#then did a blood ritual
kneeanderthal · 2 years
shout-out to the orphan boy who used his mum's bones for a ritual in hopes the dark brotherhood would kill the orphanage owner a few towns over
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julls · 5 months
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Durgetash sketchpage by wonderful @mureh ♡!! Scenes of Gortash x Durge Juria before and after "my wife has amnesia" bg3 events (⸝⸝ᵕ ᵕ⸝⸝)
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fauvester · 6 months
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shang qinghua finds a demon-magic-plot device way to provide MBJ an heir to the throne. a dedicated advisor!!
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nelkcats · 1 year
Ghost Blood
Bad things happen to good people
The Justice League and the Justice League Dark had met to discuss something extremely important and confidential: the end of the world.
While this was something they faced on a weekly basis, this time it was different. It had started when the chaos lords found an ancient ritual to gain power, and multiple villains joined them to complete the requirements. Klarion, who had noticed that the spell was going to end the world sooner or later, informed the heroes.
The problem was that the spell was already underway, and it was a process that could not be stopped. They had a couple of hours left before all the known horrors in the universe would take an interest in Earth.
The Justice League Dark was overworked, all of them looked extremely exhausted. Even Deadman offered to help but there was little he could do. As they discussed how to proceed, Constantine grabbed an old spell book he was leafing through and angrily threw it to the ground, catching everyone's attention.
"Bloody hell" the Brit glared at the ground angrily "so fucking close".
His companions asked him what was going on, to which Constantine informed them that there was a solution to their current problem. Some sort of powerful cancelation spell that would solve their problems. He saw their hopeful faces and sighed, he supposed he should break their hopes sooner than later.
"We can't use it" the Hellbazer said wearily.
"Why not?" Wonder Woman looked at him frustrated "if it's the only option, surely we can-"
"We can't use it because one of the ingredients doesn't exist!" Constantine blurted out, furious. He had analyzed all the options and that was the only one that might work, but the essential ingredient was missing.
"The spell requires ghost blood" John commented after calming down, desperation could be heard in his voice "but ghosts don't have blood, their blood is ectoplasm, it's impossible!"
Deadman had suddenly gone silent.
"There would have to be a hybrid or something but clearly they don't exist, it's too unlikely."
The League, which had previously perked up at the possible solution, sank back in disappointment. Zatanna, however, noticed the ghost's reaction and watched him curiously.
"...What if it's possible?" Deadman's voice was heard in the silence. Constantine had made him visible to the others during the investigation but the ghost was not used to the attention.
"It's not, it's not possible to combine life and death, the balance would have been broken one way or another" Constantine denied.
"John, what if it's possible?" Deadman repeated "what if a hybrid exists?"
What if the hybrid is the balance?
"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" Constantine observed his friend. Ghost blood was a myth, mentioned in many books but never used.
"Don't get too excited" the ghost warned "there is a hybrid with that kind of blood but he's not-, he doesn't trust humans anymore, for a very good reason."
"However, he does exist" Wonder Woman said in disbelief "can you tell us more?"
Deadman looked around at the nearly destroyed dimension and begged the Ancients for forgiveness for what he was about to do.
"He was born by the Realms and for the Realms, he's a good boy" Deadman sighed, revealing the secret he was never supposed to mention "but as you well know, bad things happen to good people."
The ghost thought of the communique that had reached all the ghosts. On how the Ancients had taken in a child, how they had demanded that he needed to be left alone.
"It's not my place to say what happened" and he didn't have many details either, though gossip traveled fast "but he doesn't trust anyone beyond his guardians, he hates adults and he's scared of needles and other medical instruments, I don't think he'll be much help."
"We have to try, there's not much time left" Batman frowned. Something inside him stirred at the mention of an injured child "Can you tell us where he is?"
"The Infinite Realms" Constantine replied instantly, lighting a cigarette, his hands were shaking "But who are his guardians?"
"The Ancients" Deadman replied "and if you want their help, you really must come up with a plan."
It was obvious that only the Justice League Dark had understood the implications of all this, they were pale and looked scared. Even Dr. Fate and Marvel looked like the end of the world had been confirmed.
"I can take you there" the ghost said, nostalgic at the thought of visiting the dimension "time doesn't work the same there, so you won't spend much time even if it takes weeks to get close, but you can't all go, you'll scare him off"
"We'll go" Captain Marvel spoke up, overcoming his fear "if it's the only option, we'll go."
Little did they know that from the Infinite Realms the Master of Time was watching them with a raised eyebrow. The Ancient shook his head, knowing he should prepare for visitors before heading to the couch next to his screens. Danny was reclining there, sipping hot chocolate and bundled up in one of his cloaks.
The halfa greeted him looking relaxed but Clockwork wouldn't be fooled by that (he could still see the boy, his boy, with his chest wounded, crying for help), he reached over to stroke his protégé's hair affectionately, thinking of ways to get rid of his visitors. While Danny was likely to want to help, he couldn't care less about what happened to that dimension.
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madnessofmen · 5 months
Had a dream I was terminally ill, and a guy in a death cult I had a crush on asked if he could cannibalize me. I declined because I didn't know if my feelings were reciprocated, so he gave me a sprig of flowers and said to think on it.
Once he left, a guy from a different death cult tried to recruit me and warned me about the first guy, telling me that he was actually an undead being and the sprig he gave me was actually his arteries. the first guy then showed up and killed him with his teeth. I thought the artery thing was incredibly romantic so I agreed to let him eat me.
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astvaryking · 1 year
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average girl prophet experience
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angelsdean · 1 year
seeing that scene where sam is talking to dean abt when he used to read him knights of the round table comics and how he felt he could never go on a quest like that and saying he felt unclean and impure like but now, now these trials are ~purifying~ him...respectfully, sam, you sound so unhinged. and also yet another classic case of sam's revisionist history and re-writing his own memories and feelings once he has more context. like, sure, sam may have felt like a freak growing up, because of hunting. because of always being an outsider at every new school. because of all the secrets he had to keep from regular people. but the demon blood did not make him physically any different. the demon blood did not come with symptoms of otherness that young sam would've felt. and sam doesn't even learn abt the demon blood until post-stanford. they don't even know about demons or that the thing that killed mary IS a demon until s1. you were not impure or unclean, sammy, you were just like, a regular outcasted kid with a lot going on at home. been there, it's fine ur fine. ur being a freak abt these trials tho
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childrenofthesun77 · 8 months
The C3 lady who came to kuro and gear to request from the servamps to kill the count:
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Seems to be the same female head of the alicein family we saw when the two barriers meant to seal melancholy, envy and sloth were discussed:
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(Which I guess should have been obvious from her flamingo walking cane, it's a reference to alice in wonderland).
After the reveal that lily was pretty much behind freaking everything else already I guess it's not really a suprise, but at least to me this sounds like he could have been the driving force behind C3's request to kill the count as well.
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Yeah, that's also her and the man with the brooch and his hair in a side ponytail...is lily:
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stromer · 6 months
hi did you see that garly and dak were At It Again……. they are obsessed with each other i fear like u tussle with a guy ONE time at practice and suddenly u are bosom friends
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someone please check on dakota joshua... i fear he has a critical case of the My Good Buddy Garly-itis... looks to be stage four
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jules-and-company · 6 months
one thing about me is that i’m an orestes-electra-pylades defender. if you don’t hear them being defended anymore that means i am deceased
#something something about them being linked forever#none of them being redeemable all of them being innocent#about this sister who was refused love all her life and who kept it all inside her to give it to her little brother#who loves him so much that the lines blur and we don't know if she's sister ; mother ; father ; or lover even#because who could love him more than she does ?#about this brother who grew up with nothing but rage#rage towards this man he was given to ; that man ready to sell him into slavery#rage towards his mother who got rid of him#rage even towards this father that he has to kill for despite never having known him#rage towards the gods who set up his own curse and let him suffer for a good long while#and apollo did not tell him that no holy ritual will ever truly wash all the blood from his hands#but despite all this rage has chosen to love#to love this sister that he only knew the name of#and who welcomed him with more warmth than three suns combined#who had more fight in her than him and who urged him to do them justice#that's why he did not really hesitate when he killed clytemnestra#because he had seen his sister - a princess - reduced to rags and is skin on bone#and about this friend who became the definition of devotion#who voluntarily chose to follow his friend whom he knew was damned#chose to share the burden of killing with him#and who followed him on every corner of the earth they went to#and i know those three took such gentle care of each other#i know that electra and pylades both refused to go to sleep while the other tends to orestes having his fits of delirium caused by erinyes#yes their hands are bloody#but it's the same blood that's running through their three hearts attached by a red string#and the red of blood looks a lot like the red of love#electre/oreste#classics
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kandicon · 4 months
Actually I really wanna write a role reversal gerrymichael au and let me be so, so transparent when I say it is literally just bc I wanna fantasize about the tall, gangly blond man beating monsters to death
Everyone else has the same roles. Mary Keay is still Mary Keay in all her abusive and obsessive glory; Gertrude is still the Archivist.
Vaguely spiral aligned Michael who Does Not Like It. Pretends his connection is a hell of a lot looser than it is.
The only benefit (that Michael thinks of the Spiral) is how he can move around the Institute with relatively little interference and watch, after all, it is hard to behold something that is both nothing and everything and never was all at the same time.
Gerry ran away from home really young and actually succeeded. Spent a few years fucking around and learning what kind of benches are best to sleep on before applying to the Magnus Institute because that's what his dad did. He lied to hell and back on the application, but was hired quickly because of how thoroughly touched by the entities he was (thanks Mary) and Gertrude was running low on assistants. Gerry also felt completely justified in faking stuff and that he was perfectly qualified bc he grew up in a bookshop and how much different could it be (very different, as it turns out).
They first meet each other when Michael is prowling through artefact storage like it was a shopping mall, and pocketing everything he saw that didn't immediately mesmerize him. He was nervous and jumpy as all hell, even though this was not the first time he's done something similar and he's fairly certain Gertrude doesn't care, so when Gerry first spotted him from behind, he was immediately suspicious even before he saw Michael try to shove a lamp into his jacket pocket. This led to an altercation that eventually led to the lamp being accidentally turned on, Michael smashing it to pieces with a hammer Gerry had not realized Michael had, and Gerry suddenly being a lot more consciously aware of the supernatural than he was.
Gerry's mother was still obsessive over Lighteners, and she didn't make an effort to hide what she did, but she didn't actively try to educate Gerry on anything to do with the Fears. So he is fairly knowledgeable on the supernatural, but he doesn't know anything concrete about the Fears themselves and their categorization. The role of a stand by sacrifice instead of an errand boy and heir.
Michael still trusts Gertrude, but this time he knows he shouldn't and hates himself for it. Gerry wants to trust Gertrude, and she does hide him from anything Fears related and behaves around him like she did Michael in cannon, but he just feels something off about her and doesn't like it. She's just a bit too much like his mother for him to let his guard down.
Michael gets referred to by "it/its" pronouns once by Gerry as a teasing joke before Gerry fully knows what he is and is absolutely terrified by how happy the pronouns make his feel. (He thinks, maybe, that the Michael of his childhood liked something similar, too, but everything too far back is all twisted and he doesn't know what has been touched by the Spiral and what hasn't, so he doesn't trust any of it). He/it Michael ftw
At one point Michael just started putting black lipstick on himself because some of Gerry's always stuck to him when they kissed anyways n this gave them plausible deniability. Michael will never admit to the little spiral thrill it gives him when people do a double take upon seeing his face, the black lipstick contrasting literally everything else about his style.
Gabriel attempted to track Michael down exactly once, a few years before he joined the institute. He had heard about Michael's unsavory... Hobby... (<- reckless destruction of artefacts and throwing himself at all monsters and avatars he sees with a murderous rage regardless of their affiliation) but spiral avatars capable of holding a conversation are so few and far between and the Great Twisting was almost prepared, so he thought a meeting would be worth it. He showed up at a cafe Michael frequented one day expecting lovely, but tense, conversation, only to promptly lit on fire (mostly) in the back alley behind the cafe after he introduced himself. Gabriel survived, but some of his clay body still hardens unexpectedly or shows signs of firing from time to time.
Occasionally Michael's eyes will change colors and shapes, so he likes to put contacts in (he used to just use tinted glasses, but after one time of Gerry getting lost in his eyes in the far too literal, not at all romantic, sense, he decided to invest in smth a bit harder to take off and forget about). Unfortunately, this sometimes means other, very much not his original eyes will pop up around his body and in his hair as protest when he puts them in. It's not very fun to have to chase off eyes at 6am, but he does it regardless and complains the whole time about how he shouldn't have to deal with eyes when he very clearly isn't of The Eye.
Gerry: Oh hey you were running pretty late. I was starting to get worried.
Michael, not about to admit he spent an extra thirty minutes to get ready yelling and brandishing a lighter at a door that was following him around like a lost puppy: Ummmmmm I forgot my wallet. :((
#this has been in my drafts for ages so now I'm releasing it into the world so it's easier to find and therefore I remember to write it#gerrymichael#gerard keay#michael shelley#<- his personality is v much a mix of Distortion Michael and Michael Shelley with a leaning towards Shelley#the most 'I have no fucks left to give' man with extreme social anxiety#the ONLY reason Michael n Gerry did not meet in a cafe was bc Michael accidentally entered all the ones by the institute when he#had blood on him and was too embarrassed to go back#Gerry and Michael's first date is burning a spiral Lightner <333 Only Gerry thinks of it as a date and remebers it fondly.#Michael is still sad he couldn't do something normal with Gerry first#Oh!!! and idk if I made it clear enough but Michael does NOT hunt Lightners!!! He mainly goes after artefacts and monsters/avatars#Also this entire au was inspired by me dreaming of Michael (Shelley) beating the shit out of Jude Perry and one hit causing boiling wax#to spray up and hit him in rhe face. and just. him looking dizzy and far out and idly sticking his finger into the wax on his face and#swirling it around so it scars as a spiral. bc he thinks that is much Much prettier. Before he snaps out of it and gets very horrified with#himself very fast.#the magnus archives#NOT tagging this w the other ship name bc this is not distortion/door Michael#The Distortion is free of having been contained into a person (for now. Gertrude may try to throw Gerry into it during the Great Twisting)#n loves tormenting Michael Shelley (affectionate) n having tea with Gabrial n living its best lack of life while preparing for their ritual#lemme know if anyone else needs 2 b tagged.
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lovinggreeniehours · 12 days
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2022 / 2024 (+takahara getting eepy)
hi they're getting married in 2 months btw :) if that matters to you
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amummy · 3 months
This is a miquella supporting blog, miquella haters don’t interact (I’m kidding idc who or what you like or dislike)
#i’m not saying he did nothing wrong but i positive he would of gone back for malenia he didn’t abandon her#he was kidnapped and defiled in a heretical blood ritual till he DIED#yeah the thing with calied was unfortunately caused by him#but it was never anticipated that malenia would bloom#radahn was resistant likely because he’s a golden order fan boy of Radagon so ofc he tried to break his vow#I think people things miquella is more powerful then he truly was#all his strengths were in his charms and kindness so if you have no other weapon then what do you use in a world that’s hostile and violent?#his weakness is his naivety#and he’s likely been treated like a child longer then we realized just because of his curse#we see miquella without his love and that’s what we face in battle and even then he doesn’t actually attack us#radahn does#i can’t speak for radahn#i’ve never been very interested in him#but i do know that the charm doesn’t seem to force LOVE#mohg did that on his own as a bid to become elden lord and as a way he did just not in the sense he wanted#the charm almost seems to quell negative emotions instead and create comradery#hence why the bewitching branch makes enemies fight for you#i can almost guarantee with the rune broken malenia still will have the fight be the same after the final dlc fight#she was never charmed#i need to stop i’m very frustrated by people calling him pure evil or slurs#elden ring#sote spoilers#elden ring spoilers#shadow of the erdtree spoilers
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sporesgalaxy · 2 years
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bonus for the silence alexander knowers
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moe-broey · 7 months
Winter concpets.....
(these first ones are At Least a year old 😭😭😭)
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First up, a Winter Sharena concept!
And a little comic about it
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The last panel would have been Sharena begging to "steal Alfonse's body warmth" while Alfonse subtly/sarcastically teases her about it, Moe trailing behind them (I lost steam/focus though 🥲)
This was The Year Of Bruno as well, and I was testing out/playing with the scenario presented (From the Tempest Trials and from what Winter Bruno says, it seems Alfonse and Sharena spent the holiday together while the Summoner was spending it with Bruno the Envoy)
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(funny aspect of this is I don't even really enjoy "why does so and so call you babygirl" jokes anymore LMFAOOO like. Nothing wrong w em and was a decent set up here, but Moe would Not Fucking Say That skskksk) (also you can Tell this is Early On in Moe's development bc its fangs aren't even piercings 😔)
This year I Did revisit Winter Concepts, espp wanting to redo my Idea of a winter Moe who's helping out Bruno with Envoy Duty
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All it needed was to become more of a furry and some loose BDSM gear inspo 👍 I was also thinking about a few different things! Like how Bruno's fit is literally just his regular outfit with some Santa suit on top LMFAO. But I was also thinking about how Moe is probably not meant to be recognized here? If it is hanging out with Bruno? Who is actively avoiding being seen by Alfonse and Sharena? So Moe keeps the shoes/tights, but little else!
Final version would have most closely resembled this one!
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And another little comic
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Once again I'm parsing how okay well how are they interacting with each other. What's the vibe here?
I wanted to draw a bigger piece of them hanging out, maybe spending the night together by the fire with hot cocoa after a hard day's work (again thinking about how it's implied the summoner spent the holiday separately from Alfonse/Sharena). I may revisit the concept again, I feel like there's a lot of potential story-focused comic wise here.... and a lot of set up for some funny conflict later.
#fire emblem#feh#to elaborate on the babygirl bit like. i think moe's complex relationship w gender and esp#discomfort w being misgendered would play into it avoiding that completely.#it's more likely to (affectionately intricate ritually i see you the way you see me you are me and i am you) call alfonse a faggot.#WITH. permission LMFAOOO#and boundaries. alfonse voice Not beyond closed doors#for me i guess it's the difference between emasculation being a punchline vs celebrating/embracing#complex/nuanced relationships to gender identity/presentation/performance. ect.#it is NOT that deep LMFAOOO it's just how i've come to feel!#anyways i think if i did write a story about spending a night w bruno i think the ONLY way to end it#is to have him gone by morning. i think he has Always done this.#and i think it's fascinating to consider him Still doing this ESP w someone who isn't of askr blood#it is just so deeply fucking ingrained in him.#and i imagine it almost being an odd comfort to alfonse. as well. (upon hearing about it)#moe is a bad liar but if it's Required to keep a secret it will try its absolute damnest to#esp to honor bruno's wishes. i think moe does manage to keep this under wraps for Surprisingly long#which i think sets up ANOTHER really fascinating scenario. where moe IS honest to a fault#but somehow managed to hide something Like That. the sense of shock and betrayal must be INSANE#i do really wanna revisit it someday#fe alfonse#sharena#fe bruno#moe tag#summoner oc#my art#my concepts
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ughhhh my body has decided to be in agony, just going to rest for tonight mothlings :((
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