astrologywithmeghan · 3 years
E-book tidbit
Here's a tidbit of the e-book I have been writing behind the scenes in my spare time. It will be geared toward individuals who know a bit about the signs, houses, and planets, but have not quite figured out the nature of transits and how they work in unison with the astrology basics.  The Moon
First, let's talk about the nature of the Moon. The Moon is the luminary that rules the night, casting reflections down to Earth as she moves through her many phases. The Moon rules the sign Cancer, and so she can be considered an individual since she does not co-rule any other sign. She is exalted at 3° Taurus. The Moon represents change; as she waxes, she gains in strength; as she wanes, she releases and let's go. The Moon is our comfort source, so she attempts to develop the sign and house she sits in to help us feel happy and peaceful. The Moon is our deepest consciousness, that part of us that observes and recognizes that we are thinking: "Cogito, ergo sum," - I think therefore I am (Descartes, Discourse on Method, 1637). As such, the Moon allows us to receive, experience, process, and understand the information we encounter throughout our lives. The Moon is our individuality, and that part of us that interacts empathizes, and relates to others. The Moon is that part of us that can discriminate and make choices for our best good, and because the Moon rules change, the Moon is that part of us that can discern whether our choices are valid – and make course corrections toward better choices if that is what is needed for our deepest happiness. The Moon wants to be involved with others productively and beneficially, and if the Moon feels discouraged or feels like a burden, the Moon can feel unhappy. The Moon allows us to feel inspiration and creativity, and when the Moon can bond with others through a higher purpose, the Moon displays happiness and motivation. The Moon is ever-changing, and thus, the Moon is adaptable and loves to indulge in the novelties of life. The Moon also rules our home, comforts, mother-figures and parenthood, health, and all things associated with water. Her features are round, slender, and curved, aroused from her dual Kapha-Vata nature, and she is soft, beautiful, and pale. Monday is the day of the Moon, and as such, we can pay homage to the Moon on Mondays when we need to strengthen her to increase our powers of discernment. Saturn Now, let's speak about the nature of Saturn. Saturn is the furthest visible planet in our solar system, and he is lame, dark, and slow. Saturn rules both Capricorn and Aquarius, but he is happier in the sign of Aquarius. He is exalted at 21° Libra. Saturn rules time, and he tends to plod forward slowly, thickly, and steadily. Saturn represents our fears, anxieties, and psychological complexes, and he is that part of us that acknowledges the suffering attached to the separation from the self from Ultimate Reality. He is also the planet that indicates our level of self-restraint. Saturn measures our merit, and if we have worked diligently, Saturn can lead us toward manifesting a higher good, while if we have shirked our duties, Saturn can lead us down a path of difficulty, despair, and fear.
Accomplishment belongs to Saturn, and thus if we are to accomplish anything of great merit, our Saturn placement will be at the root of that achievement. Saturn requires dedication and perseverance; he asks us to steadily perfect our skills and tread relentlessly, timelessly forward until we have slowly built ourselves to a level that brings manifestations of the greatest rewards. Saturn represents that part of us that feels a duty toward accomplishing something in life; he acknowledges our actions when we steadily and resolutely pursue them. Saturn is the planet that allows us to steadily learn through perseverance and attrition – the lessons that Saturn teaches us are pivotal in our personal development, and without Saturn, we would be unable to build upon our skills. Saturn can indicate loss within the house he sits, and when Saturn transits one of our houses, he sweeps out each and every dark corner, leaving nothing unturned. When Saturn takes something from us, we can become resistant to change, and when we resist changing, our fears, worries, and complexes can increase. If we are resistant and continue to attempt to manifest the house that Saturn sits in through quick-fixes, we can increase our fears. On the other hand, if we learn to understand our fears and persist in healing them, we can manifest the house that Saturn sits in later in life. Saturn represents all of our sorrows and pain. Because Saturn is that part of us that acknowledges the separation between the individual self and Ultimate Reality, Saturn can make us feel empty and sorrowful if he is not situated well in the natal chart. There is no such thing as fear, isolation, or loneliness without Saturn's knowledge of separation. It can be difficult to channel happiness and fulfillment wherever Saturn's influence sits in our chart. Saturn is solitary in nature and tends to resolve problems through seeking oneness with the natural world. When Saturn is strong, he represents our ability to persevere even when we are not inclined to perform our duties; he gives us the ability to find joy despite menial labor and hardship. When Saturn is afflicted, we may never manifest our ultimate goals because we cannot persevere in the tasks allotted to us. Saturn is solely Vata in nature and thus is dry, cold, and thin in the constitution. Saturn rules every permanent change, and thus he is a planet that prepares us for the inevitability of death. Saturn's energy is our survival instinct; it operates solely on getting us through challenges and has no personal agenda, inspirations, or ambitions for fulfillment. Saturn rules our weaknesses, and his cycle is long. It takes him approximately 29 years to transit the zodiac, and his influence is strongly felt at approximately 7, 14, and 21 years of age. During these transits from Saturn to natal Saturn, the individual can undergo profound turning points in their lives. Saturn is considered a malefic planet but has a stronger malefic effect within a night chart. He rules Saturdays, and if Saturn needs to be strengthened or appeased, ritually honoring him on Saturdays may be useful.
The Nature of Transit Saturn Conjunct the Moon It is clear to see why transiting Saturn conjunct the natal Moon would result in an experience likened to the soul's dark night. The Moon, sitting in its natal house, has a specific way that it views the world, and that view has been imprinted on the individual through experiences and socialization that form a psyche and consciousness that, although quick to course correct, also has patterns – synapses that have formed in the brain through repetitive patterns. The Moon seeks comfort, and when it experiences any discomfort, it will try to quickly course correct. However, transiting Saturn will not allow for this course correction. Instead, Saturn requires the Moon to stay still and do the emotional and psychological work needed to remap the brain's synapses, insisting that this difficult internal labor be performed step-by-step. We cannot grow as individuals if our ability to perceive the world around us does not change over time. Changing our level of consciousness is deep and laborious work!
The individual is left with the choice to either persevere, develop, and heal the way they have come to view the world and themselves or languish in a heightened state of fear and exhaustion that leads them toward healing in a longer and more indirect way. Saturn is not an easy taskmaster. If we refuse to do the inner work that is necessary for us to ascend to a higher level of consciousness, we are much more likely to find ourselves taking the longer route, and scraping ourselves off of countless rock-bottom situations that we are forced to endure because we are not acknowledging our own responsibility toward healing our state of consciousness - this is something that can only be done by the volition of the individual themselves! Yes, we can have aid from ancestors, guides, God, mentors, therapists, shamans - but if we are not dedicated to our own development, Saturn is quick to clap down on us. We may wind up identifying with a state of victimhood, isolation, and fear that can only be transcended by doing the difficult work that Saturn requires while learning to channel the higher energy of Jupiter. In these dire circumstances calling upon a higher power and finding purpose and meaning is crucial for us to come out of this energy with Saturn's blessings through active and persistent dedication. The feeling of fear and isolation that can overwhelm us during this time can be intense, particularly as it pertains to most of the things that people hold dear: their view of the world, their homes, health, and mother-figures. It is much easier to endure the reformation and upgrade of our consciousness if we walk in this transit with some form of faith and a sense of personal responsibility for transformation. On the positive side, Saturn blesses us exponentially when we are dedicated and show that we can overcome the drudgery of his tasks. On the other side of a productive Saturn transit to the Moon, we can find ourselves with insights and understandings that help us overcome deeply set traumas and an entirely new view of the world around us. When we finally see the light after the storm the inner work is well worth the reward. The quality, placement, and aspects that influence the Moon and Saturn in the natal chart will greatly affect how an individual experiences their dark night of the soul. The quality of Jupiter in the natal chart will also influence the individual’s ability to overcome the fear and isolation that Saturn can bring. The entire natal chart must be assessed together for information about how the individual will be able to persevere through times of hardship – for some people, perseverance is nearly impossible, and for others, it is a welcome and healing journey that leads them to develop higher spiritual consciousness.
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This piece is known as the Nightmare Dress and the embodiment of the Dark Passenger. We discuss The Dark Night of the Soul in our film, RABID, as well as Schadenfreude. We all have a darkness within us. Sometimes we leave the light. This film is a snap shot of where we are as a society and perhaps the dark paths we may choose to pursue or reject. We are the creators of our own reality and the editors of them as well. Excited to discuss the many themes on the film as well as hearing what our World Premiere audience takes from the film. #Rabid #WorldPremiere #FrightFest #FilmMode #101Films #TheDarkNightOfTheSoul #schadenfreude #DarkPassenger https://www.instagram.com/p/B1oQokIFoURUZQ-kX8ylyLdYtpt9mH_SKI3G_w0/?igshid=1lqe141zpze1w
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mujeralchimista · 3 years
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Something inside of me is dying, it started around February’s Full Snow Moon and it has been sprinkling into this dimension painfully slowly. Anger has been triggered but somehow there has been a transmutation of it towards love and compassion. I have kicked some people out of my life, forgiving them of course from a distance and loving and wishing them well in their being... I am trying to keep my sanity, but thankfully twin souls like my girl @empowered_steph exist, that show me this IS what is happening collectively in the world as a whole. The great awakening... the fear of where we are going, is almost draining, the feel of not being able to continue with more revelations (the psychic collectives) from loved ones which in a way help us understand them from a better place of compassion. Transmutation of negative emotions to LOVE is KEY 🔑 at this moment. Put some extra #crystals on those #bras girls to be able to receive and maintain centered and grounded. Use alcohol sparingly and have #faith because we are #rising . . #risingtogether #riseuptogether #riseupsisters #soulsisters #riseupcollective #thisislevelup #levelupseason #mindset #mindsetiskey #awakening #spiritualawakening #spirituality #spiritualgrowth #crystalsinmybra #thedarknight #thedarknightofthesoul #sehablaspanglish #raiseyourvibration #raiseyourfrequency #raiseyourvibe #girlyouarenotalone #girlyourok . . You can buy dresses like this and more at my #redbubbleshop @redbubble thank you for supporting a artists like me in our designs. #redbubbleartist #redbubbledress https://www.instagram.com/p/CNdDLhfsGOL/?igshid=sr6hdnzfjhry
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kalikillsthedemon · 3 years
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The universe said to me "You are gonna be happy...but first, Im gonna make you strong." 🙌 #yoga #yogatherapy #meditation #zen #tao #strength #stability #composure #restfulness #thedarknightofthesoul #iamthedarkness #iamthelight #balance #survivornotvictim #strongerthansheknows #strongerthanyouthink #catsofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CK2k9nvDEkd/?igshid=1i2fuod2krl5k
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aurohollo · 4 years
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I like to post these analysis on various subject matters that come up in tarot often as guides between readings. This one is on the proverbial dark night of the soul, a right of passage to the mystical initiate. Watch full video on BUNNY TAROT YouTube channel. Thank you my fellO kindred souls for subscribing, liking and sharing. Please let me know in the comments your experiences and how you pulled through. Love you all! Muah! 🐰😇🙏 #TheDarkNightOfTheSoul #Spirituality #Tarot #astrology #occult #esoteric #mystic #Psychology #spiritual #Buddha #JesusChrist #God #Angel #SelfHelp #woke #lightworker #vippassana #Tao #Witch #TheCraft #Magician #fashion #style #men #inatagay #scruff #gay #alternative #altmodel #halloween https://www.instagram.com/p/CGK_Aylgq0j/?igshid=gt4e4q80ws35
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teapotteas · 5 years
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Today, I abandon my old habits and take up new, more positive ones Realize that any difficult time are only a short phase of life. This too shall pass along with your old habits as you take in the new. You are a fully adapting being with creative energy which surges through you and leads you to new and brilliant ideas and the mindset that allows that energy to flow. #popthekettleon and brew some of Teapot Teas THE DARK KNIGHT. Energetically infused with HOWLITE to calm #thedarknightofthesoul. So let’s rest and remember how far we have come and release what no longer serves us for tomorrow is another day. For more information on the award winning Intentional Tisanes of Teapot Teas and updates on upcoming events and workshops follow us on www.teapotteas.com https://Facebook.com/TeapotTeas https://m.facebook.com/AtTheTeapot/ https://Instagram.com/teapotteas https://Twitter.com/teapotteas (at Teapot Teas) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz712B7ArDF/?igshid=1azwdyx8vdpsk
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thenervouspeal · 7 years
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"I looked at my hands to see if I was the same person. There was such a glory over everything. The sun came up like gold through the trees, and I felt like I was in heaven." - Harriet Tubman . #finally #free #thedarknightofthesoul
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sophireaptress · 7 years
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I just pre-ordered mine!! So excited!!! 🖤🦇⚰️ #Repost @jonathanhulten (@get_repost) ・・・ Pre-orders for the EP "The Dark Night Of The Soul" is up! Black and oxblood vinyls, wooden boxes, prints and candles - check it out at Shop.reflectionsrecords.com Photo credit: @viveka_swann #eprelease #reflectionrecords #thedarknightofthesoul #chantsfromanotherplace
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theoncomingstormbr · 7 years
#SaintJohnOfTheCross #TheDarkNightOfTheSoul #LoreenaMckennitt
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What Is The Dark Night Of The Soul?
What Is The Dark Night Of The Soul? #TheDarkNightOfTheSoul #Monday #MondayMotivation #MondayVibes #SpiritualJourney #Spiritual #Atman #Chakra #Wellness #Motivation #WellnessJourney
I have been wanting to write about this for some time. I wanted to wait until I felt the timing was right and when I felt there was alignment in the cosmos. What an odd time many would think, while mercury is in retrograde? It’s a perfect time. You will read this when beloved planet mercury has gone direct. Perhaps you have experienced the dark night of the soul? Or maybe it’s the first time you…
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kairichapman · 6 years
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Done! #batman #philosophy #thedarknightofthesoul #audible #stillgrindin (at New York, New York)
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teapotteas · 6 years
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We are so excited to announce that The Dark Knight just won a silver medal in the The Golden Leaf Awards! 🎊 Today, I abandon my old habits and take up new, more positive ones Realize that any difficult time are only a short phase of life. This too shall pass along with your old habits as you take in the new. You are a fully adapting being with creative energy which surges through you and leads you to new and brilliant ideas and the mindset that allows that energy to flow. #popthekettleon and brew some of Teapot Teas THE DARK KNIGHT. Energetically infused with HOWLITE to calm #thedarknightofthesoul. So let’s rest and remember how far we have come and release what no longer serves us for tomorrow is another day. For more information on the award winning Intentional Tisanes of Teapot Teas and updates on upcoming events and workshops follow us on www.teapotteas.com https://Facebook.com/TeapotTeas https://m.facebook.com/AtTheTeapot/ https://Instagram.com/teapotteas https://Twitter.com/teapotteas https://www.instagram.com/p/BohsKyfHKod/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=cfcndhcxkyds
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