#their vocals are out of this world i love vocalists with all my heart
petrichoraline · 2 years
i need to let everyone know n.flying's hwesung sang karaoke with monsta x's kihyun with drummer jaehyun dancing on the side, it's phenomenal
@howitrulyam you especially
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thefallennightmare · 10 months
Just Pretend-nine
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*gif created by me. feel free to use, simply give credit*
Parings: Noah Sebastian x Musician! Reader
Warnings/Tropes: language, angst, fluff, smut, star-crossed lovers, right person/wrong time, cheating, talks of mental abuse.
Summary: “I can wait for years, heaven knows I’m not getting over you.” A story about two star-crossed lovers, that always find their way back because their souls are entwined. The universe desperately attempts to bring them together, no matter what the cost.
Authors Note: PLEASE, we are begging you guys. Take your time with this one, so many different emotions throughout. Its a big fucking deal and read it slow, immerse yourself in this world while listening to the playlist. Enjoy my lovelies. 😉
Collaborating With: @thescarlettvvitch(better give her all the love as well)
Tags: @thescarlettvvitch @ozwriterchick @waake-meee-up @notingridslurkaccount @niicoleleigh @sammyjoeee @xxrainstorm @dominuslunae @notmaddihealy @malice-ov-mercy @crimson-calligraphyx @iknownothingpeople @writethrough @thebadchic @blackveilomens Claudia on Tumblr @tobe-written @blacksoul-27 @loeytuan98 @loverofagoodbeard @comfortcharactercraze @lma1986 @plutonikchaos1 @spicywhenspeaking @lyschko666 @somewhere-diamond
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"I'm so fucking glad we're staying in a hotel the next few days," Folio groaned as we walked down the long hallway of the hotel.
I nodded in agreement. "I can't believe the tour is almost over; our last show is tomorrow night."
With our last show tomorrow night, we were spending the next few nights in a hotel and we all planned to take flights back home so we could get there faster. Hollow Souls were also staying in this hotel but they were a floor beneath us but it seemed the farther I went from Y/N, those imaginary pull strings inside of my heart tightened. If it hurt this bad when she was a floor underneath, how bad would it hurt when she was a state away?
As far as I knew, she still had plans to go back to Vegas because that's where her home was, granted it was with Trey. There wasn't a part of me that was worried she would go back to him; I knew she wouldn't. Ever since they fired him, Hollow Souls has been thriving. They posted on their social media pages that Trey was kicked out of the band due to personal reasons and while most of their fans complained about them kicking out their main vocalist, there was a select few that were excited to see what the future of Hollow Souls looked like.
Y/N was upset at first that so many of their fans were boycotting them now because they decided to kick Trey out.
"Seems like they only care about Trey's vocals when I'm the one that actually wrote our songs."
It took a while of Malcolm and Chase talking to her to realize that their future together as a band was looking bright. They could reinvent themselves.
I filled in for the last two shows but after playing my set for thirty minutes before their hour-and-a-half set, my voice was getting raw and sore so Matt thought it be best if I didn't fill in for the last show. I was going to argue, not wanting to let them down, but Chase reassured me they'd figure out what to do for the last show.
Y/N has been glowing since Trey left, slowly becoming a better woman in front of all of us; to me, she'd always been perfect. But we could all see her confidence growing. With her face in the dirt far too many times with Trey, she finally said enough; it doesn't hurt anymore. As all of his lies crumbled down, Y/N found a new life.
To say all of us were proud of her was a fucking understatement.
"Hey," Jolly bumped shoulders with mine, pulling me from my thoughts as we stopped in front of the door to his room. "Bryan wants us ready to go in twenty minutes."
Oh, right.
We were currently in Oregon and Bryan planned some time today on our off day to visit one of the national parks here to take some promo photos of us.
"Yeah, I'll be ready to go. I need to change quickly and I'll meet you guys down in the lobby," I said as I walked down a few more doors until I stopped in front of my room; the one I was sharing with Nick.
He patted my shoulder as he walked past me into the room. "You should ask if Y/N wants to come with."
I shrugged off his words, trying not to make it seem that I'd been tossing around the idea for the last hour when Bryan first told us about his plan.
"She might have plans with Chase and Malcolm," I said while tossing my suitcase onto the bed, quickly rifling through the clothes to find something to change into.
"She doesn't. Last I heard, Chase and Malcolm are going out tonight so Y/N will be alone," Nick raised a suggestive brow.
With a long sigh, I turned to face him. "You already planned this, didn't you?"
"It was Chase's idea," he answered.
Rolling my eyes, I pulled out my phone to send a text to Y/N.
Get dressed, I'll be by your room in fifteen minutes.
She responded quickly before I had the chance to set my phone down.
Care to tell me where we're going?
All you need to know is to dress warm, angel.
You're full of surprises. See you soon, mochi. Room 245.
"Mochi?" I chuckled to myself while pocking my phone.
With a smile playing at my lips and my heart pounding loudly in my heart at the nickname, I tossed on a fresh hoodie and my tan jacket, opting to leave my hair down. Nick finished getting dressed when I did and once we stepped out in the hallway, Jolly and Folio were already waiting for us right outside our door.
"Fuck," I cursed while clutching my chest. "You scared the shit out of me, Folio."
"Too busy thinking about Y/N, huh?" He gave a playful smile.
Shoving him on the shoulder, I mentioned we needed to stop by her room before heading down to the lobby.
Jolly adjusted the guitar bag on his back. "She's coming with?"
I hesitantly nodded. "Is that alright? Nick said she was alone, and I felt bad if we left her while we did something."
They all smirked at my rambling as we took the stairs down one floor, our footsteps echoing in the small confined space.
"Of course it is, we don't mind when she tags along," Jolly said.
Coming to a stop in front of door 245, I gently rapped my knuckles against it and waited for her petite voice to carry through the wood. It was silent for a few moments, nerves ate away at my stomach as I wondered why she wasn't answering yet.
I knocked once again, this time with a bit more force, and breathed a little when a loud curse sounded from the other side.
"Hang on, someone's at the door."
I looked over to Nick with a raised brow, and he merely shrugged. "Chase and Malcolm are gone so I don't know who she's talking to."
The door opened with a quick brush of air, and my heart skipped a beat at the sight in front of me. Y/N was dressed in a pair of black tights, and a deep orange sweater that rested to the middle of her thighs, and her hair was pulled back in a high ponytail. I had to resist the urge to wrap my fingers through it to pull her back to me as she turned back into the room.
"Give me two minutes, I have to get my shoes," She said while clutching her phone to her ear. "No, Dad. Not you. I've got plenty of time to talk."
While the rest of the guys hung out in the hallway, I leaned against the wall right next to her bed and watched her as she slipped on her typical Doc Martin, nodding every so often to something her dad was saying on the other end of the phone.
"Dad, you seem to forget that you're seventeen hours ahead of me right now," she laughed causing my heart to flutter. "It's only noon here. Wait, why are you calling me so early? Isn't it your day off?"
She paced around the room looking for something and realizing what it was; I grabbed her bag and slung it over my shoulder. "I got it."
Y/N smiled her thanks before the conversation with her dad took her attention again. "No, I haven't talked to Mom in a while…. well, the last time she tried to guilt trip me into staying with her when the tour was over…I'm not staying at Trey's place anymore. We broke up.…..yea, long time coming, tell me about it….I'm sure I'll figure it out but I'm not staying in Vegas anymore…..hell yes I'm keeping Salem; asshole doesn't do shit for my cat."
I couldn't ignore the way my stomach flipped hearing that she didn't plan on staying in the same state as Trey.
"I can't move in with Malcolm or Chase because they're actually finding their own place together…Dad, they're dating; have been for the last six months…Yeah, that will explain exactly why Chase and I never got together."
I chuckled as I thought of her dad trying to set up her and Chase.
"You saw videos from the show last night?" There was a clear shock in her voice as she continued to talk with her dad as she rushed around the room getting ready.
"I'm surprised because you don't even know how to work face time," she giggled. "Oh, he's a friend of ours. We've been touring with his band for the last few weeks. Yeah, he filled in the last couple of shows….you think so? That's what everyone is saying online."
Her gaze flicked up to mine as her lips parted slightly, whatever her dad said made her give a long pause.
"Just a friend, dad." Then she turned swiftly on her heels away from me to whisper something low into the phone.
"I'm sorry," she mouthed to me with a pulled expression as she looked over her shoulder..
I waved her off. "Take your time."
"Dad, you know I miss you but I can't move to Japan; not now. But yes, I promise to visit you as soon as I can."
Eventually, after another minute, she said goodbye before hanging up with an audible groan. "Don't get me wrong, I love my dad but sometimes he forgets we talk almost every other day. He wants a play-by-play of my life every time."
"He wants you to visit?" I questioned.
She nodded while slipping into a jacket. "Yeah but its hard to find time. You need more than a weekend to visit Japan; there's so much to do."
"Yeah," I pushed her hand away when she went to reach for her bag. "I've got it."
"Noah, you don't have to carry my bag," she chuckled.
I shrugged. "I don't mind. Ready?"
"Yep," she smiled that heart-stopping smile.
When she walked past me towards the open door, my fingers grazed the inside of her wrist to stop her.
"Mochi?" I asked.
"Yes," she responded immediately. "Because you're the sweetest and your tummy is soft."
She poked her finger into my stomach before letting out a loud shriek of laughter as I wrapped an arm around her shoulders to bring her into my embrace, the both of us walking to the doorway where the guys were waiting.
"Malcolm and Chase are going to meet us once they're finished with their date," Y/N said.
"I'll text them the address," Nick said while pulling out his phone.
"Where are we headed?"
"The mountains," Folio answered with a smile.
"Ooh," she slipped out of my embrace, much to my dismay, to rummage around her suitcase for a book before she came back to me, lifting my arm and throwing it over her shoulder once again. "Now I'm ready."
Resisting the urge to press a kiss to her forehead, I set my sunglasses over my eyes and pulled her along with me as she let the door close behind us and ignored the smug look Nick threw my way as we walked past him; Y/N wrapping an arm around my back.
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"Can you believe how many people are calling for us to collaborate? It's all over Twitter," Nick said while browsing on his phone.
"Shit, really?" Y/N peered over from the back seat so she could gaze down at Nick's phone, who sat in front of her.
I was driving the van to the location that Bryan chose for our photo shoot but Folio called shotgun before she could which earned a cute little pout on her lips; lips that I wanted so bad to taste once again. So she sat in the far back with Jolly while Nick and Bryan sat in the middle. It was weird not having Chase or Malcolm with us since we did everything together on our off days.
"What are they saying?" I wondered while keeping my eyes on the road.
"Fans want you to feature on Hollow Souls next album," Y/N grinned as our eyes locked in the rearview mirror for a few seconds.
I hummed while pulling the van to a stop at the park's entrance. "I'm around whenever you need me, angel."
Once we all piled out, I met Jolly and Bryan at the back of the van to help them unload the equipment while Y/N chatted quietly with both of the Nicks, and out of the corner of my eye; I marveled at how goddess-like she looked with the afternoon sun casting her with her own aura glow. Jolly caught me staring because he smacked my chest before handing me the guitar he brought.
"You could ask her out, ya know," Bryan smirked.
I snapped my gaze over to him. "I can't."
"Why not? It's clear she feels the same since she's here right now," he said.
A long sigh fell from my lips as I ran a hand over my face. "It's not that easy, guys."
Bryan rolled his eyes and then hung his camera from his neck. "I mean you've already kissed, how much easier could things be between you two?"
"You told him?" I seethed at Jolly, who held up his hands.
"I didn't say anything. You two give it away with all the romantic googly-eye shit," he chuckled while he and Bryan began walking up the long trail toward the top of the mountain where we planned on taking the pictures.
"Hey," Y/N smiled as she bounded up next to me. "Little photo shoot?"
Immediately the scowl that followed Byran and Jolly turned into a warm smile, matching Y/N's, and I nodded. We began walking step in step, hands brushing against each other every so often, and I nearly linked fingers with her more than once. However, when we reached some rocky terrain while walking up a hill, Y/N cursed herself for not wearing smarter shoes.
"Here," I bent low in front of her and patted to my back.
"No, you're not carrying me," she tried to laugh it off, but I knew she was nervous about me carrying her weight on my back.
I peered over my shoulder in time to see her place her hands low on her hips.
"Mochi," she teased back with a small smirk.
My heart skipped a long beat at hearing the nickname again. It sounded so fucking sweet falling from her lips; almost as much as my actual name sounded.
"We can do this the easy way or the hard way," I said, still bent low at my knees.
Y/N pulled at the bottom of her sweater dress. "I don't want to give these bozos a show."
She threw a thumb over her shoulder towards both Nick's who walked a few paces behind her. I rose to my knees and gave her a suggestive smirk while closing the distance between us.
"What color are they?"
"Uh," Y/N stammered but quickly recovered. "A cute olive green. Looks great against my skin tone."
A low noise vibrated in the back of my throat and I stood straighter as Folio walked passed just in time to feel the growing sexual tension.
"Either you hop on his back or I will," he joked as he and Nick walked passed us.
She stared up at me and slowly licked her lips, an action I watched carefully through my sunglasses. "Noah?"
"Yes, angel?"
"You have a cute nose," her voice was quiet, and I thought I misheard her.
I titled my head to the side. "My nose?"
"Yeah. It's just the perfect size for your facial structure," she finished with a boop to my nose.
I scrunched up my face. "Did-did you just boop my nose?"
"See!" She pointed to my face. "You look so fucking cute; it's insane."
"Angel, literally," I breathed a low chuckle.
"Mochi, literally," she mocked while sticking her tongue out.
My fingers itched to grab it but Bryan's loud voice echoed through the trees from far ahead. "Let's go you losers! You're holding us up."
I swear to-.
"What will it be, angel?" I asked.
Y/N dramatically sighed before motioning for me to spin around, which I did with a quick wink.
"If you drop me, I swear to Hades," She grumbled while adjusting her dress.
The warmth radiated from her in giant waves as her legs wrapped around my sides and I hooked my arms underneath her thighs to hoist her up.
"I swear to Hades that I will not drop you," I promised while walking up the steep hill towards the rest of the guys. "Do you actually pray to the Greek Gods?"
She flicked my ear. "No, silly. I just like to joke around with them. They're my favorite mythology."
"Will you teach me about them?
"I'm honored you asked; I'd love to," she ran her fingers through my long hair and I briefly let my eyes flutter shut at the calming feeling.
"Only if you let me braid your hair."
My eyes snapped open. "Uh, we'll see about that."
She flicked my ear again. "You're no fun."
Hooking her tighter against me, I closed the distance between us and the guys in a few long strides. Nick gave the two of us a look as I set Y/N down gently on her feet, she quickly pulling down her dress.
"You didn't see shit," she pointed a firm finger to all of us.
"I have no idea what you're talking about," Bryan held up his camera and snapped a few pictures of Y/N; who in return, flipped him the finger.
I watched with a racing heart as she messed around with the guys, almost as if she'd been part of our little group for years.
"Alright," Y/N pulled the book out of her bag. "I'll let you guys do your thing. If you need me, I'll be reading over there."
She pointed to the edge of the mountain that looked over the small lake we drove past to get here.
"Be careful, angel," I warned.
"I'll be fine," Y/N rolled her eyes but as she turned, she tripped over a rock and stumbled a bit before standing straight.
I raised a teasing brow at her while crossing my arms over my chest. "What was that?"
"Fuck you," she taunted with her middle finger.
Don't tempt me, angel.
The next hour passed in a blur as we took countless pictures, just having a fun, relaxing time. Every so often, my gaze would fall onto Y/N as she leaned up against a large willow tree, book perched in her lap. The wind blew through her ponytail every so often and I marveled at how fucking breathtaking she looked when her face would scrunch in surprise with whatever she was reading.
I knew from the moment I stepped off our bus the first day of the tour when I saw her standing amongst the group; when we first met. It wasn't the typical love at first sight bullshit Folio talks about that happens in the movies. It was more like a familiarity, almost like 'oh, hello. It's you. It's always going to be you.'
"Noah, could you take a little step forward," Bryan directed.
Snapping my gaze away from Y/N reluctantly, I followed Bryan's orders for another long few minutes until he decided we got enough pictures. I motioned towards Y/N, who still had her nose perched in her book, and Bryan knew what I silently was saying because he snapped a few pictures of her.
Malcolm and Chase walked up just as we finished our photoshoot so a quick idea came to my mind.
"Angel," I called.
She looked up. "Hm?"
Not saying anything, I waved her, Malcolm, and Chase over to our position which they did hesitantly.
"If Bryan is cool with it," I pointed to him. "What do you guys say for a Hollow Souls photoshoot? New and reimagined?"
Bryan immediately agreed. "Let me change out some things and we can get started.
Chase and Malcolm also agreed with a nod. "I think it'll be good for us."
"You guys don't have to do this for us," Y/N stated. "You've already done so much for us, Noah by filling in."
I shrugged while stuffing my hands deep into the pockets of my jeans. "I take care of the people I care about."
She pondered my words for a long moment and eventually let out a long breath. "Alright fine."
Once Bryan returned, the rest of stepped back to give them space to work. Nick was the only one who watched me as Jolly, Folio, and I kept our eyes on Hollow Souls. We grabbed a few beers from the cooler Jolly packed and was nursing them slowly.
"You know, this would be a perfect opportunity to maybe slip away just the two of you," Nick whispered.
I peered over to him and rolled my eyes, shoving him in the shoulder. "Whatever."
"I'm just saying," he held up his hands in defense. "A night under the stars in the mountains. Anybody would kill for a date like that."
Nick's words weighed heavily on my brain and when she began walking towards me, I made the haste decision by grabbing the guitar that was leaning against the tree.
"Hi," Y/N smiled as I met her halfway.
My heart warmed at the sight.
"Do you want to go somewhere more secluded, just the two of us?" I suggested with a hopeful smile.
I didn't want to think how I would feel if she rejected me and walked away from me.
"Sure," she answered quickly with a glimmer shining in her eyes.
Ultimately, after walking for a few minutes, we decided on an area far from the rest of the group down the water's edge. We sat down in the sand, our knees brushing against each other, and held the guitar in my lap as I watched her stare out into the vast distance of the water. There was a faraway look in the depths of her eyes as she messed with something on her wrist, fiddling it between her fingers.
A hair tie; the one I gave her the last time we were on the beach together. I wondered where it went but decided that I never wanted it back. It's hers to keep; along with everything else I gave her.
"How are you doing, angel?" I asked, breaking the growing silence.
She didn't look at me, kept her eyes straight ahead.
"I'm-." A hesitant breath. "I'm not sure. I want to believe I'm doing okay with the breakup of not only my relationship but also the band. For the longest time, Hollow Souls was the four of us and we released three records together. The future scares the shit out of me. Can the three of us reinvent a new Hollow Souls or do we need to find someone to replace Trey completely?"
I strummed a few random notes on the guitar; the melody echoing into the sounds of the waves.
"I think a fresh start in all aspects is good for you," I answered slowly, trying to get my thoughts and words right. "I've said it from the start, you're the heart and soul of this band, Y/N. The screams were a bonus. It didn't make or break you guys."
She finally looked towards me and her eyes darted over every inch of my face, wondering if my words were the truth. With her, they always were.
"I don't know what I'd do without you, mochi. Truly."
I scrunched up my face to show that the nickname wasn't my favorite but deep down, my insides were floating in pure bliss having her call me something so disgustingly cute. If any of the guys heard it, though, they would give me shit until the end of my days.
"Ditto, angel, ditto."
I tried to play it cool, sauvé, and chill. My typical demeanor was chipping like ice though, the fear of what would happen if it broke completely had its vise grip on me. No one has ever considered a fuckin a nickname for me, not one without a punchline. Not one without a groan or a cursed tantrum that followed. I wasn’t sure if the pure bliss I was feeling was normal, but who the hell wants normal? Hearing it come from her lips meant everything to me.
"Let's play something," I motioned to the guitar.
"Ooh, what do you have in mind?" She asked while turning her body to face me completely head-on and letting her hair flow as she took it out of the ponytail.
The view of her sitting in front of me with the waves crashing behind her, the setting sun's rays breaking over the horizon stole the breath from my chest.
"Only Love," I answered without an ounce of hesitation.
Y/N's nose scrunched up with confusion and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't the cutest fucking thing ever.
"Noah, that was a demo song from three years ago."
I shrugged and played the first few notes of the song. "Might be silly to some but to me, it means a lot."
It was true. I listened to that song on repeat when it first came out. It was the first song I heard by Hollow Souls and Y/N's voice captivated my heart with its claws. I remember laying on the pullout couch next to Nick in his bedroom as I stayed there yet again. My mind was racing with only one thought.
I have to fucking make it. I needed to buy my own couch that brought a sense of comfort and security I yearned for.
That's when her soft voice came through my headphones and it shocked me to hear a feminine voice after Of Mice and Men. I brushed the hair away from my eyes as I settled deeper into the couch and let Y/N's angelic voice lull me to sleep that night and far too long after.
Cut to three years later and the girl who wrote that song is here in front of me. Some may call it a ‘rockstar crush. Would she be considered that? Who the hell knows? All I know is that I had pent-up memories, and needed to hear that sweet voice sing it, just for me all these years later.
Y/N's real, right there in front of me.
"I'm shocked you remember that song."
"Why wouldn't I? You talked about it being on the cloud during that one livestream," I answered.
Her eyes doubled. "You watched the livestream?"
A red hue brushed across the soft skin of her face as she tilted her head down towards the sand, long hair covering her face.
"No," I brushed away the hair behind her ear. "Don't hide your beautiful face, angel. I want to see all of you if you'd let me."
"Sorry," she muttered under her breath. "I don't even realize I do it."
"Don't apologize. Never apologize to me. Just understand that this is how I see you. Now, enough sadness. Sing for me, angel."
She looked up at me through lashes with a small smile. "Do you know how to play it?"
I snorted, a little hurt that she would doubt me, but proved her wrong as I played the opening part of the song.
"I told you I watched the stream twice."
"Okay," she nodded. "Where did you want me to start?"
"Sing the whole song for me. Please?" I begged.
"You want me to sing the whole song?"
"I do," I rushed out.
Y/N gave a curt nod. “Okay, I’ll play the whole thing- but only because you asked me too, no one else gets the privilege.”
I playfully narrowed my eyes at her. “They better not.”
She took a deep breath while shutting her eyes as I played the tune on the guitar.
"I’m hoping you weren’t heaven sent cause only hell knows where you’ve been. Your built composure’s wearing thin and all your walls are caving in. Before you shut this down, I just wanna lift you up. I’ll take all this love I found and I hope that it’s enough."
We both could hear the ache in our hearts as it bled out, the lyrics mean so fucking much right now.
"Now don’t you shut this down. Ooh no don’t you give this up. I took all this love I found and I hope that it’s enough. Is it enough? If we don’t bend, then this might break. Please don’t give into this pain. Just keep on counting down the days and dream of me to keep you safe."
Y/n opened her eyes to meet mine, a blaze of passion that cut deep into my bones.
"Before you came around I was lost and out of place. You’re the only love I found and I’m hoping that you’ll stay. Please stay."
As we played on together in perfect harmony, there was one thing bright in clear in my mind: I'd stay for as long as she let me.
"Fuck," she breathed. "I forgot how much I loved singing this song."
I nodded in agreement while setting the guitar down next to me. "It's one of my favorites. It's actually what got me into Hollow Souls. I'd been hooked on your voice since that first night on Nick's couch all those years ago when I first heard it."
Y/N beamed when an idea struck her with such force, she stumbled to her feet. "I have to talk with Chase and Malcolm about something."
She took off a few steps in front of me, clearly excited about this idea she had. As we reached the rest of the guys, Y/N made a beeline toward Chase to tell him about her idea while I walked up to Nick and Folio, the former giving me a look.
"So my date idea was good, huh?" He playfully jabbed my side.
I pushed him away with a groan of embarrassment. "Fuck off, Nicholas."
"Oh, he pulled out the full name," Folio teased.
Jolly and Bryan joined us as we finished packing up the van and when I glanced over to Y/N, I noticed Malcolm pinching her cheeks playfully and she smacked his hands away, her cheeks flushed with her own embarrassment and large smile.
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"Oh wow, look at all of these beautiful people tonight!" Y/N's voice carried through the sold-out arena.
It was the last show of tour and Hollow Souls just took the stage for their set. We could feel the nerves radiate off of all three of them all the way where we stood on the stage to watch them. This was new what they planned on doing tonight but the three of them spent the rest of last night after we parted ways at the hotel and all morning and afternoon today practicing nonstop a new setlist. They wanted to show everyone tonight the first step towards the new Hollow Souls.
"Where's Noah?!" a voice yelled from the crowd.
Jolly chuckled from beside me. "Think they'll be upset you don't show up tonight?"
I ran a hand through my hair and sighed. "I hope not. This is something that they need to prove they can do. The fans need to have faith in Hollow Souls."
"Well, about that," Malcolm spoke into his microphone while adjusting his bass strap.
"Now before you all start booing us off the stage," Chase spoke next from his spot above on his makeshift drum stage. "Noah has been fucking killing it not only with Bad Omens this tour but also helping us out a lot. But tonight, we wanted to do something a little different. We still have our guitar tech filling in for us!"
The crowd cheered for their guitar tech, which made him give an awkward wave.
"I know this may take getting used to, but we appreciate your support in doing what’s right for us and our band," Y/N said. "It means so fucking much to all of us you still showed up tonight even knowing Trey is no longer with us. For that, we're going to give you a kick ass show you deserved. Don't give up on Hollow Souls. We cut out the disease and are ready to fucking blossom."
Y/N peered over to me and with a small wave and wink, she sang the first few lyrics of Only Love.
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Darkness cascaded over my sleeping form, a brush of moonlight breaking through the curtains pulled tight in our hotel room, and I buried myself deeper into the cocoon of blankets. Sleep was within my grasp and after the last few weeks, the thought of finally being able to sleep in my own bed back at home made it that much easier to grasp it.
Until my phone buzzed from its place on the nightstand and my hand smacked around until it grabbed it. Through hazy vision, I blinked a few times for the words to clear.
Hey, are you awake?-Angel.
I sat up in bed and rubbed away the rest of the sleep from my eyes. It only meant one thing when someone texted you the typical you up text.
Yeah, couldn't sleep.
Bullshit, you were seconds away from waking up Nick with your snoring.
I stared at the bubbles that appeared on my screen and then disappeared, only to reappear right before her next text came through.
Would it be alright if I came by to hang out? Or is it too late?
The clock at the top of my screen showed it was just before midnight.
Not at all. I've got snacks, and we can finally finish watching Spirited Away. Room 392
Be there in five minutes. I'll bring some goodies too! :)
I chucked a pillow at Nick, who was fast asleep in his bed, but when he remained sleeping, I threw another. Eventually, he groaned, slowly waking up.
"You need to leave." I scrambled out of bed and pulled away the blankets from Nick. "Y/N's coming by to hang out."
Nick smoothed down his bedhead, a sly smirk on his lips. "You're kicking me out right now?"
"Fuck yes I am. Go bunk with Bryan or Matt," I said while changing out of my old gray sweats for a pair of black joggers, opting to put on a shirt.
He yawned before grabbing the things he would need and dragged his feet to the door, sending a text to whoever he bunked with.
"Be safe!" Nick called out before the door shut behind him.
With seconds to spare, I quickly tidied up the room then set up a variety of snacks and pulled up the movie on my laptop, setting it on the bed just in time for a soft knock to sound on the door. I let out a few deep calming breaths and did a quick once over of myself in the mirror.
"Hi," I smiled once I opened the door.
Y/N's eyes grazed over every inch of me as she shifted on her feet in the doorway, clutching a bag close to her chest. She was dressed in a pair of sleep shorts and an oversized shirt.
"Do you always sleep shirtless?" she asked with a raised brow.
I stepped to the side, allowing her to step inside the room. "Every hotel room I sleep in can't get any colder than seventy degrees. I need it to be at least sixty-eight. I run hot when I sleep and the guys know not to mess with the thermostat back home."
"Wow, good to know. I'll keep my hands to myself when I come over," she wiggled her fingers after setting her bag down on the couch.
Please don't.
I peeked a brow. "When you come over?"
"Oh, if you thought you saw the last of me because the tour is over, you're wrong," she fell onto the couch with a huff of breath. "I'm moving to Los Angeles."
My heart thumped loudly in my chest but I did my best to hide my excitement when I sat next to her.
"You are?" I questioned.
She nodded with that room-brightening smile. "I had a long talk with Chase and Malcolm tonight and we thought it is best. With us trying to reinvent Hollow Souls it'd be good if we were together for the writing process. Malcolm already found a place big enough for us and while he's going there to get things ready, Chase is flying back with me to Vegas to help me pack my things."
I shifted in my seat, resting my arm against the back of the couch, behind Y/N. "Do you think Trey will be there?"
"Probably but that's why Chase is coming with me; in case things go south."
"I could come too if you'd like," I stumbled over my words only slightly.
Y/N rested a hand on my knee and squeezed it. "You need to stop worrying so much about me, Noah. I can't ask you to change your plans for something I should do on my own."
"You're worth it, angel," I vowed while running a finger through the soft waves of her hair.
We stayed in that position for a minute longer, simply staring into each other's eyes, and when I ran my tongue over my bottom lip, Y/N let out a soft whine. The thick tension that always seemed to be around us intensified now, and it was almost hard to breathe, let alone keep my thoughts off the way her hand grazed a few inches higher on my thigh.
I cleared my throat while nodding to the bag next to her. "What did you bring?"
"Oh," she snapped out of her trance and set it on her lap. "Last tour, I started this tradition on the final night I celebrate by doing self-care."
She pulled out an array of masks and different colors of nail polish and then set them on the small coffee table in front of us.
"Sweet, hand me one," I nodded towards the masks.
"You do masks?" Y/N giggled.
"What, you think I get this perfect skin with just water?" I jeered with a smile.
For the next while, we sat with our face masks on and watched the movie on the small screen of my laptop. It took almost no convincing from her to paint my nails black; her choosing a burgundy color for her nails. But now, what she was trying to convince of me gave me a slight pause.
"I don't know, angel. I don't let just anyone touch my hair," I said while putting away my laptop, us finishing the movie.
Y/N moved to the chair that sat in the room's corner and had her legs spread wide. "It's a good thing I'm not anyone. Now, get your ass over here and let me braid your hair."
For added effect, she pouted her bottom lip out and gave me those big doe eyes.
"Fine," I sighed before sitting on the floor between her legs, my back to her.
I shivered under her touch as she raked her fingers through my hair to break apart the small knots that gathered while I slept earlier.
"So, which Greek God is your favorite?" I asked.
She hummed. "Without a doubt, Medusa. Her story is tragic and sometimes often told wrong but that's the thing with mythology; there are so many different versions, you just have to choose which one you believe more."
"Medusa is the one with the snake hair, right?"
"Yeah," she turned my head to the left as she began braiding that side. "Some stories said she was an original gorgon sister but recent tellings from Ovid say she was a beautiful maiden who worked in Athena's temple. Poseidon saw her from afar and just like Zeus always did, Poseidon decided he wanted Medusa. He had sex with her on the temple steps and Athena punished her by turning her into the gorgon with snake hair and cursed any man to turn to stone when they looked at her."
I whistled low. "Shit, Greek gods were assholes."
Y/N snorted. "You don't even know the half of it."
Once she finished the left side, she turned my head to the right so she could start on that side.
"How'd her story end?"
"In tragedy, like every other myth. Perseus was sent to behead her by King Polydectes of Seriphus because Polydectes wanted to marry Perseus's mother. The gods were well aware of this, and Perseus got help. He received a mirrored shield from Athena, sandals with gold wings from Hermes, a sword from Hephaestus, and Hades's helm of invisibility."
"Wait," I turned to look up at her, which made her chastise me because I messed up the braid. "Athena, who turned her into this monster, helped the guy who was sent to kill her?"
"Fucked up, I know."
With stern hands, she turned my head to the right again. "Since Medusa was the only one of the three Gorgons who was mortal, Perseus could slay her; he did so while looking at the reflection from the mirrored shield he received from Athena. During that time, Medusa was pregnant by Poseidon so when Perseus beheaded her, Pegasus, the winged horse, and Chrysaor, a giant wielding a golden sword, sprang from her body."
"Oh Pegasus, from the Disney Hercules," I noted.
"That movie is so wrong but what do you expect for a kids' movie," Y/N chuckled then slapped her thighs. "All finished."
She showed me my reflection through her camera on her phone and I couldn't stop the smirk that pulled at my lips.
"I'll have to admit, angel. I look good with braids," I admitted while snatching her phone from her.
"Hey, what are you doing?!" She asked while reaching for it.
I leaned far back from her and posed for a few selfies. "I thought you'd like an updated selfie of me. I know you have the other two I sent you a few weeks ago."
With a red face, she snatched her phone back and held it close to her chest. "I do not."
"Right, then let me see your pictures," I teased while kneeling in front of her, hands resting on her thighs, her skin ablaze with heat.
She swallowed thickly. "Fuck you, Sebastian."
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I swallowed thickly while clutching my phone to my chest, knowing that he was correct about saving those two selfies he sent me before.
"Are you going to look at the selfie I took?" Noah taunted.
With a breath, I peered down at the phone only to suck in a large breath, body shivering underneath his warm touch on my thighs.
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"That's your new contact picture, mochi," I smirked while setting it and leaned deeper in the couch, not realizing that I pressed my core closer to Noah's face.
His eyes burned as his gaze darted from between my legs up to my face and his tongue darted out to wet his lips, almost imagining the taste.
"Angel," his voice was deep, it rumbling in his chest.
All the heat shot straight to my pussy as it clenched with desire, something that always happened when around Noah. Before, I took care of myself with this exact image in my mind but now that it was about to happen made me buzz with excitement.
"Can I?" He asked while breathing over my lap.
I raised my hips towards his face, all morals or thoughts if this was the best idea flew out of the window. We waited long enough for this moment ever since we shared that kiss so long ago. I wasn't a religious person at all but fuck, did I pray to Aphrodite about this moment countless times.
"Please," the word choked out on my lips.
With a low growl, Noah pulled me off of the chair and tossed me onto the bed before he crawled between my spread legs. His long fingers hooked the waistband of shorts and panties pulling them off in almost a quick snap and when blazed eyes stared down at my bare pussy, I tried to close my legs.
"Don't," Noah demanded while gripping my thighs tight to spread my legs again. "Don't hide a fucking thing from me, angel."
"I've never actually-," The words died on my lips when I felt embarrassed about what I was about to say.
Noah leaned over me. "Wait, are you going to say what I think you're going to say?"
I turned my head away from him. "He never wanted to go down on me."
Noah cursed while cupping my chin so I could meet his gaze. "Don't think about him, angel. Just lay back and enjoy this."
I did my best to nod in his grasp. "Okay."
He suddenly crashed his lips to mine in a fiery, passionate kiss, as he forced his tongue past my lips to taste every inch of my mouth and I moaned into it, nails scratching against the bare skin of his chest. Noah's teeth dragged over my bottom lip as his hand dragged down my side to slide up underneath my shirt, fingers pinching at my nipples.
"Noah," I breathed while breaking apart from the kiss.
He buried his face into the crook of my neck to breathe me in. "Say it again."
I did, over and over like a mantra, as he left a mark on the skin of my neck while his hand switched to the other breast, mimicking his actions from before. The wetness that pooled between my legs was almost a new feeling, never being this turned one, and for a moment I wondered if it would be alright; no pain.
Noah helped me sit up so he could pull my shirt over my head and soon was laying bare in front of him, hair sprawled around my head.
"Fuck, angel. You're fucking beautiful."
For the longest time, I was told something different from how I looked. So hearing the truth and sincerity from Noah made me almost close my legs in front of him. But with his tight grip on my hips to keep me locked against the bed, I knew he could read my thoughts.
"Don't go there. Stay here with me," he said before his lips pressed over every inch of skin from my lips to my chest, down my stomach, and stopped right about my pussy.
I whined the smallest of sobs when Noah took his time, lips ghosting over me. By now I was almost begging and when I finally felt the wet flick of his tongue against my clit, I breathed out a shaky curse. Noah pressed the fullness of his tongue against my lips, licking me up from the bottom to the top, spreading my legs wider apart. I bit my hand to keep the noises at bay.
"I want to hear you," he left a gentle bit on the inside of my thigh.
"Fuck," I moaned when his tongue speared inside of me for a few strokes.
My hands now grasped at the blanket beneath me as I raised my hips farther into his mouth, his lips wrapping around my clit to bite and suck at the bundle of nerves. I always thought my Gspot was in my clit because it was hard to have an orgasm any other way than rubbing myself. Without even telling Noah this, it was as if he knew exactly what my body needed.
It happened so fast, before I knew it he was devouring me like a dying man. I’ve never felt euphoria until now; this must be how it feels to see the moon, the moon that changes its orbit. He had me spinning.
"I love the way you taste, angel." Noah broke away from my clit for a second before diving back it.
The familiar feeling of an orgasm built in my stomach, the tension pulling so fucking tight it was seconds away from snapping. My spine tingled with anticipation as my body tensed, knees shaking underneath Noah as he rubbed his tongue in faster but shorter circles, moaning with the taste that lingered on his lips.
"N-noah. 'M so close," I let my head fall back deeper into the mattress.
"Let go, I've got you."
With a strangled breath, I let the orgasm crash through me like a tsunami, a bright white light edging at the corners of my eyes while Noah licked me through the last few aftershocks. As my breathing calmed, I lifted my head in time to see him stand to his feet, stepping out of his joggers only to stand in front of me in his black briefs.
I licked my lips when I saw his cock straining against the confines of the material until he palmed himself in a few strokes.
"Do you want me to stop?" He asked.
I shook my head with desperation clear in my voice. "No, please. I need this-I need you, Noah."
He cursed before sliding off his briefs with desperation and urgency, his hard cock springing against his thigh, and I nearly died at that sight alone. All of my imagination did nothing compared to the real thing, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared for a few different reasons. Sex with Trey was uncomfortable but with Noah's size, I feared it would only hurt. The only saving grace was that he worked me open and the added wetness would make up for the slight pain.
"Are you on anything?" Noah asked while kneeling between my legs.
A lot of different shit.
"No," I said.
He leaned over to a bag that lay at the foot of the bed and rummaged around for a few seconds before retrieving a condom. I watched with anticipation as pre-cum seeped out of the slit when he ripped it open and slid it over his length then perched himself between my legs again, the head of his cock pressing gently against me. He wrapped one of my legs around his hip then slowly, sunk deep inside of me, and I bit my tongue hard to keep my strangled cry quiet. I knew there was going to be some pain; it was inevitable, but I didn't expect it to feel so good either.
"Fuck," Noah rested his forehead against my collarbone. "So tight."
He didn't move at first, relishing in the way I felt gripping his cock, and I couldn't take it anymore; I needed him to move.
"Noah," I begged while grinding against him.
One hand gripping my thigh, the other was placed next to my head to keep himself supported as he finally moved his hips in slow, deep strokes.
"Faster," I panted, almost pleading.
Slow was good but right now I needed fast.
Noah accepted my pleas and began slamming into me with such force, I cried out in name with a mixture of pleasure and pain. My hand slipped between our bodies to rub at my clit, hoping that the sensation would ease the pain a bit, but it could only do so much.
He noticed something was wrong with the way my face contorted in pain. "Angel, do you want to get on top?"
"Fuck yes, please."
Still buried deep inside of me, Noah rolled our bodies so now I was straddling him and almost immediately, the pain subsided; it was still there but not as strong. My hands sprawled over the tattoos that covered his chest as I leaned down to lick my way across the snake and apple on his neck. The noise he made, and his moans were so soft as my hot tongue went up and down his neck, I grazed over his Adam's apple with my teeth and bit down. Noah shook underneath me as he wrapped an arm around my back to hold me closer, burying his thick, aching cock, deeper inside of me.
We felt the rush, the aching, burning blush. We surrendered to the touch. I gave him a show. This is heaven in hiding.
"Angel," he begged as my teeth worked on leaving a mark against the hand on his neck. "I need-."
"What do you need?" I ground my hips against his pelvis and the sensation sent sparks to my clit and I clenched around him.
"Fuck," he cursed. "Don't stop what you're doing. It feels so good."
"Oh," I bit down on a new patch of skin on his throat. "This?"
"Yes," he dragged out the S for a few seconds.
My hands went to run through his hair but I almost forgot in our haste that I braided it a few minutes before this.
"Angel," Noah's voice was raw. "You have no idea how much I've wanted you."
I sat up slowly to stare down at him in awe as his words made me feel unspeakable things.
In one quick action, his hand snaked behind my head to pull my lips back down to him to kiss me feverishly.
"Noah," I tugged on his braids.
"Shit, give me a minute. I can take them out."
I didn't stop moving my hips against him. "Noah. I-."
"Just second, angel."
His hands left their vice grip on my hips to take out his hair but I quickly slapped his hands while sinking deeper on his cock. "Leave them."
The same sensation of a cresting orgasm filled every inch of me, ecstasy shooting through my veins like a drug, and when Noah's thumb pressed fast circles against my clit, I leaned my head up towards the ceiling, lips parting as my hands wrapped around his braids, pulling with such force he choked on my name. I rode Noah faster, needing that last little bit of friction to tip me over the edge and when I finally let the bliss plow through me in droves, I held my breath.
"Angel," Noah cupped my cheek so I could look down at him. "Breathe through it with me."
I did as he said, both of us breathing out my orgasm as our eyes locked intently with each other. I writhed against him, my arousal soaking the condom and parts of his hips. It was such a simple action but the way it set my body on fire intensified the aftershocks to something I'd never experienced. Noah stared down to the place where we met and with a noisy moan, he wrapped an arm tighter around me to pull me flush against his chest as his hips stilled for a second before he emptied himself inside the condom.
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I pressed light kisses all along Y/N's shoulder blades, in shock and almost slight jealousy as I took in every inch of the large tattoo that covered her back. It was of a large snake that wrapped along every groove of her spine with an array of different Japanese flowers.
Afterward, I let her fall onto the mattress with a happy sigh, immediately grasping the pillow closer to her chest and that's when I noticed the tattoo.
"I can't believe I've never noticed this before," I mused while running a finger over the ink.
"It's taken like two years to complete. It's my second favorite after the one on my leg of the Gods," she rested her chin on her palm. "You know what I just realized? We have similar tattoo themes; copy cat."
Her finger grazed over the snake and apple along my neck.
"Yeah," I chuckled. "All you need is an apple right here."
I smacked right above her ass and she shrieked while falling into the pillow once again, a long but content sigh falling from her lips. I kissed from between her shoulder blades down her back, my nails grazing beyond the wake of my lips.
"Are you okay?" I wondered while gently squeezing her hips.
“Yeah, I think so. I feel content, just basking in it. You?”
I nodded and kissed the side of her head as I lay next to her. "I feel great."
"Do you know what you want in 10 years?" Y/N blurted out.
“That’s a random question” I chuckled while kissing her lips.
She sighed and looked up at me through her lashes. “I know but think about it, like really think about it?”
I thought deeply about her question, fingers still grazing her spine. “Alright I’ll bite, I don’t know, I’ve always been trying to make it with whatever bullshit has been going on in my fucking life- just wanting to mean something to somebody, make music- for anybody out there to listen. To be the fucking king you know?”
She laughs. "And?"
"Way down the road maybe one day in the future- to live in the middle of nowhere with a dog, cats, and a family of my own. In my wooden home that I built."
Y/N's body went rigid with my words.
"But right now, no dog, no family just…just Bad Omens," I finished with a hopeful breath.
She hummed in response but turned her head to face the wall opposite of us, something bothering her. Not wanting to push it, I left another kiss on her spine before I slipped out of bed to discard of the condom in the bathroom trash, a light red color catching my attention.
Once back in the room, I slipped back underneath the covers.
Another hum vibrated from her throat, sleep weighing heavy on her shoulders.
"Did you get your period?"
I swore I saw all the breath leave her body with my question and my mind panicked, thinking she was embarrassed.
"It's fine," I rubbed her back soothingly. "I just saw some blood on the condom, that's all."
When she still said nothing, I nudged her face with my nose. "Are you alright?"
"Yep," she said quietly.
"Stay till morning?" I asked, hopefully.
Finally, she turned to face me and left a kiss on my nose. "I have to go."
My heart fell into the dark pits of my stomach as I watched her slip out from underneath the sheet to gather her clothes. "What's wrong?"
"It's nothing, Noah." She slipped back into her clothes rather quickly. "I just have an early flight to catch and I know you have one too."
I shook my head and stood to my feet while slipping my briefs and joggers back on. "I don't buy that. We were great, where did you go just now?"
She doesn't want to leave, I can see that in the way her movements slowed once she was dressed, almost as if she was buying time for me to say something that would change her mind. But she refused to meet my gaze.
"Angel, look at me. What's the matter?" I asked again.
"Nothing-," she began with a sigh.
"Then why won't you stay?"
The fear of her slipping between my fingers was debilitating.
"Noah, you know I can’t; we can’t," Y/N stumbled over her words.
I stretched my arms out wide at my sides. "Why? Why can’t you?"
With her gaze still cast down to her feet, she shook her head. "You don’t want me Noah, trust me, you don’t want any part of this."
"Bullshit," I spat as my anger got the best of me.
Y/N's head snapped up towards me, finally looking me in my eyes and all I saw in hers were the wetness of tears. "I have this condition that already makes my life harder every fucking month. I don't need to bring you into it and ruin our future, alright?"
My heart stopped for a few seconds. "Condition? What the fuck, are you dying or something? I don't know what the hell this means."
"No," she rushed out. "I'm not dying. I-I don't want to get into this right now. All I know is that I would need you a lot more than you'd need me. And you deserve better than me, anyway."
"Don't-" I started while pointing a finger at her.
She ran a distressed hand through her hair. "You know it’s true Noah, please. This is hard enough as it is. Walking out right now."
The bed stood between us and I hated feeling so far from her even though we were still in the same room so I walked around it, standing a few inches in front of her now.
"I’ve been through a lot of shit in my life too, Y/N. Don’t sit there and tell me what I can and can’t handle. Don’t sit there and tell me what I want or don’t want. You’re just so afraid of us," I pointed between us.
She grasped her elbows to hug herself and I could see the way her mind was running, gears turning hastily. Y/N was shutting down in front of me and I fucking hated it.
"Don’t fucking do that. I’m not him," I assured her with a gentler tone.
All of this was a trauma response, something so embedded deep into her brain that it was the only way she knew how to act. I know she felt the same way that I did; it was clear with what happened not even an hour ago. If she didn't feel the way I did, she wouldn't have shown up tonight. Y/N wants to stay, I can see it in the way her eyes keep darting to the bed but the pain and trauma were too deep.
"I’m sorry angel, I just- you’re wrong. I know how I feel about you, and I know what you feel about me."
I went to reach for her hands but she took a step back, a few tears falling to the ground below.
"I know what I feel. It’s not you, it’s me, Noah."
Not that fucking line.
"No. Fuck, angel! Stop! The future hasn't even happened yet. Please, don't-what do you need to happen?"
Her bottom lip trembled as a broken sob clawed its wait through her throat. "I-I think we need to remain friends right now. I can't-I can't get lost in you, Noah. It's so fucking easy to. I think we need space."
"I-I don't fucking want that, Y/N. I just want you."
"Noah, please understand where I'm coming from," she begged.
I paced the room, hands shaking in anger. Defeat? I wasn't sure.
"Angel-I. Please, just-," I eventually sighed in defeat.
"I'm going to head out."
Y/N nodded towards the door after gathering her things and stepped past me to leave.
The fear of losing her completely is what made me give in to her wishes. As much as I wanted to fight her choice, I needed her as a friend more than something more. I'll take what I can get for right now until she realizes she feels the same; I know she does.
As she opened the door, my feet closed the distance between us in two large steps and I grasped her chin, forcing her to look at me. The tears burned with the need to fall but she held fast and strong, refusing to show me how badly walking away was affecting her.
I brushed my lips across hers in a soft kiss. "I can wait for you."
She tried to disagree but my grip was too strong. "Noah- I can’t ask you to do that. That’s not fair. You deserve-"
“Don’t tell me what you think I deserve." I let out a shaky breath. "Look, heaven knows I’m not getting over you, I can wait”
“Besides. I’m known for having a lot of fuckin patience. I will wait." I finished with a shrug.
If I wasn't already staring intently at her, I almost would have missed the small nod she gave me; but I didn't. I saw it.
“Goodnight Noah.”
With one final kiss, not enough to remember the way she tastes, Y/N let the door shut behind her as I burned my hateful gaze through it. She left? How the fuck could she just leave after the night we had together?
No, fuck that.
I barreled through the door in time to notice she was only two doors down, frozen in her spot.
"Angel," I called after her.
Slowly, she turned, and I sucked in a breath when I saw the redness in her eyes, puffy with teh tears she let out as soon as the door closed. Mine mirrored hers.
"Please," I begged. "Just come back to me. I'll wait for you."
Y/N hesitated but within that hesitation, something stood out clear as day; she took a small step towards me until that doubt filled the back of her mind yet again. I stayed in the hallway watching as she turned the corner, disappearing from my vision and life; my words not being enough to make her stay.
Back inside the room, I let the door slam shut and made a beeline toward the minibar. I screwed off the cap of the Hennessy, downing half of it in one go.
"Bitter ends to the night. I'm along for the ride," I raised the bottle in the air before taking another long, slow gulp with my eyes screwed shut.
Suddenly, they snapped open, and I rummaged around the mess of my room for my phone, quickly typing out a text to Jolly.
I need to write a song, now.
Only a few minutes passed before he responded, just enough time for me to pop open another bottle.
Now? It's three in the morning and we have nothing here.
Doesn't fucking matter. I'll figure it out. Come to my room.
Letting the bottle slip from my fingers, I stalked over to the wall and slid down until my ass hit the floor with a thud; the image of Y/N crying and walking away burned into my brain. I was out of breath, out of time trying to stop her but, in the end, everything has a price. And I was paying for it. 
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jinxhallows · 1 year
kinktober #oo3 | my turn
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KINKTOBER 2023 || jinxhallows my turn (role reversal) || jisung x fem!reader summary: you have the coolest partner in the world, the literal rockstar Jisung of the band Eternal, and the best part? you knew he was one before the rest of the world found out. you two met over a shared love of music, and you let your dreams fall to the wayside to support his. but when jisung hears you with his band for the first time, the roles are reversed, and he becomes your biggest fan. warnings: rather fluffy for kinktober, plot heavy, pet names, established relationship, non-kpop idol AU.
word count: 3.2k masterlist - click here
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You’re a supportive girlfriend, so it's your job to be the one front and center when your boyfriend performs at festivals, waving a big sign around like an average fan, despite the badge hanging from your neck indicating you were very much not an average fan, and had full and complete access to the artist.   Jisung is undoubtedly a rockstar, the charismatic lead guitarist and vocalist of the alternative rock sensation, Eternal. Following the blazing success of their recent single on the radio, their demand has skyrocketed, securing them bookings at renowned festivals with extensive media coverage.    But your unwavering enthusiasm for Jisung's music dates back to the days when it was just him and his band in a rented-out rehearsal room inside an old warehouse in your hometown. There, you'd watch him perform, feeling your heart swell with pride and admiration as he poured his soul into his music, singing about his tumultuous past. 
In the last two of your five-year relationship, Jisung has been urging you to step into the limelight with your own unique voice. He's convinced that your vocals have a distinctive quality, a gritty edge that perfectly complements grunge and rock music. However, you've hesitated, recalling your past as a pop artist that didn't quite take off. You're afraid of experiencing the heartbreak of the music industry all over again. 
It's been easier to live vicariously through Jisung's success, still being close to the music scene that makes you feel alive. Your dreams haven't faded entirely, but for now, they simmer on the backburner. 
  After a year of pestering you, Jisung manages to convince you to get on the microphone after you two have shared a few beers and a couple of shots in between runs of his set at rehearsal.  You’re barely walking, and he’s pushing you while you make an effort to lean back against him, half fighting and stumbling your way up.    Giving him a sideways glance, he winks at you and turns to his rack of three guitars. He selects his vintage strat, slides the leather strap over his head, taps his foot on his pedalboard with a dozen pedals, exchanges nods with his drummer and bassist, and begins strumming chords.   
As the chords fill the air, they feel almost deliciously right, which is no surprise. Jisung knows your musical tastes well—Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Staind, 3 Doors Down, Nickelback—and he's giving you something distinctly different from his usual style, something that resonates with your soul.  You close your eyes, furrowing your brow in concentration as you sway to the chords. Then, you open your mouth, and the words flow effortlessly:    My anxiety,    It just ain’t been getting down with your sobriety    As the words leave your lips, you're pleasantly surprised at how good they sound, both vocally and lyrically. 
Jisung signals the band to continue with a circular motion of his finger. He adjusts his playing to complement your voice, encouraging you to keep going. 
Closing your eyes once more, you raise the microphone to your lips: 
  My anxiety,    It just ain't been getting down with your sobriety    And I can tell how things are changin’ cause you’re just like me.    The next set of words come to you within seconds.    And I’m gonna take you to that place where you don’t wanna be, don’t gotta be.    You hear that familiar switch and whirr of the high pitched amp as Jisung switches pedals again, the sound harder, with more overdrive.  His strumming pattern has changed, and it makes you feel like a chorus should come out naturally.    Take me out onto the wide and open roads,    I’m just waiting for you to tell me when to go.    We can take it slow,    I don’t have to know.    But I can’t promise that you’ll find your way back home.    You're completely immersed in the world of your lyrics, lost in the music until you hear Jisung's whistle followed by hearty laughter as the band comes to a stop. 
Jisung steps on a pedal, deactivating the overdrive, and asks, "Holy shit, did you write that, y/n?" 
You shrug, "No, it just came out—the way you were playing, that's just what came out." 
He widens his eyes, brows raising in surprise. "Wait, you mean to tell me you came up with that off the top of your head?" 
You look at him, puzzled. "Jisung, we do this at home all the time. We freestyle together when we're drunk. I used to be a musician. Is this new information?" 
He clicks his tongue, narrowing his eyes. "Don't be a smartass. You know I've never heard you with a live band. When we freestyle when we're drunk, you don't come up with stuff like that. That was... poetry." 
  Jisung steps back and adjusts his pedals, strumming lightly. "Do the same thing, but Troy, hold out that E string through the first eight bars." 
And so, your very first alternative rock song, 'Home,' was born during an organic jam session. It was so impressive that Jisung funded its professional recording in a studio and helped you release it as a single, under his publishing. 
  You landed 68k streams in the first week.    People were hungry for more.    The band lent their full support as you embarked on your first major project, a small EP comprising eight remarkable songs. The pinnacle of your excitement came when you received news that you were invited to perform at none other than the prestigious Coachella festival. 
Your excitement matched the enthusiasm radiating from Jisung. He couldn't contain his joy, and as the news broke, he screamed, hugging you tightly and even jumping up and down with sheer delight. When he finally released you from the hug, his eyes sparkled with genuine excitement as he looked into your eyes. "I get to be your groupie now," he exclaimed.    & Jisung meant that shit.    He purposefully schedules a leg of his tour to leave that night open so he can be free to attend and play for your performance, instead of the hired gun guitarist that takes his place when he has to prioritize his own band.  He’s headlining a top venue in the city the next night, but tonight is all about you.      But for tonight, Jisung is your guitarist, so he can’t wave a sign in the crowd for you like you do for him, so he gets a little creative.  As the band began playing the intro to your song, the stage lights transform into a dim, muted blue, and you gaze out at the vast, massive crowd before you. It is undoubtedly the largest audience you have ever performed for in your career. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Jisung stepping up to his microphone, still strumming his guitar. "Tonight is special to me, to be playing for Y/N, really, it's an honor," he announced, causing you to cover your mouth and nose with your hands, concealing your wide smile as the crowd erupted in cheers, urging him to continue. 
  "I am her biggest fan, and it sucks that I can't be in the audience, watching you do your thing from their point of view," Jisung continued with effortless stage presence. Laughter and whoops filled the air as he spoke, still strumming his guitar. "You guys are some lucky motherfuckers." His stage presence is effortless as the crowd reacts with laughter and whoops.  He’s still playing, the band perfectly vamping the song in the background as he points to the front row, “So I gathered some fans to help me out tonight.”    Before your very eyes, signs go up one by one across the front.    M A R R Y  M E ?    You take a step back, your eyes widen as you squint to see. The crowd's deafening roar and the giant screen above capture the moment, alternating between the sign and your bewildered expression. It's a surprise you could never predict.   
"Jisung—" you begin to exclaim, but your voice breaks into sobs as he embraces you tightly. The band briefly pauses, and the crowd's cheers grow louder. 
"It's okay, baby," Jisung reassures you, laughing as adrenaline courses through him. He rocks you from side to side, and then, he pulls out a box from his back pocket, dropping to one knee. With tears in his eyes, he opens the box to reveal a stunning ruby ring surrounded by diamonds on a gold band. He wipes his cheeks, trying to maintain composure as emotions overwhelm him. 
Your shocked reaction, a mixture of surprise and joy, draws raucous laughter from the audience. You hadn't expected him to propose right then, and you had no idea he had a ring. You don't even know any of this has been planned. As you say yes, barely above a whisper, you nod and let him slip the ring onto your finger.  It rests perfectly between the silver carved wolf ring on your pinky and the owl eyes ring on your middle finger, with turquoise stones set into the irises.  It's a ring that proves he knows you well and listens to the things you love and want.  You hadn’t mentioned wanting a ruby engagement ring since you first started dating and it came up randomly when you two were at a mall together and happened to pass them by. 
  -  “Do you like this one?” Jisung asked.    “Nah, too traditional.  I love rubies.  I’d love a ruby one.” 
-    Now, you shiver with emotion, looking down at the ring and sniffing as he stands up to kiss you. It's a brief kiss, but you know there's more to come later. He steps back, never taking his eyes off you, and the introduction to your song begins once again. 
Through your tears, you laugh. "Now I have to sing the song, asshole," you tease.   
Jisung chuckles with the crowd and leans over to quip into the microphone, "Yeah, but you got this, rockstar."   
As you prepare to start singing, the crowd's voices join in unison, singing the opening phrases with you: 
"My anxiety..." 
You feel a surge of happiness and gratitude as you close your eyes and sing the lyrics, your voice soaring as the song reaches its climax and descends gracefully, like a plane landing smoothly. The audience erupts in applause, and soon after, you find yourself in the dressing room. You're sweaty, makeup smudged from tears, but you're buzzing with excitement. Your heart races, and it feels like a fluttering butterfly has replaced it, its wings sending a rush of blood through your veins. 
Your team rushes in, surrounding you in a massive group hug. Some of them hold bouquets of flowers, and your manager pops a bottle of champagne, filling flutes for everyone in the room. 
"Attention, everyone, I need to make a toast," your manager announces, raising her glass above the chatter. The room hushes. "To new beginnings!" she declares, and everyone cheers, clinking their glasses together. You raise your glass from where you sit on a makeup table, taking a sip as the room bursts into conversation again. 
Suddenly, the door swings open, and Jisung walks in, greeted by more whoops and cheers. He's visibly exhausted from his set and the emotional rollercoaster of the night, but Jisung plays along, accepting the enthusiastic welcome as he makes his way over to you. 
"Han Jisung!" you exclaim, shaking your head as he wraps you in a warm embrace. Your legs wrap around his waist as he hugs you tightly, planting a kiss on your lips and looking into your eyes. 
"It sounds even better now that it's gonna be your last name," he says with a grin. 
"Let's take this to the afterparty!" your drummer yells, and everyone starts gathering their belongings, excitedly agreeing.   
"Leo, we're playing Thunder Eagle tomorrow, don't get too messed up, man," Jisung says over his shoulder, calling out your shared drummer, who rolls his eyes.    “I’ll be cool Jay.”    “I’m serious.”    "I'll make sure they behave," Jisung's manager chimes in, patting Leo on the back and pointing towards the door, silently advising him not to argue tonight.  
Jisung is a Virgo, a perfectionist, and he wants his set to be flawless, even if it never quite reaches his impossible standards. She reassured him that everything would go according to plan so he could enjoy his proposal night.   
"Thank you, Rina," Jisung says. 
Rina nods. "Meet us back at the hotel. We need to go over tomorrow's itinerary." 
She knows Jisung has no interest in afterparties, especially not tonight. His social battery is drained as well. 
After Rina leaves, the steel door slowly closes behind her, and you and Jisung let out synchronized sighs, followed by shared laughter. Those sighs communicate everything you both feel—the relief of finally being alone.   
"Wow, I can't believe I got backstage with Y/N," Jisung teases, his eyes playfully wide. 
  "Got past security and everything, huh? You must've really wanted to meet me," you playfully comment.   
"Of course," Jisung responds, placing his hands on both sides of your face and looking into your eyes. "I told you, I'm your biggest fan." 
And then, Jisung kisses you for real this time, like he means every bit of it. Your head tilts to follow the rhythm of his tongue as it rolls over yours, and you give him a forceful shove backward as you hop down from the countertop. He stumbles back a few steps while you push his leather jacket off his shoulders. Eventually, he lands on the black futon, looking up at you with a crooked grin as you straddle him. Your knees sink into the leather, and you can feel just how aroused he is when you lower yourself against him. Both of you are still clothed, and you rest your arms on his shoulders, your breasts grazing against his chin as you start grinding in his lap. 
"You're my biggest fan, Jisung?" you inquire, your voice low and teasing. 
"I am," he confirms, his eyes lifting from your chest to meet yours as he answers your question. His arms wrap around your waist, pulling you down firmer onto his lap. 
You lean in close, murmuring in his ear, "Wanna be my groupie?"   
"Mhm, I do, I do," Jisung breathes, his hands gripping your ass. 
But then, you stop, lifting yourself up slightly.   “Let me fuck you then.” you say with a firm grasp of his erection. You stroke him a couple of times through his jeans, your lips hovering over his. You watch his expressions, the way his eyes cross, and his lids flutter, his vision blurred by the shockwaves your touch is sending throughout his body.    "Y-Yeah?" Jisung stammers, a reply that makes you both laugh, briefly breaking the intensity of the passion between you. How can you still have this effect on him? Jisung melts under your heat, and he always will.    “Take your dick out, I need to spell it out for you?”    You grant him a bit more space, allowing him to lift his hips and deftly slide out of his jeans. His brain finally clears the fog of desire, and he's acutely aware of how badly he craves to be with you at this moment. 
"Sorry," he stammers, "I'm like...star-struck or something." You straddle him once more, your thumb gently grazing his lower lip, the delicate almond-shaped acrylic nail tracing along his upper teeth. You observe the transformation in his expression as he shifts from awe to sheer desperation, all while you slowly lower yourself onto his throbbing anticipation. 
“Hmm,” You throw your head back with a blissful sigh of contentment, adjusting to his size. And Jisung can hardly believe it; he’s actually going to marry you and keep you in his life forever. He gets to feel this forever.   
The thought is making him impossibly hard as hips rock into you, emptying out those moans he’s grown to love so much. 
  “Jisung, you feel so good right now, baby,” you purr into his ear, his nails digging into your thighs to get a firmer grip as you ride him, writhing, whining hips giving him chills as you engulf him from every angle. 
“Goddamn,” He moans. “You do too.” 
When Jisung vocalizes during sex, it comes from some deep, carnal place that drives you absolutely mad. And then, he finds his second wind, snaking one arm around your waist, the other supporting his weight on the couch as he starts plunging into your pussy. You're losing composure, your choppy moans matching the tempo of his thrusts as your eyes roll back in your head, being fucked dumb over his shoulder.    When he tires, it’s like a perfect pass off, the way you grind against him.  He releases a guttural noise, head back against the futon as he slaps your thigh in encouragement, coaxing you to keep riding him just…like…that.    He looks up at you again, with stars in his eyes.  “I wish you could see yourself right now.”    “I can.” Your arm around his neck, fingers in his hair, you can see yourself in the reflection of the chain of mirrors along the wall behind you both.    “Oh, good,” Jisung says with a half-smile, your cunt still swallowing him up at this languid pace.  “See how pretty you look when you’re being fucked senseless like this?” He watches your face, the way your chest flutters with tiny gasps and your face twitches when you hit that certain spot.    "Yeah, I do," you barely manage to respond.    “Only thing prettier is how you look when you cum.” His praise pushes you further, two fingers sliding between your lips that you welcome, and Jisung closes his eyes, all of his senses overstimulated as he dangerously evades his orgasm, thanks to shutting out the sight of you absolutely wracked with pleasure, bouncing on his cock, with his fingers at the back of your throat.    You can’t speak, your mouth obstructed, so you begin to whine instead, and he presses on your tongue, making you gag over and over again as you unravel on him.  Jisung feels you cumming, he puts both arms around your waist as he pounds into you from below until he pulls you down a final time, his breath hitching as he allows his release to take over, cursing as he empties inside of you.    As your bodies slowly come down from the peak of ecstasy, you stay intertwined, breathless and sated.  The room is filled with a warm, intimate silence, broken only by the occasional soft sigh and the sound of your synchronized heartbeats.    Jisung gazes into your eyes with a tender expression, his fingers softly brushing a strand of hair away from your face.  “I can’t believe I get to spend the rest of my life with you,” he whispers.    You smile warmly in response, leaning in to kiss him sweetly.  “I feel the same way,” you murmur against his lips.  “Forever sounds pretty perfect.”    The two of you lay there for a while longer, basking in the post-coital afterglow and the knowledge that your love has reached a new level of commitment. The future seems brighter and more promising than ever before, filled with endless possibilities now for the careers of you both. 
Eventually, you two gather the strength to get up and clean up the evidence of your passionate encounter. As you help each other get dressed, there's a sense of contentment and serenity in the air.  With one last lingering kiss, you make your way back outside to catch an Uber back to the hotel, likely for a highly-anticipated round two.      What? You two are rockstars.  Did you expect anything less? 
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luvangelbreak · 6 months
Sturniolo Triplets/Sam & Colby as a rock band
Nicolas Sturniolo Drummer
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The drummer is the backbone of any band and Nick is for sure the backbone of the triplet's careers. He holds it all together exactly like a drummer does on stage and on top of that, he’s often the one breaking into song and tapping along in their videos. Drummers are known to keep the show running by guiding the rest of the band and I feel like Nick would hate to be in the spotlight so being a drummer would give him the perfect balance of involvement and hiding without the stress of being directly looked at on stage or otherwise.
Matthew Sturniolo Bassist
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Matt is a bassist and if you disagree, argue with a wall because I don’t want to hear your wrong opinions. Bassists, like drummers, are some of the most crucial people in a band. They give the song a feeling you can get from any other instrument and it makes or breaks a song. Matt is also a bassist because although bassists are at the front of the stage, they are often in their own worlds as they lose themselves in the music. They aren’t seeking out any attention but they’re not going to be mad if they get it.
Christopher Sturniolo Rhythm Guitarist/Backup vocalist
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I know so many people are going to say Chris should be the lead singer but I feel like Chris is not all that into singing. He’s a rap guy at heart and that’s why he’s perfect for a backup vocalist. He has pipes but he doesn’t have a very wide range so he could nail backup vocals in his range. He would also be the rhythm guitarist because keeping a steady flow with the music while singing would be great for his ADHD brain. Two things at once to focus on but neither of them are too hard that he would get overwhelmed.
Samuel Golbach Rhythm Guitarist
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We know my boy Sam can play but I feel like if he were in a band, he would undoubtedly be the lead guitarist. He’s cool with going along with the rhythm guitarist but when he gets his moment to shine, he will bask in all of its glory. Lead guitarists often add life to a song and I think Sam being such an outgoing person, it makes perfect sense for him to play such a loud role in a band. He’s also already fire at the guitar so who knows maybe he will actually become a lead guitarist in a band one day.
Cole Brock Lead Vocalist
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We know Colby can sing. That’s just a fact. Man’s has pipes. But the reason I put him as a lead vocalist is because he gives off such a confidence and charisma that is needed on stage. Half of a lead vocalist's job is bringing phenomenal stage presence and I feel like Colby would know exactly how to engage the crowd without making it tacky or tiresome. Even though he is an introvert at heart, he could snap right out of that and fall in love with the adrenaline of being a frontman on stage. He likes being the centre of attention and this is the best way to get it.
a/n: this is for my girl @muwapsturniolo she gave me so many ideas for these types of posts w her half-blood ones. lmk if u guys want any specific topics for me to put the triplets/snc as !! this also comes from my love of music and i feel very passionate abt this so if u disagree, ur wrong <3
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dazed--xx · 1 year
One More Time Masterlist
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Post date: April 7, 2023
Member: Felix x reader
Trigger warnings: toxic relationships, ANGST, break up, death in many forms, suicide attempts, Groundhog Day effect, smut, strong language, mentions of vocal nodules, grim reaper, etc(more will be added as the story progresses)
A/N: so I absolutely love the Kdrama One More Time and this is 100% based on that. It’s also called the day after we broke up. Please watch the show it’s really great honestly it’s like really raw and angsty and just my cup of tea anyway I hope you guys anticipate this coming out soon. Also it’s not my line divider I did not make it and I reblogged the creators post with the one I used so please like their post please.
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What happens when you fall out of love with the one you loved the most? Lee Felix’s star is rising, but his love for his band is fading. He’s growing more and more tired of his girlfriend, and is excitedly prepared to breakup with her when something happens that changes their fate. As Felix wakes up the next day things begin to seem oddly familiar, from the telemarketer call to the slight run-in with his landlords thugs, He quickly realizes that October 4th is happening all over again. Using the opportunity to his advantage Felix spends his repeating day, basking in the glory soon he misses the band he once found happiness with and wonders what becomes of his girlfriend he continuously broken up with during his time warp. When Felix soon discovers his girlfriend’s fate at the end of each day, his world shifts and the once happy free memory of the time warp becomes a slow personal hell for him. As the torturous day continues to repeat itself all Felix can wonder is will he ever get to see October 5th?
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Episode Guide
Character list
Episode 1: Lee Felix, vocalist of the band, One More Time, prepares to confess his love to his girlfriend Y/N. Seven years later, he’s bored, broke, and annoyed by it all; luckily, he’s found a way to get everything he’s ever wanted
Episode 2: From the spam phone call to the meeting with an entertainment company representative, everything seems to be an odd repeat of yesterday for Felix.
Episode 3: After countless days of excessive spending, partying and gambling, Felix finally begins to wonder how his other band members and Y/N are doing.
Episode 4: Determined to change how the day ends, Felix tries to avoid anything that could go wrong and decides it’s a perfect time to take Y/N on an sporadic adventure
Episode 5: Seven Years Ago, Felix and his band have their first public performance when Y/N becomes their first audience member. Meanwhile, Y/N contemplates her relationship with Felix.
Episode 6: Y/N makes a deal with the grim reaper, Felix continues to try to change how the day ends to no avail, leaving him defeated and devastated
Episode 7: Y/N grows ever more tired of Felix’s stoic unloving attitude toward her and walking on eggshells until he eventually breaks up with her. Felix decides he’d rather die than watching Y/N suffer once more. The grim reaper tells Felix how he can stop the time warp.
Episode 8: Again and Again Y/Ns heart gets broken, while Felix continues to work on his surprise to make Y/N happy once more.
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diveyne · 5 months
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BAND VERSE : ECLIPSE. — setting : general modern au, and alternatively wherever pentakill originates from because pentakill seems to exist in a strange runeterra AU, not in the modern world. but, for all purposes, this verse exists primarily in the modern world, with low fantasy elements where otherwise inhuman races exist amongst humankind. that being said, this verse bleeds from the threads of my general modern verse, in which morgana is still centuries old, descended from a higher being, and has masked herself amidst humans following tragedy in ancient civilizations.
a year and a half ago, i posited the idea that morgana have her own band, rivaling pentakill; although, it's less a rival against the members of pentakill and more one against her sister, kayle.
eclipse, often stylized as ƎCLIPSE ( with its logo using crescent moons instead of Es ), comprises of the following members:
— morgana, lead vocals ( read the hc here about morgana being a multi-talented classically trained musician though ) — sylas, drummer — aatrox, bass guitar — varus, rhythm guitar
now you might be wondering, where's the lead guitarist? great question. eclipse was once a group of five, featuring none other than HEARTSTEEL's kayn ( @umbane ) as their lead guitarist and resident scream king / backing vocalist. however, that was a long time ago and many heartaches long past, a painful history for all of them, most especially morgana and kayn. they were terribly close, once, but the growing turmoil within eclipse was far too much to bear. there was no way to move forward together as a cohesive group, not with how volatile kayn had become. morgana wanted to see it through, to make things work, to help her friend move past whatever it was he was going through.
she knew well of his past, and she isn't the type of person who gives up easily, especially when it comes to someone she cares so deeply about, but she was trapped between a rock and a hard place: letting kayn go to preserve the rest of the band and all of their dreams, or risk losing everyone and everything they've put on the line. the rest of her bandmates were pressuring her to drop kayn, and truly, she didn't want to. morgana desperately sought a peaceful resolution, a way to figure things out, a way to keep kayn and soothe the growing animosity within eclipse.
that's the thing when you put so many big personalities in a same group together, isn't it? of course everyone has their own voice, their own ideas and wishes and feelings they want heard. different ideas for what they should be doing, what they wanted to be doing, just how they should be getting things done... it was a recipe for disaster. they were all volatile. angry, hurt, saying things they shouldn't have said under the burning pressure of fire pressed to their feet, but aatrox and sylas were the most vocal of all in demanding that kayn goes, or they both walk. varus agreed. it brought morgana a pain she hadn't felt since the days of long ago when she and her sister fought so violently that it forever tore an irreparable rift between them that she still hasn't healed from, and likely never would. she didn't want to go through that again. she couldn't. she knew the dynamic was becoming a problem, but she just didn't want to let kayn go.
she loved kayn most out of all them. even now, years later, she still doesn't have the heart to replace him. morgana records the lead guitar riffs and solos herself in studio, and while varus has offered to step up for shows and tours, she refuses. eclipse has temporary fills on retainer that join them on tours, but they're never there to stay. there's a hole that will never be filled, another betrayal she won't be complicit in. morgana already betrayed kayn once, and she wouldn't do it again. but, whatever formula they have has been working for them. eclipse has gone on to become an international success with their dark gothic elements, catchy choruses and hooks, with their whimsical witchy sounds that are a blend of rock-metal and a hint of haunting folk and siren songs. morgana has the voice of a siren and sings the sweetest notes, but can easily switch to grittier, raw vocals. eclipse is an eclectic blend of haunting, enchanting melodies, compared to pentakill's classic rock / hair metal vibes.
with morgana's vocal talents and range and acting capabilities, she's been offered several roles on broadway, most famously having done a rendition of phantom of the opera. during off-times when she isn't working on a new album or singles, and isn't on tour, morgana will agree to small acting roles or roles in plays and musicals. it's another thing she's discovered she loves, a distraction away from the quiet and the spiraling columns of despair that wrap around her like an inescapable shroud of mist trailing after her everywhere she goes. despite the band's massive success, a part of her aches for the losses of her past. seeing HEARTSTEEL now has helped heal some of the guilt she felt, but even still, she doubts the hurt will ever truly fade.
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brian-in-finance · 1 year
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Sinead O'Connor at her home in County Wicklow, Republic of Ireland in 2012. David Corio/Redferns/Getty Images
Caitríona Balfe, Michael Stipe and more pay tribute to Sinéad O’Connor
On Wednesday, as the news of Sinéad O’Connor’s death broke, many celebrities took to social media to pay tribute to the music icon.
As reported by Irish broadcaster RTE earlier in the day, O’Connor’s death was confirmed by a family statement. No cause of death was immediately available.
“I hope you are at peace,” actor Caitríona Balfe wrote on her Instagram page, adding “and with your baby boy. Thank you for sharing your soul with us and soothing us with your incredible voice beautiful Sinéad.”
O’Connor contributed her vocals to the opening credits of Season 7 of acclaimed series “Outlander,” in which Balfe stars. The actor’s mention of O’Connor’s “baby boy” was in reference to the singer’s son Shane, who died by suicide at age 17 in 2022.
Michael Stipe, famed REM singer-songwriter, simply wrote on Instagram aongside a photo of him with O’Connor that “there are no words.” Stipe has spoken about how much he was influenced by O’Connor, telling the Washington Post in a 2020 interview that “so many people have lifted from her, from me to Miley Cyrus. She’s one of our great, living icons.”
Belinda Carlisle, lead vocalist of the all-girls 80s rock band The Go-Gos, wrote “may she find peace now. Forever loved,” on her Twitter page on Wednesday, while singer-songwriter Melissa Etheridge wrote on her page that news of O’Connor’s death “is such a tragedy.”
“What a loss. She was haunted all her life. What a talent,” Etheridge continued. “I remember my first Grammy show meeting this small shy Irish girl.”
The Cranberries – who lost their lead singer, the Irishwoman Dolores O’Riordan, in 2018 – shared a tribute on their official Instagram account, writing that they “are shocked and saddened to hear of Sinead’s sudden passing. We have all been big fans for many years. Our thoughts are with her family.”
Shirley Manson, lead singer of Garbage, posted in honor of O’Connor to the band’s Instagram page, writing, “I’m heartbroken.”
“This disgusting world broke her and kept on breaking her. Godspeed dear fragile dove,” the post continued. “Thank you for all the beauty and all the wise teachings you offered up to us. I wish you nothing but peace and I will love you for all of time.”
O’Connor’s contemporary Annie Lennox shared a poem in the late singer’s memory on her Instagram, beginning it with, “You bared your soul… | Shared your brilliance | Through exquisite artistry”.
Oscar-winner Jamie Lee Curtis penned a lengthy tribute to O’Connor on her Instagram page, saying, “I once heard Sìnead (sic) sing acapella in an empty chapel in Ireland. It was under construction at the private home of our host. It was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever heard in my life.”
“I loved her. Her music. Her life,” Curtis added, going on to reminisce about the time she spent with O’Connor at a music festival.
“Sixth Sense” actor Toni Collette also shared a personal memory with O’Connor, writing on Instagram, “I was lucky enough to hang out with her a few times in my twenties. On one occasion we all sang in the hills of Wicklow in Eire. I sang a Jane Siberry song and Sinead then asked/encouraged me to sing one of my own. Can you imagine the terror? The intimidation? The thrill?!”
“She was so talented, so generous, humble, resilient, courageous and true,” Collette continued. “What a voice. What a force. My heart breaks.”
Beyond those in the arts, O’Connor’s impact was felt in her home country of Ireland.
“What Ireland has lost at such a relatively young age is one of our greatest and most gifted composers, songwriters and performers of recent decades, one who had a unique talent and extraordinary connection with her audience, all of whom held such love and warmth for her,” Irish president Michael D. Higgins said in a statement sent to CNN.
“May her spirit find the peace she sought in so many different ways,” his statement concluded.
Remember… you bared your soul… shared your brilliance through exquisite artistry. — Annie Lennox
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skeeverboyreviews · 2 months
Skeeverboy's Top 5
Roughly, my top 5 albums of all time, not in any order.
Harmlessness - The World Is A Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid To Die (2015)
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This album makes me feel indescribable emotions. On the surface, it seems a little pretentious, honestly; a band with a ridiculously long, quirky name, an over-the-top artistic album cover, and long experimental tracks with extensive instrumentals give the impression of a band that thinks very highly of themself.
Despite appearances, I think this album is absolutely incredible. Every part of it is a work of art. The song titles, the album cover (I know I insulted it before, but I do like it a lot), the tracks themselves all work together to create an existential sort of nostalgia, an out-of-this-world feeling. The lyrics make you think about life in a way you haven't thought of before, the instrumentals working with the words to create a very consistent vibe.
This album is an experience, 45 minutes of feeling beyond words. There isn't a weak track on this album, but I do have favorites. You Can't Live There Forever is an incredible opener, and the transition into January 10th, 2014 is just beautiful. I Can Be Afraid of Anything is so emotionally moving. Wendover gives me nostalgia for times I never even experienced.
I think January 10th, 2014 is my favorite track on the album. Based on a true story, it follows Diana the Hunter - a woman who murdered bus drivers with reputations for sexually harassing and assaulting women. I love the use of storytelling within this song, especially with the two different vocalists.
If I could change anything about this album, I wouldn't.
I Hate My Friends - The Front Bottoms (2008)
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Raw, unfiltered, immature, and desperate, this album is perfect for teenage angst in the form of shout-singing and power chords. It's edgy, it's messy, it's silly, and I can never stop talking about it for the life of me.
Most of the songs revolve around relationships, about dumb teenage decisions and longing. This album reminds me of high school, conjures the image of smoking weed and laughing or getting upset and ranting about nothing of substance. The songs feel like they were rushed when they were written, and I mean that as a compliment. The guitar parts are bare and are sometimes reused between songs, the melodies rather simple, and the lyrics sometimes clunky, but that's what makes it so incredible. It's like listening to Brian Sella's pure thoughts.
Two of my favorite tracks are ones that haven't been remastered: Push-Ups and Current Events. Both make me want to scream, to shout the lyrics at the top of my lungs, make me wish I thought to write them.
I think my favorite part about this album is how personal it feels. If I close my eyes, I can imagine sitting in someone's room, listening to them play guitar and workshop songs on the spot.
Transatlanticism - Death Cab for Cutie (2003)
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I've already written a full 2k word summary and analysis on this album, so I'll try to keep it short. This album is full of longing, of emotion, of wistfulness. It's tear-jerking and heart-aching. If you've ever been in a long-distance relationship, had your partner travel far, had a relationship slowly die, this album will resonate.
This album is tastefully minimalist. Unlike Harmlessness, which admittedly has a similar vibe but uses a wide variety of instruments and effects, Transatlanticism keeps it simpler. Passenger Seat only includes vocals and piano.
I'm cutting myself off here to avoid rambling, but truly, this album means so much to me. It was the first album I bought on CD, in a Half Price Books, and I bring it with me on nearly every drive.
Dookie - Green Day (1994)
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A classic, really. How could I not include Green Day on this list, and how could it not be Dookie? So many iconic songs - Welcome to Paradise, She, Longview, When I Come Around, Basket Case - even non-Green Day fans can likely recognize at least half of this album.
Dookie is the blueprint, the definition, of 90s punk rock. Loud, heavy, shout-y, it's just incredible. There's not much I can say about it that hasn't been said before.
My favorite track currently is Sassafras Roots. I love the use of repetition, and the way he says "smoking cigarettes" gets stuck in my mind on the daily. I sing it to my partner in the passenger seat of their car.
Joyce Manor - Joyce Manor (2011)
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This number five spot isn't nearly as solidified as the other four, and it took a lot of consideration before landing on Joyce Manor. But something about this album, the heaviness, the lyricism, speaks to me in a very unique way.
Joyce Manor is an extremely short, punchy album, only a little under 19 minutes in length, but it manages to pack so much into every minute. Not a single second is wasted. Every lyric, every chord, every sung note feels important, like a load-bearing beam, each second packed with meaning.
Barry's voice is intoxicating, the way he slurs his words in a way that makes it difficult to make out what he's saying. I've joked before with friends that he sounds a little bit like he just got dental surgery and had to sing while still numb from Novocain, but I truly love it. It's iconic, inseparable from the Joyce Manor brand. The album wouldn't be the same without it.
Joyce Manor has a very unique way of writing their lyrics, and I'm not sure I can name another band that I think writes in a very similar style. I'm not exactly sure how to describe it, the strange turns of phrases they use or the interesting rhymes or the confusing metaphors. It's like I understand, but I don't.
The most iconic track on this album is, without a doubt, Constant Headache. While this song has one of my favorite lyrics of all time ("Your love was foreign to me / It made me think maybe human's not such a bad thing to be"), my personal favorite is Derailed. I love the train set metaphor, and the sound of the song as a whole.
Thank you for listening.
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allnightlongzine · 1 year
Fixing your heart: The triumphant return of My Chemical Romance
Aimee Hallsworth explores My Chemical Romance’s sensational comeback in light of their remarkable journey through pain and struggle
Aimee Hallsworth | Sunday June 5 2022 | varsity.co.uk
On an otherwise unassuming Thursday in early May, with little fanfare and no promotion, long-mourned cult sensation My Chemical Romance released their first single since the group broke up in 2013. This new output comes in conjunction with the beginning of the band’s global reunion tour and, as "Welcome to the Black Parade" re-enters the Billboard top 200, their explosive return to the music scene has been nothing short of a sensation.
“A sense of clarity and purpose shines through the song”
The new track, “The Foundations of Decay”, filters over a static noise, building quietly. A sober guitar accompanies the distorted singing of vocalist Gerard Way before the chorus swells into an explosively triumphant crescendo of noise, as Way’s fluting voice carries over the thundering drums. The song is both completely new and wonderfully familiar: like revisiting an old friend. Since the band’s last studio album, Danger Days, all the members, except bassist Mikey Way, have produced solo albums (multiple in the case of guitarist Frank Iero). While Way drew on Britpop influences for Hesitant Alien, Iero lent far more into his punk and indie-rock interests in his first album, Stomachaches. Guitarist Ray Toro’s 2016 alt-rock album Remember the Laughter is masterful, characterised by his soft vocals and wide-ranging musical ability: he plays the lion’s share of instruments on the record. An appreciation of the diversity of these efforts highlights the different influences each member brings to the band: from Toro’s subtle melodies to Iero’s explosive energy, all of which can be felt in their new song.
 Visualiser for My Chemical Romance's "The Foundations of Decay"YOUTUBE / MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE (HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=V2KWUJKRVVS)
“The Foundations of Decay” is an anthem of reunion and of healing. As with many of Way’s lyrics, it’s intensely personal and revisits the theme explored in the band’s very first track: “Skylines and Turnstiles”, where Way expresses the trauma of witnessing 9/11. They meditate on what kind of progress has been made since that moment, both on a personal and global level. There’s a sharp dissonance between the desolate state of world affairs and the mental stability that Way and the bandmates have achieved in the years since they split up. A sense of clarity and purpose shines through the song which lacks the escapism and fantastical theatrics that dominate the bulk of their discography. There’s a sense that music is no longer a form of life support or therapy that Way describes in the video diaries chronicling the band’s early days. It is not a song recounting a harrowing battle with trauma but an exploration of healing that anguish. By lying in the "foundations of decay", one can uncover the roots of the pain that must be healed in order to grow. When Way croons out "you must fix your heart", it is not stance but a stipulation – the heart must be fixed in order to live authentically.
“This is a group of people who have a deep bond with both each other and the crowd”
This celebration of healing is evident in the live shows the band have played so far, all of which have been jubilant expressions of love for everything that My Chemical Romance stands for. These shows have been some of the best in their already impressive career primarily because they are having so much fun. Not tied to an album, there’s room to experiment and change the set list each night. By mixing up their entire discography, lesser known B-sides like “Mastas of Ravenkroft” have been aired on stage alongside classics like “I’m Not Okay (I Promise)”, showcasing their talent without poor mental health and bad coping mechanisms looming overhead.
 My Chemical Romance's official music video for "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)"YOUTUBE / MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE (HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=DHZTNGAS4FC)
The band have all struggled with various mental health problems and addiction over the years. That rawness is reflected in their art. A dominating factor in their staggering success has been the connectivity between the struggles of the band and the struggles of their listeners. When Way rejoices with a crowd in being alive, it’s more profound than just basking in the moment, it’s a celebration of overcoming mental anguish together.
It’s extraordinary to see Way on stage, 45 and joyful, when at one point it was uncertain he would live past 25. The crowds waving at Mikey’s children and Toro kissing Way during one of the Milton Keynes sets crystallises the joyous affection which ripples through their shows. This is a group of people who have a deep bond with both each other and the crowd who exultantly chant their lyrics. In one of his various on-stage speeches, Way explains how he used to work the crowds at gigs before being able to release that self-consciousness, proudly exclaiming: “and now I just feel connected to f-ing every one of you.” The audience roars exuberantly in response. This joy and authenticity seems to be at the centre of My Chemical Romance’s journey moving forward; the band seem so delightfully comfortable in themselves after battling extreme personal hardships and mental demons for so long. It’s going to be nothing but exhilarating to see where they go next.
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wannaberp · 8 months
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he’s a TWENTY-TWO year old wannabe, born OCTOBER 31, 2001. he’s currently eyeing STUDIO DELTA and lives by the words “don’t ever let anyone tell you can’t because you can.”
maybe you should learn more or ask him a question.
▶ PLAY THE CLIP [ audition_tape.mp4 ]
setting up his tripod, piano, and camera in his room, jordan still was contemplating on auditioning. one part of him thought the entire idea was crazy and should just stop while he was ahead. while the other side wanted him to keep going and let no distractions interfere. since a young child, singing was one of his passions that got him through every milestone of his life. the idea of auditioning to be the next idol may seem like a joke to many, but jordan still had a hopeful heart.
quietly tapping on his mic, the young male was now sitting down in front of his personalized keyboard. “hey, hola, bonjour, and all that good stuff to the whole world out there. my name is jordan and as someone whose been inspired by this special artist that i will be covering, i will be doing the honor of using my piano and my vocal skills. hope ya’ll enjoy.” a small smile appeared across his features before clearing his throat. his hands had begun trembling slightly due to his anxiety increasing every second. luckily, no one would’ve been able to notice as he always knew how to play off being nervous at times like this.
the song that jordan was going to use for his audition was “one in a million” by the legendary and late aaliyah. the multi-talented woman had been one of his top favorite artist for quite some time. no matter where he went, he’d sing her songs and it’d extend his lifespan by 1000 more years on the planet.  “your love is a one in a million… it goes on and on and on...” with his eyes now away from the camera, they were focused on his fingers pressing against every piano key; making sure to not miss a beat in which he was successful at doing. his vocals were smooth like the cool side of the pillow and matched the slow vibe that the song had. he tried his best to turn the hit into his own, in which he figured he was doing a damn great job. his nervousness was attempting to overpower the vocalist, but he wasn’t going to allow it to ruin a once-in-a-lifetime chance. many minutes later, jordan had finally finished singing and had already ended the tape. it felt as if a big rock had been released from off his shoulders by the second he turned the camera off.
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my-chaos-radio · 1 year
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Release: July 12, 2004
Oooooh yeah
Looking back,
I know I was walking around in disguise,
In disguise,
I was just as lost and I needed a guide,
And the moment that you came to change my life,
Use life burn my heart and make me smile,
Coz' you and I know that,
I'm a different person,
Turn my world around,
I'm a different person,
Turn my world around,
I'm a different person,
Turn my world around.
Things I had,
All fading away a minute and I,
Feel alive,
You have twisted all of my troubles inside,
And you and I know that
Like a little piece of Heaven Finally found
You rebuilt my heart Up from the ground
I'm a different person,
Turn my world around,
I'm a different person,
Turn my world around,
I'm a different person,
Turn my world around
(Turn my world around),
I'm a different person,
Turn my world around.
Turn my world around, Oh yeah,
Use life burn my heart and make me smile,
And you and I know baby,
I'm a different person,
Turn my world around,
I'm a different person,
Turn my world around,
I'm a different person,
Turn my world around.
Karen Poole / Max Loke Linus Reich / Gianni Bini / Fulvio Perniola / Simon Lee Marlin / Patrick L Moten
"Lola's Theme" is the debut single of British house duo the Shapeshifters, featuring soul singer Cookie on vocals. It was released on 12 July 2004 as the lead single from the Shapeshifters' debut album, Sound Advice (2004). The song became the duo's biggest hit, peaking atop the UK Singles Chart and charting highly in Finland, Ireland, the Netherlands, and New Zealand. In Australia, it was the most successful club hit of 2004.
The name "Lola's Theme" was originally a working title for this record; Lola was Simon Marlin's wife, and it was while listening to her record collection that the initial idea for the track was conceived. She appears handing out candy floss in the music video.
"Lola's Theme" features a sample from the introduction of Johnnie Taylor's R&B hit of 1982, "What About My Love", and it was originally released at the end of 2003 on their own Nocturnal Groove label as a mostly instrumental track featuring a vocal sample taken from Anthony White's "Love Me Tonight". Due to its immense popularity, "Lola's Theme" was licensed from Nocturnal Groove to Positiva Records.
At the same time, the sample of "What About My Love" was then completely replayed by Mark Summers at Scorccio Sample Replays, recreating all elements of the sample (strings, brass sections, piano, etc.). The duo then set about finding a vocalist. After a long search they met Cookie, a gospel singer from the London Community Gospel Choir, who recorded the vocals for the full release.
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sonsband · 2 years
I'm bored, how would you rate each ateez album (ep etc) out of 10
Jenjamin I don't think you realize how much fuckin music they put out and that they're all called the same thing
(going chronological)
Treasure One (All to Zero): 5/10, solid debut album, "Pirate King" is a great debut track, "Treasure" slaps, but they were babies finding their feet so I have to rank it lower
Treasure Two (Zero to One): 7/10, which is a surprise even to me. "Hala Hala" to "Say My Name" to "Desire"? hit after hit after hit. "Say My Name" is still my favorite title track of theirs. and I need a "Desire" with San doing the ad libs with his 2022 vocals, please please please.
Treasure Three (One to All): 5/10, I love "Utopia" and it started the Seonghwa Main Vocal When movement. he just DOES that. but I didn't love the title tracks, so a few points off that.
Treasure Fin: 7/10, this was my first comeback (I started listening with "Say My Name" but watched from a distance) and "Wonderland" smacked me across the face. and dearest belovedest Wooyoung on "Mist"... he didn't have to break our hearts like that.
Treasure Epilogue: 7/10, remember when I told you I liked this comeback and you said you'd listen because "they have some good singers" and then you made fun of me knowing Seonghwa's name? because I do. anyway "Horizon" is amazing and that one performance, you know the one, is still one of my favorites of theirs. also one of my favorite songs to play on violin cause it changes between bouncy and expansive.
Fever One: 9/10, maybe it's cause it came out when I was doing a lot of walking and so I could just put it on repeat. anyway "Inception" is my third most listened to song ever on Spotify if that tells you anything. Yunho Baby on "Fever" like oh that's my boy.
Fever Two: 12/10 fuck EVERYONE who was shitty to me right before it dropped, this album was for ME! dad had just gotten sick, my hours were cut, the creep at the hotel was apparently starting to say icky things about me, I was miserable, and then "I'm the One (Remix)" saved the day. sounds like the first day after Seroquel where nothing is real but GOD are you awake to feel it. Pink Gumby leapt with both feet into Hot Bitch Territory and began his ascent to one of my favorite vocalists of 4th gen and the pink was litcherally for me idk what to tell you he said sorry these people are so cruel. also "Take Me Home" is a queen I take no comments.
Into the A to Z: 7/10, I'm gonna be real, D and I were both completely thrown off that "Still Here" wasn't a Vertical Horizons cover. liked the Korean version better (you all know why) but this is the one on my liked songs playlist. anyway, the tracklist is mostly my faves so yeah nothing really to say.
Fever Three: 8/10, catiny's first comeback! and they DELIVERED for us! the "Deja Vu" outfits were amazing, especially the little Lake Geneva ones. I'm gonna see Seonghwa in a corset in my yellow wallpaper. and that night that we all went apeshit for Pinkhwa Ponytail will live on as a true heritage moment.
Fever Epilogue: 6/10, honestly I just go to the Kingdom recordings. The Real was a killer comeback that I wasn't expecting right at the end of the year there. the "Wave" Overture is so much better when they don't have to fight the choreographers, even if San doesn't get that scrape in the official recording. also if I play Mingi's rap in "Wonderland" on repeat then that's between me and God. (although we lived through the "Turbulence" performances to get to San's modulations. was it worth it? idk but I just want to squish my bestie's cheeks and tell him he's doing so amazing in his battle against augmented fourths)
The World Movement: 5/10, I was so excited when the intro to "Sector 1" was the spoiler from "Answer" but I think I hyped it up too much. I would have liked Guerilla a whole lot more if they weren't so liberal with the pitch correction. how are you gonna have the whole "break the wall!" screams and pitch correct the vocals here of all places. madness and insanity (but D and me calling the Metropolis references a year in advance? our brains are sooooo big). should have all been Mingi channeling RKL, but it's his world and we're just living in it. also the big chest voices in "The Ring" deserve more, please give us more of that.
[but +5 additional points for San being an anarchist slut, there is no type better. he said "Hi Lesbians" and then came back to say "Especially The Cool Ones" with his doofy little anarchist stomach graffiti]
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juvinadelgreko · 2 years
so much (for) stardust
thought vomit
Love From The Other Side
I loved this when it came out and I love it now.
lyrics: this city always hangs a little bit lonely on me, loose, like a kid playing pretend in his father's suit. I'll never go, I just want to be invited, oh. you feel like an impostor. You need to be here, but you don't want to be. You just need that invite.
you were the sunshine of my lifetime, what would you trade the pain for? I'm not sure. and every lover's got a little dagger in their hand. Love fucking hurts. and what would you train the pain for? nothing. because it's what comes with love. give up what you love, before it does you in. But you can't!
Heartbreak Feels So Good
Is there a word for bad miracles? You get what you want, sometimes, but at what cost?
It was an uphill battle, but they didn't know, but they didn't know, we were gonna use the roads as a ramp to take off. that's the classic Pete Wentz lyricism I live for!
We'll cry later or cry now...we can dance the tears away, emancipate ourselves! Look, everyone's gonna be sad at some point, you just have to decide how and when to feel it.
Hold Me Like A Grudge
the BASS GROOVE OK PETE I hear you. I didn't know we were getting a disco record but go off kings
also Patrick was totally channeling his inner Michael Jackson for that one I just know it
favorite lyrics: I'm just a cherub riding comets through the night sky, screaming at the stars like night lights, and I love my life, love my life. and Hold me, hold me like a grudge, this world is always spinning and I can't keep up. we are so much better at holding on to pain and anger than we are to joy. in a world that moves this fast, that hits. I guess somehow we made it back with a few dreams of ours still intact, I am a diamond on the inside, just add the pressure. Know it's inside me, but I got no map, to my own treasure. I feel personally attacked by this one. I figured by now, I would have got it together. no fuckin shit pete.
Fake Out
That feeling of "if I acknowledge, touch it, or speak it into existence, that will give it the ability to be broken. so I just won't."
Favorite lyrics: do you laugh about me whenever I leave? or do just need more therapy?
It's that feeling of knowing exactly what you want, and knowing how to get it, but being so terrified of having something to lose. I don't know how, but sometimes I feel like Pete knows my entire life story when he writes shit like this. I've never met this man, he has no idea I exist, and yet the stuff he writes is the best possible articulation of everything I've ever felt. It's magical.
Heaven, Iowa
"I can't let go of this thing, because I'll lose it, but if I don't let go, I'll choke it to death. So I'm just not gonna grab it in the first place, but wait, I did, and it's a shit show, but that's...ok?"
Lyrics: save your breath, half your life you've been hooked on death. Like, yes, I am crushed under the fear of dying without making an impact on the world. thank you for asking. I will never ask you for anything except to dream sweet of me. that's just beautiful.
So Good Right Now
"I love you, so fuck it"
Patrick has really reached his full form as a vocalist and it's fucking awesome. He has poppy fills, roaring choruses, the softer side...it's a treat for the ears. When he cries, In all of my wildest dreams they just end up with you and me! UGH PATRICK YES
It's giving Walking On Sunshine in the best way.
Favorite lyrics: I've got love in my heart, so let's sneak in from the cheap seats, honey!
The Pink Seashell
uh, ok, fuck. um. let's unpack this.
The shell's empty, there's no meaning to any of this...so I take pleasure in the details.
It's a reminder we all need right now and it made me cry.
I Am My Own Muse
he's such an underrated singer ffs the RANGE
Lyrics: So let's twist the knife again like we did last summer...i'm just trying to keep it together but it gets a little harder when it never gets better.
Like, why would I bother continuing to work forward if it only causes me more pain than what I'm trying to escape? It's so easy to forget what you're working for when it inches further and further away. You just wanna throw it all away, like a bad luck charm, and start over.
Flu Game
This feels like a Disney villain's "I want" song and it fucks severely
Lyrics: I've got all this love i've got to keep to myself, all this effort to make it look effortless. Like, you can't ever be too emotional! You can't let anyone see! YOU HAVE TO MAKE IT! I carved out place in this world for two, but it's empty without you. Like you work so hard to make a life with the one you love that you lose them in the process and UGH HOW does PETE READ MY MIND. One day every candle's gotta run out of wax, one day no one will remember me when they look back. I can't stop, can't stop, till we catch all your ears though, somewhere between Mike Tyson and Van Gogh god that's such a clever way to phrase the crippling fear of being insignificant. "somewhere between Mike Tyson and Van Gogh" that's such a fucking Pete line good god
Baby Annihilation
Time is luck and I wish ours overlapped more or for longer god that made me fucking sob. But you know what they say, if you want a job done right, you gotta do it yourself. You can't stay, BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO MAKE IT. but fuck that! nothing matters! be happy!
Like I said, this man reaches right into the most aching parts of me and gives them a voice and I don't know how he does it.
The Kintsugi Kid (Ten Years)
"where did the time go and when the fuck did everything get real?"
lyrics: I miss the way that I felt nothing, nothing, na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na or whatever the fuck
Those na-na-na's tickle my brain just right man holy shit
Suddenly I grew up and I don't know when but goddamit everything is real now and it hurts so i just wanna scream NA NA NA NA
What A Time To Be Alive
This is the one about how Constant Access to Everything has completely fucked our brains
everything is lit, except my serotonin. Because you get all this shit slung at you in the news and it winds you up emotionally in every way except the good one! So now you're cracking up!
lyrics: they say I should try meditation but I don't want to be alone with my own thoughts, it never felt that much like medication, I just want to be your cherry on top. the neurodivergent in me feels very seen by this lyric so thank you. like i just want to be good but I cannot!!!
When, when, when I said 'leave me alone' this isn't quite what I meant, I got the quarantine blues, bad news, what's left? so it seems the vulture's getting too full to fly. Like I just wanted a moment of peace not a full scale meltdown of society!
So Much (For) Stardust
I feel like something that's been stretched out over and over again, until I'm creased and I'm about to break down the middle, split me right down the middle, right, right, right, down the middle.
So much for stardust, we thought we had it all, thought we had it all. only to realize that none of it really matters. So we have to decide what does, and that's fucking hard.
Ache it till you make it...BUT WHEN DO YOU MAKE IT???
Like a sledgehammer to a disco ball...we were a hammer to the statue of David
Ok ok but the contrast there: when a disco ball shatters, it's pretty. When you shatter the statue of David, you're destroying something legendary, a standard of perfection. We only want to allow the forms of destruction that are harmless and beautiful. Not the ones we need.
Shit, man. Thought we had it all. But it turns out that we have to decide what it is. and that's fucking hard.
also, HORNS!
I've loved this band for going on a decade, and I don't know how they manage to keep writing albums that are perfectly in line with where I'm at in life when I need them most. It's incredible and I'll never get tired of it. god bless them.
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insomtiny · 2 years
this is me sending you all the emojis (or all the ones you want to do) for the atz ask game
i guess u could also pick like 5 random ones and go for it lol
ok it's happening
💗- who is your bias in ateez? - seonghwa! 🤗 💖- who was your very first bias? - seonghwa lol, i was in between a few at the beginning but it ended up being him and it stuck ⭐️- why is your bias your bias? - i could go on and on about how gorgeous and talented he is, but to be serious the main reason is cause he's a huge dork 💝- how long have you been a ateez stan? - late 2019! so like a little over 3 years ✨- why did you become a ateez stan? - i watched their halloween performance of wonderland and was hooked, i couldn't stop rewatching it, eventually i went on to listen to all of their other songs and haven't escaped since lol 💭- what was your favorite era? - treasure epilogue/answer era cause not only is answer still an absolute masterpiece, it will always have a special place in my heart for being my first comeback <3, also horizon and precious are still sooo good, and their styling was so pretty 🎤- rapper line or vocal line? - vocal line! 👊🏽- hyung-line or maknae-line? - hyung line! 🤙🏽- ateez or memeteez? - memeteez cause why are they so fucking funny for 🎶- what’s your favorite title track ateez song? - thanxx! 🎵- favorite non-title track song? - literally impossible to choose just one but take me home is my homie rn 🗣- share an unpopular opinion about anything related to ateez - before i say anything just know i love jongho and i think he's one of the best if not THE best 4th gen vocalist out there, but for the love of GOD people need to stop hyping him when he strains, it's not good for his vocal chords and it really doesn't sound great, he sounds perfect in his regular range 💀- share your favorite meme - i have a LOT but here's some
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🎥- favorite ateez mv? - probably eternal sunshine or wave i just think they're so fun and happy 🏆- share your favorite ateez moment - so hard to choose because they are NEVER boring to watch, but i think it was during fever road when a mysterious masked figure came in and blindfolded and kidnapped wooyoung and they all NO HESITATION went "7 makes 1 team" 😭😭😭 and then jongho was like "wait i wanna save him" and they were like "ok then 6 makes 1 team" 😭😭😭 👨‍❤️‍👨- who do you ship in ateez? - ship???
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👬- favorite brotps? - woosan and yunhwa are my 2 fave duos they are so goofy ❌- any notps? - any of them x sadness or pain or unhappiness :( 👀- name one member who isn’t your bias but… - SAN. when i tell you i came out of that concert with a whole crush on him 😫- have you ever seen ateez live? - saw them january 2022! literally life changing... 🌚-if ateez was on a deserted island, who would be the first to go and why? - wooyoung, they'd probably end up murdering him, that's if he didn't get himself killed first 💫- if you could tell one member one thing, what would it be? - i would tell seonghwa that he's the specialest boy in the whole world and that i'm proud of him 📢- say one thing you’ve been wanting to say about ateez but haven’t - they're genuinely the only kpop group i've never gotten bored with, even my other super faves have had lulls but they always entertain me in one way or another, i'd say the only other other exception is dreamcatcher 🚫- a fandom “joke” you think is overused and disagree with - ngl a lot of them get overused but like if everyone's having fun i don't really care, the only one i can think of that i'm completely over is "i cannot english" cause it's tired and just kinda... not cool... especially since mingi's obviously worked really hard to improve his english since then ❓- did you watch kq fellaz content predebut? - nope 😂- favorite variety show ateez has done? - the boatta dance bingo video is one of my favorites, them hyping each other up and trying to remember the different choreographies, and then the penalty of taking turns carrying jongho around was all just so cute 🤷🏽‍♀️- Treasure or Pirate King? - pirate king! 🤷🏽‍♂️- Say My Name or Hala Hala? - hmm, hala hala! 🙋🏽‍♂️- Desire or Promise? - promise! 🙋🏽- Stay or Twilight? - ooh... let's go with stay! 🕺🏽- fave dance mv? - wonderland, them dancing so hard the lighting goes weird still kills me lmao 💃🏽- favorite choreography? - hala hala probably, i'll never not love how absolutely manic it is 👽- favorite mv concept? - if we're talking regular mvs i'd say deja vu, but really it's black cat nero, i'd rlly love if they brought that aesthetic to one of their comebacks ♋️- do you share a sign with anyone in ateez? - no those bitches don't even have any earth signs AT ALL 😭 👫- a quality you and your bias share? - liking stuff to be clean and not liking bitter things 🤝- are you the same age as anyone in ateez? - i was born in 2000 but me and wooyoung are closest in age technically cause we're only like a little over a month apart i think
if you read all of this here's a kiss 💋
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christopblog · 2 years
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Carly Rae Jepsen - The Loneliest Time 
She's back baybee! Though it grew on me significantly, her previous 2019 album Dedicated was a bit of a let down after I'd gotten really into EMOTION. The Loneliest Time doesn't come close to EMOTION, but I might like it better than Dedicated, this is a really great helping of extremely catchy pop without too many misses. More of an even, consistent good without major highlights though. Western Wind, and Go Find Yourself Or Whatever are the best.
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Weyes Blood - And in the Darkness, Hearts Aglow She's back baybee! One of the most unique vocalists out there, I was very excited for Ms. Blood's follow up album to her excellent 2019 Titanic Rising and was not let down! Though maybe slightly weaker, Hearts Aglow brings incredible songwriting, excellent instrumental production, and more of her iconic voice and singing style. Very pretty, if you like Baroque pop/chamber folk or whatever the fuck genre she is check it out. Opening track and God Turn Me Into a Flower are the highlights.
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The Smile - A Light For Attracting Attention 
He's back babyee! Featuring pioneer sadboy Thom Yorke and guitarist Jonny Greenwood, The Smile looks, feels, and sounds exactly like what it is, half of Radiohead. And since Yorke is in that half, that's honestly good enough for a pretty excellent album. Not quite Radiohead tier, maybe better than some of their weaker releases. Radiohead 2!
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Florence + The Machine - Dance Fever She's back, baybee! This one was pretty close to cracking the top 10, I think this is Florence's strongest release since HBHBHB, and wayyyyy better than High as Hope. This is definitely her Bovid album, creating a much more intimate atmosphere than some of her previous, more grand releases, and I think the introspection really suits her. Getting to see a lot of these songs live also helped, what a fucking great concert. Cassandra, Free, and My Love are the best, but honestly there are very few misses.
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Hikaru Utada - Bad Mode 
They're back, baybee! This is definitely their Bovid album, creating a much more intimate atmosphere than some of their previous, more grand releases, and I think the introspection really suits them. It's funny that I get to just copy and paste that, because strangely it fits both of these albums very well. I think this is easily Hikki's best in years, I really love some of the longer ballads that have extended instrumental sections. Somewhere Near Marseilles clocks in at kino length aka 11:54, legendary stuff.
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Big Thief - Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe in You
The bit doesn't fit for this one unfortunately it's a band. This is easily the most hot and cold release on this list, this fucker is 80 minutes, and I think some of the weaker cuts could have been left off the table for a tighter album experience. Adrienne Lenker continues to prove herself one of the best songwriters alive right now though, and while this is not nearly as tight as her solo project from 2020, some of that brilliance shines through in a few tracks. Time Escaping, Little Things, and Simulation Swarm are some of the best songs of the entire year, seriously, go check them out. Folk's in a good place with them at the top, tbh. TOP 10 ALBUMS OF 2022: 
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10. Hatchie - Giving the World Away
This album feels deeply nostalgic for a certain sound and era of pop, somewhere in the 90s, and I can feel that despite having not really listened to much music in that era. What really elevates this album is the production and mixing, which is just fucking phenomenal. Jangly reverbed guitars, synths, and Hatchie's great vocals create this layered, harmonic, blissful pop that I cannot get enough of. This is one of those albums you just throw on and vibe to hard the whole time, zero skips, all gas. I'm very excited to see what she'll make in the future, she's clearly extremely talented. Track highlights: Lights On, This Enchanted, Quicksand, The Key, Til We Run Out of Air. Common Australia W
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9. Naked Flames - Miracle in Transit
I get in the mood for house music sometimes, especially for late night gaming sessions, or when I'm working on some kind of creative project. House provides something that I can throw on and not pay attention to the nuances of the track, but let them sort of wash over me and impress the themes and ideas over time. This album was literally so good I kept stopping what I was doing to jam out to the beats, this goes fucking ridiculous. It's like the soundtrack to some indie game that was never released from the early 2000s, games like Sonic are a clear inspiration. If you're into electronic music game soundtracks, you absolutely have to give this album a spin, I'm looking at both of you Juan and Claire. Probably my biggest single recommend for both of you. If you want a test, throw on Pan Matsuri or Visiting Corners. I'm literally skimming through the songs right now and popping off at how good the grooves and beats are on this thing, it's so textured and layered and delightful.
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8. Alvvays - Blue Rev 
So, I think I listened to their extremely popular sophmore album Antisocialites a few years ago because I have it rated on RYM, but I never saved any of the songs, I think I liked it okay but it didn't leave much of an impression. So, suffice it to say I was surprised when this new one blew me the fuck away. This is superb indie pop. A great mix of noise, with some shoegaze thrown in there too, wonderful guitar playing, and top notch songwriting. I think one complaint would be that the songs tend to blend together in my mind, there's a similar sound throughout the album, but that sound is a good sound so that doesn't end up being a problem for me. Even despite that, there are a few melodies that really sink into my brain and get lodged there, like Many Mirrors, and Tile by Tile. Belinda Says is an incredible piece of songwriting, too. I think I was a little hotter on this after the first listen than I have been since revisiting it, which is why it's lower on the overall list, still, don't miss it if you like this kind of stuff.
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7. The Beths - Expert in a Dying Field
 What's that? Oh, it's the sound of the Beths cementing themselves as one of my favorite bands of all time with another stellar album. Crazy, they just keep doing it, huh! This band has a real talent for a style of quirky, witty, deadpan lyrics that trend melancholic in a way that somehow hits me directly in the feelings every time. This is likely due to their knack for writing music that elevates the lyrics emotionally in a way that I really don't experience with many other acts. Power pop at it's finest, I adore Elizabeth Stoke's voice and could listen to it forever, but the rest of the band backing vocals lead to some amazing harmonies too. Using a pretty simple rock band structure, they like to lean into different styles like punk, ballads, and just good old fashioned rock'n'roll too. I hope they keep this up, and I'm very excited to see them in concert in March. (this is still probably my least favorite album of the three so far, but it's close, they're all amazing) extremely common new zealand W
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6. Kessoku Band - Self Titled
Do not let your eyes deceive you, this is not an anime soundtrack, this is a proper J-rock album from Bocchi and the band. I just want to point out that Tricot did release an album this year, which was good, but did not make my list. This made my list. If this was a real band releasing their debut J-rock album I would be praising them as one of the best new groups coming out of Japan, and I promise I mean that genuinely and not just because I gave Bocchi the anime a 10. It's admittedly difficult to separate my enjoyment of these songs from their appearances in the anime, but I maintain that without context I would like this music just as much, it's very my shit. This is genuinely amazing songwriting, a full album's worth of catchy bangers, zero skips, and listen to Bocchi fucking shred dude!! that's MY guitarhero. I also absolutely have to shout out the track カラカラ, which was written by Ikkyu, the lead guitarist and singer of Tricot. This song is literally just a Tricot song performed by Kessoku Band, and is probably my favorite unofficial Tricot song of the year, beating out all the real ones they released. anyway, season 2 when? Especially if it means I get more of this.
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5. Vylet Pony - Can Opener's Notebook: Fish Whisperer
It is time to post cringe! I have ascended past cringe, this is so good that I no longer am capable of feeling cringe! Praise be! Seriously though, I mostly included Vylet's last album Cutiemarks and the Things That Bind Us at the 10th spot on my list last year as a meme, Little Simz probably deserved it for her album. Not to disparage Cutiemarks, I think it's amazing, I still listen to it all the time, but all of this is to say that, clearly, I don't need to dedicate a meme slot to a horse album this year. This thing deserves its spot here, 1000%. Fish Whisperer is a narrative concept album that tells a story about a marine biologist horse that leaves home to pursue her dream of becoming a musician, and juggling that dream with her work which she also loves. It's a surprisingly compelling narrative that flows well from song to song, you could probably miss it if you're not paying close attention, or if you don't read the blurb Vylet put on her bandcamp page, but I think it makes some of the songs hit harder. Even after such a short period of time, this album shows some serious improvement on Cutiemarks, with much better lyricism and songwriting, which was probably my biggest issue. Her production continues to be stellar, but evolves into something even greater, offering some of my favorite pieces of electronic music of all time. Vylet is stupidly talented, showcasing singing, guitar playing, rock and roll, and phenomenal EDM/indietronica skills too. It's fucked up how good this album is guys, I really cannot sing its praises enough. If you want a sample, listen to the three song run from The Yak Song to Typewriter, or maybe just Fish Whisperer. 2nd best horse album of all time.
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4. De todas las flores - Natalia Lafourcade
Okay, I have to do a disclaimer here, I have listened to this album all the way through 1 time. It came out pretty recently, and I saw a lot of buzz, so I finally got around to it a few weeks ago and was extremely impressed, but I don't have nearly a good enough handle on it to evaluate it as fairly against some of the other albums on here. Real Fantano heads in the chat probably know that this was his AOTY, and I really can't fault him for that choice even if there were  a few more I liked more. This album is a powerhouse, just phenomenal, jazzy singer songwriter latin music. Incredible instrumentation and production, I think this one has a lot of depth that I'll be unpacking for a while. Maybe I'll come back and rearrange the order as I listen to this one more, but this is where it slots in mostly out of sheer respect over familiarity.
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3. Black Midi - Hellfire 
Okay, as we get into the top 3 I want everyone to know that these three albums are close to interchangeable, it was very, very hard to rank them against each other. Especially spots number 3 and 1, which are frequently compared to and pitted against each other because they're both recent sensations in the underground rock scene in the UK, and have released albums around the same time twice now. I liked Cavalcade when it came out, I was really impressed with the crazy instrumentation and great singing, but wasn't quite blown away like everyone else was. Then we get Hellfire. Holy shit. This is fucking Prog baby, but it's twisted and evil and new and exciting, I have literally never heard anything like this album before in my life. The speed at which the playing can change on you at the turn of a hat is a little mind-boggling, and the bombastic playing is matched by Geordie Greep's one of a kind voice, which I think is the only style that could ever go with this kind of music. What unfolds is a descent into Hell, through narrative driven prog tracks covering all kinds of sin and debauchery, of war and death, soliders, love, lust, prostituation, racing, and one of the best closing tracks I've ever heard in my life. The theatrics are turned up to 12, it really does feel like I'm watching some kind of stage play while listening to this. Also, I cannot praise Greep's singing enough, his voice surprises you after all the raucous shouting to reveal he's got one like, a nearly operatic, angelic voice when he wants to bust it out. Some of the best parts of the album are when he does both on the same track, like in Sugar/Tzu. The vocal work on The Race Is About To Begin is probably the single most impressive performance this year, and maybe this decade so far. Writing this is making me think maybe this is my AOTY so I need to stop before it all gets mixed up. Logan listen to this or I will kill you in real life.
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2. Silvana Estrada - Marchita
Originally my number 1 spot, like, I literally wrote out the Ants From Up There blurb and then changed my mind, don't let any of that detract from this album. What an incredible piece of music, Silvana is has one of my favorite voices out there, the way she flawlessly delivers each lyric, shifting from pitch to pitch is mesmerizing. This is obviously right up my alley, singer songwriter folk is one of my favorite genres, if my Ichiko Aoba addiction didn't make that obvious. Even if I was predisposed to like this, I still fell in love with this album over the course of this year, revisiting these intimate songs that mostly consist of her singing and guitar playing, occasionally joined by other instruments, all of which is flawless. This album is also special to me, because it was one of the first pieces of music I really connected to Elli with. Our tastes don't always line up very well, but she got just as into her as I did this year, and sharing that with her for what felt like the first time was extremely cool. Not much more to say, this thing is just beautiful front to back.
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1. Black Country, New Road - Ants From Up There 
This was easily my most anticipated album of 2022. After their breakout debut last year, For The First Time which has ascended to favorite status very quickly, I was excited to see what new tom foolery this group would get up to. Unfortunately, just as the album released, we got news that the lead singer Isaac Wood would be leaving the band, cutting short what could have been an incredibly promising career. I'm not sure how much of that decision was looming on his mind as he and the band wrote this album, but somehow it feels like the swan song that it ended up being, a much more emotionally driven, bittersweet, loving, lonely thing than their first. The band's incredible instrumental talent is back on full display, outshining even my favorite performances on FTFT somehow, which is a gargantuan achievement. There are multiple points listening to this album where I tear up a little bit, it's just so heartwrenching. This group is so fucking talented, and they're bringing their best on every single track, especially Isaac, who's singing and vocals continue to floor me. This album is an artistic achievement, a modern classic, that, I think will be remembered long past this year, or even this decade. I'm still excited to see what the band does without Isaac in the future, as he's hardly the only member, but it'll be different. And that's okay, I think. What a way to go out. And that’s it, it was a very good year for music! Thanks for reading if you did, I had fun writing this! 
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24x7newsbengal · 2 years
XG main vocalist, JURIA, performs a track by popular Korean singer IU
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XG burst onto the scene with their 2nd single MASCARA topping the iTunes charts in 17 countries and regions, as well as making it into the Spotify Viral 50 chart in 21 regions. Hot on the heels of MASCARA, XG’s main vocalist CHISA released a vocal performance on YouTube, covering Tori Kelly’s hit single “Nobody Love”, earning high praise from fans across the globe. Today, XG’s JURIA, also a main vocalist of the group, released her own solo vocal performance - this time covering popular Korean artist IU’s hit “이름에게 (Dear Name)” using her uniquely silky, sentimental voice to unleash an emotional performance. JURIA wrote in detail why she chose IU’s “이름에게 (Dear Name)” for her vocal performance as well as her personal thoughts on the track: “Since this was the first time I’d be unveiling my solo vocal performance to everyone, I wanted to sing “이름에게 (Dear Name)” by IU, an artist I respect deeply. Sticking true to the lyrics, I thought about the people I want to be reunited with just by saying their names, and sang the song by imagining myself as the protagonist of this song. I hope that I was able to convey my love and gratitude to the XG members, my family, and all the ALPHAZ who always give XG and myself lots of love and support!” Fans around the globe are now buzzing with anticipation, speculating whether or not performances from the other members will be released in the following days and weeks. With many videos and performances coming up, it’s best to keep a close eye on XG. JURIA from XG - Vocal Performance (이름에게 Dear Name) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9F5giCQW6s   2nd Single MASCARA XG / MASCARA 2022.06.29 Wed “MASCARA” stands as an anthem for the next generation - emboldened with confidence and compassion. “MASCARA” evokes strength, unity, and the bonds of friendship. The bold defiance in the line “don’t mess with my mascara” captures the fresh and fearless spirit of XG. Nobody is going to make them cry. ▼Streaming / Download https://xg.lnk.to/MASCARA_DIGITAL ▼CD BOX SOLD OUT XG XG is a seven-member HipHop/R&B girls group consisting of JURIN, CHISA, HARVEY, HINATA, JURIA, MAYA and COCONA. On March 18 2022, they became the first artists to debut from XGALX, a global entertainment production company with a mission to produce artists with a defined world view, creating a culture of “bold” creativity. The group's name, "XG", stands for "Xtraordinary Girls". With their fresh, inventive music and performance, XG aims to empower young people from all over the world - from all walks of life. XGALX XGALX is a global entertainment production company with a mission to produce artists with a defined world view, creating a culture of “bold” creativity. Through the dynamic energy of their music and performance, XGALX will spread a message to young people all over the world: "Focus on your dreams and don’t stop until you make them a reality" CREATE BOLD CULTURE Through the work of the XGALX project we will empower young people all over the world, from all walks of life to: "Listen to your heart, focus on your dreams and have the strength to make them come true - without being limited by the opinions or judgements of others.” XG Official Website http://xgalx.com/xg/ XG Instagram: https://instagram.com/xgofficial XG YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC12HMtO5MYph9dCZZ7yygng XG TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@xg.official XG Weverse: https://weverseapp.page.link/p3i5 XG Twitter: https://twitter.com/XGOfficial_ XG Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/XGOfficial XGALX Official Website http://xgalx.com/ Read the full article
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