eternalpragmatist · 7 years
A Case of Mistaken Identity
Closed starter with @thedoctorsimpossiblegirl
His Blackberry hadn’t stopped ringing since nine that morning. Malcolm was currently fighting a Herculean battle with the urge to throw it against the wall. Instead he forced himself to take a deep breath in the attempt to shift down several gears. He also had an interview to worry about.
Of course, it would be nice if there was somebody else to deal with the interview. It was hard to fob something off on your PA, though, when they were the one you were replacing. And he wasn’t about to let some fucking moron from HR choose the person he relied on for nearly everything. He needed to look somebody in the eyes to decide whether or not they were gonna piss their pants in terror the first time he got a bit tense. 
No, he needed a fighter. And HR didn’t pick fighters. They picked warm bodies with adequate typing speed. Not fucking good enough. So when a knock came at the door, he reluctantly switched his phone to ‘priority only’ and took another deep breath.
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“Come in.”
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dxctoridiot-blog · 7 years
@thedoctorsimpossiblegirl​ continued from here
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“Doctor come on, you said you don’t get sick anyway so even if I was ill I couldn’t pass anything on to you. So just let me come, I already told you that I’m well enough to go traveling so let’s pick a planet and go.” Clara was pretty much ready to take his hand and drag him through the doors of his TARDIS if she had to, all the brunette wanted to do was leave and enjoy herself instead of having the Doctor pity her for being ill. “Just shut up about me being sick and show me some stars.”
The Doctor glared at her for several long moments, understanding she would likely just pilot the ship herself. So, he did what any rational man would do - he relented. "Right, you want a planet, I'll give you a planet." He input fresh coordinates and threw the lever, thrusting them through the time vortex. As soon as they landed, he rushed to the doors to throw them open for her to reveal... they were outside a large building, with an unmistakable red cross emblazoned across the top. "Well, it's a dwarf planet, by all accounts, but you still count Pluto as a planet."
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attackeyebrcws · 7 years
[[ @thedoctorsimpossiblegirl ]]
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“ You know, you can’t just run around getting everything you want by flashing doggy eyes all over the place and putting please at the end of every sentence, that is SUCH a HUMAN thing to do in front of an all knowing, all powerful alien species. Also known as me. ”
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thedoctornumber11 · 7 years
My Tumblr Crushes:
Sounds about right. Go give some follows.
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prat-central · 7 years
thedoctorsimpossiblegirl replied to your post: The moment when the low budget Youtube video movie...
TRUEEEEE I can’t wait to watch it now!!!!
It’s really good, you should soon and it’s not too, too long so it won’t take that long to watch. It’s only about 50 minutes and I GENUINELY kind of liked the ending. 
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capaciityforpain · 7 years
This is a tumblr hug. (✿づ◠‿◠)づ Pass this to 10 of your favorite blogs to let them know that you love them 💜💜
Another one! What! Thank you! Thank you so much!
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drthetasigma14 · 7 years
Potter!verse: “Believe the Impossible.”
The Ministry of Magic.
Not too terribly long after The Battle of Hogwarts.
Doctoral candidate Thomas Stearns “T.S.” Decker-- working as an Unspeakable in The Department of Mysteries even as he studied further to earn his degree --wandered through the offices of The Auror Department, hands in the pockets of his signature blue Muggle-style suit trousers, glancing about and looking moderately annoyed. 
After a moment, twisting, and turning-- squinting, frowning--
--T.S. glanced about at the other Aurors bustling about the bullpen and called--
“Oi! Anyone seen Potter! Or Weasley? They’re not in another reorg meeting, are they?”
Not much of anyone paid attention to him-- but that was all right, he didn’t expect them to have an answer for him. Potter and Weasley were busy revolutionizing Magical Law Enforcement, not everyone could be expected to keep a pin in them.
But as he turned slowly again, he rested his dark dark deep deep brown gaze on a dark-haired woman carrying a stack of papers for one of the higher-ranking Aurors--
--and he hesitated.
He had, on a Christmas that still hadn’t happened yet, been given the ability to perceive timelines so that he could navigate in multiple dimensions and not interfere with events that were fixed in time.
And this woman... this woman... she had broken, tangled timelines emanating from her in every direction, the most complex chronological anomaly he’d ever yet seen. 
“What on Earth...?” he murmured slowly. 
And then he focused on her face.
He knew her, didn’t he? 
What was her name-- Ozzy? Oz... ma? Hung out with that odd chap Undecim, made brilliant souffles?
But wasn’t she a little older?
He stood staring at her from across the bullpen, eyes narrowed and concentrating, trying to trace those timelines but keeping on getting lost in the array of them... 
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actuallybasil · 7 years
Basil hadn’t slept well. He wasn’t looking forward to the rattling of the bars on his cell to ‘wake him up’, which happened every morning without fail. Breakfast was usually a tasteless mush that seemed like dust mixed with water. He heard the prison officer approaching and pulled the covers over his head, expecting to hear a loud metallic clanging of the bars. 
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dxctoridiot-blog · 7 years
@thedoctorsimpossiblegirl continued from HERE
Clara hated how nervous she was about this, it was just a simple question but the implications behind it meant a lot to her and she didn’t know how the Doctor would react. “There’s this guy… And well I like him quite a bit, but I don’t know if I should tell him or not mostly because I can’t tell if he feels the same.” The brunette took a deep breath before her big brown eyes met his cerulean coloured stare, “You’re a guy, how do guys show if they like someone romantically?”
Oh. Oh. "Clara, I'm not human. I haven't invested much time in learning your kind's courtship rituals." Though he did have the distinct feeling she was hinting at something else. He moved around the console, alternating between rubbing his hands together and flipping bits and bobs on the console itself. This was an awkward conversation to be having, for sure, one he hadn't had in a long time, one he vaguely remembered having given one of his kids at some point. Maybe Felix, maybe even recently. "Besides, I thought you were old enough to know all about... about those things."
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thedoctornumber11 · 7 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
Go follow and interact with all these lovely folks!
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theverylast-blog1 · 7 years
@thedoctorsimpossiblegirl  ( cont. )
   ‘ dying of old age is easier said than done, ESPECIALLY FOR SOMEONE LIKE MYSELF. ’ he quipped back to her, eyes momentarily flicking over hers. though yes, she did have a point, not dying would be preferable. ‘ we really do need to be more careful in future. ’
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xchxsingcxrsx · 7 years
"It's not impossible, just a bit unlikely."
The Doctor had recently regenerated. As soon as the regeneration had finished, it was obvious that something was completely different. The Doctor was now female. That was obvious. The Doctor looked at her reflection. “Still not ginger.” was the first thing that came out of her mouth. Of all the things she could have said, that had been the one thing on her mind. Just like her Tenth incarnation. It was at that point that she realized the TARDIS was flying. She got the TARDIS to land somewhere. 
Once the TARDIS had landed, she made her way to the door and stepped outside. She hadn’t even thought about what she was wearing was what her previous incarnation had been wearing. Locking the TARDIS, she glanced around. She didn’t even know where she was. Hearing a voice, she frowned. “Sorry?” She said, looking towards where the voice came from.
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dxctoridiot-blog · 7 years
@thedoctorsimpossiblegirl​ continued from HERE
“I appreciate this, Doctor. Thanks.” She didn’t want to say too much about it in fear of him figuring out just how much she liked having him with her, Clara couldn’t imagine the Doctor understanding how she felt nor did she believe that he would want to keep her around afterwards. Curling up into his chest she made sure to stay within his grasp on her, hoping to fall asleep before it became awkwards between them. “I promise that I won’t bother you with this anymore if you don’t want me to.”
"You're not a bother, Clara.” He tried to calm his racing hearts, though in the back of his mind he was certain she would chalk it up to his alien physiology. How long had it been since she had been this close to him? At that precise moment, he wondered why he had ever kept her at arm’s length. Because you care too much, you idiot, he thought to himself.
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ninthrun · 7 years
@thedoctorsimpossiblegirl dang you’re absolutely right though. I’m only part way through one storyline and I’m hooked
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thedoctornumber11 · 7 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
Some awesome blogs for you to go follow and interact with!
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followthedrums13 · 7 years
Say something nice: okay, You have earned yourself a well deserved follow
Thank you!!! I followed you back as well and I’ll do the same on my Clara blog ( @thedoctorsimpossiblegirl ) too, us Whouffaldi loving Ravenclaws need to stick together!
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