curtklingermanposts · 7 hours
How many are ruminating over your past?
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"A Threat to Darkness."
Those who walk in the love of God are not a threat to society . . . Those who walk in the love of God are a threat to darkness. www.perfectfaith.org
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curtklingermanposts · 14 days
"Time For A Bible Reset."
How many would say, "I've been studying my Bible for quite some time now, but it seems like lately, I haven't been able to get much out of it?" Well, here is something that might be helpful, even though, it's going to sound counterintuitive. . . www.perfectfaith.org
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curtklingermanposts · 21 days
Everyone is different, and they're different because they are designed to have a unique relationship with God, unlike anybody else. But what is hanging some people up is they're trying to be something that they are not, or someone that they're not. . . www.perfectfaith.org
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curtklingermanposts · 28 days
Why do some people have this need to be right about nearly everything? The first answer might be pride. However, there is another reason. And that is the need for assurance. They want to make sure they're on the right track. They don't want to be second-guessing themselves. . . www.perfectfaith.org
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curtklingermanposts · 1 month
Let's briefly talk about spiritual warfare. Did you know the words, spiritual and warfare are not found together in the Bible? Nonetheless, our warfare as believers in Jesus is to remain spiritual, regardless of the circumstances in which we find ourselves. And we do that by submitting to Holy Spirit. . . www.perfectfaith.org
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curtklingermanposts · 2 months
Righteousness exalts a nation, and sin is a reproach to any people. That means if we want to see our nation improve and become a better place, we as individuals need to walk in the righteousness of Jesus. That includes allowing Holy Spirit to convict our hearts. . . www.perfectfaith.org
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curtklingermanposts · 2 months
Would you agree that the day and age in which we live requires discernment? This kind of discernment, by the way, requires intimacy with God. The answers that we need are not going to come from other people. . . www.perfectfaith.org
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curtklingermanposts · 2 months
If we're going to see unity. . . www.perfectfaith.org
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curtklingermanposts · 2 months
“Bibles Collecting Dust.”
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curtklingermanposts · 3 months
When the will of the government collides with the will of God, whose will you follow? www.perfectfaith.org
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curtklingermanposts · 3 months
For those who might be struggling with a negative outlook on life, there's a strong possibility that you have a disconnect with gratitude. And one of the quickest ways to combat that negativity is simply to start thanking God for all the blessings that He's bestowed upon you. . . www.perfectfaith.org
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curtklingermanposts · 3 months
We already know that when we tell somebody we have forgiven him or her, that we no longer have the right to bring that offense up again. Just as God never throws our past in our face. But you might ask, "Yeah, but if this person keeps doing the same thing over and over?" Well, should it happen again. . . www.perfectfaith.org
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curtklingermanposts · 3 months
Forgiveness and trust can be kind of tricky sometimes. Even if you have forgiven them, when people break your trust, you have a right not to trust them anymore. However, as you walk in love, you'll also discover that forgiveness will actually give latitude for them to earn that trust back. And in many cases, it will actually take a relationship, and not only restore it, but it'll actually make that relationship stronger. www.perfectfaith.org
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curtklingermanposts · 4 months
What is your source of wisdom? There are so many right now that are feeling confused and anxious, and that's because they are drawing from the wrong source. . . www.perfectfaith.org
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curtklingermanposts · 4 months
“What If I Can’t Forgive?”
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