queenkoopa96 · 2 years
Hello there Don Nat, Hope life is going well for you?
Don Nat: Life been good. Just working hard and even spending more time with Fat Don alot more as we can well... work can alot of our time.
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lowpolypeople · 2 years
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Don Pinstripelli Potorotti / Pinstripe Potoroo from Crash Bandicoot
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ludvvvigvonkoopa · 2 years
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lo siento solo publico estos dibujos sillies en twitter asi q repost no es un dibujo muy actual ni nafa
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mugenloopdalove · 2 years
I'm in charge here now you hear! Pleasure to meet youse all! Name's Don Pinstripelli Potorotti, but just call me Pinstripe. A bit easier isn't it? I'll be runnin things around here for a week or two.
I'm not really sure what all to do here, but any friend of Summer's is a friend of mine, so don't be scared to stop by and have a little chat!
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{ Like What you see don’t you...} 
Have some Waluigi to brighten your day!
Artwork by : The-Don-Pinstripelli 
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komodo-bros · 4 years
Continued from X @the-don-pinstripelli​
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Joe clenched his fists, his tail curled up, and steam was coming from the sides of his head. He was still pissed about the crybaby insult along with several other past remark. Combined that with waking up with a horrid mood, he felt like taking his anger out on the bastard he hated the most.
“How about I grab a cccicada from the treesss and ssshove it down your ssslimy throat!”
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almightyhamslice · 4 years
Just stoppin' in ta say your artwork is amazin! - From Don Pinstripe
Thanks, I really appreciate it!
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tsaolegacy · 4 years
 @the-don-pinstripelli​  --> 頹
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 ❝ How insulting, clearly you have no idea who you’re talking to.  ❞
❝ I can assure you my skills are more than adequate for any task you will expect of me. ❞  Tsao would like to skip the assesment of skills and formalities. It wasted his precious time. ❝ You should feel honored to have the Dark Arts of the Family Tsao on your side. ❞ Tsao took a seat at the other side of Pinstripe’s desk. ❝ I am General Tsao of the Kulnun Mountains, rightful prince of the royal Tsao family, and if you would like a demonstration of my abilities, I suggest that you back away a safe distance immediately.  ❞ Clearly, Pinstripe had upset a ticking time bomb of Arcane Dark Magic power he couldn’t possibly imagine. 
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banduckoot · 5 years
I don't know if its been done yet but can we have a KongStripe headcannon? I love these.
Now that’s a ship I’ve never considered! Let’s see what I can come up with…
Pinstripe and Koala Kong have, naturally, known each other since the start of Cortex’s world domination efforts, even before they were mutated.
Part of Cortex’s efforts to create a mutant army included familiarizing his test subjects with one another so they wouldn’t tear each other apart as mutants. Kong, as a normal koala, tended to prefer Pinstripe’s company; he recognized him as a fellow marsupial, and tended to see him as less threatening than the other animals. Pinstripe was unsure at first about this strange koala’s interest in him, but after realizing he was harmless, he let him hang around.
Even as a normal Potoroo, Pinstripe showed early signs of being very cunning and sneaky. He’d often steal food when Cortex was unaware, and, since Kong was nice enough to him, he’d try to share it. Unfortunately, Kong only ate eucalyptus leaves at the time, and when Pinstripe managed to figure that out, he started stealing that for Kong instead.
As the two animals grew closer, Cortex would often find them snuggling up against each other. Cortex thought this adorable behavior was disgusting, and tried separating the two of them as much as possible. Unfortunately, this grew to annoy Kong immensely, and the normally peaceful koala began lashing out at Cortex with acts of violence… and he proved to be surprisingly strong for something on a eucalyptus diet!
Eventually, the time came for the two animals to be mutated. Kong’s mutation was heavily focused on muscle power, but not a lot on brain power. Pinstripe’s mutation was focused primarily on intelligence, but not enough to be a genius. Cortex didn’t want him to be TOO smart, after all. Just enough to be the mob boss Cortex wanted him to be. Kong and Pinstripe barely recognized each other post-mutation, but when it finally clicked for them, they couldn’t stop complimenting each other on the other looked. Again, Cortex thought it was gross.
Then came time for the Cortex Vortex. Kong was subjected to Sylvester Stallone films spliced with subliminal messages about Cortex. When he was done, he spoke with a similar voice to Stallone, and was as competent a fighter as Rocky Balboa. Meanwhile, Pinstripe was subjected to gangster movies: Goodfellas, Scarface, The Godfather, etc. He gained his Italian-New Yorker accent and a love for tommyguns. When he and Kong saw each other after, despite their changed personalities and voices, they managed to bond over their mutual love of violence and serving Cortex. Plus, they still had some memories from before… even if they were a little fuzzy from the brainwashing.
Once Pinstripe got his own set of potoroo goons to command, he invited Kong to be his personal muscle, not just for obvious reasons, but because he wanted an excuse to be close to him. Kong accepted, though this was an unofficial position more than anything else. If Cortex needed Kong for something, even when Pinstripe needed him, he had to answer to Cortex first. Despite the inconvenience, the two managed to get a lot of time together… at least until Crash Bandicoot was put into the Vortex. Then trouble started.
Cortex sent out Ripper Roo, Koala Kong, and Pinstripe out to capture Crash and prevent him from collecting Gems or rescuing Tawna. When Pinstripe found out that Crash had soundly trounced Kong, he was furious. He was more than happy to try and spray the bandicoot with bullets. Unfortunately, he failed and got his butt kicked, too.
When Cortex Castle burned in the end, the two reunited for a brief time. They mutually agreed that serving Cortex had been a pain in the ass. They almost confessed their feelings for each other at that point… but out of fear of rejection, and out of wonder about the outside world, they decided to go their separate ways for the time being. Kong went to Hollywood for speech therapy and a movie deal with Universal Studios, and Pinstripe moved to Chicago to start a city-wide sanitation business.
Despite being far apart, the two mutants kept contact with each other often through letters (e-mail wasn’t popular yet). Kong would regale Pinstripe with tales about playing monsters or science experiments gone wrong in movies, while Pinstripe would talk about his plans to use his business to fund his campaign to become governor. Their letters grew increasingly flirtatious over time, until finally, Kong admitted his feelings towards Pinstripe. He didn’t write anything too fancy. Just a simple, “I love you” at the end of his letter.
Pinstripe, upon receiving this confession, decided not to write back, but to fly to Hollywood and visit Kong directly. He surprised him on the set of a film he was working on and spoke with him privately. Did Kong seriously think he could just get away with confessing at a distance? Hell no! Pinstripe then surprised him with a kiss and told him he’d come all that way to tell him TO HIS FACE that he felt the same way.
The two mutants spent an entire romantic week together before Pinstripe was forced to fly back to Chicago. During that time, they ate at fancy restaurants, mingled with celebrities that Kong had met, and… well, you can use your imagination for what else happened between them. For a while after that, the two carried on a long-distance relationship, one occasionally visiting the other.
Imagine their surprise when this arrangement was interrupted by Cortex summoning the two of them back to Cortex Island. Both of them initially refused, but Cortex did not take “no” for an answer. Cortex manipulated his way into ending Kong’s contract with Universal, as well as bankrupting Pinstripe’s business. The mad doctor cruelly reminded both mutants that he owned them, and they had nowhere to go except back to him. So, sadly, Pinstripe and Kong returned to their island home to serve their master. At least they’d be living together again…
Of course, just to make sure Cortex had some regrets about what he did, Pinstripe and Kong made sure to be as open about their relationship as possible. If Cortex thought they were disgusting before, they were even more so now: kissing, holding hands, making out in the hallways… it made Cortex furious, and so he didn’t include them in his plans for a long time after that, hence why we don’t see them too often anymore.
… Wow, I didn’t expect to write this much! I thought my brain well would be dry, but instead it ran over like crazy! I hope you don’t mind… sorry if I went overboard…!
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kamkairo · 5 years
the-don-pinstripelli replied to your post: If Pinstripe doesn’t get a new skin next Grand...
An elf skin would be good for him
I’m gonna be ultimate salt if they do give him a new skin but it’s something absolutely friggin’ dumb like ‘you said you wanted him to have a new skin, you didn’t say it had to be a GOOD one >:]’
Not saying an elf is dumb though, that’d be sweet
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nitros-oxide · 5 years
@the-don-pinstripelli​ continued from here
The extraterrestial sighed, obvious by the deep inhale and exhale travelling through his trunk. He didn’t appreciate the sarcasm being returned in kind, but it might as well have been much more worse. Oh well, not like he was expecting to be liked, especially not by anyone who made a big deal out of wanting to race him.
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“Gasmoxia is anything but dull, far more eventful than Earth.” He answered, his tone sharp, but not giving way to any reason why he wasn’t on his homeworld. Not like Pinstripe needed to know that just recently he was starting to return home, and all the emotional conflict between that long while of his absence on Gasmoxia and his presence on Earth.
“You legitimately think I’m here to challenge you Earthlings once again? I’m true to my word, your planet remains unharmed, as my challenger had beat me fair and square twice. I’m not here to cause trouble.” He stated, rather in earnest, but he didn’t count that it was easy to doubt just how truthful he was.
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queenkoopa96 · 4 years
Multiverses Pinstripes met for the first time by Queen-Koopa
for @m5mona @the-don-pinstripelli @aso-designer
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virescentspxnk · 5 years
{ ♢ } The Potoroo slicks his hair back as he slowly approaches the green haired bandicoot babe, who was standing near the winners podium. She was apparently admiring the stage lost in her thoughts. " Oh ehehehe, yous thinkin' of competin' doll?" He asked attempting to be sauve. [ Thanks for the add this is going to be interesting. ]
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Standing near the podium, Ami’s eyes gazed upon the podium, lost in full thought, wishing to be out there on the track, racing and stacking up on the many trophies all on her own. Hm? A voice caught her attention and she turns, emerald hues locked upon the Potorroo who approached her. No doubt Ami’s interest were peaked by his question. “Huh? Are ya kiddin’ me?! -- I’d do a million back flips to compete in a race! And if you’re the golden ticket, then I accept!”
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frostconebitez · 2 years
Take of the day.
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{ Don Pinstripelli and his faithful henchmen } 
They are all just one big happy family!
Art By: The-Don-Pinstripelli ( Mousey ) 
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polterparent · 5 years
Continued from [x]
   You pout, Unseen like the dust that floats in the air. Whoever this chap was, he didn’t pay much mind to your call for attention. Still, you hover behind him, desperate to be seen in some way or form. Being a ghost was still new to you, and with no control over how to make yourself visible to others on command, all you could to was hope for the best. Hope that this fuzzy fellow would take note of you eventually. Your only other hope was that he wouldn’t be mortified or unnerved by your state. Balling your hands into fists with determination, you hover after him, ready to give this another attempt.
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   The melody he hums is rather soothing, and as you float beside you begin to hum along a little, mulling over your next course of action. Ah, that’s it. A Simple shoulder tap should hopefully get his attention! Whether your finger phased through him or not, surely he’d sense that!
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