#their faces are so incredibly different 🤣😭
happypineappleart · 1 year
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belit0 · 1 year
Hello!!!☺️ What if the Uchihas Indra, Madara, Izuna, Itachi, Sasuke. (You don't have to do obito and shisui if you want cause I feel like I added a lot of Uchihas😭) Have a S/O that comes from a famous clan in the hidden leaf, in konoha, where woman from that clan dress in fancy kiminos and wear the traditional white face makeup, to cover their face, because in the clan, woman are not allowed to show any man their face expect men from their family, like their fathers, brothers, cousins, uncle's etc, but they're not even allowed to show their face to men from their clan. So what if their S/O took their makeup off in front of them, how would they react seeing their S/O face for the first time?
Yeah, I did not include Shisui and Obito, too many boys🤣💕🛐
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- In truth, he finds it essential to see her without makeup. Indra, as I always say, prioritizes beauty. He needs his person to be at the height of his looks to ensure his offspring will be as beautiful as he is. Terrified to see her washing her face, scared internally of what might be underneath, yet amazed at the result. His soul returns to his body when he understands (Y/N) is genuinely gorgeous, even more so than he is, and becomes quietly at ease with the thought of generating precious children.
- Bring it on. Madara, honestly, doesn't care. He fell in love with her because of her personality, the fierceness of her character, the sincerity of her actions, and the delicacy of her words, he doesn't care what lies beneath the makeup she wears. He respects the time he has to wait to see it, and if he never gets to appreciate her features in clean, he won't mind. The Uchiha is happy with the person he has next to him, and when he finally sees her, he can't help but kiss her whole face, filling her with love and thanking her for the privilege he was granted.
- SLAAAY, again. Izuna himself is versed in the visual arts, knows every secret of makeup and its techniques, and having (Y/N) follow those mandates provides him with the opportunity to learn about a different culture, and to meet another clan's beliefs. He wants to hear about the process, how she gets such impeccable results, and when she finally reveals her washed face in front of him, Izuna will cry with emotion, yes, CRY.
- Patience personified, Itachi doesn't even count on the possibility of ever seeing her without her trademark makeup. Something similar to Madara, this Uchiha prioritizes the beauty of her personality, the quality of her person, he doesn't care about her physique and has no objections about never seeing her with her face washed. He understands the culture of her clan, and would never demand for her to disrespect her own customs, which is why he is genuinely surprised on seeing her with nothing on her face. He hugs her tightly, and stares at her for a good few minutes before reacting.
- He's a little annoyed at not being able to see her with nothing on her face, and believes that if she chose him as her boyfriend, he would have to have special permissions in order to appreciate her as he wishes. He will question it a lot, and will be invited on countless occasions to withdraw if he can't wait for the right moment. Incredibly, Sasuke will pull patience from where he has none to wait, and upon finally seeing the revelation, he will smile self-sufficiently, as if he already knew what was underneath the makeup.
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matchadobo · 5 months
hi hi!! hope you're doing well 🫶🏻 i've been absolutely eating up all the fics you've released for the past few weeks, they're INCREDIBLE.
also i just wanted to share this random thought i have about kid where he would stay far FAR away from you when you're sick because he didn't want to get sick too and just let killer do all the work to take care of your sickness while he just stand on the doorway watching like🧍🏻 but then you wake up in the middle of the night and found him all snuggled up on your side because apparently he got too lonely the whole day and just decided to give up and climb on to the bed to sleep next to you 😫 UGH i love him sm
so sorry if this is super random i just couldn't get it out of my HEAD😭
haiii 🌱 thank you always for your support! it means the whole world to me that someone loves my works this much <3 your asks always make my day🥰
AWWWW that made me smile so much it's crazy 😫 imagine finding that hulking man awkwardly standing far by the door it's too adorable istg. restratining himself so much with that scowl in his face but all is inside him is how he feels bad for you and wished he could do something about that damn sickness. ughh i imagine him to be all quiet and alone the rest of the day bc kil's taking care of you and you're gone so who's he gonna be with, right? big ol' captain all alone started exploring the damn ship 🤣 he gon start talking to the rookies he ain't been talking to before. imagine their scared ass when kidd comes and asks them what they be doin, the fear i swear LMAO. so when night comes and he couldn't take it anymore, he'd just snuggle up gOD :3
but i imagined it differently, he'd be like that at the first but soon grumble at killer and say kil's doing it wrong and he'll show kil how it's done 🥺. in the first time he did that, you'd tell him to wear a mask, but he'll say "that fever ain't so great like i am, who the hell you think i am? i ain't getting infected, baby. now shut it and rest up, so you can get all better. 's all lonely without your cute ass buggin' me." 🫶 so you two end up getting sick. big man ain't so strong now huh JASDHAHA
and hey, don't worry about the randomness. i love itttt <3 let's be delulu together 🫣
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pleasetakethis · 9 months
New favorite ep of the season acquired the moment it opened. Some shippy rambling in the live blogging ahead.
If you know me at all, you know right off the bat that I AM UNHINGED ABOUT THIS EPISODE.
"What are new friends for?"
Wasp, too??? Yasss, all the ladies!!!!!!!!!!
Peggy and Nat already working so well together in combat and the level of trust that already exists between them, I just--slkdjflasdjfklajflajlfkjas
Them sassing Loki !!!!!!
Intro credits: Elizabeth Olsen???? Wanda's here, too????? Super spoiler alert: I waited so long for her to show up 🤣
Me and the Watcher feel the same about Captain Peggy Carter <3
The role reversal when Peggy picks up Nat in that slick ass car while Nat's running... guhhhhhh.
I am here for all versions of evil Steve, including brainwashed.
CA: TWS parallels got me in my feels, too. Peggy/Nat is THE SHIP for me, but there's something about Peggy/Steve that hits just right the same way as Tony/Pepper, Steve/Tony, and Steve/Bucky.
The framing of these shots got me--Peggy in the background pissed because she wasn't told about the rumors of the Hydra Stomper, while Nat (listening) definitely knew about Steve:
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Natasha quipping "Didn't see the point in breaking your heart twice," fucked me up, oh.
DILF old man Bucky <3 Bucky getting to grow old!!!! WIBBLES.
Guess it's gonna take both of the loves of Steve's Rogers life to get through to him? lmaooo
Peggy is the perfect mirror of Captain America Steve. In goodness, selflessness, AND their particular brand of self-righteous selfishness. I love both of them for it, but especially Peggy <3
Bucky standing up and saying Steve would be stupid enough to do the same for him. 😭 Bucky trying to get through to Steve. 😭
"What can I say, Peg? I'm a sucker for a good love story." Damn, that hurts for a million different reasons. oh, Nat. <3
UMMMM the way Nat sits back and says, "You know, I always wondered how you got all those G.I. boys to follow a woman into war? Question answered." !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BRAIN EMPTY! ONLY PEGGYNAT! And Nat couldn't be more obvious if she tried, but she does it so well and Peggy is distracted.
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Are you kidding me with the framing of this shot?
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I feel like it's foreshadowing but IT SCREAMS pining. A lot of pining:
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Barton introduced Peggy to dad rock <3 fuck yes
Widow bites interrupting the kiss, lol.
Peggy being a weak point for Nat, to the point Nat gets nabbed by widow bites, JFC.
Peggy will die for Steve, the same way Steve would have died for Bucky--ughhh I do not like but I understand.
"Mission accomplished." !!! Hot damn, that was slick, A++, AND Nat tells Peggy she doesn't want to fight about it. 😏
BAMF Melina. Love to hate her when she's on the wrong side, parent/child issues me in a weird way these days and this ep got under my skin.
But also: guhhhhhh these Widows.
"This isn't us! I am done fighting, Steve. [drops shield] I have been fighting for so long: to end the war, to forget what I lost. I'm… I'm tired." oh, Peggy.
oh, Steve.
oh, Nat.
This ep got me in the feels, all of them.
Peggy going back for Nat AND them running out together <3
Ugh, Nat and her transparent, "Okay. Let's hit the road." Just: THEM.
...and oops, Peggy's gone.
But then! OOOO, this Fury! AND FINALLY, WANDA!!!!!
Overall: similar in ep 4 in that it was close to the emotional impact of Stephen's ep in the first season but still missed the mark (and tbh the Tony ep hit harder, but more because of Tony's characterization--Peggy is fairly consistent, Tony is not, so getting him so right (for me) was incredible). I adore this ep, I love Peggy, I love Nat, I enjoy this universe, and I hope we visit their universe again (if not, there's always fanfic, my beloved).
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dragonmasterhiccup · 2 months
Her jaw dropped. He did not just say that. Sure, she was short, but not that short. Just because she had to tilt her head up to look him in the eyes didn’t mean anything. “I am not that short! And even if I was, at least I’m not a walking bag of bones! I mean, I’ll admit that I’m skinny n’ all, but whew, at least I don’t look like you!”
And here he was again, insulting her when he looked like that, it was borderline disrespectful. “It’s almost like you don’t want my help with this.” She was teasing of course, although if he kept this up, she may not be much longer.
She nodded. “Yep.” She grabbed a few of the decorations, secretly hoping that Olga would kick him; it would be perfect payback for his comments about her supposed ‘shortness’.
As she decorated Olga, she made sure to be as careful as possible. She also made sure to pay attention to detail, making sure Olga looked as good as possible.
She zoned out as she worked, a small smile making its way onto her face.
She was so incredibly grateful; never in her entire life did she think she would be doing something like this, just having fun and not having to worry about everything and anything. As much as she joked about it, Hiccup wasn’t a jerk or a bad person; he had been nothing but kind and understanding, and he opened her up to a plethora of new opportunities that she never would’ve experienced if it wasn’t for him.
(She’s 5’3 by the way 😭, she can tolerate the age jokes but she draws the line at height lol 😂 And OMG that was long 🤣, was not expecting that!)
Now it was his turn for his jaw to drop. He would sometimes poke fun at himself for the way he looked, but that was different. He knew he didn't have the look of a typical Viking. He realized he may have hit a nerve when he commented on her height. Hiccup debated for a moment, before settling on what to say.
"You might say that, but I've come to accept the way I am!" Mostly. "I'm just aerodynamic, is all! Listen, if I had the rough exterior of the common Viking, the world wouldn't be able to handle it, along with my penchant for inventions and battle tactics!" He wasn't being egotistical, he was very clearly joking. He could be threatening, to the right person, but that was all Toothless. Without Toothless, he truly was just a scrawny, talking fishbone who invented things.
He secured his grip on Olga, and the sheep glared at him. His own eyes widened in surprise. "You know, if sheep weren't herbivores, I'd seriously think Olga was planning to eat me..." Olga bleated menacingly at him.
He did his best to keep her still as Danny worked. Olga seemed to take a liking to Danny, but she kept staring daggers at Hiccup.
Toothless, watching these proceedings, growled a warning to the sheep, whose eyes widened in fear, and from then on, she stayed fairly still.
So still, that Hiccup was able to start petting her a little bit, thinking that Olga might like that a little better. He still had a firm hold on her, just in case.
"Almost done?"
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causethisismyblog · 2 years
Episode 2 random thoughts and comments...
Again, please comment, reblog, answer if you can or if you have something to add!
How did Sara get into horse riding of its such an expensive thing to do. I figure she helped out at the stables and with the instructor enough to ride a bit at hillerska, but what did she do before? Or did she not ride before hillerska?
The fact that Simon calls Ayub and Rosh so they can wish Sara a happy birthday is sweet but also sad. Before now she didn't have her own friends to celebrate with so I assume Simon had them join their celebrations in the past so she wouldn't feel alone.
It's almost kind of sweet that Vincent never thought to try to remove August from being prefect, because it was his passion.
I'm just going to believe that Felice forgot her math book on purpose so that she would have an excuse for Sarah to sit with her. She made sure Wille would have to sit with Simon.
I feel like the only people comparing Wille to Erik, aside from himself, is the royal court. Also its like they cannot separate Wille from the Crowned Prince, they don't understand that they are two different beings.
Madi is so freaking adorable in her panda face mask!
What made Sara think to go through Felice's phone? Was she thinking she could find out how Wille knew it was August who leaked the video? Was she just wondering if Wille and Felice weren't 'just friends' like they kept telling everyone? Was she jealous that her best friend wasn't spending as much time with her?
Also why don't these people lock their phones? Seems crazy...
What is Linda doing well Simon is emptying his backpack. Are they planning a family reunion? A vacation? I need to know.
Simon putting on Wille's sweater forgetting that he is trying to get over him. But its like getting a hug from him. 😭
Simon looks so incredibly uncomfortable sitting with Marcus at his place to watch a movie. Like yeah Marcus just shut down his advances and that is awkward but that cant be why he looks so uncomfortable. ( Just in writing this I figured it out. Simon is uncomfortable because Marcus just told him that he cares about him a lot and wants more from him than just sex. But Simon knows that he does not care for Marcus beyond being a rebound and something to distract him from his thought of Wille. That makes so much more sense.)
The fact that Sara is able to sneak in and out of forest ridge house without being noticed multiple times almost feels like "fake news". Like someone had to have seen a glimpse of her once. Where's the 'August on the table' moment for this? Why isn't his privacy invaded for this instance.
Sara just so willing to sell out Felice just so August knows she didn't betray him. I don't get it. She knows how horrible a person he can be, and yet keeps coming back to him.
Sara with the boss energy just like "yep, wanna have sex with you" bye.... And August being so fucking confused. Love this scene. 🤣
Felice is just so effortlessly badass at the shooting range.
I choose to believe the reason Wille hit the second clay pigeon so well is because he imagined Marcus' face on it.
Sara is wearing the same dress Madi gave her for the fancy friday dinner she went to in season 1. Doesn't she have other fancy wear? Or is that dress just special because it was what she wore to the first fancy dinner?
Simon didn't really fight much against Wille when he suggested cheating in the race to be on the rowing team. If it bothered him so much later on why didn't he push back a bit more then Wille suggested it?
Vincent and everyone else had to have known that Wille and Simon cheated. There's no way they would've finished like that after starting so far behind. I have a theory that Vincent knew they cheated and didn't care, because they made it, they knew they would've lost and wanted not to so they found a way to. Vincent did say he wanted those on the team to be the ones who wanted it the most, never said anything about skill or integrity.
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taegularities · 9 months
I’m writing this for Rid 10 minutes after reading CMI 11 omg how dare Rid to play with my feelings like this 😭 I have so many favourite moments in this chapter okay lets go —
1. JK calling her baby constantly “Baby, babe, my baby, angel” yes im so weak for this shit🤯
2. Girlfriend - Boyfriend 🥳🥳🥳 fucking finally!!!
3. So so so proud of my baby oc standing up to her mum!! Bring it on! Though i hope down the story that they’ll reconcile!! Just like what cmi jk said, i think deep down her parents do love her. Its not just enough or maybe shown in different ways. Even parents and children irl have different love languages. But I want this to happen for them. I know they are at peace but having both their families by their side as they go through their relationship will be so reassuring and special ❤️
4. Mama Jeon 🥹 I feel like oc will get the love and comfort she craves from a mother from JK’s mum 😭 i already love her character!! And when Jk called her “Mama” I FREAKIN SWOONED
5. My favourite part of all this madness was the pregnancy scare. JK looking for her all over and his panic state, crying and his line “I’m gonna kill someone if I don’t find her..” oh my heart broke because he just wants to know she’s okay and she’s safe. It is sad truly that his first thought was he fucked up, when he didn’t. If I were JK, I would think its oc who did something wrong but I’m not wired like cmi JK, i have evil thoughts and trust issues 😐🤣
6. When oc said “You’ll leave me, because you’ll be mad.” I just wanna hug her so bad :( the trauma of people leaving and her experience of jk leaving her the first time 😭😭😭 my heart broke for the both of them tbh :((
7. I understand oc’s fear. Things are just looking up in both their careers and they are only starting their relationship. Not saying a baby is unwanted and will jeopardise what they have atm, but the arrival of a little one will surely change some things. BUT I WANT A LITTLE ONE SOON! A mini oc to give jk a heart attack 😌😌
8. The way jk reassured her - how you wrote jk seeing her face and he just rushed to her and hugged her without knowing what the heck was going on. 😢
9. “You’re not gonna leave me, right?” Yes this line again 😭😭
11. “I love you.” “I love you, angel. Saying this isn’t enough, and I can’t word it anyhow else, but. I love you… I love you, fuck.” ENOUGH SAID. I said enough. 🥹🥹🥹🥹
We finally got the Gf-bf conversation and the I Love You!!! God knows how long I pestered Rid to finally give this to us!! Wohoo wohoo!! Week is complete!! Rid you’re the best ❤️ My favourite chapter yet. No kidding, my heart was beating so fast towards the end! Also the chapter beginning in smut?? Hello!! GIMME!!! 😋🙊
Rid i freaking love you. Mwah 💋
I said what I said, you’re not going anywhere! We’ll keep you here ❤️
the way i'd been looking for this ask bc it wouldn't show up and finally found it in my inbox on mobile 🤣 THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR INCREDIBLY KIND WORDS.
now that they're warming up to that relationship (and have finally made the status of it official 🥺), she'll be hearing so many petnames from him!!! the baby and angel ones will always give me heart palpitations, but also munchkin.. </3 and yes!! we are the proudest!! she's inspiring bc she had the courage to do what a lot of people can't. and i want to hug her for standing up for herself and trying to make herself happy. but reconciliation, you say? that'd be wonderful, of course 🥺
EEHEHEHE mama jeon is the sweetest and we will definitely see more of her (and him calling her that 🤭). the ending was my favourite as well! from the moment he started looking for her till the very last sentence.. i cried a lot writing it :') so i'm super happy you enjoyed that bit, too!! oc worrying all the time, i know 😭 she needs the tightest hug!!! but yeah, her worries were why she didn't want to go home, like she was so terrified he might leave or make her leave bc yeah, they're young and as you said... a child would change a lot. but at least now she knows he'll be by her side, no matter what <3
ENOUGH SAID INDEED 🗣️ i know a lot of people were waiting for this and i really hope i put it into words well. it was such an important one. so so thrilled you loved this chapter (and that it's even become your favourite? AHHHH!!), and i appreciate your feedback so much 😭 hope you enjoy the next one just as much. i love you, and.. yes ahhh do keep me here hehe 🥹🤍
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erin-bo-berin · 2 years
so I was the anon who requested Abbie running away to Hopper and Joyce’s, can I request a smut where Steve and Singlemom!reader where she’s pregnant and they are having seggs and Abbie hears her mom crying and saying “God I’m cumming” and Abbie gets sad and starts crying, Steve goes to check up on her and she says, “I don’t want mommy to die. Mommy kept saying she was going to see God” 😭😂 or something like that, idk I think it would be funny
THE WAY I JUST CACKLED OUT LOUD THATS SO HILARIOUS. I had to pause another smut I’m writing to write this blurb cause I’m ABSOLUTELY WHEEZING. Poor Steve 🤣
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Warning: This blurb contains smut if it’s not something you’re keen on
Steve’s favorite time of the day lately was when Abbie was in bed.
Okay, that’s a lie. He loved his daughter dearly and loved spending time with her. It was just that you and he had been having some incredibly sex lately, while you’d been pregnant with the second little one.
You weren’t big yet so exhaustion hadn’t kicked in. But Steve’s high sex drive sure had. The moment Abbie was in bed, you and he would practically fall into bed already naked, ready to get going.
Tonight was no different.
“Fuck, you’re so good. My baby’s so good,” Steve groaned, burying his face into the crook of your neck.
He was desperately trying to stay quiet, as were you. Your daughter was asleep just down the hall, but Steve was making it so incredibly hard for you to stay quiet as your moans increased. He was thrusting so hard and deep that your entire body was alight with fire.
Your moans were loud and you were practically sobbing from pleasure as he completely ruined you on his dick.
“Oh god, I’m coming,” you moaned, fingers digging deep into his back, back arching as your high hit you hard, Steve groaning and him following quickly behind you.
You are still in the haze of mid orgasm when you heard crying and banging at the door.
“Mommy! Mommy!” Abbie cried, little hands and fists banging hard against the door.
“Shit,” you pushed Steve away, him barely having time to finish himself as you scrambled to sit up and grab your robe, “Something’s wrong, she’s crying.”
He sat up as quick as you, covering his lower half with the sheets as you rushed to the door. When you opened it, you saw Abbie in the doorway, clutching her stuffed animal bunny, tears streaming down her face.
“Mommy!” she flung herself into your arms as you bent down to pick her up to soothe her.
“Baby, what’s wrong? Did you have a bad dream?”
You held her close as she whimpered, clinging to you.
“I don’t want mommy to die!” she cried.
“Honey, what are you talking about? Mommy’s okay. I’m okay, see?” you rubbed her back, trying to quieten her sobs.
“Sweetheart, mommy’s is okay,” Steve said, peering at her where she looked over at him from your shoulder, “You must’ve just had a bad dream.”
She sat back in your arms, shaking her head at Steve.
“No, I heard mommy crying and saying she going to see God!”
Your face froze in horror as you glanced at Steve, realizing the toddler had heard you two’s activities. You felt like throwing a pillow at him when he collapsed back against his pillow absolutely howling with laughter.
“What? Why daddy laughing?”
Poor Abbie looked bewildered.
“No reason. Come on, let’s get you back to bed, okay?”
You kissed her head, starting towards her room.
“So you’re not going to see God right now, right?”
All you could hear as you walked down the hall was Steve’s echoing laughter in answer.
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apiratecalledav · 2 years
As requested, my Stranger Things season 4 thoughts. Spoilers, obviously.
Overall, I think it’s pretty awesome and the strongest season since the first, but there’s some worrying things plus a bit that I’m really peeved about.
The Good:
I’m digging the longer episodes. I normally hate over an hour (Thank you, ADHD) but I’ve been desperate for content for so long, that it’s just been glorious. The finale is supposed to be over two hours, though. That might be a bit rough.  
I was worried they were going to try to redeem Brenner or retcon that he’s always been disgusting but I think I like the direction it’s going. I do hope they reveal how he survived though.
Every time El called Hopper “my dad” added a year to my life. Millie continues to knock it out of the park.
El, Jonathan, and Will being sibs. My heart is full. I hereby dub the Hopper/Byers clan as The Hyers family.  
Dr. Owens is back! I adore Paul Reiser. I like that he’s a dash more morally gray than most of our protagonists but is ultimately still very decent. The way he tracked down El was straight up epic.  
Argyle is funny as fuck but also a pure soul. I was a little apprehensive about “Jonathan becomes a stoner” but I think they’re pulling it off well. I definitely get why he’s stressed and depressed. Not being able to count on Hopper to step it up while Jonathan went off to school is not something I considered. Also, super different for Charlie acting wise and he’s nailing it.  
I adored Chrissy! I love that she wasn’t some bitchy Barbie but super sweet and just a little bit goofy. The poor angel never had a chance.  
Gah, those absolute badass agents trying to protect El and the Byer Boys. 😭   
Suzie’s family being complete Cheaper by the Dozen chaos was unexpected yet so fitting. Plus comedy gold. “I will repent later.”  
So happy to see Powell and Callahan again.
Steve’s face is still intact. Please keep it that way. That shit is so, so old and tired.  
Everyone screaming “DRIVE” in unison gets me every time. Probably fav running gag.   
The satanic panic stuff is good. I like that Jason has a sympathetic streak and believes his intentions are good. It makes him more interesting and makes it easier to get why others join him.
In general, I liked seeing that the jocks weren’t all just brainless meatheads and/or bullies. Bonus points for them always wearing their monogrammed jackets so I can remember their names! 🤣    
I’ve been waiting a long time for all the parents to get together and realize their kids have been lying their asses off for years. I always imagined Joyce being there and awkwardly trying to explain while not actually explaining. But Erica was a good alternative.
And oh, Erica. Still hilarious, to no one’s surprise. I just love that she’s not the typical “precocious girl” archetype. She likes math, politics/current events, instead of being a bookworm or a techie and confident and outspoken and not a wallflower.
Her shutting down Jason and threatening Lucas with whatever is under his bed slayed me. “The whole couch is on fire” is my new way of saying “that’s bullshit.” 
Joyce and Murray. I’m enjoying their dynamic and their adventure. A good, blend of mystery, suspense, action, and some charming zaniness. Murray as Yuri.  My sides.  
Yes, some of “Hopper the zek” stuff was a bit slow but they payoffs with his first escape and fighting the demogorgon were incredible. Not even getting into to his reunion with Joyce. Just. So. Precious and perfect.
Also, love Tom Wlaschiha since his Jaqen days. How many languages does that dude speak?? I’ll be so sad if he doesn’t get back to his little boy! They already got Alexei! They can’t have Dmitri, too!  
Eddie was kinda cringe at first in the cafeteria scene and seemed like the new Billy but dang, did that turn around. I loved him in the woods with Chrissy and he’s only gotten better. I’m so here for the way he’s just an unapologetic weirdo instead of The Cool Guy or the Bastard.  
Robin in Nancy’s clothes. I feel so seen. My sister would put me through that crap all the time when I was little.
Also thought it was nice that the hospital director admired Robin’s passion.
I’m liking Robin and Nancy being friends. It felt a lil forced at first but their field trip was everything I never knew I needed. Also, it’s nice we’re getting to see different characters interacting more.  
The new cast/cameos/homages are delightful. ‘Specially Freddie Krueger as Victor Creel. Loved the initial Hannibal Lector vibe of the scene.  
I am cautiously putting Mike and El here because they are long overdue to have some issues. But I hope things resolve between them because their relationship is a central part of the series to me.  
Max writing a goodbye note for Steve. I don’t know why but I think that’s so adorable. I guess ‘cause it means he does hang out with the kids (besides Dustin) when the world isn’t in danger and he’s absolutely the big bro she deserves.  
I straight up lost it when Dustin told Steve he was missing his collarbones but not his eyes. 🤣. 
Hopper’s cabin getting a cameo.  
I’ve started  watching a second time (tagging along for my parents first viewing) and the foreshadowing is damn good.  
It is so poignant that Will’s project was on Alan Turing.  A gem of an Easter egg, for sure.    
I thought we’d get a quick visit from Billy/Dacre and it was well done.  I’m glad it wasn’t a flashback because there wouldn’t have been a good way to do it, imo. A happy memory would feel like romanticized bullshit and we didn’t need any more unhappy ones.
I saw some people complaining that Max mourned him at all but he was her brother. And despite being a colossal asshole, he did choose to die as a human being instead of “living” as a monster. There’s nothing wrong or unrealistic about how Max feels right now.
 I cackled like a freaking loon when Lucas said, “when did Steve get so hairy?” Because I said the exact same thing the other day when rewatching season 3. For the first time, I noticed quite a bit of hair trying escape that Scoops Ahoy uniform and was a little shocked. 😂
On a more serious note, I always feel better seeing actors allowed to have body hair. Waxing is, like, borderline inhumane and since I’m not from the Capitol in The Hunger Games, people suffering for others’ entertainment makes me super uncomfortable.  
The symmetry/parallels or whatever with Hopper and Brenner with El. 
The Creel house. The first proper journey to the Upside Down (get them hazmat suits stat!) and their escape. Creepy, trippy, weird, and fascinating.    
Max. Lucas. Need I say more? Prolly not, but I’m gonna: I think they’ve been the MVPs so far this season. Their separate storylines have been amazing but together? My heart!!! They might be promoted to OTP. What I initially liked about these two is they were so normal and lighthearted compared to Mike/El and Jonathan/Nancy. But this storyline has been so incredibly, believably, gorgeously told with stellar performances by Sadie and Caleb. The end of Dear Billy in particular is so, so beautiful. I hoped Running Up that Hill would feature this season and to actually have it be a plot point… 🥹 I listened to my favorite cover by First Aid Kit this morning and had a good cry.   
I want to be pissed about how retcony the other numbers feel— Kali/Eight in season 2 definitely implied Brenner collected the kids from all over the world/they all had very different powers. But it’s done so well, I’m giving it a pass. I kinda dig that El is a middle child. Makes it feel different from “aha, the chosen one at last!” trope.  
Vecna is a refreshing change of pace. I actually wish he was the Mind Flayer’s boss/the ultimate big bad. I think having him once be human makes him scarier and eviler. But I dunno, maybe they ARE all one thing he created? They’re building up to Dustin being wrong about something, I think. Which brings me to—
Holy shit, One. I don’t think I need to say more. I connected certain dots separately but not all of them together, if you get what I mean. Loved it. Plus, Jamie Campbell Bower is always good value.
The Bad
I’m disappointed with El thinking she’s a monster again. I think the bullying resurfacing some repressed memories was pretty good but... the storyline feels… kinda late? Especially since it’s a season long arc. I’d have liked it better if they told her straight off she wasn’t the one behind the attack. It’d be more interesting to me if her journey was about her learning to see past her mistakes and discovering why she’s heroic.  
My boy Doc Owens not warning El that she was about to be reunited with assface.  Dude, come on. Wtf.  Redeemed himself some by chewing him out.
Will’s technically catching a break so far this season, which actually highlights how hellish his life has been. Obviously he wasn’t as close to Hopper as El was, but Hopper was also his (step)dad— Owens even acted like Hopper and Joyce were both Will’s parents in ST2– then he got dragged away from his home/friends; helplessly watched his sister suffer; his brother is becoming unrecognizable; he has a thing for his BFF, which is already complicated and painful enough without the fact that said BFF is also his sister’s boyfriend.😭 But hey, seven episodes in a row without a monster trying to eat him!  
I totally get Robin changing a tad this season from being more comfortable/less guarded because of Steve. But here and there she seemed jarringly different (like how she’s suddenly no longer capable of “playing it cool”) and a few of her comic relief lines fell flat (the compass, earthquakes, attic.).  It’s obvious she’s only here because we like her. Which brings me to…
I am starting to get nervous about how far things are starting to tilt towards fan service. Elements of it have been present since season two but alarm bells are ringing for me. I’d hate for this show to go the Glee route— pandering to (usually toxic) shippers, not wanting to change “the winning formula” which lets characters/situations get stale, etc.  Sigh. At least we’re close to the end.  
I don’t mind Jonathan and Nancy having problems, in fact, I’d probably find it ridiculous if they didn’t. But why THIS way? I loved in season 3 that they had real discussions, even about the ugly stuff. They hashed things out, opened up each other’s minds. I went from “yeah, they’re pretty cute” to “Hell, yeah, I ship it!”
It sucked to see that all go out the window. Obviously, they’re still kids, so I wasn’t expecting anything super mature. But both of them avoiding/ignoring their problems felt lazy.  At the very least, why couldn’t they have been taking a break? Which brings me to—
The Ugly  
Steve and Nance having romantic tension again. Barf. 
 I was somewhat prepared— that weirdly intimate scene in the trailer combined with the complete lack of a potential love interest for Steve among all the new characters. But still. Just… why.
I see some bearable avenues they can take with this but I don’t think it’s necessary and it makes Nancy look awful: Like a serial cheater or that she only wants what she doesn’t have and like still doesn’t grasp how shitty Jonathan’s situation is. She grew up so much, especially last season, and they’re just… pissing all over it??
It’s a little easier to swallow on Steve’s end but I felt like he also really regressed in the early episodes— still so desperate for female attention and just doing the dating equivalent of “throwing it all at the wall and see what sticks.” If they had to have him make heart eyes at Nancy again, then he should’ve still had girls treating him like a townie loser who peaked in high school.
I thought Dustin cheerleading R/S when he barely knew Robin was juvenile writing but at least Dustin was young. Robin practically encouraging Nancy to cheat? Ew. Eddie, who’s probably 20 as a third time senior, declaring what is “true love” between two perfect strangers?
Holy fuck, if it’s not intentionally paralleling Dustin being “ wrong” about Steve and Robin then it is so painfully amateurish that I do not have words. Only Murray can get a pass on that kinda thing because he’s been established as borderline clairvoyant from early on.
Also, a couple of the effects aren’t on par with most of them. One’s transformation and the demobat battle were silly looking. Normally I’m very forgiving of tv show budgets but with how great everything else looked, it was a bit jarring.
TL;DR most of it is awesome, with Max, Lucas, and Lumax being the best. But I fear  they’re relying too heavily on fan service and I’m scared it could be the show’s downfall. Also, my tolerance for bullshit love triangles was obliterated about a decade ago.
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kepnerandavery · 3 years
My favourite quotes from Romancing Mister Bridgerton..
1. “If sin could take a solid form, surely it would be a pastry.”
I relate to this statement on an emotional level. At the same time, a single cream puff is more captivating than half the men I’ve encountered in my life, so.. 😅
2. “But when Penelope was in the company of someone with whom she felt comfortable— and Colin realised that he was probably privileged to count himself among that number— she had a dry wit, a sly smile, and evidence of a very intelligent mind, indeed.”
So the dude’s not completely oblivious to how amazing she is. That’s a start, i guess. I mean, it’s not like he’s know her for twelve years or anything 😂
3. “He made her more confident, more daring. He made her more... herself. Or at least the herself she wished she could be.”
Colin making her more sure of herself without even trying to, is so precious. Also, the sudden rush of confidence is probably the only pro of unrequited love, if there ever was one 😂
4. “But he sensed that Penelope's feelings depended on his next words, and at some point in the last ten minutes, her feelings had become very important to him.”
I’m so sure that these two could’ve totally fallen in love way sooner, if they ever got the opportunity to have a real deep conversation 😢
5. “I've often thought it foolish that a man asks a woman's father for her hand before he asks her. The father doesn't have to live with him.”
Okay, Eloise Bridgerton is stan-worthy just for this statement alone 😂😂
6. “He didn't think she wanted to go, but he somehow knew that she would. She'd think it was the proper thing to do, and she'd probably also think it was what he wanted. Nothing, he was surprised to realise, could be further from the truth. And nothing could have scared him more.”
I really like how we get to see Colin’s entire inner monologue throughout the discovery of his feelings for Penelope & how each new realisation terrifies him more than the previous one🤣
7. “You're not going to die tomorrow!” he somehow managed to get out. “But I could! I could, and it would kill me, because—” “You'd already be dead,”
Penelope is having a full-on meltdown & Colin’s out here making dumb jokes. Did I laugh at said dumb joke? Absolutely 😂
8. “He looked at her, and somehow he didn't see the woman he'd seen so many times before. She was different. She glowed. She was a siren, a goddess, and he wondered how on earth no one had ever noticed this before.”
All it took was twelve years and one kiss, but the fact that someone finally started to see how incredible she was & that it was the only person she ever wanted to impress 😭
Also, How is it possible that every single Brigerton brother is an oblivious fool when it comes to love? Plus, they somehow manage to reach new heights of stupidity by innovating their own versions obliviousness 😆
9. “She was strange that way. She always remembered the days of the week. She'd met Colin on a Monday. She'd kissed him on a Friday. Twelve years later.”
There is something so sweet about this quote. The hopeless romantic in me is not okay 😢
10. “I like you, Miss Featherington. I don't like a lot of people. It's as simple as that. And I want to see you happy.”
Lady Danbury is the real MVP of this book. In the few days that she was around Penelope, she had done a better job at offering her emotional support, than Portia Featherington had done in her whole life. Penelope truly deserved her adoration 😊
11. “I will not be insulted by that... by that nothing!” Cressida fumed. She turned to Penelope with a seething glare and hissed, “I demand an apology.” Penelope just nodded slowly and said, “That is your prerogative.” And then she said nothing more. Colin had to physically wipe the smile from his face.”
Colin Bridgerton is the founder & president of the “I heart Penelope Featherington club”, he just doesn’t know it yet 😍
12. “And then, before he even realised what he was doing, he'd facilitated Penelope's departure, and she left he scene without his ever having apologised to her. He supposed he should have deemed the evening a failure for that reason alone, but in all truth, he couldn't quite bring himself to do so. After all, he'd spent the better part of five minutes holding her hand.” 
Okay, this is the cutest part of the entire book for me. How endearing is that they were holding hands the entire time. And that Colin was fawning over that fact like a love sick puppy 🥰🥰
13. “A fire like that was nothing compared to the feelings coming to a boil in his chest. Penelope had better have a damned good reason for coming out here by herself. She shouldn't be going anywhere unaccompanied, much less the city.”
Okay, the fact that he didn’t realise that he loved her at this moment, shows just how emotionally unaware he is 😂
14. “She wasn't beautiful. She knew she wasn't beautiful, she knew she'd never be more than passably attractive, and that was only on her good days. But he thought she was beautiful, and when he looked at her... She felt beautiful. And she'd never felt that way before.”
This is so sad & romantic at the same time 😭
15. “For God's sake, Penelope,” he said, grabbing her hand and yanking her down. “Are you going to marry me or not?” 
Okay subtly? He doesn’t know her. Every man should propose to their girlfriend after having a full blown make out session at the back of a carriage. That’s the least they could do for having us put up with their idiocy for eternity 😂
16. “He hadn't realised just how tense Penelope's misery was making him. And she was definitely miserable. Good God, he couldn't wait to remove her from the bosom of her ridiculous family.”
Colin’s got such a pure soul. I’m fully convinced that if it came down to it, he would physically fight Portia for Penelope🤣
17. “But Felicity is unmarried, and—” “So are you,”he pointed out. “I know, but I'm old, and—” “And Felicity is an infant,” he spat.”
I can’t even. This entire conversation was so chaotic 😂
18. “Mrs. Featherington," Colin said tightly, "I suggest you begin treating my future wife with a bit more respect.”
Two words. Husband material 😍
19. “She was amazing. He didn't know how he hadn't realised it before, when he'd already known that she was smart and lovely and witty and resourceful. But all those adjectives, and a whole host more he hadn't yet thought of, did not add up to the true measure of her.”
Freaking finally ❤️ ❤️
20. “It was difficult to compete with food for Colin's attention.”
All is fair in love & food. Food comes before anything. Even love 😂
21. “For ten years, you have made people laugh. You've made them wince. You've made them think, Penelope. You have made people think. I don't know what could be a higher achievement.”
Colin should be a professional compliment giver or maybe a greeting card writer. But the fact that he put his jealousy aside & truly praised her talent in such a profound way, was so amazing 😍
22. “You may scold me all you wish for not having proposed years ago.”
For Colin, the only possible match for Penelope is himself. He knows that he’s been her soulmate all along & how much they both lost out on because he took so long to realise it 😢
23. “Our daughters should have money of their own. Separate from their dowries.” 
Penelope is such an icon. What a queen. The bridgerton women should all start a feminist group. Their spouses would be their spokesmen 😊
24. “I love you, I love you with everything I am, everything I've been, and everything I hope to be. I love you with my past, and I love you for my future. I love you for the children we'll have and for the years we'll have together. I love you for everyone of my smiles, and even more, for every one of your smiles.”
These two are the absolute cutest. The fact that he said “I love you with my past”, makes me feel emotional on so many different levels 😭❤️
Also, where did the Bridgerton brothers learn how to give such romantic speeches? And why is Colin low-key almost as good at it as Anthony is? Did he give both Benedict & Colin a crash course, or what? 😂
25.  “Tell you what?” “Why Colin sent us that abominably cryptic note instructing us to stick to you like glue all evening.” “He did?” “Yes, and may I point out that he underlined the word glue.”
The idea of Colin underlining the word “glue” is so funny to me. Also, I love how the family took it so literally. They’re all such wholesome idiots 🤣
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cjracingpnf · 3 years
Day Six, Part 5: Let's Talk About "What Might Have Been!"
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As we begin entering the crescendo of this mini-series (heh see what I did there xD), we have now reached what in my opinion is one of the greatest songs ever written for Phineas & Ferb, and in my opinion the highlight (or at least highlight 1b) of "Act Your Age". In all the ups and downs that AYA had, "What Might Have Been" was magnificently done, musically, lyrically, and in the story that it told, and I am so excited to talk about it today.
I do want to mention, I really don't know anything about what makes music great or not🤣, or what makes good music lyrics. So instead, I will be focusing on the story within the lyrics, and why it meant so much to me.
Starting from a macro point of view, the heaviness of the song stands out. The vast majority of the Phineas & Ferb songs are cheery, funny, light-hearted songs, many of them absolute bops that put a smile on your face whenever you hear them.
"What Might Have Been" however… Well I want to say that I've listened to the song probably 8-10 times times over the last 3-4 months, and while writing this have read the lyrics in full, and I've teared up every time🥺😭. It's an incredibly emotional song, reflecting on both the past and the present of Phineas and Isabella's lives, and when we look at it from each of their point of views, creates a picture that pulls at the heartstrings if you at all care about these two.
While Isabella is the one who starts the song, I want to begin with Phineas, who's life was turned completely upside down by the realization that his best friend of at least 11 years (and in my opinion their whole lives) had a huge crush on him that he had never realized, despite in retrospect even he admitting that she had been "quite overt" about it.
Phineas' solo portion of the song deals mainly with regret over not having realized it until then, including the sorrowful quote,
"I tried to make the most of every day,
But now the years just seem misspent…"
To hear Phineas say that, to show the regret for having been so focused on his daily goals that he wasn't able to the one beside him open her heart out to him, it's a sad and touching moment the realization going through his mind of all that he missed or didn't understand.
As for Isabella… I know I mentioned it some when I talked about her a few days ago in this AYA mini-series, but thinking about not only the heartache and the pain she must have felt to give up on her feelings for him, but also thinking about the strength she must of had to be able to push through it all and prepare herself to move on without him, especially considering when she sings,
"'Cause I like you more than every other
Thing I like combined…"
To somehow be able to get past all of those emotions, thinking that she was finally "over him"… to then have a single photograph bring all of those memories back… it's a truly heartbreaking feeling to think about, especially putting oneself in her shoes.😭
As we reach the main portion of the song, Phineas & Isabella singing together in unison without them realizing it, going back and forth wondering how their lives could have been different had they gotten together before (including how they would have been called "Phinabella", which is entirely correct and I can totally see their friends teasing them to no end about it🤣), it begins to hit home, everything that they could have been able to do together, all the adventures that they missed, the memorable times they could have had…
And then, as if the daydreams we were having about how their lives could have been were heard, we get hit with a line straight to the heart...
"We could've been together,
All you had to say was when
And though I wanted so much more,
I guess you'll always be my friend…"
… I'm gonna be honest, I've teared up every single time I've listened to or read the end of that line😭🥺🥺🥺, both of them wanting to have been so much more, and them begrudgingly accepting that at least they would always be friends… It hurts a bit to think about how much they cared for each other, the moments that they shared together, the bond that had grown between them…
Am so very glad Isabella made the decision to turn around!!😁👏🧡💗
Ultimately, if looking at this through a realistic sense, I do think that Phineas and Isabella would have somehow, someway, gotten together even if Isabella had not turned around to say goodbye. It may have been in College, considering Phineas knew through Baljeet where she was going, or it could have happened afterwards, but true love overcomes all, and I genuinely believe that they both cared for each other so much that it still would have happened.
Fortunately, Phineas and Isabella didn't have to wait any longer than they already had, because Isabella did turn around, did wait for him to come back, and come tomorrow, we will take a look at the moment everyone was waiting for!🧡💗
Thank you so much for reading, apologies for this coming out so late in the day, I've had a busy day, but I am so excited to be able to finish this mini-series👏👏😁!
Until then, God Bless, and Carpe Diem!
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bonvoyagenoona · 3 years
how do you think mrs. kim reacted when it HIT her that her youngest baby’s voice had gone from the normal high-pitched adolescent voice to the literal marianas trench due to puberty 😭😭😭 because i remember my own mother’s reaction!! it was so funny like it HIT her one day when my baby brother called to tell her that he’d gotten held up at school so he’d be home late and she was like “???? this is you??? why do you sound like a grown man???” and he was like “mom are you for real how are you just now noticing this like i don’t live under the same roof as you” 😭😭😭
Awww! That's so cute about your brother! I remember little anecdotes from my own family experiences with my brother and cousins, too. The Kim boys? I bet they teased each other mercilessly about it. Goofy asses 🤣
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Mrs. Kim and Jin are at the grocery store.
Mrs. Kim: Shoot. Vanilla extract?
17-Year-Old Jin: It's here on the list.
Mrs. Kim: Yeah, but I don't remember if I already have a bottle or not. (sighs, stressed) Darn. I always do this. I'd hate to buy another bottle. (sighs again) Ugh, I really hate when I do this. It's just so wasteful, and I really need to make sure this dinner with Appa's bosses goes well because he's up for promotion and---
17-Year-Old Jin: It's OK, Eomma... maybe someone at home can check?
Mrs. Kim: Good idea. (dialing on her cell)
13-Year-Old Taehyung: (incredibly deep voice) Hello?
Mrs. Kim: What---
She. Snaps.
Mrs. Kim: Yeobo!
13-Year-Old Taehyung: Huh?
Mrs. Kim: What are you still doing home??
13-Year-Old Taehyung: I, uh---
Mrs. Kim: I don't ask you for much, and I'm very stressed out planning this dinner, and you can't even do the one thing I asked you to do today?!
13-Year-Old Taehyung: Wait, I---
Mrs. Kim: I understand that you're very busy at work, but this dinner is for you, for your bosses, and I know it's for our family, but I'm not even mad about that, I'm just, this isn't even really about me, this is about Namjoon!
13-Year-Old Taehyung: But I---
Mrs. Kim: From academic decathlon practice! Like we talked about! And he must have been waiting for hours at this point, and you're still home and---
13-Year-Old Taehyung: EOMMA! IT'S ME! TAE-TAE!
Mrs. Kim: Tae??
13-Year-Old Taehyung: YES! Jeez.
Mrs. Kim: But... your voice??
13-Year-Old Taehyung: This is my voice now!!
Mrs. Kim: Sorry, you just sound... (she catches Jin's softly smiling face) I guess you all sound so different now.
13-Year-Old Taehyung: It's been months!!! Aren't you supposed to be my mother?! Aren't you supposed to know me, inside and out?? I'm a man now!
Mrs. Kim: (thinking aloud) I guess I should've known from all the socks in your laundry lately.
13-Year-Old Taehyung: OH MY GOD EOMMA!!!!!!
Jin cackles.
Mrs. Kim: I'm sorry, Tae-Tae. I'm a little spacey today. Stressed out.
13-Year-Old Taehyung: (huffs) It's whatever.
Mrs. Kim: No, really, how can I make it up to you? We're at the store. I'll bring home some candy?
13-Year-Old Taehyung: Sure.
Mrs. Kim: And your favorite chips?
13-Year-Old Taehyung: Fine.
17-Year-Old Jin: (smiling, but sticking out his tongue in playful disgust) And, from the sound of it, more laundry detergent?
13-Year-Old Taehyung: (mortified) EOMMA!!!!!
Mrs. Kim: (trying her best not to laugh) JIN!
Taehyung whines and hangs up. Mrs. Kim and Jin giggle together for a moment, before Mrs. Kim ruffles Jin's hair.
Mrs. Kim: You really can't tease him too much.
17-Year-Old Jin: The socks? (points to Mrs. Kim) Pot. (points to himself) Kettle. (shrugs) He's fine.
Mrs. Kim: (redialing) Nope. Still need him to check on the vanilla extract. And you need to apologize, too.
17-Year-Old Jin: Come ON!
Mrs. Kim: Or maybe I should tell him that his sock count doesn't even begin to compete with yours?
17-Year-Old Jin: (mortified) OK, OK, fine, I'll apologize!!!!
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melis-writes · 3 years
OKAY.. HOLD UP!!! ☝🏼 I had to take a 5 minute break and come onto your page after reading THAT Michael and Alphonse scene
GIRL!! WOMAN!! GODDESS!! Here’s your crown 👑
Your writing is absolutely insane and I haven’t even finished the chapter yet lol. The way your writing has me excited, stunned, surprised, EXACTLY the way the film did is just incredible. I can hands down say I’ve never read anything that’s loosely based on an already magnificent film/book, that captures all the scenes in the same way, yet differently, sooooo beautifully!
Your story line and the plots in each chapter, especially this one as I was anticipating it the most as it’s probably these scenes from the film that are the engraved into my mind, fit so perfectly. I will definitely have a breakdown for about a month when this finishes but I just wanted to let you know how amazing of a writer you are. You are well and truly appreciated ❤️
okay I’ll go back to reading the rest of the chapter now 🥺
👀👀👀!! Ahhh thank you so, so much!! 🥰☺️ This just made my day honestly! 🥺 Thank you for all the love and support omg. 😭❤️
That was a HELL of a scene! 👀 No spoilers as some may come across this without having finished/read the chapter but all I can say is… PHEW. Marines Michael, anyone?! 😳 I do my absolute best to have it canon when we’re going through movie plots so it’s easier to imagine and just flows so perfectly when reading. 🥲 This chapter was a long time coming!! 😩🙌🏻
And believe me, I’ll probably cry myself because of how far we’ve gotten with the fic so far. 🤣😅 I’m truly devoted to the story and delivering more drama and thrill for you guys, after all that’s the life of Mrs. Corleone. 😌💓
Thank you, thank you for the kind words. 🥺 I had the biggest smile on my face reading this. I truly have the best readers ever!! 🥰🤞🏻
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jeonsweetpea · 4 years
HELLO!!!! YELLING ANON HERE BACK AGAIN!!!!! Ok so I’ll try to gather my thoughts here: I’m not over exaggerating when I tell you Moonstruck is probably the BEST fic I’ve ever read. Of course I’m not trying to shame all the amazing authors out there, and I’ve read a lot of stories, but very few managed to capture my attention like you did. Again, by no means this is an attempt to hate on all the other creators; I fully believe all writers on this platform are SO unjustifiably underrated cause you guys put endless effort into content you provide for free and I don’t think you all get enough recognition for that. So like, at the end of every chapter of Moonstruck I was like “WAS I REALLY FORTUNATE ENOUGH TO HAVE READ THAT MASTERPIECE FOR FREE??? WHAT THE HECK”. All of this just to say that I hope you’re well aware of the fact that you’re so talented and so competent and so so so so brilliant; you were able to convey emotions in such a raw way that I felt them too (this is me not-so-subtly hinting that I’m still not over chap. 6 😭), you were able to keep me guessing, keep me wondering, then make me change my mind a second later the more I got into the story— (or in much simpler words, there was just me going like:”IT CAN’T BE HIM?? OR IS HE ACTUALLY...... BITCHHHH NO WAY” through the whole story), so no matter what happened, I could simply never keep a straight face while reading- I would either gasp or pout or smile at my screen cause I found it impossible not to get invested in your art. I spent days thinking about it and sometimes I’d even go back to reread chapters for a second time so I’m seriously so amazed by how talented you are and I can’t put into words how much I love this fic and all its characters. Oh also, English is not my first language so thanks to you I got to learn many words I never heard before - so this is just all the more reason to thank you. Seriously, thank you for crafting such a beautiful work and for letting me and so many other people be able to read it. This got very long I’m sorry lol 😭 I can’t wait to read next part and see what you’ve got in store for us! I wish you all the best 🥺❤️
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I’m assuming you’re the very first anon who started the yelling and not the second one so from now on, I’ll tag you as such!!! 🤣
T-THE BEST?! No, no, no~, you are so very kind. AHHHH. HOW CAN I NOT BLUSH. 🙈❤️ I can’t believe someone out there really thinks this highly of my story. Thank you! 😭❤️ It’s my first time writing something this long! I usually only write one-shots. I even told myself I could never write a real series (heck, I could barely do two-shots) and then this happened and I was so NERVOUS. I wanted to capture people’s attention and keep it constant. I worried about becoming stale or boring. 😱
And don’t worry! I understand what you’re saying. Us writers appreciate readers like you who give feedback and recognize our efforts! 🥰
MASTERPIECE HAKLDJLKFDSJLFJL. Yup, all for free, all for readers like you! 😙💖
Okay, you’re really going to make me cry a river. The rest of your message is so incredibly touching, so thoughtful, so sweet. 🥺🥺🥺💕💕💕 I think from time to time, I doubt my writing skills just like any writer would. So having small reminders and compliments really make all the difference. I truly appreciate you!
The whole fic really is a testimony to my indecisiveness in real life. LOOL. It’s chaotic, I’m chaotic, but I try to balance it out and keep you all guessing! Hehehe. Super thrilled to hear it’s working! 😈
“so no matter what happened, I could simply never keep a straight face while reading- I would either gasp or pout or smile at my screen cause I found it impossible not to get invested in your art.”
You’d go back and REREAD some chapters? Gosh, I can’t thank you enough for investing so much of your spare time for my series. Time is something you can’t get back, so I take it to heart when I know someone enjoys it so much they reread a second time. It’s a LOT of words too, you deserve an award. 🥇
HOLD UP, English isn’t even your first language? My love, I would’ve never guessed! You write so eloquently and sound way more fluent than me. I just keyboard smash. HAKLDJFDSLK. AHAHAHA! 💕 Jokes aside, my vocabulary is something I’m very self-conscious of. So as I write, I’m learning new words too! Same when I read other’s works. I’m glad I could help you learn as well. YAY! 🙌
You never have to apologize for long messages, oh my gosh! They give me LIFE. Literally, my conversations with close friends are just PARAGRAPHS back and forth. I love hearing from you! Thank you for being amazing! I wish you the best too. Please stay safe and hydrated and stop by again anytime. 🥰🌸
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taegularities · 1 year
! Brief trigger: this is not exactly a rant, it’s a story time but a very long one, pls bear with me 🥲 (also my first ask so there’s that)
Been following you for a while now Rid, I’ve mostly read your standalone fics like love me better, begin, silk & stones, stars behind waves & tale of broken hearts. I consider myself as the type who likes gut wrenching angst that ends in happy ending or at least a feeling of hope at the end. These ones like you had promised, were definitely angst heavy (esp the vmin fics). I prefer not to touch long series coz I fear I might lose interest midway thru & might end up thinking I wasted lots of time reading it since it often happens that authors end up adding bunch of filler scenes in between & im one who doesn’t like that.
So for the longest time I actually ignored cmi, until the amc thing came up & the some of the questions relating to the character arcs were def intriguing for me, & I thought ‘why not just give this one a go?’ The word count for cmi looked quite scary😶 so I took inspiration from seven & tried finishing from start till the recent update within seven days (…peak stupidity LoL) & GOD THE ANGST. I couldn’t help but take a blanket over my head to tear down through the rough patches that followed in midway through the fic…literally every scene was so detailed, it almost felt like I was looking at two people I closely knew & felt sorry for to suffer the miseries of being apart because of the conflicts they’d been facing.
Even if I actually succeeded in completing the 200k wc (the fastest & longest record for me) I was able to enjoy the fic. Maybe coz you actually understand the pacing of the slow burn and wrote their arcs so carefully which allowed the reader to slowly unveil their personalities, their flaws, their growth throughout the fic. I kinda skipped the drabbles in between (i did skim through but didn’t actually focus on them alot) coz the goal was to first read through the main storyline then take my time to unwind & re-read the drabbles after. Honestly this work might be my fav one from you, or any Jungkook fic I’ve read in the entirety of this website. Just wanted to say thanks for crafting such a wonderful piece of literature for us, im thrilled to read further what lays in store for jk & oc after they talked through their differences & patched up. And after reading so much pining that went behind in the past 9(?) parts, I’d actually love only fluff and warmth for this couple (me as angst enthusiast saying this✋🙂). And yes, I’m waiting for the cmi drabble (seven mv jk cross over with cmi jk is an unimaginable menace 🫠) and future parts to be posted sooner too! This couple has my heart💛
this was your first ask?! to lil ole me? 😭 omg hope you still see this one!! i wasn't around much when you sent it, then it got buried – but today i remembered it again and wanted to say hi 🥺
first of all, tysm for reading so many of my fics, and such long ones, too!! like, lmb is a huge ass piece, so im really happy you gave it a shot and enjoyed it, too 🥺 and like, same goes for cmi. it's also so lovely to know that people try out stuff on my page that they usually wouldn't – so it melts my heart that you gave cmi a chance and grew to love it as well!! angst, ikr? me too, i could live off of it :') LOL NOT THE SEVEN DAY CHALLENGE. that's actually so amusing and sweet 🤣 i know the word count is crazy and the chapters tend to get very long, but... i know i'm repeating myself, but i'm incredibly thankful that you tuned in. if you ever want, do read through the drabbles, too, since i think they give a deeper glimpse into the characters' flaws and personalities – no pressure tho!!
once again, thank you. it means the world to me to know you loved it so much. like, fav fic? please i'll sob :'') a lot of fluff incoming (but angst too, so fret not), and i truly hope you enjoy the rest as well. drop by anytime, seriously, i'd love to talk about cmi or anything with you whenever you like!! 🥺🤍
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