officialspec · 3 years
What is one very strange but fascinating topic you’ve been deep diving into I wanna know!!
oh nothing in particular recently
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⬛ IT’S GONNA BE OK BECAUSE I WAS ABLE TO FIND THIS omgggg this still makes me chuckle  sea creacher arthur belongs to @thecozycryptid !
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tazatouille · 3 years
Your D20 stuff is just amazing, so gorgeously coloured, your art style and expressions are so lovely, I took one look at the Gorgug hugs, gasped and followed immediately. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful artwork, keep up the fantastic work! 🤩💕💖
you are so kind!!! thank you so so much, ive been having so much fun drawing everyone so im really glad you enjoy it! <3
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thecozycryptid · 4 years
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Now for something very different. I wanted to try out some watercolour brushes today and decided to draw myself drinking some tea.
What do you think? I’d love some responses!Should I paint like this more often? 🤔
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lillibuds · 4 years
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(moving this to my art blog @thecozycryptid​ )
i’ve only got some very quick doodles at the moment; it’s mostly just lighthearted tidbits bc i need to Heal 😔 i’m so excited to see the next update for your AU though !!
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sadmages · 4 years
I can’t believe you’re Leitner. F 😔
getting assigned jurgen leitner kin alone is deserving of brutal pipe murder someone come do the job u_u
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ladyfl4me · 4 years
What does tcos stand for? I’ve scrolled through the tag and it looks hella cool!
Hell yeah, thank you!! I’m glad you’re interested in it! it’s an amnesty fic project i’ve been working on for a while. TCOS stands for The Children of Sylvain; the stuff in the TCOS tag is specifically related to the fic of that same title. I reblog stuff that reminds me of plot points, overall Vibes™, or characters. 
In terms of the series, it’s a series I started back in November 2018 with The Moth who Came In from the Cold, a novel-length indruck and danbrey-centric fic. In this fic universe, I basically ended up rewriting everything in Amnesty after episode 16, ish; TMWCIFTC is an alternate arc 4 where Indrid didn’t leave after arc 3, and TCOS is a full rewrite of arc 5, compliant with TMWCIFTC. 
I decided to fuck around and rewrite all of Griffin’s worldbuilding, based on speculation I did while arc 5 was coming out. In terms of vibes, the worldbuilding has turned into a hellish hybrid of Amnesty, Lord of the Rings, Fallout (allegedly), City of Ember (also allegedly), and - especially now that I’m caught up and loving Jonny’s writing style - The Magnus Archives.
Unfortunately - or maybe fortunately, if this is your thing - TCOS is a sequel fic, so you need to know what happens in TMWCIFTC and the other fics before it to understand some of the context. So if you’d like something to read, there are 3.5 ish fics in the TCOS series to pass the time with! TMWCIFTC was written between November 2018 and April 2019, so it’s a bit dated - for example, my Stern’s named Gary, because this was before his name was revealed, but the memetic potential of Garfield Kent Stern is too goddamn good for me to write out. 
Despite any dated elements - this was written while Amnesty was ongoing, after all - TMWCIFTC is still one of the things I’m most proud of writing, and the overall series keeps raising that bar. Selling points:
Ned doesn’t get fucking shot! The bar is at the Earth’s core.
Side characters get really developed - i literally spent 40k words on a 5 chapter Hollis character study, The Secret Garden, where a) pigeon’s their older sister, b) Victoria’s their great-aunt, and c) the two of them are descended from Sylphs.
Indrid and Agent Stern have a semi-connected backstory, so that’s fun.
Duck and Agent Stern have a REALLY connected backstory, which is also fun.
Folks like Dani, Alexandra and Boyd have more plot relevance than they already did. With Boyd, I basically just went “hey what if he was a sylph/famous cryptid this whole time and had a backstory with the lodge, before he met Ned? wouldn’t that be fucked up” and rolled with it, to the point where he’s a major character. The Devil Went Down to Georgia is an 8k-word fic where the concept of Sylph Boyd is introduced, and it informs a lot of his arc in TMWCIFTC and TCOS. (”This character was a sylph the whole time” is a favorite trope of mine, huh.)
In canon, Agent Stern and Boyd Mosche never met or interacted. This is not the case in TCOS. These motherfuckers meet and hate each other On Sight, even though they’re ultimately on the same side, and it’s hilarious.
Lore about Sylvain’s world and politics that influences the plot? in MY amnesty fic? it’s more likely than you think!
As of right now, TCOS the fic is 12 chapters and counting; I’m working on chapter 13 right now and hope to have it out before next Monday. Writing about Dani and Aubrey going on a gay hike through the woods has been really theraputic. If you decide to take a look at this series, I hope you enjoy it!!
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thelilnan · 4 years
Hey! I just wanted to hop in and say that I love your TMA art, it’s so gorgeous! Love the way you draw Michael especially, he’s such a wonderful bastard boy! Thank you sm for your time & effort you put into your art 💕
awh thak you!! i love drawing michael sm i’m so happy to hear when people like what terrible deeds i’ve committed
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faiyx · 6 years
Also! I’m just. Really drawn to America’s design in particular, it has the perfect blend of chub & looking like he’s 19 and that’s just 👌👌 man I aspire to draw him like that!
chunky alfred literally owns my entire heart bro 
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anneimator · 5 years
thecozycryptid replied to your photo “It’s been a rough few months for art but here’s a little sketch I did...”
This is BEAUTIFUL *O* ��
ahhh thank you!!  😭 💖
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deer-head-xiris · 6 years
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atalienart · 6 years
GOD you latest art piece is stunning! I can't find the right words rn but it's just! So Good, the shading and the sketchiness and wonderful colouring and the MEANING BEHIND IT, my heart hurts now in the best way and your art is just beautiful. Keep up the absolutely fantastic work! You're doing amazing sweetie!!
Oh!! By the lastest art piece I meant the one featured on the tumblr dash lmao, I didn’t realise it was an old one - ive loved your work for years anyway!! You’re doing so amazingly!
Thank you so much!!!
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pencilscratchins · 6 years
LMAOOOOOOO THANK YOOOUU sometimes… i make jokes just for the sole purpose of making myself and my brother laugh and the fact any one else finds them funny is both shocking and amazing to me HAHAHAH XD
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lelelego · 6 years
GOD your art is 50/10 just to let you know I ADORE it sm!!!
omg thank u!!!!!!!!! :”)
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toynbeees · 6 years
thecozycryptid replied to your post “ugh im so close to finishing the next chapter of my fic so im like “i...”
Take a break! Chill or go on a walk or eat some lunch then come back to it later?
tbh its more of an overall issue of not having motivation for any writing, which is annoying since last week i was really on a roll :( im hoping if i force myself to write my motivation will come back, but so far that aint happening skdjkjsd
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gh0ulbunni · 3 years
(Set 12 years after the Brotherhood and X-Men graduate and leave Bayville. Most of the Brotherhood such as Avalanche, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Blob, and Toad have become decorated SHIELD members by now, specifically Toad with his position as Nick Fury's attack dog. After high school in an effort to escape the poor life he once led, Todd has changed his name to Mortimer Toynbee. Not only has his name changed but his appearance has changed as well. His hair is no longer the greasy desaturated mop it once was, his skin gone from pale greyish ivory to pure ivory with splotches of light green and dark green marking spotting his cheekbones, arms, and back, his white schlera turning into a dark almost black green and his eyes turning a vibrant shade of green. Once dull and flat teeth are now sharp as razors with an even sharper and stronger tongue that can light on fire, with strength able to match Blob's, and much more toxic abilities to offer, Tolansky's life has certainly changed for the better... But it seems Summers hasn't. He's become controlling, aggressive, impatient, and quite ballsy in how he behaves towards those of a higher societal standing.. And after this meeting on the floor of the Senate with SHIELD and America's Senate, it seems Scott may be in for a wake up call from an unlikely aqquaintance..)
The sounds of shouting and uproar could be heard echoing throughout the Senate chamber as people tried to plead for order and civility.. Something it seemed Scott was not capable of that day.
His knuckles turned white as he stared at his reflection in the men's room mirror over the sink, vision skewed red by the very visor that gave him his code name, Cyclops.. But cyclopses were brave, and on that floor he wasn't. He justified Senator Kelly's proposal to have the government force mutants to identify themselves with a schoolyard bully's style of response for fucks sake! "Senator Kelly if you go through with this idea not only will you further divide humans and mutants but you will have multiple mutants like ME waiting at your front door to strangle the life at of you for proposing such a facist idea!"
And what a response that was. He thought back to his time in high school.. to the Brotherhood, and how what he stated sounded like a more adult and clean version of what those rugrats would've retorted! Scott couldn't believe he'd been so stupid to let that fly out from his mouth, the looks of horror and surprise from his teammates burned into his memory as they called from a break so he could collect himself and think up an excuse to cover his ass.
While he brainstormed excuses, the bathroom door flew open as a burly light brown skinned man with long dark brown hair burst in, quickly slamming the door behind him shut..
Lance. Had he come to shred into Summers just as Logan and Jean had done? Scott closed his eyes and lifted his glasses to rub his eyes, the dark bags evidence for his lack of sleep during these past few months after Xavier's retirement. Yes, he was a little delirious from sleep, maybe that's why he'd snapped at Kelly... He knew Lance of all people would be a little softer and more empathetic to his situation then Logan or Hank, so Scott quietly thanked his lucky stars as he couldn't handle another person yelling at him.
Lance's face, however, was twisted with cold worry and panic as he grabbed Summers by the arm and threw him into a bathroom stall. "Scott, buddy, you need to hide NOW!", Lance hissed, holding the door closed with his muscular frame while he tried to wipe the look of fear off of his face. Scott's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, as he hadn't seen Lance so scared and worried since Apocalypse happened! But Lance continued just as Pietro and Wanda came rushing in. Pietro's hair was slicked back as usual, dressed in a white suit with a blue tie that accentuated his striking blue eyes, while Wanda wore a red pantsuit with a black blouse underneath, her now long and wavy black hair neatly combed back to show her face... Especially her now red eyes that were seething with anger and worry for Scott and the verbal rainfire he'd surely experience at the mouth of their froggy friend... Something she was sure Scott wasn't expecting. "Alright.", Wanda hissed, fists balled at her sides as her red eyes sent a shocking glare in the direction of the stall Scott had been shoved into. Even if he couldn't see her, the venom dripping from her mouth was greater then the venom her highschool self always spewed at others.
"What you did has to be the stupidest thing I've seen during a meeting, Summers. You're fucked, not at the hands of the government or SHIELD! No, you have Toad hot on your ass ready to beat some sense into you! So stay in that fucking stall and don't move an inch, don't breathe, don't make a single sound if you want to retain your dignity," Wanda continued, her hands glowing a bright red as she flung them around whilst she warned him. Pietro, on the other hand was uncharacteristically quiet... He was usually so loud and expressive, usually serving as Wanda's sassy back up when dishing out her venomous responses and tirades, but not today. Instead he leaned against the sink biting his thumb nail nervously. He too knew what Toad was planning to do, the man having gone from the smelly and obnoxious bloke with a small uneducated vocabulary to a man who could more then competently tear some apart both physically and verbally, all while maintaining a dead and cold look in his eyes that made people shiver.
The door to the bathroom crashed open as it was almost ripped off the hinges from the force, the desperate shouting of both Kurt and Fred audible in the background as Toad slammed said door shut once his slim frame had entered into the bathroom. Oh how he'd enjoy just eviscerating Scott's dignity!
Scott peeked over the bathroom stall gingerly, eyes widening as he looked at Todd.. Who'd gone from a short and smelly teen boy with desaturated greyish ivory skin and greyish brown hair and yellow eyes to a green and ivory skinned tall-ish man with rich brown hair and vibrant green eyes with off-black schlera.. Speaking of which, said eyes darted around the room before getting a glimpse of Scott's reddish brown hair peeking over the bathroom stall. Todd growled as he shoved past Lance and threw open the door, webbed hands reaching into grab Scott and drag him out angrily. Scott's back collided with the floor as Todd stood over him, vibrant eyes glaring down at him while his mouth opened to speak.
"To-" "Congratulations," He began. "You were so stupid, as in an 'open all the cages in the zoo' kind of stupid! But instead of cages it's the floodgates for purifiers and the MRD to come in and justify everything they do. Congratulations, Summers! You've put the institute at risk, you've put mutants at risk, and you just inadvertently gave our enemies in Congress and the streets an excuse to amp up their blatant racism! Jean asked you to take a break! Everyone asked you to take a break and you refused to! And for what? To protect your ego?!" Toad shouted, lips curling back to reveal that sharp fangs that had grown in place of his human teeth... Sharp teeth that could rip Scott's throat out if he so wished! Toad must've been exerting a monumental amount of restraint in order to not do so.
"I didn't mean to say that, ok?! It just flew out!" "Oh so you admit you're 15 year old me, huh?" "No! I'm just saying I didn't mean to say it!"
"Tell that to the purifiers who'll begin rioting! Tell that to the MRD who will soon start cracking down on us all because you thought you could shut down schoolyard taunts with a response so yeah, congratulations! You may not think it, Summers... But shit's bouta' get a whole hell of a lot harder for ALL of us! Not just you!"
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