#the world is a really nice place filled with nice lonely people and apparently a horrible dating scene lmao
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ame-to-ame ¡ 7 months ago
apparently my personality was built for being a bassist
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depressedhatakekakashi ¡ 16 days ago
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Writing Home (Post-War)
Prompt: Love Letters
Words: 1,787
A lot has happened since the war ended. I’m not sure if this letter will be enough to fill you in on everything you missed while you were unconscious, but I’ll try my best.
First, and most important, everything turned out alright. Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura worked together to defeat this weird alien who apparently all chakra originates from. It’s a lot to explain, but all that really matters is that we won. 
Naruto is now known as the ‘hero of the world���. A fitting title, I think. He’s still getting used to all of the attention he has gained, but the kid basks in attention and this is far better than the kind he got when he was just a genin. 
Sasuke has been cleared of all the crimes he was accused of too. Naruto and I had to fight the Kage’s and the elder’s to make it happen, but we succeeded. He decided to remove himself from the village. I was a little sad to see him go, but it’s nice to know that he’s on a path of healing. 
You’ll notice this one pretty quick when you wake up, but I lost the Sharingan. There’s no epic tale behind what happened. Madara just ripped it out of my eye socket and well… here we are. Shizune has been talking to me about the different fillers I can get so I'm not looking at people with an empty eye socket.
There’s a lot of other things that have happened, but I think I’ll save the rest for when you wake up. Otherwise this letter will take you hours to read. 
What’s important is that you’re alive.
Against all odds, you’re still here with me.
I don’t think I can ever express how grateful I am to Naruto for saving you. The thought of living in a world without you is dark and lonely. Honestly, I don't want to ever experience such a world. 
Grave stones don’t smile at me with eyes that sparkle like the stars above. 
They don’t challenge me to races, or eating competitions. 
There’s no warmth in a gravestone when I lean against it, or laughter emitting from it when I tell them about the ridiculous things my students did. 
Those are things I can only get from you if you’re alive, and you may not believe this but I need those things. 
Existence without your smile is bleak. Trust me, I already experienced it once. There’s no greater mistake I’ve made in my life than trying to push you out of my life, and I’m glad that fate had other plans when you decided to risk it all by opening the eighth gate. 
I’m just…
I don’t think I can ever express how relieved I am that Naruto was able to save you. 
I don’t know if I could handle losing the man I love. 
Yours forever,
“The man you love?” Gai peered over the top of the letter, his eyes gleaming with excitement. Kakashi sat there at the edge of his hospital bed squirming under the attention. 
‘Why did I write that?’ he thought with a grumble, kicking himself for being so sentimental in a letter he knew Gai was going to read. He couldn’t help it though. After thinking he’d lost his best friend the words just came spilling out. 
It was as if the filter he’d carefully placed between his brain and mouth when he was a child had broken down under the immense stress he’d been under in the war. Emotions he’d fought to keep in check for his entire life had come flooding out and now he had to deal with the consequences.
‘Consequences’ being Gai staring at him with such fondness that he was sure he was going to melt. 
“That’s not what's important, is it?” 
He knew the answer of course. If it had been Gai that had written those words to him he’d cling to them like they were the most important words ever spoken. There was nothing in the world that would be able to tear that letter out of his hands if their roles were reversed, and judging by the way Gai’s fingers gripped the paper tightly he could see that the feeling was mutual. 
“There’s nothing more important than that,” Gai answered with a tender smile, his eyes dropping back to the letter and scanning over the words once again. “Though…”
Seeing that his attention had drifted, Kakashi raised an eyebrow. “What’s up?”
“You forgot to mention something.”
“I left out a lot of things,” he corrected him. “But what is it you’re focused on?”
“Your appointment,” when he looked back up at Kakashi his smile had shifted into something more mischievous. “No where here do you mention that you’ve been appointed as the next Hokage. The…Seventh?”
“Sixth,” he corrected his friend with a sigh. “Danzo never officially gained the title, so the title of Sixth Hokage goes to… well… me.”
It wasn’t something he was happy about. If he’d had his way he’d be retiring alongside Gai and going off to do his own thing. So much of his life had been dedicated to Konoha already, he couldn’t see why he needed to give up anymore time.
Unfortunately, Tsunade-sama was correct when she said Naruto wasn’t quite ready for the job. Without a doubt he was the strongest shinobi in the village and he’d proven to be a capable moral leader in the war.
But he was also only sixteen years old and still had a lot to learn. 
Rather than taking the job of teaching him on herself, Tsunade-sama had handed it down to Kakashi through his appointment as the next Hokage of Konoha. Now, rather than relaxing and enjoying a nice retirement, he went and took a job he didn’t really want.
All because he felt like he had to. As if it was his responsibility to do it until Naruto was ready.
“How long do you think it will take?” Gai asked, his eyes softening as he stared at Kakashi. 
“Naruto is ready to take over.”
Tilting his head back so he was staring up at the ceiling, Kakashi thought about it. Naruto was a smart kid when he put his mind to things, but just a few days ago he’d informed his student of the work he’d have to put in studying to earn his promotion to Jonin and that had gone over less than spectacularly.
Considering how much studying and preparation was going to be needed for Naruto to be truly ready to take over as Hokage, he didn’t see an escape anywhere near in his future.
“That long?” chuckling, Gai began folding the letter back up and set it down on his lap. “Well, you know that that means right, Rival?”
“That I’ll have to do some actual work while I train him?” he sounded annoyed about it, but deep down he was sort of excited. As a Jonin there was only so much he could do for the village. Outside of completing missions and trying to speak to the Hokage, his hands were basically tied.
Now, as Hokage, he had a lot more freedom to make the changes he thought were necessary. Of course there were going to be obstacles in his way to achieving those changes, but Kakashi wasn’t one to let such things stop him.
The first thing he wanted to do was revisit that Library he’d talked to Tsunade-sama about a few years ago. A nice large building somewhere everyone could get to easily, with all sorts of books piled inside of it for them to read.
“There’s work to do of course,” Gai nodded thoughtfully. “And I have no doubt that Konoha will be an improved village when you’re done with it.”
“Improved?” Kakashi couldn’t help but scoff. There were a lot of things he wanted to do, but to call them improvements seemed like a bit of a stretch. Necessary advancements, yes. Improvements? That was up to each individual to decide, and he had no doubt there would be lots of people who would insist that the changes he had in mind for the village were anything but improvements. 
“Yes, Improved,” crossing his arms Gai smiled. “Of course, I’ll have to ensure you’re not working too hard. It would be no good for you to exhaust yourself before you are able to retire.”
“Is that so?” He smiled at the thought of Gai poking his head into his office to check in on him. Maybe with that to look forward to everyday, the job wouldn’t be so bad.
Maybe, if he had such a handsome face to keep him company, he’d be able to keep going no matter how tough things got.
“And of course there will be dates,” Kakashi’s brain screeched to a halt. 
“D-dates?” staring at Gai with wide eyes he watched as he nodded, acting as if it was the most natural thing in the world to say. “When…We’re not even-”
“The man I love,” Gai repeated his words back to him, a triumphant smile spreading across his face as Kakashi’s cheeks burned with embarrassment. “You can’t just write something like that and expect me not to take you out on dates, Rival.”
“Those are my feelings though,” he muttered, knowing it was pointless to argue against the very words he’d written for Gai. They were there, on the page for Gai to read over and over again as many times as he wanted. Denying them now would just be stupid. “That doesn’t mean you-”
Before he could finish Gai had reached out and gently pressed a hand against his masked cheek. He didn’t lean too far forward, his body still recovering from the effects of opening the eighth gate, but moved just enough for him to be able to reach him. 
“Rival, there is no one in this world I love more than you,” his smile glowed brighter than Kakashi had ever seen before. It was like looking into the sun itself. He basked in the warmth of those words, his heart thumping wildly in his chest as he turned his face into the palm of Gai’s hand.
His nose brushed against the tender skin, the comforting scent that was unique to Gai filling his nostrils when he took a deep breath. 
The war was over.
Everything had turned out alright somehow.
And now, with the future looking brighter than he ever thought possible, Kakashi had
Something amazing to look forward to.
A date with the man he’d been in love with since his teenage years.
If only he didn’t have the job he didn’t want, everything would be perfect.
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the-travelling-witch ¡ 1 month ago
I saw your requests were open so I'm using this as opportunity to learn more about your other ocs 🏃‍♂️
Really interested in Angelica so mayhaps, Angelica with the word Starlight? (If you prefer canon characters though I'd love to request Yoimiya with the word goldfish ! <3)
No pressure! And have nice day Holly :>
tato, idk what you put in this ask but i wanted to write all of it... and so i did :3c i'm putting my pining idiots, angelica and selene, in this post and make a separate one for yoimiya!!
i was set on this scene since reading the ask, but it was harder to put inot words than i expected bc i haven't introduced anything about these two yet, so i wanted to put in as much info as i could while still keeping it legible (though i fear most metaphors are solely for me until i actually yap about these two properly)
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𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚 - 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭
In the woods behind the campus, two students sat under the swaying branches of a grand tree. Far above them unfurled a tapestry of countless stars, illuminating the night sky and occasionally winking down at the pair. The breeze, which gently rustled their clothes and curled around strands of their hair playfully, seemingly shared the warmth that was so apparent between the two girls whose fingers were just one slight movement apart from touching on the blanket.
Angelica had always been fond of the starry sight, gazing at that grand ocean all her life with unbound curiosity and longing. So she studied everything she could about it. Many people found it frightening apparently, that vast nothingness which was so far and yet so close, but never her. She thought it rather comforting. When the young girl told her mother she one day wanted to travel to the stars, the woman had asked her if she wouldn’t feel lonely and the question had confused her ever since. Where would be the difference to her life down here?
“Oh, and that constellation is–!” Angelica exclaimed, pointing further right, only to find that the girl next to her wasn’t following her direction. Oh no, she had talked too much again. Selene probably didn’t care at all and regretted meeting her here in the first place. How could someone screw up a chance like this? “I’m so sorry, it’s probably really boring to hear me go on about some constellations the entire time…”
“No, not at all,” Selene replied, her lovely voice short-circuiting something in the Ignihyde student’s brain. Especially as she propped one arm up on her leg and leaned her head on it as she watched Angelica with a smile. “I like hearing you talk about the things you’re passionate about. It’s really cute. And you know a lot, so you clearly care, which only makes me want to hear more.”
“Oh, that’s a relief,” Angelica sighed, trying to pick up her earlier thought process. The moon bathed Selene in its silver light, making her jade green hair glow even more than usual and highlighting the striking colours of her wings. She was always beautiful, oh Angelica was aware of that, but in that moment, where it was just the two of them under the night sky, Selene was downright enchanting. Hastily, Angelica turned back to the stars. “The sight is beautiful, don’t you think?”
“Indeed, it is.”
When the brown-haired girl glanced back to see which star Selene was looking at, she found herself face to face with the Pomefiore student. For a moment, the world around them seemed to go still. Nothing existed but the two of them. Selene wondered if Angelica knew that the entirety of the night sky seemed to reside in her eyes. Or if she was aware that in Selene’s eyes, she shined brighter than any of the stars she had told her about.
The shift was barely noticeable in itself. But when Selene intertwined her pink-hued fingers with Angelica’s dark ones, Angelica welcomed the feeling. Maybe she had just found the answer to an old question.
1 character, 1 word, 11 minutes
general masterlist
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more yapping about angelica & selene bc i am clinically normal about them (and to maybe fill in some blanks for people who aren't me)
i'll start with angelica since the ask was about her (but they are a package deal, do not separate them). angelica is a second year student from ignihyde and twisted from evangeline, the star from princess and the frog. she grew up rather lonely and has a bit of a hard time bridging the gap she feels to other people. like most ignihyde students, she likes tinkering with tech, especially stuff that has to do with space.
selene is a second year student from pomefiore and a luna moth beastwoman (that term just feels off when talking about her ㅠㅠ) twisted from absolem from alice in wonderland. she's always looking for a way to improve herself and can come off as nitpicky because of it (very "princess and the pea"). her talents include dress making and potionology; she's currently working on potions that can shrink or enlarge the user.
as for their relationship, angelica developped a crush on selene at first sight but is so in her head about it that she doesn't notice any of the huge signs selene is dropping. or well, she does notice them, but they couldn't possibly mean what she wants them to mean. think "are you flirting with me" - "have been for a year but thanks for noticing", that's them, my pining bug yuri couple (well they’re pining here, in my head they’re already together hehe)
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thenightfolknetwork ¡ 1 year ago
My Da is a bit more…traditional then others. They wanted a baby, so they made a deal with a sapio woman interested in selling her unborn child for some riches, and then came me! I realize that’s not how things are typically done anymore since foster and adoption agencies have improved over the years, but it ended up fine I’d like to think.
When people learn that I’m a changeling it’s all “Oh no!  That’s horrible. I’m so sorry!” and I’m like, first of all, that’s kind of rude? I understand where the assumption comes from but come on now. Changeling rights have improved tremendously over the last millennia. I’m fine. I love my Da and I love my identity. I wouldn’t change either of them for the world.
Here's the rub though. Recently, I got put into contact with my bio father. I was really skeptical when I met him because, you know, changeling. A deal’s a deal. Egg donor got riches; I got a happy childhood. What more could you want, and why now?
Apparently, he didn’t know I existed.
My ED not only didn’t tell him about my existence, but also told him that the riches she got were from an inheritance from a distant relative. He only knows what happened now because they got divorced.
I’ve agreed to stay in contact for two reasons, I’m curious about my heritage and the poor bloke looked terribly lonely. It’s not his fault ED went behind his back. The thing is, he’s trying to act all…fatherly. Which, I get it, he technically contributed to my existence, but he’s not my parent, and I don’t want him to be.
It's not his fault he wasn’t there, but at the same time, he just wasn’t. My Da was. I only need one parent, and that position is filled. But, he is a nice guy. I've enjoyed talking to him and learning about the sapio side of my life. But it doesn't change the fact that I am and will always be a changeling.
How do I tell him that I don’t need a parent without making it sound like I want him to bugger off? I’m happy to keep him in my life, just not as a parent.
I think you're right to be concerned about maintaining proper boundaries here, reader. What happened to this man is certainly difficult and complicated, and I hope he can find people to support him through it. But, to be blunt, his emotional well-being simply isn't your responsibility.
It sounds to me as if both of you are approaching this new relationship with very different expectations, working from very different frameworks. You are happy to spend time with someone whose company you enjoy, and to learn more about this side of your heritage. Meanwhile, I wonder if his telling of events might be rather more dramatic – and possibly influenced by some unfortunate stereotypes.
I don't think your biological father is necessarily aware of this kind of prejudice. But without further information about how he has actively worked to unlearn the biases of the dominant sapio-normative culture in this country, I worry he might be acting from a place of unchecked assumptions and misapprehensions.
Sapio-centric culture often frames changelings, subjects of infant substitution and exchanged children like yourself as “stolen”. They are spoken of as being taken from their “real” families and raised by usurpers to the biological parents' rightful role. This often comes with the assumption that the child themselves would naturally wish to be part of their biological parents' family, regardless of the relationship they have with the people who raised them.
Your biological father may be imagining his sudden presence in your life as some kind of powerful reconnection with your “real” family, the revelation of your “true” father with all the emotional connection that implies.
But the role of being your father is already filled. You are happy and comfortable in your identity, and while it's nice to have made this connection, it doesn't mean you suddenly have to take on a heap of new emotional obligations towards the man.
A good first step is clarifying what your biological father wants to get from this reconnection. If he's interested in your for your own sake, and wishes to strike up a friendship with you as a unique, autonomous adult, that's all to the good. If he's asking you to solve his loneliness for him, though, you need to push back. That's not a reasonable thing to ask of a stranger, no matter what your DNA might be.
By all means, set your boundaries with kindness and with due regard for his vulnerable emotional state. But don't let that kindness falter into irresolution. You do nobody any favours by letting him take more from you than you're willing to give.
Communicate your expectations to him, and stick to them. If he behaves in a way that makes you uncomfortable, let him know what the behaviour was and why it was unacceptable, and that if he continues to behave in such a fashion you will stop spending time with him. The rest is up to him.
[For more creaturely advice, check out Monstrous Agonies on your podcast platform of choice, or visit monstrousproductions.org for more info]
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manicplank ¡ 1 year ago
My Friend, Bruno (Part 2)
Flashes of light lit up the sky as gunshots echoed throughout The Pig City. Bruno sat on the floor beside his bed. Most people would be afraid during a shootout, but Bruno had grown numb to it. The city was filled with crime as the amount of criminals out numbered the number of police. He sat with his knees to his chest and his arms crossed over them. He rested his head on the side of the bed. Another round of shots fired. There was a shootout between the Shrimps gang and the police. They committed another robbery on an innocent business. Bruno sometimes wondered if a robbery would ever make it's way into his restaurant. He had already planned for it. Hidden in the restaurant was a revolver. It was an unregistered gun, so if someone were to be shot, it wouldn't be traceable. He was considering teaming up with Fake Peppino as part of a secondary security system. Shortly, the shots stopped, and sirens wailed as they faded in the distance. Bruno got up from hiding and looked out the window. A dead shrimp lay curled up in a puddle of his own blood. Bruno felt no fear but some sympathy. The Pig City was the only vacant place in the tower to live, so he couldn't move if he wanted to. Even so, he lived in what was considered the "nicer" part of town.
Bruno considered talking to Pizzahead about potentially moving somewhere else, but he was avoiding him in a way. After talking to John about the outside world, Bruno had grown a bit distant from Pizzahead. The closer they got, the more Pizzahead would pay attention to him despite being super busy in the lab. Apparently, he was creating a plot to destroying the lone pizzeria across from the tower, and Bruno was to play a large part in that plan. Every time Bruno had mentioned the outside world in the past, Pizzahead dismissed it and told him that he wasn't made for it. Pizzahead was supposed to be seen as the all-knowing, undoubted leader of the tower, but Bruno's opinion had started to change. He watched as he slowly began to lose his mind obsessing over destroying someone else's business. Bruno didn't understand it. The tower was filled with other pizzerias, why did he suddenly hate this one so much? Bruno had only heard of the rumored Peppino but never actually knew the man himself. He only knew the apex clone, Fake Peppino.
The next morning, Bruno had snuck out nearly in the morning in search for Gerome. He had gone up to the fifth floor to see if John knew where he was. Unfortunately, he bumped into Pizzahead. "Oh, hey Bruno," he said excitedly.
"Oh, Pizzahead," Bruno faked a smile. "Hey."
"What'cha doing up here?"
"Um, truthfully, I'm looking for Gerome. I wanted to talk to him about something."
"Oh? What, you getting tired of cleaning the restaurant?"
"Sort of," Bruno forced a small chuckle, "it can be pretty grating."
"I'm sure he'd do it. Maybe not willingly, though. He'll do most things if you pay him. The Noise pays him to keep the NTV building clean."
"Really? I had no idea. I thought Gerome just kind of... Well, he sort of just floats around."
"Yeah. You want me to call him?"
"That would be nice-"
Gerome came up through the elevator and sighed, "What?"
Pizzahead tapped Bruno on the head. "You two do your business," he said, "I gotta keep working on something." He headed back down to a lower floor. Bruno and Gerome looked at each other for a minute.
"Okay, Gerome," Bruno spoke softly, "I need to talk to you about something, but please don't say anything to anybody. The only other person who knows about this is John. Oh! By the way," Bruno turned to John who was in the center of the floor. "Hi, John!"
John smiled and waved, "Hiii."
Bruno turn back to Gerome and sighed. He looked nervous. "I don't necessarily need anything from you," he continued, "but... tell me... What is the outside world like?"
Gerome's normal grumpy demeanor suddenly looked a bit sad. "It's wonderful, Bruno. It's full of life and freedom. There's all sorts of beauty out there. It's endless. There's miracles aplenty, so many that you'll never see everything. There's always something new and fascinating. The world out there is so much kinder than the world in here."
Bruno smiled. "It sounds so lovely."
"You're planning something. I know what that something is, but for your safety, I won't say it."
"Thank you. Truthfully, I don't have much of a plan, but the outline is there. No matter what I do, it's life or death."
Gerome looked at John, thinking of the times they had before they were trapped in the tower. "I hope you make it," he vented, "I hope you live to see greatness, happiness, and health."
"I'm sorry I can't save you."
Gerome turned to him. "Don't apologize, Bruno. Only one out of everyone in this tower can escape. I'm not going anywhere without my brother."
Bruno had finished his day in the pizzeria. Fake Peppino came into the restaurant as usual. "Hey, buddy," Bruno greeted him. He wasn't as cheerful as he usually was, and Fake Peppino noticed. He whined at Bruno. "I'm sorry, friend," he sighed, "I haven't been feeling right, lately." Fake stared him down intently. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Fake just continued to stare. "Oh! Leftovers! Right, sorry. Today's the best by date for the pepperoni." He headed into the cooler and grabbed a sleeve of uncut pepperoni. He tried to hand it to Fake Peppino, but Fake Peppino didn't move. "Here." He tried holding out further. They made eye contact for a good minute. "Oh, right! Up high!" Bruno tossed the pepperoni up into the air, and Fake Peppino caught it with his sticky, frog-like tongue. Bruno smiled, but it quickly faded. Fake Peppino whined again. "I'm sorry, buddy. I can't tell you why I'm feeling this way. To be honest, I'm not quite sure myself. But I'll be okay, I promise." He reached up and rubbed Fake Peppino's cheek. Fake then went around to scavenge the floor for any crumbs or leftovers.
Bruno went to the back office to count down the register. First came out the money for rent, then the money to support the restaurant, and what was left went into Bruno's savings. He had hundreds of thousands of dollars by then. It had been long since he counted, so it could've been much more. He peeked out to look at Fake Peppino who was still searching for food. The apex clone, Bruno thought, or soon to be.
When he left and locked up the restaurant, he was startled by Pizzahead who had snuck up behind him.
"Hey," Pizzahead yelled.
Bruno screamed, thinking he was being robbed. "Oh," he sighed. "It's just you."
"I wanted to talk to you about something. Will you come up to the lab with me?"
Bruno's heart dropped. He was worried that someone had overheard him talking to John and Gerome. He followed Pizzahead reluctantly up to the Staff Only floor. He looked at John, who had a worried look on his face. They went into the War level and took the long walk down to the lab. Tubes filled with failed clones were permanently sealed shut. Bruno looked at them and figured he was going to be met with the same fate.
"I need your opinion one somthing," Pizzahead spoke.
Bruno chuckled nervously, "Oh, phew! I thought you were going to kill me."
"Nope! I wouldn't dare. You're my proudest creation!" Pizzahead smiled wide. "I've been creating more clones, obviously, but they're having some behavioral issues. Now, I know all clones aren't going to come out as perfect as you... Well, I mean, you're technically not perfect yourself-"
"Wow, thanks."
Pizzahead laughed. "Oh, you know I didn't mean it like that. You should be glad you don't look anything like that fat man. I spliced his DNA with another random one I had sitting around and Voila! Bruno!"
"Yeah, I know you've told me a million times. Your point is?"
"Oh, right. I'm rambling, sorry. Like I said, some of the clones are having extreme behavioral issues. I've been debating putting an alarm in here that would blow the entire level into nonexistence had anyone set it off."
"That... sounds a bit extreme."
"Yes, but if any of them were to escape, it would be even worse. You want to see for yourself? Here, I'll let one out."
"Wait, no no no-"
Pizzahead opened up a small metal box and out of it came a Peppino-looking clone. It was perfect in appearance until it started to move. It lunged itself at Bruno. He flinched and ducked down. A gunshot was heard. Pizzahead was holding out a pistol. The clone lay flat on the floor, bleeding from the head. Bruno stood up in shock.
"See what I mean," Pizzahead continued, "they're completely ravenous."
"Why the fuck did you do that?"
"To prove my point."
"What do you expect me to do?"
"Nothing, really. I mean, if you see one, maybe shoot it. The others aren't as resilient as you or Fake Peppino. I mostly just wanted your opinion."
Bruno rolled his eyes. "To be quite honest, I don't know what you want me to do about the behavioral issues. As for the alarm, I think it's a good idea, but you should make something specific set it off. That way, you're not blowing yourself up... again."
Pizzahead cackled. "There's that smart Bruno I was looking for. I suppose I could put a trigger in, that way I'm not getting injured every time I walk in. I'd also need a code to deactivate the alarm." Pizzahead rubbed his chin in thought.
The two sat there for a minute before Bruno broke the silence. "Is that all you needed?"
"Yes, yes, you can go now! I have to get working on the alarm. Thanks! Get out."
Bruno was slightly relieved as he exited the level. He peeked past the door and saw John smiling. He smiled back. The two knew that Pizzahead was now even more distracted in his plot to take down Peppino's Pizza, leaving Bruno more time to work on his plan, too.
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midnight-dreamerness ¡ 4 years ago
It’s Always Been You
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(This is NOT my gif. Credit to the creator <3)
summary: Jay stopped speaking to you unexpectedly and then you see each other at Molly’s.
pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
warning: Curse Words??
word count: 2.4k
A/N: theres a slight mention of the reader being plus size…
You never thought you’d be replaced. But in came Erin Lindsay and suddenly she was all he talked about. And eventually he didn’t call anymore. He didn’t pull up in your driveway with pizza and a pack of beer out of the blue anymore. There were no Saturday movie nights or Monday monopoly despite you both knowing he always won.
You were lonely. After meeting Jay in high school, it was the two of you against the world. And when he left for the rangers, you were lost. But he came back to you. And you were the happiest you’ve ever been. But this time was different. You were losing him, falling right between your fingers right In front of your eyes and there was nothing you could do was watch from afar as he loved someone else and ached to be that someone.
Erin was a good person with a good heart. She was good for him. But you couldn’t help but hate that you couldn’t give him everything she could. Whatever that was you didn’t know. Maybe it was because you were bigger. Maybe it was because you were different. Whatever it was, you didn’t want to know. It would only break you in the end.
You tried to go out but it seemed the ghost of him followed you wherever you went.
You glanced at him for a moment, noting the stubble covering his jaw and remember how much you ran your hands over it giggling when he spun you around in the middle of his apartment.
You both were closer than normal best friends. You slept in the same bed and cuddled countless times. But every time you woke you he was gone.
Your friend snapped her fingers in front of your face with a laugh.
“You’re staring,” she commented, sniggering. You grimaced, biting at your lip and removing your intense gaze from the man across the room.
He was with a group of people but his arms were laying across the chair of the girl you wanted to hate but couldn’t.
“I hate nice people,” you grumbled, only making your friend laugh more. You ended up grinning, her laugh being contagious.
“Hello, ladies.” You now noticed the blonde who had walked up to your table, recognizing him from Jay's group from across the room.
“Hello, handsome,” you flirted, resting your chin on the palm of your hand, fluttering your eyes at him. He chuckled and ran a hand through his hair.
“I’m Adam. I couldn’t help but notice you from across the room. Can I buy you a drink, both of you?”
“You can buy her a drink. I’m going to talk to the guy who's been eyeing me since I walked in. Good luck!” Your friend exclaimed and started to walk away but turned around and added, “Oh! She likes the fruity stuff. Berry Lemonade Margarita is her favorite. Thank me later.” She gave the blonde, Adam, a wink before finally walking away. You place your hands in your hands, a blush settling over you cheeks.
“Berry Lemonade Margarita it is.” Adam said walking to the bar. You sat there and chuckled, shaking your head. You could feel eyes on you, so you looked up and met his eyes. His hand had fallen from behind Erins chair, a sad smile on his face. You looked away letting out a sigh. Adam was back in a matter of minutes, sliding your drink in front of you and settling in the seat in front of you, a glass of what looks like Whiskey in his hands.
“Thank you,” you muttered, giving him a small shy smile.
“You don’t talk much do you?”
“When I open my mouth I usually embarrass myself.” He only laughs, shaking his head.
You ended up talking for a good twenty minutes about anything and everything. He was easy to talk to but you couldn’t help but ache for another man who would glance at the two of you from across the room ever so often. He hated it. He hated watching Adam making you laugh. It was really his own fault. He has no right to be angry or jealous. But he was. All he wanted to do was march right over there and rip him from that seat. Instead, though, he watched from afar, detaching himself from the conversation his friends were having. You brightened up the room as soon as you entered, his eyes on you as soon as you stepped foot into Molly’s.
“You know Jay?” Adam asked, leaning back against the booth. You nodded, swirling the straw in your half empty drink.
“We were best friends. Things happen, though. People change.”
“Well you're glancing at him every couple of minutes so apparently something happened there.”
“Oh fuck, Adam. I’m sorry,” your shoulder slump as you feel the guilt build inside you. He simply laughs and shakes his head.
“No need to apologize. Does he know?”
You wanted to ask him what he meant but you knew. So you shook your head, “No.”
He purses his lip. “Have you thought about telling him?”
“Only a thousand times. Erin is good for him, though.”
“If Jay wanted to be with Erin he would’ve made it official. So clearly something is holding him back.”
You hated how your chest filled with hope that maybe he held back because of you. But he left you. Stopped calling. Stopped texting. Stopped everything.
“C’mon,” Adam said standing up, glass in one hand and the other held out for you to take. You gave him a curious look but took his hand anyway and grabbed your drink before he could pull you away. When you noticed the direction you both we’re headed you tried to stop but it was no use. The two of you had gained the attention of the entire group.
“Hey, this is my girl, (Y/N). This is Kevin, Kim, Erin, and Jay.” Adam said, pointing them all out with their name. You gave them all a shy smile and a wave. Anxiety filled you and you suddenly felt sick to your stomach.
“Oh no, has he talked your ear off yet?” Asked Kevin who only made the rest of them laugh, aside from Jay, who only glaring at him. He hated the way the words “his girl” fell from Adam's lips.
Your shoulders dropped as the anxiety left and you let out a small laugh.
“He’s getting there.”
You didn’t even have it in you to look into his eyes. You tightened your grip on Adam's hand, who simply nudged you towards the empty spot next to an African American man, who you now know as Kevin. Adam sat next to you, sending you a wink before throwing his arm over your chair.
“Truthfully. She loves me,” Adam says shrugging. You take a sip of your drink, eyes widen, a laugh nearly falling from your lips.
“I’m just waiting on my chance to run,” you suddenly spoke. There was a slight pause before laughs were heard around the table and a whine came from Adam.
“Babe, that is so mean,” Adam moaned, holding his hand over his heart as if you broke it.
You simply giggled and slapped his chest lightly.
A conversation started and you added in a couple of times but mainly you were putting your focus on avoiding his gaze or trying not to cry at the sight of his hand resting on Erins shoulder.
As a certain song came on, you were suddenly pulled into memories of only a couple months ago.
It was the night he made you dance with him. You remember giggling and letting him spin you until you were dizzy and ready to pass out. You remember how his hands fell on your hips to try and steady you before you fell. He was laughing the entire time until his face came close to yours. And he almost kissed you. He was so close and you prayed that he would. But he didn’t.
The memory only causes your heart to ache and knowing that the man you loved was sitting right in front of you with another girl on his arm made it ten times worse.
You wanted to scream and to cry but you trapped it inside, bottling it up until you could let it out once you got home.
The sound of your slurping pulled you from your thoughts. You were out of adult juice. With no intention of going home, you were going to need another drink to get you through the night.
“I'm going to get a drink. I’ll be back,” you told Adam before hopping out of your seat. He gave you a nod.
“Yeah, me too. Anyone want anything?”
You pushed through the groups of people trying to get away but there was no use, Jay caught your arm and pulled you away before anyone at the table noticed. You were in a hallway suddenly and before you could say anything Jay was in front of you.
“Adam? Really?”
“What? What’s wrong with Adam? And why do you care?” You are getting upset now. Jay had no right to question you on who you were seeing. Not anymore.
“He’s not really your type.” You snorted at his reply. What were you supposed to say to that? You didn’t understand why he cared when he had left you and all of a sudden he wants to look out for you.
“Jay, you have no idea what my type is anymore. People change. Maybe I like blondes now.”
“Yeah well I remember only a couple months ago you much preferred brown haired, blue eyed men.”
“What are you implying?” You asked, stepping closer to him, your eyes set in a glare. He folded his arms over his chest, his muscles catching your eyes for a split second. Your thighs clenched before you copied his stance, your nails digging into your arms.
“You know exactly what I’m implying, princess.”
The nickname made you weak at the knees and so did that fucking smirk on his face. But you stood your ground, slipping your hair over your shoulder and attempting to walk around him. He caught your wrist, pulling you into his chest. You took in a breath at how close you both were. It had been so long since you touched him and every part of you wanted to melt into his arms.
“You left me, remember. Replaced me. No calls, no text, no goodbye. And no excuse. You have no right to try and tell me who I can or cannot be with.” As you spoke you snatched your wrist from his grip and pulled away, walking right out the side doors. You walked up to Adam, the excuse falling from your lips easily.
“I’m not feeling too well, I’m gonna head home, Call me. It was nice meeting you guys.”
And you were out the door before they could say anything. Your phone was blowing up as soon as you sped off down the road but you didn’t once pick it up knowing who it was.
It was your turn to ignore him now. You blocked his number later that night and cried yourself to sleep, trying your hardest to let go of that stupid schoolgirl crush you had for him and grow the hell up. You only wished it was as easy as saying it. But your mind betrayed you and you thought about him for the next two days. And then he showed up.
When you heard the knock you assumed it was the package you had been waiting on for three days now but when you took a peek through the peephole, you closed your eyes and sat your back against the door.
“Please open the door,” he begged, resting his head against the door. You let out a sigh and pushed yourself from the door, turning and swinging it open. He stood there with a pizza box in his hand and a pack of beer resting on top. You couldn’t help but smile as you noticed the flowers hiding behind his back. He pulled them out, a grin overtaking the sadness on his face. The look of excitement cured the nervousness that had settled in his stomach.
“Can I take the pizza, beer, and flowers and leave you on the doorstep?” You joked about taking a hold of the flowers, bringing them to your nose to smell them. You closed your eyes as your favorite flower's scent invaded your nose.
Jay let out a laugh. “No, princess. It’s a package deal.”
You let out a chuckle and opened the door wider for him. Jay walked inside, instantly making his way to the living room where he sat the pizza and beer on the table. Instead of following him you entered the kitchen and placed the flowers in a vase and filled it halfway with water. You placed them on the counter, cocking your head to the side as you arranged them perfectly in the vase. Jay watched from the entrance, leaning against the frame with a smile on his lips.
“I’m sorry. And I know it isn’t much, but I hope this is a good start to getting you back.”
His voice causes shivers to roll over your spine. You purses your lips, taking in a breath.
“I don’t want to play anymore, Jay. I want a relationship and if you can’t give me that then please just say so.”
He walked forwards, cupping your face in his hands.
“I didn’t know what I wanted back. But I do know now. And it’s you. It's always been you.”
With a sigh of relief you captured his lips, your hand running up his chest before clasping around his waist. You wished you had done it before, that you both hadn’t played around the thought of a relationship and just did it. But you had him now and that’s all that mattered.
His kiss made you fuzzy and you Found yourself leaning against him for support. His tongue swiped across your bottom lip and you parted your lips eagerly. You moaned at the taste of him and moved your hands to then settle on his chest. You have never been kissed like this before. And you loved every part of it.
You pulled back, taking in a much needed breath as he leaned his forehead against yours attempting to catch his own breath.
“So, you want me to beat your ass in monopoly or what?”
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feastfic ¡ 3 years ago
Dude, Majin getting addicted to the players tea
It's like Noelle drinking Susie's, 400 hp healing, asking for seconds (even if the addison is raising up the price every time) because goodness the tea is just so sweet to him.
It has the most strange "side effects" too: chest warming, blushing, heart pounding, gosh the healer gets so agitaded by the beverage that he just can't stop drinking it.
I'm sorry i can't get this guy out my head fr
Have a good day/night
This guy would drink ONLY player tea if he could I swear /lh
And man I really hope I do this one justice because I've REALLY wanted to make something for it :)
How far you, the knight Lightner Majin was so sure would save the Dark Worlds, and he had gone. How much more certain he was in your fate, when you were the one to bring down the tyrannical crystal king. He'd been following you for a while, through other worlds that his "home realm" provided a gateway to. And what a new one this Dark World was...
Cybernetics, run-ins with new faces. A true and genuine city, one that was populated to the brim with people — what a contrast to his abandoned, lonely forest village.
You'd accrued a hefty handful of Dark Dollars, enough so that you didn't have to worry about running low if you bought many things. And this cyber city was chock-full of stands and stores, corners and vendors aiming to sell and looking for you to buy.
In the heart of it you were greeted by a figure who looked very similar to several many others you've walked past — pink and just as ready to sell you whatever wares they might have in store. In this case, it was tea.
Both you and Majin were swayed easily; what could possibly go awry in such a public shop? And besides, tea hardly sounded that bad right about then. You're pulled inside, where a warm, fascinatingly enigmatic aroma filled the air. There was a quaint table situated by large windows; chairs on opposite ends had you and Majin facing each other as you sat down.
And then you were given a brief rundown and description of the types of teas available. Apparently, the way the shop worked was that every party of people had flavors specially catered to each member. In your case, there would be your own tea, and then Majin's.
It was an interesting concept to say the least, and Majin would be an unfair liar if he said he wasn't intrigued in what flavor a tea based after you would taste like. He nudged your hand, and when your head turned to him he flashed you a little smile.
"I've a proposition." He began, leaning forward in your direction. "Why don't we, ah—" Without his veil to mask his face, the blueness that flushed his cheeks was visible even when he tipped his head down to hide it from his hat's brim. It was certainly a proposal to make, but the gentle and encouraging brush of your hand against his pushed him to saying what he wanted to. "What if we tried each others' teas? It could be nice, I think." His head lifted to look up at you, into your eyes.
You nodded and returned his smile, procuring enough money to pay for two cups. The salesperson gladly took the payment and hurried to prepare the teas, leaving you and Majin to take in the atmosphere.
It was an interesting mix of bright and electronic, like the rest of the city, and relaxing like a cafĂŠ would be. The smell of whatever was being brewed or ground shifted constantly; never unpleasant, but always impossible to truly place a name to. Your eyes wandered the establishment, and noticed that it was empty. Never one truly for words, you simply wondered if it was a slow day for your waiter.
Now Majin on the other hand, kept his hand against yours, the calmness of the air bringing to memory his own lost town. Could he possibly bring this curious folk so that he could continue having this smell pervade his senses?
You're both snapped into the moment again when there's the soft clattering of teacups against dainty plates, one placed in front of you and the other in front of your magical companion. You earnestly thank the salesperson-turned-waiter, and you both turn to your teas.
From the top they both looked the same; the same smooth dark liquid, steam rising from the surface and condensing around the lips of the cups. How they would taste different was a mystery, and a hypothesis put to the test.
The tea before you had a very mellow flavor, almost fruity if were subdued or watered down, but none of the taste was reduced because of it. It made your whole body feel warm and invigorated. At the same time, there was a smoothness to it that made it very easy to drink, although the aftertaste conjured up a melancholy feeling. How a drink could make you feel sad, you didn't know, but you felt you could understand Majin just a little better. That was a lonely kind of sadness you felt, and with his town, you could infer why this aftertaste was present.
Across from you, Majin was having a very similar surprised experience. The cup in his hands contained a liquid of astounding properties, one that he couldn't figure out why. The taste of your tea was just as mysterious as the smell in the cafĂŠ, but amazingly pleasant at the same time. It tasted like love, of light and hope, but he had to take another sip to recognize that flavor. The warm feeling he got from it centered in his chest, made his hands and fingers warm. Against the cup he could feel his heart beating harder in his fingertips, as he breathed in the steam that rose from the tea.
He didn't notice it — he thought the steam was making his face warm — but you were watching him with amusement. Your shoulders shrugged in a silent laugh as he looked so focused on the cup in his hands, it just made you wonder how good a tea flavored after you tasted like. It couldn't be anything that truly special, could it? But you could see the effect it was having on him, him and his brightly flushed face as he took another sip. You drank from yours in kind, letting the moment seep in and letting your body relax to the taste of Majin's tea.
"How is it?" The pink figure earnestly asked from the side, approaching the table with am inviting smile. "Everything going good over here? Can I interest you with any seconds?"
"Oh, please." Majin quickly said, flashing another smile at you as he pulled out some of his own money that he'd had tucked away. No need for you to pay if you were already satisfied, after all.
Curiosity took you over as you were both left alone again, and it was met with another offer.
"It's really quite a stellar tea, Lightner. I've just enough for a few more sips; would you like to try it?" He gently pushed the cup towards you and well, how could you say no? You had enough for him to get a taste of your own tea as well; no harm to it.
You exchange your cups and immediately you're struck with confusion how Majin could find this taste so good. It was neutral; warm and nice for sure, but nothing to write home about. On the contrary Majin was instantly struck with a powerful feeling. You had only tasted hints of loneliness; for him it was overwhelmingly strong, and it made him realize how welcome your tea had made him feel. How different it was from his own. He didn't dislike the taste of it, but he didn't think he could handle more than just a few sips of it.
The cup was set down, and he leaned back as he hoped that other cup could come soon. There was a lot for him to process, namely how good that you — the taste of you, if he had to name it — made him feel.
If only you could taste the same enchantment he did.
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bees--in-my--bones ¡ 4 years ago
Character: Natasha x gn!Reader (please note I did write this with a female reader in mind, so I'm sorry if there are unintentional biases but there were no pronouns or indications of gender at all)
Note: soulmate AU where you can only see color when you look at your soulmate for the first time. i hate to admit it, but i did get this idea from tiktok.
Warnings: canon typical violence, angst, major character death, no happy ending
Word Count: 1,859
A/N: This is my first fic ever! I'm actually really proud of how it turned out and I hope you like it and stick around for more! :)
You had never seen your partner.
It was just protocol. The nature of the missions you two worked, it was safer if you couldn't identify each other.
You had been near her, of course, and heard her voice whispering to you in the train station or over the phone. But you had never once laid eyes on her.
You were an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D, and one of Natasha Romanoff's most important and most trusted contacts.
Over the years of working together, you two had become the closest of friends. Fury had no idea that you two were that close, but what Fury didn't know couldn’t hurt him. If it was any pair of spies operating at your level, a close personal relationship would be a problem, but you two were the best in your field, and more than capable of handling it.
It had taken a while for the two of you to talk, really talk, the extent of your interactions being whispered conversations back to back on a set of park benches, or a flash drive set subtly on a table next to an untouched coffee, but one day, probably the best day of your life, you had asked the question and she had answered.
Every phone call with her, you would ask the same question before hanging up.
"How are you doing, Nat?"
And every time, without fail, you would receive the same, gruff, "Fine."
She clearly wasn't one to talk about the touchy-feely stuff. Which was fine by you, you didn't open up often either, most spies you met didn't, but you still gave her that chance, every time.
Until one day, much to your surprise, she responded, "Not great."
It wasn't much, but it was something different. It was an invitation to keep talking. Containing your excitement at the change in conversation, you kept your voice steady. "What's the matter?"
She sighed, the sound crackling faintly over her phone's mic. "I'm back in a place I haven't been in for a long time."
You had no way of knowing exactly where she was- S.H.I.E.L.D took plenty of precautions to be sure of that- but you could make an educated guess. The information you had passed along to her a few days ago had been about a weapons smuggler currently in Russia.
"You know what?" she said, "I don't really want to talk about it. I'll check in with you when the mission's over."
"Natasha, wait!"
Silence from the other line, but she was still on the call.
"Let's just talk. About something else. I think we could both use some casual conversation."
She let out a small chuckle. "Sure, why not? This is a burner phone and I've got time to kill."
It was a bit awkward at first, but you soon fell into a natural conversation. That night you talked about many things. Small things, like favorite foods, and big things, like plans for the future if you ever left S.H.I.E.L.D.
That's when you learned that she couldn't see color.
You weren’t surprised. You couldn’t see color either. It wasn't uncommon for S.H.I.E.L.D to hire people who hadn't met their soulmate. It was a lonely job, and soulmates were a liability.
It was a small moment in your conversation and you continued talking about all sorts of other things late into the night.
Unfortunately, though, all good things must come to an end.
"I'll have to talk to you later, Nat. I've got a big job tomorrow I need to get ready for."
"Goodnight Y/N, and thank you."
"Let's make a habit out of this, okay?"
"Gotcha, Agent."
You smiled and hung up the phone.
From then on, you always lingered on calls. Never quite as long as that first call, but the two of you were quickly becoming each other's closest confidantes.
Soon you began talking in real life, too. You never turned to face each other, never broke that boundary, but you relished the feeling of her shoulder brushing yours as you watched the pigeons in a park.
You called each other before and after every job to check in on each other. You had drop spots outside of Fury's radar where you left each other small gifts. Your life was lonely and cold, but she gave your days warmth and light.
Around a year and a half after your initial conversation, you met in a smokey French cafe, sitting in nearby booths.
“Whaddya got for me?”
“No intel on the current mission, but I’ve got news from HQ. Fury’s pulling us from the field.”
You felt your blood run cold. Spywork was dangerous, but it was what you knew. You were good at it. If you were fired, you would be thrown into suburbia with a fake name and fake past- maybe even fake memories, if Fury deemed you untrustworthy- and you would live the rest of your days out in the rat race.
And worst of all, you would live out the rest of your days without Natasha.
“What did we do?” you asked her, putting a massive amount of concentration into keeping your voice from betraying your panic.
“We did good,” she said, a smile in her voice. “We’ve been selected for an elite team to protect the entire world. You and I, Barton, and if we can convince them, Tony Stark, Steve Rodgers, and Bruce Banner.”
“That gamma radiation guy? Do we even know where he disappeared to?”
“We never lost tabs on him.”
You let out a sigh of relief. “You scared me, Nat. I thought Fury had benched us.”
She laughed. “No, we’re still in the game for now. And when Fury gives the word, we’ll head back to New York and hang out like normal people for a change.”
“That would be nice,” you said, your voice quiet.
You heard her move around a bit, then swear. “I have to run," she said. "If I don’t make this drop Fury'll kill me.”
“I’ll talk to you later Nat,” you said. “Hopefully face to face.”
You waited for a response, but heard only silence. You turned and her booth was empty, like she had never been there.
"Hey there, Agent," came her warm voice over the receiver. You couldn't help but smile, remembering how cold her voice had been when you had first been partnered together.
"Hey there, Black Widow," you said, using the alias that some younger agents had been whispering behind her back.
“Very funny,” she laughed, “but I’m no Tony Stark. I don’t need a fancy code name.”
“You never know,” you said, your voice still light and teasing. “We should probably both come up with some cool code names for that team Fury was talking about. I think Black Widow suits you.”
“Is that supposed to be an insult?”
“No, it means you’re badass. How did your drop go?”
“Good,” she said. “Pretty standard, didn’t run into any problems. How are things on your end?”
“Not bad. I’ve got one thing to finish up this evening, and then I should be good to go. I’ll meet you at the airport at around 5:45 tonight?”
“I’ll be waiting for you, Agent.”
“I’ll be there, Black Widow.”
You snuck around the corner of the warehouse. It was supposed to be one guy. Take him out, take down the whole operation, but apparently, the whole operation was being run out of here. You glanced at your watch. 5:42. Shit. You were gonna miss your flight. A guard passed by, and you froze in place.
You thought he hadn't seen you, but suddenly the sound of his footsteps stopped, then became louder as he ran back towards you, brandishing a weapon. Ducking under him, you grabbed the gun and twisted it away from you, and knocked him over the head with your own pistol.
Suddenly, a loud sound blared over the intercom. Shit. He had sounded the alarm.
You grabbed his gun and made a break for it.
Natasha glanced anxiously at her watch. 5:50.
She glanced around nervously. You hadn’t answered a single one of her calls. She picked up her phone and dialed Nick Fury’s number.
“Fury? Yeah, I know I’m supposed to be getting on a plane, but Y/N isn’t here. Yes, I tried calling. No, Y/N told me 5:45. A good agent is not late, and Y/N is the best agent I know. Where was the mission at? I’m going in. Fury! Tell me now or so help me God... Thank you, that wasn’t too hard, was it?”
She snapped her phone shut. You weren’t too far from where she was.
Natasha pulled up to a worn down warehouse with boarded on one side with a forest. Truck after truck pulled away from the building, and she grimaced as she realized what had happened. This was not a simple job like you had thought. Whatever operation you had infiltrated was now fleeing after being busted, and they were likely on shoot to kill orders.
Suddenly she saw you figure limping towards the woods, and before she even knew she had moved, she was racing towards you.
Pain tore through you.
Your abdomen was on fire. You had been shot before, but this hurt. You struggled to get to the cover of the woods. Suddenly a firm hand was on you back, arms were cradling you, and lowering you down to the ground.
“Shh, don’t move,” came Natasha’s voice. “They aren’t worried about finding us, they’re too busy running.”
You looked into her face, making eye contact with your long-time partner for the first time ever, and the world exploded in color.
The grass and trees became vibrant with life, and you turned to look at the new world around you. When you turned back to look at Natasha, her eyes were filled with wonder.
“You hair…” you said weakly, your voice trailing off.
“They tell me it’s red,” she said, her voice wavering.
“Red,” you said, relishing the word on your lips, the feeling of knowing what it meant. “Red is my favorite.”
She smiled, but tears trailed down her face. “Shh, don’t talk. Save your energy, we’ll get you somewhere where they can fix you.”
Ignoring her, you shook your head. "I'm not gonna make it."
You reached up your hand to touch her face. She grabbed your hand and pressed it against her cheek. “I’m glad it was you Nat. I love you.”
“I love you too, Y/N”
She pressed a gentle kiss against your lips and cradled you against her chest.
“Look at the sky, Nat,” you said. “It’s beautiful.”
The sun was setting, and the myriad of brilliant colors spread over the horizon.
"As far as ways to go out," you said, "it could have been worse."
Nat said nothing, only held you tighter
The two of you sat like that until Natasha saw the sunset fade to black and white and the tears blurred her vision.
Thank you so much for reading! I really hope you liked it! @love8loki here's one of the reader death stories I was talking about. thanks for your advice lol
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seyenna ¡ 4 years ago
Philza and/or Techno and/or Ranboo fic recs
just some of my fav dsmp fics, mainly phil, techno or ranboo bc i’m biased but also a bunch of sbi and others
this one goes out mainly to zablr discord my beloved
pls tell me if the links don’t work
all of these are on ao3
rating\status(complete/ongoing)\warnings\word count\misc tags
ichor flows free amongst the iron by summer_rising
T\o\violence\13k\series\gods AU
A gods and goddesses AU of the Dream SMP, dramatized for all our benefits.
First work:
  "Two gods meeting on a mountaintop overlooking the stormy sea? Very classy, Dream, I appreciate your taste."
  Dream didn't turn to look at him, but the faint shake of his shoulders let Techno know he had heard.
  "Scar's healing up nicely, I see," Techno mumbled with a light nod of his head.
  "Mhm. Cut nice and clean. Not that I expected any less from you, of course."
   The god of power and the god of luck meet on a mountaintop to discuss Luck's standing in the ongoing political disaster.
We're Only Young by ImperialKatwala
G\o\-\66k\series\Dream & Technoblade
It's easy to forget amid the chaos and bloodshed how similar - and how young - Dream and Technoblade really are.
And when the sun comes up, you'll find a brand new god. by SkyboxZoo
M\o\violence\19k\gods AU
The wounds from the fight had healed nigh instantly, but the golden blood still soaked Techno’s shirt. His cloak had gotten torn off and his hair had fallen out of its pony-tail. Ichor pooled in his boots. The man left a trail of golden, bloody footprints in his wake.
old gods (new gods) by WriterWinged
T\o\-\9k\series\gods AU
Summary of first work:
Survival, Blood, Madness. Philza, Technoblade, Wilbur Soot. Three gods who have never cared for mortal life, who play with them when they want to, who kill their toys just as easily. How, then, did a mortal end up in their hands?
This House Is A Fucking Nightmare by SilverWing15
AU Where Phil isn't quite as willing to stand by while his sons drop like flies
Summary of third part (my fav):
Does lingering too long in the shadow of a god make you a god? The voices in his head seem to think so.
His brothers know he's older than them but they don't know how much
OR: Technoblade doesn't think his brothers realize how different they are from ordinary men. After all, ordinary men may fight the gods, but they don't win.
It's been a long day. by BecausePlot
G\c\-\3k\Philza & Ranboo
Sides are bad: he knows that much. He’s seen it tear people apart time and time again, so when he decided to separate himself from Tubbo and keep his distance, he knew he was in the right.
Well. He thought he was in the right, at the time. Sitting all by himself on the steps to the Prime Path, he’s not so sure anymore.
Yes, the sides might have torn the others apart, might have made them so weak that they have no choice but to fold under Dream’s hand, but at least they aren’t lonely.
So are sides bad?
‘I don’t know.’
Or, Ranboo looks out at the ruins of L'Manburg, feeling more lost and lonely than he ever has.
But, as he soon finds, he's not as alone as he thinks.
the voices in my head, they say a lot of things by rosyasteria
Some days the voices didn’t listen. They didn’t let up. They screamed instead of whispered, relentless, assaulting his ears until they bled.
tell them i was the warmest place you knew and you turned me cold by rosyasteria
Technoblade cared. But in the end it just fucked him over.
For the majority of his life, Techno felt like less of a companion, less of a family member, and more like a weapon to be wielded. 'The Blade' they called him; never 'friend'.
It Leaves Little Time for Anything Else by mirandible
M\c\-\1k\part of series\Dream & Technoblade
   A young man aims for the top, but fate has other plans for him. So does Technoblade, apparently.
   (Or: answering the question of “Why does Techno hide his scars if they’re supposed to be some sort of trophy? Why keep your point of pride a secret?”)
the best requiem is a bar of silence (and I'll sing it, even if I must hold back my tears) by jello12451
T\o\-\10k\Philza & Technoblade
   He can’t help the noise of celebration that escapes him. Techno- this means that Techno’s free, and he got his horse back, and everything is alright-
  Tubbo, filled with rage at Phil’s cheers, turns and impulsively shoots an arrow.
   He doesn’t expect to hit his target.
  Alternatively: What if Phil didn't have a bucket of water when Tubbo shot him?
Change fate by being aggressively kind by sircantus
T\o\-\13k\sbi, Philza-centric
   “You do understand that you’re caring for the thing meant to bring destruction and chaos to our world, right?” The woman asks, Phil looking behind him fondly as Techno grabs at the ends of his wings.
   “He’s just a child.” Phil answers distractedly, humming as his wings get gently yanked at.
   “He’s the first of three to destroy life as we know it! Shouldn’t we, well, get rid of him?!”
   “Oh, no.” Phil raises his eyes with a sharp glare. “Believe me, I have my own way of preventing the apocalypse.”
   Or, Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy are basically chaotic forces of nature, destined from birth to end the world and bring destruction. Most who hear of the tale of them are trying their best to track them down, and to end the monsters while they’re still young, still just children.
   Phil has a different plan.
   (In which Phil raises the minecraft equivalents of the anti-christ with love and support, so much so to the point where the world ending is really just a funny thought, and Phil has three kids who casually have powers that are bit more extreme than anything else in the world)
I promised you that everything would be fine by findingkairos
   manifestation: (n.)
1.     an event, action, or object that clearly shows or embodies something abstract or theoretical;
2.     a version or incarnation of something or someone;
3.     an appearance of a ghost or spirit;
4.     the Blood God.
When he's young and still alone, still establishing his reputation as the immortal warrior, Technoblade makes up an imaginary friend.
Years later, the blood god is very real and very much a god: one that is prepared to do anything for their first and only friend.
the inner mechanism of a black box by Bee_4
T\c\violence, self-harm\Technoblade-centric
   Technoblade lets himself get imprisoned for Philza’s sake. He doesn’t plan on being there long. Unfortunately, he’s underestimated Pandora’s Vault.
   There are things that will make even the Blade fall apart in due time, as it turns out.
carry all my sins by BananasofThorns
Ranboo swallows. “All my armor and weapons and stuff are missing. Fundy and I were gonna go looking for them after the festival, I think.”
“I see.” Tubbo smiles again, but this time it doesn’t reach his eyes. “Well, I’m sure it’ll be fine, it’s just a festival. We could probably find someone to lend you a sword or an axe or something.”
He starts towards the stage, waving at people when they call his name, and Ranboo follows. The original panic has dulled to a cold buzz in his chest, but apprehension still wraps itself around his body like chains. He doesn’t like being without his armor and tools; he feels too exposed, and if something happens, he’ll be helpless.
“Ranboo?” Tubbo calls, glancing back.
Ranboo shakes his head and hurries to catch up. “Yeah, it’ll be fine,” he repeats. “Everything’s gonna be fine."
Tubbo grins. “That’s the spirit.”
Rule 5: be loyal. L'manberg doesn't do well with supposed traitors. Ranboo deals with the consequences.
Sojourn by Lacy_Star
T\o\-\13k\Ranboo & Technoblade & Philza
“Well…” Ranboo started slowly, “You see, uh… I kinda… don’t have a house anymore, obviously. Um… Phil found me in—“ He paused, cutting himself off and squinting at the floorboards— very discreet, “Phil… found me. And… um… He said I could stay by you guys. Like, um, by the dog house he wants to build?” He paused, then began to ramble, “But, uh, if you don’t want me here, I understand— and I’m sorry for coming in your house when you weren’t here, I swear I didn’t touch anything— it was just cold outside and—“
Techno just stared at him. And how, how was this the second time this had happened to him? How was this the second time he returned home after battle to discover an injured teenage boy waiting for him, seeking assistance with nowhere to go? And how badly had that ended last time, in nothing but betrayal and insults?
AKA: Phil drags a half-enderman home after Doomsday, and Techno decides that they can keep it. For now.
can an axe count as rent? by aboutfivebees
T\c\-\4k\Ranboo & Technoblade & Philza
Ranboo’s struggling to settle into his new life on the Arctic Anarchist Commune, but at least he’s got bread.
or the struggles of an enderman hybrid to come up with a housewarming gift to give to his friends, who are just trying to adopt him
The Caged Bird Sings of Freedom by StarPrince_Punk
T\o\-\25k\Ranboo & Technoblade & Philza
The Blade's stance was still tense, his body prepared to fight at a moment’s notice if need be. “What’s your name?” Phil asked “My… name?” The Blade asked. “Yeah. Your name isn’t actually The Blade, right? That’s like a stage name?” Phil tried to keep his tone light. “What’s your real name?” The Blade hesitated. “No one… No one’s called me by my name in a long time.” ------- When Phil comes across Ranboo in his panic room after L'Manberg's destruction, it reminds him of when he first met Technoblade. And just like when he met Techno, Phil's first instinct is that he has to help this kid. While living together, Techno and Ranboo learn that they're much more similar than they had previously thought, and Phil learns that it's not too late for him to be a better dad.
This already feels like more of a home by H3118ENDER
T\o\violence, death\18k\Ranboo & Technoblade & Philza
As the ashes of L'Manberg settle the conflict continues to come to life setting the stage for a new wave of blood shed. Stuck slam in the middle of past and present friends Ranboo is coming to learn that even without nations to their names feelings and feuds don't die but people, people do.
A Shadow of a Shadow by unappetizingegg
T\c\-\4k\ Ranboo & Technoblade & Philza
There were a few beats of silence, and then- “What are your plans, now? Do you need a place to stay?”
That caught him off guard. Surely he’d heard incorrectly. Phil was offering him a home, right after he’d orchestrated the destruction of his past one? It didn’t make any sense, none of it did. Why would Phil say that?
Then he remembered, he remembered Techno stopping him in the fight. He remembered being handed his book, the question in Techno’s gaze. He swore, in that moment, Technoblade, the Technoblade, had been worried about him. He remembered that he had been told to leave, to run, to get away and preserve himself. He had spared him, he remembered that Techno had spared him.
Techno had helped him. Phil had tried to protect him, to get him away from the danger.
They were there for him.
Ranboo is alone. But he really isn't.
Meritocracy by oddsbodkins
G\o\-\18k\Dream & Technoblade, sbi, medieval AU
Dream is more successful than he'd ever imagined - but there's one thing that's been bothering him. Technoblade, his biggest rival, the Acolyte of the Blood God and King of the Arena, went missing last spring, just before Dream got the chance to duel him. Without that one achievement to pave his way, all the following victories have felt cheap.
So, Dream hired some goons to dig Technoblade up and pester him into coming back to the Capitol, for one last showdown. Easy enough, right?
Interlude I: "Promises to Keep" by Ozzyyy
T\c\-\1k\part of a series\Technoblade & Philza
These woods are lovely, dark, and deep But I have promises to keep
And miles to go before I sleep And miles to go before I sleep.
Techno has a plan. It's crazy. It's insane, it's actually just batshit bonkers. But if chaos cannot be enjoyed together, then what's it worth, yeah? There's a certain beauty in watching the world burn from the center of the flames. Phil intends to be there.
I Don't Want To Start A Fight (wouldn't you rather start a riot?) by KryOnBlock
T\c\violence, death\15k\Technoblade & Philza & Ranboo
An universal ping rang out from behind him, the third and final he knew, and Phil sobbed, clutching the body tighter.
Techno didn’t move.
It always has been Technoblade and Philza, Philza and Technoblade. Take on half, and you shall never go back.
Sheltered by Lulatic
G\c\-\6k\Ranboo & Technoblade
It was cold outside. But Techno never heard Ranboo complain.
That was the best excuse he could muster to keep him out.
Antarctic Princes 'verse by BirchWrites
Loosely-connected one shots set in an AU where the Antarctic Empire and the Dream SMP are in the same world. Ordered chronologically, but each fic can be read as a standalone thing
Summary of first part:
Oh shit. Forget arrested; Dream’s going to have to tell Wilbur that he watched Tommy get stabbed for being terminally stupid.
May we cross paths again by QueenLunaFreed
G\c\-\1k\Dream & Technoblade
“Even if tomorrow it’s just us versus the entire server, Dream, I’m telling you right now - I have confidence.”
Dream couldn’t comprehend the pacing contradiction in front of him, the weakness he could clearly see, but would never comment on. Because this man has been defying Dream's expectations since they first met, because despite them not being friends and having no reason to trust each other, Dream knew that Technoblade is the only person who he’d trust to do this right. To destroy L'Manberg alongside him yet again, this time for real.
leave me your starlight by findingkairos
T\o\-\18k\Technoblade & Philza
For you the world, Phil.
Once upon a time, Philza Minecraft is the only person who does not shy away from the bloody teen that regularly turns the tide of war.
This cements a friendship that will last wars, empires, worlds, and lifetimes.
(Featuring: Back to Back Badasses, healthy relationships, accidental deification, intentional world domination, and Phil's past coming back to haunt his best friend.)
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akawrites000 ¡ 4 years ago
sunflowers, breaking clichĂŠs and faraway lovers
Hero trudges back home, her foot kicking up some mud on this lonely strip of road. She can't decide if she's happy or frustrated that nothing ever happens where she lives, not even villains, as if they don't find this place appealing enough to even visit.
She decides, after a moment, that maybe it's both. She's both happy that she doesn't have to deal with villains here, that this is the one constant place that she has in her life, and she's also a little frustrated that nothing ever happens here, and everywhere you see are familiar faces. She kind of wishes her town had the tradition to were masks like people in Jaoanese festivals do, so that it would at least bring some novelty into this place. Or she wishes that she can spot a new face somewhere, but the only face she wants to see right now is that of her partner's.
The wind blows to the left, and she turns to look. That's the path that leads to the sunflower field, one of her all time favourite places. She takes out her phone as the wind pushes her further to the field, holding the device in front of her face, trying to get a nice angle. Click. She opens villain’s chat and hits the send button, with a yellow heart emoji attached to the picture. She then sits down at the edge of the field, legs dangling, eyes taking in the spectacular view in front of her. This is probably the only place I'll never get tired of, even if it's the same ten years from now, she thinks.
Hero’s phone vibrates in her pocket, and she pulls it out to see a message from villain. She opens the chat — smiling softly.
V: This looks so beautiful!! Is this the sunflower field that you always talk about? Thank you for the picture baby💛
Hero takes a moment to swoon. She loves it when villain calls her baby, and she has a feeling that they know that too.
H: Yes it is, one of my favourite places ever! I wish I could show this to you someday.
There it is, hero thinks. This ache that mixes up with the bubbly feelings in her chest because her lover lives in an entirely different continent away from her and there's nothing either of them can do about it for now. It's this sizzling agony that's there right under her skin, keeping her awake at night sometimes.
V: That sounds lovely. I would love to see it.
And then hero’s smiling, grinning. So much that her cheeks start to hurt and those blue feelings inside her chest slowly melt away, leaving her with this happy, giddy haze. Somewhere inside, the logical part of her speaks — what is even happening ?
Hero ignores that and just stares at the wide expanse of the field in front of her, beautifully painted by the sun setting on the horizon behind. She lets her mind wander to villain, her lover whom she's never met but knows — because one doesn't have to meet to know someone right? Of course hero aches to meet them, just like all the lovers in ancient texts do. She's no different. So she tries to meet them in her imagination at least- one hand in their soft, brown hair, while the other cups their cheek, tender with that natural blush that drives her crazy; and then villain's hands are in her hair, tangling her long back strands but she can't find it in herself to care one bit —
Her phone buzzes again and hero’s pulled out of that soft world in her mind, back to the real one. Her eyes take in her surroundings once again, noticing the changes. The sky is inky blue, like deep ocean waters and the sun is nowhere to be seen . The sunflowers that were all looking at the sun like dedicated devotees, have now turned to look at their loved ones next to them instead, and settle in their arms for the night. Hero looks at her phone, her mind working in two angles — one thinking about this fact that she read about sunflowers somewhere while the other focuses on villain’s chat box.
V: You'll have to fight supervillain later this evening right?
Hero groans as she remembers her pressing duties to this city — fighting supervillains, protecting the civilians, being the symbol of justice. It's only in the short time that she spends with villain — in their chatbox, occasional phone calls, when she thinks of villain, that she feels like a normal twenty something, just living her life and falling in love with someone breathtakingly amazing.
H: You're always more updated about my schedule than I am xD But yeah, I have to.
Hero imagines villain’s mouth, unable to decide between their usual smirk or rare soft smiles. She wonders what expression they're wearing right now.
V: Of course I am. That's one thing technology is good for.
Hero chuckles, simply happy that villain even bothers to keep track of all of this.
V: Fight safely and vigilantly okay? Trust your gut feelings, they're always valid. Your feelings are always valid.
Hero clutches her phone tight in her hand, trying to bury her face into her own arms. Her heart performs this dance everytime villain does stuff like this, and she never knows how to handle it.
H: Thank you my love❤ I'm a little nervous of course, but I think I'll be okay. I can do this.
Hero knows there's no point in putting up a front or lying to villain. They always know somehow. And hero thinks that she doesn't want to lie — she's always putting up a front for the world, the people, her opponents. So she wants at least this one person in the entire world to know who she really is, in all her silly, anxious and raw glory.
V: You'll be fine baby. You're an amazing fighter and I believe in you.
Okay, that's it. Hero feels like her entire body is on fire and she forces herself to look away from the phone screen at the field in front of her so that her fingers don't start doing this embarrassing keysmash that people generally seem to do when they're embarrassed. Does she want to do that? She thinks she'd rather avoid it. Or at least try to.
That's when her mind supplies that fact about sunflowers that it was trying to remember. When the sun is not visible, the sunflowers turn towards one another, as if the sun is just a fever dream that is abandoned as soon as it dips below the horizon, and the only real things that exist in the world are the flowers themselves and their partners who exist right beside them. Hero watches as the wind gently coaxes them, one flower falling into another and vice versa, as they hold each other and dance while the first stars form constellations in the sky. Hero thinks how beautiful this is, that there is a whole universe beyond clichés, that a sunflower doesn't have to achingly wait for a sun that will never belong to it, but instead the world is for its taking as it falls in love with the flower next to it — one that will return its feelings.
And all of a sudden, hero is overwhelmed by this weird emotion in her chest. She can't name it, she's always been bad with names. But sitting here and looking at these sunflowers breaking clichĂŠs makes her heart soar for some inexplicable reason. It's like nature is telling her that nothing else matters other than feelings that are respected and returned.
She opens villain's chat and starts typing in everything that she's realised in the past minute with increased fervour, afraid that all of these thoughts would just up and disappear into a puff of nothing because nothing is really everlasting — except this one moment. And she plans to make the best of it. She types the last letter, then attaches a close-up picture of two sunflowers with tangled petals facing one another and hits send.
Villain takes a minute to reply, but it brings the brightest smiles to hero's face regardless.
V: I don't know if you even realise this, but I just love the way you fucking think ❤ The sunflowers seem like they could pass for humans themselves don't they? Because I just find this whole thing alarmingly human — the way we have our hearts on our sleeves when we know no one else is looking, for that one person.
Hero sighs happily, she didn't think feeling understood could feel this liberating. It's definitely one of those feelings that people can get high on , she thinks. Damn, she thinks she's definitely getting high on this herself.
H: Thank you love, I love the way you think too! And I do agree, the sunflowers are humans xD (plus ten heart emojis).
A few more minutes go by and hero receives another message from villain with this attached picture:
there's a hand (hero guesses it's villain’s hand) holding two violet flowers together (so they look like they're hugging) with this caption —
I had to chase away two ducks for this picture, because these flowers were apparently their evening snack. How cool is that?
And hero’s full blown laughing now, the clutching-your-stomach kind of laughing and she hopes that the laughing emoji on her phone would do this justice. Probably not.
Here's the live coverage of Hero vs Supervillain-
The newsreader reads live from the venue and villain’s eyes refuse to leave the tv screen for even a single moment. They watch as their hero holds her ground against such a powerful foe and villain’s heart fills up to the brim with a mix of fondness and pride. They don't feel the rest of the evening pass by, as they sit and watch the entire live coverage without as much as even getting up.
Hero emerges victorious, and she has a few surface injuries here and there, some nasty looking gashes but she's standing there and she's alive and she's okay and villain finally lets out a breath that they didn't even know they were holding.
That's their strong, sweet and kind hero and villain can't be happier to call her their girlfriend.
Hellooo there lovely people!! I know it's been a long while since I posted (that's because life is pretty hectic rn) but I finally found some time to write (and procrastinate, but that's the usual lol). So what's new is that I've given you all some female rep, because I just realised that I haven't really written much female mc content. So I hope you all enjoyed reading this, and thank you for your support as always - means a lot<3
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keijislove ¡ 4 years ago
I’ll be there: Bucky Barnes X Reader
A/N: WARNING: Slight mention of PTSD, insecurity, basically Bucky not realising what a blessing to humanity he is.
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They erupted in an instant as the sound of glass shattering pierced the otherwise peaceful night. Screams were all he’d ever known. Screams sounded like music to his ears. It was just a small snippet of what people really deserved after they dared to show their faces in public, knowing the pain they had caused to this world.
Amidst the endless assassins, stood a certain soldier with eyes as dark as his name, hair long and unkempt about his face, and two arms – one regular, which clutched a gun that seemed to fire itself – and the other, made of vibranium, which was busy throttling a man.
The winter soldier.
That name commanded fear. Fear of being killed, knowing that the monster HYDRA had created didn’t have enough human in him to feel emotions like pity or regret.
That was all that James Buchanan Barnes had ever known.
“Please, please not my son!” a woman cried, watching tearfully as the winter soldier fought an urge to scoff.
Not caring in the least, he pointed the gun at a little boy of nearly seven years of age and smirked beneath his mask.
The trigger was pulled, deaf to the cries and bloodcurdling screams of the boy’s mother. A gunshot pierced through the hall filled with screams. A bullet shot towards the tiny, unsuspecting boy, reaching to hit him squarely in the head –
“NOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Bucky screamed, sitting up straight.
He looked around. Nobody was there, he was alone. Like he’d always been.
Panting slightly, he looked around, fumbling for the water jug and he poured himself a glass before taking a sip – his hands shaking so badly that the quantity of spilt water was greater than that he drank.
“Just a nightmare,” he feverishly muttered to himself, “No – no big deal, nightmare.”
His lies sounded so untruthful, even Bucky had to scoff at himself.
Just a nightmare.
If he didn’t understand himself at times, who could?
It was almost foolish to admit it, but Bucky felt something he had no way to overcome. Lonely.
His ‘friends’ were leading important lives, either with family or training at the Avengers compound, wanting to make a difference. Yet, here he sat, feeling useless.
He wanted a purpose in life – a gaping hole in his chest nothing seemed to be able to fill. Apparently, the gods had heard his prayer, for that day was one he treasured most in all of his memories.
“This is the last time I’m working the night shift!” you furiously exclaimed to Leah who just shrugged, saying, “It’s not me who decides the shifts.”
“Meh, well,” you admitted guiltily, “You have a point. But you’re the only I can rant to about this prison.”
“Well, job’s a job, isn’t it?” Leah murmured.
“I guess so.”
The door of the restaurant flew open as somebody walked inside. You didn’t bother to look up, you had way to much experience and hate for this job to care who wanted to eat what.
“Welcome, I am Y/N L/N, just name whatever you want, I’m sure we have it in here and if we don’t, I’m sorry but that’s not my fault and I have been working long hours since weeks and would appreciate a little customer cooperation to ensure the safety of my mental health, okay? What do you want?” you had never talked this way to a customer before – you were known to be a polite employee, but today, you just lost your temper with life.
Receiving silence from the figure that had stopped in front of you, you looked up questioningly and your mind went blank for a second. Standing there was literal eye candy material who looked confused and slightly alarmed. You flushed – great job scaring away a finally nice guy, Y/N.
“Sorry,” you sighed after a while of staring, “Not in the greatest mood these days.”
“I can see that,” the stranger chuckled despite himself, “Rough day?”
“Month,” you corrected moodily, “What can I get you?”
“Meh, the usual, some beer please,” he said.
“Right,” you nodded, turning around, pulling faces at yourself for being so embarrassing. You blindly groped for a bottle and thrust it his way, saying, “Glass?”
“No thanks,” he waved off, uncorking the bottle and downing it, “I’m Bucky, by the way. Bucky Barnes.”
“Hey, I’ve heard of you,” you frowned.
Bucky’s heart dropped into the floors below. Of course you had heard of him. Of the countless, ruthless murders he had performed.
“You’re – that guy, right? Steve Rogers’ best friend?” you asked, “My condolences,” you added quickly.
“Yeah, thanks,” he said, “That’s me.”
“I can see you’ve been through a rough life,” you remarked causally.
“You have no idea.”
And so, Bucky began visiting your bar regularly – a feat that made your shifts more enjoyable and something to look forward to in your mundane life. Bucky understood what a stressful job could be – he felt that if he couldn’t help himself, he’d at least try to help you.
After around a month of knowing him, you decided to do something you had been gathering the balls for for weeks
As soon as you finished your night shift, you spoke, “Can I walk home with you? It’s late – and the night sort of scares me. My house a few blocks away from yours.”
You crossed your fingers and toes behind your back.
“Oh, yeah, sure,” Bucky said, “I wouldn’t want you to walk alone anyway.”
Your heart rose – this was a good sign.
You grabbed your coat and threw it on, shivering slightly as both of you made your way out. You locked the door behind you and placed the keys in your pocket as you resumed walking.
“So,” you began, “How’s life going on for you?”
“Crappy, mostly,” Bucky shrugged, “I mean – there’s nothing to do. I just sit around all day, come to your bar, go home, and sit around again.”
“Sounds like a nice life,” you sighed, “I wish I had some peace. I’d trade with you any day.”
This declaration made him laugh.
Now or never, Y/N, you wimp! Do it! Ask him out!
“Hey, listen, Bucky, I was wondering,” you began as he hummed in response, “Uh... we’ve known each other for some time now... don’t take this the wrong way, but I... really, really like you.”
Bucky felt his heart drop again – this was exactly what he’d been afraid of.
“Y/N...” he began.
“It’s okay, you might not feel the same,” you hurriedly said, swallowing back a few overcoming tears.
“No, Y/N, it’s nothing like that,” Bucky assured you, “I really like you too – but are you sure you’ve thought this through?”
“Thought what – what are you talking about?” you asked, nonplussed.
“I’m just saying – think about it,” Bucky began, “You – you’d be throwing away your future – I don’t want to do that to you. You’re a smart, beautiful woman, and you honestly deserve so much better! I can’t make you happy – I can’t make myself happy, I don’t know anything about commitment. I can’t give you children or a family – and the people who know of my past – almost everyone – will look down on you, I don’t want you to have that burden. I’m – a monster, Y/N, you can’t –”
“Stop,” you whispered, shaking your head, “Stop doing this to yourself. Who on Earth – Bucky, you are not a monster. I would never think like that – and it’s okay if you can’t give me a family – all I want is you. Just you.”
“Yeah, but you’re forgetting the most important part,” Bucky whispered, “I’m dangerous. I can’t trust my own mind. Trigger words, remember? Even if I’m not a killer anymore, I’ve made a lot of enemies – I don’t want anyone to use you to get to me.”
“What if I don’t care?” you asked angrily, “Let them try. And your trigger words – nice try, Bucky, you wanna be more careful what you tell others about your past. I know that that problem was taken care of years ago. You’re jut scared to open up.”
“I get nightmares....” Bucky’s voice trailed off in a feeble attempt to coax you to change your mind.
“And now you’ll have someone to calm you down next to you,” you firmly stated.
Bucky sighed, “Coffee shop down the street, tomorrow, noon.”
“Don’t you dare be late.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, doll.”
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maiyami ¡ 4 years ago
₳ⱠⱠ ØⱤ ₦Ø₮Ⱨł₦₲
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𝓚𝓮𝓲𝓰𝓸 𝓣𝓪𝓴𝓪𝓶𝓲 𝓧 𝓕𝓮𝓶𝓪𝓵𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓻𝓸
𝓡𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰: 18+
𝓦𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰: 𝓢𝓶𝓾𝓽, 𝓕𝓵𝓾𝓯𝓯, 𝓫𝓻𝓮𝓮𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰, 𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓾𝓪𝓰𝓮, 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓮!
𝓐𝓵𝓵 𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓼 𝓪𝓻𝓮 18+
(I ended up going out of order of which fanfics were coming out. I got lost in writing this one. He cares Bakugou x female reader will be coming out. This ended being way longer than expected, sorry!)
You died, or at least you thought you did. It all happened so quickly, the accident. You were out on patrol one evening, that’s when it all went to shit. You were attacked, not by just one villain but three. Your quirk was strong but not strong enough at the time. You sustain major injuries, put you into the hospital for a good amount of time. Then it was off to rehabilitation, in the middle of nowhere by yourself until one day you weren’t alone anymore.
You had the ability to read minds, manipulate them, and get into deep lost memories. But since the attack, you haven’t been able to use your quirk. Your skull fracture made it so whenever you tried to read someone mind, you’d end up with blurry vision, an intense headache, and not to mention horrible nausea. You had a long road ahead of you, honestly you really didn’t think you’d make it.
The place the Commission had brought you too was way out in the country side. No one was around for miles, but funny enough this huge cabin in the woods was the only thing you’d find. It was cute you though, wasn’t anything to special but they made it seem enough like “home”. You knew you wouldn’t be seeing home anytime soon.
It was lonely, only being check on every few days to make sure you were okay. A PT specialist every two days, keeping you up and about. Then you saw a van pull up, you watched from your bedroom window. A man had come out of it, he looked so beaten down. Dark circles around his eye, hair a bit messy, and there was bandages wrapped all around his face and arms. He looked soulless to say the least, a shell of a human. He noticed you looking through the window, looking right back at you.
He was beautiful, you thought too yourself. That golden eye you could see was looking through your soul. Before you could stare any longer, you slipped away from the window. Trying to hide yourself from him, you didn’t want him to think you were looking at him because he was so badly hurt. You quickly went into the bathroom to clean yourself up. Heroes get hurt, and you didn’t want him to think that you thought less of him.
When you came out of the bathroom, there was a knock on your door. You walked to open it, finding one of the caretakers there. He explained to you that the new patient is going to be in the room next to you. That he isn’t himself much lately, and that you shouldn’t take anything he says to heart. He was there to recover just like yourself, try not to be over baring. You nodded at the caretaker, thanking him for informing you.
After he leaves, you make your way to his door. You softly knock on it, stepping back a bit. The door slowly opened, you were met with that brilliant golden stare once more. It almost took your breath away, but you kept it together. “Hi, I’m y/n. It’s nice to meet you.” You said softly, a weak smile on your face. The man stared back at you, narrowed eye. A loud hiss left his lips as he looked at you. Then he slammed the door shut, right in your face. You just stared wide-eyed at it, you understood that no one wants to be in the situation that you were both in. You sighed, walking back to your room and quickly shutting the door.
In the other room, Keigo was just fuming. He hated that he couldn’t be out being a hero. He hated that he let a villain get the upper hand on him, break him down like this. He thought he was going to be alone, he wasn’t told that someone else would be here. The time in the hospital really crushed his go lucky, happy attitude. He was never a rude person to people he had never talked too before, but seeing you there made him upset. You looked fine to him, like there was no reason for you to be there with him. You wouldn’t understand his pain, wouldn’t understand where he is coming from. He had heard your door shut, he sat on the bed thinking over how he was going to get through this.
As the moments passed, he heard your door open once more. Footsteps walking by his door, and off somewhere into the cabin. It had to been about an hour before he heard your footsteps coming back down the hall. Then he heard another knock on his door, apparently you didn’t get the picture from him slamming the door in your face. Keigo was up and walking to the door. Rage filling his heart as he opened it. But when he opened it, you weren’t there. However on the floor was a tray, there was some food on it, a glass of water, and a note. He picked the tray up slowly, his arms still weak from what he had been through.
He placed the tray on his dresser, debating if he should just leave it outside your room now. Then he grabbed the note, opening it up just to see what you could have possibly said to him. He half thought that maybe you decided to chew him out on a piece of paper but as he read the note, he felt a little bit of regret come to his stomach.
“𝐻𝒾, 𝐼’𝓂 𝓈𝑜𝓇𝓇𝓎 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝐼 𝒷𝑜𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒𝒹 𝓎𝑜𝓊. 𝐼 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌 𝒸𝑜𝓂𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝑜 𝒶 𝓅𝓁𝒶𝒸𝑒 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈, 𝒾𝓈𝓃’𝓉 𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎 𝒻𝓊𝓃. 𝐼 𝓊𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒾𝒻 𝓎𝑜𝓊’𝒹 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝒷𝑒 𝓁𝑒𝒻𝓉 𝒶𝓁𝑜𝓃𝑒, 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝐼 𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓉𝑒𝒹 𝓉𝑜 𝓂𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝓈𝓊𝓇𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓉𝑒. 𝐼 𝒽𝑜𝓅𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝒾𝓉, 𝒾𝒻 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝐼’𝓁𝓁 𝓉𝓇𝓎 𝓂𝓎 𝒷𝑒𝓈𝓉 𝓃𝑒𝓍𝓉 𝓉𝒾𝓂𝑒.
“Fuck.” He said softly to himself. He doesn’t mean to be rude or shut out anyone but he just doesn’t feel like putting on the front of Hawks the number two pro hero right now. He knew he wasn’t going to not see you, he knows that your paths will cross at some point. Maybe he will try tomorrow to talk too you. He then decided he might as well eat the food you made. You did go out of your way to make him something to eat. It was beautifully made up, still pretty warm. Then he started to eat, his eyes nearly rolled into the back of his head. It was so god damn good, the flavors were perfect. You really put the effort into cooking for him, even though he was a dick.
You were sitting on your bed, reading a book when you heard the door next to your room open. Then a little piece of paper was slipped under your door. You waited until you heard his door shut once more before getting up to grab the note. You leaned down slowly to pick it up, bringing yourself back up carefully making sure to not make yourself dizzy. You sat back down on your bed, opening the note to read it.
𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓃𝓀 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒻𝑜𝑜𝒹, 𝒾𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓈 𝑔𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓉.
You smiled lightly to yourself, then you looked at the name again. “Hawks.” You said very softly, then your eyes widened. Number two pro hero Hawks? There’s no fucking way. Why would the Commission send him to a place like this, he’s a huge hero. You can understand why they’d send someone like you here, barely in the low teens. He really didn’t look like himself, but it didn’t matter to you. He was still very handsome, and you knew he was recovering a serious injury. You decided to play it cool, you didn’t want to make him feel like the only reason you wanted to get to know him was because of his status.
It was the complete opposite actually, you really couldn’t care how big of a hero he was. He is still human, and that’s how you were going to treat him. You put the note on your nightstand, turning the light off to drift off into sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a long day of PT and you knew that your mind needed to relax.
As the weeks past, you saw very little of Hawks. Most the time you’d see him when he was outside with the PT specialist, trying to get his wings back in order. Or you would see he when you dropped food off to him, he was opening the door now for you. Thanking you softly before returning into his room. Some notes exchanged here and there, some were just saying how great the meal was, while others were things he might want to try to eat now. It was peaceful for the most part, however some nights weren’t great. You could hear him tossing and turning in his room, the faintness of him waking up slightly horrified by a bad dream, and it was slowly breaking your heart.
Unknown to you, Hawks was hearing the same thing coming from your room. His hearing was still so keen, he could hear every toss you did, every sharp breath you took, and not to mention the soft no’s slipping past your lips in the middle of the night. He thought about asking you what had happened too you, but then again he hasn’t been the most welcoming person lately. He was going to try, he was going to put in the effort. I mean you seem to have been here longer than he has, maybe you really needed someone to be there for you.
It was later in the day, the sun was starting to set. Hawks was in the kitchen, while you were sitting in the common area reading a book. The sun was shining a beautiful orange across your face, that’s when Hawks noticed that you were wearing makeup. It was definitely trying to cover something, he could faintly see it. Then he saw how your e/c eyes were shining against the light, they were so bright and beautiful. Them seemed full of life, but something sad was hidden behind them.
As the color in the sky started to turn a bright red, you pulled yourself up from the chair. Slowly making your way outside, sitting on the front steps as the sun was setting. You were in a loose sweater, hanging slightly off your shoulder. Leggings along with some slipper, hugging your legs as you rested your chin on your knees. You were so lost in the sky that you didn’t hear the door open behind you.
Hawks noticed that you had left your chair, hearing the door close. He walked out from the kitchen, he could see you through the glass door. Looking up at the sky, not a care in the world. As he walked closer, he could see some scars on your exposed shoulder. A slight frown coming to his face, he thought there was no reason for you to be here. But he was mistaken, he knew that you had been through something actually. He walked out onto the porch, looking at you. You hadn’t even notice he was there.
You only took your eyes off the sky once Hawks sat down next too you. You turned your head to the side on your knees, looking over the man. You gave him a soft smile, then turned your head back to the sky. “What are you doing out here?” He asked softly. You rarely got to hear his voice, it was a bit raspy from how little he used it. “I’m watching the sunset.” You said back at him. “Why?” He asked, which he thought was a stupid question. He loved watching the sunset while he was flying through the sky, deep down he just wanted to keep hearing your voice.
“Because I’m not going to live forever, I find it very peaceful and beautiful.” You said softly. Hawks just studied your face, how your eyes were lit up from watching the colors change before your eyes. You could feel his eyes on you, so you decided to try and see if you could read him. You fixed your mind onto him, matched his breathing, and then closed your eyes for a little. But just like before, shooting pain came across the back of your head. You felt a little dizzy, you pulled your legs down quickly and put your arms out to stable yourself. You blinked a few times, and shook your head a bit.
Hawks got a little worried looking at you, he leaned in a little. “Are you alright?” He asked, concern laced into his voice. He went to put a hand on your back, but quickly took it away before it touched you. You looked at him, your vision a little hazy. You gave him a small smile, he could tell it was forced. “Y-Yeah, just a headache.” You said back. Slowly getting up to walk back into house. “I’m going to go lay down. Hope you enjoy the rest of your night.” You said softly, but as you started to walk to the door, you stumbled a little. Bracing yourself against the door frame.
Hawks was quick to your side, holding onto your hip. His reaction time was still quick, but not fully back to were it once was. “You aren’t okay.” He said too you, guiding you back to your room. He walked slowly with you, keeping at your pace. Once you reached your room, Hawks brought you in. Letting you sit on your bed. “Thank you, I really appreciate it.” You said softly, pulling your legs up so you could lay down. He wanted to ask what was wrong, but as he looked at you he could tell you were so tired. “No problem, it’s kind of what I do.” He said back.
You smiled at him, nodding your head as you brought your covers up to your chest. “Of course, that’s why you’re a top pro.” You said back at him. He was a little shocked by that, he honestly didn’t think you knew who he was. He actually had a small smirk come to his lips, he said goodnight and was back into his room. A few hours went by, Hawks couldn’t sleep. All he heard was how badly you were thrashing in your sleep. Then he heard you scream, it was like you were dying. He quickly left his room, busting into yours and that’s when he saw you.
You were curled into yourself, light sweat covering your skin. Tears were coming down your cheeks, and you were breathing so hard. You were shaking, eyes still closed from your sleep. Hawks walks over, sits down onto your bed. He shakes you awake lightly, trying not to scare you any further. You woke up in a panic anyways, looking around as you pushed yourself against your headboard. Hawks hushed you, making sure you knew you were okay. “It’s just me, calm down. You’re okay.” He said softly, softly putting his hand on your knee.
You just broke down, crying hard as you looked at him. Hawks knew he hasn’t been the most open or nice too you, but seeing you like this just broke his heart. He pulled you to him, wrapping his arms around you as you cried into his chest. He wasn’t going to ask what you dreamt about, he just held you. He was softly stroking your hair, hushing you as you shook in his arms. He let some time pass until he noticed that you had fallen asleep against him. He didn’t want to disturb you, he just looked over your face taking it all in.
That’s when the moonlight hit across your face, what he thought before was right. You did cover something with makeup on your face, it was a scar. You had a scar coming from top left of your forehead, all the way down across your nose to your jawline. He lightly ran his finger over it, thinking about what you had possibly been through. He didn’t understand why you would cover it, you’re gorgeous and a scar wasn’t going to take away from that. He pulled you down with him, letting you cuddle up to him while laying down. He rested his chin on top of your head, slowly drifting off to his own sleep.
You felt the warmth of the morning sunrise on your face, slowly fluttering your eyes open. You didn’t know how you were going to face Hawks after what happened last night. You turned over, you might as well start to get ready but you were stopped. Hawks never left you last night, he was still sleeping next to you. You looked over him, his bandages around his face came off a few days before. He was scarred like you, his a lot fresher than yours. You ran your fingers along his skin, you could feel the different textures in his skin. He moved a little bit from the touch, which you quickly took your hand back. He seemed so peaceful sleeping, you didn’t want to disturb him.
After that night into the morning, your relationship had gotten a lot better with Hawks. He came out of his room more, started to eat dinner with you, watched the sunset with you every evening, and even went out of his way to make sure you were doing better. He was slowly feeling like himself again, he was recovering pretty quickly. But as he started to recover more and more everyday, you seemed to be getting worse. Your headaches were getting worse by the day.
One day while you were outside with your PT specialist, Hawks watched from the common area. He had never seen your quirk, he wanted to see if you were progressing at all. He went into the kitchen quickly to grab a glass of water, when he came back to the window he was seeing red. You were on the ground, your hands holding your head as you started to throw up. Your PT specialist didn’t even move, didn’t see if you were alright. Hawks dropped the glass and rushed outside. You were crying, and your specialist was wide-eyes as Hawks came rushing at him.
“What did you do to her.” He said sternly as he gripped the mans shirt tightly in his fist. The man was studdering, saying this was part of her recovery and she needed to move past the pain. Hawks threw the man to the ground, his gaze was looking through him and he practically hissed while he spoke to him. “If you push her that hard again, I’ll end you. She’s done with PT today.” He said sharply, walking over to gather you up into his arms. He brought you back inside, bringing you to the bathroom. He sat you on the toilet, taking a damp wash cloth to wipe your mouth and cheeks. He helped you back into your favorite chair, waiting for you to speak.
“Thank you.” You said softly then finally met his eyes. You could see the worry over his face, he wouldn’t take his eyes off of you. “Please tell me what’s wrong. You aren’t dying right?” He asked, you could see the concern in his eyes. You laughed slightly at him. Shaking your head as you kept looking at him. “No, I’m not dying Hawks. Sometimes it feels that way though.” You said softly. He moved his chair closer to you, holding your knee. “Tell me what happened.” He said. You sighed, leaning back into your chair.
“I was attacked by three villains, my quirk was strong but not strong enough. My quirk is the ability to read minds, control others thoughts, and even pull memories you didn’t even know you had. If I think hard enough I can even manipulate memories. But dealing with three people at the same time can put stress on my quirk. They over powered me, they decided to repeatedly slam my head into the concrete.” You started to trail off, rubbing the back of your head while recalling the memory. Hawks squeezed your knee, letting you know that it’s ok.
“I stayed in the hospital for months, in and out of it all the time. They fractured my skull in two places, broken several of my ribs, wrist, and leg. The Commission sent me here to recover by myself, that was seven months ago..” You said, a frown coming to your lips. “My bones healed, but my mind didn’t. After the accident, I couldn’t use my quirk anymore. Something about the nerves in my brain weren’t lining up anymore. They said it was going to be a long and painful recovery. I thought they were being extreme, but they were fucking right.” You started to trail off, getting lost in the fact that you weren’t whole anymore.
“I’m broken, and I don’t think I’ll ever be put back together.” You said softly, more to yourself than Hawks. But he understood what you mean, being without your quirk after having it since birth is scary. “I understand. I truly do, I thought I had lost my wings. Not being a hero ever again would probably ruin me. You’ll get better.” He said squeezing a little tighter on your knee. You sighed, looking out the window. “It wouldn’t matter if I ever got it back, I’m expendable. That’s why I’ve been here for so long, I don’t think I’ll ever leave.” You said, a tear rolling down your cheek.
Hawks was slowly breaking on the inside, he could see how much this hurt you. He leaned in to wipe the tear away from your cheek, letting his thumb rub your skin a little more. You turned your cheek into his hand, just enjoying the tenderness he was showing you. Hawks noticed that the sun was starting to set, he pulling on your hand. “Let’s go watch the sunset.” He said, helping you up. As you sat together watching the sunset, you leaned your head on his shoulder. He smiled to himself a little, letting his head rest on yours.
As you watched the sunset together, you looked up to some birds flying together. Two little blue jays, diving down to just shoot back up into the sky. “What is it like to fly?” You asked him. Hawks smiled, looking at the birds as well. His wings shook a little, causing him some discomfort. They were still healing, but it was getting better. “It’s like having all the freedom in the world. To feel the rush of wind against your skin, the feeling of being so high, there is really nothing like it.” He said. You smiled, he seemed so happy to talk about something he loves to do. “Sounds like an amazing experience.” You said softly. Hawks nuzzled you a bit closer. “I’ll take you into the sky one day.” He said back. This made you smile brightly, pushing your head into his shoulder more. “I’d really like that.” You said back.
After the sun finally had set, Hawks helped you back up. You were a little dizzy, but he was there to support you. Bringing you back into your room, your walking wasn’t stable really. He waited for you to change, making sure you didn’t fall over. Once you came from the bathroom, you were in a tank top and shorts. That’s when he saw them, all of them. You didn’t just have a scar on your face and shoulder. They were on your arms, legs, and the little bit of torso that was showing. You got a little embarrassed, rubbing your own arms as he looked.
Hawks didn’t realize how hard he was staring at you until he noticed you looked so uncomfortable. All that was running through his head was that he wanted to hurt the people who hurt you. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to stare for so long.” He said softly. You assured him that it was okay, you couldn’t hide them forever. You walked over to your bed, pulling back the covers so you could slip under them. “Could you stay?” You asked him quietly. He nodded, slipping under the covers with you. He pulled you close to him so your face was nuzzled into his chest. “Did they ever catch the villains that did this too you?” He asked bluntly.
“No. They never found them.” You said back. Hawks up held you tighter, rubbing the long scar along your shoulder. “I’ll find them, they will pay for what they did to you.” He said against your hair. You held onto his waist, letting your fingers slowly rub his skin under the hem of his shirt. “That’s okay, Hawks. You don’t need to bother yourself with that.” You said. Hawks brought a hand up to let his fingers rub through your hair. “Call me Keigo, y/n. And I will find them.” He said back. You closed your eyes, letting yourself be swallowed by his comfort. “Thank you, Keigo.” You said softly before drifting off into sleep.
This became a regular thing for the both of you, you quickly realize that sleeping together caused you both not to have nightmares anymore. Then it was time for the bandages around Keigos arm and ribs to come off. You helped him, pulling them off slowly to show the newly scarred skin. You rubbed his arms, letting yourself feel the texture. Everything was going really well, your relationship with Keigo was very peaceful now. Sadly you just had to put him through a huge scare.
It was getting around the time for you both to go out on the porch to watch the sunset. You walked into the kitchen to put the dishes from your early dinner into the sink. You could feel yourself become dizzier than normal, black spots coming to your vision. As you made your way back into the common room, you felt a little trickle of blood come from your nose. You looked at Keigo who was looking out the window. “Keigo-“ you said quickly and as soon as he turned around you fell to the floor. Keigo was right at your side. “Y/n! Wake up! HEY!” He yelled to you but the blood kept coming from your nose. He was quick to pick you up into his arms, rushing out of the cabin.
He stretched his wings out behind him, pain radiating through them to his back. He pushed that out of his mind, then he was in the air with you. This wasn’t the way he wanted to bring you into the sky with him for the first time. He flew to the closet hospital he could find, bringing you in. Doctors quickly took you into a room, a scan showed that you had a brain aneurysm. Bleeding into your skull, but luckily Keigo got you there just in time. It was still a few days before you woke back up. Keigo had to pay off the doctor so they wouldn’t let the news know about him being the hero he was. He knew if the Commission found out that he could fly while carrying someone, they’d make him leave.
He never left your side, constantly holding your hand as you were sleeping. So many thoughts were running through his mind, he couldn’t stop them. He thought what if you never woke up, what if you didn’t remember the beautiful memories that you both shared, what if you didn’t remember him. He gripped your hand a little tighter, soft tears running down his cheeks as he looked over your face. “Please wake up for me, Angel. You’re everything I need in this life.” He said lowly as he rubbed your knuckles. Soon he placed his face onto your bed, letting the sounds of machines put him to sleep.
You fluttered your eyes open, looking to the side to see Keigo sleeping. You smiled softly at him, slowly letting your fingers slip through his hair with little effort. Keigo slowly woke, letting his golden eyes meet yours. Tears started to come down his face as he looked at you, leaning up so you could take his face into your chest. You let him cry softly into you, cooing him to calm down while saying you were okay. “I thought you lied too me...” he said softly. You pulled his face up so you could look at him. “What?” You said.
“When I saw the blood coming from your nose, I thought this was it. You were dying and you just told me you weren’t so I wouldn’t worry as much. I thought I was going to lose you, someone that I lov-“ Keigo was cut off once your lips met his. His eyes were slightly wide, a little tension in his lips. But as you leaned in more to deepen the kiss, he relaxed into it. It was breath taking, like you were meant to be with Keigo. Everything just seemed to fit so well when it came to him. You finally felt whole.
You were released from the hospital, Keigo bringing you back to what you call home now. His wings were almost back to what they used to be, large and powerful. You knew it wouldn’t be long until the PT specialist would call Keigos handler to have him come back. You were way further from being “ok” than you ever were, but it’s okay. You were going to enjoy what little time you have left with him. Going back into the rhythm you both set before your scare.
It was a cool evening, snow was starting to fall from the sky. It was time to watch the sunset, you bundled up in a cozy sweater and soft pants. Keigo in a jacket with joggers, you were both silent as you watched the colors changed. Keigo just beamed at the way you looked at the sky, it filled his heart with pure joy. He stood up, standing before you with a hand out. You looked at him confused but there was a smirk on your lips. You took his hand, standing up. “Can I take you into the sky?” He said as he pulled you close to him. You nodded, slipping your arms around his neck.
He ascended into to the sky slowly, making sure not to make you feel nauseous. But once you were above the tree line, your smile was bright. Honestly it could rival the sun by how much it was glowing. Keigo enjoyed the pure happiness on your face, not taking his eyes off of you. “I love you, y/n.” He said softly against your ear. You kissed him sweetly, a soft tear trailing down your cheek. “I love you, Keigo.” You said back.
You had descended down to the ground, being pulled quickly inside the cabin. Keigo was pulling at your clothes as you pulled at his. As you made it into your room, you were both completely naked. Keigo pushed you onto the bed, kneeing in front of you as he pulled your legs over his shoulders. He leaned in, letting his tongue lick a broad stripe up your entrance. You threw your head back at the sensation, feeling a tingle through your body that you hadn’t felt in a while. Keigo softly moaned as he tasted you, letting his tongue repeat the motion. Then his tongue lapped quickly against your clit, making you buck your hips slightly at the feeling.
He pulled his face away, you whined slightly at the lost of his warm tongue. But you watched him suck on his middle finger before teasing it at your entrance. You were soaked, his finger slipped in with ease. He pumped his finger in and out of you a few times before slowly pushing in his index finger. You moaned, it was music to his ears. “So wet for me, Angel. Such a good fucking girl.” He half moaned before leaning back down to suck on your clit. That’s all you needed to be a twitching mess, moaning sharply before falling over the edge. You were panting, but you quickly pulled Keigo up by his face so your lips could meet again.
Letting his tongue invade your mouth, tasting yourself on it. It made you moan against the kiss, tugging on his hair. “Let me taste you.” You moaned against his ear, which Keigo gave you an approving nod. He quickly sat on the bed while you were the one slipping down to your knees. His cock is huge you though, admiring it before letting your tongue run along his shaft. Keigo bit down on his bottom lip at the feeling, not taking his eyes off you. Your tongue swirled around his head, then your lips took him. Inch by inch, Keigo watched his length disappear into your mouth.
Once you got to the base of him, he let out a loud moan. You came back up all the way to his head before slipping in back down your throat. Your hand came up to rub his balls softly, causing Keigo to buck into your mouth. He pulled you back, causing a loud pop from your mouth once his cock left it. You looked up at him, lust and love in your eyes. He looked back at you with the same eyes. “I need you now, Angel.” He mummers, pulling you up to place you back on your back. He was quickly over you, caging your head in with one of his arms. Letting his other hand guide his length into your hole.
He slowly pushed himself inside you, his fists gripped the sheet right next to your head. You gaped at him, mouth hung open while you felt him bottom out inside you. He held himself there for a moment, letting you get used to his size. “Fuck, you’re so tight for me.” He cooed, and you moaned out. That’s when he started to slow thrusts, slowly sliding in and out of you. The pace was slow but you could feel him so deeply inside of you, his head kissing your cervix. You wrapped your hands around his back, letting your nails softly scratch down the center between his wings. He nearly lost it when he felt you come close to the base of his left wing.
You could see his wings twitching behind him, shuttering with each thrust he put into you. “C-Can I touch them?” You moaned softly out to him. He whined as he felt you tighten around his length. “Please, touch my- ahh fuck.” Was all he managed to get out because you buried your finger into his wings right after “please” left his mouth. He was losing it above you, your release coming quicker as he moaned out to you. “You’re going to make me cum...fuck.” He moaned against your ear, you wrapped your leg around his waist. “Cum baby, please cum inside me. I want to feel it.” You moaned back.
Keigo hissed, his thrusts becoming sloppy as he came to his high. He slipped his hand between both of you, rubbing hard circles against your clit. It threw you over the edge once more, clamping down on his shaft. He shuttered, moaning as he felt you milk him for everything he had. He was panting, trying to keep himself up so he didn’t crush you with his weight. You placed a kiss on his cheek, smiling up at him. He was still fully inside you, looking over your face. “You’re everything to me, I want you for the rest of my life. I want you to have my children, be my soulmate until we take our last breaths.” He said breathlessly.
You smiled up at him, thinking about the life you can have with him. You nodded at him, pulling him down to kiss him. “Then give me your children, Keigo. I am already your soulmate, and I would love to bare your children.” You said against his lips. That’s all Keigo needed before he started to thrust into you again. The rest of the night was feverish love making, Keigo was going to go until there was nothing left in his balls. To make sure you were fully bred by him, marking you as his for the rest of your lives. You couldn’t think of a time you were perfectly happy with being alive.
Sadly a few weeks later, Keigo had to go back. The city was getting worse by the day, his wings and body had fully healed. He promised he was going to pull a few strings to get you out of the cabin, out of the Comission to bring you home with him. He visited as much as he could, always keeping in contact with you and making sure you were doing great. You missed him so much, but you knew that it was only temporary. You’d wait a thousand life times if it meant you could be with Keigo again.
Four months had passed, Keigo hadn’t been able to visit for a month. He was sent on countless missions, keeping him busy at all times. You understood, it didn’t bother you because he still called you daily. You were sitting out on the porch, softly rubbing your belly as you watched the sunset. Footsteps coming from your right, you looked over to meet those beautiful golden eyes for the first time in a while. You smiled, slowly standing up. Keigo looked over you, you seemed to be glowing. A bit a fullness in your cheeks, you had a oversized sweatshirt on but he heard it.
He hear a little heartbeat along with yours, tears coming to his eyes as he rushed over to you. You embraced him, holding him as he softly cried into your neck. You already knew he knew, he was happy that everything he ever wanted in life with you was coming true. He put his hand over your stomach, feeling how full it was. You looked up at him with loving eyes. Kissing him while the sunset behind you. He did it, he pulled the strings to bring you back with him. Even if he didn’t, he was going to bring you back with him regardless.
He was going to give you and his child all that he had, and nothing was going to stop him from doing this. He had his mate, the love of his life, and a child he was going to give the world. Keigo always thought he had something missing in his life, but he was complete when he found you.
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citydreamgrls ¡ 4 years ago
they were roommates - part one
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a weasley twins x fem!reader fic 
summary: she had nowhere to go, fleeing home to pursue something along the lines of freedom, so being welcomed into the entrepreneurial twins life was a whole world of new experiences waiting to happen. 
an: i would just like to point out that this isn’t a fic with a polyamorous relationship, sorry if that was what some people wanted, instead i wanted to keep which twin is the love interest a secret until the end. if u guys want to guess after reading this first part, feel free to do so, i would love to hear your guys’ reasons too !!  secondly, i would like to say a huge huge thank you to everyone for getting me to 600 followers, that’s absolutely mad like i’m blown away beyond compare, i love u all millions and billions i really am so grateful so thank you . hope you enjoy this first part, as always, <33
words: 5,790
warnings: swearing?
None of the nights seemed to turn into excitement, but this particular Tuesday evening in the Leaky Cauldron was passing slower than the rest had done. The paintings on the walls cast their weary eyes over the few lonely drinkers scattered across the dim room as even they contemplated calling it an early night. Y/n flicked through an old magazine and wondered if this place had ever seen much action, or whether the inn had become somewhere that paintings came to rest alongside grumpy travellers.
The girl hadn’t worked behind the bar long, only a handful of months now. But since then not a single bar fight had broken out, no one ordered anything out of the ordinary, and she struggled to remember seeing a single nice man pass through the doors. Besides the Weasley twins of course, who were running late for their weekly drink.
“Slow night?” Hannah came up behind her, carrying a stack of clean glasses and placing them under the counter. The girl swiped away her magazine and nodded, doing her best to hide the guilty blush that grew on her cheeks whenever she lied. It had always been a curse.
“I can do that if you want,” She offered, taking over and letting her boss stand up straight again. There was a strange air of awkwardness between the pair, despite the fact that they had grown close since she had started working as a barmaid.
“It’s been like this a lot lately, just… empty.” Hannah huffed, pulling up two stools and letting the younger girl sit beside her for a while.
“Yeah, makes the time pass a lot slower.”
“Neville’s getting worried,” The woman chewed her lip, gazing around at the lack of people. “He thinks it won’t be long before we need to do something drastic.”
“Should I be worried?” Y/n asked, knowing everything rode on this flimsy job.
Just as the girl posed her question the two front doors burst open, revealing the Weasley twins along with two others that she recognised from their past visits.
“I’ll talk to you later darling,” The boss stood, squeezing her shoulder and going to greet the regulars who she knew so well.
As Neville appeared from the back office to do the same she was called over to the far table by a man who she’d already brought too many drinks to. With a sigh, she obeyed his whines, and went over to see what he wanted.
“About time sweet cheeksh,” He slurred, his head propped up by a weary arm while the other gestured wildly as he spoke. “Another round darling-” She nodded, taking his money from the table and turning to leave, but he reached out for her hand.
She shivered beneath his touch, the stench of bile and alcohol filling her nose as she tried not to vomit on the spot. It was best to just ride out whatever he wanted, knowing better than to anger any kind of customer.
“Why don’t you join me when you get those drinks sorted- I haven’t got another chair but I’m sure my lap would do nicely.” He grinned, showing off the layer of yellow on his teeth.
Y/n gulped back her grunt and pretended to smile, sighing with relief when he let go of her and slumped against the wall beside him. The feeling of his hand lingered on her until she managed to distract her mind a little, smiling wider when the twins came up to the bar to order.
“Evening boys,” She sniffed back the nerves and greeted them with a polite welcome. “Not giving you trouble was he?” One of them asked, nodding over to the drunken mess.
“Nothing I can’t handle,”
“Well you let us know if not,” The other chimed, their charms always making her feel comfortable around them. Which was much more than could be said for most of the creeps who roamed the inn each night.
“That’s very good of you both, thank you-” Her smile never faltered, they always had noticed that, “What can I get for you then?”
“Two hog’s heads, one rum and I’ll have…”
“Come on Fred,” The other nudged his brother, the girl finally able to differentiate them, that was until the next day when she wouldn’t be able to recognise the clothes they chose.
“Firewhiskey would be great thanks y/n,” He smiled sweetly, leaning up against the bar as she rang up their orders on the till. He delved into the pockets of his trousers as George left to speak to Neville a bit longer, placing the money in her hand. “Keep the change too,” “A-are you sure?” She stuttered, looking down at the remaining 3 galleons in her hand.
“George never tips, so consider it his debt too.” The boy scoffed, leaving to join the rest of his group. The girl pocketed the money before anyone else could see her doing so and went to fix the drunken man his seventh drink of the night.
He grumbled about how much work he did that no one appreciated, as his eyes raked over her body in a queasily slow trance. The man didn’t stop at that, further pressing her to sit on his knee and let him feel her up. Crude remarks fell from his lips as if he’d relayed them to every woman he’d come across, as if it was second nature. All the while, she stood and let him ramble on, doing her best to ignore what he was saying and just nod along mindlessly. This wasn’t even the worst one, the girl sighed to herself, grimacing at the way his fingers toyed with the hems of her skirt as if he was going to try and slither inside it.
With perfect timing, Neville called her back to the bar, faking some questions about the menu so that she had an excuse to dismiss herself from the dog’s company and scurry off. She heard him call after her, but couldn’t make out what exactly it was he was saying. The girl prayed that he was too drunk to actually get up and walk over to the bar, or else he would become truly relentless.
No matter what, y/n always smiled, regardless of who was talking to her or at her. And when she wasn’t dealing with the unruly men of diagon alley, she was happy, she was lucky that she had a job and somewhere to stay. She had no reason to be unhappy.
Fred and George liked that about her. That in such a dimly lit, run down little place like the cauldron, such light could shine through with her presence. Both of them had mentioned it once on their drunken walk back home one night, that they wished they could afford to hire someone else at the shop because she would be perfect for it.
Y/n always smiled because most of the time she was a happy person, until there was no reason to be happy. She discovered that dreadful sinking feeling later that night once the pub closed and the girl was finishing up with her cleaning.
Neville and Hannah were speaking in hushed voices nearby, words that she couldn’t make out over the sound of her brush swishing over the stone ground. But they continued to glance over at her when they believed she wasn’t watching, which made her heart tighten with nervous anticipation.
“Y/n… darling.” Hannah’s sweet voice sounded through the empty room, startling her slightly. The girl stood up straight and smiled, a sight which made her boss want to cry on the spot. None of this was going to be easy. “Could you come into the office with me, please.”
She followed, her hands shaky as she left the broom leant up against a lone table. The door shut behind them with a finalising jolt as the woman sat down before her, prompting her own body to do the same.
The air became thick, and constricting as her knees locked together politely. Hannah seemed just as nervous as she, delaying the inevitable by shuffling paperwork around and shoving into nearby drawers. Finally the movement ceased and she had no choice but to bite the bullet.
“I know we already spoke today, about how the business is going here, and I promise that Neville and I have tried to do everything we can to get around this. But I’m afraid we’ve been left with no other choice y/n.”
The sound of her name felt like a stab, one short sound that cut through her skin and deep into the bone. The girl dwelled on that feeling, hoping that whatever followed would hurt less in contrast. It didn’t.
“We have to let you go y/n,” The knife plunged deeper, somehow splitting open all her organs on its way through her body. She froze, knowing that in this moment her world was falling apart all around her like dominoes.
“A-and the room? I’m supposing you need it?” Her voice was wavering, constantly on the edge as she confirmed all the priorities.
“I’m so sorry,” The gesture was appreciated, but it did nothing to help in the moment as the now homeless girl’s mind raced.
“Thank you anyway, for the past few months.” It was a sudden bravery that brought her to her feet as she announced how she would pack her things right away.
In truth, she needed to be alone, just for a few minutes. So she could let it all go, cast a muffliato and sob away her worries for a small amount of precious time. Hannah didn’t dare follow her, knowing nothing could fix it for the younger girl, instead she brought the bottle of gin from the bar into the office and took long, thoughtful sips until it was no longer the only thing playing through her mind.
When the girl gathered her things and apparated down to the front door with them, Neville was there with a sad smile upon his face. Only giving her a brief goodbye, before swiftly leaving to busy himself with yet another maintenance job around the building. He never was one for complex emotions, so she didn’t think bad of him for escaping an awkward situation.
Y/n opened the front doors, seeing the pouring rain before her and almost bursting into yet another round of tears. Not that her red raw eyes could take it much longer. Maybe it was because she had been standing up for the good part of eight hours, or maybe just the pitiful sight of the gloomy street before her was enough to make her knees shake. As if they were going to buckle beneath her and send her crumpling to the ground.
But she shuffled forward, her trunk following behind her and she had quietly charmed it to do so. Admittedly she didn’t have a lot, when she had decided to try and live alone it had become a rushed affair to say the least. So she only owned a number of outfits within that case, along with some books and other little items she had deemed important enough to bring alone. That, and her guitar case, which loomed over her shoulder like a stalking figure in the night. The one thing she definitely didn’t have, was a coat to shelter her from the oncoming rain.
The girl walked a few steps, round the side of the building, and found a pile of crates to rest on beneath a small dripping canopy. It was dry, for now, and it gave her a chance to think properly. She needed to figure something out fast.
But y/n’s mind was full of white noise, watching puddles form between the cobbled pathway before her and thinking how she used to love the rain as a child. It had been relaxing and beautiful from the safety of her childhood bedroom, the window facing her parent’s courtyard as she watched them leave for work each morning.
Back then they would both turn and wave, with a generous smile on their faces, always reminding the young girl how they wished to see her when they returned. They were always happy when she was a child, the three of them a cacophony of laughs and giggles. Until it stopped. Her parents worked together, but never left the house together, and neither of them stopped to wave her goodbye, no matter how many times she waited for them to do so. They just stopped being happy, and as y/n shifted her weight upon the damp crates she realised that maybe her once beloved parents were never happy at all.
They became distant. To one another and to her, even more so as she grew older and became her own person. They tried to oppress it, probably seeing her joyful exterior and constant smiles and not recognising where it had come from. Not either of them. It angered them further, seeing her be such a resilient person, because they wished for her to feel the same neverending hurt they had caused one another. Regardless of the fact that it wasn’t her emotion to own.
Y/n remembered the night she was handed a file by her father, feeling stunned to have been called into his study while he was working. Often he would go inside and not appear for days at a time, so she knew whatever it was, it had to be important.
She read over the words he’d laid out for her, detailing their plans for her, what they wanted for her future. It was a plan of her life, given to her by two people who couldn’t be bigger strangers. But it wasn’t hers, it felt nothing like hers. She wanted to be someone, and she wanted to do it for herself, not because her parents feel it’s financially best.
The words, writer… and prophet echoed constantly around the page as she tried to make sense of it all. Her father barely looked up from his work as she struggled to remain calm, her lungs losing all motor function as she felt her stomach twist and turn. That was when she realised she had to leave, do something for herself.
Rain had been such a comforting thing for y/n, when she was a child. Now it covered her like a plague, and drenched her down to the bone as she did all she could to forget about that life. It had been her home, her playground, her school. It had been her whole life, without much chance to be free in the rest of the world.
Now it was nothing. She wanted it to be nothing. There had to be something she could do, there had to be somewhere she could go. Because that place was no longer an option.
“Y/n?” A voice made her head whip up, the tears on her cheeks easily disguised as the rain if it wasn’t for the way she snivelled to herself. She hadn’t even felt herself begin to cry, yet here she was, and it was a pitiful sight to see.
The light was bad in the alley, but when the two tall figures got nearer she recognised them instantly. Her heart broke a little more to see the worry in the twins’ eyes as they quickly took in the sight of her cramped body amongst her belongings.
“Are you leaving town then?” She thinks it was George, asked, he had been the one wearing a black shirt when she’d seen them earlier. The girl was in a daze, her head taking in their words a lot slower than it should have been as she begged herself not to cry in front of them.
To them, she looked like she was in a dream. Her eyes glazed over even as she glanced their way, making it look like she wasn’t really there with them. George’s question caught her off guard a bit, the girl looking as though she had forgotten where she was as she looked around her with bewilderment. Then the look of confusion fell to one of despair when it clicked once again, she was all alone.
“I suppose I am.” Even the two men could hear how her voice begged to break as she spoke with an airy tone. This was the first time they had seen her anything but bright and smiley.
It broke their hearts, in all honesty.
“Do you need somewhere to stay the night?” Fred, this time, asked. He knelt down to meet her eye level, their tall forms always towering above her at the best of times.
“We have a particularly comfy couch at our place,” George added, following suit with the kneeling.
“It’s got five star reviews,”
“And probably a few galleons hidden down the back if you’re lucky.”
Their smiles made her giggle, and it was all they could have asked for in the moment.
“That’s very kind of you,” Her sweet tone was back, like she’d taken control of her head again, “But I couldn’t ask that of you two.” It was her default to be polite, not wanting to be a burden to anyone. It was the one thing her nanny had taught her before being let go when she was twelve, not to ask anything of anyone but yourself.
“Nonsense,” Fred stood up, taking her guitar case that was leant up against the brick wall and swinging it over his shoulder.
“Really, I’ll figure something o-out - it’s fine!” She tried to protest, but the twins had already decided her fate. George lifted her trunk with ease, and Fred held out a hand for her, prompting the girl to clumsily lift herself off the jumble of crates with his assistance.
“Come on then,” They said, starting off towards the brighter part of diagon alley.
She didn’t move, Fred having let go of her as soon as she steddied herself again. They looked back at her, both frowning with the same face as she tried not to laugh at how they were so similar they even acted like one another.
“Well you better come with us-” “Or else it’ll look like we’ve robbed you!”
The girl just looked down at her feet, feeling as though they were only doing this because they couldn’t leave her out in the rain. Which was true. But the twins knew that she was someone worth helping out.
“Do you have anywhere else to go?” George asked, shifting the case into his other hand nonchalantly as they waited for her to come along with them. Silently she shook her head, embarrassed to meet their eyes as she admitted defeat.
“Then what are you waiting for?” Fred chimed in, still wearing their signature smile.
Y/n couldn’t help but return the sentiment, she didn’t have to be alone for at least one night. That was something to smile about, so she smiled. Her feet surged her body forward, a small skip noticeable as she reached the two patient men.
“We do look like we’ve just mugged you.” George laughed as they all walked through the alley and towards their shop, her little life packed away and in their hands. The girl slotted between them, having to catch up with their longer strides every now and then, as both twins chatted away as if nothing was amiss.
“Here’s the palace itself,” “Our pride and joy!” They announced, ushering her into the shop lined with all the products an excited teenage wizard could wish for. The shelves seemed to be full to the brim, some things piled up as a display. As haphazard and chaotic as it looked, y/n couldn’t deny that the bright colours shimmering off everything she could see instilled a happiness inside her that she rarely felt as a child. This would have been her dream when she was younger.
The twins’ shop was well known in the alley, by almost everyone who visited the leaky cauldron. Yet she had never dared step inside it herself. Most days she would have been busy with jobs around the inn, and on the off chance that she ventured around any other establishments, it was purely for essentials.
The two men watched as she scanned all that she could see from the doorway, her eyes wide and inviting with each new discovery. They would see kids come in every single day with the same reaction, yet with her it seemed new. It was if she had never seen a toy before.
“Have you eaten yet?” Fred asked, weaving through some unopened boxes to reach the stairs. Even on them there was an endless supply of treats to be found.
“I’m not hungry… thank you.” She followed behind him, slowly, with George closing up the front doors and setting up security wards.
“That wasn’t the question silly,” He laughed, catching up. “Have you eaten tonight?”
“No- but I’m really fine without.”
Once they reached the very top of the long set of stairs, past the ‘staff only’ sign, a door was kicked open in front of her. The apartment inside was a sight for sore eyes, and also the furthest thing from what y/n had envisioned on the walk there.
From how high they had gotten inside the shop, the girl presumed that the flat above had to be pokey and a lot smaller than what she was seeing. It was like a large loft, with brick walls and two levels and these huge windows that looked well over diagon alley. She could see all the lights of muggle London shining amongst the dark sheeted sky.
“My rooms up there, and George is through there.” Fred explained, nodding towards the opening to a small hallway and setting down her things in the excess of open space they had. It was comfortable.
“And here’s your bed!” The other twin exclaimed, throwing himself onto the huge sofa that stretched beneath one of the windows and came out into the room in an L shape. They weren’t lying when they said it was comfortable, because she could tell it was even by looking at it.  
“Right! I, for one, am starving.” Fred announced, walking through to the open kitchen, his footsteps echoing on the floor as he went. “What about you y/n?”
The girl was too busy staring out the window to hear him. She’d never seen the city this way before. Her old house was well out in the country, and the alley didn’t give much of a chance for enchanting views. It seemed as though this was the exception.
“Just make her something, she’s busy.” George chuckled, watching her from the sofa. The girl turned and looked at him confused, but the man just shook his head with a smile. “Nothing important,” He whispered and let her go back to the hypnotising view.
As they sat down to eat together, George asked y/n many questions about her life, determined to learn all he could about her in one evening.
“Let her swallow first will you!” Fred huffed, passing her a glass of water so she didn’t choke in the process.
“I was homeschooled all my life, well- up until I moved really.” The girl smiled politely, trying not to go into too much detail with her answers. The two men were so kind, though, that it was hard not to tell them everything she’d been holding in. “So you didn’t finish it all?”
“I left before I got the chance to,”
They nodded in understanding, but she could see the cogs turning in their heads as they both took another bite of their food, all in unison. She snickered a little, enjoying the way they effortlessly put on a show with their mannerisms.
“Did you run away!” They both cried out, startling her as she sat across from them.
“W-well… I um- yes I d-did really.” A wry laugh sounded as she spoke, an out of place sound amongst the shock that displayed over Fred and George’s faces.
“Woah, did something bad happen?”
“George! You can’t just ask that- you don’t have to tell us if you don’t want to y/n.” Fred rolled his eyes at his brother, but the girl felt a sense of relief that they asked, it felt nice to have the chance to tell someone after keeping it to herself all this time. It felt more out of place to not tell them.
“It’s okay,” She chuckled at them both, “My parents weren’t very happy people, and they both kind of kept their lives centered around work. I had no problem with it, either than the lack of freedom I had at home, but it changed when they basically showed me a plan for my life.”
The twins listened intently, nodding along with her words and silently reacting accordingly. They both frowned with the last bit, never hearing of someone having their lives planned out for them before.
“They planned your life? Isn’t that a bit, you know-”
“Controlling,” Fred finished, a look of pity on his face.
“We had different ideas, they wanted me to be a writer at the prophet when I’d shown no interest in journalism or even writing before.”
“That’s mad,” George said in a hushed tone, not wanting to cut her off.
“It was then that I realised the only way I was going to do what I wanted, was if I left. So I just packed my things and came here, hoping to find somewhere to stay with what little money I had. Hannah was nice enough to take me in free of charge, so long as I worked behind the bar for it.”
“Both her and Neville really are saints.” “It’s so much better than I could have asked for, but now they can’t afford it. It’s all understandable, it’s just a pain that I can’t ask my parents for help.”
All the while that she recalled her story, the girl smiled, reminding the men that she was a lot stronger than people might assume. Given what she’d been through, it was amazing that she hadn’t broken down already.
“We’ll figure something out for you, all of us.” Fred smiled, glad to see colour in her cheeks now that she was in the warmth of their loft compared to the drizzly alleyway.
“It’s not the end of the world if your parents don’t support you either, there’s plenty more people in the world who will.” George reassured her, wiping his mouth with a napkin.
“Oh godric yeah,” Fred joined in, “Our folks went bloody mental when they heard this was what we wanted to start up instead of finishing at hogwarts.”
“Do they like it now?” She asked cautiously, feeling a little better knowing that they too skipped out on their academic life.
“They have to, given how well we’ve done.” “It is hard to deny our success,” They chimed like songbirds, the passion they had for their self made business shining through their wide eyes.
It was no surprise that the three of them got on, but as the night progressed quicker than they thought, the new trio found themselves with no awkward silences. The clock above them looked as though it had been enchanted when George finally glanced up at it, amazed to see that they’d been chatting for four hours already.
Only when y/n yawned did the two twins decide it was maybe time to call it quits.
“It’s getting late,” Fred spoke up, not wanting to keep the girl from her much needed sleep. It must have been a long day for her. “I’ll grab you some blankets.”
As he disappeared up into his room to look for something to keep her cosy all night, the girl helped George clear away their mess from dinner.
“I feel awful,” She smiled politely, handing him more plates to place into the sink that was doing all the work for them.
“What for?” The man seemed genuinely surprised.
“We spent all that time talking, but we never decided on what to do with me.” She scoffed, feeling like a child needing their help. “I promise I won’t hang around much longer, I’ll sort something out.”
“Like what?” He didn’t mean to sound harsh, it was more to show her that they were her only option right then.
“I-I’m not sure… sorry.” “Don’t be sorry, we want to help you.”
The door to Fred’s bedroom opened again and they fell into silence, the girl slipping back into the mindset that she was growing into a burden for them. She couldn’t ask anymore of them, they’ve already done enough for her. Then and there, y/n decided she would leave in the morning.
“Bed’s ready!” The shout came from the living room, where blankets had been laid over the sofa beneath the window. “Thought you would enjoy the view here.” Fred added when she came out to see his masterpiece.
“That’s hardly a bed!” George scoffed, laughing at the copious amount of cushions he’d left for her head, all different colours and sizes.
“It’ll be perfect, thank you.” She smiled, her eyes sparkling under the city lights that spilled into the room. It didn’t even matter that they would reflect against the ceiling as she slept, it looked like stars.
“As long as you like it then,” George muttered, eyeing his brother who clung onto a smug grin.
“Goodnight y/n, sleep well.”
“Night y/n.” They both smiled, turning to head off to their respective rooms as she opened up her case to look for something to sleep in.
“Night Fred, night George… thank you again, for all of this.” They both nodded at her words and disappeared, leaving her to change in the dark loft, only a small lamp beside her lighting her way to the sofa.
She clicked it off, casting lumos and stumbling over the fluffy rug to curl beneath the many layers of covers that Fred had left her. The girl chuckled to herself, peeling one off and folding it in a neat pile on the floor. Two would be just fine for one night.
It didn’t take long for her to drift off to sleep, the whole day’s nonsense catching up on her and slipping her body into a mini-coma. Her mind ran and slowed all at once, memories of nights she would spend in her childhood bed, reading books for hours on end until she’d fall asleep with the pages sprawled open beside her.
Many nights she would hear her parents scream at one another, that harrowing wailing sound would echo for hours until both of them grew tired and they decided to sleep apart yet again. That’s when she knew she could relax, she could finally do all the things that she wouldn’t have time for in the day between her tutor’s classes and meaningless chores.
She had been a night owl, revelling in the time she got to be truly alone, when the house slept she would come alive. Now, she couldn’t stay awake even if she wanted to. She needed to sleep, and fast.
Y/n vaguely heard a door opening and closing, unsure whether it was real or her mind replaying memories all too vividly. Either way, her eyes were far too heavy to open themselves and check. It could wait.
Fred cursed himself for not catching his bedroom door behind him, the noise booming across the loft. He waited, frozen at the top of the steps, watching to see if the girl would rouse at the sound. But he was in luck, she didn’t move a muscle.
He padded down to the bottom, making sure each step was lighter than the last as he headed into the small corridor. George jolted awake the second his door was opened, reaching for his lamp to see who was intruding on his sleep.
“What the fuck!” He almost shouted.
“Shut up! She’s sleeping in there!” Fred hissed, walking over to the empty side of the bed and sitting down calmly.
“So was I you git- what the hell are you doing, since when did we start sleeping together?”
“I didn’t mean that,” George rubbed his eyes with a grimace and reluctantly sat up, “What do you want then?” His voice finally hushed to match his brother’s.
“I have an idea,” Fred started.
“Yes,” “Well, I’ve been thinking about y/n-” “If this is you coming to tell me about another sex dream, I don’t wanna know, okay?”
“Will you just shut up and listen to me,”
“Fine, fine, go on.” He pulled the covers over his bare chest, feeling suddenly exposed to the cold night’s air.
“Well, we’ve been saying for ages that we need someone to work in the shop, except we can’t really afford it right now.” Fred explained, and George nodded along. “Look, y/n needs somewhere to stay, but she would never stay here without giving us some sort of payment, right?” The man’s head looked like it was on a spring as he took in the words. “So, why don’t we let y/n stay here with us and in return she can help out in the shop?”
“Do you think she’d agree to that?” “It was basically the same agreement she had with Neville and Hannah, except we have no reason to get rid of her.”
“I suppose so,” He didn't sound overly convinced.
“She needs somewhere to stay, we need someone to work, it’s a win-win situation!” Fred exclaimed, smiling like a mad man to try and convince his brother that their plan could work out.
“Okay, fine. We can ask her in the morning.”
“Great, I knew you’d say yes.” “Well it’s not like she’s the worst person to live with, it hardly took much to sway me.”
“Not the worst person? Come on George, she’s great!” Fred, admittedly, got a bit too excited at this. His voice ringing out louder than he’d wanted it to.
“You have had a sex dream haven’t you?” “Oh shut up!” “Was she in it,” George teased, prompting his brother to get up and head for the door. “So i’m taking that as a yes.” He turned the light off, hearing one last hiss from Fred before the door shut behind him.
“Aren’t you forgetting the time you had a sex dream about Mcgonnogall?” Fred quipped, leaving quickly as not to get a beating up from the other twin, who was mentalling cursing himself for ever revealing that fact when they were drunk one time.
310 notes ¡ View notes
tennessoui ¡ 4 years ago
The divorced fic was so cute i want to scream. Does Obi have any time to be sad or are Anakin and his little demons always there to distract him from his infinite sadness
so i know most everyone wants to know what anakin does about The Kiss but here's a bit of light hearted angst a year before that (because humanity is inherently whatever but i am inherently evil)
the immediate aftermath of the Router Incident (1.4k)
The night of the day of what will come to be known as The Router Incident starts off with a bang.
Obi-Wan gets home a bit later than normal. Not because his work drags on longer than usual, but because he is, on the subject of all things even passably related to his personal life, a coward.
It’s been at least ten hours since he left the house with the goddamn wifi router tucked under his arm because Anakin had said something about finding a new place.
As if this isn’t the twenty-first century. As if Anakin doesn’t have a phone with unlimited data. As if Anakin isn’t the sort of person to walk five miles to the nearest coffeeshop with his kids in their stroller, just to use their wifi to email Obi-Wan a series of italicized question marks.
Obi-Wan’s been practicing his apology ever since he got that email. I’m really sorry, I promise I’m not a controlling megalomaniac. I just panicked because I’m not that good at letting go of things. You’d think I’d have learned by now, but apparently I only know how to dig my heels in whenever I think people are starting to pull away. Apologies again, life is not a game of tug-of-war, and I promise I do know that.
He practices his apology, of course, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t also try to put it off until the last possible moment. When he leaves the building, his car is the only one still in the lot.
I’m really sorry. Here’s the router back. I support your decision. Your kids will be great. I know you probably won’t let them see me, because that’s a bit weird if we don’t all live together, and you also don’t use social media, which is great because I also don’t use social media, but I would have made a Facebook account just to keep up with your family. It’s meant more than I can say to have something to come home to this past year, and I understand that you can’t put your life on hold for a lonely old man like me, and I will endeavor from now on to not impede your search for a new place to live.
No, too needy, he thinks at a red light, dragging his hand over his beard in defeat. He won’t beg Anakin to stay.
He would very much like to beg Anakin to stay, but he hadn’t even begged Satine to stay, and he had been in love with her.
He just enjoys Anakin’s company. His presence. Unwinding next to Anakin after a difficult day teaching is one of the things he looks forward to the most.
And this past holiday season, they’d had a big dinner at his house, filled to the brim with Anakin’s friends and his friends and some people from the local grocery store they’d met when out shopping together, and it had been so loud and so amazing. Nothing had been left untouched, there had been food on the ceiling (Obi-Wan suspects Leia to this day, but Luke had confessed), there had been leftovers for days.
You can’t just give me holidays like that and then take them away, Obi-Wan thinks angrily as he turns into his neighborhood. What will I do next winter, then?
He has to sit in his car for a second after parking, just to calm down. He’s the one in the wrong, he reminds himself. Anakin has all the right in the world to want to leave. It was never Obi-Wan’s family to begin with.
It was never Obi-Wan’s family to begin with.
When he opens the door, he’s met with the sound of children screaming and crying.
Luke rushes at him and jumps on him with enough force that he reels backwards, almost out of the house. He drops his bag on the floor in order to steady the child.
Luke is bawling his head off right next to Obi-Wan’s ear so it’s very, very difficult to hear what a red-faced Anakin is trying to say.
And then Leia runs up to him, tugs at his free hand until he looks down at her, and then stomps her little foot with a scowl. “I hate you!” she declares just as loudly as Luke is crying, before her tiny face breaks into tears and she runs off.
“Oh, for the love of--” Anakin shouts, throwing his hands up in the air and chasing after his daughter.
Obi-Wan, ridiculously hurt beyond measure and without a clue about what’s happening, goes to sit down on the couch, still gently cradling Luke’s body to his as the boy continues to weep.
“Hush,” he says soothingly. “And, ah. Please tell me what’s gotten into the Skywalkers now.”
Luke only sniffles and rubs his snotty nose all over Obi-Wan’s shoulder.
Well. It’s laundry day tomorrow anyway.
“Daddy says you hate us,” Luke mumbles, just as Anakin comes back into the living room, notably sans Leia.
Obi-Wan feels his mouth fall open in shock. “Daddy says what?” he asks, very slowly, making dangerous eye contact with Anakin over the top of Luke’s blond head.
Anakin flushes an even darker shade of red and looks around the room, as if that’ll save him.
“Daddy says we gotta go because this is your house and we don’t wanna stay over our, um. Welcome. We can’t reproach on your space, which means you hate us.”
“Encroach,” Anakin corrects, which Obi-Wan does not think is the thing that really needs to be corrected. When he tries to communicate this with his eyes, Anakin gulps and says quite quickly, “I’m gonna go check on Leia actually.”
“Luke,” Obi-Wan says gently. “Your daddy is just being very, very dumb, a trait I pray with all my heart skips a generation.”
Luke blinks at him, his little eyebrows furrowed and his button nose bright red from all of his crying.
“I don’t hate you at all,” Obi-Wan says. “I love both you and your sister very much.”
“Then why do we gotta leave?” Luke complains. “I don’t want to go, we could never play Space Pirates and Lava Dragons at the old place, it was way too small.”
Obi-Wan thinks privately that his house, while certainly big enough, is by no means the proper size for how rambunctious the twins get when they’re playing Space Pirates and Lava Dragons.
“Well,” Obi-Wan hums consideringly. “I don’t want you to leave either.”
“You don’t?” Luke asks, eyes wide and hopeful.
Obi-Wan shakes his head. “I really don’t. But it’s not my decision to make, Luke.”
“It’s Daddy’s,” Luke concludes, head hanging low. “And Daddy wants to go.”
Obi-Wan ignores the way that sentence drives what feels like a knife straight through his heart. “Yes, well,” he coughs. “Your daddy won’t do anything he knows you and your sister really don’t want.”
Luke looks contemplative. Obi-Wan wonders if he should feel really bad or downright awful for manipulating a child in this way. But needs must.
“And he won’t listen to me,” he continues gently, smoothing down the front ends of the boy’s soft hair. “Because your daddy can be very stubborn when he thinks he’s doing something right.”
“He’ll listen to me and Leia though?” Luke asks, head cocked and eyes bright.
Obi-Wan nods very seriously. “I think he would if you both asked very nicely and thought about a lot of good reasons why you should stay here.”
“I can think of loads! And Leia can think of a ton more probably!” Luke exclaims with renewed energy, launching himself off of Obi-Wan’s lap and up the stairs, ostensibly to their shared bedroom.
Obi-Wan leans back against the couch, equal parts amused, exhausted, and hurt. He’ll need to have a serious talk with Anakin soon. He’d thought the man knew that his home was his as well. Yes, Anakin still paid rent, an unfortunate but necessary sort of system, but they’ve never been normal roommates. And Anakin isn’t a guest who could overstay his welcome.
He’s. Well.
Obi-Wan doesn’t know exactly what Anakin is to him, but he had hoped it was obvious to Anakin at least that Obi-Wan would not ever grow tired of his presence in his life.
So they do have some things to talk about.
But hopefully this means that Obi-Wan won’t actually have to apologize for the router incident, seeing as Anakin’s fuck-up caused much larger waves.
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danielxricciardo ¡ 4 years ago
1. "Hi, my ex just walked in. Would you hold my hand please?"
2. "I didn't expect to see you here."
3. "Have you seen this dog?"
4. “That mouth of yours, does it ever stop making noise”
5. “Seven minutes in heaven is for virgin teenagers”
6. “Slam that door one more time and I’ll shove my foot straight up your cute ass”
7. “Jesus! Knock next time would you”
8. “You have money go and get yourself a hoodie that’s not mine”
9. "I hate roses, I thought you knew"
10. "Do you think I am an angel? Ha"
11. "I wanted to sleep but someone decided to die"
12. "I can kill you right now, what are you talking about?"
13. "Hi, I am lost, can you come after me?"
14. "When I first saw you I wanted to date your best friend"
15. "I am so funny and you are just jealous"
16. "If I have to choose... no"
17. "Stop breathing like that!"
18. "I just did my nails"
19. "I'm the best driver ĂŽn the world"
20. "Will you marry me?" "No"
21. "I think I broke my arm" "So?"
22. "I think I love you" "Thanks"
23. "My arms are lonely, don't you think?"
24. "Apparently we are dating"
25. “Well it’s kind of hard to move when you’re sitting on my lap”
26. "Those things you said yesterday, did you mean them?"
27. "If we elope, you think they'll kill us?"
28. "This is yours"
29. "You can’t just kiss me, laugh and then walk away."
30. "Are you using ass as a pillow?"
31." I find your lack of faith disturbing."
32. "And I took it personally"
33. "In here I am the boss"
34. "Oh, bite me!" "Where?"
35. "What will you do if we break up?"
36. "Where is my T-shit?"
37. "This is no time for sarcastic comments."  "There is always time for sarcastic comments."
38. "I’ll keep quiet, you won’t even know I’m here."
39. "The way you flirt is just awful"
40. "Don’t be fooled. I’m the epitome of mess."
41. " If you are on TV should I congratulate you?"
42. "And this, is why we can’t have nice things."
43. "That's what he said"
44. "I am scared of your boss"
45. "You should know, a lot of girls have a crush on me"
46. "Everyone is afraid of you"
47. "If I'm watching that movie one more time I'll lose my fucking mind!"
48. "I thought being on vacation will be stress free"
49. "My parents don't trust you"
50. "I don't think I should give my last name so easily"
51. “I really wish I could unsee that.”
52. “Who would’ve guessed we’d be sharing a room.”
53. “I feel like you have an unhealthy obsession with me.”
54. “Nah he’s fine, it’s the other one you really got to watch out for.”
55. “I have a suggestion.” “I’m not taking my clothes off so forget it.”
56. “You’re the genius, why don’t you tell me?”
57. “Have I ever told you your accent makes me swoon?” “Really?” “No.” He/she smiles. “ that’s why I’ve never told you.”
58. “I’m alive? How am I still alive?”
59. “You’re crazy! I love it!”
60. “Never have I ever is about to get a lot more interesting.”
61. “What did they do?” “Dude. They did the do.��
62. "You can’t keep pretending it didn’t happen, cause guess what? It did!"
63. "Well this is awkward."
64. "Im too sober for this."
65. "Im pregnant." "Wall done, Virgin Mary!"
66. " I want to protect you."
67. "Kill that spider and maybe I'll forgive you"
68. "I have no one to go to the wedding"
69. "Don’t you dare touch _______!"
70. "I thought you were dead!"
71. "This is, without a doubt, the stupidest plan you’ve ever had. Of course I’m in."
72. "Take care of you, please"
73. "If your best friend single?"
74. "Just remember, if we get caught, you’re deaf and I don’t speak English."
75. "Why does everyone assume we're a couple?"
76. "Im craving something sweet" "Are you pregnant or something?"
77. " What is the magic word?" "I'll kill you ĂŽn your sleep"
78. "When I see you my knees get weak"
79. "Finally you're single. Can I take you on a date?"
80. " So, I guess you don’t do after hours?"
81. "I know what I'm doing, I've watched two whole seasons of Grey's Anatomy."
82. "I can't believe I'm stuck here with you right now."
83. "Okay, this did not go as I planned it in the shower."
84. "I'm not going to sit around and watch you destroy yourself."
85. "You were my best friend"
86. "You did what?"
87. "Can you just pretend to love me for a second!"
88. "You are enough"
89. "Take the shirt off"
90. "Your nickname is bitch"
91. "What do you want to watch?" "You"
92. "How could you ask me that?"
93. "Your mouth does this thing and I can't resist it"
94. "Are you allowed to drink?"
95. "I said Im done, leave me alone!"
96. "Don’t raise your fucking voice at me”
97. “Yeah, I remember the drill”
98. “Tell me again, slowly this time, why that dog is in my bed.”
99. “Gave you so much, but it wasn’t enough.”
100. “You and me, we were destined to fall apart.”
101. “No, you don’t know who you are until somebody breaks your heart.”
102. “I want to tell you everything. The words I never got to say the first time around.”
103. “It’s better to feel pain, than nothing at all.”
Song lyrics prompts
1. “It’s the little things about us, that I love so much.”
2. “Last night I told you I loved you // woke up blamed it on the vodka”
3. “It’s a better place since you came along”
4. “You make me love the things I hate  “
5. Just a paper sheet and half a cigarette are left in my hand
6. Your faith walks on broken glass
7. "And can you teach me how to dance real slow?"
8. "I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe"
9. "One night, you won't forget the rest of your life"
10. "We only said goodbye with words"
11. "I'll try to give you love until the day you drop"
12. "I like the pretty boys with the bow tie"
13. "Lets get drunk forget what we did"
14. Your kisses lift me higher
15. When you're ready we can share the wine
16. "And if you don't love me now you will never love me again"
17. "Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?"
18. "When there's nothing to lose and there's nothing to prove"
19. She's the kind of girl who only asks you over when its raining, just to make you lie there catching water dripping from the ceiling.
20. Now I understand, you're a human, and you got to lie, you're a man
21. The good and the bad times: we've been through them all.
22. Now I ain't educated but I sure ain't stupid
23. I grew up in the shoes they told me I could fill
24. It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep
25. A lover would just complicate my plans
26. And in the morning, i’ll be with you, but it will be a different kind
27. My heart is yours, it’s you that i hold on to
28. And with one kiss, you inspired a fire of devotion that lasts for twenty years
29. I let go of my claim on you, it’s a free world
30. I’m in my bed, and you’re not here and there’s no one to blame, but the drink in my wandering hands
31. Cause you gave me peace and i wasted it, I’m here to admit that you were my medicine
32. Oh, dear diary, i met a boy, he made my doll heart light up with joy. Oh, dear diary, we fell apart, welcome to the life of electra heart
33. For you, I would cross the line, I would waste my time, I would lose my mind
34. Is it really me you're missing?
35. Remember that night?
36. How many times can I break till I shatter?
37. As long as I breathe, I’ll call you my home
38. "You wouldn't know love if it crushed your fucking chest."
39. "When we scream our lips don't make a sound."
40. "Please don't let me sink, wrap your arms around me and carry me home."
41. "This hasn't torn us apart so nothing ever will."
42. "A long time ago we believed that we were united."
43. "I miss the person that you were but I don't miss you."
44. "If home is where the heart is, why do I feel so fucking heartless?"
45. "I can't live, I can't breathe with or without you just go away."
46. "I'm not afraid to die, I'm afraid I'll survive and have to watch you suffer."
47. "I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away."
48. "I'm not like you I just fuck up."
49. "All because of you I believe in angels, not the kind with wings, no not the kind with halos. The kind that bring you home when home becomes a strange place."
50. "I just want to go to sleep and never wake up again."
51. “I wish people liked me more.”
52. “How could I ever love someone else?”
53. “I guess you’re getting everything you want.”
54. “She probably gives you butterflies.”
55. “I hope that you’re okay.”
56. “I defended you to all my friends.”
57. “I never cared about what they say, only care about me and you” 
58. “Either way i’m gonna lose, so i’m just gonna keep on loving you”
59. “You know i’m bad at communication, it’s the hardest thing for me to do”
60. “Iwas your lover, i was your friend, now I’m only just someone you call when it’s late enough to forget”
61. “It’s fucked up but it’s true that i love you like i do”
62. “Well we both had nights waking up in strangers beds but i don’t wanna, don't wanna, i don’t wanna give up yet”
63. “Tell me I’ve got it wrong somehow.”
64. “I’m begging for you to take my hand.”
65. “I can’t make it go away by making you the villain.”
66. “He feels like home.”
67. “I’d be breaking all my rules to see you.”
68. “But I know you’re not scared of anything at all.”
69. “When can I come back?”
70. “I’m ready to owe you anything”
71. “I’ll always look best in your head”
72. “I know you know it’s wrong, but I’m ready”
73. “All I ever want is breaking me apart.”
74. “Let's talk sweetly like all our love is false.”
75. “You put a fire in my heart, painted blood on my stars, gave me faith.”
76. “I wanna meet your girlfriend, she sounds nice.”
77. “How is kissing me so wrong?“
78. “Can’t you see that I’m already yours?”
79. “I’ve been losing track of the romantic sh*t I’m tryna say but basically I love you"
80. “I don’t wanna be your friend, I wanna kiss your lips, I wanna kiss you until I lose my breath”
81. “I apologize for all your tears, I wish I could be different but I’m still growing up into the one you can call your love” 
82. “I’m out of my head, of my heart, of my mind cause you can run but you can’t hide, I’m gonna make you mine”
83. "I never loved someone the way that I love you"
84. "It's the way that you know what I thought I knew, it's the beat that my heart skips when I'm with you"
85. "I hope she gettin' better sex, hope she ain't fakin' it like I did, babe"
86. “I know we’re young and people change and we may never feel the same”
87. “I can’t change the world, but maybe I’ll change your mind”
88. "You don't own me. Don't tie me down 'cause I'd never stay."
89. "Leave everything that is worth a single cent and just take me instead."
90. "And then I got you off your knees, put you right back on your feet, just so you can take advantage of me."
91. "Hey, I can't let you go with nobody. Cause I love you, baby."
92. "Tell me that it wasn't my fault and that I was enough for you."
93. "We were good at faking forever, I get it, whatever."
94. "Cause you had your chance and you blew it. Yeah, you ripped it up and you chewed it."
95. "Well, I'm too busy for your business. Go find a girl who wants to listen."
96. "Stop looking at me with those eyes, like I could disappear and you wouldn't care why."
97. "Oh, we could do whatever you want, but boy, don't go falling in love, you can't stay with me, all you'll ever have is one day with me"
98. "I pray the medication slow me down, but that shit doesn't work when you're around"
99. "Told her that I loved her once and now she'd kill for me"
100. "What the tell were we? Tell me we weren't just friends"
Who I write for
Formula 1
Daniel Ricciardo
Lewis Hamilton
Max Verstappen
Charles Leclerc
Esteban Ocon
Carlos Sainz
Lando Norris
Lance Stroll
Sebastian Vettel
Mick Schumacher
Pierre Gasly
George Russel
Erling Haaland
Jadon Sancho
Giovanni Reyna
Jude Bellingham
Julian Brandt
Marco Reus
Roman BĂźrki
Emre Can
Mats Hummels
Leon Goretzka
Joshua Kimmich
Kai Havertz
Mason Mount
Christian Pulisici
Ben Chilwell
Gerard Pique 
JoĂŁo FĂŠlix
Ianis Hagi
Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain
Trent Alexander-Arnold
Virgil van Dijk
Jens Petter Hauge
Martin Ødegaard
Alexander Sørloth
125 notes ¡ View notes
kaistarus ¡ 4 years ago
Tumblr media
Pairing: Itadori YuujiXReader
Words: 2.4K
Summary: How Yuuji makes his way into your life with brights smiles and shitty coffees
A/N: just in time for his b-day :3 i’ve loved this boi since before i even started jjk, so i’m glad I got to finally write for him lol
Bitter-with a hint of vanilla-was what you associated with Itadori Yuuji. His beaming smile at your first tutoring session forever connected with the pungent coffee he offered you.
You stared at the cup skeptically, “what is that?”
“Coffee?” Yuuji answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “I thought every college student liked coffee.”
He wasn’t wrong, “but why did you get it?”
“Because you got up so early to help me,” Yuuji’s smile widened as he waved the drink around.
“Well I’m scheduled, so I would have been here whether you signed up or not.” You pointed out, glancing at the clock nearby that read too-early-in-the-morning and gestured for him to hand it over. He looked so pleased with himself that you were sure if he was a dog his tail would be going wild.
That was the only explanation you had for why you didn’t tell Yuuji it was the worst thing you’d ever tasted, hiding your full body cringes when he looked up after digging through his backpack.
“So, what are we doing first?” He asked excitedly, holding a creased notebook with uneven pages and a packed folder with papers hanging out. You stared at it wearily, but unfortunately he was far from the worst case scenario-a folder was huge compared to some you’d run into.
“I guess just give me your last exam and we’ll work from there.”
Yuuji chuckled awkwardly, fingering through the mass of papers in his folder before producing a packet marked heavily in red ink. You sighed at the single digit number at the top with a frowny face beside it.
Looked like you and Itadori Yuuji were going to be spending a lot of time together.
“You’re overthinking it, Yuuji.” You rubbed your temples having spent the last thirty minutes working through the same problem with no success. You were beginning to lose all hope.
“But it doesn’t make any sense,” he groaned, leaning back in his seat. “I’m supposed to figure out the probability of what movies were action movies, but how was she able to watch eighty movies in one week?”
“That isn’t the question.”
“It isn’t possible though!” He jabbed his eraser at the paper. “Did she sleep? I bet this Melissa chick fast forwarded or skipped.”
“Can you go a full week without sleep? If she slept through some, are they part of the eighty?” He gripped his pink locks in frustration. “How do I know which she slept through? Is there a timeline?”
You deadpanned as he scanned the page stressfully like it was holding him hostage with its contents, “I don’t think they provide a timeline, no.”
“Sorry,” Yuuji sighed defeated, slouching forward to rest his chin on the library’s table. “I swear I’m trying.”
You leaned against your palm, eyes softening as he glared at the homework sheet under him. “Don’t apologize,” you slid the sheet from under his chin. “You’re my favorite session after all.”
“I am?” He perked up.
You rolled your eyes while circling a segment of the first word problem. “You can just make up wild backstories for each person. Melissa doesn’t have to sleep and can absorb movies abnormally fast or something.”
Yuuji blinked several times as his lips curved into a smile. “What about the guy who owns over four-hundred chickens?”
You forced down your own smile and shrugged, “he’s just lonely.”
Yuuji laughed, continuing down the page while spewing out ridiculous stories for the unfortunate names in the Stats problems. Your heart beat firm in your chest at how excited he was now while scanning the page. The ticking clock above you felt like a curse the closer it got to the end of your session.
You guessed you didn’t hate the mornings anymore if they were with him.
You tapped your pencil’s eraser impatiently on the booth's table. The smell of brewing dark roast drifting through the small cafe accompanied by the combined noises of workers preparing early risers beverages kept you from dozing off where you sat. Finally, after what felt like forever-probably a few minutes-Yuuji slid into the booth across from you and placed a mug in front of you.
“I can buy my own coffee, Yuuji.” You took the mug wearily, eyes darting around the near empty cafe you’d decided to meet at this week to ‘spice things up’ in his words. “People might get the wrong idea.”
“I didn’t think you cared about that stuff,” he said with a teasing smile that you returned with a half-assed glare. “It’s my payment for making me smarter.”
“I already get paid,” you pouted at the drink in your hands. “And you’re already smart. I just help you understand it.”
He didn’t respond and you glanced over, confused at his slack jaw expression.
“Oh,” he started shuffling through his backpack and you swore his cheeks were dusted pink. “Yeah, that-uh-makes sense.”
“Right,” you raised a brow at the weird response, but decided it wasn’t worth pursuing. There wasn’t enough time in the world to question every random thing Yuuji did.
 “What’s on the schedule today boss?”
“Your exam’s tomorrow,” you said, pulling some sheets from your own backpack. “I printed your practice exam since I’m guessing you didn’t know it existed.”
“Hey,” he pouted. “I didn’t, but still...”
You snorted, sliding the packet across the table. “Just do the ones you can and I’ll help with the rest.”
He saluted you, unnecessarily scribbling his name across the top before getting to work-his tongue poking out adorably while his eyes scanned the words intensely. You felt your chest filling with an unfamiliar warmth as you watched him work and your hand drifted subconsciously toward the mug next to you.
You coughed, unprepared for the harsh flavor, only wiping the grimace off your face when Yuuji peered upward with an innocent head tilt. Your heart squeezed when you locked eyes too long with his dark hazel before a soft smile filtered onto his lips. You quickly dropped your stare, hoping that if you avoided looking at him you could avoid the weird feeling emotion rolling in your stomach as well.
You slouched up the library's stairwell, pushing through the second story’s double doors that led to your usual reserved tutoring table. The school really needed to push back your start time-seven in the morning was way too early for any college student to effectively teach or learn anything. The only person ridiculous enough to continuously sign-up for this time was-
You gripped your backpack straps as strong arms wrapped themselves around your midsection, picking you off the ground without warning. An unwanted frightened squeal left your lips before you recognized Yuuji’s laughter behind you and you relaxed as much as you could with him spinning you around in a library half-full of people.
“What are you doing?” You glared at him over your shoulder, cheeks warm from embarrassment at the scene he was causing.
“I got a C!”
You blinked several times before prying his arms off you, “are you serious?”
“Yeah,” he slid his backpack off, digging around before offering you a crumpled up packet with a seventy-four and a smiley written on top. You stared at it with a growing smile and without thinking too much you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Yuuji, this is amazing!”
“I know,” he laughed, encircling your waist awkwardly given your backpack. “My roommate didn’t believe me. She’s doing my dishes for a week thanks to you.”
You weren’t sure you felt good about that after seeing his level of disorganization, but you smiled back anyway. “I’m so proud of you.”
Which was true. Your chest was swollen near bursting with pride for him and he’d only gotten a C. You told yourself it was because of your own skills as a tutor, but had you ever been this excited for someone?
“Hey, we should celebrate.” Yuuji stuffed the exam back into his bag. “Do you wanna-”
“Can you guys quiet down?” a guy with four crushed energy drink cans and food wrappers laying haphazardly around him asked. “I can’t focus and I just wanna go home, dude.”
“Sorry,” you whispered as warmth crept up your neck, turning Yuuji toward the exit as he stared at the guy in amazement. “We’ll leave you alone.”
“How long have you been here?” Yuuji asked in awe.
“Twenty-five… No, maybe eight...” The guy narrowed his eyes at the clock. “Time’s an illusion man.”
Yuuji nodded, impressed, shooting the guy a thumbs up as you pushed him toward the doors. Once in the stairwell you shot him a bright smile, “celebrate?”
He nodded excitedly. “We can get coffee!”
You turned away quickly to cover your panic, “or maybe anything else?”
Yuuji hummed, “I guess change can be nice.”
Your heart did a bizarre skip at the soft look in his eyes and you hurriedly started down the stairs without him. You spent more time that morning brushing off each reaction to Yuuji than enjoying your time with him. When everything was done you started thinking that you were having a hard time kidding even yourself.
You and Yuuji had been working in silence for the past twenty minutes-the longest he’d gone without needing help since he’d signed up for tutoring. It was a great sign that for some reason had your stomach knotting uncomfortably.
“You’re doing really good,” you complimented, admiring the delighted smile he gave you.
“Yeah, I used what you said about note taking for lecture.” He showed you his notes that were beyond chaotic, but apparently worked for him. “I actually understand what’s going on now.”
“That’s great,” you looked down at your Chem problems and attempted to keep your tone light. “You probably won’t need tutoring soon if this-.”
You heard his pencil snap and looked up to find him staring holes through his paper. He seemed tense as he pressed his pencil roughly against the notebook and you wondered what word problem would’ve caused that reaction.
“Are you stuck? Do you want me to-”
“I like you.”
You paused mid-reach for his textbook and locked eyes with him, his cheeks flaring up a dark pink. You opened and closed your mouth several times before mumbling out a weak, “what?”
“And I don’t want you to tutor me,” he looked frustrated with himself when you tilted your head at his contradictory statements. “I mean, I do, but not always. I just want to spend time with you and not talk about Stats because I hate Stats, but I really like you.”
That weird feeling was back. The one where your chest felt tight and your heart was beating too quickly and your stomach sort of felt like you might throw up, but all in a good way and that made everything weirder. It was a lot and not enough and that made you nervous.
“I don’t know, Yuuji.” You lied.
“That’s okay,” he smiled, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “No pressure. I just sprung it on you, so I don’t blame you.”
You nodded, watching him dig around his bag for a second pencil while grumbling about organizing that you knew would never happen. Your heart ached in your chest as you watched him continue working casually, playing off whatever happened.
...but you weren’t sure you could do the same.
This was a terrible idea.
You swung your legs, perched atop a railing across from a building that Yuuji was currently taking his midterm. It didn’t matter how you got that information-accessing his schedule with the few perks your job gave you-all that mattered was you had five minutes to figure out what you were going to say to him.
This wouldn’t even be an issue if he hadn’t skipped tutoring a few days ago. You weren’t sure if he thought you hated him or if he was regretting confessing to you, but either way you needed to talk to him before your window closed.
If only any of the speeches you could think of weren’t absolutely humiliating. Three minutes now? That should be enough time for you to at least get the beginning-
Your head whipped to the side so fast you're sure you got whiplash, dumbfounded that Yuuji was standing there with his head cocked to the side.
“You finished early,” you said, face warming at his growing confusion. “Not that I would know that.”
“Right.” He gave you a once-over. “Whatcha doing here?”
“Uh,” your nose crinkled while searching for a reasonable excuse. You sighed when you came up empty. “You skipped tutoring.”
Yuuji’s eyebrow rose and he waved his hands around. “I accidentally slept through it.” Then you noticed the gears started turning in his head and you began shrinking in on yourself. “You came here because I skipped a lesson?”
“Well, I wasn’t sure if you were going to keep skipping,” you avoided his eyes, chewing on the inside of your cheek. “It’s a bad habit.”
He knew you were full of shit. You could tell by the way he was forcing down a smirk when you stared at your feet. This would obviously be going so much better if you had those three minutes to prepare.
“Thanks for checking in,” he smiled, fishing around in his pocket and holding out his phone. “We should probably exchange numbers so you don’t have to go through all this trouble next time.”
You eyed the phone and rolled your eyes, “makes sense.”
He looked overjoyed when you took it from his hands. Your heart felt like it would pound out of your rib cage while he watched you create your contact, your fingers shaking slightly under the pressure.
“As an apology, I should probably take you to get food too.”
You paused, looking up at his hopeful gaze before nodding shyly. “That seems fair.”
The smile that overtook his face was probably the largest you’d ever seen and your heart nearly exploded when he grabbed your hand, pulling you away from the building. You probably should have seen this coming the moment you began looking forward to your morning shifts with him. As he dragged you down the street you found yourself not caring where he took you-you knew you’d be happy as long as he was with you.
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