mayullla · 7 months
Title: He took away his own kind.
Character(s): Kitune (Original Character) Summary: You were a weak yokai, one who was loved by your own followers and you loved them back. Unknown to you tho, a powerful yokai had taken an interest in you and want you to be his. Warnings/tags: Yandere Kitsune x Kitsune!reader, yandere themes, drugging, non-con relationship, manipulation, 5k word count
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You had always been a little kinder compared to the other kitsunes, a little more gentle with your followers and the people who believed in you. You were more docile compared to the more mischievous ones. You were a small yokai, recently born compared to those who lived hundreds of years. You had fewer followers than them, with no more than 100, most of them older. Maybe that was why you were more cautious, watching over them rather than teasing them.
You acted almost like a caretaker to them. You were a kitsune with one tail, still young in the eyes of other yokai, yet with just enough power to give a little relief in the lives of those who believed in you. But you didn't lose that mischievous part of yourself. While limited, you often teased the little boy, the son of a widow. You would appear in front of him, playing with him, only to disappear when the mother showed up.
You were the boy's friend, playing with him when he seemed lonely, showing him small things that you could do with magic. The brightening of his face always made you smile. You took care of the people who lived in a small village, and more often than not, they would leave you sweets or food that they made on the windowsill, which you often snacked on.
While yokai could appear in front of humans, they mainly changed their appearances when doing so, which was the same for you, as you hid your tail and ears while chatting with the elderly. You were known to be somewhat mysterious, yet many were still welcoming towards you.
Your personality was different for a kitsune. While you did have some personality traits, it would have still been obvious to any yokai that you were different. It was that personality that made you leave the village just for moments to follow and protect your followers. The child that you grew to care for so much was leaving as his mother wanted to make money in the city.
It was not the first time you had gone to the city, having followed many of your followers before out of curiosity, now mainly out of worry over them as they aged with white hair while you stayed the same.
The two of them planned on going to the city nearest to the village, a place you often visited compared to other places. You followed them, thinking that you would only stay for a moment to see if they reached to the destination safely and found a place to sleep. After a week of travel, they and you stepped into the gates of the city.
Unknown to you, shared eyes watched you from afar, already having noticed your little visit to the city where those served him.
He was the same as you, a kitsune but born longer than you and worshiped by the whole city. Living in the tallest building of the city, canine eyes watched you from far away as he licked his lips. His nine tails swayed softly as if excited and somewhat expectant, seeing you finally come back after what he thought was so long.
It was only by chance that you two had met a few years ago. He was sure that you had already forgotten, but for him, it was just so difficult to forget such a cute lady. Back when he had changed himself into a civilian, he remembered bumping into a lady at a corner of a small shop. You were in disguise too back then, yet for someone as powerful as him, it was easy to identify that you were not human but a yokai kitsune like him. A quick apology and both of you were on your way. He thought he would forget the young kitsune.
Till he saw you again, this time without a disguise yet hidden in the eyes of the humans, watching some travelers, an old couple that wanted to sell their harvest. Your eyes were watching them, both fox ears trained towards them while your tail lightly swayed side to side. On top of the roof of a building you sat, yet you were elegant and sophisticated yet unexpectedly innocent. You were not like what he had expected, though this was his first time actually seeing you, he had his expectations over his own kind after living for hundreds of years.
A lot of kitsunes lacked care over humans, having more selfish desires and thoughts. They thrived off entertainment like mischievous pranks or lust. They were mainly self-centered and greedy, thinking only for themselves. He was the same when he was younger, but as he continued to live, a lot of those interests started to dwindle as he had gotten bored of doing the same thing over and over again.
Instead of focusing on his greed, he created a city of his own that worships the ground he steps on. He had everything in his hands, yet even that quickly grew boring.
He was bored out of his mind, wondering what other entertainment he should search for as he continued to stay in the land. He watched you silently follow the couple, hopping on the roofs of the buildings and making soft taps on the bricks roofs with your wooden slippers.
He didn't follow you and didn't see you again for a few months. He had already forgotten about you as he stared down into the buildings from high up in his tower. He was still bored even after some entertainment with other yokai, wondering what to do, when he saw you again entering the gates. Invisible to the naked eyes of humans, you followed another person who came to the village to trade. The Kitsune had figured out that you had come here following those who believed in you, as many yokai disappear when no humans believe they are real.
Yet he still couldn't make sense of your decisions. Many choose to make more followers and believers, leaving those who already believe, if not with a little scare if they felt generous. Yet you would go out of your way to watch the people who followed you. Truthfully, he would find it dreadful to even think about following a human. They live such slow, boring lives, and it would be painful for him, who craves entertainment, to watch over a person like that.
Yet his eyes would not leave you, picking up a grape from the bowl and tossing it into his mouth. There were many yokais that came here, a place packed with people. While they could stay as long as they didn't cause any huge problems, he personally didn't care much for what they did. The more he watched, the more he realized that he could not help but stare at your eyes. He had met quite a few kitsunes in the past, and many younger kitsunes most of the time didn't really know what they were doing, often showing in their eyes that they were without a goal, while others were mainly obsessed with material things or fame.
Your eyes were different. If he had to pick a word, it would be cute. Your eyes held so much affection towards your followers, caring and concern for their well-being. It was both amusing and entertaining to him that he could not help but watch.
Over the years, he would look forward to your visits. Your cautious eyes, when you finally noticed someone watching, made him excited as he watched you look left and right, wondering. He found your affection wanting, the attention you give towards those you like. He wanted your attention, wanting no more than to tease you some days, wondering how you would react if someone were to take away the people you give all your care to.
Yet his tails could not help but stop for a moment as he watched you. Your ears down nearer to your head while your tail was down, almost as if saddened. There was a smile on your face, still with affectionate eyes, yet they were mixed in with sadness. He could just stare at you, for the first time he had ever seen your face express another emotion other than what was normally seen. Your lovely face as you waved goodbye at the little boy who just for a moment looked back and saw you. The smile that spread on his face as he raised his hand to wave at you.
"Bye bye!!"
His mother had asked him who he was waving at, but the boy didn't answer, instead grinning at her.
As you watched them go, unable to follow them for fear you would not be able to leave if you did so, you stayed still for a moment. When you could not see them in the crowds of people, you took a step back and walked the opposite road, completely unaware of how lustful someone was looking at you. 
He adored you. He adored you so much. His precious little tempting fox. Your little saddened face was just so delicious in his eyes, far more compared to your startled expression when you watched one of your older friends suddenly trip on a rock. It drove him insane how cute you were.
He had to have you. He would drag you back to his home and keep you with him like a little wife pet. Your innocence compared to his hundreds of years of knowledge would make it so easy to keep you in his arms, even if you tried to escape. Your crying face would be a delight to see. He wanted to see it. Nothing could get him more aroused than your own tears. He watched you leave, moving when he could not see you anymore, his heart beating like crazy as he continued to think about your lovely innocent expressions, all belonging to him. Touching his face with his cold hand, his long nails lightly digging into his cheeks, he felt how warm they were.
It was soon that you reached your village. The villagers greeted you with smiles on their faces as you tried to greet them back. But it seemed that your sadness may have showed when a grandmother patted you on the back. "There, there, child. You shouldn't be so sad." The grandmother explained that people come and go in the village due to its small inhabitance. "The little boy will remember you and come back one day. But for now, focus on the present. I heard from a friend that you don't have a lover yet! You are a very beautiful soul; you should be searching for one now! Otherwise, it will be too late to have a child of your own!"
“Have a little boy just like that kid, you could adore.”
The grandmother gave more words of comfort, even though you were older than her by a few years, and some of her words were a little much. Even if you were older, you could not help but flush at her words, causing her to laugh. 
"Hahaha, you remind me so much of my old friend. We were friends at such a young age, yet she had to move away after I got married. Even she was someone easy to fluster like you." The grandmother told you with a wide smile on her face. "Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to keep in touch, so I don't know how she is doing now, but I hope she is doing well."
You couldn't help but smile at the old lady who was reminiscing about the past. "I think she is doing fine for herself," you said with confidence, which made the grandmother look at you in surprise but burst out laughing again. "She probably is. Probably found someone nice and living her life with 10 kids of her own and 20 grandkids." "I- I am not su-" "Nah, she is too pretty for her own good and has always been the type to care for others. I doubt that the man could not help but give a few more." The old woman cackled again at her own joke as she walked away, waving at you and stating that she had some rice cakes that you and her should eat.
It took some time, the lack of that boyish sound left a hole in your heart, but like any other time, you knew you would heal. Watching over the houses, you noticed some carts coming into the village. Fancy transport carriages; you thought there was someone important visiting here. You couldn't help but become curious as you stepped down to the grassy floor, changing to your disguise as you hid your ears and tail, and drew closer to the stopped carriage. Curiously looking at the servants talking with the mayor of the village, for what you could gather, they seemed to wish to stay here just for a few nights.
The mayor was unsure about the whole situation, as not only was this sudden due to how fancy the carriage was, he wasn't sure if the village had the means to serve the guest, but the servant reassured them that they don't need to do anything.
Walking up to one of the villagers, you asked what was going on. "Ehhh, just some rich man wanting to stay here for a while. Probably a break from traveling, but really it is just too sudden," an uncle answered your question, crossing his hands as he looked judgmentally at the cart when it suddenly opened.
From the cart walked out a very handsome man. Tall with a lean figure and a bit of muscle. He had a smile on his mouth as he walked toward the mayor. "Please do not worry about the service. I know we had come without any prior notice," his voice was deep and velvet as he continued to talk, his narrow eyes staring kindly at the mayor. Even with a smile on his face, there was something intimidating about him. You watched quietly, wondering if this was really okay, but without causing any trouble to anyone here, you couldn't do much. 
Silently, you watched the mayor and the travelers go, the old man taking them away to a place where they could rest, leaving behind whispers between the people.
While most didn't care much for the arrived guest and his servants, many of the younger ladies were extremely excited when they saw his face. They talked among themselves about how handsome he was, wondered if he was married, and daydreamed about being picked up by such a man. You didn't care much for such topics. Turning on your heel, you left, deeming that there should not be any problem here. Planning on going back, you stopped and turned around, your eyes widening in caution.
You felt someone watching you.
You turned left and right, searching for them, wondering if it was a yokai that was looking at you, yet you could not find one that had a stare that made your back so heavy and raised the fur on your tail so badly. It wasn't the first time either. Many times you felt that stare when you were in the city, yet you never seemed to find the reason why or from whom it was coming. You thought that here you would not have to experience this, that in your safe haven, unlike the city, you would be able to avoid it.
But you could find nothing, and almost everyone except for the chatting girls was all gone, busy with their own days...
A day passed since those people came. You chose not to bother with them after sneaking in last night to check on them, wondering if they were really good people. As you watched them interact with the head in a kind manner, you decided to leave them be.
On your own, you chose to take on your human form as you watched the villagers care for the fields. Taking a seat on top of a branch of a tall tree in the mountain, you watched from afar. After the boy had left, you had become too bored, feeling solemn, mainly as the child who you were close to had to leave.
You knew that it was bound to happen, yet you could not help but miss the boy. The smaller yokais told you to just take the boy, take him away from the world and to the yokai one and keep him for yourself forever. But not once did you entertain that thought; the idea of taking the boy's life away was horrible in your eyes. His mother was also someone you held affection towards, a kind lady who had invited you to her home many times in the past, even when they barely had much to eat.
You wanted the little one to stay, but you also knew that you could not trap him, yet your heart was sad.
"Hello, there." Your tails and ears almost poofed into view at the voice, your body raising up from its relaxed position as you looked at the back. Under the tree on the side was a man alone, looking at you with a smile on his face. "Ah... sorry, I didn't mean to startle you like that." He looked amused due to your reaction. You tilted your head in wonder as you looked at the man, recognizing him from yesterday as he and his entourage had chosen to stay in the village for a few days.
"Did I scare you?" He asked, raising a brow. You narrowed your eyes a little at him but chose to nod. It wasn't like you could even deny it. "Don't you know it is rude to creep up on someone like that?" Your voice a little snappish as you tried to contain your annoyance at the fact that your alone time had been taken away, and that you were also taken off guard.
Haha... Sorry, I will keep that in mind."
You examined him from head to toe, wearing a yukata and cleanly put, you could not help but stare at his face. His smile and his narrow eyes and sharp features made him look almost like a fox.
"What are you doing? Is the view from there nice?" he asked, and for a moment you thought about whether you should actually continue to talk to him. Not having the heart to decline as the man acted more from harmless mischievousness, you didn't push him away. Instead, you invited him up the tree.
He complimented the view of the place from the tree, stating that he mainly lived in the city, so it had been a long time since he last took the time to relax in the countryside. The topics you chatted between the two of you were mainly surface-level topics, nothing deep, yet hinting at reminiscing the past.
You almost felt seen by him. It was something hard to explain, yet because your lifespan was so much different than that of humans, there was a bit of a gap when it comes to understanding. They would never understand what you feel because they would never live that long. 
You didn't count the time, yet as you noticed the sun now in a different position in the sky, you realized that you have been here for a few hours. "I must leave now," you told him, for it wasn't long until you have used a lot of your powers and need to change up.
A frown graced the lips of the man looked beautiful under the sunset. "Ah, that is such a shame. I was enjoying talking to you," he stated, and you could not help but feel the same. "How about we meet again here if you are not busy tomorrow?" He offered. 
You looked at him, his smile still with its mischievousness, yet a hand reaching out as a kind gesture. You thought that it would be okay. The loneliness you had in your heart was stilled just for a moment after the boy and his mother left that you could not help it when your mouth and head moved, agreeing to meet him again here at the same time tomorrow.
You met him the next day, the same place. He was sitting on the same spot of the huge tree as he looked at you with a smile, offering tea. The rich flavor that coated your tongue was delicious. The man laughed at your face, teasing you when you asked him why he was laughing.
There was no tension in the air. Time flew too quickly when you became comfortable around him, able to open up your feelings when it usually takes a long time when it comes to others. Almost every day, you met him under that same tree.
"I see our young lady finally fell in love?" The grandmother chuckled when you choked on your tea at her words. Grinning like a cat when you looked embarrassed. "Finally, time you found someone who could take care of you."
"Please don't say that... we are mere... acquaintances," you said hesitantly, unable to call that person a friend nor anything more than that. The old lady laughed again, patting your shoulder. You knew that she understood your feelings but also wanted only the best for you.
"So we are acquaintances?" the voice was too low, too muffled to hear, even for your ears to hear as you glanced at him blinking. He laughed on the other side of the branch, stating that it was nothing.
"I am going to be leaving soon." His words made you snap your head at him, in shock, then realizing what you just did, tried to calm yourself. "Oh..." you said hesitantly, looking away from him. "That... that is unfortunate." You were a little saddened, to be honest, that he was leaving, but it was coming after all. The crew was only resting here and needed to leave at one point.
“Yeah..." He passed you a cup of tea that he had brought again to drink here. Taking the tea, you took a sip of it, yet the flavor wasn't as strong or vibrant as before, dulled by your own feelings as you watched the liquid ripple in your hands. "Some business that I need to get to," he told you as you took another sip of your tea, still feeling your throat parched.
"Oh..." You said again, unsure of what to say. He had told you that he was a merchant travelling and just happened to arrive here at some point.
"Hey..." his voice was hesitant, yet for a silent moment he took a deep breath. "Why... why don't you come with me?"
You looked at him, surprised by his words again. You saw how determined his eyes were as he looked at you. "Please... please come with me! I like you a lot, and I promise I will take care of you if you choose to follow me," the man said, leaning towards your branch with a hand on his heart. "I have a difficult time being around people sometimes outside things related to business, yet with you, I always have fun. You are kind and thoughtful, you care so much about the people here. It is heartwarming to listen. If you want me, I promise I will make you happy."
You leaned away, almost intimidated by his actions. "Huh...? What are you talking about?" You didn't understand at all what he was talking about.
"Please marry me," he told you, finally spilling the words after having a difficult time holding it in. "I will make you the happiest woman alive."
Staring at him and his proposal, you thought about the time for the past few days, the bond that you started to form with him. It was often that within a few days of knowing each other, people tend to marry here. 
But words clogged your mouth, unable to leave. While you do treasure the time you spent with this man, the village that you lived in for much longer was still your priority because even if he did understand your feelings, the time you spent with people here had much more value to you.
"I-..." You wanted to decline. After all, you were also a kitsune, a different kind of species compared to him, a human. You wanted to say that when the world suddenly blurred. "I-..." You wanted to get the words out, but dizziness stopped you again.
You saw his eyes, the realization that you planned to reject him, you just needed to bring those words out. "That is…" You didn't know what happened, nor what had caused you to lose all your energy all of a sudden. When the world turned upside down, you felt the wind on your face as you fell from the branch.
How did you become like this?
You thought your sudden fall would hurt yet instead of reaching the grassy floor harshly, you were gently lowered into the arms of another. You tried to open your eyes, wondering who caught you, and saw a man with ears like yours holding you. He was far more handsome than the merchant, but had a more cunning look and a more wicked grin compared to the mischievous smile the merchant had.
You didn't know this person. Your eyes widened as you shoved him away, hopping away from his hold and distancing yourself from him. Your disguise cancelled away as you glared at the yokai, who was the same as you. When did he come so close? How did you not see him? Multiple questions went through your brain as you bared your claws at him. Counting his tails, you knew he was far stronger than you. If he was maybe a three-tail, maybe you would have a chance, but he was triple that. 
“Who are you?” You demanded, wondering why he was in your territory.
“Got your little claws out, huh? I am hurt, dear, especially when we had so much fun together these past few days.” He raised his hands, showing that he meant no harm, but you didn't believe it at all, trying to stay away even as the thing in your system continued to cause you to be so tired. “I never met you,” you growled at him.
“Oh? How can you be so sure? I was right beside you, sitting on this tree this whole time.” He raised a brow, a mischievous grin on his lips that was too similar to a certain someone. Your eyes widened as you took a step back. How did you not notice? Why did you even let your guard down?
“You… you lied to me!?” you demanded an answer as the man shook his head, sighing as if your anger was nothing more than a child’s tantrums that he needed to care for. “You would not let me get close to you if I did show my real self,” he talked as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
You didn't understand why he did that. Why would a nine tail kitsune take such an interest in you that he would pull a prank like this? But it seems that he was able to read your mind, crossing his arms, his golden eyes watching you. “I have taken an interest in you, my dear. The many years that I watched you visit my place has always been a delight for me, that when you didn't come, I could not help but be a little upset. But it is okay, I will always forgive you.” He took a step closer to you, watching you as you continued to lose strength. “Yet to only watch for so long has its limits, don't you think? When you are so adorable skipping around my own turf, don't you think it would be difficult for me not to get my hands on you? I just thought that maybe you would prefer something romantic.”
“I am hurt, dear, that you would still deny me like that when I went through all that trouble. But it is okay, I will forgive after we fix your habits a little at my shrine.” You growled at him, refusing to follow him, pushing yourself to even stand at this point. “Now, now, you shouldn't push yourself too much. The tea was drugged a little, something I made just for you if you had chosen to be a little naughty. Nothing dangerous, I assure you. All you have to do is just relax, and I will take you home.”
You tried to make a run for it, but your powers were restricted, and when your leg caught your own, you fell to your back. You could not catch yourself, as your energy continued to be sucked away from you. You thought that you would hit the floor again when a pair of arms caught you again. “Tch, tch, my little kit is so weak and clumsy when she is tired, hmm?”
He laughed, golden fox eyes staring at you. You felt something furry touch your cheek, moving your hair away from your face. “Don't worry, dear. I will help you learn how to use your powers well, and you will now be mine and mine alone.”
You tried to move your body, tried to push him away, but it was as if weights were placed on your body, preventing you from moving even just a little. You tried to stay awake, to make sense of all this, yet nothing seemed to work as sleep slowly took you away.
“Don't worry, my dear little fox. You will be my lovely mate, and I will take care of you from now on, okay?”
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Platonic Yandere Kitsune + Child Reader
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Imagine the most vain, deceitful, mischievous kitsune 
Infamous for killing hundreds of humans and even more unfortunate children
An actual evil menace 
He has been doing this for a good two centuries 
Already having earned his two tails 
Unfortunately, the wisdom of older age doesn’t seem to disparage him from terrorizing the kingdom’s outer edges
Almost omniscient there's no telling where he is or if he’s in disguise or if he’s been building fake relationships with others to lure them in
It’s scary but not enough to scare off children completely
Which leads to you
A nice life in nobility means you’re sheltered or at least given a nicer tale than most kids
But your family wasn’t without humble beginnings 
So the only real time you do find yourself playing in the great outdoors is then
“Hello, little one!”
He doesn’t bother to hide his fox ears or his flicking tails 
He finds children are easily interested in them
Looking up from the sticks you were playing with, you offer him a smile
He smirks to himself this is going to be too easy
After introducing himself with another fake name he moves along
“Come follow me into the forest, deeper inside we can play house together there!”
“Hmm no.”
“Yay–wait. Did you say ‘no’?”
Not entirely...different but different enough
He knows some kids treat their parent’s words as law
so this will take a little more convincing
“Actually I just don’t want to play house right now.”
This is fine
Most children need a little peer pressure to do what he wants
“Fine then. Guess we won’t be able to play together, after all.”
He watches as you skip further away from his direction flapping the sticks
How irritating 
You didn’t do a single thing he wanted you to
He excuses himself to blow off some steam aka drowning some fellow in the river
He tells himself to shake it off 
he still is the best at tricking kids
He proves this by devouring the soul of some other kid with all the same tricks that didn’t work on you
But even with a full stomach, he’s bothered
How dare you?
How could you?
He finds you again maybe not at your vacation home
This time he’s a bit more direct letting his mask slip a little 
“Come with me. Please? I’m so so scared!”
“Then I’ll just get my dad. If you’re so scared.”
“NO! I mean why won’t you? You seem so brave,”
“I don’t want to go in there. I’m wearing my garden shoes. I don’t want these ones ruined too.”
He gets so frustrated 
Going to his lavish shrine where lesser spirits serve him and other mischievous yokai often come to party to complain
“I can’t believe this child is making this so difficult! Sometimes I have such a hard time not just eating them out of spite!”
“Right? But it’s the whole chase that makes it fun!” an especially powerful Chochin raves
“True that and it's more delicious!” a Kappa friend of his toasts 
It isn’t until he listens to a Yuki Ona who really makes him think
“Children bring a warmth like none other. Caring for one is an adventure.”
He remembers that when he starts to watch you again
Finally noticing the quirks that make you the way you are
What foods you like
How you like to be put to bed
It all starts to make sense to him but he still stays
He watches
And he waits
For what he doesn’t know 
He just waits
Sometimes he’ll step away to feed on an adult he comes across or an especially bratty child
Comparing them to you as he picks his teeth
He only really notices when there's a break in your routine
Part 2: Here
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areislol · 16 days
‎‎‎ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤfox's devotion
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pairings. m!kitsune x gn! reader
warnings. slight yandere tendecies, nothing too much, proof-read. set in ancient japan. kitsune wears a yishang despite it beingset in japan so don't mind that.
a/n. i love fox hybrids :') if there are any mistakes please let me know!
wordcount. 2.1k
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the quiet forests of the yamashiro mountains were no place for a lone traveller, especially with the whispers of mischievous spirits haunting the winds. but you had no choice.
you were sent to retrieve herbs for your ailing grandmother, and the rarest ones only grew in the deep woods, where mortals dared not venture.
the sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows over the dense trees as you carefully made your way along the narrow path. you’d heard the stories—how travelers would be lured off their paths by strange lights or laughing voices, never to be seen again.
kitsune were the most feared, ancient fox spirits with the power to trick even the wisest of sages.
but you didn’t believe in such tales… at least, not until you met him.
it started with laughter—soft, melodic, but undeniably playful. the moment you heard it, you stopped in your tracks, eyes darting around for the source. there was no one in sight, but you felt a presence, something watching you from the trees.
“h—hello?” you called out hesitantly, gripping your basket tighter.
more laughter, closer this time. the hairs on the back of your neck stood up, and before you could react, a figure appeared before you. he seemed to materialize from the mist itself—standing tall, his molten silver hair cascading down his back in waves that seem to shimmer under the moonlight, as if alive with an ethereal glow.
his sharp, golden eyes, reminiscent of a predator, lock onto yours with an intensity that makes your breath catch. every movement he makes is smooth, graceful, and effortless, as though he’s one with the very wind itself.
he’s draped in yishang, its silken fabric flowing around him in delicate layers. the garment, though traditional, carries a mysterious air, its texture almost too smooth, too fluid, as if it was woven from the very essence of the night.
even when the air is still, his robes sway gently, giving him an otherworldly presence, like a mirage that could vanish at any moment. and when he smiled, his sharp teeth gleamed in the fading sunlight.
but the most striking feature? the nine tails that swayed lazily behind him.
a kitsune.
“you seem lost, little human,” he purred, his voice as smooth as silk. his lips curled into a sly smile. “or perhaps… you’re just looking for a bit of company?”
your heart raced as you stepped back, your mind screaming at you to run, but something about his gaze rooted you to the spot. he was beautiful—dangerously so—and the playful tilt of his head as he regarded you made you feel like prey.
“i—i’m not lost,” you stammered, trying to sound braver than you felt. “i’m just gathering herbs.”
the kitsune’s eyes gleamed with amusement, and he took a step closer, his movements graceful and almost predatory. “ah, how noble of you,” he said, his tone dripping with mock sympathy. “but these woods are no place for a delicate thing like you. it’s dangerous.”
“i’ll be fine,” you insisted, though your voice wavered. you tried to sidestep him, but he blocked your path effortlessly, his tails flicking with amusement.
“i can’t let you wander around like that,” he said, his smile widening as he leaned in, his voice a low, teasing whisper. “what if something happened to you? i’d feel terribly guilty.”
you frowned, trying to put some distance between you, but his presence seemed to fill the entire space, surrounding you. his scent—like wildflowers and something musky—invaded your senses, making it hard to think clearly.
“i don’t need your help,” you said firmly, taking another step back. “i’ll manage on my own.”
the kitsune’s expression darkened for just a moment, his eyes flashing dangerously before returning to their playful glint. “oh, but i insist,” he purred, circling you slowly. “i can’t leave such a lovely human alone in these woods, after all. it wouldn’t be right.”
without warning, he vanished in a puff of mist, reappearing behind you in the blink of an eye. you gasped, spinning around to face him, but his long fingers had already wrapped around your wrist, gentle but unyielding.
“let me go,” you demanded, trying to pull free, but his grip only tightened, his golden eyes locking onto yours with a fierce intensity.
“why would i ever do that?” he murmured, his voice low and possessive. “you’ve captured my interest, human. i’ve been watching you for some time now.”
your heart pounded in your chest. “what do you mean?”
the kitsune’s lips curled into a smirk, and he leaned in closer, his breath warm against your skin. “i’ve seen you… in the village, tending to your family, always so kind, so sweet. you didn’t know, but i’ve been waiting for you. and now that i have you…” his grip on your wrist tightened slightly, just enough to send a shiver down your spine.
“i’m not letting you go.”
you swallowed hard, feeling your pulse race under his touch. “i… i’m just a healer. there’s nothing special about me.”
the kitsune chuckled softly, his tails swaying behind him like flickering flames. “oh, but you are special. you see, humans are so fragile, so fleeting… and yet, you’ve managed to catch my attention.”
his words sent a chill down your spine. "i don’t belong to you,” you said firmly, though your voice trembled slightly.
the kitsune’s eyes darkened, and for a moment, the playful mask he wore slipped, revealing something far more dangerous beneath. "right."
you tried to pull away again, but he was faster, his arms wrapping around you in an almost crushing embrace, his nine tails curling around your body like chains. his face was inches from yours, his golden eyes burning with an intensity that left you breathless.
“you’ll see,” he whispered, his lips brushing against your ear. “i can give you everything. power, immortality, anything you desire… as long as you stay by my side.”
your heart pounded in your chest, your mind racing for a way out, but the more you struggled, the tighter his grip became. he wasn’t going to let you go.
“i don’t need power or immortality,” you said through gritted teeth, refusing to let him see your fear. “i just need to get the herbs and be on my way.”
the kitsune tilted his head, his smile returning, though it was far more sinister now. “you’ll learn to love me,” he said softly, his voice filled with dark promise. “i’ll make sure of it.”
before you could respond, he leaned in, his lips sfotly brushing the edge of his lips, the heat of his body pressed against yours, and for a moment, you felt yourself slipping into the depths of his obsession.
but you weren’t ready to give in. not yet.
with all the strength you could muster, you shoved him back, breaking the kiss and stumbling away from him, your chest heaving.
"wha—what do you think you're doing!?" you exclaimed, cheeks flustered. that was your first kiss!! and he just took it so casually!!
the kitsune stared at you for a moment, his expression unreadable, before his smile returned.
“feisty,” he murmured, his eyes gleaming with approval. “i like that.”
and with that, he vanished into the mist, his laughter echoing through the trees.
but you knew this wasn’t over.
it had been days since your encounter with the kitsune in the forest. though you managed to escape his immediate grasp, his presence lingered in every corner of your mind.
his laughter echoed in your thoughts, and you often felt his eyes watching, even when you were alone.
you tried to go about your daily life, but the eerie sensation never left you. every shadow, every rustle of leaves, felt like him—waiting, lurking, ready to reappear.
and, as you feared, he did.
you had returned to your village, thinking maybe being surrounded by people would keep him at bay. but even within the walls of your modest home, with your grandmother sleeping soundly in the next room, you couldn’t shake the feeling that you were being watched.
the silence of the night was thick and oppressive, and the flickering light of the oil lamp seemed to dance in the windless air.
suddenly, you heard it—soft footsteps outside, impossibly light yet unmistakable. you froze, your heart pounding in your chest. it was him. you knew it.
“don’t,” you whispered to yourself, but your feet moved on their own, leading you to the door.
the moment you slid it open, the cool night air hit you, and there he stood—leaning against the entrance, his golden eyes glowing under the moonlight, the tips of his tails barely visible in the shadows.
“miss me?” he purred, his voice laced with amusement, though there was a hunger in his gaze that made your skin prickle.
“i told you to leave me alone,” you said, your voice more confident than you felt. “i don’t want anything to do with you.”
his smile faltered for a split second before returning, though now it held a dangerous edge. “you keep saying that, little one, but you don’t really mean it.” he stepped closer, his eyes never leaving yours. “i can feel it. i can feel how your heart races when i’m near.”
lord, did he have to say that outloud?
his presence was overwhelming—suffocating, like he was weaving a web around you with every movement, every word.
“Iive been patient,” he murmured, his voice dropping to a low, intimate tone. “but my patience is wearing thin. i’ve watched you every night, waiting… and now, i’m done waiting.”
you took a shaky step back, speaking up. “you don’t own me,” you said, trying to keep the tremor out of your voice. “i’m not yours...”
in an instant, his hand was against the wall beside your head, trapping you. his nine tails fanned out behind him, glowing faintly in the moonlight as if reacting to his emotions.
“oh, but you are,” he whispered, leaning in so close you could feel his breath against your skin. “you were mine the moment i laid eyes on you. and now, no matter what you say, i’m not letting you go.”
your heart raced, your mind spinning as his words sunk in. there was no reasoning with him, no escape from his obsession. he truly believed that you belonged to him.
turning your head away from him you shook your head, "absolutely not!! i will not be your prisoner!" you hissed, trying to ignore the flutter of fear and something far more dangerous creeping into your chest.
the kitsune chuckled softly, his fingers gently tilting your chin back toward him. “prisoner? no, no, no… i don’t want to trap you. i want to protect you. keep you safe from the world that doesn’t deserve you.”
his words, so tender yet possessive, made your stomach twist. he leaned in closer, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear, his touch deceptively gentle. “i’ll give you everything you need,” he whispered. “i’ll care for you in ways no human ever could.”
“and if I say no?” you asked, your voice barely more than a breath. you hated how weak you sounded, how difficult it was to stand your ground when he was so close, so overwhelming.
his golden eyes narrowed, his smile fading ever so softly. “you won’t say no.” his voice was soft, but the warning was clear.
before you could react, he pressed his lips to yours in a fierce, possessive kiss. his hands, now gently cupping your face, were trembling slightly—as if holding back some deeper, more dangerous impulse. his tails coiled around your body, binding you to him as if to remind you that there was no escape.
you tried to pull away, but the kiss deepened, his lips moving with an intensity that stole your breath. it wasn’t just a kiss—it was a claim, a promise, a binding of your very soul to his.
when he finally pulled back, his breath ragged, his eyes glowed with triumph. “you feel it too, don’t you?” he whispered, his lips brushing against your skin. “that pull between us. you can’t deny it forever.”
you stared up at him, your heart pounding in your chest, torn between fear, confusion, and something far more dangerous—something that threatened to draw you in.
his touch, his words, his very presence, seemed to wrap around you like a spell.
this was bad.
without another word, he stepped back, the cool air filling the space between you once more. his eyes lingered on you for a moment longer before he vanished into the night, his form dissolving into mist, leaving you breathless and shaken.
he would return. he always would. after all, he had already decided—you were his, he was yours, and there was no escaping a fox’s devotion.
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u-makemeunpocoloco · 4 months
First of all, I would like to point out that this au is not my original idea and that I have elaborated this au to my liking. THIS AU IS NOT MY ORIGINAL IDEA. There is some information in the au that comes out of the general yokai au route. for example, the most obvious distinction is in the red thread that symbolizes the bond between acquaintances. Since this is a blood bond, it will not change color depending on the dormitories (which means that malleus and lillia will have green ropes, octavinella will have blue ropes, and all others will have red ropes). while the length and thickness of the rope will vary, given that not all yokai will follow the customs, the ropes symbolizing the bond of acquaintance will not only be on the neck. i will also change the yokai type of some characters.
yokai have to eat. they have a physical body.I don't accept magic shit-zips >:(
the list of questions and requests on this subject is open (don't mind that there are only heartslabyul characters below. You can ask questions to all characters, including all characters other than NRC). After browsing the list of rules, I am waiting for your requests and questions. Then let's start with our first dorm members. (the reason why all the characters are not drawn yet is because the laptop I am drawing on is not mine)
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uhhh drawing yokai's cliché tops is so boring>:( but riddle doesn't look like the type to wear casual clothes.I don't want to go out of character. But at the same time i don't want to draw him in this top. hmmmm
He was summoned to the world by a woman who was his doctor. And he is now the head of heartslabyul, which is generally very secretive. Unlike other nrc stamped places, they have big gardens, but the places where they live are quite small (except sanaclaw, they don't have a single place where they live. they hang out randomly). He is a rule-bound oni. He is nervous and irritable. How strange and annoying that he never gets angry around us. I wonder if talking on the phone or texting would work to make him angry.
♣TREY CLOVER♣ (onikuma)[bear yokai]
the painting will be added soon
A rather calm bear yokai. Once upon a time there was a family of bears, but they could not turn into a yokai. He willingly joined heartslabyul after the incident. Although there is no obligation to act as an assistant, he continues to help the riddle and other heartlabyul residents on this matter. So he is quite ordinary (!) It's as ordinary as a yokai could be. (L ying, that grass-haired guy doesn't have a way to be normal. As Idia says.he's an ultra-quiet helper. Gives the same air as Jade.)
♦CATER DİAMOND♦(kitsune)
the painting will be added soon
a wanderer kitsune.he went on a long trip away from heartlabyul by the force of his two older sisters. But he soon returned to heartlabyul again.
♠DEUCE SPADE♠(tengu)
the painting will be added soon
the crow of a woman who had lost her husband.Ace at the same time they were annihilated. After looting around for a certain time they were found by heartslabyul.
♥ACE TRAPOLLA♥(kitsune)
the painting will be added soon
a cunning kitsune. They live in heartslabyul with his older brother, Kitsune, so there is nothing more he can write about.
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kaeyx · 1 year
Kitsune Dazai and vampire Chuuya fighting over you nhmnnnn
What's better than one obsessive immortal? TWOOO obsessive immortals!!!
Okay in all seriousness your life would be hell, more or less. Chuuya is trying to be nice to you, court you properly, eventually have you move in with him and get turned out of your own free will; he might be obsessed with you but what he truly wants is companionship, normalcy, he doesn't want to have to chain you up. But then that bitch Dazai comes along being proactive, touching you all over, picking you up, letting you nap on his tails, scratching and biting you and teasing you, giving you kisses that linger too close to the corner of your mouth; and Dazai knows what he's doing to Chuuya, and it's driving him mad!
Honestly they'd just precipitate each other. If it was just Chuuya you might have never known how badly he wants you because he'd have let you set your own pace. Dazai is clingier and pushier and might snatch you up sure, but not like this. If both of them are after you they each get desperate, overbearing, needy. Dazai crowding you against rocks and trees whenever you go for a walk in his woods, Chuuya bemoaning how he's got nobody to feed off of within earshot. Or they might bring out magic! I don't know much about kitsunes but I know some versions of vampires have mind control abilities for example. Chuuya unable to resist the temptation and making you a little more docile, soft and pliant, nodding along when he straddles your lap and cups your cheeks, asking if he can please just have a little taste of you.
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himexyandere · 11 months
Yandere Headcanons Pt. 1
Content Warning(s): Stalking, obsessive behavior, voyeurism, breeding kink
A/N: These are a few yandere hc's that I thought would be interesting to write! I have two other yandere's I want to make hc's for as well, but that can wait until part 2 ^^ My next post will be the NSFW Alphabet for Leumin!
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Yandere!Neighbor who just moved into your neighborhood, so you decided to be a good neighbor by bringing him a “welcome to the neighborhood” box of freshly baked cookies…
A small gesture of good faith in your eyes meant the world to him—and he couldn’t possibly stop thinking about you after this little encounter
Your house is right next to his, and the window to your bedroom is facing his own. He wondered if this was fate… It had to be, right? 
Originally, he hadn’t meant to peep… But he couldn’t help it when your curtains were open and he saw you changing in the middle of your bedroom
Did you know he was watching? Were you trying to rile him up by playfully groping and squeezing your tits while making cute little faces in the mirror? 
A pang of guilt stabbed through his chest as his eyes roamed hungrily over your form—he couldn’t stop himself, he was too far gone now
The next few nights, he watched you go about your day like normal; the only thing abnormal was the number of times he’d jerk off while watching you do mundane things (like eat, walk your dog, take your trash out, etc)
Speaking of your trash… He should definitely see if he can find something worthwhile in your discarded garbage bags; perhaps a memento?
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Yandere!Kitsune that interprets your constant visits, gift-bringing, and willingness to play games with him as your attempt at courting him.
You were trying to court him… Weren’t you? How else would you explain your amicable behavior and eagerness to be in his presence? 
It wasn’t as if your dwelling was close to his little hut in the forest—you’ve told him multiple times how long your trips took. Even still, you kept coming back to him (and with random gifts each time no less)
It was nice to have a friend like you, yes… But he also couldn’t deny that he was more interested in being your mate. You were stunning, agreeable, and respectful toward other species. In short, you were perfect 
The next time you visited, he had put the finishing touches on an intricately built nest that was full of things you’d told him you enjoyed before — your favorite snacks, games, books, and plushies 
You didn’t see the warning signs immediately; you were just grateful for the gifts and proceeded to thank him with a big smile on your face
Great, impressing his soon-to-be mate was a success! Now all he needed to do was wait for mating season (or for you to start ovulating) so he could breed you nice and proper…
By the time you'd realized that your kitsune friend was acting a little odd, it was already too late — the likelihood of you leaving his hut was practically nonexistent. After all, what kind of mate would he be if he didn't keep you protected and safe at all times? 
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sinnful-darling · 1 year
Yan! Kitsune Hcs
tws: stalking, manipulation, deceit, abuse, fox-like courtship, implications towards rutting but nothing happens.
information needed beforehand: kitsune are known to gain up to nine tails- one for each 100 years they've lived. as they get older, their fur changes from red to orange to white. they're also known to ascend to celestia when they turn 1,000 years old, but Sisko was cursed by his brethren and has no chance of ever ascending to celestia due to his evil nature. Sisko is also a Yama kitsune. Yama kitsune are known to prey upon human sadness and fear
Yan! Kitsune who is the protector of the mountains closest to you. he initially spots you out with your friends, a smile on your face that had the corners of his lips tugging up into one of his own.
Yan! Kitsune who sneakily follows your group, watching as you revel in the beauty of nature, throwing your head back and taking deep breaths of the clean forest air.
Yan! Kitsune who continues watching as your group sets up camp for the night, grimacing at the use of tents and packaged food. seriously, how had you survived this long?
Yan! Kitsune who is elated when you come back the following week (on your own), taking the opportunity to introduce himself.
Yan! Kitsune who introduces himself as Sisko, his nine tails swishing mischievously behind him.
Yan! Kitsune who puts on a friendly face and asks to be your friend. you can’t tell him about anyone though! no one else can see him but you! you’re special.
Yan! Kitsune who was lying, anybody could see him. he just wants to gain your trust and then hurt you so he can prey upon your fear and negativity when he starts breaking you down.
Yan! Kitsune who does exactly that. he gains your trust and then kidnaps you, taking you away to his home and doing awful things to you.
Yan! Kitsune who slowly falls in love with you and your fearful expressions, denying all sense of affection for you when he finds himself becoming more and more reluctant to hurt you. what was this? did celestia and his ancestors curse him? why doesn’t it feel good anymore?
Yan! Kitsune who starts developing a sexual attraction for you, but refuses to touch you in anyway. that wasn’t his style. he wanted you to give yourself to him willingly.
Yan! Kitsune who, when he can’t deny his feelings for you any longer, starts courting you in the ways his kind taught him to. he’ll hold you close to him and scent you, pleased when you don’t resist. surely, you love him too. you’re just scared he’s going to hurt you again if you move.
Yan! Kitsune who takes you with him through the forest as he searches for a new den, making you choose the spot. contrary to his kind, he won’t allow you to build it yourself though.
Yan! Kitsune who tethers you to a tree when he begins crafting the den, a cozy little cottage he builds with his bare hands.
Yan! Kitsune who curls around you at night when it’s time for bed, his tail wrapping around your thighs and locking his arms around your waist.
Yan! Kitsune who starts barking at you…
Yan! Kitsune who becomes softer with you, doing your hair all nice and bathing you, becoming more playful and cuddling with you more.
Yan! Kitsune who chooses you as his mate. there’s no one else for him and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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yonderly-alamort · 2 years
How about a yandere kitsune. Oh and congratulations on 100 followers.hope you make it to 1k! ❤️
thank you, @hoodsstuff ! i think this is my first time writing about kitsunes (specially with a yandere theme) and i really hope you like it <3 please tell me if there's any error-
cw: male kitsune, manipulation, worshipping, jealousy + possessiveness, stalking, toxic behavior, breeding, etc.
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𖣠 YANDERE KITSUNE! who has been spending his evenings looking at you whenever you walk deeper into the forest. there's just something fascinating at knowing that you're here, alone, in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by trees and the occasional animal, ur only company being him.
𖣠 YANDERE KITSUNE! who is full of himself, his ego stroked, when you find yourself having to depend on him. but of course, who wouldn't need his help? after all, he's something like a deity, his nine tails and sly smirk are prove of his wisdom, might as well have you wrapped around his finger.
𖣠 YANDERE KITSUNE! who feels the need to 'check' if there has been anybody too close to you. at this point you're already his, and only his. if he would share you? that's not even a possibility when talking about this egoistic fox. why would he do that? you're his most precious treasure...
𖣠 YANDERE KITSUNE! who is intelligent enough to make his manipulative words sound as sweet as a lullaby. he knows what's best for you, honey. you have no reason not to trust him, right? if he says that you are better only with him, you listen. if he says that maybe you would feel better with one of his cubs, then that's it. no complaining though. <3
𖣠 YANDERE KITSUNE! who is aware of his own power, and maybe, just maybe, uses it to scare whoever who tries to contradict him. and if he ever hears that you want to run away when you finally have noticed his true self, he won't doubt to use it against you.
"running doesn't matter, angel. i'll hunt you down if i have to."
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© yonderly alamort 2022. please do not modify, translate, or repost my works on any platform without my permission.
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c0ld0utside · 8 months
Hi! I was wondering if you would write platonic yandere kitsune father? I like your writing so far!
Thank you! This is my first time writing a Kitsune character (Or interacted with Kitsunes in general), so I hope it's alright!
Yandere Kitsune Dad
Did some reading for this one. Did you know there’s two types of kitsune? “Zenko” are the “good” kitsunes and “Yako” are the “bad” ones. You learn something new every day!
Warnings: Stalking, emotional child neglect, manipulation, kidnapping
Yandere Kitsune Dad who comes across you in the woods near your town. He’s in his human disguise- coming back home after successfully pranking a few men in town when he spots a young human wandering around his part of the forest. He follows you from a distance, watching over you as you explore and observe whatever pretty flowers and plants you find. 
Yandere Kitsune Dad who develops an odd urge to make sure you’re safe. Usually, he doesn’t care about humans, but he will admit he has a soft spot for the younger ones. They’re not rude and scummy to the others around them. …Well, not all of the time. 
Yandere Kitsune Dad who, noticing that the sky is starting to get dark, quietly joins your side (having to suppress a chuckle when you jump at his sudden appearance) and smiles at you. 
“Hello there, young one. I’m so sorry for startling you. Are you lost? It’s getting awfully dark, and these woods are anything but safe. Why don’t you let me accompany you back home? I’ll keep you safe.” 
Yandere Kitsune Dad who stays right by your side as you walk home, making small talk. Asking how your day was, why you were so far out in the forest, if your parents were home. When you foolishly tell him that no, your parents aren’t home, he takes note of the sudden sadness in your eyes. Poor, silly little cub… you’re so lucky he wouldn’t dream of hurting you. Unlike the other monsters and yokai who live in this forest…
“Do you mind if I keep you company until they get back?”
Yandere Kitsune Dad who understands when you refuse his offer. He is a stranger, after all. He watches you cross your backyard and gives you a friendly wave when you look back at him before going inside. 
Yandere Kitsune Dad who continues to follow you around whenever you explore the forest. Sometimes simply watching you from afar and making sure you're safe, sometimes joining your side. He’ll happily talk and listen to you, taking great care in finding out what your interests are. It takes some time at first, but you start to open up to him and trust him over time. He’s so happy that you trust him enough to share whatever is on your mind. He does his best to encourage you and help you cultivate your hobbies. 
Yandere Kitsune Dad who lingers near your house at night. It starts off small, him simply watching your home from a distance. Then it turns into him hanging out in the far corners of the back and front lawn. Then it’s him sitting at the back porch in fox form. He has to make sure his cub is safe, after all. Your “parents” stay out so late…anything could have happened to you had he not been there. 
Yandere Kitsune Dad who continues to get closer to you when you venture into the forest. He used to “run” into you, but now he meets you at the margins of your backyard. He greets you with a smile, asking you how school went and what you did and what you learned. He wants to know everything- what you ate for lunch, what you and your friends did, if your teachers were nice or not…
Yandere Kitsune Dad who shows you the best parts of the forest. The lake, where the two of you usually hang out, him teaching you how to make flower crowns and splashing around with you in the water. A glade where the two of you cloud gaze, him agreeing with you most of the time. Why yes, that cloud does look like a bunny. A flower field where he helps you with your homework and watches over you when you take a nap.
Yandere Kitsune Dad who’s heart breaks whenever you come to him crying. He immediately asks you what’s wrong. Why’re you crying? What’s upsetting you? He pulls you into a hug, rocking you back and forth. He listens closely as you vent, giving you words of comfort and encouragement when you’ve finished.
Yandere Kitsune Dad who also listens to your frustrations and struggles. You had to walk home from school because your parents were busy working? Don’t worry, precious cub! He’ll meet you outside of your school so you can walk home together. Parents freaked out on you over something small? How silly, he’d never get upset over something like that. Parents who are kind one moment and mean the next? They don’t sound like good parents, little cub. He’s never mean to you. Don’t think home is safe at the moment? Stay with him a bit longer.
Isn’t he just so much better? 
Yandere Kitsune Dad who can’t help but feel a little smug as years go by. Your relationship with him is way better than your relationship with your parents. It just goes to show how much of a better father he is. 
Let’s just ignore the fact that he’s luring you away from them. 
Yandere Kitsune Dad who’s overjoyed when you let him inside your home (while your parents are away, of course). It’s a sign that your trust in him has increased, and that the years do mean something to you! 
Yandere Kitsune Dad who gives you a disappointed look upon finding that your room is a mess. He chides you lightly and helps you clean up. He does ask questions about whatever is in there. Have figurines? He’ll want to know everything about them. Books? What genre? What’s the story about? Posters of movies, video games, or a musical artist? Tell him everything.
Yandere Kitsune Dad who starts showing up inside your house unannounced. Usually on the days where your parents are working overnight or left for work early in the morning. 
“Good morning, cub! Your parents aren’t here right now, but I am! Go on ahead and sit down, I made you breakfast. I know, I know, you wish they were here, I understand. But don’t worry, I’m here. I’ll always be here for you.” 
Yandere Kitsune Dad who’s tired of waiting. Another year has gone by. Another year that your parents have barely interacted with you. Why do you want to stay with them? Because they provide food and clothes and a home?
“I feed you, little cub. I can give you clothes and a home. I can give you what your parents haven’t been giving you. I’ve already been doing it! Do they know your favorite colors? Animals? Your favorite songs? Favorite food? Favorite games, shows, anything? No, that’s right, no.” 
Yandere Kitsune Dad who sits down at the end of your bed, staring at you with a faraway expression as you fall asleep. While you’re out, he packs up the items he knows are most important to you. Once those are all secure, he wraps you up in your blanket and carries you off into the forest. 
Yandere Kitsune Dad who has a room all ready for you (minus decorations. He wants you to personalize it yourself). He lies you down on the bed and sets the items off to the side with a smile. He’s so glad you’re finally home. 
Yandere Kitsune Dad who’s out of his disguise and has breakfast waiting for you. He gives you a disappointed look when you freak out and try to leave, but the doors won’t budge.
“Now, now, little cub. I know this is all new, but it’s for the best! Now come here and sit down, you don’t want your breakfast to get cold, do you?” 
Had a bit of a hard time writing this one (restarted 3 times), hope it was decent at least! I did some reading on Kitsunes to try and make it somewhat accurate:
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cumtastiics · 9 months
Do yandere kitsune hcs please
yandere kitsune hcs
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i think yan!kitsune follows you around first to pull simple, harmless (to him, not you.) pranks, only to feel a bit guilty when you're having a harder day than usual.
you're having a bad day? it's because of some creep at your job? he's going to handle it!
you only recognize him in his kitsune form, so you didn't realize it was him when he showed up in his human form as the new leader of your floor at work.
he loves to tease you!! he'll be nicer on you then the rest of your co-workers.
yan!kitsune who definitely has a lying problem. he'll say that everything is going down hill just so he can ask you to stay a bit longer to help!
yan!kitsune who's a master manipulator. he knows you're better than those lowlifes, but he can't help but want to compare you to them. what do you mean they leave work early? they work harder.
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want more? send requests!
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mayullla · 1 year
Hello! I would like to join in our event! This is my first time so I'm really sorry if I made you uncomfortable or if I didn't do this right
🌹with a Yandere Original Character? A surprise please! And the reader can be GN or female anything you want!
Thank you oh and please take care of yourself
Title: Locked in another realm
Character(s): Kitsune (Unnamed character/original work) Summary: You were in love, so in love, till you found out who he really was. Warnings/tags: Fem!reader, (monster) male yandere, general yandere themes, imprisonment
[ - A little present~! Event - Closed - ]
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Trapped in the yokai realm you looked at the sky. Water flowing down from clouds something you thought that you would never see in your life now as you watched the birds a little too big fly around it. Houses far away from here you watched floating out of thin air in small islands you wondered how free they certainly looked.
Standing up from the grass floor, cleaning up your yukata (a disgusting gift from him but it was far better than draping in gold) from the dirt. You stared at the vast field in front of you. So close you thought taking a step towards it away from the house you were trapped in. Raising your hands you tried to reach for the fields till your hand touched an invisible barrier.
You were trapped in his domain.
In his home in the spirit realm, he placed a barrier just for you. Proven and needed by the multiple times you tried to run away from his hold. "You shouldn't run away like that from your dear husband. What if others misunderstand? Though they never did care, busy with their own lives to care about a human being in this realm." You were too naughty, he told you waving his finger right in from of your face at your after your last attempt from running away.
"Oh dear, your lovely hands had been bruised from banging the wall. Really you shouldn't do that after all that wall was made for your safety. I don't understand why you are so determined to go out."
He knew why you wanted to get out. The sly look on his face as he placed your palm on his lips kissing it as you watched your injuries heal.
It was disgusting in your eyes, everything was.
How his long nails dug into your leg when he finally had enough of this when you tried to get away from having a meal with him. As you tried to leave the room only for him to grab your leg and tell you to sit. When it started to get a little boring, he started to grow ever more impatient. It was only so much time when his patience would run out.
The sounds of wind hitting the grass makes you relax a little. It was fake and an illusion made by him as you were taken away from the human world a long time ago. But it was better than staying in a room that looked just like the house you once lived in. What was once lovely now felt suffocating.
You wished you could turn back time. Time long ago before you meet him. Before you fell in love, if you could you will run. Run far away from him but now it seems that it is too late.
Back when you were innocent and naive, when you fell in love first with his beauty you didn't believe that a man like him would fall for you... would notice you. It was every girl's fantasy after all that a kind young man, rich and smart would look at them and they would both fall in love and make a family.
But you also thought somewhere in your heart that him ever loving you was too good to be true.
But he did.
"Hello." You looked up and your heart felt like it had leaped out from your chest the moment you recognized his face. Seeing your flustered reaction, the man can't help but smile.
Taking the time to get to know you and then court you. You were delighted at first but soon you fell in love, crush to love, so in love with his affections and care. So in love with his touch, and his words of adoration.
An innocent love it seems, something so shallow when you accepted his courtship. Your parents were also happy for you delighted of finding such a fine man who could care for you.
Soon you married and found a home with him. The heart in your eyes was still so obvious yet many say that it was your husband who loves you more. You thought you were lucky for it not knowing that in the future it would only become shackles.
There were a few things or habits that made you question him sometimes when you looked at his sometimes sharp nails, thicker than humans but also sharper. Or how he always knew where you were as if he could sniff you out from the crowd or how his eyes were always on you no matter what you were doing, he was always staring. Sometimes you thought his eyes were like that of a canine animal instead of a circular shape, his pupils would look more like slits of a fox with a golden shine. Or how you thought you would see a fox tail on his shadow even though he himself didn't have one. You were never sure because when you tried to look again they were normal again.
As if they were never there in the first place.
You thought that this would last forever. Maybe you would grow up with him old and wrinkled but still in love and that every single tribulation has been or will be overcome with him and by his side.
You shouldn't have woke up that day and just stayed in your bed than maybe you could have stayed in ignorant bliss. Late at night following your husband when he suddenly left to the forest, you should have just closed your eyes till the sun reaches the sky. When you saw his fingers longer and sharper than before.
Looking back to see so much fur, tails that look like a fox. Your heart dropped when you counted 9 all swaying slowly. The long ears on his head flinching made you frightened as you look at them, taking a step back you didn't see the twig that snapped right under your foot notifying him of your presence.
Your heart dropped when you saw his eyes staring at you, first surprised and feral which quickly changed into shock and understanding. His eyes that you used to love to look at now were gold and pupils slit like that of a fox.
You ran. You ran as fast as you could. You have to get away from here, away from him, away from everything. You ignored how your night clothes get caught up in small bushes, ignored the small puddles you splashed while running dirtying your clothes even more. Tears were in your eyes, was it caused by fear, or was it caused by a broken heart you weren't sure. You were still too confused. Confused about everything.
But all you knew is that you need to get out right now.
But you were nowhere near fast enough.
He caught up to you too soon, flying into the high trees he grabbed your waist and then your hands when you tried to hit him but failed to. You screamed but you were silenced, tears flowing even more from your face as you begged and begged him not to kill you. You kept your eyes shut scared of the pain and you chanted not to be killed but maybe it was better to die. The sly smile he had as he looked at you was both familiar and not, he was not the man you love. Not anymore.
The purring in his body as his tails warp around you to protect you from the cold. It didn't give any comfort at all.
"My dear, you know I would never kill." He told you as he wiped out your tears. No matter how much you moved, how much you struggled it was no use. He had you in his arms.
That night you had to say goodbye to the human realm as the monster took you away leaving nothing.
"Not when it took so long to finally have you."
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volpe-kitsune-red · 3 months
Lynx with a reader who is also hiding their supernatural origin like they are a kitsune or something
I have been hooked on lesbian kitsune recently
Non-human anon
I am back! It's been a while since I have posted anything, the last weeks of school have been draining and I lost motivation as a result but hopefully, I'll be able to keep up with my schedule from now on!
Matching fangs
Lynx Andromeda x Kitsune!reader
CW. general yandere behavior, mild threats, manipulation
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As a kitsune, you've been born naturally skilled at concealing yourself. Unlike other creatures such as werewolves and vampires, plagued by the permanent marks of their curse, you had a perfect disguise that allowed you to blend in with the human majority. No one has ever suspected a thing, in fact, not even your best friend did until you willingly revealed yourself.
Why would a Kitsune grace a human with their purest beauty if not to lure them closer and devour them? The simple answer, you knew she wasn't human. You would have kept yourself a secret if she wasn't so painfully terrible at concealing herself. Her teeth were always out in the open, and her eyes often shone a bright red every time your neck was less clothed than usual. How could she be so inconsiderate?! You just had to do something before some vampire hunter sniffed her out, she was your greatest friend, after all.
The first time she was blessed by your kitsune appearance, was the day she found what true beauty meant. She had taken many risks for this and it wasn't in vain. Had she seen past your disguise since the beginning? Not exactly, she could tell you weren't human but didn't expect you to be such a rare creature. Let's say it was one of the few times she was truly stunned in her life. "You are the most perfect creature in this world dear, it's so cruel can only handle seeing you through a veil."
From this moment forward she feels like she needs to hide fewer secrets from you, you'll get to meet some members of her family, and maybe even go hunting with her as a bonding activity! She'll often offer to help you brush your fur. If you question her, she'll just give a vague answer about friendship activities and whatnot.
She's a bit disappointed that she won't be able to turn you, but that's ok, she'll find another way to bind your soul to hers. Your known intelligence and cunning might be intimidating, but that just means she'll get to enjoy a fun chase while your cage inevitably builds itself at every wrong step you take.
"Isn't it so nice to finally be where you belong, my little sly foxy?" "Those people don't deserve you, they wouldn't even understand the privilege of witnessing who you truly are, but I...I can worship you for the rest of eternity. Either way, you have long ago lost the opportunity to choose a future without me, my sweet darling <3."
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spacexseven · 2 years
Hey! just wanted to say that I love your blog, your writing and opinions are a blessing! I don't know if this counts as a request (I know they are closed, so don't mind me if it counts as a request) but what are your thoughts about demon! Dazai and Demon! Chuuya?
i just got reminded of obey me after reading this lol :< sorry devildom
cw: yandere characters, murder in chuuya's part
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demon dazai is as insufferable as you'd expect, clinging onto the edges of your dreams and trying to beckon you over with sweet, sweet promises (all of which, naturally, are lies). he invades your space at any given moment, spreading his influence all over your home, your mind, and your body. don't complain—wasn't it you who summoned him?
maybe you thought it was a silly joke, some decrepit book you found in the back of a crumbling bookstore; after all, who'd have thought that all it took to summon a demon was a random assortment of objects and a dark room? regardless, it works, and now there's a real demon in your room and he's staring at you with the creepiest grin that's definitely going to haunt you. nobody told you that it'd be this horrible to have a demon around. dazai, as you find out, has a wide range of abilities apart from being freakishly big and a pain in the ass.
you find out about his ability to infiltrate minds the painful way when one day, while you're sulking about how unlucky you were to get this annoying freeloader of a demon stuck on earth, you feel a strange fog fill your mind, latching onto your every thought and slowly tainting them all. suddenly, you find yourself thinking that dazai's...pretty attractive, with his sculpted hands and his sharp gaze and his...malicious grin...? you're snapped out of your spiral to the sound of dazai's uncontrollable laughter, sharp teeth out on display. it occurs to you then that the sudden feeling of undeniable attraction was one of his stupid tricks, and you had never felt more embarrassed. but even after that, you couldn't silence that strange voice in your mind, the one that fanatically worshipped dazai at every moment like a fervent devotee of a great god. things were only made worse by the fact that dazai always seemed to know exactly how to make it grow worse, coming far too close to you and stroking your face with too-warm hands. then, he starts marking his territory in bizarre ways. you'd come home to find him rolling around in your sheets, declaring it to be his bed now and that you could always ask him nicely to share if you wanted him to. he messed around with your things constantly, scribbling symbols on the wall that he claimed were to protect you from other demons, and even offered to mark you, to your horror.
dazai, you hate to admit, is wonderful at luring you in with enticing words, promising you an abundance of anything you could ever want in exchange for allowing him to possess you at will. he's particularly good at easing you in, voice soft, hands cradling you, words purposeful and tempting—but the moment he mentioned anything about possession, however, the fantasy shattered and you ran out of his arms, managing to wipe clean your mind of his saccharine whispers.
he takes competition very seriously. while he loves playing with you, he doesn't want anyone else to see the same expressions you show him; your delight, your irritation, your shock—did you even know how adorable you were? the day you happen to invite a friend over, however, is when you learn that out of all his numerous abilities and skills, the one dazai's best at is the most gruesome, and the more violent one by far.
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chuuya's a bit of a strange case. apparently, you've got yourself some enemies, and they thought that the best way to torment you was by sticking a demon onto you through a complicated process, and now, chuuya's forced to be with you...for eternity.
"i don't want to be here either," he snarled, fangs out and eyes glaring at you in response to your earlier screams.
you guessed he was supposed to kill you, but he only shrugs and turns away from you, saying that he won't be taking orders from a puny little human. according to chuuya, humans are foolish and weak little creatures, and he has no interest in abiding by their desires. for all his talk, however, it becomes painfully obvious that he can't actually go against the wishes of the curser, who had wanted him to torment you forever. he must be livid, knowing that he was under the orders of an insignificant, selfish human.
you liked to think that the two of you were...getting along, or at least, he could stand your presence in the same room without threatening to kill you and unleash eternal torment onto your bloodline. but with time, he seemed to relax around you, and you saw that there was more to chuuya than the angry, brooding exterior. for one, he was a big fan of wine, spending an exorbitant amount of money on bottles and bottles. he also seemed to delight in scaring you, loving to keep you on edge. his favorite trick is always when you're waking up from sleep, your dreams haunted by him. before you can fully sober up, he lets out a growl, watching with glee as you freeze up and shoot back under the covers. you realized belatedly that he really was doing what he was supposed to do here—make your life a living hell.
but sometimes, he does things you can't understand. despite his obvious disdain for his current situation, he refused to help you find ways to actually end the curse. when you're finally told that the person who cast the curse may be the only one who can lift it, chuuya disappears for the night without a word. the next day, he comes to you with a wicked grin, clothes painted a dark red and fingernails crusted with brown. in his hands, what you can identify as a head.
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mint-yooxgi · 1 year
Forever - Yandere!Kitsune!San
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Yandere AU & Gumiho AU - First Person POV
Genre: Mature, Smutty Themes, Internal Monologue
Pairing: San X Implied Chubby!Reader
Words: 1,873
Warnings: Possessive thoughts, some smutty thoughts, and minor violent thoughts. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: Oof, so I finally got around to writing this one and I'm honestly really happy with how it turned out!! It's a lot fluffier than I thought it would be, but Sannie is just a very excited boy in this imo. Anyways, as always, Feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy!~
The Eighth of The Feral Drabbles
The full moon is bright tonight. The leaves of the forest do nothing to hinder its glow, the light filtering through the branches and dancing across your skin. Yet, you are what truly captivates me.
Your hands are so soft, held delicately in my own. We fit perfectly together, as if you were made for me. A fact of which I know to be unquestionably true, for I am now certain that I have been made for you.
In all of my long years on this earth, I have found no other like you. It is you that has captivated me ever since the moment that we met, and I don’t think I will ever stop loving you. You have claimed my heart in a way I never thought possible, and now, all I want to do is consume you in the same ways that you have consumed me.
It’s nothing malicious, I promise. I could never hurt you. I would rather cut off my own tails than so much as bring you any ounce of pain. Besides, I wouldn’t be holding true to the promises I just made you this evening, now, would I?
There’s more than one reason why I asked you to meet me tonight. The moon was only one of them. I wanted it to set the scene - to be the unmistakable backdrop to the start of our forever together.
I had to have you. I love you. I need you, and I think it only fair that I tell you this.
You’ve always known what I am. You’ve known from the very first moment that we met. I honestly don’t think I could have hid it from you even if I tried. You’re very perceptive that way. A fact of which only made me fall for you harder.
You never feared me. In fact, you welcomed what I am with open arms. I can still remember your curiosities that came spilling out of your mouth when we first met, and even now, I don’t think I will ever grow tired of them.
I could never grow tired of you.
I have guarded this mountain for as long as I can remember, and now, it shall be ours. This will be our path that songs are written about; our love that legends get told of. Nothing, no one, will ever change that. I’ll ensure of it, even if it’s the last thing I ever do.
Gently, leaves fall all around us. Their vibrant colours of red, orange, and yellow only serve to make this moment all the more special. After all, this time of year is important for my kind. It’s when we choose our life mates, if we ever find someone worthy to be called that.
I most certainly have.
I found you.
Courting you hasn’t been easy. I am, unfortunately, bound to this mountain, so I could never go and visit you like I constantly wanted. I always had to wait for you to come see me. Being away from you is like suffering from a severe drought without being able to ever quench my thirst no matter how much water I drink. Without you in my life, I am empty; I am lost.
I’m pretty sure I made a fool of myself more often than not whenever you finally came to see me, but waiting for you to show up each time drove me to the very brink of insanity. So, really, you can’t blame me for all of the times I tripped over myself as soon as I sensed you cross the boarders of my land. Besides, seeing you smile - hearing you laugh - and all because of me made me- makes me happy beyond belief.
I knew I had to have you, to make you mine. I can’t live without you.
You- you complete me.
Every time I saw your face I would immediately become overjoyed. I could barely keep my heart from racing, just as it does now as I lead you back to our home.
Our home.
It has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?
I won’t lie to you, My Precious, I have desperately been waiting for the day where you finally come to live with me. I have been fantasizing about it for too long. I’ve always wanted to curl up next to you in bed, pulling you in closer as I wrap you in my tender embrace. I want to cook for you, and watch your face light up like it always does when I bring you special treats meant only for you. I want to hold you while we gaze at the stars, of which could never compare to your beauty.
More than all of that, I want to love you unconditionally. I want to be the first thing you see when you wake up, and the last thing you know before you sleep. I want to kiss you breathless, and wrap you up in my tails when you’re cold. 
Fuck- speaking of my tails, I want to hold you close as we make love, wrapping one or two around your waist as we cling onto each other desperately. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get enough of you, and I hope you can say the same for me.
I’m not blind, I’ve seen the way you look at me. I know I can make you shy. Heck, just the other day you started stuttering when I was showering you in praise! You looked so cute trying to hide your face behind your hands. Really, all I wanted to do was take you into my arms and kiss you, but you weren’t mine yet.
If I’m going to court you, then I’m going to do it properly.
And I did.
Now, I don’t have to worry about holding myself back! I can hold your hand whenever I want. I can shower you in all of my affections like you’ve always deserved! I can kiss you, and hug you, and hold you close like I’ve always dreamed. More than all of that though, I can reassure you of my never ending love for you until the end of time. Those doubts and insecurities will have no place in your mind any longer. Not while I’m around to quell them.
Of course, I will always make sure to do everything with your consent! I’m not a monster. At least, not to you.
I can’t promise I’ll be able to stay as calm as I usually am with you if anyone were to try and take you away from me. Anyone that dares to hurt you, cheat you, steal your heart from me, or anything of that sort will know the true wrath of the mountain spirit that guards that which is most precious to him.
In case you’re wondering, that’s you. You are the most precious thing to me in this world. That’s why you’re My Precious!
Oh, how I cannot wait to fall asleep beside you tonight! I’ll do my best to control myself, but you seriously have no idea what you do to me. Simply being this close with you, and knowing you fancy me, too, is making my head spin. Already, my thoughts are consumed with absolutely ravishing you when we get home, and completing every mating ritual I know of to solidify that bond between us.
Maybe I should stop holding your hand…
I don’t think I could tear my touch away from yours, even if I tried. You’re mine now, and I’m yours. Feeling your fingers intertwined with mine only solidifies that.
Though, it’s certainly not helping my wandering thoughts…
This is what it will feel like holding onto your hand as I make love to you. This is what your warmth will feel like radiating against my own as our bodies intertwine in the most intimate of ways.
It only makes me even more desperate for that which has still yet to come…
I want to serve you, My Precious, and I want to make sure I do it right. Too many nights have been spent living in my fantasies of all that I want to do to you - all that I want to do with you. Nights exactly like this.
Oh, I know it’s still quite early in our relationship - we only just agreed to live together - but I can’t help it! I have spent countless hours thinking about all of the different ways I will claim you, and everything in between.
If I’m being honest, I desperately want to do so beneath the light of the full moon on my sacred grounds near the summit of my mountain. It’s a place only I can get to, and now that you’re with me, only you are allowed to set foot upon such a sacred part of my territory. I can just picture how your skin will glow, just as it is now, beneath the uninterrupted radiance of the moon. 
Your back will arch upon my alter as I lose myself between your thighs. Lips, tongue, fingers, cock: all of me belongs to you. I live to serve you, and I can think of no better place to do so than on my most holiest of spaces.
I worship you, and I will spend the rest of our lives proving just that.
Oh, please, Precious, won’t you let me get lost in you? All I want is to feel your body pressing against mine. I want to feel your thighs trembling around my head as I give you yet another earth shattering orgasm. I need to feel your juices dripping down my chin as an offering to the ecstasy I’ve provided for you. I want to feel you pull me closer, your nails scratching into the skin of my back as your legs squeeze around my waist. I so desperately want to feel you brush a delicate hand over my tails- hell- all over my body.
I know from the way you stare at me that you want this, too.
You’re not subtle in the least, Precious. I’ve seen you admiring me when you think I’m not looking.
Do you also think about what it would feel like for my arms to wrap themselves around you as I roll my hips so sensually into yours? Do you long to run your fingers through my hair, only to grip it tight to pull me in closer to you? I bet you’ve longed to know what I’m capable of, if I’m truly capable of pleasing you as your lover should, just as I have, haven’t you?
Don’t worry, Precious, even if it takes time, I promise to learn every little detail about what makes your body sing. I promise to please you in every way I know how: physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. I want to see your soul come alight with me, for you have already begun to make my own shine.
I promise you’ll never have to worry about anything again.
Everything that I am belongs to you. For now, though, let’s take it one day at a time.
For now, let’s start with tonight.
The start of our forever.
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falgaia · 5 months
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for Tax Day 2024
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thateldribitch · 9 months
To Be Tender
Yandere Floyd/Reader; Yandere Jade/Reader. Briefly mentioned Yandere Azul/Reader.
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Word Count: 2114
Kind of part of a series, could be read as standalone though. Here's part one!
CW: Possessive behavior, kidnapping, yandere behavior, the tweels being grabby and creepy (but not sexual.) The ocean. Conditioning and manipulation. We're getting psychological this time bitches.
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“Darling….” A warm breath makes your eyes flutter in the false dawn. The magical lights begin to tick past the faint blue of the night cycle to an early morning gray. The faux stars dim. The projected moon clicks off. A groan trickles past your lips… petering off into a whine as his limbs untwine from yours. Cold. You curl into a ball, soaking up the warmth draining from the bed. A hand strokes through your hair, tenderly. Warm lips press to your forehead. “...business trip… evening…. Back before you know it….”
Words drift in and out of your barely thawed consciousness. Too cold to go to sleep; too sleepy to fully wake. A quiet chuckle escapes Azul’s lips, as he swaddles you in a sinfully soft blanket. It’s weighted…. And that too-light feeling fades with a sigh of comfort. Sinking… back into sleep…. Hours later… the bulbs in the walls begin to burnish to a sunshine-gold… your eyes flutter open. 
You scream into your goddamn pillow.
Even the fabric smells like him. The blanket is worse, though. Gods, whenever he leaves like this he swaddles you in soft blankets, weighted and covered in his cologne. The texture feels all too similar to his skin, the plush softness of his caecilian body…. It should disquiet you. It used to. And yet you’ve been Pavlov’d into relaxing beneath the false warmth and weight and scent….. Spitefully, you kick the blanket off of you and curl into a ball.
It’s worse when you remember he only gives you the blankets when he’s not in bed with you. Because why would you need anything but his body to keep you comfortable? You’re just glad he stopped using his body as the bedding. You have something akin to a mattress now. It’s. An upgrade. Sort of…. More nest-like than anything you’re used to, but it’s… comfortable, at least. But it’s still too cold without a blanket. Or Azul. Pinching your lips, you squeeze your eyes shut and try to eke out a few more minutes of very uncomfortable sleep. It’s more irritable half-awareness, though; meditative, almost.
The lights eventually warm to something akin to mid-morning light. It stirs you like clockwork. Gritting your teeth, you sigh and stumble up and out of bed. You clumsily swim into the kitchen with groggy little kicks. There’s a lovingly prepared plate waiting for you. A thick slab of meat perfumes the water with a mouth-watering marinade. It takes you a moment to realize it’s an orca’s flank. With its contrasting skin delicately flayed and its teeth artfully scattered around the plate’s edge, the cut glistens on a bed of sea-greens. 
It’s fresh. And warm. Domestic, with the intimidating hint of showing off—look what I can kill for you. Look at how strong I am, how capable. But not only that, but it’s purposefully seasoned to your tastes. For a moment… you just stare at it. It’s conditioning. You know it’s conditioning. Bile rises into your throat. Hunger falls to a distant memory. Instead, desperation rises. A need. A need to get out, you need to get out before his calculated attempts at Stockholm syndrome really start to work. 
You smack the plate off the counter, breathing heavily. The meat sinks. The greens float and scatter. It’s not enough. It’s not enough. The exit is clear. An open cave, a crack in the trench wall. This is your prison. But why would he need a locked door or bars to keep you where he wants you. The intimidation of the exit is so effective in the first place. The abyss stretches out before you—a yawning, frigid maw beyond the temptingly enchanted light and heat of Azul’s cavern. But your heart beats restlessly. It’s a constant tempo of your need for freedom.
It takes many start-stops; many failed attempts of trying to gain the courage to brave the darkness again. Even more so to move through it. Because the trench just consumes. Life, light, everything. Even though you must not be more than a few feet out—is it only a few feet? It feels like miles. Like a current dragged you down further and you just couldn’t feel it because it’s so damn cold. You’re numb. Okay. Okay, no, calm down. Calm down. There’s not a living thing in these icy depths, nothing beyond what Azul lets into the trench. It’s as if even the most fearsome predators quake at the idea of entering such dangerous, dark waters. It’s. Fine.
You’ll never get used to swimming through pure ink. It’s directionless. No up, no down—just black. The only sound is the bubble of your breath and the pound of your heart. But the darkness swallows that too. It’s not alive. But it feels like it. A weight, a presence, a monster. Where’s the cavern? Fuck. Fuck, you went out too far, where’s the ledge, you usually use the cavern’s edge to guide yourself up. Fuck…. It’s so cold. Dark, so dark, so cold. Up. Down? Fuck, fuck, fuckfuckfuck—
“My oh my,” a voice sings out in the dark, “Another escape attempt so soon?”
You turn towards it. From the opposite direction, a body crashes into you, sharp teeth sinking pointedly into the back of your neck. It doesn’t hurt. More like. Scruffing a kitten, really. Just with sharper teeth. Instinctively, you fall limp, gasping for breath. Floyd coos as he releases his toothy grip. He rubs his cheek against the back of your neck. He’s warm. Unfortunately warm. Wrapping around you like a living blanket, all velvet skin and soft hair. Floyd can be unfortunately gentle when he wants to be. A content few clicks escape him as he feels you curl into his warmth, nosing closer to him as the chill is burned from your skin. Another shiver—this time, in self-disgust. You hate that this is comforting. You hate that you can breathe easier at the sight of Jade’s golden eye bobbing in the dark. 
“And oh so injured. Dear, you mustn’t push yourself like this…. Not when you’re hurt,” Jade lets out a put-upon sigh. Something’s running over your bandages. Pain blooms. Panic bursts like a firework, brief and bright, until your mind registers that it’s Jade’s fingers skimming over your injured ankle. 
“Fuck you, Jade,” you hiss.
“If you’d like,” he responds with a small smile that barely shows the points of his teeth. They glitter in the glow of his brother’s gaze, like some monstrously illuminated, razor-sharp smirk. You glance away, glaring off into the darkness. He chuckles softly. “Come along. Let’s get you warm.”
He says that like you have a damn choice…. There’s no such thing as personal space with these two. Floyd’s iron grip constricts you to the point that you wheeze out a breath. Jade’s so damn close that you can feel him twining like a protective ribbon around you and his brother. The one benefit you’ll give to this is that it’s warming you up pretty quickly. Though, you do try and flinch away as Jade rubs at your icy fingers. Sure, it gets feeling back into them, but…. 
“Hey. Close your eyes, Toadfishie,” Floyd rubs his cheek against your head, mussing up your hair. You didn’t even realize your eyes were open…. “You’ve been in the dark for a minute. Don’t wanna hurt’cha.”
Begrudgingly, you squeeze them shut… even if it goes against your every instinct. Why would a prey animal want to close their eyes around a predator, after all? A shiver claws its way up your spine as the familiar heat of the cavern spills over you. A relieved breath puffs out of your lips, as you melt against the twins. You can’t… help it. The gentle fussing feels so tender. Fingers skim over your ankles. 
Maybe you’re a little delirious. Maybe you just… need the comfort, need that tense feeling squeezing your heart to just ease. Just a little. But then Floyd licks at the bite mark he left on your neck—and your whole body goes stiff as a board. Struggling, you squirm out of his arms and right into Jade’s. He clucks his tongue, tucking you tightly against him as he cleans the faintly bleeding tooth marks. 
“...Easy now, Pearl,” he murmurs, voice far softer than usual. “...I just don’t want this to get infected.”
“You don’t have to lick me to do that,” you point out, almost bonking your head against his chin. One of his arms cages you against his chest; the other holds your head, gentle but firm. Completely immobilized, all you can do is spit curses and kick your feet a bit. You feel his smirk against your neck. 
“It’s faster,” he chuckles. His thumb swipes gently over your cheek, just barely skimming the corner of your lips. You learned a long while ago not to bite them…. But it is tempting. Not that your useless teeth could have punctured their skin anyway. 
They like pointing things like that out…. Because their ‘courtship’ has a lot less to do with bribery and conditioning, and more with showing off. Look how strong they are, how capable. They like… proving themselves? They catch increasingly deadly meals. Orcas, giant squids, sharks—proving they can provide for their mate and young, they told you once. That they can protect you. It makes you shiver. At least Azul doesn’t admit things like that with a big, toothy grin. The honesty is… almost refreshing. It’s not a song and dance of subtle manipulations and calculated softness. But it’s still—
“Jaaaaaaaaade, Toadfishie spilled their food,” Floyd pouts, poking at the floating pieces of your meal. 
“Have you eaten at all this morning?” Jade murmurs, eyes narrowing. In concern? Frustration? It’s so hard to tell sometimes. Their features are so alien. What you do know is that they all hate it when you don’t eat. Sharply, you inhale as you feel him trying to get you to subtly look him in the eye. You glance at him, glance away. Anywhere but that damn golden eye. “Pearl—” 
“No, I didn’t, okay?” You writhe in his grip, uncomfortably screwing your eyes to the wall. “I-I—” You start, then abort the sentence. They don’t deserve an explanation. Trusting them with your fears, even if they can guess at them, makes your skin crawl. You’re not going to tell them anything more than what they demand to know.
“...What would you like to eat?” Jade murmurs, after a moment. You open your mouth, shut it. They won’t get you surface food. You’ve asked before. They don’t let you have anything that reminds you of the surface…. Except for clothes, but even those are more in the style of merfolk nobles. All clinging clothes that can’t get caught in the current; fancy embellishments over scales or skin. 
“Mmmm,” Floyd’s displeased hum, bordering on a growl, is your only warning before he snatches you out of Jade’s arms. It knocks the wind out of you. Even more so as he starts swimming back to the entrance of the cavern. “Let’s go to the surface.”
His offer startles you, as you jerk your head to him in shock. It must surprise Jade too, because he immediately swims in front of his impulsive twin. “Floyd—”
“Jade, c’mon, they’re not eating. And they had a back-to-back escape attempt! Toadfishie needs to stretch a bit, they’re too cooped up. Bored!” He flails one arm out, the motion moving the water in a slight stream of bubbles. “Lookit their Toadfishie pout!” He squeezes your cheeks, then pushes his face against yours to ‘pout’ with you. 
“...We can’t just take them to the surface without telling Azul.”
“Then let’s get them surface food and bring it back—”
“I really do not think—” 
“He’s gonna be more mad if we can’t get ‘em to eat!”
“Mad is a strong word.”
“It’s fuckin’ accurate though!”
“He would be disappointed.”
“Disappointedly mad.”
“At us, perhaps.”
“...Yeahhhh, I can’t see him gettin’ mad at Toadfishie.”
“I still don’t think—”
“...Please?” Timidly, you glance up at them, then down. The two fall silent. Their golden eyes fall like heavy weights upon your quivering lips. Your tears are nigh invisible in the water, but one of them thumbs at your cheek regardless. The tiniest sniff escapes you, but it falls to small sobs. “I won’t try to run, I-I just— please.”
“...Alright, Pearl,” Jade softens. His forehead bumps against yours, hairlines brushing tenderly. A small hum rises in his chest, vibrates through your body. Almost soothes you. 
“Just please don’t cry, ’fishie,” Floyd murmurs, almost frantically nuzzling at your neck. 
It’s nothing but a hollow comfort.
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Okay because I know some of y'all might question the nickname, Floyd calls you Toadfishie because: Reader is “slow” (compared to them anyway); likes to bite; and the sour look they give him reminds him of toadfish. Sounds unflattering but he thinks it’s cute lol.
Thanks for the kind tags and comments guys :D It really encouraged me to write this next piece!
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