#thedreadblog talks
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thedreadblog · 4 months ago
Hi everyone! How are we all doing? Excited to play, still playing or, like me, starting a second round? *rubs hands together*
Worth it!!!! This game is SO WORTH IT. Love it love it love it.
Not gonna go into details, of course, but this post is here to warn you that I’m going to start posting Veilguard content starting Wednesday November 13th. Gives you some time to tighten up your tagging (if you hadn’t already).
Everything pre-da4 will remain untagged unless I tag-talk about spoilers. Everything Veilguard will be tagged DA4 spoilers like usual. I’d debated a new tag but that feels like more work for everyone avoiding spoilers (I had to add about 6 new spoiler tags while playing and it wasn’t fun seeing stuff already).
Happy playing or anticipating!
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maebird-melody · 2 months ago
WIP Folder Game
rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous and tag as many people as you have WIPs. People send an ask with the title that most intrigues them, then you post a snippet or tell them something about it!
Look, I will take any excuse to talk about my WIPS it's free motivation
And @darethshirl said we could do it even if not tagged, so!
Time Lost (current WIP, lives Rent Free in my brain)
Pink Astronaut
Ghost Fever
Family Breakfast
Nemuri no Kogoro
Comic Kwan
A Nice Place to Live
Don't Look Back
The Last Time
The Fox's Folly
Hades x DP
Embraterion's Folly
Is it bad that lots of these are technically half-published? I am so good at starting things; less good at finishing them.
Uhhh tags, right! Tagging @lexosaurus @bibliophilea @seaglass-skies @jackdaw-sprite @tundra-tiger @misstooni @madam-buffalo @strawberrycamel uhhh that's only 8?? okay @thedreadblog @imakemywings @halfpast-contrast @ambromancy @pennerjones
And for those who don't write, I'd also be curious about your art WIPS OwO
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mywitchcultblr · 3 years ago
Not people saying "Solas want to destroy the world to bring back Arlathan'"
In Tevinter Nights he said this:
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But then he said this:
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So 'Before this world ended' is contradictory with 'What I am doing will save this world, and those like you—the elves who still remain—may even find it better when, when it's done'
I think this is intentional, Solas often speaks in double meaning and half-truth. I have a weird feeling that his plan is not the apocalypse, this world ended could just be the world of Thedas that we know now end. Doesn't mean all lives will die apocalyptic level.
Still i have no idea whatever only elves who will survive or maybe all people surviving. It's possible even with the veil down, other races survives too (they just gonna be mages, which is the natural state of everyone)
What if tearing down the veil might be a necessary step to deal with blight? Evanuris? Other threats??
Who knows it remains to be seen. But i found it hilarious that some people are falling for 'solas is the next big bad' no, Dragon Age always have a secondary bigger threat that is revealed half-way through or in the end.
Also the last thing Solas wanted is the old Arlathan. You can tell from the way he talks about his fellow elven gods.
I bet all of my money theres another legitimate reasons behind his plan. And I bet with and without Solas, the veil is going down anyway. You can't keep the evanuris there forever.
@thedreadblog Morrigan also made a remark about how change is necessary, there's sandal and his prophecy, i also read Drakon's vision about the maker returned and make the world paradise or at least harmonious again from Felassan post (yes Drakon is a piece of shit egocentric zealot lying bastard but still it's a piece of lore) and WHO just returned from his long lost sleep? Solas.
Make the world harmonious again (or something like that) sounds like no-veil world again.
Also there's people who speculating that Solas doesn't care about his people because he wants to tear down the veil then that's mean all people will die including his followers
Look at this picture below:
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This is a very modern looking ship, definitely inspired by aravel. But i think this is an ancient transportation from Arlathan era. What if there are thousands ships like this or even more??
Solas definitely has an ark or more prepared to save people, especially his followers maybe??
I just... It's just doesn't make sense if he let them all die. One of his plans is TO SAVE the elves, not damning them even further.
Also one more crucial info from Tevinter Nights
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The nevarran mages thought that Solas is using demon army or bind Spirits to do his bidding, but no! Solas would never do that. Those necromancer are just delusional and arrogant, they think they know everything about Spirits.
They thought "NOOO justice and valor would never follow Fen'harel"
But what if they did? And because Solas is against binding spirits, that's mean spirits are following him out of their free will.
Do you honestly believe spirits of justice and valor would follow him if his cause is not justifiable or noble? Bold?
They wouldn't follow someone who is just 'Evilz'
Edit: This is something that I just remember, but i wonder if let's say the veil is down and not all people die and people just turned into mages (as their natural state should be, because I believe any races who can dream are connected with the fade) which will make them powerful
Mage inquisitor and mage hawke's power would be boosted up to an unfathomable level... I wonder if it'll be enough manpower to defeat the evanuris?? And blight??
LOTR style battle? And people who have their magic back fight alongside Solas to defeat their enemy? Just like what happened in the past??
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elfrootaddict · 5 years ago
Fic Writer Questions
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Thank you so much for the tag @in-arlathan 💕 this is definitely the first time I’ve had to think about things like this - this is going to be fun!
I personally don’t know a lot of writing friends on Tumblr (because I’m very new to the world of fic writing - well, writing in general 🤪) but I’ll tag whoever (even though I think most are strictly artists?)
Anywho, those who can/ want to, feel free to answer these and be sure to tag me back - would love to read what you have to say :) @sopml @noire-pandora @tragic-lavellan @felassan @followingthewolf @an-egg-broke-my-heart @rubihowl @faelavellan @lethendralis-paints @himluv @serial-chillr @soulconsumingginge @thedreadblog
I’ve cropped my answers for the sake of people’s feed 👇
1. Do you enjoy the occasional trope? Do you enjoy them all? Or do you hate tropy stuff with a passion?
Firstly, I hope the tropes I mention are actually tropes (but apologies in advance if I what I ramble on about isn’t officially a trope). But I guess I don’t mind the occasional trope but normally it would be nice to have a story without it - I like surprises and unexpected events. I guess as a teenager I loved your Boy-Meets-Girl tropes a lot, but now I honestly hate them. Predictability in a story, to an extent, is a mood killer for me and I find myself bored. I know it’s hard to expect writers to essentially “reinvent the wheel” when it comes to writing unpredictable and trope-free stories, so I completely understand how some tropes are almost hard to avoid but if a story is solely reliant on tropes then I’m not interested.
2. Which tropes are you favorites? Which ones do you avoid? Have you written any yourself or is there one you really want to write?
Favorite Tropes: I don’t know the “official” name of tropes but I will just describe them as best as I can in no particular order :)
Opposits Attract: From the top of my head I think of Hermione&Ron, Monica&Chandler, Ross&Rachel, Repunzel&Flynn and Bull&Dorian when it comes to this particular trope. I think so many REAL relationships are between two people who are so dissimilar in a lot of ways. That the weaknesses in the one character are the other character’s strength (e.g. one is disciplined and the other isn’t). One relationship I wish happened canonically is Zuko&Katara from Avatar. In saying that, when two characters who are so grossly different get together then that’s something I struggle to wrap my head around as it feels forced and unnatural. But if done right, you know that those two lovers are together because of how REAL their love is for one another despite their differences, and that they aren’t in for what they “get out of it” and how “easy it is” - they’re in it because they love each other so truly and accept all the good, bad and ugly in between.
Star-Crossed/ Lovers in Denial: I guess it goes without saving for me (being in Solavellan hell and all) but having two characters fall in love almost against their better judgement and how they deny their feelings for so long is something I really enjoy. And guess what? All my examples from the top of my head are all Dragon Age ones 😅; Loghain&Rowen, YourWarden&Alistair, Hawke&Fenris and Trevelyn&Cassandra are relationships that blossom without at least one of them looking for it and how it catches them off guard. And when they do finally admit their feelings its a really big, spontaneous and passionate moment. However, I hate it when they deny their feelings for too long - in this case I’m talking about Blackwall’s romance as an example. When I watched Blackwall’s romance, I got really frustrated with his constant “No, I can’t” that it really made me want to scream lol. Oh! Just thought of another one that isn’t a DA related; Elizabeth&DrDarcy :)
The Underestimated: I enjoy seeing a character underestimated and then proving everybody wrong by being the most powerful, strongest and most incredible one in the room while everybodies mouths are agape. But not by turning into the bad guy, but by simply showing the others that they shouldn’t be underestimated. I think of Toph, Aang and Solas in this regard. And even better, is when the characters don’t need to “show off” their power. I loved how with Toph she was the most powerful Earth Bender but was the smallest and youngest person in the room, and everybody she met underestimated her! And with Aang being you know... the most powerful person in their world and is merely a child. Then of course, we all know Solas’s story: creating the Veil, that Mind Blast in Trespasser, petrifying people to stone, killing dwarves in their sleep and having his Dread Wolf form living in the Fade... yeah. Total sucker for underestimated and not-your-typical powerful character.
Tropes I Avoid: Again, don’t know the “official” names and from the top of my head :)
The Dumb Blonde: Whenever I see a superficial, stupid blonde woman I get really mad. I actually take it personally as I was called a “dumb blonde” myself growing up for simply having blonde hair. I’m sure you’ve heard of “blondes have more fun, but brunettes remember it the next day” joke and omg... it Really. Grinds. My. Gears.
The Mirror in a Horror: I almost never watch horrors, but whenever I see anyone stare into a mirror, open the cabinet and then close it to find somebody suddenly standing behind them, it really makes me roll my eyes back into my head. Look, I still close my eyes because I can’t hand jump scares (even when I know they’re coming) but even still... lol
The Hero Survives: Perhaps an unrealistic expectation, but whenever a story has the blatant knight-in-shining-armor hero, you know from the beginning that they aren’t going to die. That’s why the Red Wedding made me question everything I knew lol. It was totally unexpected! But when you get to the end of a movie and the hero is fighting the bad guy; at first the hero is winning, then the bad guy gets the upper hand and they (the creators) try to fool you into thinking the hero will die (aka the Bad Guy Monolauge) but then suddenly the hero fights harder and wins... ugh... However, I’m not saying the hero must always die, but I like the idea of the hero dying and somehow surviving quite unexpectedly. I think of Ciri from the Witcher: Geralt (and you) totally thought she died but she didn’t! Also, Harry Potter - he died but then also managed to survive!
The Good-Guy to Bad-Guy: I can’t stand the origin of a lot of your “typical” bad guys. This is kind of linked to “The Underestimated” trope I like, but I can’t stand it when they use it as the “explanation” or “excuse” of why the bad guy is the antagonist . I think of Ursula from the Little Mermaid, Hades from Hercules and Maleficent. I think the creators are perhaps trying to get you to sympathize with them (and I do feel sorry for Corypheus, but that’s another post lol), and their origin stories do tug at the heart strings, I just get frustrated with characters who choose to take the “evil” route when they are underestimated, treated poorly or bullied. I guess because in reality there are so many different ways one can deal with being treated poorly other than being a horrible person but yeah... Simultaneously however, what’s the solution? Where should antagonist’s come from? What should their origin story be? And honestly, I don’t actually have a solution XD I guess it depends on the origin story and what caused them to “turn bad” for it not to bother me so much. Because usually you can smell the antagonist a mile away when stories do this.
“American” High Schools: What I mean by this, is that I’m sick and tired of the main characters in high school movies or shows falling into the “jock”, “nerd”, “cheerleader”, “geek”, “perve”, “virgin” or “bullied” category. Especially - ESPECIALLY - the Jock & Cheerleader teasing the protagonist and the protagonist usually being in love with the Jock’s Cheerleader Girlfriend, and then his best friend being the flamboyant, funny one... just no. NO MORE. As soon as I see any TV show or movie use this trope as it’s main “hook” I avoid it like the plague. I understand that perhaps there are a lot of high schools where people perhaps do “fit” into one of these categories but I’m sorry, people are far more complex than that and they are more than just being “the jock” or the “cheerleader” or the “geek”. And of course what goes with all of that is the typical choice of dress, talk and attitude associated with falling into those categories: your “jock” with his jacket, the “cheerleader” with her short skirt, the “geek” whose awkward and wears glasses. Just... enough. That’s enough.
Rain at a Funeral: I don’t think I need to elaborate on this lol
Writing Tropes: I haven’t actually thought about writing anything other than my Halla & Wolf series right now but perhaps if I had to think of a trope I wouldn’t mind tackling, it would be a Lovers in Denial one. I want to write characters that really hate each other in the beginning but are forced to interact and overcome certain obstacles with the help of the other, and then they see other sides to that character they weren’t expecting to see and then they fall in love almost begrudgingly. But then their love is so passionate and real that you can feel how true it is in your bones because of how they got there. Just like if Zuko&Katara got together. Their story and how I think should have ended would be a great source of inspiration for me should I write something like that.
3. Do you have different preferences for reading than you have for writing? If so, is there a reason for it?
I’m currently reading through the DA books in chronological order (I’m currently on Last Flight) and the last time I read anything prior to that was all of Meg Cabot’s books - which was like, 10 years ago. But I think that the type of books I enjoy reading are fantasy ones and after the Little Women movie, I really want to read the book now. And I also loved reading Jane Auston’s books. But it’s hard to answer this one because I haven’t written anything other than my Halla & Wolf series and the last time I did attempt at writing my own stories was when I was like... 12? Hehe
Phew! I did NOT expect this to get so long but who knew? I certainly didn’t know I had so much to say 😅 thanks for reading all my babble if you managed to get through all of it lol this was certainty fun to do!
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thedreadblog · 25 days ago
Tag Game!
tagged by @maythedreadwolftakeyou I so very rarely do these, thank you for wanting to get to know me better :D
Rules: tag 10 people you want to get to know better!
Last Song: King and Cross - Ásgeir
Last Movie: oh gosh...eh...I think the last movie I watched was Pride and Prejudice (2005) which was in...November? Don't watch a lot of movies...
Last Book: The Way of Kings (Stormlight Archive pt1) by Brandon Sanderson. Predictable, I know. I've been trying to catch up with Sanderson for years, but I don't read enough and Sanderson writes at speeds comparable to Terry Pratchett. I've been reading this book for...over a year now lmao. Can you imagine I was reading the Mistborn series when it was still being published? I really fell behind.
Last TV Show: Arcane season 2
Sweet, Savory, or Spicy: ohh savoury! My spice levels are pathetic and sweet makes my blood sugar spike so fast it makes my wrists hurt (hi, type 1 diabetic. I feel stuff like that very very keenly. Savoury stuff is slower.)
Relationship Status: Single. Very. Too busy to busy myself with getting busy (or perhaps: not good at being vulnerable and scared to open up to new people. Also, demisexual, dating is hard when you need to form a deeper bond before trusting people with The Rest.
Last Thing I Googled: Erreplus Freestyle saddle. I'm studying to become a saddlefitter for horses, did homework with friends, had to find a particular saddle. :)
Looking Forward To: Yeah, MORE DAYLIGHT. Evenings are when I can ride my horses, and the dark, cold and wet days really kill any motivation to do more than brushing. Not that my horses mind it, but dang. I do.
Current Obsessions: dragon age (always), icelandic horses (always)
tagging: @imakemywings, @felicitywilds, @solavellan--hell, @noobsydraws, @lathbora-virann, @housederiva, @thebookworm0001, @bdafic, @dreadfutures
but only if you want to!!
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thedreadblog · 8 months ago
It's the fourth time this week that I've had to up the posting frequency of my queue.
It was 6 times a day.
Now it's 12.
Because my queue keeps getting LONGER despite me reblogging loads still and constantly upping the posting frequency.
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I love this timeline, all the new art, the posts, the meta, people reacting to details, posting and reposting fanfic, new updates and information....gods, what a time to be alive ♥️
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thedreadblog · 8 months ago
Currently working on a list of the bookmarks I've saved up over the years, and it's a pleasure to read through all of them again!
Anyway, work in progress :)
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thedreadblog · 2 months ago
sliding into ur dms to talk about lavender coffee. if you don’t like it then no probably not lol! but here in the US lavender honey lattes had a bit of a moment in the last few years and that’s what i interpreted the drink to be closer to? Espresso with a lavender honey syrup and a bunch of cream/foam. It’s sweet and a lot lighter than most coffee drinks and decidedly floral which is certainly polarizing.
Lavender lattes are also notorious for starting very pretty, with a layer of lavender syrup/crème at the top or bottom that, if you mix it fully into the drink, turns the whole thing an unappetizing grey!
Oh my goodness, thank you so much for answering my tags about lavender cream! I think I remember the drinks that looked pretty until stirred, but I banished it from my mind because it's lavender (which I notoriously dislike). But then also: Lucanis seems like someone who enjoys not just a nice dark coffee but also the pretty coffees, and that's something I can appreciate <3
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