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thecarguys · 4 years ago
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This 2007 Acura TSX was brought in a for starter job as the car was not starting and it was determined the alternator and the battery were not the issue. Once we changed it out, and recharged the battery, the car started up smoothly on every test run. #acura #acuratsx #acuratsxclub #battery #batteryproblems #starter #carstarter #carstarters #startermotor #startermotors #startermotorrepairs #starterreplacement #repairshop #repairshops #carrepair #carrepairshop #carguys #carguystuff #thecarguys #cityofcorona #cityofriverside #coronacalifornia #riversidecalifornia ^^^^^Zero % 100 PLUS days financing available^^^^^ ^^^^^NO Credit Check Required^^^^^ The Car Guys thecarguys.info 2187 Sampson Ave, Unit 101 Corona, CA 92879 951-268-0786 (at CAR GUYS) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGLh6lgDFic/?igshid=1echlcwva18a8
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mrjackhamma · 5 years ago
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HELLO ALL #CarGuys #GearHeads #CarGirls & #CarEnthusiasts! If You Missed The Debut Episode of CARZ🚗TALK #Podcast with #TheCarGuys of #XquisiteShine This Past Sunday, Here's A Sample of What You Missed. #CheckOut As We're Talking About The #audir8 💯 You Can Listen/Watch The Full Podcast @ https://mrjackhamma.tumblr.com/post/628826424605818880/xs or [#Twitter or #Facebook @XquisiteShine]. Also New Episode This Sunday 9/13/20 @ 12 noon. #BeThere ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ #CarzTalk #CarzTalkPodcast #carpodcast #talkingcars #carlovers #carloversfamily #lovescars #cartalk Sponsored By: Xquisite Shine #CarLovers❤ Marketplace (at Xquisite Shine) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE8CCDJlrxV/?igshid=jrred5efn6kf
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lossano · 5 years ago
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Do you like podcasts? Well, I made a few for you for the holidays. Please enjoy! #podcast #radiomisfits #oppihshows #soccer #cars #celebrities #friends #radiomisfitspodcastnetwork #freekicks #thecarguys #minutiamen #minutiamencelebrityinterview #andfriends #nudehippo #lossanoandfriends #back2you https://www.instagram.com/p/B6Q_dbslo3o/?igshid=jys74r47gvcz
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extremeautofest · 7 years ago
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Repost @k_spain23 by @media.repost: #flashbackfriday to year 2000/2001 with my wide body civic at @extremeautofest. Working at @pannauto & street racing every single weekend was the THANG to do. Thousands of dollars was spent from 97 to 2003. Oh yeah this bad boy smashed on @absameali civic at L Street.... & YES we were doing it way before all the Fast & Furious hype.. @mikep123 thanks for the photo....... #firehouse #wildanimalpark #gophercanyon #kearnyvilla #kspain #thecarguy #thecarbroker #flashbackfriday #turbocivic #lsvtec #sandiego #extremeautofest #sd
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marvindiom · 4 years ago
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Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain. There is strange comfort in knowing that no matter what happens today, the Sun will rise again tomorrow. #klassendesign #klassenarmored #klassenarmored #class #van #klassenluxurycars #luxurycar #armored #klassenstretchcars #thecarguy #gls #maybach #glsmaybach #maybachmusic #benz #southafrica #1st #mercedesbenz #maybachgls600 #lifeofasalesman#mercedes https://www.instagram.com/p/CLkZvb9J2MB/?igshid=1lboavnsz7wwj
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13lov · 3 years ago
nowhere with you. (m)
pairing. jungkook x reader
word count. 2.6k
genre. smut, light fluff, light angst, secret relationship.
warning(s): swearing, brief smut, angst.
summary. in which your father owns an auto repair shop and hires jungkook as his newest employee, who���s willing to assist you in more ways than one.
a/n. quick little blurb!!! not an official fic or anything just something that came to mind. not proofread so i apologize for any mistakes.
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subject: my car is broken :(
my engine has been making a really weird noise :( and i think i need an oil change too. ill stop by tomorrow around 3 to have it all fixed. oh and there’s something else i want you to check out, ill add a pic of it.
see u soon.
_____ <3
Attached: 1 Image
subject: RE: my car is broken :(
Hi _____,
That is a photo of your boobs.
You’re lucky your dad doesn’t know how to use emails or this could’ve been very awkward haha.
I literally just left your house and I already miss you, so you better be serious about stopping by the shop tomorrow. Also, why are we emailing? I’ll text you.
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Your car was completely fine, in perfect shape actually, but you took any opportunity you could to see Jungkook.
Your labeless, undefined relationship with him was difficult to navigate, mostly due to the fact that it shouldn’t exist (with him being your father’s employee and all). Longing for him whenever you’re away has become a vital part of your daily routine, it’s like he’s permanently engraved himself in every aspect of your day-to-day life.
His lucky handkerchief is still laying idly in the backseat of your car, the glimpse of it you catch in your rearview mirror never fails to remind you of how he had it wrapped around his forehead only a few weeks ago; the way it soaked up his sweat as he peered up at you from between your legs. The way he eventually had wrapped it around your mouth because God you were being so loud, and he wouldn’t risk losing the best job he’s ever had just because his boss’ daughter can’t keep her moans in.
His silver chain hung loosely around your neck, the cold metal contrasting against the warmth of your skin. It feels like it was yesterday when Jungkook held you steady on top of him in the comfort of his bedroom, gripping the chain as if you were holding onto dear life until you rode out your orgasm.
He was everywhere yet nowhere. You wish you could be nowhere with him.
So you text him more in hopes that it will make you miss him less (it doesn’t), and you only go to see him when you have a reason to (you never do). You try your best to do anything to avoid catching feelings for Jungkook, but that was a nearly impossible task. Which explains why you show up to your father’s auto repair shop promptly at three, as promised, with a perfectly fine car.
You drive up to the garage slowly, slightly sitting up in your seat in hopes that Jungkook is already inside waiting. And, much to your luck, he’s kneeled down working on the most beautiful motorcycle you’ve ever seen.
Hearing your car approach, he rises to his feet with a grin on his face, immediately gesturing for you to pull your car all the way in. You follow his instructions, parking next to the motorcycle and shutting your car off completely.
Jungkook doesn’t even give you time to take off your seatbelt before he’s at your car, opening your door and lifting you in his arms.
You hate this, it feels too much like a relationship you know you can never have. But still, you allow yourself to indulge in it, loosely wrapping your arms around his neck as he spins you around.
“I missed you.” He says when he’s finally let your feet touch the ground.
“We literally saw each other yesterday.” You cock your head to the side, leaning against your car as you gaze at Jungkook.
He raises his hands in defense, “Sue me for being a little clingy. So, are you really having issues with your car? Because--”
“My car is fine.”
“Yeah, I figured. But I’m glad you stopped by anyway, your dad wants me to rotate your tires.”
You try not to make your disappointment obvious, but the way your shoulder’s hang may have given it away. “Is that the only reason why you’re glad I came?”
“Of course not, babe.” He says matter-of-factly, taking a few steps to plant a kiss on your forehead. “I’m always glad to see you. These tires really do need to be rotated,” he taps his shoe against one of your front wheels, “but that can wait.”
You nod. “Good, because I mentioned in my email that there was something else that needed to be checked.”
Jungkook raises a brow at you, a smirk playing on his lips as he sinks his teeth into his bottom lip. “Oh yeah, I’m gonna have to get a better look at that. But uh, sometime later.”
“Wow, I thought you said you missed me.” You respond sarcastically, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Believe me, I did.” He returns back to the motorcycle he’d been working on, “but there’s someone here who missed you way more than I did.”
You stand up straight, feeling a bit perplexed. “Who?”
“_____!” Your dad’s loud voice rings throughout the garage, causing both you and Jungkook to flinch in surprise. “What’re you doing here?” Your dad asks, giving you a brief side hug as he approaches.
“Oh… uh… I…” You sputter, glancing at Jungkook for assistance.
“I asked her to stop by so I could rotate her tires like you asked me to, sir. Plus I wanted to show off my new bike, if that’s okay.” Jungkook saves you from lying to your father, proudly tapping his motorcycle with a smug look on his face.
“That’s more than okay,” your father joins Jungkook to gape at the bike, “this thing is a real beauty.”
You couldn’t be more bored.
You clear your throat, “Were you headed somewhere, dad?”
“Huh? Oh yeah, picking up a pizza for lunch. Hey, why don’t you stick around so we can all eat together?“ He suggests, Jungkook’s eyes light up and he’s back to smiling.
Forcing yourself to smile, you mutter, “As long as you get me a can of grape soda.”
Your father claps his hands together, “Consider it done, I’ll be back.” And he leaves.
Jungkook crosses his arms, “I’m delighted you’ll be joining us for lunch.”
You roll your eyes, “I’m not, and why didn’t you tell me this was your bike?
He shrugs, “I dunno, I wanted to keep it a surprise; show up to your house one day and take you for a ride. I even got a helmet for you.” He steps over to one of the garage’s many cabinets, opening it to reveal a motorcycle helmet.
“Wanna try it on for size?” He questions as he approaches, you nod.
He slips the helmet on you with ease, and it fits perfectly. “How does it feel?” He shouts, using his fist to knock on the head of the helmet.
“Fine, now take it off before you give me hearing loss.” Jungkook chuckles but does as told, taking the helmet completely off you and trying his best not to ruin your hair in the process.
“Oh, my chain,” he says while staring down at your chest, “you’re wearing it.”
“I’m sorry,” you apologize, “I should’ve asked first. I’ve been meaning to give it back to you but then I tried it on and—”
“I want you to keep it, it looks good on you.” He interrupts.
You can hardly believe your ears. If Jungkook didn’t want you to fall in love with him then he was doing a really bad job at it.
His index finger has moved to trace the metal against your neck, his nail lightly scratching your skin in the process. You keep eye contact with him as he does so, your heart beating faster with each passing second.
“As long as it's okay with you…”
“More than okay.” He barely gives you a chance to finish your sentence before he responds, his fingers now trailing down your neck. “Y’know, we have a few minutes before your dad gets back...”
In an instant your lips are on his, fingers gripping his hair as he pushes you up against your car, banging your head in the process. “Sorry! Oh my God, I didn’t mean to do that. Are you okay?” Jungkook pulls away from you with worry in his eyes, gently holding the back of your head with his right hand.
“I’m fine, seriously. I barely even felt it.” You grab a hold of the backseat’s door handle, “Get in, and be gentle this time.” You tease pointing a finger at Jungkook.
He shakes his head, following behind as you crawl into the backseat of the car. “I’ll try my best.”
You lay flat on your back and Jungkook crawls on top of you, not even bothering to close the door behind him. There’s no point, you have the shop to yourself for a few minutes and this is only a quickie. A temporary fix, though you know you’ll be back for more.
“Condom?” You ask, not even realizing you had been panting. Everything was moving so quickly, with so much secrecy. You love Jungkook deeply, but you can’t keep sneaking away with him like this. It’s not healthy for either of you.
He nods, “In my backpack, but it’s in the office. I can go grab it.”
You shake your head, “There’s no time, we don’t need it.”
“Are you sure? We don’t have to do this, I’m just glad to see you.”
It’s crazy, you know it’s crazy, but your love for Jungkook has clouded your ability to consider the consequences of your actions. Maybe things would be different if you had a normal relationship, and not the kind you have to hide from everyone.
“I’m sure.” You confirm, and he’s kissing you again, his right hand already reaching down to unzip himself and slightly tug his pants down. He presses himself up against your thigh, and it’s no surprise that he’s already half-hard.
“_____, are you sure about this?” He questions, and you both are panting, and you can’t believe you’re getting frustrated at him for asking so many questions. But you know he’s right, he knows you’re feeling rushed and not thinking clearly; he knows you so well and you really can’t stand it.
“No. I’m not even on the pill.” You admit, squeezing your eyes shut out of pure embarrassment. “I just...I want to do something.”
“Why does this matter so much to you?” You think any desire Jungkook may have had to do anything sexual with you may have disappeared, but his fingers trailing up your bare thigh tell you otherwise.
“Because it’s oh-” you gasp as his fingers move up your thigh and in between your legs, lightly grazing over the crotch of your underwear. The tip of his nail traces over your clothed clit, your legs tremble at his touch. “It’s all we can do.”
“That’s not true,” he tugs your underwear to the side, “I try to do other things with you, y’know. I don’t how many times I’ve asked you to go on a date with me only for you to say no. Or how many times I’ve wanted to tell your dad about us.” He punctuates his sentence by using his thumb to stroke your clit, moving it around at a teasingly slow pace that has you frustrated.
“‘What is there to tell him? All...all we do is hook up.” You grab ahold of Jungkook’s bicep when he’s finally sped up his movements, digging hard enough into his skin that you leave crescent-shaped indents.
“Do you even listen to me? I want to do more with you, I want to go on dates and kiss you in public and be able to tell people I’m your boyfriend.”
You squeeze your eyes shut again, and this time you feel like crying. Maybe from pleasure since he’s finally started teasing at your entrance with his middle finger, or maybe from the pain of wanting something you know you can’t have.
“We can’t, Jungkook. My dad would fire you.”
“Who cares? A job is a job, I’ll just find another one.” He punctionuates his sentence by slipping a single finger in you, your built-up wetness making it a smooth process.
“You said this was the best job you’ve ever had, I don’t want to ruin this for you.” Your voice comes out in a tremble once he inserts a second finger, steadily starting to thrust them in and out of you.
“You’re not ruining anything, all I want to do is take you on a fucking date. And you know what I just realized? It’s not like your dad specifically said he didn’t want us together, we just automatically assumed. We could at least talk to him about it.” You try your best to focus on Jungkook’s words but it’s no use. All you can concentrate on is how he’s pushed his fingers all the way in you, and is now using the palm of his hand to rub against your clit. The friction is too much, it takes you a while to even form a response.
“It’s too risky, you don’t understand.” You feel closer to your high than ever, amazed at how Jungkook knew your body as if it were his own. He knows you too well.
He nods, but you can tell he’s annoyed. “You’re right, I don’t understand anything. I don’t understand how I’m willing to risk a great job for someone who doesn’t even wanna be with me.”
“That’s not what I meant! I do want to be with you, but--”
“If you truly wanted to be with me, there would be no ‘buts’. You won’t even give us a chance.” Your dad’s car is approaching, you can hear it from all the way inside. Jungkook gives you one last look before he pulls away from you, grabbing his red handkerchief from the floor of your car on his way out.
You straighten yourself out as quickly as possible, not even caring about the fact that you didn’t even get to orgasm.
Jungkook is back at his bike when you hop out of your car, acting as if your presence were never there. You feel like crying again, this is all too much.
“Alright, I got your soda and a large meat-lovers.” Your dad waltzes through the side door, completely oblivious to the situation at hand.
You take a look at Jungkook, only for him to completely ignore you. “I’m going home.”
“What? I thought you were staying for lunch.” Your dad pleads, watching you climb into the driver’s seat of your car.
“I’m not hungry.” You shut the door, “I’ll see you at home.”
He’s about to protest again, but Jungkook stops him. “Just let her go.” He says blankly, pulling the lever that makes the gate rise so you can leave.
Your father waves as you drive off, still confused as to why you wanted to leave so suddenly.
“Sometimes I feel like I just don’t know her, but she never wants to talk to me about anything. Maybe she needs someone to talk to, like a therapist or something.” Your dad complains, shaking his head.
“Sure,” Jungkook responds.
“Or a boyfriend.”
“Sure,” Jungkook repeats, this time clenching his teeth.
“Hey, what about you? You’re not dating anybody, are you?”
Jungkook narrows his eyes at the older man, not quite sure if this was some sort of evil little joke. “What do you mean?”
“You’re a good kid and _____ seems to like you. I think it’d be nice if the two of you got together. I’m kinda surprised you already haven’t.”
Oh, but you have.
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thecarguyforyou · 6 years ago
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💥This beautiful High Country Silverado 2500 is a great value! 💥 __________________________________ ✔️Sunroof ✔️Navigation ✔️Heated & Cooled Leather ✔️Bose Sound ✔️Crew Cab ✔️Under 60,000 km . . 📲(780)700-2736 for more info . . #value #truck #2500 #silverado #thecarguy #financingavailable (at Sherwood Park, Alberta) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1FLEjiA_j2/?igshid=6e6r4bvlyxvn
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chitowntaurus · 4 years ago
Ladies Enjoy 😉 Maximum Protection and Comfort for your most important Cargo Now Go Click The Subscribe Button on YouTube and Press Like 👍🏽 if You Love ❤️ this Song 🎧 You’ll get Complete Access to the NEW Mixtape 📼 and Two UpComing Albums 💿 ChiTownTaurus.com #Facebook #art #OilChangeTaurus #CarMexKing #fit #tiktok #lifestyle #BigTaurus #artist #chicago #MustWatchTaurus #amor #memes #tattoo #AmericanTaurus #newyork #EliteTaurus #explorepage #OilChanges #TaurusTheCarGuy #lfl #TheCarGuy #explore #blogger #bts #india #sky #hiphop #trending #ShowUpInNEParkingLot https://www.instagram.com/p/CSFUdAPHXBo/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mikethecarguy · 4 years ago
GTHS Class of 2021 Coco and Cookies! from Mike theCarGuy on Vimeo.
The parents of Grand Terrace hosted a 'Coco & Cookies' drive-thru event to celebrate the GTHS Class Of 2021 seniors on Sunday, Dec. 13th. Fun was had and memories made while socially distancing and staying safe. Its not as good as being in school with their friends but it was a great effort!
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simpleandlow · 7 years ago
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Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa bagi yang menjalani. Mohon maaf lahir dan batin 👏🏻✨ #simpleandlow #simpleandlow_malaysia #slowkingmedia #fitmentnation #thecarguys #westfitmentsociety
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thecarguys · 5 years ago
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2016 Dodge challenger came with the power steering problem. After inspection we figured out that the car needed a steering gear. Replaced it and the car left with a smooth steering wheel. #Dodge #dodgechallenger #challenger #steeringwheel #powersteering #steeringgear #Removeandintall #repairshop #loudsound #screeching #repairshops #carrepair #carrepairs #carrepairshop #carguys #carguysbelike #carguystuff #thecarguys #cityofcorona #cityofriverside #coronacalifornia #riversidecalifornia https://www.instagram.com/p/CEucJGKDsEO/?igshid=18rdr56ohnlyd
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mrjackhamma · 5 years ago
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HELLO WORLD!🌍🌎🌏 It's A Magnanimous Monday! And To The #unitedstates 🇺🇸 #happylaborday! #NowPlaying On The #RLXRadioNetwork CARZ🚗TALK #Podcast with #TheCarGuys of #XquisiteShine. Debut Episode #1 Talking About The #AUDI R8, #lamborginiurus and the #Remake of Old #Car #Movies Plus Sooooo Much More! All #CarGuys #GearHeads #CarGirls #CarEnthusiasts and #CarLovers #TuneInNow On This #laborday and #ListenandEnjoy The FUN Ride On The RLX RADIO Network [Link In Our #Instagram Bio] or Xquisite Shine Car Lovers❤ Marketplace or #YouTube. Also Podcast Info Is On The #Twitter [@XquisiteShine] #LogOnNow 🔥🔥🚘🔥🔥 #audir8 #lamborghini #lambo #mondaymood #mondayvibes (at Xquisite Shine) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE1S_Aulh7A/?igshid=1tuymd88haqpx
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kolkatanightlifestuff · 5 years ago
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LIVE A LIFE YOU WILL REMEMBER ♠️⠀ .⠀ .⠀ @_prantika_⠀ @indrajit.barua⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #kolkataphotographer #kolkatainstagrammers #kolkatastreets #streetsofkolkata #igkolkata #kolkata_lanes #kolkatagram #kolkata_igers #instakolkata #ferrari #kolkatalove #kolkatasutra #kolkatabloggers #kolkatacity #kolkatagirl #calcutta_igers #kolkata_diaries #kolkatatimes #withlovekolkata #kolkata #kolkatafashion #kolkataphotography #kolkataigers #kolkatadiaries #kolkatabuzz #kolkatanightlife #clubgtkolkata #supercarmania2020 #supercar #thecarguy https://ift.tt/2u7i83J
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baryest · 7 years ago
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Regrann from @samusihle - Thursday Dude #onair Celebrate on the beach. Let us know if there any Audis around or it is pure Benz heaven #mzansirides #114 #thecarguy #lifeofasalesman #c63s #lifestyle #e63s #boyswillbeboys #mercedesbenz #johannesburg #durban #southafrica #mercedes #soweto #class #c63 #gtc #benz #capetown #portelizabeth #salesman #kwazulunatal #joburg #germany #newcar #german #weatherforecast https://www.instagram.com/p/BnGOxrLF9om/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=m685bkc2jlk8
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hot97 · 8 years ago
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Lock in! Repost @iamdjmagic ・・・ #DjMagicTakeItToTheStreets #RadioShow ON @HOT97 !!!!!!! 7pm #DJMAGIC #EVERY #SUNDAY #LIVE ON #HOT97 #7pm THE #TakeItToTheStreets #SHOW #7pm ‼️‼️‼️ #bless #be #safe #DjMagic #PrinceOfTheCarGame #TheCarGuy #RidinOut #StraightMovin #TvT #StraightMovin
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thecarguystv · 6 years ago
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Typical! You buy a GT3 Touring and then one comes along at @danielmyersltd_prestigecars that matches your ideal spec even more closely. #annoyed #futurerelationship #gt3touring ---------------------------------------------------- @CarGuys.tv - Two friends who collect special cars. We're TheCarGuys! Always driving something cool. Join the adventure. Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to our FREE YouTube channel here - https://www.youtube.com/c/thecarguystv ---------------------------------------------------- #Supercar #Supercars #amazingcars247 #supercarsoflondon #carswithoutlimits #carsofinstagram #carthrottle #driv3n #exotic_performance #lovecars #itswhitenoise #carlifestyle #carphoto #luxurycar #luxury #cars #carinstagram #carsandcoffee #luxurycars #exoticcars Image credit: Daniel Myers Follow us on: YT: TheCarGuys.tv FB: The CarGuys.TV T: TheCarGuysTV https://www.instagram.com/p/BoL9QZzFZvp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vnvdkg87mvz3
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