birdblackdesign · 6 years
KBDi Design Weekend
Recently we flew to the Gold coast for the annual KBDi Design Symposium & Awards Gala held at the stunning Sheraton Grand Mirage.
KBDi is the Kitchen & Bathroom Designers institute of Australia. We are members of this national organisation which provides networking opportunities for members, along with providing the general public whom are seeking designers with a database of specialist designers located all over Australia.
Day 1:
Day one began with a mouth-watering seafood buffet lunch at the Terraces Restaurant at the Sheraton Grand Mirage. Simply perfect after a heavily turbulent flight.
Meanwhile in Wollongong Sarah was attending the Illawarra women in Business awards in Wollongong. Bringing home two awards; Young Business Woman of the Year and Highly Commended in Best Small Business.
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The Grand Mirage
This was followed by two sessions.
Session 1: A Design Master class held by Lisa Chapman from Designer Training Australia. Her masterclass explored seeking inspiration in your everyday life. With a big focus on the organic beauty of nature, which we often take for granted in today’s society where we are exposed to a technology driven world where everything is at our fingertips.
For this workshop she instructed us to step back and appreciate nature. With this in mind we were to create a new Laminex design which can be used in kitchens and bathrooms as a feature. For this workshop we collaborated with peers, everyone having varied backgrounds in design, some with decades of industry experience under their belt and some fresh to the industry, like myself.
As a team we tackled the design brief through brainstorming, development and delivering the solution to the room of designers. With every team member bringing their input to the table. Our team was names ‘The butterfly effect’ with the design being composed of the zoomed in detail of butterfly wings. Our design was inspired by the intricate details and beauty of butterflies, the positive and negative space of barcodes and tranquillity.
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Session 2: A very inspiring keynote by highly successful entrepreneur Rowdy McLean called ‘Play a Bigger Game’. Rowdy shared his life story, both the good and the bad and how he bounces back in life to be better in the game.
He shared with is the principles to live by.
1.       You are amazing
2.       Anything is possible
3.       The world is an incredible place
The end of the keynote resulted in the audience feeling highly inspired and even second thinking their approach to life.
Rowdy Mclean has a book and podcast. I 100% recommend it, he is very captivating and inspiring.
To conclude the day we were treated to welcome drinks and canapes at the Glass Dining & Lounge bar, Marina Mirage waterfront. Time for more networking and wine. Here Sarah was welcomed and congratulated on her two awards, just in time for bubbles.
Day 2:
Session 3: Day 2 began with the session ‘Looking back’ this session was run by two designers who shared there work from 70’s retro up until now. They put a spotlight on recurring trends along with things we now cringe at.
Session 4:  ‘The next ten’ was delivered by Kim Chadwich who shared her forecast of design for the next ten years. This was very informative, also scary to some degree as we will be see an exponential change in technology.  We are in an age now where technology is interactive and integrated and sitting is the new smoking.
The Robotic Kitchen;
Ikea Concept Kitchen 2025;
Session 5: Australian International design tours presented the session ‘Trends from the tour’ where they presented highlights from their recent tour to the design shows Eurocucina and Salon del Mobile. This was a great insight into the up and coming trends. Three big influences were shape and texture, technology and hidden kitchens.
Our favourite trend was Eclipse by Antoniolupi. This bath boasts elegance and functional design. The sophisticated egg shape is made from carrara marble, ergonomically designed to protects the body. We love the built-in shelf.
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Session 6: We boarded coaches to our destination; Farmer Doors. Farmers doors is family run business who specialise in producing premium natural timber cabinetry. Here we had a guided tour of the impressive factory where we were in awe of the high quality of their products. This was followed by drinks and a delicious spread hosted by the Farmers Doors.
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To end the day we frocked up for a spectacular evening of bubbly, a delicious three course meal and awards. We had 3 projects nominated however unfortunately didn’t come home with a winner. But there is always next year!
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Sarah & Rachel from Birdblack Design along with Katie from Eat Bathe Live
As the symposium and awards drew to a close and we are back at home in Wollongong we are feeling very inspired and excited to continue to work passionately in an industry we love. And last of all we couldn’t do this without our fabulous clients, so thank you!
Written by Rachel Pace
Interior Designer
Birdblack Design
0 notes
birdblackdesign · 6 years
Top 5 Bathroom Tech
Technology is advancing rapidly in today’s society, it is even the case in bathroom technology, especially with the rise of smart homes.
We spend a huge amount of time in the bathroom doing basic tasks like brushing your teeth, showering, applying makeup, using the toilet, showering and of course the dreaded cleaning. Why not spend that time in style, comfort and convenience? Here are five new bathroom technologies to help you on your way.
1. Heated towel rails -by Hydrotherm
Hydrotherm, an Australian company specialises in energy efficient and stylish heated towel rails. They are manufactured with copper tubing which creates efficient thermal conductivity ensuring quick and even heat transfer to your towel. Just set the timer and they are set. Perfect for those cold winter nights.They have a great range of combinations and styles. With the vertical tube series, a standout. Perfect for contemporary and minimal bathrooms.  You can even get them powdercoated in a large range of colours to match your tapware and accessories. 
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2.  Hansgrohe Showers
On average we spend 8 minutes a day in the shower. The German engineered showers by Hansgrohe will leaving you wanting to stay in there for longer. The major draw card is their technology ‘Airpower’ which combines water and air to create soft, full water droplets, resulting in a wide and gentle output ensuring whole body coverage. They also feature different spray settings available within a click of a button including massage, rain air and intense rain.Their products are also Eco smart as they save water and energy without compromising the performance of the products. They have a large range of products available including rail showers and overheads in a range of sizes.
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Bathroom design | Birdblack Design
3. Smart Toilet Although smart toilets have been around since the 1980’s with Japan taking the lead with the washlet, Australia is now beginning to introduce them into the market. Toilets have come along way from being an eyesore in a bathroom to seamless organic designs with in wall cisterns and flush plates. The smart toilet is a step up from that. With many benefits including:
- Eliminating the dreaded toilet cleaning with an installed auto-cleaning retractable nozzle. A much more hygienic method.
- Heated seats
- Self-opening lids
- Integrated night lights
- Temperature and pressure adjustment options
- Intimate cleaning including washing and drying functions. Which is minimises paper waste.This is all controlled with a remote. 
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Roca smart toilet | Reece Bathrooms
4. LED Lighting
Perfect illumination is essential for bathrooms, especially at the vanity.  
LED lighting has proven immense energy efficiency in comparison to traditional lighting methods.
-       Omit less energy
-       Long lifespan
-       Resistant to shock
-       Ecofriendly, containing no toxic materials
-       100% recyclable
-       Variety of lighting tones
Custom lighting is perfect for the vanity area. It can be incorporated into your cabinetry and mirrors and set on sensor swipes so you never have to actually touch a switch.
To lessen the use of lights you can opt for natural lighting through full height windows or skylights. Not only saving electricity costs but also creating a more fresh, natural ambiance to the space.
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Custom mirror with integrated light and storage | b.e Architecture
5. Under Tile Heating
Want to add some extra comfort to your bathroom? Under tile heating is the best solution. The intricate system is made up of heating coils which heat up the tiles and as the heat rises your bathroom is left cosy and warm. This is all controlled by a thermostat which is set on a timer.The heating is quick and efficient providing comfort underfoot along with drying your wet floors, preventing the growth of mould eventuating in less cleaning. It is also price effective, costing on average 22.5 cents a day. A small cost to pay for adding extra luxe to a space. This technology is easy to install and suitable for both renovations and new builds. 
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Undertile heating / Carmen Heating Written by Rachel Pace- Birdblack Design
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birdblackdesign · 6 years
Eliesha Keenan Signing Out
So here I am, at a pivotal point in my career – to stay or not to stay. To spend more time working at a passion that excites me or to be more present in my toddlers’ life and watch him flourish and grow!
I am sure that there are quite a few mums out there that have come to this exact same and difficult choice, in which neither I feel is wrong or right.
Our generation has more pressure than ever to juggle both the working Mum and stay at home Mum and you know what it’s bloody hard! Hats off to you mummas out there that can have it all. I have had to do a lot of soul searching in my decision and have made the difficult choice to leave the Birdblack team (or at least for now). With another little bub due in September it is time to simplify and really enjoy these fleeting moments.
A short year ago I started my job at Birdblack. Sarah and I had bumped into each other via social media (she actually purchased a custom artwork from me) and the rest was history! I was thrilled to start my new job, however a tad scared as my little boy Caspian was 7 months old and we were going through a very difficult time with him. We had just discovered he had sleep apnea.
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Caspian wired up for his sleep study
He had to wear a CPAP machine with mask every time he slept. Now if you know of someone with sleep apnea or have seen this machine, you will understand our tricky situation. I was waking up every 15minutes to half an hour through the night, then learning a new job in the day. I worked with Birdblack two days a week whilst doing kitchen design with our family business another two days a week or more.
I remember I would go to work and cry when I got home, I was just so tired!
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Caspian (snork)and I with his CPAP mask
As challenging as it started out, things got easier and sleep improved and I can walk away with a wealth of knowledge of interior design that I didn’t have before.
I have learnt how to design other spaces in the home, apart from kitchens, laundry and joinery! Master bedrooms are so much fun!
I have strengthened my CAD skills drastically!!! Horayyyy ...this is a drafting program that a lot of interior designers and architects use. This was the hardest aspect of my new job as I hadn’t touched it since I had finished my studies (7 years ago).
I have also learnt a lot about bathroom design and the fixtures/accessories available on the market. Toilets that massage the bum ! I mean come on, we all need one of those! Latest technology in massaging shower heads, mixing water with air- thanks Hansgrohe!
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Hansgrohe “Raindance” shower head
I also learnt a lot about the Hamptons style (Sarah’s personal favourite) and was able to design a lot of kitchens, fireplaces and bedrooms to suit this style of home.
Sarah has also left me feeling inspired. She has such a passion and drive for interior design and it’s been infectious to say the least.
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when I first started with Birdblack Design at a KBDI event
Lastly, It has taught me to be present, wherever I am and that God doesn’t give you a passion and say - “here you go, now have kids and struggle” hahah
Everything has a time and place and I am so grateful for all that Birdblack has taught me. Birdblack has such a drive and future in the Illawarra and I feel so chuffed to have been a part of Sarah’s vision for her growing business.
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So for now, Ciao and God bless team Birdblack!
Eliesha Keenan
0 notes
birdblackdesign · 6 years
The High and Low of 24 hours
Working through disappointment as a designer
Facing a weekend of award events, I was confident that we’d be adding a few trophies to the Birdblack Design shelves. It’s been over a decade since I graduated from the University of Canberra with a Bachelor of Interior Design. Every day since, I have immersed myself in the world of design.
Looking back now, I grimace to think of how smug I may have been when first starting out. How great my designs and colour palettes were!! I now look back and acknowledge that like most beginners, I understood only the basics, and to be quite frank, I was pretty rubbish.
As the years have gone on, I’ve found my feet and my confidence. This comes from daily experience, as well as learning from plenty of mistakes.
As a designer, I am proud of my deep understanding of design, technical detailing and construction. What further sets me apart as a designer, is the ongoing impartation of wanting to know how everything works. I am forever asking questions of my trades because I really want to KNOW the ins and outs of everything about construction. It has to be more than a design on paper for me. This year marks the four-year anniversary since the launch of my Interior Design company Birdblack Design. In such a short amount of time we have achieved so much, more than the average small business. But this doesn’t surprise me…I’m confident in my own skills not only as a designer, but also as a director, employer, and researcher. I’ve also surrounded myself with a tribe of people who together, build the perfect interlocking network which has set Birdblack Design on its pinnacle. On Friday morning the awards began. I had two finalist placings at the annual Illawarra Women in Business Awards. Both for Young Business Woman of the Year and Best Small Business. Part of the entrant process is to compile a number of answers regarding your business. My answers were a long essay because we’ve done a lot and we’re doing a lot. This gave me a chance to put pen to paper and actually look at our achievements; from this I knew we were in with good shot. And sure enough;
WINNER- Young Business Woman of the Year (2nd year running)
HIGHLY COMMENDED- Best Small Business
(THE HIGH) I still get nervous before they announce the winner but as soon as I heard the sound of an ‘S’ being annunciated I was ecstatic to know it was Sarah Nolen, Birdblack Design! I head to the stage read out my pre-written speech and thank all of those involved in making Birdblack Design a success, because it certainly isn’t me on my own.
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Terry Widdicombe from IMB Bank (sponsors of the Young Business Woman Award) and I after receiving my award.
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A big congratulations to all of the other winners and finalists! And to the Illawarra Women in Business for providing this platform to applaud women doing great things.
Before the awards had finished we were out the door and on our way to the Gold Coast. The next evening was the annual Kitchen & Bathroom Design awards in which we had 3 finalist placings.
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South Sailor // Thirroul
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Toscani & Blow Bar // Wollongong
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Large Bathroom Renovation
As much as it’s an honour to be recognised locally this was the event that I was hanging out for and a trophy I was confident we’d be bringing home with us. In past years we have won and lost at these awards but, for this one, I had put a lot more pressure on myself. There was one project in particular that I wanted to see take out the award. This project was the single most challenging job I’ve been apart of in 11 years of designing. It stretched me to the point that a rubber band became see-through. I learnt so much during the process, but it was a hard process. I’ve never dedicated myself so much in the way of extra hours, blood, sweat and tears. The end result was amazing but my goodness it nearly took everything out of me. (THE LOW) This time before the winner was announced I think you would have been able to see the imprint of my heart beating out of my chest...
And just like that someone else’s name was called and I was left in my chair. The next few minutes are the most critical in defining a person’s character. You have two options and you have only a few split seconds to decide which route you take. In these few seconds everyone eyes are on you to see how you will react. And in that moment, I chose humility. Did that take away the shock, the disappointment or sadness? No, in that moment it made it feel even worse.
I am always striving to be at the top of my game and it takes a hell of a lot to rock my boat. But at that moment my boat was absolutely sunk. It may be one of those moments where I never get answers or feedback, but humility is still the road I chose to take.
This was the first time in my business life that I truly felt deep down disappointment. The disappointment that makes your chin quiver as you clap for someone else’s accolade, when you were so sure it was going to be yours. I still don’t know what the answer is to the question ‘Why?’. But if I’ve learned anything about this lesson in disappointment, it is that it passes.
Once I had calmed myself enough to think, I emailed all 3 clients to let them know unfortunately we missed out on the win. Every single one of them came back with the same response; that it didn’t even bother them because they all felt like winners!
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If my clients are over the moon and the job is complete; the space functions and looks beautiful; I can confidently say I have done my job well.
While scrolling through Instagram late that evening I came across this. A good reminder for us all. We all have choices in how we react, and my biggest reminder is that my worth does not come from man it comes from our Creator above.
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To those who took away winning placements, a big congratulation from Birdblack Design! Written by Sarah Nolen Birdblack Design
0 notes
birdblackdesign · 6 years
Small Spaces Make for Interesting Places
A touch of old world glamour
When it comes to working with small spaces I can tell you a thing or two after recently converting a garage into a space of warmth and character. Whilst working with small spaces can be restricting it can also be a rewarding challenge when done right. When you hear the word garage you think dark and dingy which is what I first saw when I set eyes on this space- dark and dingy BUT also a blank canvas.
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The first thing when working within a small space is to identify the use of the space, in this case it was to be a place to sleep, relax and reside in for the tenant with storage for clothes and the essentials of a master bedroom.
After identifying the use of the space and working out the layout we decided to erect a stud wall with entry way at the front of the garage to allow for storage whilst disguising the garage door allowing for conversion back to a functional garage for future tenants.  
A repurposed old French panelled glass door was also used as a divider to identify the different areas. By using a transparent element in the divider the spaces are able to be separated but allow for light to flow through also adding an element of interest and character.
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Choosing the right colour for your space is crucial, even more so in a small space. The darker the colour the moodier a room with feel. However, for this space white was the answer allowing the space to bounce light around. White is also a neutral colour, using a neutral colour in your space allows for any type of colour the be added or changed in the future. Elements of warmth can be added to the space, such as the flooring and colour in the furniture and accessories to avoid it looking stark and clinical. For this small space a parquetry lookalike floor covering was chosen in a medium brown adding a classic element of charm which was very much the client’s style.
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When working within a small space bringing the space together through style and colour is key. Having too many different styles going on in the one space can make it feel disjointed and offensive to the eye. For this space the client’s style is classic and eclectic. We brought uniformity and flow to the space through colours and tones from the same family. By doing this multiple textures and layers can be added bringing flow and cohesion to the space making it easy on the eye. Choosing key pieces within the space and positioning them in direct focus around the room and not in the middle maximised space. This allowed us to frame each space with complementing pieces as to identify the use of each area within the space.
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Storage and function can also be a challenge when working with a confined space. Think multifunctional pieces ie things that fold up and down and doors that slide instead of opening outwards. Also, where suitable use furniture pieces that can easily be moved around to make the space multi-purpose. You can also get a little creative like we did in this space to enhance the eclectic look, vintage suitcases were used on top of the wardrobes for style and storage.
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So if it’s a garage, granny flat or that pokey little back room don’t feel discouraged, get designing!
Written by Ryan Xuereb
Interior Decorator & Stylist at Birdblack Design
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birdblackdesign · 6 years
Your Kitchen has a what in it?!?
5 New technologies for your Kitchen space
Kitchen design is becoming a leading area of innovation within the home.
We are in this space every day, morning and night so it is no surprise that kitchens have become just as smart as our smart phones (well we are getting there aren’t we).
Here are 5 new advances in the world of kitchen design that I think you will be rather chuffed by! 1.       THE DOWN DRAFT It seems that with contemporary kitchens we live in a time of ‘concealing everything, concealed fridge, concealed dishwasher, concealed appliance station – let’s just hide the whole kitchen!?? So now that we all seem to be chasing the minimal aesthetic, our appliances are needing to match (the visible ones anyway). Distributers such as Bora have designed an integrated down draft (rangehood). This is perfect for the extrovert entertainers that love to cook and chat to their guests as you can have the cooktop in your island bench without the need of a huge suspended rangehood hanging above your head. It just pops up, or tilts to the direction of the cooktop when in use.
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Now for charging your Over Used Smart devices like your phone, Corian have introduced a wireless charging surface. The transmitter is discreetly hidden under the Corian stone benchtop and replaces the need for wires, cords and powerpoints. Just simply place your phone on top of the benchtop and it will charge away and stop when fully charged.
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Designers have come along way when it comes to personalising the kitchen to suit everyone’s needs. An amazing new electrical lift fitment (LINAK) by Hafele allows heights of things like benchtops to be customised with each person in the home. This is perfect for wheel chair access, bringing the bench height down to a safe and workable height. It is also being used to conceal appliances, mini bars and even Televisions into your benchtop when not in use.
4.       WATCH, NO HANDS!
Blum, the leading provider in hardware for kitchens, have a system called Servo Drive. This automates the opening and closing of kitchen doors and drawers with a simple nudge of the hip or touch of the hand. Perfect for the elderly who may struggle with arthritis down the track or simply for. Combine this Servo Drive feature with Blums HF Aventos fold up overhead doors and you are winning at life my friend! Say goodbye to doors opening in your face, the fold up out of the way, and for the shorties out there, they will stop where you leave them.
Lastly, Cicero by Gitani – WOW! This technology has the cooktop elements and controls integrated into the benchtop itself. You can’t get any more concealed than that. Available in 2, 3 or 4 hotplate versions with touch screen control, it has just been launched into the Australian market.
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Written by Eliesha Keenan
Interior Designer at Birdblack Design
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birdblackdesign · 6 years
We’re Going Green
We all have come across those admired interiors images on social media, styled with beautiful lush greenery and thought it would be great to implement it into our homes. However it is not all picture perfect. These beautiful aesthetically pleasing plants which showcase their natural form, colour and texture aren’t always a walk in the park to care for. When it comes to the declining health of plants there are two types of people…those that neglect their plants and those who over care. Including the overwatering of plants.
The aesthetics of plants is not their only beneficial factor. They also clean household air, balance the humidity and in turn help us breathe easier. Another major benefit is that we are drawn to being with nature as we are generally surrounded by a man-made technology driven world which often minimise our interaction with nature. Studies even show that the presence of plants boost productivity and concentration, especially in office or work spaces. Just simply because you are with nature.
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Credit: Light Corridor | Handelsmann + Knaw
Is IMPORTANT to do a little research into your plant selection including light requirements, temperature, watering and fertilising requirements. Ensure you have the perfect position for your plant.
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Credit: Ivy muse | Styling
Devils Ivy
·         Perfect for training up a pole, and styling shelves and side tables.
·         Lighting: Bright light.
·         Watering: Keep soil moist.
·         Fertiliser: Feed monthly.
Its distinct swiss cheese leaf form creates a focal point within a space. Perfect for shelves and as floor plants in living areas.
Lighting: Bright light.
Watering: Keep moist in warmer months and allow plant to dry out between watering in the cooler months.
Fertiliser: Feed monthly.    
Fiddle-leaf fig
Now we have all heard of this guy…he is more of a challenge in comparison to those above. 
Ideal as floor plants in living areas.
Lighting: Indirect light and small amounts of direct light.
Water: once topsoil has dried.
Fertiliser: Feed monthly.
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Credit: Barbican Apartment | Kate Monckton 
Rubber Plant
Large plants with rubbery glossy leaves ideal as floor plants in living areas or small plants on side tables or buffets.
Lighting: indirect light.
Watering: Keep moist in warmer months and allow plant to dry out between watering in the cooler months.
Fertiliser: Feed monthly.
can bounce back from short periods of neglect.
Boston fern
Able to withstand fluctuating temps and Moisture enabling it to be the perfect plant to style in the bathroom in a hanging basket.
Lighting: moderate to bright light. Rotate it during the week to ensure even exposure to light.
Water: Keep soil moist at all times.
Fertiliser: Fortnightly with diluted fertiliser at half strength.
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Credit: Styling | Pop and Scott
Along with finding the perfect plant comes sourcing the perfect pot to complement your interior. Patterned, ceramic, concrete, self-watering, the possibilities are endless.  
Or if you absolutely struggle or generally don’t have the time to tend your plants there is always the option of artificial plants. There is an endless amount on the market. Happy Gardening!
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Credit: The loft Amsterdam
Written by Rachel Pace
Interior Designer at Birdblack Design (and also budding florist)
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birdblackdesign · 6 years
The balance of keeping your home in style and raising busy children.
Ok, so a lot of you are thinking, baby is here, lock away your prized possessions, hold off on any new major purchases for the home and bunker down because this house is about to explode with mess. Well, it’s partly true. I am here to share with you some helpful advice on finding the perfect balance of raising busy children whilst maintaining a stylish abode.
I myself, am a proud working Mum of one. Caspian is 15 months and super active….we call him “Demolition baby”. He blows raspberries on our glass doors, rearranges furniture and rubs his food into the carpet while smiling up at me. So, does this mean I can’t have a stylish home? NO way! I do not accept! I just have to become a little bit craftier that’s all.
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Credit: Eliesha Keenan + Caspian Keenan  Cleaning up the toys! Firstly, I wish people had of told me that children’s toys only capture the attention of a toddler for a brief few seconds before they show an interest for, uh pretty much anything they shouldn’t be touching. It would have saved me a lot of money, trading the fisher price for the household items – oh well. Living rooms seem to be littered with toys. There are ways that you can keep the living room tidy by keeping an area just for the toys. If you have the space, building a custom storage unit would be the best solution. It could be a banquet window seat that opens for toy storage that you can also enjoy in your down time. However, there are some cute slouch paper storage containers that can still look funky and do the job.
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Credit: www.remodelista.com Is your artwork safe? Elevate all your low hanging or larger scale pieces so that mini Picasso can’t add his touch of crayon or texta. In fact, do yourself a solid and lock up those textas, they bring nothing but trouble, only bringing them out when you are supervising his creativity. You can also encourage them to draw on blackboards. 
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Credit: Kristen Duke Now this may not be all kids, but Caspian loves to push around chairs and even some bigger toys, compromising the flooring. Something you can do to protect your beautifully polished timber floors is by sticking some rubber stoppers on the bottoms of your chairs or other light weight pieces of furniture. It will also buffer the noise for you. Now I am sure all mums are onto it, but when it comes to baby proofing, purchase some baby gates as well as baby locks for your cupboards. You can also custom make these baby gates too. This will keep the little rascals out of accessing those random bits and pieces. I can’t tell you how many times I have asked Caspian, “where on earth did you find that?!!” Of course, you may have to say goodbye to a few of your loved pieces, but don’t forget you can also put some in storage. After all, it will just be for a period of time. I handed over my gorgeous timber veneer coffee table because it wasn’t “baby friendly” – but seriously what is baby friendly? Caspian’s head finds every surface it can with a bang!
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Credit: Rustic Luxe Boutique When it comes to your lounge, try purchasing a beautiful throw or two that you can use to protect it from grubby hands. This way you can put them in the wash when needed and mix things up style-wise when you get bored. 
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Credit: Adair’s Linen
Lastly, Remember, it is only a period of time to make these compromises so just hang in there… unless of course you are raising three boys….in that case, good luck 😉 Written by Eliesha Keenan
Interior Designer at Birdblack Design
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birdblackdesign · 7 years
Patterned interiors, what’s not to love.
Why not step out of your comfort zone and introduce some pattern into your interior. This can be either a muted or bold statement. There are endless possibilities from your flooring to soft furnishings.
Don’t be afraid to mix and match patterns and textures, just remember to stick to your colour scheme and style. It’s time to step out of the boring white on white trend. We have all seen it. Why not treat your space to a grand focal point which will impress your jaws dropped guests?
Natural patterns, tiles and wallpaper have the ability to transform a space through the infusion of pattern, colour and texture. Natural pattern There is an endless amount of natural pattern surrounding us. From the sea shells we find washed up on the beach to the tree growing in our background. As designers we draw great inspiration from these forms in our design work. We embrace the natural beauty of these forms along with the gorgeous imperfections which includes the knotting in timber and the veining in marble. Us humans have an inherent connection with natural materials which enables them to embrace us with a soothing and calming effect. This is vitally important in living spaces as a they should be a peaceful space where you unwind and spend time with loved ones. You can never go wrong with natural stone and timber. They both have a large, endless range of types and variations, which can make selecting a challenge with there being endless possibilities. That’s where Interior Designers come in. These materials can be incorporated into interiors no matter the style of the home, from an ultra-contemporary home to a traditional Hamptons home we have you covered. These aesthetics can be replicated into a man-made products, but the true beauty lies in its original, authentic form. 
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Credit: Hunters Hill House / Handelsmann + Knaw 
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Credit: Courtyard House/ FIGR 
There is an endless amount of tiles on the market including geometrics, metallics, textured, concrete look, stone and mosaics. The possibilities are again endless. A great way to introduce patterned tiles into an interior is to use them for feature walls, splashbacks or even the floor. The trick is to then choose subtle or contrasting finishes for the remainder of the space to ensure there is no large battle between the patterns.  
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Credit: Bowral Residence | Birdblack Design 
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Credit: Randwich Contemporary Bathroom |  Day Bukh Architects
Why not treat your interior with a gorgeous wallpaper, which adds colour, texture and mood to your space. This is perfect for bedrooms, living spaces and powder rooms which often need that extra statement piece which wall paint often can’t provide. There are many patterns on the market including geometric, brick, natural finishes, palms, floral and traditional patterns ranging from bold and extravagant to muted and subtle.
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Credit: South Sailor | Birdblack Design 
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Credit: Rachel Whiting pour le livre Style botanique de Selina Lake
Written by Rachel Pace
Interior Designer at Birdblack Design
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birdblackdesign · 7 years
8 Hot Tips on How to Select Art for Your Home
1. Know your artists. Do some research, ask around. It’s lovely to source local, but you may also have your eye on an international piece and that’s cool too!
Artists work very differently, with some coming out to your home to meet with you to go over the brief for a custom piece, with others selling already made. Look into their artist’s bio or read up on the meaning behind their artwork. You may find a connection through its meaning and fall in love with a piece that way.
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Credit: Eliesha Paiano Artist 2.  Don’t get too swept up in what’s on trend. Be true to your own taste. YOU have to love it. YOU have to walk past it every day, not the people of 2018 and the rest of the trendies. When it clocks over to 2019, guess what it will still be hanging on your wall. 
3. Know the location of where your art will hang. Have a clear picture of what you need size-wise and where it’s going, so when you shop or commission your artist you aren’t hypnotised into purchasing a container worth of art that typically doesn’t fit the right space. Organise people… organise! 
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Credit: Leah Bartholomew 4. Quality is everything. Don’t be afraid to ask your artist what mediums they use, if the canvas is braced in the corners to avoid warping etc AND PLEASE, avoid cheap prints! I am not saying not to purchase your favourite piece of art in print version, just make sure its printed onto artist quality paper or canvas. Don’t spend your pretty pennies on the cheap knock offs that are printed onto plastic canvases – Yeah? 
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Credit: Eliesha Paiano Artist
5. Have your hero pieces. You can’t have 10 pieces of art on your walls all competing for your attention. It will send you into a spin. Sit back and think carefully on where in your home you could really use the attention and then other areas where the artwork will be the supporting act to complement the joinery or furniture.
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Credit: Eliesha Paiano Artist 6. You don’t have to spend a bomb. The great thing about artwork is that you can snag a great price, you just have to be prepared to hunt for it. Keeping local will save you from shipping costs which is an added bonus. Don’t hesitate to give your artist a budget to work with if they do custom pieces. If you aren’t hitting their price range, they will be sure to let you know. Ultimately, you are paying for a handmade artisan gift, so be prepared to pay for the pieces you love, they should last you a lifetime of enjoyment. 
7. Please don’t be matchy, matchy! You can have a complimentary artwork without choosing the EXACT same colours from the vases on your coffee table. Lets have a bit more fun than that!  
8. Art comes in many shapes and forms. Yes that’s right folks, art doesn’t always have four sides. It might be a one of a kind hand carved piece of timber imported from Bali and mounted on a steel rod. It could be Macrame, hand-knotted to perfection, or an intricately painted feather….you get the point. Ultimately it should evoke emotions, curiosity and your attention. So get out there! Be confident and have some fun with it!
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Credit: The Design Files- Jai Vasicek
Written by Eliesha Paiano (Birdblack Design)
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birdblackdesign · 8 years
The Reality of a Bathroom Renovation- How long will it really take?
*This is a great piece that Terry from Seacliff Constructions and I wrote for The Interiors Addict- www.theinteriorsaddict.com
I, like anyone is a true fan of a great before & after makeover. And that’s exactly what reality TV has harnessed. The fact that you’re reading this article now ensures me that you’ve been accustomed to fast-tracked renovation shows that are showcased every evening for our viewing pleasure.
The reason why they show bathrooms completely stripped out and made afresh in only a few episodes is because there is no way on earth they’d maintain your attention if you were to sit through a real life renovation. For one it takes a considerable amount of time and two it would be boring. The real world of design and construction is a lot less drama filled, but hey that’s the power of reality TV, who are they going to fight with next??
Keep in mind too that they also have a huge work force on TV shows to speed up the process, double the carpenters, plumbers and electricians. This economically would not work in a typical domestic setting due to substantial additional costs.
In my 11 years’ experience working as an Interior Designer I’ve designed and project managed countless bathrooms. Some small and some bigger and more complex than the average sized apartment unit. It’s fair to say the process is very similar whether you’re completing a simple facelift or recreating the Taj Mahal. All of the same trades are going to enter the bathroom area and essentially complete the same tasks.
In my first appointment with clients I always give a clear indication of how long a project is due to take. And when I say ‘your bathroom from start to finish will take approximately 6 weeks’ I get a look of utter shock. If you’re a designer or builder I know you’ll be nodding your head in agreement. Reality TV has completely thrown out any realistic expectations for how long renovations take.
The aim of this article is to break it down for you so that you can be fully prepared and understand exactly what it takes to get yourself a new bathroom.
I’ve team up with Terence Otter from Seacliff Constructions who has just completed a stunning bathroom for me. We’ve both been doing this a long time so we like to think we know what we’re on about.
In a residential setting there are generally two types of builders. The first type will work on one job at a time. Once that job is complete they move on to their next project. This allows their tradespeople to be working on your bathroom full time which means overall the project timeline will be shorter.
The second type of builder (which I find to be more common) will work on a number of projects at a time. They schedule their work so that their tradespeople are constantly working but going from one job to another throughout the week. In this instance there may be a day or two where you don’t have anyone working on site. For any domestic builder they are more often than not smaller working teams, this enables a shorter reign for the builder to be able to move and shuffle their tradespeople about.
Below Terence and I have worked out the basic schedule of trades for a typical bathroom renovation. At the bottom we’ve estimated the total weeks it would take dependant on which type of builder you engage.
The Before Shot:
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TYPE 1 / One project at a time.
TYPE 2/ Multiple projects at a time.
The first thing a builder is going to look at is the existing space and what materials it is built from. This will give an indication of the timing for the demolition stage. Timber studs and sheeted walls are much quicker to work with than solid brick walls.
During the demolition stage the installation of structural beams to support change of walls or new windows will also take place.
TYPE 1 BUILDER: 2-3 days
TYPE 2 BUILDER-: 4-5 days
If asbestos is found it will need to be professionally removed, allow an additional 1-2 days work
Once we have the bare structure we then can get plumbers and electricians involved. They will begin their rough in of the plumbing points in the walls and floor and the wiring for the electrical work.
TYPE 1 BUILDER: 1-2 days
TYPE 2 BUILDER: 3-4 days
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Depending on the tiles you’ve selected, larger sizes will need straighter walls then smaller ones.
Wall needs to be straightened and strengthened. At this time the installation of new windows, doors and wall niches will take place.
A cement slab (known as a tiling bed) will be installed, and must be completely dry before the waterproofing stage.
TYPE 1 BUILDER: 1-2 days
TYPE 2 BUILDER: 2-3 days
Now we’re ready to sheet the walls and ceilings.
TYPE 2 BUILDER: 1-2 days
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Once the sheets are installed the waterproofer comes in and waterproofs the room as required. This ensure a tight water seal for years to come and no leaking showers! Waterproofing takes at least 24 hours to completely dry, this can be at least a 2 day process for 2 - 3 coats.
TYPE 1 BUILDER: 2-3 days
TYPE 2 BUILDER: 3-4 days
6.    TILING
The tiler spends the morning setting out the tiles. This is an important part, ensuring that the tiles are cut where they need to be (fall to the shower grate etc) and balance throughout the room. Note, I generally tile floor to ceiling for the walls. Once the tiling is complete the shower screen can be measured ready for manufacture.
TYPE 1 BUILDER: 5 days
TYPE 2 BUILDER: 7 days
Now that the tiles are in place on the floor and walls it’s time for them to be grouted and siliconed at the critical joints.
TYPE 1 BUILDER: 1-2 days
TYPE 2 BUILDER: 3 days
If you have new doors or windows the timber architraves will now be installed. Once they are in place the painter arrives to paint them along with the door and ceiling.
TYPE 2 BUILDER: 1-2 days
The items that require plumbing have already been roughed in, so now it’s time to install them and connect them all up. These items include the toilet, bath, basin, tapware and finishing the drainage underfloor.
TYPE 2 BUILDER: 1-2 days
As with the plumbing the electrical items have already been roughened in. The electrician is now back to install the light fittings, switches, fans, and heated towel ladder.
TYPE 2 BUILDER: 1-2 days
We’re now well and truly on the home stretch. The accessories like the toilet paper holder, hand towel rail, robe hooks etc can be put in place.
The shower screen and mirror are also installed on this day.
Once everything is in place your bathroom is now ready for a final clean. Once it’s looking sparkly it’s ready for use.
TYPE 2 BUILDER: 1-2 days
The After Shot:
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birdblackdesign · 8 years
A Week in the Life of an Interior Designer...busy bees
We've been in a whirlwind of design over the past few weeks. It's definitely our busiest time of year with people deciding now is the time to get their designs done to enable a brand new home ready for the summertime. Current job status for Birdblack Design: Full Home Design III Kitchen Design IIII Bathroom Design I Bridal Boutique I Furniture Selection IIII We're working on some really BIG full home design projects at the moment. I'm talking 3 storeys, minimum 5 bedrooms & 5 bathrooms in each. It's the detail that keeps us working hard. Making sure we've ticked all of the boxes for functionality, aesthetics and meeting the client brief. Georgia completed a number of 3D renderings of a kitchen we designed. They look amazing and really give you a good idea of how the spaces interact with one another. More images can be found in the Kitchen Gallery on our website.
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Apart from the design work, Birdblack Design has been getting quite a bit of media coverage which is fantastic. I took a day trip up to Sydney and spent a few hours under the lights of a filming studio. I'm working on a collaboration with IMB Bank, I'll let you know once it's ready for airing. Home Beautiful magazine gave us a 3 page spread in their current issue. You can read all about our Bowral bathroom renovation we recently completed.
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And this week we've been named Finalist in the Local Business Awards in the New Business category, another one I'll have to keep you posted on.
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Tomorrow Dave and I are off for a 10 day mini holiday. We're heading up North to Cape Tribulation for some deep sea fishing and camping. Followed by catching up with family in Brisbane. Cannot wait to explore more of this great country.
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birdblackdesign · 8 years
A Week in the Life of an Interior Designer...Birthday time!
This week we celebrate Birdblack Design's 2nd birthday! It's been a whirlwind since day one. I've personally learnt so much about running my own business and have really taken on board every bit of advice I could get. Birdblack Design has strong solid bones with a foundation that will see us here for years to come.I'm really looking forward in anticipation for what the future holds, plenty more designs to come that's for sure. Celebrations however will be put on hold as we've just entered our busiest time of the year. Each day we've been signing up new clients; 1x full home design and 4x kitchen designs in the past week. We'll need to pull some big hours over the next month and for someone who loves to be busy, I'm cheering.
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At the beginning of the week I met with our clients who are building a new 3 storey home in Figtree. This was my first briefing meeting with them. I spent 3 hours discussing each room in the home. We talked about their likes and dislikes and went into specific detail for the spaces. The details include asking questions like; do you want wine bottles on display, if so do they need to lay horizontally or be upright? The more specific questions we ask at this stage of the process ensures that every item in their home is accounted for and will have a place designed solely for that item.
I, at last completed my Housing Industry of Australia award submissions (HIA). It's a lengthy and costly expedition to do so. Here's to putting our faith into our designs and into our builders how have done an amazing job. We've entered our Balgownie full home renovation and also our Bowral bathroom renovation. I'll let you know when we make finalist. (Balgownie shown below)
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Mid-week Georgia and I took a drive down to Kiama to meet with a new client. They will be undergoing an extensive home renovation. The top storey will see a new kitchen, laundry and main bathroom. And the bottom storey is being converted into airbnb accommodation which will include 3 bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, laundry, storage and living spaces. (Photo of the old kitchen downstairs)
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The weekend was quickly upon us and so we made the trip down to Canberra. Dave's Grandparents are moving home next weekend so we helped pack up some items. I was on social media duty, putting some pretty cool retro items up for sale on gumtree. I'm proud to say I was able to sell 3 suitcases, a pushbike and an exercise bike. And I currently have one person very interested in the Singer knitting machine. Hopefully I'll get a 6/6 strike rate!
(Dave and his Grandad Laurie looking over old photos)
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Until next week, enjoy the clouds parting and the ground drying up. Sarah
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birdblackdesign · 8 years
A Week in the Life of an Interior Designer...the brain full kind of week
By the end of last week I was completely and utterly exhausted! My brain was full and it was all worth it. The beginning of the week saw me back-to-back meeting with our clients. We completed our Mt Kembla job with the selection of bedspreads, curtains and upholstery for 6 bedrooms and adjoining living spaces.We picked up a full home design for a family who are at earthworks stage of building in Figtree. This home will be traditional in style with warm tones and textures throughout. I'll be keeping you up to date on the process. On Thursday and Friday I attended a small business bootcamp run by Breakhrough4Business. This is where my brain got full, but in a good way. We listened to four key speakers including Wollongong's own Lisa Burling from LBPR. They each were able to offer their expertise in the field of sales & marketing. There is a lot that I've already put into place when it comes to the brand and marketing of Birdblack Design but I was able to pick up a few new tips to try out.Laurence Tham was particularly engaging and it's always inspiring to see other young people hitting their goals.
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On Friday morning I attended the Wollongong Prayer Breakfast which was great. The NSW Governor David Hurley was the guest speaker. He spoke about his past career in the army as he was in top leadership but was always directed and protected by God. I love being involved in a community who thinks further past themselves and rather with the attitude of what can I do to serve?
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The weekend was exactly what I needed. Date night with Dave included trying out our new local meat raffles down at Towradgi Bowling Club....we didn't win anything :( The Wollongong Lions once again defeated their Figtree opponents on brisk Saturday afternoon. On Saturday night we went to the Menangle Trots as part of our footy club function. The buffet was pretty delicious and I was grateful for indoor heating within our marquee. On Sunday at Church (Gateway City Church in the Regent Theatre) we had our 'LOVE WOLLONGONG' service. Our Church raises money and then gives it away to people in need within our wider community. 
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On Sunday we were able to donate $5000 to a beautiful family with a 4 year son who had suffered a stroke. This money will be able to buy him a new mobility scooter so we can play with his friends at school- so cool!And then we were able to give $10,000 towards the William Campbell Foundation. This one really hit my core! They are a foster caring organisation looking after the most vulnerable children in the Illawarra.
They not only saw a need for the 104 children in their care but they noticed that kids with past abuse or neglect issues often find it hard to assimilate into normal schools. They are often labelled as the naughty kids because they find it hard to concentrate and sit still. So seeing this need the William Campbell Foundation has decided to build their own school in Nowra on their farm property. This will enable specific care and education at the same time for these kids. 
http://wcfoundation.org.au/ I've been completely inspired this past week. More dreams whirl about me and no doubt because of the encouragement of hearing others stories that it will help me put steps into place to see these dreams evolve into reality. I nearly forgot to mention that our Dapto Leagues Club bathroom renovation is now up on the website. Check out the before and after shots here; http://www.birdblackdesign.com.au/#!dapto-leagues-club-1/gtj19
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birdblackdesign · 8 years
A Week in the Life of an Interior Designer- with a Melbourne focus
On Tuesday Georgia and I set off to Sydney for the day. Along with us came Eliesha Keenan from Paiano Custom Kitchens who was the recipient of our ticket giveaway. We were all booked in to Interiors Addict's Biggest Morning Tea. Raising $2000 on the day for the Cancer Council. Jen from Interiors Addict put on a fantastic morning for all of us design lovers. The event was held at BoConcept and the guest speakers were Jen Bishop, Darren Palmer, Greg Natale and Steve Cordony. Now, if you keep up to date with the design world you'll know this is a rather big deal. Jen interviewed the guys and asked them questions about how they go to where they are now. I was overly inspired hearing where they started and I could relate to them all. When I got back to the office I put those new ideas into action and made a few calls and sent off emails with some ideas I've got bubbling away.
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We completed our Interior Finishes package for our client in Figtree. We sent to her a number of stunning silk rug options for her lounge room. All of which are hand knotted in Nepal. I'm looking forward to finding out which colour weave she's selected.
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On Thursday evening Dave and I with some friends set off to one of our favourite cities; Melbourne. We travel down a few times each year to catch up with friends and try out new restaurants and bars. I have a number of suppliers down this way so we always pay a visit to see how production is going. I've had on my to-do-list for the past year to check out The Kettle Black located at 50 Albert Rd South Melbourne. My brother-in-law Scott has been raving about this cafe. Not only is the Architecture and Interior Design completed to perfection but the food matches the quality. This building is a perfect example of juxtaposition in Architecture. The heritage facade of the original building stands surrounding by a scale like modern facade. This marriage of old and new is so opposite but it works terrifically in creating a stand-out building facade. 
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Now it wouldn't be a Melbourne trip without a spot of shopping or seeing our AFL team the Geelong Cats in action. Unfortunately they went down to Collingwood but nevertheless we enjoyed watching two live games at the MCG. And a pit stop at the Rose Street Markets where I picked up a cute set of resin earrings.We also stopped by the Shine of Remembrance and caught the monthly remembrance service which was very touching. 
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If you're into street art and from Wollongong then this piece would have caught your eye as it did for us. Sofles is the talented artist who has been apart of the Wonderwalls festival here in the gong. It's great to see that artwork found at home is also found in the busiest parts of Melbourne.
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On our way out at the newly refurbished domestic terminal I took a few snaps of the modular seating. This one in particular caught my attention as I have a similar concept brewing away for a new restaurant that we're designing in the heart of Wollongong.
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It was definitely a week full to the brim with inspiration. Now to get back into work and design THREE full homes for our clients here in the Illawarra.
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birdblackdesign · 8 years
A Week in the Life of an Interior Designer...fabric selections + camping
Welcome to a new week following Birdblack Design. Our Stanwell Park client has signed up for a full home design. Exciting and busy times ahead for this new property overlooking the ocean. We'll be meeting with them next week to begin our briefing process. Our client who is opening up a psychology office in Wollongong loved the schemes we presented to her. She had a credit account with Domayne so the majority of the items will come from there. What do you think?
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I've been busy putting together submissions for more design awards. Really tossing up between which are worth it from a marketing perspective. I get the feeling that a lot of them are a money grabbing machine so I'm trying to be street smart and select the ones I think will showcase Birdblack Design the best. These will be announced at the end of the year so I'll keep you updated. Our second Youtube video has gone up. This video shows the before and after of a beautiful renovation we completed in Moss Vale. If you know the Southern Highlands area you'll know it for its country style and picturesque surrounds. We designed both the main bathroom and ensuite, both with elegant end results.
I paid a visit to No Chintz in Thirroul where Meg and I selected bedspreads for my client in Mt Kembla. Just look at these images of her gorgeous store. I died and went to fabric heaven here.
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At the end of the week we went and met with a new client in Figtree. We've been engaged to select the final styling touches for this home. When I was writing my design page in the Illawarra Mercury this client actually wrote in for my 'Ask the Expert Series' so it was great to see that the advice I'd given her has been implemented into her home. At this meeting we selected a new general paint colour for the home along with a carpet for the bedrooms. We will be sending her options for two custom rugs and an ottoman this week. 
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The weekend was an adventure for us. Dave and I met with our sister-in-law, three nieces and nephew for a camping trip. We stayed for two nights at the Glenworth Valley campsite. It also happens to be Australia's largest horse park so we were surrounded by hundreds of horses. If you're into camping I would highly recommend this site, it is set in a valley surrounded by lush green bush. The toilet and shower facilities are exemplary for a campsite. They also have activities like laser squirmish, abseiling, quad biking and of course horse riding. On a side note don't forget a sleeping bag (like we did) it gets VERY cold at night.
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Until next week :) 
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birdblackdesign · 8 years
A Week in the Life of an Interior Designer- Youtube channel + Happy clients.
In this past week we wrapped up a lot of our decorating jobs. Our client in Kiama was over the moon with the external colour scheme we designed for their home. They even left a lovely review on our facebook page. Which option do you prefer, the lighter or darker scheme?
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We then ventured back into Wollongong and made our way to Mt Kembla where we're working on a beautiful home which is of a traditional style. Luke our preferred upholsterer met me on site and we went through room by room with our home owners selecting bedspread fabrics and fabrics for key furniture pieces that are getting a facelift. During the week I met with a new client who is opening up a Psychologist office in the middle of Wollongong. She gets a lot of younger clientele so our brief for this space is to make it feel warm and cosy like a home but with some pops of colours. Georgia has put together two schemes which both look fantastic, I'll be presenting them to her later today. The most exciting news for me during this past week was the launch of the Birdblack Design Youtube channel! I'll be updating the channel with new walk-throughs of our projects along with some special footage of our overseas holidays. If you haven't looked at the first video, you can check it out here.
We celebrated Mother's Day the weekend before last when both Dave's and my parents were in town for the weekend. Here's a snap of us with my parents just after we finished a beautiful Indian lunch at Altitude 1148 at Bulli Tops. On a side note, I would love to get my hands on their interior and transform that space. What a gold mine location with a view like this.
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The coming two weeks are going to be massive for Birdblack Design. We've just signed up a full house design in Stanwell Park, an Interior Finishes package in Figtree and a brand new restaurant opening up in the heart of Wollongong- exciting times ahead! If you haven’t seen our competition we’re running then read on below. This is an awesome opportunity for any budding designer or anyone who loves design. You’ve got two weeks to enter so don’t miss out.
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