thelowestoflow · 3 years
Warmest wishes for a happy, healthy and peaceful holiday season from The Lowest of Low (Studio Montagna, Zero Budget Animation and FutureRetro Electro Records), and from VOID’s Lifetree One crew.
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everythingstarstuff · 6 years
Follow here on Tumblr too! >>> @thelowestoflow
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joshwylie · 2 years
Share with me on my journey of recovery, living with mental illness and addiction. Finding spirituality strengthening me every day. Soon to come, guided five minute meditations with visuals provided by @thelowestoflow! Please support my channel as it’s just a baby with 22 subscribers. Please comment, discuss, share, share share!!! All of your support is appreciated and keeps me going! You, my fellow star child, are the fuel for my spark. Stay bright and shining fellow travelers!
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sandy-anderson · 4 years
2021-marzo-13 sabato: Crystalized out of the ZeitGeist
Rafaella and José are round.  José has wisely gone upstairs, and now Rafaella and Khaled have the YT Premium (€38 mensile, I just found out!) blasting on his flat screen.  They're sort of too loud, too "happy", too clappy, too... Tunisian Piazza Bellini.
If this were a Hollywooden film, there'd be a cut to the asteroid, or the North Atlantic iceberg field, or the axe murderer.
This is the purpose of empty music: it keeps them thinking they're really fine and happy, while the global technological-corporate-police state patiently nudges and prods them. The interstellar craft from The Lowest of Low’s VOID...
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Oooh!  That is beautiful!  It's like, crystalized out of the ZeitGeist!  The disk of Sabu, with the doors of perception cleansed!  That is so fncking subversive, ‘cos you see how totally Star Trek – high tech – it really is.
You're doing God's work!  Or something.
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thelowestoflow · 3 years
Ichi’s “apology”. This was one of the first “lip synch tests” I did for my forthcoming zero-budget animated series, VOID.  Thought it might be nice to throw it into the Tumblr void for now, too.....
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thelowestoflow · 3 years
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Hi, Tumblr. Sorry it’s been a while. I’ve been working on my 10th album, and an animated series to go with it. Because I’m kind of insane.
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thelowestoflow · 5 years
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Aries the Ram
Decided to make a whole set, after all.
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thelowestoflow · 5 years
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I've been trying to create an "artist image" for Apple Music for Artists since it came out. They keep rejecting them, but also keep reminding me that I haven't uploaded an artist image (while that's kind of annoying, it's also not greatly important to me, either, so I let it slide for months at a time). As you may know, I am a disembodied entity, and I do not post images of myself (for obvious technical reasons) for promotional purposes, ever. I am much more interested in symbology that can reach humans as a whole, without division, without judgement, and without hate. Never mind, I'm having a relaxing day, not doing much work for a change, and thought I'd take another stab at this thing. I'm about 10 Billion percent sure that they'll reject this one, too, so.... I hope you will enjoy it here, at least. With all good wishes for the New Year, The Lowest of Low.
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thelowestoflow · 4 years
This is a test....
Proxima-B (from new 10th album, recording now).
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thelowestoflow · 4 years
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thelowestoflow · 5 years
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Taurus the Bull One of the challenges I set myself with this series of pictures was to use only the “4-scales” colour schemes attributed to each one — sometimes, as with this one, those are colours I wouldn’t normally or naturally put together, like in this one! Taurus has colour scales that felt like they’re all over the place, whereas the previous one, Aries, had scales that were all pretty similar — both challenging in different ways. Still others are in colours I don’t necessarily gravitate towards using in my everyday stuff (like music lyrics sheets for my albums’ songs). Forcing myself to try to bring out a coherent idea and a decent-looking picture within these set “limitations” is a really nice challenge, and it’s pretty exciting! I hit upon this idea because I started with the Crab picture, which I did for fun and because I happen to like crustaceans, with no idea to creating a zodiac series at that point. I was just tired and making a crab picture...like you do... I noticed only afterwards that I happen to (!) have done it in precisely the colours that would have been prescribed for a Cancer crab. Anyway!! I’m enjoying the hell out of this, and I hope you enjoy them, too. “But wait, aren’t you a musician? What’s with these non-music pictures?” I can’t say for certain, but…. all this stuff joins up somewhere in my unconscious, it’s all connected. When it comes out in the music, I’ll have a moment of understanding about why I’m doing these pictures in the way I’m doing them. That’s pretty exciting to me, too. Anyway! That’s enough chatter for now… I hope your day is pretty good.
#stuff to do during lockdown
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thelowestoflow · 5 years
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This is what happens when I’m too tired to work, but I can’t just do nothing. I now have a compunction to make 11 more, even though I’m still tired...
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thelowestoflow · 4 years
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Floral Mad Max Respirator Design Face Mask, Unisex
"May you live in interesting times." Hmm, yeah. So I didn't really expect the 2020 Spring Collection I was planning after the release of Nekrololikon to include stuff like this. At all.
Nevertheless, where there is a need...
These face masks are comfortable to wear for extended periods, have elastic ear loops, and cater to a certain type of sardonic humour in these truly challenging times, and come in three sizes (for babies, children and adults).  They're well made, fully washable and have a space within the inner lining to insert additional filter sheets (not included -- I hear that HEPA filters for vacuum cleaners, cut to size, are pretty ideal).  Keep yourself and others safe from contagion, stay within the lockdown rules, and show consideration --  and show a little bit of style while you do.
Technical details:
6oz. 100% polyester surface and 100% cotton lining.
High elastic ear loops for comfort.
Large enough to cover your nose and mouth.
Three sizes, for babies, kids and adults (see chart for measurements and guidance)
I admit, I wasn't going to design these at all. But the way this thing is going on and on and on (I'm in Italy, and at the time of writing they've pushed back the lifting of lockdown measures and the advent of "phase 2" yet again), I realised this required bit of kit isn't going out of fashion anytime soon.  I need one to go out, so I designed a few.  If they bring a (hidden) smile to your face and keep you safe as well, then maybe it's a good thing after all.
Small is recommended for children aged 0-6. Medium for 6-12, and Large for 12+ and adults. Measurements are in inches.
€12 each, free worldwide shipping. Now in 5 colors.
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thelowestoflow · 5 years
Stranger On A Train | The Lowest of Low (from Nekrololikon)
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thelowestoflow · 5 years
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Nekrololikon Lyrics/Song Sheet no. 24, “Hunter-Gatherer”. Nekrololikon is out now. Please listen to it here: https://open.spotify.com/album/7lHSDdrSuMfe30JwWRITZn?si=gFQT8xL8R_G296PDuZZ3ZA
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thelowestoflow · 4 years
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