#then a heathen philosophizes
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aheathen-conceivably · 2 years ago
On the floor screaming and crying FLORENCE BABY I'LL MISS YOU - LGL
My dearest LGL, congratulations on making it to the end of week one that is the emotional roller coaster of the year 1929. I’m proud of us, babes. Let me just say….
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This is about to be me trying to drink and act casual with friends this weekend but actually being in deep mourning for Florence. Gotta wear all black for the occasion, of course.
I got the strangest, most distinct sadness when silly little grim showed up for her, like this whole legacy has actually grown past it’s original roots in the same way you often see families begin to form their own branches when the matriarch/patriarch dies.
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eretzyisrael · 1 month ago
by Peter Baum
Several months ago, I wrote an article in Blitz debunking the Palestinian narrative relating to their claims of being indigenous to the geography that is Israel, biblical Judea and Samaria. These named areas are all according to international law within Israel’s sovereignty. The League of Nations Mandate 1922 endorsed by the United Nations Charter 1945, Article 80, and the international legally binding principles of Acquired Rights, Estoppel and Uti Possidetis Juris confirm, ratify and endorse Israel’s territory inclusive of these areas.
In that previous article I cited the numerous historical invasions – Persian, Babylonian, Greek, Roman, Crusader and Saracen and discovered no Palestinian opposition to that colonization to reclaim their indigenous lands.  Of course, the paradox has to be explained to the pro Palestinians, the Dreyfus mob as I now refer to them.
Despite repeated requests via my articles, social media confrontation, debates, in halls on radio and TV, not one of the Dreyfus mob could enlighten us on historical Palestinian efforts nor name any indigenous Palestinian leaders who fought militarily or politically against any foreign invasion.  Needless to say, the Dreyfus mob could not identify any Palestinian flag nor emblem nor currency the indigenous Palestinians used during their habitation of the geography. There must be some burial sites then surely? None. Okay, okay I ask, what about any historical constructions, either destroyed or still standing built by persons who identified themselves as Palestinian. Of course not.
So, did anyone see these people, this race, tribe, nation or culture who have created fact from mythology. According to my research they must have been invisible as no itinerant scribe ever documented their existence.
It is worth reposting selected paragraphs from my previous post to establish the simple facts that numerous travelers to the geography who diarized their journeys, travels and experiences all seemed to have missed the indigenous habitants we call now the Palestinians.
Abbot Richard of Saint – Vanne, 970 -1046 in his 11th century Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, made no reference to the Palestinians. Jews, Muslims yes, but no collective known as Palestinian.
The 13th century Arab biographer, Yakut wrote:
“Mecca is holy to Muslims and Jerusalem is holy to Jews”. Never in his writings referring to the Palestinians.
Ibn Khaldun, Arab historian and philosopher who died in 1406, wrote in 1377:
“Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel, extended over 1400 years and it was the Jews who implanted the culture and customs of the permanent settlement”. Again, not one note alluding to the Palestinians.
Siebald Rieter, 1426 – 1488 penned a series of essays including Maps to Jerusalem (1426 – 1428) describing his journeys throughout the area and naturally no reference to the Palestinians.
Similarly, Bernard Von Breydenbach, 1440 – 1497 in his Pilgrimage, A Travel Report (Peregrinatio in Terram Sanctam) and Sir Richard Guylforde 1450 – 1506 Pilgrimage, during their extensive travels and detailed diaries also seemed to have missed the Palestinian population.
Maybe Felix Fabri, died 1502 in his Pilgrim and Preacher, Peter Fassbender 1450 – 1518 in his Pilgrim Libraries or Martin Kabatnik, died 1503, From Jerusalem to Cairo discovered the Palestinian people. Absolutely not.
Kabatnik wrote, “The heathens (non-Jews) oppose the Jews at their pleasure, in spite of all the tribulations and the agonies they suffer at the hands of the heathen, the Jews refuse to leave the Holy Land that has been promised to them”. The heathens were the itinerant Bedouins.
Let’s now refer to John Mandeville in his Travels published between 1357 and 1371; Paul Walther Guglingen, in his Jerusalem Travels, 1482/3, describes in detail the inhabitants of the area and Arnold Van Hoff ‘s 1471 – 1505 journals , Pilgrimage , surprise surprise – not one reference to a people, race, tribe or culture identifying as Palestinian.
Father Michael Naud, a Jesuit Priest, in his works The Jerusalem Connection, 1674 penned:
“The Jews of Jerusalem were resigned to paying a heavy price to the Turk for their divine right to stay there”.
Just for good measure the following diarists also managed to ignore, forget or missed the Palestinian people during their travels.
Sir George Adam Smith, died 1790, Jerusalem; Edward Robinson, died 1863, Biblical Researches; Alphonse de Lamartine, died 1869, From Marseilles to Jerusalem; and Sir George Gawler, died 1869, Syria and its New Prospects.
The above are just some examples of historical, documented works, diaries and journals of respected travelers to the geography known since time immemorial as Israel and during colonial invasions temporarily called Palestine. None of these written documents alludes to a human collective we know today as Palestinians who claim with the support of many that they are the indigenous people to the geography.
Indeed, no traveler noted the language of the Palestinian nor what any mythical Palestinian called themselves in their mother tongue and in conclusion this requires explanation and elaboration.
The evidence is that Arab militant, political organizations dedicated to the elimination of the Jewish State of Israel were created in the 1960’s through the 1980’s. Their charters are written in Arabic. However, there is no sound for the letter P in Arabic so what therefore did the old, (nonexistent?) Palestinians or do the newly formed Palestinians call themselves in their mother tongue? The letter P in Arabic is pronounced with either a B or F sound, thus they would be calling themselves Balestinians or Felastinians. Well once again history is lacking any such people although the word Felastinian does exist in Arabic and the definition only mocks the Palestinian claims to being indigenous to the geography. You see, Felastinian is the pronunciation for Philistine – an extinct race of people originating from the Greek Islands. The more recent definition of Philistine is uncouth, uncultured heathens. Which definition do you think today’s Palestinians would prefer?
Like silicone breast implants the Palestinians were invented in the 1960’s.
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jetblack4realz · 6 months ago
unexpressed - jacaerys velaryon
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summary - jace has kept his feelings from you for too long
warnings - nah
word count - 1.3k
the grey swirling clouds dripped rain into the salty seas below, an accompanying wind blowing the droplets into the sides of the sea walls and through the windows of dragonstone, wetting the deep red carpeting. lightning flashed through the skies, thunder shaking the bones of jacaerys as he walked through the halls hastily.
visions of aemond and y/n danced in his mind, only encouraging the anger fueling his steps. the way she looked at him with her big, doe eyes, as though every word he said held some deep, philosophical meaning that no one else in the world could ever understand. how she offered him simple touches to the shoulder, the wrist in attempts to bring them akin. the smirk that pulled at aemond's lips every time she did so and he caught sight of jace's knitted brows.
he wondered why his uncle had taken a visit to their island. he hadn't seen him in years and yet here he was now and y/n was being all too kind to him.
when her father, daemon, had spoken up finally, his eyes were only on jacaerys.
"king viserys and i have come to an arrangement..."
and suddenly it all made sense. why she was being so sickly sweet to a man she used to lament with jace over and why he continued to indulge in it, though he only had his eye on jace. why jace had felt the shift in power upon entering the dining hall.
he wasn't a quiet boy. he never had been and he reckoned he never would be.
"the war is inevitable, why subject y/n to a lifetime of pain and misery with this heathen?"
"jace," his mother had warned, but he was unrelenting, his gaze resting harshly on daemon.
"this does our family no justice, and no unification will be found. this is a reckless, unthoughtful decision with only-"
"jace." he halted when y/n spoke. she offered him a frown, shaking her head slightly. "you're not helping."
"nephew, while i appreciate your concern for my betrothed's wellbeing, you needn't fear." aemond looked at y/n with a smirk that unsettled the entire table. next to him, luke's eyes pointed into a glare at the white-haired man. "i'll take good care of her."
"you're sounding too much like your brother," jace said, brows furrowing deeply.
"perhaps aegon is wise in some aspects."
"not this one," jace countered.
the tension in the room was palpable, rhaenyra and daemon exchanging looks of uncertainty. jace's withholdings were understood and they debated silently with them as well. was the war inevitable enough to keep y/n at home? daemon certainly held his own misgivings towards his nephew, but he loved his brother and it was viserys who had requested a betrothal be made, a sort of peace offering. before he died. before the world fell into chaos.
"if you'll excuse me," y/n had said, rising from her seat and entering the thunderstorm-ridden walkways that had jace chasing after her.
he attempted to speak to her, to reason with her, to convince her to have daemon call it off, to fly away with him but everything he said only made her pull farther from him, further into the storm.
jace knew that she'd always loved the rain, that it always brought a certain comfort to her that wasn't found in front of fiery hearths and under thick blankets. he couldn't ever find that same comfort in it, only ever finding comfort in her. and now he'd royally screwed that up.
he called out her name, his hands coming up in annoyance and desperation. she refused to turn and face him, instead wiping the tears from her cheeks and willing the oncoming ones away. he called out once more, but she chose to not hear him as she ducked into the courtyard, a loud rumble thundering through the corridors.
the overhang of the walkway did little to shield her from the storm, but she failed to care.
"listen to me!" jace cried, following the girl and reaching out for her arm. she attempted to pull it from him, but he held on tight, instead dragging her closer to him. his shirt was completely soaked through and yet for the first time in her life, she was not paying attention to it. he released her arm once she stayed still, instead running his hand through his dripping hair.
"i think you've said all that you need to, but by all means, continue berating me," she said, her voice making it clear that she'd spilled tears over the matter. he sighed heavily.
"i'm not berating you-"
"then what is it that you are trying to do here? because all you've done since i told you was tell me what a horrible decision i was making and how you despise him so," she cut him off.
"what do you expect me to say? aemond is vile and cruel and undeserving of you in every manner," jace said, nearly spitting the words out of annoyance towards his uncle. "he's never once spoken of you kindly or offered you to dance at supper. i haven't seen anything close to a touch, or a hug, or a smile and you deserve better."
"just because you don't see it doesn't mean that it doesn't happen," she defended, but he wasn't done.
"do you think it's easy for me to see you following him around all infatuated? believe me, it's not," he said, taking a frustrated breath before continuing. "you know, maybe he does care for you. maybe he will learn to be a kind husband. but, i know that he will never love you in the same way, with the same fervor and dedication that i will. that i do. and it kills me that you've been oblivious to this our entire childhood, that everyone has, to the point that you ended up betrothed to aemond of all people!"
she didn't say a word. he stood there, breathless, waiting.
her eyes were cast to the cobblestone floor, her hands folded in front of her delicately.
puffs of jacaerys' breath danced with the rainwater, the cold finally setting in as he wrung his hands together, one coming up to rub the back of his neck.
"i'm sorry. i.. i shouldn't have-"
"shut up."
she closed the distance between them quickly, standing on her tiptoes to pull him towards her. jace reacted instantly, letting her hold his shoulders and resting one hand on her cheek, the other wrapped snugly around her waist as she pressed her lips to his.
he was smiling softly as their lips moved against one another, the boy tilting his head slightly to recapture her lips at a more accessible angle. one hand pulled her closer to him, feeling her heat against him as one of her hands slid off his shoulder to rest against his chest. slowly, very slowly, she pushed him away, a grin on her face when she finally broke free.
they stayed close, jace smiling down at her as he tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear, his hand resting on her jaw as he pressed a kiss to her forehead.
"you don't know how long i've been waiting for you to say that," she admitted, hugging him closer to her.
"you don't know how many times i've almost said it," he chuckled.
"you're not great at timing, you know," she pointed out, smiling knowingly at the boy. he shrugged.
"he can try to win you back, but as far as i'm concerned, he can't do anything about it. my mother's the queen," he said, winking at her. she laughed loudly, resting her head against his chest.
"i love you too, by the way."
"that's good. if you didn't, you would be the cruelest girl in the world."
thanks for reading! leave a request in the comments or message me privately! i love writing, so if you've got an idea you need fleshed out on paper i'd love to be the one to do that for you
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dragonpastels · 1 year ago
Master post time!🐢
since I seem to have lost all control, I thought I'd put together this post to organize everything for you peeps!
Cracked Conscience
After Donnie has some rough few nights fighting the purple dragons him and the others are greeted by... A quite interesting version of Donnie's future self? What could this mean?
Main Comic
Chapter 1. Drama and Dragons
Chapter 2. A Different Shade of Purple
CC Ref Sheets
Evil Donnie Ref Sheets (Colored) Evil Donnie Ref Sheets (Linework) Tech Maintenance Fit Ref Sheet Evil Donnie Early Fit Ref Sheet
Future Leo Ref Sheet
Outdated: Evil Donnie Ref Sheets
Q&A With the Hidden City's Most Wanted!
Do you have a burning question to ask our wonderful host? Like their favorite color? What did they do today? Or deep philosophical questions? Or do you just want to give them unwarranted gifts? Well, here is your chance to ask until the feed drops!
⚠️Warning by submitting a question you accept the risk of the following: kidnapping, experimentation, dismemberment, collection, emotional damage, death. Any or all of these may occur per the host's discretion. This contract is legally binding and cannot be broken or altered.⚠️
FAQ: Frequently asked questions
what if I bribe Evil Donnie with uranium?
4th wall breaks (Jack Horner Animatic Related) You're all on my list You Heathen Brother Opinions
Shiny Rock Bribe
Can I Pet him? (Bad Ending)
The Poke/Jupiter Jim Marathon Time!
Snack time with Insults for dessert!
What if I got in a Sparring Match?
Does he like plushies?
How many times have you set a building on fire?
A gift of flowers
GMF: Genetically Modified Furbies
How much sleep have you gotten? (why are you gray pt. 2)
IT'S 15 Rip Bozo (why are you gray pt. 3)
has he always looked this way?
the universe decides
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Color Reveal Saga~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
about the color thing
jobs for hire
Still not kidnapping
Can I dig in your walls?
I wanna study him like a bug
music tastes
shared dumplings
Trick or Treat! (late, whoopsie), Happy Halloween (ft body horror)
one more uranium bribe ought to do
CC Year 1 Anniversary Mini Masterpost 🎈
CC Animatic Corner🎞️
Year 1 Anniversary Animatic (villain/character voice line compilation)
A very important message
Jack Horner Animatic (read disclaimer) Disclaimer: I recommend reading through Chapter 2 of CC. Although a few things have changed/are no longer canon. There are still a few scenes that are relevant to the comic. Therefore I recommend reading through Chpt 2 first to be surprised
How to Train Your Turtle
You like How to Train Your Dragon and Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Well, you're in luck! Because these boys are now dragons and poor April is stuck with them after crashing on their island.
Chapter 1. Stranded
Ask Shenanigans
Dragon Logs
Dragon Shenanigans
Pre-Besties April/Donnie dynamic
Mikey the cuddle gremlin
A shiny rock for Donnie, tasty book snack
Have they heard music/do they like it?
will they have mutant forms/can Raph change his size?
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archivist-crow · 2 months ago
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Dogmen - Legendary creatures with canine or wolf heads and anthropoid bodies capable of walking or running upright.
Unlike weredogs, or shape-shifters, dogmen seem to be hybrids. Dogmen are reported around the world. In lore they have been considered a type of debased human being.
The Cynocephali, or Dog-heads, were well known in classical times, and were among the most feared of monstrous races. In some descriptions, they were fire-breathing cannibals with enormous teeth.
A race of raw-meat-eating dog headed men said to live in india was described as early as the fourth century B.C. Ctesias of Cnidus, the court physician to Artaxerxes of Persia and a philosopher, historian, and writer, wrote of them. Ctesias’s works were extensively quoted by Pliny the Elder in the first century C.E. in his work Historia Naturalis. Ctesias called the mutants the Dog-Headed Men of the Northern Hills:
In the hills there are men who have a dog's head, and whose clothes are the skins of wild beasts. They have no language; they bark like dogs and so make themselves understood to one another. Their teeth are longer than those of dogs; their nails are like those of animals, but longer and more curved. They are black and very honest, like the rest of the Indians, with whom they trade; they understand the Indian language, but they cannot reply except by barking and making signs with their hands and fingers like deaf-mutes. The Indians call them Calystrians in their language, which means dog-headed. They live on raw meat. Their population may reach 129,000.
The explorer Marco Polo also described a race of dog-headed men on the island of "Angaman," thought to be one of the Andaman Islands.
Ctesias's writings have long been dismissed by scientists, who point out that he never went to India himself and knew of it only by hearsay and second-hand reports. His "dog-men" may have been monkeys, or a race of hairy pygmies called the Vedduh from Ceylon. As for Polo, he also is dismissed as probably having been influenced by Ctesias.
In Egyptian lore, Queen Hatshepsut sent sailors to the "land of Punt" (part of Somalia), where they found dog-headed men who were fierce warriors.
References to dog-headed men appear in Christianity. The Theodore Psalter in the British Library features an illustration of Jesus preaching to dog-headed men—perhaps a symbol of the heathen. An apocryphal work, Contendings of the Apostles, tells of Andrew and Bartholomew preaching to a giant cannibal named Abominable, who has a doglike head and bestial body features. The legendary St. Christopher was described in the eighth century as being "one of the Dog-heads," who ate human flesh.
In North America, the Dogmen of Michigan are said to haunt northern Michigan. The legend dates to the late 19th century, when loggers were said to encounter a strange, large black dog that reared up on its hind legs.
Folklore accounts recorded since then tell of sightings of a creature with a dog's head and a man's body. "Dogmen" were said to break into houses and buildings, leaving claw and teeth marks on doors, and to attack people and animals, some of whom supposedly died of fright. A creature with a man's body and dog's head was encountered swimming in Claybank Lake near Manistee, where fishermen had to fight it off to keep it out of their boat.
Text from The Encyclopedia of Vampires, Werewolves, and Other Monsters (Checkmark Books, 2005) by Rosemary Guiley
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skaldish · 1 year ago
When people ask me "How do I be Heathen?" it's like they've asked me "How do I ride a bicycle?"
Let's pretend this, actually. Let's pretend Heathenry is a bicycle.
I reply that in order to ride the bike of Heathenry, "You put your hands on the handlebars and your feet on the peddles and start peddling."
When people try this and fall over, they ask me why this happened.
And I reply, "Riding a bike isn't something you 'get' just by recreating the motions. You have to apply your sense of balance to it."
That's when people get uppity and I hear things like "Balance? That's New Age bullshit. I don't believe in it." or "Do you have any evidence of this?" or "Balance isn't a real biking value."
And then I reply, "Ok, back up. Balance isn't some kind of philosophical idea or esoteric concept. It's a sense. It's a faculty of the human body. You experience your sense of balance by engaging it, and you get better at this when you exercise it like a muscle."
And if people haven't already walked away because none of this matches their idea of how a vehicle works, they ask, "How do I exercise this muscle?"
I reply, "You practice riding the bike."
And then they ask, "Well...how do I ride the bike?"
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whencyclopedia · 6 months ago
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Saint Cyril
Saint Cyril (aka Kyrillos and Constantine the Philosopher, d. 867 CE) was a Byzantine linguist, teacher, scholar and missionary who famously preached Christianity to the Slavs in Moravia with his brother Methodius during the 9th century CE. He created the Glagolitic alphabet, the forerunner to the Cyrillic alphabet that bears his name, and did much to spread the religion, art and culture of the Byzantine empire into central Europe.
Early Life
Cyril is the monastic name the saint chose near the end of his life but he was born Constantine, the son of a military officer called Leo stationed in Thessaloniki; his mother may have been a Slav. He was a gifted linguist from an early age and was sent to Constantinople to further his education and study such languages as Syriac and Hebrew. Looked after by the eunuch Theoktistos, Cyril was ordained as a priest and served as an official at the Hagia Sophia church where he developed a close relationship with the Patriarch of Constantinople, the bishop Photios. The brilliant scholar quickly became the bishop's librarian. Cyril became a teacher of philosophy at the Magnaura university in Constantinople where he gained the epithet “Constantine the Philosopher”.
Cyril was next sent on two diplomatic missions, the first to the Muslim court at Samarra and the second to the Khazars, a Turkic tribe in the Caucasus, c. 860 CE. According to Cyril's 9th century CE biography, attributed to one of his disciples, the scholar monk was enthusiastic for the opportunity to spread the Gospel:
If you command, lord, on such a mission I shall gladly go on foot and unshod, lacking all the Lord forbade Hi disciples to bring.' The emperor answered, saying,: 'Well spoken, were you to do this ! But bear in mind the imperial power and honour, and go honourably and with imperial help.
Life of Constantine (in Shepard, 315)
The trip, unfortunately, ended in failure if it had intended to convert the Khazars to Christianity as the Byzantines only managed to baptise around 200 of them. The Khazaria state eventually adopted Judaism instead. Cyril did bring back souvenirs, though, said to be the relics of the exiled 1st century CE Bishop of Rome, Saint Clement. His ambitions were not dampened either as he promptly set off of his own accord into the Crimea to spread his message to the heathen Phoullai people. It is likely Cyril was not any more popular there, though, especially when he chopped down their sacred oak tree.
Continue reading...
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civilotterneer · 1 year ago
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"Well, gotta refuel before I make my way to Prescott Valley. I didn't see this town on my map, but gas is gas." He doesn't realize he's about to enter just as the hysteria hits.
Decided to make a fun little art piece about Echo, my current reading material. However, I kinda have a lot of thoughts about it so far.
I'll keep my dialogue here spoiler-light, and will avoid giving anything important away.
Echo is one of those stories that, as much as I typically detest horror, has completely enthralled me. Not to get to philosophical, but its use of foreshadowing reminds me of a few strong mystery and sci-fi points:
The overall foreshadowing reminds me of solid Arthur Conan Doyle-style. ACD was known for his novels having given you everything you need to solve the mystery long before the characters can. While the mystery isn't solved in each ending, there is a heavy amount of this foreshadowing that is just like ACD. Things mentioned early on that feel like minor statements become important later. For example, swimming is heavily mentioned by Chase early on in TJ's route, and to those who have done the route, they realize why. With Leo, its the trainyard. These are the only routes I've completed so far, but I will be watching for these now when I do the rest.
Another neat note is how each story gives a bit of foreshadowing to each other. In Flynn's route, its mentioned that the railing by Lake Emma wouldn't stop a car from going in. Though I haven't finished Flynn's route yet to see if this is direct foreshadowing, I do remember the car doing exactly this in Leo's route, and it's never mentioned there.
Second is the push for "Man is the Monster", akin to Frankenstein. So far, TJ's route was heavily this (Chase you heathen), and Leo's was from Leo. The use of the monster physically in Leo's is almost unnecessary, as the monster's been with them the whole time. It's a great dive into man is the monster that reminds me of the common scifi tropes that aim to point that out instead of just putting a monster in the way (See Alien and how though the monster is a very real threat, the true monster is the company that keeps sacrificing people to study the alien).
This story is so well written and uses a lot of very-strong scifi writing traits, and I'm excited to continue and analyze these more. Props to The Echo Project for really having some great writers so far!
It feels really weird (and even moreso enthralling!) because I don't live that far from the approximate location Echo should be, not to far away from Prescott. I've even located Lake Alamo, which has a lot of similarities to Lake Emma, though there isn't a nearby settlement that matches Echo's description. I'm tempted to do a quick study of the area, take a weekend and hike around after doing like a week of local research to see what I could find that matches the descriptions of Echo. Maybe make some kind of literary analysis out of the photos and the story itself once I complete all the routes.
Note: I noticed a render error and re-uploaded the fixed version.
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dc-and-damirae · 1 year ago
tim made a horrifying mistake and came to damian for help asking out benard
damian: it seems to me that he is a fussbudget and you insist on being chicken-hearted and until you stop being a Duke of limbs your endeavors are doome you to be a heathen philosopher tim: wtf I did not understand most of that and what I did I didn't like damian: don't use contractions it is unbecoming.
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apenitentialprayer · 7 months ago
I was asked why someone should be Catholic if they're Orthodox and therefore can participate in the Eucharist. I didn't have a good answer for him, but I was wondering if you did?
The Russian Orthodox philosopher Vladimir Soloviev never technically converted to Catholicism, but he was a major advocate of the reunification of the Churches and believed that the Pope in fact did have primacy over the Universal Church. He wrote a book in 1895 called Russia and the Universal Church, which you (or the person who asked this question to you) can read in its entirety here.
Soloviev emphasizes that the church is supposed to be universal in nature, but since the East-West Schism the Eastern Orthodox Churches have taken on increasingly nationalistic characters. Without union with a visibly global Patriarch that transcends national borders, he argues that the Eastern Churches will become subjected by the secular state.
This fear is highlighted by the Holy Synod established by Emperor Peter the Great in 1721, which abolished the office of the Patriarch of Moscow and established a ruling body more amenable to Peter's Enlightenment-inspired Church reforms. Over 150 years after this event, Soloviev can quote Ivan Aksakov, who says:
As is well known, the Russian Church is governed by an administrative council called a Spiritual Conclave or Holy Synod, whose members are nominated by the Emperor and presided over by a civil or military official, the High Procurator of the Holy Synod, who has complete control of the government of the Church. The dioceses, or eparchies, are nominally ruled by the bishops nominated by the Head of State on the recommendations of the Synod, that is, of the High Procurator who may subsequently depose them at pleasure.
So, Soloviev argues that without the universal jurisdiction of the Roman Pontiff, there is no one to appeal to in the event that a secular authority seeks to usurp ecclesial authority.
Soloviev also recounts a story about a potential convert who despaired of finding his place in the Orthodox Church and became Catholic instead:
William Palmer, a distinguished member of the Anglican Church and of the University of Oxford, wished to join the Orthodox Church. He went to Russia and Turkey to study the contemporary situation of the Christian East and to find out on what conditions he would be admitted to the communion of the Eastern Orthodox. At St. Petersburg and at Moscow he was told that he had only to abjure the errors of Protestantism before a priest, who would thereupon administer to him the sacrament of Holy Charism or Confirmation. But at Constantinople he found that he must be baptized afresh. As he knew himself to be a Christian and saw no reason to suspect the validity of his baptism (which incidentally was admitted without question by the Russian Orthodox Church), he considered that a second baptism would be sacrilege. On the other hand, he could not bring himself to accept Orthodoxy according to the local rules of the Russian Church since he would then become Orthodox only in Russia while remaining a heathen in the eyes of the Greeks; and he had no wish to join a national Church but to join the Universal Orthodox Church. No one could solve his dilemma, and so he became a Roman Catholic.
Soloviev points here to what he sees as another severe problem in the Orthodox Communion: "The Eastern Church is not a homogeneous body. […] If the Russian and Greek Churches give no evidence of their solidarity by any vital activity, their 'unity of faith' is a mere abstract formula producing no fruits and involving no obligations." The disagreement over whether Palmer's baptism was valid or not placed the man in such an exasperating situation that he straight up left for Rome.
The question becomes, when you have varying customs and disciplines that are causing problems and contradictions with something as essential to the faith of baptism, whose authority do you turn to in order to find a solution? Saint Irenaeus answered Soloviev's concern over 1700 years earlier: "For it is a matter of necessity that every Church should agree with this Church [i.e., Rome] on account of its preeminent authority."
Soloviev believed that "on the day which the Russian and Greek Churches formally break with each other the whole world will see that the Œcumenical Eastern Church is a mere fiction and that there exists in the East nothing but isolated national Churches." Soloviev paints an incredibly bleak picture here, I think, but even if it's exaggerated, well, it's also an important question now that Particular Churches within the Eastern Orthodox communion have been in schism since 2018. It's not the first time a schism has occurred between Moscow and Constantinople (one lasted slightly less than a hundred years), but, y'know...
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pharmaciacatholica · 4 months ago
We said above that in the Church of God the teacher's error is the people's trial, a trial by so much the greater in proportion to the greater learning of the erring teacher. This we showed first by the authority of Scripture, and then by instances from Church History, of persons who having at one time had the reputation of being sound in the faith, eventually either fell away to some sect already in existence, or else founded a heresy of their own. An important fact truly, useful to be learned, and necessary to be remembered, and to be illustrated and enforced again and again, by example upon example, in order that all true Catholics may understand that it behooves them with the Church to receive Teachers, not with Teachers to desert the faith of the Church.
My belief is, that among many instances of this sort of trial which might be produced, there is not one to be compared with that of Origen, in whom there were many things so excellent, so unique, so admirable, that antecedently any one would readily deem that implicit faith was to be placed all his assertions. For if the conversation and manner of life carry authority, great was his industry, great his modesty, his patience, his endurance; if his descent or his erudition, what more noble than his birth of a house rendered illustrious by martyrdom? Afterwards, when in the cause of Christ he had been deprived not only of his father, but also of all his property, he attained so high a standard in the midst of the straits of holy poverty, that he suffered several times, it is said, as a Confessor. Nor were these the only circumstances connected with him, all of which afterwards proved an occasion of trial. He had a genius so powerful, so profound, so acute, so elegant, that there was hardly any one whom he did not very far surpass. The splendour of his learning, and of his erudition generally, was such that there were few points of divine philosophy, hardly any of human which he did not thoroughly master. When Greek had yielded to his industry, he made himself a proficient in Hebrew. What shall I say of his eloquence, the style of which was so charming, so soft, so sweet, that honey rather than words seemed to flow from his mouth! What subjects were there, however difficult, which he did not render clear and perspicuous by the force of his reasoning? What undertakings, however hard to accomplish, which he did not make to appear most easy? But perhaps his assertions rested simply on ingeniously woven argumentation? On the contrary, no teacher ever used more proofs drawn from Scripture. Then I suppose he wrote little? No man more, so that, if I mistake not, his writings not only cannot all be read through, they cannot all be found; for that nothing might be wanting to his opportunities of obtaining knowledge, he had the additional advantage of a life greatly prolonged. But perhaps he was not particularly happy in his disciples? Who ever more so? From his school came forth doctors, priests, confessors, martyrs, without number. Then who can express how much he was admired by all, how great his renown, how wide his influence? Who was there whose religion was at all above the common standard that did not hasten to him from the ends of the earth? What Christian did not reverence him almost as a prophet; what philosopher as a master? How great was the veneration with which he was regarded, not only by private persons, but also by the Court, is declared by the histories which relate how he was sent for by the mother of the Emperor Alexander, moved by the heavenly wisdom with the love of which she, as he, was inflamed. To this also his letters bear witness, which, with the authority which he assumed as a Christian Teacher, he wrote to the Emperor Philip, the first Roman prince that was a Christian. As to his incredible learning, if any one is unwilling to receive the testimony of Christians at our hands, let him at least accept that of heathens at the hands of philosophers. For that impious Porphyry says that when he was little more than a boy, incited by his fame, he went to Alexandria, and there saw him, then an old man, but a man evidently of so great attainments, that he had reached the summit of universal knowledge.
Time would fail me to recount, even in a very small measure, the excellencies of this man, all of which, nevertheless, not only contributed to the glory of religion, but also increased the magnitude of the trial. For who in the world would lightly desert a man of so great genius, so great learning, so great influence, and would not rather adopt that saying, That he would rather be wrong with Origen, than be right with others.
What shall I say more? The result was that very many were led astray from the integrity of the faith, not by any human excellencies of this so great man, this so great doctor, this so great prophet, but, as the event showed, by the too perilous trial which he proved to be. Hence it came to pass, that this Origen, such and so great as he was, wantonly abusing the grace of God, rashly following the bent of his own genius, and placing overmuch confidence in himself, making light account of the ancient simplicity of the Christian religion, presuming that he knew more than all the world besides, despising the traditions of the Church and the determinations of the ancients, and interpreting certain passages of Scripture in a novel way, deserved for himself the warning given to the Church of God, as applicable in his case as in that of others, “If there arise a prophet in the midst of you,... you shall not hearken to the words of that prophet,...because the Lord your God does make trial of you, whether you love Him or not.” Deuteronomy 13:1 Truly, thus of a sudden to seduce the Church which was devoted to him, and hung upon him through admiration of his genius, his learning, his eloquence, his manner of life and influence, while she had no fear, no suspicion for herself — thus, I say, to seduce the Church, slowly and little by little, from the old religion to a new profaneness, was not only a trial, but a great trial.
But some one will say, Origen's books have been corrupted. I do not deny it; nay, I grant it readily. For that such is the case has been handed down both orally and in writing, not only by Catholics, but by heretics as well. But the point is, that though himself be not, yet books published under his name are, a great trial, which, abounding in many hurtful blasphemies, are both read and delighted in, not as being some one else's, but as being believed to be his, so that, although there was no error in Origen's original meaning, yet Origen's authority appears to be an effectual cause in leading people to embrace error.
Saint Vincent of Lerins, Commonitory on the Antiquity and Universality of the Catholic Faith (AD 450)
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eternal-echoes · 1 year ago
“Monks did more than simply preserve literacy. Even an unsympathetic scholar could write of monastic education: "They studied the songs of heathen poets and the writings of historians and philosophers. Monasteries and monastic schools blossomed forth, and each settlement became a center of religious life as well as of education."1 Another unsympathetic chronicler wrote of the monks, "They not only established the schools, and were the schoolmasters in them, but also laid the foundations for the university. They were the thinkers and philosophers of the day and shaped the political and religious thought. To them, both collectively and individually, was due the continuity of thought and civilization of the ancient world with the later Middle Ages and with the modern period.”2”
- Thomas E. Woods Jr., Ph.D., “How the Monks Saved Civilization,” How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization
1. Adolf von Harnack, quoted in John B. O'Connor, Monasticism and Civilization (New York: P. J. Kennedy & Sons, 1921), 90.
2. Alexander Clarence Flick, The Rise of the Mediaeval Church (New York: Burt Franklin, 1909), 222-223.
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theseventhoffrostfall · 1 year ago
I saw your post where you said your pet theory about Judge Holden is that he’s the narrator of Blood Meridian, which I found both very intriguing and fun.
But the more I thought about it, I eventually realized there seems to be two things possibly hindering the legitimacy of the theory, and I wanted to discuss, if you don’t mind. I know you made your post months ago, so I don’t know if you still stand by your theory, but I don’t really have anybody to discuss BM with.
The first potential snag is a simple question: If we want to assume Holden is the narrator, how would he know about where the Kid came from, why he ran away, what he did before they met, etc. when it seems like the Kid never told anyone about those things, and Holden - for all his incredible knowledge - isn’t omniscient. Do we have to assume he DID tell someone like Toadvine or Tobin off-page during their long travels and the judge overheard him? With how guarded emotionally the Kid is, I didn’t think that would happen.
How I came to an answer for it was by considering that maybe at some point the Judge decided to do research on this boy to understand him, to find out WHY he showed “clemency to the heathen”, in the hopes of one day dominating him, and used reasoning to retrace the Kid’s steps, like perhaps starting off with remembering the Kid would have a Tennessean accent and going to TN as a starting point. It’s a stretch, but that’s what I came up with.
The second hiccup regards the narration’s physical descriptions of the Judge throughout the novel, which come off like we’re supposed to view Holden as strange, off-putting, and kind of disgusting-looking. The example that sticks out in my mind is when the gang is at the bathhouse in Chihuahua City and he’s directly compared to a manatee, which has pretty much never been used as a flattering comparison. In contrast, the way Holden acts shows he’s very comfortable in his own skin to the point where he frequently goes naked, with nothing to suggest he deals with any sort of insecurity, or even a self-deprecating nature.
The only justification I can come up with is that he’s like SpongeBob in that one episode where he goes “I’M UGLY AND I’M PROUD!!!”
All in all, I still find your “Holden is the narrator theory” to be fun on a surface level, but for now I wouldn’t personally believe it. Heck, maybe this whole time you never took the theory seriously either and I’ve just been babbling inanely, but even three months after reading BM I still got it lodged in my brain and I gotta let some of my thoughts out.
Yo, sorry for the late answer.
I wouldn't say the theory is something I dwelt a very long time on, so I don't think it's foolproof by any means, but I might be able to address those two points you mentioned.
One, it's possible Holden out of curiosity did walk up the kid's backtrail--he's shown to be obsessive about knowing everything, especially something like a young kid who manages to defy his influence. He's not omniscient, but he also routinely shows that he has knowledge that no one else has and he has no way of knowing, such as the ancient stone-builders he goes on his infamous rant about. Some thirty years pass between the kid escaping him and their reunion, so he'd have plenty of time to follow up through means mundane or (if you buy into the common theories) supernatural. He's a convincing enough authority figure/intellectual that him showing up at the kid's family farm and ascertaining that the current owners' uncle or whatever ran away at fourteen is well within the realm of possibility.
Two, he clearly delights in making people squirm. Usually this takes the form of tearing down their philosophical and theological views, but it occasionally delves into more blunt methods (like his treatment of the native kid he 'rescues'). I don't think it's wholly coincidental that he resembles the Baron Harkonnen of Dune fame, who's stated to have cultivated a disgusting appearance out of perverse glee for being so loathsome. Being an ugly, unnerving figure galivanting around in 'polite' company seems to me to be completely up his alley.
Ultimately, though, my theory's based more on the voice it takes matching his voice more than any other, along with certain quirks of his--he's obsessive about the natural world while holding (or at least espousing) horrifically racist views, and the narration gets extremely purple regarding the landscape and natural world around them (recall a sunrise being described like the arrival of an eldritch god) while unflinchingly referring to Native peoples as 'savages' and dwelling on the squalor of Mexican and some American settlements.
But yeah, it's not something I'm 100% convinced on myself, and certainly not something I'd bicker over defending.
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jannwrites · 2 years ago
movie ask meme : JACOB'S LADDER (1990) directed by BRUCE JOEL RUBIN.
a selection of lines from the 1990 film jacob's ladder. modified slightly for rp purposes.
don't leave me.
yeah, you and everyone else.
fuck off! mind your own business!
i didn't want to wake you.
it is tomorrow. four a.m. how come you're so late?
why can't you remember their names?
they're biblical. they were prophets.
i don't let anybody call me that.
you're a real heathen, you know that, [name]?
you sold your soul, remember? that's what you told me.
is that the one who died?
sorry. it just took me by surprise. i didn't expect to see him this morning. god, what i wouldn't ...
he was the cutest little guy. like an angel, you know. he had this smile ...
i don't like things that make you cry.
it's amazing, huh [name]? your whole life, right in front of you.
they're gonna get me. they'll tear me to pieces.
i never hurt anybody when i was alive.
i don't understand you philosophers.
she said you were a son of a bitch and she regrets the day she set eyes on you.
i think she still loves you.
my brain is too small an organ to comprehend this chaos.
you know, you look like an angel, [name], an overgrown cherub. anyone ever tell you that?
this city is filled with creatures. everywhere.
they're like demons, [name].
it's the pressure, honey. that's all it is.
those guys tried to kill me tonight. they were aiming right at me.
says here the world's comin' to an end. the battle of heaven and hell they call it.
listen to me. i'm going out of my fucking mind here.
let me look at your hand.
according to this, you're already dead.
you are out of your mind, man. out of your fuckin' mind.
[name], you little devil. you never told me you could dance like that.
i wanna leave. get me out of here.
go to hell! go to hell, goddamn you!
if you go crazy on me you're goin' crazy by yourself. you understand?
there were all these demons and i was on fire.
i thought you said it was a nightmare?
i'm not going anywhere. i'm right here, [name].
come on, go back to sleep. you can still get a couple of hours.
you must have friends in high places, that's all i can say.
it's not worth it. you'll never win.
how many times can you die, huh?
god i hate this area. makes me nervous.
i'm not sure where i can talk anymore.
something's wrong, [name]. i don't know what it is but i can't talk to anybody about it.
you always used to listen, you know?
they've been followin' me. they're comin' outta the walls.
sometimes i think i'm just gonna jump outta my skin.
i don't know who they are, or what they are. but they're gonna get me and i'm scared, [name].
it's like i was coming apart at the seams.
they keep telling me i'm already dead, that they're gonna tear me apart, piece by piece, and throw me into the fire.
it's like they're crawling out of my brain.
he saw these creatures coming out of the woodwork. they were tryin' to get him, he said.
it's not worth goin' over again and again. whatever happened, happened. it's over.
i'm gettin' a headache just listenin' to you.
so tell me. am i still an angel?
this is your home. you're dead.
i'm not dead. i am not dead.
this is not a dream! this is my life.
i was in hell. i've been there. it's horrible. i don't want to die, [name].
you're a regular basket case, you know that?
you know what eckart said? the only thing that burns in hell is the part of you that won't let go of your life; your memories, your attachments. they burn 'em all away.
they're not punishing you. they're freeing your soul.
i'm not here. you haven't seen me.
the truth can kill, my friend.
hey, i'm not the problem. you've got bigger problems than me.
don't fight it. it's your own mind. it's your own fears.
it's hard to believe that the world could be so hellish on day and like heaven the next.
i love you when you're angry.
hello, [name]. i knew you'd come here in the end.
your capacity for self-delusion is remarkable.
you're a real dreamer, you know that? only it's time to wake up.
if you're frightened of dying you'll see devils tearing you apart. if you've made your peace then they're angels freeing you from the world.
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skaldish · 1 year ago
I got a folkist arguing with me that loki is only a bad god. Do you have any resources to prove he's been helpful?
Also how does Norse heathenry not have orthodoxy or orthopraxy?
That's entirely predicated on whether the folkist would accept any proof you give them. And in my experience, they don't, because that would require them to change their worldview, and their purpose of arguing with you is to reinforce what they already believe in.
You are simply a prop in the story they're telling themselves. I recommend blocking and moving on.
As for your second question: Norse Heathenry has no orthopraxy or orthodoxy because it never developed any.
A religion develops doctrines when its parent society develops centralized agricultural practices, which allows for a more effective division of labor. This allows for the development of an intellectual class, and praxis would develop as a byproduct of continued philosophical discussion. This is also when a religion starts addressing questions of transcendence (afterlife, greater design, nature of the soul, etc) in earnest.
But Northern Europe was late to the Iron Age and didn't see this development until after the Christian conversion, so the Heathen praxis everyone keeps digging around for can't be found because never existed in the first place.
We also can't retroactively conclude what may have emerged if Christianity hadn't been introduced. The only thing we can do is pick up where it left off and let it develop organically as it always has.
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whencyclopedia · 10 months ago
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Saint Cyril
Saint Cyril (aka Kyrillos and Constantine the Philosopher, d. 867 CE) was a Byzantine linguist, teacher, scholar and missionary who famously preached Christianity to the Slavs in Moravia with his brother Methodius during the 9th century CE. He created the Glagolitic alphabet, the forerunner to the Cyrillic alphabet that bears his name, and did much to spread the religion, art and culture of the Byzantine empire into central Europe.
Early Life
Cyril is the monastic name the saint chose near the end of his life but he was born Constantine, the son of a military officer called Leo stationed in Thessaloniki; his mother may have been a Slav. He was a gifted linguist from an early age and was sent to Constantinople to further his education and study such languages as Syriac and Hebrew. Looked after by the eunuch Theoktistos, Cyril was ordained as a priest and served as an official at the Hagia Sophia church where he developed a close relationship with the Patriarch of Constantinople, the bishop Photios. The brilliant scholar quickly became the bishop's librarian. Cyril became a teacher of philosophy at the Magnaura university in Constantinople where he gained the epithet “Constantine the Philosopher”.
Cyril was next sent on two diplomatic missions, the first to the Muslim court at Samarra and the second to the Khazars, a Turkic tribe in the Caucasus, c. 860 CE. According to Cyril's 9th century CE biography, attributed to one of his disciples, the scholar monk was enthusiastic for the opportunity to spread the Gospel:
If you command, lord, on such a mission I shall gladly go on foot and unshod, lacking all the Lord forbade Hi disciples to bring.' The emperor answered, saying,: 'Well spoken, were you to do this ! But bear in mind the imperial power and honour, and go honourably and with imperial help.
Life of Constantine (in Shepard, 315)
The trip, unfortunately, ended in failure if it had intended to convert the Khazars to Christianity as the Byzantines only managed to baptise around 200 of them. The Khazaria state eventually adopted Judaism instead. Cyril did bring back souvenirs, though, said to be the relics of the exiled 1st century CE Bishop of Rome, Saint Clement. His ambitions were not dampened either as he promptly set off of his own accord into the Crimea to spread his message to the heathen Phoullai people. It is likely Cyril was not any more popular there, though, especially when he chopped down their sacred oak tree.
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