#the witcher: the ballad of two wolves
graphicpolicy · 2 years
Around the Tubes
Some comic news and reviews from around the web to start your day! #comics #comicbooks
The weekend is almost here! What geeky things are you all doing? Sound off in the comments below. While you wait for the weekday to end and weekend to begin, here’s some comic news and reviews from around the web. Kotaku – AI Comic Art Gets Copyright Revoked After Office Learns How AI Works – Good! Comicbook – Crunchyroll Announces Layoffs Following Funimation Merger – As goes mergers. The…
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larkscribbles · 1 year
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Witcher comic panel redraw from The Ballad of Two Wolves! Love me some goofy Dandy action. [speedpaint]
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dukeofdogs · 1 year
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The ballad of two wolves is hilarious (I included the polish version as well because I find it funnier).
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Pleasant surprise at the local comic books/board games store where we vacationed 🐺
I got the wraith cover. There’s also a Three Little demonic Pigs cover. Pretty sure it’s all references to fairytales. If y’all know what this cover is referring to plz lmk in comments.
(Maybe it’s the Christmas Carol? The ghosts of past and future vs. Scrooge?)
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Volume 2 comes out in Jan 25! 👀
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Bonus: Dandelion hugging his lute in sleep (relatable©️)
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lyriumwolf · 2 years
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This cover is hilarious
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The witcher (2023)
The ballad of the two wolves #4
Dark Horse
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deacf-coffee-is-a-sin · 5 months
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merlot-and-chardonnay · 9 months
A Lark Among the Wolves and Dragons: Chapter 11
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Chapter 10
"COME OUT AND FACE ME, WITCHER!" Daemon shouts from outside the castle, "Or are you too much of a coward to face the dragon?!"
"I'm just going to go out on a limb here," Jaskier speaks up, "but I think he's talking about you, Geralt."
"What the fuck does he want Geralt for?" Lambert asks.
"I, uh, may have mentioned my past lover's relationship with Geralt when I was with Daemon," you point out, nervous smile on your face.
"Why the fuck would you do that?" Lambert frowns.
"Yeah, (y/n), why?" Jaskier agrees.
"I thought if Daemon knew I wasn't a virgin, he'd leave me alone!" you exasperate, "at least I thought that was why he was trying to seduce me in the first place, he does have a reputation for deflowering maidens. I was wrong."
 "Anyway," you continue, "it's not really Geralt he wants. It's me. He's come to take me and Aemma away."
"...I won't let him," Geralt says, placing a hand on your shoulder, "you made me make a promise. And I intend to keep it."
"Come out and face me, Witcher!" Daemon calls out once more.
"I'll handle this," Geralt tells the others.
"But...what if that dragon appears?" Coen asks. "If we have to, we'll all take the beast head on," Vesemir answers, placing a hand on Geralt's shoulder, "we'll be waiting." 
Geralt nods and open the doors to the keep slightly.
He slowly walks out, approaching the prince.
Once face-to-face, Daemon and Geralt stare at each other, almost as if sizing one another up.
Geralt was the first to speak, "You wanted to see me?"
"So, you're the witcher," Daemon says, head tilted lightly like he was curious, "the famous White Wolf from the Continental minstrels' ballads. I must admit, you're not at all what I expected. I'd thought you'd have fangs or horns or something like that."
"I've heard that joke before," Geralt says with a faux smile, "I had them filed down. What do you want? I know you didn't come all this way just to admire me, Daemon Targaryen."
"You know who I am?" Daemon asks. "I know enough," Geralt deadpans, "now answer my question." 
"You have something that belongs to me," Daemon states in a threatening way, drawing his Dark Sister from its sheath and pointing it at Geralt, "I've come to take it back."
Geralt stares at the sword, fascinated by the metal that was used to create it. He turned his gaze towards the prince again, "there is nothing here that belongs to you," the witcher states with confidence, "I suggest you leave. Go back to your homeland."
"I'm not leaving," Daemon stubbornly sneers, "not until I have what I have come for. I don't care what special powers you possess from that mutant body of yours, I will cut you down if you don't stand out of my way."
"Leave. Now," Geralt warns, drawing his silver sword, taking a fighting stance, "I won't ask again. Prince or not, this is my home, and you are trespassing." 
The standoff continued for a few more moments.
The the impulsive Daemon charged at Geralt and the two soon clashed swords. Daemon may be faster, but Geralt was the older and more experienced out of the two. He parried each blow from the prince's swords, getting the upper hand with each pirouette and lunge.
At one point, Daemon managed to get the upper hand and push Geralt to the ground.
The prince was about to stab Geralt through the head, but the witcher dodged and got back on his feet.
The two clashed swords in a stalemate.
"Tell me, witcher, how does it feel?" Daemon taunts, "to have (y/n) in your arms every night, knowing you could never give her what I could?"
Geralt only grunted in response.
"Maybe that's why you took her away from me, is that it? Are you planning to turn my child into a mutant freak, like yourself?"
Geralt jumped back and kicked Daemon in the chest, pushing him back slightly, "did it ever occur to you that (y/n) left of her own volition?" the witcher sneers, "that she was trying to get away from you? That she didn't want you to find out?"
"She wouldn't do that," Daemon insists, wiping the blood from his mouth, "not after everything I ever provided for her, both in and out of the bed. After I kill you, witcher, I'll take that trinket of yours as my trophy," he points his sword to Geralt's medallion, "I'll have her wear it every night while I fuck her until my seed grows inside her womb once more. A further testament that the blood of the dragon cannot be matched by that of the impotent white wolf."
Geralt only chuckled at that statement, knowing full well Daemon was only trying to provoke the witcher by insulting his manhood in an immature fashion. "You find this amusing?"
"Not at all," Geralt answers, though in a tone that suggests that he did, "the way you carry on in this manner, prince, I'd say you're the one who is overcompensating."
As expected, this angered the prince, and he charged at Geralt once again.
Geralt then cast the Aard sign, forcing Daemon onto his back.
"Do you think we should go in there and help him?" Ciri asks as you, her, and Jaskier watch the fight from inside the keep.
"Does Geralt really look like he needs help?" Jaskier points out, "he just knocked the man to his feet. He's got this."
The silver medallions from the witcher memorial started to hum along with the ones around the witches' necks.
"Maybe don't speak too soon, brother," you say, nervousness creeping up from knowing what was about to happen.
Daemon groaned, disoriented from the impact. He was about to reach for his sword, but Geralt step on his arm to stop him.
The witcher pointed his sword at Daemon's neck.
"You've overstayed your welcome, prince," Geralt speaks, "yield now. Leave and return to where you came from."
Daemon only chuckles in amusement as a response.
Geralt was confused by the prince's reaction, but the moment his medallion started humming, the moment he heard the high pitched shriek, he looked up and knew what was coming.
"Shit!" Geralt backs away.
Right on cue, Caraxes climbed up the mountain, his long slender neck reaching out till his head was right under Daemon, who was smiling from in victory from the tables being turned.
The red dragon faced Geralt and roared in anger.
In this moment, the witcher only had one word to say...
Chapter 11.5
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fandom-junk-drawer · 1 year
The Witcher Headcanon - Worm Witcher Worm
Jaskier wrote Burn Butcher Burn after The Mountain Divorce, and spent the next two years singing it in every tavern and inn he came to. It became one of his most well-known songs.
Geralt spent his time wandering the Path alone, and heard people talk about a popular song, but he never paid much attention. After he made up with Jaskier and they started traveling together again, he eventually found out about the song.
It was awkward. Really awkward. They couldn't look each other in the eye, and conversation was painfully uncomfortable for days afterwards. They had a nice long talk one evening, only after Roach got tired of watching them wallow and took matters into her own hands...er, hooves.
She'd trod heavily on Geralt's foot while he was unsaddling her, then shoved him toward Jaskier with her head. Geralt had taken the hint and started the most awkward converstation in history.
Under Roach's watchful eye, threatening snorts, and laced back ears, words were exchanged, the figurative Olive Branch was extended, given an encouraging shake, and apologies were made along with promises to be better.
Fast forward months later. Jaskier and Geralt were back to being besties, and Jaskier was spending another winter with his surrogate family. Jaskier had gotten up late, had a late breakfast, and then drank some wine to get rid of his hangover.
He'd harrassed Lambert about his hair, lecturing him in the middle of the Great Hall before dragging him down to the hotsprings.
He'd gone wandering the corridors and empty rooms of the keep, playing out the stories in his head that would inspire songs and ballads.
He'd gone to have long, philosophical discussions with Roach, who was a very good listener, and agreed with him on everything.
Jaskier skipped down to lab to f**k with Yennefer, getting in the way, bantering, and generally being a nuissance.
"Will you get out of here? I'm trying to work, you irritating, insufferable, c*ckwomble!"
"Oh, please! You know you can't stand to be parted from me!"
"I will part you if you don't leave immediately!"
"Ooooh, it that a proposition?"
"Get out before I throw you in the garden, and plow you-!"
"That's anatomically impossible for you to do, but I'm always open to new experiences. I'm sure we could figure something out!."
"I'm going to turn you into a worm!"
Jaskier ran for it when Yennefer lunged at him, and ducked out the door, laughing. "You'd still love me even if I was a worm, right?"
Yennefer chased him out the door, throwing an empty bowl at him.
Jaskier retreated to his room, deciding it was best to stay out of Yennefer's way for a while. He worked on one of his new songs for a while, then went down to the kitchen to pinch a bottle of wine and some bread and cheese.
He took his time, enjoying his snack, and as the level of the wine in the bottle slowly dropped, he started thinking about what Yennefer had said about turning him into a worm. Would she really do it? Would it be permanent, or would it wear off?
Would the spell work on Witchers? Would they be normal worms, or would they be different? They were Witchers, after all. Would they keep their Witcher qualities? Would they be Witcher worms?
And that begs the question: would he be regular worm sized, or would he be, like, a giant worm? With a hat? Would he still be able to sing? Would he be just a giant worm with a fancy hat and a lute that went around singing songs?
Would he sing about people, or would he only sing about worms? Would he have to change his songs to be about worms instead? And how would he play his lute? Would he use his a**end, or would he have some sort of little arms? His brain, marinated in alcohol, started exploring the idea.
Several hours later, Jaskier found himself back in the Great Hall, sitting at the dinner table with his Wolf family. He listened to the stories from the Path, laughing along, and teasing the Wolves about one thing or another. They drank and sang, and played games, and made fun of Lambert.
Long after they should have been in bed, all of them to a man were sh*tfaced off their a**es.
It was too hard to play Gwent when the cards wouldn't hold still long enough to get proper look at the suits, and you couldn't remember how to play anyway.
Telling stories of the Path had lost it's appeal after the stories only got more confusing because no one could remember which story they were telling and in what order the events happened.
Fighting was out of the question when the floor kept tilting and rolling under your feet and the b**tard you were trying to fight kept changing places everytime you blinked.
All the while, Jaskier's slowly pickling brain kept circling back to his earlier thoughts about worms. The thoughts wriggled in and squiggled around, burrowing deeper into his thoughts, brining new thoughts and questions, new things to wonder about.
Eskel tossed back the last dregs of his White Gull and plonked his tankard down, called cheerfully "Jask, sing us a song!"
"A song, bard!" the other Witchers called out in agreement, then started chanting, "Sing! Sing! Sing!"
Jaskier, brain embalmed at this point, heard the crowd calling him, and could not resist. The next thing he knew he was standing on top of the table, thoughts still falling down the rabbit hole of worms. He cradled his lute, and, with his last functioning brain cell only able to remember something about worms, started singing.
The song was familiar, especially to Geralt, but he was confused. They lyrics were different. He didn't remember the song being about worms. Still, it was catchy. It was one of those songs that stuck in your brian and kept you awake all night, playing over and over.
There was something about it that just made you want to get up and move. No, it was like some sort of magic spell: It compelled you to get up and...
Jaskier's voice rose and boomed through the Hall as he hit the chorus, "WORM, WITCHER, WoOoOrRRRMMMM!"
Jaskier could not explain the phenonemon that resulted in the weirdest form of locomotion that he had ever seen. Witchers all thourghout the Hall were throwing themselves to the floor and undulating across it like sine waves.
Jaskier marvled at the magical sight, belting out the next verses and following up with the chorus.
Yennefer and Vesemir, hearing the noise came into the Great Hall to see what f**kery was afoot and were greeted by the oddest sight.
Jaskier *Standing on the table*: "WaTcH ThAt WiTCheR WoOoRRRMMM!
Geralt and his brothers: *frantically doing The Worm*
Yennefer stood there watching out of horrified fascination, speechless as Geralt 'wormed' as if his life depended on it. If he wormed any faster, she feared he would go airborne. Jaskier hit the chorus line again, belting out "WoRm, WiTcHeR WoRM, WoRM, wOrM, WoRm..."
Vesemir dipped out without a word. He was going to bed. He was just too old for this sh*t.
Yennefer watched for a few moments as her two idiots went on with their nonsense. She wondered what was going on inside their heads, then decided she didn't want to know. She marveled at how easily she had let these two imbeciles into her life. She sighed. Love was so complicated.
Yennefer left moments later, not wanting to bear witness to what ever disaster was going to happen if one of them Wormed too close to the fire pit, or over the piles of empty bottles of White Gull.
The next morning, the Witchers woke up with massive hangovers, wondering why they felt as if they'd been bludgeoned by rock trolls. They could remember nothing of the previous night's activities, but for some mysterious reason, they all had had odd dreams about worms.
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The Witcher: The Ballad of Two Wolves #1 (Cover art by David López)
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graphicpolicy · 2 years
Exclusive: The Witcher: Ballad of Two Wolves #2 cover reveal
Exclusive: The Witcher: Ballad of Two Wolves #2 cover reveal #comics #comicbooks #thewitcher #witcher #geralt @DarkHorseComics
Dark Horse has provided an exclusive first look at the covers to The Witcher: Ballad of Two Wolves #2. Geralt is caught in a web of lies as the truth behind the werewolf is distorted by the townsfolk and Piglet sisters’ own agendas. But if it’s not slaughter that the wolf craves, then what is? The Witcher: Ballad of Two Wolves #2 is written by Bartosz Sztybor with art by Miki Montlló and…
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larkscribbles · 11 months
Panel redraw speedpaint of Dandy from from The Ballad of Two Wolves! Slay, king! [original]
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"About the Blogger" Meme
@ambeauty thanks for tagging me, love 💕
Star Sign(s): All I know is that it's Pisces. What does that mean really? No clue, never checked.
Favorite holidays: Halloween, even though it's not that wildly celebrated where I’m from, barely at all. But I love watching the craze about it online and participate in online celebrations. Other than that, Christmas, because of food and family.
Last meal: one of my favorite traditional Polish dishes - bigos
Current Favorite Musician: Does Rachel Zegler count? Because I am obsessed with The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes Soundtrack
Last Music Listened To: Marjorie by Taylor Swift and some other Evermore tracks for Evermore’s and Taylor's birthday (Dec 11th and 13th)
Last Movie Watched: in theaters - Renaissance: a film by Beyonce! Blew my mind! And at home it was my beloved Prospect - a watch party + live reaction (screaming about Cee and Ezra) with my friends the Bees on Discord. As Ezra would say, “This is so exciting!”
Last TV Show Watched: I am making my way through a Supernatural rewatch, finished 7x05 last night. I’m excited to finally be on S7 because S7 introduces my favorite female character ever, Charlie Bradbury!
Last Book/Fic Finished: Book - The Rule of Wolves by Leigh Bardugo (right before S&B was c*nceled, not fuckin fair), and Fic - “The Stag” by AFireInTheAttic about Katniss and Haymitch going hunting because I am in my Hunger Games Renaissance era and PapaHaymitch feels are roaming free
Last Book/Fic abandoned: I bought the entire The Witcher series just to struggle through the first book 🫣 the story is good but the way it's written, my god. Why do our Polish writers have to make everything so difficult? All the fat jokes and sexist jokes and misogyny, you can tell these books were written by an old grumpy douchebag. As for fics, I had to drop out of some Katniss and Haymitch fics because they had shippy undertones and weren't tagged right (please people tag your fics appropriately when it comes to relationships, I am begging on my knees)
Currently reading: Book - Percy Jackson and The Chalice of The Gods by Rick Riordan, Fic - “After All We've Been Through” by TheFelineQueen96 aka my darling @ellies-little-gun, an incredible Joel and Ellie story
Last Thing Researched for Art/Writing/Hyperfixation: spinal taps and bone marrow biopsy for my Titanstober fic I am flesh, bones... I am skin, soul… I needed to learn about this to figure out the balance between medical accuracy and using these procedures in unethical ways/as forms of torture, as I’ve seen done on some TV shows in the past, like The 100. I even rewatched those scenes for inspiration
Favorite Online Fandom Memory: as my bestie mentioned before me, definitely the day we all lost it over Brenton's birthday post dedicated to Anna. I had my phone in my hand when that notification appeared and I nearly dropped it, that's how bad I was shaking.
Favorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence: probably The Magicians for me. I wasn't active in that fandom, only a little towards the end of the show, but I loved it so much and it has two very strong platonic pairs that I was absolutely obsessed with, Quentin & Julia and Margo & Eliot, and I kind of wish I could write for them. Maybe after a rewatch though 👀
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did: Let me use this part for advertising and say PROSPECT!!! WE ARE SMALL BUT MIGHTY, ALL 5 OF US! Jk there's a bit more of us, but not by much and the movie is incredible. So go watch Prospect everyone!!! Come lose your mind with us over Cee and Ezra!!!
Tempting Project You're Trying to Rein In/Don't Have Time For: My brain is flooded at the moment with Katniss and Haymitch, I already cave in and wrote one fic even though I am officially on a break till January. I want to write more for them and definitely will, but I need to go back to my two ongoing Titans projects. Only my love for writing Titans is currently the size of a dying candle flame and I am trying to stoke that fire up (rereading my own fic to get back to the story) and failing (it's not working, I got nothing)
No pressure tags for the besties @undertheknightwing @legendsofentity @skoulsons @ellies-little-gun @sotvtaughtmehowtofeel @dilf-din
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fantomcomics · 2 years
What’s Out This Week? 12/21
A partridge? In MY pear tree?? IT’S MORE LIKELY THAN YOU THINK!
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Witcher: The Ballad Of Two Wolves #1 (of 4) -  Bartosz Sztybor (A/CA) Miki Montllo
Hailed as the greatest monster slayer - the infamous witcher Geralt is beckoned to the town of Grimmwald. When a strange occurrence stirs murmurs of a werewolf on the prowl, rumors spread about the peculiar arrival of three Piglet sisters. With a grand mystery and a monster to kill, Dandelion may just find the inspiration he needs to write the perfect ballad.
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Run Away With Me, Girl GN Vol 1 - Battan
Maki's first love was her high school classmate, a girl named Midori. But Midori broke up with Maki at graduation, saying they were now "too old to be fooling around dating girls." Ten years later, Maki still can't get Midori off her mind, and when the two women reconnect after a chance encounter, Maki realizes that while her feelings haven't changed, Midori's life has turned upside down-she's engaged and pregnant. But the more Maki hears Midori talk about her soon-to-be-husband, the more red flags she notices. Before Maki can stop herself, she asks Midori to run away with her. Will this impromptu escape be the key that leads the two women to a fuller understanding of themselves, and back into each other's arms?
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Resident Evil Infinite Darkness: The Beginning #1 -  Keith R. A. DeCandido, Carmelo Zagaria & Valentina Cuomo
Based on the 2021 animated series featured on Netflix, Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness, this exciting graphic novel tie-in features all-new original stories from the world of Resident Evil.
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Pure Love’s Sexy Time GN Vol 1 -  Psyche Delico
Four mischievous friends have finally met their match: their own hearts! Now that they're in high school, the only trouble these country boys seem to find themselves in are ones that make them moan and pant. First, there's Kou-chan who wants to confess to Kishi, but is full of heart-pounding doubt over Kishi's reaction. Then there's Mitsuru, the serious one who's pining for a lost love, when he is suddenly ambushed by Tarou, an obtuse air-headed sadist, who's full of nothing but pure devotion for his darling. And finally, just who is the tall boy beating everyone up? And why is he surrounded by flowers? What exactly is his motive?
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My Cute Little Kitten GN Vol 1 -  Milk Morinaga
A budding romance between two female roommates is spurred on by the rescue of a rambunctious kitten in this yuri romcom. Rena and Yuna have been roommates since school, and decided to rent a place together after graduation. They've lived together as friends for five years, but things suddenly change the day Yuna adopts a kitten, even though their apartment doesn't allow pets. When Yuna says she wants to move somewhere that will allow them to keep the kitten, Rena admits her true feelings: she wants to be more than friends. Yuna isn't sure how to reciprocate, but she's game to try!
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King Tank Girl GN Vol 1 -  Alan Martin, Brett Parson & Greg Staples
KICKS-OFF TANK GIRL 35TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS IN 2023! WRITER AND CO-CREATOR ALAN MARTIN RETURNS WITH FAN-FAVORITE ARTIST BRETT PARSON!     Turning the clock back to the early years, 'King Tank Girl offers up a veritable banquet of brand new stories: Tank Girl and the gang head  to the beach for "Barney Don't Surf"; they explore the expensive world of Wellbeing; and Tank Girl is crowned King of England. And all that before tea time.
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The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses GN Vol 1 -  Koume Fujichika
With the new school year comes a new homeroom, new classmates, and a new desk for the timid Komura. But any trepidation he might've felt quickly dissipates when he catches sight of Mie, his new seat neighbor. Apt to quietly blurt out the most random things, the quirky Mie wears thick glasses that accentuate her lovely eyes, making Komura's heart skip a beat! Unfortunately, Mie is pathologically forgetful and can never seem to remember to bring her glasses to class. It's not all bad, though! Her resulting squinty, mean-girl face sends Komura's heart into overdrive too! While Komura is keen to help out and share his textbooks with Mie, will his heart give out from the almost daily strain of being up close and personal with his crush?
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Breath Of The Giant TP -  Tom Aureille
According to legends, the North is the home of Giants whose breath has the power to bring the dead back to life. Sisters Iris and Sophia, decide to go on a quest to steal this breath in order to resuscitate their dearly departed mother. They can count on magic, but above all, they will have to conquer their fears. And who's Fagus, the man following them from a distance? He too, has lost a person dear to his heart and wants to bring them back at all costs. Will he prevent Iris and Sophia from being reunited with their mom? Filled with hope, Breath of the Giant combines Sorcery and Fantasy in a powerful tale from young writer and artist Tom Aureille.
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Beware The Eye Of Odin TP -  Doug Wagner, Tim Odland & Michelle Madsen
Helgi, the prince of a Viking village, has stumbled upon the cursed Eye of Odin. If he doesn't return it to its rightful owner by the new moon, he will die an agonizing death of boils and decay. By his side are Stigr, a one-armed warrior past his prime, and Kadlin, a female warrior convinced she's a Valkyrie. Their only path will take them through the treacherous lands of the Hundrafolk, Trolls, and Earthen Smiths.
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Afro Samurai GN Vol 1 -  Takashi Okazaki
Whatcha snagging this week, Fantom Fam?
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blackberrywars · 2 years
38, 41 (I’m always cruising for fic recs!) 42 & 48 ❤️
Thank you so much for playing!!! I appreciate the asks, and apologize for the amount of shit I about to write. I messaged you about losing this draft, but apparently tumblr just sent it to the bottom of my draft pile, so here we go! Putting it under a cut, because I went so overboard.
38: Did any of your fics get surprisingly popular (whatever that means to you)? Which ones? Why do you think they were so successful?
Alright, so this one is a little complicated. On the one hand, my most popular fic by far is Flint And Steel, but while the numbers definitely shocked me the most, it didn't surprise me. Most of my stuff is of side-pairings and f/f stuff, which isn't as popular in this fandom, so of course a fic with the big three of Jaskier, Geralt, and Yennefer is gonna get more traction in the form of shares and comments. The ones that surprised me though? The first two installments of my lady laiden smut series, Sweeter Than Pride and Collars of Many Kinds. Those two got awesome comments and bookmarks from people I didn't even recognize. And the sheer number of hits on them means there's definitely people re-visiting them, which is the highest kind of flattery on my smut fic.
41: Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.”
I refuse to choose only one, so buckle up, you're getting six. Also, to everyone I @'d, I hope you don't mind, I can remove it if you prefer.
I Am Bound To You (With A Tie I Cannot Break) by @on-a-lucky-tide. He did a fucking incredible job at conveying very complicated emotions in actions, and made me cry for entirely too long. I want to develop this skill so badly.
A Beginners Guide to Exploiting the Kaedweni Tax Code For Fun and Profit by @heronfem. If you ever want a masterclass in translating characterization to a modern au, this is IT. It's a massive Laiden-centered project with the whole found family along for the ride, and they handle the large cast beautifully. I've never really done a modern AU, but if I do and it's half this good, I'll be thankful.
Lives in Legacy by @tantumuna. This fic is is not only long enough to make me pass out in envy, every word counts. It explores a truly dark omegaverse with Eskel and Geralt, and there aren't words to describe it. I felt truly indescribable amounts of pain while reading this, even during the healing, and I'm so glad to have done it.
Snow and Dirty Rain by ajfanfic. It's a lovely little series of 70s lesbians Geralt and Jaskier living through that era as queer women and adopting butch lesbian Ciri. It's just a wonderful, well-researched AU, and I want to emulate that kind of grounded world.
Worthy of the Honey-Comb by @castillon02. It's a portrait of Vesemir coming to terms with Kaer Morhen's destruction and having to step up for the remaining wolves and form a new image of what it means to be a wolf witcher. Combines flashback and present moment so well it makes me ache.
Ballads by @linearao3. This is not a witcher fic like the rest, but it is one of the best examples of synthesizing omegaverse into a book's canon. This made me feel so many things, and again, all the details and worldbuilding just make it spectacular.
42: Have you ever received a comment that particularly stood out to you for whatever reason?
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My dear @hellinglasses has become a dear friend and has always been a wonderful cheerleader. Ever since the day she sent 9 comments on all my fics to my dry-as-the-desert inbox. Her efforts have helped me write so much more than I thought I could, and while I love going back to re-read them all, this one om Calm Before The Storm is probably one of my favorites.
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This comment by Ledgea will forever hold a place in my heart, because it was the first comment I ever received, on the first fic I ever wrote. They made it into an amazing comment thread, and it was just so encouraging to me as a first-time writer. (EDIT: I put the wrong comment by mistake, because i was trying to limit myself)
48: What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
According to my history, the last fic i (re-re-re-re-)read was Cock in the Henhouse by the wonderful @halehathnofury. It's a hilarious, filthy Geralt x Eskel anthology, and I have entirely too many feelings about it. Excellent for a night when you just need to feel good all over.
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The witcher (2023)
The ballad of the two wolves #4
Dark Horse
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