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The Danse Macabre (pt3 The Change)
Chapter 3 of The Change is here!
if you prefer AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56298823/chapters/143106514#workskin
Notes: I've edited this as much as I can, I'll revisit it again to check for any more errors in writing - I apologise if there are any grammar errors etc.
You are invited to celebrate the inauguration of Lord Ever Gortash, he makes a special request for Tav to accompany him for the first half of the celebration. Astarion is furious about this but can do nothing as you need to keep up the appearance of being Gortash’s ally. While at the celebration another attack of Cazador’s spawns takes place marking this the final straw for you and Astarion.
Warnings: Violence, fingering, creepy gortash, possessive Astarion, Jealous Astarion, fluff, romance, cute stuff.
“You are cordially invited to celebrate the inauguration of Lord Enver Gortash.
A masquerade ball will be hosted this evening, wear your best attire.
Location: Wyrm’s Rock Fortress
Attire: Masks mandatory
This invitation should be presented upon arrival, to ensure access is allowed.”
You read the letter aloud and sigh exasperated, flinging your hands down to your sides another letter falls out from the envelope. Quickly you snatch it up and begin reading it out loud.
“My dearest Ally, Tav,
It would delight me to have you at my side for this special occasion, I have left you a gown with Figaro, he tells me you are well acquainted.
My one request is to have you until the end of the first dance, you may then break away to mingle should you wish to do so.
Yours loyally
You scoff and place the letter down on the table. “That’s hardly enough notice at all. I knew he was delusional, but really? As if we would even entertain letting you out of our sights for even a moment." You turn to Tav and the rest of the group as they all look around uncomfortably. "What? What am I missing?" You arch an eyebrow at your lover.
"Well, Astarion, we are still his 'Allies'. We can't afford to not give him what he wants, lest we raise any suspicions," her voice is soft as she nervously plays with her hands. "I know it is asking a lot to let me do this, however, it's just for show and it's one dance. Then I will come straight back to you, I promise." She walks forward, takes your hands and you feel a slight tremble in hers.
"Yes, well, it may just be for a little while, but need I remind you that we have been having some rather rude interruptions of our own from my siblings? What if they are there? Even if they're not, what if Gortash wants you for more than just a dance?" Your voice raises in pitch slightly near the end of your question, and you feel the anxiety settling in the pit of your stomach. Are you… jealous? Nonsense. You have nothing to be jealous of… what can Gortash give her that you can't?
Well, I suppose he could give her riches, power beyond measure, and… protection… he would be able to protect her. Something I have not been capable of thus far. You stop yourself and push those thoughts deep down. You'll deal with them later.
“Fine. If you want to parade around all evening with Enver then who am I to stop you?” The words come out sharp and you watch her wince at their sting. You exit the room to your sleeping quarters and fall back onto the bed, staring at the ceiling you feel your chest tighten as you think about her in someone else’s arms.
As you stand there, you try to compose yourself. You will deal with him later. He is being very childish right now, and perhaps he needs a moment to collect his thoughts. For him to even imply that you would spend all evening with Gortash is ridiculous.
“Gale? Would you mind accompanying me to Facemaker’s Boutique?” You turn to the wizard who seems a little too happy that you had chosen him for this task. Perhaps Shadowheart would have been the better choice but Gale… you were close with Gale, he was a dear friend to you who had always taken the time to listen when you needed to be heard. You needed some time with a trusted friend and Gale was the most trusted.
"It would be my pleasure," he says, bowing slightly at the waist. As the two of you exit the Elfsong Tavern, you make your way towards Figaro’s shop. “He’ll be okay. I think he’s jealous of Gortash's interest in you,” he calmly says, trying to ease the tension.
“He has nothing to be jealous over. It is ridiculous to imply that I would stay a moment longer than needed at Gortash’s side.” You bite out. “Sorry, I don’t mean to be rude. I just want to get this over with.”
Gale offers you a smile as he places his hand on your shoulder and gives it a soft squeeze. “It’s alright Tav, you don’t need to explain yourself. Let’s get through this evening and go from there, however, I believe we should have an escape plan in case any unexpected situations occur.” His face darkens with concern. “There is a sigil that can lead us back to camp, but reaching it may be challenging. I came across an amulet that allows the wearer to cast a Dimension Door spell, I’d like you to wear it that evening. I will feel more at ease knowing that you have options.”
“Thank you, Gale, you are a good friend… I am glad I pulled you out of that rock.” You smile at him and place a hand on his arm, he nods and returns a smile as the two of you arrive outside Facemaker’s Boutique.
After about half an hour of small talk with Figaro, you and Gale have made your way back to the Elfsong Tavern with your mask and dress. Gale had chosen dress clothes and a mask for himself.
You decided to buy Astarion an outfit that would complement your gown, along with a matching mask. You hoped that this would help him move past his reservations.
You spend the rest of the day washing your hair, helping Shadowheart choose between two dresses, and running through plans of escape if anything were to go wrong.
“Grab whoever is closest at the time, use dimension door to get to the sigil and then use said sigil to return here safely… did I get that right?” You sarcastically look at Gale, this is the third time he has made you repeat this plan. He raises his hands and says “Alright, I am satisfied.”
Rolling your eyes, you excuse yourself and make your way toward yours and Astarion's room. You open the door slowly and cautiously only to find the room empty. On your pillow is a piece of parchment with a note in his handwriting.
“Gone for a bite to eat - I will see you at the celebration. - A”
Sighing you place his outfit on the pillow and scribble a note back on the other side.
You retrieve the bag that holds your dress and open it. It is probably the most beautiful item of clothing you own. The dress is form-fitting, hugging the curves of your body with a slit up the left side, long sleeves, and a shallow v-neckline. It's nothing too scandalous nor too conservative. The colour is a deep midnight blue, but as the fabric moves, it shimmers silver as if Figaro stitched the stars themselves into the material. Your hair is loosely braided, and you have opted for a pair of silver sandals with ribbons that crisscross their way up your calf, stopping just below your knee. The amulet Gale has given you is a silver chain with a single ring-shaped pendant in the middle. Finally, your mask takes the shape of an owl bear’s face, the colour matches your dress, a midnight blue and shimmering in the light.
As you leave the room, you encounter your companions in the shared quarters. All eyes are on you, and you swear you see Gale’s face flush as he says, “You look wonderful.” You give him a small nod of appreciation and announce that you will be heading to Gortash for the first half of the evening and that you will meet them there.
You take the sigil to Wyrm’s Rock, present your invitation, and proceed to Gortash’s private quarters. Softly you knock on the door and hear him call out on the other side “Who is it?”
“It’s Tav, I figured you wanted to enter the celebration together. I can wait out here if you need more time.” You keep your voice calm even when your stomach feels like it might cave in.
“Oh! What a brilliant idea. The people need to see us united. Let’s talk business shall we?” He crosses the room and opens the door. He has opted for his usual all-black colour palette, however, his mask is a deep red in the shape of a skull. He places his hand on the small of your back and guides you inside. This is going to be a long evening, you think to yourself.
The hunt wasn't very successful, but you managed to corner a small boar. It would do for the evening. Back at the Elfsong Tavern, you return to your room, on the way you hear the rest of your companions laughing as they get ready for this evening’s festivities. You stalk your way to the bedroom and find it empty. Walking to your bed you see the note has been scribbled on and placed atop an outfit and a mask. Picking up the piece of parchment you see her handwriting and it reads:
“Came to give you this to wear tonight - I look forward to seeing you I love you.”
A small smile tugs at the corner of your lips as you place the note down to pick up the outfit she had bought you and begin to dress. No one has ever bought you something this extraordinary before, hells, no one has ever bought anything new for you. The top is a dark blue, detailed with constellations on the front, the sleeves are long and the fabric is a soft silk. The trousers are cool-toned grey with one black stripe running down along the outside of the legs. The mask is an owl bear’s face, the colour a midnight blue but when you shift it in the light, it shimmers like the constellations on your shirt. You find a pair of black leather boots that you recently purchased and slip them on. For good measure, you tuck one dagger in the side of each boot and make your way to the group.
“Well, don’t we all look ravishing?” You say leaning in the doorway. “I believe it’s time to go now, let’s not keep Tav waiting too long, hmm?” You take the sigil to Wyrm’s Rock, your companions arriving seconds later and you make your way in.
As you enter the hall, you scan the room, searching for her. You spot her standing next to Gortash, near his throne. Gods, she's beautiful, you think to yourself. Your eyes take her in, the form-fitting dress hugs her body in all the right places. Your eyes roam down her figure and gods above the slit exposing her left leg sends a rush of blood to your core. Her dress a deep midnight blue is a stark contrast to her fair skin but it complements her, as the fabric moves you see shimmers rippling across the fabric they look like… constellations. You glance down at your shirt and realise what she has done. It's her way of showing you that she is yours—the matching colours, the embellishments, and the matched masks.
The moment is soon over as you watch Gortash place his hand on her lower back as he whispers something in her ear. You watch as she throws her head back in a laugh returning a smile to him.
"I need a drink," you announce to your companions. Stalking over to the refreshment table, you grab two glasses of wine, quickly downing the first in one gulp. You have nothing to worry about, you know that she is just playing the game with him but yet it makes your blood boil. Let’s just get this over with, you think to yourself.
Suddenly, the room grows quiet as the first song begins to play, marking the start of the festivities. You watch as Gortash leads her to the floor, his arms encircling her waist, pulling her into a tight grip as he sways to the music with his body pressed against hers. You feel as though you might be sick at the sight of it.
After what feels like a lifetime the other guests join in creating a sea of swaying bodies. You grab Shadowheart by the hand and pull her towards the dance floor.
“Astarion what are you doing?” Her face was visibly shocked. “I am taking back what is mine.” You growl as you twirl and sway your way through the crowd. Alliance be damned you will not allow him to hold her any moment longer.
You are now dancing alongside them catching part of their conversation. Gortash leans to her ear and speaks boldly, “We could be good together, you know? Your talent for persuasion, my ability to rule with an iron fist. Not to mention you are absolutely mouth-watering.”
“I’m flattered Gortash, however, mixing business with pleasure is never a good idea.” She quips back earning herself a wicked smile from him. “You may change your mind, think on it.” He says with a sly smirk.
He pulls back, taking her hand and twirling her in a spin. You expertly intercept, spinning Shadowheart in Tav's place, a quick apology escaping your lips. She looks back at you with daggers in her eyes, while Gortash flashes a wicked smile, his eyes gleaming at the silent challenge you have just issued.
Tav looks up at you, and before she can say anything, your mouth crashes down on hers. Parting her lips, you slip in your tongue; the kiss is sloppy and hot with passion. She pulls away, breathless. "Astarion, what has gotten into you? We cannot afford to make another enemy right now.” Her eyes scan your face, gripping her hand you sweep her away out to the balcony.
“Astarion what is wrong?” Her voice is softer, laced with concern.
“His hands were all over you. The way he looked at you. The way you laughed with him… He can offer you riches, power… protection” You whisper, “I cannot compete with that. Who am I compared to that? A helpless spawn who has brought you nothing but trouble.”
"I'm not asking you to compete, Astarion. There is no competition, and even if there were, you would win by a landslide." Her voice is soft as you place your hands on the railing and lean over the balcony to look down.
She walks up to you and wraps her arms around you from behind, resting her head between your shoulder blades. She softly speaks, “Do you want to know the moment I knew that I had fallen for you?” She says as she pulls back her arms laced around your neck, you give her a soft nod.
"At the blighted village, when we heard that ogre and bugbear rutting in the barn, everyone else turned up their noses at my suggestion to open the door. But you looked at me with a devilish grin and asked if you could interrupt them. As soon as you kicked that door open, I knew a life with you would be filled with mischief, fun, and excitement. I realised I could be myself around you, and you would just jump right in with me, no questions asked. I was so right about you. Life with you so far has been entertaining in the best possible way. Even with me becoming a spawn, we get to do this forever. I used to dream of finding ways to be with you eternally, but I didn’t have to go searching—it found me. I refuse to let this change be something negative. No, it is a gift."
You stand there still looking out over the cliffs of Wyrm’s Crossing letting her words sink in as she continues. "You're too hard on yourself, you know? You are amazing, you just haven't been allowed to shine.”
You shift around to face her, dropping your gaze to meet her eyes. "And do I… shine?" your voice is soft, and you hate how pathetic it sounds.
"You are the brightest star in my skies," she whispers, taking your hands in hers.
Closing her eyes, she opens her mind, utilising the tadpole. As you connect to her thoughts, she shares everything that has happened between the two of you. You witness it all through her eyes, seeing yourself as she sees you. Your throat tightens at the images that play between your interlocked minds, and for the first time, you believe that you are worth something. You have spent too long dead in the box Cazador placed you in, it’s time to start living again.
You place a soft kiss on her cheek and pull her towards the sound of the music holding her close to you as you sway in time with the ballad. Your hands slide down her waist and rest themselves on her backside, she twists her face to yours her eyes flashing with mischief.
“This dress is dangerous, little love. I can’t wait to see it on the floor of our room.” You bend down whispering in her ear as you rake your lips along her jaw.
His lips trace hot kisses down your neck and you don’t care about where you are anymore, all you care about is his touch.
“TAV. TAV! It is time to go NOW” Gale forces himself into your mind. Your head snaps up and Astarion tenses, his body already on high alert. You glance around the room taking in your surroundings and in all directions you see a few glowing red eyes under the masks of attendees all making their way through the crowd to you.
“Astarion- .”
“I see them. Don’t worry.” He cuts you off holding you close to him. His hand glides down his side and reaches into his boot. One of the spawns reaches his side, Astarion slams his dagger upwards into its body and it disappears in a cloud of red ash. The crowd separates in a panic as the other spawns run towards you. Another appears to your side, Astarion pulls you away propelling his dagger into their neck and again they vanish.
Gortash sees the commotion, orders the steel watch to intervene and the machines start making their way to aid you. You lock eyes with him and he gives you a small nod.
You grip Astarion’s shirt and he glances down at you “Quod dice face!” you yell and the two of you are teleported to the sigil where your party awaits.
“We can’t keep running like this! It needs to end Tav! It has to end.” You scan his face and you can see he is tired, tired of running… tired of these games.
“I know… I know. We go back to the Elfsong now, we take the evening to plan, gather the supplies and rest. In the morning we will leave.” You rarely use this tone however they have appointed you their leader and lead you shall. Running and avoiding was only making matters worse, the time has come to take action.
You find yourselves back in the main area of the shared quarters, everyone has their roles assigned to them. Shadowheart is readying her healing potions and antidotes, Gale is preparing spells that he thinks will be the most effective, Karlach has asked Lae’Zel to help sharpen her blades and you and Astarion are running over the layout of the palace. There is only one entrance so the element of surprise may be an issue but you will work with what is given.
After a few hours of everyone preparing you have decided to call it a night, all of you need rest for tomorrow. Your companions head to their beds for the night as you and Astarion make your way to your shared room. You start to remove your dress and you feel his hand fall on yours.
“Little love, I still want to take that dress off of you.” He whispers into your ear and a chill runs down your spine. Slowly his hands glide up your arms as he pulls one arm out of the dress at a time. He trails kisses down along your neck and across your collarbone as he pulls the remainder of your dress down until it lands in a pool on the floor.
“You are so beautiful.” He kisses your cheek. “So thoughtful.” Another kiss to your lips. “So strong.” His lips graze your neck. You release a soft moan and tilt your head to the side allowing him better access. “… and so, very generous.” He breathes and sinks his teeth into you, he pulls you into him with one hand placed on your stomach holding you in place. His other trails down your body and his fingers slip between the folds of your heated core. He groans against your neck in appreciation of your readiness for him. He works his finger in slow lazy circles around your swollen bud, the sensation teases you most delightfully.
After the third pull from your neck, he releases his bite and kisses the little puncture wounds. He is still rubbing tantalising circles in you as he guides you back to the bed. Just before he settles the both of you down he shifts below you and lands on the mattress placing you on top. His fingers never missing a beat, he places two fingers deep inside you while he rubs the pad of his thumb against your sensitive bud. He angles his head to the side offering you his neck and slowly you bite down hearing his breath catch. As you take your first pull of his blood into your mouth your body catches fire and you start riding his fingers. Stars appear in your vision, your breathing becomes shallow and you shatter into a wave of pleasure.
“Hmmm, good girl.” He says as he brings his fingers to his mouth cleaning them off slowly as you watch him. He folds his arms around you and kisses you deeply, “Let’s rest now little love, we have a big day tomorrow.”
You nod and inhale his scent… sleep finds you shortly after.
Petrichor and cinnamon, you breathe her in as the morning light trickles in through a crack in the curtains. She lies sleeping on your chest and you watch her head rise and fall with every breath you take. You need to succeed today, you have so much you want to experience with her, you want to build a life with her, have a home with her… hells you would start a family with her if it were possible. You’d find a way to make it possible. You want to give her everything and more.
You place a soft kiss on her forehead and she stirs awake. “Good morning, lover.” You say teasingly as a goofy smile spreads across her face.
“Good morning… lover.” She plants a small kiss on your neck and cuddles herself into you. A moment later she sighs, “I suppose we need to get up now.”
“Yes, but today is the start of a new beginning, my love.” You peel yourself out of bed and begin dressing in your leather armour. She follows you reluctantly putting on her armour that is quite similar to yours, black leather pants, a black leather top and boots that sit just below the knee. You chuckle to yourself, matching murder outfits…how cute.
As the two of you make your way to your party you hand her a glass bottle with some blood you had saved from your most recent hunt. You share it as a top-up, last night’s blood sharing was more than enough but you would rather be safe than sorry.
You find yourselves standing at the entrance to the palace and you hear a soft click. “Well, that’s suspiciously welcoming.” You open the door cautiously and find… no one. You all enter the building standing in the foyer taking in your surroundings.
“So this is it. I’m home. There’s the same fading carpet, the same tasteless art… nothing’s changed, but gods, everything feels different.” You look around the building feeling anxious.
“What’s it like being back?” She asks placing a hand on your back.
“It does feel strange, breaking into your own home. Especially if murder is on your mind. Then again this is hardly the strangest thing we’ve done together. Although it could be the most satisfying. Well, the second most satisfying…” You give her a playful smile as her cheeks flush.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” She asks softly her eyes searching yours with concern.
“Oh, I’ve never been less sure of anything. But if I don’t face him now, I never will. We’ll spend the rest of our lives running, watching the shadows, never feeling safe. No, this has to happen. Here and now.” You pull her into a hug.
Today is the day you take back your life. Today Cazador will get what is coming for him. At the end of this, it will be him on his knees begging you to show mercy… and just as he taught you, there will be no mercy for the weak and pathetic.
You wanted me here? Well, here I am you bastard. Today I will hear you scream in pain, you will die at my hands.
Part 4 here
#baldur's gate iii#bg3#baldur's gate 3#astarion#baldurs gate astarion#bg3 tav#astarion ancunin#astarion x tav#astarion fluff#astarion fanfic#astarion fanfiction#astarion fic#astarion smut#astarion bg3#astarion baldurs gate#astarion x reader#baldurs gate 3#bg3 spoilers#vampire spawn tav#littlelovelyra#thechange#ao3#bg3 fic#bg3 fanfic#bg3 fanfiction
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Here's what we're reading, recommending, and revisiting this week. Catherine's library find is The Change by Kirsten Miller, a novel of revenge and crime-fighting fueled by menopausal women's rage (which made it very satisfying). Terri's random recommendation this week is the Rosary in a Year podcast, a chart-topper offering a deep dive into this prayer (perfect for the new year). Mentioned: The Bible in a Year podcast and the Catechism in a Year podcast. In the archives, we checked in on an episode from 2021 on reserving our judgment (or at least trying to). Next week's lineup:
Lost S2 E5, "...and Found," on Tuesday, January 21
Shrinking S2 E12, "The Last Thanksgiving," on Wednesday, January 22
Weekly roundup on Thursday, January 23
Until then (and anytime you're in need), the archives are available.
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I can feel a fire is starting, nothing's gonna put it out. It's like this moment's waited for me and, and it's mine now. I'm gonna be the change. Gonna start with my heart. Gonna be the light, be that light, my own light that lights my way through the dark. I'm gonna see that day, change is gonna find me. But it's up to me, up to me, all on me to make that change inside me. I'm gonna be the change, change, change. I'm gonna be the change, change, change. I'm gonna be the change, change, change. Ooh I'm gonna be the change, change, change. I'm gonna be the change, change, change.
The Change by JoJo
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Tomfoolery to come
@chainlxnk and i r making a webtoon stay tuned rofl XD
#meetyouhalfway#mentally fucked#webtoon#staytuned#wergay#soready#supernatural#ghosts#demons#monsters#investigators#bestfriends#monsterhunting#thechanged
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i promise yall when i start releasing cc u can do whatever the fuck u want with it and im not fucking with paywalls
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"No, not anything urgent it can wait until he's available, I do need to see him in particular though. It's for a frame reformat, Ravage said he would be the best person to talk to for that."
She glanced around "Is there somewhere I can wait?"
She waited until everyone was busy and then made her way to the medical wing. She left a note for Jazz and Sounders to let them know she would be out for a while just in case they came back to find her gone. She didn't want to cause unnecessary panic especially when she was already anxious enough as it was. She was pulled from her thoughts as she made her way inside.
"Uh, Hi" She waved awkwardly at the bot that sat at the front desk. "Um, I don't have an appointment or anything but I was wondering if I could talk to Glit? If he isn't to busy..."
She was anxious and it showed.
Also @dontpetmeibite just in case that's easier for you to see.
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changing status of women in China - from the
pre-Qin period (above)
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that silly doodle of erina reminded me of. the itty bitas of lore I made to explain thechange in megamix (erina to arisa)
basically they were p good friends already n erina already worked inthe music industry for. a While now- howeva due to Reasons (aka thibg that I wont elaborate on bc LAZINESS!!) she had to step down from it, and tjen just like. idk recommebded (forgot te right word) arisa as the replacement 4 her uh.
ok yeah sory im js Derangeding
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dreamt that i was walking into this target type of building but it was like a similar type of store. i walked in, someone i recognized started yelling their ass fof at me about being late to work and in that dream i realized “wig do i still work here?” and im like oh im on for today? right now? well damn i got my stuff so ill go get changed. and my manager? the person yelling at me huffed and asked me about the “affair”. she was talking about the outfit i was wearing. it was a type of magic that i had crafted to make my outfit look a certain way and it looked like ome of those super silk purple robes that youd see a rich widow wearing.
anyways the position at the store 🏬 was like a regular one except they had me working like lead role in some show that served as like an asvertisement for their company. it was like a full blown show and it was like a pretty good soap opera cuz if you didnt know youd habe no idea it was advertising for the store. so yeah i was the main character???? for some reason... and the main character was like this maid with this super frilly maid outfit kinda like this

and she was like ome of those characters that stumbled her way thru the story, into and out of problems. sje had good insight sometimes and was good at event planning and liked to run and read mysteries a lot. i guess it was a bit of a mystery soap opera cuz there were a lot of murders and other problems that shed end up solving cuz all the other characters were so caufht up in the surrounding melodrama that the only “mostlybut not really” uninvolved character had the time to think about what was goin on lol.
anyways they paid me for like an entry level position and i had to act out this character for the show on the set and in the store itself. the job overall sucked and like the store too but i kinda liked not habing to wear the stores normal uniform and the maid outfit allowed me to get away with fucking around and doing some other bullshit i absolutely would have not gotten away with otherwise. also i liked working on the show more thhan anything else. it was... fun.... despite eberything else.
anyways at this point i just got stopped at the entrance and havent gotten changed yet. so i make a dash back into the tunnels tha connect to the entrance and stsrt looking for a changeroom. the tunnels are like a swathing sea of people in these subway like tunnels. it was all white like a targets walls would normally be. with thst type of stone or brick thats been painted over. it was nauseating. it shared that same kind of miserable lighting too... anwyays i kept running into various people cuz there was so many around ir was impossible to not do so. and almost ebery single one i ran into kept aski nd me about “the affair”. i didnt bother to keep asking at this point. after feeling like id suffocate and die like this several times i made it to thechange room . which had the same pale white ceiling and walls and insufferable lighting and almost as many people inside as there were outside. but at least the changeroom was incredibly spacious... people still wouldnt stop asking me a bout “the affair” until i managed to erect a barrier of boxes and linen in a corner so i could change in relative peace.
when i changed into my outfit i was no longer at the store. i was already wearing something else and i found myself at some type of gathering at some kind of (ski?)lodge
i remember hurrying to orepare a swimming outfit and some backup outfits for after and while i was doing that i was talking to someone about fortnite? while also preparing for some event
oah yeah it was one of those collective borthday events for people who had birthdays in the same month. far as i remember there were only 3 ppl there whos birthdays were beinf celebrated for that month. it was wierd cuz like after all the prep and setup and everything eberyone is more or less gatheredon one end in this dining hall amidst all thr serving tables full of food... and then my grandmother? (maybe?)start singing happy birthday. she gets like 2 lines out before she interrupts herself to start reciting a speech which felt like a suuuuuuuper uninportant thank you to thr “sponsors” she was reading advertisements. i looked at the guy whose name was mentioned in the first two lines of the song we were singing, miguel, and he was kinda just looking around expectantly. felt bad for him... most of the people who were gathered up before were suddenly no longer in sight cept for a few stragglers. thats what it felt like. the few left behind were just wandering aroujd aimlessly. not even chatting or eating. there were two ppl who was i was talking with on one end of the hall. i said, smth like “this kinda fucking sucks” and this one lady walked up to me and very excitedly agreed and the guy sitting in his chair handed me his phone and showed me his web page. it was pretty cool. it had this really cool pixelized style of colouring using various hues of green and brown that looked really good together. i looked thru his page while talking to both of them and as i did images of this dark builfing with spotlights occasionally hitting it started filling my mind like a vision ior clairvoyance or smth. it was a weird clustered snd complicated buildinf. i wish i remembered enough about how it looked to draw it.
the 3 of us kept talking to eachother and we realized we all got along pretty well so at some point the lady was like “hey why domt we fuck around and make our own birthday celebration since they dont seem interested in starting anytime within our lifetimes lol” and both me and the guy were like yeah thats a great idea. the guy in the chair dodnt really say much very often bur the 3 of us were all on the same page so while the lomg ass speech was s to ll goin on we dragged out a circular table, found a normal sized cake and surrounded it with plates and bowlls of food we were planning on eating. we were practically making new dishes and soups an stuff with all the combinations we were making. once all the food was ready we just interrupted and started singing happy birthday to miguel while the 3 of us held hands round the table. im not sire if he heard us since he was sitting relatively nearby my grandmother(?) who was kinda still droning on...
the 3 of us were having fun and were enjoying our newfound friendship we had forged . i think i woke up around then
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letter to myself
hei hello,
u have been working hard for so long but yet umight not have been successful. u maynot have achieved what uhave dreamt of. thechanges and struggles inlife might have changed u . u may have put on more weight. or umay have wasted a few years. but remember u are awonderful creation of God. he have given u food, shelter and afew dear ones. so be thankful to God. its ok to wait patiently forsuccess andwhen the day of success comes, embrace it with humility.
some life lessons for myself
1.Dont advice or try to change others
2. Donot except everyone to follow rules and manners
3. wait patiently for the day
4. plan but dont get demotivated because udid not get 100 percent ofur plan . behappy with 80 and say tourself nextday itwill be 81 percent.
5. dont worry about society or anything ifu dont have the power to change it. first increase the sharpness of ur knife(Skills) then by a easy hit we canbring down a tree.
6. there is still an oppurtunity for u. Even the closed doors can be shattered if u are constantly knocking onit.
7. be consistent. be calm. never tell ur personal things to others. they willuse it against u. Dont shareur weaknesses with others.
8. there is noone whowas borne with perfections. its the years ofimperfections which made that perfect picture.
9.Always priortise Sleep, Excercise, Study time. All the rest can wait
10. Behappy and smile even when u are inmiddle of a big problem.
You are great . You are a masterpiece of God. You are brilliant. you are hardworking. You are made for greatness.
#hardwork#successful#successmindset#habits#goal setting#success#hope#happiness#chartered accountant#prayer#indianstudent#indianstudyblr#indianstudying#study#study inspiration#study motivation#studyblr#studying#studyinspo#studyspo#cafinal#indianca
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I'm not gonna make, gonna make no excuses. I'm not gonna waste no more time being blind 'cause there ain't no world, ain't no world that I'm changing if I don't change mine. I'm gonna stand a little taller. Hold my head a little higher. Raise my voice a little louder. It's time. I'm gonna be the change. I'm gonna start with my heart. I'm gonna be the light, be that light, my own light that lights my way through the dark. I'm gonna see that day, change is gonna find me. But it's up to me, up to me, all on me to make that change inside me. I'm gonna be the change, change, ooh.
The Change by JoJo
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What you’re telling the world, or even just your neighbour next door you want in and for your life really makes little to no difference.
Who your area is who and what you’ll bring, attract, and have knocking at your door #💯
#believeit …#love #happy #joyful #driven #goaloriented #thechange #optimistic #inspiring #motivating #brave #bold #fierce #gogetter #boss #original …
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"Not that I so different Not that I don't see The dying light of what we used to be But how could I forgive you? You've changed And I'm a liar by your side I'm about to lose my mind 'Cause I've been screaming looking inside And I know you feel the pain Can you hear me? (...)" 💖 #nowlistening🎧 #nowplaying▶ #rock #gothicrock #evanescence #thechange #evanescencealbum #evanescencefan #evanescenceforever #evanescence4life https://www.instagram.com/p/CTxX1hHDcaC/?utm_medium=tumblr
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There's about to be a change in your life. Your blessings are going to double. Every day you will feel more alive and more beautiful. Love and fun will become more and more present in your life.
#thechange#transition#blessings#morealive#beautiful#loveandfun#travel#motivational#enjoyment#confidence#confirmation#moreandmore#selfcare#painting#acrylic#artoftheday#artwork#dailyartwork#artist on tumblr#artporn#outsiderart#lowbrowart#kunst#flomm#flommist#handpaintedbeercoaster#beercoaster#beermat#bierdeckel#coaster
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Stand for something.
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Seattle-to-Fresno Mini-Rogue Festival, Review Round-up Day 1
“Small fest. Big risks.”-The calling card for this year’s Mini-Rogue fringe festival. To be known before reading this round-up of reviews, I am of a breed of critical audience members who happen to have a blog in which I review shows. I am a HUGE fan of what the Rogue/Mini-Rogue festivals bring to the Fresno area each year. Risk. Take a chance on art. Every “established,” commercial playwright, composer, and performer has done it at some point. These fringe artists are here to bring their experiences, talents, and above all, calling to entertain you, the audience. They’re here to challenge, to make laugh, to garner applause, and to simply make a living by doing what they love most. I challenge you to take a chance on this small fest, enjoy the risk they’re taking, and support these travelling and local artists who are creating.
“The Change”
The opening billing for the mini-rogue was a dance show titled, The Change. This four-act collective was strung together by the common theme of how times have been changing based on one event affecting the next, also known as the “Butterfly Effect.” A talented conglomeration of dancers culminate in what is a solid troupe delivering commentary and technique in the form of dance expression. The opening act, “La La Land,” takes on the opioid crisis in physical form, made complete by pill bottles, dancer’s lines, and ensemble formations. With direction by Jackie Hunsaker, the message and affect opioids and cell phones have is communicated by way of disconnect-ivity to the audience while relaying the message of “please plug back into human existence.” Act two brings the number “Hooded,” led and staged by Zachary V. Garcia. Though this dance is the outlier from the three other dances in terms of style and concept, it certainly delivers the message it intends; “…societal fear and motivates our actions and belief systems…”-Mr. Garcia. It is very much an in-your-face performance for the audience, and certainly by design. With some lovely balletic turns, “Hooded” has depth and thought-provoking inclinations if one is paying close enough attention. Act Three brings William Davis’ staging of four superb dancers, relaying a fantastic “Role Reversal” turn as two duet dancers. The dance is simply beautiful, employing technique, storytelling, and chemistry to deliver a well-choreographed dance. There is nuance creatively infused in the execution, and this act is a step above the rest in terms of the legit dance chops while still honoring the titular theme. The finale, “Juke Joint Says,” staged by Miz-Unique Slater, is a fantastic, smart, all-out final act that is personality-driven and rooted in African-American culture. The choice songs, “Do I Move You” by Nina Simone and “Push ‘Da Button” from The Color Purple are given stellar choreography while being the culmination of this dance piece. Every dancer is highlighted well, and given the chance to truly shine.
You can catch The Change in its final performance of the Mini-Rogue on Sunday at 7:30pm.
“It’s Strangely Mannix”
A magician and musician walk into the backroom of a café and what do you get? Sore cheeks from laughter. Rogue staples Tim Mannix and Strangely have combined for a tour-de-force performance in It’s Strangely Mannix. The two artists have enough experience to deliver and sell just how off-the-cuff this show may be, while exuding enough self-deprecating humor along with audience heckling to fully entertain. But antics aside, when the show is done, the audience leaves satisfied having been thoroughly impressed by Mr. Mannix’s and Mr. Strangely’s subtle and grand magic tricks. Plus, you’ll have accordion-accompanied tunes and card tricks to your heart’s content, all on a train of non-stop laughs. For a lighthearted venture into the magical and musical world of these two stellar performers, do check out It’s Strangely Mannix playing today at 4:30pm.
“Fringe Factor”
It may have been for one night and one night only, but you bet your paycheck that I did not miss Grant Evan Knutson and company host a lively romp of the live game show, Fringe Factor. A one-night stand to help pay the rent (“‘cause Fringe Fests ain’t cheap, y’all!”-Mr. Knutson), Mr. Knutson brought back his always-popular game show to the Mini-Rogue. It was visiting artists vs. local artists in a four-round (which became five rounds) game show, where the visitors left victorious. Among the games and musical entertainment by Strangely, was an audience cheering as all get out, and the featured performers of this year’s Mini-Rogue festival competing for bragging rights and bubbles. With the main goal being the cost of rent for the venue (The Backroom at The Revue), this show was more than just entertainment and loud cheering, it was to help further support art, artists, and what it takes to bring fringe theatre to Fresno. If you see anyone cruising around Tower who is affiliated with the Mini-Rogue, consider donating some change or bills in lieu of time (if you’re too busy to see a show, that is) and support the way you can to continue the fringe experience for Fresn-ans and travelling artists alike!
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