chan and then turning back to me with his eyebrow raised as realisation dawned onto him,
“You’re not staying?” Han asked, eyes immediately widening with some kind of emotion I couldn’t decipher. Shock? Worry?
I shrugged my shoulders, “I don’t remember asking you guys to take me in.”
“But you really should. You’ll be safe here. We’ll protect you.” Chan explained, sending tingles down my spine as I recalled the last time I heard that sentence. 
The last time someone had claimed they’d protect me, I was thrown to the walkers after they took everything I owned. My gun. Food. Water. Everything. I was a vulnerable 17 year old who found ‘safe haven’ at the wrong place.
“No thanks. I don’t do people.”
Hyunjin cocked his head to the side, narrowing his eyes on me, “Why? Some boyfriend waiting for you at another base?”
I rolled my eyes, “I already said, I’m not with people. The last time I was with a group I was fed to a group of walkers.”.
Chan nodded, appearing distant and deep in thought. He wasn’t listening to me. 
“You’re good with the bow and arrow?” Chan asked, bringing up my bag onto his table. I sighed in relief, seeing that they didn’t leave it behind when they decided to lock me in a cabin.
“I guess. I’d be happy to just take that and go.”
“I’m guessing you can hunt.” Chan added, disregarding my eagerness to leave as he earned the attention of Han and Hyunjin,, as if a light bulb went off in their heads.
I raised my brows, observing the change in their attitudes. 
“You can’t?” I realised, “What have you guys been surviving on, then?”
“Non perishables.” Han answered, slumping against Chan’s desk as he sighed, “The camp came along with canned foods which lasted us about a year or so. But then we’ve been running short in supply despite our daily ‘supermarket’ visits.”
“..We’ve tried hunting but none of us are any good with it. It would be really great if you could help us, Era.” Chan continued.
I crossed my arms, stepping back to think about it. I had no intention of staying. I had to be somewhere else. Staying would mean having to work as a team, and I hated the fact that I would have to be fending for others other than myself. But they looked at me hopeful, and I knew that these guys were doing their best to help the others. I pictured the elderly and children who saw this place as their safe haven. These guys were thinking beyond themselves and what they needed.
“I don’t know. Having just another mouth to feed might be too much for you guys.” I remarked, clearly targeting the man who immediately avoided my gaze, “How about we chain you up in an attic and see in the morning?”
The guys sighed, almost in sync.
“Look, I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t know you’d be this useful.” Hyunjin ‘apologised’, earning a smack from Han as I scoffed. “Keep talking and I’ll show you what useless is, asshole.”
I let out a breath, letting sympathy take over. One thing was obvious. All of them, including Hyunjin whom I thought was incapable of caring for others, had the same look in their eyes. Desperation. They knew they wouldn’t last with just canned foods, and they needed to learn how to hunt fast if they were to keep the camp alive to protect the people who lived in it.
“Fine. I’ll teach you how to hunt. Just promise me you don’t throw me to a hoard of walkers.”
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kangmochii · 6 years
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Title: Perfect timing
Pairing: Namjoon x Reader, a little bit of everyone
Genre: Fluff, Angst? Bestfriends turned into lovers?
Summary: A little bit of you falling inlove with Namjoon.
Authors note: I am sorrry for the incorrect grammar such being English not my first language I tend to have hard time editing grammar and everything. This came unto me while I was in working and actually spent the whole day writting about this. Please tell me if you like it. I am trying to gain my confidence back in my writting. Take care of yourself and be happy all the time 🤗😘
“Is Namjoon coming?” Your room mate Taehyung asked one Friday afternoon. You were preparing dinner for the guys who usually hangs in your place (because it’s bigger than our place – Jin quipped one time) it was actually a blessing that you were free that day. Fridays are worst at the hospital and there were so many people coming – but the medical director said you can go and take a rest and you’re planning to spend it with the boys whom you treat like brothers. It started with just you and Namjoon then you met Taehyung while you were in college. He was also an aspiring doctor that time that became your emotional support when Namjoon is away which end up with you and Namjoon arguing about it. The fighting only stopped when he found out that Taehyung was dating Jungkook, a cute freshman that time. The three of you hung out as much as you can Namjoon appearing when he can, often bringing Yoongi – his quiet roommate who dates this cheerful boy Jimin which made the atmosphere lighter when you guys hung around. Jin entered your lives in a different manner since he was your neighbour. You always thought he was dating his roommate but after a couple of teas and random passing in the corridors you realized that he doesn’t and in fact he and Hobi are childhood friends and nothing else. Your love for these boys and your best friend will always be limitless. But it will always be different with Namjoon. He is and always be special. It has been like this ever since you were kids. You were always like Namjoon’s little sister, you were always crying in his arms when one of the girls bullied you, or that time when both of you were in high school and you were crying in his arms because of a boy. It was extremely difficult for you when you guys went to different colleges- you pursuing Medicine and him going to a music school, but there was always this promise that you won’t let each other down. That is when you realized that you had actually fallen in love with your best friend.
“Stop asking me about it. You know he is coming and brining that girl again.” You replied to Tae- a little too harsh but you felt guilty as soon as you saw his face fell sad. “I’m sorry hun, you know how I feel about him dating her I’m happy for him but I just feel a little uncomfortable about her.” Maybe it’s because of your feelings for your best friend that you pushed away because you’re scared of or maybe you’re scared because she knows. She knows a little too much that’s why whenever you’re around she pulls Namjoon a little closer but Namjoon doesn’t and it makes you crazy. “I’m sorry for bringing it up, y/n. but you can’t blame him if he doesn’t know what you feel for him. Jungkook keeps on telling me that he knows that Namjoon likes you but you kept on thinking about ruining your friendship.”
“I know. I can’t exactly blame anyone in this matter. It’s just a lot to handle you know. I barely see him nowadays. He’s always in her place or with her or doing god knows what with her.”
“If he doesn’t bring her with him tonight you have to tell him, y/n.” Taehyung said hugging you.
As you continue to ramble on the door opened with a loud thud and a lanky figure came with it “I bought soju!” Jin quickly entered with Hobi next to him rambling about chips and their new fishing adventure (which ended up Jin failing to catch a single fish) hanging out with the guys is very comforting and fun in a way. You don’t get to be overdramatic with them because they know and they understand. At some point of your intertwined live you suspect that everyone knows what you felt about your bestfriend but nobody said anything about it. Except Taehyung. While you were preparing dinner you heard Namjoon came in with Yoongi and the other guys with more chicken and beer and everyone was happy to experience a little comfort after a hardwork that week.
As soon as dinner was finished you and the guys were seated at the living room watching a horror flick that Jungkook pick (“come on hobi hyung done be scared!”) and you were nestled against Namjoon trying to savour these last moments because his girlfriend isn’t there you should feel guilty because you were pining over someone who was in a relationship but theres nothing to be guilty about since he is your bestfriend.. right?
In the middle of the movie, Namjoon could feel you getting nervous as the scenes progresses but shows nothing instead he just snaked his armed around you and hugged you closer “you okay, babe?” he whispered earning a soft “hmm” from you. He felt you melt in his touch – something that he missed for a long time ago. “I missed you. We haven’t done this for a long time” he quickly said.
“I know. It’s been like this since you’re busy with her”
“Do I sense a bit of jealousy here?” Namjoon shockingly asked.
“Of course she is you dumbass. She likes you.” Out of nowhere yoongi’s strained voice appeared and then you realized that he was cuddling with Jimin and everyone was watching your little interaction with Joon.
“Hyung. You should talk with y/n. she might tell you something.” Jungkook suddenly said earning a yes from Taehyung.
“Yah. Go talk to her. Im tired of listening to her bitching ass everyday because of this. And Im also tired of listening to rants, joonie. Settle this in the room and we will be here watching this stupid movie Jungkook picked” Jin said.
“Let’s talk, y/n” Namjoon quickly pulled you to your room.
Your room doesn’t really have much- study table with a chair and a bed, just a few pictures of your family and your friends, the boys with you on a beach last summer and a picture of you and Namjoon in your college graduation. Namjoon quickly sat on your bed and said “in all seriousness, y/n what the hell is happening? Tell me everything. No secrets and any bullcrap. You know that I klnow when you lie”
“What do you want me to tell you?”
“What were the boys telling out there?”
“What were they talking about you earlier too?” you shot back suddenly annoyed with all the questions.
“Tell me first then I’ll tell you.” He replied.
You took a deep breath and reminded yourself that this is now or never,. Whatever yopu will say here will change your friendship with him and eventhough you were scared in your wits you pulled hyourself together and tell him the words you were dreading to tell him since day one.
“I love you, Joon.” You quickly mumbled
“what?” he stool there mouth hanging open.
“I know it seems stupid for me too. Im sorry that I fell inlove with you. It wasn’t something I planned and something that I wanted. I know were good friends and I don’t want to ruin it because of this. I also know you’re dating her which makes it more stupid than ever but I swear joon I don’t want our friendship to end because of this” tears cant stop falling from your face this time. It felt like a dam opening lots of feelings how many years did you try to hide it from him? All those touches? All those smiles? Who wouldn’t fall inlove with Kim Namjoon? He was beyond perfect and he was the perfect bestfriend for you.
“When did it start?” Namjoon asked.
“I don’t know. These things don’t have a starting date you know.”
“Has been like this since last year?”
“2 years ago I guess. It was around the time I got my physicians license.” You smiled sadly. Fondly remembering how you guys celebrated when you and taehyung passed the physicians licensure examination. “Why haven’t you told me?”
“How could I tell you I was in love with you? How can I ruin our friendship? I know you only see me as a friend and nothing else. I’d rather have this feelings hidden instead of losing you, you know.” You sad beside him and grabbed the Ryan plushie he got you last time.
He chuckled sadly and looked at your straight into the eye “I guess its time we both come clean, huh?”
“What do you mean?”
He cleared his throat and said “I loved you ever since, y/n. before you going to medical school, before you crying because a guy hurt you way back high school. I guess ever since we were kids; I always have this thing about you. Then thing is, I can’t really pursue you that time since you were so determined to be a doctor so I decided to just help you and be there along the way – or maybe that’s what I was telling myself that time but seeing you right now all grown up and smartass makes me want you more but it got me more afraid because why would you like me? You’re a doctor, I’m just someone who makes music with his friends and sells it for a couple of bucks. You wouldn’t want me because I was just a jerk who comes here every now and then to make you smile and eat your food since you buy too many. I was a nobody, y/n and about her; you know that we broke up months ago right? Finally got the guts to tell her that I’m not really into her I guess she finally caught me since she told me she knew it was you all along.”
“That’s the most stupid reason I heard, and stop eating the food I kept on buying for Taehyung and Jungkook. You know they eat like Vikings “ you said. Can’t believe what was just happening right now.
“So that makes us both stupid, huh” Namjoon smiled at you showing his dimples.
You giggled and hugged him this time all the worries in world forgotten. What matters as of now is his smile and his lips leaning into yours and feeling his lips better than you imagined. Then suddenly
“YAH DON’T HAVE SEX WHILE WERE HERE!!” a loud voice shouted from outside which you guess was Hobi along with “I’m glad this is finally settled. Im tired of hearing Namjoon whine about her”
Then you realized, this is the perfect timing for the both of you. <3
Can someone tell me how to make the (read more) link thing? I am editing on my phone as of the moment and I cant seem to find it. 😅 tysm, my loves! 😍
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feel199x · 6 years
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚apple of my eye ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ VI
gang!au, gang member!han jisung, band member!han jisung. florist! reader
I  II  III  IV V VI VII VIII IX X masterlist
a/n: oof man. this and the next chapter will be the heaviest chapters. but! this series is coming to a close soon! also this chapter made me mad even though im the writer so uh good luck
warnings: themes of abuse and kidnapping, swearing
His hand was on your thigh, tracing circles on your knee as you drove. Your hands were clumped together, held together by zip ties that dug into the bone of your wrist. You’ve been here before, in this position. You had woken up suddenly and you didn’t know where you were. You had been very careful to not stray too far from your block, the farthest you’ve ever been from your shop being the time that Jisung brought you to meet your friends.
You were crying again, not caring about how you looked. You felt so guilty, so burdened by your own existence. You hadn’t meant for Jisung to make that decision, it kept replaying in your head like a broken record. His face, his shaking arm. You wanted to tell him you were alright, that he didn’t have to worry. It wasn’t his place to, it wasn’t his burden to uplift. But you knew how Jisung was, how he just felt more. You were one to tear up during sad movies, but rarely would you cry. But Jisung was different, every time without fail, he would end up crying. He would hold you, claiming that you needed to be comforted as he rambled about how much he liked you. Your cries were muffled by the cloth, but it was still noisy.
He squeezed your thigh.
“You know it took me a while to find you,” he said, anger building up in voice, “But I did. When I saw you with that bastard. What was his name? Jisung?” You looked at him, seeing his face become tight as he tried to maintain his composure. “I couldn’t believe it, I wanted to kill him right then and there. But I had to wait, and it was hard, it was hard,” he squeezed the part just above your knee hard enough to leave a bruise, “And you’re such a hypocrite, breaking up with me because I’m in a gang. But know you’re with him?” You knew what he was implying, and you couldn’t help but yell muffled protest. He pulled down the cloth, “Use that pretty mouth properly, baby.”
“Jisung wouldn’t. He would never. He’s leagues better than you.”
He laughed, grabbing you by the hair. “You’re lucky you’re pretty huh? Wouldn’t get anywhere with a head like that.” He pulled your hair tighter, “And you should shut up, huh? What a waste of a pretty mouth.”
“Jisung is a good person,” you argued, refusing to believe that Jisung could ever be in the same field as him, “He’d never hurt anyone. He’s not like you.”
“You don’t use your fucking head do you?” He tapped the side of your head, “You don’t think it’s fuckin’ weird that he has a gun even though he’s like 19? How his friends have guns? How he goes off the grid and won’t even text you, the one he loves?”
“He’s,” your voice wavered as you stuttered, “He’s in a band. He’s busy. He’s popular. I’ve heard him sing. He’s good.”
“You’re so annoying when you talk. You really are only good for one thing.” All you heard before you passed out was the cracking of the window glass.
You awoke in a room, all dark. There wasn’t anything in the room, no furniture, not even a bed. You got up, hoisting yourself up from your legs. But you were weak, no strength to carry them, and you fell. You stayed there, nose bleeding as you cried. You felt weak, overwhelmed. The only reason you were able to escape them was because the feds busted his house for drugs. Someone would think that he’d be arrested, put away for life. But they found no drugs, and even though you fought in court- having to face him again, you lost the case. They said you lead him on, had never really said ‘no’, and that you were into this sort of thing. And you cried, you completely broke down in the courtroom, the entirety of the jury witnessing your weak moment. They didn’t have any proof, no evidence, but he still wasn’t put away. He had told lie upon lie, and he had gotten away with it. You coughed into the carpet, using it rough texture to wipe your face as you finally sat back up.
The only other thing you could think about was Jisung and your flower shop. Things were adding up in your head, even when you didn’t want them to. Jisung may have been in a gang, but Jisung was still better than your captor. You thought about the flowers he brought you, the daisies and you wish you could see him again. You wished to feel another daisy petal in your hand, You wanted to slow dance in the kitchen with Jisung again, you wanted to sleep in the same bed with limbs entangled. You missed him. You wanted to hear his voice again, hear him sing you to sleep again. You had just gotten your flower shop back again, and you missed the mixture of all their aromas, the feel of the petals. You wanted to reverse time. You wanted, wanted, and wanted.
You might’ve felt helpless, but you were no damsel in distress. Even as you continued to cry, you tried to break the zip ties- to no avail. But you had practiced, you had trained for this even when you didn’t want to. Because you knew he wouldn’t stop until he found you again, and even though it hurt to have to relive that memory- you did. Even though it was nearly no fucking help. He must’ve heard you hit your hands against your back in order to break the zip ties, because he burst in.
“I see you’re awake.”
You didn’t respond, moving to the back corner of the room. You were terrified, shaking and trembling like a dog. You could feel your face getting messy again, and you were starting to hiccup. “Why can’t you be good for me?” he yelled, pulling your hair and dragging you as you fell, “Why can’t you just be a good girl for me?” He dropped you on the kitchen floor the cold tile against your face as it hit the floor. He sat at the kitchen table and ate, watching you as you watched him.
“You gonna be good?” he asked lowly, “You gonna behave for me?
You wanted to curse at him, yell at him. You wanted, wanted, and wanted. He smiled at you, pleased with the lack of your response. “Good girl,” he cooed, placing a plate down on the floor, “Good girl.” You needed time, to gain his trust. You were going to escape, going to go back to Jisung and your flower shop, but you needed time. If you didn’t time this correctly, then you had no chance. There was no way to gain his trust ever again in hopes of being able to exploit it. But you felt humiliated, having to eat your food like a dog. You were hiccuping now, your head throbbing and you couldn’t even rub the pain away. So you didn’t, you backed away and sat back up, leaning against the kitchen’s island.
You were in his home, you had to be. It was nice, sophisticated and large. The kitchen itself was bigger than your shop, and you hated every part of this house. It was built on blood money, and you knew it. He didn’t deserve any part of this house, he deserved to be behind bars.
You felt the type of anger you had felt before again, the type that would leave faster than it came. And even though you were a crying, blubbering mess, your body was as hot as a furnace, heating up and only getting hotter. He had wronged you, he had ruined your life. He made you feel scared and utterly alone, and the only two things that were helping you, your flowers and Jisung, he was trying to take it away. And it made you hot with rage, it was the type of anger that would give you courage.
“Why aren’t you eating?” he slammed his fists on the dining table, making it shake, “I got it made just for you. Why won’t you eat it, baby?” You were snapped away from your blank stare at the food, and with it simmered your anger. He stabbed the table with a kitchen knife, letting it stand alone as his fork clattered on the table. “I’ve done everything for you! I spent almost two years looking for you! And you won’t even stop crying!” You were sniffing, trying to rub your face against your shirt. He rose from the table, hitting your head against the underside of the kitchen island. “I’m gonna feed you this food, okay?” he hit your head again, “And you’re gonna eat it, okay, baby?” You nodded weakly, lip quivering. “Okay?”
So, he did. Slowly feeding you the food and threatening you if you took too long. The both of you sat forever on the tiled floor and you felt like you were the only one to blame again. It felt as though you must’ve done something because this doesn’t happen to good people. You knew you were wrong, and that Jisung would scold you and then pepper your face with kisses, but it still felt that way. “Good girl,” he cooed again as you finished, “You’ve been so good. Let’s watch T.V hmm?” He stroked your hair and watched you as you struggled to get up, laughing as you forced yourself up. Your head was still spinning, and you felt a throbbing pain ripple through your skull but you were excited.
He always fell asleep during movies.
He chose a romance movie, and all you could think about was Jisung. He loved these types of movies, always eager to watch another and would’ve probably only picked those types of movies if you hadn’t urged Jisung to pick within different genres. You watched him intently as he sat next to you, arm around your shoulder. His attention was beginning to waver, and eyelid beginning to droop. Your hands were still tied behind your back, but you knew that if you hit your back a couple more times- it would snap. You were doing well, being able to quiet down your crying, and even though your heartbeat was fast and unrelenting, you were calm and getting calmer. You were watching him, as he fell in and out of sleep, his snoring jerking himself awake. It was almost an hour until he had shut his eyes, completely dozing off but you waited until the queue played the next movie to move. You only had one chance, and you were determined to make it count. Slowly, you moved away from his embrace, eyes widening in horror as he moved. But remained asleep as you stepped away. You started running, clumsily as you snapped the zip ties off of your wrists. You rubbed your indented wrists, nearly flying down the house’s large spiral stairs as you made your way to the ground floor and out the front doors. It was his mistake not to have anyone around, his mistake to not expect you to run. You were out the doors, feeling the summer rain on your skin and being able to breathe. You ran and ran, even after you heard him calling after you. You didn’t turn back when you heard the gunshots, you could feel him gaining on you but you couldn’t stop, you wouldn’t stop. You felt his hand over your mouth, and another around your throat. He flinched as you bit him, as you thrashed in his hold. But as your vision faded, you decided that darkness never looked so dreamy.
Jisung was bleeding again, and from his thigh like last time. The guy was a lousy shot. Jisung still ran though, even with the pain he was feeling. But the man held the gun to your head, threatening to shoot if he heard any gunshots coming towards the car. Jisung had never felt so entirely helpless, watching him drive you away, passed out in his arms. The first thing that Jisung had done was call Minho, he couldn’t help you if he was bleeding out on the sidewalk.
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trashyazeohane · 6 years
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Finally done with this one! Huff puff!
Part 1 can be found here!
Anyway, let’s jump onto this ride! (I love fluff okay!? Fluff and angst… but mostly angst xD)
Adult!Maxvid!AU - Part 8 (forgetting is hard, though everyone is trying):
im so fucking borrreeeeeeeddddd…
David blinked, staring at his phone. Max wrote to him, the very next day after meeting at Gwen’s!
He felt a flutter of happiness sparkling in his chest as he answered and the pocketed his phone, so the kids in his class wouldn’t get a glimpse of the foul language.
Through the day they exchanged few more messages. David scolded Max for writing during classes, but to be honest he was kinda… happy Max wrote to him.
It felt like some part of their friendship was back.
David was still kinda stressed. There was this something thumping at the back of his head whenever he opened Max’s messages and he hoped it would disappear with time.
Though there were times where his mind still couldn’t comprehend what had happened.
The first time David saw Max picking up Little Star after that night, he was kinda nervous, but the meeting went smoothly. However David kinda could feel the tension in the air.
But they talked and this was what mattered.
And like that passed two weeks, with the tightness in David’s throat getting smaller and smaller with every short meeting and another message on his phone.
(Back to Max) ->
It felt amazing, Max concluded, to be able to write once again with David. Nikki immediately noticed his better mood.
Max still felt guilty, of course, but mostly he was happy.
Though he would deny feeling it, if someone asked him! Fucking no, nu-huh!
Nikki was still teasing him, like fricking a lot! Everything started to move to its rightful place. Well, almost everything.
David didn’t ask him to come over to his house. And well, Max couldn’t really blame him? Because the last time Max had been there he had had the best night of his life. But it hadn’t been the best night of David’s life. And he probably regretted it on so many levels.
(It hurt him, but he couldn’t really blame David)
Talking with David via messages on phone was fine. Seeing him for few short minutes during the week was fine.
(No, it wasn’t, but he couldn’t really do much about it.)
So like that passed two weeks, then another one. The weekend rolled and Max found out that he was out of food. What the fuck!?! He had bought a lot of it few days ago!
(But yeah, one night Nikki had eaten everything from his fridge)
So this was how Max found himself – outside the store with at least five bags and a fucking storm roaming around.
Fuck. And he didn’t have an umbrella! But maybe if he could run…
- thunder cracked dangerously close –
…No can do.
So Max stood there, outside the supermarket and damn! his hands started to hurt. Plus his meat! He needed to put it in a fridge (it was on a promotion, so Max doubted it could live long outside of a fridge)
What to do? Maybe he should call a taxi? But ugh… the money. Plus –
He took out his phone. Yep, it was dead. Great…
This wasn’t his day, fuck –
Max blinked and turned his head.
Shit, it was David, standing there, and Max’s heart leaped so high into his throat that it was almost painful.
“Oh…” Max said, and fuck he wasn’t sure how he managed to sound deadpanned, but he somehow did it. “Hey David.”
“What are you doing here?” David asked, stepping closer to him. He himself had few bags in his hands.
“Shopping, duh?” Max answered, trying to sound casual and as Max as he could, but damn, he was nervous.
David blinked, but instead of getting offended by his tone, he chuckled softly.
Damn, fuck his heart, fuck everything.
“I meant here, outside.”
Ohhhh… damn.
“It’s raining like batshit fucking crazy and I don’t have an umbrella. Plus I kinda don’t want to be killed by a thunder.” And just like on cue another lightning struck through the dark, gray sky and the sound made even David flinch. “Yeah, that.”
“Oh.” David mumbled, looking past Max’s shoulder at the rain cutting through the air with a strict precision.
They stood there for few minutes, staring at the heavily drizzling water pouring from the sky. Max moved his weight from one leg to another, to move it back few seconds later. He could see David stealing glance after glance at him, few times opening his mouth, but still with no words coming out.
Just say what you want to say!
It took David another minute or so, before he opened his mouth:
“Do you want to go to my house?” David asked, slowly, hesitantly, unsure and there was something at the end of this sentence that made Max flinch. Some particle of fear.
However Max turned to David with wide eyes and hope blooming in his chest and found himself asking:
“Are you sure?”
There was an unspoken question, a hidden agreement, a covered understanding of the situation.
David stared at him and Max could almost see hundred or thousand of different thoughts flying through his mind.
It felt like eternities passed before Max heard a reply.
Max glanced at the rain.
“We need to run to get there. You are aware of that?”
“Yes, but it’s better to run for five minutes, than stand here for God knows how long.” David added with a smile. “Plus it’s starting to get cold.”
“That is true.” Max said, feeling his fingers getting quite chilly.
There was another beat of silence. Max opened his mouth, feeling the eagerness seeping into his voice.
“So we’re running?”
“Yeah.” David answered breathlessly.
And so they jumped out from under the roof of the supermarket and ran to David’s house.
Max would deny it till the end of his life, but he could feel himself smiling, especially as he heard David giggling behind him. That slow poke.
Even though they maybe ran for four or so minutes, when they reached David’s house they were still soaked.
Max was still kinda stressed when David was taking out the keys to put them in a lock. Thousands of memories were running through his mind, but he tried to push them all back and down.
“Put your things in the fridge if you want. I’ll be right back.” David said, after he took off his shoes, and glanced at him.
Yet there was some strained tone at the end of this sentence and some robotic rhythm to David’s steps as he moved to his own room.
Max put few ingredients in the fridge and then waited for David in the kitchen, taking a first good look at the apartment after what had happened between them. It looked the same – he remembered every book on the shelf, every plant, every stain on the couch – and yet Max felt like he was staring at it for the very first time.
“Here.” David said and then threw something on his head, blocking his sight. “Dry your hair so you won’t catch a cold.”
Oh a towel.
David himself had a fluffy white towel on his hair.
Max started to brush his hair with the towel, observing David from between his wet locks as he moved around the kitchen, busying himself with hiding food in the fridge and cupboards. His movements still weren’t relaxed, there was some hidden tension, some stress pulling strings inside his body, a lagging program directing his movements.
Max couldn’t really blame him, but some part of him was deeply hurt.
Ten minutes later the rain was still pouring heavily outside. David was about to put the eggs away, but he glanced at the window and bit his bottom lip.
“Do you want to stay for dinner?”
Max turned around, from his position near the sink, to stare at David who was in front of the opened fridge. He played with the box of eggs, tilting it and then twirling around.
(He was selfish)
“It depends on what you’re making.”
David glanced at the eggs and then at the fridge, only to finally turn to Max.
“Spaghetti Carbonara?”
Max shrugged.
“Sounds edible enough.”
At that David chuckled softly under his nose and put the eggs on the counter.
After that they worked mostly in silence. The radio in David’s kitchen accompanied them with a soft tune of old songs. After some time David started to hum the lyrics or the rhythm. It was awkward at first, with the tense atmosphere, but it was dissolving slowly, step after step, diluting the thickness around them.
They started even a small conversation.
When they finished making food, they sat in the living room on two different couches with the turned on TV and plates on their laps. Just like they had used to. They ate while watching some random movie – with the rain outside turning into a drizzle, only to finally stop pouring altogether.
When they finished eating, Max washed the dishes, glancing at the window and David few times.
“I should be going.”
“Already?” David asked, looking up from his place on the couch.
David clearly wasn’t one hundred percent comfortable around Max, and he didn’t want David to feel like an outcast in his own home, so he decided to return to the dorm. He was just happy David asked him over in the first place.
Max packed his things from the fridge and then moved to the door.
“Will you message me after returning to your room?”
It was dark outside, but it wasn’t even nearly late.
“Sure.” Max said, putting on his scarf and grabbing his groceries. “Take care.”
“You too.”
And with that Max went out.
He messaged David when he returned to the dorm, because when he had forgot to do it last time, David had sent him like five messages later. Plus Max didn’t want to worry him.
(Stupid heart, making him do stupid things)
(Back to David ->)
David was kinda glad Max went out, but he was also like fricking sad by it and he wasn’t sure how to deal with two so different emotions. He wasn’t as comfortable around Max as he used to – which was dumb, because he knew Max wouldn’t simply jump on him. Though he couldn’t stop the stress from forming in his stomach.
But David was also sad, because he hated spending time alone. The house was too empty with only him inside, too lonely, too hollow – even with the radio always turned on and plants or flowers put in every possible place.
Gladly soon after his phone pipped up happily and David quickly grabbed it, mouth twitching into a soft smile after seeing that Max got safely to his dorm.
So time slowly moved forward, with the invisible, awkward atmosphere around them dissipating slowly.
Two weeks later, he made quite too big dinner (but come on, he had to use those tomatoes, other way they would turn bad) and even though he was still kinda nervous about all of that had happened, he messaged Max if he wanted to come over to eat.
Max answered few minutes later, asking if he could bring Nikki over. That idea was a little soothing.
They came over not even fifteen minutes later, with Nikki busting into his house like she owned this place.
“David, my man, free food! Sign me the fuck up!” She shouted, kicking her shoes, not even sparing a glance where they were landing.
David chuckled at that, especially as the girl was already next to him, trying to eat the meat from the pot and he had to swat her hand away.
“Ah ah! Few more minutes!”
So Nikki and Max sat at the table and started chatting about their Uni life, telling David bizarre stories from their dorm. Some of them were funny and some utterly terrifying. David loved every one of them.
And oh, his house felt so much better with someone inside.
Soon after they were eating the food and enjoying a simple evening.
But Nikki wouldn’t be Nikki, if she didn’t ask if David had alcohol. At that David twitched, even though he didn’t want to, with eyes flickering to Max for a brief second.
It was okay, it was okay, it was okay…
“No, Nikki, I’m sorry…” David said, with an apologetic smile on his lips. “Gwen is usually the one with alcohol in her house.”
“Shame.” Nikki said, laying down on the table. “Next time we’re going to Gwen for free food, Max.”
“Why the fuck would I go to Gwen’s house again?”
“For free food! And alcohol!”
Max groaned and then glanced at David, like he was searching for help, but David could only chuckle in reply and shrug.
In the end David enjoyed the evening and soon after he even forgot all about feeling uncomfortable.
Heh, maybe the situation between him and Max wasn’t the worst.
(Back to Max ->)
“Nik, this is literally the worst…”
“What is the worst?” Nikki asked, popping a giant bubble from a bubblegum and almost getting it all over her face.
“David is the worst…” Max grumbled.
“David? I think he is cool! He gave us free food! Like in free and in food, two best things in life!”
“I know… and that’s why he is the worst…”
“Because he did something nice?”
“He is always doing something nice!” Max slapped his hand over his face and dragged it down. “Even after I acted like a fucktard.”
“Hmm fucktard is a pretty fitting word here.” Nikki stated, grinning like crazy and blowing another bubble.
Even though Nikki was kinda or totally right, Max still popped her bubblegum balloon.
“Hey, rude!” Nikki yelped and then slowly started to get rid of the pink gum in her hair. “I mean, he is definitely trying to get your friendship back, that is for sure. Which I think is really nice.”
“That is the problem!”
“Erm David being nice is a problem now? I’m confused!”
“Yes!” Max threw his hands in the air. “Because by him being nice I feel like I l…” Oh, he bit his lip in time.
“Like you like him more and more?” Nikki added, grinning from ear to ear.
Max flushed bright red and turned his head away.
There were few minutes filled with silence as they moved slowly through the quiet and almost empty city.
“I know he is trying hard to get… whatever friendship we had…” Max mumbled, feeling his chest constricting with every word leaving his lips. “But I don’t want that…”
He thought he did, he thought. But he was wrong. So, so very wrong.
“I don’t wanna be friends. I want…” Max took deep breath, combing his hand through his black, curly locks. “I want to be something… more?”
Nikki blew another giant bubble and then asked:
“Does David even know what you feel towards him?”
“No, I don’t… think so…”
Nikki hummed loudly, smacking her lips.
“Well… maybe it’s not the worst situation right now.”
Max glanced at her, kinda perplexed.
“I mean, if he knew, he could get… scared after you two fucked.” Max flinched internally, but there was some kind of a thread of truth intertwining with Nikki’s words. “But he doesn’t know that, so maybe not all hope is lost?” Nikki then ruffled her hair. “I don’t think I make much sense, but well, have you considered trying to be something more now? Like I dunno, I know being nice isn’t your best trait, but maybe do that but like more?” She then huffed and let her hand drop. “Do you even get what I want to say?”
“I think I got the gist of it.” Max murmured, even though he wasn’t sure really.
“It’s just… I’ve seen you dealing with this for few years by now. If you don’t do something, nothing will change.”
There were few steps filled with silence, until Max slowly opened his mouth.
“What if this doesn’t work?” He licked his lips. “What if David doesn’t… like me back, even though I will try?”
“Well, you definitely won’t know until you try.” Nikki shrugged. “But hey, if something like this happens… it’s still a problem for future you, so why should you worry about it now?”
Indeed, why?
Until they reached the dorm they didn’t move this topic anymore. They said their goodbyes and moved to their separate rooms.
Later Max laid down in his bed for few more minutes, maybe even full hour, staring at the ceiling and thinking about what Nikki had told him. Because she was right. He never had done anything with his crush – he just had left it there and had hoped it would disappear. But it hadn’t disappeared. It simply had grown and transformed into something that wasn’t a childish crush anymore.
And it gnawed at Max, it nibbled at his consciousness, because damn he had enough. He had enough of wanting to do something and not being able to. It didn’t have to be anything sexual, fuck, it was even pretty low on the list of things he wanted. He wanted this normalness that came with being with someone – being able to hold their hand, feeling them smiling at you, feeling the warmness spreading over your heart whenever they would peck your cheek.
Feeling that you were alive and loved.
(God, he sounded cheesy!)
But he never had done anything with it. He just had swept his feelings under a carpet and had ignored them, hoping that they would disappear. But they hadn’t and he was tired of pretending they weren’t there.
These few weeks without David – without his cheesy and warm messages, without him hanging with Max, doing nothing and talking about everything and nothing at all in the same time – were terrible and… damn…
He had to do something, because fuck… he wanted this.
Because Nikki was right – doing nothing won’t change a thing.
So Max grabbed his phone, brushed his finger on the screen and clicked David’s name in the contact list.
thanks for the food
No, not enough. Something more.
g’night, you doofus
Maybe it wasn’t much, but it still made Max’s heart thrum heavily inside his chest. Especially when few seconds later he received a reply.
No problem :) :) :) Sweet dreams, Max :D
Yeah, he wanted to try.
Lol, nothing happened in this part, why it took me so long to write this xDDDD? But idk, I like the slow paced story~ Anywayyyyyyyy, stay tuned for Max actually trying!?! What!?
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