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professorpski · 2 years ago
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Vogue Knitting, Spring/Summer 2023
This issue has you ready for warmer days with no-sleeve and short sleeve looks. The most playful is the Popsicle by Mari Lynn Patrick who calls it a quick knit although it is a 3 out of 4 for difficulty. It has asymmetrical shoulders and ribbing through the body. It is done up in Anzula Vera which is a sport-weight yarn made of silk and linen, and that lovely rosy color is called Blush.
My favorite because of its vintage look is the eyelet patterns Campanula by Deborah Newton, a fitted polo collared pullover done in a taupe. 3 out of 4 for difficulty, it is done up in Skacel ALB Lino, also a sport-weight yarn and made of a blend of wool and linen.
A section of paired sweaters--one simple one dolled-up--gives us the strapped v-neck called The Artist by Melissa Leapman that is a 2 out of 4 for difficulty. It uses Blue Sky Fibers Skinny, a worsted weight cotton yarn and appears opposite a plain v-neck also by Leapman. Similarly, the ruffled sleeves on a charcoal grey, crewneck pullover accompany a plain crewneck. The ruffled version is called The Muse, and is 2 out of 4 for difficulty. It is made in Berroco Luca yarn, a worsted weight cashmere and cotton blend, and both are by Norah Gaughan.  
Vista is the cream-colored tunic is by Lavinia Voiculescu in Cascade Hampton which is a DK-weight yarn in a blend of cotton and linen. Although the eyelet pattern makes it look complicated, the shape is very simple and the difficulty is only 2 out of 4.
Lastly, on the cover is The Dancer by Donna Estin which is made up of a boucle yarn, hence all the appealing texture, The yarn is called Curiosity by African Expressions which is blended wool, polyamide and mohair which is also a DK weight yarn and the pretty blue color is #9112. The sweater is a 2 out of 4 for difficulty.
In addition to interviews, and columns on new books, new yarns, new products, Meg Swansen shares some knitting tips from her mother Elizabeth Zimmerman.
You can find it at your local yarn store or online here: https://www.vogueknitting.com/
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marypicken · 1 year ago
The Dancer by Óskar Guðmundsson trs Quentin Bates   @oskargudmunds  @CorylusB @Graskeggur @sh_ewa
The Dancer is atmospheric, emotional, horrifying and utterly compelling.
Source: Review copyPublication: P/back 1 February 2024 from Corylus Books; e-book 5th January 2024PP: 200 (e-book edition)ISBN-13: 978-1739298951 Tony is a young man who has always been on the losing side in life. He was brought up by his troubled, alcoholic mother who had a past of her own as a talented bfirst met the gentle bespectacled allerina, until a life-changing accident brought her…
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drovers1girl-blog · 11 months ago
#samheughan #caitrionabalfe #TheDance #Outlander
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mymoulinrouge · 1 year ago
1. How i met you
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June, 15.
I'm sitting in front of her on a red velvet couch, admiring her elegancy. Most of the crowd was starting to leave as I sat there staring at her long wavy dark brown hair, that reached her waist. With a well proportionately face. She is blessed with a tan skin and has the most adorable freckles. I always draw them on. The battery on my phone is at 5 percent, which really means ten if I am lucky. Sometimes when I dared to open my camera, my phone would get a seizure and then die immediately. But I just needed a picture of her up close!
Had I known that it would be someone entirely else that would be occupying my mind that evening, I might have stayed home. I'll tell you more about him, but first we need to wind it back to when my anxiety really peaked.
January, 5.
Just months before her show I couldn't make up my mind if I should go or not. I don't excactly have a large bucket of friends, so if I did buy a ticket I would have to go alone. I put the thought aside for well... the night before. My heart startet pounding, and sweat marks began to form patches under my arms. This is a good thing I reassured myself. A way to get out of my bubble, to deal with the never ending cycle of my social anxiety and awkwardness. The only problem was, the only ticket available was with a meet & greet after the show. Oh god, the horror. But also a tiny bit exciting. I never ever go to these "meet & greet", in my mind i'm above it. I mean, give the artist some space, right?
I should mention that it is a very small veneue, and a rather unknown artist. Known for her artistic approach on the scene, while she serenades to her audience. And her voice is like; when you just automatically close your eyes, and you drift off on your own. Forgetting time and place, really just the most angelic thing you've ever heard.
"Thank you for your purchase". I bought the ticket. Shit.
June, 15.
I'm distracting myself with the thought of how lucky i got with the ticket the night before. You could say she is my guilty pleasure of an artist, I secretly adore her music, and her beauty. Then a guy approached from the curtain behind her, he gave her a kiss on her cheek and walked towards a table beside her. He sat down, with his foot slightly propped on the edge of the couch I was sitting on.
Guys if I was to describe to you my ideal dream guy... he. was .not. it.
Or not in a way that I would usually describe my ideal "type". This guy was JUST taller than me I think. Thin, but you could tell that he worked out a little bit. Not too obsessed with his look. Just a hint of a beard. A light cool brown hair, that would probably reach his shoulders, but was tucked into a loose bun, with a couple of strands hanging along from his cheek. As he walked toward me.., uhm, I mean the table, our eyes met and he gave me a little smile before he sat down. I could smell his cologne, and if I were to describe my ideal perfume/cologne or whatever in a guy,... this. would. be. it.
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babylove007 · 7 days ago
Remember the night in the garage, Kennedy & Eglinton, Lights down low, music up high
Dancing I was with someone else, a stockholm syndrome kind of guy And I was glad to have known you, to have loved you, To be friends and lovers in our time,
So much so, I managed to live 5 years after he hurt me, Nearly 15, since the one in army green hurt us all.
I'm so glad I was able to climb out of the chains I was held by, Long enough to dance with you.
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rogerrcoyle · 7 months ago
i am here to play His notes
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luna-3-clips · 2 years ago
Bachirawr (Bachira) (Insta)
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A duck walked up to the lemonade stand..
YoitsIsagi: And he said to the man, running the stand
Tofast4U: "Hey! (bum bum bum) Got any grapes?"
Wilddcard: The man said: "No we just sell lemonade. But it's cold, and it's fresh, and it's all home-made. Can I get you a glass?"
GinGagamaru: The duck said: "I'll pass"
Naruhaha: Then he waddled away (waddle waddle) 'Til the very next day (bum bum bum bum ba-baba dum)
KounWateru: When the duck walked up to the lemonade stand
MyownSexysoccer: And he said to the man running the stand: "Hey (bum bum bum) Got any grapes?"
Thatonemonk: The man said: "No, like I said yesterday we just sell lemonade, okay? Why not give it a try"
Thedadofthegroup: The duck said: "Goodbye"
Heeeyyyyyladies: Then he waddled away (waddle waddle) Then he waddled away (waddle waddle)
Eyeseeall: Then he waddled away (waddle waddle) 'Til the very next day (bum bum bum bum ba-baba dum)
LilbroWanima: When the duck walked up to the lemonade stand
TheKing: And he said to the man running the stand: "Hey (bum bum bum) Got any grapes?"
BigbroWanima: The man said: "Look, this is getting old. I mean, lemonade's all we've ever sold. Why not give it a go?"
ZantetsuTsurugi: The duck said: "How 'bout no"
MrMoneyBags: Then he waddled away (waddle waddle) Then he waddled away (waddle waddle waddle) Then he waddled away (waddle waddle)
LazyGenius1234: 'Til the very next day (bum bum bum bum ba-baba dum)
Wassup: When the duck walked up to the lemonade stand
Ilikewomen: And he said to the man running the stand: "Hey (bum bum bum) Got any grapes?"
MrMrModelMr: The man said: "THAT'S IT! If you don't go away, duck, I'll glue you to a tree and leave you there all day, stuck. So don't get too close!"
Themostglamofuall: The duck said: "Adios"
HelllllloGuys: Then he waddled away (waddle waddle) Then he waddled away (waddle waddle waddle)
Rin4real: Then he waddled away (waddle waddle) 'Til the very next day (bum bum bum bum ba-baba dum)
SharkyBoy: When the duck walked up to the lemonade stand
LilGamerBoi: And he said to the man that was running the stand: "Hey (bum bum bum) Got any glue?"
FeelsFruity: "What?"
ZestyFootballDemon: "Got any glue?"
Speedst0r [Verified]: "No, why would I- oh.."
BrazilianBawler [Verified]: "And one more question for you; got any grapes?" (bum bum bum, bum bum bum)
BlaketheAdam [Verified]: And the man just stopped. Then he started to smile. He started to laugh. He laughed for a while.
Pikachumyenemy [Verified]: He said: "Come on duck, let's walk to the store. I'll buy you some grapes so you won't have to ask anymore."
ScionofRealMadrid [Verified]: So they walked to the store
JinpachiEgo [Verified]: And the man bought some graped
Anrichan [Verified]: He gave one to the duck and the duck said: "Hmm.. no thanks. But do you know what sounds good?"
ItoshiiSaee [Verified]: "It would make my day"
Womaniiiizerr [Verified]: "Do you think this store..."
Suppeeps [Verified]: "Do you think this store..."
ThebestKAISER [Verified]: "Do you think this store has any lemonade?"
Kaiseristhebest [Verified]: Then he waddled away (waddle waddle)
Thereisanlandana [Verified]: Then he waddled away (waddle waddle waddle)
IamnumberTWO [Verified]: Then he waddled away (waddle waddle)
TheDancer [Verified]: NOOOOOOOOOO... there's no more lines for me... 😭
FCBarchaOfficial [Verified]: That's too bad
ManshineCityOfficial [Verified]: How do you think we feel?
BastardMünchenOfficial [Verified]: Yeah
UbersOfficial [Verified]: So stop acting like a baby
ParisXGenOfficial [Verified]: Man up!
BlueLockOfficial [Verified]: What the hell did I just witness...
Lavinho's getting bullied by the teams, lol
Should I make a part two for this for the second Duck Song?
I got the image from 9GAG (9gag) on Pinterest
That's all, have a good day/night!
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thedanceronthestreets · 1 year ago
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porciaenjoyer · 11 months ago
my real truth is i wish i could go to #thedance in a suit 😐
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ladysunamireads · 1 year ago
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hekateinhell · 2 years ago
Thank you for your wonderful contribution to #vcsmuttysundays, we truly learn something new every day in this fandom and you’re such a wonderful teacher 🥹 My personal favorites are the Vibra Bed (there’s no way Armand didn’t make Daniel squirm on that thing 10 times every night for a month straight), the fluffy handcuffs because I’m nothing if not a slut for mental images of Armand wearing cute shit 🥰 also anything that makes my boy Daniel feel in control for a lil while gets an instant 10/10 in my book, and the gay movie houses because YES to Daniel’s dick being out in public. Oh and also, they totally had at least a few threesomes with #TheDancer, and Armand actually got physically involved during these encounters (Daniel can count how many times this happened during that period), just facts imo xoxo DA ❤️❤️❤️
Aww DA, I'm delighted you enjoyed that one! And it's funny you say that because I was a sort of teacher at one point actually 😂
(there’s no way Armand didn’t make Daniel squirm on that thing 10 times every night for a month straight)
Listen, I'm waiting for the Vibra Bed fic because I think it would hilarious but also sexy and it's just so ridiculous and overtop — truly a 70s/80s vibe! Armand making blond men squirm is my kryptonite (Louis makes him squirm).
YES to Daniel’s dick being out in public.
I love public play so much and it's like- hello??? Imagine Armand blowing him right there in the theater??? Imagine the two of them in a grope-room, Armand watching Daniel get felt up like a prize calf. Or alternately, Armand pretending to flirt with other guys and triggering Daniel's possessive side (because you know he has one and you know Armand loves to feel coveted). 😌
Oh and also, they totally had at least a few threesomes with #TheDancer
Yes! For a long time, I did have it in my headcanons that The Dancer was just a close platonic friend of theirs (someone for Daniel to relate to and another person for Armand to learn from) but then I made a joke in a chat about The Dancer being one of their threesome buddies and it just felt right. So I retract my previous statement and based on my smuttysunday post I think they did quite a bit together. 🤧
Because I've been thinking about it a lot since too: Amadeo had Bianca (and Riccardo in a different way) to confide in and keep him busy when Marius couldn't be around, who did Daniel have? Who was his Bianca and Riccardo? Because it's a lonely life loving someone who can only be accessible within such specific constraints!
I blame monstersinthecosmos for making this line an instructive thought of mine for years now:
This was, of course, the most frustrating relationship he’d ever been in. And there were things about it that he hadn’t been able to admit yet. Not out loud, anyway, but maybe Armand just knew. Like, how do you make up before bed when every night has a deadline? How do you settle for someone who can only be around half the time?
Fucked me up then and fucks me up now. 💔
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colesstar · 1 year ago
i think. Boys suck. Let me learn thedance for what is love in peace. I dont needed to be DISSED for being a silly little girl learning silly little dances
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duranduratulsa · 2 years ago
Watch "Garth Brooks - The Dance [UnOfficial Audio]" on YouTube
Song of the day 2: The Dance by Garth Brooks (1989) #garthbrooks #thedance #80s
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dailykoreanpop · 2 years ago
[NOTICE] ATEEZ(에이티즈) 멤버 우영 일본 스케줄 변동 사항 안내
ATEEZ(에이티즈)에게 아낌없는 관심과 사랑을 보내주시는 팬 여러분께 ATEEZ(에이티즈)의 멤버우영 군의 건강 상태와 관련한 안타까운 말씀을 전해드리게 되었습니다. 
최근 우영 군은 발목에 통증을 느끼고 이에 대한 회복에 집중하던 가운데, 팬 여러분과 약속된 무대에함께하고자 하는 본인의 강한 의지로 몇 차례 의자에 앉아 공연을 진행하였습니다.
이후 통증이 계속 됨에 따라 당사는 전문가의 진단과 집중 치료가 필요하다고 판단하여, 우영 군을 비롯한 ATEEZ(에이티즈) 멤버들과의 충분한 논의 끝에 우영 군�� 일정을 잠시 중단하고 의료기관의정밀 검사와 그에 따른 치료를 진행하기로 결정하였습니다.
이에 우영 군은 예정되어 있던 'THE DANCE DAY LIVE 2023' 및 'KCON 2023 JAPAN' 스케줄에는 함께 하지 못하게 되었음을 알려드립니다. 
우영 군의 건강을 고려한 이와 같은 결정에 팬 여러분 모두 너그러이 양해해 주시길 부탁드립니다.
갑작스러운 소식으로 심려 끼쳐 드린 점 죄송하다는 말씀을 드리며, 당사는 우영 군의 건강을 최우선으로 하여 빠른 회복을 위해 최선을 다하겠습니다. 
This is KQ Entertainment. 
It is with utmost regret that we relay the news of ATEEZ member WOOYOUNG’s healthto the fans whohave shown such generous love and care for ATEEZ.
Recently, WOOYOUNG obtained an ankle injury and has been focusing on recovery.Despite this, he hasbeen performing on stage while sitting in a chair due to his strongwill to fulfill his promise with the fans.
As the pain has continued, it was decided that he would need a thorough examinationand treatment ata medical institution. After a long discussion with WOOYOUNG andall the other ATEEZ members, thedecision has been made to suspend WOOYOUNG’sschedule for a period of time so that he canundergo treatment accordingly.
As a result, WOOYOUNG will not be able to join the following schedules of ‘THEDANCE DAY LIVE 2023’and ‘KCON 2023 JAPAN.’ We ask for your understanding, as this decision has been made inconsideration of WOOYOUNG’s health.
We apologize for the sudden news and will do our absolute best to ensureWOOYOUNG’s quickrecovery, as his health is our biggest priority. 
Thank you. 
#NOTICE #공지사항
Credit: KQ엔터테인먼트 
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thebridgeofdeaths · 5 months ago
The Dance
@RABTBookTours #RABTBookTours #TheDance #FrankJVisoskyJr #Memoir   NonfictionDate Published: September 8, 2024     The Dance is a gripping memoir that chronicles one man’s harrowing journey through the depths of medical and emotional adversity, emerging on the other side with newfound strength and hope. Set against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, the author’s life is turned upside down…
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rogerrcoyle · 7 months ago
unmasking seeds
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