oblivions-dawn · 1 year
For the Character Design Ask Meme :)
Glance, Formal, and Favorite!
AAAAAA HI!!!! I HOPE YOU'RE DOING WELL!! Remind me to start reading your fic oh my god I've been SO TERRIBLE
✑ At first glance, what stands out most about your OC's appearance? What's their distinguishing feature?
For Vigdis . . . hmmm. Her face, generally, but specifically her eyes. Now, maybe that's because I mention eyes A LOT in my fic, but . . . . they really are just. Striking. And the opposite of Serana's eyes which makes me fucking FERAL that was. NOT INTENTIONAL
✑ What's your OC's formal look? Do they like dressing up? Do they have different looks for different occasions?
Vigdis doesn't even know what formal means dlgjldfkjgfkg. That girl has never been in any kind of dress or any fancy clothes IN HER LIFE. She wears her armour and that's it. Or nothing at all when she's dirty
✑ Does your OC have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? What is it? What's the meaning behind it? Do they wear it all the time or do they wear it sparingly to keep it safe?
I'll answer this for my Altmer Guild Master, Wynnarwe!! She loves jewellery and makeup and fancy clothes and was spoiled with them in Alinor, as she was born in a pretty high class family. Her favourite piece, however, is prooooobably the ring she stole from the woman that was supposed to become her mother-in-law before she fled Alinor. It symbolises what she left behind to pursue the life she ends up having--which is mostly a good thing! She doesn't wear the ring all the time, but she does on occasion. She's a show-off if nothing else, after all.
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thequeenofthewinter · 7 months
Work-in-Progress Wednesday
I have barely touched the thing in the last week, but I do have some words. Things have been a touch wonky in the irl side of things. I hope you brought a towel because I have a soggy Galmar. (This is what directly follows after the letter from last week.)
Tagging: @oblivions-dawn @dirty-bosmer @bougainvillea-and-saltwater @bostoniangirl21 @inkysqueed @vivifriend @skyrim-forever @thelavenderelf@ladytanithia @umbracirrus @sylvienerevarine @arisenlicious @changelingsandothernonsense and anyone else who'd like to play along. I don't bite...much. ;)
Galmar rolls his eyes as he sets the piece of parchment down on the table before him. While he would never admit it directly to Ulfric, he feels relieved that he has finally heard some news from Rikke—even if she still teases him relentlessly from hundreds of miles away.
He sighs as he turns the ring sitting on his left ring finger, the single piece of jewelry he wears other than an amulet of Talos. It had belonged to his father and from his understanding to his father before him. At least if the stories are to be believed. Generations of Stone-Fist men wore this ring before passing it to the to be worn during their weddings. It is as much a symbol of his failed legacy as it is his failed attempts at relationships. Galmar never did get to marry Rikke before she left. 
When would there have been the time?
He sighs as he taps the back of his hand against the table, the sound of dull metal filling the space of the War Room.
“Something troubling you, my friend?” Ulfric tests him tentatively as he picks up the letter before him. His eyes scan over it quickly, and he frowns, the wrinkles of his forehead crinkling as he does so.
“Nothing that you can help. Or the Gods for that matter.”
“Are you saying that what is beyond the Divines is beyond me? I, who am your oldest friend and ally?” The corners of his mouth pull in a small smile despite the mention of his own name in Rikke’s letter. What happened to him there is still a deep scar that will never quite heal.
Galmar huffs. “What are you doing to do? Bring her back? You just sent her out there.”
His smile quickly folds with the accusation. “I would if I could, and you know as well as I do that bitter accompanied by even more bitter feelings towards me will not help either of us nor this situation.”
“At least tell me that you felt some regret over it or—”
Ulfric sighs as he finally puts down the letter and pushes it towards Galmar. “What do you want me to say? Would it make you feel any better to tell you that I feel guilty and that I am sorry?”
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blossom-adventures · 1 year
Soppy post incoming! 😅😆
Today is my 1 year Writerversary!
I’ve been sharing my writing publicly on AO3 for a whole year! Which is absolutely insane to warp my head around! In the last year I have achieved so much and I honestly don’t think I could have done it without the friends I’ve made because of my writing!
Before I started sharing my writing, I was alone, with only immediate family to socialise with, but since posting my writing on Tumblr and AO3 I have made so many friends! And it’s because of those friendships that I kept writing and kept sharing!
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Commissions by SneaksandSweets
I know I haven’t been as active over the last few months with writing, but I plan to change that, my goal is to get back to regularly posting stories, whether it’s part of one of my long fics (Far Horizons & Ancient Stones, The Blood Prophecy, A Tall Glass of Red Wine or Guard and Glaive) or one of my Bad Things Happen Bingo Prompts, a monthly writing event or just a random One Shot story.
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Art by TheLavenderElf
It is my hope that I am able to share some sort of writing at least once a week because it is my goal in celebration of this milestone that I will be able to balance my time better in the future, which has always been a personal problem for me!
I am determined and hopeful that I will be getting back to regular writing schedules soon!
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Art by thequeenofthewinter
And of course I wouldn’t have been able to get to this milestone without the support of everyone here! You have supported me through the best times and the worst and I couldn’t have done this without you all!
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Art by CrysDrawsThings and Matri4rch
I’d like to take this opportunity to tag a few people, who have been there for me! For being someone I could talk to about anything, screaming about our personal Headcanons over a discord conversation, making amazing art of my characters, or introducing me to a whole new fandom, it’s because of you all that I’m here and I’m still sharing my writing, so, thank you! 💙🌸🫂☺️
@thequeenofthewinter @oblivions-dawn @hauntedadagium @seradyn @savage-rhi @crysdrawsthings @matri4rch @thelavenderelf @sneaksandsweets @andywinter16 @data-hex @amarabliss @awlwren @bougainvillea-and-saltwater @bostoniangirl21 @cheeseandstrawberrytartlover @average-crazy-fangirl @sylvienerevarine @wispstalk @ticklemycucumber
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Art by Amarabliss
You guys… are the best
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I've been tagged by @dirty-bosmer last week for a wip wednesday, thank you so much, my friend! <3 <3 Progress is still very slow, but I'm getting there and chapter 3 of HOTHS is almost done! I am so immersed in this pirate story that I wrote like a maniac and might have to split the chapter in two if it gets too meaty. For now, have an Edward, because I'm excited about introducing him <3 And I made another picrew for him because the brainrot is brainrotting.
Tagging @dirty-bosmer right back and @bougainvillea-and-saltwater @kiir-do-faal-rahhe @thelavenderelf @bostoniangirl21 @nerevar-quote-and-star @blossom-adventures only if you want to, of course! And if anyone reads this and wants to do it, please consider yourself tagged (and tag me in your post so I can see! <3)
“Fuck.” the Nord quickly gets on his feet and walks over to the counter. It’s almost as if he’s a completely different person. He opens a drawer and starts taking the knives, comparing their sizes and considering which one to take. 
“Can you walk with those?” Rhaim points to the chains still attached to his feet.
“Aye, I think I can manage. Thank you, by the way.”
“Can you fight?"
"Can I fight?" He huffs, spinning a sharp knife in his hand. He turns to look at Rhaim and smirks. The bastard actually smirks. Adrenaline works in mysterious ways. "The real question is: Can you keep up?" 
“What’re you gonna do? Poison their apples?” He says, but a knife flies past his face at a distance that is too close for comfort. He whips his head to look where the knife landed, seeing it planted pointy end first into the cupboard beside his head.
"I have exceptional aim." The Nord smiles in a cocky way and Rhaim jerks his head to look back at him, wide eyed.
That's it for now! Now look at my boy:
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He is smiling while showing the middle finger and being covered in blood. He's a complicated man. Also, while writing, I realized that he turned out much more cocky than I anticipated 💀 But he's still a sad blonde blorbo!
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scrib-art · 1 year
Tagged by @caliblorn (thank you!!)
Working (slowly) on a new reference sheet for Mimsi. I think it needs another outfit or two, maybe her weapons, maybe a couple expressions or a profile if I'm feeling brave. I feel like the gold dress is missing something. Clothing design has always been a weak area for me.
Tagging @lovelyladylavie, @twinklecupcake, @gravedirtandbriarthorns, and @thelavenderelf (and anyone else who would like to participate, and no pressure to those tagged)
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friend-of-giants · 1 year
Lines Tag Game
Tagged by @elfinismsarts to post some choice lines from my fic! I guess I will tag @mareenavee @paraparadigm @thana-topsy @boethiahspillowbook @wildhexe @archangelsunited @rhiannon1199 @rainpebble3 @snippetsrus @thequeenofthewinter @thelavenderelf and anyone else who wants to participate, consider yourself tagged! I'm pulling lines from both Into Ash and Ascent from the Ashes.
Also most of these lines are actually snippets and this got super long sorry not sorry
A line from your fic that makes you laugh
Into Ash Ch. 5 "Realizations"
“I didn’t ask for your help, but thanks,” [Wren] said, giving [Teldryn] a little smile.  Her teeth were goofy and uneven, almost rabbit-like, and she rarely let them show, but Teldryn thought they were an endearing feature of her otherwise plain face.
“It was nothing, sera.  Now, let’s get going before Neloth pisses himself.” 
Neloth’s face contorted as if he had just smelled a fresh pile of netch dung.  “What?  I do not piss myself, you fools!”
A line from your fic that makes you sad
Into Ash Ch. 6 "As Hermaeus Mora Intended"
"These people you lost, who were they?  If you don't want to answer, I understand."
Teldryn’s question struck like a slap to the face, though it did not hurt as much as it once would have.  Time had dulled the sharpness of the pain and left only a hollow ache in its place, an ache she was trying to forget.  She blinked, then fixed her eyes on an unassuming mound of snowberries at the table to gather her thoughts.  
How much should she tell him, if anything?  Why did he even want to know?  He was only a mercenary and likely didn’t care, but something about him had changed over the last week.  She felt a new sense of security with him, and had found herself speaking more openly with him since that day at Nchardak, when she had proven to him exactly who and what she was.
He had changed, and she almost felt as if she could trust him.  She supposed there wasn’t much to lose by opening up a little. 
"My family," Wren began after a long moment of silence.  "Not the one I left behind, but…”  Her attention turned from the snowberries back to Teldryn, to the light from the fire shining off his goggles.  He remained quiet, the only sound around them being the crackle of the flames and the angry wind rushing against the roof.  
A low, gravelly whisper broke the silence and cut her off before she could even open her mouth again.  “The one you were trying to make?”  
His words caught her off guard, spoken as if they were plucked straight from her own tongue.  She nodded slowly, and blinked back tears that were beginning to form.  “Something like that.  They’re gone because of me.  I’m not meant to have that kind of life, not with what I am.” 
A line from your fic you're proud of
Ascent from the Ashes Ch. 7 "A World Worth Living In"
There was something about the vast Rift forests that calmed her in a way that nothing else could quite compare to.  Perhaps it was the trees rising around her, white-gray trunks reaching for the skies topped with quivering clusters of leaves in every fiery shade imaginable.  Or maybe the sweet scent of old, decaying leaves that covered the ground in a soft blanket, or the crisp mountain breeze that swept through to rustle them.  
Far from those who hated her, who cared for her.  From those who saw her but did not know her name, and from those who did not even know she existed.  She was one with the wilderness, everywhere and nowhere all at once. 
The forest was hers today, there to stand guard and keep a vigilant watch, to take in her secrets and let them blow away in the wind, never to be heard by anyone except the Gods.  
And Dagon, of course. 
A line for your fic you think could have been better
Uhhhh most of the first 3 chapters of Into Ash, honestly. I'm planning a rewrite as I had absolutely no idea what I was doing at the time of writing those chapters lol
A line from your fic that makes you want to punch a character
I hate Rolff, alright?
Ascent from the Ashes Ch. 10 "Respite, Part 1"
“You make me sick,” Rolff snapped. “Don’t take kindly to women talking back to me, ‘specially not some disgusting gray-skin whore.” His cold, hateful eyes fell upon Teldryn once more, who was still flabbergasted that Wren was handling the situation with such a level head. Teldryn himself resisted the urge to leap down and beat him, but she was right. Rolff wasn’t worth the effort. “How much you pay for her? I'd ask for my coin back if I were you."
Wren's posture stiffened and she scooted away, putting a small gap between herself and Teldryn. "I ain't doing that anymore, now get out of here."
A line from your fic that makes you go 'aww'
Into Ash Ch. 7 "Awakening"
Wren nodded again and turned away to head into the bedroom, whimpering softly.  Teldryn tsked.  "Great job, n'wah, you made her cry."
"I did not try to," Frea said, confusion showing plainly on her face.  "What I said should not have hurt her."
"I don't think you hurt her.  Something tells me she doesn't get thanked very often."  
"Oh," remarked Frea, glancing in the direction of the bedroom, where the occasional sniffle could be heard floating out.  "I thought she would be used to the praise.  She has defeated Alduin, yes?  I do not understand." 
Teldryn got up and stretched.  "You'd be surprised.  People can be very ungrateful to heroes.  It's a sad truth that wears you down over the years."
"We were planning a feast in the event of her safe return, but I do not want her to cry again."  Frea grinned slightly.  "Perhaps we can find another way to thank her." 
"No," Teldryn said softly, peering around the doorway to check on the Dragonborn, who had made herself at home in the bed once again.  He saw a smile on her lips, despite the tears trickling down her cheeks.  "I think the feast will be fitting.  Make sure there’s plenty of salmon."
A line from your fic that's full of symbolism
Ascent from the Ashes, Ch. 8 "What Guides Us"
There were a thousand things to be said about [Teldryn's] relationship with the Gods and Daedra, with Azura in particular. He hummed thoughtfully and gazed back out over the waters, to the torchbugs that still flickered and danced along the shores. Most people were small and insignificant in the eyes of the Gods, just as the bugs were to men and mer.
But as the mortal races would often catch an exceptional specimen in a jar and hold it dear, so had Azura chosen Teldryn, her champion, the savior of Morrowind and all of the Dunmer people. Through all of his trials, from the shining, glorious moments to the times where the darkness had surrounded and suffocated him until he had screamed for the merciful release of death, Azura was there. She always was, and always would be.
A line from your fic that contains an Easter egg
Ehhhh, without being too spoilery (as the scene itself is super graphic), have this single line. Inspired by a similar line in Stephen King's Misery, which I thought might perfectly describe the feeling of having ones leg chopped off lmao
The pain was screaming, and so was she.
A line from your fic that's shocking
According to Kel, it's this scene since I'm not a fan of horse death lmao
Ascent from the Ashes Ch. 10 "Respite, Part 1"
Giving a hasty tug on his horse’s mane, he wheeled his mount around and rode hard back the way he came from.  He had to make it to her before the guards did, he had to.  
The pounding of the gelding’s hooves against the road and the rush of wind in his ears were the only sounds he could hear, until a sharp twang caught his attention, followed by the sickening sound of bone shattering and a squeal from his horse.  The gelding staggered for a few steps before he crashed to the ground, and Teldryn was thrown from his back and tumbled to the dirt beside him.  
A line from your fic you want to talk about more
I know this scene got people thinking and theorizing of what the Thing is. I want to talk more about it but i CAN'T! Not yet! Absolutely down to hear peoples guesses though!
Ascent from the Ashes Ch. 5 "Withered Away and Crumbled to Dust"
"I was cleaning up one day and found this.  Thought you might want to keep it."  
Wren squinted at Lydia's closed hands, and her fingers parted to reveal a piece of soft golden cloth.  Upon recognizing the gift, the blood in her veins froze instantly, and it was as if something had forced the breath from her lungs and replaced it with ice.  She knew exactly what this thing was and where it had come from, but she did not want to acknowledge that it was here, right here in front of her.  
“W-what makes you think I want this?"  Her voice was small, weak.  A shadow of what it could be.  Her vision blurred as tears welled in her eyes, and she blindly reached out, grasping at nothingness, until Lydia's hands found hers and pressed something soft into her palm.  
“You need this," Lydia whispered, her voice crackling.  Wren felt fingers comb through her hair and warm lips on her forehead.  It did little to comfort her.  “Take it.  It belongs with you."
Wren clutched the piece to her chest, kneading it between her fingers.  It was incredibly soft and should have been an object of comfort, but now only served to suck the life from within her.
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crysdrawsthings · 1 year
So, I was tagged by @argisthebulwark and @skyrim-forever to do this meme - and sure, why not! Will be answering for Deer, portrait being done in a very fun Picrew by elenaillustrate.
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Seasoning: Entire spice cabinet dumped into a dish. Perhaps by accendent. Coincidentally - Deer's cooking style.
Weather: Pleasant warm evening sun, perfect for a little lazy nap on the porch.
Colour: Rich, darker shade of gold.
Sky: Dusk. The very specific part of Sun slowly rising.
Magic Power: I mean, her entire thing and brand is turning into a dragon to various degrees?
House Plant: Tiny cacti. Like, the tiniest cacti you can imagine.
Weapon: Auri-El gave her two perfectly good hands and she is so going to use them.
Subject: Absorbing scientific knowledge through cultural osmosis and listening to people infodumping. By the way, have you heard about the great eel excommunication by the priesthood of Auri-El in the early 1E?
Social Media: liveblogging, but so deranged it circles back to being funny.
Make-up Product: Eyeliner for her and concealer for throwing at neighbors.
Candy: These super sour candies that make your face scrunch into a point.
Fear: Probably not being able to girlboss hard enough to save everyone she wants to save. Also forks.
Ice Cube Shape: The ice is ice! Who cares!
Method of long-distance travel: Scenic route through the middle of nowhere and absolute neck of the woods.
Art style: Singing, but specifically the kind that only works for karaoke, camping with friends or obnoxious shower singing at 5am.
Celestial Body: I would say comet.
Mythological Creature: Dragon, naturally.
Piece of stationery: Fancy stickers. Definitely fancy stickers.
As for tagging people myself: hmmm, maybe @thelastpinecone @nerevar-quote-and-star, @average-crazy-fangirl @fallen-chances and mhm @thelavenderelf
Absolutely no pressure and if you like the idea, naturally!
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oblivions-dawn · 2 years
For the Uncommon Questions Ask Meme! & for Vigdis of course <3
7, 12, 30, B, & H
jgridhgif for Vigdis of course YOU HONOUR ME AAAA
✑ What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
Oh man. I mean, everything Vigdis does reminds her of her father and that hurts, but I think . . . Hunting. She does it fairly often, but every now and then it feels like her dad is next to her, correcting her posture and hand placement. As for whether or not she enjoys it . . . . It's more painful than anything else.
✑ How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach?
I imagine this wild and rugged woman uses her bow, of the hilt of her dagger JDFNKJDGNMLGKMF
✑ Who do they most regret meeting?
OOOOOO I like that I got this one too!! I would definitely say she regrets that her and her father tried to save a the dying man known only as Selinus, because it ultimately lead to her father's death.
✑ What inspired you to create them?
An obsession with Skyrim . . . and one vampire princess. [Mostly one vampire princess.]
✑ What trait do you admire most?
I LOVE HOW MUCH SHE DOESN'T GIVE A SHIT. She's SO angry and aggressive and yes I know that's an awful trait to love but SHE GETS SHIT DONE AND NO ONE FUCKS WITH HER. IT'S GREAT. VIGDIS CAN I BE LIKE YOU SOME DAY
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This was supposed to be a fun Valentine's day tag game, but alas, I hadn't had the time to do it until now. Anyway, I found these cute make-your-ship games and I thought what better way to see what my friend's ships are than to make this tag game!
Doing this for WYGTYA and HOTHS, I'm gonna ramble about my ships from my fics for a little bit because I love them, but first, I'm tagging: @bougainvillea-and-saltwater @kiir-do-faal-rahhe @illumiera @thelavenderelf @dirty-bosmer @sheirukitriesfandom @bostoniangirl21 @nerevar-quote-and-star only if y'all want to, of course!💖 Also, to whoever else sees this and wished to participate, consider yourself tagged (and tag me in your post, I want to see everyone's ships!)
The links are as follows: F/M F/F M/M
First off, since WYGTYA was the first fic I started posting, it's only fair to start with the ships from there!
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One the left, we have the Ravvyraak! She's making Miraak hold her lute because she wants to get another fancy goblet of booze, of course. She's probably teasing him and calling him a lightweight.
And on the right, we have Rumcurio! I haven't picked a background because I can really see Rumarin and Marcurio sneaking off into a dark corner to make out :)))) Maybe both ships are at the same party.
Do Fenrik/Miraak and Rumarin have the same haircut? Yes, but consider this: they got ready for the party together because they're besties, and ever since Chapter 10, Rumarin wants Fenrik to always braid his hair.
And here's a little bonus! My Nerevarine (the red-haired one) and her girlfriend, who is a great-aunt (adoptive) of Ravonna! She is the one who brought a literal emerald bar for the Tavern when the family business started in Blacklight, thus giving it the name "The Emerald Bar"! Aaaand, Ravvy's adoptive dad named her after this woman! I can never have enough Ravonnas, underused name tbh.
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And now for the pirates that are rotting my brain (SPOILER WARNING FOR THE HOTHS SHIPS, I guess)
In order of appearance, we first have Rhaim, everyone's favourite werewolf, with Edward, this annoyingly competitive Nord that's really good at cooking and throwing knives. (the apple is a reference to a dumb line of dialogue that Rhaim says in the upcoming chapter!)
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Up next we have Rajeena, skilled warrior, very well-trained, is used to the pirate life, and the crazy Breton named Iresette, who just got a taste of freedom and she realized that she's been starved of it for all her life. (These two haven't appeared yet, but the brainrot is too strong not to include them here)
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I know this next one is basically the first ship that appears in HOTHS, but it's not really a canon ship and this is all I'll say on the matter. The redhead is Anne, the voice of reason, endlessly loyal to the woman who introduced her to piracy, which is none other than the captain herself, Signe! WYGTYA readers already know how important Signe is for the plot and which iconic Skyrim NPC she secretly is ;) ALSO, THE ONE-EYED CHARACTER DESIGN IS NOW MY FAVE SIGNE TRAIT!
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You guys know that "all my friends are pretty" moodboard trend? Yeah, I want to do that with ocs.
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I had to make it with all my video game blorbos 🥺 the WYGTYAverse (and the BG3 crossover with Hjaldir) are the first ones, and the Dragon Age ones are the last 2.
I'd love to see more of everyone's ocs with this template! If you want to, of course! I'm going to tag @bougainvillea-and-saltwater @thelavenderelf @kiir-do-faal-rahhe @nerevar-quote-and-star @illumiera @dirty-bosmer @blossom-adventures absolutely no pressure if you don't want to do this, as always 💖💖
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WIP Wednesday
Hi, hello. I haven't been active in a while. Truth is that I'm in my exam session, and a lot is happening in real life and I'm overwhelmed. However, @bostoniangirl21 tagged me last week and sharing my love for writing with you guys always puts me in a better mood! So here is a little snippet of Chapter 3 of 'Hymn of the High Seas' that I managed to write while I was still on vacation! Also, @sheirukitriesfandom tagged me to make some ocs with this picrew, and I'm using this post as a combo😆. Thank you guys so much for the tags, they really make my day <3 <3
I'm tagging @sheirukitriesfandom and @bostoniangirl21 back and also @bougainvillea-and-saltwater @kiir-do-faal-rahhe @dirty-bosmer @thelavenderelf @illumiera for either the wip, the picrew, both or none, whichever you want, of course. 💖💖
“IT’S HER! THE ONE WHO ESCAPED FROM STROS M’QAI! SHE FITS THE DESCRIPTION!” someone shouts, catching Signe’s attention and sending her mind spiraling into madness with fear, desperation and guilt of dragging Rhaim with her into this doom. Several Thalmor surround them, far too many to fight, even as a team. Signe’s letting herself get distracted, feeling almost paralyzed with fear. ‘Not them. I’ve dragged my crew into peril before we even set sail.’ she thinks, but her thought bubble is violently popped by arms capturing her, making her drop her scimitar to the ground. 
“WE’VE CAUGHT THE DISGUSTING WORM!” A Thalmor shouts right by her ear, so hard that it’s now ringing. “You’re ours now, disgusting, filthy Nord! TAKE THE REST OF THEM ALONG! More practice dummies for our torture adepts-” is all he gets to day before his head gets cut off, falling to the ground with a haunting thud, rolling somewhere away. The others have little time to react because blades cleave through them like a reaper's scythe through a field of fragile blossoms, leaving behind a trail of blood and death. Thalmor bodies start falling around them, setting them free, and in the end, a cloaked figure stands with two katanas unseathed and arms open. The cloak is not like the rest of the thieves', signaling that whoever this is, is not with the Guild. Like fine silk, black robes fall on broad shoulders. The figure raises his head, showing a glimpse of fair skin and pale, pink lips.
“They’re looking for you. Why?” he asks, voice deep and an accent that Signe’s never heard before.
“We escaped Stros M’qai.” She says, panting, and the man finally lifts his gaze, piercing grey eyes looking at her from under a fringe of fine ebony hair.
“Wasn’t hearing things after all.” he huffs, the faintest hint of a smile gracing his lips. “Come with me. All of you.” he says swiftly, and starts moving through the crowd.
The crew exchange glances, silent agreements quickly passing by each and every one of them, and Signe starts catching up to their mysterious saviour.
Hmmmm, who could this mysterious saviour be? A new oc that I'm obsessed with, of course! He's Akaviri, and his name is Renjiro. Unfortunately, he's only going to be a secondary character in HOTHS, but he will appear more times throughout the fic!
And for the picrew, I chose to make him!! Look at my boy!
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I have another oc that I made with this picrew, which is Edward!! He will be a crew member, and he's a sad blond blorbo (I have to have at least one sad blond blorbo in each project of mine apparently). Also, the hand that cups his face? It's a certain crewmate :D!
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WIP whenever
Hello, everyone! I know updates are very slow, but life is absolutely draining me of my writing mojo most days. But!!! I did some writing, just in time for it to still count as a WIP Wednesday! And I've been tagged by the lovelies @bostoniangirl21 and @sheirukitriesfandom Thank you very much for the tags and for keeping me motivated with them <3!!! I must say that working on ch. 17 of WYGTYA is hard because it's by far the most serious, angst-filled thing I've written so far :(((
I'll tag @dirty-bosmer @bougainvillea-and-saltwater @kiir-do-faal-rahhe @illumiera @thelavenderelf @blossom-adventures @nerevar-quote-and-star only if you want to participate, of course <3 <3 But enough rambles! I will share a bit from both fics under the cut! WYGTYA feels and banter with another appearance from that mysterious Akaviri swordsman in HOTHS! Enjoy!
Wherever you go, there you are, chapter 17:
The noise of the city was still dim, the people of the port already tuning in to either a night of much-needed sleep or raucous drinking at the taverns, and so the port is quiet, peaceful, the only sounds filling the air are the soothing waves of the Sea of Ghosts and the distant noises of the city ahead of them. Blacklight. Full of its magical charm and dancing lights and colourfulness. Ravonna’s steps falter because the air smells like home once again: it is not damp and moist like Black Marsh, nor is it the warm and flowery smells of Cyrodiil, nor the harsh, cold, yet fresh air of Skyrim. It smells like ash and sea salt and flavored tobacco from shishas and that distinct smell of cloth paint that Dunmer use. She can hear the faint hum of Red Mountain, the distant bards singing in taverns, the loud laughter of the people in the city and the soft, hushed giggles of sailors who cannot sleep but don’t want to wake their crew up and they’re all so frustratingly, Gods-damned oblivious to her thundering heart and the violent lightning strikes that hit her soul with each step, each breath, each second spent here again. Fuck, she should be happy, excited, but everything hurts and this bad feeling that something’s not right, that something’s missing won’t go away.
Hymn of the High Seas, chapter 3:
They settle cross-legged around the small coffee table, collectively thinking that this place was not built to host so many people. Renjiro runs outside with a spring in his step.
“Sooo… I think it’s safe to assume that this guy is a big fan of swords.” Signe speaks, earning a huff from Rhaim and a knowing smile from Arvyvel. 
“That makes two of us.” Rhaim says.
“Really? I always figured you'd be more of a -” she stops to gesticulate clawing and eating an enemy in beast form, “- kind of person, ya know?” 
He looks at her for a moment before bursting into deep, earth-grumbling laughter. “Careful, you might scare away our future crewmates.”
“Me? I’m absolutely elated.” Arvyvel says.
“And I still haven’t agreed to anything! I’m not going on some suicide mission!” Marc says, annoyed.
“Fine by me. We don’t need you anyway. Don’t need your kind among us.” Rhaim flares his nostrils and breathes out aggressively.
Before Marc can say anything back, a loud, obnoxious cough interrupts them.
“I’m sorry, gentlemen, but I have to interrupt the tense moment. No fighting in this house.” Renjiro says, making his way to the table with two bottles of fresh sake. He tries to keep his calm demeanor and shove down the thoughts of ‘Yoshi will kill me if I made a mess in his absence.’
The men stop, not before glaring menacingly at each other one last time. Rhaim doesn’t like traitorous bastards and he could smell this guy’s traitorous bastard-ness from miles away. He scoots closer to Marc, turning his back to him and making Room for Renjiro between him and Signe. His eyes light up at the bottle of alcohol. The swordsman lays out five small glasses and fills them. Rhaim takes it quickly, his patience running out, taking a sip and closing his eyes to really feel the taste on his tongue, going down his throat. A pleasure grunt escapes him. It’s unlike anything he’s ever tasted: strong, but not too strong. Balanced, a cascade of flavors – a harmonious blend of sweet and dry alcohol warming his chest and his spirit.
“Fuck.” He breathes, opening his eyes, only to see everyone looking at him, with their glasses halfway up in a toast. He raises an eyebrow.
“Ye need a moment alone with that glass of booze?” Signe smirks.
Author's note: I could and probably *will* expand on the feelings of drinking sake because I literally found my new favourite drink in the year of our lord 2024.
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Work-in-Progress Wednesday
It's that day again, is it? Okay, then. *tosses fic out into the Void* I was tagged yesterday by the lovely and talented @ladytanithia and @thelavenderelf. <3
Tagging: @oblivions-dawn @mareenavee @rainpebble3 @blossom-adventures @dirty-bosmer @snowberry-crostata @tallmatcha @gilgamish @changelingsandothernonsense @archangelsunited @skyrim-forever @paraparadigm and anyone else who sees this and wants to participate. Please feel free to tag me! I love seeing what others are working on!
Rikke nudges Galmar with her shoulder, snapping his attention back to her and away from the High King and Queen. Dahlia is having a good day today and was determined to make an appearance to the citizens, so they are all out and enjoying the scenery—or at least trying to enjoy it. They did their best with such short notice and such a small budget to bring something together for the people to enjoy. Despite this, as Galmar looks up at the faded banners and and meager entertainment for the day, he grimaces. He supposes it is cheerful in its own way but doesn’t quite manage to chase away the dismal grey chill of the streets and the marketplace. There is something about it which still evokes the austerity following the war and reminds them that things are not quite back to normal as of yet.
He smiles at Rikke, taking her hand into his own, before looking forward again to check their surroundings. They are both collectively in charge of keeping the High King and Queen safe today. Lydia has taken the day off and decided to spend it with Narile in the Snow Quarter, as they have both reassured Dahlia’s housecarl that they’ll be more than fine in their care. After all, what could possibly happen to a giant Nord wearing a big bear cloak, and a pregnant woman who happens to be the Dragonborn in the middle of a big event? 
As Galmar’s eyes scan the marketplace, he can see many citizens milling about the few merchants’ stalls which have set up shop, but the large majority of them are lined up near the produce stalls outside The White Phial. Outside the alchemists’, there are a few palace servants handing out care packages of seeds, flour, and other dry provisions to help the people make it through the rest of the hard Winter. Then, a few stalls down beside them, there is yet another giving out free meat pies and mulled wine. By far, both of them are the most popular. Galmar smiles to himself as he sees that everything is going smoothly. There has been no pushing nor any shoving, and it is still too early for drunken fights to break out. This should be an easy day for him.
However, when his gaze returns to find his High King and Queen, they are both gone. 
Galmar stops in his tracks, and a sinking feeling much akin to plunging oneself straight into the White River settles in his stomach. He tries to search for the pair again, checking and double checking everyone his old eyes can see before turning to Rikke.
She turns to look at him, a puzzled expression painted onto her face. “What is it Bear-Helm?”
“Do you see Ulfric or Dahlia?” He answers carefully, his heart beating quickly in his chest as his eyes continue to scan the scene uselessly.
She blinks at him, staring at him with a completely dumbfounded look on her face for a few moments before speaking. “I thought you were Ulfric’s housecarl.”
“I am, but—”
“What do you mean you’ve lost the High King and Queen?” Her voice hisses. “One is a hulking Nord with bright blonde hair and the other is a pregnant woman. How do you lose them?!”
Galmar has no answer to her question.
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Okay this is absolutely insane, but please bear with me.
Please note that this is SOLELY based on the actors' looks, it has nothing to do with their personality or other films they starred in!
Also neither of these are face claims, I always see my characters exactly how they're designed in-game, this is just for fun! A movie adaptation AU, if you will.
1. Megan Fox or a Black haired Scarlett Johansson as Ravonna (green contact lenses are needed, though)
✨️the crazy yet charming wizard-bard protagonist✨️
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2. Chris Hemsworth as Miraak (look, he is the most mainstream viking-looking dude who has Miraak vibes 🤣) - brown contact lenses needed
✨️the sunshine boy with the gentlest heart. Healer. First Dragonborn. Will definitely cry✨️
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3. Toby Regbo as Lucien
✨️the stressed and occasionally awkward academic✨️
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4. Rami Malek as Inigo
✨️the loyal Khajiit who finally found his family✨️
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5. Max Baldry as Marcurio
✨️the short and angry gay everyone wants to be or wants to be with✨️
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6. Tom Hopper as Rumarin - gold contacts needed
✨️the tall and funny himbo who is actually really complex✨️
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7. Ray Stevenson (as seen in Black Sails) as Hjaldir
✨️the og bard who is also a pirate. Very charming. Helped in raising Ravonna✨️
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8. Tom Hardy as Teldryn
✨️the tired-of-this-bullshit uncle, super protective of Ravonna✨️
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9. Taika Waititi as Endryn
✨️the adoptive dad, wholesome, kind, stressed, innkeeper✨️
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Tagging @bougainvillea-and-saltwater - this was her idea!! and also @kiir-do-faal-rahhe @thelavenderelf @shitty-drawer @totally-not-deacon you don't have to do this, I just wanted to show you my casting choices :)))) I'd tag more people who read/know about my fic, but I am so shy and scared that I'll annoy you with a random tag🤣
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oblivions-dawn · 9 months
IT'S WEDNESDAY AND YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS. No it's not but fuck it I can't contain my evilness anymore I MUST SHARE. I MUST SCREAM. THE WIP IS UPON YE AND YOU'RE NOT READY FOR IT Sniping with love @thequeenofthewinter @blossom-adventures @avantegarda @thelavenderelf @mareenavee @umbracirrus @yewphoric and anyone else that sees this and wishes to share their WIP!! >:3c No obligation of course huehue. You have no idea what I'm keeping from you right now. Where it ends--the next like three or four sentences that follow--WOULD MURDER YOU. Yes I am once again keeping the good shit to myself MWHAHAHAHAHA. Enjoy what I give you and scream knowing that there's so much more to this HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHE
“You’re hurt.”
Larimar blue eyes fluttered open. Snow fell silently from the silver skies, their gentle dance swept away by the soft yet salty sea breeze. Vigdis squinted at the sun’s blinding rays that showered over her reclined body. A figure loomed above her to partially block the sun, draped in shadow. Cold fingers traced along her scarred cheek in a tender caress that sent a shiver down Vigdis’ spine.
“You can’t run forever.”
She gasped—the ground disappeared beneath her, and she plummeted into darkness. She squeezed her eyes shut, slammed her hands over ears as a thunderous roar ripped across the void—
“I won’t hurt you.”
She opened her eyes again.
Persimmon irises glowed back, nestled in oceans of ebony so dark that no light could penetrate them. A faint blue light glittered and flickered across her pale features; weaved through her dark hair; danced in her eyes. Citrus and florals swirled in her freckled nose; their breaths dissipated together into a misty fog.
She was too close.
For so long she had tried to keep her distance—to stay away from Serana. At first, her hatred for vampires and need for self-preservation above all else was enough . . . until it wasn’t. Her anger flared as questions without answers bubbled in her mind. Just how long had she felt this way? When did her hatred fade?
And when did something else take its place?
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Sentences someday a.k.a WIP whenever
My amazing and talented mutuals @mareenavee @dirty-bosmer and @sheirukitriesfandom tagged me to share what I've been working on, thank you so much💖💖!! I've been contemplating on what exactly to include from chapter 15 of WYGTYA because literally everything in that chapter is a *major* spoiler for one of the biggest storylines in this fic, but damn it, I am so proud of it, and I will share this, which hopefully doesn't reveal too much. 🥰 Tagging @bougainvillea-and-saltwater @kiir-do-faal-rahhe @blossom-adventures @thelavenderelf @nerevar-quote-and-star this is, of course, only if you want to participate ☺️
Spoilers for 'Wherever you go, there you are' under the cut!
"I needed to become the Devil himself. That, and I was wanted and hunted. I’d sure like to tell ye the whole story one day when we meet again.” Deathbrand's voice is melancholic.
“But we can’t meet again, can we?” Ravonna says, tears welling up in her eyes.
“In the world above, or the one below, lassie.” and to that, Ravonna smiles sadly. Oh, how bittersweet was the tragedy. “I’m afraid that the only thing keepin’ us here is you. My final quest.”
THAT IS ALL I'M WILLING TO SHARE BECAUSE THE NEXT FEW LINES ARE WAY TOO REVEALING. Anyway, chapters 14 and 15 are such a WILD RIDE and I will always remember the sheer excitement of writing them ❤️ Also, pirate talk is now one of my fave things to write!
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