curtklingermanposts · 7 hours
How many are ruminating over your past?
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aseuki · 20 days
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starflungwaddledee · 8 months
emoji interview character asks! [x]
potentially a part 1 if i get more of these, but i figure this is enough to start. thanks so much to everybody who sent one in, i'm super excited to answer these! i hope this format of responses is okay! these will just be one after the other, all text. it's a little long, but there's hopefully some tasty bits!! thanks for sending them in!
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@veinsfullofstars || an extremely cute question to start with! i think she has probably not even considered the idea of tree houses and would be absolutely smitten by them. she'd like a tall tree- so as to be closer to the sky- with dense soft branches that would catch her if she fell, like a conifer perhaps. though one that grew fruit or nuts would also be favourable for that late night snack-time. she'd definitely have to have a balcony, to sit on and star gaze, and i'm sure she'd have it decked out real cozy-like in true waddle dee fashion, with soft places to lay and sit and lots of little fairy lights. she would definitely have the great king's insignia in there somewhere as well.
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@kittenvirus "🍄 [MUSHROOM] How likely is your OC to eat random berries/mushrooms they find?" || exceptionally likely. the more colourful and pretty it looks the more likely it is to go into her invisible mouth, much to the alarm of bandee and dedede who know that usually bright colours are a warning sign for poisons. she's been surprisingly robust though, and has yet to develop so much as a tummy ache from it.
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@trainerbob23 🥂 [GLASS CHEERS] What is your OC's 'aesthetic?' || it's the same as mine, which my gf and i have always identified as very kirby compliant. i had existing pink star/space/celestial themes. bows and feathers and birds and wings as well. for accessories she might put on her body, she likes to match themes with what's around her; dressing festive for holidays, or colour coding to match others ☘️ [SHAMROCK] How passionate is your OC about things they love/hate? || while she is incredibly enthusiastic about things and will info dump your ear off if given the chance, i'm not sure if it's passion, though you could confuse it for such. she absorbs information mechanically and at an alarming rate, and parrots it back enthusiastically hoping for interactions and/or praise. but she doesn't form a lot of genuine opinions of her own, and would be equally interested in any new topic you broached with her as something she already knew about. 🍾 [POPPING CORK] How does your OC celebrate special occasions? With whom? || she doesn't know about celebrations until they're upon her, and she relies entirely on one of her friends- usually bandee or king dedede- seeking her out and including her. if she's told something is happening, she does her best to learn The Rules and To Participate as best as possible, though she doesn't always get it right. if there are lots of people she doesn't know at the event, especially other waddle dees, she can get quite anxious. she's not great in crowds, and tends to hover quietly on the arm of whoever brought her 🍇 [GRAPES] What's their circle of people/their species like? What dynamic would they be called? || she is a Waddle Dee!!!!! of course. in my head canons waddle dees are a very tight-knit species, with some hivelike tendencies and a lot of platonic physical affection. she craves this community desperately, but obviously doesn't get it because other waddle dees quite explicitly don't like to be physically close to her. i would consider her dynamic to be closest to 'found family' with the dream land four, which is of course very self indulgent of me. 🍊 [ORANGE] Does your OC have a prophecy surrounding them? If they don't, what would it be? || no!! of course she doesn't because that would not be a very normal thing to have for a wadddlḋ̶̳͉̱̪͛̊̕l̵̝̥̣͊͗̿̆͐̍͑̚͘̕d̷̡̡̻͚͓̻͖̱̝̦̭͉̈́̑̂̉̾͗͗̾̆̌̽̚d̶̢̛͍̮̍͋͜è̷̛̛̛̩͙̳̰̤͔̝̤̞̝͍̻͖̤̿̊́͊̔̈́͌̓̚͜͝ẻ̸̡̨͔͕̭̥̪̩͖͖͍͉̦̯̐͌́̀̀̐̓͝͝ ̴͈̳̗͖̲̎̿͗ͅ last of ███ ███████ █████████ survived the ██████ ███ ████ ████ ██ created █ ████ ██ w̷̡̪̯̜͑̓͂į̵̨̠͔̮͓͉̬̩̤̗̒͋̿̌̓̈́̾̿͒̉̔͘̚͘s̴͕̮̚ĥ̷̛̲͚̬͔̰͈̪̙͑̈̃͛̐̌͗̋͘͠ maker ██ ██████ ███████ ██████ g̵͔͈̖̙͊͝ą̷̛̛͚̗̙̙͙̠̟̯̼̖̱͙́̽̿͛̉̈́̕̚̕͝l̶̗̉́̓̾̄́͂͊̒͋̓̉͠a̶̬̺͝c̸̺͒̌̎̅̕ť̴̨̡̟̲͈̜͈̍͆̽į̷̧̻̖̅̊̽̅̀͋̍̑̈́̑̊̆͝c̷̢̧͚̮̺̺̹̝̩̺̳̱͙̅̾̾̑̏̾̓̑̔̑̔̚̚̚͘ ̶͍̹͇̒͂̔̎c̸̘̜̞͑͊͜r̵̛̖͓̆̑̄̋̊́̈̇́̕͘͠͝͠i̴̧̢̛͎̘͔͕̤̲̱̼̐̔̋́̔̽͑̓̌͋s̴̨̛̹͙̩̜̳̰̬͕̦̪̜̭̳̑́̋͆͗͝͠ǐ̶̢͙̠̣̠̟̣͍̚͜͝s̸̢͍̲̰̞͉̭̥̼͚̺͂͗̓̔̑̿̐͂̓͐͠.
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@moon-mage-ex 🧈 [BUTTER] How soft is your OC? In what sense are they soft? || like a marshmallow. in every sense. if you're mean to her she WILL cry. 🍅 [TOMATO] How misunderstood is your OC? In-universe or IRL. || hmmm. in universe i think she's not so much misunderstood as ostracised unfairly for something she can't control. she sometimes struggles to communicate, but she usually corrects this as quickly as possible; she's quite a transparent sort of person. IRL i think the biggest thing is that i get a lot of comments like "protect the little baby!!!' and while they are very sweet it sometimes leads me to worry folks genuinely think she's a child. she's my sona and so she's an adult, like me!
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@the-void-is-a-disappointment 🍬 [LOLLY/CANDY] What would your OC like to receive for Valentine's Day/as a token of love? || literally anything. if you give her a gift she'll cherish it forever, whether it's a physical item or a memory. the thing she enjoys most of all is flying, so if you take her flying she'll be smitten with you instantly. 🍷 [WINE] Where on the 'wine aunt scale' is your OC? || i'd say more wine less aunt. she's not very maternal, and is frankly super awkward and terrible with kids. she's an adult but i wouldn't call her a particularly responsible one; though maybe that fits the niche of a wine aunt! then again i probably wouldn't put her near alcohol either 😂 🌹 [ROSE] Does your OC believe in true love? Why? || she straight up does not know what romance is and would probably struggle to understand it!! she's not opposed, and i'm sure she'd adore being doted on romantically, she's just... the synapses aren't firing on her end 😅 i think if she did understand she'd be the sort to have crushes on all of her close friends, and i have the silly head canon that she'd accidentally 'date' a half dozen people and simply not realise what was going on 😂 🍎 [RED APPLE] Who does your OC value above all else? || there he is, here he be, we talking about bandana waddle dee. her mental illness is shaped like him for sure 🍍 [PINEAPPLE] Pineapple on pizza or not? || more food on your food! of course she would. 🌷 [TULIP] What is your OC's favourite flower and colour? || she likes pop flowers, of course! she has a nice memory of receiving some from kirby, king dedede and bandee while she was in hospital, but now that she's out she just thinks they're so fun! and sometimes bonus food; what's not to love! her favourite variants are the ones from fine fields in floralia and the sparkly crystal-like ones from white wafers, though understandably she doesn't see them as often 🥔 [POTATO] What do they have that others see as a flaw, but they don't care about? || nothing!!! if you see something as a flaw she cares about it SO MUCH!!!!!! insanely much!!! fixing this apparent flaw will become her Entire Personality until you rescind the statement of seeing it as a flaw
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@graycoin 🍨 [ICE CREAM] How does your OC compose themselves in stressful situations? || abysmally! she's anxious as a baseline even when nothing is wrong, so she's terrible under even the slightest amount of stress. you can expect her to start crying about 30 seconds in and after 90 she's probably shut down entirely and needs to be carried out in a handbag 🍦 [SOFT CONE] Where does your OC work? How much are they paid, and would they prefer a different job? Why? || utterly unemployed, and i feel like any attempts to get her employed would result in a severe comedy of errors and perhaps the destruction of the economy entirely 🍁 [MAPLE LEAF] What is your OC's favourite season? Why and what do they do during it? || she enjoys all seasons, and on popstar you can explore many different environments all year round. that said, she likes autumn the most. it's particularly beautiful in dream land; crisp but not cold, clear starry nights, vibrant waddle dee-like colours in the trees, and bountiful harvests of food. most importantly, it reminds her of bandee, and peaceful hours spent helping him in the castle's apple orchard 🍊 [ORANGE] Does your OC have a prophecy surrounding them? If they don't, what would it be? || w̵̧̛̛̙̞̄̓͜ḧ̷̙ë̴̥̯̫̻̈r̸̺̘̊ë̸͔̦́̂̓͘ ̵̛̘̂͝d̵̢̼̓̒̆i̷̛̼̬͛̈́͝d̷̫̗̈́̿͜͝͠ ̷̱̫͚̄̿̌̔██ ̷̦́̀̽͑g̶͉̈́̒͂ǫ̷̒̂̌ ̵͔̯͙́̀̈͜w̵̧̬̜͛͂̂͐h̷̬́͂͋ě̵̺̥͜r̴̮̓̐̅͠ĕ̸͉͐ ̴̡̰͍̖̂̒̃̓d̵̮̟̃͋͐ị̸̡̒d̷͙̠̳̐̒i̵̙͍͑̈́́̀̑́̃̋̉̚ ̷̡̧̛̟̰̟͗̃̕͝g̷̟̼̫̈́̅̏̓͒̋̓́o̸̦̲̓̇̇̄́̉͛̅͘͝w̴̧̟͔̱͍̫͍̞̮͠h̵̛̰͍̘̖̫͎̩͘̚a̴̻̝͔͙͔͒͋̋̓͌̕̕͝ţ̷̠͕̙̘͓̥̠͂̈́̍͛͆̌̄̋͝ ̶̧̦̏̔̈̈́̄̈̅̈́͊̚h̷̢̝̗̜̔ȁ̸͕͉̝̻̖͐̌́̈́̔̃̕͘p̴̤͚͂ë̸̢̝͉̲̤͙́̎́̏͝͝ǹ̶̜͍͔̮̿̅̽̋̇͠͠ǹ̶̝̭̝̗̗̯̮ȩ̷͚̠̖̠̯̼͍̲̈́̽̑̾̎̆́̓̃͌͜d̸͍̣͔͖̹̥̤̪̳̿̾͠ͅn̸̛͇͚͇̼͖̺̮̈́͗̎̑̍ē̵̥̯̘̦͍̘̪̉͒͋̒̉̈́d̴̤̣̾̿̐͘͠ ̵͍̓͑͂͒̚͠͝͝î̷̳̜͙͙̣̖̽̚͝ͅt̵̢̛̛͍͛́̒̉̌̽͛s̶̙̲̔̈ṯ̵̟͔̺̙͇̫̤͛̈̈́̀̾͑̒s̶͚̪̳̟̺͖͈͛̔͛́̈̈́͑̿̋̂ͅ ̸̧̳̘̣͓͗b̸͚̘͛̀̿͝ë̷̗̳̼̲̻͖̆̈́̽̂̓͐͂͘e̷̡̹̘͓̠̪̠̍͗̍͗̽̉̓͛͠n̸̛̩̞̝̦̈́͛̀͛̆ ̵̨̡̱̥̈͌̊̋s̸̖̞͈̗͉͕̘̰̓̿̊̑͝o̸̙̘̗̭̗̫̳͓͂̈̐̈̏̍ ̷̮͔̜̑̐͆͒̍̑̓̊̚̚ḻ̷̼͓̯̺̼̺̄̏̋̒͆̅ͅo̵̳̖̘̫̹̥̣̹͓̼̾̔̀̂́͒́̚͝n̸̨̺̖̜̭̗͈͂g̸̛̟͚̱̭̃͗͊̄͂̃̏̕n̴̜̪͖̑̅͗͝͝ ̸̧͓̭̗͍̗̠̇̃̊́̂̃̅͜͝w̷̨̪͍̐ḧ̴̺̠̏͑̓̐͆̊͐e̴̤͌͑͐̅̌̏͘r̵̨̞̘̘̠͒͌̐̐̄̾͒̉͘͠ĥ̵̺̗̪̖̱͓͈̔͆͛̒̆̈̋̀͜e̶̫̖͎̙̼͖̲͙͙̿̇̈́̉̕͠͝ḩ̸̛͈͖̜̈́̽͑̈̋̆͆ ̴̫̥̩͇̺̱̩͎̞̈́̏̃̆͝͠ą̷͍̼̲̈́͘m̷̖͓͙͕̲̲̙̙̂̌̄̓͆ ̶̧̫͎̝̗͚̱̪͑̀͌́͆̾͋̚̚͜͠į̶͔̟̝͔̰̻̦͆̈́͗̚ 🧅 [ONION] What is surefire to make your OC cry? Who knows of this information? || you can just bully her, it's super easy! everybody knows this. say you have a problem with her sparkly eyes or her non-existent hair. you think her bow is stupid and it's getting in your way. her friends don't like her and are only pretending!! you could cure a drought with this soggy little waddle dee 🍋 [LEMON] What is their kryptonite/ultimate weakness? || if not her general lack of emotional constitution, i'd say it's that she's extremely dependent and impressionable. i don't personally think these are flaws, but they are tactical weaknesses. if you lie to her, she'll trust you. if you ask her to come with you, she'll follow. if you tell her she is something, she'll assume you know best. if someone were to isolate her from the people who actually have her best interests at heart, i think she'd be insanely vulnerable 🥯 [BAGEL] What does/has your OC have/had an unhealthy obsession over? What caused this obsession? How do they deal with it? Do they seek help? || as we know, she's desperate to be seen as a Totally Normal Waddle Dee, to the point that that alone makes her look suspicious. this was absolutely caused by that initial interaction with bandee, though he absolutely does not know and would be quite gutted to learn he had caused this kind of mental stumbling block for her. she's not totally wrong to be worried about it, because it does cause her to be ostracised and subjected to meta knight's suspicions, but probably she could be a lot emotionally chiller if she just accepted she was a bit unusual and didn't think of it as such an inherent flaw. 'does she deal with it or seek help' no because she's fine. you see?
🍰 [CAKE SLICE] How does your OC change as you get to know them? || she becomes a lot less manically happy and desperate to present as cheerful and carefree. much like anyone, if she's comfortable around you, she's more likely to talk about the things that actually make her feel sad or anxious or her real feelings. 🌾 [RICE SHEAF] How picky is your OC with food? What will and won't they eat? || i'd put her with kirby on this one. if it can go into her mouth it will. pizza. burgers. unpeeled bananas. polystyrene pellets. rocks. the bobble on dedede's crown. she vastly prefers actual food though, she has a soft spot for gooey cheesy pastas and is not the biggest fan of raw meats or salads. 🥦 [BROCCOLI] What do they hate about humanity/their species? || nothing. she adores the waddle dees- lifestyle, culture, appearance- and wants terribly to be just like and accepted by them 🌱 [SEEDLING] What new passions/hates is your OC discovering? || she put a spicy food in her mouth one time and had An Experience about it.... i dunno if it was a good experience but it certainly made an impression. she also really really doesn't like being left on her own, though she toughs it out. this was a much bigger issue before she was introduced to cloud/sky/star gazing, which can now distract her anytime, anywhere 🍧 [SHAVED ICE] What's your OC's favourite flavour of edible thing (e.g., strawberry)? || melted cheesy things like i mentioned above and- obviously- apple. one day she learned you can put cheese with apple and she would not stop talking about it for two weeks, though she prefers the cheese hot. i think she'd totally lose her mind over like... a crumbed mozzarella stick 🍩 [DONUT] What is your OC's biggest flaw? How do they deal with it? Do they deal with it? || it's hard to answer this one because i don't really want to label any of her behaviours as flaws because they are all behaviours that belong to me that i have had to fight and scratch and claw not to loathe and punish myself for. i'd say possibly it's that she can get very stuck in her own head or on a topic and won't notice how other people are feeling or reacting, especially when she gets nervous. the feelings of others are actually very important to her, and she's not emotionally unintelligent, she's just a bit obtuse. if she chilled out a little and took a breather, she'd be a little less of a steamroller in conversations, and would have an easier time being more emotionally aware of others and their needs.
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@kamalemons 🍀 [FOUR LEAF CLOVER] Would your OC spend hours looking for a four leaf clover? || she definitely would! because of the aforementioned unemployement she has literally all the time in the world. if you told her there was a Very Special Lucky Plant in the grassy patch and implied she should get it (or that you wanted her to get it for you) she'd be in that patch of grass for hours/days
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🥐 [CROISSANT] Where is your OC from? How do they feel about their homeland? Where are they now? || she really likes it in Dream Land! who wouldn't; it's peaceful, it's beautiful, it's bountiful. there's scarcely any capitalism and whenever a world ending calamity happens you just send the Little Guy at it and it's solved in 2-5 business days. 🥨 [PRETZEL] How complicated is your OC's backstory? Who does it entwine with? || increasingly. and that's classified, but you might be able to guess 🍃 [FALLEN LEAF] What's the darkest period of time your OC has been through? || during her stint in the hospital. she didn't know who she was, where she was, or what was going on. she was in pain. little creatures who looked a bit like her would come up to her and poke her with things. they'd be kindly and attempt to performing social healing on her, only to burst into tears or run away shrieking and apologising. she didn't speak the language, though she picked it up very quickly. but that meant that she overheard when the only beings she recognised seemed to be discussing at length whether she was a planetary threat and whether she needed to be disposed of or not. obviously meta knight and dedede would never ever have done something so drastic, but if they had wanted to, she'd have let them. 🍏 [GREEN APPLE] How do they differ from the norm and how are they punished for it? || her appearance is fairly abnormal for a canon compliant waddle dee (though significantly less so among other waddle dee ocs) but her magical signature is the most unusual thing. it wouldn't even be that weird if she were anything other than a waddle dee; it's just that waddle dees have very consistent signatures in the cottagey-vibe area of a consistent strength, and hers is far outside that norm. unfortunately, because waddle dees are also extremely sensitive to the signatures, it results in her being almost entirely excluded by most of them. it's like seeing something that's pretending to be a human person but knowing that it Is Not, like slightly-off cgi. bandana dee, who is braver and stronger and more determined than most, with an extraordinarily well-developed sense of heroism, pushes through it in order to not leave her suffering in isolation
WOW OKAY DONE. yikes. that became super long!! uhh uhhh uhhh if you read all of this thank you!
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sp00kypumpkinz · 1 month
Artfight attacks I did! (Post 1/2)
Oc owners (if they don’t have social media links on they’re profile I’ll just link their Artfight):
All these ocs were fun to draw! I can’t wait for next year! :D
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ofherpinkways · 11 months
The way I'd fold seeing Gaz in an eyebrow piercing and snackbites
Imagining him with piercings makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside 🙃
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deivasnalabagam · 8 days
✅இது தெரிஞ்சா இனி கடையில் வாங்கமாட்டீங்க, 🍿ஸ்வீட் பாப்கார்ன் Sweet Caramel Popcorn recipe in Tamil Indulge in a delightful snack with our Sweet Popcorn Recipe in Tamil! From classic caramel popcorn to cheesy delights, this homemade treat is a perfect blend of sweet and savory flavors. Learn how to make popcorn at home effortlessly, even in a cooker, with our quick and easy recipe. Whether you're craving a quick snack for yourself or looking for fun and tasty treats for the kids, this recipe has you covered. Discover how to make caramel popcorn from scratch and enjoy a delicious and instant snack option. With our instant snacks recipes in Tamil, you can create mouthwatering snacks in no time. Watch our video for step-by-step guidance on preparing these delectable popcorn variations and elevate your snacking experience! #PopcornRecipes #SnackTimeFavorites #caramelpopcorn #snackstime #snackbites #popcorntime #popcorn #shortsfeed #shortsvideo #shortsviral #trendingshorts #shortsyoutube #foodlover #foodie #foodblogger #foodshorts #foodshortsindia #cookingshorts #snacksrecipes #healthyrecipes #healthysnacks #eveningsnacks #teatimesnacks #quicksnacks
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nyctophiliq · 1 year
blonde moss gonna be the death of me, like me as ana being annoyed to heal someone like "BITCH SOMEONE ELSE BE MERCY" while i friendly fire some snackbite heals to this one guy like bastion (that one bastion who encouraged the team bc we got a good hold on stopping the payload to go faster was just the most wholesome otherwise the times tanks just think theyre the big chumpus just make me go ehhh)
still remember the 1v1 with enemy kiri where i actually won and screamed like "HOW DID I KILL THIS LESBIAN"
blonde moss is gonna be so weird 😭 n tbh mercy is a great healer but w her boost being nerfed so much n how she gets targeted all the time, u might as well just go lifeweaver to be able to heal from a distance and save the tank when they go in too deep.
mood honestly
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samflwrrs · 2 years
my boy wants to get snackbites ... holy fuck he's going to look so fucking hot
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waifuwarrior69 · 5 years
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Main formations and a trash waifu team for fun.
Any suggestions for the main formations? I mostly do PvE, but open to whatever.
Murthe on Galaxy server.
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cazg · 4 years
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3-Ingredient Coconut Date Bites! I couldn’t wait to try this recipe I found on Pinterest. Here is the link if you want to try it too! https://www.littlebroken.com/3-ingredient-coconut-date-bites/ #mealprepsunday #mealprepsunday #snackbites #nocook #nobake #myfitnesspal #caloriecounting #eeeeeats #eatingfortheinsta #foodgasm #healthyeats #eathealthy #weightloss #foodpics #singingbusybee #instafood #instagrammer #cookingathome #nomnomnom #singerslife #musicianslife #thedailybite #webstagram #WarmYourSoul #Yum https://www.instagram.com/p/B_dLxyABn8g/?igshid=1cuqrhdadpqhn
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"A Threat to Darkness."
Those who walk in the love of God are not a threat to society . . . Those who walk in the love of God are a threat to darkness. www.perfectfaith.org
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aseuki · 4 months
I saw you take character asks for the tournament so I'd like to plop in Velocity 👉👈
This mechanics geek would certainly want to ask about the function and origin of those fascinating looking wings on Stell's back. Unfortunately, she takes 50 years to decide whether she actually wants to go up to him to ask.... So in the meantime, she's just glaring holes in his back from across the room, as if planning Stell's untimely demise.
Ayooo welcome!! Unfortunately Velocity's indecision and glaring would do little to coerce Stell to share his secrets (and more likely earn his easily-achieved ire), but if she observes long enough she might be able to glean some insight herself!
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[Obtained: +5 Annoyance] What are you staring at, you want to fight???
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starflungwaddledee · 11 months
Hey one of my mutuals reblogged a comic from your “awdty” au and it looks really cool! Is there a way to read all the comics/posts in order? Also, what does awdty stand for? I skimmed through the tag on your blog and had a hard time finding info
hello there!!
aaaa thank you so much, this is such a nice and exciting ask for me to read!! just to think that you saw a little of my work and it's compelling enough that you wanted to read more just makes me very happy!!
there aren't a lot of posts about it yet as i'm pretty new here still, and there's no start-to-finish comic presented in order or anything like that. i'm delivering little snackbites of information (mostly as oneshots in response to asks!) that come all over the chronology of the au itself so the 'order' is a bit... flippertygibberty haha 😂
but here is the entire awtdy tag in chronological order from when i first started posting (not necessarily chronological order of the story, though), here is a lengthy ask answer where i give a rough outline of the premise of the AU and its spin-offs, here is my comics tag which includes all the comics i've done so far (including some for other AUs or for halloween interactions with mutuals)
and lastly here is the answer to the acronym question, also presented in comic form! for clarification just in case it isn't clear in the comic, awtdy stands for A World That Deserves You.
thank you again so much for your interest!! it really means so much to me that people are wanting to consume this story or have any interest at all in my worldbuilding and headcanons... truly it utterly makes my day to receive questions and curiosities from folks who saw and enjoyed my work! thank you!!
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nhpersonaltraining · 4 years
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Oh yeah 🙌 Some awesome protein shakes to munch on this Easter weekend 😋 . . #foodiefriday #snacks #protein #proteinsnacks #eastertreats #easterweekend2020 #chocolate🍫 #snackbites @nhpersonaltraining https://www.instagram.com/p/B-0P4S8H-RQ/?igshid=17t5xnrsq01a7
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frankvet · 5 years
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Hmmmmm auntie called uncle, again... LOL 😂 #gettingready #rolling #hungry #snackbites #waterislife (at Singapore) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6IW1btAvJf/?igshid=1hhabjtm4khlg
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elapb · 5 years
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Nun gut, alle Edekas, die ich durchsucht habe, hätten kein @lyckamovement Cold Brew, der @alnatura hatte wenigstens die Cold Brew Latte. Auf jeden Fall schon mal besser als nix, und obendrein habe ich auch noch Snack Bites gefunden. Ich bin gespannt 😊 #leckerdurch2019 #lecker #food #instafood #foodstagram #berlin #meinberlin #shopping #coldbrew #lycka #lyckamovement #snackbites (hier: Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw90LWiHQ1m/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1sx6iudwd4pr8
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