#the young woman tries to rescue her and is caught herself
birdsquirrel · 7 months
i don't have the discipline to write shit; i need to be filthy rich so every time i get a new story idea i can sketch up a basic outline with some vibes and then pay someone $200,000 to write it for me
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The Ghost Next Door - Chapter 2
Prompt: After suffering an almost lethal injury in combat, Simon "Ghost" Riley expected a dull, and uneventful leave back at his shitty apartment. His new next-door neighbor ruins his plans. Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader (named Riley Thomas for plot purposes)
Chapter 1 Chapter 3
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Disclaimer: slow burn; neighbor!Simon; will eventually contain very graphic descriptions of smut;
Chapter summary: Ghost's neighbor works hard to get in his good graces: her dog, not so much. Word Count: 1.2k
Riley Thomas woke up at 5 in the morning with a skull-splitting headache and a sore neck, as she had fallen asleep awkwardly on her armchair the previous evening. It was her day off, but her body was now so accustomed to the work routine she often had trouble allowing herself to sleep in.
In order to get up, she (sorrowfully) had to move a large cat that lay peacefully on her legs, stretching her aching muscles and cracking her joints before starting her morning routine, which consisted of thoroughly cleaning litter boxes and cages, feeding the animals and making sure they kept as quiet as possible. The rest of the apartment was a complete mess (as well as her looks), but at least the pets were well taken care of. The burnt cookies laid abandoned on her small kitchen table, and she grabbed one off the tray before biting into it and trying not to grimace as she tasted it.
“Fuck that’s awful.”
She made a mental note to deep clean the flat as soon as possible but she knew her exhaustion would make her postpone it as much as possible. Riley had a mission much more important than that: to get into her neighbor’s good graces. The thought of confronting the large, intimidating man once again made her stomach lurch and her body tremble with anxiety, but if she didn’t try there was a good chance she – as well as her rescues - would be homeless in less than a few weeks. So, once her home affairs were sorted, she quickly caught up with her skincare routine, replaced her sweatpants with simple jeans and her tank top for a warm sweater, and leashed an excited young German shepherd she was currently housing to head out to the nearest grocery store.
The early morning daylight barely lit up the dim hallway as she fiddled with her keys and gently tried to push the cat’s head inside the apartment with her foot.
“I’ll be back soon Milo” she whispered softly to the stray cat, trying to lock the door as she fought against the dog’s leash. “Alright, alright…we’re going. Calm down Rex.”
The dog’s tail wagged furiously as he pulled on the leash, sniffing his way across the floor. He barked loudly once he caught the scent of a spot that interested him, and she quickly shushed him, terrified he’d bother the neighbours and get her into more trouble. But just as she was about to pull him towards the staircase, her eyes widened in horror as she watched the young dog squat down quickly on a rug. Her next-door neighbor’s rug. The large, intimidating, broody man. The man she was supposed to impress.
“No no no, please don’t!” she frantically tried to pull on the leash, accessing some sort of damage control if he at least did it in the middle of the hallway instead of right in front of the door, but Rex seemed hellbound on dropping it right there.
“Fuck!” she quickly dropped to her knees, pulling out her dog poo bag and fisting it as fast as humanly possible. Her heart thumped heavily in her chest as she heard the door open right in front of her. Riley felt her mouth dry and her stomach drop. Even Rex stood still, sitting obediently as if he hadn’t just ruined her chances of thriving in that place. She looked up with doe eyes, a deer caught in the headlights as the man in the black facemask stared down blankly at her figure.
“Did your dog just take a dump on my doorstep?” Simon asked gruffly, dark eyes directed at the young woman’s, as her hand was quite literally deep in shit.
“I-I…” her mouth hung open as she tried to find a hundred different excuses at the same time. “I’m so sorry…” Was the best she could come up with.
Simon cocked his head to the right and stared at her in silence as if trying to make her feel as awkward and uncomfortable as possible. She looked so vulnerable and anxious; it was almost endearing.
She squirmed beneath his intense gaze as she scraped the steaming hot turd as efficiently as possible – to no effect, as it only ingrained itself deeper within the rug’s fibers. “I was just about to take him for a walk…He’s young and still learning and-”
“And?” he teased, interrupting her.
“And I promise I’ll wash your rug! Fuck, I’ll get you a new one if it makes this better!” She looked like she could cry, and Simon was enjoying it.
Just as she was awkwardly getting up, bag full of shit in hand, they heard angry, heavy footsteps coming up the stairs.
“Uh-oh… Here comes trouble.” Simon mocked, extremely interested in the outcome of the next few minutes, leaning against his doorframe, and crossing his arms over his chest.
“Oh, it’s alright…I’m sure Mrs. Parsons will warm up to me…eventually…” the young woman smiled nervously.
The old woman made way through the corridor with her usual scowl and her robe tightly wrapped around her scrawny form, newspaper in hand. She gave Simon’s next-door neighbor and her dog a disgusted look, before indignantly ignoring them.
“Good morning Mrs-”
“Fuck off.” Mrs. Parsons cut her off before she had even finished the sentence, and Simon stifled a chuckle.
“Lovely…” she muttered under her breath, that defeated look back on her face. Her puffy eyes looked worse than in their previous encounter and she forced a smile as if trying to lighten up the mood. “I’m about to get some groceries. I’ll get you that new rug on the way back.”
“Look…” Simon started with a deep sigh, taking a long look behind him at his uninhabited-looking apartment before looking at his wristwatch. “I’m actually in need of some groceries myself. If you help me out, I’ll slide all this under the rug.”
She blinked once in shock, as if trying to comprehend if he was being serious or not. His deadpan expression didn’t help.
“It’s a joke kiddo, lighten’up yeah?” he rolled his eyes at her, before reaching into his back pocket for his wallet.
“Oh…haha” She allowed herself to giggle nervously and rolled back her shoulders, trying to shake the discomfort and relax under his gaze. “Sure, I could do that. Just make me a list of what you need.”
“That’s where it gets complicated. I need everything. I got back from deployment yesterday an’ have nothing to live on.” Simon explained as he passed the young woman 200 pounds in cash. Her eyes went wide as she held the money in her free hand, the stinky bag still occupying the other.
“I don’t know what you like…And you don’t even know me. What if I stole all your money?” she asked and he faked an intimidating glare.
“Well kid, I know where you live.”
He shut the door on her face and the dog whined softly as if disappointed by the man’s sudden absence.
The young woman sighed deeply.
“You and me both buddy.”
A/N: I hope you guys are enjoying it :) they're about to get closer real soon...
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bejeweledblondie · 1 year
Red Blooded Patriot
Simon “Ghost” Riley x F! Reader
Summary: it’s 1778, the American Revolution is in full effect. Y/N is the daughter of a wealthy land owner & loyalist in New Jersey just right outside New York City. While her father is a loyalist she’s a closeted patriot. During one her home gets caught in the cross fire & she’s rescued by a masked red coat carrying an axe
Warnings: this is just pure filth so idk what warnings to put tbh
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Weehawken, New Jersey 1778
There Y/N sat rocking away in her rocking chair overlooking the New York harbor. Fanning herself to keep cool in the heat. She adjusted herself as her corset was starting to create a smaller layer of sweat. It was June, & the humidity was atrocious. A small sigh escaped her lips as she turned to look at her father. The Baron smiled back at his daughter, she was one of the most beautiful women in the colonies. The men in the village would often stop their tasks to watch her walk by. Her innocence was radiating off of her, as she was a newly turned woman. The one thing the Baron was struggling to find was a eligible bachelor for his daughter. Most of men that he found somewhat suitable were dowry chasers. It was causing quite an issue for him as he was getting older & nearly lost his life to the flu last winter.
There moment was interrupted by the sound of canon fire in the harbor. Soon musket fire was heard in the distance. The Baron called out to his workers in the field to drop their tasks & find shelter in the house. He didn’t want any of them losing their lives, some of their servitudes would be paid off shortly & he wanted them to live. Y/N quickly gathered some of the smaller children of the workers & they started to all gather inside the home. Now with a musket in his hand her father made everyone get into the cellar.
“Y/N, my dear,” He said grabbing her head in his hands. “Whatever you do, do not open the door. I’m going to quickly get where I keep the extra gun powder & musket balls.” She nodded & hugged him tightly. Tears were streaming down her rosy cheeks as she watched him leave. The musket fire grew louder & closer. She ran to a window to see what was happening. Crimson red coats started to appear on the wood line. She gasped & watched as some patriots started to run towards the house.
“Dear God.” She whispered as the patriots started break in the door. Absolutely petrified, she took off running towards the kitchen & out the back door. The sound of war was raging behind her & it was deafening. With her skirts in hand she tried to run as fast as she possibly could. She accidentally tripped on the hem of one of her petticoats & fell twisting her ankle. Sobbing out & screaming for help her cries fell on deaf ears. A ragged man in a blue tattered coat appeared out from behind a tree & Y/N spotted him. “Oh sir please help!” She sobbed out. “My ankle I can’t move it.” He had a wicked grin on his face.
“You’re the Baron’s daughter right?” He asked with a wicked tone. A chill ran down her spine, his man was not here to help her.
“Yes.” She replied. “But my ankle sir, please help.” She begged.
“Oh I’ll help with your ankle as long as you help me.” He replied. Her eyes widened knowing what he was insinuating as grabbed his crotch. She let out a ear piercing scream for help as he threw himself on top of her.
Lieutenant Simon “Ghost” Riley had been across the field on horseback when he heard the scream. He had gained quite the reputation over the past year. His nickname, “Ghost” was given to him by the patriots his stealth & aim made him a feared man on the battlefield. He even started to don a mask to help conceal his identity.
“Cmon Riley,” He commanded & his horse took off towards where he had heard the scream. He noticed a couple of yards away a young woman was lying down on the ground. Clearly fearful & trying to fend off the advances of the patriot soldier on top of her. He grabbed the axe he had become infamous for using from his belt. The neigh of his horse drew the attention of both the woman & the patriot soldier. Before the soldier could even react Simon rode up on him & swoop down with the axe hitting him directly in the chest. The woman let out another ear piercing scream as the man’s blood splattered all over her floral dress. The patriot got up stumbling & groaned then lolled over in the grass, axe still in his chest. “Woah, boy.” Simon commanded as he tugged on Riley’s reigns.
Y/N now covered in blood was sobbing even louder. Her ankle was in excruciating pain & she was still trying to process what had happened. She heard the neigh of a horse & looked up. The man who had murdered the patriot was getting off of his horse. Her sobbing grew quieter as she watched him remove the axe from the man’s sternum with a crunch. Then he started to make his way over to her, panic started to course her veins. She tried to get up but groaned out after trying to put pressure on her ankle. With eyes closed she shuttered at that thought she too was to have the bloodied axe lodged in her chest. She felt his presence as he squatted down to look at her. Still shaking from fear, she opened her eyes. The masked red coat was staring right into her eyes.
“Are you alright miss?” He asked out of genuine concern. She shook her head no afraid to speak. “I bear no ill will, I just heard your cry for help & rode over.” He explained.
“Oh thank the lord,” she replied clutching the cross that rested upon her cleavage. “My ankle is broken I believe, I can’t get up.” She stated. The battle seemed to have started to die off as the sounds of musket fire started to dwindled.
“Let me take a look,” he said & grabbed her ankle. She hissed out in pain as he started to twist her ankle to examine it. “It’s not broken thankfully, but it’s definitely sprained.” He explained. “Let me take you the house where we’re being quartered for proper medical aid.” Simon placed the axe in a hostler on his belt & scooped the woman up in his arms. He walked over to were Riley was, Y/N holding her arms around his neck for dear life. He placed her on his saddle sideways then mounted his horse. With one hand on Y/N’s waist & one hand on the reigns they started towards the estate. She blushed how close she was to him, & how his hand held onto her waist so tightly. Y/N was familiar with the estate as it was a friend of her father’s.
Once there Simon hopped off of Riley, & carried Y/N into the house. They were greeted by the gentleman that owned the property & she was immediately brought upstairs to one of the bed chambers. Simon placed her down on the bed & one of the maids started to tend to her.
“I’ll come back up later to see how you’re doing,” He said, & turned away to go back downstairs to brief General Cornwallis.
“Wait,” Y/N choked out. “I never got your name.” He stopped in his tracks & turned around.
“Lieutenant Riley miss,” He replied with a bow. “And you?”
“My name is Y/N L\N.” She replied.
“I’ll be back up just after we’ve finished dinner.” After the maids had gotten her out of the blood stained dress & tended to her ankle they started to draw her a bath. Lord knows she needed one desperately. She needed to wash away whatever she had experienced today, except Simon. The masked lieutenant intrigued her. Being a gentle woman of society she never really had any experience with men other than suitors her father picked out for her. To see a man so rugged but yet so powerful save her swirled around her head.
She rested further up against the cloth draped tub. The view from the bed chamber she was in was immaculate. It overlooked the Hudson River & into Manhattan. Mixed with the candles surrounding her created the perfect ambiance for relaxation. One of the maids came in to pour more hot water into her bath, & even sprinkled in some citrus scent. Y/N was so enamored with the view she didn’t even notice the sound of a knock at the door, & the handle turning.
Simon had just finished his dinner, & had full intentions of going upstairs to check on the woman he had rescued. His fellow officers teased him a bit about his worry, & made crude comments about him deflowering her. He stood at her bed chamber door & knocked. No response. He tried again but again silence. He knew better then to walk in on a lady, but his anxiety was eating him alive to know how she was doing. As soon as he opened the door he regretted it. There was she was admiring the view from her window, naked in a bath tub.
Y/N felt a presence behind her, & thinking it was a maid turned around. To her shock there stood Lieutenant Riley.
“Oh my-“ She gasped & cupped her bare breasts trying to conceal her bosom. She was thankful her bottom half was conceal by the water & tub.
“Oh miss I do apologize.” He stammered out. “I just wanted to see how you were doing. I best be leaving.”
“No wait!” Y/N said & sunk lower into the tub. “Stay, just close the door behind you.” He closed the door & locked the knob then took a seat on the sofa that sat in the middle of the room facing the lit fireplace. He could feel his trousers getting tighter as he took in the sight of the young woman. She looked ethereal like, those Grecian painting of Aphrodite or nymph. “You were right about my ankle. It’s a sprain.” Y/N said. He was still absolutely speechless at the sight in front of him. She rest her arms on the edge of the tub & laid her head down. “Why do you wear that mask?” She asked.
“To conceal my identity,” Simon replied. “I want to leave a peaceful life off the battlefield. I’ve taken many men’s lives in combat & I don’t want to die being avenged for some patriot.”
“I understand,” Y/N replied. “I just wish I could see your face, you saved me I have no one to avenge.” She bit her lip & that nearly set him over the edge.
“That’s true,” Simon replied gulping. “I mean it is kind of hot in here.” He said. “To hell with it.” He said & started to remove the mask some of the strings got tangled & he was clearly struggling to undo the knots.
“Come her silly,” She said & motioned for him to come over. Simon walked over to the tub trying to not look over the edge & kneeled down with his back turned to her. She very easily undid each knot & finally the mask was removed. He turned around & she let out a quiet gasp.
“What?” He replied confused as to what she was gasping at. His dirty blonde hair was all messed up & his cerulean eyes started back at her. She ran a wet hand over his cheek.
“You’re very handsome.” She replied blushing, taking in her very vulnerable state. Simon still fully dressed in his officers uniform & her nude as the day she was born. “Why don’t you join me?” She asked motioning to the tub. Her boldness surprised the both of them. It was almost as if Aphrodite herself took over.
“Oh I can’t-“ Simon started. He was cut by her standing up displaying her full wet figure to him. Her breasts were so plump & round they sat beautifully on her chest. His eyes trailed down to her well kept pubic area & took in the sight of her pussy. She grabbed one of his hands and placed it on her left breast.
“I want you to join me.” She said & squeezed his hand on her breast. He pulled his hand away & started to take off his boots then the rest of his officers uniform. He climbed into the bath & took in the hot water. Hell he couldn’t remember the last time he took a hot bath, even the officers for the British army weren’t granted the luxury of hot bath water. Y/N scooted over towards him & he placed his hands on her waist pulling her in against his chest. She wrapped her arms around his neck & pulled him in for a deep kiss. His manhood was resting up against her inner thigh & was teasing her with every little movement. When they both came up for air she decided to drop the bombshell.
“Lieutenant, there’s something you should know,” she started. “I’m a virgin.” He was surprised she was a wealthy young woman who was waiting for a man to be suitable for her father. The most she had probably done was kiss a man.
“That’s alright,” he replied. “But do you want this?”
“Yes,” She replied softly kissing him again. He brought one hand down to start playing with her pussy. A soft moan escaped her lips at the new sensation. “What are you doing?” She gasped out.
“I’m getting you ready for me,” he replied. “It’ll hurt more if I don’t darling.” He pushed one finger into her virgin cunt & started to pump. She whimpered into his shoulder & gripped into his biceps.
“Lieutenant, Christ.” She moaned. He kept pumping his finger in & out then added a second one. She let out an even louder whimper & he clamped a hand over her mouth.
“We can’t have that love now can we?” He asked. “Lord knows what they’d all do if they knew I was about to deflower you.” He pulled his fingers out & then helped her adjust her hips so it was right over his cock. “Now you still want to do this?” He asked for reassurance.
“Yes, I want this,” she whispered.
“It may hurt a bit love,” He explained. “We’ll take it little by little, okay?” She nodded in reply. He held his cock straight & helped her push down slowly. The pressure & the wonderful ache between her legs was euphoric. A small whimper escaped her lips as little by little she sank lower. Then they reached her hymen. “This may hurt the most love.” He said as he felt he barrier. “Remember little by little.” Slowly she felt him pop her cherry. She felt her barrier rip causing a painful sensation to shoot through her body. Her head was practically hidden in Simon’s neck as he finally pushed all the way in.
“You’re so big, Jesus.” She mumbled into his neck. He chucked a bit at her comment causing a vibrating sensation to make his cock twitch in her.
“I’m going to start moving you up & down love,” He said & slowly started to pull her up & down on his cock. The tight sensation of her virgin pussy made him grit his teeth. “Sweet mother of Mary.” He hissed as she slowly bounced up & down. The water around them sloshed the more she moved. His eyes darted down to her chest were her breasts were bouncing up & down. He brought his hands up to them & started to play with them. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head at the new sensation.
“You close love?” He asked as he took in the view of her. Her body radiated under the candle light.
“Oh God yes,” She sighed. “I’m about to-“ She cut herself off as she released all over him. He kept bouncing her up & down helping her through her orgasm.
“Darling I’m close to,” He grunted. It had been months since he had been with a woman, let alone a virgin. She was squeezing him so tightly. “Lord I’m about to release as well.” He groaned. He felt his cock start to twitch inside of her as he painted her cervix white. She fell into his chest & he wrapped his armed around her. They both smiled at each other & share little intimate kisses.
“Miss I have some warm water oh my-,” One of the maids started as she walked in on you two. “Oh I’ll be back later.” She said clearly embarrassed by intruding & closed the door. The two of you started to laugh a little at the situation.
“The whole house will know what we’ve done by the morning.” Simon stated.
“Oh why’s that?” Y/N asked.
“She’s a terrible gossip.” He replied kissing her shoulder.
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welldonebeca · 10 months
Uncertain Grounds **
Summary: After Herogasm, Abby meets Soldier Boy again. This time, though, he doesn’t plan on her leaving his sights again, and she realises there’s more to him than meets the eye.
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Abby breathed in before finally stepping out of the bathroom, leaving her suit inside and just wrapping a robe around herself, and frowned when her ears caught glass clicking.
"Ben?" she was back in the living room.
He raised a glass, drinking her bourbon.
"You got nice taste," he hummed.
Her face heated up and she tried to pull her robe tighter around herself, as if to conceal her body from him, but it was like Ben could see right through her.
"Come here " he instructed, patting his thigh.
When her powers emerged at a young age, it felt like any delicate detail of her was ripped right out of her hands.
She was strong and she knew it, and maybe to some, it was liberating, but her mother always reminded her of how she wasn’t a real woman and no one would ever see her as one.
But there Ben was, making her feel small with just a simple movement of his hand.
"What's up with that robe?" he asked, relaxing back.
He was shirtless. She could see his flawless skin underneath, stomach a little soft over his muscles and just overall stupidly tempting.
He smirked, pulling her to seat her on his lap.
"You want me to unwrap you like a present again?"
Her face flushed and he smirked.
"Soldier…" she sighed.
He hummed, shaking his head.
"Ben," he corrected her.
Abby looked away, and he moved his hands up to her body, caressing her hips and then pushed her robe away.
"Perfect," he hummed. "Never found a woman this hot, you know?"
"What about countess?" she asked, not able to hold back her tongue.
He snorted
"I don't even fuck countess," he moved his hand up her stomach. "Not since I got a taste of you."
She wanted to doubt him. He was fucking Soldier Boy, he could have any girl he wanted.
Why would he-
But her thought process stopped when he captured her lips, kissing her deeply.
She moaned, letting his tongue slide in as one of his hands just threw her robe down, fondling her breasts in his rough hands.
"How wet are you for me?" he purred, pulling away from her lips and taking a hand down between her legs, and Abby gasped when he parted her folds with his finger. "Hm, baby... were you this wet when you saw me come to the rescue?"
"No," she protested, and whined when he pushed a finger into her.
He clicked his tongue.
"I don't think you weren't, baby," he decided. "I think you want me to take you right there. Could fuck you right in front of the reporters and you'd just take me."
She moaned.
"Ben," she protested.
Was he crazy?
He pushed a second finger into her, opening them and slowly fucking her.
"I could have laid you out on the hood of that police car and fucked you right there," he smirked, lips moving to her neck, kissing and teasing her skin. "Letting them all get the good angles of my cock fucking this pussy."
Abby couldn’t stop her brain from conjuring the images. It would’ve been so dirty, everyone would know that soldier boy fucked her, that he liked fucking her.
It made her gush at the thought of everyone knowing, but the embarrassment was still there. What would Vought say? It wouldn’t be good for either of their images.
"Ben!" she yelped, feeling a pinch in her clit.
“You’re thinking too loud, baby doll," he pulled his fingers out and lifted her. "No thoughts, just cock, baby."
He lifted her up, standing and wrapping her legs around his waist and making Abby gasp.
"Hold on, pretty doll," he commanded simply, not even looking like he was breaking a sweat as he walked to her room.
Ben closed her door shut with his foot and put her in her bed, smirking and taking off his pants quickly.
"I'm gonna fuck you so hard you'll feel it for days," he promised, tossing his clothes back. "Nothing will ever be better than my cock inside you, pretty doll. You'll never be able to get yourself off if not just rubbing that pretty bud because of how addicted you are to me."
. . .
"Uncertain Grounds" is a 12-part Soldier Boy series coming out this December! To have early access to it (and a few other smutty Soldier Boy and many other stories) now, subscribe to my Patreon, it's just $2 a month and I promise you won't regret it.
You wanna be the first notified when a chapter comes out here on Tumblr? DM me and ask to be added to the tag list. You can also follow me on AO3 and get an email notification every time I update a story.
. . .
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aviolettrose · 6 months
So I once posted an idea about the Arkham Knight timeline, and I have another idea for it
(Triggerwarnings for mentioned SA, vomit and things you shouldn't do with it, and torture)
(It will get dark, I'm not going into detail but the stuff is still dark)
(please look out for your own safety and scroll further as soon as you get uncomfortable)
Bruce rescues Jason after locking the Joker up into Blackgate.
The Joker taunted that B's little bird doesn't scream like he used to, and Bruce just freezes and goes to Arkham where he finds Jason completely injured and unresponsive.
Bruce brings Jason to the Justice League Station (because he doesn't trust anyone else more with his son at the moment), and there he gets the needed medical attention.
Jason needs a wheelchair, he can't use his hands properly (he also has different kind of injuries), and he doesn't really talk to anyone (only to:
-Diana, because she was his childhood hero and she's the only thing that never changed in his entire life;
- Barbara, because it's his fault she is in a wheelchair she was the first person that he trusted when he moved into the manor (because she's a woman and he only trusted women back than due to trauma he got by men in Crime Alley) and it greated an special bond between them;
- Alfred because it's Alfred).
The younger members try to get him to talk but Jason looks at them empty as if he doesn't really believe that they're there with him and it freaks them out.
Jason can't really eat. After just eating either rotten food or living things (like mice), his gut can't keep normal food in (it's normal actually, when the gut gets only weird things or nothing, it needs time to accept normal food, that's why you have to eat light food at first like chicken, rice and so on).
Dick and his team (either the Titans or the young justice team, whoever you prefer, tbh) tried to eat with him once, but Jason threw up into the trashbin. He was only able to because Dick saw that something was wrong and caught on, on time, and held the bin.
(Jason had a panic attack afterward because he thought that they're going to force him to eat it, like they did)
Then Dinah tries a therapy session, but he just looks her deep in the eyes and says , "The last therapist I saw graped me. Are you going to grape me too?"
Dinah tries to gain his trust by saying stuff like, "I would never do something, you don't want to. If you want, I can talk to Diana and ask her if she can be with us as your support. Do you rather wanna talk to her instead of me? "
However Jason just replies,
"If I ask you to kill me and to finally release me from my pain, would you do it?"
And Dinah just excuses herself, and as she leaves the room, because tears threaten to come out of her eyes and she can't cry in front of a patient.
(She cries because Jason is a child, let's say about 14 or 15, he came to Arkham when he was 13, and he shouldn't ask people to k¡ll him)
(Jason also leaves the room after her because he knew that she was lying and wouldn't help him. No one wants to help him)
Clark once wanted to help him with his physiotherapy, and Jason just started to scream at him that he should leave, but Clark didn't leave, so Jason started to crush this man's mentality with question.
"Why won't you leave me alone?! Did you enjoy it so much to hear me suffer that you want an encore?"
"Did you like the way I threw the rotten food up? Or how they fed me with rats and cockroaches?"
"Did you enjoy it to hear me scream when he pulled out my nails?"
"Did you enjoy it to hear me getting waterboarded and electrocuted?"
"Did you enjoyed my screams when they graped me? I bet it get you off. Did you listened to me getting g@ng graped while you slept with your wife?"
And Clark Kent, Superman himself, started to cry, knelt down on his knees and started to apologize to Jason, (who sat in his wheelchair and just looked at him with so, so, so much hate) telling him that he hadn't heard him the whole time and that if he did he would have been the first person to show up to help.
But he wasn't the one who showed up and rescued him.
It was his dad
He doesn't know how to feel about Bruce. Yes, he rescued him, but he is also the reason he was there, but he replaced him after three months, as if he meant nothing.
Jason hates Tim.
He calls Tim pretender and taunts him every time he sees him.
"Do you really believe that you're soo much better than me?"
"It's just a question of time when he replaces you, like he did with Dickiebird and me."
"You're nothing special."
(In reality, he tries to get Tim to quit so he doesn't end up like Jason)
(And it hits Tim really hard because he admires Jason, and Tim tried to tell Jason that if he wants Robin back, he can, but Jason just scoffs because no one should be Robin. Robin died in Arkham, and that's it.)
(Here's a list of all the torture that happened, I got it sent by @caramel----comforter (<3), so please look take a look by both blogs if you've time)
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captainjackscoat · 2 months
my Once Upon A Time
Rumplestiltskin could predict the future. He didn't have to make the deal, but he chose to. He saw that the woman would become abusive towards her daughter, so he asked for her child so he could protect it.
The child was called Belle. Rumplestiltskin raised Belle as his own daughter and she was very happy.
Hansel and Gretel are orphans who can imagine things into existence. They run away from the orphanage, to find an exiled witch, who tries to feed them despite not having much herself. They imagine a gingerbread house into existence, and the witch adopts them.
One day, the witch disappears, and the villagers destroy the house. Without the witch to take care of them, Hansel and Gretel are alone and distraught. They attempt to imagine a world for them to live in, away from the people who want to hurt them. However, they imagine different worlds, and so the siblings are separated.
Hansel and Gretel's names are actually Peter and Alice. Peter imagines a world with pirates and mermaids and lost boys. Alice imagines a world with tea parties and talking caterpillars and painted roses.
The witch disappeared because she was trapped inside a mirror.
Aurora is forced to marry the prince of a neighbouring kingdom and turns to Maleficent for help.
Snow White loves Aurora. Snow's aunt, Maleficent, tries to help out by introducing the two. Aurora's fairy godmother, secretly an evil queen, doesn't approve and curses both girls into eternal sleep.
Prince Charming is childhood best friends with Snow. He kisses her forehead, which wakes her up. Snow attempts to kiss Aurora, but the nature of the curse means that she cannot go near Aurora. Aurora remains asleep.
Prince Charming doesn't go after the mystery princess and is forced to marry Snow after saving her. However, he rather likes newest servant girl - who is Cinderella, of course.
Ursula rescues the mermaid girls from their abusive father, Triton. They seek aid from above. The humans help them overthrow Triton, and the seas are divided so each of the princesses rule a different part. The sea and the land are now united.
Triton returns to his wife, the Evil Queen.
Goldilocks is homeless, and hides in the bears' house after being caught stealing food. When the bears return, they take pity on her and offer to take care of her. Goldilocks is raised by the bears.
Pinnochio was once a real boy who was cursed by the blue fairy (evil queen) after Gepetto refused to build the Magic Mirror for her. Gepetto builds a portal to send Pinnochio somewhere where a puppet can live. Pinnochio lands in Wonderland as a living puppet who can see through lies.
Alice, also known as The White Queen, falls in love with a madman who has an obsession with hats. Her adoptive sister, The Queen Of Hearts, is busy weaving a romance for a girl called Belle.
Belle, who lives with her inventor father Rumplestiltskin, gets sucked into one of her books. She falls in love with a character known as The Beast, and she becomes a fairy to free them from their curse. However, she can't stay with them, and she returns to the real world, and to her father.
Little Red Riding Hood is raised by the Werewolf, but she gets lost when she's little and the Werewolf thinks she intentionally ran away. The mother adopts her, and the Werewolf is really angry believing that the humans stole his child, and he swears revenge on the family.
Little Red Riding Hood meets a girl with golden hair who speaks Bear.
Rapunzel is a trans girl who is desperate to transition, but she is cursed to be stuck looking like a boy. Her adoptive mother is a sorceress who rescued her from an evil witch who wanted revenge on the vain royal family. She tells her mother that she is in fact a woman, and her mother searches for a spell to transition her.
Teenage Peter Pan flies to other worlds in search of his sister, but doesn't find her. However, he does find other girls and helps them. For example, a young princess called Rapunzel, who he brings back to Neverland for a little while and teaches her confidence, or Belle, who brings her father and chooses to stay with Peter, becoming the inventor fairy known as Tinkerbelle.
The Gingerbread House Witch is still trapped inside the Magic Mirror, which is unstable because it was made with dark magic. Maleficent employs Gepetto to study the Mirror, so she can free the Gingerbread House Witch, and hopefully find a way to wake up Aurora. She promises to restore Pinnochio if he helps, so he agrees.
The Werewolf finds Red Riding Hood and she remembers him. She takes him to meet her human family.
Peter Pan falls in love with a handsome teenage pirate captain.
Pinnochio lives with Hatter and Alice in Wonderland, and The Queen Of Hearts is now trying to fix things for Tinkerbelle.
Tinkerbelle falls in love with Peter's newest friend, Wendy, who can see dreams and stories.
Gepetto and Maleficent free the Gingerbread House Witch from the mirror, and they build another portal to Wonderland to try and find Pinnochio. Gepetto and Pinnochio reunite, as do the Gingerbread House Witch and Peter.
Maleficent stays behind to try and cure Aurora.
Charming, Cinderella and Snow go into the enchanted forest to try and find a cure for Aurora, and they find Red Riding Hood and Goldilocks, who help them survive in the forest. They meet the Dwarves who run an inn.
The Evil Queen and Triton discover Wonderland.
Charming, Cinderella and Snow leave the forest after finding nothing, to discover everyone else has gone to Wonderland and Maleficent is helping Aurora alone.
While the Queen of Hearts is trying to help Tinkerbelle, she spots Peter, and shows Alice, who tries to get to him but the Evil Queen smashes the Looking Glass.
Wendy begins to see the dreams of Aurora, and shows Tinkerbelle. Tinkerbelle makes the Captain's ship fly, and they ride Aurora's dreams into Aurora's world, where they meet Maleficent, Charming, Cinderella and Snow.
Peter trades his immortality, giving half his life to Aurora to wake her up.
Tinkerbelle, Peter, the Captain, Rumplestiltskin, Maleficent, Wendy, Aurora, Snow, Charming, Cinderella and the Lost Boys go through the portal to Wonderland.
Peter, Alice, and the Gingerbread House Witch reunite. Yay!
Pinnochio reveals that Cinderella is the mystery princess, and she confesses her love for Charming
Triton sends his whole army of sea creatures and monsters.
Rumplestiltskin and Tinkerbelle build weapons for Alice's army
The Hatter and Cinderella make the armour
Wendy, Charming and the Lost Boys take care of the people
A crocodile tries to get to Peter, but the Captain takes his place. The crocodile bites off the Captain's hand.
There's a fair bit of fighting
Triton cuts off Maleficent's wings
Aurora and Snow raise an army of animals, the ravens supporting Maleficent and being her wings.
Triton becomes the Kraken, but he is defeated by the Gingerbread House Witch, who sends him god knows where.
The Evil Queen becomes the Jabberwocky, attacking Wonderland. The Queen Of Hearts fights her, cutting off the Jabberwocky's head and causing the Evil Queen to take her mortal form.
The Evil Queen makes one last desperate attempt, threatening to burn Pinnochio if they don't surrender
Geppeto becomes furious, sending the Evil Queen into a portal that causes her to fall to her death.
All curses are lifted.
The Captain takes a piece of Triton's trident and attaches it to a piece of metal, then attaches that to his hand. It looks like a hook, but it looks cool, so he keeps it.
Peter and Alice imagine hard enough that they manage to combine Neverland and Wonderland into one huge world. In the centre of it all, there is a Gingerbread Palace.
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yarnnerdally · 9 months
Okay. Just Astarion fluff. Tavi is one of my OCs and just... yeah. She's a mom. So. Do what you will with that information.
Total WC: 2.8k
“You write an awful lot of letters, you know.” Tavi gasped as Astarion had crept up behind her and let out the breath she had taken in so quickly, hand over her racing heart. “Perhaps a curse of being a bard? So many words to get out, so little time.”
“Gods, Astarion. Just because you're good at sneaking about doesn't mean you should,” she murmured, shifting another piece of paper on top of what she'd been writing. His brow rose and he smirked.
“Ooh, a secret letter? To a lover back home, no doubt,” he teased. To his surprise she merely rolled her eyes, not a speck of pink to be seen on her freckled cheeks. “No? I find that quite hard to believe, darling. As far as high elves go, and I should know, you're stunning.”
“Contrary to popular belief, bards do not have beaus in every major city,” Tavi said with a small huff as she folded the letter away. He watched as she carefully rolled it and sealed it with wax. “Family. If you must know.”
Astarion hummed with amusement, analyzing her every movement. Tavi was young by elven standards at only 120 years old. Just about half his age. And gods, was she beautiful. Of course he'd felt lust for others before of his own volition, but her wit and way with words was slowly wearing him down. He was curious of her; so open in many aspects of her life but her family, apparently. Then again, they'd only met a ten-day past.
The next few days seemed to fly as they prepared to rescue the druid Halsin and destroy the goblin camp. A perfectly good waste of their time, in his opinion, but his thoughts on the matter were easily outweighed. The party afterwards, however… he had to admit some good came of it. His words were practiced as he wooed her with the promise of a mind blowing night of love making and, though she saw through it, make love they did. There was a stirring in him now that he couldn't shake, especially on the nights where she offered herself to him freely to feed from. Objectively a bad idea, but of course he wouldn't turn it down.
The next time he saw her writing after destroying the goblin camp it was obvious she was upset. Her writing was faster, her brow furrowed as she focused. He smirked as he realized the opportunity he had and crept up behind her again. He had only gotten a glimpse of the name before her arm swung out and connected with his face. She turned and gasped as she saw it was Astarion and hurried her apologies, standing to look over his face with concern.
“I am so, so sorry. Are you alright? Gods, I've been so jumpy lately,” she apologized, her hand on his cheek. He chuckled and shook his head.
“I should have seen that coming. I'm sorry, darling,” he said smoothly, his hand coming up to smooth the crease from between her brows. He knew she trusted him, so why he felt the need to play the long game, he wasn't sure. And if he wasn't playing… well, that was something he didn't want to think about. “Working on a new song?” He played dumb, though not dumb enough, apparently.
“How much of it were you able to read before I clocked you?” She asked, her mouth a flat line and her single eyebrow questioning him. He had been caught out. Underneath the annoyance there was some other emotion. Worry, obviously. But anxiety?
“Just the name. Aurelia. Quite a pretty name. Sister? Mother? Aunt?” He went on guessing, his self-assuredness beginning to peter off as a softer look of melancholy replaced her previous annoyance. She shook her head and took a slightly unsteady breath. Taking his hands she sat on the log again, guiding him to sit down with her.
“My daughter.”
“Your… what?” Had he heard her right? Her daughter. She had a daughter in Baldur's Gate. A child. Astarion's throat felt tight in contrast to his wide expression. He was sleeping with a woman who had a child. He blinked a little as he tried to gather words for this. As far as he knew, no one else at camp knew. Not even Karlach, who, for all intents and purposes, was Tavi's best friend.
“My daughter. Aurelia. And… I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.” Her expression was sad, with a tinge of regret and he immediately decided he didn't like it. Not one bit. Yes, this was all to gain her trust but…
“No, it's… I understand. To a degree, anyways. I mean,” he gave a short laugh, confused. “We've all confided in you now about our struggles. But no one but me knows this now.” He took her hand that was shaking a little and held it.
“I didn't…” she shook her head. “Everyone else is dealing with so much already. And my daughter is safe with my parents. Somehow I became the de facto leader of this band of misfits and I need to be there for everyone.” It clicked for Astarion as he noted the slight bags under her eyes. Everyone went to Tavi with their worries and woes, but who did she go to?
“Darling, I may not be a genius on interpersonal relationships, but one cannot pour from an empty cup.” His words were soft as he noticed the way her eyes began to glisten slightly. She took a steadying breath and turned her head to wipe at her eye.
“I also didn't say anything because I… I don't want you to feel obligated, or… gods, I don't know what I'm saying now,” she laughed, thought it was watery as she sniffed and took her hand back to wipe at both of her eyes. He found himself bringing his own hand to her cheek and cupping it, his thumb brushing away an errant tear.
“It's… alright. I honestly don't blame you,” he murmured, feeling that stirring again as she closed her eyes and leaned into his touch. Well, shit. She opened her eyes and gave him a sweet, lopsided smile. Shit, shit, shit. “The idea could… grow on me. But,” he shifted gears, gently grasping her chin. “This means you're not allowed to bottle things up anymore. If I'm not allowed to, you're certainly not either.” She giggled and nodded and he could feel its infectious nature. “I do have some questions.”
Tavi nodded, her hand naturally finding his as they sat by the fire. “Of course. I wouldn't ask you to accept this part of me blindly.” Gods, did she have to be so adorable?
“First. Well, her name is Aurelia. Which is beautiful. Second. How old is she?” Tavi rubbed the back of her neck, her cheeks flushing lightly.
“She's eight. And she looks almost just like me. She just doesn't have as many freckles,” she said, smiling now that she was able to talk about her daughter freely.
“Third. Her father?” Her shift from a smile to a slight scowl told him volumes.
“Is a twat and I haven't seen him in seven years. He left just after I had Aurelia. It was… rough. I mean, I was one hundred and seventeen. We'd only been together for a year,” she said. Her hand tightened around Astarion's subconsciously. “My parents… they were upset at first, obviously, when I told them. But, they love her so much it's hard to tell they were ever upset about it.” A loving, caring family. It was unfamiliar territory for Astarion. Though, he found an anger rising in his chest towards Tavi's previous partner. How could he just abandon her like that? With a newborn?
“He sounds like a real charmer. Perhaps it's better he's gone, though I would love to meet him,” he murmured, his distaste evident. Tavi grinned and leaned in, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“See? I told you the other day. You're sweet when you want to be.” Gods, she was going to be the second death of him. He caught her face before she moved away and smirked as she saw the shift of emotion in her eyes.
“Would my sweet little treat like to see just how sweet I can be?” He purred, grinning as he heard her breath catch. In a split second her lips were on his.
“Finally, away from everyone for a godsdamned minute,” Astarion mumbled to himself as he roamed around the shops and market stalls of the Lower City of Baldur's Gate. Despite the joy of his current freedom, his thoughts consistently drifted back to Tavi. He was, despite his original intentions, hopelessly in love with her. They had destroyed Cazador in his lair. They solved the murder of that stupid clown. He shuddered at the memory and pushed it away as quickly as possible.
He wandered down familiar streets in a new and figurative light, feeling calmer and happier than he ever remembered being. This… brightness. It was contagious now. When she smiled, he smiled. She felt like a balm to his heart. Warmth in the purest form. He eyed a jewelers case and the precious things within it. A silver chain with an emerald pendant caught his eye and he smiled softly. This would do. It was understated, but brilliant nonetheless. Just like Tavi.
“Grandpa! This one! Mama would love this,” a little elven girl piped up, coming up next to Astarion at the case. She pointed excitedly at the necklace he had just been eyeing and at first he was going to tell her paws off but then he really looked at her. It… no, surely…
The girl looked up at him and it was as if Tavi was staring at him. The same eyes. The same hair. Less freckles, just like Tavi described her. “Hi! You look nice,” she said with a toothy grin. An older elf hurried over, a look of concern on his face as he apologized for his granddaughters behavior.
“Aurelia.” The name slipped from his mouth before he realized. She smiled even brighter while her grandfather paled before his face became stern.
“Now sir, I don't know how you-”
“I-I'm sorry, sir, I know this seems like a one in a million chance meeting, but I've been traveling with Tavi for the past two months to get back here to Baldur's Gate,” Astarion rushed to explain, not bothering to mask the astonishment at their chance meeting. Aurelia gasped and tugged on her grandfather's coat.
“Grandpa, this is Mr. Astarion! He's got the white hair and fancy coat and everything!” She turned excitedly towards Astarion who, if he could, would have been blushing. “Were you looking at that necklace for mama? Did you two fall in love?” Well, there was her mother's quick wit. “Mama said pretty jewelry like that is nice for special occasions! So I wanted to get it for her when she comes home.” Gods, his heart was melting. He was not overly fond of children simply because he didn't know how to deal with them, per se, but… how could anyone have walked away from Tavi? From Aurelia? He noticed her grandfather looking at him with scrutinizing eyes and cleared his throat a little.
“I, um, yes. I was. I found it complimented her eyes quite nicely.” He saw her grandfather nod just a little, an almost knowing smile on his face though, of course, he knew his… physical characteristics were of concern. There was no doubt he knew precisely what he was and who he was. “I was unaware your mama told you about me in her letters,” he said offhandedly.
Her grandfather gave a small chuckle and clapped his hand on Astarion's shoulder. “Like mother like daughter. Hardly any filter. We… hadn't gotten word from her that she’s back.” Astarion smiled awkwardly.
“We just arrived from Rivington. I have no doubt there's probably a letter waiting for you at home or will be within a day. There are…” Astarion looked over to Aurelia who was talking amiably now with the shop keeper and picking out the emerald pendant necklace. “... a few things we need to get in order before we find residence for the night. I’m not sure how much detail Tavi put into her letters for you.” The older elf nodded and removed his hand. He paid the merchant what was owed for the necklace and Aurelia held it in its small box close to her chest.
“Okay! You have to tell mama that we’re waiting at home for her,” she said adamantly. She fumbled the box as she held out her hand and her pinky finger stuck out. “Pinky promise, Mr. Astarion!” Astarion chuckled under his breath and knelt to her level. He linked his pinky with hers.
“Of course, Miss Aurelia. You have my word. And,” he poked the box, making her giggle. “Your mama is going to be very happy you picked that necklace for her.”
Due to their notoriety within Baldur's Gate at the present moment, it had been decided that Aurelia, along with Tavi's parents, would go to their camp to visit. Tavi paced as she waited, her anxiety winning out over the reassurances from her traveling companions and even Astarion. Scratch followed her for a while before deciding to rest, the pacing even being too much for him.
“My darling, they'll be here soon,” Astarion attempted to soothe her again, intercepting her with a gentle embrace. Since he learned of her daughter, she had slowly told the rest of their traveling party about her. Of course they were excited to meet her but all agreed they needed their space for a family reunion first. She sighed and finally stopped pacing, resting her head on his shoulder.
“I know. I just miss my baby,” she murmured, wrapping her arms around his waist. Astarion hummed and gently rubbed her back.
“I know, love. And she's missed you. And… I happen to know she has a thoughtful gift for you,” he teased softly. Tavi brought her head up, smiling and narrowing her eyes at him. She gave him a small kiss.
“You two are going to be a handful under the same roof,” she chuckled. Astarion's brow quirked up with a smile as she alluded to their future together. Her face shifted as she heard a small voice yelling. She let go of him and turned to the road and whimpered before breaking into a sprint.
“Mama!!!” Aurelia cried, running as fast as her legs would carry her. Tavi called for her and ran faster than Astarion had ever seen and he followed after her at a slower pace. The two met and Tavi went to her knees, both of them crying as she held her daughter tight. Not far behind her parents followed, all of them crying now. Astarion stood by for a moment awkwardly before seeing Tavi's arm reach for him as well. He gave in and went to them, letting her pull him in.
“Thank you,” she whispered to him, her smile bright despite her fresh tear tracks.
Aurelia looked up and smiled, too. She still tried to speak through her uneven speech. “Th-thank you for bringing my mama home, Mr. Astarion.”
Tavi's parents were in an engaging conversation with Wyll and Shadowheart as she sat next to Astarion by the fire. She leaned against him, a pretty necklace now adorning her neck as they watched Karlach and Halsin taking turns to give Aurelia piggy back rides.
“So. You knew she picked this out?” She asked Astarion softly, looking up at him from his shoulder. He hummed and held her a little tighter.
“I said we met in a shop. It may have been a jewelers. And we both saw it and thought of you,” he said softly, his hand coming up to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear. She giggled and leaned up, pressing a kiss to his jaw. “After realizing who I was, of which I had absolutely no idea she knew who I was, she asked me if we fell in love. In front of your father, by the way. Who immediately realized I was a vampire.”
Tavi blushed lightly and laughed. “Well, the apples don't fall far from the trees,” she shrugged. He rolled his eyes and kissed her gently. They pulled away as they heard Aurelia shout from the top of Mama K's shoulders.
“Grandma! Grandpa! See! I knew it! I told you they fell in love!” Astarion groaned gently, hiding his face in her shoulder. Tavi pressed a kiss to the top of his head as plenty of the other adults laughed.
“Welcome to the family, love.”
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fulcrumstardust · 11 months
Please tell us more about "So glad we almost made it" (& is this from the line from "everybody wants to rule the world" or just a coincidence?)
YES absolutely! I loooove this verse:
There's a room where the light won't find you Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down When they do I'll be right behind you So glad we've almost made it So sad we had to fade it
(peak angst)
anyway! I had this wip for YEARS (uh), it's all over the place scenes half finished here and there. Basically Cassian is presumed KIA until he's not. Jyn learns that he's been (allegedly) captured while undercover and sent to a mining asteroid. Nobody knows who he is there.
Now for context it's the thick of the war and politics are just ~shit~ for the Alliance, stealing content from Mr Freed where they have to buy the freedom of slaves from terrible people etc. Anyway. A rescue mission is underway, keep in mind they aren't sure Cassian is actually alive. And Jyn obviously joins in (after threatening Melshi).
The diplomatic way isn't fast enough for her so she infiltrates the prison herself, finds Cassian who's dying from septicemia and tries her hardest to get him out. spoiler alert, it does not end well.
angsty preview 🔥 (in case you need more whump, cw: injury etc)
“I'm looking for the Starbreaker's crew,” she asked around, briefly kneeling beside strangers. “Heard anything?”
Empty faces shook their heads silently as Jyn went through the groups of prisoners sitting on the dusty ground. “Starbreaker's crew? No?”
She attracted curious stares, but no one found the courage to inquire on the matter. Those people had been here for weeks, months maybe, they had no energy to spare for an obsessive woman asking questions about a lost ship.
Moving towards the back of the underground prison, Jyn caught the profile of a man that seemed painfully familiar in the oppressive darkness. “Cassian?” she called with sickening hope, only to let her hand fall back when she realized it wasn't him.
Jyn stood up and scanned the dark room, asphyxiated by her internal fears. What if he wasn't here? What then? What will she do now that she was locked up with a bunch of prisoners in this shithole of a planet? Talk about a flawed plan…
Barely keeping her brain from freezing in panic, Jyn didn't notice the person following her—until a young voice startled her from her existential dread. “You're looking for Cassian?”
Jyn flung around. “Yes,” she said, facing a dark-haired boy that couldn't be much older than twelve. “You've seen him?”
The boy nodded and Jyn forgot all of her following questions, her face suddenly burning from anxiety. Cassian's here. He’s alive.
She quickly walked into the footsteps of this stranger as he gestured for her to follow.
Behind a curved wall, laying on the ground under a dirty rag, Jyn discovered the silhouette of an unconscious man. She kneeled in a hurry, her mind trying to reconcile her memories of him with the brutal reality. For a shameful amount of seconds, she wanted to say: no, that's not him. But it was. Ish’ka… it was.
Jyn cupped his face between shaky hands, feeling the burn of a feverish skin under her touch. His eyes were rimmed by dark circles, the hollow of his cheeks eaten away by a full-grown beard. She could barely tell if he was breathing and, when she checked, found that his pulse was weak and shallow.
Cassian looked beyond miserable. He looked like a dying man.
“Cassian,” she called in vain, “can you hear me?”
“Careful,” the boy told her with a protective stance. Jyn decided to pay him some more attention for his tone alone. When she looked at him with a questioning gaze, he pointed toward Cassian’s legs. “He’s got a bad injury.”
Jyn had seen plenty of bad.
It didn't even begin to describe the horror of what she discovered under that smelling sheet. Blood drained from her face with a gush of nausea. She tried her best not to gag at the sight of the wound, fear in her guts. She could only imagine; Cassian had taken a blaster shot to the lower leg, or maybe caught the explosion of a mine—not a direct impact, a bursting of heat that caused the skin to implode.
It would have taken long enough to heal, had he been able to access medicare immediately. The non-treatment only led to an infection of the damaged tissues, coloring the surrounding skin with a contrasting dark color, and inviting more bacteria to feast on the scene. Jyn could almost smell it over the putrid odor of that place. She feared the infection had passed into his bloodstream already.
“I tried to clean it,” the boy said with a shy voice, “but here…”
Jyn tried to focus her mind on him long enough to reply. Although she knew nothing about him, he seemed genuinely distraught by Cassian’s condition, which pierced through the walls of blind terror surrounding Jyn's heart.
“I'm sure you did your best,” she said and touched his arm. “What's your name?”
“Horizon, ma'am. People call me Hoz.”
“Thank you, Hoz.”
The boy lowered his voice hesitantly, glancing around with a frown as if he was about to deliver sensitive intel. “Are you… Jyn?”
Her eyebrows draw higher with careful hesitation. She considered the surprising possibility that Cassian had made friends with the boy—which was somewhat out of character... or telling her everything she needed to know about Hoz.
“Did he tell you about me?”
The boy shrugged. “He didn't tell your name at first… only that he needed to go home. But sometimes, he calls for a Jyn, so I figured…”
She felt like someone had punched her in the guts. “How long since you last talked with him?”
“It's been… a couple of days, ma'am. Are you here to get us free? The… Alliance?”
“I’m going to get you out.” Jyn promised. She lowered her face so she could whisper to Cassian in turn: “I'm going to get you home. It's almost over. Stay with me.”
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kalevalakryze · 11 months
The Water Rescue
Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types,  Pairings: Ahsoka Tano/ Hera Syndulla Characters: Ahsoka Tano, Hera Syndulla Warnings: Mentions of Drowning, Near Death, Injury, Burns Notes: For Whumptober Day 14 Prompt: Water Inhalation | “Just hold on.” Word Count: 1,106  AO3 Link: Here!
Tumblr media
There were hands scrambling at her shoulders desperately. When her eyes opened, she was met not with the acrid battlefront, but the sting of salt-water, and the blur of green skin as her savior reached into the waters, finally getting a grip on her arms. 
Darkness swallowed her once more as the Green Savior started to pull. “Hey, Snips.” Anakin… She tried to chase his voice and the memory of blue eyes, tried to chase not the man he became, but the man he was. “I know you’ll figure it out- Where you need to be… You always do.”
Her back hit the cool metal of the extended ramp, hard enough for water to come out of her mouth in spittle; Someone started pushing against her chest and stomach, urging the water that was suffocating her from the inside to force it’s way past her lips once again. Sputtering, her savior rolled her to the side, allowing the Togruta to throw up sea water and splash onto their boots, soaked from their small dive after her.
It took too long for them to get oxygen into Ahsoka’s lungs, her eyes had shut before her first unobstructed breath, and before her body could register the frigid temperature of Seatos, leaving her frame trembling against the frigid aid and frozen ramp, even in unconsciousness.
Despite the Togruta’s expansive build, Hera had outgrown her by almost half a head, and while the Togruta’s muscles were a fine bit more defined, the Twi’lek had more than her fair share of lugging around the gladiator built Jedu that came into her life so often. 
Getting Ahsoka situated in her arms was not difficult, getting back to the improvised landing pad where the T-6 was settled was not difficult, but getting Huyang to back off for five seconds was proving to be impossible. 
“Huyang, please.” She called at last, having to dodge around the fretting droid so she could get Ahsoka into the bunk he’d been over preparing. 
With reluctance, the ancient droid looked between not-Jedi and Rebel, servos whirring as his head moved in contemplation. “Very well… I will go and thank young Jacen.” The droid finally relented, sparing his last connection to the Jedi temple one final look before moving somberly off the ship to find the young force-sensitive. 
Sighing to herself, Hera began the tedious work of peeling away Ahsoka’s sopping wet clothes, leaving them in a pile near one of the small emergency drains to take out and handle later. The state of the woman’s gloves were worrying, though she couldn;t imagine the pain the burns scalded into her palms had to be, leather scorched to raised skin in the lines and forcing her hand to curl painfully to avoid stretching ruined skin out. Poking experimentally as the injury got her a twitch from the force-sensitive woman. “Just hold on for me,” The Twi’lek whispered, rising to her feet with a quiet ‘pop’ of her knees. 
“Hera?” Ahsoka’s voice was rough and scratchy from all of the salt water she’d swallowed, her one good hand reached out to loop her fingers around Hera’s bare wrist, thumb pressing into her exposed pulse point, to double check that the woman in the ship was real and alive. 
“I’m just going to grab you some bacta, Kaa’lia. Is it still in the ‘fresher?” 
“Mmmm,” Was her only response as the woman’s hands dropped tiredly back to the bed, tugging at the sparse sheets to cover the gooseflesh that rose to bare, cold skin. 
When Hera returned with one of the kits emergency bacta packets, she caught Ahsoka in the process of fighting to sit up and get out of bed.
“Nuh-uh, no way, return to sender, Ma’am. Lay back in that bed or so help me,” She fussed, hurrying back to the bunk to offer the woman aid in getting back down. 
“Hera, really, I’m fine.” 
“I’ve made the executive decision a long time ago that Jedu can’t be trusted to determine their own wellbeing, so I have decided; you are wrong.”
A small, defeated smiled at Ahsoka’s lips as the other woman returned to perch at the edge of the cot once more. 
“You’ve got me there.”
“I know, dear. Hands please.” Ahsoka offered a quiet, dramatic sigh as she settled her hands in Hera’s waiting ones, nose crinkling at the pain of moving her burned hand, wincing at the cool feeling of bacta being spread across the warm, raised skin and the careful wrap of bandages to stop any from being wiped away.
“Let me give you a hand getting dressed?” Hera questioned when all was said and done, fingers nervously smoothing across the uninjured skin of Ahsoka’s pinkie, the pad of her thumb smoothing across the woman’s chipped nails. 
“You already got me undressed,” Ahsoka teased gently, turning her good hand around to brush her fingertips against the General’s knuckles.
“So, you want me to leave you naked?”
“Well…” Ahsoka’s lips pulled into a mischievous smile, albeit weighed down by exhaustion, lopsided as she shifted in the bed. 
“Nope, you were literally drowning less than thirty minutes ago.” Hera argued, rising once more and crossing the ship without allowing the woman a chance to retort. Chasing the memory of the compartment that she knew Ahsoka often kept Hera’s spare sleep clothes. 
Getting Ahsoka to sit back up long enough to work the sleeveless shirt around her shoulders had been easy, comfortable even, as the Togruta’s forehead rested into the softness of her stomach, hands resting on the backs of her knees as Hera worked the ties at the back closed, fingers brushing soothingly down the soft, leathery feeling of her back lek, feeling the older woman’s breathing begin to even out under her gentle ministrations.
“Got to get pants on, hirani,” Hera whispered, pressing her lips to the tip of Ahsoka’s left montral where it tickled the side of her lek. “Then, you can get some much needed rest, and we can figure out where to go next.”
At the promise of sleep, Ahsoka managed to lean herself back from the comfort of Hera’s abdomen, offering a groggy, not-so-helpful amount of aid in sliding the loose pants up her legs.
Ahsoka was already lost to the calm embrace of sleep, only conscious because of the gentle tug at her waistband of the little movements of Hera’s fretting, but eventually, the Twi’lek managed to tuck Ahsoka into the threadbare blankets, the Togruta’s breath fanning over Hera’s lips when the woman brushed against her to offer a gentle kiss, easing her into the calm plunge of slumber at last. 
Twi'leki Translations: Jedu - Jedi Kaa'lia - Love Hirani - Beautiful
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librarycomic · 1 year
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Daughters of Snow & Cinders by Núria Tamarit. Translated by Jenna Allen. Fantagraphics, 2023. 9781683967569. 212pp. http://www.powells.com/book/-9781683967569?partnerid=34778&p_bt
This book stands out on graphic novel shelves; it has so much shelf appeal that I've picked it up over and over and flipped through it to look at the colors and drawings. The pages that show the northern lights were my favorites before I started reading it.
Men are searching for gold, and two women caught up in that search are the center of the book. Joanna is looking for gold herself; she trades everything she has for supplies and a chance to join an expedition. After she's rejected because she's a woman, she meets Tala, who tells her about the only group that will accept her, Matwei's. Then they leave without her and Tala. Both head out after the group on their own. Joanna soon has a rescued dog, Peg, accompanying her. Tala finds the group and they accept her as a tracker, though Matwei threatens her. The men in the group go a bit crazy when Joanna tries to rejoin the group, too. And then just after they threaten to eat Joanna's dog a giant wolf attacks. (This surprised me even though I did see the cover.)
This becomes a story of survival and cruelty (via Matwei and other men) and eventually of friendship between the young women. Joanna spends a significant portion of the book remembering her homeland, which she idealizes but which has something seriously dark about it. (It feels like something awful happened there, and the truth is revealed throughout the book.) Even when the two women find gold (a late moment in the story shown early in the book) it's unclear if the men will let them keep it or if they'll be able to earn money from it.
Throughout, the beauty of Joanna's home and the wilderness are amazing whether it's the focus or just background details.
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smokeys-house · 2 years
Robbery at the Hemulen Homestead!
(An installment in the Travel Log series)
Words turned to whispers and then to snores as the day spun down into evening at the house of two young hemulens. Their recent guest, Puukko, had a pleasant stay followed by an unpleasant discovery. She may be an old woman and an ex pirate, but that only makes the sting of being robbed all the more irritating. She'd planned a daring rescue for her purloined purse, and now that night had begun to fall it was time to take action.
The night air was cool and calm in the Italian countryside. It'd been a short trip and a dull one so far for Puukko, who much preferred the sea and its challenges. After finding she'd been stolen from, she spent much of her day planning the rest of her trip alongside planning a burglary. It wouldn't be the first time she'd broken into or out of a place, and certainly not the first time she'd taken back a score.
"The door's unlocked… that's odd fer a pair o' thieves." She thought to herself as she re-entered the farmhouse that had seemed so lovely and simple just the day before.
She twisted the knob gently, careful not to make any unnecessary noise. She pressed her paw against the door and braced it as she stepped into the living area. It only made a slight creak, just as quiet as the floorboards. Luckily most of the house had rugs in place atop the smooth wood flooring, and when combined with the soft fur on her paws, made for very quiet steps.
The living room was filled with no shortage of cupboards, cabinets, and curios. The eccentric and maximally decorated style was familiar to her, although it was far less enjoyable when searching for borrowed belongings. She'd long since gotten over the fear of being caught or being in places she shouldn't, but still she felt as though she was being watched. The fur on the back of her neck stood ever so slightly, and her ears had an itch she couldn't quite shake. They flicked and flitted about, listening for any signs that the sleeping residents had awoken.
She thought to herself on where she would hide a coinpurse filled with doubloons, eventually deciding on rifling through a few drawers first. The first few were filled with various home goods, sewing supplies, utensils, anything you'd find in your average home. Surely a house that made a habit of stealing from their guests would have at least a few damning bits of evidence. Her search eventually brought her to a large armoire with peeling gilded accents.
"Locked. Now this one ought to have at least something." She extended a claw, attempting to pop the lock. Much to her chagrin, it did not budge.
"Well that always works in the novels…" reaching into her capelet, she retrieved a pair of tools, and set to work on the lock. She was careful to maintain slow, quiet, and smooth movements. Dropping a pick onto the wood floor would make a clatter that would surely wake the homeowners. She stuck out her tongue and bit it, agonizing over every failed attempt and focusing all her attention upon the cabinet doors.
"That one's locked! I already tried it." A proud voice proclaimed from above in the rafters.
The large moomin woman fumbled her tools, very much surprised by the sudden and comparatively very loud interruption. She managed to catch them before they clattered to the ground.
"By my tail! Who goes there?" She maintained a hushed tone, although now it was much more a stage whisper than anything significantly quiet.
"I'm nibling!" The voice echoed from the rafters, tearing through the house. It wasn't particularly loud, practically around speaking volume, but the quiet that filled the house was easily disturbed.
"Avast, ye young nibling! I'll have ye scuppered if y' don't keep your voice down!"
"What'sa scuppers? Did you mean to say cupboards?" The nibling's curious nature overpowered the will to match volumes.
"Caulk. Yer. Bone box. I'll have yer guts fer garters!"
"But ma'am doesn't wear garters. Ma'am doesn't even seem to wear stockings nor pants."
"SHHHHHH!" The old moomin sputtered. Her ears turned to chase the sound of a stir from upstairs.
"What was that?" A muffled voice from above questioned.
"I'm sure whatever it is can wait til morning, love." The hemulens were awake, for the moment at least.
"Ma'am talks funny! Looks funny, too!" The nibling dangled from their legs across a rafter, allowing Puukko to snatch them deftly and cover their mouth.
"Not another word. And don't even think about biting me, y' little beast." She recalled the Snork's incident with Little My at the start of the journey.
The stirring from upstairs eventually came to be still, along with the nibling, who grew tired of resisting only moments after being hushed. The pair stood still within the dark and quiet living room, until tense waiting turned to patient boredom.
"Ifmcn bmb weyet hlil mm gm?" The nibling, quite aware that they could not annunciate with their mouth covered, attempted to bargain nonetheless.
"Not got a clue what yer sayin'. But if ye promise t'be quiet I'll put y' down." She returned to a normal whisper now that the silence had time to rebuild itself once more. The nibling simply rolled their eyes, as if to convey that was the exact question they had just asked. She set the nibling down on the couch very slowly, and freed her paw from their face. "Now what're you doin' here in the dead of night?"
"Looking for secrets!" They mimicked binoculars with their paws. They managed an excited tone at a whisper's volume. Puukko shot them a confused and exasperated look.
"Well, can y' do that quietly?"
"No! What are YOU doing here in the dead of night ma'am?" The nibling pointed their faux binoculars at her. "Are you a pirate? You sound like a pirate." The nibling put down their paws, then covered one eye like an eyepatch and pointed at Puukko with the other paw.
"I'm lookin' fer me gold. These two sneaks took it from me bag when I were sleeping. Tell you what, nibling. While yer pokin' about fer secrets, see if ye can't help me find a nice red drawstring pouch. It's got a gold letter P on the front." She ignored the second question.
"Aye aye, captain!"
"Don't." She rolled her eyes at them, and moved on to search other cabinets and drawers.
Puukko and the nibling searched high and low, for the nebulous goal of secrets and for a sack of old coins. The searching itself was slow, each cabinet and cupboard was filled with knick knacks and nonsense. It's a dreadful thing to search through every nook and cranny when each one is filled with enough noise to wake the world over.
"Miss pirate lady, I'm getting hungry. I've already seen what's inside all of the food in their pantry so I don't like it anymore."
"No one's saying you've got to stick around, nibling. I'm quite happy t' keep looking on my own." She didn't look up from her rummaging.
"Do you have any secrets ma'am?"
"I'm afraid that all my secrets are a long ways away from here."
"Secrets or food, Miss pirate lady. I need one or the other or I'm gonna go see if those hemulens have secrets in their room!"
"Now hold on a moment! Jus' keep quiet. Uhh.. secrets… what's secret?" She mumbled to herself a moment, recalling story after story. "As it turns out I'm a pretty open book. None too many folk know I sleep with a stuffed animal, though, how's that?"
"That's booooring, Miss pirate lady!" The nibling threw their head back in frustration, kicking their feet from their seat on the couch.
"Hang about a moment nibling, have you e'er had hardtack?" She pulled two ship's biscuits out from a pocket in her capelet. They were wrapped in waxed paper and tied off with twine. The nibling's eyes were briefly transfixed.
"Is it food, or secrets?"
"In a way, it's both." She began unwrapping the biscuits. "These'uns got me face on em. Yer s'posed t' have a seal or somethin' printed on it, never was sure why. But when it came to makin' my own I weren't sure what to put on 'em. It's not like I had a crew to feed or nothin' at the time, so no ships marks an' I ain't own a bakery so I don't got anything fancy to put on. Asked some folk I know what I ought t' do. They got to their usual antics and held a competition I guess." She clicked the biscuits together. They were unbelievably hard and made a sound like wood when struck.
"Winner was a young gal from the valley I live near. Her brother's the one what brought me t' Italy. Anyway, she said it ought to be my face on account of that's what she'd do!" She laughed, probably a little louder than was appropriate for the volume of a burglar.
For the moment, the nibling seemed placated with the story. Their paws eagerly awaiting what they assumed to be something tasty, or at the very least interesting.
"Help me find my money and they're yours, kid." She held them up, the side with her face stamped into it intentionally facing away from them.
"As ma'am pleases!" The nibling snatched the biscuits, they carefully examined the stamping before biting hard into one. "Ouch! These are horrid!" Barely a dent was made. "I love them!"
"Well usually yer s'posed t' break 'em up and put 'em in soup. Or mix with something else. It's rough goings on when all ye have's the biscuits themselves."
"Is that what you keep in that big leather bag?" The nibling continued to nibble on the biscuit.
"Not usua–" she stopped as she made a realization. "I'm not wearing a bag right now, young nibling. I didn't want to accidentally make any extra noise… how'd you know about it?" She squinted at them with suspicion.
"I saw it when I took those funny coins you're looking for. I wanted to check the rest of your bag, too, but you started snoring a lot and it was really annoying."
"When you what?!" She approached the nibling, paws balled into fists. "Why, you little wretch! If y' took them, why didn't ye tell me sooner!" She picked them up so they couldn't flee.
"You asked me to help you find them, not where I put them, that's all. I just wanted to count them but I got distracted with all the other stuff here. I like knowing what's in things and I love secrets."
"And how exactly have you 'helped' me at all tonight, young nibling…?" She set them back down, exasperated. The nibling seemed not to have any idea what was happening nor why she was so upset.
"I searched all the places I didn't hide your coin purse so that you'd only have the one place to look!" The nibling smiled, proud of themself. Puukko palmed her face, it would have made a 'slap' were she not covered in thick fur. Instead, it was more of a 'pomf'.
"Where is my coin purse, please and thank you?" She put on her best polite voice, clasping her paws together.
"On the rafter I was hanging from, I think."
"Would you be so kind and retrieve it for me?" She was choosing her words very carefully.
"Nope! I'm not so-kind, I'm nibling!" They shook their head. It was getting difficult to tell whether they were joking or not.
Puukko, who had enough shenanigans for one night, looked about for a step ladder of some kind. She was quite tall, especially for a moomin, but the living room itself was quite taller. She began stretching her arms and legs, squatting in place a few times. She forced her head around with her paws, her neck audibly cracking.
"What are you doing ma'am?"
"Stretching, nibling."
"Stretching what?"
"Stretching my muscles, nibling."
"You look quite silly."
"I know, nibling." There was a hint of defeat in her voice. She thought the whole situation was quite amusing, but she was also quite frustrated. The nibling nibbled on their biscuit as they watched the old woman clamber up the armoire.
"You're too big to climb like me!"
"Every finger's a fish hook." She extended her claws and wrapped her arms around the rafter above, sinking her claws into the wood. She lifted her legs off the armoire and wrapped them around the beam as well, now hanging from it as she shimmied her way over to where she first saw the nibling.
"I haven't climbed like this since I were aboard a proper ship!" She felt around above her for her bag. As she was searching, she was suddenly interrupted by a shriek from the top of the stairs. It was one of the hemulen homeowners who had come down to investigate, wielding a rug beating stick like a club.
"This isn't what it looks like, miss!" Puukko attempted to adjust her grip, knocking her bag to the floor off the rafter above. The coins immediately spread out from the bag and all over the living room. The woman began shouting in Italian, beckoning her partner and questioning the moomin in her rafters.
"Nibling, d' you speak Italian? Because I only got about half o' that."
"I do!" The nibling smiled again, proud but not elaborating nor assisting.
The hemulen woman ran down the stairs, jumping to swat at Puukko. She hit her over and over in the rear, jumping each time to reach the lowest hanging part of her. Puukko's arms had grown tired from climbing and holding, and she tucked her tail up as best she could against the hemulen's less than effective but still painful assault.
"Yeowch! Stop hitting me! This is a big misunderstanding! It's me! Puukko! I just stayed over the other night!" She cried out in mostly broken Spanish, hoping the carryover was enough to get her point across. The rug beating wand broke off against her as she clung to the rafter, claws beginning to slip. The woman stopped for a moment hearing the name, but being unable to see much in the dark, she threw the handle of the wand directly at Puukko's head.
She plummeted, and slammed atop a pile of her own money, landing square on her back with a loud grunt. She writhed a moment as the other hemulen came rushing down with a lantern, finally allowing them to see who their would-be burglar was.
"Bless me tail…" She whimpered weakly, recovering the wind that had been knocked out of her. "...Fergot most folks can't see in the dark…" She huffed. The couple repeatedly spoke, now out of concern for the woman that had been their guest not one night before.
"Nibling… please translate, I can't understand what they're saying." She spoke from the ground.
The night slowly rounded out into morning as Puukko attempted to explain the misunderstanding with translation help from the nibling. Coffee was made, and the coins were collected and put in their proper place. She learned that the nibling is the adopted child of a neighbor, and often sneaks about throughout the area in search of secrets. The people of the area leave them alone for the most part, since nothing is ever missing for long. Apologies were given across the room, save for nibling, who maintains that they did nothing wrong.
"Bye-bye, Miss pirate lady! Or, Puukko! If I find out what's in the armoire I'll let you know." The nibling shouted from the porch as the old moomin made her exit, to which one of the hemulens gently slapped them on the back of the head. Puukko left no worse for wear, but sore in the back and with a new story to tell. Though this one she might just keep to herself, having learned the value of a secret, even if only valued to a little creature like a nibling.
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aries-rp-corner · 10 months
Back in the Orre Region, Baron and his wife, Rina looked through old photos of when Baron was young with his brother Cornelius. Pulling out some photos as he chuckled softly upon seeing old memories from the past, getting his Rina’s attention. “Dear? What caught your eye?”
“Just… I and my brother when we were kids.” He showed her a photo of himself and Cornelius covered in mud with their Pokémon at the time. “Mah was mad at us after this photo was taken. I and Core had to clean up our mess, it was fair of course.” He chuckled softly, as he continued to dig through the photos and found something that gave him a sad smile. “This is the photo that Cornelius graduated Ranger School…dawning his Ranger Uniform…I honestly tried to be a Mechanic for the Rangers…sadly I was late to join.” He sighs as Rina looked over with sadness. Understanding his struggle, but she can see he wanted to help his brother through anything.
“Did you ask your brother to help you find an opening?” She asked softly making Baron turn over with a sadden look.
“I did, all spots taken sadly. Yet I didn’t put the skills to waist, I put myself through other Mechanical and Technological training… Remember my Glider?” He looked over with a sly smile, making the woman huff out as she remembered with a somewhat annoyed and teasing smile.
“Oh yes, I do. Especially the day you rescued me and Meloetta from those Poachers, which was also the day I almost slipped and fell because of your flying at the time.” She huffed out angrily, making Baron giggle in fear and embarrassment.
“In my honest defense, we were escaping them…but I did said I wasn’t going to let you go. However, you do have a point and I’m still gonna apologize for that.” He whimpered out, until feeling hands on his cheeks and a kiss on his forehead as that instantly made the man blush softly.
“I know, and I was only teasing.~ But before we met, were you also spying on an old organization? What was it called again dear?” Rina asked with curiosity. “Because I do remember the Poachers use to work with them before…”
“Team Olethros? Ah, the seedling that grew into the Three Branches: Team Go-Rock, Dim Sun, and the Pinchers. I’ve never thought that would happen until they rose…I’m glad those Rangers were able to stop them…I do hope they’ll help our daughter through Cipher’s madness when she message us back...” Baron sighs softly as Rina held his hand close, causing him to look over to her as memories of the past came back to his mind. “Forgive me, love… I’m… well, we’re all worried for Aries. I just hope she and her friends made it through…”
“I hope so as well…” She spoke softly, clearing the photos until finding herself, Baron, and Cornelius giving big smiles. She herself chuckled and giggled warmly. “Now I haven’t seen this in ages.~ And look at that hair of yours!~” she happily chirped out to him, as Baron groaned in embarrassment as he sees his young self with the side of his head shaved and the other having free wild hair.
“I have no idea why I found that cool in my youth…” Baron grumbled out.
“I think it was cool! It said a lot about you! Brave, Reckless, Silly-”
“Hey!” Baron pouts out as he blushed at the same time. Making Rina continue with a giggle.
“And most importantly, Wild and Free. I think Aries inherited that as well, both of you are reflections.~” Rina finished as Baron playfully tackled her and hugged her close.
“She also got something from you as well ya know! Your kindness, also goofy personality, cleverness, and a chance to hear people out while understanding them.” Baron added, making Rina hug him back as the two relaxed. “No matter what, Aries will also be our reflection.” The man smiled warmly, until something catches his eye. Freeing Rina as he grabbed the photo, it what himself, Cornelius, and Aries when she was three years old. Himself on his glider and Cornelius holding onto Aries as the two were riding Baron’s Flygon. “Stars… I haven’t seen this one in years….”
He gently held the photo close as Rina looked over with a worried look. “Do you miss to fly?… After what happened to your brother?…”
“Deeply… I felt like my wings got clipped the moment Cornelius…. I…. Ugh…. I wish he didn’t go…I want to know if he is okay now…” Baron sighs deeply, now looking tired from staying up in some nights due to worrying for Aries, and ready to cry a bit from the past. Rina held his shoulder and kissed him on the cheek again.
“You can rest Baron. I’ll join you in a bit…I’ll clean up and I’ll look out for anything that Aries sends.” She spoke with a soft kind smile, Baron honestly felt terrible as he tried to offer to help…yet his tiredness is growing.
“Alright…I’ll see you in bed love.” Baron retreated to their bedroom and flopped down on his bed. Closing his eyes to rest…
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frizzle-tales · 1 year
No, no, no.
Jiyeon didn’t want to join him. That was not part of the plan. Not even, but why did it seem that bad luck always seemed to find her? For once, she planned on having some alone time; some time to breathe and enjoy her own company.
Jiyeon was about to protest, but as soon as Taehyung tugged on her shirt and pulled it over her head, the young woman realized that there was no point in resisting - whatever Taehyung wanted would happen, with or without her fighting against it.
Without any further protest, Jiyeon got undressed and followed Taehyung to the tub with heavy feet, wanting nothing more than to run away and hide, but she knew it was pointless. It didn’t matter.
He already saw her naked before or and would all be over soon… were just a few thoughts that Jiyeon repeated to herself as she sat in the warm water, in between Taehyung’s legs.
There was a long uncomfortable silence between the two as Jiyeon stared right ahead of her, wondering if she should start a conversation, or if it was best to not say anything at all. Were they just going to sit here like this the whole time… or worse, would Taehyung go that far and ask her to soap him up? Wash his hair?
She held in her breath when she felt his fingers trail down her body, this didn’t feel right, not in the slightest. Jiyeon didn’t want this, but she didn’t know how to make it stop. But then, her rescue came from her abductor himself, and now his hands nudged her from the back, and he even ordered her to get out.
Did she do something wrong? Jiyeon froze on the spot, instead of the expected relief washing over her, she instead felt conflicted; she did wanted this to end, but she didn’t expect to feel so… upset about the way it ended.
Her fingers trailed over the edge of the tub. “Yes… yes, of course..” Jiyeon replied, a bit taken aback by the sudden change of tone, as she scrambled to get out of the bath before taking a towel, leaving the bathroom as fast as she could, nearly slipping as she did.
As soon as she entered the bedroom, she let out a breath that she didn’t realize she was holding. “What the fuck.” She whispered to herself, forcing herself to the walk in closet to grab some clothes, wanting to be clothed right away— before Taehyung would appear once again.
Once dressed, the young girl trailed downstairs in a slight daze as she tried to make sense of what had just happened a few minutes ago.
Did he find out that the bath was a silly idea to make Sohee squirm? No, that couldn’t be it. She made sure to not make it too obvious, surely Taehyung didn’t figure things out, did he?
“Oh… my pen.” Jiyeon spotted the souvenir that she took from Taehyung’s workplace and picked it up from the dresser. She didn’t want to potentially lose it, so she placed it with the rest of her items; in a drawer Taehyung allowed her to place her items in, which was currently filled with her books and puzzles.
Jiyeon started on dinner, deciding to go for something simple today as she surprisingly felt tired from spending all day at Taehyung’s work. So, she opted for something that would be done quick, and when it was, she kept the food on the stove so it would be hot for serving.
Taehyung still wasn’t here…
Jiyeon started to wander, lingering around the kitchen for a while until she traveled through the man’s home, only pausing when she caught sight of the grand piano. It was stunning, and expensive no doubt. But something about the piano called out to Jiyeon and she was pulled to it like a magnet.
Her finger slid across the lid, circling around it before she sat on the bench, her fingers trailing over the keys, a smile appearing on her face at the soft tone that came from the piano as she pressed down on one of the keys.
— 🎙️
Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip.
Small droplets of water escaped from the tub’s faucet, falling freely into the depth below.
Taehyung’s head laid back against the ledge, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. Clear as day, he could still see Jiyeon’s expression to his harsh order. The way a touch of hurt, confusion, and nervousness painted her features. How her feet squeaked against the tile floor as she scrambled away, nearly slipping and tumbling on the puddles of water that dripped off her body.
Why was it bothering him so much? Any other time, the man found himself loving it. Loving the fear she held for him, loving the way she scrambles just to be obedient for him. But this time? He couldn’t shake a bothered feeling.
On repeat, the scene played over again and again. Until the man got fed up enough, finally leaving the bathroom behind.
Water droplets fell from his hair as he made his way downstairs. But at a certain sound, one that still haunts his memories, he froze.
His mother’s piano.
Taehyung sped down the rest of the steps, and at the bottom, he finally saw the young woman, sitting at the bench while the keys were softly being touched beneath her fingertips. No words came from him as red consumed him. He stalked up to her, his hand latching onto her upper arm. “What the fuck is wrong you?” He yanked her off the piano bench while his other hand slammed the cover to the keys closed. “Did you have permission to touch that? Or do you think you can just do whatever you want to?”
Before she could say anything for herself, the killer tossed her towards the stairs, his stare piercing her with daggers. “Get upstairs, in my room. Now. My patience is running ice thin. Now! Before you find yourself losing your privilege to ever see sunlight again.”
Taehyung’s glare followed her frame as she scampered upstairs. Once she left his sight, all the air released from his lungs.
No one has touched that piano. Not in well over a decade. Him. His brother. His father. Grandmother. No one dared to touch the instrument after his mother’s funeral. It only sat there collecting dust.
Early evening eventually turned into night. Night turned into early morning. Very early morning.
Taehyung sat on his favourite arm chair, his eyes glued to the staircase at the end of the long hallway. A cigar burned on the coffee table, a smoke trail swarming in the air.
Jiyeon never once tried to come down. Not in all these hours.
Since when had he ever felt so.. conflicted? Unable to control unwanted emotions? The last time he could ever remember; he had just freshly turned 10 years old and snuck out of his room at night, only to have the misfortune of stumbling across his father disposing of his mother.
However, thinking of his parents only sparked other thoughts, other questions. Ones that felt.. right.
… Was this how he was suppose to feel once he found the one? Conflicted? Out of control? Completely entranced by her?
A glass of straight whiskey gripped in his right hand. His 6th glass. Only by now did his rage finally simmer down. His head tilted back, the last remaining gulp of alcohol sliding down his throat. Then, he stood, heading into the kitchen to toss his glass in the sink. But as the man passed by the stove, he paused.
It was still on. For all these hours.
Taehyung opened the lid, peaking at the dinner Jiyeon prepared inside. It was long past ready; partially burnt and overcooked. No where near still edible. Though, as he thought about their ruined dinner, he couldn’t help but to recall how his little prisoner hadn’t eaten since their lunch together over 12 hours ago.
3:32am illuminated on the stove’s clock, but Taehyung simply ignored it as he tossed out the old food, throwing together a quick and easy meal. Eating this late was better than skipping entirely, was it not?
“You can come out now, Jiyeonnie. I’m sure you’ve learned your lesson, isn’t that right?”Taehyung hummed after walking into his room. Although, he was quick to spot the girl sound asleep in her bed. After stopping just a foot away from her, his fingers brushed away the short locks from her face. “It’s time for you to wake up now. Come on,” He grabbed her hands, pulling her up onto her feet. Like a complete 180° from his mood earlier, a small grin played on his lips as he admired Jiyeon’s dopey expression. “Well, good morning, sweetheart. Did you enjoy your nap? Come, let’s go eat.”
He didn’t give her a choice in the matter. Instead, his hand placed against her lower back, guiding her towards the bedroom door.
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Alice Lovelace's AP Literature Cram Session
If you're either refreshing for an exam or just want a summary, you're in the right place.
Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
Their Eyes Were Watching God is the journey of Janie Crawford, an African American woman finding her way through life.
couple of notes before I start:
This book is written in phonetic english, and there is a huge important to dialect
Centered around an African American Woman in the south, and there are some sad but true instances of racism towards the end.
Around 200 pages, so If you have time to read it, I truely recommend it. There are some beautiful gems in here, along with the name for the title.
READ IT IF YOU CAN!! If not, here you go.
Jaine: The protagonist who is an idealistic dreamer and spends the story chasing love and finding it. When she is faced with hardship, she stands strong until someone opens a new door. She ultimately has to learn to let go, but does not forget her lover.
Grandmother: Jaime’s grandmother who raised her, and wants the best for her, in her own way. She marries her off in an attempt to protect her.
Logan: Jaime’s first husband who doesn't love her, but attempts to take care of her, until she has had enough and runs away.
Jody Starks: Jaime’s second husband, who provides her with an escape and the illusion of love. Their relationship technically lasts until he dies.
Tea Cake: Jaime’s third husband, and true lover. He dies in an act of love for her and she ultimately has to return the favor.
It begins with a woman returning to her home after being gone for many years. She returns to the whispers and gossip of her town, but only sets the record straight when her friend comes to visit her, and so she begins her narrative. She starts at the very beginning with the fact that she was raised by her grandmother, not her mother. Her grandmother, who is unwilling to let Jaine live like either her mother or herself, decides that Jaime is old enough and marries her off to an older farmer. Jaine, however, is a dreamer and wants love for herself. So, when a younger man shows up on her doorstep, after fighting with her current husband, doesn’t hesitate to run off and marry the younger man, Jody. At first, everything seems to be going well for Jaine and Jody, who treats her like royalty, with him becoming mayor of a town and her clerking a shop. It soon becomes clear that he is isolating her, however, and when she tries to fight him on it, she gets shut down by her husband; this is described by Jaine as another dream dying. So, Jaine suffers in silence alone, until her husband begins to waste away, and after an argument, he dies escorted out by death and her words. After about nine months she is being courted by a younger man named Tea Cake, whom she has gone and truly fallen in love with. He becomes her dream, so she marries him and follows him down into the everglades. For a while it is truly bliss between the couple. He is a good and loving husband to her, who finally treats her well. They live well for a while, then the young couple get news of a hurricane. They decide not to leave their home, but once the hurricane strikes, they run east. Once they run, Jaine and Tea Cake get swept up in the storm, and when they are hanging on for dear life, a dog gets stuck with them, which attacks Jaine before Tea Cake rescues her and gets bitten on the face by the dog. Nothing much happens for a bit, until one day Tea Cake gets a bad headache and when he goes to drink water, he finds he can’t. After trying a couple more times, Jaine goes to fetch a doctor, who quietly tells her that it's too late for Tea Cake, that it was rabies and if they had caught it earlier it wouldn’t have been a problem. Jaine decides to stick it out with her husband and decides not to take him to a hospital and the doctor sends for some medicine which should arrive the next day. She finds a 6-chamber pistol that she decides to remove 3 bullets from, just in case. So she goes to bed and wakes to find him freaking out about her leaving and pulls out the gun, and pulls the trigger twice before she shoots him, killing him. The doctor finds her there holding the body of the man she loved. However, she is arrested and charged for murder but is acquitted. So, she returns home alone, and after telling all this to her friend, goes to sleep.
Themes (That You Won't Find on SparkNotes) :
 Memories and Maturity: throughout the story, there are many instances of Jaine being presented with the same choice more than once. She does not make the same choice when presented with the same options. Instead having grown and changed, maturing in her choices. 
“What  wouldn’t’ I given to be twelve years younger so i could b’lieve him” “Ah done lived grandma’s way, now Ah means to live mine.”
The influence of Dreams:
Jaine spends the entire story dreaming, from one thing to another. She dreams of love, and chases those throughout the story, leading her from one choice to the next, marking the passage of time. The stages of her life are marked by her dreams, and somewhere along the way, she learns to let each of them go. Which shows a beautiful growth of character, and a sense of personal peace she doesn’t get til the end of the narrative.
" Janie's first dream was dead, so she became a woman" "one way or another that took the bloom off things"
If you stuck around, here are a couple of helpful links
Pdf - https://emedicodiary.com/book/view/388/their-eyes-were-watching-god-pdf
Youtube summary - https://youtu.be/nq_xmL9gbkw?si=iawFZ23brTkirqLh
Sparknotes - https://www.sparknotes.com/lit/eyes/themes/
Hope this helps! If not don't hurt me :)
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welldonebeca · 9 months
Uncertain Ground (2)
Summary: After Herogasm, Abby meets Soldier Boy again. This time, though, he doesn’t plan on her leaving his sights again, and she realises there’s more to him than meets the eye. Pairing: Abby (OC) x Soldier Boy WC: 1.2k words Warnings: 1970s, time skip, graphic violence, angst.
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and I promise you won’t regret it.
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Abby held onto the seat as Soldier Boy raced through the street into her house, and was ready to hop into the shower the moment he let her go.
"I just need a minute to freshen up," she said quickly, not giving him the chance to stop her.
Was she really doing this? Scrubbing blood off of her hands to hop in bed with some A-lister after all that had happened in the bank?
Any idolisation she had for Soldier Boy had faded the second he snorted cocaine off her stomach, but.. he wanted her? As in: really wanted and desired her even after he had already fucked her?
Unkempt, untalented, unwanted leech Abby?
She gripped the sink, trying to push the ghost of her mother back into her stupid grave.
She was fucking dead. Her words should be too.
Abby breathed in before finally stepping out of the bathroom, leaving her suit inside and just wrapping a robe around herself, and frowned when her ears caught glass clicking.
"Ben?" she was back in the living room.
He raised a glass, drinking her bourbon.
"You got nice taste," he hummed.
Her face heated up and she tried to pull her robe tighter around herself, as if to conceal her body from him, but it was like Ben could see right through her.
"Come here " he instructed, patting his thigh.
When her powers emerged at a young age, it felt like any delicate detail of her was ripped right out of her hands.
She was strong and she knew it, and maybe to some, it was liberating, but her mother always reminded her of how she wasn’t a real woman and no one would ever see her as one.
But there Ben was, making her feel small with just a simple movement of his hand.
"What's up with that robe?" he asked, relaxing back.
He was shirtless. She could see his flawless skin underneath, stomach a little soft over his muscles and just overall stupidly tempting.
He smirked, pulling her to seat her on his lap.
"You want me to unwrap you like a present again?"
Her face flushed and he smirked.
"Soldier…" she sighed.
He hummed, shaking his head.
"Ben," he corrected her.
Abby looked away, and he moved his hands up to her body, caressing her hips and then pushed her robe away.
"Perfect," he hummed. "Never found a woman this hot, you know?"
"What about countess?" she asked, not able to hold back her tongue.
He snorted
"I don't even fuck countess," he moved his hand up her stomach. "Not since I got a taste of you."
She wanted to doubt him. He was fucking Soldier Boy, he could have any girl he wanted.
Why would he-
But her thought process stopped when he captured her lips, kissing her deeply.
She moaned, letting his tongue slide in as one of his hands just threw her robe down, fondling her breasts in his rough hands.
"How wet are you for me?" he purred, pulling away from her lips and taking a hand down between her legs, and Abby gasped when he parted her folds with his finger. "Hm, baby... were you this wet when you saw me come to the rescue?"
"No," she protested, and whined when he pushed a finger into her.
He clicked his tongue.
"I don't think you weren't, baby," he decided. "I think you want me to take you right there. Could fuck you right in front of the reporters and you'd just take me."
She moaned.
"Ben," she protested.
Was he crazy?
He pushed a second finger into her, opening them and slowly fucking her.
"I could have laid you out on the hood of that police car and fucked you right there," he smirked, lips moving to her neck, kissing and teasing her skin. "Letting them all get the good angles of my cock fucking this pussy."
Abby couldn’t stop her brain from conjuring the images. It would’ve been so dirty, everyone would know that soldier boy fucked her, that he liked fucking her.
It made her gush at the thought of everyone knowing, but the embarrassment was still there. What would Vought say? It wouldn’t be good for either of their images.
"Ben!" she yelped, feeling a pinch in her clit.
“You’re thinking too loud, baby doll," he pulled his fingers out and lifted her. "No thoughts, just cock, baby."
He lifted her up, standing and wrapping her legs around his waist and making Abby gasp.
"Hold on, pretty doll," he commanded simply, not even looking like he was breaking a sweat as he walked to her room.
Ben closed her door shut with his foot and put her in her bed, smirking and taking off his pants quickly.
"I'm gonna fuck you so hard you'll feel it for days," he promised, tossing his clothes back. "Nothing will ever be better than my cock inside you, pretty doll. You'll never be able to get yourself off if not just rubbing that pretty bud because of how addicted you are to me."
She fell back on her bed, spreading he legs as he fumbled to finish undressing, and licked her lips by just looking at his cock.
"Hey," he called her. "Eyes up."
Abby looked up at his face, and Ben raised his chin.
"I'll fuck your face later, doll," he promised. "Right now, I want to pound that tight hole first."
Her face burned. She vaguely remembered sucking him off during herogasm - there was a lot she had forgotten thanks to whatever he had given her. Still, it was her first time sucking a guy off, and she wondered if she could get better with it for him.
He crawled into her bed and pulled her close, holding her thighs open and in place as his head pressed against her entrance.
"You feel what you do to me?" he teased her. "Made me hard as a rock, I got a nice big load waiting for you."
It was a good thing she had made herself get an IUD after the last time they saw one another. She was terrified of their encounter leaving more than just memories in her, and the moment she was free of that splitting headache, Abby had scheduled a visit to her doctor and popped that thing into her uterus.
She couldn't expect a man like Soldier Boy to always come prepared, plus, a secret part of her loved being filled, and by the looks of his balls, he wasn't lying.
Ben pushed his cock into her, not wasting any time to get what he wanted.
"Perfect tight cunt," he held her hips, thrusting hard into her. "I missed it so much, baby doll, you know that?"
She moaned, breathless at his strong movements.
"My perfect always virginal cunt," he chuckled.
Oh. He remembered.
They were interesting, her healing powers.
She hadn't met another female super talking about it, but having your hymen constantly regenerate was an interesting feeling.
"No hymen for me to break today, though, uh?" he remained. "What happened, baby doll? Were you touching yourself before they called you for help?"
She flushed. Yes, she was. In the morning, though, not right before they called her.
"Ben," she whined, embarrassed.
He laughed amid his grunts.
"God, what a little slut," he purred, taking his hand to caress her bud. "I should punish you."
She moaned, tossing her head back.
"Is that what you want?" he teased her. "Your Soldier Boy to punish you for being naughty?"
She nodded, needy.
"Next time you wanna touch yourself you'll have to ask my permission," he warned her. "And I'll know if you fucking do it, sweetheart. Don't test me."
Abby moaned, overfilled with pleasure, and he moved his hips faster.
"I'll spank your ass until you're begging me to stop," he growled. "And then I'll finally fuck that ass that's been haunting my dreams."
She gasped at the suggestion.
Her ass wasn't meant for fucking!
Ben looked at her face and laughed at her shock.
"Of course you've never been fucked in the ass before," he grunted. "Of. Fucking. Course."
Her mind was filled with so many questions.
What did he even mean with all that? Why had he even come after her? He could have called before, too, and-
"Nope, no more thinking, little whore," he pushed her legs up against her chest, getting even deeper into her.
Abby cried out at the brush of his cock against her cervix, pain mixing with pleasure as he dove into her, fucking using her.
"Ben," she moaned loudly, wrapping her arms around his shoulders to bring him close.
Soldier boy groaned, kissing her again as he slammed his cock into her.
He pulled back away from the kiss, face to face with her, and bit her lower lip with an intense look on his face.
"Mine," he growled. "All fucking mine."
His, yes. She was his.
She could feel the knot in her stomach starting to tighten more and more.
"Ben, I'm close! Please, please!" she begged.
Abby restrained herself from touching her cunt. She had to ask for permission now, after all.
His hand reached down and started to rub her clit, and she cried out.
"So fucking sloppy," he groaned. "I'm gonna wreck this cunt until it is gaping."
She shook at his promise, his promise driving her over the edge.
Fuck. She loved his filthy mouth.
She went limp as she rode out her pleasure, though he continues to fuck her, his stamina keeping him going until she was about to peak again before he even came himself.
"Ben," she whined, mixed with a moan. "Want you to cum."
He chuckled.
"Want that, baby doll? Want me to make you drip?"
"Please," she moaned. "I need you, Ben."
Her pleading did it, and he pushed down onto the bed even further, fucking her loudly into she finally felt his seed filling her up.
She didn't even realise she was cumming with him until she was shaking and crying, much happier with the feeling of being filled to the brink than any other feeling.
"All mine, baby doll," Ben whispered, putting his face in the crook of her neck and kissing the skin there, keeping her close.
Her cheeks were wet with overwhelmed tears when he pulled away to look at her, and Ben moved his hands to her face, wiping her tears away in an oddly sweet way.
"Poor doll," he cooed, teasing her with a mocking pout. "Too much?"
"A little," she confessed, whining, squeezing around his cock, growing soft inside her. "You are just... everywhere."
"You like that, don't you?" he kissed her chin. "If I pull out, all my seed will drip out of you."
Abby panted.
"Ben," she whined.
"We can't have that," he kissed her chin.
He pulled back slowly, raising her hips and pulling his hand, making her hold herself in a very open position and keeping his cum inside by gravity.
"Stay just like that," he commanded. "Don't move."
She obeyed, a little uncomfortable but nothing as bad as her performances, though she was confused about what he was doing.
Ben walked out of her room and then came back, walking to her with something in his hand.
A plug.
"Ben?" she asked as he spread her folds open, quickly catching his seed before it started dripping out, scooping it back in and slowly pushing the toy inside.
"Pretty as a picture," he cooed.
She whimpered, squeezing around the plug as it settled in.
"You are gonna keep that in all night, okay?" he commanded, kissing her neck and pulling her legs back down, laying by her side and pulling her to his arms.
The night?
"Are... are you going to stay the night?" she found herself asking.
Ben pulled her to his chest, caressing her cheek.
He looked at her face, seeming to process her question.
"I've never done that before," he wondered out loud, caressing her thigh with his free hand, concentrating.
He then looked after and smiled.
"As long as you don't snore," he decided. "I don't see why not."
That made her laugh, and she tried to show her appreciation by lifting her head up to kiss him.
She wanted to be his.
And maybe... just maybe, he could be hers too.
“Uncertain Grounds” was fully posted on my Patreon on 2022. If you like Soldier Boy and other Jensen Ackles characters, and like the idea of having early access to my work, consider checking it out. It’s just $2 a month and I promise you won’t regret it. (link takes you to the public masterlist)
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harrisonvaletski · 1 year
...and then god created women
this 1959 romantic drama filmed in french is widely recognized as the film that propelled brigette bardot into her sex kitten public persona making her a sensation
directed by roger vadim and written by himself and raoul levy the film is set in st Tropez france. the main character played by bardot is a orphaned young adult with a sensual and provocative demeanor.
As she entices and enthralls local suitors her first admirer is a much older man who visits her as he views her casually laying nude in a yard. as she is admonished by her adoptive parents and threatened to be sent back to an orphanage she eludes the monotany of everyday trivialties with dancing at the local club. she gains yet another suitor in the eldest of the three brothers tardieu who live on and work the shipyard which is the last property blocking the development of the casino mr carradine intends to build along the waterfront. after a night of dancing with antoine the eldest tardieu the young lady feigns to visit mr carradine on his yacht in the shipyard where the tardieu brothers work. as antoine has invited her to come with him and be his woman alone she elects to pursue any and all of her desires as they come to her. the younger tardieu brother proposes to the young lady enamored and she accepts being that antoine had decided to travel for work.
as juliette played by brigitte bardot is adjusting to the responsibilities of married life she finds herself struggling to forget the pleasures of male attention. even at work she finds herself at a state of contention with the other workers as shes consistently seeking escapism dancing the chacha at all hours of the day and with seemingly anyone who will provide her attention.
juliette is caught in an escalating set of circumstances when carradine comes to an agreement with the tardieu brothers for the ship yard. the act culminates when the husband the middle tardieu brother becomes aware of his wifes affections for his older brother as she is found smelling bed pillows in antoines room and later antoine rescues her as she steals a boat with a faulty engine from the boatyard and it erupts into flames on the water near the lighthouse. they share an intimate moment on the beach and the eldest brother tries to dissuade the younger from reuniting with his adulterous wife.
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