roleplayerxshoutouts · 10 years
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"thearchertheangel is just a perfect human being all the way around. Their Clint is spot on and they are a wonderful friend, always there to make you smile and feel good about yourself when you need it the most. It’s a joy to write with them and to know them."
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asgardianhammer · 10 years
thearchertheangel replied to your post:A suspicious looking letter finds it's way into...
Thor it’s me, I’m your unborn child. Mommy is gonna die.
thearchertheangel replied to your post:
( I tried typing that with a straight face. Yeah, it didn't happen.)
(( XD cackles, we were so fkn confused
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Inbox me a ‘₴’ for your muse catching mine having a nightmare and their reaction to seeing your muse when they wake up
Memories of what happened were terrible. Sure, they were horrible nightmares that often woke him up screaming in phantom pain but he could handle those. He’d already lived through those memories, after all. 
There was a kind of dream that was so much worse. The ones where everything was okay. One where his dad was still alive, or Gregory, without his brother hating him for whatever reason he had to do so. One where Steve and Thor weren’t gone and the old gang had beers on movie night together. One where Natasha and him were happily married. 
He had one of those dreams. One about Anthony. And so when Antonio woke, it took one horrible moment where everything was okay for the truth to send that dream crushing down as he remembered it was not okay. Anthony was gone. So was everyone else. That crushing feeling made Tonio give a choked sound and he curled up on his side, quiet sobs wracking his body.
It was only then that he noticed there was someone in the room. He coughed and rubbed his hand over his eyes, trying to wipe away the tears. "What ... what are you doing here..." 
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brooklyncap-archived · 10 years
thearchertheangel replied to your photo:steve and nat drinking beer and eating pizza on a...
I freaking love that movie. Clint can be Grayer. xD
aw!! i just squealed really loudly. that would be the cutestestest ever
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sleepytardis · 10 years
Top 10 TV/Movie Characters:
Since whatarefears tagged me in this. 1: Felicity Smoak 2: Abigail Mills 3: The 11th Doctor (and the 12th and 4th) 4: Jim Gordon (mainly from the show Gotham) 5: Daddy West (from the Flash, don't try and tell me that's not his real name) 6: Harrison Wells 7: Hiccup (HTTYD) 8: John Diggle 9: Rory Williams 10: John Barrowman (because Jack and Malcolm are kinda the same person, right??) Hey, finepieceofcas and thegeektastichedgehog and thearchertheangel, do the thing!!
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spectralarchers · 10 years
I just wanted to point out that the gun Clint foregoes in Thor is actually a sniper rifle not a machine gun, which is also very important, as snipers are considered to be VERY excellent shots, and Clint has made his name as being the BEST marksman in the world, but he foregoes the sniper rifle in favor of a BOW which can only mean that he is better on the bow, than he is on the sniper rifle which proves how AMAZING the Amazing Hawkeye really is. (submitted by thearchertheangel )
Woo! Thank you! I have no knowledge of guns or weaponry, so thank you for pointing it out, I'll go edit the meta right away! :)
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sprynonagenarian · 10 years
Send me an AU and I will tell you how I could fit my muse into said AU: Alpha/Beta/Omega AU?
Hello new friend! Thanks for writing in :DOkay, this one is hard for me because to be perfectly honest with you, I’ve got some issues with A/B/O stuff. I’m not saying I wouldn’t write it, but certain ways it can be written really bug me. I’m not going to talk your ear off about it, just thought I’d get that out of the way so if anyone does want to contact me requesting to write such a verse with me, they can consider themselves forewarned that I won’t do certain typical A/B/O plot elements.
Sorry for the aside! Let me get to your actual question. So, I see a lot of Steve being written as the omega in these kind of stories, but because I tend to write a more toppy-leaning Steve (whoops, cat’s out of the bag) I would definitely want alpha!Steve. Also, because the idea of tiny, angry alpha!Steve topping the hell out of people in kinda amazing. Yeeeep. And I mean, that’s not going to change when he gets the serum. If anything, his abilities would probably be enhanced… he’d smell more, feel more, so the attraction inherent in these kind of verses would probably just be so more intense for him. I could even see him losing control a little bit, acting in a way he later regrets just because he’s kind of overtaken with it in the moment.
Plot-wise, I think, again, the most popular pairing is alpha/omega. While I see lots of possibilities for that with all kinds of different muses, I’ve always been drawn to slightly more atypical stories. Example? Two alphas fall for each other, biology be damned, and try to work it out even though some allowances and serious negotiations have to happen re: bedroom activities. And of course, they have cute, dumb little bouts of being smarmy and snarky at each other because put two alphas in a room together, right?
Wow, ok, I think I’ve written enough. Sorry for talking your ears off. Hope that was an ok answer :)
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I followed you because you're awesome and Antonio is amazing and I'm not as familiar with Earth 1610 as I am 616 buuuut, I still like sticking my toes in that pool, and your Tony is just fabulous. And I know I've been derp lately, but I really hope we get some more interaction in soon because I have really enjoyed it so far and you are sooooo super sweet for humoring my dweebishness.
Awwwww ^///^ thank you so much
I love your Clint
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brooklyncap-archived · 10 years
thearchertheangel replied to your post “[[MOR] munday? even though it’s tuesday mornng rn? (well, noon bc i...”
no uuuuuuuuuu arrre <333
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cryoethics · 10 years
AU (oh hi!)
16. Forced to share a table at the coffee shop a couple days in a row because crowded coffee shop and no room AU (hi lovely :3 )
It’s an awkward sort of glance he offers when he sinks himself down. Though admittedly he usually comes in around the dead hour, his work shift had been different for the past week and he’d been showing up during “normal human times” as his roommate would call it. Swallowing hard he glances over and offers a half grin, and a lift of his cup. Something steaming by the looks of it and covered in whipped cream.
He can’t eat good all the time, alright?
"Sorry, again.” Though the likelihood of someone else not coming along and doing the same thing seemed a bit slim. He had no idea so many people even came to this damn place. Yet with the music festival being held just a few blocks away it seemed like there was a never ending supply of patrons beginning to flood the place daily.
And to think he had liked it for the quiet. 
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xstrange · 10 years
ㄨ o3o?
Icon:  uh no | nice | pretty cute | i’m salivating | LEMME KISS IT
URL:  uh no | nice | pretty cute | i’m salivating | LEMME KISS IT
Theme:  uh no | nice | pretty cute | i’m salivating | LEMME KISS IT
Posts:  uh no | nice | pretty cute | i’m salivating | LEMME KISS IT
Writing:  uh no | nice | pretty cute | i’m salivating | LEMME KISS IT
Following:  sorry no | yes | following this bae forever
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brooklyncap-archived · 10 years
"You can thank me later."
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{closed starter for thearchertheangel} Soulmate AU
The Soldier was in control, at least for now. He had managed to get into another Hydra base, wanting to learn more about himself. He snuck down into the lower levels. Silently killing and then hiding the bodies of everyone he met. He knew that he only had a short time and that the ones who had been chasing him for awhile now would show up and try to stop him. Finally reaching the lowest level he opened one of the doors, finding someone there. He crept up on them ready to dispatch them like all the others. Shocked slightly when they turned around holding a bow with an arrow nocked and ready to fire.
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