ṡẗṛïṗ ċḷüḅ ṡëṅẗëṅċë ṡẗäṛẗëṛṡ
"I noticed you, noticing me."
"How much for a private show?"
"Can I get a dance?"
"Would you like a dance?"
"Just relax and enjoy it."
"I just imagine the pole is you, and the night goes by so much quicker."
"I have a dollar bill stuck up my ass."
"You're the guy who tucked a hundred bill into my thong…"
"Hey! You can look, but don't touch."
"How much to take this back to my place?"
"Hey! This isn't free, you know?!"
"Time's almost up, sir. Do you want to buy another fifteen minutes?"
"I don't care if it's your job, no one gets to touch you like that."
"I'm a dancer, not a hooker!"
"Can I buy you a drink, sweetheart?"
"Dancing is my job! Not my life!"
"The whole club might've been watching, but I was dancing only for you."
"I hate that everyone gets to see you like this."
"Being in love with a stripper is so hard."
"Loosen up! Dancing with you is like grinding against a wall."
"Wait --- Sparklez isn't your real name?"
"If you have a problem with what I do for a living, just say it!"
"You can do better than shaking your ass at horny old men for a living!"
"I can't stop thinking about the way you move on stage."
"I'm hot, what's the problem?"
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do you think they knew?
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hi i’ve moved over to dothiisallday !!
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hi i’ve moved over to dothiisallday !!
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We’ve come a long way From where we began Oh, I’ll tell you all about it When I see you again
( x )
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okay so my queue’s completely emptied out which means EVERYTHING from now on will be from dothiisallday. i feel like this is a final goodbye to this blog and i probably shouldn’t feel so clingy to it but i’ve had it for over 4 months and wanted to stay on it p much forever. but oh well. see you folks on the other side (ie. on dothiisallday)
hi i’ve moved over to dothiisallday !!
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Steve hums quietly, relaxing under the feeling of that hand in his hair. Just having Wade with him, lying against him was all that Steve needed to relax, thoughts of the mission vanishing from his mind. “A little,” he says, though it’s pretty damn obvious he’s exhausted. 
Wade let out an ‘oof’ and wiggles around so he was pressed against Steve with his arms wrapped around him and where his left hand was able to play with Steve’s hair. “Of course. You must be tried.” He says softly while tugging a blanket over their bodies.
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Steve turned with Sarah in his arms, who was curiously looking over his shoulder at her room-to-be. He’d forgotten all about their little height scale. Steve had loved marking up their heights, right up until Bucky and even Rebecca had started to leave him behind. He rubbed a thumb over the last notch recorded, Bucky’s, the date reading 04/09/37. So much time had passed.  “We’re gonna have some new notches on here, aren’t we?” he said, bouncing Sarah gently to get her attention, and she turned to him, blue eyes wide. 
“I need time with - mommy too,” he reminded, kissing her back, the pause only there because he’d been about to say ‘my wife’. And that was jumping all sorts of guns. He followed Rebecca down to the kitchen, settling down at the kitchen table, letting Sarah sit in his lap rather that in the high chair because she always put up a fuss, and he just wanted to hold her today.
With a grin on her face, Rebecca placed a kiss on his cheek. “I thought adding a personal touch might make it…better. But I did leave something behind.” Turning, she pointed to the door’s edge that had various markers of height for her, Bucky, and Steve. It  was a little memoir of their time before, when things were a little simpler. But right now things were better. Much better. She gazed to look at her boyfriend and daughter, smiling. The only thing that could make this better was if they were married, but there was no way she would point that out to him. He didn’t need to know.
“But the painting can wait. You need to spend some time with your daughter, mister. All day she’s been fussing for you. Now, come on. We’ve got pizza to eat.” Smiling, she gave both Sarah and Steve a kiss before heading down the stairs.
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                  Steve nodded, giving Connor a smirk. “I’m not sure any of your suggestions                   would’ve had the sweet, romantic edge I want for Rebecca.” He didn’t doubt                   Connor could do sweet romance, in some way or another, Steve just didn’t                   want to involve his penis in his proposal to Rebecca, which a suggestion from                   Connor probably would have. 
                  “Thanks.” He took the bottle from Connor, popped it open and took a sip. He                   was still deep in thought about just how he was going to ask Rebecca. At this                   point, he just sort of wanted to rush home and scream the proposal at her. 
                  He rolled his eyes. “At least try to control yourselves for the ceremony. Or                   I’ll have to dress Bucky in a sack and you’ll have to deal with his complaining.”                   He made a face when he realised a sack was probably only making things                   easier for Connor to get to Bucky. “And please don’t mention your kinks to                   me. Especially with Bucky.”
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                   “Sorry, buddy, but that is literally nothing I can’t help you with. Ask                      James. ‘m sure he’s watched enough rom-coms at this point to                      have a list of people proposing and the most romantic way to do                      it in his head.”, Connor offered when he walked to get the beer.
            He was back in the living room area in seconds, holding one of the             bottles out for Steve before he joined him on the couch and hummed.
                   “And you don’t need to worry. I’m not quite one to kiss and tell.                    As long as you don’t send anyone to find the best man and me,                    we’ll be absolutely fine, have our fun and come back again. I’m                    sorry but there is no way I could behave when you put Bucky in                    a suit. – I tried to make him wear one quite often just for the                    kink of it but… That’s not the point now.”
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His eyebrows shot up at the instruction, not what he’d been expecting at all. After a long second of just looking back at her, he pursed his lips and rolled over. He crossed his arms under his chin, laying flat on his stomach. 
He had no idea what she was doing - whether she was serious or if she was trying to get him to make an even worse fool of himself. “Like this?” he asked quietly, looking over his shoulder at her. 
[Text] What are you doing right now?
[Text] Trying out this new yoga pose. 
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hi i’ve moved over to dothiisallday !!
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Steve laughed. “Sure, but I gotta warn you, my singing will probably keep you awake longer.” He wasn’t terrible, but his voice wasn’t as honey-soft as his mother’s. “Movies sound good,” he offered. “Games too.” He just wasn’t sure if he was prepared to scare off his new friend with just how competitive he got while gaming. Broken lampshades had been involved one time. 
Hating it, but knowing he had to do it, Steve slowly started emptying his boxes. Unknowingly, he started humming a soft tune, the lullaby he’d mentioned, sticking in his mind since he’d brought it up. He stacked away his clothes, gave some order to his books on the small desk and placed his electronics down on it, too. Every now again, he’d turn and his eyes would fall on Bucky’s turned back. He already knew Bucky was going to be a problem. Not a bad one. Just one that was going to make it difficult to concentrate. He was so damn attractive. And nice. And funny. And smart. Steve was so, so screwed. 
The struggle to get his sheets on was real. But he managed eventually, and fell onto his bed in a heap, burying his face into the clean smelling covers. “College is already exhausting,” he mumbled, then lifted his head up. “You done?” 
new beginnings
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Steve didn’t exactly have much experience in dealing with hangovers. He’d sported his own a couple of times back when he could actually get drunk, (and it hadn’t taken much at all to get him swaying on his feet). He knew it wasn’t a fun feeling and sunlight could be your worst enemy. That’s why he didn’t bother pushing the curtains open just yet, though there was still a warm glow in the room. 
“Morning, sunshine,” he said dryly, standing at the side of the bed with his hands on his hips. “How are you feeling?” Not that he wanted Connor out of his apartment, but he really thought the sooner COnnor and Bucky solved whatever the trouble was between them, the better. “Wanna give your beloved a call, he’s probably worried about you. Or do you wanna wait ‘til you’ve had something to eat? I’ve got coffee.”
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           He was never going to understand how his body seemed to wake up in the early morning whenever he wanted to sleep because he was hungover. He was awake when he heard Steve — it had to be Steve. Connor faintly remembered the last night — shuffling around in the kitchen, but he didn’t stand up or say anything, trying his hardest to go back to sleep but failing miserably. He felt sick and with every turn it was worse. He wasn’t sure if the fact that his stomach was empty and nothing left to throw up a blessing or a curse because he felt like if he could only do it once again, maybe he would feel better…
It’s when Steve walked in that he finally cracked an eye open, a soft, pained moan falling from his lips while he tried to push himself up to his elbows. — When was the last time someone took care of him while hungover? He doesn’t know. He and Bucky never had managed to get wasted like that; there had been way more interesting and fun things to do but now… Now there was absolutely nothing to do.
Connor knew that it was serious this time. Bucky had left. Connor had thrown him out. Connor was a murderer and Bucky deserved better than that. He looked at Steve for a moment, a hand, weak and shaking, reached out to take the glass of water. He took a sip first before he threw the aspirin in his mouth and swallowed it down with the rest of the glass before he let himself fall back into the pillow, grunting out a ‘thank you’. He owed Steve big time.
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His teeth scrape lightly over a nipple, his lips pressing a soft kiss there right after. “Is it?” he murmurs. “You trust me?” He does her. It’s a different trust to the one he has for her on the field. That came with experience, time. This came from somewhere within his chest, warm and unyielding. 
He pauses when he feels her thighs around his wrist, and he waits for a moment, just pressing. She’s a beautiful sight like this, all laid out and lost and it makes something enticing swirl in the pit of his stomach knowing that he’s doing this. He moves his fingers again, fucking her with two. She’s hot and wet, and Steve’s too hard in his jeans. It’s not what she wants from him, he knows, but she’s gonna have to be clearer if she doesn’t want him to tease. “This what you want?” he asks quietly. He toys with her nipple, his mouth on the other. Pinching gently, and nipping, 
“That wasn’t a compromising position,” she sighs with a laugh of her own. “That was me dangling bait. Now, this position, right here, this is a compromising position.” Skin isn’t compromising. Seduction isn’t compromising. Skin, seduction—if you know how to use them, they can become weapons, ones that Natasha knows how to use very well. Intimacy, now that’s compromising.
Her strong thighs clench around Steve’s hand for a moment, and then relax, and she wants more, more more, but at the same time this in itself is entirely fulfilling.
She hums against his mouth, and whimpers quietly in protest when she doesn’t get what she wants right away. “Please…I want…I… Rogers, I want——…” Her words trail off in a quiet hiss, reaching up to curl her hand through his hair when he drops his mouth to her breast. There’s a slow burn that starts in the pit of her stomach and rolls lazily up her spine, and she lets herself get lost in the feeling, eyes going half-lidded, head dropping back to the mattress. “Thought I told you to fuck me.”
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hi i’ve moved over to dothiisallday !!
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“We don’t have to make it a big deal,” he said quickly, quietly. He’d obviously struck a nerve with her, which wasn’t how he’d planned this quick coffee break to go. “Sorry I brought it up. But... if you do want to talk about it... we can.” He knew a bit about keeping things bottled up. Knew it wasn’t healthy. 
He laughed a bit when she leaned forward, and he took the chance to take a sip from his coffee. “Hm... I think you and I are far from star crossed lovers,” he joked. “Keep up with you, huh? Why am I not surprised?” He rolled his eyes. She was definitely a handful. A cute one. But a handful nonetheless. “Who’s this brother of yours? He seems like he’s just watching out for you.” 
“It’s not that big a deal. My parents are dead. So what?” Rebecca’s gaze dropped to the table, sadness clearly resonating in her eyes. But she shook it away quickly. That was not a side that she enjoyed showing to anyone.
Leaning forward, the girl grinned. “So what if it is? And how exactly is it inappropriate? We’re both students, sort of. Besides, don’t you know that rules and shit has never been able to really stop two people from going for one another.” She was about to smirk but his next question caught her off guard. “I haven’t found anyone who is able to keep up with me just yet. Plus, anyone I even start to become remotely interested in, my brother scares off.”
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              Steve made a face. “If by amazing you mean you reek, then yes.” He               knew Connor was having a rough time, and he had Steve’s complete               support, but even Steve couldn’t be forgiving about the stench of alcohol               that had stunk up his room. Not to mention the specks of puke on his shoes               he’d had to clean himself that night. 
              “Yes, I really think that,” he said firmly. “I’m not -- an expert on relationships.               I’ve never really had anyone but Rebecca. But I know nothing come               easy. Not life, not love -- or whatever you want to call what you have with               Bucky.” He looked over at Connor, an understanding sort of small smile               on his face. “If it means enough to you, you’ll find a way to make it work.               It might be hard, but it’ll be worth it.” 
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              “And here I really thought that you just wanted your bed to smell like                me because I smell amazing.”, Connor could play along, smirk at                Steve and pretend that beneath all of this, he was not just a worried                guy, afraid that he might lose the one he loves the most if he did not                push them away soon enough. It might sound stupid, and it definitely                is stupid, but… The fear of James breaking up with him when he                least expected it was…scary as fuck.
                       “Do you really think that, though? That I can still make him                         happy?”, and for another brief moment he put the mask he                         wore oh so tight and oh so well on his face; looking at Steve                         with big brown eyes. Steve had seen him at his worst. He’d                         seen how fucking miserable Connor was without James…
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