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riddlesandqueries · 5 years ago
Valentine’s Evening
A roleplay between @themarmaladeblog and myself, concerning the relative conditions of a civilian, a rogue, and the unspoken.
It was… a date, right?
 It’s Valentine’s day. 
Bruce waits in a small cafe he’s fond of, where he knows the food and coffee are good and the people are friendly, where there’s quiet tables, and enough interference between them for a modicum of privacy. The atmosphere is close, and… affectionate, given the day, and the other diners. 
He’s dressed in blue. Edward’s suggestion, when they first had dinner together at the manor. He said he’d look better in color, than black and white, and Bruce had taken it to heart. ….He’d accepted. Edward had accepted the invite for dinner, and Bruce stresses over this, twisting his napkin between his fingers and nervously watching the door. Of course, the word ‘date’ had never been mentioned, it was just…. dinner.  - But, it’s a date, right….?
Oh, god, is this a date? Is this what dates are like when you actually care? Edward scowled against his nausea, parking the car and giving his hair a quick comb. This is probably what Hell is like, isn’t it. Just nothing but doubt and insecurity and never getting answers. The last one was his least favourite thing in the world, and it burned in him like an ulcer. Adjusting his tie, he strolled inside despite his stomach ache. “Hello, Bruce.”
God, he’s cute. Bruce muses, through a faint and worryingly earnest smile. 
Does he… look? As smitten as he feels? Bruce hopes not. It would be a terrible idea to actually… date, Edward Nygma. 
Nygma, A man he’s personally concussed three times, and locked in the VR, who’s tried to kill him on multiple occasions. He couldn’t in good conscience date Edward Nygma. Not when he still can’t actually tell him who he god-damn is. 
(Not that Bruce’s put on the cowl in some time. His heart, just…. hasn’t been in it, lately.)
Bruce finds himself searching Edward’s face, trying to discern his expression, weigh the amount of affection he can find in the other man’s eyes, see if it matches his own. He should’ve brought flowers, god. 
No, god damn it, under no circumstances should I be buying him flowers. 
“Hey, Eddie.“ His smile, despite his better judgement, grows just a bit. "Had a good February?”
“All half of it? I’ve had worse.” Edward says, taking a seat. He’s in rich green, so dark it’s almost black, with bright accents in white and gold and purple in his details. “How about you? You’ve been quiet.”
“Heh, it’s one of those dark months, I think, that kind of… carries me off into thinking…. So, uh, lost in thought? Lots of days in the gym, staring into space.” 
Bruce pauses, as dimly it occurs to him that he should at least greet Edward properly. “…You look fantastic. Heh, no surprise, though….”
“Dark months? Do you get that seasonal affective disorder?” Edward frowns curiously. “There’s light box therapies for that, you know.”
“Oh - no, nothing like that, I just… deeply crave it to be light enough to go rock climbing. I get nostalgic for warm-weather sports as the winter drags on, but it’s not depression, I don’t think, so much as I zone out easier on exercise machines.” Bruce rubs the back of his neck, a bit. “Easy to get lost in thought on an elliptical. I mean, I guess it’s good for my creativity….”
“Bruce, that’s dangerous.” Edward gently chides. “You could mash a toe.”
The first instinct is to object, to protest that he’s done it a hundred times before, that he’s had worse, but… Bruce quashes that reflex. It’s honestly kind of nice, he decides after a half-second pause, to be worried after. By someone other than Alfred. 
In fact, it would be nice if it was anyone worrying after him, he tells himself, the fact that it’s Edward has nothing to do with it. Bruce absolutely insists upon this fact mentally, though he can’t even manage to convince himself. He smiles, sheepish. “Yeah… you’re right. Old habits aren’t easy to break, though, y'know?”
“Oh, sure.” Edward chuckles wryly, looking over the drink menu. “Even new habits are hard to break: they’re there for a reason, after all. But I hope that things lighten up for you soon.” Bruce still has a tan. Maybe he should be a snowbird.
“Yeah, soon as the sunlight lasts past when I tend to leave the office.” Bruce laughs, a cheerful sound that briefly fills the small cafe. They’re smiled at, by a waitress, though ultimately she passes them over for the nonce, as Edward is pondering the offerings – largely Greek fusion – and Bruce picks up the drink menu. 
He’s, ah, quite thirsty for some reason, and… has the sneaking suspicion that this evening will go smoother one cocktail in. Just one. Don’t want to get sloppy drunk around a crush. 
…Come off it, it’s been months. I think we’re a bit past the whole 'crush’ bit. - Bruce just about catches himself before he sighs heavily at his own thoughts. - Knock it off. Focus on the drink menu.
Edward remains oblivious. Oh, that laugh…as cheerful as ever, if maybe a bit more honest than during his usual social performances. He swallows his thoughts, and decides on a simple sangria, as well as spanakopita: he hasn’t had the latter since the summer.
“They’re supposed to be really good at uh, traditional dishes here, according to all the reviews I read.” Bruce decides, silently, on Lamb Kleftiko, and he ignores the fact that 'stolen lamb’ is weirdly thematic given his company. It prompts a quiet chuckle, under his breath. Stolen - well, that’s fine.
“I was, going to get a drink while it’s still early, did you want to look at the wine list, or…?”
Edward wiggles the drink menu he’s holding. “I’m getting the house sangria to see what all of the fuss is about.”
That begets a fond grin. “I’ve only had it once….” Bruce considers, warmly. “If you get the white wine peach version, I’ll split a pitcher with you?”
“Done deal.” Edward grins. “Have you been here before?”
“No, but I’ve poked my head in and gotten takeaway pastry a couple times on the way home from work. If the rest of the food is as good as the baklava, we’re in for a treat.” Bruce’s grin is broad and easy when he talks about food. This is, good, this is fine, this isn’t weirdly awkward or yearning, he can do this. 
It’s probably not even a date. It might be a date. Bruce might not be great at spotting a date. He could… ask Edward if it was. But that way lies danger. No, maybe he could just,  just, see if Edward seems to think it a date, that’d… - Except, we really shouldn’t be dating the Riddler.
“If we aren’t, you owe me a decent meal.” Edward teases, smirking. This if fine. What was he ever worried about? Liking Bruce’s smile too much? …That sweet, endearing, dogged smile? AUGH.
“Work’s been all right?” asks Edward lightly.
“I mean, it’s been work.” Bruce laughs, lightly, rubbing his cheek. “Not that, you know, I’m really complaining. I do, honestly… find what I do to be, fulfilling. Busy, though, pretty much… all the time. Just, you know. It’s not a vacation in Hawaii, but…” His grin is his best attempt at disarming. A joke, right? 
No harm in jokes, not even if it is the flirtatious ones.
“If only it could be, huh?” Edward grins. “What a trip that was: I still haven’t gotten all of my photos developed. Kind of makes me wish I’d brought a Polaroid.”
Bruce’s face lights up. “Oh, hey, I didn’t know you were taking that many, I got… a handful, but…Man, remember the volcano summit? At sunset? That was amazing.”
You were amazing.
God, Bruce quietly chides himself, he almost said that out loud. 
“It was beautiful, wasn’t it?” Edward hums fondly. “It makes sense that people climb mountains, when they want to be that close to the sky. Makes me feel kind of bad for being such a city boy.”
“I mean…. if you wanted to travel again, it was… it’s something I’d love to do with you in the future. Not like we wouldn’t come back.” HI, MAYBE AVOID THE ‘LOVE’ WORD, BRUCE. GET YOUR HEART OFF YOUR ARM. 
Before he can freeze up too terribly, though, the waitress swoops in.
If only we could. Edward smiles kindly to the waitress, and asks for the pitcher of white peach sangria…the spanakopita, and… ”What was it, Bruce?”
“Oh, ah, lamb kleftiko. And bread, please?”
“Pita?” asks the waitress kindly.
“Yeah, just, something to soak up any leftover sauce.”
“Sure thing. Be right back with your waters!" 
Edward waves after her. "I don’t think we could do that again, Bruce, considering your schedule.”
“…Yeah, probably not this year.” Bruce mutters, gloomy. It seemed different, out of the city, more plausible while they’re away. 
I should tell him. Bruce muses, glum. At the end of dinner, like… like ripping off a bandage. I can’t keep talking to him if he doesn’t know I’m Batman.
Edward casts Bruce a sympathetic look. “I am sorry for that fact. It’s not easy, I can tell.”
Bruce chuckles, though there’s little humor in it, rueful. “I mean, half of it is, I think I got attached to having you around.” Mumbled. That was a bit more honest than he meant to be, but… well. He lives in a big empty house, right? He has… plausible deniability behind why he would miss something like that..
Oh… Edward smiles slightly, a bit of colour in his cheeks. It’s a lopsided smile, a bit bashful, a bit bare when he’s off his rhythm. “I bet you say that to just anyone.” he chuckles, brows raised. “That’s quite a compliment.”
Bruce can’t quite hide how… pleased he is at that smile, certainly not fast enough. He does his best to quickly look off to the side, but is visibly charmed. Pink, in his ears. In a way he can’t pretend is sunburn, not now. “I dunno. Never been on vacation with anyone else, I’ll, have to get back to you on that one. If, uh, if it ever happens.”
“As long as I’m out of lockup, I suppose I’m available.” Shut up shut up shut up and STOP STARING 
 Water is brought around.
Available. God, if only that were true. Bruce takes to the water, almost… gratefully. It’s going to be a long, long dinner, huh.
Edward sips his own, taking in and letting out a slow breath. This is torment. Say something. “So, it’s Valentine’s Day, huh?” - GOD DAMN IT NOT THAT - “I expected Calendar Man to do something.”
Oh. He noticed. Of course he noticed, why the fuck wouldn’t he notice, it’s a holiday. “Yeah, uh, heh, happy, uh - happy Valentines, Eddie.” 
The quiet as Bruce fishes for something else to say nearly deafens him. “…Could I... get you dessert, maybe?”
“Pick each other’s desserts? Sure.” - I swear by all that’s holy Edward do NOT overthink this.
Bruce nods. That’s agreeable, and… segue to small talk, maybe. Just, try and talk a bit… The romantic atmosphere is not helping, not at all. He shouldn’t have asked him out, not tonight, he knows this now. Jesus, uh… “I, missed this, you know? Dinner together.”
“It’s fun, isn’t it?” Edward grins. “We should just try out restaurants, I had a few friends back home who I’d do that with. Once a month, go try somewhere new.”
If you’re willing to speak to me after tonight, that sounds like a lot of fun. That thought translates onto Bruce’s face as a somewhat unusual, wistful smile. “That sounds fantastic, honestly.”
“It’s fun! It always keeps everything fresh: no falling back on old standards, and you can’t repeat a dish.”
Bruce grins. “I take it these rules are tried and true?”
“Absolutely.” Edward affirms. “Otherwise, someone orders the same baseline dish for every kind of restaurant they go to: tacos at every Mexican place and such.”
Bruce smiles a bit, nodding. “Anything you absolutely won’t eat? Don’t want to commit some kind of faux pas.” Food. Food is a safe topic.
“Me? Not really…it’s all worth trying twice at least, just to dispel bad first impressions if any.” he hums, thinking. Is there any food I don’t like..? Edward’s successfully been derailed.
“And no allergies, then?” Bruce asks, “Because I’m up for anything, yeah?”
“None I’m aware of, but if some develop, that’s a surprise for everyone.” Edward chuckles.
“God, I hope not.” chuckles Bruce, fond.
“Me too, frankly. Do you have any allergies?”
“No, not to food! Thankfully.” Bruce waves the notion away, “I don’t always get along with, uh, some kinds of polyesters, but that’s all that comes to mind.”
“Oh, I understand. The first problem is that you were wearing polyester.” Edward smirks.
Bruce grins. “…You were right, about the blue suit.”
“Hm? Well, you look good in it.” Edward says, gesturing to Bruce. “Do you like it more?”
“I mean, yeah. Brown and black all the time is, boring. I’ve gotten a lot of compliments today, too, so… thanks.”
“You’re welcome. You look good in black, but colours are a nice indulgence against the status quo.” Edward grins.
“I mean,” Bruce hums. “You always look amazing in green. I don’t think I’ve seen that suit before?”
“No, not this one. Bright shades aren’t for winter, not for me.”
Bruce’s head cants to one side. “They aren’t? …I wish I was half as good at clothes as you are. I don’t get seasons at all.”
“Black is never wrong. The rest of it’s made up, largely, so do as you will.”
Bruce smiles faintly, nodding, as food comes around. Smelling, as predicted, fantastic. It’s easy enough to keep up… this vein of comfortable, pleasant compliments and arm’s reach affection. It’s for the best, he tells himself, as dinner wends towards dessert, and they huddle together to pick what the other is going to be eating. He expects they can probably split it between them anyway. 
It’s for the best, because Edward’s definitely never going to speak to him again.
As a surprise for one another, just for extra fun, they order one another dessert: Bruce receives a chocolate torte with strawberries, and Edward receives a chocolate baklava, which he’s very pleased to see. “Perfect…geez, maybe I should have been more on-theme.”
“Well, on the bright side, I love strawberries?” says Bruce earnestly. (You keep using the love word, Bruce.)
“Hard not to. Bon appetit!” smiles Edward.
Bruce lifts his spoon in a lazy toast, and sets into it. Quiet. Right, he’ll break the bad news any minute now. Any minute. He just, needs to bring it up, so… like ripping off a bandage. Easy.
….Bruce takes a sip of the sangria, frowning into it.
“…Does it taste wrong?” Edward frowns.
“No, I uh…” Bruce stalls. Come on, get it over with. “I need to tell you something, Eddie, it’s…. it’s important.”
“…Yes?” Edward asks carefully, raising an eyebrow.
“…You probably won’t want to hear it.” Bruce mutters to himself, unable to keep his gaze. “I, uh. I’m…. I’m, um…” 
Go on. 
“I’m… I’m kind of smitten, with you.” 
“…What?” Edward utters, gobsmacked.
THAT IS NOT WHAT YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO SAY, BRUCE. Yes, well, that doesn’t make it less true!
 “I - I, yeah. I um….Look, I know it’s… stupid, of me it’s… You’ve mentioned yourself, you don’t, think of people. Not like that, and…..God, I tried, you know? To put it aside, especially after Selina, this is, I know this isn’t something you want to hear, but. …It’s valentine’s day. Lover’s day, you know? It, I’m having trouble not talking, suddenly, feel free to interrupt me at any time, just...”
I wonder if this is what a nervous breakdown feels like. What was that checklist on therapy? The fact I can’t remember offhand says everything about the situation. Edward takes a big sip of his sangria, and takes a deep breath. “We should not discuss this in a public restaurant.”
…That makes it easier. Okay. Just, smile, and, it’s fine. “Yeah, that’s… that’s probably best. Okay.” Softly. Resigned, Bruce’s eyes fall to his plate, and he grows quiet to come to terms with what is at least seems like it will be a polite rejection. What did he expect, anyway? At least you can move on, Bruce. …Just focus down dessert, and steel yourself for heartbreak.
“…” Edward picks at his dessert, then sets down his fork. “Let’s get these to go.”
“ - Yeah, okay.” Check: paid. Not like he really has his appetite, anymore.
Boxes gathered, and they’re out the door. “…Somewhere private?” Edward murmurs.
“…Your house? My, house?” Personally, Bruce would prefer Edward’s, if he’s going to be shot down, but…
“That cliff on the outskirts of town, maybe.” says Edward firmly. Neutral is best.
Jeesh, punch me in the gut while you’re at it. “Yeah, okay, I can drive.”
“I’ll need to be brought back to my car eventually.” Edward warns, following along to Bruce’s car.
Stop complaining, Bruce, the horrid little voice in his head chides, this wouldn’t be an issue if you’d just confessed what you were supposed to confess. 
“I mean, yeah, that’s - “ Bruce flounders, numbly “ - it’s just weird to head up in, two. Cars, I mean.”
“Is it? I don’t know the protocol.” Edward mutters, getting into the car.
… On the bright side, I suppose it does solve the moral dilemma of crushing on someone you’ve hurt so many times. Now he even gets to hurt you back. You deserve this, Bruce. You know that, don’t you? Even if he doesn’t know why, never knows he’s got it, at least he’ll have his revenge.
Bruce is quiet, as he drives. A bit to shake off traffic… then not much longer, once the city loses its grip. “… Sorry.” is all he can manage, in a small voice, as they park.
Edward holds his dessert in his lap, staring determinedly out the window, thoughts almost visibly ticking like clockwork around him. "Sorry?” he says, snapping out of it.
“For shoving that off on you.” Bruce mumbles, finding that he can’t, actually. Look. At Edward.
“I’m, not angry.” Edward frowns, bemused.
“… Oh.” Bruce murmurs, also bemused. “… You, um, wanted to talk.”
“Yes, just not in the restaurant. People, paparazzi, there’s nothing I hate like gossip I didn’t start personally.”
Bruce nods, mute. For want of avoiding foot in mouth disease, Bruce very carefully has nothing to say.
“You like me, as in, romantically?” Edward asks, dissecting the words carefully.
“… Yeah. I - I know it’s, you’ve said on your blog yourself, you don’t… I’m sorry for inviting you to dinner with ulterior motives.” Bruce says this all so quietly, and he stares at his own hands in guilt. “I knew all that already, but…”
“Bruce.” Edward prompts.
Ah, Bruce. Even when he’s talking about his own feelings, he’s putting other people first. He’s rationalising rejection before it’s even been delivered. Giving Eddie an out. “I know.” he says softly. “ - Sorry, yeah, go on. I’m listening, I promise.”
“First of all, there’s nothing wrong with liking me.” Edward says primly. “I’m wonderful. But I’m also a very dangerous criminal, and you should not date me under any circumstances. I’m not good for you.”
Bruce pauses, reviewing the statement. That… that isn’t, that’s not really a rejection. Is it? He blinks up at Edward, visibly confused.
Edward looks stern. Determined, even.
“… Yeah?” Bruce almost sounds, hopeful, bless him.
“I can’t be in a relationship with you.” Edward says plainly. “You’re only going to get hurt and you don’t deserve that.”
Yes I do, that’s a fucking lie, I’ve hurt you more times than I can count, thrown you in Arkham… “I don’t know, it… Can’t be much worse than friends, can it…?”
“…Can it?” he asks, wary.
“And you’re a fantastic friend.” Bruce adds.
“People are going to threaten your life over this, Bruce, it isn’t a game.” Edward says, annoyed. At least, this part isn’t, anyway.
“… No, I mean. I know.” Bruce condedes. “You’re right. You’re right, Eddie. People could try to hurt you through me, they could try to use me to get close and do terrible things to you.”
“Exactly. I’m glad you understand that.” Edward sighs.
“I know you’re right,” Bruce continues on, “But the feelings are here anyway… And I mean, it’s not like I don’t already hate to see you hurt.”
“Maybe I don’t want to see you get hurt, have you thought of that?” he snaps quietly.
Bruce rubs the back of his head, quiet. I should drop it. Drive him back to his car, and pretend this conversation never happened. 
Against all wisdom, Bruce pushes on: “… I can’t pretend it’s not a nice feeling to know that you care, either.”
“…” Edward huffs, sitting back in his seat, looking away.
“… So, um, thank you for that.”
“One of us has to keep his wits, I suppose.” Edward snips.
Bruce chuckles softly. “You always were smarter than me. … I know it’s a terrible idea. I know I shouldn’t, I know I should drop the idea and run. But I… I can’t. I’ve been trying to rationalise it away for months and, no matter which angle I look at it from, no matter how bad an idea this could be, it… I’m more attached to how, nice it might be, more than I am scared of the opposite.”
“How nice that must be.” Edward grumbles.
“… Honestly, it scares the shit out of me.”
“…” Edward looks over, incredulous. “You just said…”
Bruce rubs his nose, frowning. “… I’m not scared of being hurt, Eddie. I’m scared of… you leaving.Walking away, wanting nothing to do with me. I’m scared of, how hard it is to put this crush out of mind.”
“I’m not going to do that, Bruce.” Edward mutters, pinching the bridge of his nose between his eyes with a sigh.
“… Penny for your thoughts?” A pause. After a moment, Bruce adds,  “… You know, you haven’t actually turned me down.”
“I know.”
“.. Do you, want to talk about it...?”
Edward takes a deep breath, and slowly lets it out in a sigh. “To me, a river bed is better than water beyond grasp, and food in the air is better gone than present in despair.”
Bruce frowns at that for a moment, scratching his palm with the opposite fingernail. “… Is that…Do you mean like, Greek Mythology? Tantalus?”
Edward nods, lips pursed. It’s always so hard to speak, when it’s important.
“…All right….” Bruce mumbles, slowly. “To extend the metaphor, um… If, you do want I - I’m offering to bring you a cup. Or pick the fruit, so the trees can’t bend out of the way anymore.” Softly.
“You’d be cursed too, if you did such a thing.” mutters Edward, glancing away.
“… Yeah, maybe. It’s - I’ve been trying to tell myself this is a bad idea since the spa day, Eddie. I know this isn’t… wise. … But if it’s at least mutual, I’d… I’d prefer to, you know.” 
“… Try it with company, instead of alone.” Bruce’s laugh is tired, and hollow. “Even if it is a bad idea, at least it’s one I get to make with you, instead of in spite of you.”
Since the spa day? Geez. “What do you mean by that?”
“No matter how bad an idea it is to date you,  I still want it… And if that’s mutual, at least I wouldn’t have to navigate whatever comes next by myself. And neither would you. Which… you, implied was the case?”
Edward sighs, tired. Damn it. “Mhm.”
Bruce gives a brief nod, then stares out the windshield, frowning. You shouldn’t have brought it up.
Just because I’m struggling to communicate doesn’t mean you have to match it. Edward rolls his eyes, and grabs Bruce’s hand to hold it, chin propped in the other as he frowns out the window. Stupid crush. Stupid words, thoughts, FEELINGS.
… The pessimism vanishes, just… briefly, as Bruce squeezes Edward’s hand. “Let me try this again.”
“Go on.”
“I think you’re wonderful, Eddie. The smartest man I’ve ever met, fun to talk to, and company I treasure. I cannot really… put into the right words, in the right order, how glad I am to be able to call you at least my friend. I think you’re about the most attractive man I know, and I actually fancy you rather a lot. It’s a bad idea. For a lot of reasons between your… vocation, and my publicity, this could blow up in a bunch of ways that could hurt one or both of us. And despite this, I still think it’s worth it to… try. If you feel the same, I think it’s… worth being a little selfish. Just this once… but at least, I can’t just, sit on that anymore.”
“…I’m already holding your hand, Bruce.”
“Yeah, but I made a mess of the words.”
At least you can. “It doesn’t have to be perfect. It certainly won’t be,” Edward says. “But I’ve had some nagging issues on my mind myself, shall we say.”
Bruce nods, and is quiet for a moment.“… I was ready for rejection, you know.”
“What? Some genius I’d be, turning down a catch like you.”
Cautiously, Bruce shifts to lean against Edward. “… I’m not great at being selfish.”
“It’s a nice trait about you.” Eddie murmurs, leaning in a bit himself.
Faint smile. Oh, that’s all right then. Bruce settles, a bit less nervous. “Even if I treat myself, this once..?”
“…do you know who you’re talking to?” Edward grins.
“I’d hope so, or this has all been a terrible mistake.” A glib joke is a good sign.
“If you’re Clayface, you’re dead.”
Bruce has a brief flicker of existential horror. “God, I hadn’t even thought of that.”
“At this point, it’d be a hell of a long play.” Edward snickers.
With a faint grin, Bruce rests an arm around Edward’s shoulders. It’s not unlike the visits leading up to the new year, he decides, when a sleep-deprived Edward would lean on him. Except Edward’s not sleep deprived. 
You’re in trouble, Bruce, Warns the little voice at the back of his head.
Just… let me have this. Bruce pleads back at it, in turn. Let me enjoy it while it lasts. “… It’s a, a shame we missed sunset.”
“There will be others.” A promise, that. Edward’s nervous, despite the calm demeanor and measured words.
“… Eddie?”
“Just…I’m here, yeah?” This is an effort to be comforting, complete with hopeful smile.
“You are, yes.”
“… I’m nervous too.”
“Why? I said yes.”
Bruce sighs, softly. “I’ve never really had a good relationship, before? Selina’s the closest thing to… and it’s not really the same. So this is all going to be new territory.”
“I’ve never had any. I’ve never had these feelings before and they’re not even slightly comfortable.”
Bruce slowly nods, taking that in. “… If I can, make that easier on you…I’ll, try. Though I don’t know how.”
“The concept as a whole is like a movie about a pandemic, such that everyone else around me always seemed to be getting infected and I was assumed immune…and the twist ending is that I’ve been a carrier, asymptomatic.” Edward shudders. "Obviously, I’ve made some degree of peace with it: I did that on the drive over, I was banking on it being one-sided, after all. It’s not all bad, it’s just a relatively immediate change after a lifetime of nothing, and it’s dreadful in every sense.“
“… I’m sorry, Eddie.” Bruce murmurs, not an apology this time at least, but compassion, emphasized by another gentle squeeze. 
Privately, he considers, yeah, it does sort of seem like a disease. It’s not like he hasn’t been arguing with his own head for months, trying to plead his way out of infatuation. Though he’s not sure he’d call it a virus; it’s not like it’s contagious. It’s more like dementia. Not the time to correct him, maybe. “I was… I assumed the same. That it’d be one sided, that… you remember in Hawaii, when you went to the porch for a bit? I thought you’d noticed, that I was too obvious, that you were upset.”
Edward had, in fact, considered it as such, but dementia was even less comforting as a prospect and he didn’t need the stress. "No…that was the time I’d realized what had changed in me, and why I kept feeling feverish with an uneasy stomach.” His analogy holds water. “I was upset, yes, but that was because I didn’t want to have a crush. I still don’t, but here I am.” Edward laughs weakly. “So what choice is there, but to pursue it?”“There’s always a choice.” says Bruce quietly. “I don’t want to make you sick.”
“I didn’t want to go through this like Tetch.” Edward frowns. “So I tried to outthink it. Like being on a diet, perhaps. But…yes, Bruce, there’s always a choice, and I made it on the drive over.” he hums, glancing over as he pats Bruce’s hand. “Keep up, I’m just monologuing a little, it’s my turn.” A half-joke, in these trying times.
He gets a quiet laugh at that, and Bruce defaults to nodding, resting against Edward’s side. God, this isn’t even a little bit comfortable with the gear shift between them, but who cares.
“But really now…a rogue and a civilian, it’s dangerous…I really don’t want to drag you into that swamp, that’s why I’ve never told you about any of it, plausible deniability and such. But now especially.”
“…Yeah, you still shouldn’t tell me any of that, I don’t think.” Bruce murmurs.
“I never will.” Edward promises. “It’s not that I don’t want to talk, it’s recognition of what I do not need to share.”
Edward is quiet for a moment, frowning. “…you’re really going to be all right with dating a super villain? I’m still doubtful about that, we’re notorious for being a handful.”
“I promise I know that already, at least. I’ve had a thing with Selina for… God, a couple years now.” Bruce replies quietly. “Different MO’s, maybe, but I’m at least, familiar with the idea of turbulence. I’m, honestly, more nervous about dating a man. You’re not the first guy I’ve had a crush on, but I’ve never actually brought it up with any of them before now.“ By this time, he’s quieted to a mumble.
"What do you think the difference will be like?”
…Softly, Bruce hums in thought. “I… have absolutely no idea.”
“…can we go somewhere that there isn’t a gear shift in my ribs?” asks Edward gently.
“Yeah, wanna go grab your car and just… head to someone’s couch or another?”
“Yes please.”
“Your place or mine?” Bruce asks as he leans away, stretches a bit, and puts the car back into gear. Seatbelts, seatbelts… “…God, that sounds like a terrible pick up line.I - I promise I don’t mean it like that.” Bruce says with a flustered chuckle.
“You, not flirting? Casanova himself?” Edward says, settling back into his seat with a grin. “Let’s do yours.”
“Yeah, all right.” Bruce grins faintly, pink in the ears, and heads back to nab Edward’s car before the lot closes. And then, off he drives for home.
Edward follows at his own pace, back to Bruce’s, pondering. This is unturned ground for him, after all. Could be gold in those hills. This could be fun, actually, couldn’t it? It’s new, It’s interesting…yeah. Yeah!
Meanwhile, Bruce takes the drive back home to overthink. God, he should’ve put on cologne. Does he need mouthwash? That wasn’t even what I was supposed to tell him in the first place fuck damn it, how long do you think you can keep it hidden now? From the smartest man in Gotham? 
You’re a fucking idiot, Bruce.
…Maybe it won’t be so bad. Bruce finds himself hoping, against all hope. Maybe he’ll forgive me. Maybe he’ll never find out. Even if it blows up, I just… I want to enjoy this while I can.  
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felineinquiries · 6 years ago
The Good News:
Edward is alive. Mr. Wayne is waiting to see if he wakes up in time for visiting hours at Gotham General.
No one else I know was caught in the blast. (And no friends of friends, as far as I’m aware.)
The Bad News:
217 people are dead, and even more are hospitalized...
And no one has the faintest clue where Mayo is. Which, to his credit.... is probably the only reason he’s not dead himself.
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riddlesandqueries · 5 years ago
She should really be more careful about who she tells about her family connections, don't you think? It would be a real shame if her father found out about how she throws his name around: I just had to let her know what kind of impression she was giving.
Trip Updates
The past…. Week? And change? I think we go home this weekend, I kind of lost track of what day it is, anyway, the past however long we’ve been in Hawai’i has been wonderful, and the cabin rental place we’ve been staying at has this beachside bar, and we’ve befriended one of the bartenders. She’s a lovely young woman, I wish her nothing but happiness.
Last night, though, one of the other people staying here - daughter of a news anchor up in Michigan, going off her ranting - decided to tear into favorite bartender for not making her drink exactly as expected. Made this huge scene, so I went and got my wallet and gave the girl a crisp 100-dollar bill every time Miss Angry Tourist started a new sentence.
About $300 in, she went off to sulk, but then she came around to where Eddie and I were sitting? And Edward let her rant a bit more about how important she was, and then politely gave her the most complete verbal dressing down I’ve ever witnessed, before getting her to apologise to the bartender and give her $300 more.
Just. Okay, this probably isn’t what ‘fond vacation memories’ are rep’d up to be, but god damn, that was a nice way to end last night.
(I’ll have pictures when we get back to Gotham, we both have a fantastic tan.)
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askthescarecrow · 6 years ago
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[ Shitpost Shenanigans between @themarmaladeblog  and @riddlesandqueries ]
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waynecorp-incorporated · 5 years ago
Welcome to the Waynecorp Official company blog! I’m pleased to see so many of you taking an interest in what it is we do here, and reaching out to Blog Runner and CEO, Bruce Wayne.
It’s come to my attention that 200 of you follow this blog! Which is truly an astounding number of people. Welcome! We’re glad to have you here. This is a reminder that the blog’s askbox is open, please feel free to ask anything pertaining to Waynecorp or our products, and please be aware that I have a personal blog as well over at @themarmaladeblog because the Company would not let me make my cat into the Company Mascot which is ridiculous he’s adorable.
    From the Desk of Bruce Wayne
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riddlesandqueries · 5 years ago
Sorry, I guess I just assumed you were cool with it, since you're dating a parent.
Hi! Quiz here: No, Eddie actually isn’t dating a parent. The rendition of Bruce he’s dating is actually sans any children: hasn’t adopted any Robin, as noted on his FAQ. (Which is a mite out of date, but the writer’s a busy man: it’ll be updated tomorrow.)
But, in the spirit of answering: his main takeaway on Bruce adopting Dick Greyson+ is “orphans, huh? that makes sense” and “don’t ask about my day job, now let’s play Mariokart”. Once kids are up and functional, he’s much more willing to interact with them: he just won’t enjoy being deemed a father figure, and will set a firm boundary about it. He knows he’s not responsible enough to raise children and doesn’t want to try: he can’t invest, so he won’t. It’s in everyone’s best interests.
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musicmeisterandtheinbox · 6 years ago
Shhhhhhhshhhhshshshhhshshshssshhh!! Bruce don't give out my secret!!! but yea...
So if I was to, let's say, come and touch the piano mans shoulder, I wouldn't see your face when he turned around? Asking for a friend here.
also my disguise is so good you wouldn’t even recognize me, anon.
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riddlesandqueries · 5 years ago
Hey, Eddie, do you have any plans on Friday next week? I'm getting out of the office early and wanted to know if you'd like to catch up, haven't seen much of you since getting back to Gotham... [ From the Desk of Bruce Wayne ]
Sure, that sounds like it would be fun. Playing catch-up with the gang is fun and all, but I'm glad for the chance to chat and relax. Did you have somewhere in mind?
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riddlesandqueries · 5 years ago
💖 - Bruce
You are an incredibly good man, in a world that dearly needs them, and it's a pleasure to know you.
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riddlesandqueries · 5 years ago
#...You okay Eddie? #You look like you could use a break
@themarmaladeblog: I’m fine, thank you. I’ve just had a long day.
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felineinquiries · 5 years ago
Hey, Sel? Can I take you out to dinner? I miss you. -- Bruce
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Absolutely, darling - it’ll do me good to go out.
I’m still the tiniest bit under the weather, though - do you think you could pick me up after work?
I missed you, too.
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riddlesandqueries · 5 years ago
Have you heard from Mr. Wayne lately?
After that nasty accident a few months ago, Mr Wayne's been very busy with recovery and being a CEO of Waynecorp. However, I was able to chat the other day in person: he's fully recovered, and just as affable as always.
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riddlesandqueries · 6 years ago
So how's the most clever man in Gotham today? [Undersigned, Bruce Wayne]
Busy, happily busy at last! I'm spending the evening at a colleague's domicile, meeting a new challenge. It's a real breath of fresh air.
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riddlesandqueries · 6 years ago
Wayne. Surprisingly kind and down-to-earth, and just about every good thing you’ve heard about him is an apt description, but people often have the wrong impression.
But, since when is that anything new, the public being wrong about someone?
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riddlesandqueries · 6 years ago
Happy birthday, mister Nygma. Looking forward to Saturday. [B. Wayne]
Thank you, Mr Wayne. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't eager for the weekend.
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riddlesandqueries · 6 years ago
That,s not the kind of person you LIKE is it?? Were you being serious?? [BW]
Rag Doll is fun, and was playing a game. I'm playing along, and there's nothing to take too seriously yet.
Really, I think people worry about him overmuch: he's not so bad, once you get to know him a bit.
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