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stoicallyshi · 1 year ago
'Cause you don't feel pretty, you just feel used
And all the young things line up to take your place.
~ The lucky one Taylor's Version
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mermaidinthecity · 2 years ago
I'm on a roll when I'm with you. Don't stop me now. I just can't lose. 'Cause you're mine. That's all I need to know. The sunshine's everywhere we go. It's so right 'cause I've got you to hold every night. 'Cause you're mine. That's all I need to know. The sunshine's everywhere we go. It's so right 'cause I've got you to hold every night. Yeah, I'm the lucky one. I'm the lucky one. I'm the lucky one. Yeah, I'm the lucky one. I'm the lucky one.
The Lucky One by Faith Hill
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raurquiz · 3 months ago
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#happybirthday @bigEswallz #emilyswallow #actress #thearmorer #TheMandalorian #TheBookofBobaFett #starwars #SecretLevel #swat #TheLuckyOnes #HauntingoftheMaryCeleste #Southland #Ringer #MondayMornings #TheMentalist #HowtoGetAwaywithMurder #Timeless #Supernatural #SEALTeam
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gacajun1 · 13 days ago
For The Lucky Ones: Life is a series of turns: Spend it with the one you love and the one who loves you. ❤️
#turnturnturn #thebyrds #partnership #equitablelpartnership #poweroftwo #throughthickandthin #adventuresinanything #sillysouls #snowangelsforlife #theluckyones #authentic #trending #trendingvideo #trendingreelsvideo #viral #viralvideo #viraltiktok #fy #fyp #fypシ #fypage #fyppppppppppppppppppppppp
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duranduratulsa · 4 months ago
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Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's Television 📺 Showcase...The Walking Dead: The Lucky Ones (2022) on Netflix ##tv #television #horror #drama #TheWalkingDead #theluckyones #2020s #Netflix
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americanahighways · 10 months ago
Song Premiere: Jeff Lake “The Lucky One”
Song Premiere: Jeff Lake “The Lucky One” @jefflakemusic @americanahighways #americanahighways #americanamusic #newmusic2024 #theluckyone
Jeff Lake – “The Lucky One” Americana Highways brings you this premiere of Jeff Lake’s song “The Lucky One,” from  his new release Midnight Sun.  Midnight Sun was produced by Jeff Lake; recorded and mixed by Lou Gimenez; and mastered by Lou Gimenez at the Music Lab. “The Lucky One” is available on May 17. “The Lucky One” is Jeff Lake on vocals and guitar; Tony Montalbo on upright bass; and Deni…
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joyluckthings13 · 2 years ago
The Joyluck Club Week 2 Analysis
The chapter “Rules of the Game” follows the childhood of Waverly Jong, the daughter of Linda Jong. In this story, a new theme of fame is shown and all the atrocities that come with it becomes evident. As a child Waverly was taught by her mother “the art of invisible strength” which would later help her become a child prodigy at chess. During Christmas, one of her brothers received a chess board that was missing pieces. To make up for this, Waverly used two pieces of candy to fill in for the missing pieces to play against her brother. Through the game of chess, she discovered strategy, awareness of the opponents tactics, and foreseeing different directions the game could go. She fell in love with the game and became more clever and witty learning new techniques she learned from an old man Lao Po. Soon she broke records become the youngest chess national champion at only nine years old. Following her success, she gained a lot of attention in the San Francisco Chinatown community. Everywhere she went she was like a celebrity receiving many compliments and praise from locals. But her mother took advantage of this and used her daughter’s success for her pride and bragged about her everywhere she went. One day she broke down and yelled at her mother in public and then ran away. When she made her way back her mother had said that she no longer cares for her as she does not care about her family. This shows that her mother was using her for her fame and did not care about her feelings. At first receiving attention and popularity makes a person happy, but all the negative effects coming out of it takes away from someone’s normal life. To connect this with pop culture, I thought of the song “The Lucky One” by Taylor Swift. The lyric: “And they tell you that you’re lucky, but you’re so confused. ‘Cause you don’t feel pretty, you just feel used.” This lyric directly parallels what Waverly Jong went through as a child prodigy being used by her mother for pride. #Joyluckclub #WaverlyJong #TheLuckyOne
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refeita · 3 years ago
the lucky one
Os cabelos claros caem pelas costas, o vestido esmeralda marcando as curvas e as mãos nervosas pacificando a si mesmas. Os olhos escuros acuados fogem da plateia, mas os lábios sustentam um sorriso angelical. Todos os presentes a amam, ela ignora, está muito ocupada tentando sobreviver num mundo em que a aparência significa mais que todo o resto. Ela acena com delicadeza, ajusta o vestido e troca algumas palavras com alguém por perto. Mais uma pessoa que terminará a noite apaixonada pelos olhos marcantes e lábios vermelhos, mais uma pessoa que sonhará com aquela silhueta - e ela sabe disso. Construiu seu poder, apesar da insegurança figurando seus olhos, tem consciência da influência que sua voz causa ao tocar os tímpanos que lhe cercam. As luzes confundem os sentidos e são o preço a ser pago para chegar onde se quer chegar, fingir que gosta do que vê faz parte de estar no topo do mundo. Ou quase lá. Eles dizem que ela é a sortuda, a merecedora de todo o amor existente nos corações preenchendo o salão, mesmo que nenhum destes ame por mais que breves períodos. Esconde seus medos na bolsa pequena quando sai para viver mais um dia, esconde seus amores atrás dos grampos do cabelo para não ser tirada deles. Ela sabe que amor não se parece com salões cheios e drinks, mas com cabelos avermelhados bagunçados num travesseiro cantarolando algum clássico enquanto se encolhe entre lençóis. Ela reconhece o amor nos olhos da pessoa que a espera ao fim de cada noite lotada de rostos e cumprimentos falsos. Eles dizem que ela é a sortuda da vez, a estrela mais brilhante, sem saber que a sorte sorri lhe sorri toda noite quando abre a porta. Sem saber que a sorte tem olhos doces, nome e endereço.
[let me tell you now, you're the lucky one]
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journalbynics · 4 years ago
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2020 Quarantine Project: Film Journal ft. all Nicholas Sparks’ motion pictures! I literally worked on this spreads for like 2 weeks. I had to rewatch most of these films bc I wanna make a review & rate them accurately as of now since I watched these way back from 2015-2018 that I don’t remember everything. The Notebook & A Walk to Remember are my absolute faves here. How ‘bout u guys? 
P.s. please visit my channel if you like this film journal contents! I do a lot of these spreads about movies and even tv series so u can subscribe to see more of this! 
Here’s a link of the journal w/ me process on this spread: https://youtu.be/GMgLvenRaFQ
Here’s a playlist of all my movie journaling: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLk0PiQa7iBd_q03tvebti5xVogWRP16Jw
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allthingsfangirl101 · 4 years ago
Sending You Home–Logan Thibault
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Inspired by: "Meet Me Inside" and "That Would Be Enough" from Hamilton.
Logan's POV
After high school, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. Instead of going to college, I worked for a year. While I was trying to figure out what my next step would be, I met Y/N.
Two months after I met her, I finally gathered the courage and asked her on a date. After we had been together for three years, I asked her to marry me. The day before I had planned to ask her, I was busy having an anxiety attack about proposing. When I finally got down on one knee, she didn't hesitate to say yes.
Y/N and I were about to reach our two-year wedding anniversary when I was drafted. Leaving Y/N was the hardest thing I've ever done. For the past 14 months, I've been overseas while Y/N's been back at home. I write her letters every day, but other than that we don't have much communication.
The distance was hard on both of us, but Y/N had a harder time with me putting myself in dangerous situations. In every letter she wrote, she signed it begging me to come home to her.
Seven weeks ago, we were lucky enough to go home. When I returned, Y/N and I spent every day together. Sadly, I was only home for a week before we got word of a possible threat to a town near our camp. I was on a flight out the next morning.
I was in the middle of reading through a file, continually distracted by the picture of Y/N and me on our wedding day I had by my cot. I looked up when someone cleared their throat.
"The lieutenant wants to see you," one of the other soldiers in my platoon said with little emotion.
I sighed as I stood up and walked through the campsite, heading towards his office tent. I hesitated before slowly opening the tent flap.
"You asked to see me, sir?"
"Yes," he nodded. He put down the letter he was reading and signaled for me to come in. I closed the flap behind me and sat down across from his desk. I started to feel a little nervous when I saw the way he was looking at me.
"I'm sending you home," he said, quickly getting to the point.
"What?" I asked, not sure I heard him correctly.
"I'm relieving you of duty and sending you home as soon as possible," he said as he folded his arms on his desk.
"Did I do something wrong?" I stuttered. "I don't think I've done anything. . ."
"Thibault," he ordered. I cleared my throat as he leaned back in his chair. "Now, I wouldn't be sending you home without a viable reason."
"I know, sir," I said softly.
"I got a letter from your wife," he said, his voice changing.
My heart dropped into my stomach. "Y/N? She. . . She sent you a letter?"
"She did," he nodded. "She sent me a letter, asking me if there was any way I could send you home."
"Y/N," I stuttered. "Y/N wanted you to send me home? Is she. . . Is she hurt, sir? Did something happen?"
"She's fine," he said quickly. I watched as his normal "Lieutenant Glare" turned into a smile.
"Logan," he said, his voice soft. "You're going to be a father."
                         * * * * *
I opened the door, greeted by the homey decorations Y/N put up in our front loft. I smiled as I closed the door behind me. I walked into our kitchen, my breath getting stuck in my throat when I saw the positive pregnancy test on the counter. I picked it up, not aware of the front door opening as tears instantly started forming.
"Logan?" I heard from softly behind me.
I turned around, still holding the pregnancy test. The tears threatened to fall as I saw Y/N standing in the doorway with her hands full of shopping bags.
"You're. . . You're home," she stuttered. I smiled as I looked down to see the shopping bags were from the baby store at the mall. I looked back up at her, unable to stop the tears from streaming down my cheeks.
"Luiteneant Jack got your letter," I said softly. "And he released me of my duties and sent me home."
"He did?" She asked under her breath.
I nodded as the tears finally escaped. She smiled, happy tears streaming down her cheeks. I ran towards her, Y/N instantly dropping the bags and jumping into my arms when I got to her. She giggled as I spun us around. I put her down but didn't let her go.
"You're pregnant," I whispered.
The second I said those two words, Y/N let out a half-giggle, half-cry and tightened her arms around me. I pulled away and cupped her cheeks in my hands. I chuckled before pressing my lips to hers. I broke the kiss and scanned her face, taking her in.
"How um. . . When did you. . . I'm just so happy," I chuckled. Y/N giggled as I led her into the kitchen and sat at the table.
"Tell me," I said eagerly.
"Tell you what?" Y/N chuckled.
I reached across the table and took both of her hands in mine. "Everything," I whispered.
Y/N giggled as she started, "I've been feeling kind of sick recently so I went to my doctor. She ran some tests and told me I was about six weeks pregnant."
"Six weeks?" I repeated. It took me a second before it suddenly hit me. I stood up and turned towards her with wide eyes. "The night before I left to head back to camp we. . ."
"Clearly didn't use protection," she chuckled as she stood up.
I pressed my lips to hers in another kiss. She giggled against my lips as I picked her up and spun us around. I put her down and finally broke the kiss. I leaned my forehead against hers, slightly rubbing our noses together.
"You're carrying my baby" I whispered, laughing like a little kid.
She pulled away and sighed as she looked at our feet. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I know how important what you do is, I just. . . I started to get scared about being pregnant and you always being gone and then I started to worry about what would happen if you got hurt or worse. . . I know I should've written you that letter. But I. . ."
I cut her off by pressing my lips to hers. We instantly started moving our lips in sync as I pulled her closer to me.
"It's okay," I whispered, breaking the kiss. "I'm glad you wrote him and he told me. I'm also kind of glad that he relieved me. I was confused at first but when he told me that we were having a baby, I. . ." I stuttered, my excitement enabling my ability to speak.
"We're having a baby," she giggled.
"I'm out."
"Wait, what?" Y/N stuttered as she took a step back.
"Of the army," I quickly clarified. "I'm officially leaving the army and coming home. I am not going to let you raise our baby alone. Not just alone but worried I may never come home. When we got married, I promised that I wasn't going to leave you. And I mean it. I'm not going to leave you or our child. Ever."
Y/N giggled as her eyes filled with tears. "I love you, Logan."
"I love you too, Y/N."
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imonsomenewshit · 5 years ago
And the camera flashes, make it look like a dream
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You had it figured out since you were in school everybody loves pretty, everybody loves cool
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And they tell you that you're lucky but you're so confused
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gif by lovestory
you don’t feel pretty you just feel used
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gif by yournastyscars
you took the money and your dignity, and got the hell out
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gif by nessa07
you bought a bunch of land somewhere choose the Rose Garden over Madison Square
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it took some time but i understand it now
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mybrokenspanish · 4 years ago
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Ser afortunad@ es... ...recibir un mensaje de buenos días. #cienrazonesparasentirseafortunado #ahundredreasons #ahundredreasonstofeellucky #tenersuerte #theluckyone #suerte #buenosdias #goodmorning #sunrise #amanecer #cienrazones #mensaje #mensajespositivos #feelgood #sentirsebien #sentirseafortunada #laafortunada #theafortunada https://www.instagram.com/p/COC0P0glNNd/?igshid=14jiuy7qd6lym
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raurquiz · 1 year ago
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#happybirthday @bigEswallz #emilyswallow #actress #thearmorer #TheMandalorian #TheBookofBobaFett #starwars #TheLuckyOnes #HauntingoftheMaryCeleste #Southland #Ringer #MondayMornings #TheMentalist #HowtoGetAwaywithMurder #Timeless #Supernatural #SEALTeam
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bestoftimes · 5 years ago
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foolwallflower · 5 years ago
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New to town with a made up name in the angel city chasing fortune and fame. And the camera flashes make it look like a dream ✨
Red Tour | The Lucky One | Taylor Swift
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