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thegayhimbo · 3 months ago
I've been watching Friday Night Lights in preparation for my Stranger Things Reviews (since the Duffer Brothers have cited that show as a major inspiration for how they wrote and pitched Stranger Things to Netflix), and I gotta say that if there's any show out there that does a thorough job demonstrating how predatory and biased the media is, and how they will take actions/words out-of-context and casually ruin other people's lives for the sake of selling a story, Friday Night Lights is it.
Given the way the election went in the U.S. this year, and how the media covered it, that aspect of the show hits close to home.
In relation to how this ties to Stranger Things, the season 5 BTS photos have been putting a lot of emphasis on a radio station playing a major role. I've had my theories, and considering one of the episodes for S5 is called "Shock Jock," as well as how the news has covered tragedies in Hawkins over the past 4 seasons, I predict the theme of predatory media and media bias/sensationalism will be explored in the final season.
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skellybonesandtrees · 4 months ago
Wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday! 🎂🎉🥰
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Thank you! 🎉❤️🎈💃🥂
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taistelutaide · 8 months ago
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avnj0gia · 7 months ago
Tagged by @benedictusantonius 🖤
put your music library on shuffle, then list the first five songs that come up in a poll to let people vote for which one they like the most
tagging @bengiyo @jakegyllinhaal @fanfrelon @coastalwind @theeighthbeacon @death--or--sleep @kitc0nn0r @jakegyllinhaal @thegayhimbo @agentthirsty @againstpuns
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About me and my blog
Hello all,
I hope you find the below information helpful (thank you to @thegayhimbo for providing a template on how to do this)
Below you will mostly find information on my writing but I want you to know who you're following so I'll let you know a little about me too.
All about me
I'm a twenty-four-year-old woman living in wonderful Australia (AEST). I have had this blog for a very long time but only became active over the last three years and only started writing early last year. I'm also busy studying to get a bachelor's in a helping profession. I have a dog and a cat and I love them more than anything.
My blog
First and foremost, please don't follow me if you're under the age of 18. I don't want you here, especially considering the content of what I post. I do not make exceptions even if you coming to talk to me about something that is safe for work.
I am passionate about many social issues and will share posts about them from time to time. I have been told from knee-high that I'm opinionated and I'm very happy to share said opinions. Bigots of any shape will be blocked.
I love talking to people about their passion, ideas and thoughts so if you're having to urge to info dump about anything, please say hello.
My writing
Main Masterlist
I write for lots of fandoms for both men and women. I do both reader and OC although I'm moving towards OC more and more. I only do requests very rarely, mostly for milestones. I prefer to use canon as a starting point and most of my work deviates very heavily.
What I write:
One shots Series Fluff Smut Angst
I write for:
Sons of Anarchy
Jax Teller Lyla Winston
Mayans M.C.
Guero Manny Angel Reyes EZ Reyes
Law & Order: SVU
Terry Bruno Joe Velasco Mike Duarte
The Punisher
Karen Page Billy Russo Frank Castle
Call of Duty (Video Games)
Simon 'Ghost' Riley Valeria Garza Phillip Graves Kate Laswell
The Gentleman
Raymond Smith
Peaky Blinders
Alfie Solomons John Shelby
Gangs of London
Sean Wallace
Many of my fics have very dark themes, and I fully believe that fiction should be used to explore the worst parts of humanity. However, it needs to be done well.
I will not write:
Any form of violence against women for the sole purpose of furthering a man's story. Violence against animals or children. Sexual assault smut. All my smut heavily features enthusiastic and mutual consent
General things for readers
I am more than happy to talk about my work, I will give spoilers and talk about my process if you want. Just ask!!!
I have a tag list and I'm happy to add you but if you are inactive for five posts, I will remove you.
You are under no obligation to read my work so please do not struggle through anything.
This is a hobby and I do this for free, I do this for myself so I'm happy to receive feedback but please don't complain.
Comments and reblogs are loved and cherished.
Thank you for reading this far, I wish you fun on your journey through my blog.
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will80sbyers · 1 year ago
URL playlist game
Tagged by: @enjolton 🫶🏻
Link to the playlist
Why'd you only call me when you're high? by AM
I wanna be your girlfriend by girl in red
Lemon boy by Cavetown
Lithium by Nirvana
80's -> Billie Jean by Michael Jackson
Breathe by Years & Years
You're gonna go far, kid by The offspring
Eleanor Rigby by Cody Fry
Reality and fantasy by Raphael Gualazzi
Sweater weather by The neighbourhood
Tag: @thegayhimbo @lavandulaphoenix @elpantalones @gayofthefae
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mariacallous · 3 months ago
It is nice to know that even centuries in the past, ze kitties still steal food off the table.
Some things are truly eternal
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thegayhimbo · 4 months ago
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I know this is coming a bit late, but since all of this was posted mere hours after Trump won the election in my country, I really wasn't in the mood at the time for making theories. I'm still technically in a funk, but I'm getting this done now to keep on top of things because I am really far behind in my reviews and speculations for Stranger Things.
1.) I am 80% convinced that the "Wheeler" who will vanish is Holly since the tidbits they've released indicate she's going to have a major role in season 5 and some kind of connection with Vecna. The book Alice in Wonderland will probably play a role in how they craft Holly's story since a reference was made to it on the Duffer Brother's Instagram post:
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There's also how Holly's clothes in one of the BTS photos looks eerily similar to Alice's blue dress from the Disney movie:
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Makes me question which Wonderland character Vecna is supposed to represent: The Mad Hatter? The Cheshire Cat? The Caterpillar? Maybe a male version of The Red Queen/Queen of Hearts?
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2.) I speculated a while back that the book A Wrinkle in Time would be influential in the writing for season 5, especially with one of the titles being "Escape from Camazotz." While I have doubts now that Mike will be the one who disappears (as I originally suspected, though I could be eating my words later if I turned out to be right on that call), I do think there will be some kind of journey to a Camazotz-like location in the Upside Down to rescue one of the main characters (one of the spoilers from earlier this year implies that Mike, Will, and Holly may share the same story, so it could be that Mike ventures with Will to rescue Holly from Vecna) and that the Duffer Brothers are intentionally drawing parallels between the Hive Mind in the Upside Down and the one in A Wrinkle in Time that IT (the main antagonist of the book) uses to control the planet of Camazotz.
Plus, the Duffer Brothers posted this on their Instagram a while back during the production of season 5:
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3.) The title "The Bridge" is likely referring to the bridge between the Hawkins and the Upside Down, and I suspect that episode will be about said bridge being damaged in a way that needs to be fixed in order to stop the UD's threat. However, since there have already been several references to children's books, I think there might be a third that this title is referring to: Bridge to Terabithia.
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I remember reading this book in elementary school, and I know the story deals with two friends who create an imaginary world called Terabithia that can be accessed by crossing a river, and they go to this world as a means of dealing with their own struggles in the real world. Since one of the themes of the books is about building the bridge (both metaphorically and literally) between the two worlds to create stability in the main character's life, maybe that's what will happen with the Upside Down and Hawkins: Instead of the complete destruction of either Hawkins or the Upside Down, an equilibrium is established between both worlds (with effort from the main characters) where the Upside Down no longer poses a threat but can co-exist with Hawkins in a peaceful and stable way.
4.) "The Rightside Up" is pretty self-explanatory as a title. The question isn't whether the main characters fix things, but HOW they do it and what the cost will be.
5.) Every BTS photo I've seen gives the impression that the Military, and likely the residents of Hawkins who've taken up Jason's crusade from Season 4, will be antagonists to the main characters just like Vecna and the Mind Flayer. I also have no doubt Colonel Sullivan will have spent the last year and a half hunting for El while also trying to contain the threat of the Upside Down. What I want to know is why the main characters are still in Hawkins after all this time? We see photos of Mike, Lucas, Dustin, and Will going to Hawkins High School, but I thought the idea at the end of S4 is that the Upside Down was leaking into Hawkins, which would make it a hotspot for toxic air, decay, and monsters popping out of the ground. Did the military quarantine the whole town and the residents can't leave Hawkins because they are infected? Or did they only seal off certain parts where Vecna's gate opened, and the town simply rebuilt around it and tried to get back to their lives?
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skellybonesandtrees · 2 years ago
@thegayhimbo @stillhidden @askarsjustsoswedish
Were there ever shows you wanted to give a fair try but ended up giving up in the middle?
I can think of Mr Robot, which I started twice in different moments/years, and though I was binging at one point and interested, I dropped it both times. Can't even explain why.
I also gave up Twin Peaks, which I'm aware is a capital sin. But I could never take it seriously I guess.
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avnj0gia · 5 months ago
Favorite first watches of September 🍂
Tagged by @portraitofadumbassonfire
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Let me tag @jakegyllinhaal @drewstarkley @agentthirsty @kitc0nn0r @meant-to-be-a-hero @benedictusantonius @thegayhimbo @joshuaballsett
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I was tagged by @thegayhimbo Thank you!!!!!!
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Tagging @chaos-4baby
new uquiz omg. what kind of warmth are you? been working on this forever pls take it <3
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Thank you for the tag @whatever-lmaoo
rules: put your music library on shuffle, then list the first five songs that come up in a poll to let people vote for their favourite! We both like Phoebe and I love that!!! I'm going to have to check out that song!!!!
@chaos-4baby @makeyoumine69 @theesirenteller @thegayhimbo
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will80sbyers · 1 year ago
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By @thegayhimbo
I n e e d this on my blog.
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writingmyheartoutforyou · 11 months ago
WIP Folder Game
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I'm pretty new to tag games, but here I go! I was tagged by @chewbokachoi for this. I don't have a dedicated WIP folder ( I just keep them all in Documents). - Ghosts of Samhain(Working Title) Chapter 1 - Ghosts of Samhain(Working Title) Chapter 1 Redux - Finding Him - Star Gazing - Mo Grá (My Love)
No pressure but I'm tagging @thegayhimbo, @magriffr, @leunusualsuspect, @iamnmbr3, @thetinywordnerd
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thegayhimbo · 5 months ago
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At least this confirms the radio station has been around since 1983.
I'm still curious about the military's role in S5. They've already established Colonel Jack Sullivan and his troops as antagonists, but the question is are they going to remain that way (even as they're containing the threat of the Upside Down) or will they actually have a Heel-Face Turn? Spoilers have indicated that Mike, Will, Lucas, and Joyce will be with the military, but that could mean anything. They may be working with the military willingly, or they could be their prisoners (similar to what happens with the kid characters in J.J. Abrams Super 8 who were briefly taken into custody by the military before the monster attacked them).
Also, will the military be battling the Mind Flayer's army at the Radio Station in Hawkins? Or in the Upside Down? Or at both locations?
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grave-gift · 1 year ago
https://www.tumblr.com/lightningbee12/742115687112294400/one-correction-i-think-what-they-were-talking this post explains the decolonize palestine thing pretty well
https://www.tumblr.com/thegayhimbo/742305324763168768/reblogging-for-valentines-day-here-are-a-few afaik these are all pretty good
First Link | Second Link
First link is about DecolonizePalestine and how some specific information on the site is historically inaccurate. Presented without much comment I have no time to vet this one way or the other, although the tumblr post seems genuine and accurate save for them misunderstanding that Peleset (not Peselet) was a country/region/peoples and not the name of a tablet. I would encourage anyone reading to donate to more immediately helpful charities/organizations over informative sites anyways, given the urgency of the bombing of Rafah. Second link is a list of places to donate, will reblog in one second.
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