#then again you could say he's ALREADY a class traitor since he grew up on fuckin pandora of all places and had to climb hyperions ranks
I've already spoken about the two extremes of "possibility of x corporate borderlands character becoming a class traitor" (those being Wainwright "in my heart I know this man has read Marx" Jakobs and Rhys "terminal neolib disease" Strongfork) but not about any other place on the scale so I wonder what are y'alls opinions. Which ones are likely and which ones ain't?
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 328: Pandora’s Box of Discourse
Previously on BnHA: DEKU TOOK A BATH.
Today on BnHA: 
Also Naomasa grew a beard. Goddamn. 
please let this be a cool chapter that plays nice with my ADHD lol
(ETA: lol I feel guilty because a lot of people hated this chapter, but I’m just happy there was a lot of stuff to make fun of, and also that I have another week to work on my backlog of meta posts since the kids were MIA.)
around one month ago?? ah, okay, so we’re gonna find out what was in that Tartarus security file huh
I love that they just randomly set the place on fire
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was it necessary to do this in order to escape? no. was it a good idea to set the island they were occupying on fire while they were in the midst of still occupying it? uh. was it cinematic as fuck? fuck yeah
wow it’s a pervert!!
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that’s so great that the villains set loose this fine fellow who I’m sure is definitely not a serial rapist. truly the LoV is so noble and misunderstood. they’re just trying to free society from its chains people
oh my god??!
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SHANKED!!! oh my god I cheered for Stain before I realized what I was doing. time to have an identity crisis I guess
so he’s all “hey what’s going on.” which, while a respectable question, is something I personally would have waited to ask until I had put a bit of distance between myself and the fiery murder island. but that’s just my personal preference
Stain you really are tenacious I’ll give you that
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“what’s the point of escaping prison if you’re not gonna be smart about it” well shit. anyways yeah you’re dead right, society is in the process of collapsing and the outside world is in total chaos, good call there
oh shit
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I mean it’s not like we really expecting anything otherwise, but still. fucking brutal. I feel like these guys’ fates were decided the minute that one guy called AFO “scum” back in chapter 94. AFO is unmatched at getting long-term revenge
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ahh, was it the security footage??
fdsdfk he’s still alive??
and he’s immediately launching into an inappropriately theatrical monologue even as the darkness closes in on him fdlfksjdlk. you know, was it ever confirmed that the other guy back in chapter 297 was Seiji’s dad? I’m just saying
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very impressed that he’s still coherent enough to weigh the pros and cons before making the decision to gamble on giving this info to Stain, who at the very least has his own moral code and isn’t allied with AFO. it was definitely still a risk, but as we now know it was also the right call
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what a weird alliance. so Stain tells him that he’ll give it to a just person, and the guy is all,
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okay for real though I’m gonna need someone to run a DNA test on this guy. maybe it was some kind of cuckold situation?? the other guy had the family resemblance, but this guy absolutely 100% raised Shishikura Seiji and you are not going to convince me otherwise
anyway, so Stain is all,
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PRISON GUARD: “???? ??????? what the hell. what the fuck does that fucking mean. I’m dying here, jesus christ, whatever man fuck you”
(ETA: I kind of feel like this might have been Stain’s last appearance in the manga, given all the fanfare. there’s not really much else he can do for the story at this point, and he seems to have gotten all the character development Horikoshi was planning on giving him. so if this really is it, hasta la vista and good riddance I guess.)
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(ETA: I feel like this is meant to be evocative of that Sermon on the Mount painting, but in a really fucked up way lol.)
if it were me stumbling upon this scene I would just shake my head and walk right back into the flaming building. not getting involved in that mess. sorry not sorry. I’ll take my chances with the fire, especially given that it’s half-assed neutered BnHA fire lol
blah blah blah and so he decided to pass the info on to All Might -- HOT DAMN, HOLY SHIT
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“I really like that facial scruff thing Aizawa’s got going on, I think I’m gonna get in on that” yes sir. “also thinking of ditching the tie in favor of the bulletproof vest look. also thinking of getting totally fucking jacked.” good lord. except I’m pretty sure that’s just body armor, but also I don’t care. anyway I should probably stop staring and actually read the fucking speech bubbles here lol
“All Might first handed this information over to Nao, and then went to see Deku, and then came back to Nao” thanks for that tidy little summary Horikoshi. we are capable of piecing events together in sequential order, I just want you to know that. but thank you
“so has Deku finally gotten a bath? also, sucks that Stain saved the day, but what are you gonna do” Nao I missed you so fucking much and didn’t even realize. how am I just now realizing that you are the perfect man
for a second I was gonna ask why Tartarus’s security systems would be cut off from the outside world, and then I remembered that’s a basic security control, and then I actually got impressed by how sensible that is. like, it’s been a while since I could genuinely say that the good guys (excluding class 1-A) did something smart. not that it helped them much in the end, but still
anyway so they’re talking about how AFO was able to coordinate the attack by communicating between his horcrux self on the outside and his ugly peanut-faced self on the inside
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okay you have my attention. I am taking notes here lol please continue
ah okay so he says that prior to Jakku, the transfer of information between him and his Vestige self was only one-way. but post-Jakku when Deku was in the hospital, he was able to tell what was happening inside the OFA Radical Lisa Frank Dead People Book Club Realm when he touched him. I feel like we established that before, actually. but he didn’t talk about how it actually felt, though
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boy we already know this lol. yes AFO can talk with his horcrux self. and he can also communicate with his little bro in OFA too, let’s talk about that sometime why don’t we. what exactly does that imply, based on the rules we’ve established here
my god I cannot get over Naomasa and his fucking facial hair
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no wonder All Might was in such a hurry to leave Deku and get back here
like I have no idea what this radio waves nonsense is but my god, people
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that jawline. also so it’s a quirk, I see. except last I checked Deku didn’t have a radio waves quirk, so that doesn’t really explain his connection to AFO. but whatever, hopefully we’re at least getting closer to some kind of reveal here
(ETA: since I sometimes forget that other people’s lives don’t revolve around my theory posts, here are the two relevant links if you by chance want to know my thoughts about this.
Hagakure is still The U.A. Traitor™ regardless of whether Deku is passing information on to AFO through his psychic link, which he almost certainly is.
speaking of said psychic link, Deku is a horcrux.
just posting these now, because whenever trippy OFA stuff happens I tend to get an influx of theory asks. so hopefully this will be a bit of a time saver lol.)
-- wait, what
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THAT’S what the recording was??!? holy SHIT. I genuinely was not expecting that. y’all wiretapped his fucking telepathy. fucking quirks, man. wild
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-- oh shit wait lol, except I forgot we’re not talking about 38 days from the present, we’re talking about 38 days from the date the conversation was recorded. heh. um
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yeah that’s the face I would make too if All Fucking Might just casually told me we had eight days left until the end times
oh, pardon me. three fucking days
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r.i.p. anyone who thought we were going to have another band arc sob. I sure hope Deku is enjoying that nap
(ETA: I realize people were hoping for a longer rest period here, but given that the man warned us all the way back in chapter 306 that we were entering the final act, you can’t really blame him too much when that turns out to be true. anyway but I do recognize that we’ve reached the point in the story where this kind of discourse is going to become a weekly occurrence, simply because there’s no possible way for Horikoshi’s actual endgame to line up perfectly with the variable headcanons of millions of fans, all of whom have wildly differing and in many cases contradictory expectations which can’t possibly all be fulfilled. anyway, so I’m already bracing myself for that lol. this coming year is going to be a wild ride.)
damn, U.A. out here looking like the motherfucking United Nations
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-- is this U.A.?? I actually just realized, U.A. is four interconnected buildings, not two. wait holy shit is this Shiketsu?
wait holy SHIT
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based on the overwhelmingly powerful vibes of bureaucratic incompetence, I’m thinking this really is the (future) U.N., or whatever organization it is that deals with international hero stuff
“just let them handle it themselves I’m sure they’ll be fine” yeah okay, thanks guys. appreciate it
wait oh shit did he say that it’s not just Japan?
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soooo, what you’re telling me is that AFO is this close to bringing about the end of not just Japan, but the entire world, and you guys don’t think it’s a good idea to help the Japanese heroes stop him? so, genuine follow-up question: are you guys already planning your rich people exodus into space a la Wall-E, and that’s why you don’t give a fuck?? like, what??
omg international heroes
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these guys are from World Hoodie Mission, right? is this Horikoshi’s way of reminding me to buy tickets
(ETA: and it worked too lol.)
WHO??? WHAT???
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don’t tell me you’re introducing yet another badass new female character for me to fall in love with only to watch as you dismember them and/or blow them up, Horikoshi. I’m getting tired of playing this game my dude. don’t lie and tell me this time will be different. we’re not doing this again goddammit
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god fucking dammit lmao. [sighs and rips the previous paragraph into shreds]
on behalf of Americans I apologize for our superheroes always being Like This
I also apologize because I love her already and I’m gonna be shameless about it. so fucking shameless you guys
is her fucking hair red white and blue. it is, isn’t it
this is the volume cliffhanger, 100% lol. it will take every ounce of Horikoshi’s willpower not to put her on the volume cover. he’ll have to settle for the spine or the inner cover this time because Deku VS his class 1-a superpals takes precedence. but it will be a close thing let me tell you
tbh it’s that smile that does it for me. she’s definitely All Might’s protege. get out there and show them how it’s done girl. and maybe call Salaam and BRD and see if you can’t convince them to play hooky from their governments as well. why not. world’s ending in three days you guys. “sorry, I’m busy this weekend” ain’t gonna cut it lol
so while I am not fully caught up with Vigilantes, I have read far enough to know that there’s an American hero named Captain Celebrity whose superpower from what I recall is being a humongous douchebag. and while I haven’t read far enough to know what happens to this guy, I can’t say I’m very disappointed to learn that he’s no longer the number one hero in the U.S. (actually, didn’t they kick him out and that’s why he moved to Japan to begin with?). anyway, so my thanks to Horikoshi for having a marginally higher opinion of Americans than Furuhashi, even though we have definitely not done anything to warrant said opinion lately, and you may have inadvertently opened the door to a pandora’s box of discourse lmao
(ETA: lol I went into the tags and they don’t disappoint. “why is she dressed like a flag” because she’s an homage to Captain America and Major Victory and literally every other character on this list. again, I apologize for fictional American superheroes being Like This. “oh boy another thicc waifu to make the fanboys happy” look, tumblr fandom never seems to have a problem thirsting over Dabi or Tomura or Aizawa or Nao, lol, I’m just saying. “where is Captain Celebrity” idk, probably murdered by the exploding bee cartel, let’s just be grateful for our good fortune and try not to Beetlejuice the man.)
anyway, so let’s see if Horikoshi’s recent character development with regards to making Mineta not terrible anymore will apply to other aspects of his writing as well. I know I was making light of discourse just now, but I do think the complaints about him introducing yet another new character at the 11th hour to be cannon fodder in the final battle are absolutely valid. and again, it wouldn’t be a problem if he didn’t keep maiming/killing off his female characters one by one instead of developing them and letting them kick ass long-term. but that said, I will never complain about Horikoshi adding another female character to the series, regardless of how clumsy the attempt may be. go ahead and pander away, just give us more girl power lol
anyway so we’ll see how it goes, but I think I’m gonna be optimistic and let myself hope once again, even though I’m probably gonna regret it lol. it is what it is. she is standing on an airplane just chilling for fuck’s sake. I’m only human. anyway fingers crossed
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Son of none
Based off this post: Aka Percy Weasley was abandoned by his family and I don’t think they realised just how much danger an 18 civilian blood traitor son would be when stuck behind enemy lines. Well never fear, a fic is here as if I don’t have any other drafts...any whoooo
Warning for blood, torture, self loathing. Mentions of bullying and neglect. Cursing.
(Also while writing this I was listening to Polaris by Natewantstobattle and...yeah if you want more angst while reading this listen to them and think of Percy :)  )
Percy deserved this.
Knowing that didn't change things. It didn’t make it easier to make it duck past the office that had once belonged to Barty Crouch Sr without feeling dread and greif. As harsh as the man could be and that he had not bothered to learn Percy's name... Percy still mourned his loss. For all that he was, Barty Crouch Sr had been a good man.
Life at the ministry taught him quickly, that kind of wizard was few and far between.
He wondered if the look Barty Crouch Sr had shared with his son before his death wax the same his father had shared with him the day he left.
Maybe it wasn't wise to compare yourself to a deranged murderer, but if that's the kind of wizard his family thought he was...
It was stern, drenched in spite that was not unlike his old potions professor. But sadly even Snapes treatment of him in class did not hold a candle to what was happening now.
Percy lifted his head, it felt heavy. Infact all of him felt that he was on fire. The figure infront of him came into focus, not that Perch could quite recall his name. Edward? No that didn't seem right. Not Edward was his wand in hand and looked very annoyed, his dark mark was on full display.
Percy became very well aware in that moment that he couldn't move. He was bound to a chair in a room that looked very much like a cellar. He was still in his ministry robes, though they were dirty and tattered and stained in something.
It took Percy longer than he should've to realise it was his own blood. Not that he knew where he was bleeding from. "You Gryffindors and your bloody stubbornness" sneered Not Edward, he was a broad man, towering over Percy.
"You're wasting my time, and yours of you don't hurry up and tell me where your family is hiding." Percy shook his head, defiantly even if his body protested at the sudden movement. "Like I said before, even if I did know, I would never tell you." 
And than Not Edward would shout profanities all the while using his subordinates to use Percy as target practice till he passed out. That had been the cycle for... Well he wasn't sure for how long. Apart from the first time when Percy had weaved a convincing story about the family heading to Romania to hide away with Charlie...a whole false hunt that ended with the brand he now had on his arm.��
But this time was different.
Not Edward smirked "thought you'd say that, no matter. We've found out how to get there attention, and they'll hand themselves over." Percy laughed, it was a strangled and it sent another wave of pain through his body.
Not Edward was still smirking, in fact if anything his confidence grew. "And better yet, you're going to the bait that brings them here." And that stopped Percy laughing at once, he was quieter. "What makes you think they'd come" the words were barely above a whisper that echoed throughout the room.
Not Edward (Percy really needed to learn this man's name for his own internal monologue's sake) rolled his eyes "don't pull that on me, you Weasely's are more attached than a bunch of grapes. Rest assured, they'll be coming one way or another."
With that he left. Percy tried not to think about the fact a death eater had more confidence in his families arrival than he did. His mind wandered to the day he left, guilt pooled in his stomach. No amount of head trauma would erase the disgust and rage in Arthur’s eyes, Percy knew at that moment he had lost all right to call the man father. 
He could never look him in the eye again, he couldn’t even look himself in the mirror without seeing him staring back. His mothers eyes haunted him, she’d been the only one to try to reach out but he had slammed that back in her face. Not that Percy should have been surprised, he’d always been a parasite. 
If anything they must’ve been relived to be rid of him. 
They wouldn’t come, he knew that. Than why did his heart race, did tears threaten to fall and his stomach churn at the thought? Percy thought of his siblings, young and old...they wouldn’t have given him a second thought. Fred and George would mourn the loss of their favourite target, but they would move on they all would if they hadn’t already. 
For Percy though, this was the end of the line. 
Weasley family dinners were always something else, Bill knew this better than most. He smiled to Fleur who sat at his side, amusement on her face as they both watched Molly do as she does best. It was organised chaos at its finest, and while Shell cottage was a far cry from the Burrow, somehow it all came together. Harry was laughing at a story Ginny and the twins were telling, Charlie and Hermione were actually helping Molly along with Arthur. 
But even with how familiar it was, it was missing a certain brother rolling his eyes at the story and telling the true ending to the annoyance of the twins. Who would than direct the others to helping out with dinner to there mothers amusement. 
Ever since the watch, a muggle watch at that had arrived on his wedding day, with no name for the sender but only Bill’s name signed by an all too familiar handwriting...Bill hadn’t been able to take his mind of his little brother. His absence at his wedding and just seeing him around the house stuck out like a sore thumb to Bill. He wasn’t the only one either, he could see how his Mum would pause her eyes searching before looking down and moving onto something else.
Much like now when she put down the plates and realised that she’d left a little extra to the side. “Mum, I get that you miss him but you can’t keep doing this. Percy’s not coming back” the first to say it was Charlie, his voice soft like he was talking to an irate dragon. “Good riddance” that came from Ginny, in that whisper that wasn’t even trying to be quiet. 
Instantly Molly became much like a dragon. “Ginevera Molly Weasley, don’t you dare speak about your brother like that!” She yelled, hot tears burning in her eyes. “Molly...” Interjected Arthur, putting a calming hand on his wife’s shoulder “you can’t blame her for her anger. Come on, let’s dig in.” And that should have been the end of it but Molly turned to him, her own temper boiling. 
“Don’t you start, Arthur. Don’t you tell me I should be sat eating dinner while my son is out all alone.” She spat. “Mum, it’s fine Percy’s probably having high tea with the new minister, talking about the importance of  cauldron bottoms” snickered Fred, “pfft yeah, just sat around telling the dark lord about his book report” agreed George. Bill frowned, as did Fleur but that was nothing compared to Molly. 
Her gaze hardened and the twins shut up instantly, they’d never seen her this mad. “I dont care if you hate him, I don’t care if this isn’t my home...you speak of my son following HIM, get out of my sight now.” She said, slumping into a nearby chair. Bill stood up, putting his own hand in his mums which she took gratefully. “Percy may be the most ambitious lion around, but he wouldn’t join you know who. He left to join the ministry because that's what he believed in, death eaters isn’t even in the equation.”
And Bill meant those words. More than he ever thought he would. 
“Though is there any difference between the death eaters and the ministry anymore?” Asked Harry, the place was filled with them after all. “Yeah? Might be but they’ve kept the employees, not that I know what’s going on in there anymore.” Said Arthur, adding his 2 galleon’s into the mix. “And there not going to take kindly to a Weasley” Said Hermione, making everyone look down as if they hadn’t just realised that. 
It didn’t matter if Percy had disowned himself, his family was very much publicly fighting the people he was now stuck with. 
And that was when fate decided to be extra cruel and the radio burst into life. 
“Greetings from the Ministry. Our daily transmission has already been received today but we have an exceptional treat for the wizarding public. We will be instead hosting an interview with one of our newest employees, give a hand folks to Percival Ignatius Weasley.”
Everyone in the room froze, and yet Ron who was the only one of the family minus Fleur not to speak, ran to the radio and put the volume as loud as he could. 
“Say hello your family, Percival.” Taunted the voice, it was very gleeful as it spoke. No response was heard. “Oh, silly me I forgot how many hours you young people work, not to worry let’s get him up boys.” 
A splash was heard and a shuddering scream. “Morning Percival, sorry do you prefer Percy? Don’t care, lets start the interview. So Percival, how are you finding the ministry?” Everyone sat with baited breathe.
And yet it was there Percy who, through shuddered breaths managed to whisper a “fuck you...fuck you and your ministry”
“Well that is very rude, and here I thought your mother would have taught you manners” “don’t...don’t you talk about her.” Said Percy, Molly broke down into tears and Bill held her close. Unable to tear his gaze from the radio, no one could. 
“What do you want to say them? I’m sure they’ve missed you. In fact, just for you we’ll be hosting a party. And there all invited to the ministry, so long as they bring a certain Mr Potter.” 
There was a silence before “don’t come...don’t. Whatever you do, don’t... it’s fine. I’m fine, I love it here.” He laughed, everyone cringed at the sound he made, as if he was choking. “It’s fine, don’t come...parties are overrated yeah.” The transmission started cutting off, Ron frantically along with the twins tried to get it working. 
They heard “too busy. Don’t come, Harry don’t...stay where you are!” Before the  transmission cut off.
No one could speak, horror was etched into all of there faces. The twins were scrabbling over themselves with wand in hand to track where the transmission had come from. 
The Ministry. 
“We’re going...now” said Molly, standing up. Her tears were gone, grabbing for her wand and coat. “Molly...be rationale, we need to plan this.” Said Arthur, Molly spun on her heel and glared. “I am not going to sit here while those...monsters torture MY son! Planning will take to long, did you hear him Arthur?! Did you hear your son crying out in pain...he doesn’t have long left...” Arthur looked down, unable to respond. 
Molly looked at the rest of the family, her gaze saying it all: You can come with me or you can stay. The first to stand was Bill, closely followed by Fleur who met his thankful gaze with a determined smile. Charlie and Ron were next, grabbing there wands with Harry and Hermione following. Ginny and the twins exchanged guilty looks but stood. Arthur couldn’t look at any of them, he simply picked up his wand. 
“Harry, I understand if you wish to stay” said Molly, he shook his head. “I might not know him well but Percy’s family 2...I cant sit here while you guys go even with the danger.” He replied, and somehow that was all it was, Percy was family...enough said. 
And so the family of lions got up and left, to find the one they left behind. 
Percy was terrified.
A part of him argued that he should be grateful they came at all for him. Maybe it was out of pity, out of ensuring that he wasn't able to be used against them.
Yes, that's all it was. He was nothing afterall, he was merely a civilian in a war.
And yet hearing Molly tearfully and frantically whisper his name. Hearing Hermione yell the counterspell to his imprisonment to Ron who did so perfectly. Seeing the light of spells cast by Ginny and the twins to stun Not Edward... (Who was apparently called Edgar... Eh close enough.)
Feeling Charlie carry him in his arms, mumbling curse words. Smelling Arthur's cologne.
It all felt right. It was warmth that he couldn't remember experiencing. It was enough to lull him to a facade that everything was fine.
But when his wounds were healed and he saw them all looking at him... Percy knew he had to shelf that dream. "I told you not to come" was the first thing he said, averting his gaze. (Couldn't look them in the eye)
"And you must've lost a few screws if you thought we wouldn't" said Bill, meeting Percy's gaze. "You shouldn't have" is all he replied. "And what, let you be killed by the ministry?" Gaped Ginny. Percy shrugged "wouldn't have made much difference, you've only gone and put yourselves in more danger."
"Are you... Are you fucking with us right now?" Asked Fred, incredously. "No, im too busy ranting about cauldron bottoms to do that." And if Fred paused, Percy didn't see it.
Seeing as no one was getting anyway, Bill sat beside Percy who immediately felt on edge. "Thanks for the watch" he said simply. Everyone blinked in confusion and than realisation as no one has known where Bill's new watch had come from. Percy smiled faintly "You're welcome, reminded me of you."
"Although, I do wish you could've gave it in person" continued Bill, testing the waters. Percy surprised him by shaking his head "no you wouldn't have. It was your day, I wasn't going to ruin it." Bill frowned "is that what you think?" Percy shrugged again "it's what I've been told."
"You are way to chill after being tortured" said Charlie, Percy looked at his bandaged arms and snorted. "Eh? It's nothing new. That guy was just there for the theatrics, sadist if you ask me." Charlie raised an eyebrow "nothing new?" Percy nodded "yeah, what you think the ministry that's so far up Voldermorts ass would allow me to work there without some 'interviews'."
Everyone paled.
"But than why stay there?" Asked Arthur, Percy froze. Steeling himself, switching from calm to panic to calm in an instant but they all saw. "I've got business there, things I need to get done and ensure are done. Speaking of which, thanks for the rescue but I should be off."
He didn't belong here. Not anymore.
"Percy, you can stay." Said Molly, already standing up to get his room prepared. "No, I can't. I have work, I have a duty... And I'm no longer part of this family." When he said that, Percy felt like the wind was knocked out of him but stood his ground. "Percy... That's not true.."
Percy met Arthur's gaze, his father's eyes. "Really? Than pray tell why did no one tell me you were all in hiding... Or a warning? And don't say it was impossible because I managed to send a parcel to a location I didn't even know about nor knew existed."
No one could answer that.
"I'll be off, and don't worry I won't tell them anything. Just do what you do best, and leave me alone." Arthur managed to grab Percy's wrist though he hissed in pain and pulled his arm back like he'd been burnt. "Don't.. Touch me, Arthur Weasely."
Arthur recoiled, Percy looked away. "I spent my whole life wanting to be someone you could be proud off...I listened to all the critism and yes I was a prat. But the moment I made my own choice you already made me aware I didn't belong in my own house. I’m sorry...that I’m not athletic like Ginny, I’m not smart like Ron or as successful as Bill and Charlie, I’m not a hero like a Ron or fun like Fred and George. That I’m just plain ol prat Percy.”
He began to walk away. Just like he did before.
"That choice was against following Dumbledor, turning against the light." Said Molly, wanting him to understand. Percy laughed, with no humour at all but glaring hard. Rage emanated from him.
"I'm sorry if I choose not to stand behind an old coot who routinely sends an abused boy to his abusers, who nearly got 3 11 yearolds killed because he wanted to weed out a possibility. Who nearly got thousands of children killed and did nothing to save Ginny with the chamber. The man who wouldn't give an innocent man a trial and got him sent to the worst prison for 12 years... Who put teenagers in a death game and let an underage kid join because why not. That man is a monster and I refuse to follow someone like that. But no that means I'm blindly following authority." He sneered, staring at them all.
"And the ministry? Because as corrupt and fucked up as it is I know I can do something. That changes can be made in the systems to benefit everyone, Dumbledor is someone who breeds child solider’s and let's a known abuser teach at his school and somehow I’m the only one who isn't okay with that."
And with that Percy left, no one knew what to say. They simply sat in silence, absorbing everything they just heard. Ginny thought about how Percy had profusely apologised after she was free from the chamber, how he’d made time for her since than. Ron thought of all the times they’d have an adventure and Percy would watch over them like a mother hen. 
Bill and Charlie recalled when Percy would still come to them for help before he started Hogwarts. When they found him bruised and broken from bullies except this was because of them. “He really thinks that doesn’t he...?” Said Fred, George nodded. Neither could smile, guilt pooled in their hearts that they didn’t think he felt like that. 
Molly sobbed for her son who was once again lost and Arthur wondered where he had gone wrong to lose his son all over again. 
Meanwhile Percy entered a muggle flat in London. Alone again just like he belonged, laying on his bed and looking at the brand on his arm.
'Son of none'
And if that didn't hurt most of all.
Suffice to say they all things to think about for when they’d meet again. 
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emmajh97-mumaji · 3 years
"T-tai I--"
"GET OUT, QROW. I never want to see your face again."
Taiyang Xiao Long had never regretted saying something so much in his entire life.
It had been weeks since Qrow had come by to tell him Ruby and Yang were gone... but Tai was still haunted by how devastated Qrow looked as he left.
Tai had been extremely upset... overcome with sorrow and hate... it made sense to lash out. However, that didn't make the guilt any less heavy...
Tai knew none of those words were true. Raven may have left him, but Qrow had proved to be the most loyal friend Tai had ever known. Qrow's snarky attitude was infuriating and he was certainly a bad influence... but when Summer died he went out of his way to help raise Ruby and Yang.
It was evening... Tai sat in the kitchen, bathed in moonlight from an open window...
Qrow was probably all the way in Vacuo now... And as he stared down at the table, Tai finally realized... there went the only family he had left.
Then... Out of the corner of his eye... Tai noticed the dark shadow of a bird come towards him.
Tai: (hopeful) Qrow...?
Tai looked up as he heard the 'pwoof' of a transformation-
Tai: ...oh.
Standing before him was Raven Branwen. His hopefulness immediately faded.
Tai: ......it's you.
Raven: (sarcasm) I missed you too, sweetheart.
Tai: What do you want, Raven?
Raven: I don't want anything... I just thought you might like to know about your daughters.
Tai's face filled with suspicion as he rose a brow.
Tai: ...what are you talking about?
Raven: The girls are still alive, Tai.
Tai went wide-eyed.
What did she just say? Yang and Ruby were alive?!
But wait. This was Raven he was talking to. His expression became jaded as he glared at her.
Tai: ...messing with my emotions is a new low for you.
Raven: I'm not joking, Tai.
Tai was caught off guard again.
Tai: But... where?! And how do you know?!
Raven: My portals, you idiot. I have one for Yang, remember?
Tai: (JUMPING UP from his seat) Take me to them!!
Raven was startled by that-! It took her a few seconds to calm down and remove her hand from her sword hilt.
Raven: I can't.
Tai: Why not?! Your protals can take you literally anywhere on Remnant--
Raven: They AREN'T ON REMNANT, Tai.
Tai took a beat to process that, then glared.
Tai: That's bullshit-!
Raven: (glares back) I'm telling you the truth!
She grabbed her sword, and swiftly opened a portal behind her--
Raven: See for yourself.
Tai ran over and inspected it... the red swirling energy was unstable, wobbling violently. It stung him when he tried to go through it! But... he could hear them... the words were incoherent from the distortion, but those were definitely Yang and Ruby's voices!
Tai: But if they aren't on Remnant... where are they?!
Raven: My guess? ...they're stuck in the same realm where Old Man Oz kept the Relics.
Tai was exhilarated. For the first time in ages he felt hope again. Like there was something he could do to bring his family back-!
Tai: If that's so, then... we should be able to go save them!
Raven: (disgusted look) We...?
Tai: (annoyed) Oh, I'm sorry, I meant *I* can go save them. I keep forgetting you don't care about your own daughter.
Raven: I'm just being realistic.
Tai: So am I! You said you opened the Haven Vault, right? We can just walk in through there!
Raven: And get ourselves lost on in some mysterious realm with who knows what dangers awaiting us?!
Raven: No Tai-- I'm staying here and watching over my tribe, like a rational person.
Tai: (hisses) Fine..! Then I'll find someone else to come with me!
Raven laughed mockingly at him.
Raven: Who? In case you forgot, the entire world is currently being besieged by Salem's forces!
Taiyang grew anxious. All he cared about was seeing his daughters again.
Tai: Huntsmen and huntresses are gathering at Shade, I'm sure I could find someone there who will--
Raven: Someone? You're going to trust your life, the lives of your daughters, to some random huntress?!
Tai: If that's the only choice I have!
Raven: It's not, Tai.
Tai glared at her. She took the hint, continuing-
Raven: There IS a huntsman who would be willing to help you. Someone with experience scouting and searching for people. Someone strong enough to take on even ME in battle... well, when I'm not using my power, anyway~
Tai gave her a look of curious confusion. Raven sighed, frustrated that he wasn't getting the hint yet.
Raven: He's the only other man I know who would be foolish enough to sacrifice the fate of the entire world... for the sake of Ruby and my daughter.
Tai felt a pit start to form in his stomach... He finally realized who she was talking about.
Raven smiled sadistically at his face, and twisted the knife--
Raven: ...and you told him you never wanted to see him again.
Tai swallowed the lump in his throat. With a sigh he looked over at Raven-
Tai: So you were listening in that time?
Raven: It was hard not to hear, when you were yelling so loudly. (smirks) My favorite part was you blaming my dear twin for the death of Summ-
Tai: (cutting her off) OKAY!! I get it! Look- are you going to make me a portal to Qrow, or what?
Raven looks Tai over, admiring his pajamas-
Raven: Aren't you a bit underdressed to be going to Vacuo right now?
Tai: (groans) YOU KNOW WHAT I MEANT!
Raven chuckled, giving him a terse nod before turning away and walking over to the window.
Raven: ...I'll be back in three days. Be ready.
And with a puff of feathers, she was gone.
Afternoon, three days later...
Raven: Tai.
Tai: What?
Tai stopped right as he was about to step through the portal.
Tai had already taken care of everything. Port and Oobleck would help teach his classes at Signal. Some neighbors on Patch would watch over the house and dogsit Zwei. He had all his desert exploration supplies prepared. New haircut, new gear-- the only thing in his way was his ex interrupting him.
Raven looked him square in the eyes for a solid minute.
Raven: ...I am no traitor.
Tai took a few second to process that... then his eyes widened-
Tai: Is that SERIOUSLY the only reason you're helping m--?!
But before he could finish, a gust of wind pushed him through the portal, which then closed behind him!
Tai stumbled out into what appeared to be some sort of sandy-colored diner.
Tai: --me?! ...Ugh.
Tai sighed. He could deal with Raven later.
For now...
...there was someone he wanted to apologize to.
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bloodypapercut · 4 years
common people (g.w. x reader)
hi loves! i’ve been listening to pulp so much and everytime common people plays i immediately think of george so i wanted to write something. i hope you all enjoy! <3
(requests are open)
word count: 2.8k
No prank, no act of mischief, no joke had ever managed to coerce the feelings that resided within George at that moment. The memory had been playing in his head for weeks since that day in Hogsmeade. The vivid image of her nose and cheeks dusted pink as snowflakes landed in her hair, her hand gripping at paper bag from Scrivenshaft’s Quill Shop, and her hair whipping around her. He was consumed by her being, she radiated a sense of comfort and warmth that George had never felt from a complete stranger. She intrigued him in every imaginable way, he wanted to know everything about her, each sense in his body was heightened simply by being in her wake. It was the way she carried herself, something about it just seemed so different and enticing. He contemplated going up to her, but he knew with Fred right by his side it would not end well. So he watched from afar, unaware of Fred repeatedly kicking snow in his direction, a mediocre attempt on his behalf to capture his attention so they could go to Zonko’s.
It was breakfast, the bustle of knives and forks against plates, teaspoons against teacups, and the early morning chatter saturated with frivolous morning civility integrated into the usual dissonance of the great hall. George couldn’t bother to act interested in the conversation Fred and Lee tried to reel him into, whatever it was they were talking about was insipid compared to what he had in mind. Pushing around the strawberries on his plate with his fork, his head lulled against his palm, an attempt to subtly survey the room in order to find that girl from all those weeks ago. He’d seen her roaming the halls occasionally, or sitting hunched over a book quietly scribbling on a piece of parchment, or speaking in hushed tones to her housemates, none of it had helped his undying curiosity. She plagued his thoughts, he could relate almost anything to her somehow, despite the fact he had not once spoken to her. She was an enigma and he wanted nothing more than to know everything about her, to learn every habit, every favorite, and every detail.
He brought his cup of orange juice closer to his lips but as he looked around the room once again he saw her. She was leaving the great hall, a leather bag hanging on her shoulder loosely and a pile of books resting against her hip. There it was, that overwhelming cloak of emotions resting on his shoulders once again. Without thinking he rushed to her, no plan present in his mind.
“Hey, hi.” He panted, planted his hand against a pillar trying to catch his breath. She spun quickly, nearly dropping her books. As her gaze cast down at the hunched boy, she wondered what on earth he was doing saying hi to her, or if it was even directed at her.
“Hello? Um are you alright, you look a little red?”
“All for you love.” He winked, still struggling to steady his respiration. Her laugh was just as awkward as the situation and she tried her hardest to divert her attention to anything but the ginger in front of her. The crumbling stone walls, the rusty nails that the portraits hung on, the ornate handles on the classroom doors, she tried but she couldn’t. Because she was just as enthralled by his presence as he was with hers.
“I’ve seen you around.”
“So have I, Weasley.” She smiled warmly, an attempt to alleviate the tension.
“Is that right?”
“Indeed it is.” Another moment of uncomfortable silence followed.  
“Well, um anyway I was wondering if you’d like to go to the lake together sometime? If you want that is don’t feel pressured to say yes just because I asked you, it’s completely okay if you don’t-”
“Hey, calm down, yeah sure I don’t see why not.” The weight of her hand felt right against his forearm and he wanted to hold it in place forever, he grinned bashfully at her hand, which didn’t go unnoticed as she had squeezed his arm upon seeing his line of sight.
“4.” She nodded before letting go of his arm and walking off, not bothering to glance over her shoulder.
After that afternoon together they became inseparable. Their lives orbit around the other and they learned everything there was to know about their partner, well almost. There was one thing she had kept from him, something that would normally be considered frivolous but in their case was quite the contrary. She hadn’t revealed that she was a part of the Rosier family, a pureblood family, similar to the Malfoys or the Blacks. Though she was treated with nothing but disdain for being a 'traitor' by her relatives, she was still technically a Rosier. She felt wrong for keeping it from him, but she never let that convince her to divulge her secret. She tried convincing herself that it wasn’t important, that it didn’t change anything. But she knew it did, it changed everything. No matter how many times she tried to delude herself, the intrusive thoughts that never stopped urging her to tell him continued their unabating blathering. Though she knew she never acted like them or shared their mentality, she knew how it would come across and she knew how George would react. A member of the Rosier family, a family known for possessing ostentatious pride due to their pureblood status dating someone part of a family deemed to be a stain on the sacred 28. Y/N was scared to lose everything she had with George, she was too afraid of the unknown so she kept it from him for as long as she could. That was a mistake, a huge one.
Everything seemed to be fine but one afternoon, when Y/N found that George wasn’t where they had agreed to meet she grew concerned. Her footsteps echoed as she ran to his dorm, worried he was hurt or in trouble.
“I know.”
“What are you talking about Georgie.” Her laughs were forced and stiff, she found it unusual for him to be so solemn. But as his shoulders deflated and his back hunched over his book she knew something was wrong, and she knew what it was. Before he could utter a single word she had already started berating herself in her head. How could one be so selfish? So inconsiderate and dull?
“You never told me? Why didn’t you ever tell me?” The incessant beating of her heart filled her ears, almost deafening her and making her unable to hear George’s voice, the voice that was usually filled with joy now sounded devastated and tumultuous. Tears had already threatened to cascade both of their cheeks and it was just a matter of time before someone started weeping.
“I didn’t think it mattered, I just wa-”
“But it does matter. It matters so much, are you completely oblivious to how the world works? How unfair it is to people like me? To people in my family? We’re a joke to people like you, so what was this all about?”
“I- George I’m with you because I love you, that’s all I swear. I’m not like them, I’m not.”
“So why'd you hide it then? Why couldn’t you just tell me?” His voice was hushed and fragile, he struggled to keep a steady tone, by instinct he remained stoic but his voice revealed how betrayed he felt.
“I just wanted a simple life, where it didn't matter your last name or your class or your blood purity, I didn’t want this to change our relationship. I wanted to be like everyone else. I want the future we always talk about, I don't care for any of that pureblood mania.”
“No! No you can’t say that not when you’re literally in one of the most prestigious and honored pureblood families. You don’t understand how bloody lucky you are Y/N! Honestly, have you ever realized that? You can do whatever you want and even if you fail you will never fall on your arse, but me, no I can’t do that if I failed I’m fucked. You can get away with anything with a simple call to your father, you can buy your way to the top. Why would you hide this from me? All this time, was I some charity case? Did your family force you to be with me just to get dirt on mine?”
“What? No! George! No...I just didn’t want this to change things and I’m sorry I’m so so sorry, I love you so much I was just scared please .”
“You’re just like the rest of them.”
“Oh, I- if that’s what you think, I’ll just leave you be, I’m sorry.” With her head hung low and tears clouding her vision she made haste to locate the doorknob and rush out of his room. She ignored the frantic footsteps and calls of worry from Hermione and Harry as she bulleted out of the common room. She ignored Fred and Lee who were sitting on the bench in a corridor as they scribbled onto sheets of parchment, she ignored Luna who tried to grab her attention, and Cho, and Angelina, and Neville, everyone, she was verklempt and if anyone even gave her a look of sympathy she knew she’d break down in tears.
The rest of the afternoon she stayed quietly in her bed, curled up in a ball with crumpled tissues surrounding her. She felt guilty for crying, she had brought this onto herself. That didn’t stop her though because upon realizing what she had done, the image of George so distraught, so disappointed, plagued her mind and broke her heart even more. It was something that would plague her memories forever. It was ruined, they were ruined.
Days dragged like molasses dripping from a spoon, every walk between class there he’d be, leaning against a pillar while throwing his head back in laughter, or during meal times, his arms flailing as he retold a story about a prank, or in the library his head lulling to the side as he waited for Fred to determine the missing ingredient for a potion they wanted to perfect before selling it. It hurt her, seeing that he was completely fine without her, like everything was normal. He was everywhere, and even if he wasn’t physically, mentally he was. The words rang in her ears again and again ‘you’re just like the rest of them,’ it stung each time it repeated. She was starting to believe that she was just as bad as they are, just as selfish and malevolent and spiteful. It clawed at the abyss of her mind, dragging her entire being into a spiral of endless darkness.
The air was cold, the kind that nipped at all your nose and made it hard to breathe. The walk from Y/N’s potions class to herbology wasn’t pleasant as her fingers turned numb and red. The stone flooring crumbled under her black school shoes as she kicked the pieces that already broke off. She watched as the pebbles ricocheted from the toe of the black vinyl to a slightly elevated stone tile, she’d focus on anything but the things that lingered in her subconscious. It had been working in her favor for the past couple of weeks, or months, she couldn’t really tell, everything blurred into one continuous string of agonizing events. She found herself being unaware of what was in front of her because without even realizing it she bumped directly into the boy she’d been trying to make sure her thoughts were devoid of. On instinct, his arms immediately gripped her forearms and her hands pressed against his chest. Time moved slower than ever as their eyes slowly raked up from where their hands were to the eyes of who they were on. They scrambled from each other, muttering pathetic ‘sorry’s and speed walking with promptitude to opposite ends of the corridor.
The worst part was that no matter how often they tried to steer away from the other, they’d always cross each other's path. It got to the point where they weren’t even trying to hide their yearning to talk, they’d openly send longing stares but would never act on their desires. So much was unsaid and they realized they couldn’t just leave how things were, they had to talk about where they stood. The conclusion of that conversation was unclear and that’s what frightened them the most. The reality was that every day they refused to communicate out of obdurate pride, their relationship became more and more decrepit. George felt doltish and penitent, he didn’t mean what he said, he was hurt, angry and confused. Y/N felt guilty, she hurt the love of her life due to her selfish wishes to avoid confrontation.
It had been about 2 months, 2 agonizing, and treacherous months. George finally cracked, and much like the way things had started between them, he was looking for her in the great hall. He searched, pushing himself up slightly against the table, for any sign of her, anyone who would know where she was. It didn’t take long as he found Luna’s prolific hair, and there she was sitting right next to her. He could see her pushing around the vegetables on the golden plate in front of her, her cheek resting in her palm as a dejected countenance presented itself on her face. It saddened him to see her beautiful face so full of despondency. He couldn’t take it anymore, he had to talk to her, he’d gone crazy without her. He abhorred pretending it didn’t phase him when he wasn’t with her, she had become a vital part of his life in such a short time. He knew she meant well. He wanted to fix things, he had to. Swiftly George dug through Ron’s back to grab a piece of parchment and scribbled using the quill Hermione was using, to the both of their dismays. He acted before he could fully process what his plan was because before he knew it he was faced with Y/N. Her eyes widened upon his arrival but before she could think of anything to say he placed the folded piece of parchment in front of her plate and dashed to the Gryffindor table. Dropping her fork she unfolded the parchment and smiled softly at the scraggly writing she adored so much.
'Astronomy Tower at 8?'
She feared that she'd collapse as she feebly made her way up the steps to the astronomy tower. Her gloved hand held the note firmly, hoping that there was still a chance for them to fix everything. As she rounded the corner to ascend the final steps she found George sitting there.
"Y/N, you came" He breathed out, almost in disbelief.
"I'll take any chance to see you again." She mentally berated herself for saying something so sappy, but she noticed his eyes widen and his back straighten slightly.
"You're early."
"So are you."
"Yeah, I- uh yeah. I wanted to make sure I didn't miss you." A heavy silence fell upon them and they bore holes into each other with their apprehensive stares, waiting to see who would speak first.
"I'm sorry." "I'm sorry." They blurted at the same time, but Y/N nodded for him to continue.
"I didn't mean it, any of it. You're nothing like them I know that, just shocked me y'know? I should've never said those cruel, demeaning things to you, I know who you really are and I love you. Merlin, I'm so deeply and madly in love with you, and I really hope I haven't screwed us up. I understand if you don't want to get back together, after everything, but please if there is still a part of you that wants 'us' to happen again, tell me."
She nodded enthusiastically throwing herself into George's direction, wrapping her arms around his waist and burying her face between his shoulder and neck. He immediately pulled back slightly to grab her face with his hands, rubbing her cheeks with his thumbs. He pressed his forehead against hers and smiled so hard his face hurt.
"I meant everything I said, about the future and wanting to spend it with you. My mother and father...they're relatives but not family, they've never felt like home the way that you do." She felt him nod against her forehead. He held her chin between his index and thumb, tilting her head so her lips met his. He ghosted his lips over hers, brushing past them before connecting them softly. The warmth he's always felt ever since he saw her returned, and it cloaked his senses as he pulled her closer and deepened the kiss. After minutes of fervently compensating for lost time, with roaming hands and whispers or repeated 'i love you's and plans for their future, they pulled apart. Standing in silence in each other's embrace, they knew they'd make it through all the tumultuous times ahead because they had each other.
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netflixbingger · 4 years
I’ll Find You- Part 3
Chapter 3: Burned Memories- Prince Zuko x Reader
Masterlist: Pinned to profile :)
Summary: Y/N struggles to accept Zuko’s fate of Agni Kai.  
Word Count: 1678 (Short, I know) 
Warning: Agni Kai. 
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A dulled silence filled the gloomy halls as dark curtains covered the windows closing off any natural light from entering. You felt as if you were walking in slow motion towards the door; eyes heavy from tears, mind-numbed from thinking, and a burden of fear buried deep within your chest. As you reached your destination you saw Iroh slouched on a nearby bench; holding the same fearful expression as yourself. He looked up at hearing your footsteps and gave you a sad smile, nodding his head. He slowly sat up, exchanging a bow of respect before walking away; giving you and Zuko alone time. You were always grateful for Iroh, he was a beam of light in such a dark place.
It has been a little over a year since the New Year Ball and ever since then things amongst the royals have changed drastically. Azula was placed in a specialty fire bending school, Ozai banned any social ball exchanges, and the expansion of the Fire Nation grew. Though with all these new changes, there was one constant thing: Zuko.
After that night at the ball, you and Zuko made a promise for things not to change between the two of you. Even though his schedule was full of private policy classes and firebending training, he made the effort to see you as often as possible. Sometimes this would be accomplished by helping him study for a history test or a simple walk around the gardens. He never failed to make you feel wanted, and he did a good job reminding you that you were still his best friend. But given with age, you couldn't help but think there could be more than friendship between the two of you. You felt as if you were laying on the edge of friends and on the path towards a romantic relationship. You were always yearning to touch him in some way, and you’d occasionally catch yourself staring at him the same way your mother looked at your father. But though there was so much pulling you towards the boy, you ever acted on your feelings; you couldn't. He was a prince, planned to marry some high-ranked-ass-hole general's daughter. And you, you were nobody. You didn't belong in the palace, your family had no high nobility and it was obvious that his father hated you. You knew the only reason he allowed you to continue on with Zuko was because of Azula. For some reason, she talked to Ozai about letting you continue your palace visits. She claimed it was to practice her firebending with you, but you knew somewhere buried deep within her heart; she cared for you and Zuko.
Closing your eyes you reach your hand out towards the door, hovering it above the wood before knocking. You heard a sigh from inside the room and then within a second, the door swung open to reveal Zuko’s serious face. You both stared at each other for a moment before he stood aside and allowed you into his room.
You hung your head down as you stepped beside him, taking your time to examine his chambers. It was strange being here, you only remember his room from when you were very young and hiding from your duo of mothers. It was improper to be here alone with him, but you didn't care. Walking towards his bed, you danced your fingers along the silk sheets, pretending to examine them as Zuko watched from the doorway. But as the silence continued to loom in the air, you gave in, “Zuko please, you don't have to do this.”
“I don't have much of a choice, I disrespected the General” he sighed, walking towards his window; unlike the rest of the palace, his curtains were pulled open allowing the sunlight to glow along his skin.
“We could run away together?” you asked half-jokingly, hesitantly stepping forward toward the boy, “We could visit the other nations! Create new lives for ourselves, new names too!”
He continued to stare straight through the window, ignoring your pleas. You let go of his silk sheets as you made your way towards the boy. Standing beside him, your eyes scanned his face for emotion, for a sign of hope. Placing your hands on his arm like a child pulling at their parent, you continued on with your story, “Hmm, how about Izumi and Lee!”, you jumped at the idea, gripping his upper arm with much force.
“Y/n” head high held as he slid your hands off his arm and gently placed them down at your sides, “I can't just run away. I’m the prince, I have an honor and duty I need to withstand”
His refusal to meet your eyes burned your heart, he squeezed your hands before walking past you towards the door. You didn't know what to do, how to get him to stay. He was 13 years old and he was about to fight against a trained general. Your mind was racing on the possible outcomes, and soon enough your legs gave out from under you and you collapsed on the nearby chair. He turned around at the sound of the chair legs scraping across the floor and stared at you.
“Zuko, please” you pleaded with tearful eyes. You picked at your nails within your lap trying to distract yourself from the reality that is about to come. You heard Zuko release a breathless laugh before he made his way towards you. Kneeling down he took your chin in his hand and tilted your head up. A sad expression unmasked before you as he wiped your tears away with a forced smile. He rested his hand on your cheek before moving it towards your lap and lacing your fingers together. You can tell he wanted to say something, wanted to tell you something. But as your fingers danced with one another, the silence continued.
“I promise Y/N, it's going to be fine” he gulped before standing back up, stopping midway to place a kiss upon your forehead. He let his lips linger on your soft skin, taking a sniff of your perfumed hair before he retreated into a full standing position. You could still feel the burn of where his lips once laid. “I got this, besides we all know I can take down the General in my sleep”
You felt silenced, but you nodded your head as you knew it was time for him to go. He gave you a toothless grin before approaching the door once again, and just as he was about to walk out, you called, “Zuko wait”
As he stared at you, you wanted to run to him. You wanted to wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him. You never held this strong of feelings before. But your heart was pulling at you to do it, to take the risk. You stood up, taking a step forward. If you weren't watching closely you would have missed how he leaned your way, opening himself for what was about to happen. He looked away from your eyes towards your lips as if he was yearning for the same touch.
But you couldn't move, you were too afraid. Taking a step back you bowed towards him, “Good luck, I’ll be waiting” your voice cracked as he sadly nodded in your direction before walking down the hall. Within a split second, you already regretted fighting the urge.
The next few hours felt like a nightmare. It all happened so quickly; the flames, the screams, the smell of burning flesh. Something you will never be able to remove from your memory, something that will haunt you for years to come. As Firelord Ozai’s banishment fled through your ears, pain began to fill your entire body. You must have gone into shock because one moment you collapsed into your crying mother's form and the next you were screaming and thrashing at the guards as they escorted you out of the palace: an order from Zuko himself.
He didn't want to see you. He refused to see you. He was willing to leave without saying goodbye.
You never experienced so much pain as you did that day. You lost your best friend and you lost your childhood: the innocence you once held has now vanished. Visions of fire and pain constantly flooded your mind. It was only a matter of a few weeks before your family was stripped of any nobility and your father was deployed to the Fire Nation front lines.
After that, everything began to shatter at once, and you were beginning to lose your mind. You felt as though you had been banished beside Zuko, and that Ozai was attacking you personally. It was when your father was announced a traitor for disobeying General commands that your mother decided you had no place in the city anymore. You were expelled from the Fire Nation Academy for Girls, your mother was banned from local shops and gatherings, and your father was sent to Boiling Rock.
As Ozai’s war spread further into the world, your mother wanted nothing to do with a nation that caused nothing but pain. You and her shed your red and black clothes, promising never to wear the color of fire again. You removed yourself from the studies of firebending and settled into an Earth Nation village called Gaoling. Here you led a normal life; worked in a soup shop with your mother, and learned the true history of the Fire Nation.
3 years passed since you last saw the banished prince, but the nightmares of his screams still haunted you. You loathed Firelord Ozai, and you made it your life mission to avenge his sins. So when you had run into the Avatar, you promised to help him in any way that you could. You explained how you knew the royals inside and out, you knew the city like the back of your hand, and you knew how to take Ozai down.
Found this sitting in my drafts for a verrrry long time, but tell me what you think! And if you would like to be added/removed from tag list just let me know :)  
Tag list: @sadgirlnumber92899​ @fandom-addict-aesthetics​ @roastbeats​ @lammello​ @unicornwithachainsaw83
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cloudcloudcloud · 4 years
My sister hates me for this theory, but before you hate me too, hear me out, yeah? Kirishima is the traitor and I will die. On. this. Hill. Don’t get me wrong, I totally love the guy, he’s my second favorite character (first is Iida, love you bae) but through all the options, he makes the most sense, and here’s why:
(also spoilers ahead if you’re not caught up)
Now whether you ship Kiribaku or not, it is established that they have a very close relationship (romantic or platonic). Now when Bakugo was kidnapped by the League of Villains, Kirishima was one of the people to save him. This could be used as a counterpoint to my argument, HOWEVER, who’s to say you haven’t already fallen into his trap? Thinking what every other character thinks? It would only make sense that he would want to:
A- Stay close to the investigation to know how much his peers know, or to perhaps lead them in a certain direction.
B- Prove his innocence by playing a true hero
Also, during the rescue, Kirishima brought goggles and was the one to use them. Sure, this could be played off as plot convenience but I don’t believe that our master Horikoshi would be so lazy. Maybe Kirishima was playing guard, sure, but for which team? It could have been a signal that he gave to one of the villains to let them know they were there. I would say they were relatively compared to fight when the kids came.
It is also worth noting that while Midoriya was discussing his plan with Kiri, he said that he and Bakugo have had a close relationship ever since the year began. It would make sense that Deku and Kacchan would have a close relationship, as they grew up together, but Kirishima wouldn’t have known Bakugo. This sparky little bastard isn’t one to attract friends, especially people as sensitive as Kirishima, right? So why did he stay so close for so long? Why would Kirishima go through so much fighting to be his friend? What is in it for him? Perhaps, it was his mission. Get close to Bakugo, the powerful boy with emotional issues, and make him join our team. It all makes perfect sense! Horikoshi is the type of writer to give reason to every single action, and this is Kirishima’s deeper motivation.
The comedic similarities between Kirishima and Tetsu is a recurring joke, but have you ever stopped to wonder why they’re so similar? Perhaps, Kirishima is using Tetsu as an example for what to act like, studying him to know how to fit in. Meryl Streep studied with classical musicians and even learned how to play the violin for her role in Music of the Heart. An actor follows who they want to imitate to learn how they react in situations. Sure, it could just be played off as comedy, but if we think he’s putting up an act, it would only make sense that there would be someone exactly like him, someone who he’s trying to be.
His Backstory:
One of my sister’s arguments is that he couldn’t possibly be the traitor because he has his own backstory. He has reason to be a hero, he imitates Crimson Riot, and his backstory is one of the first ones to get shared. However, the placement of his backstory seems incredibly convenient to me. After we learn that there is a traitor, we’d start to watch the people we want to be the most. Like characters that don’t get a lot of screen time or characters that we hate (cough cough, M*neta). But we know Horikoshi lives for the dramatics, it would only make sense that he would do as much as he could do to make the plot twist even sharper, such as giving Kirishima a backstory that seems to eliminate the possibility of him being the traitor right after the traitor was announced to exist.
Again with his backstory, it was pretty generic. I wasn’t there for someone when they needed me and now I swear to work as hard as I can to never let anyone down again. Every other member of Class 1-A had wanted to be a hero since the very beginning of their life, Kirishima had no interest until he saw Mina, so how was he so caught up in the training? Even if he’s twice as dedicated as anyone else, it wouldn’t make up for his lost physical training. The only other person that I can think of who didn’t have their whole life to prepare themself is Deku, who was trained by the World’s Best Hero, Allmight. It just wouldn’t make sense that he would not only get into the school but earn place 7 after the test?
Also, speaking of tests, his midterm came in 15th, how would he have dropped 8 places unless there was suddenly something else preoccupying his mind and time, such as a secret mission with Mr-20-hands.
Also with his backstory, we see him completely change himself. Now I love the headcanon that he is trans, I wholeheartedly believe in it for sure. But what if there was something else? What if Kirishima had to look different to avoid getting recognized. Dye his hair crazy red, Change his personality, his demeanor, completely change himself to avoid looking at all like old Kirishima, openly villain Kirishima. His whole look is altered after Crimson Riot, his personality after TetsuTetsu, both of which share his same quirk; which part of Kirishima is strictly Kirishima?
Out of all the kiddos in class 1-A, Eijirou Kirishima is the one most likely to be the traitor. Not only would it be fantastic for Horikoshi’s narrative, but it would be great for the character’s motivations and feels too. It would give Kirishima a reason for everything he’s done in the series so far. It would give Bakugo not only more drive to be the world’s #1 hero, but to give him an emotional reason that holds him back from being a hero at all. It would give reason to Kirishima’s constant presence and lack of individuality. It clearly makes the best sense that Eijiuro Kirishima is the Class 1-A Traitor.
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Ooh! If asks are open, can I ask you for a mermaid reader x dorm leaders+ octanivelle? Like, its canon that the mc is from another world, so what if she is a mermaid from a world where magic barely exists? Like, she can freely turn human at will but that's about it. Assuming that everyone has a crush on her, but hasn't confessed, how would they react to the reveal?
hello hello ! asks are usually open since i don’t have request limits and i write down all the ones i wanna do in my notebooks (or save them as drafts)ヾ(@^∇^@)ノ i get this strange sense of happiness when writing them all down with their categories and specific highlights. i hope you enjoy ! unrelated but someone said that lilia was like rei sakuma and hshshsh ive pulled out all my undead albums and started jamming to all the songs again,, call name, call name, we are undead!
📝to note: (1) i couldn’t write anything about vil ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚ (2) length (and possibly comprehensibility) varies because i ran out of coffee at home and was half-asleep for most of these.
riddle rosehearts
Riddle had been reluctant to even participate in today’s swimming lesson but begrudgingly put on his attire and stood at the edge of the pool, glaring at the water as if it were an old enemy. It wasn’t a total loss, you were there-- nervously fidgeting beside him. He’s been crushing on you hard, to the point that his ears turn red and his stomach flutters with butterflies just with your presence.
From the corner of his eyes, he could see you anxiously eyeing the pool. “Are you feeling alright?” he asks you, voice laced with worry. Your reply came out garbled, like you were trying to say something but somehow forgotten how to speak. He leaves you alone then but would occasionally glance at you, concerned.
When it was time for you to showcase your swimming capabilities, all the worry Riddle had for you simply washed away the instant your legs transformed into a mermaid’s tail fin. 
He tries to be nonchalant about it but couldn’t help gawking at you as you did your laps. When you finish and settle to prop yourself up on the edge of the pool in front of him, you catch him staring at you. “It’s strange, isn’t it,” you say, sheepishly smiling to yourself as you collect your wet hair into your hands then wring all the water out of the strands.
“N-No!” he shakes his head with raised hands. “You don’t look strange at all, if anything you’re probably the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen-!” he blurts out, before bringing his hands up to silence his traitorous mouth. You stare at him with wide eyes. “O-Oh, I-,” you fumbled for words as your cheeks tinge red like blooming roses. “I see.”
After that, a silence settles itself in the air, rendering the two of you into amiable discomfiture.
“Rosehearts, it’s your turn!” 
Ashton’s booming voice makes you both jolt, ruining the moment. Reluctantly, he smiles at you and heads off.
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leona kingscholar
You always had a weird fishy smell to you. 
At first, he thought nothing of this and continued to hang around you from time to time. “You know what her scent reminds me of?” Ruggie had told him once while handing him a sandwich from the cafeteria. “She kind of smells like the Leech brothers.” 
“What do you mean?”
Ruggie scratches the back of his head. “They’ve got that sea smell to them, you know? Like how most merfolk do.”
Since that day, he’s been trying to find out why you smelled that way. You were magicless so he wasn’t about to jump into conclusions but after doing a little digging and investigating on it for weeks, all evidence pointed to one thing. He didn’t want to pry anything out of you so he kept his mouth shut until the day you revealed it to him.
It was during PE class. You had told Leona that you wanted to tell him something before going over to the school’s swimming pool. He had played it cool and quietly waited on you to say what you wanted to tell him. 
“Leona, I’m actually a mermaid,” you say with downcast eyes while twiddling your thumbs.
“Yeah, I know.”
“I know it’s hard to believe but— wait what? You know? How?”
The surprised look on your face makes him chuckle. He gives you a moment to take it all in before going into full detail on how he found out; “You honestly reek of fish.”
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azul ashengrotto
Azul thought he knew everything that there is to you. From your hobbies to your favourite music genre to your secret comfort place inside Night Raven College. You happily indulged all of his impudent questions. Yes, you preferred ice cream over cake. Yes, you were losing sleep because of Grim’s snoring. No, you don’t hate him and never thought any less of him after his overblot episode.
He liked your transparency-- admired it even. Around you, he felt like he was underwater but instead of having the constant sense of dread, he was at ease in the waters of your presence. There was never any need to worry over being judged. 
Now when you had asked him to show you around his hometown and he had told you to wear something casual, he hadn’t exactly expected you to show up as a mermaid. You were so stunning that he lost his composure just from the sight of you.
“Did you-,” he clears his voice, “Did you drink a potion?” 
Laughing, you reply, “No, this is what I really am.”
What you really were. Azul shamelessly examined you for a while as he took you to see boutiques and cafes, envious of your tail’s pale rounded scales and stylish web-like dorsal fins but all the while swooning over how breathtakingly beautiful you looked. When you had asked him if he was comfortable enough to change forms, he lets out a nervous laugh then hides his flustered face. 
“I’d rather not embarrass you.”
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floyd leech
Floyd had always found you interesting, it’s why he liked to keep close to you.
Whenever you were around, his heart would thump so fast in his chest that he’d grin and run up to you. “Little shrimp~!” was his usual greeting, his voice jingly as he takes you into his arms. He’d never tell you but he liked having you in his arms, as much as it terrified you to even be enveloped in them. 
“That’s what you do when you hunt down people!” you complained, “I’m never sure if you’d just like to greet me or if I’ve done something wrong every time I see you.”
“Ah~ That’s the fun in it though!” he said, flashing his sharp teeth at you. 
When you transformed in front of him, his eyes widened in delighted surprise. He takes your mermaid form in, ooh-ing and aah-ing at “-how pretty you looked!” before taking you around Octavinelle’s waters and making you participate in make-up competitions just so that he could get to see how fast you swam or strong you were.
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jade leech
Jade always had his suspicions. 
He wasn’t sure when it started but subconsciously he kept note of the things you did and said before coming into the realization that you have become someone very dear to him. You always spoke about the sea with a fondness that made it seem as if it were your home and frequently asked him to tag along with you to swim around and explore his dorm despite having already done so before. When you had asked him to wait then transformed in front of him before taking him out around Octavinelle, he couldn’t help but feel comforted at the fact that you trusted him enough to reveal this long held secret. 
“You’re not mad?” you asked him, shyly peering at him from behind a bed of seaweed. He gives you his signature Jade Leech smile, one that made it seem like he was laughing at your very notion and finding you amusingly silly. 
“No, not all,” he says, his eyes crinkling, “in fact, I feel very honored that you’ve told me.”
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kalim al-asim
Kalim grew up in the land of Hot Sands where, instead of water, the waves were made of gold shimmering grains and that “swimming” in it would leave you parched and drenched in sweat (he would know, he learned that the hard way!). Now swimming always brought a smile to his face. Partying in pools and sharing laughs with your friends, those were certainly fun!
Though today’s visit to the pool was more of an academic requirement than a time for leisure, Kalim still beamed brighter than any star because he was taking his PE swimming class with the light of his heart: you!
Like a toddler, he swung his feet over the edge of the pool and dipped them into the water beside you. “Aaahhh~ Today’s going to be a really great day!” he twitters on, making you chuckle at his childlike enthusiasm. “Really? Why’s that?” you ask him, sinking your own two legs into the pool and looking at him intently. Kalim, suddenly growing self conscious because of your gaze, looks away and rubs the back of his neck. “Well-” he starts, letting his confidence ease back into him as he meets your eyes, “because I’ll be swimming with you!”
You blink at his words. For a second, you stare at him in surprise but his smile gets to you and makes you laugh. “Yeah, it does feel kinda great.”
When Ashton calls you up to the platform, Kalim positions himself at the other end of the pool and cheers you on. “Go Y/N! Go~!”
Ashton’s whistle blows a second later, making you jump. Kalim eyes widen as he watches you transform mid-air before plunging into the pool. When you surfaced, his heart was sent into a frenzy. Your hair and scales twinkled and your eyes, bright and demure-- you looked like a goddess, emerging from the sea to claim his soul. 
The second you change back and dried off, he pops up beside you with gleaming eyes and bombards you with countless praises and questions: “You looked so cool!” “Can you control your shift?” “Your scales were such a pretty bright colour!” “Do you think we can go to sea adventures together?”
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idia shroud
Idia didn’t really want to be here.
The only reason he was was because his brother insisted on it and managed to drag him to class before he could properly lock the door. If he knew that PE today was going to be a swimming class, he would’ve persisted to not come at all.
“Ah, this sucks,”Idia mutters under his breath as thoughts of what could have happened if he weren’t here swarmed his mind, feeding into his growing bitterness. Clicking his tongue, he folds his legs into his chest and frowns into his knees then stares at the clear shimmering surface of the pool water.
“What sucks?”
Idia jolts at the sound of your voice in his ear. He moves his head a fraction to the right and somehow almost kisses you with how close your face was to his. Instead your noses touch, surprising you both. “Y-Y-N?” your name sputters out of his lips as his face flushes at the sight of your smile. He squirms to get away from you but only manages to get a few breaths in before slipping.
As he lays on the ground, feeling completely defeated, he brings a forearm over to cover his eyes from the sun’s mocking glare. Ah, the gods are so cruel.
“Idia, are you okay?”
You helped him up and, though he kept his head low while quietly cursing the gods, he seemed okay. Idia knew you wanted to stay with him out of kindness but when Ashton signaled your group to the platforms, you gave him a small smile and reluctantly headed over to the other end of the pool. 
Without you near him anymore, Idia found the strength to breathe again. Quietly, he makes his way over to a secluded corner to rest while keeping his eyes trained on you in the distance. He watches as your complexion changes and thin colourful appendages grow out of your arms and intertwined legs. Along with the heated gaze of the sun, all the shimmering lights that bounced off your scales and illuminated the tiles into a frenzy of dancing colours dizzied him to the point of passing out. As he slips into the depths of his consciousness, a thought echoes in his mind that was far too overwhelming for him to even continue to think about. 
My crush is a mermaid.
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malleus draconia
You and “Tsuno tarou” were running away from a couple of students that he claims to be after him and somehow managed to to end up hiding behind a rock formation in the outskirts of the Octavinelle dorm. He had used some kind of magic of the two of you to prevent drowning and getting wet and though you were impressed by his incredible magic capabilities, you had no time to express your amazement as he quietly drags you away to hide.
“Why on earth are they after you anyways?” you asked Tsuno tarou, who shrugs from behind you. “They like to keep me under close surveillance.” he replies curtly before peering over your shoulder to watch your two chasers bicker and look around the area. You puckered out your lips at his complete lack of explanation, turning to face him with folded arms, “What do you mean by that? Just-,”
“There! I see someone!” one of them exclaims from behind you, causing you to turn back around and catch a pair of blue eyes staring right at you.
You internally groan as the two of them start swimming towards your hiding place. “Well, I suppose there’s no way out of this. It’s a shame that I’ll have to stop seeing you every night,” Tsuno tarou says from behind you, disappointed. Huffing at his gutted attitude, you face him and take hold of his forearm.
“You and I both know that it’d just be the gargoyles you’d miss because you think that the moonlight ‘encapsulates their pulchritude’,” you tell him before taking in a deep breath and closing off all of your thoughts. “You better start talking about all this later, Tsuno tarou.”
He gives you a confused look then opens his mouth as if to tell you something but you look away and concentrate on transforming. When bands of scales erupted to replace the soft surface of your skin and your legs coiled into each other, you pulled on his weight and began swimming away as fast as you could.
To Malleus, you looked mystical. He didn’t know that you were a mermaid but wasn’t all too shocked to see you transform and gracefully dart across the ocean floor with him in tow. “I meant what I said about missing you Y/N,” he says, catching your attention. You let yourself look back at him for a brief moment before averting your gaze from the intensity of his stare; he told you the truth. Your cheeks grow warm despite the coolness of the water. 
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willowbleedsonpaper · 4 years
Ghost Of You (Part 3)
Draco Malfoy x Muggle!Reader
W.C. : 2600
Summary:  The war with Voldemort was over. Draco Malfoy was forced to flee for his life ending up in Muggle London where he met you, the muggle whose house he broke in looking for a place to hide. You agreed to let him hide in your house if he promised to let you live your life normally. How will your relationship work as time passes and you both realize you’re no longer just partners in crime?
A/N: Hellooooo! It’s me again. Part three and more to come, so get yourself some snacks. I am loving writing this so thank you for reading and leaving comments, they make my day better. Also thank you to all the new followers, I really hope you like the content. Anyway, sorry for putting so much dialogue, I can’t help myself sometimes. Okay, that’s it. Happy reading! 
Shoot me an ask or something if you wanna be tagged in Ghost Of You or my other work :)
Warnings: None
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*Not mi GIF. Credits to th creator* 
Draco watched as you got out of the car, your head low for more than just looking for the keys in your bag. You had been avoiding his gaze since he was question all about you in your class. He found interesting that your students  were so curious about you, then again, he didn’t really know. 
You opened the door and got inside instantly, putting your bag down in the table by the door and going straight upstairs, shutting your door without even looking back at him.
He closed the front door, finding himself lost and confused. He wanted to feel bad for using you in that way. When he broke into your house he never thought he’ll find himself in this situation, he just needed a place to hide and take care of his wound, you arriving home was something he didn’t count on but it proved it had both a use for his benefit as well as a dowside. 
He would have never thought you would offer him your house to hide in, making him doubt if you were actually a muggle and not someone pretending, your rage towards him and the Imperius curse being a good start in him thinking you were actually who you claimed to be: a clueless muggle with a sharp tongue. He took your offer right away, if the Death Eaters found him there he could run and leave you to your fate. Did he wanted another life ending on his account? No, but he’ll do it if it meant he lived.
He walked to the room you showed him as his, the bag he enchanted to have endless space hidden under the pillow, containing the little belongings he took from his home before he ran. It had been a couple rough years after the so called Battle of Hogwarts. Harry Potter had won, he had killed Voldemort and become the hero they all knew he was. 
The ministry had forgiven the Malfoy’s for their part in the war, claiming they had no other choice with the Dark Lord himself living in his house and his loyal followers at every turn. He’ll never wished that to anyone, the fear of not knowing if the day he woke up was the day he would be tortured to insanity or even death. He was glad he got out of that house. 
But the ministry didn’t ensure his safety beyond that, death eaters roamed the wizarding world still and they had a burning thirst for blood, his blood. After all he was the one who threw his wand at Potter, he was the one who runned to the other side when the Chosen One came back from the dead. He was the traitor.
He knew you were afraid of him, you didn’t seem this morning but something at the school changed and he was faced with completely different person. You were being careful of every move your body made, of every word you said, of every step you took. You reminded him of first years at Hogwarts, every new generation heard of the mean Slytherin Prince and the fearful glances and avoidant looks were always there, he grew used to it in no time. 
Yet, he didn’t want you to be scared of him. If he was to stay there he wanted it to be somewhat peaceful, if not pleasant. He didn’t want Hogwarts to repeat itself, he wanted to feel some kind of comfort. He wasn’t sure why but he knew he could find that there with you.
Eleven o’clock. It just had turned eleven and you hadn’t left your room at all. Draco sat patiently at the table in the kitchen, a hot cup of tea in his hands as he stared deep into the collection of mugs proudly displayed in the counter. He wondered why you had so many mugs if you lived by yourself, surely you didn’t have twenty people over to use them all.  
He thought countless times in going up to your room to see if you were alright, fighting with himself between that and you being a grown woman and perfectly capable of taking care of yourself. But then he remembered he was essentially the reason why you had locked yourself in your room. You were avoiding him.
He stood up form the chair, taking a glass of water with him so you would have something to drink. He started to feel nervous for some reason, his hand sweaty as he knocked on the door. Receiving no answer, he went to reach the knob twisting it softly revealing your dark room. 
The lights were off and the curtains left little to no light shine through them. He turn to your bed, a bundle of blankets and pillows where, he assumed, you were buried.
“Y/N” he called softly, one of the pillows falling to the ground with the movement of your body.
“Go away” you muttered from underneath a giant blanket, turning your back at him. 
He stepped inside your room and against your previous words going around the bed watching you roll on your side, he let out a defeated sigh, placing the glass of water in your nightstand and going to the door again. He took a last glance at you, before closing the door and going to his room for the night.
The previous day had brought you down like you’ve never experienced, the mere thought of putting one of your students in danger just do defy your partner was one that made you feel like the worst person in the world. You didn’t know what he was capable of, and you couldn’t go back to the school until he was gone from your life. 
But how long until he left?
You knew you were being reckless, he would use his magic word and tell you to shut up and sit. You were ready for it, you were going to annoy him until he left, you were determined to make him leave. 
You made your way downstairs, finding the place empty. You walked around, checking the living room and the kitchen, you doubted he was in the washing room but still you checked. The only place left being his room and the bathroom, you were practically running around the house when you crashed against something hard in one of your turns.
You felt on your back with a loud thud, yours hands barely making it up to the back of your head. Your eyes were scrunched close and you stayed like that for longer than necessary. 
“What are you doing?” you heard him ask you in annoyance, not bothering to give you a hand he just stared at you from his stance. A disapproving look in his face when he walked over you. But then he took a second glance at you, you wore sweatpants and a plain t-shirt, your hair was still up in a bun and you had no shoes on. You had just woken up “You’re going to be late for work.” he told you, never taking his eyes off of you.
You had clumsily stood, your body aching everywhere “I’m not going,” you said “I called in sick.”
“You’re not sick” he said matter of factly. His grey eyes were burning holes in you, having to physically shield yourself crossing your arms over your chest and looking everywhere but his way “Y/N…”
“I know I’m not sick,” you said talking over him “But you’re right. Is risky to go out if they’re looking for you, it could slip out of me” you lied, getting a bowl and some cereal. 
He squinted his eyes at you, following your movement through the kitchen in silence. You finished preparing your breakfast and had to meet his face if you didn’t want to make the situation any more awkward, which ended up like that anyway “You’re not doing it for me” he said. 
It wasn’t a question.
You sighed loudly, falling in one of the empty chairs “It doesn’t matter why I’m doing it.” you said in defeat “You’re hiding, I told you could stay here. Fine! Just don’t use that one on me again” your eyes falling to his sleeve where you knew he hid his wand.
“I won’t use it on you” he said lowly, a hurt look settling in his face.
“Or anyone” you added, quickly regretting it at the snap of his head at you. He looked offended “You took it with you to the school and, look, I don’t want to know how you do it,” you explained, not knowing if you made things worse “I’m willing to let you stay here, but there are things that I don’t want to know for my own sanity, like why you carry a wand or who is after you because I know if you tell me there is not going back from that.” 
He looked to your face intently, your brow knitted like you already knew something was wrong and dangerous with him there. Still, you were helping him. He believed muggles would jump at any witch or wizard at the first sign of something magical, but you didn’t want to know. He never thought a muggle would be so interesting and considerate,  that he would be so amazed by you.
“If that’s what you want” he said with a nod of his head.
“It is.” you assured him “And as long as you are here I won’t go to work, so you don’t have to go with me.” you said, head low as you played with the now soggy cereal.
“Why?” he whispered, finding your kindness towards him awfully misplaced.
You didn’t know what to say, only an hour ago you were determined to make him leave. What could you say to him, you remind me of me when I was in college? Alone and to no one to turn to for help. If I was you in your place I would want someone to the same for me?.
“I don’t know.” you mumbled, pushing your plate away. “I want to help you, but I can’t risk my students or the people at my job. They’re all I have.”
The day was spent in uncomfortable silence, you tried to use your free day cleaning your house and doing all kind of chores you didn’t have the time to do on school days. You even managed to cook which was a once every full moon occurrence.
Draco had stayed with you after that, not interacting with you in anyway, just watching you. 
“Do you have anything you would like me to wash?” you asked him, poking your head from the washing room with a basket full of your laundry. You didn’t even know why you offered that but it was something you didn’t mind at all, you were going to do it anyway.
He retrieved a couple shirts from his room, giving them hesitantly to you. You kept on making quick work there, feeling his eyes on you from the door. “Do you have friends?” he asked you, taking you by surprise with his question,
“Uh, the other teachers at school are nice,” you said with a small smile “We hang out sometimes after classes, but not really. My life is more dedicated to myself and my work.”
“What about your family?” He said, reaching something from the top shelf you were struggling to get.
You muttered a Thank you, placing the clothes in the washing machine and closing it. You turned him a nervous smile “They don’t talk to me” you admitted pursing your lips “I wanted to be a teacher, they didn’t agree and made me choose and here I am.”
“You turned against your family?” he asked you with a breathy voice, his posture completely straight. You chuckled a little at his reaction, like a little kid who meets and older much more cooler kid. He looked at you in awe.
“Is not that uncommon, but they were a little harsh.” you shared “Told me I couldn’t go back home if I didn’t have a law degree. I don’t, so I won’t go back”
He hummed, nodding his head softly turning his body to follow your movement to the kitchen “So you’ve been alone…”
“Since I was 18.” you said with a smile in his way. You didn’t mind the questions, you could see he was trying to make you more comfortable around him and even if you appreciated that, you couldn’t help but be scared of him. You needed more time. “Although alone is a little dramatic. I had a boyfriend, you know?” he rose an eyebrow at you and you laughed “Believe it or not, I did.”
“Oh, I don’t doubt it, I figured from the oversized t-shirt”” he told you, a blush rising in your cheeks, looking down to your clothes. You usually tied a knot on the front to make it more stylish but it still swimmed in your body “I just assumed you still were together.” he said.
“Thankfully we’re not, otherwise you being here would raise hell on earth.” the sound that left his lips make you turn with a surprised look in your eyes, he had chuckled. You beamed, the sound the most melodic you’ve heard in a long time.
“Hadn’t thought of that.” he admitted and you relaxed a little, maybe you could trust him with time.
“What about you?” you asked, his eyes lifting to you with an eyebrow raised “Is there a girlfriend? Boyfriend?” you wiggled your eyebrows and this time he laughed, a smile in his face. You had it in you to make him smile.
“I thought you didn’t want to know things about me?” he asked you with a grin.
 “Are they the one you’re hiding from?” you asked with a laugh “Then please keep it to yourself.” you paused looking up a him with, wrinkling your nose “Thinking about it, if you don’t say anything I’ll know they are after you, maybe you shouldn’t answer.” you shook your head, squinting your eyes in thought.
He stared deeply at you, watching as you thoughtlessly chopped some fruit, lost inside your head. “My girlfriend is not after me,” he said specifically to see your reaction, not wavering for a second he scolded himself for the disappointing feeling that had set deep in his head “That would require having one in the first place”
You scoffed, turning to him and handing him a plate “Funny.” you said sarcastically “So no one waiting home for your return?”
He thought about it. Who would be waiting for him back home? No one really, his parents were the ones that had helped him escape, telling him to never return unless they specifically said so. The Death Eaters becoming a common visit at the Manor.
“No, no one” he answered bitterly.
You could pinpoint the exact moment his mood change, feeling bad that you had asked. “Well,” you started, grabbing two mugs from your counter and filling them with coffee “to no one waiting for us back home.” you said giving him a mug and raising yours in the air.
He looked at you, tilting his head with the mug close to his chest “That’s a depressing toast.” he said. You gave him an annoyed look, letting your hand fall from where he had left you hanging. 
“Do you have a better idea?” you said with a roll of your eyes.
“Actually, I do.” he beamed, raising his own mug “To partners in crime.”
You smiled, the mugs clinking as you toasted “To partners in crime.”
TAGS: @fanficflaneuse​ @accio-rogers​ @gloriousrebelrunaway​ @slytherinprincess03​ @coldlilheart​ @aasthapiplani​ @nebulablakemurphy​ @strawberriesonsummer​ @l1teralegend​
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silvia7272 · 5 years
1 ~ My ‘Lying’ Prologue
You won’t believe how I had tried to write how Marinette was going to meet Rosina but then I started writing more and more ML-Class Salt and I couldn’t stop myself. It was quite enjoyable so I thought this would be a good place to start. This is how the class first started to become salty. You better grab some popcorn; you can hold the salt cause I’ve got plenty down here.
Word Count: 2094
Collège Françoise Dupont had always been a place Marinette had enjoyed going to. Besides fashion, baking and music, she loved hanging out with her friends.
She loved being friends with Alya and helping her with all her Ladyblog stuff as much as she could, talking to her about her dreams and aspirations had been a great past time.
She loved Rose with how honest she was towards her feelings.
She loved Juleka and how she was better at overcoming her shyness.
She loved Alix with her art and amazing roller-skating.
She loved Mylène with how passionate she was about what she believed in.
She loved hanging out with all her female friends, they had tried to help her with so many ridiculous schemes to confess her love to Adrien it was too many to count, but they stood by her side always.
She… Could tolerate Sabrina, and Chloé to an extent, she knew they held a close friendship and didn’t want to disturb it. And Chloé… Was Chloé. They tried not to get in each others way too often.
She loved Nino and his passion for music, his DJ skills were great, she was sure he could become famous in no time.
She loved being able to offer encouragement and support to Nathaniel and Marc, each of their comics looked so cool she couldn’t wait to read it.
She loved being friends with Kim, they had been ever since Kindergarten. His crazy bets were bound to excite her after school each day.
She loved Max and always playing games like Ultimate Mecha Strike III, and totally beating him by the way.
She loved Ivan for how sweet he could be when he tried to show his feelings for Mylène.
And she loved… Loved Adrien.
He was kind. Pushover
Generous. Pitied
Caring. Traitor
Forgiving. Afraid of repercussions
But she ruined it.
She had claimed so many tales that the others lapped up at any mention of fame.
She had strung every last one of her classmates along like sheep and cattle.
She had changed so much in the school, she was excluded to the back in her class, away from everyone else. And when Marinette had tried to expose her?
She had turned it all around.
She had threatened her, enough for an Akuma to be sent her way in the bath stall.
She had bid her time, waiting until people truly believed her, until she enacted on her plan to ‘Dethrone the Princess of the school’
She had first started with little remarks about the bluenette, ones that didn’t seem overly malicious as she couldn’t start out too big right?
She had to make sure they grew in size as an appropriate time passed on. And soon… It had worked.
She had… Turned everyone against her.
She remembered when she had come into class that exact morning, because she was late everyone had already taken their seats.
The moment she had entered the classroom all heads turned to her.
“Sorry, Mlle Bustier I had to err- um-” To her surprise, she held a hard glare at the girl. Actually, everyone did.
“That’s enough excuses Marinette, I should send you to the Principal after everything that’s happened” Mlle Bustier announced, shocking the girl.
“What but I-?” She wasn’t able to finish.
“I thought we were friends Marinette, but now you say I could never be an Olympian?”
“Or you thought my voice was painful for anyone within ear reach to listen to!”
“Or I should always be covered in any pictures ever taken because I’m such an eyesore!”
“Or I’ll never be anything in the music industry. How dare you lie to me all these years dude!?” The stray of accusations pointed to the girl were almost enough to make her cry… Almost.
“How could you!? I thought you ‘supported me’, but now I see that you’ve always been a deceitful manipulative liar!” Her former Best Friend held so much anger in her eyes as angry tears stained her cheeks.
“But I- I would never say that! You have to believe me, who told you?” Marinette pleaded. No, Alya was her best friend, there was no way she wouldn’t believe her. Right?
“From someone a lot more trustworthy, Lila told us all of your dirty little secrets. She couldn’t bear to keep the truth from us, even after you threatened her in the bathroom where no one else was there. That’s low Marinette, even for you! Just because you want Adrien all to yourself, Lila doesn’t even like him that way! How could you be such a jerk!” She stared in shock than anger as she looked at the liar.
“Why would you lie about all of this Lila, how could you?” Lila faked her cries as she covered her eyes.
“I had to tell them the truth, I knew you hated me, but I couldn’t stand by any longer and let you lie to everyone, I appreciate every one of my friends. I don’t care if you hate me more”
“If this is because you’re jealous forget it! That’s no excuse for doing this Marinette!” Alix yelled, she winced, even Alix? But she had always been so loyal.
‘Loyalty only goes so far’ She thought sadly.
“That was a brave thing to do Lila. Marinette apologise right now to Lila at once! I thought you were a good example for the class, not turn into a bully!”
“But she’s lying-” She got cut off.
“Not another word or you’ll be going home” Mlle Bustier warned.
“Marinette this is your last warning!” She lowered her head and walked to the back as all the students glared at her, except for one.
Marinette sneaked off to the lockers. She couldn’t even cry, or she’d be turned into an Akuma, and nobody would want that.
Because she was Ladybug.
Soon you won’t have any friends left at all. Trust me.
You will lose your friends and wind up all alone.
“She was right, she really did turn everyone against me. I really am alone” She exhaled a shaky breath and before Tikki could comfort her the door opened.
“Marinette. There you are. I was wondering where you ran off to?”
‘Adrien, Adrien’s really here. He knows I’m telling the truth; he must be here to help me’ That was the last nice thought she had about him.
“Adrien I-”
“Marinette we talked about this, exposing her isn’t the right thing to do, what if she had become Akumatized in front of the whole class?” He held a disapproving gaze, one that shocked Marinette.
“But she really was lying, if I don’t say anything now, everyone truly will hate me for something I never did.”
“But we both know you’re strong enough already Marinette you’re our ‘Everyday Ladybug’. I know you can hold out from any Akuma until her lies are uncovered”
“Adrien what about my friends, they all think I said all of this stuff even though it's untrue”
“I’m sure if you do more nice things they’ll turn around in the end” She still looked unsure, so Adrien carried on.
“They’ll forgive and you’ll forget, then after everything, we’ll all be friends again. You’re strong enough already, I know a bit of solitude won’t hurt you. At least you aren’t always stuck in your room with no one to talk to. If you just take the high road and don’t rock the boat everything will turn out alright in the end, we’ll all be happy and forgive everyone for their mistakes. We may even forgive Lila. Ok? I’ll stand by you as well”
She wanted to say no, desperately wanted to. That this wasn’t fair on her, that she had only done what was right, that the truth should come out now.
But… This was Adrien, and her last friend.
So… She took his advice.
But he didn’t keep his promise.
After that day, she tried to follow his advice. She tried to get all of her friends to like her again. She made macarons and croissants, cakes and pastries for them all to try, she spent some nights staying up all night to perfect her recipes she was sure the class would like, even… Lila.
But Lila had been ‘specifically allergic’ to hers even if Marinette overheard how ‘lemon’ was her favourite.
So, they threw them all away.
She had tried to design and give homemade bags and controller skins to them, but Lila didn’t like the material even if she knew part of her outfit held the exact same material.
So, they threw them all away.
Her final straw had been when she had made so many class trips to Theme Parks, Museums, Gaming Centres, Conventions. As Class President, she had to be the one in charge of trips as the teachers were ‘too busy’ instead. She tried to include everyone's interest and so far it worked. They had absolutely loved the idea of it, claimed it would be the best time of their lives. There were so many praises being thrown around the girl thought.
‘Finally, they’ll see I want us to be friends again. We’ll all go out to meals and movies like before. They’ll apologise and we can be like we were before she came. We can plot and have me and Adrien together-’
“Wow Lila, it was so cool you got us the tickets for the last anime convention. I thought they ran out of them last I checked?” Nathaniel asked while studying the tickets, he had always wanted to go but thought the class wouldn’t want to do something like this but he was surprised, she had told him otherwise, just like she had told him to get rid of Marc, after all in Lila’s words ‘he was limiting your potential’
Marinette remembered him crying in the locker room with no one around, she had been the only one there to comfort and successfully stop an Akumatization from happening.
“Well you see when you know a family friend who actually works in this industry you get so many free passes”
“It's just a pity that Marinette was repulsed by the idea of all of us going. She said it was the stupidest thing she had ever heard and that I was such a loser to ever think of it in the first place. And the fact that she made me do all of the work, how could she be Class President?” The class glared at her, and each insulted her, even if it was her idea.
But when she looked over to see the familiar blond boy.
The sweet, blond who had promised would be there for her…
…Turned to look the other way.
Don’t rock the boat Marinette
I’ll stand by you as well
He lied.
Just like she had done.
Just like… Lila.
It shouldn’t have been surprising; he was a major pushover when it came to friends and his Father. When Chloé and Adrien were friends she could step all over him and he wouldn’t say a word, but had he really done anything for her?
Not really.
Huh, it seemed ironic, the one who hated liars had become a liar.
Marinette had lost her crush on Adrien after that.
She stopped talking to him after that.
He didn’t even talk to her, he was always too ‘busy’.
With all of the class trips happening she had been forgotten.
“Oopsie the times wrong, we go at 9, not 8”
She lied.
“Mlle Bustier? Marinette told me she couldn’t afford this trip and to take her off the form, she didn’t want to do it herself because she wanted to go for free”
She lied!
“How could you Marinette!? You know I have a fear of waterfalls, my Aunt fell down one last year, I had to spend months in the hospital by her side waiting for her to wake up.”
Why couldn’t anyone see she was lying!?
But it didn’t matter.
She didn’t have anyone else.
She had lost all her friends.
She had lost her crush.
She had lost the title of Class President, which was then given to the liar. Even when Chloé was Class President they never had a Re-Election because it would be unfair.
She got her way.
And she had lost everything.
Collège Françoise Dupont had always been a place Marinette had enjoyed going to. Besides fashion, baking and music, she loved hanging out with her friends.
Not anymore.
I really hope I did this right. And I hope I made up for the salt compared to the last one, I really hope it’s pouring with salt. Anyway, I hope you like this and hopefully the next one you’ll see the introduction of Marinette and Rosina. And just as a fun fact, I used 94 she’s in this, amazing huh. Not including that one by the way.
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everlarkficexchange · 4 years
Sunset on Grass
Written by: @alliswell21
Prompt 67: Her parents said that it was just a childhood crush and that she will outgrow it. But why does her heart flutters. When she’s finally old enough to get a job, she immediately gets a part time job to be close to him. Will is pursue her love against people’s negative views because he’s so much older than her. Or go for it and make him fall in love with her. Age Gap Older!Peeta. [submitted by @animekpopxx]
  Rated M: for later chapters/ this particular one is actually G. 
  Tags: Age Difference- Peeta is 19 years older than Katniss, but there won’t be any romance until she’s of age, so I might as well tag this as Slow Burn. Time Jump. Mr Everdeen is alive in this one, which makes Katniss OOC. Tags will update according to chapter posted.
Unbetaed. All mistakes are mine. This chapter closed at around 4200 words. Happy reading.
Thank you to @javistg and @xerxia31 for once again hosting Our Beloved Exchange. You guys are the best!!! 
It was a very cold day; Mama made us wear hats and gloves and clunky snow boots, but the worst offender in my 8 year old opinion, was the fact she forced me to wear a fleece over my long sleeve shirt with the sparkly pink hearts, and then a heavy winter coat to top it all, covering my favorite outfit that happened to be perfectly apt for the month of February… who had time to worry about layering for the weather, when Valentine’s Day gave us the perfect excuse to wear mushy, pink, glittery hearts in public?! 
  Prim had just turned four recently, and Daddy decided she was finally old enough to sit through a movie at the theater with us ‘grown ups’ like a big girl. Normally, he would’ve let Prim pick the movie, since it was her first time joining us, but when we got to the theater, I begged to see Bridge to Terabithia, because all the girls in my class had a crush on the main character actor, some Josh Hutcher-something or another, and I really wanted to see what the fuss was about with the boy. 
  Well, none of my little girlfriends bothered to tell me the movie was so darned sad! 
  Prim wailed and sobbed despite not really understanding what happened in the story. All she knew was that Mama sniffled and dabbed at the corner of her blue eyes with a wadded-up napkin, and that was enough for her to let her tears fall freely, clinging to Daddy’s neck until hiccups raked her tiny frame. 
  At the end of the movie, Mama’s eyes were red rimmed but she at least was done sniffling. Daddy and I just sat there stoically, like the hardened leaders of our small clan, we were… if my lips trembled, it had nothing to do with the sap fest we just endured. 
  Daddy sighed, “Some movies should come with disclaimers.” He grumbled, adjusting Prim on his hip while pulling open the exit door.
  “I thought it was great. The young actors were marvelous. Such range of emotion…” Mama gushed, before wiping the corner of her eye daintily. “I’d recommend it to other people, personally.”
  Daddy gave her a look, and then Mama amended, “With a warning for grief and depression.” Her lips formed a thin line, but Daddy seemed satisfied, so we walked into the frigid February afternoon and winced in unison as soon as the cold hit our faces. 
  Prim was still intermittently sobbing.
  “Primrose, honey, will a treat help you cheer up some?” Daddy asked quietly, tenderly caressing her cheek.
  My baby sister nodded, her pitiful big o’ blue eyes shining with unshed tears. 
  “Let’s get you a nice treat then. Let’s take advantage of those neatly shoveled sidewalks our tax money afforded us.” Said Daddy smiling sweetly, his gray eyes twinkling. 
  We crossed the street and kept on going until we reached the square a block away and then hesitated for a second in front of the ice cream parlor, finally settling for the quaint little bakery two doors down. 
  Immediately, my cheeks warmed up and I tried to walk with my back a little straighter, just in case a certain baker boy was working that day. My heart rattled against my ribs and I tried real hard to keep my eyes up, but as usual, chickened out last minute and all I could see was the ground. 
  Daddy walked in making the bell above the entrance chimed cheerfully; he held the door open so Mama and I could scoot into the building. We all stood just inside the door, taking a collective sigh of relief at the warmth and inviting aromas of the bakery: Yeast, sugar and freshly brewed coffee mingled in the air, welcoming.  
  “Afternoon Everdeens!” Called a deep, velvety and familiar voice from somewhere ahead. “Come on in and make yourselves at home, please!” Mister Peeta smiled, like us, walking into his family’s shop was the highlight of his day. 
  It surely was mine, of course; not that anyone would’ve been able to tell just by how gun-shy I acted, except from my parents that is. 
  They knew alright. 
  They knew all about my crush on the young baker, and at least Mama thought it was cute. Daddy wasn’t too comfortable acknowledging it, so he usually rolled his eyes at Mama about it.
  But who wouldn’t have a thing for mister Peeta, really? He was nice, polite, and handsome, with a soft looking face and bright blue eyes, always smiling, and wavy blond hair that curled under the many baseball caps he wore (currently, he donned one with the Mellark’s logo on the front.). He was also strong… or at least I figured he had to be, since he was school wrestling champion and all. I hadn’t witnessed it myself of course, mister Peeta and my folks were ancient compared to me, but I grew up hearing the stories. 
  Mama and Daddy had been high school sweethearts who’d been in the same grade as mister Rye— mister Peeta’s older brother— so they knew the Mellark brothers some. Daddy said Mr. Peeta was the pride of the town as a teenager, since he became State Wrestling champion in his senior year of high school, a full two years after my folks graduated Panem
  “How are you doing, Peeta?” Said Daddy reaching a hand over the counter to shake the baker’s.
  Mama waved and smiled, offering her own little “Hello, Peeta.” Then nudged me to do the same, and my eyes about popped out of my sockets when the baker smiled and winked one of his bright, blue eyes at me. 
   “I heard you’re leaving for Europe soon?” Asked Daddy.
  Mister Peeta smiled widely, “Yes! Got accepted to study pastistry at a prestigious school in France. I can’t wait.” His excitement was contagious.
  “That’s great, Peeta!” Interjected my mama. “I bet your folks are pleased. The bakery will boom with everything you’ll bring back with that training.” 
  Mister Peeta nodded, and though he was still smiling, he didn’t look happy. “Full scholarship ride, and I came up with my own ticket and expenses money from a year’s worth of savings. My mother is really pleased.” 
  For some reason, it didn’t sound like Mrs Mellark was truly pleased. Not for the first time, I thought adults could be so weird when they talked, not saying what they truly meant. 
  Still, Mama and Daddy offered congratulations again and I felt my stomach knot when Mister Peeta spoke again, and for once my eyes were glued to his kind face. 
  “Enough about me. Y’all came in right on time,” Mister Peeta clapped his enormous hands once, “I just pulled a tray of cheese buns out of the oven, and sat them to cool on a rack in the back. Let me go grab y’all some. I heard cheese buns are Miss Katniss’ favorites!” 
  I almost choked at that, and turned my head owlishly to glare at my parents, wondering who’d spilled my secrets behind my back to the handsomest man ever. 
  Mama was already sitting at a table; she was covering her smile behind the gloves she just pulled off her hands, while Daddy rolled his eyes slightly before sliding into the bench with Prim still wrapped around him like a baby Koala. 
  So Mama then. She tattled on me. 
  At Daddy’s behest, I came and sat next to him; Prim on his lap, and all of our coats in the space next to Mama on the opposite side of the half booth. 
  Mister Peeta came back with a tray bearing hot chocolate in white mugs engraved with ‘Mellark’s’, and a dish piled high with pastries. He placed four small plates in front of each of us, and gifted us with one more of his wide, welcoming grins. 
  “Tuck in, Everdeens! Enjoy!” The bell above the door chimed with more customers, but right before he left, mr. Peeta leaned closer to me and suggested, “Dip your bread in the chocolate. Is my favorite snack on cold days like today.” He winked again and I almost fainted.
  He truly was the handsomest man ever! 
  Mama’s smile just widened. She tried to hide it behind her cup of cocoa though, but Daddy let out a noise, like a grudgingly amused grunt of sorts. 
  “Lily,” He warned halfheartedly. 
  Mama looked up at him, wide, blue eyes innocently. “What?” She mumbled.
  “Stop teasing.” He said, sinking his straight teeth into his cheese bun. “She’s too young for crushes. Even on bakers that make amazing cookies and cheese buns. Ain’t that right, Catkin?” Daddy looked at me, arching one bushy eyebrow. 
  I scowled and turned my nose up at the lot of them before tearing chunks of my bun and dunking them in my hot chocolate. At the first bite, I had to admit, the baker was onto something! 
  “I don’t know what y’all are yapping about,” I said haughtily. 
  “There you go,” said Daddy grinning smugly at Mama, “That’s my girl!”
  Mama rolled her eyes and waved us off. “Oh well, it’s just puppy love. She’ll grow out of it soon enough, especially when he’s away in Paris and out of sight.”
  I chewed on my chocolate infused cheese bun, and my eyes lifted to watch mister Peeta bagging a customer’s order, taking payment with a grateful smile. 
  My heart drummed harshly in my chest. 
  I had no idea what the love of puppies had to do with anything, but I found it hard to believe the strange feeling of bubbles popping in my tummy would go away any time soon, even if I didn’t see the baker ever again. 
  My 16th birthday brought me a set of wheels, in the form of my daddy’s ancient but still reliable pick-up truck. But with the wheels, came Daddy’s caveats. 
  “Young lady, if you want to be driving around town, here are the rules,” he stated, “You gotta drive your sister to and from school. No boys—“
  “Or girls!” Interjected Mama, passing to the couch with a bowl of popcorn in hand.
  “Or girls,” Daddy continued glaring at Mama, “Unless Mama or I are in the truck with y’all.” 
  That one earned him a big groan from me, not that I’d planned on having friends ride with me places; after all, Gale had been driving his daddy’s old Jeep for the last two years, and Madge just got a new Volkswagen Beetle for her birthday, despite having failed her driving tests… twice! So we all had our own transportation, thank you very much. 
  “And, you are to keep the tank of the truck at least half full at all times.”
  “Alright. That’s cool—“ I started, but was swiftly interrupted. 
  “What your daddy means is, Sweet pea, you are responsible for your own gas. We won’t pay for it, unless it’s an emergency.” Said Mama delicately, her eyes shifting to Daddy’s for support, which he gave in a curt nod of his graying head.
  “Wait… what?” I stared at them in turn. “You mean I need to come up with my own gas money?” I asked just to clarify. “Even while having to chauffeur Prim around, like I’m a courtesy shuttle driver?” 
  “Lily, our daughter is a genius!” Said Daddy with his goofy dad smirk, “Haven’t I said so a million times before?”
  Mama giggled, “You sure have, Dear. Our Katniss is one bonafide genius!” 
  Truth be told, the prospect of having spending money of my own was actually exciting for me. We lived a decent life, not luxurious like the Undersee’s, or as tight as the Hawthorne’s, but comfortable enough to always have a pocketful of allowance dough; but having my actual money, without having to ask for it or justify why I needed it, was very appealing to me.
  I still groaned at my folks for their exuberance. I didn’t mind working hard; I’ve always helped Daddy doing house work around our place, and never complained about the daily chores imposed by Mama growing up; having an honest to God paying job sounded kind of… liberating. Like I was an adult, instead of a kid. 
  “You should try the shops in town,” Mama suggested. “Something close by that won’t interfere with school—“
  “Or archery club—“ Father chimed in.
  “Or soccer.” Said Prim crossing the room out of nowhere and plopping on the couch next to Mama, to munch on her popcorn. The demand was for her, since I didn’t play the sport. “I can’t miss practice. Rue would have a fit if I get kicked out.”
  “Fine! I’ll go ask around town if anyone needs help.” I made a show of rolling my eyes and shrugging, but inside, my blood quickened with the excitement of my impending job hunt.
  Twenty eight hours later, I was stumbling out of the Sweet’s store in town square, walking backwards and grinning like a lunatic. 
  “Thank you so much, Ms. Donner! Really. You won’t regret it! Thank you again!” I gushed and barely repressed a squeal of excitement, “I’ll see you Monday. Bye!” 
  I had to grab on to the frame of the open door, not to fall on my bottom like an uncoordinated noodle when I tripped on my own feet, and finally pulled myself away from the store front. I turned on my heel and practically skipped down the sidewalk, giggling non-stop. I managed to reel it in and climbed on my truck before pumping the air with my fists in a tiny victory dance. 
  Everything was coming up Katniss, and my spirits soared high! 
  I got myself a job, and while it wasn’t my first option— Mr. Mellark said his bakery was fully staffed at the time— I had effectively secured myself a source of gas money, which was my main concern and the literal driving force behind my job hunt. I counted as a perk, the fact that Mellark’s Bakery was sitting across the square from the Sweet Shop and I was granted an unobstructed view of the front room of the bakery from behind my counter, because watching the Mellark men working was just inspiring. And I meant that in a non creepy way… hopefully.
  I tried not to be as obvious with my crush on Mr. Peeta, but I wasn’t deaf and his mama— dubbed The Witch, by the town youngsters— enjoyed bragging loudly about her successful business, and a good chunk of that came from Peeta’s success as a baker. I pretty much knew anything a nosy sixteen year old girl could know about a guy twenty years her senior, hoarding all kinds of gossip about him like a dragon hoards gold.
  Being only a few years younger than my own father, Mister Peeta graduated from Panem U when I was a toddler. He earned a business degree he’d really never used; then, he went to Paris-France for almost three years, and trained with the best chefs in the pastry business, returning to our small town to open up his own high end patisserie, but since the economy had taken a dive those days and his shop was so new and fancy, he was forced to close up and take over the cakes and pastry side of Mellark’s, until things stabilized for new businesses. Sadly, he never ventured back on his own, which was a downright shame, because the man was a culinary genius and so artistic at that. 
  Currently, he worked weekend’s at Mellark’s while teaching at the Pastry school in Capitol City… not that I was keeping tabs on the man or anything. 
  I was just observant that way… 
  Sort of. 
  Mrs. Mellark liked to boast about things she had no hand in doing, like her youngest son’s accomplishments and success abroad and locally, but she was also a ruthless disparager who couldn’t care less when and where she criticized her sons or husband when something didn’t go her way. The Witch was always going on and on about Mr. Peeta going to France and becoming an expert cake decorator, and teaching pastrity at some hoity-toity culinary school in Capitol City, as if she herself had done it for him, and in the next breath she’d be groaning about how much of an inconvenience to her it was he went overseas for the training. The woman was a hag, but I couldn’t help people in town were so gossipy and when she started with the stories. I just perked up my ears and gobbled up all the information she was sharing. 
  Anyway, my mama’s prediction about my infatuation with Mr. Peeta ending, kind of flopped. The crushed endured all the years between his absence to Europe and his return; it was still going strong even at age sixteen, but I had learned to pine discreetly, surreptitiously sneaking peeks at mister Peeta from a distance and daydream about scenarios where the handsome baker finally noticed me, and we fell madly in love with each other and lived happily ever after in a marzipan house, eating all kinds of bread and cake without ever gaining an ounce of weight… Also, in those scenarios, Mr. Peeta was like ten years younger, and nobody batted an eye at us being together. 
  Of course, I wasn’t delusional. I knew nothing like it would ever happen; after all, Mr. Peeta was nineteen years older than me and devoted to his craft. But dreaming was free, and as long as the fantasies stayed locked in my head, I wasn’t hurting anyone but myself.
  My first Saturday morning working at the Candy shop, I parked in the public parking lot, diagonal to the town square, before opening time. The lot was built adyacente to a few city offices to accommodate anyone running errands downtown, like paying their license tags, filing taxes, getting permits of miscellaneous natures, or simply taking a stroll around the square at dusk, licking on a frozen treat from the ice cream parlor or having dinner at the pizza place. It wasn’t too much of a stretch to park there if one worked in one of the mom-and-pop shops littering the picturesque merchant center of Panem. 
  I could’ve used the designated parking spaces on the road behind the sweets store, but there was a humongous dumpster next to ours, and Ms. Donner hadn’t given me a key to the back door yet, so even if the threadbare upholstery of my truck wasn’t threatening to absorb the stench of the whole neighborhood’s trash, there wasn’t any benefit to me parking there. 
  I yawned dispassionately tossing my keys in the new purse Prim gave me when I announced I’d found a job, because according to her, I was now a grown-up and needed a proper purse instead of my ratty messenger bag, that honestly had seen better days. I swept the bag off the bench and slammed the door shut without bothering to lock it. There was nothing in the cab worth stealing; everyone knew me and my folks, we were just another run of the mill middle class family, without any wealth to our names. 
  “Ouch!” A velvety, deep voice spoke from a little ways over, and my whole body went rigidly straight. “Shouldn’t treat your steed so harshly, Hunter. I don’t think old Francine appreciates it.” 
  I turned on my heels and peered at Mr. Peeta trying to keep myself from screeching in a panic or something equally embarrassing. 
  The man was just straightening up from retrieving a chef jacket from the back seat of what I surmised was his car, and lifted his gaze in my direction with a slight smirk on his lips that quickly fell off, giving way to a confused expression, as his bright, blue eyes fixed on mine. “You ain’t Hunter,” he mumbled, squinting a little.
  To his credit, it had been a while since he saw me last, despite me keeping tabs on him and stealing glances when I could. He had no reason to seek me out or anything, plus he was a busy man, always in the back room of the bakery working his pastillage gifts. Then again… ‘Francine’— my daddy’s former ‘89 F150– was like forever linked to Hunter Everdeen’s persona or something.
  “Katniss?” Mr. Peeta frowned, like fog was slowly lifting from his mind and vague recognition finally set in, making my heart lurch and beat unbearably fast. 
  I nodded mutely, but soon I answered a spastic, “Morning, mister Peeta. How do you do?” My mama hadn’t drilled sixteen years worth of relentless Southern hospitality for me to stay silent for long. I hesitated a second and trudged along without giving him a chance to respond, scowling at the ground, “Francine, she’s sturdy,” I chance a glance at his face, “But you’re right, she’s too old to be treated poorly. I’ll make sure to be gentler with her in the future.”
  Mr. Peeta arched his eyebrows, as if surprised by my mere voice. He tugged the collar of his plain white t-shirt, and then huffed a chuckle. 
  “Little Miss Katniss is driving now,” he said with a rueful shake of his head. He eyed me curiously, “Well, I guess you’re not little anymore. But wow! What a way to humble a man about his old age.” A deep chuckle rumbled in his chest, making me shift in place in mild arousal.
  He draped his chef’s shirt over his forearm and closed his car door softly. “I have no words to describe how I feel, discovering young Katniss Everdeen is old enough to drive Francine,” He tsked at his boots, but his smile made his eyes crinkle in the corners. “End of an era… for me at least. Beginning of a new one for you, I supposed.” He smiled self deprecatingly. 
  My face burned and my chest tightened at his words, not sure if I felt elation or embarrassment. 
  “Oh… you ain’t old, sir.” I waved him off, still scowling for no good reason. 
  Mr. Peeta laughed. “You’re too kind, Miss Katniss, but my I.D. disagrees. Plus, knowing you’re old enough to drive is a sobering thought.” He smiled kindly again. 
  “I turned sixteen a week and a half ago. Daddy gave me the truck for passing my driving test.” I volunteered without prompting.
  “Neat! Spring baby, then. Makes sense. Suits you.” Mr. Peeta smiled, and I got incredibly shy, excited and happy at his short words.
  “Yeah, May 8th.” I offered softly, “That’s me. Spring baby.” 
  “As I said, it suits you. I’m a wintry kid myself, so I try to be extra warm to counteract any cold disposition I might have.” He said, checking his watch. 
  I panicked slightly; I knew time was closing in, and I’d be dismissed soon, so I blurted out the first thing that popped into my head. “What brings you out here so early on a Saturday morning, anyway?”
  Mr. Peeta cocked his head sideways and glanced at me curiously. “Work.” He said in an amused, lilting tone. He lifted his arm to point at his chef uniform laid neatly folded. 
  I clamped my mouth immediately, to prevent any other ‘brilliant’ questions might escape. 
  Mr. Peeta smirked, probably realizing what a dork I was. “How about you? It’s awfully early for a kid to be downtown.” His face took a distant quality for his next words. “When I was your age, my mother would beat me out of bed for my Saturday shifts at the bakery… all I wanted to do was lay in bed until noon, you know. But, baker’s hours aren’t exactly flexible.” 
  My whole face twisted at that tidbit of information. I couldn’t read his emotion about his comment, which bothered me somehow. I started talking just because I disliked the way his face turned blank. 
  “I’m a morning person myself.” I shrugged. But my folks made me get a job so I could finance my gas addiction,” I was smuggly pleased when the baker started laughing heartily at my silly joke. It felt nice, knowing I said something he found funny. “Anyway, I’m working too. At Ms. Donner’s shop.”
  “Nice! Good taffy. Did old Maysilee offer to pay you in candy? I swear she did that to my brother, Bannock, one summer he decided to give another shop a try. ” He said conversationally, activating the alarm of his car. 
  “Oh, gosh!” I laughed, “No, she offered to give me a check every two weeks.” Then I looked at him dead in the eye, “Now the Christmas bonuses, those are in candy.” 
  We both laughed at that 
  Mr. Peeta nodded. “Well, Miss Katniss, I won’t keep you much longer, but if you need anything… a cheese bun for example,” He winked, putting my heart a flutter again, “Don’t hesitate to come in!” 
  With that, he started walking towards the narrow street behind the row of shops, no doubt heading to the back door of the bakery. 
  “Bye, Mister Peeta!” I croaked out belatedly. 
  Peeta waved over his shoulder. 
  All I could think after the encounter was how wrong my parents had been about my “puppy love” being a passing crush. 
Josh Hurcherson starred in Bridge to Terabithia, which came out in February of 2007. To this day, I can’t watch that movie without bawling my eyes out. Everyone should see it!
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darth-el · 4 years
As If!
Pairing: Steve x Reader Warnings: Underage drinking and weed A/N: Thank you so much for this request. The reader is meant to be like Cher from Clueless (which gave me reason to watch the film again and it’s one of my all time favourites). The title doesn’t reflect the story itself, I just couldn’t fit that iconic line in the story unfortunately. I hope you enjoy and feedback is always welcomed. 
You considered yourself to have a way normal life for a teenage girl. You would go to school, see your friends, and go to parties. Your parties however had always been talk of the school since you were in middle school. Your dad was one of the top plastic surgeons, and your mom was a singer before you were born. They didn't meet how people always thought they did. Your dad was a huge fan of your mom's and went to a concert of hers and managed to talk his way into getting backstage. The rest was history. Due to your upbringing and your parents, your life was far removed from normal.
Your life was destroyed when your parents revealed to you that they were getting a divorce and your mom would be moving to the small town she grew up in, and you would be living with her. Your whole life was ripped out from under you. Your dad insisted that he would be helping you anyway possible with money and you could have anything you wanted. Except to live with him. You couldn't be the new girl, how could you be popular and put that to good use when no one knew you.
The town was small, the only saving grace was that your new house was even nicer than your childhood home. The swimming pool needed some work to it though if you wanted to throw your amazing pool parties.  Something you decided to do the weekend after your first day at school, if you were going to make an entrance and an impression that was the way to do it. You just had to somewhat improvise with what you had. You spent almost an entire summer unpacking everything and talking your mom about what you wanted for the house and she agreed to get some work done on the pool. You both wanted a waterfall that you could sunbathe on the rocks next to it. You both agreed to have a jungle like theme for the garden with half the art collection from the divorce amongst it. It wasn't going to look sterile like your old house, it was going to be like an oasis in the middle of this town. This for her was a fresh start, but in familiar surroundings.
You joined the school about a week after the official starting date due to all the work needed on the house, you wanted it to be perfect before you started. Starting a week later than everyone made you nervous, but that didn't mean couldn't look good. For your first day you decided to wear a light pink and grey tartan skirt, matching jacket, and a white crop top underneath. You matched your crop top with your shoes. Around your neck was a 1910's pearl and diamond necklace which was your grandmother's who gave it to you when you were fourteen because you would get more use out of it than her now. You let your hair be natural for that day as well. You didn't want to be a traitor to your generation, but you didn't understand the “more the better” attitude when it came to anything fashion. You preferred to be uncluttered, and you highly doubted that Parisians would be walking around in half the stuff you saw just driving to the school itself.
You got out the car and you saw all eyes are on you, which was understandable as you had the nicest car in the lot. You smiled to yourself as you locked your car and strutted into the school which gained a few wolf whistles, triggering an eye roll from you. You liked the attention, but you vowed never to date a high school boy.
You received your schedule and was taken to the class that you had at that time, which happened to be English.
“Another one for you.” The curt receptionist said as she almost pushed you into the classroom.
“Ahh, you must be Miss Y/L/N.” Your teacher furrowed his brows, hoping he was correct.
“That's me,” You beamed a smile at him trying to swallow your nerves. “Where shall I sit?” Without thinking you started to twist your hair in fingers, something you always did when you tried to get what wanted, mainly from your dad and teachers when you weren't happy with your grades.
“There's one right there.” The teacher smiled gesturing to the only available seat, looking somewhat flustered by you and your confidence. You sat down in the seat and as you focused on the class you couldn't help but notice a guy who was just in your peripherals keep staring at you. You glanced at him slightly, and he wasn't bad looking at all. He was actually quite cute. You shoot him a flirtatious smile and looked away, knowing exactly how you were going to handle this. You leaned forward in your seat trying to focus on the teacher, but you could feel his eyes on you still.
You were thankful when the bell rang for lunch, you were starving as you overslept and had to skip breakfast. You made your way outside to find somewhere to sit in the sun, but there wasn't anywhere. For a school that had a forest line it's grounds it wasn't that green. Your old school which was in the middle of a city had more fields than this. You sighed and decided to sit in the cafeteria and you couldn't make out if the smell was some serious health code violations or the food. You were sitting on your own eating your salad and reading a copy of Vogue when a voice came up behind you. “You're sitting at our table.” The voice sounded dominant. You turned around and there was a gang of people standing around you.
“There is room.” You said nonchalantly still eating your lunch flicking through your magazine trying to gain some inspiration. The red haired girl who spoke huffed and sat down next to you as did the others.
“You're the new girl right.” Another red haired asked as she looked down at her food with disgust on her face.
“I'm Y/N.” You said in a cheerful tone, the first red haired girl rolled her eyes.
“I don't care.” The first girl scoffed as she swallowed her food.
“I wasn't speaking to you was I?” You raised an eyebrow at her with a smirk on your face. She was the epitome of every wannabe in your school. She thought she was the queen, but in reality no one liked her. You finished your lunch and snapped your magazine shut and smiled at her in a sarcastic way because strutting off again. You looked back and noticed the guys were drooling over you, including what you guessed to be the girl's boyfriend as she elbowed him in the ribs to make him stop staring.
“These workouts are great,” Your mom exclaimed as you made your way to the living room and she was sitting on the sofa in the living room with a glass of wine in hand and eating chocolates with a video workout playing on TV. You could tell she lasted about five minutes. “I think you should start doing them.” She quipped holding the wine glass precariously it actually made you worried that she was going to spill it everywhere.
“I do.” You huffed slightly offended as when you last weighed yourself you lost five pounds and she didn't notice. You decided before you did anything else to go for swim as you needed to de-stress. You laid by the pool to dry off and you could feel yourself falling asleep under the setting sun. You woke up when the sun had set and the pool lights illuminated the garden softly. You made your way into the house and you noticed there was an empty bottle of wine on the kitchen counter. There was a note next to it telling you leftovers were in the fridge and that she had gone out for the night. You missed your family dinners, you realised while holding the empty bottle and twisting it in your hands that your dad was the backbone of the family. You heated up the leftovers and made yourself comfortable at the breakfast bar and ate staring out into the empty house. It was beautiful, but it wasn't home.
Next day you started to put your plan into action. If you were going to thrive here, you weren't going to lose yourself. You were going to remain as the human embodiment of sunshine. You carefully selected your wardrobe for that day and decided to go with dress that was more lingerie. You also bought yourself some chocolates to give yourself to make you seem desirable. You already knew how desirable you were, you just had to make others see it.
You got to class early and placed the chocolates on your desk with a little note that you had you written yourself, you sat in your seat as the class piled in. You read the note acting all coy at what you had written, opened the chocolates and ate one as you smiled at the guy from the day before. He shifted in his seat slightly smiling. You leaned over and tapped him on the shoulder which got his attention and offered him one. He perked up a lot and chose one of your favourites.
“Thank you madam.” He smirked slightly at saying this as he bit into the chocolate.
“You're very welcome,” You winked at him. “So I'm new to town and I was thinking of throwing a pool party this weekend,” Your voice was sickly sweet, but it piqued his interest.
“Go on,” He said still smirking and went to take another chocolate which made you slowly snatch the box away teasing him slightly.
“I was wondering who would want to come.” You took a bite of another chocolate.
“I know I will.” He winked back at you.
“Great.” You beamed a smile and offered him another chocolate and he took the last one of your favourite which made you pout slightly, you could see this amused him. For the rest of the lesson you decided to flirt with him from afar, by shooting him flirtatious smiles, caressing your any of your exposed skin because when guys see skin, they think about being naked, which makes them think of sex. You also did anything you could to draw attention to your mouth.
The end of the day came and you grabbed the rest of the books you needed for that night, as you closed your locker you saw the guy from your English class leaning on the lockers next yours.
“I've just realised I never introduced myself,” He had a slightly cocky smile on his face as he ran his fingers through his hair. “I'm Steve,”
“I'm Y/N.” You looked up at him and you felt the rule of not dating high school boys go out the window.
“I know,” He cocked his head to the side as he admired you which made you blush slightly. You were used to the attention, but it was never from someone you found attractive. You could feel the butterflies in your stomach. “I've found a couple of people who would like to come to your party,” You raised your eyebrow at this waiting for him to elaborate. “Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers...” He stopped mid-sentence as he realised that was it. You giggled and decided you were going to dedicate your night to making flyers as you couldn't have only three people turn up.
Over the course of the week you handed out pastel pink flyers for your party, you quickly became the talk of the school as you were a mystery and was about to throw their first high school party in Hawkins. Saturday came and you spent the entire afternoon preparing your party, you had expensive alcohol, you were looking good yourself, and the music was good. You started dancing as you went through the songs, which was disrupted by your mom.
“Sweetie, I'm going to Indianapolis for the night, some business has cropped up there.” Your mom called out to you as she picked up her suitcase and left for the night. Business either meant trying to revive her career or the man she met the week before.
Steve was the first one to show up, he kind of looked like a lifeguard to you which led you down a rabbit hole of fantasies.
“Is fashionably early a thing now?” You teased him slightly with a cute voice, trying not to let him know you were fantasising about him.
“I'm going to make it a thing.” He laughed as you let him in admiring your house and taking in his surroundings.
“Pool is out the back,” You gave a look which said “of course it's out back where else would it be?” Steve gave you a salute as he made his way out to the back. “I'm going up to get changed.” You shouted and he gave you two very enthusiastic thumbs up.
The party was in full swing, the sun was out. The music was blaring and everyone was enjoying themselves. You were sitting on a sun lounger enjoying a glass of champagne. “I'd like to introduce you to our host.” You heard Steve's voice approaching. You looked at him as he led a guy and girl over to you.
“Nancy, Jonathan, this is Y/N.” He gestured to you in a dramatic way. The two smiled at you feeling awkward.
“Steve told me about you,” You got up and offered them a drink, Nancy accepted but Jonathan politely declined. “He implied you were the only two worth inviting,” You giggled as you went to get Nancy her drink. You could see Nancy and Jonathan giving Steve a knowing look. You could tell they were talking about you. You walked back out with a skip in your step and handed Nancy her drink. “What you talking about?” Your smile was innocent as your twirled your hair in your fingers. Steve started blushing and stumbling over his words.
“N-n-nothing.” Steve stammered while Nancy and Jonathan were trying to stifle their laughter looking at each other.
The party went into the night and people were either passed out or playing party games. You sat with your legs in the pool drinking a frozen cocktail. You felt hands on your shoulders which made you jump and Steve sat down next to you. “The party is inside,” He teased leaning back on his arms with a joint in his hand. You pinched the joint out of his hand and had a puff on it.“I didn't realised you smoked.” He laughed and you could feel him move closer to you.
“Only at parties.” You weren't sure if it was the alcohol or just the general atmosphere but you felt a sudden urge to kiss Steve, before you could even think any more about it you felt Steve's hands on the back of your neck and pulling you in for a kiss. His lips were soft and tasted like the expensive alcohol you bought for the party. You ran your hands through his hair which had so much hairspray in it. You tugged at it as he bit your lip. You could feel him smile into the kiss as he deepened it. You broke away still being able to taste the alcohol from his lips.
“What are you doing next weekend?” He sighed happily stroking the back your neck gently. You rested your forehead on his.
“Whatever you have planned, I'm yours.” You rested your hand on his cheek and gave him another soft kiss.
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futurewriter2000 · 5 years
Love Me Like A Sister ~ pt. 1
A/N: Okay, so this wasn’t requested or anything but it was just an idea that popped in my head. I didn’t much work on it because I’m trying to get rid of my stupid writer’s block where everything I write makes me wanna tear my eyeballs out when I reread it. So, I’m just going to post it...
Sisters. It was definetly the oddest bond between two people. And being twins with the brightest witches in the whole schools was hard to compete with. Hermione was the brains, you were the trouble. 
“Come on, sis!” you threw yourself on the sofa where she sat with her friends. “It’s just a party.”
“Party?” Ron furrowed his eyebrows. “Party where?”
“Place that should not be named.” you teased and too the book from your sisters hands and throwing it on the desk. “You never go to these things. They’re fun.”
“I have better things to do than be at a party. Especially if it’s in Slytherin.” she glared at you grabbed her book back.
“Slytherin?” Ginny looked at you with a small glint of dislike.
“Ginny don’t look at me like that.” you pointed finger at her. “I know you guys hate it but it’s- OH FRED! GEORGE! TWINSIES!” you shouted and waved your hand at them.
“What’s up, (y/n)?” Fred grinned as he sat on the arm rest next to you. 
“Come with me to the Slytherin partaaay?” you shook your shoulders but they only grimaced.
“Slytherins? Really not popular among them.” said George. “You know...”
“Because of the kss kss.” teased Fred and stood up, walking away.
“Wusses!” you shouted after them and jumped on your feet as well. “Well, I’m not going to miss on good time because you’re all too prideful to... you know...miss on good time.” you winked at them and gave them a hang-loose hand sign.
If anybody only knew how much it changed since that party. Your sister especially. 
“Hey, Hemmi.” you wrapped your arms around your sister and sat beside her. 
“Oh my God. You reek of alcohol- and what’s with sunglasses.” she took away your sunglasses and saw just how red your eyes truly were. “Look at you! You’re completely drunk!” 
“Shhh.” you grabbed the sunglasses and put them on your head. “Yell it through the whole castle grounds, will you.” 
“Did you even sleep?” Harry asked as he took a closer look at you.
“No.” you let out a drunked laugh. “One second it’s yesterday and the next- poof- morning.” you continued to giggle and Hermione stood up. She grabbed your arm and lifted you up.
“Come on. You’re going back to our dorms. I’ll tell McGonagall you’re sick.” she sighed and pulled you with her. 
“Hey!” you removed your arm from her and glared at her. “I can take care of myself.” 
“Oh, really?” she scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest. 
“Yeah. Really.” you glared back. “Don’t act like you’re my mother.” you knocked her shoulder and walked away. 
 It wasn’t when classes were over and lunch began when you reappeared. You were dressed differently, washed hair and pinned in a tight bun with a few strands fallen from the sides. 
“Is that your sister, Hermione?” Ron pointed his finger towards the Ravenclaw table where a pack of students in blue robes stood up and cheered you on. You joined them for lunch. Though you looked showered and tidied, Harry could still see the exhausten in your eyes. God knows he saw them in the mirror way too many times not to notice.
“What?” Ginny looked confused. “I thought she hated Ravenclaws. Too smart for their own good.” 
“Nah.” Harry brushed his hand. “She just hated the fact they always pretended to be smarter than us.” 
“How do you know that?” Ron asked, furrowing his eyes.
“Yeah. How excatly do you know this?” Hermione watched him more with irritation than confusion as Ron. “You spending time with her.”
“We talk- here and there.” Harry mumbled. “I mean, she is in our house and she is your sister.” 
“Well, I suppose that’s true.” Hermione let her guard down again. “It’s just... you don’t know what it’s like with her. Having a sister I mean.”
“I know plenty.” Ron rolled his eyes and deserved an apple at his chest. “Hey!” 
“Is this supposed to mean something, Ron!” Ginny grew red but Ron only flushed in his seat. 
“Not like that, Ron. Having her for a sister.” she mumbled really quietly. “It’s embarassing.” she said even quieter, making everybody shut up and look at her, than later at you on the Ravenclaw table.
But you weren’t really embarassing. At least from where they were sitting. To Harry you were just laughing with students from another house. You were looking normal, happy. 
And as if you felt his eyes on you, you looked his way and caught his eyes. He smiled gently and you returned the smile. You always liked Harry. Not because he was the Chosen One or the Boy Who Lived but because from all Hermione’s friends, he was the nicest and kindest towards you. 
“So, what do you say?” one of the Ravenclaws nudged you and you looked up at him. 
“Party? On the Quidditch field but you can only invite a few. Not your sister though. She’s a tattle tail.” 
“She’s cool.” you smiled at them. “Just a bit nerdy.” you continued and nudged him playfully. “But I think I’m done for a party this week. My head is pounding from last night.” 
“Come on, (y/n).” he batted his eyelashes at you. “It’s fun.”
“I slept for three hours today. I’m not recharged.” 
“You can even bring your sister.” he continued to be persistent.
“Come on, (y/n). There’ll be boys.” another Ravenclaw nudged you a bit, smiling at you with her pearly teeth.
“I think she means there’ll be one out of many boys you would like to see. Me.” the other Ravenclaw boasted.
“In your wildest dreams, Halsey.” you stood up and slung your bag over your shoulder. “Well, at least I should get some sleep if I won’t get it at night.” you did the same hand gesture at them; extending your thumb and your pinky finger while holding the three middle fingers curled. You rotated your hand forwards and backwards, smiling as you left. 
Every month passed and you started to have more friends than ever. Friends? Could you even call them friends? They just knew you and you knew them. And since that party, you have became some sort of popular, which you enjoyed at the begining but it started to become so tiring. It came with so many privilages but you sacrificed so much because of it. 
Oh course, Halsey, who was now your boyfriend, helped you with your studying, which used to be your sister’s job. You had a learning disability, which wasn’t something to be ashamed of, but you were. You didn’t want people to know you couldn’t remember things faster, read faster, think faster. Halsey was kind enough to help you with it. He was patient with you. Honestly, he was the perfect boyfriend. He was charming, funny, kind, patient, positive and popular, just like you. Yet still you haven’t felt you were experiancing love with him. And you wanted to know that feeling more than any. Yes, you cared for Halsey and there were butterflies at the beginning but now it was mostly... not it.
Gryffindors despised you. You were basically the outsider in your own House. Even your roomates didn’t like you anymore, calling you a traitor to their house. It was awful feeling like the Black Sheep. 
It was always like that. Even with Hermione. Since the two of you were kids she was always exceeding and you were always behind. It was so irritating being compared to her that it made you act out. A kid who couldn’t keep up with her twin sister. Trying to catch up and never being enough. Always being the burdain in the family. 
But she always thought she was smarter than you, thinking she was doing everybody a favor. That’s why you were stuck in this horrible, dusty room from which you could occasionally hear a woman cursing.
“GOD FUCKING JUST SHUT HER UP!” you came down-stairs, seeing as Professor Lupin and Sirius Black tried to cover up the portrait of the old woman. 
“Trust us. We tried everythng to shut her up.” Sirius grumbled as he contiued to cover her up but the woman’s eyes darted towards you and she gasped.
“Stupefy!” you shot at her red light but it hadn’t done a thing. She only looked down on her chest where you shot her at and continued to shout.
“Evanesco!” you shouted and all of a sudden the portrait disappeared. 
Sirius and Remus looked at you with shock and kept their mouth agape. “How did you-”
“How did I not think of this?” Sirius cut him off, beaming at you. “I like you already.” 
“Thanks but she won’t stay disappeared for long. It’s still a strong charm and dark magic isn’t easy to just- poof.” you snapped your fingers.
“How do you know it’s dark magic?” Remus asked.
“How could you not? It’s a) The Black family- no offense.” you turned to Sirius.
“None taken. I agree with you.”
“And b) The portrait was clearly made in late 1970.” you tried to explain but they only watched at you confused. “That means that the frame if you haven’t noticed from the same decade and if you read anything in history books, there was a family, distant related to the Black family- can’t remember their name at the moment- but they are known for their Dark magic craftwork. You would think, of course, that it could be just a permenant sticking charm but the frame is way too filled with dark magic to use a permanent sticking charm. So, the portrait is stuck in the frame and the frame is stuck on the wall but not because of the charm but because Dark magic. Sorry, Black but you’re underestimating your mother. She was smarter than use a permanent sticking charm. That’s why the blwing up a wall plan didn’t work.” you pointed at the burnt wallpaper up where the magic didn’t work anymore. 
“You really are a Granger.” Remus beamed but you only rolled your eyes and left down for breakfast, furthest away from your sister, making that the closest seat next to Harry. 
“You’re awake.” Harry smiled. “Where’s the usual sleep-in-late?” 
“Awoken by the devil, you could say.” you smiled and  leaned your head on his shoulder. “So tired.” you yawned and sat back up-straight, ignoring the ugly glares Ginny, Ron and Mrs. Weasley gave you. 
You knew they didn’t like you much. Ginny because you were lways too close to Harry, Ron becasue you kept hanging out with other houses, Slytherin included and Mrs. Weasley, who was always on Ginny’s side.
“I didn’t know you’ll be joining us.” said Mrs. Weasley. “Always sleeping till noon.” 
“Well, removing that portrait is taking a lot more time than I thought.” you said casually, grabbing yourself a piece of bread.
“Removing?” Hermione quickly turned to you, furrowing her eyebrwos.
“Well, yeah. I can’t bare her mouth always shouting.” you rolled your eyes. 
“Why?” Ginny asked.
“Well, if anything I love more than sleep, it’s definetly a good puzzle.” you winked.
“But it’s a permanent sticking charm.” Hermione kept looking at you with that famous look of hers..
“No. It’s not.” you replied.
“It’s dark magic.” Sirius came into the kitchen with Remus and sat beside you. “She’s a real smartie pants. Figured out the whole thing.” he put his hand on your shoulder. 
“Yeah, right.” Ginny scoffed, exchanging glances with Hermione and sniggering.
“What is that supposed to mean, Ginny?” you put your bread down and continued to glare.
“It’s just that everybody knows that you- you know... have a learning disability.” Ginny smirked and you felt your whole heart sink down to your stomach. “Your brain can’t- you know- function properly.” she continued while everybody around you just stared, even the boy next to you. 
You turned your eyes to Hermione who was looking shamefully away from you. “You told her?!” you stood up and slammed your fist on the table. “That I can’t “function properly” . “ you made air quotes while fat tears rolled down your eyes. 
“I only told her that you can’t process things faste-”
“THAT IS NOT YOUR SECRET TO TELL, HERMIONE!” you shouted on the top of your lungs. “Just like it wasn’t to erase mom’s and dad’s memory without even talking to me! I’m not dumb Hermione! And you’re not all smart! You clearly have no idea how to be a sister!” you continued before turning your eyes to Ginny. “And if my brain can’t function properly, like you say, how can I still have better marks then you. Guess, your the one with disfunctional brain. “ you snarled and stormed out from the kitchen. You went up stairs to the room you were staying, grabbed a small rucksack and threw some things in it before grabbing your coat as well and making your way out of this bloody house. 
But before you could even reach for the doorknow, strong arms wrapped around you and pulled you away. “Sorry, darling. You can’t do that.” 
“LET GO OF ME!” you shouted at the curly haired man, trying to twist your way out of his grip. 
“(y/n), I’m sorry!” Hermione cried when she came to your eyesight.
“Sorry is not gonna cut it!”
“I’m your sister!”
“For long as I know. I don’t have a sister.” you were finally freed from his grip, you spit in front of your sister and kicked Sirius Black in the balls. Your hand reached for the door knob and you were already half outside.
“(Y/n)!” Harry’s voice came begging. “Please, don’t do this.” 
You turned around with your eyes stuck on his and for a moment there was a genuine thought of doing what he said. One small thought of running to his arms and sob all the sorrown and pain you kept hiding inside. 
But that was her family...not yours. 
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vertanimeni · 4 years
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the ice will start to break, the day will fade away (1/18)
“Have you heard? The Elephant of Caocin has committed high treason!”
From Trikru’s most reputable war hero to Trikru’s most wanted traitor, Kova found themselves stripped of their titles and trapped between a clan that wants them dead and a camp of invaders - the same ones who kidnapped and tortured their brother.
But Kova was willing to do anything to stay alive and keep their family together.
Pairing: Bellamy/Grounder OC
Word Count: 3,727
TW: Canon typical violence/sparring
A/N: Hi hi! After some convincing from my friends, I decided to post this series here :D I’ve already finished with season 1 and half of season 2, I’m just in the middle of re-writing and editing. If you’re reading through my blog, the read more does not show up due to Tumblr’s new formatting, so please click on the post itself. I’ll be updating every other day at 12pm EST. Anyways, hope you enjoy it!
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i. introduction.
“Have you heard? The Elephant of Caocin is visiting today!”
Overnight, there had been a sudden burst of rain, the clouds traveling east to west, with winds strong enough to blow down a few unfortunate tents that hadn’t been nailed properly, leaving the training camp well soaked and muddy. Just as this rain had swept across the training camp, so did the excited whispers of a special visitor.
“The Elephant of Caocin?”
“Who could’ve convinced Kova, goufa kom Olisia, to come visit our little camp?”
“Ah, I heard Lincoln, goufa kom Eli, will also be visiting today!”
“I thought they were both still in seclusion? Who invited them?”
“The Chief herself, of course! After all, Kova was once under Chief Indra’s wing before Mount Caocin happened, so of course they would visit their teacher!”
The camp continued to gossip, even as each warrior went through their usual morning ritual — breakfast, free time/socialize, stretch, and prep for class. Excited and enveloped in their gossip, no one noticed the unfamiliar warrior walking through their camp, wearing the standard Trikru training uniform, and a silver necklace bearing the weight of an identification tag clinking against their chest. Five black circles, tattooed on their dark skin, followed their right cheekbone.
This training camp only held adult warriors — those above 18 who wanted to continue training — so, naturally they were already used to heavy training, even in the absolute worst weather, even on slippery, muddy ground.
That didn’t stop a few of them from complaining.
“Idan, you best hurry up, or you’ll be late.”
“There’s no way they’re expecting us to train today, right?” One warrior by the name of Idan whined loudly, sitting with a group of friends on an upside down bucket. “It’s sooooo humid out, I’m already sweating and I haven’t even put on my training armor!” Idan’s hands tried to form some sort of doable hairstyle, but with their tight curls mixed with the humidity? It was out of the question.
They hadn’t noticed the gasps from the table, nor the sounds of respecting an elder or a warrior of higher ranking — thumps of fists against chests. Idan dropped their arms with another frustrated groan and, with a loud sigh, dramatically spread themselves across the table. Their friends snickered and laughed around them. “Why are you laughing at me, I’m right!”
“You are.” A deep, smooth voice came from behind, but before Idan could do anything, they felt fingers run through their hair, dragging the coils into neat braids. Idan hummed contentedly for a moment before sitting up, leaning their chin against their hand, and turning to greet a fellow warrior.
Instead, their gaze met with sharp, dark eyes, yet not unkind. They immediately caught sight of the five black circles trailing across the warrior’s cheekbone, but even Idan was no fool — they knew that was the mark of the Elephant of Caocin!
Idan jolted, their elbow slipping off the table. They almost smashed their chin against the edge if they hadn’t caught themselves in time. They stood up immediately, head going dizzy with the unpleasant weather, bucket sent flying, and slammed their fist against their own chest, bowing deeply. “The Elephant of Caocin! My apologies for not greeting you properly! And for complaining in front of you! And for—!”
They heard a snort. Not from their friends behind them, but rather in front of them! Idan gathered the courage to raise their eyes, only to find the Elephant of Caocin pressing the back of their fingers to their mouth, trying to bite back a full blown laugh.
“It’s alright.” The Elephant of Caocin said, their fingers lightly grazing over the warrior’s shoulder, a signal for them to stand up straight. “When I was training at your age, I would complain of the same thing. Isn’t that right, Zoya, Zandara?”
“Yup! Kova here was the biggest complainer at this camp during our time!” Two warriors from the group of friends piped up, each with their own wide grin. Idan wasn’t too familiar with them, but it was quite obvious with just a glance that they were sisters.
“But,” Idan turned back to Kova, a surprised look on their face. “If I could sneak up and scare you like that, then I suggest you train extra hard today. Yes?”
“Of course!” They squeaked out, slamming their fist against their chest and bowing once more. “In fact, I’ll start now!” Without another word, Idan ran off in the direction of the main training grounds, and their other friends followed with a quick bow towards Kova.
“Oh, what a shame.” Kova commented pitifully, shaking their head. “I was going to recommend them Ona’s place. That man can work wonders with hair.”
“Hah!” Zoya cackled as she and Zandara slipped their shinguards underneath their pants. “You always hated going to Ona’s!”
“As much as he can work wonders, his wonders are too painful.” Kova grimaced slightly, rubbing their fingers against their scalp. “I thought I would go bald by the time I reach 30.” The sisters laughed, Zandara accidentally knocking their equipment to the floor. “I’ve been thinking about booking an appointment one of these days, seeing as I’ll be here for a while.”
“Oooh,” Zandara raised an eyebrow. “Is that a potential promotion I hear?”
“I certainly hope not.” Kova answered truthfully, a grim smile on their face. “But with the Chief, you never know.”
“Please,” Zoya scoffed, “with everything you’ve done for this clan? I’m surprised they didn’t promote you right after Mount Caocin. I bet we’ll be calling you Chief Kova in a week, tops.”
“I give it three days!”
While the two sisters laughed and placed bets, Kova’s face turned stoic, their once good mood turning sour. ’It always came back to the mountain.’
“Oh, by the way, your brother is visiting too, I hear.” Zandara mentioned casually. “Although, something tells me you knew about that.”
The corner of Kova’s lips twitched.
“Yup, knew it. There was no way Chief could get you to come visit unless he was here.” Zandara grinned before jutting her head, motioning behind Kova. “He’s over there.”
Kova turned away without hesitation. “I’ll see you two later.”
“Yup, see you!”
They walked off without another word. Lincoln was talking with a small group, something about how the stars can help you find your way home, and Kova chose to stand behind him, his tall frame easily covering them from the group so they didn’t scare them off by accident.
Eventually, he wrapped up the discussion. Before he turned around, he felt fingers stab at his ribs. His body startled, but before he could do anything, he felt an arm around his shoulder. Kova pulled him down to their height, basically bending him at the waist. The two stumbled forward. “A-Lin!”
His eyes softened at the sound of his sibling’s voice. “A-Ko. It’s been a while.” His smile had always gentle and reassuring. The two hadn’t seen one another in a few weeks — not since their last self regulated break from seclusion. Kova released him from their grip, their lips forming a genuine smile in return.
Yet somehow, Lincoln saw right through it. (Every. Single. Time.) They noticed his eyebrows furrow first, and they mentally groaned at the thought of him worrying over them again. Before they could say anything, he placed a hand on their shoulder. “I can tell from that look on your face. Were they talking about it again?”
They hesitated, but eventually nodded, their eyes avoiding his. “Yup, just like any other time I’m recognized. The mountain follows behind.”
Kova was familiar with his breathing patterns at this point in their lives. The sigh Lincoln released was a particular one - one that always came with the subject of the mountain. He would take in a deep breath, hold it for just a second, and let it all out, as if letting out all his frustrations into one exhale. As if that sigh was all the time he had to think of a response or distraction that wouldn’t set Kova off. 
This time, instead of responding, he let a small smile appear on his face, one with a look of endearment as his heavy hands landed on the top of their head.
He chose distraction. Well, Kova didn’t mind playing into his games. Without another word, they lightly pushed at his chest. “Stop that.”
“Stop what?”
They sent him an all too familiar look, one of fake annoyance. “I grew like… 2 centimeters in the past year, fuck off, I’m not that short.”
“You’ll always be short to me.” Lincoln couldn’t help but laugh, visibly relaxing now that he knew Kova’s mental state wasn’t falling into a hole. “Come, let us find the Chief.”
Chief Indra, to Kova’s surprise, had greeted them with a rare smile, pride shining in her eyes. It seemed she no longer held resentment or aggravation towards the siblings, as she once did two years ago, when the two returned from the war. The Chief told them that they would have to have a serious conversation later, once training was over, about their place with the warriors of Trikru.
“But for now,” she sent the two siblings a smirk, “won’t you two join our training session today?”
Before Lincoln could think about opening his mouth to disagree, Kova said, “I don’t see why not.”
“Then I will see you two on the field.” The Chief gave the two a knowing look before stepping away.
Leave it to Lincoln to show his concern through a weary gaze and raised eyebrows. Kova couldn’t help but laugh lightly. “If you weren’t here, I would’ve said no. But you’re here, I’m here, I missed fighting with you, and… I’ve been getting better at controlling myself.”
His jaw tensed slightly, barely noticeable, even to Kova. He nodded, acknowledging their words. “Then, let’s go get ready.”
Kova, two years older than Lincoln, started training under Chief Indra at the age of ten, which was, of course, a requirement for Trikru, seeing as they were losing warriors at a rapid pace with the war against Azgeda. Once Lincoln had turned 10 and Kova 12, the two were put in the same training group. As a result, the two could predict each other’s movements with ease, making it difficult for anyone to bet on who would win a sparring session between the two.
For this reason, as they grew up, Chief Indra would rarely let the siblings spar with one another. But it seemed like today she was willing to indulge in a long session for the two heroes of TonDC, who came to visit after two years of near seclusion.
After Lincoln and Kova finished putting on their training armor, stretched, and prepared for the sparring session, the Chief ordered her students out of the circular man-made plain, now messy with slick mud and puddles of water. Lincoln and Kova stood on opposing sides of the circle. At this point, the entire population of the training grounds came to watch.
The second the Chief whipped her hand down the middle of the circle, the two clashed in the middle, slamming dropkicks and throwing punches at one another. But even their fast combinations were met with blocks on the other side. Rarely did the two siblings land a hit on each other, but with the slippery and uneven mud underneath their feet, it was hard to control their footing.
With their left foot forward in a lunge position, Kova was ready to throw a strong hook punch to Lincoln’s unprotected side, but their foot slid along the mud, unbalancing them. Lincoln used this to his advantage almost immediately. He crouched down and swung his leg, shinbone connecting to the back of their knee, sending Kova into the mud.
“Lincoln wins!” Chief Indra’s voice rang out.
The mud softened their landing, but not by much. Kova let out an exhale in the form of a soft groan. They looked up to see Lincoln’s hand offering them help. They took it with a brief thank you.
“Even the Earth, the very thing that gives us life, can kill us in battle.” The Chief lectured the warriors surrounding them, who murmured in agreement. “Fighting against others is easier than fighting against the elements, you all best remember that!”
‘Yes, that’ll help them if a mountain collapses on them, too.’ Kova couldn’t help a small snort as they made their way back to their side of the circle, just as the Chief ordered practice spears to be tossed in.
Kova and Lincoln grabbed their spears and set the shafts against each other in the middle, the traditional way to start.
The plastic tips slammed into one another, swinging and blocking the other’s spear. Of course, both sides played a bit dirty, throwing some sudden punches or kicks in — after all, no battle is predictable, nor fair — and Kova managed to land a heavy swing at Lincoln’s chest. His back leg supported his balance, but his foot slipped and sunk into the mud.
Kova’s eyes glinted, a shine he recognized before as a sure win. They swept the back of his knee with the wooden part of the spear, and even though he braced for it, his knee bent under him.
His back slammed against the sludge, sending bits of dirt, mud, and rain water flying everywhere. Disoriented, he hadn’t noticed the silent group around him, nor did he notice how the Chief didn’t call Kova’s win.
He sat up, leaning against his forearms, a small smile on his face to congratulate Kova, but instead, he came face to face with the plastic tip of the spear. Confused at why Kova hadn’t pulled back yet, his gaze switched to their face.
Yet, they weren’t looking at him. Nor was anyone else, he realized. Not even Chief Indra. Everyone’s focus was behind them, up towards the sky. He followed their sights and felt the blood drain from his face, his complexion paling. A foreign object shot across the sky, leaving a trail of debris, fire, and white smoke as it broke through the atmosphere.
Heading right towards them.
Lincoln’s body was one step ahead of his mind. His hand shot out, smacking the plastic spear to the side. His fingers gripped Kova’s wrist, their pulse thrumming against his fingertips quicker than a deer’s. Before they could react, he pulled them down to the mud and covered half of their body with his.
The ground shook with the impact of the spaceship. The force was strong enough to knock all the warriors off their feet and send tents not nailed down properly flying off into the distance.
Kova, underneath Lincoln, was surprise to find themselves almost relaxed while the entire world was blown away. Lincoln could only feel the force of the impact, but wasn’t affected much in his position.
Once the Earth stopped shaking and the winds were back to normal, the two heroes of TonDC were the first to stand up, leaning on each other as they overlooked the once vast hills and plateaus lush with grass, now covered in upturned dirt, fire, and debris, a line of impact where the spaceship landed. Even the trees, who survived the Foresakening, weren’t spared by the ship.
Shock, horror, and despair melted into one deep exhale, released by the two heroes as they watched smoke rise from the area surrounding the ship. The two hadn’t realized Chief Indra was back on her feet, belting out orders to everyone.
“Gather the messengers and warn the villages around the area!”
“Yes, Chief!”
“You! Send out special riders to Lieutenant Anya and General Tristan, inform them of the situation!”
“Yes, ma’am!”
“And you two,” the Chief turned around to Kova and Lincoln. “Kova, we will have our discussion another time.”
“Don’t worry about our talk. This is happening now. Tell us what you want us to do.”
While the Chief didn’t notice the small raise in Lincoln’s eyebrow, Kova did, and chose to ignore it. It took every ounce of Lincoln’s self control to not drag Kova away from the Chief, from the training grounds, from Trikru in general.
“I need both of you to lead separate scouting teams. I have no doubts on who might be in that spaceship, but if they truly are the descendants of the Betrayers, we have to let the Commander know, in case they send more down here.”
Both Lincoln and Kova’s faces darkened at her words. The Betrayers, of course, were the descendants of the upper class who managed to escape the Foresakening through the launch of space stations. The name itself was often followed by a disgusted spat to the floor, cursed by every generation to this day.
“They must have ran out of resources.” The Chief muttered to herself, her eyes not once leaving the light blue sky, hiding enemies beyond it. “Gather as much information as you can.” She instructed.
Kova and Lincoln tapped their fist against their chest, over their heart, and bowed, as custom dictates towards higher ranking officials. “Yes, ma’am.”
With the help of fast riders and even faster messenger birds, by the time Kova and Lincoln’s scouting teams reached the landing site, news of the spaceship traveled throughout the Coalition. Even the Commander, who had been traveling to the Shadow Valley Clan in the middle of the forest, had been alerted and already on her way back. The leaders of the other clans had also planned on meeting at Polis to further discuss their new… predicament.
Lincoln couldn’t help but scoff. ‘Yeah, right. Like they can get anything done. All they do is squabble with one another.’ His heart turned pessimistic and his scribbling in his notebook became rougher.
Yet for Lincoln, there wasn’t much to report back yet. His side of the area was void of any newcomer. He and Kova had separated their scouting groups - Kova’s group took the West and East while Lincoln’s group took North and South — to observe the newcomers and to see if they were planning on expanding their territory.
Lincoln’s eyes, however, gradually became fixated on one girl running around the camp with dark, straight, long brown hair, and even darker eyes, fire shining behind them. As the first space person (Lincoln had to think of a better name for the new group) to leave the spaceship, she was the most impressionable, especially with her enthusiasm and carefree personality. Needless to say, he filled a page or two of his note-taking book with her face.
“I’m sure that’s for research purposes, right?”
Lincoln prided himself on the fact that he was very hard to surprise, and even harder to sneak up on. Yet even he jolted at the unexpected whisper near his ear, losing his balance and grabbing onto a nearby branch, thankfully void of any leaves that could attract attention by motion.
“Keep quiet.” Kova snapped his notebook closed and took it from his lap before it could fall while he regained his balance.
The loud beating of his heart toned down as the shock faded. “You shouldn’t be sneaking up on me here — or anyone for that matter.” He casted a weary glance to his left, where Kova plopped down next to him, then to his now open book in their lap, then back to the camp, his ears burning.
“A-Lin. You should’ve heard me. I’m not exactly the quietest tree climber.” They shot back, eyes sparkling with mischief. Lincoln hadn’t seen that look in a long time. But if he showed surprise on his face, they didn’t mention it, going back to the book. “Anyways, what do you have so far?” They skimmed through the book up to the page with the feather bookmark. They hadn’t noticed his back straightening, his shoulders stiffening. “The old tales the elders would tell us always ended the same way — with the Betrayers dead in some sort of explosion. Yet these guys are all live and dandy — well, except for two.”
Through the corner of their eyes they saw Lincoln’s head whip towards them in shock. Without looking up from the book, they said, “Yeah, two died, most likely from the impact of the landing. The group already buried them. We also think they’re prepping a scav group. They’re heading Northwest, so I’ve sent some scouts to follow them. Let’s hope they don’t pass by the Mountain’s territory.”
The book opened to a drawing of the spaceship from Lincoln’s perspective, as well as an unfinished drawing of the space girl. Lincoln could only imagine Kova’s surprise when they turned to the next two pages only to have the same girl look back at them at different angles.
“Oh? What’s this?” They raised an eyebrow, a smirk forming on their lips. “Someone caught your eye?”
 Kova wouldn’t have assumed he was interested in some space girl if it had been one or two drawings, but four — almost five? That’s a little too many to not be suspicious. To save him from further embarrassment, Kova tucked the feather back into the middle crease of the book and closed it, holding it out to him without glancing at him. Flustered, Lincoln took it without a word.
“Oh, by the Gods.” Kova’s voice was soft. “Please say sike.”
In all these years that Kova knew him, he rarely expressed interest in someone. Of course it would be his luck to fall for one of the intruders.
“I… have no right to say anything. Just be careful with your heart. Only the Gods know what will happen in the future, and I don’t want to see you get hurt, especially with one of them.”
The two fell into an awkward silence. “Alright then.” Kova quietly clapped their thighs as they stood up on the thick branch, their balance unparalleled, barely shaking the burnt leaves at the end. “I’ll be sending word to the Chief — just in case the scav group seems like they’re heading in Mount Weather’s direction. Do you want to add anything?”
Lincoln shook his head, the tips of his ears and cheekbones still dark with embarrassment. Kova took it as a sign they needed to leave. Like. Right now.
God, they never wanted to think about this again.
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smileyjaeminies · 5 years
Can You Stay?
Synopsis: The changes life brings can be tricky. A group of friends struggles to overcome their differences through a camping trip. Will this trip heal their friendship, or will it tear it further apart?
Word Count: 6,5 k
Genre: camping au!, best friend au!, fluff
Warnings: None
Member: WayV
A/N: This work is very special, as is the person it is dedicated to. Sharing dreams that become reality is a special bond indeed. This work was too long in the making as I wanted to make sure I portray each member in the most accurate way I could. WayV always have a special place in my heart, so I hope you enjoy reading about the boys I wish were my own best friends.
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         Sitting at your desk, you avoided looking at the unfinished homework that seemed to be staring at you and instead focused at the piece of paper in front of you. A picture was starting to immerse but you willed your mind not to think about it too much, allowing it to wander and think about other, unrelated things while you poured your feelings onto the paper.
         A sudden knock on your front door snapped you out of your thoughts. You heard your mother’s voice: “I’ll get it!”. You brushed it off returning to your drawing and trying to get back in your zone. A knock, on your bedroom’s door this time, forbade you from doing so.
         “Y/N” your mom said, slowly popping her head inside “it’s for you”
         “For me?” you asked, getting up and walking towards the living room.
         In front of the big bookcase in your living room stood a figure that you couldn’t mistake for anyone else.
         “Kun!” you called, the brown haired boy turning to you and engulfing you in his arms “You’re back early!”
         You and Kun went way back. Actually you couldn’t remember any of your life without him. He grew up next door to your house and despite the age difference between you, he always found time to play with you and take care of you. He would walk with you to and from school every day, even in his busy senior year. He felt like an older brother, a sibling you much needed as an only child.
         He had just left for university a few months back. Luckily, his university wasn’t too far away so he stole time some weekends to come visit his family and friends. And now he was back for winter break!
         “Finally” you thought.
         “Hey kid. Yes, I came back a few days earlier, and I brought company.” He said. You looked around, thinking he brought someone in your house. He shook his head and gave a small laugh.
         “Not here, silly. He’s at my house. He is my new roommate, I thought all of us could use some time off, to blow off some steam. And I really wanted you to meet him, I think you’ll hit it off really well.”
         You wanted to curl into a ball. Since Kun had left, your introverted nature seemed to get the better of you every time. You always had Xiaojun, Yangyang, Hendery and Lucas, but they were all older that you and you barely shared any classes. You talked with some people from your year, you could even call one or two of them your friends. However, going out and meeting someone entirely new seemed like a whole mountain you had to climb.
         Kun, being Kun, read the hesitation in your eyes.
         “You don’t want to go?” he asked.
         You thought about it for a second. It would be better to go over to Kun’s, then the second you were uncomfortable you could just walk out and come back home. You were curious to meet Kun’s roommate, he had talked about him a lot in the past couple of months. Kun’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts once again.
         “Sicheng is over at mine too” he said.
         “Why didn’t you say anything earlier? Let’s go, old man!” you energetically said to him. He only laughed in response and allowed you to drag him over to his house.
         Sicheng was another member of your little group, a senior, who you rarely got to see because of his hectic schedule. You love hanging out with him, his calm and understanding nature always making you feel more than comfortable around him.
         Kun led you through the house and after a quick hello to his parents you went up to his room. There, sat atop his bed sat two boys. Sicheng smiled as he saw you at the doorframe and got up, you run into his arms.
         “You asshole! You didn’t even reply to the last meme I sent you! It was a funny one too!” you fake scolded him.
         “Yangyang had already sent it to me, sorry” he replied with a light laugh.
         “That traitor! I told him not to!” you laughed with him.
         Kun burst the little bubble you and Sicheng had by addressing his roommate.
         “They are like this all the time, they love arguing” he said.
         That reminded you that you had yet to greet Kun’s roommate. A small boy wearing glasses greeted you with a smile as you looked at him. “Hi, I’m Ten” he said, almost shyly.
         “Hello, I’m Υ/Ν” you returned the smile. You thought about hugging him but decided against it. The atmosphere was a little awkward so you naturally gravitated towards Sicheng’s side.
         “I feel like I know so much about you guys! Kun won’t stop babbling about you, all of you.” Ten said.
         “Well I hope it’s only good things” Sicheng replied with a look at Kun.
         “He talks about you a lot too, you know.” You added.
         And with those few moments of awkwardness behind you the night went on, with you laughing and telling stories, talking about life, dreams, music and everything in between. Your unfinished homework long forgotten, you stayed and had a blast. You made plans to meet again the next day, the whole gang this time.
         As you tucked in for the night you thought of the big step you had made that day. You met a new person and you stayed and got to know them despite being a little scared in the beginning.
         “See? We can do this” you told yourself as you drifted off to sleep.
          The next day you all met at you designated meeting place, a coffee shop really close to your school. Everyone grabbed their beverages and sat down. The conversation seemed to flow effortlessly and Ten fit right in with the group. He especially enjoyed hearing stories about Kun which all of you were more than happy to provide.
         As time went by, mini conversations started to pop up. While you were in a heated discussion with Xiaojun about Greek mythology, Kun called the attention of the group on him.
         “Guys, guys, shut up for a second. I was thinking, well, it was kind of Ten’s idea… Whatever, we were thinking… This Friday you all start winter break right?” Kun asked.
         “Yeah, we close this Friday and then we have two weeks to ourselves!” Yangyang confirmed.
         “Great! So, we thought that maybe you all, and us too, could use some fresh air! And then, we came up with the idea for, wait for it, camping!” Kun announced looking happily at all of you.
         Your head immediately turned to Sicheng. Everyone seemed to be taking in Kun’s idea but you were worried about him especially. He had so much studying to do and so little time to do it. You were both quite introverted by nature so you sought solace to each other often and talked about your problems a lot. You tried to guess what could be going through his head right now, trying to find a way to make this easier on him.
         As Yangyang, Lucas, Xiaojun and after a little convincing, Hendery all said they were in, Ten turned to you.
         “I know we just met but I would love it if you came with us. I think you all are very interesting people and I’d like to get to know you better” he finished.
         You were a little startled by his words. You didn’t need a lot of convincing after all, although…
         “I’d love to come you guys but… I don’t know how my mom would feel. Especially with me as the only girl and seven boys around.” You explained.
         “Hey, your mom loves me! She’ll come around. Besides, if both Sicheng and I corner her, I don’t think she’ll say no!” Kun exclaimed.
         “I didn’t say I was going” Sicheng almost snapped, all the attention now on him.
         You saw him take the attention like a blow, shaken, but he recovered only a moment afterwards.
         “Look, you know I love you all and I love spending time with you, but… Two whole days off studying is a bit much. I need to use this break to my advantage, to study and focus, not to go off camping with all of you. I’m sorry, I just don’t think I’m up for it right now.” He finished, got up from his chair and left.
         Kun looked like he was about to go after him, but didn’t. You could cut the tension at the table with a knife. Ten was the first one to speak up.
         “At least the rest of you are in!” he tried to lighten the atmosphere.
         A few words were exchanged after that. One by one everyone started to head back home and eventually, you, Kun and Ten walked home as well.
         As you sat on your desk, you contemplated calling Sicheng to talk about what happened back at the coffee shop. You decided against it.
“He probably needs some alone time.” You thought to yourself and started working on your homework.
         After a very convincing conversation with your mom, which included reassurance that you would sleep alone in your own tent, Kun made her come around and allow you to go.
         Then, after a few teary eyed conversations between Kun and Sicheng, he also decided to join. All of you were curious as to what made him change his mind. You pestered Ten constantly to tell you, but even Hendery, who had grown to be a weakness of his, couldn’t get anything out of the boy.
         The day of your trip had arrived sooner than you thought. Being the forgetful person you always were, you left packing to the very last minute, spending almost the entire night trying to pack all your things. Taking small steps out of the house willing your mind to remember if you had forgotten something, a tuck on your hand made you snap out of your thoughts.
         Ten had grabbed the hand that wasn’t holding your bag, and tried to spin you around while screaming “ROADTRIP! ROADTRIP!” You laughed along with him, dropping your bag and grabbing his other hand, spinning around faster.
         “Okay, OKAY stop, you two, we need to go get the others!” Kun shouted, putting your things in the van he had rented.
         You and Ten stop spinning in a fit of giggles.
         “Wow, I think that was a bad idea” Ten said.
       Your head was also spinning but you managed to maintain your balance while Ten fell on his ass. You laughed at him and made your way back to your mom to bid her goodbye.
   “Have fun baby! Be careful” she told you.
   “I will mom, I’ll see you tomorrow” you answered as you hugged her.
   “I call shotgun!” Ten called.
    You didn’t really mind, so you made your way to sit at the back of the van. It got more and more crowded as you picked up your friends. You ended up being paired with Lucas with the excuse that “The little one and the big one should go together”. Of course, you didn’t mind sitting next to anyone.
    You called in your staying up the previous night and excused yourself for a nap. You got comfortable, put in your earplugs and soon drifted off to sleep.
    You woke up by one earplug softly being taken off your ear. You heard Lucas’s voice in your ear “Hey, we’re gonna play some games, care to join?”
   “Yeah sure, just let me off the first round, I need a minute to wake up first” you replied.
    As the rules were explained to everyone, the game began. You spend almost an hour playing silly little games, with quick arguments sparking up, fits of laughter that made your stomach hurt and teasing that only made you laugh harder.
   “We’re almost there guys!” Kun announced for the driver’s seat.
   “Finally! I feel like I might have to eat my legs if I don’t stretch them out soon” Sicheng whined.
    You turned to look at Lucas. “Are you eating your legs anytime soon?” you jokingly asked.
    “No, it’s pretty comfortable right here, you’re so tiny anyway, you hardly take any space at all” he answered and you laughed at his words.
    “I’m not that small-” you started but the car quickly came to a stop which grabbed your attention.
     As the boys started filling out of the car, you took a minute to take in your surroundings. The camping grounds were very beautiful, pine and oak trees filling the space, giving their shade and making the scene as picturesque as it gets. You saw trees that you didn’t name and made a mental note to look it up once you got home.
     The boys had already gotten to work, having taken out the tents and just starting to spread them out. “What can I do?” you asked no one in particular.
    “Oh no, you’re not touching the tents” Yangyang told you.
    “What? Why?” you asked.
    “Remember that time we were barbequing and you almost burned your entire hand off? Yeah, that’s not happening again. Besides, we’ve got three boys scouts right here. We’ve got this.” He answered you.
    “They’re not letting me help either, if that comforts you” Ten told you.
    “Should we gather wood for tonight then? At least we’ll be doing something” you offered.
     “Yeah sure, let’s go” he answered, getting up.
      All of you got to work. The guys were right, with three boy scouts and enough pairs of hands the tents were up in no time. You and Ten stacked the wood a little further from the tents and started setting down some fold up chairs and a fold up table for you guys to sit around.
      As the camp space you had rented started to look comfortable, Hendery’s voice sparked up conversation again. “Why don’t we play a card game? I don’t think anyone brought a board game or something”
     “I’m pretty sure I’ve got uno cards in my bag somewhere but other than that I suppose you’re right” Yangyang answered.
      “I brought a ball!” Ten announced enthusiastically. “Think about it, we don’t even have to play something ordinary like football, or basketball or whatever but we could make up our own games with our own set of rules, it’s going to be fun!”
      All of you seemed keen on the idea so you started right away. First was a game inspired by Kun where you would all have a designated move you had to do when the ball landed on you. Then you had to make the next person’s move and try to hit them with the ball.
      Then Sicheng came up with a different game, then Yangyang. The camping grounds were filled with your loud voices and laughter, Xiaojun’s occasional shrieks and your own high pitched screams.
      You called for a break after a while, deciding you all needed it. You scattered throughout the grounds, doing your own thing. After drinking some water from your bottle, you decided to go to the bathroom, a small building a little walk away from your tents.
      As you finished your business and washed your hands a sudden thought popped in your head. You wasted no time to whip out your phone and type a text in your group chat.
       Hide and seek begins NOW. You have 5 minutes to find your hiding spot. Sicheng you’re it, get in your tent and wait.
        May the odds be ever in your favor.
          As your message was delivered you could already hear Yangyang’s excited voice and footsteps running around. You then realized your disadvantage, anyone could find you here. You turned your head around trying to look for a place to hide. Your eyes landed on the only other building in the grounds, the kitchen building, but surely someone would already have thought of that so you dismissed it.
         You contemplated asking one of the other campers to hide with them but that would be rude and also kind of cheating. You had to think quick as time was ticking. Then it came to you, the best hiding place.
         You immediately took off, making for the entrance of the grounds. There was a small kiosk with a guard beside the gate, leaving you just enough space to hide between the walls.
         “Please don’t tell anyone I’m here!” you shouted to the guard who took a look at your huge smile and flushed cheeks and seemed to understand.
         You shuffled behind the kiosk and put your back against the wall. You checked the time. The five minutes where up. The waiting game began. A giggle of excitement burst through you, so you bit your lip and tried to stay quiet.
         Slowly but surely texts started filling in of Sicheng spotting someone and catching them. After a while, the only ones left where you and Kun. You couldn’t stop smiling, patting yourself in the back for your perfect hiding place.
         You heard Sicheng catch Kun not far from where you were hiding. As Kun’s dramatic screams continued, that was your cue. You ran with all your might back to your tents. All the guys saw you approaching and started screaming and cheering.
         “Oh no! He’s coming! Y/N RUN!” Hendery warned you.
         You didn’t need to look back as a war cry came from Sicheng’s throat. You knew he was behind you but you had a head start. You pushed yourself to run faster, faster and then-
         “I WIN” you declared touching Sicheng’s tent.
         Everyone around you cheered, Ten whirled you around, Kun and Yangyang attempted singing “We Are The Campions” and Sicheng dramatically dropped to his knees.
         After the excitement of the game died down, you all gravitated towards the seating area.
         “Pizza party? Loser’s treat?” Sicheng offered.
         At the thought of food your stomach growled. You didn’t realize how much energy you had used up and how hungry you had gotten. Everyone agreed to Sicheng’s proposal so he and Hendery went to sit by the gate and wait for the pizzas to be delivered.
         The sky started to get dark so everyone helped to bring out lamps to help you see. You also sprayed each other with a generous amount of mosquito repellent, which didn’t seem to do much, but it eased your minds.
         As you sat down on one of the chairs, Ten came to sit beside you. There was a comfortable silence between you. “Thank you. For this.” You spoke up.  
         “For what?” Ten asked.
         “For bringing us here. It has been… very different since Kun left. This has been feeling right. So thank you. And thank you for taking care of Kun. He might be good at taking care of all of us but sometimes he needs someone to take care of him… I’m glad it’s you” your eyes were glossy as you finished, but you willed yourself not to cry.
         You turned your head to look back at Ten. He was already looking at you, his expression serious. He reached towards you, grabbing one of your hands and giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Anytime.” He told you and you could tell he meant it.
         At that moment, Sicheng and Hendery returned with the pizzas and they were met with great excitement. Sicheng looked at you intensely, searching for the reason behind your glossy eyes. You lightly shook your head and mouthed “I’m fine”. He didn’t seem to buy it, but he let it go.
        As you all dug in, a silence spread. “I guess we were all hungry then” Xiaojun teased. You all gave a slight laugh and agreed.
       “I love this pizza so much, I wish I could marry it!” Lucas declared.
       “Why don’t you eat it for a start? The fat will stay with you forever” Sicheng answered him.
        You broke into laughter, and the conversation quickly flowed from there. You didn’t realize how you could go from talking about pizza to whether or not aliens exist and the American government is hiding them, but this was your friend group and you wouldn’t change them for the world.
         As you finished your food, the fire was lit. There had been talk of baking s’mores but all of you were too bored to actually bake them so you just ate the marshmallows straight from the package. Not that you minded and these boys ate practically anything (except from fruit in Ten’s case).
        “It’s getting late guys, and I’m kind of tired from driving, is it okay if I crash first?” Kun asked the group.
        “Of course man, go get some rest” Ten told him, and the rest of you agreed.
        “Alright then, good night everyone.” Kun said, coming to kiss the top of your head before disappearing inside his tent.
         As Kun left to get some much needed sleep and the night grew darker the conversation flowed to more serious matters. Friends and loves that came and went, silly and serious fights, fears and the future, that now seemed to lie in the palm of your hand, but also just out of reach.
        Slowly but surely as the time neared the wee hours of the morning everyone started disappearing inside their tents. Then Yangyang announced his departure, which left only you and Lucas. You were both snuggled in blankets, your feet placed on his lap and his hand lazily drawing nothings on the inside of your calf. You were almost asleep yourself although you didn’t want to actually go to sleep just yet.
       “You want to go lie down too?” Lucas turned to you.
       “Not really… There’s this feeling… I don’t want to let this day end yet. I know I’ll be with you guys again tomorrow but today has been so great and…” you shyly said.
        “I get it. Totally. Today has felt just right. I think Kun was right, we all needed this.” He replied and you nodded at his words.
        “There’s this other thing” you started. He turned his head to look at you. “I… I’m kind of scared of the dark? And I don’t want to be alone in my tent… I hate sleeping alone most of all. I was going to wake up Kun but he promised my mom and he’s so tired…” you finished, blushing. You couldn’t look at him so you looked at your hands, trying to keep your cool.
         “Y/N.” your head turned at the nickname. Lucas rarely called you that. “Are you asking me to sleep with you?” he asked, a smile on his lips.
         “Oh my God it sounds so weird when you put it that way” you said hiding your face in your hands.
         Lucas didn’t reply, but you felt him putting your feet on the ground and getting up.
         “Where are you going?” you asked him.
          “To get my things. Get in the tent, I’ll be there in a second.” He smiled at you.
           You quickly got up and turned off all the remaining lamps. You stepped inside your tent and slipped inside your sleeping bag. You could hear Lucas’s small movements, trying to get his things from his and Xiaojun’s shared tent. When he opened the zipper to your own tent he beamed at you. He laid down his mat and then slipped in his own sleeping bag.
           A few words were exchanged between you, words spoken in the lowest of whispers. It sounded like you were afraid the night would find out your secrets, trying to hide yourselves in the safety of your sleeping bags.
          You had gotten so comfortable you didn’t want to move until his voice slowly asked “Do you want me to hold your hand?” his voice was low, shy, a version of Lucas you rarely got to witness yourself but you always knew was there.
           “Yes” you answered and got your hand out of the bag.
           Lucas was quick to react, taking his own hand out and grabbing yours tightly. Your tiredness from your previous sleepless night had already started to catch up with you. Your eyes closed and your breathing evened out.
           “Good night little one” you heard his whisper. Before you could reply, sleep had claimed you.
           The next morning you woke up to a small weight on your abdomen. You groaned a little at the sunlight that was hitting your eyes. You looked down to see Lucas’s hand laying lazily over your waist.
         “He probably pulled me closer throughout the night” you thought.
          You lifted his arm carefully and turned around to face him. He was absolutely adorable asleep, his mouth hanging open and soft snores falling from it. You contemplated waking him up but ultimately decided against it, allowing him to sleep peacefully.
         You quickly changed into new clothes and stepped out of the tent. As you looked at the chairs you saw that Sicheng, Kun and Hendery were already up.
        “Good morning y’all” you called to them with your best southern accent.
        They all mumbled their good mornings back to you, too preoccupied with the food in front of them for much more. You sat down and grabbed one of the croissants on the table and poured yourself some orange juice.
        “Camping life is hard. How am I supposed to survive without coffee?” you asked.
       “We really should have brought some instant coffee, we’re all idiots” Hendery agreed.
        Kun and Sicheng were silent as you finished your breakfast. You got up to go to the bathroom. As you left, you heard Kun say something to Hendery. After washing your hands and brushing your teeth, you were about to step out of the building when someone grabbed your arm.
      “What the- Oh, it’s you” you stopped when you saw Sicheng and Kun’s familiar faces. “What’s up? Are we pulling a prank or something?” smiled at them.
      Their expressions didn’t mirror yours. Kun seemed almost mad and Sicheng just looked worried. You looked back at both of them, searching their eyes for what was wrong.
     “Did Lucas sleep in your tent last night?” Sicheng broke the silence.
     “He did… Look, you guys know I have trouble sleeping sometimes so I asked and he said it was fine. I know you promised my mom and all but I swear nothing happened.” You told them.
    “Why didn’t you wake us up?” Kun asked.
     “You had been sleeping for a while and I knew you were tired… I didn’t want to disturb you. And Lucas was there and he was fine with it… We don’t have to make a big deal with this. Nothing happened. He barely held my hand.” You said.
     “Kun, she’s a big girl. We don’t need to baby her anymore. Right Y/N?” Sicheng turned to you and you nodded.
     “I’m sorry you broke your promise to my mom. I’ll tell her once we get back. I’m sorry.” You said, hugging Kun.
     He hugged you right back, squeezing you gently.
    “I’m not mad. I mean, I am a little but it’s fine. I do need to stop babying you but it’s… Hard. You’ll always be the little girl that loved to play football with me instead of playing with her dolls.” He said, ruffling your hair.
     You gave him the stink eye for messing up your hair and turned to look at Sicheng. His face was still a bit serious.
     “Why were you crying last night?” you opened your mouth to protest but he stopped you. “I saw you talking with Ten and crying. Now that it’s just the three of us, tell us what’s happening.” He said sternly.
     “I- It’s just” tears filled your eyes, blurring your vision but you could still see the worried faces of the two boys in front of you. They were here now. And they wanted to help.
     “Everything is different.” You started. “Kun is gone, and he only comes back for a couple of days at a time. You’re gone too Sicheng, as much as we don’t want to admit it, and of course isn’t your fault but still it’s… Difficult. I love the others so much but both of you have been like older brothers to me when I felt I was all alone and you understand and-” You stopped, trying to catch your breath and Kun wiped a tear from the side of your face, then buried his hand in your hair.
     “It feels like everyone is going to leave sooner or later and I’m going to be on my own again. I don’t want to be alone.” You finished looking at Sicheng, trying to read his eyes for what he was thinking about.
     He took two big steps and he was right in front of you crushing you in a hug. You hugged him back just as tightly, trying to speak without speaking as you always did. You felt Kun joining in the hug. It felt more peaceful than you’d been in a while.
      As you broke the hug, Sicheng grabbed your face in his hands and Put his eyes level to yours.
     “I’m not going anywhere. Okay? I’m not going to leave. Who else would I share hours of silence with? I know I’m busy but I always have time for you. Always.” He finished, giving your cheeks a small squeeze.
    “So am I. We might be away, but we’re always here for you Y/N. Whatever it may be. Surely, 3 am ice cream runs will grow scarce but it’ll be okay. Right?” he asked.
     “Right” you voiced back.
     The smiles they gave you were enough to put your heart at ease. As you walked back to the rest of the boys, your heart felt lighter than ever.
     These boys would stay. Where you were unsure of everything else, your heart soared with happiness that they were with you.
         With only a few hours left to your stay, you were all brainstorming ideas for what to do. Lucas and Xiaojun were preoccupied with a card game while the rest of you were talking.
         “Okay wait! I think I’ve got it!” Ten announced, jumping up from his chair and fiddling inside his tent. He came out obviously victorious holding something behind his back, a huge smile on his face.
         “It is with pleasure that I announce, the first ever group talent show to begin!” he said showing you all a microphone.
         You smiled and immediately shouted “I CALL XIAOJUN” just as you finished your sentence Ten grabbed Yangyang and Hendery by their shirts and dragged them off. You clutched Xiaojun’s hand and tried to get away from the others. You saw Lucas and Sicheng sharing a look and laughing at all of your antics.
         You heard Ten announce you only had twenty minutes to prepare your stage. You quickly talked to Xiaojun “Search your playlist for the perfect song GO!”
         You both looked down at your phones and frantically looked for songs. You would recommend a song to the other, but as soon as your eyes would lock, you’d know it wasn’t the one.
         Until you came across the perfect one. You showed it to Xiaojun and his eyes shined, his smile growing bigger and bigger. “This is it.” He told you.
         “You think you can do the high note?” you asked, unsure.
         “Oh, I can do the high note” he answered you with confidence.
         You both got up and played the song. You choreographed a little and divided the parts. You practiced and made sure that you wouldn’t be bumping into each other. You were both beaming with excitement when you heard Ten’s voice.
         “We are going to give you guys time to pull out before we start, we’ve already won” Xiaojun proudly declared.
         “We will see about that” Lucas answered.
         “So, who goes first?” Hendery asked.
         “Rock, paper, scissors?” Kun offered. You all agreed and your fate was decided.
         First would be Ten, Yangyang and Hendery, then you and Xiaojun and lastly, Kun, Sicheng and Lucas. You quickly sat down and waited for the others to start.
         “Okay, hello guys, we’re team WIN!” Yangyang said.
         “YOUR!” Ten continued.
         “HEART!” Hendery finished with a smile.
         They got their song ready and prepared to start. By the first second you could recognize the song and started clapping to the beat. Ten began singing Beyonce’s ‘Single Ladies’ passionately. At some point Hendery picked up the microphone, then Yangyang. By the end of the song, you were all clapping and laughing along.
         “We’ve got this” Xiaojun told you, holding your hand tightly as you got up.
         “Hello everyone, so nice of you to come to our debut showcase.” Xiaojun said into the mic with confidence.
        “Light me up! Hello, we are Lights~” you said at the same time.
        You got into your positions as the song started to play. The familiar beat of Exo’s ‘Drop That’ got everyone pumped up and as excited as you were. You sang, danced, rapped and jumped in front of the others. They sang the lyrics back to you in return giving you their energy back.
        It was time for the high note. Xiaojun took a deep breath and sang it perfectly. You jumped even more and sang your heart out. As the song finished you were laughing your asses off.
      The others got up and applauded you. You laughed again and bowed down.
      “Buy our album on iTunes!!” Xiaojun said and you all giggled.
      As you sat down, catching your breath, you realized there was another team left. You tried to focus and see what they had come up with.
      They played some generic bgm as they did a little runway. First was Kun, full of smiles, sending a kiss in your direction. You pretended to catch it and throw it away. Then was Lucas, pushing his hair back trying to look sexy. Yangyang and Hendery booed at him but you only laughed. Last was Sicheng, walking up to you and waving like royalty.
      “Hello, we are Models~” they said in sync.
      “No you’re not!” Hendery shouted.
      After their introduction, they got ready for their actual performance. Again, by the first second, you knew what the song was. You were terrified.
      “No, no, God please no” you said as the familiar tune of ‘Baby Shark’ played.
      All the audience members were a mess, screaming at them to stop, hiding their faces or laughing so hard they fell off their chairs in Yangyang’s case. The performers seemed weirdly proud of themselves, except maybe for Sicheng who looked as if he was smiling through the pain.
      When they finally finished, they gave a dramatic bow and you all screamed at them for their song choice. Voices were raised and your stomach felt like it would jump out of you from laughing so hard. After a while you all quieted down. 
      “We need to start packing soon” Kun said
      “Pfff. I don’t want to moveeee” Yangyang whined.
      “Wow, what happened to boys scouts? ‘Always ready’?” you teased.
     “Oh shut up” he said throwing his empty bottle in your direction.
     After a few other complaints and groans, you all got up and started packing. You and Ten, still not allowed to touch the tents, were instructed to put everyone’s things in the back of the van. As the guys finished up, the tents were also placed in the back of the van.
    You looked at the camp space that was crowded only moments before and something twisted at your heart. It looked so bare now, no trace of your time spent there, you smiles and laughs and screams left there.
     “It feels weird doesn’t it?” Hendery asked you.
    “So weird. I wish I could leave something here… A mark to show that I’ve been here” you told him.
    “You can! Come here.” He answered and ushered you to a nearby tree.
     He took out a pocketknife and directed it to you. You looked at him like he was crazy.
     “I’m not touching that! I would cut my hand open in a second!” you told him.
     “True…” he said and you swatted his arm “But we need an artist for this. Hey Ten!”
      Ten whirled his head around and started walking towards you.
       “What’s up?” he asked.
        “Y/N and I want to leave our mark on this place. Do you think you could use this pocketknife to draw something on a tree?” he asked.
         “Well, it won’t be amazing but I’m sure I can work something out” he replied, immediately grabbing the knife and getting to work.
         Both you and Hendery sat by him as the picture started to immerge. You couldn’t exactly make it out at first, but when it was finished, you realized what it was. It was a rainbow, with a cloud on each side, and eight rays instead of seven, one for each of you.
         “This is perfect!” you exclaimed, hugging the shorter boy tightly as he finished.
         “What are you guys up to?” Lucas asked.
         “Look! All you guys come here! We left our mark! We’re going to stay here forever!” You said, your excitement getting the best of you.
         Happiness ran through your veins as everyone looked at Ten’s carving. You took pictures to be sure to remember where the tree was. It was perfect.
         The trip back home was no less fun and energetic. As you filled into the van you decided to continue the singing competition which lead to all 8 of you screaming ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ to the top of your lungs.
         The feeling of the trip’s end kept creeping up on all of you so you decided to stop by your favorite ice cream shop before returning home. As you sat down scooping mango flavored ice cream in your mouth, you found yourself sitting between Kun and Lucas. You looked around at all of them, the boys that had stood by you for years on end and Ten, a new face that seemed to complete the puzzle’s picture.
         You couldn’t believe how lucky you had gotten. To find people that made you shine and cry out of laughter. That lifted you up and made you a better person. Xiaojun seemed to be thinking the same thing.
         “You guys… I had so much fun this weekend. I’m so glad we all stole time to make this work.” He spoke up.
         “I know… Sorry for being difficult in the beginning. I really did need this. Thank you all” Sicheng said.
         “To more trips like this, and to never seeing Kun’s aegyo again!” Ten declared, raising his ice cream cone.
         “Amen to that!” Lucas agreed and Kun had the nerve to look hurt.
         Yangyang gave you a pointed look from across the table. Yangyang could seem silly and aloof on a first glance, but he was also super caring and could sense someone’s distraught in a heartbeat.
         “We’re fine” he mouthed at you.
         “I know” you mouthed back and smiled at him.
         Balance had returned in your heart and with the boys by your side, you were certain you could do anything. You really were fine.
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eskalations · 4 years
Smoke and Gunpowder, Chapter 5
A/N: Below the “read more” since it’s a bit long!
Summary: Even now, in the privacy of her room and away from the prying eyes of their government, he stiffened at her proximity. The careful lines drawn between the two of them seemed to blur at times like these when they were alone and out of uniform. In the dim light of her room, it was easy to imagine that they were just a quiet country boy and bold city girl again. (ROYAI GENDERBEND AU)
Tumblr: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
Chapter Summary:
There was no way he could be here. The last time she had spoken to him, he had not said a word about joining the military. She had always thought he had wanted to become an engineer or something of that nature. Surely, with his father's notorious distaste for the State Military, the young man would have never considered becoming a part of its ranks – right?
A/N: Another chapter down! I thought it was finally time to introduce Maes Hughes. Most of the dialogue in this chapter has come straight from the manga, since I wanted to keep this AU as much in the realm of canon as possible. The only slight change that has been made is to the timeline. In this AU, Mustang joined the Military Academy in 1905 post-Master Hawkeye's death, while Maes Hughes graduated from the Military Academy in 1906 instead of 1905. Other than that, everything is pretty much the same from the original telling of this. Don't worry about the slight lack of Royai in this chapter, this was mostly used as an opportunity to build up some backstories. We will be returning to Ishval in other chapters, so you WILL get to see more of their time together during the war.
Please let me know what you think! Comments are always welcome!
Ishval, East Area - Summer of 1908
Over the dull ringing in her ears, the young Major could just make out the sound of someone calling her name. The voice sounded familiar, though she couldn't be sure. Under the burning sun of Ishval, hallucinations were prevalent – and she had had more than her fair share since arriving here.
However, when she glanced back at the group of soldiers huddled around the water trough, she sighed gratefully. Running towards her was a dark-haired man with glasses situated over his sharp, Amestrian features.
"Hughes!" She called from the wash station, her tired voice tinged with relief. Oh, how good it was to see a familiar face amongst this hell. Maes Hughes, as always, had impeccable timing. "So you're here too?"
The man, who was four years her senior, had to stop for a second to catch his breath. Under the heavy wool of their uniforms, any minor exertion of energy suddenly became a marathon of effort. Once his breathing had finally returned to normal – a bright grin broke out on his features. It didn't escape the young woman that the smile didn't reach anywhere near his eyes though.
"Hey it's been awhile Musta – ," Maes paused as the girl reached out to give him their customary fist bump. The overcoat she was wearing over her uniform slipped, giving way to the single star on her shoulder. This caught the man's attention immediately. "Oh! Now you're 'Major Mustang,' aren't you?!"
Raina could tell the words were meant to have a competitive edge, given the man's own lower status – however, she could hear a great amount of pride within them as well. His smile only grew bigger as their fists touched.
After taking her certification to become a State Alchemist, Raina had insisted on being given the opportunity to earn her keep by joining the Military Academy. Though she would be instantly given the title of Major due to the nature of her skills, she still wanted to pay her dues and learn what it was like to be a REAL soldier – one who wasn't just intended to be used as a human weapon. She wanted people to respect her and acknowledge that she had earned any rank she had received by merit rather than chance.
This was more of a challenge than she had expected given her age and gender. Though the State Military did not discriminate between male and female – that didn't mean the lonely cadets of the Academy didn't. She was 16 when she entered the Academy, the Fuhrer himself approving her enrollment and bypassing the normal age requirements, which caused tongues to wag throughout every branch of the military. Her male counterparts in class had ogled her, seeing her as nothing more than a nice thing to look at while they completed basic training.
Hughes had always seen her as the little sister he had never had. After their initial competitive streak in the Academy, the two of them had found that they were a backwards set of kindred spirits. Hughes with his endless optimism and unrivaled wit and Raina with her fiery determination and lofty goals. The pair had become quite the undefeatable duo during their time at the Academy.
Unfortunately, others didn't hold her in as of high regards as Hughes, despite her already promised title upon graduation. In fact, that only seemed to add more fuel to the fire.
During her time at the Academy, the men had constantly whispered about the young and beautiful Flame Alchemist. No matter how many times she tested at the top of her class or received amongst the highest marks in her physicals, her fellow cadets never seemed to take her as seriously as she would have liked. The only one who truly ever saw her as a threat was Hughes himself.
Hughes with all his enthusiasm and desire to be the best had seen the young Mustang for what she was – competition. Never had he focused on the fact that she was a girl, all he saw was a fellow soldier. Thus, began their competitive streak.
Over time, a bond had formed between the two. After having taken her leave of the Hawkeye residence, Raina had begun to miss the constant male presence she had grown used to when she was out east. Though Maes Hughes and Ray Hawkeye were about as different as night and day, it was the steady nature of the two that seemed to bring Raina such unmatched comfort.
While Hughes had graduated long before she had, the bond they shared was one she was never able to replicate in her remaining years at the Academy.
It figures that they would both end up in Ishval. Pretty much everyone was ending up in Ishval.
"To be more precise, it's a position equivalent to a Major," She removed her ignition gloves, waving them in front of him as a reminder. It wasn't like she had to put much effort into gaining her current rank. "Actually, I only have as much authority as a Captain."
While she dipped her hands into the cool water of the wash station, Hughes released a victorious whoop. "Ha, same as me then!"
"You became a Captain? When?" There was genuine curiosity in her tone. Hughes sure had climbed the ranks quickly, even without the help of alchemy. She splashed water in her face, letting it cool her heated skin.
"Just now!" He remarked brightly, handing her a towel. "Out here, people high and low keep dying. If you gain a little credit…"
Raina paused with towel in hand, glancing over at the man to see what had caused him to stop. It was the first time during their conversation that their eyes had met. Hughes looked uneasy.
"You…" The man had to clear his throat before continuing. "You've got a different look in your eyes."
Yes, she supposed she did.
Toweling off the dampness that still lingered on her skin, Raina threw the used towel into a waiting basket. She and Hughes walked off to the side, allowing the soldiers behind them to gain access to the basin. Despite hearing the disappointment in his tone, Raina found it impossible to look away in shame.
"You do, too." She met his gaze head on. "They're killer's eyes."
Hughes smirked, though there was no real humor behind the action. "Yeah."
With that they chose to distance themselves from the camp, knowing that their conversation was about to take a dangerous turn. One could almost say traitorous. If the look in their eyes was any indication, then it certainly didn't seem like either of them was terribly happy about what they had been called to do.
Once the voices of their fellow soldiers were but a mere hum in the distance behind them, they stopped walking. The endless Ishvalan desert went on for miles in front of them. Off in the distant sky, they glimpsed a large plum of smoke, signaling that another Ishvalan town was also under siege.
At the sight, Maes sighed heavily.
"It feels familiar, like it was just a while ago." The man gave another humorless laugh, turning to face his companion. Though his eyes shined with mirth, he couldn't hide the pain that lingered behind them. "Your eyes were sparkling at the Military Academy. We all sure talked about this country's future."
Raina remembered those days quite vividly. Despite her dour mood from earlier, she couldn't fight back the smirk that appeared on her features. "Yeah, we sure did."
Hughes hadn't been the only one she had shared her vision for the future with. It was one of the last things she had ever spoken to Master Hawkeye about. Oh, how he would be disappointed in her now. The exact worries he had for his flame alchemy had come to fruition and there was very little she could say to defend herself.
"How funny it is to think about that beautiful future now."
"Raina, you know this stuff wasn't a part of that beautiful future." Hughes rarely used her first name. He had always made sure to address her just as he would any other man in the field – to validate the respect he felt towards her. However, at the sight of her guilty countenance, he chose to throw that out the window. "This wasn't what any of us imagined."
They walked a few steps, passing by a gaggle of dead Ishvalans already covered in sand. Neither reacted to the sight.
"How's life here?" The Captain asked casually, stepping over some rubble as they made their way further from the camp. "I haven't seen you since I graduated."
They continued in that vein, discussing what they had seen since being called out to the field. It seemed much the same – gunfire and blasts. The only objective at this point was complete annihilation of the Ishvallan race, plain and simple. They knew of nothing else. Every morning was the same.
"Lieutenant! Lieutenant Hughes!" They paused their chat as a fresh-faced cadet ran to where they stood. The young man was puffing by the time he caught up to them. There was a letter in his hand.
"It's Captain," Hughes grumbled as he turned to receive the young cadet.
"Oh! Excuse me!" The soldier raised his hand to salute his superior, apology evident in his tone. "It's a letter!"
The man handed it over to him before taking his leave – catching wind that this was very much a private conversation. Hughes turned the envelope over in his hands to read who the sender was. The exclamation that escaped him had Raina jumping in surprise.
"What is it?!" Raina asked, one hand clutching at her heart. You just couldn't scare soldiers like that. Hughes was unperturbed by her reaction, too busy rubbing the parchment against his cheek.
"It's MY beautiful future!" He held up the envelope for her to read. Raina had to squint to read the tiny cursive.
"Gracia? You've got yourself a woman?"
"She's in Central!" The man brought the envelope to his chest, raising one fist in an impassioned fashion. "She's been waiting for my return all this time."
Raina snorted at the display, hardly able to believe this man was the same one that was a killer on the battlefield.
Noticing her less than stellar response, Hughes smirked. There was a playful glint in his eyes. "What are you disappointed that I'm no longer on the market?"
Raina gave him a wry grin. "Not at all, I'm happy for you."
During their time at the Academy, their relationship had been brought to question many times by their fellow cadets. Since most of the boys spent their time shamelessly flirting with the young girl, they had a hard time imagining that any man would try and befriend her. To them, the entire friendship had to be a cover up for some kind of sordid affair.
But their accusations simply weren't valid. If anything, Hughes had become a surrogate big brother to her in the Academy. He was constantly helping shield her from unwanted advances, although he knew she could handle herself just fine. She had been offended for a while at his behavior, until she realized this was just a part of him. He was protective of those he loved.
By graduation, their supposed romantic relationship had become somewhat of a joke between the two of them.
Hughes gave her an appreciative smile – however, it soon slipped from its place, replaced by one of sheer anxiety. Under the hot, midday sun, Hughes went white as a sheet.
"It just occurred to me – what'll I do if some other guy is making a pass at her?!" Raina opened her mouth to calm him fears, but Hughes ignored her – continuing to mutter near incoherently. "No there's no way that Gracia would leave a great guy like me to have an affair."
"Hughes – "
"No no no!"
"Hughes, I don't think – "
"But there's still no way the guys around her would leave such a great woman alone!" The man grabbed his face in a dramatic fashion, his turmoil evident in the fearful expression on his face. Raina was not amused by the display.
"Hey!" The frustrated shout stopped the man's ranting. He turned to where his friend stood with an annoyed look. "Hughes, I'll give you one word of advice."
The Captain raised a single brow, curious as to what his companion had to say.
"It's a common pattern in movies and novels. Guys who talk happily of their families or lovers on the battlefield?" Hughes nodded, hanging on every word. That was until Raina made a pistol with her fingers and pretended to shoot. "Have a higher chance of dying."
"Not funny, Mustang."
"It's true! How can you talk about such things out here?" She pointed an accusatory finger to his chest, her expression hard. "How can you talk about that when you're out here killing?"
"What are you saying you don't have ANYTHING light hearted to talk about?" Hughes countered, hands on his hips.
As their squabble continued, both failed to noticed the sound of sand shuffling behind them. One of the Ishvalan men that they had passed, whom they had assumed to be dead, had risen from the rubble, knife in hand. He raised it high above their heads before either of them took notice of his presence.
Once Raina realized that a shadow was descending upon them, she turned to face the threat head on. Hughes had already pulled out one of his own blades, but the girl was completely defenseless with her gloves still stuck in her pocket.
Before the man could plunge the knife forward - a shot rang out.
Both soldiers stood in shock as their attacker crumpled to the ground – blood pouring heavily from a fatal wound to the head. The red liquid stained the sand at their feet, running under the thick rubber soles of their boots. Neither said a word as they silently stared at the scene in front of them.
Regaining her senses, Raina quickly pulled out her gloves, sliding them in place over her fingers. "A shot?"
The girl's eyes were scanning the area for any potential threat that could still exist, when Hughes reached out to put a comforting hand on her shoulder, blade already back in his pocket.
"It's okay." He assured her, his eyes glued on the sniper tower that lay in the distance. "We have a 'Hawk's Eye' on us out here."
Raina fought the urge to jolt at the name, her heart beating a million miles a minute. "Hawk…?"
There was no way he could be here. The last time she had spoken to him, he had not said a word about joining the military. She had always thought he had wanted to become an engineer or something of that nature. Surely, with his father's notorious distaste for the State Military, the young man would have never considered becoming a part of its ranks – right?
Not noticing her distress, Hughes continued. "Yeah, it's a still nameless sniper. It's become quite a topic among us. He's still a cadet in the Military Academy, but at any rate, he's got a good arm. It seems they brought him all the way out here because of our dismal numbers."
His companion nodded in acknowledgement, though she could barely hear him over the roaring in her ears.
"To think they had to pull out a fresh recruit like that." Hughes shook his head in disbelief, a heavy sigh leaving his lips. "This must be the end."
Raina's eyes never left the tower, even as they began to walk back into camp.
Could it really be…?
As night fell over Ishval, the distant sound of explosions and gunfire lowered to a buzz. Soldiers milled about campfires, swapping stories over meagre rations while they passed around bottles of liquor. One would never know that most of the men, who were drunkenly singing bar songs off-key and swaying with their arms around each other, were cold-blooded killers.
Raina had stuck by Hughes' side for most of the day, catching up on events that had transpired since they had last saw the other. At this point – she knew Gracia's favorite flower, her favorite position, her blood type, and many other details about the woman that she would have rather remained a mystery. However, she had way too much on her mind to really be too frustrated with Hughes' seemingly endless prattle.
She was still distracted by her own thoughts when Hughes called out to a group of snipers huddled around the campfire.
"There he is!" Before the Major could say anything more, Hughes called out to a cloaked figure seated by the fire. "Hey! Thanks for before. You were the one that shot that, right?"
"Yes," A deep voice answered from beneath his hood.
Raina's blood ran cold.
The sniper stood to his full height, a single hand raising to remove his head covering. The moment his flaxen blonde hair was revealed, the young soldier knew exactly who their savior was.
Ray Hawkeye was in Ishval.
His familiar features were hard against the dancing light of the fire. The sharp cheekbones and pointed nose that she had become so well acquainted with both looked much the same as they had the last time she saw him. She supposed he did look older – it had been four years – but other than that, he was still the Ray Hawkeye that she had grown up with.
The only difference was his eyes. Those amber pools used to have a gentle quality to them. Now, they were hardened by war.
Now, they were the eyes of a killer.
"It's been awhile, Miss Mustang." His tone gave nothing away as his gaze fell on her. "No, perhaps I should call you 'Major Mustang' now."
Though to anyone else, his tone would have come off as highly professional, she knew him too well to fall for that. There was a hint of accusation in the way he said her new title. Even over the den of the still rowdy soldiers, she could hear the disappointment in the words he spoke.
Maes was confused by the interaction, letting out a sound of confusion. Both the soldier and the sniper chose to ignore him.
"Have you begun to remember?"
"How could I forget?" She swallowed hard, her voice shaking with immense guilt.
Of course, she remembered. She remembered nearly every conversation he had engaged her in for the two short years she had lived with him. She remembered every smile, every joke, every story shared between the two of them, that spoke of friendship rather than the strictly professional relationship that he had tried to build up with her – and she most definitely remembered what they had given each other the last time they were together.
Ray Hawkeye had given her flame alchemy, while she had given him hope.
'Some hope,' She thought as they continued to stare at one another.
Hughes at some point had decided to remove himself from the situation, joining in on the drunken shenanigans taking place around the fire with pictures of Gracia held in his hands. Raina would have laughed at such a sight if she wasn't so flustered by the events of the day. Never would she have believed she would see him here.
With Hughes gone, the two drifted away from the camp. Learning her lesson from last time, Raina didn't dare remove her gloves. When they were safely hidden behind a half wall of bricks, Hawkeye set his sniper rifle down before turning to her.
Raina Mustang had seen Ray Hawkeye beaten down before. She could remember the hard looks he would give her when he walked out of his father's study after receiving a verbal lashing. His amber eyes would appear defensive, just daring her to say a word about what had transpired, but there would be sadness there as well.
The Hawkeye that stood in front of her was beaten down – but in a way, that she had never seen before. This wasn't just a young man who was considered a disappointment to his father, this was a young man that got thrown into a war when he didn't believe in what he was fighting for.
Raina could relate to this man, more than she had ever been able to relate to him before.
The silence stretched between them until Hawkeye's quiet voice finally broke it.
"I was afraid of my father."
The admission was so quiet, that Raina half believed she hadn't actually heard it. She supposed though, that this was nothing new. She knew that Ray and Master Hawkeye had never seen eye-to-eye. Though Ray would always gaze at her coldly when he left his father's study, it wasn't enough to erase the memories she had of the voices she had heard beyond those doors.
'You're no good,' Berthold Hawkeye would say to his son from behind the wood, vitriol evident in his tone. 'You never took to alchemy, so I had to take on an apprentice just to ensure that my research does not die with me. The least you can do is help protect it. You act like it's such a burden to bear when really you are nothing more than the keeper of it.'
Raina had never understood what they were fighting about until the day of Master Hawkeye's funeral. That was also the day she had come to understand where the bruises on Ray Hawkeye's skin had come from and why he always seemed to be plagued by dry eye.
She knew he was afraid of his father, but god she never thought he would admit it.
He took her silence as a signal to carry on. "I was afraid because the sight of him absorbed in his research was as if he was possessed by something."
Raina nodded. "I remember."
She knew exactly what the man meant. Master Hawkeye would sometimes go days without speaking – days without eating – all for the sake of his research. He was practically catatonic during those episodes of extreme hyper fixation, and there was very little either she or his son could do to shake him out of it. As he got closer and closer to death, the episodes got worse and more volatile. He would yell and scream if you tried to deter him from his research. It was like a little piece of humanity left him every time he made a new discovery, like some kind of twisted form of equivalent exchange.
"Yet," He continued, sighing deeply. His dark eyes turned to the stars as if searching for an answer. His face grew remorseful. "I still believed in my father's words that this great power would bring happiness to many people."
Raina could remember Master Hawkeye carrying on about how important his research would be in building a better future. Despite his violent behaviors, the man was genuine in his desire to see his work be used for good.
Hawkeye switched his gaze from the stars to his hands. The hands that now could kill with only the twitch of a finger. Rough and calloused, he now had sniper hands.
"I truly believed alchemy could be used for the good of the people and that the military would protect this country's future…" His eyes moved to meet her own dark set. The disappointment in his expression was evident. "Please tell me, Major. Why are soldiers, who ought to protect citizens, killing them instead? Why is alchemy, which ought to bring happiness to the people, being used for murder?"
His words were like a knife to her heart.
She knew why he was posing this question to her. There was no mistake about it. Just as she had remembered every conversation between them, he had taken note of them as well. He remembered what she had told him when she ran off to join the Military Academy – the hope she had instilled within him that led him to handing over the secrets to flame alchemy.
He remembered that hope, because It was the same hope that had thrown him straight into a war.
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