#the worst witch s4
missadacackle · 4 months
Ada and Agatha's Birthscroll
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Okay, so I do not know if this has been done before, but I was overstimulated this morning and needed something to focus on and after a lot of puzzling, I believe it took me about three hours I came down to the following.
(it's a lot of reading and I'll try to keep it as clear as possible)
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Lets just start off with date and time of birth, from Ada and Agatha.
What I managed to figure out is that the scroll says
Agatha Cackle was born at [time]
Ada Cackle was born at [time]
to Alma Cackle
I'm not sure if the scroll says "on" or "Date" both could be possible, and is followed by "Tuesday/Thursday 27th December 19.."
I will get back to whether it's Tuesday or Thursday in a moment, but first the year.
In s1e10, The Mists of Time, Ethel says "What if I have to spend the next fifty years with you." and Ada and Agatha are in this episode most likely around the age of 11/12. The oldest they could be would be 15 as in s4 Maud has a statement that I cannot quote right now, but to which we can assume that Cackle's has 5 years, in which the 5th is exam year.
If we calculate from 2017 when The first season of the Worst Witch was filmed, does that mean they were born somewhere between 1950 and 1960.
After quick research I found out that only times the 27th of December, in the decade between 1950 and 1960, fell on a Tuesday or Thursday were in 1955 (a Tuesday) and in 1956 (a Thursday).
And then if we assume that Ada and Agatha were in the mists of time Episode 11 years old, they would be 61 in 2017, which comes down that their date of birth is on Thursday, December 27th 1956
This means Ada and Agatha are both Capricorns.
Next I tried to figure out what time Ada and Agatha exactly were born
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In the picture, zooming in a little, the first number after Agatha's name seems to be a five.
Okay, so they're born at 5AM (in the U.K they use the 24 hour clock, so if it'd be 5PM the scroll would say 17h)
Then comming to the exact minute.
The numbers aren't quite clear but we know from Agatha's quote "Mother only gave you the school because you're thirteen minutes older" that there must be a gap of 13 minutes. Agatha's numbers are most clear and it looks like 5:04 which would match with Ada's times, which look like 5:17.
(also I just noticed the scroll said "on" before the date)
To figure out what the ohter information was on the scroll I needed another picture.
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Out of this picture I could make up that under "Birthscroll" it says "Twin Witches"
Together with the other two pictures used before it looked like underneath that is writen "Black Crow" + something I could not figure out yet.
The first captital letter looks like a D, followed by probably an o
This made me conclude that ithe words after Black Crow is probably Doctoral or Doctorate, something along the lines of that.
Under the Black Crow Doctoral/Doctorate we have a picture and from what I could see, it looks like an Baby/Angel on either a cloud or something else similair. I could not get a clear view on what it was, nor could I find good referentical pictures so this is just a speculation.
Then before we have Agatha and Ada's name, something else is writen. After viewing different pictures and zooming in, I think it says "This certificate states that" or something similair to that, if we look at how much space it occupies on the scroll.
Now we nearly have the entire scroll
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At the bottom the scroll states something and I could not figure out what exactly, though after doing enough puzzling I managed to figure out that the scroll says "In Witness Whereof" and further it's unreadable.
The stamp seems to be having two babies in it, and under the stamp there is a autograph, which of my guessing and after doing research to these birthcertificates must be from the register.
And then we have the entire scroll
Birth Scroll
Twin Witches
Black Crow Doctoral/Docorate
[picture of the baby/angel]
This certificate states that
Agatha Cackle was born at 5:04
and(?) Ada Cackle was born at 5:17
To Alma Cackle
On Thursday 27th December 1956
In Witness Whereof ....
Peculiar I find that only Alma's name is on the scroll. I tired to do my research to this, but I had a throbbing headache when trying to figure this out, so with that research I did not come very far.
I simply concluded that Ada and Agatha's father was already out of picture/had already passed away when the twins were born, but this information could be incorrect, so if anyone knows, please let me know,
I dearly hope that this was useful. It's not very logical since that several episodes *after* Miss Cackle's birthday it's halloween.
But I feel like logic misses more often in The Worst Witch series.
Thank you for reading this all.
Some other pictures I used:
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loveakii · 1 year
the mikaelson siblings dynamic is so fucked bc they all think they’re the black sheep. like first klaus is the black sheep bc he’s a bastard and hybrid. then finn’s a black sheep cause he’s the creepy quiet boring brother (with a large age gap to the younger ones). then freya’s the black sheep cause she’s the long lost sister they never met raised by their weirdo auntie. then kol’s the black sheep cause he’s the only witch and a ripper. you could even say rebekah’s the black sheep not on surface level being that she’s the favourite and adored by all, but how she’s infantilized and can never be in the boys club. elijah is the only one who i’d say fits closely to what the parents and siblings want/expect from a family member: to be reliable and level headed and logical but still loyal to a fault. and even he breaks that illusion with the red door and off the rails arc that is s4-5 elijah. henrik died before we ever got to know him but he seems to be loved perfectly by all of them.
the ironic thing about klaus as a protagonist and his major fear that he is categorized as other is that all the people he’s afraid see him that way also feel that way about themselves. but they all think that they’re the worst version, that their exclusion is the most real.
and in truth it’s actually finn.
+ aside from their general feelings of being black sheep there’s also an additional layer of feelings of exclusion based around the always and forever vow, which obviously impacted finn and kol throughout their centuries. idk if freya knew or heard anything about it before s2, but i do think in s3 she felt less than for her lack of history with klaus and the difference in his treatment of her and rebekah (which i attribute to older sister vs little sister dynamics and the fact that he’s still getting to know her)
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annyankers · 1 year
I’m once again irrationally mad about how people complain about the magic metaphors in buffy work (the whole dark magic=addiction, wicca = gay shit thing).
Like I cannot express how frustrating it is to see people bitching about how things like Dark Willow “don’t make sense” because “magic/Wicca was a originally metaphor for queerness“ or whatever as tho the first two major episodes in the series where magic was used (1x3 “Witch” and 2x8 “Dark Ages” ) weren’t all about the dark/inappropriate/destructive/abusive use of magic.
People loooooooveeeeee Giles’ past as Ripper and delight over things like “Band Candy” where we see him go Full Ripper but cannot for the life of them seem to remember that we first even LEARNED ABOUT THAT PART OF HIM IN DARK AGES WHERE HE TALKED ABOUT BASICALLY MAGICALLY PARTYING SO HARD HIS FRIEND DIED. THIS IS OUR FIRST MAJOR CHARACTER EPISODE THAT’S GOT MAGIC AS A MAIN FOCAL ELEMENT! THIS IS THE ORIGINAL METAPHOR!
The queerness is still kinda baked in there because of the Ethan Of It All but it’s first and foremost a metaphor about like, all the shit that classically leads to substance abuse and the worst outcomes that can come from it. Willow and Tara are an example of the “good” side of magic ( I’ll say Jenny is also in this section but they do so fucking little w/ her technopagan-ness so). They’re also pretty explicitly said to be “Wiccans” which I also have some issues with because of how Wicca is portrayed/talked about in the show (the Silver RavenWolf energy of it all is so galling). But like, that’s literally a whole fucking different subsection/practice of witchcraft/magic. This is like getting mad at water polo for muddling the metaphor of jet skiing. Like yes, they both are water sports but I think you’ll that they’re not the same fucking one and work completely differently.
Magic is not just 1 set of spells and rituals, it’s a multifaceted, multilayered, multi-pathed thing. With Giles we see how it can go Very Wrong and with Willow and Tara in S4-5 we see how it can go Very Right (and how it can be used to help get the Gay in the show around the Fox Censors). Willow increasingly having issues with magic/substance abuse is NOT a mixed metaphor/bad writing/ruining the gay metaphor and implying gays are bad. It’s USING THE OTHER ALREADY ESTABLISHED MAGIC METAPHOR AS PART OF HER CHARACTER ARC. WILLOW CAN BE QUEER AND ALSO HAVE A SUBSTANCE ABUSE ISSUE! GILES ARGUABLY DID IT FIRST ANYWAY (again, the Ethan Of It All)!
Willow has ALWAYS been insecure, a lil bit of a control freak, someone who wants to be HER REAL SELF and also someone TOTALLY DIFFERENT. Like she wants to be Willow but only if it’s a Willow who’s better/cooler/stronger/prettier etc. Someone who’s not the “pathetic loser” she still sees herself as even in season 6 and hasn’t totally shaken in season 7. These desires both to feel more In Control/Better and Not Yourself are classic reasons people will turn to substance abuse. For Willow is it MUCH easier to do a wizard spell to “fix” a problem than it is to like, fucking confront her issues of self-loathing and self-worth and like.... go to therapy. And that’s what gets her in trouble just like it has for so many others before her. Like in many ways Dark/Addict Willow is like seeing Giles’ Ripper Era live and on screen plus maybe a lil bit on steroids.
Magic can be used as part of more than 1 metaphor and the substance abuse metaphor came first. Stop pretending like it never existed in the show until season 6.
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inevitably-johnlocked · 8 months
Five Fics Friday: February 2/24
It's Finally the First Friday in February, and that means it's Five Fics Friday! I hope you enjoy the fics I've chosen for y'all this week! And please give the boosted fic some love! <3 Enjoy!
Talk down your DNA by avalanching effect (T, 5,384 w., 1 Ch. || Supernatural Elements AU || Witches, Cannibalism, POV John, Spooky, Death, Suicide Attempt) – When him and Harry are 11, their parents take them to an abandoned sawmill for their birthday, and leave them to their own devices. After they learn how to turn it on, Harry pushes him in. Part 1 of Not dead, not alive, but a secret third thing
The Murder of Sir Emory J. Amat by ChrisCalledMeSweetie (T, 14,364+ w., 5/27 Ch. || WiP || Murder of Roger Ackroyd Fusion / 1925 AU || Surprise Ending, Case Fic, POV First Person John) – A Sherlock Holmes mystery, as recounted by Dr. John H. Watson. Can you follow the clues to deduce whodunnit?
Hand In Hand by LipstickDaddy(G, 2,847+ w., 3/? Ch. || WiP || Nail Salon AU || Fluff, Mutual Pining, Friends to Lovers, Happy Ending) – John Watson is home from Afghanistan, and he hasn’t felt entirely himself, entirely human, for weeks. He bumps into Stamford, and John makes an offhand comment about his friend’s “soft academic’s hands.” Stamford slips him the address of a nail shop near Bart’s, and John wonders if something as simple as a manicure might actually help him. Turns out, it’s the best impulse decision he’d ever make.
Maybe We Could Change His Mind by thalialunacy (E, 23,049 w., 5 Ch. || Post-S4, Romance, Banter, Schmoop, Friends to Lovers, Love Confessions, First Kiss/Time, Matchmaker Irene, Late-Life Coming Out, Queer Issues, Queer Friendship, Conversion Therapy Discussion, Texting, Anal / Oral Sex, Parental Sherlock) – John now knows that Irene and Sherlock have been corresponding through burner phones and WhatsApp for years. What he doesn't know is that the 'Oo you're shiny and smart!' hormones wore off long ago, and now they're simply gay besties chatting about life, fashion, and, of course, John. But John doesn't know that, so when Irene appears in their life again just as they get called into a very personal case, he feels the sand start to shift beneath his feet and has no idea why. Luckily, Sherlock will always do what it takes to ensure John gets to solid ground, no matter the cost.
we can stay here (& laugh away the fear) by unintentionallyangsty (T, 11,100 w., 1 Ch. || LOKI SERIES || Lokius, Canon Divergence, TVA Shenanigans, Attention Seeking Behaviour, Praise Kink, Touch Starvation, Pet Names, Angsty Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Shyness, Awkward Flirting, Crying, Misunderstandings, Cuddling/Snuggling, Blushing, Depression Mention) – Loki is bad with people and relationships, and tends to assume the worst of every intention and interaction because it's easier in the long-run. Mobius is good with Loki. (Or, two times Loki is spooked off by Mobius' unexpected gentleness and familiarity, and one (1) time the opposite is true).
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slingbats · 3 months
there's like. a LOT to unpack about ivy but i'm confused about the second take in the first place, does this make sense?
at the point where you realize "this was a mistake, lets try to scrap the character we already have and start over" (in the worst way possible that is probably much worse than they intended it) like.
why did she go from weird mushroom kid to bubbly. why was the middle stage bubbly? she was never like that before and there's less of a transition between s3 and s4 than they think there is, it's weird that they brought her actress back to show the change instead of just replacing her offscreen like any other character whose actor changed
if they HAD to do what they did because they regretted writing her in the first place, why didn't they skip straight to the green witch era, that would've made more sense, instead she's got three stages and none of them land on their feet because they never decided what they wanted before the cameras started rolling and then the final season got halved so she didn't even do anything
i don't even know where to begin critiquing any part of it because it's such a mess, i'd rather throw the whole thing out
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classicanalyzer · 5 months
Tales of the Empire Thoughts and Reflection
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Morgan Elsbeth - The Vengeful Nightsister
The Path of Fear
"It appears your path is set, Morgan Elsebeth. I pity you, for I can see what is to come." Mountain Clan Matron
The origins of Morgan's darkness begin with a tragedy. Her Nightsister tribe (whether that be a part of the same group as Talzin's or another Nightsister group is unclear) is massacred including her mother Selena (Voiced by Morgan's actress, Diana Lee Inosanto, who also voices the older Morgan in the next two shorts). You can really feel Morgan's anxiety and fear kick into overdrive as she saw her people and her own mother die to the onslaught of the droids.
General Grievous is terrifying as hell here. This is the CIS General who strikes fear into the Republic, Jedi, and the unlucky souls who have to contend with him. Likewise, there is no humor from the usually humorous and affably evil Droid mooks as we see them ruthlessly carry out the genocide of the Nightsisters.
The Mountain Clan gives me the vibes that they're Light Side-aligned witches. On that note, it's great to see other Dathomir witch clans since in Legends there were more witch clans than just the Nightsisters. However on that note, when Morgan goes on a hunting trip with Nali, the Mountain Clan Matron's daughter, they hide from a patrolling droid gunship. She then incites fear into her about the patrolling droids, even asking her if she can stand to see he mother die.
Morgan did want to protect the Mountain Clan from the Droids perceiving their unwillingness to prepare for the worst as cowardice. However, in doing so, she with three witches (one of whom is the Matron's daughter) got caught by a patroling droid gunship. But instead of getting the untrained witches to safety, Morgan went straight to destroy the droids who killed her family while leaving the witches to be killed.
The ending of the short ends Morgan alone with the fires of her fear giving way to destruction. Fear can cause a person to do things that end up harming those around them, even if the fear is out of a genuine desire to protect others. I don't think she was fully lost yet, but she clearly let the fear consume her after that.
"Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger." Yoda
The Path of Anger
"Why do you seek Imperial favor?" Thrawn.
"Revenge. Years ago, my people were all but destroyed. Our culture, our beliefs, are fading into memory. Yes, I seek power to ensure my future, to destroy my enemies. My anger gives me strength, and it is that strength that I offer the Empire." Morgan Elsbeth
"Offer accepted."
We open on Coruscant with 4 Venators and an Imperial ISD. It is revealed that Morgan is the designer of the infamous TIE Defender which makes her indirectly responsible for the events of Rebels S3-S4. Of course, the Imperials, particularly Moff Isdain, she presented it to are more interested in Corvus' resources, Morgan's disappointment and worries are felt with her facial expressions... until a familiar Captain is curious about her project.
Captain Pellaeon is disappointed to hear Morgan's response is the standard "Glory to the Empire" statement. Mogan is forced to return to Corvus with an angry crowd of people who worked hard and made her Magistrate, surrendered their freedoms, and trusted her to bring work and prosperity to them. It didn't help when Morgan referred to them from a backwater world and negatively looked down on them.
As night falls, with the angry crowd, Morgan remarks how "ungrateful" they're being and how they're not her people. This shows how Morgan is projecting the loss of her people on the people of Coruvs. However, she didn't take the time to be with the community as she views herself outside of it. She doesn't have long to think about this as she's ambushed by Rukh. The townspeople including Wing who have no love of Morgon now don't even bother to send the guard to help. With some quick thinking and skills, she was able to disarm and hold the assassin at her mercy. Pellaeon then revealed himself and stated how this was a part of a larger test.
With that, Admiral Thrawn (it feels so weird not seeing him in his GA outfit) enters the scene with his theme playing. As Thrawn acts more like his novel counterpart by discussing the Empire's shortcomings by focusing on self-interest and petty infighting over the growing threat of the rebellion. With that, he asks Morgon why she wants to join the Empire. She reveals that she wants revenge for her people being wiped out. It gives me the feeling that she wants to burn down the galaxy at this point, a feeling which is more true in the next short. As Thrawn gives her three of his ISDs, Wind solemnly notes that the Imperial occupation is not good news.
The ending of the short reveals how Morgon wanted to be in a community but she can't bring herself to truly be a part of it. Which is why she ended up rejected as people can't see her as one of their own since she chooses not to be a part of the community.
"Anger leads to hate." Yoda
The Path of Hate
"Be brave. No matter how dark things get." Nadura
"I can't." Wing
"You can. Help will come...... but you must be ready to do your part. Even if it is small. You can make a difference." Nadura
The dawn of the NR has come as Nadura, a former laborer, came back to her home for Corvus to become a NR planet. However, she discovers the town has only gotten worse and more oppressed by Morgan. She assures Wing that people can change and perhaps Morgan too. However, the truth couldn't have been farther. As Morgan talks about a vision she has and rejects any offers by Nadura (even thinking she's an ungrateful laborer despite Nadura pointing out the harsh conditions and "fair wages"), at that point despite Wing and Nadura pleading for a peaceful resolution, Morgon chose violence.
Even after killing the NR guards and Nadura, she had her soldiers burn down the forest almost out of spite (Nadura had pleaded with her to not burn everything around her... only for us to get the chilling statement of how her world has been burning since Dathomir). However, a ray of hope arrives when Wing is assured help is on the way by Nadura and he needs to be ready to help whatever he can. This really got to me as I was invested in Wing's growth, especially when we see him in Mando S2 helping to free the prisoners and alerting Djarin about the droid. He was able to live up to Nadura's hopes.
In the end, the cycle repeats itself. It's depressing and tragic to see how the sympathetic victim becomes the victimizer monster. In Morgan's quest to see her destiny fulfilled, she became just like the cyborg General who killed her people. The short ends with a seemingly downer note as Morgan destroys the communicator (Bo-Katan on the other side). However, there was a brief moment of Ahsoka's leitmotif used, a sign of what's to come in Mandalorian S2 The Jedi, where Ahsoka overthrows Morga and Wing plays his part, even if it is small.
Reflecting upon Morgan's character, her arc, and character remind me a lot of FF16's Barnabas Tharmr, both wanted a sense of belonging and were willing to do anything, even die for that. Morgan's revenge seems to be her wanting to burn the galaxy for allowing the massacre to happen. While we don't have a suffering short, the Ahsoka finale is the suffering of one of Yoda's famous lines.
"Hate leads to suffering." Yoda
Barriss Offee - The Conflicted Jedi
"Brothers, sisters enter. Enter. Now it is time you meet your new Master. Long Live the Empire!" Grand Inquisitor
Operation Knightfall has come... and Barriss Offee can only witness the fires of the Jedi Temple in her prison cell. Even after betraying the Jedi, she didn't want to see them perish (her reason for her actions in the first place was to protest the Jedi's involvement in the war). Of course, it doesn't take long for the Inquisitorius to take an interest. As Barriss recognizes Lyn, she discovers the narrative that the Jedi tried to "assassinate" Palpatine. Under threat of being killed if she refuses, Barriss takes Lyn's offer of an opportunity.
At Nur (I prefer Fallen Order's Nur over Kenobi's Nur but this show made Kenobi Nur look good), Barriss reunites with two Jedi, Ahmar (HE'S VOICED BY HUNTER?!) and Dante (VOICED BY ROWAN FREEMAKER?!), as we get the Grand Inquisitor (Jason Issacs is back!) recapping them of the galaxy's changes (Republic to Empire) and encourages them to prove themselves to join their ranks... discouraging them of trying to leave. Interestingly, Barriss acts the most Jedi-like (meditating while waiting) while Dante (is too scared of leaving) and Ahmar (who correctly sees that the Empire is no better than the Jedi) act un-Jedi-like. As Barriss tries to dissuade Ahmar from leaving, he scoffs (he notably asked why she wasn't in prison when they first reunited) why they should listen to her as it implies he might've been disgusted by what she did.
As Dante's opinions are validated with Ahmar's bloodied gem tossed, Barriss is taken to be tested by the Grand Inquisitor. What's really ironic is that the Grand Inquisitor became disillusioned by the Order because of Barriss' speech, and now he's giving her a crash course in truly embracing the Dark Side. You can see Barriss slow reluctance to give in to her anger but as the "fight" goes on, she becomes more aggressive and gives in to the Dark Side. With the Grand Inquisitor casually dodging her moves and encouraging her to stop "fighting like a Jedi", this results in Barriss hitting his shoulder armor... but he was still able to disarm her. As the blood drips from Barriss nose, she finally uses the Force to attack the Grand Inquisitor and with blood dripping from him, he regards her as ready for the final test.
The final test is of course... a fight to the death or else both will die. Even despite tapping into the Dark Side, Barriss doesn't want to fight... but Dante consumed by his fear decides to go for the kill. Barriss fights defensively throughout until she decides to save her life by Force-Chocking Dante. This of course is how she framed Ahsoka for murder and you can tell how shocked of what she just did as she's given her own Inqusistiro mask and greeted as a sister by Lyn.
The final scene shows Barriss, Lyn, Marrok, and even the Inquisitor from TotJ's episode Resolve meeting their new master: Darth Vader. The irony does not need to be stated. As Barriss puts on the helmet, truly accepting her role as a Jedi hunting Inquisitor. Her devotion is now with the Inquisitorius. We see the journey of someone who went from accusing the Order of promoting violence and warmongering to now joining an order of hunters who will reap violence (which she will discover).
Side Note: The Clone Shock Troopers and the proto-Purge Troopers are some of the most asshole Clones I've seen.
"Long Live the Empire." Barriss Offee
"The Jedi are a threat to be eradicated wherever they are found." Lyn Rakish
"Then you have one Jedi left to deal with." Barriss Offee
Barriss and Lyn are sent on a mission to deal with a Jedi supposedly located there. Barriss rightfully questions how they can trust the intel with Lyn's blindly believing she shouldn't question orders from the Grand Inquisitor. Throughout the entire episode, we see Barriss truly believe in the Imperial propaganda that they were bringing peace and prosperity to the galaxy. However, she sees the shantytown and ruins of a world where a rebel cell operated, and she's shocked about why the Empire would allow this to happen. Lyn coldly gives no empathy to the people as they rebelled against the Empire.
Eventually, they reach the town square where we see a major difference between the two former Jedi. Lyn aggressively threatens the townsfolk about revealing the Jedi and spews out Imperial propaganda about the Jedi which only gets her nothing from their elder. However, Barriss notices a child who seem to know where the Jedi is. Barriss' approach is calmly approaching the child, even taking off her helmet to nicely ask. Unsurprisingly, Barriss' approach worked out as the child gave the Jedi's location. This shows how despite being an Inquisitor, Barriss believes the Inquisitorius is a better version of the Order. However because the Governor lied about no Jedi being there, Lyn killed all of the people in the square. I think this might be one of the most violent moments in SW animation as we see several civilians killed on-screen. Thankfully, Barriss was able to spare the child as she encouraged them to not look back... that child is going to have so many trust issues when they grow up.
We get to know more about Lyn's thought process as it's clear she believes fear will bring a projection of strength (something which comes back to haunt her in the next short). It doesn't take long for the two to find the Jedi. The Jedi managed to knock out Lyn and we get a really cool duel between Barriss and the Jedi. Barriss tries to sympathize with the Jedi about being abandoned and left alone to join a new community. This convinces the Jedi to surrender after sympathizing with being alone and tired of running. However, Lyn then nearly kills the Jedi despite them surrendering. This was the last straw as Lyn dismissed Barriss' point of their surrender and that was when Barriss finally returned to the Light, as she Force pushed her former friend off the cliff. Symbolically, Barriss then drops her Inquisitor helmet off the cliff. She then begins to heal the Jedi as she proclaims they're not alone.
Side Note: The Jedi (They/them pronouns) is also voiced by a Queer VA, Ry Chase (goes by any all pronouns) which is amazing representation to see. I'm also so happy they aren't killed.
"I won't let you die. You're not alone." Barriss Offee
The Way Out
"I forgive you." Barriss Offee
"I don't want your forgiveness. I want you to show me the way out." Lyn Rakish
"You know the way out. You just have to accept it, Lyn."
"Stop calling me that."
"But that is who you are."
"There is no way out, is there?"
"That's what the Empire wants you to think."
"I am gonna get you out of here."
As a family with their Force-sensitive child makes their way to find help, they can meet with The Healer, otherwise known as Barriss. She has once again reconnected with her Jedi roots and embraced it. It's even highly implied she reconciled with Ahsoka which is the most heartwarming thing to know happened. However, Lyn has found them all (ironically she wasn't even searching for Barriss).
As Lyn is now sunken low to hunt children, Barriss notes how fear has become Lyn's master and not her ally as Barriss like the Grand Inquisitor dodged every strike.
In many ways, Lyn getting lost in the cave reflects how fear consumes and blinds you. As you let fear dictate your life, you cannot find the way out. But when you let go of fear, the way out is quite clear, the family and the attendants were able to easily get out of the cave as a result.
As Lyn becomes more afraid and fearful when her trapped state is apparent. We see the true Lyn, someone scared of failure, and the organization she serves. Lyn's mental breakdown reflects how just like in the first episode, fear can let you hurt people you weren't intending to hurt... as she stabs Barriss in her blind rage. However, Barriss's compassion despite everything she did was enough to finally break through to Lyn's heart, and like Reva, she abandoned her weapon to hopefully help Barriss. However, whatever Barriss lives or dies isn't important what is important is she helps her friend find the light.
Upon reflection, the Lyn represents Barriss' idealism being twisted by the Inquisitorius. Barriss and Lyn thought this new order would be better than the Jedi. However, while Barriss sticks to her Jedi's beliefs (she ended up in jail for protesting the Jedi's involvement in the war but still believed in its values), Lyn for a long time embraced the violence and heartlessness of the Inquisitorius. It's little wonder why Barriss wanted to do everything she could to help her.
Despite the darkness in these two shorts, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.
Happy May the Fourth!
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phoebehalliwell · 3 months
CH98 & CH18 collide: Macy is the daughter of Prue (+ Cleavant Wilson) & Maggie is the daughter of Paige (+ Mason Cowan). Mel doesn't exist because she's the worst. Kaela is the daughter of Phoebe (+ Reece Davidson) &, oh, look Phoebe (+ the Seer) have another daughter named Jada (long story... don't ask... it was Leo's fault maybe) & they live over East but visit sometimes. Piper is the loveable aunt who never got to have babies of her own... but her AU sons Wyatt & Chris visit her occasionally.
not the mel slanderrrr you're not like wrong tho and i think i might actually have macy be the daughter of prue and gordon franklin (making max franklin her half brother). i also really love maggie as a daughter of paige that feels so inspired honestly i also really like witchlighter maggie phoebe and reece is also a really fun pairing i actually never watched s4 so i can't talk to her personality at all and i'm gonna throw in a wild card for jada specifically and say leo and ariel (the witch from prewitched in an au where she didn't die). ooh and you know what? a seer/cole child. the seer was lowkey sexy like!! she was sick as hell like i won't recant! idk who their seer/cole kid would be tho... not parker bc he was kind of a flop character. that being said, grooming him to be the source would really fit.... maybe seer/cole kid as macy given her demonic heritage....
ooh niko as the piper/mark child!!!! and she's dating some girl named mal (no relation)
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hecateisalesbian · 1 year
I’m still pissed Disney cut The Owl House Short so I made two more seasons out of 3 episodes
Something lost and found
S3 A
Ep 1 - Surprise Visit
After Luz and the gang show up at Camila’s door, Camila finds herself caring for 6 kids
Ep 2 - Outdoor Troubles
Luz helps everyone overcome their fear of rain. Hunter has some trouble.
Ep 3 - Mother o’ mine
Luz opens up to Camila about her time in the Boiling Isles
Ep 4 - Ever had a doubt?
Vee takes it upon herself to spy on hunter. Hunter feels guilty for his Uncle’s doing
Ep 5 - Time to lift!
Amity and Willow discover they still have things to talk about. One thing brings them together
Ep 6 - He who lies
Camila takes Luz and Hunter to the local library to find information on witches
Ep 7 - I was a teenage horror show
Luz has to go back to school. And face a brutal reality.
Ep 8 - Never did I ever!
Hunter and Luz discuss the Day of Unity. Amity, Willow, Gus, and Vee attempt to fix the shack. 
Ep 9 - Green grass and Blue Skies
Camila takes everyone to the lake. Amity makes a discovery
Ep 10 - Lucky Guess
Eda is faced with a dark situation
S3 B
Ep 11 - Only I Could Want You
The Collector begins a game with the Boiling Isles. King makes a daring request
Ep 12 - Some Who Dare
Luz falls into a depressive episode after a failed portal door attempt. Amity asks for advice.
Ep 13 - Tick Tock! 
Matt forms a secret society hidden from Boscha. Boscha confides in her New Friend.
Ep 14 - Amity, oh Cramity!
Amity takes Luz on a date to clear her mind.
Ep 15 - Never you mind
Eda, King, and Lilith remember a family member
Ep 16 - Dinner for Two?
Odalia stumbles upon an opportunity. 
Ep 17 - Friends in High Places
The gang take a trip to the zoo. Hunter gets nervous. 
Ep 18 - O’er Thy Hill
Matt Leads a rescue mission. King discovers a little of Collector’s past
Ep 19 - Under and Over
Luz receives an invitation to a Halloween Festival. Vee makes old connections
Ep 20 - Need I Say More?
Hunter interrupts Luz’s and Amity’s plans.
Ep 21 - Dig Up New Graves
An encounter with an old friend leaves another stranded
Find the light in the dark
S4 A
Ep 1 - Friends and Foes
Upon returning to the Demon Realm, Luz and her friends find nothing is like it was
Ep 2 - Into the...Alone?
The Collector brings unexpected relations.
Ep 3 - Nice look, Captain!
Luz and the gang stumble upon Hexside, and its new Leader.
Ep 4 - Daunts and Haunts
Belos is reminded of his past
Ep 5 - Three Hundred Feet 
The Collector is read to sleep by a book with horrors
Ep 6 - Here Goes Nothing
Matt introduces everyone to the secret rebellion forming under Boscha’s nose
Ep 7 - Everyone has a Secret
Boscha Must join forces with the whole school to take down an old enemy
Ep 8 - Let Them Know
Raine talks to the Collector, but they seem different
Ep 9 - In Death Do Us Part
The Collector overhears a conversation that’s leads him to believe there is a Backstabber among him.
Ep 10 - Get to the Top
The fight with Kikimora still rages, but with a new friend by Luz’s side, there is hope to reach the Titan
Ep 11 - Here Lies Luz
Luz is left alone 
S4 B
Ep 12 - Titans and Trappers
King wakes up to find himself inside his worst nightmare
Ep 13 - Instead of Me
Eda’s worst fears come to life
Ep 14 - Never Shed a Tear
Luz is faced with her mistakes . But something seems off.
Ep 15 - Trials and Tribulations
After waking up Eda and King, Luz finds her and the Collector face to face
Ep 16 - Have a Friend, Lose a Friend
The Collector tells Luz about the Archivists. 
Ep 17 - Every Titan for Themselves
Raine and Belos face off
Ep 18 - Dazed At It’s Glory
Luz shows The Collector her adventures through the Isles. 
Ep 19 - A Lying Emperor and A Human
Luz must make a sacrifice 
Ep 20 - Rad Dad
Luz wakes up to find herself inbetween
Ep 21 - Kiss Me Goodbye
Luz and Belos have a final duel
Yes I will make a very long and detailed synopsis for each episode just give me a minute
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sunnydaleherald · 7 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, February 24th
XANDER: So you just went home? BUFFY: What was I supposed to do? Say to Owen, 'Sorry I was late, I was sitting in a cemetery with the librarian waiting for a vampire to rise so I could prevent an evil prophecy from coming to pass?' XANDER: Or flat tire?
~~Never Kill A Boy On The First Date~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Weekly Drabbles #89 — Her Happy Day by veronyxk84 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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Blood Under Our Nails by SomeKindOfADeviant (Spike/Drusilla, E)
i'm like you, right? by bodytoflame (Cordelia & Indira Nunnally, G)
I miss you, I'm sorry by FanFreak611 (Cordelia & Sarah Chase, Cordelia & Spike, T)
A quick detour by Bl4ckHunter (The Trio, Sonic X / Sonic the Hedgehog crossover, T)
A bunch of flowers for Valentine's Day by MissKitty28 (Buffy/Spike, T)
want, take, have by softestbutch (Buffy/Faith, T)
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What the Drabble? Chapter 89 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, R)
Lovers' Universe by Harlow Turner (Buffy/Spike/Riley, R)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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The Sunnydale Party, Chapter 2 by Cynder2013 (Scoobies, DIE comic crossover, M)
Xander the Teenage Witch: Something Wicked, Chapter 10 by v_o_x (Xander/Larry, T)
surrender your power, Chapter 11 by paperwasp (Buffy/Faith, E)
Raven, Chapter 4 by sparrow2000 (Xander & Spike, G)
Worth Fighting For, Chapter 60 by melodys_muse (Buffy/Angel, T)
Greatest Love Story Postlude, Chapter 5 by FalseGinger (Angel/Spike, M)
With Sprinkles, Chapters 1-32 by dogbertcarroll, Narsil (Xander, Naruto crossover, M)
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Amara Time, Chapter 20 by Joan963z (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Afterburn, Chapter 16 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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With Sprinkles, Chapter 32 by dogbertcarroll (Xander, Naruto crossover, FR15)
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Love Lives Here, Chapter 27 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Day After, Chapter 3 by Maldorana (Buffy/Spike, G)
Resurrection, Chapter 1 by Lady Emma (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: Angel’s tattoo by ghostrabbit87 (worksafe)
Artwork: Angel by Pink Person (worksafe)
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Video: Buffy and Angel CROSSOVERS (part 3) - Season 6/Season 3 + COMIC ISSUE "Reunion" dub! by Love Bites
Fanvid: AtS S4/BtVS S7 | I Don't Have to See You Right Now by genericaces
Fanvid: Willow & Oz and Spike & Buffy-At Your Worst (Secret Valentine 2024) by lbchatterbox
Fanvid: Buffyverse | All I Need by Jess Wilson
Fanvid: Darla/Buffy | Running Up That Hill by Light
Fanvid: Buffy & Spike - Catch That Glory (Season 07) by MayEditvids
Fanvid: Buffy & Spike - All About Us by MayEditvids
Fanvid: Buffy vs Faith - Bad Blood by juliaroxs241
Fanvid: Buffy and Angel - 2 Become 1 by juliaroxs241
Fanvid: Spike Buffy Riley - Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin' by juliaroxs241 (creator also posted several other vids)
Vidlet: honestly every slayer fits this song [labour by Paris Paloma] by Demi sadler (Buffy)
Vidlet: buffy by Demi sadler
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Video: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 1 Review by George Alexander
Video: Once More With Feeling-Slayer Sunday by Jane Talks Buffy
[Fandom Discussions]
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I was heartbroken when I heard the news that there will not be a Slayers: A Buffyverse Story Season 2 AmberAddict
For all Buffy the Vampire Slayer did wrong, it did found family right by ammyamarant
the mortal danger is not the issue with [Jenny] by mimsycohen
xander being the one that angel uses for bait by mimsycohen
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Do you skip episodes? What's your criteria? continued by vampmogs
Whose side are you on? [Empty Places] continued by multiple posters
Slayers: A Buffyverse Story' Has Been Canceled continued by multiple posters
Rewatch thoughts and questions continued by multiple posters
Sid in puppet show by The Whirlwind
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They totally should’ve kept this in! by hthbellhop76
Buffy and faith bodyswitch by AresEli
I had this idea for a Buffy Alternate reality that spawns after The Wish by TheFrostWolf7
Buffy's claims about Harmony in Real Me by Tuxedo_Mark
Something I Noticed In the Finale by contact-stupiditis
Which pathetic insignificant mortal did The Great Glorificus hate the most? Buffy or Willow? by mbene913
Neat bit of continuity between 'Earshot' and 'The Gift' by mbene913
Favorite episode by WasteSteak7194
Going to high school in Sunnydale by Desperate-Fan-3671
Do you have an episode (or episodes) that means something different for you now than it was 10-20 years ago? by SorceryStorm
What do you think is the 'Buffiest' episode? by maycontaincake
What piece of advice would you offer to your least favorite character? by PristineSituation498
Can we talk about how real Buffy was for showing how it took her 3 episodes to get over Parker? by redditwatcher11
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Video: Slayers' Audible Drama: Mixed News for Buffy Fans on Spike, Dru & the Buffyverse Ahead! by Examining Kubrick Craven Halloween
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ollovae3 · 2 years
Currently in a bit of a brain-is-mushy state still, wrote most of this days ago, but thought I'd toss this at y'all who remained through my hiatus (depression and burnout followed by school is,,,, fun)?? Like I said before, I've gotten hooked on The Walking Dead—also got my mom hooked on it somehow, so I'm cackling. As usual, that means my lil OC brain is churning a mile a minute but with no ability to choose, so I'd love y'all's opinions?
No art atm since I'm still recovering from literally drawing every day w the fear of 1000 gazelles (if that makes ANY sense), but I've got some picrews and info for em!! Not all the info tho cause I straight up have about 3 pages per character, in 2-column, 10pt font format. 💀 So here's their picrews and their initial moodboards!! Appearances changed since the boards so sorry abt that. 😅 Bless Canva tho, been addicted to that damn site since HS 👌
And yes I got attached to Daryl, leave me be w my love for the grump-w/-a-golden-heart trope— 🫣💀
Warning for some TWD-typical violence below, as well as mention of addiction/withdrawal.
Halina Waldron:
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Halina Waldron essentially had the Worst Vacation of Her Life. Went on a post-grad celebration trip, only for the Outbreak to start JUST as they got to their new stop for the trip (near the Atlanta area).
Managed to find the Dixon brothers before they found the Quarry, and essentially annoyed them into letting her tag along and learn from them. She hopes to find her family back in Vermont, but her story follows mostly along the canon route with the rest of the survivors.
Admittedly am tempted though to have her end up working for (not a soldier for) the Saviors at some point, as a way to change canon/put in some interesting conflict? But we'll see 👀
Brigid Hassall
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Brigid Hassall, the Granny Witch from the Georgia portion of Appalachia! Personally designed her to be of partially Melungeon descent, as well as visibly Autistic?
Lived in the same lil town as the Dixons, with the talents of/later studying to be a medicine witch (variant of Granny Witches afaik). Was good friends with Daryl in school, and helped both brothers whenever they needed patching up or Merle needed help trying to quit whatever he was on. She turned semi-agoraphobic after losing her family, so the boys didn't see her and couldn't find her after The Outbreak. She did survive though, and kept growing things and hunting when she needed, helping travelers or defending her home from them.
Shows up around S3, during the Prison-Era. Got sought out for help w medicine and associated horticulture knowledge.
Andromeda Shaw
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Andromeda Shaw, also called Meda [mee-dah], is a bit of a harsher character? She and her family were out camping with friends to escape the nasty flu going around when things hit. They lost their friends, who Meda had to stop from biting her family or getting into their RV, which hardened her, but broke her sibling (understandable ngl-).
After that, she and the family have been wandering in the RV, hoping to find people to trade with or somewhere safe to stay. Her parents had to focus on protecting and stabilizing her sib after that camping trip, so Meda's placed herself as the defacto family shield of sorts, there to have her dad's back and to help provide when the others can't.
The Shaws end up muddling with canon a bit, but don't show until around the Post-Governor Prison-Era in late-S3/S4? Eventually become more of a staple in canon during S6, when it turns out they're runners and residents of Alexandria.
So yeah!! I'd love any opinions on which of these girls you think I should run with more? I rlly like all of em so I'm just stuck blue-screening about which to work with, and I'd appreciate anything you might have honestly 😅.
Happy to answer additional questions abt em if that helps at all!! 💖
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rosesradio · 2 years
portwell and drama club halloween party?
here you go, a 365 word drabble ! set in i guess s4 era but portwell is still together...and see what their costumes are based on...👀
(reblogs are appreciated !)
"A witch, huh? I thought you were the one who suggested a couple's costume."
EJ's voice was low by her ear, making Gina's cheeks heat as she turned away from the snack table, taking in his costume. He was in a full ensemble of silver and blue, with some kind of tech-band on his arm with blinking buttons. The crowning jewel--or worst part, depending on who you asked--was the blue wig he was wearing. It looked like his hair in shape, but was tackily bright, and Gina could see the line where just a hint of brown hair peeked out.
"An alien," Gina blinked, taking it all in. How he could somehow pull off this ridiculous Party City look was beyond her. "You look..." she started to grin, holding back a laugh, which was successful for about two seconds.
"What's wrong with it?" EJ asked, seeming genuinely surprised. "I thought it was cool! You know, sexy, like Katy Perry's E.T.? A whole other world, a different dimension?"
Gina shook her head, turning back to the concessions table, loading her plate with one of everything. If her friends were good at anything besides theatre, it was going all out for Halloween treats; Ashlyn's ghost-themed chocolate dipped strawberries looked particularly good.
"If you were looking for that kind of costume, you could've went as, like, a pirate? Or a vampire?" Gina suggested.
"Or a catboy," EJ added sagely. "That way we could match." he nodded towards Gina's purple witch ensemble.
"Yeah, maybe," Gina grinned, imagining EJ in a pair of fluffy cat ears. "But I'm glad you're dressed how you want--even though I will be bullying you for thinking it's a sexy look. I still think it's out of this world." she stood on her tip-toes and kissed EJ's cheek.
"And I think you've put a spell on me," EJ replied with a smug smile, as if he were smart for thinking up that line. He plucked one of Carlos's spider-themed pretzels off of Gina's plate and walked off towards the group's Halloween dance off. Right now they were doing Monster Mash, but Gina smiled to herself at the thought of asking them to play E.T. next.
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hydr0phius · 1 year
A little Post-The Worst Witch (2017) S4 E13: The Witching Hour fic. Sorry in advance for any sucker punches to the feels.
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My fave Tvd characters ( or ones that I don’t actively want to murder )
Please bear in mind that this is just my opinion and you can like whoever you want. Also this list only includes characters from TVD and one from TO.
1. Katherine Pierce
I absolutely loved Katherine, to the point where I lost interest in the show soon after her death (although this was more due to decline in quality). I liked her in s2 for her power and iconic personality / quotes, as well as her complex, interesting history. As the seasons progressed, I also felt sorry for her, especially when they screwed her over at the end of her life in s5, just to bring her back and ruin her again in s8. I understand that her character had flaws but I am still mad that she went to hell but flipping Klaus Mikaelson didn’t. Another thing that made me enjoy her was the brilliant acting from Nina Dobrev, who shone in the role of a badass yet glamorous villain and brought real personality to the part, despite her lazy and inconsistent storyline. She was a funny and iconic character, who was screwed over by everyone she ever met including her own father, all of her boyfriends and her doppelgänger and suffered to much for a 17 year old girl.
2. Rebekah Mikaelson
Rebekah always intrigued me, even though I found her annoying on my first watch of TVD, mainly due to her constant misguided loyalty to her brother. However, I came to realise that she was a victim of Klaus, just like everyone else, and that he was abusive and controlling towards her. After realising this, I was able to fully appreciate her character and the way she only wanted love and roasted the MF gang on many occasions. I especially enjoyed her sisterly relationships with Freya and Hayley and wished that she had become friends with Katherine, because that pairing would have been legendary.
3. Freya Mikaelson
She was the only reason that I managed to make it through any of TO and it was refreshing to see another powerful main witch aside from Bonnie. As I mentioned above, I loved her relationship with Freya and Hayley and liked her protectiveness. However, her loyalty to her family sometimes annoyed me, as I couldn’t stand her brothers. She deserved better than the Mikaelson men and Hope, who, from what I’ve seen, is the most annoying, whiny, overpowered teenage girl in the TVDU.
4. Matt Donovan
Everybody hates on this guy and I don’t understand why. He was just a normal teen with an absent father and an irresponsible, mostly absent mother, whose sister died when he was young, along with half of his friends. In my opinion, his dedication to staying a human and sticking to his morals was admirable and his relationships with many of the girls were cute and non-toxic. People only hate him because he isn’t some angsty, rebel heartthrob and happened to dislike many of the fan favourites.
5. Vicki Donovan
The writers really looked at this girl in s1 and were like “Let’s make her life as miserable as possible”. She grew up with terrible parents, had a drug problem, dated pre-redemption arc Tyler Lockwood, became a ripper and then died at the hands of a 100 year old monster. The worst part is that people dislike her because they found her issues “annoying” but then praise characters like Stefan, Klaus and Damon who all had serious mental illness as well.
6. Lexi Branson
She was a friendly and supportive person who died too soon and should have stayed on the show longer. Her attitude towards Katherine/Elena could have been interesting and her hatred of Damon was hilarious.
7. Elena Gilbert
Although I could hardly stand her in s4&6 and especially s5, I thought that she was an interesting character in the early seasons with a somewhat nice personality and a sense of nobility that many characters lacked. She doesn’t deserve all of the hate that she gets but I definitely understand why people don’t like her. I also think she should have been more sympathetic of Katherine and Rebekah, but I think that her feelings and opinions were always heavily manipulated by the Salvatore brothers.
8. Kai Parker
He brought some much needed excitement and comic relief to the very dreary s6 and he treated Katherien with the respect that she deserved. However, he suffered from the fact that he was a newcomer in the time when the show’s spirit started to die.
9. Jenna Sommers
This poor woman was left to look after two traumatised teenagers, after her only sister died, and put up with the constant drama of Mystic Falls. She was one of the few innocent people on this entire show and she deserved a happy ending, instead of being killed by a man she had never done anything to.
10. Hayley Marshall
She was interesting and funny, although she was sometimes annoying, and she put Caroline in her place when she was being particularly annoying. Every time she defied Klaus or Elijah I was like GO GET IT GIRL! However she, like Katherine, had a terrible taste in men, seeing as she went after the Mikaelson brothers.
These are all of my fave charcters on TVD. Hope you like at least one of these people.
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heathtrash · 2 years
What are your thoughts on Mildred and Hecate relationship? I kinda wished the writers toned down Hecate strictness a bit, sometimes it kinda looks like Hecate is being abusive to Mildred.
sO, i'm going to preface this by saying i do not engage with The Worst Witch for Mildred & Hecate content and have no particular desire to see any friendly feelings between them and certainly no maternal affection from Hecate for Mildred. my ideal for them is that they are a student and teacher in the same school and go through a natural growth of mutual respect by the end. Hecate simply wants her to succeed and has a distant level of fondness for her, and Mildred is at first scared of her but develops respect for her. that's not everyone's shared feeling of course! so just bear that in mind.
in book canon, Miss Hardbroom is far more playful with Mildred, though still has moments where she's actively cruel. it's clearly a source of amusement to her to magically sneak up on Mildred & co. while they're up to something, but not for the purpose of humiliating them. narratively, she's set up to be the Stern Teacher to Mildred's Book Dumb/This Loser Is You. (this is loosely the dynamic Constance Hardbroom occupies in 1998, but in general they make her deliberately less effective at commanding a classroom in this to allow more space for shenanigans.)
the 2017 series deviates by accentuating Hecate's strictness, which pushed her more into the Sadist Teacher trope at times. in fact, this was almost the reason i never watched it and decided to give it a miss after seeing the initial trailer (yes, REALLY; i'm sorry Raquel). that wasn't Miss Hardbroom to me, even though i don't really care about Mildred and Hecate being friends.
now i have a better appreciation for the reasons they did this (while i still think it's kind of,,, not wholly accurate to the character and reads as uncomfortable in places) and love Raquel's depiction of the character. to make Miss Hardbroom "scary" for this era's youth and more of an antagonist in select episodes, they overcompensated and went overboard with her cruelty. it's important to recognise that they were really going for nuance in individual episodes, which reflects the intended demographic of the series.
however, Hecate does have scenes where she has more than one side, but these are limited and fleeting (usually with an adult, and only sometimes with students in the life-or-death situations) and the growth doesn't persist between episodes. this is why the arc in S4 with her suddenly becoming the Misunderstood Loner with a Heart of Gold feels a bit out of character with the little to no build-up they provide. suddenly she's okay with random children hugging her, even though she's supposedly the teacher who puts professionalism first, who has always needed to maintain distance because everything that was revealed in S3 (i.e. she could never allow herself to feel anything for anyone because they'd just leave while she was stuck confined to Cackle's)? most forced growth ever.
i think one of the most obvious cases of Hecate's abusiveness is when she sends Mildred to Wormwood's Academy when she herself was allowed to remain at Cackle's after turning Indigo Moon to stone. but - a big but - she is distraught over Ada at this point (plus, this is the big finale and they had to have a "Mildred actually gets expelled" moment, so they can bring her back in time for her ultimate success). this is not to excuse her behaviour, but it is an emotional reaction that she herself acknowledges.
yet the abusiveness is also in the tiny things, like begrudgingly passing Mildred in her exams, constantly telling her students that they're doing badly, etc. and i fully stand behind that. i have some thoughts about the things children pick up from media about how they should be treated by adults, and The Worst Witch sometimes crosses some boundaries there.
there are definitely ways of portraying strictness that don't edge into abuse. this is mostly true of the book, but the 2017 series sometimes gets this right too. i would never want to take away a core characteristic of Miss Hardbroom by simply making her "softer". i think there were sometimes choices that could have been made very differently with Hecate, both in her unkind and kind moments, but that's not something that's very easily explored within each 28-minute episode of a CBBC show. and that's why we write fanfiction!
(also i wrote this in a very minimum effort moment without referencing anything so forgive me for not providing more specific examples. i'll probably talk more about this at some point when i'm not pushed for energy!)
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chestharrington · 2 years
I saw this take even here on tumblr, they went so far that Steve set up cameras in his bedroom for some kind off revenge porn thing bc they took the comment a guy said to Nancy (something like can't wait to see your movie) too literal. Like this comment was directly related to them spraying the message on the cinema thing. Plus why tf would Steve, who called Jonathan out for being a creep, be a creep himself. It doesn't make sense like there is no indication of him for A setting up cameras and B when they actually had sex and Nancy stopped for a second he asked if everything is okay and then Nancy initiated the next kiss to keep going.
I get not liking Steve, prefering Jonathan or whatever but please don't make up harmful things to "justify" your hate for a character. Fucking hate the Duffers for bringing back the love triangle because all of those weird ass takes come from Jonathan or Jancy stans.
Media literacy is so low.
The point I made to @demogordon about this is like— when they wrote season 1, they fully intended for Steve to die at the end. The average viewer would’ve seen his typical jock asshole behavior (some of which I find to be understandable, ie: breaking Jonathan’s camera) and even like “oh, yeah, he was a jerk. I guess him dying is understandable.” Apart from the study scene that they use to show it was SA, Steve’s season one crimes are use of the word queer along with insults to instigate a fight with Jonathan, breaking Jonathan’s camera, prioritizing self preservation over Barb’s disappearance, and aligning himself with Carol and Tommy, who slutshame and bully Nancy and others. Of these, I’d rank his allowance of Carol and Tommy’s behavior and what he said to Jonathan to be the worst offenses, both of which he holds himself accountable for by breaking off that friendship and going to the Byers’ house to personally apologize to Jonathan (also, he didn’t even know Nancy would be there). Hold onto the study scene bc I’ll come back to that.
Compare this to the characterization of 2 other jock-asshole characters who were slated to die— Billy and Jason. Billy Hargrove is a character who in the simplest of terms is a violent racist. They don’t shy away from this in season 2 (he attempts to hit Lucas, Dustin, and Mike with his car, he attempts to physically assault Lucas because he’s racist, he terrorizes Max, he’s a misogynist, he’s gross). We watch him die in season 3 (spared of continued violence and racism because he’s being puppeted by the mindflayer) and it’s understandable. This is a bad person, and bad people are going to die on this show.
Of the two, I find Jason’s motives easier to understand in the context of the story of s4, despite him still leaving a sour taste in my mouth. He creates a witch hunt for an innocent person and sics a group of primarily white grown men on two black children. He threatens Lucas with a gun and violently attacks him. Jason’s motives are born from grief, loss, and a desire to reassert his power and authority. When he dies (in a graphic, fucking brutal way) we pretty much get it. Good riddance to that guy.
Compare Steve’s actions in season 1 to either of those, and it feels weird that he was going to die in the end of the season. Billy and Jason’s actions border on psychotic and sociopathic, in Jason’s case, extremely unhinged. Steve Harrington’s actions reflect the actions of an insecure boy who has yet to grow up and out of the hole that has been dug for him. There is accountability and shame in his story that we did not see in Billy or Jason.
Onto the study scene. What’s important to understand before watching is the context of the scene itself. Nancy’s intentions are to place herself outside of the other girls steve has been with. She’s not a slut, she’s a suburban, all-American good girl. She is coy in her deflections leading up to that night. Insisting that the date is to study, wink wink nudge nudge, before smiling and leaving. Steve shows up at her house and they do study! But the undertones of the scene are leading up to the sneaky make out they planned earlier in the episode. Nancy says no, she needs to focus, Steve suggests they strip study. It’s a push and pull flirtation that ends in a mutually initiated kiss. When it goes further and Steve moves his hands to her shirt and she says no, he backs off and plays it off cool.
The duffers don’t shy away from portraying shitty jock assholes. We see it in Tommy, Jason, Billy, and the nameless men in Jason’s posse. If Steve was supposed to die and they’re painting steve as an unsympathetic asshole, why shy away from portraying SA if that was their intention? Stranger things has shown depictions of non-consensual voyeurism, domestic abuse, loss, homophobia, eating disorders, PTSD, and more I’m probably forgetting while I sit here typing this. If that scene was meant to portray SA, it would be overt, and we would collectively know and agree.
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nikkiruncks · 2 years
bonnie for the character bingo <3
Omg tysm for sending this!!!
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life  hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff (I'm not a huge expert on hogwarts houses, but I know gryffindors are loyal (or maybe that's hufflepuff idk)
best quality: brave, loving, caring, loyal, selfless, badass (when the writers let her be), shallow note but very beautiful worst quality: She tends to be loyal to a fault, also her sticking her nose out for the gilberts when they don't deserve it. ship them with: the only people I could never ship her with tbfh is her canon pairings and alaric and elena, but aside from them I'm down for any bonnie pairing (bamon is my fave tho) brotp them with:  Matt, Caroline (s1-s4 in canon), Rebekah, Katherine, Stefan, Tyler, the bennett witches (tho i ship her w the above romantically (except for the bennett witches ovo) needs to stay away from: the gilberts in canon, alaric, and the salvatores till they treat her better misc. thoughts: The first characther I ever fell in love with on this shitshow. She deserved the fucking world and so much more.
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