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With a glance behind and gaze to fore
I pushed myself beyond the door
Door that closed upon my past
And now the future die is cast
Cast to breaking on the shore
Shore that’s breaking on the floor
Floor of deep embedded beads
That time has wrought to sandy seeds
Seeds mix and jumble up inside
My newfound person stepping wide
Wide the round and fertile earth
a promise – a paean – of rebirth
Birth from inner sin and woe
upon the mortal shore I go
Go crawling and pushing upon my knees
Until enveloped in the balmy seas
Seas roil and billow and drown my soul
till my old life has met its toll
Toll on, yea bells, of troubled mirth
Your laughter ends with final birth
Birth anew, a raging clutching pain
And I, defenseless, cast upon the main
Mainly, you know, I’ve struggled and run
to find myself at last a conquered one
One, rise! Oh divinely mortally met
And in thy threesome bosom I am set
Set at last, on softly wafting shores,
And closed, behind, the sinful, mortal doors
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8nt-no-thang-blog · 13 years
this blog just GETS ME
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