#the zoo su
screwpinecaprice · 5 months
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World piercing alien laser beam vs the indomitable human spirit?
Commissioned by @jeshuamorbus-blog!
Part of Steven's skin is mildly holed out due to the laser beam, (the pink is melted off his body as it's literally him, but he is healing while taking damage.) Though you would have to zoom the image for those to be clear. I wanted it to look more violent but I do have to admit to my limits than deny+force it and delay this commission further. ( I am not joking when I say I draw slow, guys.😬) So thank you so much jeshuamorbus-blog for ordering and for the patience!
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i know a lot of people criticized steven universe’s portrayal of war and while i agree that there were some parts that were handled badly, most of it was pretty well-written.
unlike spop, they don’t act like war only affects the heroes and the villains, we see various characters like lapis, the cluster, the humans in the human zoo, etc. who were not part of the war in any way but were still horribly traumatized by it. similarly, all the characters treat war with the seriousness that it deserves (i believe there was a quote by greg that was something like “there’s nothing good about a war” when steven points out that rose won). it doesn’t use war as an aesthetic backdrop that only matters when one specific character is affected by it.
i don’t understand people who criticize su for its portrayal of war, then praise spop for writing a “tragic story where two lovers were separated by war”.
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nugatorysheep · 7 months
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Wednesday's Glow Week entry. I think I like this one the most so far. @glowweek
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starkittensblog · 7 months
I've got a bit of a weird request, could you draw blue diamond in the human zoo clothes
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the-artemis-tapes · 3 months
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The monster zoo episode of spn should have been weirder
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thistledropkick · 3 months
It's honestly amazing that they managed to add one of my favorite wrestlers to the Forbidden Door card in a way that makes me want to watch the show even less than I already did, but somehow they managed it.
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shima-draws · 2 years
Because I started rewatching PnF it was inevitable I would eventually start rewatching MML too. And just. Just,,
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the-prussian-nap · 1 year
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Day 19, Au/Crossover
I absolutely adore @squidthesquidd ’s SU submas Au. The oynx twins are cute n’ small and fluffy and full gremlin energy, I love them and if someone hurts them I will throw hands/jk This is the image that popped in my head near the end of chapter 2 of the fic ( which is a very good read can’t wait for chapter 5) when they were essentially leaning on each other because the got so excited at the prospect of choosing their own names and being their own gems that don’t have to live in fear. The whole scene is just fluffy and adorable if you haven’t read it you should!!
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fireopal-tash · 1 year
Stevonnie! ☀️🏖️
Click the image for better quality UwU
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withered-tears · 4 months
Been rewatching SU, and you know whats the most horrifying thing about the human zoo?
The way gems have just, PERFECTED in such a way the care of humans. From diet, hygiene, resting time, playing time, and even choosing partners (so, selective breeding pretty much)
Just imagine the sheer dozens, hundreds, if not thousand of humans that died from random shit until the gems got all that figured out.
Because remember, this is not just an alien species figuring out what to feed another alien species.
This is an alien SENTIENT ROCK species figuring out how to keep an ORGANIC species functional.
Before Earth, gems didnt know what eating was. They didn't know what sleeping was.
You think they knew what starving was?? thirst?? illness?? THEY LITERALLY DONT KNOW WHAT ORGANS, OR EVEN BLOOD ARE/IS!!
The last generation of zoomans living perfect happy lives to the point they never encountered the very concept of being hurt speaks of so, SO much trial and error.
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cocoabubbelle · 2 years
Velma: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake.
Fred: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear.
Velma: ...
Velma: You mean ring bearER, right?
Fred: ...
Velma: Fred Jones look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.
Scooby: *already eaten half of the cake* Ruh oh.
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ysolt · 2 months
sometimes i wonder what su critical shit people saw cause all i remember was my black mutuals being upset with the treatment of black characters which like yeah that'd affect children watching it, valid criticisms all over there. but people always write it off as lgbt and shipping discourse and i honestly didn't see as much of that and it always bugs me to see what i DID see written off with the fandomy shit. not trying to be incendiary i just think it sure is funny how ship wars make it easy to be dismissive of actual concerns.
im mostly remembering how people said SU was problematic because they didnt resolve the main conflict by having steven put two rounds into white diamonds head mafia style
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love-takes-work · 2 years
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My best friend’s birthday was this past week so I drew her a Zoo Universe poster because she loves Greg and wanted to see him get his hair done by Steven
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usefulspork · 9 months
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I rewatched the zoo arc and the old high school brainrot has grabbed me by the ear and thrown me in brainrot prison
This is Cyan! The youngest of five diamonds, and the only one besides Black Diamond to be a “natural” Diamond. She’s very shy and tries to not bother others.
She is mostly in charge of exploration, terraforming, and dealing with Off-color gems. Cyan has yet to be given any substantial responsibilities, as she is only about 10,000 years old.
She has the abilities of hydro and cryokinesis, often assisting in terraforming planets herself, even if frowned upon by her fellow diamonds.
Her smaller stature and lesser appearance to the other diamonds has made her a recent target of traitors and rebellions, forcing her to permanently travel with two perfect quartz soldiers along with her pearl.
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starkittensblog · 7 months
I'm sorry for asking for White again, but, I am curious to know what would White look like with the human zoo clothes
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She enjoys it
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dragonkeeper19600 · 2 years
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Again, I don't think this is worth getting outraged over, and I don't think it's comparable to real life human rights abuse. The concept is that this is a population of humans that have been raised in captivity in the same way animals are bred in captivity here on Earth. The idea of a population of humans who live in a tightly controlled society without any pain or sadness is not a new one in Sci-fi. (Brave New World, Logan's Run, and The Giver come immediately to mind.) In this case, the state of the humans in Blue Diamond's zoo is comparable to that of animals in our zoos. Compared to animals in the wild, animals in zoos have life set on easy mode. (I'm speaking, of course, of good zoos.) They don't have to worry about starvation, predators, exposure, dehydration, or disease. It's a well-documented phenomenon that mammals in captivity often live years longer than they would in the wild, with some species managing to increase their lifespan by up to a decade. These humans have grown up in an environment where all their physical and emotional needs have been taken care of since birth, and they have no reason to want to live any other way.
Even so, while the show does get a lot of comedy out of this setup, it also doesn't exactly condone it. Both Steven and Greg are disturbed by what they find in the zoo, and the reason given for why the Diamonds set it up in the first place isn't treated as benevolent or right. The show eventually reveals that the other Diamonds set up the zoo in response to Pink Diamond's pleas to spare humanity. The Diamonds, as usual, were blowing off Pink without really listening to her, and them establishing the zoo instead of calling off the colonization of Earth the way she wanted shows how out of touch they are and how much they disregard Earth life, something that Pink and the show itself both see as valuable. Not to mention, the happy ending in Steven Universe: Future includes the captive humans leaving the zoo and integrating themselves into Earth society.
So, no, the show does not consider the existence of the zoo to be a good thing. Rather, the show uses the zoo as an example of the Diamonds' ignorance and small-mindedness.
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