#then even the JL doesn't know about amity to tell anyone
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Literally me ^ ^ ^ FR a convoy to Jazz would be so dope though?? Like if they're meeting the bats bc their patrols crossed paths I take it Danny is patrolling not in search of ghosts but bc he's looking for Jazz and other survivors.
Jazz I think would definitely count as contaminated enough to be warding off zombies so I propose they can have either: A very sweet reunion where Danny is grateful to the bats for helping him find his sister bc she was in the 'safe zone' the bats had established, having absorbed the band of survivours Jazz had been keeping safe
Jazzs band of survivours has not been absorbed yet but when the bats observe the zombies avoiding the parkers they spread out, hopeful at the fact they might meet yet more survivours from their city
Jazz has a Cult. (Danny always gets cults so now it's Jazz's turn.) This can either be hilarious or angsty. Lets go with hilarious for now, and assume it comes at the end of a long tense search with the bats to find this very unexpected compound. The Cult is worshipping Jazz as some sort of holy figure because her presence keeps the zombies away. She is using this position to get people to practise mindfulness and healthy coping mechanisms, and doing her level best to listen to all these people bc she may or may not be the only one around with any kind of psychological training.
Realistically how long would it take for Sam and Tucker to get bored of Danny being overprotective? Like there's probably not going to be many zombies on the long stretches of roads between cities (Which they will point out. Repeatedly.) So I can imagine Sam, the moment they stop in Gotham or its outskirts, leaping out of the side door of the vehicle (I'm imagining at least a van, probably Mad Max style so they can break through any obstacles if the Fentons didn't outright give them the GAV) and literally latching onto the first zombie she sees, either piggy backing it or slapping it across the face, only for it to run away bc That's Not Food
Cue Danny panicking while one of the bats, patrolling for supplies, watches on in absolute bemusement from a roof top at What That Was
DPxDC idea: zombie apocalypse.
It's pretty common in zombie apocalypse stories for zombies to not attack each other, they somehow can tell themselves from the delicious delicious living beings. So I think it'd be interesting if anyone who's died died also does NOT ring the zombie dinner bell.
Example: Jason obviously smells so unappetizing to zombies, they don't even bother trying to bite him. Jason is weirded out by this, he stops jokingly calling himself a zombie. (Honestly depending on how far back in canon you wanna go about half the bats/birds are undead.)
And obviously Danny, Vlad, Dani/Ellie, and Dan (if you wanna include him) are some form of undead. It could be fun to play with the fact that zombies and ghosts are the apples and oranges of undead. Yeah, they're both fruit/undead, but they're also basically opposites. How would Danny's frenemies react to zombies invading the living realm?
And that's not even getting into liminality. Are humans that have been exposed to ectoplasm and/or the Laz pits just generally less appetizing to zombies? Like it confuses their senses? Just imagine you're in the middle of trying to survive the zombie apocalypse and then in bursts Batman and friends in their normal costumes with no fear because zombies just don't want them. The bats are acting like it's business as usual, that'd be so bizarre after the hell you've been through. And then they take you to this middle of nowhere town called Amity Park where people are living like it's pre-apocalypse because zombies get close and just turn away before crossing into town.
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spacedace · 2 years ago
Got another dc x dp writing prompt blurb thing for yall (this time featuring TimKon)
Elle declaring herself Queen of the Clones as a joke because Danny is the Ghost King and she should get a fun title too and accidentally making herself effectively the god of clones across all dimensions as a result.
Elle being suddenly aware of all the clones in existence in a vague way, but able to "tune in" on specific ones, or suddenly becoming aware when a clone is in serious trouble.
Elle deciding, fuck it, she's gonna take care of all the clones that need taking care of, turning her haunt in the Ghost Zone into a place of safety, using her new abilities as God Queen of Clones to make it so whenever any of them need help they get pulled to her Haunt instantly.
Connor getting mortally wounded in a fight, saving the day but getting buried in rubble away from where anyone would be able to dig him out in time to save him and suddenly being Somewhere Else.
Connor getting saved by Elle and the yetis, but having amnesia from the severe headroom (he can't remember anything except maybe the face of a boy his age, dark circles under sharp blue eyes, a wry smile, the understanding that Connor was in love with whoever the boy is or was).
Elle not being able to tell where Connor is from, her Haunt just pulls clones in trouble in when they need her help, there's no sending address or anything like that. And he was in such bad shape its not like she trusts that sending him back to where ever he's from is even safe to do.
Connor being one of the permanent residents of Elle's haunt (she always tries to find the clones that end up there a place of their own, getting Clockwork to de-age them and a good family to love them for those that want that, a spot in Amity where clones don't even register as anything weird, or just back to where they came from but now with the promise of somewhere to call home and a new family of clones to care for them) and ends up with the title of her knight or champion or something along the way, looking after everyone when Elle is off traveling and generally being vice-president of Clone Club
Elle getting captured by the GIW while out seeing the world, unable to escape but at least able to alert her family that she's in trouble.
Danny and the Pham not being able to break in because of all the upped security keeping away anything ghostly or ghost adjacent
Connor and a group of the clone club rallying to get Elle out themselves, breaking in and releasing as many ghosts as they can and destroying as much as they can and oops the Justice League has shown up
Connor not having powers in the Ghost Zone and being very freaked out when he punched Superman in the face and sent him flying a hundred yards, surprising the Clone Club with his super strength and surprising the League with his surprise about his super strength and frantic apologies to Superman for yeeting him across an open field (up to this point they assumed this was another evil clone situation Lex cooked up but now aren't so sure).
The GIW ends up closing in to attack the clones who just got Elle back and need to make a break for it before the portal back closes while that's happening and Connor decides to be self-sacrificing and give them cover, so they can escape.
Connor surrendering to the Justice League before the GIW can grab him once everyone else is free and clear, because he knows Elle and the other Clones will break him out and that's gonna be a lot easier if he's not in GIW custody
Tim and the Young Justice gang losing their God damn minds because that's Connor?? Maybe?? He doesn't remember them or the Justice League or Superman or anything but it has to be him right? They never found his body, Tim had been so sure he was still out there alive somehow - had lost weeks and months to maddening grief, desperately searching for some sign that Connor was out there somewhere - and now here he is!
Connor refusing to talk to the JL, low key trying to figure out if they actually do know who he is or if it's a trick - the Pham's stories of what they've all had to deal with and his own recent raid on the GIW has left him with a healthy suspicion of anything government related and the JL may not be with the GIW but they sure as hell are still government goons as far as he's concerned.
The main league being worried that it's mind control or a clone scheme or something like that and not really being sure what to do. There's too many questions about what happened to him, where he's been, what he was doing in that raid on that government facility - there's questions too on just what kind of facility that was, and a new case has already been opened on that whole can of worms - and Connor (if it is Connor) isn't answer their questions.
So they put him in a cell with some Kryptonite to make sure his powers are suppressed - half out of concern that him surrendering to them is a scheme, half terrified that if he really doesn't know he has powers anymore that he'll accidentally destroy the Watchtower with a sneeze. They make sure it's comfortable, he did apologize about punching Superman in the face - a lot, actually, it was pretty much the only thing he had said the entire time, along with very concerned questions on if the Man of Steel was okay - and while there's something strange going on, if it's mind control then they'd rather Connor come back to himself somewhere decent.
And no one is supposed to talk to him alone, or outside of a formal interrogation or without Wonder Woman there in case Connor gets hostile - even with the Kryptonite, they can't be too careful - but that's not going to stop Tim. His best friend is alive, there isn't a power in the universe that's going to keep him away.
Connor doesn't recognize him. Except that he does. It's weird, because his only memory has been the face of that boy, but there's also just something so familiar about Red Robin and it's the first familiar thing he's known since waking up in the Far Frozen over a year ago.
For awhile it's just Tim talking, trying to get Connor to remember, trying to do anything he can to prove (to everyone, to himself) that this really is Connor. And after over an hour he's nowhere near ready to give up, but he is maybe ready to go and have a breakdown in a supply closet for a bit, when Connor finally starts talking back.
He doesn't say much - he's suspicious, even as he becomes more and more sure that Red Robin is someone to him - but he does start talking and, it's nice. Familiar.
And just as he's considering actually telling Red Robin something - everything, really, Connor's always been a sucker for a cute boy that looked one more cup of coffee away from a psychotic break - the cavalry arrives. Ghosts everywhere, causing a distraction and looking for Connor and maybe just having a little fun fucking around for a bit while they're at it.
(Constantine is trying to sneak off to smoke somewhere he won't end up getting lectured like he's a disobedient school boy, opening a door to come face to spectral bellybutton with Fright Knight. He decides maybe Bats is right and he should quite smoking as he - fruitlessly - closes the door again without a word.)
Wulf is ready with a portal and Technus is in control of the station and the cell door opens just as Lunch Box appears to phase the cuffs off Connor (and maybe steal some of that delicious rock candy that was in those cuffs for some reason, her parents won't let her have any back at home and she's helping the royal family get one of their loyal knights back, she deserves a little treat) and it's time to go.
Tim's ready to throw down, terrified that whatever the hell these things are they're going to take Connor away again, but just as he's working out a plan on just how he's going to fight something that can walk through walls, disappear and fly (and eat fucking Kryptonite), he suddenly finds himself being thrown over Connor's shoulder and being carried through a terrifying rip in space and time to another dimension.
Conner can admit, as he lands back in Elle's haunt with all the ghosts streaming in behind him as the portal closes and the Clone Club rushing forward to check on him and Red Robin still slung over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes (a cute sake of potatoes, though) he might not have thought this one through.
Kidnapped by his amnesiac and possibly mind controlled best friend and dragged to hell(?) aside, Tim's just happy Conner brought him with him this time. Batman and the rest of the League, still reeling from what just happened, are not nearly as happy with that fact.
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stealingyourbones · 2 years ago
*slowly shuffles a wooden box of finger bones towards you* so I have two ideas for you
So, what if ghosts like, really screw with video technology, so it all kind of looks corrupted at all times- so when Danny starts recording like a blog of daily like in amity park (maybe as a way to cope with Trauma) and he posts it, maybe people outside of amity could think it’s all just like, an ARG or analog horror- if you want to go with dc/dp here, tim could be trying to solve a nonexistent mystery
For idea two, do you know ab the mystery flesh pit? If you don’t it’s basically an unreality where a gigantic super organism is turned into a National park and it’s then shit down when the organism basically coughs in its sleep and destroys a lot of stuff-( also be warned, there is a lot of body horror involved in this, so if anyone’s sensitive to it maybe don’t look at any content!) so maybe Giant Danny is taking a nap and some villains find the GIANT GHOST TAKING A SLEEP and decide to hook him up to be used as like, a battery or Lazerus pit (if you go the route of his blood being lazerus water) and the heroes get involved trying to figure out what’s happening
oh man that would be so fun. Danny just takes a little school project 10 minute documentary of the town and doesn't think too much of it when he submits it to Youtube so he can send it to his teacher.
A week later and every ARG/Analog Horror nerd on the planet has heard about this brilliantly well produced video called "Amity Park"
Now knowing this, He decides to have some fun. He takes ominous shots of mundane Amity life and splices them between the more normal scenes of himself and his friends having fun and hanging out.
He amps up the uncanny level. Throughout all of his videos, he starts to tell a slightly dramatized version of his life, not the Phantom stuff, but his life as a Fenton.
The whole world watches in awe and delight as this refreshingly new Analog Horror channel posts nearly twice a week with some of the most stunning CGI that they've ever seen. I mean 'c'mon, Sentient food. A child living in the house of two mad scientists who casually mention dismembering and destroying ghosts at the dinner table. An honest to god crazy scientist lab with a massive portal to this 'Ghost Zone' just in their basement?! Yeah, whoever made this has an absolutely incredible imagination. (Some people are even dissing it since this GZ really just feels like a warped version of The Backrooms but it's fine, it's unique enough that it makes up for it.)
I am a hoe for any and every topic that Wendigoon talks about in his videos so I very much so know about the Mystery Flesh Pit. (Video is linked but be warned; Benji isn't joking when they say that it's a LOT of body horror.)
I'd like to propose that Danny isn't even on earth, he's on a different planet that has collected his blood and harnessed his core for energy on a massive scale, helping create and produce items that benefit their world greatly.
To Danny, Their mining, harvesting, and energy draining efforts are the equivalent to bacteria moving around his body. He's so massive that this civilization isnt impacting him in the slightest.
The JL get called because this strange planet superorganism is now moving and it's causing the destruction of an entire civilization.
They fly over to the planet and they notice something very very wrong with the shape of the planet.
First and foremost, the two eyes spanning the equivalent width of Texas that stares up at their ship is new.
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void-writing · 2 years ago
Headcanon: Feelings affect ectoplasm. And only few people can perceive ghosts fully. So ghosts look different to each person. The differences grow between cultures and even more between species, but the perceptions share some traits. Frostbite and his people aren't yetis. But popculture and cultural appropriation have affected the area of Amity that Danny at first perceived them as such. Frostbite would look very different to J'onn for example.
Sounds fun and vaguely eldritch!
Like, the ghosts' physical form doesn't change but because of their metaphysical nature, humans can't comprehend them entirely and instead their brains use what input it can understand to manufacture an appearance it can comprehend. That would definitely be a handy explanation for the ghosts' wide and varied appearances outside of the Doylist "that's just how early 2000s cartoons were styled." Box Ghost yells about boxes? To the people of Amity, he looks like a mover. Desiree came out of a lamp and grants wishes? Well...the cliche genie look writes itself.
What if we take it one step further and say that personal feelings and ideas impact how an individual sees ghosts? Like, the Fentons for example. They think of ghosts as unfeeling monsters hellbent on destroying the living, so that's what ghosts look like to them no matter how nonthreatening they appear to the audience.
And what if we apply that to Phantom too? Like, Sam and Tucker just see their friend but with a color palate change because they just think of Phantom as Danny but with a different look. Meanwhile, anyone else would see something similar to the other ghosts for a long time until they realize that Phantom is just trying to help. Maybe that could also explain why Paulina was so infatuated with Phantom XD Maybe she perceived him as a dashing and handsome young hero that is 100% crush material for her tastes XD Honestly, that could also be used to explain why no one recognized Danny as Phantom unless they saw him physically transform: in their eyes, the two don't look even remotely similar.
Gosh...Phantom would probably look entirely eldritch to the Justice League. It's a common trope in dc x dp fic for Constantine to tell the League that ghosts are scary and powerful entities that should not be contacted lightly.
So: pop culture image of what ghosts are like + their personal experiences with inhuman entities from beyond mortal kin + expectations for the worst = the Justice League seeing Phantom as the mother of all nightmare fuel.
At least until Danny opens his mouth and they get to know him a little and the realization sets in that "oh, that's a child" and their perceptions of Phantom's form shift accordingly.
To add a little comedy to this, what if the JL never mention it to anyone because they don't know about the whole perception filter thing and each of them sees something wildly different and this is only revealed when they have to describe Phantom's appearance for some reason and everyone collectively goes "what the fuck? he doesn't look like that."
Endless possibilities.
Very good idea! Thanks for sharing :)
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vicmillen · 7 months ago
Oh but what about wine aunt Dani? Well, simultaneously older and younger sister to Bruce. She's rarely in the same dimension much less the same country because of her free spirit, but everytime she pops up she'll bring with her so many weird souvenirs right? And would track down both her brothers to give them their share right?
Which means sometimes she just shows up when Bruce is doing Batman stuff with the JL, no matter where that is. Off world or mid battle, it doesn't matter, a white haired lady just flys over and goes 'here's your gift little bro'. Well, she knows how important a secret identity is, so she always shows up to Batman as Phantom. She's considerate like that.
Which then means the JL would know Batman have a definitely not human sister, and then comes up with so many wrong theories. Bruce? Is honestly pretty fine with that. More things to muddle up his identity.
He does tells her a firm 'not now' when she pops up mid battle. So sometimes Dani would be like 'ok Batsy' and just float there and waits, but other times she'd join in to help because she's not very patient. One thing leads to another Dani Phantom is now a JL affiliate.
I wonder if anyone else in the JL knows the og Phantom from Amity. I think at most they would know about him. But since he disappeared with the other ghosts after the ghost crisis is over, and that happened before Batman even is a thing...
At least one member would have congratulated her transition. And Dani being the chaos gremlin that she is, would totally rolls with it.
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Was ranting and literally had to pause being angry to contemplate this more, that's how I get all my ideas btw they're born from the pits of anger and frustration. Kinda like revenge plots.
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nanenna · 8 months ago
#Maybe the convoy is how word starts to get out that there's even a safe town to move too#realistically there's no news cycle#and if this is one of those#'amity stopped trying to hail the justice league' scenarios#then even the JL doesn't know about amity to tell anyone#anyone who was from out of town and hears about the convoy going#in whatever direction you want to put gotham from amity#would be like#TAKE ME TAKE ME I NEED TO KNOW#like#it would literally be like something out of a fever dream#nothing but desolation then all of a sudden#in the distance#TRUCKERS#something ANYTHING from before the End#I Imagine the convoy starts off small#then starts to get larger depending on how many places they have to pass through before they reach gotham#maybe the supers are susceptible to whatever's caused the outbreak#(magic curse? Alien Shit?)#so that's why people are still stranded#and superman didnt just swoop around the world and gather everyone up#IM SORRY IM LIKE REPLYING SO LONG LMAO#and also it occurs to me you never specified they leave amity#so are the BATS rolling into amity?#is gotham completely lost??#bc that's a whole other very very FABULOUS direction#and a really fresh one to take it in!#like dannys always coming to gotham but we rarely see the bats land in amity for anything but short periods
Let's just save all these nice tags. UwU
My thought was indeed the bats rolling up to Amity because the worst place to be in a zombie apocalypse is a city. Cities have all their supplies shipped in from somewhere else. All of them! No food, no clothes, no medical supplies, nothing. They might be able to dig in, maybe set up a barrier around the park and start growing their own food, but realistically they're not going to be able to grow enough to even keep themselves fed, let alone the other survivors you know the bats are trying to gather up, they're going to HAVE to abandon the city if they want to, you know, survive. They still need to eat!
So maybe it's the bats in a convoy trying to find someplace safe to take all these survivors. And well... Ma and Pa Kent seem like the best place to go. It's just that uh... they get a little lost along the way. ;D
DPxDC idea: zombie apocalypse.
It's pretty common in zombie apocalypse stories for zombies to not attack each other, they somehow can tell themselves from the delicious delicious living beings. So I think it'd be interesting if anyone who's died died also does NOT ring the zombie dinner bell.
Example: Jason obviously smells so unappetizing to zombies, they don't even bother trying to bite him. Jason is weirded out by this, he stops jokingly calling himself a zombie. (Honestly depending on how far back in canon you wanna go about half the bats/birds are undead.)
And obviously Danny, Vlad, Dani/Ellie, and Dan (if you wanna include him) are some form of undead. It could be fun to play with the fact that zombies and ghosts are the apples and oranges of undead. Yeah, they're both fruit/undead, but they're also basically opposites. How would Danny's frenemies react to zombies invading the living realm?
And that's not even getting into liminality. Are humans that have been exposed to ectoplasm and/or the Laz pits just generally less appetizing to zombies? Like it confuses their senses? Just imagine you're in the middle of trying to survive the zombie apocalypse and then in bursts Batman and friends in their normal costumes with no fear because zombies just don't want them. The bats are acting like it's business as usual, that'd be so bizarre after the hell you've been through. And then they take you to this middle of nowhere town called Amity Park where people are living like it's pre-apocalypse because zombies get close and just turn away before crossing into town.
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