#then back in 2020 i started going back to old stuff like linkin park and blue stahli and got very into kmfdm them sepultura and the like
honeyed-disgraceful · 6 months
Holy shit I have not listened to all time low since 2014 and I'm going back just out of curiosity and they still sound so good and they made so much new stuff??? Even with blackbear? My little happy hype music wow
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Hello there, can I have your name? Stephanie.
Have you gotten close to anyone recently? Not anyone new, no.
Out of all your friends, who do you spill ALL your secrets to? I spill everything in these surveys.
Do you miss the way things used to be? I miss the way a lot of things used to be.
On your “lazy days” what are you doing? So what do I do everyday? Lie around in bed switching between social medias, watch YouTube videos, watch TV, read, scroll through Tumblr, do surveys, play some Animal Crossing: New Horizons, sleep...
Do you remember the first conversation you had with the person you have feelings for? I don’t have romantic feelings for anyone at this time.
Are you anything like you were at this point last year? Unfortunately. Have you ever got a D or F on your report card? No.
If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months would you? How about 5 years?
Do you like anybody? Not in the romantic sense.
Do you believe that people talk about you behind your back? I don’t think I’m on anyone’s radar.
If you had twins, would you give them rhyming names? Not having kids, but in the hypothetical scenario where I had twins; no, I would not.
Do you remember what you were like a year ago? Yeah, like I said I’m the same now, which means I haven’t changed much. And that’s not good.
What are you listening to? An ASMR video.
Would you rather go back a week or forward? Forward.
Did you do something mean to someone today? No.
What holiday is your birthday closet to? 4th of July.
Is there anyone that you wish was IN your life who used to be? I do miss having Ty in my life and the way things were between us a few years ago. I’m such a mess now, though. :(
Give us a lyric from a song you’re listening to: I’m not listening to any music right now.
Is your birthday in less than 6 months? I already had my birthday 3 months ago.
Do you think your zodiac sign fits your personality? No, I’m so opposite of how a Leo is said to be.
What brings out the worst in you? My mental health has.
How’re you feeling right now? Tired and kinda hungry.
When’s the last time you ate at Taco Bell and with who? I haven’t ate at a Taco Bell in several years.
Are you closer to your father or mother? My mom.
Are you a morning person or a night person? Night.
What are you supposed to be doing right now? I mean, I should be asleep at 630 in the morning, but that just wouldn’t be me now would it?
Would you ever get a tattoo? I’ve wanted one for several years, but I just don’t see it ever happening.
Are you one of those people who hate crying in front of others? Most definitely.
Is anyone on your mind right now? No. 
What’s the greatest thing that happened today? Nothing much has happened so far.
Are you afraid of the future? Very.
Do you believe in true love? Yeah. I just don’t see it happening for me. 
Has anyone ever given you jewelry on Christmas? Yeah, my family.
What do you prefer, Skittles or Starbursts? I liked the strawberry Starbursts. I couldn’t even tell you the last time I had Skittles or Starbursts, though. It’s been a longgggg time. Like honestly, probably not since high school.
Mike & Ikes or Jolly Ranchers? Jolly Ranchers. I don’t think I’ve had those since high school either to be honest. The watermelon ones were the best. Anyone remember the Jolly Ranchers suckers? Those were really popular when I was in middle school. My school used to sell candy and ice cream after school and I’d always get some of those and/or those caramel apple suckers, and a Superstar (chocolate banana ice cream bar). 
How are you feeling right now? We’ve been through this already, I feel tired and kinda hungry.
Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette? I’ve gone 31 years so far and have no desire to start.
Were you happy when you woke up today? I haven’t gone to bed, yet, but I never wake up happy. I wake up feeling like a zombie.
Do you believe that every one has a soul-mate? I don’t know, man.
Have you ever fallen into a mud puddle? No.
Do you like winter? I love it.
Do you wear your seatbelt in the car? Always.
Will you talk to someone on the phone tonight? Not likely unless my mom calls me on her lunch break like she sometimes does.
Was today a good day? It’s only 6:46AM.
What woke you up this morning? ...
Do you prefer to take showers at night or in the morning? I always take them at night.
How did your day go yesterday? Typical day for me.
Are you talking to anyone? No.
Do you look people in the eye when you talk to them? Yeah. I look away now and then, but yeah.
Have you cried on somebody’s shoulder? Yes.
Have you ever played naked twister? Uh, no.
Will this weekend be a good one? *shrug*
Do you call people Douche-bags? I’ve said it about people, but not to anyone.
Would you marry for money? Absolutely not.
Did you kiss or hug anyone yesterday? Nope.
Can you sleep in jeans? I couldn’t now as someone who only wears leggings and hasn’t even worn jeans at all in like 3 years.
What color are your eyes? Brown.
Is your hair longer than your shoulders? Yeah, it goes down to my butt.
This time last year, can you remember who you liked? I wasn’t interested in anyone in the romantic sense last year.
What are you doing at this very moment? Hmm, take a guess.
What was the last piece of clothing you wore that didn’t belong to you? I don’t wear clothing that doesn’t belong to me. <<<
If you had the chance to see ONE band, (past or present) live, who would you pick? I wish I got to see Linkin Park while Chester was still alive. </3 :(
How long have you been in your current relationship? Sighhhhh.
Are you a patient person? No.
Would you get in trouble if you came home drunk? No, I’m 31 years old.
Do you ever think about things and start to worry? Haha only all the time.
Are you one to get annoyed easily? Yes. Somedays any little thing can do it.
Do you have any pets? Yep, a doggo named Princess Leia. <3
Is the last person you kissed yours? I don’t own anyone.
Are you a player or do you keep to one person? I’m certainly not a player. I’ve been played, though.
Was it a boy or a girl to text you first today? No one has as of now.
Are you scared of spiders? Uh, extremely.
Do you hate the last boy who talked to you? No, I love my brother.
Where are you? In my room sitting on my bed.
Do you think that crying is a form of weakness? No. I’m just hard on myself because I feel like such a crybaby. I’m like, jeez you’re crying again what’s wrong with you? Or about how I cry over the same things, but not actively or even trying to do anything about them. I’m just not very understanding or kind to myself.
Do you tend to make things complicated? Yeppp. :/
Have you ever slept on a couch with someone? No.
Have you ever gotten to the point where you’ve said “I’m done trying”? I’ve felt that way many times throughout my life. And there have been times I did not stop trying when it came to certain things. I also have neglected myself and my life in a lot of ways these past few years, so I feel like I haven’t been trying at all. Do you miss someone? I’ll always miss my loved ones who have passed away.
Do you think things will change in the next few months? No.
Have you cried this past week? Of course.
Do you think two people can last forever? It happens.
Last reason you threw up? I had a stomach bug or something. 
Do you think relationships are even worth it? Yes.
Does it bother you when people try to make you jealous? No one tries to make me jealous, but yeah it would. Like that’s just stupid.
Is it possible to be single and happy? Yeah, there’s lots of happy single people. 
Do you like when people play with your hair? I loved that when I was a kid.
Are you mad at someone right now? No.
Best memory? I couldn’t choose just one.
Do you remember your dreams? No, for some reason it’s like they vanish as soon as I wake up.
First off, single or taken? Single. As if that hasn’t been made abundantly clear by now. 
Do you wear a lot of makeup? No. I haven’t worn any makeup in like 3 years.
What are you wearing right now? Leggings and a Scream shirt.
Is there someone you want to fight? No. I’m not a fighter.
What kind of hairstyle do you have right now? It’s up in a bun.
What’s annoying you right now? Mehhh.
Do you have your license? Nope.
Are you tired? Of course I am.
Who will you be with today/tonight? I’ll be with all my family at various times because they each have work but different schedules. We’ll all be home together tonight when they’re all off and home for the night. I’ll be with my doggo all day.
What color is the shirt you are wearing? Black.
Last person to call you? My mom.
Do you have any piercings? Just my earlobes.
Have you ever kissed someone who you weren't dating? Yes.
What was the reason for your last tear shed? Blah.
Do you go to school? If so, what one? Nope, I finished 5 years ago.
Ever feel like you have been replaced? I’ve felt that way many times before. I definitely know my former friends have replaced me, but that’s completely to be expected. I hope they have found better friends than me.
What are you doing tonight? Same stuff I do every night.
Who were you last in car with? My mom.
Would you rather write a paper or give a speech? Write a paper. I definitely do not miss having to give speeches or do presentations in front of the class. 
Are you lying to yourself about something? Maybe.
What is your favorite thing to eat with peanut butter? Toast, PB & jelly, bananas, chocolate. 
Your mood summed up into one word? Blah.
Is the person you last texted single? No.
Are you a happy person? No. Have you had your birthday this year? Yeah, three months ago.
Do you think any of your exes will eventually want to be with you again? Nopeee. And that’s perfectly fine cause I don’t want to be them either.
Was New Year’s Eve enjoyable? It was okay. I miss how we were all like, woo roaring 20′s and 2020 vision we’re gonna see things clearly and how we had absolutely NO idea what was soon to come and how quickly the world would change. Although, I will say I think we have seen a lot of things more clearly this year, it was just a lot bigger and more serious than we thought. 
If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move to?  Hmm. Not sure. My family and I do really want to move in the near future, though.
What would you change about your life right now? A lot of things...
Has anything upset you in the past week? Yes.
Are you on the phone? Nope.
What’s your favorite color? Pastels, rose gold, coral, mint green, and yellow.
Which do you prefer, relationship or a one-night-stand? Relationship. I’m not interested in a one night stand.
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Tickets To My Downfall
I’ll be honest, I fucking hate people my age. Back in my day I would get really excited when I’d see a girl or guy with shaggy hair in their eyes, only for them to start talking about the new Travis Scott album. Don’t even get me started if they wore a Nirvana shirt.
I didn’t know it then, but this was the beginning of something that didn’t take off until after high school: Hip hop kids being influenced by punk rock. First, they just digged the fashion, it was edgy and emotional at the same time. But then those kids talking about the Travis Scott album started making music, and it sounded like this
(PS: Anytime a melody is fast and catchy, it’s punk rock. Punk rock is known for being “nursery rhymes on speed” that is literally its job description)
Get the fuck out of here. Now they are taking our MELODIES too. All they did was take pop punk melodies and put synths behind them instead of guitars because they couldn’t play guitar.
God, can one of these tough hip hop guys please understand where these roots are coming from and at least play guitar? Any of them have the balls to put on a pink guitar and let their emotions out?
*6 years later*
Back in March, when MGK put out a cover of Misery Business, I welcomed him to the game. A new game for him, but he looked natural.
He didn’t seem out of place. That’s weird, because if Xzibit started covering a Knuckle Puck song heads would be turning left and right. Prior to this, it was my understanding that I was the only one who could recite The Slim Shady LP and Dookie in the history of human existence.
When Bloody Valentine was released , I thought he was just a rapper trying something that he wanted to be but didn’t know what punk rock was. It was a soft alt rock song that took me 200 tries to find remotely catchy. I went on reddit and bashed anyone comparing this to blink as frauds (and I was right).
July 20, 2020. MGK is scheduled to perform live on Good Morning America. Up until this point, Bloody Valentine has been promoted over and over again for 2 months as the only song off his upcoming “pop punk” album. We assume he is going to play this, for the 10000th time, even though he just did it on Jimmy Kimmel the night before.
Curtains draw, cameras set, action, Travis counts in.
Ba na ba ba, ba ba na ba ba
Colson starts playing fast octave switches on live television and then breaking down into an arpeggiated verse. If Bloody Valentine is the Rascal Flatts at a night club in Boston, this is John Lennon live at the Garden.
I am shitting my pants holding onto the computer screen for dear life. The last time I did this, I discovered a band called New Found Glory, but Colson was faster than Chad.
Colson was playing very fast. He was switching from palm muting to chords to octaves with smooth precision. He was not breathing between verses. And it was from that moment on, July 20th at 9:56 AM, that MGK became the biggest rock star on the planet. It was in that moment he became punk.
This isn’t Lil Wayne attempting to play notes on a guitar. Tickets To My Downfall is an intermediate guitarists masterpiece.
Title Track sounds so much like a My Chemical Romance song that it was hard for me to listen to at first. He has the audacity to plays thirds like he’s The White Stripes on Kiss, Kiss. And he literally rips off Operation Ivy with Trippie Redd, though he said it was meant as an ode. I don’t know who Trippie Redd is, but I guarantee you he doesn’t know who Operation Ivy is. Fuck, I’m surprised MGK knows who Op Ivy is, that’s a deep punk rock band. Even if he found them through Green Day, that is a very old and rare cut, and he would have to be bigger than your average Green Day fan to know that.
He tries so hard not to rap on Drunk Face, he really likes that vocal melody but I don’t.
I will say one thing MGK is good at is sounding like 2005. The outro to I Think I’m Ok, the riff on Lonely, embody a specific emotion, nostalgia. Those songs take you back to the past. And I didn’t know MGK liked that stuff.
Being 30, he’s in the “late 2000s teenager influenced by Green Day and Blink 182” era. Yea, that group. Thought we killed them all, but we found the last one trying to rap battle Eminem. So I thought he would sound like All Time Low, that’s the logical step, but he sounds like Sum 41. Interesting, because that’s the punkier side, I had almost forgotten there were other bands besides All Time Low influences by Green Day and Blink (for reasons we will discuss in the future...)
Which means he’s a lot more influenced by punk rock than I think.
So he sounds like Sum 41 more than All Time Low, great, so what. He was writing at an intermediate level already. It takes years of listening to pop punk to come up with and hear those octave changes in your head, I didn’t start hearing that until I was 19. It’s too fast for a novice.
For anyone criticizing the album as not pop punk, what were you expecting? Dookie? You people are so up your ass that you can’t fathom that this is a hip hop artists first punk album, not the fourth State Champs record. The man literally switched genres for you people and you can’t accept him, which is why the scene is basically non fucking existent and we have to rely on rappers to play us on the radio. If you didn’t criticize the third Front Bottoms record then you have no business being anywhere near this one.
This is the most significant album of the decade, because it bridges the gap between rap and punk (not rock, cause Linkin Park did that). If you can’t already praise it for that, you are lost. It exposes to “emo rappers” the music they are secretly influenced by. It could teach those kids about the bands behind their fashion sense and hair style, and teach them why they find Juice World catchy. At the end of the day, MGK is on a reconnaissance mission and if you can’t revive the scene from within the scene, sneak into the other side and do an inside job.
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thelocalshooter · 4 years
The Local Shooter Vs. B-LIFE
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(LS) Hello thank you being apart of a great come up and welcome, may we get a small introduction for the people reading who don’t know who you are, where are you from? Who are you? And what do you do?
(B) I'm B-L1FE or B to most. I am an Indiana native but for the last 4 years I've been in the Houston, TX area. I do everything except make beats. I'm a recording artist myself, I engineer, DJ, design, visuals, animations, curate. To add to all that I'm also the CEO of my own record label, FAITH×VICTORY Records. I also am the CEO of three other companies: SupportArt which is a promotion company that also houses a collective, and MeditatedMerch which is my clothing line. There is stuff I'm missing I'm sure but I'm basically the one stop shop for good underground business.
(LS) Being a Texas native how do you feel that the music scene has impacted you and your creativeness?
(B) The scene in the H has never really impacted me much but surround regions have amazingly unique sounds that are almost nice accents to a style like mine that blends hip hop with metal and alt rock. The Dallas FT. Worth area is full of this new wave sound that people like Jah or $not really helped catapult. Then south Florida is known for the wild hype sounds they give us like Pouya. I think these regions influenced me by just kind of telling me hey its ight to let go and just be me. I used to be signed under a different stage name and to be honest it was all bullshit. All the rules and what they wanted me to be. This area in general just let the monster loose I guess you could say.
(LS) You also run a blog on your own called supportart where its a platform for many creative artist in the underground, how did that come about and how long have you been running it?
(B) We are gonna be two years old in June which is unreal. We house 20 artists at the moment including myself. It honestly all started as a group chat of artists trying to put together a collective mixtape. Most people didnt come through but it actually opened a networking portal that led us to our first client who was King Kap who at the time was signed to Quality Control. We continue to work with him to this day and alongside the leaders I make the calls with (Yung N ICy, Fat Daddy J, Psych Ward, Penny the Shabba, Waveon, wa55up, & Kaster) we just had the flood gates opened on us. Alot of trial and error but never once have we been exposed or finessed. We work hard for the underground and have new ways coming soon to showcase hidden talent.
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(LS) you seem to be a jack of all trades with graphics, producing, and much more! What do you feel is your strongest creative outlet for you and why?
(B) All the other crafts came from being a recording artist. I think I truly shine there. Away from the art and visuals, I've had some pretty big accomplishments as the rapper B-L1FE. Sometimes I forget to push my own stuff when I'm so busy pushing the underground or my artists. In 2019 I dropped my first and sophomore album which did well. Underviews did an article naming me a young mogul. I made the underground freshman list which was amazing to be with the likes of GNAR, Lord Xan, 916frosty, and more. But if anything compares it's my graphic design. I've been doing design since I was 14 and I'm almost 28 now. I still have every graphic I've done and my portfolio now have close to 6000 pieces. It's the main reason I could leave the day job life behind.
(LS) You also happen to be on all major platforms with a couple single releases, where did you first find your passion for music? Also how did you know that it was going to be a career for you?
(B) My parents didnt really do much parenting but they did raise me around terrific music. I have right now I believe 83 songs on all major platforms which is quite a bit since my contract from the previous record label didnt expire until April of 2018. My parents raised me around Dr. Dre, Bone Thugs, Snoop, Nas, Destinys Child, Master P, and all the greats. So I had this around me so much at 12 I started writing structured songs and didnt even realize it. Football was passion #1 but when I decided to rescend my commitment to Eastern Michigan University, I started toying around with being in a band. After awhile my vocal cords suffered from pure metal music. So I turned to rap which was also like a hobby. Then once I began to network in around 2012 I noticed I had something alot of others didnt. So it was then I knew. The rest was waiting for the contract I signed stupidly to expire. My biggest influences would be Chronic 2001 by Dr. Dre and Hybrid Theory by Linkin Park.
(LS) Your most recent single regurgitate and there’s a single called “Welcome To Hell” which did amazing numbers on Twitter! What was the whole process behind those songs and why did you pick that specific song to shows case the project?
(B) The process behind these two singles were both random to be honest. I put out my second EP back in December and wanted to take my time on my third album so I do what I call SINGLE SZN. I drop a new song on major platforms every week. It started with my first single of 2020 which was 'Never' and 'Welcome to Hell' was the second. With that one it was Angry Orphan's concept (featured artist) and he sent me his parts and a rough idea and I thought since we both are lyrical artists let's do what Em and Royce do when they collab and take these same schemes but change our words and small parts of our flows. It made a very cohesive song. The marketing is always the same for me. I let people know way before something drops that it's coming. The main key is promoting stuff more than once. So many people drop a track, run it through some group chats for that day, and then leave it to die. You gotta keep pushing content towards people. With 'Regurgitate' I hadn't even planned a part of it. I woke up to an email from SupportArt's head engineer, Penny the Shabba, that two beats. One was the beat for that song. Wrote it in 15 mins recorded it mixed it, he mastered it while I did the cover, and within 4 or so hours a full song was ready and off to distrubution.
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(LS) What’s a regular day in the life of B-LIFE? Do you wake up in the morning go to the studio? Do you wake up in the morning and start interviewing people and check on your blog? What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
(B) The minute I wake up I need a shower. Cant start the day right without it. My studio and everything is at home so I just go off my daily planner. I keep everything written down including my own personal stuff and I usually pick whatever project I really dont wanna do to start. That way I'm getting through the 'blah' jobs with full energy and the shit I'll enjoy doing I save for later when I'm drained. Usually first thing I do business wise is touch base with my team. We use telegram so we can avoid social media. We a family so they come first. Next is clients. Always touch base with any clients waiting still or people I may have had halfway to the payment phase.
(LS) juggling music, blogs, graphics, and also a clothing brand how do you know when to find time for each creative outlet? Do you set a certain schedule for certain things? Do you have a certain day for certain things how does that work for you?
(B) I wish I knew. Everyday is dedicated to everything. I didnt want to say okay Tuesday we design only covers and logos but sell 5 videos the night before that Tuesday. I ask my clients for deadlines and bundle clients I tell them the timeframes. To be honest my turnaround is so quick and I've done this for so long I do it super fast. Some AMV clients get their video back in an hour with their mind blown. I try not to look at it as such a big work load. Whenever I do feel overwhelmed then its time for like 30 mins on the xbox or a jog. Somehow I never run out of creativity which certainly helps.
(LS) What’s your main goal as far as music? Do you plan on getting signed, are you looking to stay independent? Is music even your full on passion or are you looking to stay more on the blog and manager/artist development side or what is your main goal?
(B) Main goal is to get my label signed how Travis Scott did with Cactus Jack. It keeps the artist safe and in it's own way allows you to stay independent but with proper funding. Music is the main passion. I never say I manage my artists. We push them to build their own brands and we help them with that. I'm simply just keeping a platform all about love. The rest does it's own thing all by itself. Truly amazing.
(LS) Thank you again for being a part of this great come up, is there anything else you would like for the readers to know about you? Or should we keep our eyes peeled for anything to come in 2020? What are some links that you can share were new readers can go ahead and find your work?
(B) You can find everything related to be via my linktree which is linktr.ee/lifewitha1
Album 3's first single drops May 1st and you can already pre order it on Apple Music. Its titled 'Bob Ross' and ensomber produced it. Tune in. Tap in. We out here not just for us but for everybody with the it's always love approach. Just dont get shit twisted haha. You can find me everywhere but soundcloud. Bless up everybody and much love to The Local Shooter. Houston we strong!!
The Local Shooter Vs. B-L1FE
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morethanamillennial · 4 years
Artist Spotlight: Nightspring
The music scene is full of plentiful talent across the pop punk spectrum, however Nightspring are much more than that. The band hailing from Brisbane, Australia brings a mixed bag of sounds to the table. The five person band consisting of Michael Hermon (Vocals), Myles Vele (Vocals/Bass), Alex Woolard (Guitar), and Matthew Barkmeyer (Drums) recently released “Surrender” followed by debut album “Reflections”; a six track EP full of emotion. I sat down with the boys of Nightspring to discuss their success throughout 2019, the best tracks for newcomers, and of course their new album ‘Reflections.’
More Than A Millennial: 2019 saw the release of latest Ep ‘Reflections’. How does the music making process come about, and what inspires you in the songwriting process?
Michael: Our process has always been a bit weird, purely because we all have such conflicting schedules for the moment and don’t always have time to write together. It tends to start off with Myles writing anything from a simple seed idea to randomly showing up with a whole song already mapped out. We’ll add it to the band Dropbox and chat about it, then him and I will usually get together to work on lyrics and vocals. After that, it’s just the job of getting everyone’s parts recorded. Hopefully things will become a lot more organic in the future as we all get used to our individual writing styles.
Myles: Yeah, we’re definitely not a band that works like the old-school model of sit in a room and jam it out until you find something you like. I think that kind of mentality when it comes to writing songs like Sydney is admirable to anyone who can pick things up quickly without any real idea of where a song is going!
   More Than A Millennial: The music you make embraces writing from real experiences and feelings ‘Surrender’ in particular sounds like it was a personal story. Do you find creating music easier drawing from your own lives, making it a free flowing procedure?
Michael: Surrender is definitely inspired by a personal story, it was something that happened to me a few years back. I told Myles about it and he got inspired by it I guess! In regards to drawing from real experiences, 100% easier. Every song off of Reflections was inspired by real things we’ve been through, so it adds a level of reality to the messages we’re trying to share.
Myles: Surrender is strange to me because I don’t really remember writing the lyrics so much as the instruments. I was listening to a lot of Don Broco, Muse and Limp Bizkit at the time, so instrumentally, the bass was a big factor in shaping that song. But I must say, it was super fun to experiment with how we’d lyrically showcase the personal experience through the chorus. Some of those lyrics in Surrender are some of my favourite we’ve written just because of their quotable nature.
More Than A Millennial: Who influences your style of music, is there a particular artist who inspires you all individually or as a group?
Myles: I would say there’s no particular sound that influences us, more so common bands that we listen to but don’t really aim to sound like.
Michael: We all have wildly diverse tastes in music, from metal to country to K-Pop, but I think if we all had to narrow it down, I'd probably say we’re all inspired by Linkin Park and Hands Like Houses. Our vocal inspirations tend to be very different from instrumentals though.
Myles: One hundred percent. Where we get vocal inspiration can range from a specific style to a vowel pronunciation from a specific artist, album or even song! Instrumentally, it’s just looking for something fun, be it bouncy, catchy or dramatic. That kind of unbound creativity was definitely from watching the making of Linkin Park’s Minutes to Midnight documentary one too many times.
   More Than A Millennial: If you had to play a newcomer a Nightspring song to introduce them to the band, which song would you pick?  
Michael: Oh man, either ‘Sydney’ or ‘Goodnight’ I think! Goodnight displays our poppier side the most and Sydney the heavier side we seem to be naturally moving towards, those seem to both be favourites at the moment for their relative dichotomy.
  More Than A Millennial: A lot of musicians have recently talked about how streaming services pay very little to featured artists on their platform – what is your take on the situation? And what is the best way to support an artist in this digital age?
Myles: I think Spotify is the current trend of the music industry to evaluate an artist’s worth, which is ironic considering how little the direct return an artist gets from it is. However, I do think that from a consumer to company perspective, it does make a lot of sense how little artists receive as listeners don’t actually purchase nor own that music they listen to. It’s basically a modern-day online Blockbuster, or Video Ezy for those old enough to know what that is.
More Than A Millennial: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received, and who was it from?
Michael: Something along the lines of ‘Sometimes you’re going to fail ten times before you succeed once, you’ve just got to make sure you keep pushing through those ten times to reach the successes’. That was Josh Ramsay from Marianas Trench after a show once. Always stuck with me.
Myles: Indirectly, ‘Love keeps us kind’ from the LInkin Park song The Messenger. Those are four impactful words to incorporate into your day to day life.
  More Than A Millennial: In the last 12 months, what would you say was Nightspring’s biggest achievements?
Myles: Probably self-producing our EP. I can definitely hear things that I would change now, but if you’d have told me after ‘Looking Back’ that we’d be crazy enough to do this when we’re trying to establish ourselves strongly in the Brisbane rock scene, I’d have said it’d never happen!
Michael: It was a pretty uneventful year musically for us. ‘Reflections’ was definitely the biggest part of our year, as well as playing our first show at the premiere of a TV series. 2020 is set for much bigger achievements, I think.
  More Than A Millennial: If you could put on a festival with your dream line up who would headline, and what would the theme be?
Michael:I’d annoy a lot of people and do a country festival on one stage with Sam Hunt, Florida Georgia Line and Dan + Shay, and a rock festival on the other stage with Hands Like Houses, One OK Rock and Avenged Sevenfold. See how delightfully that goes down :’)
Myles: Let’s be honest, I’d be similar and have a “levels to a mosh pit” themed festival and have a single line up with Ed Sheeran, Mike Shinoda, Stray Kids, You Me At Six, Hands Like Houses, Our Last Night and Parkway Drive! Headliner would have definitely been Linkin Park.
  More Than A Millennial: With 2020 being a new decade, how will Nightspring evolve?
Myles: Oh man, in so many ways. We definitely want to not just be a band, but a broader family within the music and local community. I personally have a dream to really get into some charitable stuff like getting out on the streets and helping those in need or running fundraising events for some really cool causes through the band. The music really is just the tip of the iceberg for the kind of group Nightspring wants to evolve into, I think. 
Michael: We’re always evolving, to be honest. Even in the year and a half since we released our debut single ‘Looking Back’ we’re a completely different band, so that’s a definite yes I think to evolving.
More Than A Millennial: What would be the absolute dream goal to achieve in the future? And where can our readers follow your musical journey and hopefully see you perform live? 
Michael: We’re very much a band that looks to the foreseeable future first and foremost, so playing a festival Like Good Things would be an awesome achievement. 
Myles: I think it’d be fair to aspire to play Good Things in Brisbane. But playing any sort of national tour beyond just the east coast would be mental.
Be sure to follow the boys over on the following social media pages below:
► Spotify - open.spotify.com/artist/1tWMgYGK6JoGRVEmZrcKN6
► Facebook - facebook.com/NightspringAU
► Instagram - instagram.com/nightspringau/
► Twitter - twitter.com/NightspringAU
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