ascarletflame · 3 years
What should he do other than wander around aimlessly? He can’t do anything he wants to do like this, he doesn’t have hands, he can’t talk with his undeveloped vocal cords—
Speaking of not talking... wait. That cloak, those horns... could it be? That’s the Hollow Knight over there, no mistaking it! Just as he remembers from his days at the palace!
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The little child zooms forward, ramming into what he thinks is the Hollow Knight’s chest and clings. He might not be able to say words, but Grimm utters endless noises of confusion and surprise. Had he really missed the Hollow Knight’s appearance? He can’t check this phone like this!
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absurdjustice · 3 years
                   What was that creature that was roaming through the halls of his condo complex ? There was no way they were human. But what was with their...skull ? Bony head ? Two holes suggested that they must have once had eyes, so...did that mean they were dead ? But a dead person couldn’t walk, so was this creature still alive after all ? Ugh. No matter how Nagamasa tried to make sense of this being, he couldn’t.
                   That having been said, he couldn’t just let them wander through the complex. They hadn’t done anything yet —– but that didn’t mean they wouldn’t try something once Nagamasa’s back was turned. What if they attacked one of the other denizens of this complex ? Unfortunately, Nagamasa wasn’t in a position to strike first. A wooden sword and a garbage lid wouldn’t do anything against what he assumed was bone. That left him with only one other option ——– and it was a risky one.
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                    ❛❛ You there ! Stop at once ! ❜❜ Nagamasa strode towards the stranger, trying to conceal any fear he might have had. If he couldn’t vanquish this creature, he could at least intimidate them with his words, right ? ❛❛ I, Nagamasa Bizen-no-Kami Azai, won’t allow you to disturb the peace of this condominium complex. State your business here, or I’ll have to order you to leave. ❜❜
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styxnbrimstones · 3 years
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“Time out. Whoa there. What in my name are you. You’re so tiny and is that a little sword? How cuuuuute.“ 
Normally a god would never squat down, but to be entertained by this was an opportunity he could not let go. 
“Do you think you’re a hero?”
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fcxrcin · 3 years
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She nearly jumped right out of her skin. She didn’t even notice  the small creature when she was closing up her Dojang for the night. At the sudden surprise, she slams the palm of her hand against her chest and gasps a ‘oh’ before calming down with a sigh of relief. 
“Oh my goodness, you’re so cute!” THAT is her second reaction, because let’s face it. Whatever they are, they are really cute. Getting down on both her knees, she places her hands on top her thighs. 
“Are you lost?” She hopes they’re not scared. 
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palevessel · 3 years
There is no mistaking it... that is another vessel. How it escaped the abyss, how it reached this place, these are all questions that will have to be asked by someone else, as the Pure Vessel does not think about such things. It does not think about anything. It approaches, leaning forward for a closer look.
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They betray no emotion. They cannot.
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When Hotaru heard the screams of panicked civilians coming from the art gallery, she wasted no time in transforming before rushing over to help those in need.
When she arrived with her glaive in hand, she was met with various pieces of artwork attacking the museum visitors.
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“...this is new.” While she did recall similar bouts of chaos from her previous visit, this was something new entirely.
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lotusking · 3 years
Finally he is able to step into his new quarters. He was more than used to life outside of a palace, no matter how long it had been for him at this point. He was a king to his people, still, here, but he was not the king of those who lived here. Not yet, and likely not ever. Although he will continue his own mission, right now he was simply someone who could feel the mantle of exhaustion settle on his shoulders.
Door closed firmly behind him, as though to keep a fire contained, he presses his palms against the door before moving forward into the house.
It’s relatively large. Not humble quarters, fashioned with all sorts of unrecognizable items that the king could not and did not know of. Those could be questions for later, for the moment he was simply looking for a bath and a bed.
Long robes flowed behind him, and then at once the empty house was less empty as he came across a horned being. Although they were certainly neither Celestial nor Demon they were certainly not humanoid. Tilting his head, he placed a hand on his chest and bowed.
“Given the number of bedrooms, I presume you live here, too? I am Taishakuten.”
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“It’s a pleasure to meet you. It seems we’ll be living togther for the moment.”
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ombraventi · 3 years
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“Well, I’ll give them points for creativity.” Vaati watched with mild disinterest as a gang of stuffed animals with razor-sharp teeth attempted to climb over themselves to reach him where he was floating in midair. The tiny terrors weren’t much of a threat to the sorcerer, however- a gust of wind was enough to knock their little tower over. Of course, they just tried to climb over themselves once more, but that just led to him knocking them over again.
“Perseverant little things, aren’t you? It’s a shame you’ll never reach me. Cute, but ultimately pathetic.” 
Unfortunately, it seemed that he’d never learned a lesson about taunting foes- because now the little things were jumping, and they were determined to grab onto his cape, to a point that they were even ignoring the stranger who’d just stumbled across the scene.
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heart3yed · 3 years
@thelostvessel / starter call.
💛 💜 ❤️ || as much as she wanted to lose herself and ADMIRE the fantastic displays all around, the world seemed to crumble and shake. satori didn't bother to DALLY and attend janus' ceremony, she has a feeling that something would go awry or otherwise she'd waste her time listening to someone she has not held much of an OPINION on.
a trail of fingers over marble pillars; of course whatever the HELL went down would shake the entire museum to the core. when once she was delighted at how thorough the displays were in the name of ARTISTIC pursuits, she's now all but pulling her hairs out over this whole affair. a bite of her lip; she's not usually lost, but with a lack of other minds to direct her way, there's nothing. just EMPTY white halls.
the pitter patter of footsteps down the hall give her hope. all too EAGER to find something to connect to, she turns upon her heel. even a fight would be PREFERABLE to this powerful silence. but, the little one who approaches is far from an inanimate art piece brought to life for the SOLE purpose of wreaking havoc. ❝you there — is something CHASING after you?❞
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flyingspinkicks · 3 years
They were a curious being to say the least, unlike the normal inhabitants they were small, quite small. So you did what any normal person would. 
“Hiya! I’m Redbean. Don’t be scared of me I’m really gentle! I like your sword!”
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isolaradiale · 3 years
when you say the masks can make you someone else entirely, is that someone else someone generic? or can it be someone specific from your muse's world?
The could make you someone else entirely, yes! However while personality and appearance can be changed, memories cannot.
We'd also ask that if you're assuming the form of either a character in the group, or a character very close to another character in the group, that you talk to any relevant parties first!
-- the island stars.
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heclingmuzik · 3 years
@thelostvessel​ sent [ panic ] for your muse to grab mine’s arm or get behind them in a moment of danger
It all happened too quickly and her reaction timing is great. She’s proud of it, but right now there’s no time to react to that. She has her bow out and she has her arrow aimed directly at the threat. She has this small creature behind her and she stands her ground. “I’m only going to warn you one more time. BACK off or I WILL shoot.” She hopes they don’t hear the bluff in her tone. She looks SERIOUS enough. Like she’d actually put an arrow through someone’s knee cap and despite being scared, she does not stand her ground. Would Kyrie be proud? Would Grimm be? And would Nero no longer worry about her? Would they all feel that she can handle herself if they saw her standing here with the fire in her eyes. 
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When the threat decides to leave, Ismael sighs and lowers her bow, “Man...That sure was scary, huh? You alright?” 
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ascarletflame · 3 years
20, 45
20. Have you ever lost someone close to you?
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"...Yes. Someone I considered a good friend, though I know not how he saw me. He was intelligent and tried to use that knowledge to aid those he cared for. Of course, my carefree attitude and teasing of him annoyed him daily, but I simply couldn't get enough of his reactions! Even so, he allowed me to stay in his presence.
Depression befell him. I did what I could, but his pain was seeded deeply. In the end, I had to move on and his fate is unknown to me. ...Such things are long past."
45. What’s been your biggest mistake so far in life and what did you learn from it?
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"Heh. I don't make mistakes. One should only ever act in ways that stand by one's beliefs."
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forsakenpumpkin · 3 years
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[UT Starters]
@thelostvessel​ said:
[I swore I saw something.]
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“H-Hey, you can’t just say something like that! You’re freaking me out!!”
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rubberhosing · 4 years
(Starter for @thelostvessel​!)
Spinel notices the weird creature walking around almost instantly. They’re not a gem, that’s for sure, and they ain’t one of those human thingies either.
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She hops over to them (literally) and starts following them with wide strides, stretching out her arm to scratch the top of her head while putting her chin in her hand.
“What are you?” she says, extending her torso to look at them upside-down while still continuing to walk cartoonishly at their side. “Never seen anythin’ like you before.”
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mnrvas · 4 years
{ STARTER CALL }  >> @thelostvessel​
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HE IS ONLY   marginally uneasy about the stranger’s appearance-- they don’t look like any demon he’s ever seen, but it wouldn’t hurt to be safe.   “ excuse me, but-- what are you? ”
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