#Lost Kin 03
angellesword · 3 months
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Summary: Drowning in debt and blood, Jeon Jungkook knows he's better off alone, lest he brings people down with him.
But one drunken night changes everything.
In a blink of an eye, Jungkook found himself drowning not only in debt and blood, but also in dirty diapers and judgmental stares from you, a.k.a his long-lost love and the guardian of the son he didn't even know existed.
Genre and warnings: best friends to lovers, co-parenting, idiots in love, mutual pining, angst, fluff, implied smut, kissing, minor character death, slight getting back together, oc cusses excessively, dubcon, pregnancy kink, child cussing, reckless driving, suicide justification, glorifying suicide, semi-drunk Jungkook makes sexual moves on a sober oc.
Pairing: dad!Jungkook x adoptive mom!Reader
Word Count: 3.8k
←Previous Chapter (03) | Next Chapter (05) →
Present; 2023
Not long after you and Soobin finished your meal at ADA, you finally received the call you had been anticipating since last night:
A call from Jungkook.
“Hello?” Your breathing hitched as you waited for the person on the other line to speak. Unfortunately, what welcomed you was an unfamiliar voice telling you she was from the General Hospital.
Your heart dropped. You stuttered when you asked the person on the other line about what had happened.
The hospital staff explained, “Mr. Jeon is alive but has been stabbed. Your number is the only one saved on his cellphone. Will you mind coming over or telling us who we can contact—”
“No. I’m coming.” You cut off. You couldn’t remember what you said to the nurse after that. Your mind was floating as you grabbed your keys, eyes darting on Soobin, who was watching TV in the living room.
“Ma?” Soobin blinked; a groan escaped his lips when you carried him. You were inside the car with him in the blink of an eye.
“Sorry, darling. We’ll go out again, okay? Hold on tight.”
You drove your car to the hospital at a very high speed. Soobin didn’t cry, but the poor boy looked shaken and about to vomit. You could only tighten your hold on your son and murmur an apology as you ran to the hospital desk. You didn’t know how to explain the situation to Soobin, as your attention was solely directed at Jungkook.
“I’m looking for Jungkook Jeon. How is he?” You were breathless when you talked to the nurse.
“Good day, Mam. Per the hospital’s protocol, I need your name first. Please state your relationship with the patient as well.” The nurse was calm and collected. Her eyes were trained on the monitor before her.
You stated your name but trailed off after. You wanted to say you were Jungkook’s friend, but were you and Jungkook even considered that? Besides, hospitals would prioritize the patient’s next of kin over friends.
To your surprise, the nurse nodded at you, “You’re listed as Mr. Jeon’s emergency contact. He needs surgery as soon as possible. We will need your consent.”
You could be accused of being dumbfounded, but you didn’t have time to assess your reactions. You signed all relevant forms and requested the hospital to give Jungkook VIP treatment.
No one knew what happened to the Jungkook. He was simply lucky to be able to call for help before he passed out. Jungkook suffered multiple stab wounds. Lee Sung clearly didn’t hold back when he pierced and slashed the knife into the Jungkook’s body. As a result, the surgery took some time to finish.
Jungkook was unconscious on the operating table, his body taking all the trauma while his mind drifted to a place and time where everything was still right:
Nine Years Ago; 2014
To say Jungkook was obsessed with your stomach would be an understatement. Don’t get it wrong. He was obsessed with every part of your body: hips, chest, hands—you name it, and Jungkook would read you his essay about it.
But lately, all the Jungkook could think about was your stomach.
“Can I fucking help you?” You growled, unable to take the intensity of Jungkook’s ogling anymore.
Jungkook didn’t bat an eyelash, though. His gaze only deepened, a sigh leaving his lips. “Say, how many calories do you consume daily?”
“Hah!?” You looked down at your stomach, feeling self-conscious all of a sudden. “What shit are you up to, bastard!? Do you think my stomach is big!?”
First of all, you didn’t think there was anything wrong with a big stomach, or a flat stomach, for that matter. However, something about Jungkook’s words hit your nerve.
A bastard like Jungkook wouldn’t say things out of the blue. Usually, it entailed trouble.
“No.” Jungkook shook his head, still looking pensive while staring at the middle part of your body. “I’m just curious.”
“Keep your curiosity to yourself, then. I don’t know. I don’t count my calorie intake. I have more important things to do than that.” You were in the middle of writing your thesis paper. Frankly, your time was constrained. All you did these days was attend classes, meet with your thesis adviser, and write your paper.
You couldn’t be bothered to sleep anymore. Now that Jungkook kept hinting something was wrong with your stomach, you couldn’t help but add an extra hour of jogging.
“Hey, sweetheart~” You bumped into Jungkook one morning. You lived on campus, but Jungkook would be moving out soon. He recently informed you he’d be taking some time off college. During this time, you had no idea that his decision to take some time off studying would be permanent. Jungkook wasn’t just taking a break—he was dropping out.
“Why are you out here so early? I thought you were taking a break this semester. No more 7am classes for you, eh?” You taunted. Seeing your best friend up so early in the morning was rare. Jungkook even called you crazy before for running around the university’s field at five in the morning.
“Jimin-hyung and I had breakfast. I’m on my way to your dorm, actually. I got you something to eat,” by something to eat, Jungkook meant different kinds of high-calorie food—courtesy of Jimin’s recommendations.
“Here,” Jungkook gave you the food he got. He sighed after, “How many minutes have you been exercising?”
Here he goes again. Your fist clenched when Jungkook glanced at your stomach. What the fuck was wrong with this bastard!?
“Jungkook-shit!” You snarled, ‘Jungkook-shit’ was your favorite insult--a variation of your usual ‘Jungkook-ssi.’ You confirmed your guess by checking the logo where Jungkook got your breakfast: Healthy option. “I’ll squeeze in another hour of running tomorrow, okay! You don’t have to be a bastard about it!”
Your face was red, your nose flaring.
“That’s not—”
“Whatever! I’m fucking leaving.”
Jungkook was too slow to catch up to an angry version of you, so he let it go and simply shrugged his shoulders.
Unfortunately, Jungkook was still an asshole about your weight the next time you two met. You were supposed to have lunch together but walked out when Jungkook commented about your clothes.
“You are wearing a cropped top.” Jungkook’s eyes shrunk, voice laced with disappointment.
“What’s wrong with it?”
“It shows your stomach. I—”
“You know what? Fuck you.” You couldn’t help but bare your teeth. You had been friends with Jungkook-shit for as long as you could remember. You loved him to death but wouldn’t take his dumbassery lying down. Comments about one’s body were never okay.
“I’m sick of you side-eyeing my stomach. I don’t think I wanna be friends with an ass like you anymore. Goodbye. I’m leaving!”
You left and never once showed your face to Jungkook again. Thinking about your fragile friendship hurt, so you drowned yourself in school stuff instead.
You rarely left your dorm, spending almost all your time writing your paper and ignoring Jungkook’s phone calls.
But Jungkook-shit was persistent; one evening, he came knocking on your dorm.
“Hey! Open the door! I need to see you!”
As much as you wanted to ignore him, you knew you couldn’t. Students were studying next door, so you opened the door with great reluctance.
Jungkook crashed against your chest.
“—the fuck.” You almost lost your footing. Thankfully, you were able to grab the door frame to steady yourself. You snarled and wrapped your arms around Jungkook’s tiny waist.
“Bastard! Why are you here!? You reek of alcohol! Are you drunk!?”
Your jaw slackened; you weren’t sure if it was because you didn’t want to deal with a drunken bastard or if you were bitter since you couldn’t drink along with this drunken bastard.
You hadn’t had alcohol in a long time. Damn school.
“Hi, sweetheart~” Jungkook raised his head slightly, batting his eyelashes seductively at you.
You gulped thickly. Your grip on Jungkook’s waist tightened. “Don’t ‘hi sweetheart’ me. You’re drunk. You need to go home.”
“But!!!” Jungkook snickered. “I’m not drunk. I only had one glass of whiskey. Jimin-hyung insisted I drink. You know I can’t say no to him. He’s my favorite person.”
You ignored the stone crushing your heart. You brushed Jungkook’s fringe like you were brushing your hurt away. “Your face is sweaty. Did you run here?”
Because you weren’t heartless, you let Jungkook in and even helped him to your bed. You originally wanted your best friend to lie down first as you prepared some soup. However, Jungkook pulled you to bed with him.
“Oi, bastard! Let go!” You wrestled with him, but you couldn’t get away from his suffocating embrace.
Jungkook wrapped his legs around your body. He also buried his face in your neck.
“Stay here. I miss you. I miss you so much it hurts,” Jungkook let out a whiny sob. “Please stay for a while, alright? I just want to tell you how my day went.”
Jungkook had never been this clingy and vulnerable before. He was only like this when drunk. 
But he really wasn’t drunk, at least not with alcohol or drugs. It was on something else--something good--a spark of joy.
You couldn’t help but coo.
“Okay,” you betrayed yourself. “Fine. You can talk. Tell me why you’re like this. Did something happen?”
“Yes. Something happened.” Jungkook’s eyelashes fluttered. “Jimin-hyung and I drank to celebrate. We are starting a business to help people! Me and Jimin—”
Jungkook abruptly stopped talking. He looked deep in thought. After a few seconds, he shook his head and smiled, “I will make those kids proud.”
Your heart swelled with joy upon hearing that. Jungkook never talked about himself, rarely using the word ‘I’ to express his feelings, but today, he really proclaimed a promise using that pronoun.
For the first time, Jungkook looked alive.
“What kids are you talking about, Jungkook-shit?” You asked as softly as you could, hoping your best friend would spill more.
But Jungkook sometimes had selective hearing, not to mention he was a bit tipsy. He only heard the word ‘kid’ from you.
He giggled; his hand roamed your body. “Kids,” Jungkook’s tone was sultry. You could feel his hot breath on your neck.
“I want to have kids,” Jungkook announced as his hand made its way to cup under your clothes—he was caressing your stomach.
You inhaled sharply.
“I want you to carry my baby.” Jungkook’s lips puckered, “I want to put a baby in your tummy. Why hasn’t your stomach grown yet?”
Oh. You thought. Heat crawled up to your face as the sudden realization hit you like a ton of bricks:
Jungkook looking at your stomach...  Jungkook asking about your calorie intake...  Jungkook saw your flat stomach when you wore that cropped top...
What the fuck.
“I want to see your stomach grow like a balloon.” Jungkook stroked your tummy, his hand moving up to flick at your nipples. “These too. Wanna see them grow heavy with milk. Our baby and I can share—”
“Shut up!” you couldn’t take such lewd words from a shitty mackerel. He pushed Jungkook’s chest. “You...you don’t even like kids! You are just--!!”
You didn’t know what to say. You tried to ignore the warmth spreading to your belly down to your groin. Jungkook had always been good at dirty talking. You knew because it was mainly directed at you.
You and Jungkook were best friends who helped each other in many ways, including pleasuring each other’s bodies.
You had never done more than oral sex, though. You were easily flustered and oh so very easy to please. With a few touches here and there, coupled with dirty talk, you would be coming all over Jungkook’s mouth and hands.
“Why’re you pushing me away? Come, let me hug you.” Jungkook pulled you to his chest. “You want it, don’t you? Don’t you dare lie. I saw your face. You want to have my baby too.”
You shivered, your breathing labored. You didn’t consider yourself weak, but when it came to Jungkook? You couldn’t say the same thing.
“Admit it. You want me too. Wan  me to fill you up with my cum, yeah?”
Of fucking course you do. You swallowed hard, gripping your best friend’s shirt as you whispered, “I fucking do. But not now. I want you 100% sober, Kook. See if you can repeat those words tomorrow.”
Jungkook licked his lower lip and hummed, “Mn, I always want you.”
Present; 2023
Jungkook peeled his eyes open.
Everything hurt. It was hard to move. It didn’t help that all his eyes landed were white. It hurt his eyes.
Right. Before all this white was black—his world turned into darkness when Lee Sung drove that knife to his stomach.
Jungkook blinked. The words stomach triggered memories from the past, a memory that disguised itself into a long dream.
Before Jungkook woke up, he dreamed about you and his selfish desire for you to carry his child.
Jungkook’s shoulders slumped; an overwhelming sense of sorrow settled at the pit of his stomach. But he was startled to see a small child staring blankly at him.
He tilted his head to the side. Huh? Why was there a kid in his hospital room?
“Hey, kid,” Jungkook held back his flinch for the sake of his aching stomach wound. The boy gave Jungkook the creeps; his irises were pitch black, and he wouldn’t stop staring dumbly at him. 
“Where are your parents? Did your daddy accidentally lose you?” Dads are the worst.
Jungkook had to hold another flinch when the kid answered his question with a cutthroat gesture: his little fingers were slitting through his neck, causing Jungkook to furrow his brow. Seriously, what was wrong with this kid?
“What’s your name? How old are you?” Jungkook enquired. Could this kid have lost his way and accidentally entered his hospital room? And speaking of room, Jungkook felt his fingers turning colder.
Who in the right mind would confine him in a VIP room!? Didn’t the hospital check his identity first? Didn’t they know Jungkook couldn’t afford this kind of service!?
“Name Soobin, twee yess och.”
You know what else Jungkook couldn’t afford? Listening to Soobin talk.
“Did you say three?” Jungkook pressed his lips into a thin line as he crossed his arms, “Huh. You’re three, and you still talk gibberish?”
The boy seemed to recognize the taunt painting Jungkook’s voice. He folded his little arms across his chest, his lips protruding into a sulky pout: “Am not dumb.”
For some reason, Jungkook’s heart softened at the look of this kid. He was so adorable that Jungkook couldn’t help but let out a hearty laugh—even when it hurt his stomach. “You even know the word dumb, huh?”
The child couldn’t speak straight but could read one’s expression. When he saw the mirth in Jungkook’s eyes, he thought it was an invitation for him to flex the words he knew.
“Stupid.” The kid uttered. “Fuck.”
“Hey! You can pronounce those words perfectly. Attaboy~.” Jungkook’s eyes glistened in awe, making the kid happy. Soobin slightly tucked his chin and relished the praise of a stranger. However, the feeling of triumph didn’t last long, as Jungkook quickly realized his mistake.
“I mean...no! Bad boy. Don’t say those words. Your mom is going to be mad at you.”
Soobin was similar to Jungkook. He could twist his expression in a second, too. His twinkling eyes immediately went back to being impassive.
Jungkook’s lips partly opened in shock. He narrowed his eyes at the kid, “What? Don’t tell me your mom is dead, too?”
Soobin made that cutthroat gesture earlier. Jungkook just assumed it meant his father died. The kid probably didn’t know what that action symbolized. Soobin didn’t seem to like what Jungkook had said, though. He creased his forehead, ready to throw his fist at Jungkook when the door suddenly flew open.
Soobin’s attention switched to that. His eyes glowed, “Ma!” And then he scurried toward the newcomer.
Jungkook followed Soobin’s movement, his eyes glowing when he saw the person who opened the door.
Soobin’s ‘ma’ was--
“Soobin,” --you. You opened your arms wide, ready to catch the small boy in your arms. Soobin jumped right in, squeezing your shoulders into an embrace.
“Ma! Not dead!” Soobin rubbed his cheek against your cheek, causing your lips to pucker. Soobin was squeezing too hard.
“Soobin,” You chuckled awkwardly as goosebumps pricked at your skin. Someone was ogling at you. You had been accustomed to this feeling since you were subjected to it nine years ago.
You looked at Jungkook’s bed, breath taken away from your lungs upon seeing your ex-best friend awake.
“You’re awake.” You made your way to Jungkook’s bed. You were about to press the nurse call button when a cold hand grasped your wrist.
“Don’t call anyone. I’m fine.” Jungkook said with a nasal voice.
“Okay.” You conceded. You wanted to say many things but didn’t know where to start. Jungkook had already met Soobin while you weren’t around. You never meant for this to happen. The nurse said Jungkook was supposed to wake up sometime later, but he woke up earlier than expected.
It wasn’t a bad thing, no—not really. Your heart was actually calmer now that Jungkook had opened his eyes. Gone was the feeling of standing on a precipice with the fear of falling down. You had retreated to a safer distance now that Jungkook was awake.
“How are you feeling?” You licked your lower lip, “The nurse called me. She said you’ve been stabbed. What happened?”
Jungkook was bombarded with questions. He didn’t know what to say, but it’s not like he didn’t see this coming. It was his fault. He was the one who saved your number on his phone the night you met. He was weak then. He allowed himself to hope that fate would make a move even if he didn’t.
He was also the one who never changed his emergency contact, even after everything that transpired. You left, but Jungkook never moved on.
Jungkook cleared his throat, eyes darting on the kid in your arms. An uncomfortable feeling settled at the pit of his stomach.
“Is…” Jungkook swallowed, “Is he your kid?”
You avoided the other man’s gaze. You looked like you wanted to avoid the question, so you did that.
“I asked you a question first.”
You had this face that said, ‘You won’t get a response from me if you don’t tell me things first.’ Jungkook usually teased you until you relented, but he felt that was not the case anymore.
“And I already told you I’m fine.” Jungkook didn’t want to make a big deal out of the situation. It was already bad enough.
But you begged to differ.
“And I asked you what happened. You can’t get stabbed and just ignore it, Jungkook.”
The image of Lee Sung’s mocking grin made Jungkook shiver. He really didn’t want to think about that bastard today—or ever.
Jungkook gave a dismissive wave, “I’m fine, aren’t I? No point in dwelling in the past.”
“Then I guess you won’t know who this kid is to me.”
Jungkook’s head snapped to meet your fiery gaze.
“Fine.” He scoffed. “I did it to myself, alright? I’m the culprit. What are you gonna do about it?”
The idea was to tease you back until you stopped with your query. Jungkook had no intention of divulging the truth as it was too humiliating. Pride was the only thing he had in this lifetime.
But to Jungkook’s disappointment, his response only ignited your anger and curiosity. You snapped at him, “Oi, Jungkook. Are you kidding me?”
Something about your expression riled up Jungkook. Yes, that’s it. That’s the face I want to see. Show me you care, but don’t you dare come closer. I’m not letting you in.
“You and I both know I don’t joke about this thing.” Jungkook blinked at you innocently. “I’ve wanted to die for a long time.”
“Fuck you.” you spat. Soobin’s ears perked up. He raised his hands and repeated your words:
“Fuck you.”
“Soobin, cover your fucking ears!” You snapped, a fraction of your anger directed at the small child in your arms. Soobin was not a pushover, unlike Jungkook. He recognized the thunder in your voice. Soobin immediately covered his ears.
You directed your fury back to Jungkook again. Your eyes and tone were both sharp. “You haven’t changed after all these years, huh? You’re still nothing but a fucking coward.”
Jungkook’s eyes darkened, yet he didn’t speak. It prompted you to voice out your pain.
“You’re still a coward who can’t face his problems, only relying on suicide to ease your fucking pain. Guess what, Jungkook-shit. Trying to kill yourself doesn’t end the pain!” It only exemplifies it, passing the hurt to those left behind.
Jungkook’s breathing quickened. He looked at you with wide eyes; his thoughts earlier of not letting you in felt like a resounding slap now.
That’s not true. Jungkook screamed in his head. You didn’t understand him. No one did. 
Suddenly, it wasn’t about what Lee Sung did to him or his lies to shut you up. It moved around Jungkook’s suppressed feelings.
It was unfair, wasn’t it? Everyone thought suicide was the easy way out. But honestly, it was Jungkook’s last resort. He had tried everything before: sleep it off, think happy thoughts, and wait it out. Maybe fate wanted to test him, but why did it still hurt the same after many years? Why did the burden in his heart not lessen an ounce? In fact, it only weighed more.
People thought it was selfish of him to end his life because he wouldn’t be here to deal with the aftermath.
But what about before the aftermath? What about those difficult times when his heart hurt so much that he couldn’t breathe? When the voices in his head were so loud he couldn’t make them shut up?
Those left behind deal with the aftermath but not what happened before that.
People didn��t know because they were also busy dealing with their own pain.
Your eyes were red. You glared at Jungkook, “I hate you so much, shitty Jungkook. Jisoo-unnie was wrong. You’re not a good person. You’re an asshole. She shouldn’t have trusted you. She shouldn’t have made me promise to return here in Incheon to tell you all about Soobin.”
Your embrace of Soobin tightened. “Because you know what? You don’t deserve Soobin. You don’t deserve to be his father. Fuck you.”
This scene was eerily familiar to Jungkook. He watched as you turned your back on him, aiming for the exit with no intention of ever returning.
←Previous Chapter (03) | Next Chapter (05) →
A/N: Comments are highly appreciated! Please leave some :)
I've written multiple Jungkook fics, you might want to check that out!
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russet-writing · 1 year
» Masterlist/Introductory Post
Hi everyone! I thought I should try to make a convenient little place for all of my works and a little introductory post for the blog/me… So here you are! Also if the layout or links are a bit funky, please take it easy on me. I’m an old man when it comes to this stuff.
My name is Fox, I go by he/him and I like writing. Most of my posts on here will probably be related to Whump, original characters or other random snippets. That being said, I would also like to put out a disclaimer: much of my work will have some pretty darkthemes. Warnings will always be down in the tags, and right front and center on particularly graphic posts, but just in general please stay responsible for yourself and your media consumption. Thank you.
On a different note, Always feel free to sends asks or make writing requests— I tend to be a bit awkward with making conversation with strangers on the internet and can’t guarantee I will actually be able to engage with them, but I will read them and they’re always appreciated! That should be all, below will be a Masterlist for all of my works conveniently organized into tiny little sections, how swell :)
Merry Whump of May 2024
Actually only doing one prompt a week unless I get inspired and have spare time (very rare)
Day 1, Prompt 03 “Lost” (“See what happens” | Screwdriver | Club)
A whump series revolving around a Priest and a demon, taking place in a secluded town in a very corrupt and cult-like church
Chapter I: The Exorcism of Mercy Howard
Pestilence (Placeholder name):
Set in a fantasy world in which the dark elf Admiral Yahlar and his kin have recently allied themselves with the Vesper/waspfolk, and, in turn, Lord Haspur. Forewarning: This is less of a coherent story and more just a collection of scenes and drabbles.
War Horns & Well Wishes
This is just a list of posts that are centered around Whump instead of any of my main stories or characters.
“Look at them.”
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wolfboywarmachines · 2 years
9 notes · View notes
darkpuck · 2 years
AO3 First Lines Tag Game
Tagged by @caparruciaucia~
Rules: Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
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01. watching in slow motion as you turn around and say (ffxv)
"And so, with the forthcoming wedding between His Royal Highness, Prince Noctis Lucis Caelum and the Most Honourable Marquis Besithia, Lord Mercurius Eleuthia-Besithia, we announce the end of the war and peace between Lucis and Niflheim." The Prince Regent laid aside his quill with a finality that seemed, to Prompto, like a jail cell slamming shut.
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02. A Change of Pace (ffxv)
Ignis woke every morning at five. He'd always been a morning person, and sheer habit had ensured he never slept past half the hour, no matter how exhausted he was. The others all slept later than he — granted, Gladio tended to rise at six, but that was still a single, glorious hour he had to himself before duty reared its head.
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03. Oathbreakers (ffxv)
"So many dead over so simple a thing," Luche says, looking at the small, almost insignificant talisman in his palm. "But why? For what?" He's taunting her, like he did Ulric, making them hate him. "Power," the Oracle says, meeting his gaze without fear. "Untold power beyond the control of someone like you." Her words are a taunt in return, and a challenge — prove yourself worthy. Put it on and demand recompense from the Kings of Old. "Power…" he says, looking down at the ring again. He could do it. He could put it on, demand that power, destroy Insomnia and the Empire alike. He could do it —
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04. foreboding (pokémon)
"James." The name is enough to make Jim stop, because... nobody in Galar knows him by that name. Nobody outside Galar even bothers to call him by it, except... "Sabrina," he says, turning to face the Saffron Gym Leader. "Surprised to see you here." "I could say the same for you," she answers. "You shouldn't be here." "Windy called you, I take it?" "We're the closest Psychic trainers she knows." "I'm not a Psychic trainer," he says, the same way he does every time she calls him one. Because he's not.
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05. of the loved ones that we've lost (kingdom hearts)
Lourd had learned a good many skills from the months he’d spent in bars, learning to support himself on the turn of the card. The most important of those skills was acting. For days, maybe even weeks, he’d acted as though he’d given up. Lying still instead of struggling within his bonds, no longer tracking movements with his eyes. Yes, he still had his heart, but he clung to that out of sheer spite. It was easy to make it appear as though that spite made him too tired for anything else. And then at last–                                                 –at last– His efforts were rewarded.
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06. Unseilie (kingdom hearts)
Only three months ago, Maliaur had been free. A refugee, certainly, with his homeworld destroyed at the hand of one of his own kind, but he had been alive and free — and slowly amassing power to challenge she who had destroyed their world and betrayed all, enemies, allies, and kin. Now he had nothing — not life nor freedom nor even his own name. The so-called Superior didn't know what he was, but he did know the power of names. He had stripped Maliaur's name from him, rearranged it to his liking and put his mark on it, then presented it to him as though he should be grateful to be worthy: Marluχia. None of the others had noticed, but then, they were only mortals. 
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07. Echolocation (kingdom hearts)
I don't know what I expected after diving deep into my own heart, but landing all but weightlessly on stained glass flooring was not it. Suddenly everything seemed — muted. Tranquil, almost, despite the disorientation of going from white hallways to stained glass in blackness. It was still imperative that I find the darkness I'd kept back from myself, but the time it would take no longer mattered. Glancing down, I suddenly realised that the stained glass beneath my feet bore a distinct image. I backed up, my steps echoing hollowly, until my heel brushed empty air. Now I could see the whole of the image, dominated by a boy in the centre. Black-haired and black-eyed, he wielded a lance two feet too big for him; his face was a grimace of rage, pain, and fear. He was me, as I had been the night Radiant Garden fell.
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08. Glaciate (kingdom hearts)
Demyx hadn't been a member of the Organization for very long. Still, he thought it was just as well that he had made the attempt to play the shadows to their doom rather than his sisters. He wasn't sure humans were a delicacy they would willingly give up. Surprisingly, it hadn't taken him long at all to get used to walking. Getting away from Vexen had been a strong motivator, admittedly, and learning to control water instead of swimming through it a good excuse. The clone-forms were a happy accident, one he never would have discovered by practising magic as Vexen had shown him. Even as a merman, instruments had been his forté, and water simply responded better when he played. Why else would his sympathetic weapon manifest as a sitar?
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09. Genesis (kingdom hearts)
Someone was watching him. Dilan pushed Aeleus back and signalled quickly for a pause. The other Guard frowned as Dilan glanced around the training room. "What is it?" Aeleus asked. Dilan shook his head, returning his attention to the taller man. "It's nothing."
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10. Winter Court (kingdom hearts)
Rufus hated dealing with Maleficent. While not necessarily a usurper, she still ruled the kingdom that was his by birthright. Unfortunately, the witch had made it plain that his continued existence depended upon her unopposed rule. He supposed he should consider himself lucky the terms of their bargain hadn't altered as he aged.
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Tagging @twocatstailoring, @tigerkat24, @shadowsong26x, and everyone whose tags i've forgot!
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novumtimes · 2 months
Firefighting pilot killed in small plane crash in Montana
Extreme heat continues across the U.S. Extreme heat continues across the U.S. 03:41 A pilot died when a single-engine firefighting aircraft crashed into a Montana reservoir Wednesday afternoon while scooping up water to fight a nearby blaze, officials said. The crash was reported shortly after noon on Hauser Reservoir on the Missouri River northeast of Helena in Lewis and Clark County. Law enforcement and search and rescue teams in boats responded, along with divers from Gallatin County. Officials said later in a news conference that the “scooper” plane’s pilot, a 45-year-old woman, died. They did not provide a name pending notification of next of kin who do not live in the United States, the Independent Record newspaper reported. “This is not just coming in and flying and picking up water. These are dangerous types of environments,” Lewis and Clark County Sheriff Leo Dutton said. The Federal Aviation Administration, the National Transportation Safety Board and the U.S. Forest Service will investigate the crash of the Air Tractor AT-802, which was working for the Forest Service and contracted out of Idaho. FILE — An Air Tractor AT-802A flies above a wildfire on the Greek island of Rhodes, on July 26, 2023.  STR/NurPhoto via Getty Images The pilot was part of a crew fighting the nearby Horse Gulch Fire, a 600-acre human-caused blaze burning in dense timber in the Helena-Lewis and Clark National Forest about 5 miles south of the town of York. The fire started Tuesday, and the sheriff’s office ordered some residents to evacuate Wednesday afternoon. The fire has no containment. “We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of the young female wildland firefighter who tragically lost her life responding to the Horse Gulch fire in Helena, Montana,” Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte and Idaho Gov. Brad Little said in a joint statement. “Our first responders and wildland firefighters put their lives on the line to quickly respond to threats and protect our communities. It’s a true act of bravery to run toward a fire.” High temperatures in the Helena area have been above 90 degrees Fahrenheit for several days and were forecast to reach 100 degrees on Wednesday. Source link via The Novum Times
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hanmaitani · 5 months
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PRONOUNCED - des·​i·​de·​ri·​um | \desəˈdirēəm\ DEFINITION - an ardent desire or longing. especially: a feeling of loss or grief for something lost
PAIRING - Oikawa Tōru x Reader GENRE - Angst SYNOPSIS - You never did want to be pulled into the cycle of loving Tooru. You told him when you admitted to knowing that he liked you, you weren’t ready for a relationship. He didn’t listen. Wormed his way into your heart with his stupid moves that shouldn’t have worked. You dreamed of futures together, then one day... “Is this even worth trying to fix?” STATUS - ONGOING NEXT UPDATE - SEP 04 TAGLIST - OPEN
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PARTS - 12+
00. Accismus
01. Two Week Notice 02. Abbreviate 03. When vs If 04. Better and Worse 05. That Much 06. I Always Knew 07. 20s 08. Life Lately 09. Dirty Laundry 10. iCloud Storage 11. Almost You 12. Survivor's Guilt 13. Strangers 14. Out of the House 15. Phantom Pain 16. Closure 17. 7 Stages of Grief
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A/N - This was a therapy piece for me. I would like you all to know this will be very angst heavy. I love Oikawa, I really do, he was one of my first Haikyuu crushes and I kin him very hard. This was just my free therapy, however, because at the time I wrote this, my boyfriend of two and a half years left me with no warning the day before we were supposed to put in an apartment application together. This is how I coped.
New Series Taglist - (if you're interested please send an ask!) @intergalacticrory @tsukiran
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spoilertv · 6 months
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weirdjanuary · 1 year
(Versione in italiano qui.) And here I am with the second recap-post, which I’ll update gradually, for the series finished between July-December. (Find the first post here.)
Kin (S02) - The series has never particularly thrilled me (all dynamics already seen) and I only watched it for Charlie Cox but I must admit that this season’s finale made me curious about the third.
The Clearing (S01) - Started for Teresa Palmer and Miranda Otto, I liked it!
Van der Valk (S03) - I’ve known Marc Warren for like ten years, since Mad Dogs, and I’ve watched a lot of his stuff because I like him. Classic detective series, not bad but similar to others out there.
Secret Invasion (S01) - I’m sorry to say that, on balance, this series hasn’t left me with much. It started well, the premises were good, but it got lost along the way until it reached a rushed ending. Too bad because the cast was amazing and in the end I have the feeling of a wasted opportunity. Among the new entries, Sonya and Varra were the only ones who fully convinced me.
The Witcher (S03) - This season has left me a little perplexed... The only thing I feel like saying is: too bad it’s the last with Henry Cavill, I liked him in the role. Now I really don’t know how they will introduce the next Witcher, also I want to see if he will live up to it!
The Politician (S01-02) - Very very nice series, I devoured the two seasons in no time! You can find a more in-depth review here.
Warrior Nun (S01-02) - I love intrigues involving the Church (especially the Vatican) and the eternal clash between science and faith! I liked the series very much. You can find a more in-depth review here.
The Chemistry of Death (S01) - Series based on the novels by Simon Beckett starring forensic anthropologist David Hunter. Specifically, the 6 episodes cover the history of the first two volumes. I really loved the paper series so I was curious to see this adaptation (and then to play the main character there’s an actor that I really like). It’s not bad but in my opinion they have “compressed” the books too much with the result that events unfold too quickly. Worth a look if you're looking for something unpretentious.
Justified: City Primeval (S01) - A Timothy Olyphant and his Raylan Givens in great shape! I really liked this season and, given the way it ended, I hope the second comes soon!
Good Omens (S02) - I liked the season but I preferred the first one. I have high expectations for the next one!
Ahsoka (S01) - Amazing!! I was moved several times when I heard/saw the various references to Rebels and Clone Wars (especially at the sight of the mural, with Kanan *sob*, and the purgills). I hope to watch a second season and, if so, I want Zeb in live-action :D (Already seen briefly in The Mandalorian!)
Only Murders in the Building (S01-02-03) - I caught up on the first seasons and caught up on the third. Cute series with a well done crime part!
Loki (S02) - I would say this is one of the few truly successful Marvel series. Congratulations to the excellent cast, Tom Hiddleston above all! He’s truly amazing!
The Fall of the House of Usher (S02) - I reluctantly have to say that I didn't like it much, I preferred Flanagan's previous series.
The Burning Girls (S01) - I really liked this one and found it perfect for the last days of October! I didn’t know it was based on a novel by an author I know (unfortunately only two of her books have been translated in Italy and if this one arrives too I’ll probably decide to read it!).
Bodies (S01) - I started without many pretensions, in the end I devoured it in a few days! I know it's a miniseries so, in theory, there won't be a sequel.
The Vanishing Triangle (S01) - Just started watching this one too. The first episode didn’t excite me but I’m attracted by the fact that it’s inspired by real events so letìs see how it continues.
The Gilded Age (S02) - Beautiful season! I'm ready for the third!
Slow Horses (S03) - I really liked this season and I'm already looking forward to the next one!
Shining Girls (S01) - Not bad but in my opinion a little confusing and slow.
A Murder at the End of the World (S01) - Started well but lost a bit in the end.
Ghosts (BBC) (S01-02-03-04-05) -  A comedy with slightly bizarre characters but who I ended up growing fond of!
0 notes
serve-update · 2 years
When Is The Coming Out Last Of Us Episode 6 Release Date?
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Based on the critically renowned video game series of the same name, The Last of Us premiered in 2013 as a television series. TV show brainchild of Craig Mazin and Neil Druckmann, produced by HBO. The games in the series won acclaim for their exceptional world-building and storytelling, and fans should anticipate the show to follow suit. Following a fatal pandemic that transforms humans into the so-called "Infected," the show's premise will center on Joel (Pedro Pascal) and Ellie (Bella Ramsey) as they struggle to make their way across the post-apocalyptic United States. You might also be interested to read about this article Toy Story 5 Release Date. The authors have promised to stay true to the original material as much as possible in translating the show's dark subject matter for television. The show's early success has prompted a lot of interest, so we made this handy guide to let you know when and where to catch new episodes of The Last of Us. https://twitter.com/AngryHoosier1/status/1616553675547181057
Last Of Us Episode 6 Release Date
On Friday, February 19, 2023, gamers can watch Episode 6 of Season 1 of Last of Us. The sixth installment is titled "Kin." The following are the planned timetables: - Pacific Time (PT) – 6:00 p.m - Central Time (CT) – 8:00 p.m - Eastern Time (ET) – 9:00 p.m - United Kingdom (GMT) – 02:00 a.m  - Central Europe (CET) – 03:00 a.m
How Many Episodes Will The Last Of Us Season 1 Have?
The first season of The Last of Us will consist of nine episodes. It will conclude on March 12, 2023. Here is a rundown of the entire season, along with when each episode is scheduled to air: - The Last of Us Season 1, Episode 1, “When You’re Lost in the Darkness” – January 15, 2023 - The Last of Us Season 1, Episode 2, “Infected” – January 22, 2023 - The Last of Us Season 1, Episode 3, “Long Long Time” – January 29, 2023 - The Last of Us Season 1, Episode 4, “Please Hold My Hand” – February 5, 2023 - The Last of Us Season 1, Episode 5, “Endure and Survive” – February 10, 2023 - The Last of Us Season 1, Episode 6, “Kin” – February 19, 2023 - The Last of Us Season 1, Episode 7, “Left Behind” – February 26, 2023 - The Last of Us Season 1, Episode 8, “When We Are In Need” – March 5, 2023 - The Last of Us Season 1, Episode 9, “TBA” – March 12, 2023
Where To Watch The Last Of Us Season 1?
As we've noted before, The Last of Us will premiere in the United States on HBO at its regular hour, and it will also be available to stream in 4K on HBO Max. The show is scheduled to premiere on Sky Group channels and Now in Central Europe and the United Kingdom. https://youtu.be/4Fqr1sO5DSw
The Last Of Us Season Cast.
The Last of Us, as adapted by HBO, is a faithful recounting of the story recounted in the 2013 PlayStation video game of the same name. However, it does make a few interesting choices in its reimagining of the post-apocalyptic tale of Joel and Ellie, including expanding on some of the established characters and introducing some brand-new ones. We hope you like this article Drew Carey Net Worth. Joel and Ellie are portrayed by Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey. Their original actors, Troy Baker, and Ashley Johnson make cameo appearances. Merle Dandridge, who played Marlene in the game, is back, as is Jeffery Piece, who played Tommy. Must check this article Zip String Net Worth. You'll probably recognize someone from another role they played if you watch the show, and this reference should assist.
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Last Of Us Episode 6 Release Date End If you are a fan of the series “Last Of Us Episode 6 Release Date Read the full article
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ascarletflame · 3 years
What should he do other than wander around aimlessly? He can’t do anything he wants to do like this, he doesn’t have hands, he can’t talk with his undeveloped vocal cords—
Speaking of not talking... wait. That cloak, those horns... could it be? That’s the Hollow Knight over there, no mistaking it! Just as he remembers from his days at the palace!
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The little child zooms forward, ramming into what he thinks is the Hollow Knight’s chest and clings. He might not be able to say words, but Grimm utters endless noises of confusion and surprise. Had he really missed the Hollow Knight’s appearance? He can’t check this phone like this!
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Interesting. I liked the idea :3 (sorry if it's to answer in another blog). Lost, do you have a good relationship with Moss and your others siblings?
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L: Hum... Não tenho certeza do que você não falando. // Hum... I am not sure what you are talking about.
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L: É sobre essu cara? // It's about this guy?
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L: Ou desses caras? // Or this guys?
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L: Ou daqueles caras? // Or that guys?
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L: Aquelas sombras perseguem qualquer um que ande por aqui. Parece que eles não querem que ninguém saia desse lugar horrível. // Those shadows chase anyone who walks around. It seems like they don't want anyone to leave this horrible place.
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L: Sobre as máscaras no chão, a maioria deles estão mortos a essa altura do campeonato, mas às vezes aparece alguém vivo, como essu carinha. // About the masks on the floor, the most of them are dead at this point, but sometimes someone alive appears, like this little guy.
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L: E eu tenho quase certeza de que nunca vi essu baixinhe que agora... Onde elu está indo? // And I'm almost sure that I never saw this shorty until now... Where are they going?
Início/Start || Anterior/Previous || Próximo/Next
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thelesbianwhitelion · 3 years
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I posted 2,328 times in 2021
33 posts created (1%)
2295 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 69.5 posts.
I added 743 tags in 2021
#ujl - 295 posts
#ptr - 263 posts
#balan - 44 posts
#save - 39 posts
#my kin - 24 posts
#leacore - 18 posts
#mm - 18 posts
#friends art - 15 posts
#so true - 14 posts
#um jammer lammy - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 110 characters
#also it feels like i’m on acid watching this video but it’s ok since i knew what they were trying to do msfkdk
My Top Posts in 2021
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59 notes • Posted 2021-05-25 01:15:42 GMT
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83 notes • Posted 2021-02-05 02:59:39 GMT
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Haha homosexual
97 notes • Posted 2021-02-14 05:27:15 GMT
159 notes • Posted 2021-01-31 03:45:03 GMT
New Parappa lost media found!
346 notes • Posted 2021-02-17 23:24:29 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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hiilikeanimelol · 3 years
Hi im oli! (He/it)
I am a bisexual, trans and intersex guy, I am 18 and in my first year of university studying policing
-also hi cute little side note, it's highly likely that I am autistic so tone tags are always appreciated because tone just makes no sense to me ♡
Undertaker (BB) we have matching piercings finally!
Tomura shigaraki (BNHA) I love him
Viktor hargeeves (UA) his coming out scene made me weep
Mammon (OM!SWD) my love
Rook hunt (TWST) French man
10th,11th and 12th doctor (doctor who)
main fandoms that I will waffle on about are:
Doctor who
Twisted wonderland
Obey me
My hero academia
Attack on titan
Umbrella academy
I am a massive music geek and am constantly listening to music, a lot of my playlists are made up of:
Random hand
Green day
My chemical romance
Ricky Montgomery
Arctic monkeys
The virgin marys
A lot of the time I will waffle about my personal life too all of which will be under #ollie rambles
Any vents or rants will go under #ollies vents
Feel free to just block both these tags if you're only here for memes
I try my best to keep this blog organised but I've had it for a fucking while now, I lowkey want to start a new one thats organised but im afraid I've grown attached this blog over the time I've been active on it
I've made some amazing friends on this app and im always down for making more (heads up that I will be awkward for the first week of talking but then I'll settle down, social is difficult)
If anyone ever wants any other social media I have then feel free to send me a message or an ask and I'll give you my username in dm's, doesn't matter if we talk or not I just don't want my Snapchat and Instagram usernames out on tumblr
Little bit about me physically:
I have an industrial on my left ear and most of the time a silver skull hoops in my first lobes and skull studs in my seconds, I also have my helix pierced on my right ear which is also silver. I've got a silver septum which i have to flip up around familt because they told me i couksnt have it so i did it anyway lol. My hair is currently down to my chin (it needs cutting) and my roots are atrocious.
Homophobic / transphobic
Trump supporter
Believe MAPS are a part of the lqbtq
Are ginger /j
And also, do not come into my asks on anon and accuse me of faking ed's, self harm and suicidal thoughts. I have better things to fucking do then deal with your bullshit. Also don't just leave anonymous messages of
"She" "girl" "woman" "tranny" "faggot"
I have enough shit on my plate, go seek mental help xx
And also my dm's are open to anyone at all times, whether you just need a friend or if u want someone to talk to. I will never turn someone down if you want to vent or anything, ill listen to anyone about anything, if you want advice then I shall try my best and if you just want me to listen to get stuff off your chest then thats also fine.
If I think of anything else I'll add to this, ill make notes down here of when I update anything
~ the one and only oliver xx
Og post : 14/11/2021
First of many edits: I changed the physical stuff a bit 27/11/2021
Second edit: 04/01/2022
Third edit: age change 28/02/2022
Fourth edit: rewording and piercing changes 29/03/2022
Fifth edit: removed lost ear cuff in the physical description 16/04/2022
Sixth edit: added heartstopper into what I waffle on about 28/04/2022
Seventh edit: dyed my hair purple again!! 02/05/2022
Eighth edit: got second lobes pierced 17/05/22
Ninth edit: got helix pierced, hair colour faded baddddd, changed jewelery and added umbrella academy to intrests also added a current kin list 27/06/2022
Tenth edit: dyed my hair purple and got a silver septum ring and a silver lip ring 20/07/2022
eleventh edit: hair faded and im no longer a first year at college lol 23/08/2022
twelfth edit: got a job and dyed my hair red 08/09/2022
thirteenth edit: I'm now legally an adult 28/02/2023
fourteenth edit: updated my kin list from just the 10th doctor to the 11th and 12th too 15/03/2023
fifteenth edit: tone tag mention and changed my jewelry 04/04/2023
sixteenth edit: mm hair dye 16/04/2023
17th edit: I'm back! Still severely depressed but I'm here. been working mad hours and spent the last 7 days high with no breaks 08/08/2023
18th edit : got my septum pierced, broke up with my SHITTY ex and got with someone who treats me the way I'm supposed to be treated AND I've started uni 11/09/23
19th edit : GOOD OMENS EEK!! 17/10/2023
20th edit : got a mullet kinda thing and dyed it dark blue 12/12/2023
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theunderestimator-3 · 4 years
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Flashbacks Of The Quarantine Era - The Underestimator Mixtapes
This newest addition in The Underestimator Mixtapes series is the first and only one in the series that's not downloadable but only uploaded on Mixcloud and there's a perfectly good reason for this. 
It's compiled by punk /hardcore /indie /garage rock /pop demos, covers, album tracks or reworks of older stuff, all released during the quarantine isolation of the Covid-19 era (2020-21), songs born of frustration or inspiration from artists channelling their creativity to music despite the unprecedented challenges the pandemic has brought upon society and people, so it's only natural that these tracks, endorsed by The Underestimator blog, are only available for online streaming and promoted by offering the available Facebook /Instagram or Bandcamp links for everyone to track down the songs and buy the music.
There's probably gonna be a pt. 2 in the near future since the songs were too many to be included in one file but for now, enjoy the music and go buy it from the artists themselves.
Available for online streaming on Mixcloud:
Check out some more playlists posted on The Underestimator Mixtapes series, here.
01. Hairspray and Leather - All Night High (IG - FB - Bandcamp) 02. I'll Be Your Creep - Razor Nights  (IG - FB - Youtube) 03. (I'm) Infectious -  Penny (IG - Youtube)  04. Cop Cars (The Boys cover) - Ronny Dap (IG - Bandcamp) 05. Disappointed - The Jackdaw (IG - Spotify) 06. Trapped In My head - Point Blank NYHC (IG - Bandcamp)  07. War - Idles (IG - Bandcamp) 08. One More (LP version) - Mud City Manglers (IG - Bandcamp) 09. Short Fuse - The Scoffs (IG) 10. All Day (’74 demo) - Sonny Vincent & Liquid Diamonds (IG - Bandcamp) 11. Rayo Lazer - Mercado Chino (IG) 12. A Light In The Distance - Dot Dash (Bandcamp 1 - Bandcamp 2) 13. Sturzflug - Versus Goliath (IG - Spotify) 14. The Knife (Barry Adamson Mix -) Saint Severin (IG - Bandcamp) 15. When Will I Hold You Again - Dion Lunadon ft. Kate Clover (IG- Bandcamp) 16. Here Comes The Killers/Snake Oil - Killer Kin (IG - Bandcamp) 17. Takin' Over - The Mal Thursday Quintet (IG - Bandcamp 1 - Bandcamp 2) 18. The Girl I Never Had - The Tenderfeet (FB 1 - FB 2) 19. Pulaski Park - The Coopers (Bandcamp) 20. The Crimson Curtains - Loop-aznavour (Bandcamp) 21. Sunday Girl (Blondie cover) - Kaoru Sato (Bandcamp) 22. John Cazale Was a Dancer - Free Games For May (IG - Spotify) 23. Hey (Pixies Cover) - Golden Plates (IG ) 24. Life - Render (IG - Youtube) 25. In Spite Of Ourselves - Viagra Boys ft. Amy Taylor  (Youtube) 26. Dead As A Dodo - 2 Lost Souls (Bandcamp) 27. Enough Is Never Enough - The Clockworks (IG 1 - IG 2) 28. German Shepherds (10.20 version) - Wire (E-SHOP)
(original photo: Paul Westerberg, lead singer and guitarist of the seminal ‘80s alternative rockers The Replacements, by Christian Lantry in 2002.)
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merryfortune · 3 years
A Thorn in his Paw
Un-Love You Challenge: 03. This cancels out the hurt
Ship: Miyuki/Wolfrun
Fandom: Smile PreCure
Word Count: 1.5k
Tags: Post-Canon, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort
Synopsis: The Pretty Cures come around to Marchenland a lot to play and whilst the others away, Miyuki gives Wolfrun the (medical) attention he needs when he shows her the thorn in his paw (and maybe the thorn in his heart, too).
   Miyuki knelt down and she assessed Wolfrun’s paw.
   Wolfrun stared at her, his ear twitching as he listened to her sing a song under her breath. It was just some silly song with no real melody, something she was clearly making up as she went along. Her thumb stroked over his paw pads whilst the rest of her hand was a bed for his tiny paw, only looking up when she noticed him wince. First in his paw, with his claws flexing, and then she caught a glimpse of his face, how he turned away from her.
   “Aw, does it hurt, Wolfie?” she asked, sing-song but not mocking. It was a warm voice.
   “Yeah, just a bit…” Wolfrun replied.
   “You’ve got a thorn or something stuck in there, I can tell.” Miyuki observed and she nodded her head. “I can barely see it but it's always the teeny-tiny ones that hurt the most, yeah?”
   “Yeah.” Wolfrun mumbled.
   “Well this girl’s got two opposable thumbs and a pack of nail care stuff on her for emergencies since you never know when a hangnail or something will bother you so don’t worry! I’ll fix you up lickety-split, don’t worry about it.” Miyuki told him. She looked down at him with glittering eyes, “Don’t worry, I’ve got bandaids too! Since I’m always getting to scrapes so that might help as well.”
   Wolfrun snickered but with the way his lips pulled back, it came out tinged with a sardonic snarl. He didn’t like that side of himself anymore. Not since Miyuki had shown him such care and grace despite everything.
   Despite everything…
   He, Akaoni, and Majorina had been welcomed back to Märchenland thanks to the efforts of the Pretty Cure. Despite fighting week in and week out, Cure Happy and the others had come to believe them when they told them that they were in pain because of the ostracisation they faced as villains. Upon learning that, they changed the trajectory of what they considered victory: no longer did they want to clash as foes but rather to meet, in peace, as friends.
   They fought hard against that grain of doing what had always been done - heroes versus villains and all the manipulation in between - and for it, Wolfrun and the others were given a warm welcome back to Märchenland. Sure, there were still some adjusting but believe or not, there had been other fairies who had missed them. Their role in the story as agents of conflict were necessary, even if both sides sometimes took it too far. 
   With Princess Candy in power and the Pretty Cures by her side, they were trying really hard to reintegrate their villains back into their society. They visited often and they had a great time doing it, for the most part. Any group of friends had their spills and blues, they weren’t as horrific as they had been in the past. It was nice.
  Whilst the other Pretty Cures played and frolicked elsewhere, they were having a quiet moment by a tree. All because ickle Wolfie-kins here got a burr in his paw so she stayed behind to play nurse whilst her friends had fun making flower crowns with the Princess and eating as much gourmet food as their bellies could hold. Miyuki, notably the worst by Wolfrun’s standards for being a chaser of leisure and a glutton, had stayed behind. For him. And was doing it all with a smile.
   He stole a glance at her, his breath hitching as he lost all muster and bravado. The big, bad wolf reduced to nothing but a puppy and all because of something as small and insignificant as having a boo-boo in his paw. Ridiculous. He frowned, only for his eyes to go wide as Miyuki brandished her tweezers. She dug around in his paw something awful for that tiny little prick and it was like she was pulling a sword from the stone when she finished.
   “Got it!” she proclaimed. She laughed, bubbly and raucous, totally oblivious to how Wolfrun was howling and recoiling in pain, as she examined the thorn up close and personal. It certainly seemed huge when it was just about touching her eyelashes. “Wow, it did look like a bugger.”
   “Thanks…” Wolfrun replied. Mumbled. 
   “I’m not done yet,” Miyuki brightly rebuked, “I haven’t even kissed it better yet - or put the bandaid on.”
   “What?” Wolfrun sputtered. His arms flailed and his expression was shocked and wild. 
   “Uhh… I said I hadn’t put a bandaid on it?” she replied. She really didn’t get what the big fuss was about.
   “No you, powder puff, the other part!” Wolfrun barked at her, scandalised but there was a strange redness to his icy blue muzzle that didn’t seem to be a sunburn.
   Miyuki was still completely puzzled, she tilted her head and tapped the side of her mouth, “I said that, um, I’d kiss it better?”
   “Why would you say such a thing?” he asked, snarling, eyes wide.
   “Because, um, it’s part of the magic of getting better, I guess. That’s what my mum always told me, at least.” Miyuki replied, sheepish.
   Wolfrun growled. He frowned deeply and there was the hint of his alter ego as a true villain, not just a fairy, in his eyes and it was such a frustrated expression that it wounded Miyuki.
   “What’s the matter, Wolfrun, did I do something wrong?” Miyuki asked.
   “No!” Wolfrun snapped and then again, quieter, with his whole body trembling, his voice on the brink of cracking, “No,” he murmured, “you powder puffs do nothin’ wrong and that’s the thing, ain’t it?” Wolfrun lamented. “Even now, the only reasons other fairies’re nice to us is ‘cause you girlies said to be and I jus’ - I jus’ don’t get it…”
   “Oh, Wolfrun…” Miyuki murmured.
   She giggled on the inside, tickled pink that this Wolfrun was so soft and tiny as she reached out to him and picked him. He didn’t seem to like it but she pet the top of his head to help him relax in her lap. Even scratching behind his ears.
   “Why?” Wolfrun forced out in a growly voice.
   “Why what?” Miyuki asked, feigning ignorance, she just wanted to hear it in his terms, not the ones that she had gone and picked out for him.
   “We caused you- I caused you… so much pain.” Wolfrun said. “I can’t stand how nauseatingly nice you all are because, well, how do I know you're not faking it? That bein’ nice to me - to us - isn’t just some big joke to all you, little girls.”
   “I can promise you, I’m not, truly.” Miyuki assured him, stroking his face. “You told us you were hurting, that you were lashing out because the world hurt you first and I am a deep appreciator of villains, so please believe us and who knows? Once you get used to people being genuinely nice, you won’t be so suspicious. It’s hard, I can tell, but it's worth it, please believe it.”
   “But we - I, especially - hurt you.” Wolfrun replied, his voice all broken up over it and his tiny body quivering with rage. Rage directed at himself, or at the very least his past self.
   “Oh, you poor thing,” Miyuki said and she took his paw that had been punctured by the thorn and lifted it to her lips, a kiss ghosting over the fine fur and she turned it over, kissing it and successfully resisting the impulse to blow a raspberry onto the skin of her paw pad, “I forgive you.”
   Wolfrun snivelled. He didn’t feel worthy of genuine kindness or care. For so long, when he had sought it out, all he would be meant with was cold indifference at best or at worst, he would be outwardly turned away with a vileness that was just beyond his claws. Yet here Miyuki was giving him at that unconditional friendship that he had yearned for out in spades, it made his nose twitch and his eyes water and his heart go weak.
   Miyuki smiled and she reached for the rest of her little, miniature first aid kit. She fished out a bandaid - all prettily coloured in pink and white with a splash of yellow, too - and took off its backing. She pressed it down gently onto Wolfrun’s paw.
   “Here,” she said, “look, see? This cancels out the hurt.”
   Wolfrun sniffed, choking back tears and a lot of slimy mucus. Miyuki just smiled and she wrestled him up in a big hug, rocking him to and fro. Wolfrun squealed and whined and though it started out as a protest, it ended in jest, both of them toppling over and rolling in the soft grass of the shade with Miyu reeling with laughter as well. He needed that. They both did.
   “Aw, kid, look you’ve gone an’ made me soft.” Wolfrun complained, awkward as to where to put his paws now that he was on top of Miyuki. He might have been small but he was still a man and she was still a girl. A girl with superpowers and a pure heart but a girl nonetheless.
   “Good!” Miyuki barked back at him. “I love it a lot when villains are soft.”
   Wolfrun snickered. Maybe he could tolerate it when villains were soft too if it meant having Miyuki for company.
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sunbeamsandmoonrays · 3 years
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#actually i wouldn't be surprised if neo made a deal with the machines to save her...but maybe the machines did it on their own volition??
My Top Posts in 2021
Okay, so I'm going to rant a bit about how NBC has covered gymnastics this Olympics. For at least the last 3 summer games (because these are the games I remember), they would at least cover the host country? Of course they had to show China in Beijing, considering they won gold, but I remember seeing the GB and Brazilian teams during their respective Olympics. And this games...almost nothing about Japan. I think I saw 2 events of the Japanese men's team, and they won silver!! You would think we should have seen more of them and their accomplishments/skill??
If not show the host team, maybe even show the bronze medalists? It would have been nice to even see the GB ladies' bronze routine, too, but nooo. What they kept on showing in-between the US and ROC events was a close up of Simone's expression or a slow-mo replay of Simone's vault. They even at one point played an actual montage of Simone's mistakes during the qualifications and the competition at St. Louis! Listen, the people in the US already knew what happened - either from social media, the news, or from watching the live stream. We only needed to see that vault once and move on.
And before someone cuts in with, "There was no time - the swimming events right after were live," I'm saying there would have been time to cover...y'know...actual gymnastics, if the network had decided not to shamelessly stick a camera in Simone's face in the hopes she would have a public breakdown or something.
24 notes • Posted 2021-07-28 15:07:48 GMT
Sooooo after I thoroughly lost my mind watching the masterpiece Jodhaa Akbar (my queue is now full of edits...coming to a dash near you), I decided that my need to see Aishwarya and Hrithik on my screen has not gone away...so I'm watching Dhoom 2! It looks really fun and silly, so I'm gonna liveblog my experience. Block the tag if you don't want to see my takes lol.
26 notes • Posted 2021-03-22 01:10:48 GMT
It's missing Shib Sibs hours...
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27 notes • Posted 2021-09-04 20:30:42 GMT
Me watching Katie Ledecky and Erica Sullivan win gold and silver in the 1500m free:
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30 notes • Posted 2021-07-28 03:17:43 GMT
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love’s not a thing you get to choose (try to resist and you’ll always lose) by @snowsinthenorth​
Born into House Lannister with the coloring of her Tully kin, Sansa is an outcast from the start. With no living parents, she is shuffled from castle to castle in her childhood until she is installed in Queen Cersei’s household in the Red Keep. As war breaks out in the aftermath of Ned Stark’s execution, Sansa is caught in the middle of the conflict and finds her way to the part of her family that she never knew before. As she comes to know her mother’s family and draws closer to the enigmatic bastard of her deceased uncle, Sansa discovers that she is a bigger part of the great game than she ever imagined.
95 notes • Posted 2021-03-15 11:00:50 GMT
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